Yesrerday’s UCL games in one word: boring. Liverpool had an insurmountable lead and cruised to a 0-0 draw ahead of their match with ManUre this weekend while PSG had an insurmountable task and pretty much sat down against Real Madrid. Hopefully today’s matches will bring a little more excitement.
I’ll tell you what is exciting though: the NCAA conference championships. Gonzaga won the WCC for what seems like the umpteenth time in a row. SoDak State beat SoDak and will head to the dance with them. Also punching their ticket are Charleston, who came back from a ton to beat Northeastern, who ch-, ch-, choked big as shit. LIU-Brooklyn made it in as did the Raiders from Wright State University. Which means Dayton will represent this year even if the Flyers did manage to completely shit the bed. More finals on tap today and the big conferences, with the exception of the Bg Ten, are getting their tournaments ramped up.
Nine games on the ice last night. Here’s your recap: Red Wings fall in OT to the Bruins. Devils top Les Canadiens. Blue Jackets beat Army/Vegas. The Jets top the Rangers. The Lightning strike the Panthers. The Predators shut out the Stars. The Blackhawks get a rare (lately) win in OT. The Hurricanes were beaten by the MINNESOOOOOOOOOOOOODA WIIIIIIIIIIIIIILD! And the Anaheim Mighty Ducks blanked the Crapitals. Congrats to the winners.
And today is the birthday of Scottish rabble-rouser Rob Roy, the composer Ravel (whose music I quite enjoy), Willard Scott, Tammy Faye Bakker, Peter Wolf of the J Giels Band, Bryan Cranston from Malcolm In The Middle, Wanda Sykes, the lovely Rachel Weisz, Flipper Anderson and one of my favorite authors Brett Easton Ellis.
I’ll work on the delivery of that new segment. Give me a little time to work it out. Meanwhile, enjoy…the links!

This is what I think about giving up my nukes!
Remember when I said yesterday that we should probably discount what Kim said about getting rid of his nukes? Well here’s why. That crazy bastard could have at least sucked some sweet dough out of those European pussies if he’d have just kept his mouth shut. Now he might get nothing.
As the DOJ sues California for its sanctuary state policy, details start to emerge about some of the illegal immigrants that evaded capture due to the warning given by the Oakland mayor. If one of those felons committees another crime coupled with the Kate Steinle debacle, I could see the tide turning on them. (Just kidding. The “if it saves just one life” slogans only work when the left is trying to take a fundamental right away from somebody, not when it comes to removing someone with multiple felonies who happens to also be here illegally.)
The Nashville mayor who was banging her head of security while he was bilking taxpayers out of tens of thousands of tax dollars, has finally decided to do the honorable thing and resign from office. She also pleaded guilty to felony theft, as did her lover/bodyguard. Both of them will be eligible to have their convictions expunged in a few years as part of a sweet plea deal. Convicted Chicago politicians, of which there are plenty, give a collective “WTF?!?!?!” to the arrangement.

Martin Shkreli: what crime did he commit again, other than piss off some politicians?
I’m still trying to figure out what Martin Shkreli did that was illegal, but whatever it was prosecutors are asking for 15 years.
What do you do when you voluntarily agree to terms of employment tied to your education and you later don’t like them? Do you quit and go somewhere else? Do you continue to honor your agreement? Hell no, you don’t! You go on strike and occupy the office of the people you are “negotiating” with. I suspect the school will roll over, but I wish they’d call the state police and have them removed, expelled them and let every school in America know they’re not the kind of people you make an agreement with because they’ll simply ignore it when it doesn’t go their way.
Jury selection continues today in the jury trial of the Pulse gunman’s widow. Hey, can somebody refresh my memory and tell me what they’re calling that mass slaughter again?
And in local news, the wife of a local sportsball player has a new job. I, for one, approve of her getting out there and making a name for herself in the workplace. I’m sure most of you do, too.
The greatness of the song can’t be offset by the goofiness of the video. In fact, it might even be enhanced by it.
On that note, go out and seize the day, friends!
Autohomophobia was what they want to file it under (despite their evidence to that effect being worthless)
“Several journalists closely covering the Mateen investigation have, for some time now, noted the complete absence of any evidence suggesting that Mateen knew that Pulse was a gay club or that targeting LGBTs was part of his motive. These doubts have been strongly fortified by the new facts, previously under seal, that were revealed by today’s court filing.”
I have a hard time believing that he didn’t know it was a gay club.
It’s irrelevant if he didn’t pick it because it was a gay club. And there’s no evidence that he did, and strong evidence it had nothing to do with his decision.
So he was just randomly killing people and not necessarily killing them because they were gay? What a relief.
It doesn’t make him any less of an asshole, obviously. But consider for a moment that the media pushed that narrative hard, and that the truth about his motives were hidden despite evidence at the time indicating the narrative was bullshit. So, under light bringer Obama, at a time when Muslim refugees were carrying out attacks at a hot pace in Europe and the left was pushing for more refugees to be brought over, a Muslim immigrant carried out a terrorist attack because of the violent foreign policy of the US government.
Instead of that uncomfortable truth, it just became a trite case of the closest homophobe with a gun/law enforcement obsession. You know, a gun nut who just wasn’t white but it didn’t matter because his actions were white enough.
Yeah, that is to be expected. I remember the media attacking representatives that were opposed to same sex marriage as if they somehow were responsible for the killing
While that fact is meaningless to those who lost loved ones in that club it is incredibly important at the societal level because events like that shooting are used to bolster political narratives and drive legislation.
For example, it is getting very close to the point where one can legitimately ask the question, should gays be considered a protected class anymore? The answer is largely dependent on the levels of violence and discrimination directed towards them. Someone going out and committing a mass murder and choosing the targets because they are gay speaks directly to that question. However if their sexual orientation was irrelevant to the choice of target for a jihadist it says something very different.
Should X be a protected class? Answer – no. the very idea of a “protected class” that has more rights and special protections is an anathema to equality under the law.
While true it is rather irrelivant since the number of people who agree with us on that couldn’t sell out a Mets game. The fact is we have protected classes and they aren’t going away anytime soon.
I’ve only got two links of my own to add. The lighthearted one first.
Frogs and Vampires cross border from Mapleland into West Lovecraft Country.
What disappoints me is that they did not recieve a ticket for driving on the sidewalk. They could have hit a predestrian.
In the picture for that article the border patrol guy looks like he is taking a piss
Just so long as it’s landing on the other side of the border, I’m okay with that.
And now the less funny one.
I think this thinker got it backwards.
Horseshit. Whatever concessions to the separate sovereignty of the states, the constitution mandates the states respect the decisions of each other in such matters.
and don’t forget
He may be trying to allude to a tenth amendment reading, but…
That deals with unenumerated powers. If anything the lack of reciprocity is unconstitutional under the full faith and credit clause, and the act of requiring a licence is a violation of the 2nd.
They then go on to make this clownish statement
But, as is often pointed out, a criminal is not deterred by the fact that their actions are illegal. The author then proceeds to talk about CCws preventing crime and end up sounding like they need to fill column inches rather than arguing a cogent point.
How many criminals take the time to get a CCW before going and committing a crime?
I’d say all crimes committed by CCW holders are crimes of the moment, or auxillary i.e. They were caught committing a crime while carrying, but they weren’t going to use the weapon.
The frequency of criminal activity by CCW holders is lower than among cops.
low bar…
Sure, but it blows up the gun grabbers arguments about how only the cops should have guns and CCW reciprocity would result in some kind of horror.
Agents of the state, especially when the gungrabbers have taken that over and created their gulag and education camp heavy state, should be the only ones able to use any force. Armed deplorables might not go along with the push to reeducate or exterminate them…
The frequency of criminal activity by CCW holders was lower than Mayors Against Illegal Guns.
Did that include the Nashville mayor?
…and the Oakland mayor…..and the (former) Sacramento mayor?
Not a former mayor, but a state senator…let’s not forget about Leland Yee.
I still don’t like the idea of a federal concealed carry law. As shitty as some of the state’s are about their CC laws, having a federal one will be worse.
From what I understand the bill is not a federal permit, but requiring states recognize permits issued by other states a la driver’s licenses.
I’d have to read it myself, but I have a hard time believing that Congress is capable of writing a law that specific and graftless.
You are correct that the roadblock is congress writing the law, but there are a lot of states with insane gun grabbing policies in place that are worried sick such a common bill would show their bloated system does nothing to stop criminals from committing crimes and that they are only making it hard on law abiding citizens.
I for one think the way to push this is to tie it to a database that contains the name of felons and people disqualified for mental issues, but then again, the usual gun grabbers being involved will make sure this is abused to the max.
“tie it to a database that contains the name of felons”
You seem to have a lot of faith in the honesty of bureaucrats.
I have zero faith in bureaucrats, and pointed out that it would be abused (we would all become felons)…
Really the only thing needed would be to enforce the 2nd amendment among the states under the incorporation doctrine.
The court keeps refusing to take up the cases to do so.
And that’s why the CCW reciprocity issue arose.
I’m more concerned that the next step after federalizing recognition will be federalizing standards (restrictions) on CCWs.
I can’t objectively debate that one. I’m still sitting in a state that is defacto no-issue, and almost anything short of a ban would be a positive change for me.
Considering the level of respect the states give to the federalized standards on the sale of marijuana, I don’t think you have anything to worry about. Federal CCW will liberalize gun laws in the restrictive states while the pro-gun states will be free to ignore any standards that are more restrictive than they desire. At worst you would have to get an additional federal CCW license in order to carry in states that did not have reciprocity with your own for your local license.
