“‘A loaf of bread,’ the Walrus said, ‘is what we chiefly need….’” —Lewis Carroll
My grandmother, whom I’ve talked about here before, made every loaf of bread her family ever consumed. She was 96 when she died and still baking bread right up until the last couple months of her life. Being the grandchild most like her, and the lucky student of much of her practical homesteading knowledge, I’ve been baking bread since I was a child of about five1.
jesse.in.mb and I regularly chat about bread. We aren’t crazy-obsessed bread bakers, but we’re both always experimenting and sharing our tasty results with the other Founders lucky enough to reside near (or with) us2.
One of our common loves is sourdough.
Sourdough starter has been used as a leavening agent for bread since even before OMWC was in short pants.
Recently, sourdough has been enjoying a bit of a renaissance. The New York Times3 did a nice article a couple years ago, which includes several recipes.Sourdough starter can be used for so many things! Bread, of course, but also pancakes, waffles, crepes, muffins, cookies, cakes, tortillas, hushpuppies, pizza dough, crackers, and even noodles.
While baking multiple loaves of bread this past weekend, I started wondering if anyone else among the Glibertariat is a sourdough baker4. As each starter is unique depending on composition and kitchen of origin, I’d love to start a sourdough starter exchange sometime. Any takers?
- sourdough wheat by SP
- sourdough white sandwich loaf by SP
- sourdough what-in-the-name-of-all-that-is-holy-is-this-abomination by jesse.in.mb
- sourdough something made by jesse.in.mb who used to be a friend of mine
1. So almost 4 years now!
2. We also share our baking photos with those far away, just to torment them a little.
3. Sometimes the NYT isn’t completely evil.
4. And also why so few of the Glibs are submitting recipes. Link at top of page!
Click images to enlarge.
I don’t know how to bake Bread, but I love Sourdough! Guess I’ll have to learn 🙂
I’ll be Damned, this Sourdough thing is pretty cool, I must do this!
So easy! That round loaf doesn’t require kneading or a stand mixer even.
Where are the recipes? I only see submissions
People sometimes post them. I didn’t want to go to the trouble of posting mine if people weren’t interested.
I think there is a recipe for no knead sourdough loaf on the sidebar of that NYT article I linked.
I saw that, good piece for the NYT, I’m thinking of cheating and buying some OTS starter from Walmart right now, and begin, Thanks for the wonderful Post!
Nothing wrong with purchasing starter. It will quickly become a unique thing if you keep it up. I have a couple/few different compositions.
In other words *removes sunglasses* there’s no knead to make your own starter.
This has sabotaged my efforts at GlibFit. You do understand that?
Well avoid the butter at least
Hey, not my fault if you voluntarily associate with the baked goods. Nobody is holding you at gunpoint.
Baked goods are worse than guns!
Nobody needs more than 6 net carbs per serving
I’m game for an exchange, though I’ll need some shipping tips on how to keep the culture alive.
This is a good time of year for it. It can be sent in a jar with lots of extra room, or dried and then sent.
so you’re gonna exchange microbes with each other?
Sounds kinky
Shit, there is literally a Tweet for everything
Donald J. Trump
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SP’s bread pizza looks delicious. Unlike the cardboard pizza that UnCivil eats. SAD!
I don’t see any pizza bread. Unless you’ve mistaken that jalapeno pineapple ham bread for it.
No, can’t be it, that alt text clearly labels that as Jesse’s work.
SP is VERY anti-Hawaiian-style pizza. That paired with all the kvetching about it on here yesterday or the day before really solidified what I’d be submitting when she put out a call for sourdough baked good pics.
I have no trouble eating things that I won’t label as pizza. I do not understand the semantic grounds on which people exclude pineapple as a topping – whether they don’t like the taste, or if it’s the principle of the thing. My principle says that bread base is too thick to cound as pizza. Topped bread I suppose is the closest description. I wouldn’t throw it away though.
Yeah, I had some scaling issues for the size of pan I was working with.
Ah well, next time I’ll reserve 30-50% of the dough and do a za’atar flatbread with it the next day.
In Italy pizza is made with bread..
In Italy, Pizza is not made.
You’re thinking focaccia which is not *pizza* in Italy, but more like ‘pizza bread’. Pizza is different in different parts of Italy. The one most familiar in the US has a very thin and crunchy crust. It makes NYC pizza seem like deep dish
Pizza crust is not supposed to be crunchy. If you can’t fold it in half lengthwise, you’re doing it wrong.
Take it up with the Italians
My wife went to Rome with my family on a cruise (I had just started a new job and stayed home) and she was telling me about the pizza. She doesn’t like a bready pizza, since she doesn’t really like bread for some strange reason, but she loved what she got in Rome. She said the places she saw had long, rectangular pizzas on a thin, crisp crust, and you’d pay by length.
If you visit NYC, Bill, there’s a place in Midtown that make their pizzas like that.
Naples 45 which is in the MetLife building on 45th at Park. It’s a bit noisy and echoic in there, but the pizza is worth it.
you’d pay by length.
“And then the Amedican girl, she is saying I am to be asking ‘who ordered the large sausage?'”
99 Cents Fresh Pizza or GTFO.
Ack- NYC has no good pizza. The Italian style pizza is made at Forno Rosso in Chicago and boasts some kind of certification from Naples, which only a handful of restaurants in the US have or something
And let’s not forget Spacca Napoli in Ravenswood.
Oddly enough, the other place we found true Neapolitan pizza was in Belgrade, MT, right outside of Bozeman. At a strip mall.
