Well we made it through the beginning of the week unscathed. Most of us, anyway. St Mary’s College didn’t, as they got drilled by BYU in their conference semifinal. I remember not too long ago when that would be the death knell for a WCC school. Now they’ll probably go in as a 6 seed and BYU might have played themselves back into the tourney. They’ll face Gonzaga tonight, though. Iona punched their ticket. SoDak State beat NoDak State. They’ll face U SoDak in a winner-take-a-trip-to-the-NCAA-tourney game tonight. Lots of other games, but the finals mostly get started tonight, so that’s all the update you’re getting.
A quick note that Man United were lucky as hell yesterday. And then on to the hockey results: the Penguins extinguished the Flames in OT. The Sabres cut through the Maple Leafs to win 5-3. The Stars weren’t shining against the Senators. The Oilers were slick enough to down the Coyotes. And the Canucks beat the Islanders in a game where punny descriptions are hard to come by.
Is there anything else you guys are looking for a daily update on? If so, let me know in the comments and I’ll work on it (maybe). Until then, this is all you’re getting. I’ll get the March Madness thing rolling in a day or two, so tune in to the links every day for a chance to win (the equivalent of) 10,000 (Zimbabwean) dollars!!!!
And without any further delay, I now present to you…the links!
How to raise your child to not be a bully. Or how to get a busybody asshole to call CPS on you for being a big meanie. Either way, I think this guy is teaching his son a valuable lesson about actions and consequences. Or he’s training the next Steve Prefontaine. You decide.

Run for your lives! Its an inanimate object incapable of doing damage on its own a ghost gun!!!
Well, Slate manages to report on the least surprising development in the wake of the latest gun-grabbing crusade. I hope all of the grabbers realize this will only ramp up as they become more and more vocal in their desire to take our right to self-defense on our own terms away.
Third verse, same as the first. Anybody taking this seriously hasn’t been around since that wacky family first came to power and started making promises and offers in order to get free shit from everyone around them only to renege every. single. time.
Jesus, what a bunch of pussies. Go get an aluminum bat and/or some steel-shafted 3 woods and you will solve your own problem…assuming its not against the law to get rid of nuisance animals on private property in California anymore.
Drew says the hospital has been working with the California Department of Fish and Wildlife and with the U.S. Department of Agriculture for a year, taking suggestions from the agencies on how to humanely clear the birds, including using a turkey repellent recommended by Contra Costa County Animal Control. But the turkeys keep coming back.
“They’ve aggressively walked towards patients,” he added. “We’ve tried to deal with this, and we’re at the point where they need to be trapped and removed. We need to put our patients and staff first.”

NorCal has gone to the birds.
So he basically stole $90,000. He’s one of the King’s Men. There’s probably nothing you can do about it. Bonus points for letting a municipal employee take five years off on a leave of absence to set up his private company. I know it typically doesn’t go over well when, in the private sector, you tell your boss you want to take several years off to set up a competing firm and that you’ll be back to your job at some point in time (which he never did even go back to) in case your venture fails. Ain’t pubsec unions grand?
I guess the thought of taking their business elsewhere never occurred to these dimwitted assclowns. Or perhaps that different group of people with similar modes of transportation, although with seriously different riding habits, require different traffic-control needs. Nah, its gotta be racism.
Well thank God the city stepped in to solve this crisis. Now those trees can stay warm during the next snowfall. ::SMDH::
A great, rocking song from start to finish. Enjoy!
Well, that’s it for the links. Get out there and have a great day, friends!
“The North Korean side clearly stated its willingness to denuclearize,” the statement said. “It made it clear that it would have no reason to keep nuclear weapons if the military threat to the North was eliminated and its security guaranteed.”
That sounds like so much blather.
Yeah, let’s get right on that one.
And I thought my jokes were bad.
Hope springs infernal.
I guess he is dismissing what happened to Qaddafi…
He made such a deal only to have the Nobel Peace prize recipient, black Jesus decide to fuck him over so the Europeans could prevent him from selling his oil to China and to make the Clinton foundation a ton of money.
Maybe Kim figures since he has no oil and all his women are riddled with parasites, there is nothing to be taken from him..
It’s asinine to take him at his word in any event. What security guarantees can either country give him while he has nuclear-tipped ballistic missiles and a thousand artillery pieces aimed at Seoul?
I gotta use the bathroom
Let the glitterstorm commence!
Remember your hall pass. Come straight back to class when you’re done.
Aggressive turkeys
Not quite a band name, but maybe a compilation of unreleased punk rock demos.
That album sounds fowl.
Better than that overlong stuff from Leonard Gizzard.
Both of ya…
*narrows gaze*
Anything is better than The Eagles.
Customers will gobble them up.
Maybe the Cranberries will open for them.
And, while I know it’s cute to bagon the Eagles, I don’t care. I like them. I also love a lot of prog rock. So, sue me!
Ghost Gun
My wife and I want to spice up our sex life: Ask Ellie
Man wonders if going along with his wife’s idea to sleep with friends (man and wife) is a good idea.
Well it’s not a bad thing.
If he’s gay.
If you’re asking an advice columnist I think you’ve already decided that you’re gonna play hide the salami with Neighbor Rick, pal. You have this stranger on the Internet’s permission to explore your latent homosexual tendencies with my full blessing. Mazel tov.
Couple who married and became swingers after their exes ran off together say it’s the best thing that ever happened… now they have orgies with up to 20 people
In other words the wife actually wants to try out the neighbor guy, and realizes that this is the right first step to get there.
I’m guessing the wife isn’t all that interested in what the husband’s got goin’ on, and probably vice versa.
Yu Darvish will make his spring training debut with the Cubs today. We are damn stacked. Kyle Hendricks is my favorite pitcher and Javier Baez is a magician and everything he does (with a glove) is amazing.
Season cannot start soon enough.
::looks for schedule to see if Astros play the Cubs anytime I can go so I can watch Darish get shelled again::
So cold, it was downright arctic.
Good. You can keep him.
::sets on fire Darvish effigy hanging from tree::
Amen! I watched a couple of the spring training games last week. Cubbies!
Well thank God the city stepped in to solve this crisis. Now those trees can stay warm during the next snowfall. ::SMDH::
Idiocity like this is what you get when you have publically owned trees.
Are those tree sweaters or tree fishnets?
They’re making the trees gay.
You meant a fig tree? Or a fag tree?
-Matthew 21:18–22
“A cookie is just a cookie, but a Newton is fruit and cake.”
-Nabisco 1980
I lolled
Is there anything else you guys are looking for a daily update on?
The price of tea in China?
Horoscope and celebrity birthdays.
Glib written horoscopes? yikes. Only if written by Sugarfree or HM
I can do the birthday thing. I’ll make a mental note.
College baseball. specifically the western division of the SEC, where my pigs play. They look to be good th.s year.
Also, remember the name Heston Kjerstad. He’s a freshman this year, but he will be playing in the majors in a few years. He’s really good.
Wish me happy birthday today then…
Happy birthday!
Thank you!
Drew says the hospital has been working with the California Department of Fish and Wildlife and with the U.S. Department of Agriculture for a year, taking suggestions from the agencies on how to humanely clear the
birdshomeless, including using aturkeyhomeless repellent recommended by Contra Costa County Animal Control. But theturkeyshomeless keep coming back.“They’ve aggressively walked towards patients,” he added. “We’ve tried to deal with this, and we’re at the point where they need to be trapped and removed. We need to put our patients and staff first.”

*Sacrifices turkeys for Edit Faerie*
*chants and sings priases*
/Removes turkey’s heart with sacrificial knife.
/puts turkey heart in freezer for later use as fish bait.
Interesting….go for…bass with that?
Catfish love bird hearts and livers.
In both cases, I have a pair of turkey/bum repellents. They’re self-piloting, eat pretty much anything, and as a last resort they can fumigate the immediate area. Downside is they’re, shall we say flippant, about where they relieve themselves, and they’re both very sensitive, so don’t raise your voice or use harsh language near them unless you want them to hide in a closet and give you a wounded look for an hour.
Kids these days, huh?
Attack skunks?
No one needs a polecat the side of a labrador.
Close. Similar coloring.
Just call Sarah Palin. Jeez.
Well, Slate manages to report on the least surprising development in the wake of the latest gun-grabbing crusade. – just need to ban harder
I had a shootin’ buddy who made his own semi-auto Sten gun. It was pretty cool and accurate at 100 yards. Would have been easier to make it full-auto.
Professor Parabellum is a wonderful resource.
more and more vocal in their desire to take our right to self-defense
The more they talk about it the more guns and ammo people buy. They should realize this but gun-grabbers aren’t too bright, otherwise they wouldn’t be gun-grabbers.
No, see this is how it works:
1. NRA instigates a mass shooting.
2. Peaceful leftists Seek common sense gun control.
3 gun manufactures LIE about these b intentions to float sales.
4. Profit!!!!
See it’s a conspiracy to turn lives into money in the NRA’s pocket!!!
Where are the 15 year-old kids lecturing me on complex social and political issues?
I can’t even.
So what you’re saying is, you hate victims of gun violence.
Yes, I am beginning to.
I’m planning on picking up a couple of lowers this pay cycle, as a matter of fact. Chez Naptown is gonna be a downright spook show what with all the ghost guns hauntin’ the joint! Seriously though, I’m gonna finish my AR-15 this weekend and get lowers for a 10 and a pistol in .300 AAC. I was gonna anyway, but the discounts are going to be grand what with all the idiocy, and I want to make sure my shit is grandfathered in just in case we need to go through the 90s again.