“The full faith and credit clause is racist!”
– progressive, five years from now
“a criminal is not deterred by the fact that their actions are illegal”
This is the part they don’t get. Well, some of them get it, but their one true motive is to disarm the citizens so that no one will be able to resist the commietopia they want to set up.
If a person has decided they’re just going to murder people, the legality of anything is no longer a concern to them. They’re either going to get death by cop, off their self, or spend the rest of their life in prison. Sure the true bleevers think that if they just make all guns illegal, there will be no guns, but their dear leaders know that is not so and not the point. For them, the more gun related homicides and mass shooting, the better because it might further their hidden agenda.
“This is the part they don’t get. Well, some of them get it, but their one true motive is to disarm the citizens so that no one will be able to resist the commietopia they want to set up.”
I disagree. They all get it, but as you mention, they don’t care and are ignoring it because it harshes their narrative. A fucking pile of bricks gets it.
“If a person has decided they’re just going to murder people, the legality of anything is no longer a concern to them. They’re either going to get death by cop, off their self, or spend the rest of their life in prison.”
That’s only true of mass murderers. The truth nobody wants to admit is that if you’re only murdering one or two people the odds are in your favor that you’ll get away with it. The solve rate of homicides in most large US cities is under 50%.
They revealed themselves a little with this phrase. The only crime is crime against the state.
The only crime they are trying to prevent is from the deplorables that might not go along with their plans to fundamentally transform things…
God, I despise the NCAA. “Playing for the love of the game” my ass. I much prefer the transparency of teams/players paying money to get good players in order to field a good team.
The under-the-table nastiness and obfuscation is just so obvious—I can’t imagine why people think that that form of the game is pure. You play for Duke or Harvard and you gotta go to class. Real classes. At IU the basketball players didn’t have to do shit and had school-provided tutors. I much prefer the cash incentive.
I also hate how in basketball/football the NBA/NFL don’t have to have their own farm systems because the schools are willing to collude with them to provide it themselves.
Fuck that shit, yo.
The college I went to had two great things about it: no sports teams and no prerequisites for admission (if you were a state resident).
They have since changed both, and every time they hit me up for donations, I point this out to explain why they won’t get a fucking cent out of me.
As a die hard longhorn fan, I eagerly await the day we’re allowed to (publicly) pay our players. Seeing that Texas is number one in sports revenue and our endowment is second only to Harvard, there is no way anyone is going to outbid us for the top talent. Sure a few other schools make enough money to field good teams (like Sloopy’s preferred garbage school), but on the whole the entirety of NCAA football will be reduced to about 5 teams and only one of them will be SEC.
Sounds like heaven.
If you think Duke maintains their academic admissions and performance standards for basketball players, I want to also let you in on the ground floor of an investment opportunity for some Arizona beachfront property.
Ah yes. You’ve managed to pull off one of my movie pet peeves:
Referring to Otisburg as Otisville
Don’t worry. You’re not alone. Many people make this fundamental mistake.
We used to live in Otisburg, but it was not up to snuff, so we founded Otisville.
Now that I’m thinking about it, I’m tempted to name one of the new-founded suburbs of Nowhere, Nevada ‘Otisville’.
OK, you’re probably right about Duke. Still be it’s not as bad.
But Yale? Army? North Western? Cornell?
I’m sure there’s some sketch going on–there always is–but there’s no way in fuck that those schools are transgressing in the same way or magnitude as IU or KU or Penn St or UofA are.
I prefer the payroll system. Cut-and-dry, open and understood.
Then there will be no college sports. Title IX suit the second you don’t pay all the women players in every sport, the same amount. Only a couple of sports make any money, so you would see an awful lot of the minor, non-revenue sports eliminated until all you have is Men’s basketball and maybe football, with enough women’s teams to have the same number of paid players. Exactly the same.
Also, no matter what you set the pay at, there will still be under the table payments, street agents and the like…
As a taxpayer, I am pissed I have money taken from me, to pay for sports at state schools.
I’ve never understood college sports myself. I know it’s a “thing” in various parts of the country but I didn’t grow up in one of those parts where it’s really big. As a low-key extra-curricular activity, sure, go nuts. But the multi-billion dollar corrupt feeder system to the pro leagues we actually have? Feh!
I’ve never understood spectating at sports. Participating, I get. Watching other people play, not so much.
I would say that it’s bigger in places that don’t have local professional teams, but that doesn’t explain the popularity in places that do. I think there’s some loyalty from alumni to their alma mater that factors in. Also, if you genuinely enjoy watching sports, there’s a “purity” to watching it at the college level that gets lost in the pros. Mind you, when you have students going to a school for one year and never attending a class, mysteriously obtaining a new car and having their mom’s house note paid off and then going on to play in the NBA, the distinction is a little blurred.
If you cared about purity you’d watch NAIA, D3, and club sports since there’s no scholarships involved.
Everything Swiss just said.
And also, once you start eliminating the periphery sports (especially the related Women’s teams), wait for the lawsuits to start rolling in. “My Jenny trained her whole life for a place on the Butthead University Women’s Archery team & now you’re going to drop it so you can pay the schools’ football players?!? Not faer!1!”
Keep it amateur. Police illegalities the best you can. Let a kid in any sport hire an agent on day 1 if they so choose. Allow them to turn pro in their sport at the conclusion of any season they want.
Sports should not be part of universities. They can run independant non-pro and amateur associations for people who want to to participate in, but the schools should not be in that business.
Why not?
The purported core competency of a university is education. These ancillary components detract from that focus.
Both NBA and NFL should have to set up their own minor leagues as a requirement of anti-trust protection. That’s the only way to change the system.
You do realize the “honest” schools you list are private whereas the cheating schools are public. This didn’t happen by accident.
Tony Bennet runs the only clean program in D-1.
Michigan too – Beilein and Bennett always are the runaway winners in those anonymous polls where coaches say which of their colleagues is definitely clean.
Agree. I really like Beilein a lot.
I like the way NCAA baseball is done. Let the kid go straight to the pros out of high school if he thinks his draft position is good enough. If he decides to come to school, then 3 years. It seems to work pretty well.
The Duke sociology major has been surprisingly popular with basketball players. And basically a joke.
100% of majors at GT require calculus.
“Federal prosecutors told a judge on Tuesday that “Pharma Bro” Martin Shkreli should get 15 years behind bars for cheating wealthy investors in his failed hedge funds — a sentence 10 times what his defense says he deserves.”
I’d want a new defense attorney.
What was Shkreli actually charged with? What was his crime?
I understand he is a total asshole that ought to be shunned by society but what crime did he commit that could result in going to jail?
Hedge fund fraud. Someone more knowledgeable than me would have to read through that and let you know if they’re valid charges or just a punishment for making Congress look dumb.
That’s the issue right there. I can’t address which lies he may or may not have told, but omitting to tell his investors that the funds had gone tits up is problematical. and then there’s the issue of “paying back their money”. Without seeing a lot more detail, in general, there’s no way you can compensate investors for losses incurred within a fund or investment vehicle, least of all by taking those compensatory amounts from what looks like a separate investment pool, because it’s a separate legal entity.
Even if he was trying to “do the right thing” by paying investors back from his own personal wealth (which isn’t being claimed), he’d be in trouble, unless the “repayments” were restitution from a legal judgment.
Oh okay yeah I see the problem here. Thanks for the summary.
I am going to hedge my bet and say the later…
I’m in super early today. Not often I make the top 10.
Chicago glibs, I’ve got a sled hockey tournament in Hoffman Estates this weekend if you’re looking for something to do. My team is the Chicago Blackhawks, we play Friday at 5pm, Saturday at 2pm and 5pm, and Sunday at 11am. It’s at the Triphahn Ice Arena on Higgins Rd. I’ll be wearing #2.
“sled hockey” How does that even work?
Is alcohol involved?
1. It’s like wheelchair basketball, except cool. You sit in a sled low to the ground, and you have two short sticks. One end of the stick has spikes on the end for pushing yourself, the other end is for shooting. We use full ice, full size nets, regular pucks. The rules are all the same as regular hockey and hitting is allowed. Look it up. Also watch it on the Paralympics, I have 5 teammates on Team USA and they’re going to have a real battle against Canada.
2. Not sure if they server alcohol at this rink, but I’m usually up for a few after.
Sunday is the only time I could try, maybe.
By God, I hope you do better than the NHL Blackhawks.
Maybe they can get some sleds
Is our usual meeting spot open on Sunday?
Yes. 12-8.
This is A team weekend. Last tournament we went 3-1. If we go 4-0 this weekend we win our league championship. So yes, doing better than the NHL Blackhawks.
I’m still trying to figure out what Martin Shkreli did that was illegal, but whatever it was prosecutors are asking for 15 years. – well being an asshole makes people out to get you I would assume. I would also assume, in more innocent younger times, that prosecutes are professionals who are not swayed by public perceptions .
Prosecutors are always trying to make that one but score to pad their resume.
“always trying to make that one but score”
I’m still trying to figure out what Martin Shkreli did that was illegal, but whatever it was prosecutors are asking for 15 years.
The whole thing is about him holding out on that Wu-Tang shit, yo.
must tell you that the Clan is a danger to the public / But still for many men just to hear of the name / Fills them with hate and loathing / But why? They’ve never harmed anyone.