You should check out the first episode of Ugly Delicious on Netflix, it has an interesting take on that pizza certification,
I went to Naples (i.e. Napoli) 2 years ago. They use pizza dough. It’s about the same as any decent dough in the US excluding Chicago.
Such a Glib! 😉
Your jib, I appreciate the cut of it.
Nancy Pelosi
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@realDonaldTrump is wrong to suggest that UnCivil’s cardboard pizza is not good. I support all cardboard pizza!
Just Say’n, if you learned how to operate a box, it’d stop tasing like cardboard.
I’m just relaying the message. Don’t come after my box skills
Step 1 – Open the box.
Step 2 – remove slice of pizza from box
Step 3 – Consume slice of pizza, not the box
I thought step one is “Cut a hole in the box.”
We need commonsense restrictions on high-capacity boxes.
These euphemisms.
Just like The Donald to get it wrong. That’s jesse.in.mb’s creation!
*considers banning Donald*
Well to be fair, I can see how he might have made that mistake.
The Donald is fundamentally opposed to alt text.
I have no desire to learn to bake bread, mostly because I would end up having to wash myself with a rag on a stick.
It wasn’t so bad once I got the hang of it. Now I have my orphans do it for me.
Do you have coworkers? I eat very little of what I bake, but leave out baked goods and usually butter for the staff at work. It makes them more pliable when I need them to take care of things for me and minimally impacts my waistline.
Also makes them fat and you thin bi comparison
thin bi comparison
Pie absolutely gets it. Also that sounds like a ’90s Czech porn title.
It took me way to long to figure out what that meant.
I still have no idea.
He doesn’t want to get so fat he can’t reach his nethers without the use of tools.
Even as a fat bastard, I’ve never been that fat.
Yeah, that’s like gargantuan fat. I’m 270 and require no instruments to bathe myself.
Figured you would post that or Lisa’s dream sequence with”mama’s reaching stick. “
I’ve wanted to do sourdough, but the multi day effort to get it started and keep alive has always stopped me. I’m really lazy and generally keep to baking variations on a no knead recipe I got from a book.
Maybe I should give it a go. Gas station fumes add more flavor right?
I have trouble with yeast-leavened doughs. I’d rather mix something, transfer it to a pan and put it into the oven.
You could do sourdough easily! See my comment to Yusef.
That’s why I do the no knead stuff. I just leave the dough in the fridge for a day before I bake it.
It’s not as complicated or time consuming as people would have you believe.
An easy way to dip your toe in is to not clean the bowl between batches of no-knead, or to reserve a chunk of the no-knead dough to add to the next batch. The commercial yeast will largely overwhelm the wild stuff, but you’ll start getting a noticeable increase in complexity of flavor just from the additional culturing.
Many bread recipes reward you for leaving them the hell alone. It’s tempting to tinker, but often, you’ll overwork the dough.
I have never tried to bake. It seems to pretty technical. I have a bread maker at my house that my wife makes bread with from time to time. I don’t think she has ever made sourdough. I’ll see if I can’t talk her into it.
I got started with a bread machine, but became unsatisfied with the results pretty quickly. Using the bread machine in dough mode, stretching the dough out of the pan and then baking it in the oven instead of in the bread machine makes a huge difference.
Would a crock pot work? the NYT article seemed to imply Yes..
yes, it works. I’ve only done it once (not with sourdough just yeast-leavened no-knead bread). You still need to put it in the oven afterward if you want a crust.
I had a Panasonic bread machine which was pretty good, and made reasonable loaves that were far better than store bought with not a lot of effort. And that was my downfall. The family spent 6-8 months gorging on all sorts of 8/10 cottage style loaves and home made pizza. That could not persist.
Gave the machine away to the neighbors who have 7 hungry-all-the-time kids, and we bake our own from time to time.
Piece of cake. Or bread.
Baking requires precision, which is why I love to cook but hate to bake. I experiment all the time when I cook and generally use recipes for inspiration or a starting point rather than as strict instructions. When I tried that with baking, the results were…..not ideal. You can’t just throw in a dash of this and a pinch of that on a whim and bake something edible.
That’s actually WHY I started baking. My free-form cooking game is on point, but my following directions game…not so much. Although as soon as you get decent at baking by recipe you start going “well why the fuck shouldn’t I throw a half cup of soaked amaranth in there!?” and things still work out ok.
Ah, so you were trying to develop some culinary discipline. I guess I can see what you’re saying – once you have the basics of baking down, as far as the minimum requirements to make a plain bread, you can then get creative.
Exactly this.
I’ve got enough cash to get within about 10 kilometers of my house by taxi. Suppose I could stop off for some bread, but then I gotta walk another 2 or 3 kilometers.
You been drinking, salaryman?
Yep. I’m walking. Looking at 3 hours. Credit card and the wife will kill me. Got some music?
I walked 3 miles to and from work yesterday, and was listening to Bob Dylan “Bringing It All Back Home”. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLo2Z_3MVBlJIacXA-u4Seqx1LxefdLttE
Safe travels, my amigo.
Thanks. Started raining at least. Fuck.
Sounds like the beginning of Straff and the Giant Beanstock.
My famly always bakwd with store bought yeast so no sourdough starter. I have some Borș starter though. Real sour
Borș starter
If it’s a live culture based on wheat bran you could probably add a bit in at the start of the bread making process and get something fun.
Actually if you dont have the starter you can use some bread or yeast but people say the first batch or two taste not quite right
I’d be really curious to know how that did in a bread dough. Also what’s the relationship there to something like kvass, isn’t that roughly fermented soaked bread?