I’d have liked to grab a couple lowers as well, but my preferred place is out of stock.
Glad I at least got one around Christmas
I finally got my first AR. It’s a PSA, so nothing special, but in my price range.
That’s what I’m finishing this weekend, with any luck. I’d just like something bog standard in 5.56. If I really take to it then I might throw some more money into it, but for the price I’ve heard good things about PSA.
I recommend PSA AR stuff to anyone who’ll listen.
Sounds cool. I’ll have to look into that. Oh, wait…I live in LA County.
You’re not alone. I can’t have any either.
Jesus, what a bunch of pussies. Go get an aluminum bat and/or some steel-shafted 3 woods and you will solve your own problem – when I was 5 a turkey chased me around the yard. I don’t trust the bastards
Growing up, Tom Peek had a farm with Giant Turkeys, like 5 feet tall, that chased us all over the place, big and dangerous
I had a relative who kept a couple of goats. I remember getting chased and butted by one of them when I was a youngster.
Stupid goats.
Turkeys are a bit like another bird familiar to some on these forums…
“The 80 percent and do-it-yourself gun market has thrived within a small loophole of the Gun Control Act of 1968, which made it illegal to make a firearm and sell it without a license, but if you make the firearm and keep it—that’s legal, no background check, serial number, or seller’s license needed.
Regulating unserialized guns and gun parts has proven difficult for lawmakers largely due to the political resistance from the gun community, but also simply because “components are very difficult to regulate” in general, says Mark Tallman, an adjunct professor at the Center for the Study of Homeland Security at Colorado State University, Pueblo, who is currently working on a book about “ghost guns” and homemade weapons. “At a certain point the question becomes where you do draw the line between a piece of metal in the shape of a metal part and the guns themselves that would be subject to all kinds of regulations.”
In 2013, California state Sen. Kevin De León introduced a bill that would ban the sale, manufacture, and purchase of untraceable guns, like homemade guns, which are commonly called “ghost guns,” unless they are preregistered and the gun owner passes a background check, but Gov. Jerry Brown vetoed the bill. “I appreciate the author’s concerns about gun violence,” Brown wrote in his veto message, “but I can’t see how adding a serial number to a homemade gun would significantly advance public safety.””
Jerry Brown did something that made sense?
Sen. Kevin De León introduced a bill that would ban the sale, manufacture, and purchase of untraceable guns,
WTF? Why in the hell would someone register something they created with the entire purpose of NOT registering? Talk about completely missing the friggin’ point!
I mean, I’m more than happy to write “1” in Sharpie on a bunch of lowers, but I’m confused about how this will impact crime rates…
I have a Stevens model 511 in 16 gauge that my great grandfather gave me when I was a kid. Not one serial number on this fine shooting antique. Fuck the government if they think I am going to mar this weapon with a meaningless number.
Yeah that word being used in that context chaps my ass. It’s not a fucking loophole, it’s what the law says. Also, good luck banning shops and knowledge.
The “Unregulated Speech” Loophole, aka the 1st Amendment.
I thought that was the Hate Speech and Political Donation loophole?
Ah yes. Because corporations aren’t people, but unions are.
I also like how Slate seems to think that all guns are registered, and obtaining a serial number puts you on a list other than the general background check one. In addition, how hard would it be to make a STEN gun, or a thousand of them, unless machine shops were outlawed.
My friend I mentioned above who made a Sten was a bicycle repairman. He bought the 16″ 9mm barrel. Everything else came from his shop or a local machinist.
And realistically, how hard would it be to machine out a piece of steel cylinder bar? All you’d have to know is what strength you’d want, and then figure out the rifling as well. And once you’ve done it once, it becomes much easier with repetition.
For a sten? Rifling is highly optional. Get the bore dimensions right, and you don’t even need special steel. The key is building a reliable feed system for the ammo and cycling on auto.
His was pretty accurate at 100 yards.
For an open bolt (which is highly illegal and no one should ever make on their own) cycling on auto is the easy part. It’s stopping the cycle that’s a bit more difficult.
If you are doing something like this, you need to be very mindful of maintaining low cylinder pressures.
Very dangerous otherwise.
A quick note that Man United were lucky as hell yesterday.
Matic’s goal was a beauty. Rare and lucky, but beautiful.
Yeah, that was a gem. But still, lucky as hell.
I hope this saturday’s game lives up to the hype.
It’s going to be a dour 0-0 draw after Manchester United put 12 men behind the ball, which shouldn’t be possible except that it’s Manchester United.
So I tried – because there were comments about this – to see if good Romanian wine is to be had in the US and did not find much on a light googling, beyond mass produced cheap crap. But maybe there are specialty stores without the stock online… I was going to save the recommendations part for the last post, but I can comment here as well I will save these comments and add them anyway to my last wine post. I have no idea of how up to date the sites are, stock availability, delivery, state rules and whatever weird shit you have. I was quite happy, googling about US Romanian wine, to find some interesting stuff at a place called oddbins only to find out they are in the UK. Damn google.
I don’t know if these websites are accurate and if they have any of what is there
Best I could get is:
This says 13+ Romanian wines in 25 Mariano’s stores in the Chicagoland area, , ask the manager – if this weird site is up to date which who knows -. Plenty of good stuff on the list, including Davino Flamboyant, one of the best Romanian reds imo. Also some Romanian Shiraz from Budureasca, and some Pinot Noir that should be drinkable. 2010 Purpura Valahica is a Feteasca Neagra from range a that is no longer available – they rebranded it – so it would be interesting if they have it. Everything from that list should be ok, Davino in particular.
The issue is, as you allude to, getting something beyond, “Hey, we make Cabernet/Pinot/Chardonnay too!” For me, local and traditional varieties are much more interesting.
Well there is local stuff on that website – like the purpura valahica and more. Flamboyant is Cabernet Merlot and Feteasca Neagra
Ha! I drive by a Mariano’s on the way home from work. Score!
Anyway you can try a Romanian shiraz to see how it does not measure up (depends off course on liver capacity and how much you want to waste on such an experiment)
Calling Syrah “Shiraz” automatically implies “too ripe and super oaky.” I love Syrah above all other varieties, and that’s the sort of thing that makes me alternately cry and go into murderous rages.
Well have Swiss email you a bottle of Flamboyant if they have it and it is not outrageously expensive. It is like 40$ in Romania and I have no idea how much it might be there.
Alternatively Domaine Ceptura Rouge is practically the same wine, except they pick the very best barrels for Flamboyant. This one is like 30 dollars in Romania.
Purpura Valahica was something like 22-24 dollars when you could find it in stores.
Anyway there are 6 Feteasca Neagra there … I would skip the Basilescu it is semi-sweet and not very good imo
Off course no idea what you actually find in stores compared to that website.
On this next website – it looks like a strange one, don’t know if they actually have anything or if the retail to the general public or other stores – under Romania there is a bunch of decent stuff, though not necessary Romanian varieties – although some blends also have local varieties.
Cuvee Alexandru – Cabernet Sauvignon, Recas – Cuvee Uberland, should be quite good, but I would say everything on the site is drinkable – Prahova Valley being the worst of the lot.
This is what our liquor board sell:
Byzantium Rosso di Valachia 2015 is quite decent
Prince Stirbey Crâmposie Selectionata 2012 – ok white wine from a typical Romanian grape although a bit pricey compared to Romania
Sole Chardonnay Barrique 2015 is okay if you like an average oaked Chardonnay
The others meh
Where I found as reds go
Nedeea – if it is what I think it is – is a good, not great or anything but ok, wine and it is a rare blend of just Romanian varieties
Panciu is more well known for decent sparkling wines, but they have a couple of reds that should be ok
I will maybe occasionally throw another google at it another day.
Thank you. Most helpful. Mission liquor is a nice weekend drive for us. Will try to get there next weekend.
I’d like updates on lingerie league football games. Whenever their season is
It’s called the PAC-12.
made me lol.
*high fives Slammer*
We tried to schedule home-and-home games with the SEC teams, but they were all booked up with games against the local high schools.
Nice. They should’ve called the lingerie league “The Pack 12”.
So maybe the Black bikers could move to say Vegas? Atlantic City? Besides, if they choose to self segregate, then break the “rules” of course a higher number of Blacks will be targeted, but People are grifters so what ya gonna do.
Well, the stupidest thing about it is that it isn’t “Black Bike Week”, it’s “Crotch Rocket Week”, and for whatever reason there’s a subculture of youngish black men who love sports bikes. Really, young men of any ethnicity seem to gravitate towards them (maybe because they’re cheaper? “sportier”?) and that’s also your demographic of people who are gonna do smokeouts and wheelies and impromptu races and stupid bullshit in general. Yeah, you’re gonna police that differently than a bunch of old guys on hogs.
They’ve aggressively walked towards patients
They’re coming right at them?
I notice a photo theme the last couple of days. Is it Man Ray?
Dog Ray.
You’ll have to wait and see.
That’s People Ray, you shitlord!
Quote of the day.
(On Tesla):
“I put my family in the safest car made, one that has shown it’s durability in safety tests and in real world crashes. What car do you put your family in?”
And Lithium batteries spewed all over the road staring fires when you wreck one
An inconvenient truth?