The Feds have the album.
With the right lighting and right amount of make-up and alcohol Megan Barry is a solid maybe.
So the moral of the story is “Don’t elect a Barry as Mayor”?
one of my favorite authors Brett Easton Ellis.
I know a lot of people dislike him. But he’s a good author that captures a lot of the 80s plastic culture. Glamorama is a masterpiece. Many of his other books were phenomenal.
Plus he seems like a genuinely nice guy. Way back when I lived in the near west end in Richmond, I’d sit at a couple different places in Carytown that I can’t remember by name now and shoot the shit with him about baseball or some other trivial matter and it would be a clever and engaging conversation. His work never came up more than in passing.
Brett Easton Ellis lived in Richmond? How did I not know this
I had no idea either. Famous people pass through Richmond from time to time because so many movies and TV shows film around here, but I can’t think of too many famous permanent residents. Most of the famous people live out around Albemarle County.
My husband works from home. it’s saved United States of America virtually thousands of greenbacks in travel expenses. as a result of he will work for anyplace there’s a reliable net affiliation, we have a tendency to were ready to stick with my mother once the death of my stepparent while not my husband desirous to take vacation time…
Nothing about a new Pugeot?
Apparently you’re not interested is saving ‘virtually thousands of greenbacks’. Figures
I missed this guy’s posts from TOS.
I coulnd’t believe eyes when the cheque for $13,218 was mailed. I now drive Mazda Miata even with no job.
$13,218 greenbacks is lot of money, no?
Depends. It’s not a big enough bribe to lose my pittance over…
He’s using this one weird trick that big oil hates.
Midget jello wrestling?
U.S. Army says mishandled war dogs, will comply with call for reform
If you’re going to use dogs as tools, you have an ethical obligation to treat the tools and the tool handlers respectfully.
The first image that came to mind was the way the Romans used Mastiffs to break up enemy formations.
Then I remember they’re probably snuffing out bombs.
“Romans used Mastiffs to break up enemy formations”
I too have played Rome Total War
Don’t know how historically accurate their war dog formations were, but it left a meantal impression.
Also, why don’t the Skaven have rat pack handlers to do something similar?
I’m still wondering why the Persians didn’t have some of those monsters on chains like the movie “300”
Ooh. Dean Martin sniffing out bombs.
Like Sergeant Stubby?
“soldiers who wanted to adopt dogs with which they had worked were not told they had the right to do so”
They never saw Megan Leavey?
While I thought she was too petite to be a marine. Kate Mara is totes adorable.
Love that movie. Well told story without a load of bullshit.
There are some tiny WMs out there. My last time qualifying on the rifle range, our squadron high shooter was a 19 year old girl who was probably about 5′ even and 90 pounds soaking wet.
That’s what the grabbers either don’t get or hate about guns: they can let even the smallest woman defend herself against even the biggest man.
The best response to gun grabbers then is “Why do you hate women?”
Bye bye Vienna.
Girl got off the airport train in front of us wearing thigh socks and a fishtail parka. Good lord.
Grab some of those little hot dogs in a can before you go
*opera applause*
I find it fascinating that hot dogs are called frankfurters in Vienna and wieners in Frankfurt.
Why does nobody want to take credit for the deliciousness?
I had to look that up. There is a reason for this: The guy who created them, in Vienna, named them after the town where he learned sausage-making, Frankfurt. But in Germany “Frankfurter”, in fact, and as is customary, refers to a sausage that originates in Frankfurt so they decided to name this one after Vienna.
My penchant for long songs/leggings are a huge weakness of mine. Stripes just twist the dagger.
See also: Catholic school girl outfits.
Sigh. I’ll hit you one more time, baby.
I’m still trying to figure out what Martin Shkreli did that was illegal, but whatever it was prosecutors are asking for 15 years.
In feudal Japan, they’d cut your head off for failing to defer and avert your eye in the presence of authority. He’s getting off easy.
It’s Finally Happening: Colleges are Starting to Die in America
Not satisfied until we stop propping them up with tax dollars
*folds arms defiantly*
Yes. I beleive public funding of colleges is the root cause of all the problems we have in higher education.
That could be said if not for the fact that private Us are progging just as hard.
The private colleges are also propped up by federal dollars. If not for the federal government providing the loans, I doubt most of these colleges would be able to survive as consumers would be more selective in their purchase and tuition rates would have to be more competitive.
The issue is those loans and the fact the schools are not accountable for any part of that money they piss away on people they know are either unqualified or wasting their time instead of learning anything that will let them earn a honest living..
I beleive public funding
of collegesis the root cause of all the problems we havein higher education.There are roughly 4500 colleges and universities in the US. That is a holy shit huge number. Declining admissions and graduation standards combined with federal student loans guaranteed to any retard that wants to major in 8th century Byzantine puppetry means that there is a huge glut of college educated people in the world. That devalues the degree at the same time degree prices are skyrocketing. Sooner or later this bubble has to pop (and there are signs its already happening as for profit schools are closing at a high rate). But what does that mean? Nothing. Nothing at all.
If you sat down and tried to name every single college you could you might get to a hundred schools. 150 if you pay attention to D2 sports at all. If there were a magical ranking list that existed somewhere and ranked every single college in America; and if you were to look at this mythical list in order, then by the time you got around #50 pretty much every decent school has been listed. By the time you got to #100 you’ve probably listed any place at all worth going to. By #200 we’re in shitty directional school territory and by #500 we’re in hilarious trash school territory and you probably don’t recognize a single name on the list in this region. When the bubble pops we could close down and shutter AT LEAST 2000 colleges and you wouldn’t even notice. So yes as all the pundits say the higher education bubble will pop, but that will have absolutely no impact on any schools with any reputation or value. The Ivy League will still have an enormous waitlist and cost a shitload of money. My alma mater, UT, will still have an applicant pool a mile long. Life will go on essentially unchanged for all the major and middling schools with the caveat that tuition creep will likely slow down or reverse.
Why do you hate students so much? Don’t you know getting a college education is good for the rest of society?
Seven years of partying Van Wilder style an education doesn’t make…
“By #200 we’re in shitty directional school territory ”
Typical UT snobbish ass-hattery.
But of course.
The Negroni Please theory of school rankings:
Whatever school one attends is naturally a great and wonderful school. Any school ranked below the school in question is a garbage school for garbage people. Any school ranked above the school is clearly overrated and obviously coasting on an undeserved reputation. Furthermore, those schools above are massively overpriced and anyone that would pay that much is a poor deluded fool.
“But there is little even the nation’s largest colleges and universities can do at this point, as public perception of a degree’s value has created a cost/benefit crisis that, given plausible future trends, may be impossible to reverse.”
Well, there is something they can do, it’s just that they are not going to do it. They’re going to double the amount of gender studies like programs and start forcing males into mandatory #metoo training programs. And the craziest of the far left students are going to run the asylum with an iron fist. Diversity of political opinion and freedom of speech are dead and never coming back to those organizations.
Good riddance.
Students just entering college today are going be inundated with grievance studies bullshit from day one, and many of them will absorb it (they’ve been primed by the union-dominated K-12 system, after all). People who believe these kinds of things don’t make good employees. Who wants to hire someone who is going to run to the EOCC the first time they hear a boob joke in the break room?
As these SJW types percolate through the workforce, employers are going to wise up to the fact that a college degree might actually be a negative. I could see a growing market for short, career-focused training that could replace college degrees. Maybe employers would even run training programs for rank-and-file workers who show potential for a higher position (many business already do this).
If a college degree is just a piece of paper that signifies a bunch of SJW attitudes, employers are not going to keep paying the high salaries that traditional college graduates will demand.
Drunk husband ‘kills his wife by using a MORTAR BOMB as a sex toy’
Ruben Valera Cornejo, from Peru, has reportedly been arrested on suspicion of murder after allegedly inserting the explosive inside his wife
If it’s inactive how is it an explosive?
I wouldn’t exactly call it “inactive”, though.
Wouldn’t mortar blow her to pieces? That’s different from “unresponsive”.
The pieces did not respond.
Oh you.
Sounds like someone failed to follow fire discipline.
“16 inches long and around two inches wide”
Let’s face it- this man never could have satisfied his wife.
Sounds like he gave her explosive orgasms.
” (Just kidding. The “if it saves just one life” slogans only work when the left is trying to take a fundamental right away from somebody, not when it comes to removing someone with multiple felonies who happens to also be here illegally.)”
That’s because they are the same people who illegalized marijuana because a bunch latino savages were going to rape their white women. Because they are collectivists, they can’t separate criminal aliens from otherwise law-abiding illegal aliens. Or seem to be able to grasp that latinos are against violent crime as much as anyone else.
Dropping health insurance altogether? Overland Park direct primary care clinic does just that
Impossible! We all know only the government can fix health care!
Children ages 0 to 17 $10 per month, with an adult member. $50 per month, without an adult member.
Young adults ages 18 to 39 $50 per month.
Adults ages 40 to 59 $75 per month.
Seniors ages 60 to 99 $100 per month.
Age 100 or better $1per month, with an adult member.
Enrollment fee $90 per adult, waived if paying a full year membership in advance.
Additional services:
House Call $50 per visit.
After-hours clinic visit $100 per visit.
After-hours house call $150 per visit.
Wait, a centinarian can’t have an independant membership?
Their memberships are free!
I used a place something like this when I was living in Austin. They wouldn’t deal with insurance, cash only, remarkably low prices, and quality of care was excellent.