*puts American ignorance of other cultures on full display*
well kvass tastes quite different and it is slightly alcoholic. There is a fermented beverage in Romania of Turkish origin called Bragă. Maybe because borș is made of just bran it ferments differently
well there is drinking bors as well, made special. It has purportedly probiotic characteristics and also has electrolytes . Also not unlike sour pickle juice – especially from brine pickles like cucumbers or cabage, bors is drunk as a hangover helper.
Flour, water, salt, starter.
Honey whole wheat.
My kids kept a sourdough starter for about 9 months last year, and we baked many loaves
Good, I’m not the only one who forms pizza into the shape of SugarFree’s pancreas.
You’re supposed to take the oil out of the olives and just use the oil.
Why would anyone think you like bland food?
Olives are not food, they’re oil precursors.
I have a mouthfeel issue with olives.
Those all look great!
Thanks, but I’ve never been able to get ears like you did in that picture.
My dough is usually out of the fridge after a long cold ferment just long enough for the oven to heat up (with a dutch oven in it) to 420F (215 in Canadian). I slash pretty deeply, and lower the dough in on a sheet of parchment and add quite a bit of water so the bread is steaming for the first ~15-20 minutes. Then I take the lid off and will pull the whole thing out of the dutch oven and just bake it in the open oven if it doesn’t crisp up enough.
Pretty close to what I do, but I use a hotter oven, 450, and don’t add extra water. Bake for 30 minutes, then remove the lid and finish for 15-20 without lowering oven temp. I don’t tend to slash no knead breads.
What Jesse said!
I just got some sourdough starter from Amazon last week. Then, my wife came back from her doctors appointment and declared we were going Paleo. Today is one week in of just meat and veggies. No potatoes, no rice, no pasta, and for gods sake no home baked sourdough bread.
Dinner last night: spaghetti squash tossed with parmesan, garlic, butter, sausage, mushrooms, scallions, and spinach. Tonight: stewed pork and cabbage and whatever else I feel like.
If you get back to it, let me know. I can always bring a jar of starter to the next drinking event.
Let me know if you ever make it to our neck of the woods – we have “lots” of baking toys.
He’s a super fun houseguest! His pita baking skills may have improved by then, too.
Not unfair, but hurtful!
My whole wheat sourdough pitas puff just fine and have that nice chewiness you get from pita at local restaurants in Israel.
Well? When should I expect the FedEx delivery?
No bread for me since I went keto. Don’t miss it much except as a vehicle for sandwiches and pizza.
What do you mop bacon grease and egg yolks up with?
I just lick the plate.
Wait a minute, mister. Are you saying you gave up pizza?!
*flexes her banning muscles*
I tried that cauliflower crust nonsense and it’s monstrous. Every once in a while (2-3x/year) I’ll cheat and have pizza. It’s so delicious, then I feel sick for the next 24 hours.
Fathead crust still works.
In-N-Out Burger. Protein style. And I no longer miss bread.
I don’t eat bread, so have to hijack the thread with other interesting news.
Apparently, Alexis is possessed
Why would anyone want a 4″ tall commie in their house anyway?
Alexa isn’t laughing because it wants to kill you. It’s laughing because you were silly enough to voluntarily agree to be spied upon.
Not just that, but PAID to be spied on.
Don’t worry. I’m providing counter espionage by giving Alexa access to my browser history. I predict 30 percent suicide rate by the end of the year.
“Alexa, please read the latest piece by Mr. Sugarfree to me.”
My name is Talky Tina and I’m going to kill you.
*begins shuddering uncontrollably while reliving a nightmare*
That video says the laugh was random, but yet they were taking video of it? Sure, people just sit around taking videos of their Alexas all day.
Just like those realities shows when someone shows up unannounced, but is wearing a mic.
Well, the meaning of the word ‘random’ has mutated somewhat in the last couple of decades when used in normie conversation.
I did sourdough for a while, the girlfriend made lots of English Muffins with the starter.
Because delicious!
English muffins with butter + fried eggs = heaven.
Eggs benedict + smoked salmon over English muffins, peasant!
The interesting bit to me was that you don’t bake English Muffins, instead they’re pan fried. I never would have thought that. As for the girlfriend… she is unfortunately defective when it comes to certain things. She does not like hollandaise sauce, nor ham (or Canadian bacon). I’m slowly breaking her out of her ((breakfast)) upbringing to real food, her trying biscuits and gravy was a win for me.
There’s always lemon and dill sauce, unless her revulsion is the texture. Canadian bacon is optional. The less she eats, the more for you.
fried eggs + bisuits and gravy + beef hash (corned is best, but it’s all good) = food of the gods.
I can’t imagine why I’m a fat fucker!
I may say that a good pork belly hash can beat a corned beef hash, but I’ll eat either of them. Of course, being in Ohio, it means that the limits of good biscuits and gravy are home made. FFS, one of the local breakfast places coats their biscuits in sugar and caramelizes them, That works fine for a stand alone biscuit (although I generally prefer savory to sweet), but it really doesn’t work for biscuits and gravy.
Cincinasty is close enough to Kentucky that you can find some decent biscuits there in my experience.
True, but I’m on the other side of the state, up in Cleveland (although the abomination that is Cincinnati style “chili” has made its way up here). I’ll be down in Tennessee in a couple of weeks for work, so I’ll get to indulge soon.
I never saw English muffins during my 5 years in the UK. I saw crumpets that sort of looked like English muffins. They were good toasted and with butter. But they weren’t cut down the middle.