I have many Lithium Batteries for My R/C planes and cars and lemme tell you, when the cells swell up, get them outside quick, they will blow.
I have done some insurance work after lipo fires in houses, it isn’t pretty
Fire from a Lithium battery crash
I don’t see anything except a charred piece of something. I need you to explain!
a Jeep wrangler, often with the doors off and the top removed.
Ha. So this hits close to home. I had a Wrangler for years. Never ran it with doors or top and my kids were always in the back seat. No issues with the Mrs. So the other day I purchased a soft topper for our pickup truck instead of a hard shell. They cost less than half as much and are way more versatile. It’s essentially a soft jeep roof. Same construction. My wife starts freaking out that the dogs could get out of it or hurt in an accident. I told her 1) you didn’t complain with the kids in the jeep (which also had a soft top if I needed it) and 2) an accident that caused damage up there is going to destroy a fiberglass cap anyway.
She still doesn’t like it…
It’s obvious, she likes the dogs more than she likes the kids.
Who doesn’t?
Caps are not that sturdy. My dad had to replace the one on his T100 because it was crushed by a tree at a park, when he met my mom and I after work when I was 2 or 3. The branch was only about 4-5 inches around.
Safe spontaneous combustion?
A Streetcar Named Disaster
This would be just the latest unexpected problem.
Forseeable consequences are not unexpected.
Do the voters care?
Boon. Doggle. I work with a few DC people. Nobody rides the thing. It’s a joke.
I visit DC regularly… there’s a street car on H street? We all take Uber here.
Regardless,here’s a quick solution to the turkey menace!
My little brother bow hunts turkey. He told me that he tried some of those tips and that they are useless to him. He said they are so heavy that they screw up his ability to hit anything.
Yeah, but they are cool looking, aren’t they? You’re better off with a scoped .22.
#6 out of 12 gauge has always worked for me.
That’s what my dad used on one of the turkeys in his back yard, but he discovered that a .22 is surprisingly loud in a residential area.
I tried bowing at a turkey once, and it didn’t do anything.
After a slow start, South Korea’s #MeToo movement has exploded
Apparently, we need a new definition of rape.
Here’s the current one: “unlawful sexual penetration carried out forcibly or under threat of injury against a person’s will”. That makes it sound an awful lot like a violent action; one that the victim would report immediately. I guess we need to “evolve” to a definition more like this: “sexual penetration carried out forcibly or under threat of injury against a person’s will, or carried out after aggressive cajoling, or carried out in such a manner that made one party regret it after the fact, or carried out by an individual of insufficient physical attractiveness and/or wealth, or carried out in a boorish manner, really anything that one party doesn’t like about a sexual encounter is rape. Special class of crime in which the accused is guilty until proven innocent. No statute of limitations.”
Sorry, doesn’t work.
Too much possibility of the wrong party being accused.
Needs to include something about being the penetrator as oppose to being penetrated.
Police: Wha happened?
Girl (takes deep breath): I was dancing and singing to ‘Mony, Mony’ and got to the chorus and sang, you know, ‘hey mother fucker get laid get fucked!’ while I stared at Brian invitingly.
Police: And?
Girl: He groped me!
Hot ladies to temporarily distract you from the pointlessness of your existence!
There is only 24.
Not loading.
Apple Park: What employees told 911 after walking into glass walls
I feel sorry for the women at Apple. Not only do they have to deal with glass ceilings, they have glass walls too… I’ll let myself out.
Men at google seem to have a problem slamming into the glass ceiling.
Just more proof that Windows leads to crashes.
*narrows gaze*
I haven’t had a crash in over 5 years, W7 and W10, but hey bash away, 90% of the World agrees, something something consensus…….
7 was pretty solid. 10 is a step back in terms of UI (in my opinion) but is pretty solid performance-wise. Finicky, though. My first install was an upgrade and it would blue screen pretty regularly. Did a fresh install from a USB drive and it’s running smoothly. I think it prefers GPT over MBR. The Windows MBR system has always been bitchy about sharing space with other OS’s.
I’ve had W10 crash, but then reformatted my hard drive (it’s a cheap as hell 2 TB 7200 RPM piece of crap that I got for a good deal while building it, so no surprise there), and set my boot disk to a Samsung SSD, and it works like a charm now.
The SSD bit is pretty impressive coming from a HD. I’m planning on picking up one of the Samsung NVME M.2 drives to stick Windows on so I’ve got an SSD freed up for games that would benefit from it. Supposedly with the right setup those suckers boot like you’re flipping on a light switch.
I’ll eventually do that, when I build a new PC. For now, the MoBo wouldn’t support the full speed and awesomeness of it, so why bother.
I put an M.2 Samsung in my new laptop. I can do a full boot to login of Win 10 in about 8 seconds, and a fully functioning desktop about 6 seconds after authentication
It’s not fully functioning, it’s Windows 10.
All, y’all…
*narrows gaze*
I had a large tom that used to square off against my Doberman. That dog was fearless against all things human, but something about that turkey made her back down even though she could have easily ripped its throat out. I’ve got a picture of the two of them somewhere I’ll put up if I can find it.
We don’t have too many turkeys in our area. Outside the city there’s a ton. We have aggressive Canada geese. Those bastards walk around like they own the town.
Yep. I used to have 5 Toulouse geese. I enjoyed them but they were evil bastards. They never attacked me but viciously went after my wife every time she went outside. This was entertaining for a while (for me) but eventually she made me get rid of them. I’m going to try again in another year or two.
Tough as nails too. One of them fought off an owl as a half grown gosling. The owl broke the goose’s wing which stayed twisted as an adult, but it was still impressive.
I used to have 5 Toulouse geese.
Did you try tightening them?
Out. Get out. And you don’t get to do the links this afternoon. You’ve lost them.
*narrows gaze*
I say that if he doesn’t straighten up, we take tomorrow’s link away as well.
Fucking hatebirds, the birds that hate.
The rather beautiful bastards woke me up this morning. Unfortunately, because of where i live, I couldn’t respond in Mike Rowe fashion to their provocation.
I’ve made them afraid of me now. One of them tried to attack me when I was taking a rather heavy bag of trash out, and I just hit it with the bag once (I think a beer bottle hit it), and all of its clan now walk the other way when they see me.
Husband seeks divorce over lack of honeymoon sex
So they just fast forwarded to the old married couple part.
She just wants him to spice things up by sleeping with a dude first
*studio audience applause and laugh track*
I ate at a cheap beef bowl chain restaurant alone on my wedding night and I was still wearing the goddamn Tux. Stupid custom of having all the guests come up to the main table and pour each of us a drink. Light drinking wife got trashed and I carried her over the threshold at the hotel and rolled her into bed. She was not a happy camper when we left at 5 am the next morning to catch our honeymoon flight.
I was blind by 2:00 AM. Family feeding me whiskey all night after a very long, very hot, very humid day and there were no marital shenanigans by general consensus that night. Mind you, we’d lived together for four years so it’s not like we weren’t familiar with the concept.
the husband approached Dubai Sharia Court seeking divorce upon their return to the country.
“The wife didn’t allow her husband to have consensual sex with her,” thesource acced. “She even accused him of being tight-fisted and stingy in terms of spending money on her. Meanwhile, the husband accuses his wife of being lavish and one who spends money extravagantly and unnecessarily.”
Wait, why are a Jewish man and his wife getting married through a Sharia court in Dubai?
Damn, Sloop’s on fire today!
They follow Reform Judaism.
Why divorce? I dunno how Sharia works, but lack of consummation is grounds for annulment here in the Civilized World.
Muslim divorce is reported to be pretty easy. The guy declares “I divorce you” three times and it’s done.
It’s showtime!
If they never consummated the marriage then they are not married
Funny that, since the election, I haven’t heard much about Roy Moore. You’d think, if the guy is a pedophile, people would be out for a lot more than simply him not winning a Senate seat. Where’s all the ongoing investigation of this guy? I’m sure the public wasn’t sold a BS narrative to destroy the guy’s reputation over politics.
He was out begging for money last week. No where near enough raised to cover his legal bill. Boo Hoo.
Here is me crying a river of tears….or not.
Heh. I Lol’d. Well, for a few seconds.
Kinda like how you never heard anything more about the Herman Cain case after he dropped out of the primary race. Almost like the accusation’s intended job was ruining political chances rather than about bring justice to a victim of sexual misconduct.
It’s what Gloria Allred does.
There would be no point in an investigation as the alleged crimes took place so long ago the statute of limitations would have expired several times over. And what evidence there was indicated that, even if he had once chased jailbait, he was never an ephebophile (someone who is primarily attracted to older adolescents) so the likelihood of him committing additional crimes as he got older would have been low, thereby making an investigation into potential crimes still within the statute of limitations fruitless.
Wuick question: how do you guys deal with confirmation bias? As in how do you look at things objectively?
I don’t always want to look at things through a Libertarian perspective but I find myself always looking through that lens. Does that make sense?
how do you look at things objectively?
Realize – at least with my personality – that such a thing is nearly impossible. Experience, age, and bias do color my impressions of people, politics, and situations. And when I’m wrong, I’ll take a step back and reevaluate my position. And I have changed – over time – with some things but my bias can take a few knocks before I change course.
You try the best you can, but it’s not possible to ever remove all personal bias. One good way is to consult many sources across the ideological spectrum, then break the issue down to the core and work to a conclusion using first principles. If an argument doesn’t make logical sense (in the classical meaning of “logic”), then it doesn’t hold water. You also have to be prepared to be wrong if your arguments lead to a different conclusion than the one you were expecting.