The most expensive part of even basic medicine today is the bureaucracy and the massive legal burden…
Box Office Mojo reports that the new film The Young Karl Marx scored just $58, 277 in US theaters in its first ten days. The twelve theaters currently carrying it are raking in $428/theater, just enough to keep the lights on, maybe. The film generated about $1 million in ticket sales in Europe. Let’s be generous, and say with the usual overwhelming support from industry fans, and including DVD sales, it may eventually generate $1.5 million in total sales. Unfortunately, IMDB estimates its cost of production at around $12 million. That puts it at a current loss of roughly $10 million. Sorry comrades.
I don’t know why they’re charging at all; that art belongs to the People!
Watching commie films is a right!
To be fair, being unable to earn an honest buck makes it a an accurate depiction of Marx’s life.
*standing ovation*
The film should be seized and shown for free
They should force people to pay to see it.. After all, it’s from each according to their abilities, right?
Who doesn’t want to see a movie about a lazy, petty, pompous layabout who leached off family and friends and whose ugly ideas led to the deaths of tens of millions over the past century?
The trailer. For the laughs. Second half is an Engels and Marx love story after a courtship that centered around inflaming the other’s ego.
My own question is, does anyone really need 20 choices in films?
“The Young Karl Marx scored just $58, 277”
Still more money than the number of avowed Marxists that have ever actually read all volumes of “Das Kapital”
I smell Oscar!
That’s not a nice thing to say, even Trshmstr would not want that garbage in his can.
Actually, he’s sniffing Oscar Homolka.
Half naked girls on their knees. You infer the implication.
7, 13, 19, 22, 23, 25, 31, 32, 40.
17. had to scroll to find one with small boobs
How CNN and MSNBC practice safe sex.
Only a Russian bot would post this! *screeching*
Justin Verlander is one lucky guy. I guess being a professional athlete has its perks after all.
Yes, they are perky
I like A-Rod’s lady better
A-Rod and his lady wear the same shade of lip gloss.
In some cases, the report said, soldiers who wanted to adopt dogs with which they had worked were not told they had the right to do so. An investigation was started after soldiers who had handled the war dogs complained about their fate.
That’s just stupid. Why the fuck wouldn’t you let the guy and the dog maintain their bond? The dog served his time, too.
News for Warty:
‘The Mountain’ from ‘Game of Thrones’ sets the deadlift world record at 1,041 pounds.
You would think it would be an Olympic athlete, not an actor.
I think he was hired because he was overbuilt, not because he was an actor.
John Holmes?
Its not like he has a ton of dialogue in the show…
Good lord
As a no-shit one-time national deadlifting champ (2004, Denver), who the fuck deadlifts with their hands both facing outwards?
I’m sure that that insane weight changes the physics of shit, as well as the curvature of his muscles, but I have not seen that before. Coach woulda yelled at me.
He’s using straps. Here’s more weight raw.
WHAT?! I used to train with straps, sure.
You can compete with that shit?!
Lots of different competitions – raw, juiced, suits, straps, clean, etc.etc.
It’s still a fuck-ton of weight.
Well, HALF a fuck-ton.
Celebrity birfdays one day after we request them. Service isn’t dead yet.
Why do English restaurants keep running out of chicken? If I had to guess, I’d say it’s the governments fault somehow.
I think the UK has to import most of the chicken it consumes, so it’s entirely possible that the Customs enforcement people get implicated.
Why do English restaurants keep running out of chicken?
Because the chickens keep gong the other side of the Channel?
Does the UK have a nationalized chicken system? Because if they did, everyone would have chicken and the cost of chicken would be much less than in the United States, and it would be superior chicken. They need to establish the NCS at once.
“Come back in six weeks.”
“Why six weeks?”
“Because we might have chicken then.”
Bah! Chicken is a right!
*crawls off hot rock, steps up to podium*
NO NO, don’t get up, I’ve got this…
It appears that British mammals have a fowl situation on their hands
*crawls back on hot rock*
Because Nando’s is a South African chain, and they appropriated all the chicken’s land…
Running out of chicken in my old parish is a bad idea.
It’s not like 20% of the local population can eat bacon products, and of the remaining 80%, there’s an awful lot of them that would go on a rampage and burn half the town down like they did in 2011. The denizens of Croydon are savage af.
“DISABLED BY DARE Rugby player, 19, left paralysed and in need of 24/7 care after swallowing a slug as a dare
After swallowing the slug, Sam quickly fell ill and was taken to hospital where he was found to be infected with rat lungworm.
The worm is found in rodents, but snails or slugs can become infected when they eat the faeces of rats.
While most people develop no symptoms at all, very rarely it causes an infection of the brain.
Sam, then 19, contracted eosinophilic meningo-encephalitis and lapsed into a coma for 420 days leaving him a quadriplegic.”
Is there anything in Australia that’s not out to kill you?
Then he swallowed a fly half to eat the slug that wiggled and jiggled inside him.
Damn. That’s messed up.
Fortunately, I never had to be told not to eat slugs. However, if the worst had happened to any of us doing stupid things as teenagers this could very well have been our fate (at least for me I know it to be true).
*Previously on Happy Days*
Richie Cunningham: Fonzie, I don’t get it. You’re telling me that the politics of the 20th Century are dying, but I don’t see how that’s so
Fonzie: Richie you got to think about it, right. ‘Modernity’ is the defining question of our age. I’m increasingly drawn to the notion that our politics are divided between those opposed to ‘modernity’ and those who support it. Even divisions between Right and Left don’t apply
Richie Cunningham: Well could you give an example of ‘modernity’, Fonz?
Fonzie: Hey, I’m just an idea man. That’s for you to figure out
Richie Cunningham: I got to say, you’re not making much sense, Fonz
Fonzie: *thumbs up* Ayeeeeeee
Too bad that those supporting “modernity” reject the concept of individual liberty.
I think you might be confusing modernism with people misusing post-modernism. The concept of individual liberty is modern. Although an argument could be made it’s pre-modern, or even innate. If you are talking about it in the textual sense, the Enlightenment was modern.
You guys are taking parody way too seriously
Sometimes, that’s half the fun.
*Next time on Happy Days*
Chachi: Hey, Fonz, what do you think about all this Russia meddling in the election?
Fonzie: It’s a clear indication that ‘modernity’ is beginning to take hold in international foreign affairs. And soon the Baby Boomers will recede from our national conversation
Chachi: I have no idea what you’re talking about, Fonz
Fonzie: Chachi, you got to expand your mind and embrace the “Fonzie Moment”
Chachi: I think you really messed your head up after you hit your head at Al’s Diner the other night
Fonzie: *thumbs up* Ayeeeeeeeee
So cool. You’re a great artist
It’s just photoshop, credit to whoever it was that made the Happy Days cartoon.
Missing the stache.
That show is too old for history.
In fact, it might even be enhanced by it.
“enhanced”? fancy word for a sellsword.
“Sell sword” for $200, Trebek.
Well some of us are keeping our amateur status so we can compete in the Gynecology Olympics.
Never understood why a man would ever want to go pro
And for the record, I’d probably prefer a male urologist.
my uro’s an old jewish guy. hilarious. makes very inappropriate jokes. lots of Mel Brooks references too.
No, I assume he’s a nurse. I assume that people in white coats are either doctors, lab techs, or pharmacists.
Life isn’t fair – film at 11.
Dress up a little, sweetheart.
When Pari Ghodsi, an OB-GYN in Los Angeles, wears her scrubs outside the hospital,
She may be committing petty theft. If they are actually surgical scrubs, they are hospital property. They could be regular “floor” scrubs like nurses wear on their units, but its unusual for doctors to wear scrubs to round or do doctor stuff outside the ORs or procedure rooms. I’m betting those are surgical scrubs.
Surgical scrubs should never be worn outside of the OR suites. Doing so exposes them to all the germs and crud in the general environment, rendering them unsuitable for wear back inside the OR. Doctors and nurses who wear surgical scrubs outside the OR can’t be relied on to change them when they go back in.
Or … hard to believe … she might just be lying.
Khruangbin. Found this band by chance and wonder if anyone knows anything about them. Good stuff.
That’s tasty. Never heard of them before, but appears to be a Houston, TX band.
The weird shit people do when they aren’t allowed to just shoot pests.
‘Super Monster Wolf’ a success in Japan farming trials
“When it detects an approaching animal, its eyes light up and it starts to howl, Asahi TV says”
Did you open fire on election night?
They stole my band name!
Chuckie Moobs goes off the reservation; didn’t he just see what happened to DiFi when she didn’t bow to the most Communist parts of the party?
Black people betray Oprah for fictional African king/international criminal.
Movie based on book that I couldn’t force myself to finish versus movie that even its detractors say is entertaining. Hard call.
I had to finish it because it was assigned reading. A lot of my female friends loved the everloving crap out of it, and I just don’t get it. It was okay.
The only reason I’d picked it up was because it was assigned reading. It forms part of my conviction that the purpose of high school english class is to make people hate reading.
*disclaimer – I think it was high school, it could have been middle school, I honestly don’t remember, all those years of awful books grinding my love of reading underfoot bluend together.
Yes, if not for being forced into ‘advanced reading’ programs and having to read crappy books I would have read a lot more and enjoyed myself.
Huh. I liked the book a lot. Way more than 90% of the stuff I had to read in school.