English muffins were invented in New York.
Crumpets are similar, but not the same. Here’s the sourdough English muffin recipe we used.
As ALatW says, English Muffins are an American invention.
Crumpets and the typically thinner pikelets are a very old snack in the UK, but really, all they are is a sophisticated butter deployment machine. Some regions have them with jelly (=jam) but they’re pure carb wickedness, just like yorkshire pudding.
A few people have already mentioned biscuits & gravy, which is the southern US version of absolute carb evil. Or as Warty likes to say, fat person food.
Greatest diet advice ever:
“If you don’t want to be a fat fuck, don’t eat fat fuck food.”
Speaking of sour dough
Funny, didn’t we just have a whole hullabaloo about how Silicon Valley is a sexually exploitative dudebro culture in which women have to prostitute themselves at wild sex parties in order to advance? How does that fit in with the passive, asexual beta image? Or is it both? I guess whichever casts women as the victim more efficiently for a particular moment.
I think I like her though:
I’ve come across her tweets before. Not the only thing I’d like to com … aaah, n/m
Actually, I wouldn’t be surprised if there wasn’t some level of both. Think about the kind of guys the whole #metoo shitshow has been pulling out from under rocks. Harvey Weinstein, Kevin Spacey, Matt Lauer, Louis C.K. We aren’t talking about a cornucopia of testosterone here.
How does that fit in with the passive, asexual beta image?
It fits perfectly. The asexual beta image is an image put on young men of a certain socioeconomic class (note – not lower class). Its an image generated by ideology and not acknowledgement of human nature. The young men get smothered – by mothers, the school system, the legal system, etc and are prevented from doing dangerous thing that lead to natural senses of self understanding and power. The pop out of the end of the education system having the mentality of a beat dog, suddenly is positions of authority and respect.
But they didn’t spend 20 years learning how to handle the responsibility of that kind of power. Put power into the hands of a whipped dog, and you are going to get a man who puts on the image of a passive, asexual beta male but who acts like petty little tyrants.
Vader was the perfect villian for the Boomers, selling out to the man while abandoning what is important. Kylo Renn is the perfect villian for this generation, immature and unstable enough to lash out at anything and everything once he gets a little bit of power.
AKA: “I was a nerd in high school who didn’t get laid and now that I’ve got money and power I’m exacting my revenge!”
+1 mask & moon bounce
What he said. I tried to say sort of the same thing. But, he said it purddier.
Since this is a food post– I have a chuck roast I was going to throw into the slow-cooker. Anyone have a recipe they want to share? I normally do a basic pot roast, but if anyone’s got a good twist or just something that turns out really well?
A coworker made this and while I find it conceptually revolting…I could put away a ton of it if left in a room with it.
Looks like a local Argentinian restaurant serves as Ropa Viejas.
Another revolting concept that turns out rather nicely…..using Coke in the pot. I do chuck roast in the instant pot for about 40 minutes on high pressure. I put it on the rack so it doesn’t boil (good enough, wdalasio?), with about 2 cups of Coke and whatever seasonings you’re in the mood for. You can be lazy and just use dried onion soup mix, or come up with something else (can’t really go wrong with sage, thyme, and garlic plus some chopped onions). When it’s done, you can use the liquid to make gravy if that’s your kind of thing.
I’ve done hams with Coke. Pretty good results.
good enough, wdalasio?
It probably helps. But, I can’t see it getting a nice crisp skin with that technique. And the roasted fat is some of the funnest stuff to pick off the roast while it’s sitting.
Sorry if I came off as harsh.
I’ll see your Coke and raise you one Dr. Pepper.
My twist? Don’t boil a roast. Stab it a bunch of times and fill the holes with garlic pieces, coat the whole think in garlic, pepper, rosemary and a little oregano. And roast the damned thing like the name of the meat says you’re supposed to.
If you boil meat, the terrorists win.
Aren’t you…English?
Just because that’s what they put on my Birth Certificate, doesn’t mean that’s how I identify, shitlord!
And terrorism in England is doing just fine, QED.
No love for corned beef?
Corned beef in a pressure cooker or corck pot is FAR superior in flavor to boiled, which removes the flavor and the salt.
*checks link*
from plain beef? That’s not a substantial value add.
Oh, and don’t drown it in water in the slow cooker. That takes away the salt and the flavor.
Just made that night before last – Aldi had a great sale, $1.99/lb. Loaded up the freezer with em. Can’t make it too often, though, because the kids only eat it very grudgingly. The wife and I love it, though.
Thank God the Irish brought corned beef to New York where some reasonable ((people)) started steaming it instead of washing all the flavor out by boiling it.
The Irish didn’t eat it, Corned beef was a commercial product for export.
I don’t know where the fool idea of boiling it came from, but more or less any other preparation method has better color and flavor than boiling.
My understanding is that it wasn’t a commonly eaten dish in Ireland on account of meat being so much more expensive there, but when poor Irishmen became poor Americans, they could suddently afford meat and prepared it in the style they understood from the old world. In this case, making corned meat (note the use of “corn” to mean salting, a term originating in the British Isles).
Same thing happened with every greasy wop making meatballs and sausage and pork ribs and bresaola in tomato sauce for Sunday gravy every week, like my family.
I’ll guess boiling comes from dealing with salted meat, as ALatW says below. My further guess is that where you see boiling as a common method for preparing meat it’s typically poorer people dealing with awful cuts of meat, or making stews and soups to make it stretch further.
Pastrami also has a different seasoning profile. Lots of mustard and coriander.