What Q said.
how do you guys deal with confirmation bias?
And you’re asking us that?
I just enjoy the moment’s satisfaction that having my biases confirmed grants me.
From my perspective, I find it helpful to note that I’m looking at things from a libertarian(-ish) perspective. Just acknowledging that myt perspective exists, and is based on a number of assumptions about things, tends to take some of the edge off of the bias.
Take gun control. I know I’m putting a high cost value on the loss of rights. I know that’s not universal. I know I am going to be more skeptical of the efficacy of any laws. I might try to double check that premise. I’m going to be inclined to believe it’s going to require draconian enforcement. Am I sure about that?
If you consider yourself a good judge of character based on a lifetime of experience, why wouldn’t you want your biases to help formulate your initial assessment of a person?
I guess I’ve always assumed bias leads to becoming an ideologue
Not if you’re constantly modifying your biases based on new experiences and interactions.
^This. Bias is sometimes created by the accumulated wisdom of experience. The danger comes from allowing the bias itself to be a counterargument to evidence.
Knowing that I’m always right helps.
Funny, I have the same perspective. It sure does make things easier.
You can’t deal with confirmation bias. Just try to keep it under control. I read stuff that I know I disagree with and try to keep an open mind and look closely at the data / arguments.
For example linked in at article bellow for age of consent was
One French woman in eight has been raped, study says
That sounds a bit much to me but I say look at the data.
About four million French women – 12% of the total – have been raped at least once in their lives, a survey suggests. wow seems a lot
The aim of the survey (in French) of 2,000 women published on Friday was to assess the extent of sexual sexual harassment and violence in France. – oh it is bullshit. mkay
That sort of thing
That’s what I try to do as well. Keeping an open mind made me switch my views in certain situations
As long as you’re concerned about it, you’re way ahead of most people.
“the struggle against confirmation bias” is basically my definition of science.
If you’re doing science right, the first tack you take is “How do I disprove my hypothesis?” and keep hammering away at “how might it be shown to be wrong?” with your experiments.
That’s a good thought experiment when thinking about anything. I’ve been trying to look at things I feel strongly about and make an honest effort to make the opposing argument. So, for instance, trying to make the strongest argument for the repeal of the 2A I can. It helps when I’m talking to people I disagree with, because I’ve got a better grip on why they’re arguing what they’re arguing and I’ve already considered a lot of their argument beforehand.
Glibertarians.com is my unbiased news source. Whenever I don’t know what to think, I just consult Glibs and I’m on my merry way. I live in the libertarian moment every day.
It is easy to look at THINGS objectively. Looking at people objectively is only useful if you’re an overworked doctor or bureaucrat.
France decides having sex with children is icky. Muslims and priests hardest hit.
Muslims and priests hardest hit.
And what is Roman Polanski, chopped liver?
I mean how is one attracted to a 11-year-old?
Something something too old for OMWC
At that age, it isn’t about physical attraction, but the defilement. It’s the same thing as getting a thrill from shitting in a public pool or tagging a building. You are saying “I’ve ruined this, so it is mine.”
This explains…so much.
What did one pedophile say to the other pedophile? “I once had an eleven year old with the body of a six year old.”
A man walks into the bedroom and sees his girlfriend in tears, packing a suitcase.
“What’s wrong?” he asks.
“Somebody said you were a pedophile!”
“Pedophile?” he says. “That’s a pretty big word for a ten year old!”
Probably the same way there are people who find all sorts of people/animals/things they can’t procreate with attractive. There are people who prefer animals, people who prefer really old people, people who prefer corpses, people who prefer inanimate objects, and so on. It’s hard to understand, but if people can legitimately believe they were born the wrong sex I don’t see why there wouldn’t be people who are legitimately attracted to whatever the object of their messed up desire might be. Which does not excuse behavior that causes harm or even require approval of harmless behavior, merely accepting that some people are wired differently.
if people can legitimately believe they were born the wrong sex I don’t see why there wouldn’t be people who are legitimately attracted to whatever the object of their messed up desire might be.
The problem is when urges and desires are considered the pinnacle of self.
When “I want to fuck a giraffe” is treated as an aberrant and correctable impulse, it’s not that big of a deal. When it’s treated as a gender and core to one’s identity, then it becomes a social cancer.
When I was a kid I really wanted to be a werewolf. I would have settled for a regular old wolf, though. But I really, really, really wanted to be one. I’d do my best to think the way a wolf would think, act wolfish, catch scents on the wind, etc. I wasn’t born as the wrong species; I was a kid with a wild imagination acting like a ‘tard because I hadn’t adequately developed sense.
You can’t be born in the “wrong” body or with the “wrong” sex. That implies there’s some sort of list or schematic somewhere and that nature/God/your parents screwed up, and through a bureaucratic oversight you got an innie instead of an outie. You can want to be something you aren’t, and that’s fine, and if you want to use surgery and drugs to make you feel more like the thing you want to be, have at it. But you’re not correcting a mistake, you’re impersonating an ideal that exists in your mind. If it makes you happy, great.
Everytime this is pointed out, some asshat says “you don’t know the current science!, and you’re a hater!” Perfect example, the recent local Planned Parenthood tweeting out nonsense like “Some men have a uterus” repeatedly.
Expert reveals what ‘alien UFO crash site’ spotted on Google Earth REALLY is
Not even aliens would want to crash on South Georgia.
*checks incident log for the last 50 years*
Ya that was us. The dumb ass pilot forgot to prime the fuel lines for the atmospheric drive. It’s an expensive yet self-correcting problem, good riddance
But were the wild turkeys “aggressive”?
How is it prostitution if you don’t charge?
I must be doing something wrong. Nobody ever stampedes to my door when I offer free sex.
You always pay for it somehow…
According to police, Ms Ye admitted she made the post to gain followers.
*Clicks like*
Doug Jones begins losing reelection only a scant few months after his surprising win.
He lost reelection as soon as he won election.
“I’m the kind of person that believes especially in an issue like this, if we can make any progress … it opens the door to so many others,” he said. “We got to get something done, don’t get me a list of things that have to be done … let’s not cut our nose to spite our face. I went into the Senate with my eyes open about partisan politics … but I think we are moving in a way that gets things done.”
Oh, oh.
It opens to the door to so many others?
What does he mean by that I wonder?
“Lonnie Antonio · Total and Permament Disabled at Disable Veteran
Justin please tell me why u don’t want Gun control. They aren’t taking u weapons that u use for hunting or target shooting. But doing Background checks are bad to you? Why what are you hiding that might show us you don’t deserve to have one. You a Child Molestor, Rapist, Spouse Abuser, Mentally ill or a Criminal. What’s wrong with a three day check on purchasing a firearm like a rifle or shotgun? What’s wrong with checking the person name to make sure they aren’t on our Terrorist list ? Theses are Common Sense Gun Control that ur bitching about. But I bet if a nut came to ur town and blew away the kids in the school or school u be bitching and crying how the Government let a nut purchase that weapon or weapons used. I seen enough killing in Nam with the weapon being used in Mass Murders in America. Its the sister to my M-16 so yes I know personally what it does. The funny thing u were so worried about OBama taking ur weapons when it’s ur own Party leading the charge. Trump is the one leading the charge. Lmao”
Ugh. He claims to have fought in Vietnam.
The main speaker at a local gun control “discussion” on Saturday is quoted as saying “Assault guns are only useful for assaults” and “People buy guns with no more thought than they put into buying a lottery ticket.” Now, I know from all you Glibs that considerable thought goes into buying a new gun or rifle. And I think “assault” rifles are just as valuable for defending against an assault as they are in making one. What are the facts about the development of “assault” guns ….Tommy guns, etc.
Used to defend trenches or assault them? etc.
1. That AR-15 you’re itching to buy? It’s not an assault gun. It’s not even an assault rifle. Assault guns don’t really exist, or to the extent that they do, they’re expensive and difficult to buy, and nobody uses them at mass shootings.
2. Only useful for assaults? Google “Sutherland Springs” and find out how the shooter there was stopped
3. People tend to put a LOT of thought into the guns they buy.
Re: #3, not only that, some people put lots of thought into buying lottery tickets.
Like, for example, I may buy one on Wednesday, but probably wont because I think its really stupid, but the jackpot is high enough for me to consider it anyway.
The lottery is just another tax. I call it the stupid tax.
I put money in an office pool which is used to play the lottery. I can’t stop now, what if I stop and then they win?
The lottery is not a tax on stupid, it’s a tax on hope.
It’s an Obama-Change tax?
Assault is not an adjective. It’s a verb
Per military folks I’ve talked to, there’s not really a thing called an “assault rifle”, or at least that’s not a designation used in any meaningful way. There are guns that were developed to assault trenches or fortified positions, such as the Thompson or the Winchester M97, and there are what are known as “battle rifles”, which are typically long-barreled, high-powered rifles, in some cases capable of full auto. But in no sense is there a gun that you only use for “assault”. It’s not like if you’re sitting in a building and a bunch of jihadis start rushing the place your M-4 stops working, like it only fires if you’re moving forward.
An Assault weapon is one you can fire after moving and advancing, albeit with a penalty.
The origin of the term lies in the original WW2 Sturmgewehr 44 (“Assault Rifle 44”) that the Wehrmacht never managed to get into volume production. Calling an AR-15 an ‘assault rifle’ is like calling your F-350 a “Powerwagon” because it has wheels, a gas tank, windshield wipers and a radiator.