That’s not a high bar…
*shudders at memory of “Johnathan Livingston Seagull”*
I’ll see your “Johnathan Livingston Seagull” and raise you “Johnny Tremaine”, “Uncle Tom’s Cabin”, and, yes, “Moby Dick”.
Moby Dick was not a required book at my school. It was also an interesting read. Sadly the reference manual on whaling kept getting interrupted by this Ishmael guy.
*clears throat*
I’ll take some of that action. We had Ethan Frome, As I Lay Dying, The Sound and the Fury, and motherfucking Zelda (biography of Zelda Fitzgerald).
McTeague was the dreariest, most unpleasant novel I’ve ever read. Every character was a horrible person who I hated and it was glacially slow. Fuckin’ 11th grade English class.
I remember that we read Johnny Tremaine in 5th grade, and it had something to do with the Revolutionary War, but other than that I got nothin’.
Lets try Hiroshima, I am the Cheese, A Patch of Blue, The Stranger, Grendel, and The Red Badge of Courage
If you weren’t already suicidal they damn sure were trying to get you there
Lets try Hiroshima, I am the Cheese, A Patch of Blue, The Stranger, Grendel, and The Red Badge of Courage
If you weren’t already suicidal they damn sure were trying to get you there
Posted yesterday, but this is jut despicable for so many reasons:
Clearly if you care about white people getting raped, murdered and their property stolen, you’re a Nazi. Clearly.
But but they stole the land first! Or someone with the same skin color may have stolen the land many years ago.
Pfft. We all know far-right activists are white supremacists. It’s like they’re not even woke at Media Matters.
Why isn’t this the top story in the news?
Teenage ISIS Supporter Arrested After Utah School Backpack Bomb Fails To Detonate
No scary black rifle involved, that’s why
And there is no movement to disarm his kind. It’s the deplorables and their guns that are the problem..
That white kid who found the bomb is getting his picture overlaid with the story title in one of the videos on that site. Makes it seem like he’s the one who planted the bomb.
My wife describes Dutch as the Minnesoda accent of German.
Doesn’t the Washington Post at least have any professional pride? How do they sleep at night while publishing someone as obviously dimwitted as Elizabeth Bruenig?
The only Catholic publication that publishes Ms. Bruenig is “America” (Jesuit tripe). Which says everything you need to know about Ms. Bruenig
Jesuits publishing commie propaganda?! What a liberating take on theology.
“It’s time to give socialism a try”. Sorry dear, you are about 100 years late to that party.
But if she were supreme leader, things would be different
Ha ha ha ha ha ha.Washington Post, professional pride good one. Wait you’re serious? Let me laugh even harder. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.
Well, I mean, there are actually intelligent people who can string together some coherent thoughts who are socialists. They’re dead wrong, but they can at least write – Hitchens was one, for example. Were I a leftist newspaper editor, I’d like to think that I’d seek out writers like that rather than publishing that Bruenig drivel.
Serious question, I’m 27 I’ve been relatively politically aware since probably around ’06-07. Did the communists/socialists suddenly just throw off their masks in the last eight years or was their some kind lead up? When did telling people you were a socialist or a communist leave academia and enter the mainstream political and media scene? I feel like there was stigma attached as recently as the early aughts by most right thinking people, or did I just imagine it?
Happened during the Obama administration as best I can tell. A LOT of masks were shed post-2008.
When black Jesus won, they so much told us socialism had won the day and the rest of us plebes still not woke enough to see its glory might as well accept that or prepare for the reeducation camps.
Yes. Yes, they have.
It’s really weird – and connected to the fact a) they’re envious and ignorant and b) hate the West.
It was a gradual process …
I’m about the same age.nthe timelines or the uptick also match up with people who have no experience of the Cold War becoming adults and China being the current face of Communism. I remember my high school replacing Russian classes with Chinese and i got the impression from culture at large of a generally positive view towards China. Like they were the leaders of the future kinda like that scene in Looper. The success of the Chinese makes it seem to many worth emulating.
The Chinese don’t strike me as having a foundation of sand. They already have empty cities that were built for the sole purpose of artificially propping up sectors of their economy. This indicates an economic organism that is burning muscle for energy, it will collapse sooner or later.
But most people are economically illiterate and the propaganda is working.
The same people often like Saudi Arabia or at least have an admiration of it.
I think the ascendancy of Obama convinced a lot of people that the realization of their dreams was imminent and that they could save themselves the wearisome and time consuming chore of talking around their objectives.
Yes. To suggest say, ten years ago, that something had a whiff of socialism, brought on accusations of “red baiting”. Perhaps even six years ago. By 2016, a self-avowed socialist was a viable candidate in the Democratic primaries.
I mean shouldn’t the dim work as well? You seem ableist
All that being said she sort of cute though
“There are literally Nazis with guns on college campuses”
Cool story, bro.
“There are literally not Nazis on campus with guns”
– every sane person in America
I literally have no idea what this guy is talking about.
He doesn’t either.
Just the other day when I was on my way to my accounting class, I bumped into Franz Pfeffer von Salomon. Terrifying experience.
It’s almost tempting to get a group to dress up in Waffen-SS uniforms and goose-step through a liberal college campus. The reaction would be priceless.
When I was in college many years ago a friend’s band had a guy who would come out in a very realistic looking brownshirt uniform and berate the audience through a megaphone in between songs. That would probably set off a panic attack these days.
I always thought Concentration Camp Counselors would be a great punk band name.
““due process” is the new asking a rape victim what she was wearing.”
Christ, what an asshole.
This, by the way, is the same asshole who posted this:
For. The. Love. Of…..
Oh he is a goldmine of such things
How many are in prison?
All of them, the entire country is a prison
Also I have a bone to pick with lots of people from a previous thread.
All the President’s Men is a *fantastic* film. There was indeed a debate about being a good film and being factual, but with my IMO fairly extensive knowledge of that event…it seems as if that it was fairly accurate when it came to the actual events, though I’m sure that many liberties were taken with individual conversations. This does become a problem considering it happened 15 years before I was born.
“No, Smithers, I’ve decided to bring in a few ringers. Professional baseballers. We’ll give them token jobs at the plant and have them play on our softball team. Honus Wagner, Cap Anson, Mordecai “3-Finger” Brown!”
“What is it, Smithers?!”
“I’m afraid all those players have retired and…*cough* passed on. In fact, your right fielder has been dead for 130 years!
“Damnation! Alright, find me some good players. LIVING players! Scour the professional ranks. The American League, the National League, the Negro League!”
Ehhhh….it gets a most of the basic facts of the story right but some major plot points are bogus. Mark Felt never said anything about “follow the money”. Woodward and Bernstein’s lives were never in danger. The investigations into Watergate were way ahead of their reporting and the outcome would have been the same regardless of what they published – the movie blows their role in the scandal way, WAY out of proportion. We now know that Mark Felt didn’t leak anything out of conviction but rather out of spite because he didn’t become FBI director. And ultimately the only thing that truly mattered was the tapes. Without them, Nixon serves out his second term and Watergate is largely forgotten today.
Great flick, though. I love the ’70s paranoia thrillers – All the President’s Men, Three Days of the Condor, Marathon Man, The Parallax View, etc.
I will also say, growing up in a newspaper office spending tons of time there before my dad could take me home to work, All Prez’ Men and season 5 of The Wire are the only two depictions that I have seen that show the newsroom for what it actually is.
And yeah, Felt was obviously driven by his being overlooked in the chain of succession, but I don’t think that changes his characterization. Much like in A Few Good Men (one of two things that give that fuckwad Sorkin a complete pass in my book, the other being Moneyball,) “You don’t become Lt. Col. without learning to dodge some landmines.”
Who the fuck knows what he said and how in order to further his goals. Sounding anti-Nixon most likely was just an earnest play to ensure that these WashPo boys took it even more seriously.
Anyway. I guess that’s my two-bits. I fucking love that film.
*From work.
I love it too. Well-acted – I particularly like the Post editorial staff, crusty old bastards like Jason Robards, Jack Warner, and Martin Balsam – and brilliantly directed. 2 plus hours but never feels slow.
The Eternal Hive
A good analysis of how lefty group-think turns into behavior that looks coordinated.
Meh I think they just don’t have well thought out, reason based opinions, and they latch on to whatever issue of the day satisfies their emotional thinking.
Yes – and the resulting behavior is little different than bees.
Meh this occurs on the right, we just don’t see it due to how few outlets conservatives actually have. The left seems coordinated because they literally run nearly every news outlet and nearly every prominent web publication.
Eh. I would say far less. Most of the conservatives I know are more analytical and suspicious of crowds and trends. They might band together if it’s in their common interests, but it’s not as instinctual.
Coca-Cola to launch alcoholic drink
Coca-Cola is planning a break with 125 years to experiment with its first alcoholic drink as the world’s largest soft drinks company eyes Japan’s growing market for “Chu-Hi” alcopops.
Sounds terrible
Would rather they go back to the original formula with coca leaves
I don’t drink the stuff so sure. Why not?
Gimme a call when they put the cocaine back in it. I will start drinking soda again then.
Right now harvesting cocoa and coconut is done by hand because these plants are grown in areas with dirt cheap labor costs. From a technical standpoint, how hard would it be to robotically harvest them?
Couldn’t tell you about cocoa. Coconuts would seem to be easy to harvest mechanically.
When thinking about it, I came up with a robot design that had two components. A tracked base that ran from tree to tree (and had an armored roof to deflect dropped coconuts) and a climber module that would wrap drive arms around the trunk, drive up the palm and have a clipper arm that cut down the bunches. If you could design the climber right, the base would be superfluous and you’d have a single device that drove itself from tree to tree and up the trunks.