Um…. That is WAY too much curing salt for that amount of beef. 1 tsp per 5lbs. No more, no less.
“How hot and wet do you like it?”
“How dry do you want it?”
I agree with wdalasio. Rub the thing down with whatever kind of spices you enjoy, maybe inject it with beef broth or something else you like and then roast it. Pull it out of the oven when the internal temp is 145 and let it stand 15 minutes or so before slicing.
Catch the drippings and make an Au Jus, and serve with some sort of bread and you should be golden.
Also, mashed potatoes. because mashed potatoes are superior to all other types of potatoes.
I’d take it out a little earlier because I like my roast beef rare. Aside from that, I can’t disagree with a thing you’re saying.
Mashed potatoes prepared with a health dollop of horseradish… Mmmm.
sour cream, cream cheese, chives, bacon, cheese, butter
I pit all kinds of stuff in mashed potatoes. It’s all good.
Boil a few cloves of garlic with the potatoes (Yukon Gold or Russet), then use a ricer, not a masher. Stir in a ton of good butter, salt, and heavy cream.
A good variant is to roast the potatoes rather than boil them, because you get a very subtle roasty flavor.
You’re welcome.
Alternatively, go French and use a food mill instead of a ricer, mix in a stick of butter per pound, and then if you’re feeling very fancy push the results through a fine sieve or chinois. Once through, use a whisk to whip in heavy cream until you have something preternaturally smooth with the consistency of a kind of heavy mousse. This is actually my favorite way to do them (I’m a sucker for classic French cooking), but it takes longer and the rest of my family is more into the casual, “home-style” version above.
*guiltily pours flakes into sauce pan*
I’ll try the roasting thing with some real taters sometime.
I disagree with everyone here. Chuck is great braised, barbecued low-and-slow, or sous vide low-and-slow. But not great as rare or medium roast beef.
this guy gets it.
Back when I lived in a meat household (*sigh*) I used to do it the way I did carne adovada. Put it in the Crockpot, pour a large amount of homemade (New Mexican) red chile (sauce) over it and let it go until falling apart. Make burritos or just serve with rice.
I’m assuming you meant carne asada, but now I want to try carne avocado.
I was going to say something, realize you were snarking and now really want to make vindaloo the Indian by way of Portugal cousin of adobo
Goat Vindaloo?
At my favorite hole-in-the-wall Indian food stall in Venice? Absolutely. I’m not goat-savvy enough to attempt at home.
I hear you need experience with goat to do it right. It’s not a beginner meat.
It’s in the selection, I believe.
Once they get to a certain size, you have to cook the bejaysus out of goat to make it tender – just like mutton.
I hear you need experience with goat to do it right.
I will defer to you on the right way to do a goat.
I have no experience with caprids. I’m sure I’ll get there eventually. For now I’ll let others prepare them for me.
I cook a lot of antelope, which I think is in the same family as goats. Being that I kill them myself, it has more to do with how quickly the carcass is dressed and the quarters put on ice. However, the meat is so lean, and their diet is so high in sagebrush that it’s definitely an acquired taste. TBH, I prefer it either ground and in chili or made into sausage with some pork added in to fatten it up a bit.
If everyone’s really nice to me, I might put my grandmother’s recipe for red sauce up here sometime. Closely guarded Q family secret…
That came from the back of a ragu jar?
It’s red chile sauce and I’m not actually sure where she got it; though it wouldn’t surprise me if she copied from somewhere. If so, she took the secret to the grave so I choose to believe it’s one of a kind!
I’m obsessive about noting where recipes in my box came from…and when I got older I realized why, my grandmother is the same way. She has her cheesecake recipe neatly hand written with notes and stapled to the back of it is the Women’s Day article from 1979 where she originally got it. She does attribution like tumblr.
I keep my crock pot roasts pretty dry, throw in some root vegetables and Guinness along with a handful of herbs.
The family like vegetables that absorb most of the resulting stock, but don’t break up – so rutabaga and carrot work well there. I usually put a little potato in there so that as the potato breaks up, it thickens whatever remaining liquid is in there.
I got a USDA Choice chuck roast at Target the other day. Wasn’t looking for it or anything; it was an impulse buy.
I rubbed it with undiluted Minor’s beef base and held it at 135 for 3 hours. When it was time to serve, I drained it and seared in the oven at 500 for 10 minutes.
Thin slice and serve with mashed potatoes or garlic egg noodles.
There were no leftovers.
What are you looking for?
You can do a lot with a chuck braise.
I like to heat up some olive oil in a Dutch oven and get the outside of the meat all brown, then remove the meat to a plate and saute a bunch of mirepoix, garlic, and a few anchovies (optional, but adds a lot of flavor, and not an overpowering fishy flavor like some people imagine). Then I toss the meat back in, pour in some inexact combination of red wine and beef broth, add some herbs, put the lid on, and place the Dutch oven in the regular oven for a few hours. When it’s tender enough, I remove the meat to a plate again and take a stick blender to the contents, making it into sort of a gravy. I might boil it on the stove a bit to reduce it a bit if it’s too liquidy. I then put the meat back in and simmer it for a few minutes, then dish out a big chunk of meat and a ladle full of the sauce onto some polenta. Grate some Romano cheese over the top if you want to get fancy.
If you’re not using a smoker you have failed at life.
I’ve had good luck with an Italian recipe. Basically, season the roast as you’d like with salt, pepper, garlic, maybe some thyme. Stick it in the crock pot. In a pan, heat up a tablespoon or two of tomato paste, then mix in stewed tomatoes, smushing liberally, and some decent red wine. Let it cook together for a bit, then dump it in the crock pot.