See how idiotic that is?
The long guns that people have used in these crimes are modern sporting rifles. In a face-off with law enforcement carrying M-4s or M-16s, you’d be at a severe disadvantage unless you held initiative.
I was thinking about this the other day, reconsidering a thread on school shootings. In that scenario, a building with long corridors and defensible rooms, an AR is a pretty good choice if you’re the police, but I think as the shooter you’d do better with an 870 and a bunch of #00 buck.
I don’t want to give anyone ideas, but a Shockwave or two would work even better.
Closest thing to an “Assault weapon” would be something like a light MG like the Saw or a full auto M27 Infantry Automatic Rifle. These weapons have a specific role in an assault on a fixed position. Frag grenades are also primarily used in an assault/attack.
If we start calling them Defense rifles, does that work for everyone?
I like “safety weapon”.
“Prof accuses conservative students of being funded by Russia
“You are probably receiving Russian funding,” the professor told the students. When he was informed that the chapter is a non-profit organization and does not receive financial support from Moscow, the professor continued to question the goals of the group.
“You are non-profit, but who is profiting from this?” he said. “I am educating you that this group here is advocating against the very institution that it’s existing in—public education, higher education, federal funding for research—is advocating against national [organizations] like NASA…”
In an interview with Campus Reform, LaMontagne chose not to defend his claim about Russian funding, saying he was merely arguing that political organizations should make their donors public.
“First of all, I was unaware that I was being recorded,” he said. “I believe that’s a violation of my privacy.”
When specifically asked if he still believes that the student organization is sponsored by the Russian government, LaMontagne said that he has “no idea, because I don’t know who funds Turning Point.””
Condescension always tweaks my nipples.
The money trail shows the Russians are backing… Enviornmentalist groups.
The funniest part of that whole story is the reporter Campus Reform put on the story – Nikita Vladimirov. I’m guessing there were peals of laughter when they made that assignment.
“The entire premise of progressives and the other leftists of the Democrat Party is to destroy the United States of America, obliterate the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, eliminate the influence of Western Civilization, remove all voting rights in guise of socialist dictate, and finally, to execute (kill) all conservatives and non-progressives.”
I’ve come around to this quote over the years. The attacks on the West are no longer for the sake of intellectual progress I reckon.
For a while, I thought they just wanted to ‘make things better’. But as time went on, the more I read and observed, I got the sense it wasn’t about that. I tried to figure out why they were taking the positions they were. As their demands and actions became more and more absurd and clearly anti-white and anti-Western, I suspended if not just dismissed notions of ‘greater good’ in any moral or intellectual sense. There was more to it. WHY, is Shakespeare, for example, a target? Why is science now in the realm of political culture?
I realized, in order to get whatever world they want, they have to uproot the existing civilization. When you read about communist revolutionaries, this is precisely what they say is necessary. You do this by constantly badgering the civilization you want to destroy and part of the badgering is to conflate subjects and obfuscate (ie investing ‘social constructs’ e.g. race or biology and gender studies) erase history; the collective heritage that binds nations and the civilization it is a part of. In the process, you need an army of (unwitting or otherwise) useful idiots to aid in the process.
It’s not paranoia. It’s reality and we’re seeing it unfold right before our eyes.
I might not go that far but it is getting a bit much. To much prosperity and to many parasites with too much time on their hands
This is just the Bolshevik tradition of making BS promises to exploit any useful idiot they think they need.
They want to rule. That’s all. Not to rule for any particular purpose. It’s the act of ruling itself that they value. They’d tolerate misery, pain, even death, if, in exchange, even if just for a moment, they could rule in that misery, pain and death.
The West, however incredibly imperfectly, was the one civilization that started to move away from rulership to government, and even self-government. They cannot abide that.
ED: And yet these people who have been programmed and as you say [are] in place and who are favorable to an opening with the Soviet concept – these are the very people who would be marked for extermination in this country?
YURI: Most of them, yes. Simply because the psychological shock when they will see in [the] future what the beautiful society of EQUALITY and social justice means in practice, obviously they will revolt. They will be very unhappy [and] frustrated people, and Marxist-Leninist regime does not tolerate these people. Obviously they will join the [ranks] of dissenters; dissidents. Unlike the present United States there will be no place for dissent in future Marxist-Leninist America. [Now] you can get popular like Daniel Elsburg and filthy rich like Jane Fonda for being a dissident [and] for criticizing your Pentagon. In [the] future these people will simply be [he makes a squishy noise] squashed like cockroaches for criticizing the government. Nobody is going to pay them nothing for their beautiful [and] noble ideas of EQUALITY. This they don’t understand and it will be the greatest shock for them, of course.
“First of all, I was unaware that I was being recorded,” he said. “I believe that’s a violation of my privacy.”
If he is talking in a public space, then just no. If this is in a classroom, then there may be policies against recording, but there are also rules against a BIOLOGY professor taking class time to “educate” students about politics. Academic freedom only extends to material relevant to the subject matter of the course. So he is a loser on both counts.
ng Tech is turning millennials into a generation of hunchbacks
The bells! The bells!
i can envision at least one benefit to the youth of tomorrow evolving a forward-head.
“Six Categories of Common Islamomisic Microaggressions
Islamomisic Microaggressions are commonplace verbal or behavioral indignities, whether intentional or unintentional, which communicate hostile, derogatory, or negative slights and insults in relation to the beliefs and religious practices of Muslims. They are structurally based and invoke oppressive systems of religious/Chrisitan hierarchy. Islamomisic Microinvalidations, Microinsulsts, Microassaults are specific types of microaggressions.”
#6 will amaze you!
Without getting into all the details…in one recent exchange with one of my department chairs I used “nanoaggression”. We may eventually have to reach even farther down the prefix chain.
Nanoaggression: beating someone with an obsolete Apple device.
Hitting someone with an Apple ][e is going to hurt.
That leads up to Mac-ro aggressions.
Don’t listen to Swiss, that was well done.
Newton feels dropped out.
Gun owner: “My mom died from cancer and my dad hung himself all before I was twenty. I had to grow-up in a trailer park.”
Gun control activist: “Yeah, well the color of your skin says you’re privileged”
I suffered full body 3rd degree burns immediately upon birth and was raised by blind wolves in the Canadian wilderness. Do I still have white privilege?
Obvs. The wolves would have eaten a canadian burn baby of color.
Well, I forgot to tell you. That ate me, too.
I got to racism church for the holiday services, but that’s about it.
What message do they want to push? That racism has benefited her, so she should be more racist?
Here’s a picture of Shannon Watts, the gun control activist in question. Looking at her, I’d say she has no business whatsoever lecturing anyone on white privilege.
If she’s demanding action, I’d be more than happy to fulfill her MILFy desires.
LOL. I used to frequent this blog called The Truth About Guns (they seem to have gone a bit off the rails last time I checked in). Much like The Other Site, it had a ribald community of commenters who rarely read the articles. There was one character who went by the name “Dirk Diggler” who would constantly make lewd and hilarious comments about Shannon Watts. The site admin eventually made a post ranting about how anti-gunners will look at the comments and use any flames or trolls to paint all gun owners in a bad light. He therefore ordered “Dirk Diggler” to cease his pervy comments about Shannon Watts.
Hmmm. I guess it depends on what kind of action she’s demanding.
(I’ve always thought the name of that activist group is beyond hilarious. The jokes write themselves!)
I she doesn’t realize that the son of white coal miners in Appalachia is more privileged than the daughter of black ophthalmologists in Manhattan.
Because racisms.
Marxists not including class in intersectionality almost makes actual Marxism sound like a good idea.
It’s a pretty big sticking point for old school marxists and union thugs (but I repeat myself).
It looks like the EU is going to go with the “If my enemy shoots themselves in the foot, I will retaliate by doing the same” strategy on tariffs.
As long as no tariffs on Romanian wine all is well
Will an EU tariff on Bourbon lead to cheaper prices here in KY?
If so, yea for the EU!
My theory is that short term, a tariff decreases sales to Europe, which shifts the supply curve domestically, leading to cheaper prices.
Long term probably isnt good though, as this could lead to a reduction in production.
“I know what we will do. Let’s put a tariff on Kentucky bourbon, Harley Davidson, and blue jeans. Also, all my knowledge about America comes from country music songs.”
They should tariff country music too!
Nah, they’ll just maintain their tariff on America’s number one export: competence
I’m waiting for the special surcharge on Trump hotel rooms.
Apparently they are just seizing them.
Hand Grenades and Gang Violence Rattle Sweden’s Middle Class
The middle class is so easily rattled sometimes …
When the president referred to issues in Sweden last year, the NY Times provided a snarky fact check about how the president was lying. I have no idea why the American people don’t trust the media
I’ve come to loathe the term “fact check” as used by media outlets. There’s nothing inherently objective about that process; it’s just a marketing term to paper over their bias. If a biased media outlet runs a segment and calls it a “fact check”, what makes people think that the bias disappears?
Hand grenades should definantly be banned.
OK, this is pretty funny.
Boom goes the dynamite.
i had no clue CNN was so low in the ratings. i like the suggestion of having NRATV in the press room.
Just imagine what it would be like if every airport in the country wasn’t mandated to stream them.
Anyone else old enough to remember the TV Chairs at the airport where you put a quarter in to watch 20 minutes of black-and-white television?