You could save on the armor and route the harvested coconuts straight into either transportation or a subsequent processing system by having a tube sock (very long basketball net) that diverted the nut as it’s cut.
What we have designed here is a truck with a hydrolic lift in front and a slide feeding into the back. Whether the cutting operator on the lift is a robot arm or a human is up for debate.
But dumping it down the tube does save the step of picking it up.
What about cyborg coconut crabs?
I would think more difficult would be fruit that should not bruise not coconuts. Are if cherries or peaches or apricots are harvested automatically those things should be as well. Then again fruit for jam and fruit for eating are different.
That sounds very expensive. Instead of eliminating labor, maybe you could make it more efficient.
A well-designed cherry-picker / aerial platform that ran along a path or on tracks could quickly get a worker to the fruit, select the ripe ones, harvest the ripe ones, and move on to the next tree. All without dropping coconuts on the crops below like bombs.
Current coconut harvesting processes just cut them from the tree and let them drop to the ground. The “drive up the tree” design was to take advantage of the fact that the palm tree has no branches that get in the way.
I haven’t read up on how cocoa pods are harvested, but nobody plants at the foot of the coconut palm.
Running a cherry-picker down a row of trees would take a fraction of the time – particularly if the thing was tracked or programmed. It would be like a production line. That’s how it would happen in the first world – versus a bunch of guys making 5 rupees a day messing around with knives tied to bamboo sticks dodging falling coconuts.
Ooh, get a look at Mr. fucking Frederick Taylor!
Next up you’ll make those poor foreigners clock in and out, and next thing you know their carefree, noble, bucolic, natural lifestyle will be ruined by pursuit of profit, you shitlord!
That was my other design. May arguments were capital expense, stability and the variable heights of the trees. I think I liked the climber bot because the mental image looked neat.
And even if you ran a platform along the rows, you’d still be dropping them to ground level because it is the most efficient way of getting them down. You seem fixated on eliminating the freefall aspect, which is the last thing you want to get rid of. It is the fastest and cheapest way to get the durable product from treetop to ground level.
I rely on Q for the coconuts
Ever see the mechanical harvesters for pistachio nuts? They wrap around a tree and shake the hell out of it.
I’ve seen them do that with walnuts.
I don’t think it translates well to these particular products.
Thiis is for Idle Hands (ruffles hair):
Why in the world is the Chicago Tribune publishing junk from a childish twit like Elizabeth Breunig?
Why America Should Give Socialism A Try?
The Chicago Tribune is publishing for the same reason as Washington post…
Did she get payed for it is what I wonder …
And to be fair, America did not try socialism fully, it would totally work there.
Yeah, that every attempt at socialism in the 20th and early 21st century failed and the over 120 million killed and billions forced to live in misery statistics it produced is only indicative that the right people were not in charge…
Also it amuses me when I hear arguments along the lines now that we have computers and internet socialism will totally work. It was just ahead of its time
I wonder which computer would have figured out the production of IPAs?
The calculation problem will always be a problem, because computers can’t anticipate change in tastes.
Tastes don’t matter to the true believer. Human beings can be reshaped to fit the needs of society. It is the foundation upon which their utopia is built. That belief is also the reason their attempts create dystopias.
I am well aware.
But some have claimed that modern computers could solve the calculation problem. But throwing brute force at the problem doesn’t solve it, unless you go with what you said.
And I doubt an AI will be created that will be able to predict technical developments or changes in taste.
Modern computers are still made out of math and electricity. They will allow us to make the same mistakes as always, only faster. As ever, it all comes down to inputs and assumptions. Bad assumptions and crap inputs into a brand new algorithm/ “AI” will still give bad results.
A British company is trying it.
Not sure how well they’re doing, or how good the beer is.
This seems like minor mods to existing recipes, not coming up with something radically different from what already exists.
Although the American IPA was a slow process in developing too. There were lots of pale ales popular but drinkers kept wanting more and more hops. So, maybe their pale ale will be an 8% hop bomb in a few years.
I would guess that there’s some limiting factor on the backend for how radical the changes are. I’d also be curious how they’re teaching the AI about new hops, malts, and yeast strains that are being cultivated. But it would be a safe bet that this brewery will never be one to launch a trend (such as NEIPA or sours).
Taste will be illegal, comrade.
Why America Should Give Socialism A Try?
We are already giving it a try in a lot of areas of the economy. Look to the worst parts of the economy and you will see where we are trying socialism.
But that’s not Real Socialism, comrade.
Robert McCormack is rolling over in his grave
Fuck that prohibitionist.
The reason we should try it now is that we finally have an entire generation who are dumbed down enough to like that idea.
“I still get the rewards of wroking but don’t have to get up and go to work? Where do I sign?”
/lazy Mil.
Because it cost them next to nothing.
2 Chili remains, by far, the best thing left at TOS
….and Stossel
I’d add Ed K (I’m not going to begin to pretend to know how to spell his last name) as well. And, of course, Remy.
Think that’s it.
I’d say Volkoh too, but I don’t know some of his recent opinions seem very statist. It’s like he’s done a reverse Weigel
Volokh’s recent writing is bizarre. I don’t see how a man who has championed liberty for so long suddenly starts vigorously defending mandatory union dues.
thank you.
i felt like i was taking crazy pills reading his stuff on that case. i believe he even filed an amicus brief in defense of AFSCME’s position.
He also filed a brief against the baker. Reverse Weigel.
The comments….oh my god, the comments. Appearances by Tony, John, Hihn, and Hank Phillips. The word “train wreck” is not nearly strong enough.
Now all you need is MJ to make an appearance so he can say a progressive talking point in a pithy way
I see there’s a new lefty troll, too, one who obviously thinks of himself as tremendously clever.
MJ Green? That explains it.
And Crusty is really making me thirsty.
Hihn has gone completely insane.
What do you mean with “gone”? I never though he/she/it was anything but a fucking lunatic…
I’ll bet Hihn smells like unwashed hair and toe cheese. He just strikes me as that kind of crazy old man.
This sequence sums it up:
new girl’s alright..
oops. that’s a dude’s name. my bad.
Hey, we’re not gonna judge you …
Yeah, that was a good point that needs to be made repeatedly. Also, “blank-splaining” is a term that needs to die ASAP. It’s not just a stupid word, like calling anything “Blah-gate” after the Watergate incident, it’s a sinister way to discredit someone’s argument via ad hominem attack. It’s especially fucked up because, in essence, it’s saying that a person’s ability to speak to a subject should be discredited because of their expertise.
a person’s ability to speak to a subject should be discredited, regardless of their expertise, because of their identity
It is ultimately identity—gun owner, gun rights supporter, gun nut, etc. —that is the driving factor. It is commingled with anti-intellectualism and disregard for expertise, but I think the real heart of the matter is tribalism. Once you are outside the tribe, your opinions, knowledge, expertise, critiques, etc. are irrelevant; you are them, we are us.
Lucy! You better Splain this!
/Ricky Ricardo 1950
No, he was telling her to ‘Spleen’, or remove the spleen from what he’d brought home.
Sri Lanka blocks social media as deadly violence continues
Reports of attack on Buddhist temple sparks anti-Muslim riots in Kandy district
This sort of thing seems to be spreading in that part of Asia
Which is a massive shock to shallow Americans who think Buddhism is all hugs and meditation and happy thoughts.
If buddhists are so peaceful, why do they have all these bitchin’ martial arts?
They knew Hollywood would let them make movies someday?
Si vis pacem para bellum
Is “si vis pacem” Latin for 9mm?
Is “si vis pacem” Latin for 9mm?
No, that would be the “para bellum” part.
It translates to “prepare for war to ensure peace”, but I love the comment about 9mm 🙂
mmmmmm….Kandy district
Perfect 70% porn actress name.
Ugh. 70’s
Buying 70% porn and finishing it yourself lets you bypass the porn-registration laws.
You’re not allowed to sell it without a serial number though.
::checks his ‘lower’::
Why doesn’t Sweden have common sense grenade control?
“No, not all of the blinders are off yet – far from it – either in Sweden, in Europe generally, or at the august offices of the New York Times. Swedish cops are still being fired for speaking too bluntly. Ordinary Swedes still have to worry about losing their jobs if they say the wrong thing. People still need to turn to online “alternative” news sources to read Islam-related stories that the legacy media bury. However significant the shift in attitudes and outspokenness, Swedish culture is still dominated largely by dingbats like the members of the Feminist Initiative Party, whose new leader, Gita Nabavi, declared in her maiden speech last month that she supported “completely open borders” – meaning that absolutely anyone should be allowed into the country and absolutely nobody ever forced to leave it. Asked later if she meant no deportation even of criminals and murderers, Nabavi said yes: “Just because they are not born here does not mean they are not our responsibility.””
Feminism is importing people from a rape culture.
Their raison d’etre is to fight rape culture. You can’t do that unless you HAVE a rape culture, and they’re prepared to create one, just so they don’t become irrelevant.
No different from the ACLU and the SPLC.
Well, feminists in the U.S. have been making up one out of thin air since Against Our Will was published, or at least since the Koss survey. But I get your point. Feminists aren’t against rape; they are for exploiting rape for political gain.
One of these days the intersectionality crisis will come to a head, and the thoroughly contradictory leftist consensus will tear itself apart.