This is originally a braise, which is how I prefer doing it, but there’s no reason you couldn’t do it in a slow-cooker. The key is the acid in the wine and the tomatoes tenderizes the hell out of the meat, so you can skate by with cheaper cuts.
And it’s not ready yet??
She’s only 7. It hasn’t taken that long…
I’m not a huge bread guy, and don’t care for baking. I’d rather take that time to get meat to taste really good than bother with puffed wheat sponges.
It’s not “or” my man. I eat and drink everything. There is a great big world out there and some of it’s bad, but a lot of it is good. Dive in head long and hit the gym after.
Yeah, but you could have 2 steaks and zero breads.
But…then I wouldn’t have any bread. I’d rather try something new and not like it, than have the same meal over and over.
Yes, new ways to flavor meat.
Bread and meat compliment one another.
It’s like you have never had a sandwich, dude.
Yes, there is a place for bread to hold together handheld foods, the bread is just a delivery system for the good stuff.
I like sandwiches before 2pm.
Had a Philly cheesesteak yesterday, in fact.
I miss cheesesteaks.
Don’t you sneak out at night after drugging him, to get your weekly ration of White Castle?
Bread is for hookers and sailors.
… don’t forget the orphans!
My orphans get crap Wonder Bread, not the delicious homemade sourdough.
Real men eat salads.
Salads aren’t food.
Salads are what food eats.
“You’d give money to a pregnant slut but not to starving genius”
That just about killed me.
Um…whom are you talking too?
I don’t see any sluts around here.
Last time I did the trek home on foot, you gave me so great walking music.
Now that I’ve stopped drinking, I can’t remember what I did when I was drinking.
*Raises hand* Ooo, ooo, ooo, pick me!
You, the gentleman with the “I heart boobs hat”
I <3 ( . ) . )
Audiobook. Gotta admit it’s a pretty good line.
Don’t know if all devices and browsers can view it, but a quick clip of one of my starters about an hour after being fed:
It’s Alive, Jim!
Looks like one of the SFX from a 1960’s Hammer Horror movie.
That looks pretty cool
I love sourdough and most other bread bores me. Semi-OT.
I was traveling to Bangkok on a regular basis for work for about a year and staying in the Conrad. One night at the hotel bar i got in a conversation with the hotel baker and he said he make me anything I wanted for breakfast the next morning. I asked for sourdough and he immediately demurred saying “Anything else, because I tried sourdough and the Asians would not eat it so my bosses put it off limits. That breaks my heart because I am from the bay area and grew up with good sourdough.” We commiserated over our drinks about that sad fact, then I made my request……. The next morning I had fresh pan d’ chocolate waiting for me with 4 sticks of chocolate instead of the usual two.
Professional gender reassignment?
Or chess tournaments?
LOL… One point for Gustave. But neither reason supposed.
OK. Time for the first meal of the day.
See if I can muster enough willpower to not have bread with this soup.
If I can enjoy my chile verde without rice or tortillas, you can do it, too.
I have been trying to make Chile Verde for 3 weeks damnit but I can’t find Tomatillos anywhere.
Why do I have to live in the whitest part of the damned state
I was reflecting while I was making it that it is really quite incredible that I can get them all winter in Minnesota.
Where is your tomatillo desert?
Kent Island/Annapolis Md
Sometimes I can find “fresh” Tomatillos but never enough for Chile Verde and I actually prefer to used canned for this application
Why canned?
because I don’t find it results in a difference in flavor and it is a hell of a lot easier to deal with, especially since my immersion blender died
Ah, gotcha.
I had a donut and a Red Bull for breakfast. That’s a meal, right?
Black coffee at 7AM.
Bowl of soup NO BREAD for lunch. Total calories for the day? about 240.
Did you ever go for the Clen?
I’m going to see just how far I can get unassisted.
I have to get into a routine and then I’ll start seriously looking at Yohimbine HCl as an appetite suppressant. I tried it a few times last month, and I got to 7.5mg and didn’t have any ill-effects, but I also didn’t detect any appetite suppression.
I’ll do the same thing again starting next week, under a more-controlled regime. If it doesn’t work, I’ll source a different brand. If that doesn’t work I’ll abandon the research.
Clen would represent an escalation that I don’t think I need yet. Plus, we only decorated the bedroom about a year ago, and I don’t feel like doing it again.
Intermittent fasting, or you just skip breakfast?
I’m going to try and either skip breakfast or go for a milk+casein shake for breakfast.
I’m not going to adopt a keto lifestyle, but I figure if I can suppress carbs for as long as possible thru’ the day, and when I do start taking consuming carbs, their GL is low, then I should be able to realize some weight loss without that much hardship.
I don’t know if you can get it where you live, but I drink a shake with heavy cream, Slimfast Advanced Nutrition (vitamins/minerals/flavor; almost no carbs), Isopure Low Carb (ingredient list: whey, anti-clumping agent. that’s it), splenda, water, and sometimes peanut butter powder. Like 4 g carbs, 25 g protein, variable calories depending on how much cream you use. The fat from the cream keeps my full. Would recommend.
I use whole milk and unflavored casein, sometimes throw in 20% half-and half for the same reason you use the cream. Casein because it digests slower than whey. And then when feeling cheaty, a spoon of chocolate nesquick (yeah, it has a bit of sugar in it).
12-16 oz of that will normally keep me operational until noon.
I don’t know what to call it diet wise, but about 9 months ago I went to eating one meal a day and have gone from 225 to a little under 200. I guess it’s a form of fasting. It’s been working.