I would absolutely pay two dollars to turn off the airport TVs for an hour.
Neo-liberalism is a pipeline to fascism. It’s inane rigidity with regards to open borders and its love of managed trade agreements is ensuring that an ever angrier electorate will continue to vote for the craziest son-of-a-bitch in the room who dissents from the prevailing narrative. And Russia has become the neo-liberals’ preferred bogeyman to paper over the fact that their candidates keep losing elections.
I blame all the minarchism going on in Europe
When I think of Europe, the first thing I think of is smaller government. After all, that’s the defining feature of all those centralized states (with a few federalist exceptions) with their centralized economic bureaucracy in Brussels
Reason #Eleventy skrillion why CNN is a joke.
“Have you been blowing Wolf? I can smell the sulfur on your breath.”
What news value is there now in having a drunk or drugged person on air on national TV like this?
Maybe no news value, but I’m looking forward to the next season of Naked, Drunk, and Afraid.
“Seattle police first in state to seize gun under mental health law
A man living in the Belltown neighborhood of Seattle, who has not been identified by name, became the first victim of the new protection orders over the weekend when police confiscated his weapons after neighbors said he had been intimidating community members for months.
Neighbors told reporters that he stared at people through storefront windows while wearing a holstered firearm, though open carrying is legal in the locality.
Reports noted that restaurants and bars in the area were quite familiar with him and had made complaints to police, but it is unclear whether what these complaints entailed.
One resident from the same apartment complex, Tony Montana, seemed to lend credence to the idea that the man’s constant open carrying was a large part of the problem.
“He was roaming the hallways with a .25 caliber automatic,” Montana recalled, showing his apparent lack of knowledge of open carry laws. “And it created a lot of fear obviously because I didn’t know if he was coming after me or gonna just start shooting the place up.””
You a communist? Huh? How’d you like it, man? They tell you all the time what to do, what to think, what to feel. Do you wanna be like a sheep? Like all those other people? Baah! Baah!
+1 hello to my leetle friend
One resident from the same apartment complex, Tony Montana, seemed to lend credence to the idea that the man’s constant open carrying was a large part of the problem.
Tony Montana loved guns, and you’re sullying his name asshole.
How on earth is this constitutional? Doesn’t seem that there’s any due process involved.
Unconstitutional? That horse left the barn long ago.
Looks like it’s going nationwide.
Why do you think MacLean branded us all as autistic? You can’t have a bunch of severely autistic people running around with firearms, can you?
We need the official word from Pie: is this a case of a vampire or not?
Neah just a lowly ghoul. You don’t get a vampire that easily
It’s good for couples to have interests in common.
The couple that plays together, stays together.
So California’s “jungle primary” system (which was designed to exclusively benefit Dems) is backfiring due to factional splits within the party? Unpossible!
The problem with the Dems is that they really try to cast a wide net. They want as many bodies as possible but forget that people are autonomous. Many such cases. Sad!
“Swedish woman who made online jokes about Islam could be jailed for 2 years
A 32-year-old woman from Gothenburg could be locked up for 2 years after making some Facebook jokes about Islam, Swedish newspaper Friatider reports.
According to police reports, the woman is charged with “talking in a negative or threatening way about a group of people” after she posted cartoons about Islam on Facebook.
A preliminary investigation was started after she was reported to the police. The woman had to undergo a “degrading” interrogation and had to submit DNA as well. During the police hearing, the woman apologised for her post and said she had nothing against ordinary Muslims, but only against ISIS.
“I read a lot and looked a lot at documentaries about IS and how they treated people. I didn’t mean it in a bad way”, she said. Later she added that her “best friend is Muslim so I don’t have a problem Muslims”.
But Gothenburg’s prosecutor, Sara Toreskog, chose to move on with the case and prosecute the woman for “hate speech” – a crime that could lead to two years in a Swedish prison.”
Submit DNA?
Europe is so progressive!
Just go ahead and declare it an Islamic Republic already. Waiting just confuses people.
Ironically, I am still reading the book “Submission” which discusses such an occurrence happening in France
If Swedish jails are anything like Norwegian jails, she’ll be safer and more comfortable than anywhere near the migrants.
They’re similar. I was just in the Fulton county jail this morning. And the bastards confiscated my new box cutter. I’m not gonna go back and get it. It’s not worth the hassle. I’ll never understand why they need the admin offices inside the prison. Why not adjacent?
Also in Sweden
He’s her husband, she’s his girlfriend?
So that Title IX memo made it to Sweden?
Holy fuck. Then they wonder why nationalist populist parties are gaining momentum and getting elected in Europe.
Fucken retards.
FTA: Prior to these December calls, in July 2017, two imams in California (Riverside and Davis) also called for killing Jews. One imam quoted the hadith above. He later apologized, claiming that “The last thing that I would do is intentionally hurt anyone, Muslim, Jewish or otherwise. It is not in my heart”.
It may not be in his heart, but it was in his mouth…
Sorry to admit I laughed at that one.
Does anyone ever wonder why the US doesn’t have such laws, yet doesn’t have as many problems with its domestic Muslim population as Europe does?
We also don’t have a similar per capita unassimilated islamic migrant population. So It’s not the best comparison.
I keep hearing that, so let’s use the State of Michigan as an example. Michigan, I would say, probably has the same amount of Muslims per capita as France (I think that’s a fair assumption). And yet there are no riots in Dearborn
If I were in Dearborn, I’d riot – just because I was stuck in Dearborn.
Fair enough, but the Arabs (which are most Dearborn Muslims) came here like most other immigrants – to get away from that old world BS. They aren’t refugees.
It’s also why they don’t launch attacks on Bloomfield.
Some of them did arrive as refugees. If the argument is that the Europeans did not properly vet their refugees, I think that’s a fair point. But, if the argument is that these refugees are inherently incompatible with Western culture, I don’t think that makes any sense. I think the point is that Europe is inherently incapable of assimilating new arrivals.
More than that, we have a strongly assimilationist culture. France (and for that matter, the rest of the EU) decidedly does not.
As with everything, it’s complicated.
From an assimilation point of view, many of the Indians (Hindu, Sikh and Muslim) who moved to the UK when I was a kid worked pretty hard at assimilating. Some parts of London became quite ‘diverse’ quite quickly and anecdotally, the kids of my age grew up pretty Westernized, so it’s clear that motivated, ‘early adoptees’ in a migration were capable of assimilating and raising well-assimilated kids.
Now, some of the kids, and a few of the adults will have had to deal with roaming bands of white (and in some case black) youth out on ‘Paki bashing’ missions, where it was usually enough that some poor Indian gets kicked around a bit and left in a doorway, although the Punk Rock era coincided with a pretty sharp decline in the behavior from what I could see.
Immigration continued to tick upwards in the 80’s, but I was largely unaware of any sharp change up or down in the frequency of such behavior, though I’m reasonably sure the general trend was down. Certainly, there was increased diversity in suburbia and rural areas. Superficially at least, assimilation seems to have worked.
And then you have the mid- to late-90’s with the Labour Party’s “Cool Britannia” and overt “Diversity Missions”. Cryptoimmigration went up, along with chain migration, with a concomitant increase in crime. It would be easy to pin this on the newest wave of immigrant whose motivations for moving to the UK may have been very different from the ones 30 years before, but there seems to have also been a radicalization of at least some of the kids borne of minorities who were in my cohort. The cause? Who knows. Probably a number of factors, but I can tell you this – something needs to be done – unfortunately, something very coercive – to socialize some the members of British (and by extension, European) asian minorities.
But it’s because of this radicalization of some of the kids of ‘assimilated’ minorities that ‘vetting’ is only a partial solution. How do you ‘vet’ your own 3rd generation naturalized citizens?
And then – in the case of the UK – we had the
I also think there are less restrictions on opportunity for Muslims in the US, unlike in France and Germany (and to a lesser extent, the rest of Europe), and if people can see that there is opportunity, they will be less likely to riot.
Just FYI, France has 5x the per capita Muslim population as Michigan.
The population of Michigan is 9.9 million (France’s population is 66.9 million).
Articles that I have read have pegged the number of Muslims in Michigan at roughly 3% of the population. Estimates suggest that France’s Muslim population represents roughly 5% of the population. I haven’t seen any information suggesting that France’s Muslim population approaches anywhere near 15% of the population, which is what your comment implies.
People forget that the larger the enclave, the less the need to assimilate. I had some Polish relatives born in Chicago around 1900 or so that never learned English. I’m sure there were other ethnic groups besides Poles that lived likewise. Around 1940-1965 it took a combination of taxation, occupational licensing, compulsory education, and growth of the suburbs to get the larger enclaves to assimilate, and that assimilation started to wane with the introduction of the great society welfare programs.
Pew research on religion in Michigan
This number could be wrong, but they put it at ~1%. Pew does very extensive surveys on religious affiliation, practice, and beliefs, so I would have thought it was a good source.
And wikipedia was my source for France, listing ~5.6% of the population as Muslim, so that’s how I calculated the “5x” claim.
I had some Polish relatives born in Chicago around 1900 or so that never learned English.
But I can guarantee that their kids did. And it’s highly likely that their grandkids couldn’t speak Polish. That was very much the pattern, and was certainly true on both sides of my family (though because we lived with my grandmother for my first few years while my dad was in the Army, I can understand and more-or-less speak Yiddish).