That, or feminism will sublimate itself to the needs of Muslim activists, and any hint of GRRL POWER except for transexuals will be snuffed out.
At the very least could they ban high capacity grenades that blow up 1000 rounds per a second?
Swedes are very good people and they want to change the world. They want the rest of the world to be like Sweden.
Increasingly irrelevant in the face of ethnic takeover?
‘I was bought for 50,000 rupees’: India’s trafficked brides – in pictures
I blame colonialism.
There is a religious factor here that they purposely ignored.
based on most of those pictures, they overpaid
nice pro-2A speech in Virginia House by the right honorable gentleman from Culpepper.
Excellent speech. Nice shot at the abortionists at the end.
“These Heavenly “Halo Brows” Are Strangely Beautiful
Angelic unibrow, anyone?”
Helen Gurley Brown is dead. Burn down your office and go home.
That just looks like a “Dirty Sanchez” gone awry.
<a href=""Bumble bans guns from profile pictures on dating app — with some exceptions
I know this news has been posted previously. However, I’ve been thinking how funny it would be if someone put together and organized effort in which hundreds if not thousands of people create profiles in which their picture is just a gun.
“Mr. 44 Magnum has an 8″ barrel”
Guess I’ll have to take some pictures from the neck up then, ladies.
/tip your bartenders
‘“Compared to what’s going on with Facebook and Twitter, we take a very proactive approach,” Herd told the Times. “If I could police every other social platform in the world, I would.” ‘
Tyrants gonna do tyranny.
“Hey all you gear heads- you’re also murders! Just like those rednecks who own guns! Cars kill people or something! Yay- righteous outrage!”
Sounds eminently qualified to talk about fake news and Russian interference in our elections.
He doesn’t just cover fake news, he makes it!
*rolls up in cool car and drives off with Klion’s girlfriend*
Ya a good hatemating in the back of a challenger would seem appropriate
Good grief, that guy really likes talking to himself. He seems just a tad lunatic.
These people live such a joyless existence. The new Puritans.
To be sure (!), some people really ought to not be behind the wheel, ever.
like one of the commenters said on his thread.. he works for The New Yorker so this is not a parody.
Don’t marry crazy
Bolton said after being kicked out of the house, she went to a motel in West Siloam Springs, Okla., where she did meth with a man she met off Craigslist. She said the man kicked her out of the room after an argument.
One of #metoo’s finest no doubt.
“Woman never lie about rape.”
The sad thing is I know who all those people are.
A bunch of Nazis?
… pretty much. Especially Laci Green
I don’t get it. I’m guessing you need more than a passing familiarity with Twitter for that one?
Those characters are youtube ‘personalities’, mostly controversial.
Well, that would explain why I have no idea who they are
The only one I recognize is shoe0nhead. The others are unknown to me.
Dem wet dreams of a blue Texas not going to happen anytime soon.
Something tells me there were offices that had a contested republican primary, but as all the offices are on the ballot, so people cheked off the only name on the senatorial primary spot while filling in the ballot.
I voted in the primary. 80% of Republicans were running unopposed or big name incumbents.
Democrats on the other hand had a lot of fresh faces.
MSNBC was on at the gym last night. They were masturbating furiously to the thought a Blue Texas. They have the same chance winning Texas-wide elections as I do getting with Kate Upton.
Sounds like they are planning to slip Texas a roofie.
As a Texan let me give you the scoop. There are 3 typical Republican house seats up for grabs in districts that Clinton won.
These would be huge.
The theory is that because They went blue in the last presidential election for the first time that they are now vulnerable.
It’s an untested theory.
Actually Trump hasnt ever been that popular in Texas. He just isn’t popular here.
But this mean other Republicans are on the outs ? I question that but it’s a concern for republixansz.
Cruz on the other hand is safe. Hugely popular here I see him beating Beto handily.
Perfect 70% porn actress name.
70% = no anal?
A girl’s gotta make a living! Just no black guys.
2 out of 3 = 66%, so, maybe just the tip to get to 70%?
Apropos pretty much nothing, except the connection via “porn”.
As regulars might remember, for a while I spent some time on the periphery of the adult entertainment business in the UK. One of the things I observed about the industry was the difference in health standards between the UK and (primarily) the US.
The ‘A’ listers rarely came to the UK from the US to do a shoot. Plenty of ‘B’ listers wanted to get on the ladder to dubious fame and transient fortune and as I think I’ve noted before, while in principle people would be able to earn a living any way they wanted to, lots of these artistes weren’t wholly living out their dream careers. There was often addiction to narcotics, mental health issues (typically minor, but not always), emotional problems, etc. All the stuff that you might expect. This was somewhat consistent across ‘B’ list talent from the UK and the US.
The US ‘A’ listers were quite different. One actress came over to the US as a performer/director who wanted to make a few films with some exotic (West German and Italian primarily) talent which included anal, which I understand was a problem under many states’ statutes at the time. One of the stipulations in the contracts was that facial shots must be simulated – indeed, it was one of the more time-consuming and complicated parts of filming – because the director, Annette Haven, was particularly concerned about ocular syphilis. This stipulation resulted in 3 or 4 the local Boots’ (Britain’s biggest pharmacy chain) being stripped of some cosmetic cleaners (think Cetaphil) to make up pints of faux spooje.
Health Tip: For bukkake scenes, cosmetic chemicals can be used extensively, but they usually contain propylene glycol and parabens. Not really that great for human consumption. For scenes where semen is actually shown being consumed, the real thing is safer, but if it has to be fake for whatever reason, the kids today use methylcellulose, which apparently tastes pretty neutral. Back in the day the production team would use egg white and corn starch, but it’s somewhat difficult to mix reliably, it’s not easy to keep the viscosity right and – it’s raw egg.
” Sarsour arrested at Paul Ryan’s office”
She is a ghoul.
And Obama had nothing to do with this situation, no-siree.
Only in the ass.
Nah, looks like Ted Cruz in a tablecloth.
Fletcher, who also came to the US as a child from Columbia, said he shared the experience of the Dreamers, people who came into the US illegally as children.
Except for the part about being a person who came to the US illegally (as far as I know; he was a gangbanger whose mother sent him to Colombia for few years to get him out of the ‘hood and he came back; doesn’t sound like an illegal).
I recommended the movie “Wind River” last night, after watching the first half the previous evening, which was very good.
still recommend it as ‘worth watching’. it has a number of very good qualities. wish more films like it were made.
that said, i found myself at the end of it going, ‘really? that’s what happened?’… and then spending hours unable to get some glaring-plot-holes reconciled in my head. and then reflecting on how the opening ‘epigraph’ and closing post-script seemed to clash with the actual substance of the film that was actually made.
(beginning a film saying, “This is a story about X”, and then showing a movie that… isn’t really about X at all, really. and then closing it with, ‘this film is dedicated to all the _______”, which are things you realize you really weren’t even thinking about during the movie. “Oh, right, yeah…. them too”, you think)
without giving any spoilers: the film is ostensibly about the problems native americans face on one of the largest reservations in america. the film was inspired by this NYT expose on the extremely-high murder rate in the reservation, and the utter lack of any real police/investigative resources. most go unsolved, or uninvestigated.
great start!
problem: your main character isn’t an indian. oh, and the other main character isn’t either. oh, and the bad guys the film takes way too long to reveal? they’re not indians either.
and the opening epigraph and closing bits? don’t really even set the ‘indian reservations are pretty fucked up, yo’-context either; it seems to suggest the film is about mysterious ‘missing persons’. yet no one in the film actually goes ‘missing’ for more than a day
anyway, still worth watching despite a few maddening bits.
Reservations should be converted to private land.
perhaps. sadly the movie doesn’t really provoke much thinking about ‘indian-specific issues’ at all.
its possible the film is the product (and victim) of “liberal good intentions” resulting in typically-perverse outcomes;
e.g. by trying their damnedest to avoid anything at all possibly critical of or offensive to indians… managed to write the indians completely out of their own fucking movie.
its a complaint many indians routinely make: they’re not offended by “redskins” team-names; they’re offended by being pushed to the side and never represented.
the movie definitely suffers from the ‘white savior’ complex, where the noble white characters save the hapless indians from…. other white people. because, come on, silly: indians can’t be the bad guys AND the victims? the role the indians play in the film basically dissolves into the background and ceases to really matter at all.
oh, and in the process a half dozen indian characters get killed in the movie, and the white characters literally never spend a single second dwelling on their significance. its bizarre.
That is odd.
Although I’m having trouble thinking of a movie about native americans where most of the main characters are native american.
I did see one detective movie that took place almost entirely on a Navajo reservation. The cast looked the part. Can’t remember the title. Though it wasn’t about native americans per se.
It was kind of edited weird. Especially the part where they show what happened. Also the sound mixing sucked or my tv sucks couldn’t decide which. But yeah I agree with your take.
Twitter is sewer, example #3,677,349:
The people ripping the OP are kind of nice though.
Sorry, that page doesn’t exist!
Evidently dummy deleted whatever it was he said. Way to stand on principle, goofball.
Reason #13 zillion I stopped going to synagogue.
Huh. Sounds suspiciously like the Episcopal Church doctrine.
Reform Judaism and Episcopalianism are in the same boat; they’ve replaced their actual doctrine with Leftism. US Reform Jews have more in common with CAIR than they do with Israel.