Pattern of consumption+portion sizing.
My real problem is portion sizing and the “clean your plate” mentality that I grew up with (edits out sob story about deprived, food desert upbringing).
I figure that if I can train myself to develop a 300 calorie/day deficit, and can stay on that, eventually I’ll get to where I need to be. The recent changes in my life mean that I should be able to break some habits I used to have (eating a late breakfast at 10.30, sized on the basis that I might not get time to eat at lunchtime, and then eating lunch) and I just have to make sure that the habits that displace them are better, and not worse.
If you can go keto, it works. The first couple of weeks suck balls though.
Well, it’s the ‘if’ that concerns me. If I start needing to travel around a lot, it becomes a bit tougher. Just “avoiding carbs” isn’t anywhere near as effective as “going keto”, and even that’ll be hard enough I’m on the go for the bulk of the time.
Steak and salad are available almost everywhere. The ability to comfortably fast for 16 hours makes it easy to deal with the unhealthy food nightmare of the airports.
Travel makes it tougher, but it is still doable. I also suggest supplementing potassium and magnesium when you go hardcore low carb. It seems to help the shitty feelings as your body gets used to it.
True, it’s not friendly to travel. But if you can get your body adjusted, you can consume carbs occasionally without problems. It’s all about getting your system to burn the fats efficiently.
OMAD – One Meal A Day. Purported to keep you in fat burning mode longer because sugar doesn’t hit your blood as often, meaning that you are in insulin depression for more time. Actually works because most people can’t or don’t eat 2300 calories in one meal.
All weight loss is a result of calorie deficits. Successful diets work because focusing on whatever the diet demands leads you to eat a deficit in calories.
Some diets have nice side effects, too. Keto is, as far as I understand, the big winner with its ability to smooth out spikes and dips in energy level, its antiinflamitory effects, and reversal of Type II diabetes. Veganism is last, with its demand that you wear stupid-ass shoes.
If I can enjoy my chile verde without rice or tortillas, you can do it, too.
That’s just crazy talk!
OT: This was posted in Morning Lynx and I’m posting it again because it’s so damn good.
His hand shaking makes him seem on the verge of loosing it though.
I just listened to it in the background, he seemed to keep it together pretty well in his voice; he must’ve either been really nervous or really angry.
My impression is the latter. A few of the Democrats in the House were saying that Second Amendment supporters were the equivalent of Nazis, responsible for dead kids, etc. If you have people you know and work with say that to your face about you, I can see why you might get a little pissed.
I like him calling out the Dems for the terrible history of their party on civil rights.
It’s Alive, Jim!
My wife is coeliac, and she makes sourdough bread every week — because if you make it proper old-school, the micro-organisms consume all the gluten! I try to keep my carbs low, so I eat a thin slice slathered in Griebenschmalz.
Glibs HQ would like to point out, once again, that nothing you read on Glibertarians.com is intended to be medical advice, nor should it be taken as such.
So you’re saying I should take the advice SF gave me about horse suppositories as a sexual aid?
You’ve been talking about figging with him, I see.
A quid of tobacco has the same effect – in horses anyway.
So a friend told me.
Is this a real thing?
I’m led to believe that it truly is a ‘thing’. In humans, I’d suspect it’s far safer than tobacco.
+1 Thank You For Smoking patch scene
“The root can also be applied directly to the clitoris or inserted into the urethra. ”
I wish I would’ve known that before I started following HM’s advice. Now I’m a quadruple amputee.
Ummmm, I’d be careful about tossing that out there. Some people with difficulties with wheat and wheat byproducts tolerate true sourdough very well, but for those with diagnosed celiac disease experts still recommend avoiding gluten-bearing foods. While the lactose:yogurt::gluten:sourdough is an appealing analogy, gluten isn’t destroyed by the long fermentation process or else there’d be no structure to the loaf.
I had a look at the literature. Looks like the gluten is pretty well degraded. The study from Bari reported the gluten content reduced from ~80,000ppm to ~8ppm and the glutenins were reduced to traces. So there is still exposure to trace gluten. Hard to believe the integrity of the loaf is totally dependent on those 8 ppm though.
In any case when my wife hits gluten she acts like she’s on heroin without the euphoria. She tolerates our sourdough just fine.
The studies I’ve seen that most directly talks about sourdough production specifically degrading gluten content enough to be safe for celiac disease sufferers refers to industrial precision fermentation (I believe this is the Bari article to which you refer). The Bari article also notes that tests without specially selected starter microorganisms was showing something like 6000ppm for gluten, which is well over the 200ppm considered “gluten free” (even at that point you’re having structural issues (one of the reasons sourdough is often a low, flat loaf). Other studies point out that by the time you’ve destroyed enough gluten to be safe you’ve also defeated the purpose of using wheat flour because the bread won’t stay together. In some cases Celiac is used as a catch-all term for a range of intolerances to digestive components including a family of polysaccharides, which is where low FODMAP diets come in, and that seems to be where sourdough as a safe option comes into play.
In fact if you get down to the Bread Making section in the Bari article you see:
Yes ours is a low flat loaf.
Again if she’s tolerating it well, fantastic, but the literature does not support an assertion that a traditional wheat sourdough bread is low enough in gluten to be explicitly celiac safe. The reports that it is are a combination of lazy science reporting and anecdotes from people who were diagnosed with symptoms consistent with celiac disease, but probably not actually being intolerant to the gluten protein themselves but rather fellow travelers in wheat.