A quick Google shows France at around 7 – 9% Muslim, with no US State having more than 3% Muslim population. Illinois is the highest at 2.8% and Michigan is around 1.2%.
I tend to think what’s more important is how large the enclaves are. Of course, with a higher population you’ll more and/or bigger enclaves. Combine a big enough enclave with a welfare state, and you have a recipe for non-assimilation and all the ills that brings.
The other thing that a 7 – 9% population starts getting you is electoral impact when they start voting. This is famously an actual Labor policy in England – to create “rotten boroughs” of unassimilated foreigners who can be captured by Labor (see, e.g., Rotherham). When a different culture starts gaining political power, you have a recipe for heightened conflict as well.
“Submit DNA?”
For the hate criminal registry.
What if it comes back she isn’t white?
This is what our domestic proggies want.
“I’m the president and I can’t help but comment on the most trivial things. SAD”
Well, he IS a celebrity.
Kalamazoo votes to remove controversial Bronson Park fountain
The whole event sounds kind of like…a stand-off
City Hall was filled with the thundering drumbeat of indigenous demonstrators.
Liz showed up to play drums?
She persisted.
Kalamazoo is populated with tards.
I wonder how many of the demonstrators were actually Amerinds from the rez, and how many were LARPing “allies”.
And one more local story:
Richard Spencer’s Michigan State visit culminates with fights, anti-Nazi chants
So stupid. It’s spring break. The campus is empty. Instead of just ignoring these losers, they give them publicity and prove their point again and again.
The Antifa manage to make idiots like Richard Spencer look like they might be on to something.
Socialist Spencer and Communist Antifa are prongs of the same fork.
Of course, the greatest hate is reserved for the apostate.
Exactly. Neo-Nazi and Klan rallies have been going on for decades. For most of that period, most everyone just ignored them. A small number of people might jeer and throw banana peels or something, but otherwise they got very little attention.
Nowadays they get a circus of media coverage and huge crowds of other violent protesters. It’s almost like they thrive on attention and controversy…
If he’s 48, then he was there when Louis Farrakhan visited. I wonder if he was out there protesting during that visit?
Wife and her best friend took their daughters to MSU for campus visit in October. Wife came back and said “The place gave me the creeps. Not one person there ever smiled.” Her friend’s daughter loved the place. Wife has seen that friend only once since.
Yeesh. Sounds like they ain’t called Spartans for nothin’.
I’ll get the March Madness thing rolling in a day or two, so tune in to the links every day for a chance to win (the equivalent of) 10,000 (Zimbabwean) dollars!!!!
Wikipedia tells me that this is worth $0.000000000000285. The electricity used to post these links costs more than that. In other words: by visiting the links, we are all winners!
How come white liberals don’t care if young, black men die due to gun violence? Every time these school shootings happen the violence between other groups is swiftly ignored. Are they bigots? ?????
Gang violence in heavily gun-controlled areas doesn’t advance their agenda, so they don’t care.
Yes. Doubly so, because they don’t care about young black men and they hate whites who aren’t liberal. Next question.
Venezuelans, Go Home: Xenophobia Haunts Refugees
For decades, the oil-rich citizens of a great nation were stereotyped by their poorer neighbors as haughty. Now comes the payback.
Damn. What a mondo crank.
It could also be mere self-preservation: the Venezuelans voted for the situation they are fleeing, and there is no guarantee they’ve learned their lesson and wouldn’t vote to repeat the situation in the neighboring regions if allowed to stay. Now, that’s of course not fair to the Venezuelans who didn’t vote for Chavez/Maduro, but unless there’s a method to reliably separate the wheat from the chaff I can’t exactly blame their neighbors for viewing Venezuelans suspiciously.
Yesterday, I stumbled over to TOS, because I wanted to see if there was a write-up about Christina Hoff Sommers’ event being shutdown. Instead, I saw Robbie wrote-up an article about how Sargaan of Akkad was shutdown in the UK. Robbie labeled Sargaan as vile and alt-right, which generated push back in the comments. Robbie, to his credit, included a note in the article saying that he was wrong to dub Sargaan as ‘alt-right’, even though “mainstream outlets had labeled him as such”. The linked mainstream outlet was “Vox”.
He has got to be trolling everyone at this point. There is no way that anyone can call Vox a mainstream outlet with a straight face.
Robbie has gay face. This is known.
I’m going to need a Vox splainer on “gay face”
Most easily identified by the penis poking it.
Well, it is the preeminent progsplaining outlet.
Mr Benjamin is an NHS supporting lefty with a propensity for trolling. I’m going to guess Mr Soave is unfamiliar with his work.
That reminds me I did not check ENBs twitter account in a while.
..and you are better off for it.
Make a sammich instead.
Robbie, to his credit, included a note in the article saying that he was wrong to dub Sargaan as ‘alt-right’, even though “mainstream outlets had labeled him as such”.
Did he work in a “to be sure”?
Either way, I think this guy is teaching his son a valuable lesson about actions and consequences. Or he’s training the next Steve Prefontaine. You decide.
I vote both. Channeling aggression into positive pursuits (such as sports) is often a good way to manage it. The kid may, in part, be behaving better at school simply because he’s been tired out by a run beforehand.
We didn’t really have bullies when I was that age. We had recess – where we would beat the crap out of each other for half an hour. Full-tackle football or just smear-the-queer in the playground. Afterwards, I could sit still and listen for a little while.
I was trying to explain smear the queer (although not actually using the term, since I’d rather not get a call from the school when my son repeats it) to my boy, and he really wasn’t following.
“So everyone just tries to beat up on the kid holding the ball?”
“How do you score points?”
“Um, there aren’t any points.”
“So how do you win?”
“Surviving? I mean, this really isn’t a win-lose kind of game.”
*quiet for a minute* “Dad, that sounds kind of dumb.”
At the end of recess we generally agreed upon who carried the ball the longest and was the toughest to tackle – usually Todd Dick. And who made the most tackles – usually me.
So, you’re saying you spent a lot of time in school tackling Dick?
He was all over that Dick.
Well, Dick and the ball.
The poor kid’s father was named Harry. My brother and I would have to leave the room when my parents mentioned him.
I SO love this site.
It was the game that molded shy boys into angry men
I found myself a lot less angry afterwards – same with rugby a few years later.
Yup. I also remember these massive tackle football games we used to play in elementary school, like 20 on 20 on a big field at the end of a townhouse complex where many of the kids from school lived. Those were straight-up bloodsport, football as an excuse to knock the hell outta each other. I never missed an afternoon if I could help it.
I like video games, but the consequence of most kids sitting hermetically sealed inside houses all day every day has really been a bad thing, IMO. Hell, my dad would actually lock me out of the house on nice days – “It’s beautiful outside, go play!”
For some reason I only ever heard that in the worst weather possible – too bright to see and too hot to move.
Yeah, it burns off steam. But, when you were young the kid who wasn’t as aggressive as everyone else would become jaded and meaner after being toughened up by the violent games that young boys love. It was a good character building exercise
So you called it Tag the Fag instead?
^This. There’s a reason that the first thing dog trainers ask owners with “problem” dogs is how often they’re walked. Bored kids with lots of pent-up energy are going to misbehave. It’s inevitable. This way, either he’s too tired to dick around or he’s so running-averse the fear of doing another mile-long jog will keep him from being a dick to other kids.
“BOMBSHELL: FBI Agent Strzok Was Told Of Possible Breach Into Clinton’s Server, Didn’t Follow Up
On Monday, Fox News exclusively reported that anti-Trump FBI agent Peter Strzok was notified in the final months of the criminal investigation into former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server that there was a possible breach but chose to not follow up on it.
Two sources who are directly familiar with the matter told Fox News that Strzok was specifically informed of an “irregularity in the metadata” of Clinton’s server that suggested that an unauthorized party had breached the server. Despite the obvious national security implications, Strzok did not support taking the recommended course of action, completing a formal damage assessment.”
The Clintons purposely left classified data all over the place. That way, they could only be accused of carelessness, not espionage, when they sold the information.
Now you’re really giving her a lot of credit.
That takes some real Lex Luthor planning.
Come on. They even left state secrets on the laptop of a known porn-hound and pedophile.
… taking suggestions from the agencies on how to humanely clear the birds… (emphasis added)
There’s the problem. Take humanity out of the equation, and this wouldn’t be so hard. Let loose a few dogs of one of the hunting breeds and let nature take its course.
Fuck that, use flamethrowers and have a barbecue.
Yup. My dachshund would fuck those turkeys up.
Dachshunds are crazy little killing machines. If Dachshunds weighed a hundred pounds there would be nothing else alive in the world.
They were bred for hunting badgers, so crazy killing machine comes with the territory.
100% true. Mine is old and lazy now, but in her prime she was the terror of all small furry and feathered creatures in my backyard.
My dachshund would fuck those turkeys up.
Turkeys have a spike on the back of their legs, and their feathers are phenomenal armor. Your dachsund would be in for a wild ride.
ACLU director re-tweeted the demand that Christina Hoff Sommers be dis-invited at colleges. The gang at Al’s Diner is bummed
Why is anyone acting surprised that the ACLU has gone full prog? This has been an ongoing process for quite some time now. It’s about two inches away from becoming indistinguishable from Move On.
This happened at a law school, mind you.
One of the things you have to do as a lawyer, no matter what type of law you do, is to understand and empathize with the argument the other side is making, and figure out how to deal with it from your side. You can’t just scream and yell and put your fingers in your ears. How the fuck are these kids going to work in the real world? They can’t all go work for NGOs and liberal activist groups.