It’s odd, my knowledge of the Tanakh is a bit spotty but I can’t remember there being an Epistle to RuPaul or anything really overt like that.
thought this was funny. black voter in NYC:
lie Mystal
it was something that popped up for a hot minute in the wake of the 2016 election: Democrats saying, “Strangely our distinct emphasis on climate change and transgender rights has failed to mobilize black voters”, then rapidly moving away from any serious self-examination, and going, “BUT IT WAS TEH RUSSIA” instead.
That’s the new Left. They are all on board with imprisoning people. The only thing that has changed is what they wish to imprison people for.
Elie Mystal is proof that the Devil is real and you can still make deals with him,
A guy who has TWO HARVARD DEGREEZ but was unable to pay off his student loans, who was unable to obtain a law license after a JD from HLS and an internship at DeBevoise, making his living as a law expert and legal pundit.
Ken White would weep, if he wasn’t so concerned with being woke.
yeah, i’d forgotten who that guy was. he’s a giant douche.
his point that pollsters don’t even list crim-justice reform in the ‘top 12’ issues tho is pretty jaw-dropping, and evidence of how left “wokeness” is far more about soothing white people anxiety than it is about actually showing any interest in stuff that affects black-america.
Why should Dems care about black folk? It’s not like they’re going to vote for republicans or anything like that.
Best Grandma ever
You’ve never even met my Grandmother so how can you make this claim?
A lot of bullshit right here.
“Poland has a law that criticizes speech.”
“They have hate speech laws, too?”
“Yeah, if you say the Polish are responsible for the Holocaust that’s illegal”
“In the UK you can literally be prosecuted for calling someone by the wrong pronoun. Why is this worse?”
“Because, reasons..”
In the UK you can be jailed for quoting Churchill.
“I may be drunk, madam, but tomorrow I shall be sober and you will still be ugly”?
Mohammedanism is kind of a problem…
Why oh why would anyone think the First Amendment is the superior codification of free speech? It’s a damn mystery.
Terrorist news network.
Citing what he described as the intense poverty, corruption and nepotism that plagues the region — and his campaign for transparency and good government — Ojeda said: “The moment you start asking questions, you become public enemy number one.”
I blame nazis.
Welp, at least you know where I intended to end the blockquote tag.
“Ojeda suffered eight bone fractures and three lacerations to his face”
Damn, he really got the shit beaten out of him.
First weed, now ‘shrooms.
“After a few rousing chants of “free the spores,” a small group of roughly 20 citizens filtered into the Denver city and county building Monday for a meeting with city officials and emerged knowing they may soon have the all-clear to gather signatures on a measure to decriminalize psychedelic mushrooms.
The group calls itself Colorado for Psilocybin after the fungi’s scientific name. Their proposed measure would do away with felony charges for people caught with mushrooms, and make them the lowest enforcement priority for Denver police.
Anyone caught with more than two ounces of dried mushrooms, or two pounds of uncured “wet” mushrooms, would be subject to a citation: less than $99 for the first offense, increased by increments of $100 for subsequent offenses, and never more than $999 per citation.”
So only twenty people, who still want it to be illegal, doesn’t sound very encouraging.
Sorry, I only respond to arousing chants. FREE THE WHORES!
“In How to Destroy A Man Now (DAMN), Dr. Angela Confidential (a business psychologist, consultant, and human resource professional) empowers women with a step-by-step guide for destroying a man’s reputation and removing him from power.
In easy to understand terms, the handbook reveals and explains the fundamental dynamics between allegations, the media, and authority as they relate to male misconduct in today’s society. It also unveils and details practical real-world methods for leveraging allegations, media, and authorities to dethrone a man from power.”
“The book is written by an author using a pseudonym, she says to protect herself, but it could be written by someone of either sex to make a point of how easy it is to destroy a male in our society. For example, the book describes how easy it is to bring an allegation to the media who has no liability for false sexual abuse claims since it says they were “alleged.”
According to the book, “….an allegation does not require evidence to DAMN because through media manipulation, it becomes its own evidence. Thousands–even millions of people can become organized against one man.” The book goes on to correctly describe how authorities which consist of police, judges, bosses, schools etc. take punitive actions against a man by firing him, dismissing him from school, ruining his reputation and even imprisonment. The book states that no one will want to be associated with the ruined man or even believe him.
The end of the book states that men are easily destroyed because it is profitable: mainstream media gets eyeballs and advertisers, complaint websites make money from men paying them to remove false information, and lawyers get paid to defend men. This is a pretty accurate summary of the witch hunt against men in the 21st century whether the book is meant to be satire or not.”
I wonder what kind of world might be built by people who use subterfuge and deceit to gain power?
I wonder what kind of world might be built by people who use subterfuge and deceit to gain power?
*Looks around*
I think I have a pretty good idea.
Now that’s taking off the mask and stomping it to bits.
Doesn’t really matter if it’s satire or not; it’s true.
From the comments:
“mentorship requires a level of trust on both sides that is not possible today[…]under no circumstances mentor or help a female co-worker. After all, women are supposed to be better than men at everything, just because. So let them sink or swim.”
Unfortunately true, and bad for non-insane feminist women.
Amelia Earhart Barbie. Yes, I ordered one.
I don’t think they did the eyebrows justice on the Frieda Kahlo one.
You gonna order a couple of G.I. Joe Japanese Naval Infantymen to complete the diorama?
I’ll also need a Fred Noonan and some grass-skirted natives.
A caucasian Ken and couple of Hawaiian Kens should work fine.
They couldn’t find more famous women? I had no idea who Katherine Johnson was.
Yeah, they only made an Oscar nominated movie about her!
I’d like to see a Tarantino biopic about the life of Harriet Tubman.
Samuel L. Jackson as you’ve never seen him before…
“Nigga, I want these muthafucking niggas on this muthafucking railroad, nigga!”
I’d cast him as Frederick Douglass.
They made an Oscar nominated movie about the inventor of the Miracle Mop, but that doesn’t make her Marie Curie. It doesn’t even make her Cherie Currie.
Asawin Suebsaeng fan David Klion claims Christina Hoff Summers false-flag attacked herself.
David’s still off his meds.
Yes, those right-wing people control every media outlet. That’s why CNN and NYT were so ferociously critical of Obama and Hillary, quickly delving into every allegation of wrongdoing, while they’re giving Trump a total pass on every bad thing he does. Yes, that’s what’s occurring.
that guy is Top Kek of woke-prog
his post yesterday about “banning cars is the only moral goal” was pretty intense derp-levels
This is the guy who thinks that car ownership should be banned.
“Whose side are you on?”
Whichever one you’re not wackadoodle.
“People Are Paying Thousands Of Dollars To Own Pictures Of Pepe The Frog
Gathering in a digital bazaar for Pepe-related images, they’re trying to use the blockchain to create a new kind of art market, one that uses crypto technology and allows anyone to submit their work to be bought, sold and traded. The people involved hope to prove that crypto can be used to shift the art world’s balance of power, putting control into the hands of artists, rather than galleries or commercial third parties. The art that they’re selling, though, depicts that same frog that was featured in so many racist and anti-Semitic memes. But that hasn’t deterred the artists, many of whom believe they’re returning Pepe to his original, chilled-out roots. And they’ve sold over $1.2 million worth of his image in the process. That’s about 100 million in Pepe Cash. Yes, Pepe Cash.”
“The Nashville mayor who was banging her head of security while he was bilking taxpayers out of tens of thousands of tax dollars, has finally decided to do the honorable thing and resign from office. She also pleaded guilty to felony theft, as did her lover/bodyguard.”
I was surprised to learn Nashville had a Democrat mayor. Is there any good sized city left in the U.S. that has a GOP mayor? Since city dwellers need lots of free shit, I guess I shouldn’t be surprised.
As usual, Brendan O’Neil remains one of the better columnists out there
The Hate at the Heart of Identity-Politics
“Skip” is British for garbage dumpster?
Damn skippy it is!
“So highly prized is the title of victim that there is now a creepy competition both among identity groups and within identity groups. Feminists and trans-women bicker over who suffers the most. Bisexuals rage against homosexuals for ignoring ‘biphobia’. Muslim campaigners bristle if they feel too much attention is paid to anti-Semitism. And then within groups, new sects are always breaking off, believing they will fare better in the game of victimhood if they go it alone. Witness how ‘white gay men’ are now slammed by black homosexuals. Or how white trans-women are damned as ‘more privileged’ than black trans-women. Black Muslims agitate against Asian Muslims. ‘The black Muslim experience is completely different to… the Asian one’, wrote one recently. And of course he means it is worse. This is the nasty racial, sexual and religious fragmentation unleashed by a politics that celebrates and rewards those who claim to suffer: a competitive victimhood in which solidarity is not only difficult, but impossible.”
This is true.
David’s still off his meds.
Does anybody even make a med strong enough to sort that guy out?
A 9mm pill?
A 9mm pill?
With that “goes right through you” coating? Dispensed from a pressurized tube?
Freedom Pills
If you prefer a coated pill.
Yeah, but $0.24 for 9mm is a bitter pill to take. If I see some at $0.2 I’d pick up a couple hundred.
I bought some of this cheap equivalent.
My 9mm CZ absolutely refuses to feed it – and it has never had a problem with any other ammo.
My Hi-Point carbine is fine with it in .40 cal.
My CZs will feed anything I’ve ever given them, so that’s an interesting data point. I’d want to see just what the ACME Bullet coating is.
Ooh, they don’t have any in stock at the moment, but my normal supplier is listing the Syntech 9mm at $209 for a case with free delivery.