If you break down gluten enough to be celiac safe you end up with a batter cake instead of a loaf and need structuring agents just like you would with non-wheat bread flour alternatives. To turn back to the yogurt comparison, fermenting for ~24 hours creates a yogurt that is likely safe for those who are lactose intolerant, but doesn’t do anything for those who are A1-casein sensitive.
Kmele Foster will be on the Federalist Radio Hour. I’ll tune in just to hear Kmele talk without being interrupted by Moynihan
I just got back from Staters with a sourdough mix, which is currently rising, I should be finished by Dinner!
next is English Muffins..
I think we can conclude that a lunchtime submission on something as mundane as “our daily bread” does indeed attract interest.
Guess who made it home. Almost 20 kilometers stumbling drunk. Hehehe. Wife didn’t lock me out, so that’s good. Also, I’d love to be eating that pineapple and jalapeno pizza Jesse made right now.
Are you sure you’re in the right house?
Don’t be a buzzkill dude
This is not my beautiful wife.
But it could be for a low down payment and 36 EZ monthly payments!
I need to get back to baking bread. I love the stuff, and I had a really good routine where I’d take a day and do a couple sandwich loaves and a few baguettes. My oven is a little bit crap, though, but I still got pretty decent results. As with many things I did pre-toddler, though, it’s fallen by the wayside due to lack of time and hazard avoidance.
hazard avoidance
When my kid was about 3, one of his favorite dishes was a tofu stir-fry I’d make him. I think he must have eaten that 8 times a week. One day, I had drained the block of tofu, left it and the chef’s knife on the cutting board while I got some things ready on the stove. I turned around and… there was my 3 year old with the 10″ super sharp chef’s knife in his hand. I yelled, “WHAT ARE YOU DOING? GIVE THAT BACK TO ME!” He smiled, handed it back to me and pointed to the cutting board. The tofu was cut into perfect cubes.
No one kneads 20 kinds of bread.
No, but that sounds good. It was pure inside joke for the Founders.
Do you guys really refer to yourselves as the Founders? If so, I’ll buy your first single.
Sounds kinda creepy, like this place is turning into a cult
*lights candles, dons robe*
How do you mean?
No one said anything about Crossfit®
“One of us, one of us.”
Haha. I know SP does. I usually just say “the secretive cabal that runs things”.
Kibby and GMSM?
Yes. That Kibby. GMSM is a notorious punster and sometimes it’s important to exhort Kibby to domestic violence.
So this place is infested with not only lizard people but changelings too?
And Time Travelers…….
My god, what have you done?
“You mean the dough needs the dough?.”
My grandma made beer bread – worked great even with cheap Old Milwaukee.
I need a wheat flour free bread recipe that doesn’t suck. I developed an allergy to wheat last year.
Not certain if this is the exact recipe my wife uses but it is made from Tapioca and Mozzarella cheese and it is very good…
I was hoping your link would be for Pão de Queijo.
What about rice bread? I’ve never tried it, so I have no recipes, but it’s one grain that won’t act like wheat in the gut.
Kind of a pain, but the master gluten free recipe from one of the Artisan Bread in 5 Minutes A Day books made my sister cry… I found out from my nephew a few days later that she was just sitting in the kitchen with a stick of butter, jar of jam and a loaf of bread eating and crying.
I find the results a little on the soda bread side, which I love, but can also make for a few cents and four ingredients since I have no issues with flour.
the recipe I’m using calls for a lump on a Cookie sheet style thing, Couldn’t i use my Loaf pans? or does that mess things up?
I Do Cakes, Fudges and Baked goods but Bread is Fresh for me 😉
You can use loaf pans, just might need to vary the baking time. Or a dutch oven. For a no knead style loaf, I usually use a 5 qt cast iron dutch oven, or split the dough in half and put half in my round 2.5 qt Le Creuset dutch oven and half in my 2.5 qt oval Le Creuset dutch oven. The picture above with my sandwich loaf – that was made in the oval dutch oven. The bread behind it in the same photo that you can barely see, was made at the same time in the round one.
Note: Unlike the method for the cast iron dutch oven, Le Creuset recommends not heating their enameled cast iron pieces empty in the oven. YMMV.
This is one of those things that the more you do it, the better and more comfortable you will get, and the resulting bread will just get better and better.
“I started wondering if anyone else among the Glibertariat is a sourdough baker”
“3. Sometimes the NYT isn’t completely evil.”
Sometimes the NYT isn’t completely evil.
The true trick to successful evil is to throw out a little bit of non-evil every now and then so that people don’t necessarily always immediately identify you as evil.
It’s sort of like demonic possession in the movies. My assumption is that the demons in question are strictly the retarded demon. They go around advertising that they’re demons. That’s going to do one of two things, get you and your host locked in an asylum or get you exorcised and sent back to hell. The halfway intelligent demons would be the ones who get their host to do evil awful things without advertising that they’re possessed. They’d kill a few people and when the exorcist shows up, they’d respond with something like “Demon? What is this the fifteenth century? Cripes! First you’re accusing me of awful crimes and now you’re accusing me of being a fictional bogeyman!”
The NY Times will sometimes give out a decent story or recipe on a similar strategy.
sourdough what-in-the-name-of-all-that-is-holy-is-this-abomination by jesse.in.mb
I’d say, as long as he doesn’t start going around calling it a pizza, it’s all good. It does look pretty tasty.
I’d love to bring some of the starter home from my family in Normandy. However, if I did it and got caught by the CBSA, there’s a fine and also confiscation of the ag product. **HEAVY SIGH**