How the fuck are these kids going to work in the real world?
I suspect most won’t see the inside of a courtroom. Many won’t even see the inside of a law firm.
“How the fuck are these kids going to work in the real world?”
As I’ve observed before, their goal is to re-make the real world into a huge safe space.
Also, with what the New York ACLU’s director is up to, it shouldn’t be surprising that Oregon’s is similarly crazy.
I, for one, look forward to the gulags. Sitting around a table, eating gruel, being regaled by Sugar Free’s tales, and then spending our mornings at Intersectional Re-education Class.
“Beat a dog once and you only have to show him the whip.” – One Day In the Life of Ivan Denisovich
I still claim Obama = Potsie. Prove me wrong.
But, he’s not even on the national seen anymore. And there are only so many Happy Day characters.
Who the hell has so much time on their hands that they’re knitting sweaters for trees???
Cat ladies and other spinsters.
Never watched Parks and Recreation?
The Visegrad Group’s Exit from Liberal Democracy
tw: jacobitemag
ttw: Jacobite and Jacobin are different
“ttw: Jacobite and Jacobin are different”
Yes. The Jacobites want to return the Stuarts to the throne of the UK and the Jacobins want to depose the King of France.
Wait- what century are we in?
“CNN Travels to Thailand to Speak with Prostitute Who Claims to Have Dirt on Trump
The Belarus-born prostitute hopes America will grant her asylum in exchange for her tale
CNN is dispatching reporters around the world to help dig up clues and finally get to the bottom of the Trump campaign’s Russia ties. Last month the network infamously sent a reporter to St. Petersburg, where he literally dug around a dumpster looking for leads.
Today CNN sent a reporter to Bangkok to speak with a prostitute who claims to have the goods on the Trump camp’s alleged collusion with Russia. The woman, Anastasia Vashukevich, who is also a self-described “sex coach,” is currently imprisoned, and hopes that America will offer her asylum in exchange for her story.
CNN apparently found this tale credible enough to send a reporter to cover.
CNN’s Ivan Watson met with the woman and reports: “She described herself as a seductress. This woman claims to have evidence of Russian meddling in the U.S. election. The question, is this a desperate ploy to get out of jail, or as her friend claims, is this young woman truly in danger because she knows too much?”
Vashukevich is presently imprisoned in Bangkok after being accused of plying her trade without a permit.
“For days several Russian friends have been held at this jail in the capital of Thailand where visitors are not allowed to bring cameras,” Watson continued in his report. “I came out of this detention center. It was loud and hot and chaotic and talking through the bars she says she witnessed meetings between the Russian billionaire and three Americans who she refused to name. He claims they discussed plans to effect the U.S. elections but she wouldn’t give any further information because she fears she could be deported back to Russia.”
CNN hyped her possible credibility in noting that she was once photographed with a Russian billionaire, Oleg Deripaska, whom Paul Manafort was associated. Deripaska said she’s not his mistress and she’s simply trying to use him to get out of jail.
If American authorities are uninterested in her tales of Trump/Russia collusion, Vashukevich also claims to have tapes she made documenting Russian government crimes.
CNN, we can be sure, will remain on this story.”
In other news, Ivan Watson totally thought that girl at the bar was woman.
I’ve never heard of desperate Russian women lying to improve their situation. #BelieveHer
The Trump-Russia conspiracy is the JFK assassination conspiracy of this generation.
Except that JFK actually was assassinated.
Far closer to being the Satanic Child Abuse conspiracy.
Ah. This is reminiscent of those times CNN dug into Obama’s college transcripts, the Seth Rich murder, and Benghazi. Riveting!
I have been watching samurai movies on youtube. Of course, the more you watch, the more suggestions are offered up. Last night, I watched something called “fencing master” (1962 version). It was completely and unexpectedly different than what I was expecting, but I definitely liked it. Written by Akira Kurosawa, but directed by somebody else. Subtitled, of course.
tl;dw- a man struggling to make his way in a changing world
Cool. Have to check that out. Love Kurosawa. Thanks for sharing!
How the fuck are these kids going to work in the real world? They can’t all go work for NGOs and liberal activist groups.
Well, the world needs ditchdiggers, too.
They’re not qaulified to dig ditches, only to act as fill.
Russia fever dreams are collapsing. Save the narrative!
Well, Slate manages to report on the least surprising development in the wake of the latest gun-grabbing crusade. I hope all of the grabbers realize this will only ramp up as they become more and more vocal in their desire to take our right to self-defense on our own terms away.
Wouldn’t it be simpler to just pass a law against shooting people for no reason?
“Is there anything else you guys are looking for a daily update on?”
I can fill in the blanks; Australia defeated South Africa in the cricket first test of the tour. The game was spiced up by a confrontation off the field between Australian vice-captain David Warner and South Africa’s Quentin de Kock. The Aussies say de Kock made disparaging remarks about Warner’s wife; the South Africans claim Warner insulted de Kock’s sister and mother; in response de Kock’s sister had threatened to “hurt” Warner.
In Sheffield Shield: Victoria pulled off an improbable win over New South Wales, Tasmania have the upper hand on South Australia, and rained meant less than half an hour’s play in the Queensland/WA clash.
*stares blankly*
Kyle Guy’s knee injury is a slight MCL sprain. He says he’s good to go for the ACC tournament on Thursday.
ACC tourney starts at noon EST today. It may be over by 230.
Syracuse and Wake play at 7. We need to beat Wake and then probably beat Carolina tomorrow to make the tournament.
Meanwhile, my undergrad alma mater (UNC-Greensboro) clinched a tournament berth yesterday by winning the Southern Conference. They’re actually going to be a semi-popular pick for a 4/13 (or 3/14) upset. Top 10 defense in the nation, beat NC State earlier in the season, and a player in Francis Alonso who if he gets hot from the floor can pull the team.
GT needs to beat BC, NC State, Clemson, then win the Semis and Finals against probably UVA and Duke to make the tourney at 18-18.
NIT isn’t even an option as any loss and we have a losing record and are thus ineligible for the NIT.
Just took a quick look at the NYT Opinion page. Apparently, that Italian election produced terrifying results. “Frightening” “illiberal” “angry” results.
I’m so out of touch.
Idiot Italians forgot to vote for their betters…so of course it is “angry” “illiberal” etc.
And it begins.
A 20-year-old is suing Dick’s Sporting Goods after being refused a Ruger .22 rifle purchase based on his age.
No case, because age discrimination doesn’t work that way.
Depends on the statute being sued under…
For something like alcohol, the store could point to state law…here, not so much. Unless he is in a really good jurisdiction for theory of case, he won’t win. (I don’t know Jackson County, OR).
Specific exceptions for pot and alcohol, nothing else. And Jackson County looks to be a long ways from Portland, so he has a good chance.
I am opposed to public accomodation laws in all their stripes. It doesn’t matter that this is a case of buying something with no customization off their shelf – It’s a violation of freedom of association to force them to sell to anybody.
And if they want to re-establish that tenet of law with this case, I would be extremely happy. But you know exactly how this is going to play out. He’ll lose for some bullshit reason that isn’t part of the law that has absolutely nothing to do with public accommodation.
Jackson County might be hit and miss. Relatively rural but you’ve got Ashland (home of the state Shakespeare festival and Rogue Ales). It went 51.1% Trump, 42.0% Clinton.
Not surprised. There was a lawyer on one of the regional firearms forums asking for anyone between 18 & 21 that was denied a purchase to contact him.
SLD aside, I hope these stores get slapped hard. Then have the laws repealed. But something tells me that the courts will bend over backwards to figure out some sort of reason to dismiss or allow this blatant violation to continues. Safety needs of the community or something… from the invisible ink section that seems to go with any law.
Couple of thoughts:
This is a case made for appeal. The trial court ruling won’t matter much.
Sauce for the goose. Just like the state law claim in Damore’s case against Google is based on a law prohibiting discrimination based on political views (originally passed to protect commies) – these laws have to be written in a “neutral” way, so it doesn’t matter who you are, etc. Shove the consequences of these laws down the throats of their supporters. Its a no-lose deal – no matter what happens, the law is delegitimized.
I wonder if Gary Johnson supports this lawsuit
You assume that Gary Johnson cares about principles beyond “what would my betters do?”
Get woke. Go broke.
Kid sues Dick’s- I’m not really even that conflicted. He might as well sue Dick’s for not selling avocados? I’m pretty sure “business judgement” still has some legitimacy. It’s not “mandatory” that they sell firearms/ammo to people under 21, it is “permissible”.
Now, if people want to organize a massive boycott of Dick’s, I have no problem with that. Send the CEO of Dick’s photocopies of receipts from other sporting goods purveyors for your soccer balls, and camping gear, and tennis rackets, and skis…..
Nope – Oregon law wrote that stuff out of existence.
Sounds like he has a winner of a case.
Bake the cakeSell the rifle, bigot.But, but…they didn’t mean for it to apply to GUNS!!!11!!!
Not to worry, all those progressives flocking to Dick’s for hunting supplies will stabilize business.
They’ve actually been losing $$$ on the hunting stuff. Most of their business is 40-somethings buying fitness stuff and people buying sports supplies for their kids.
The bet they’re making is that the amount of money they were losing there won’t be outweighed by the amount of money they’ll lose from boycotts.
Well, far be it from me to wish ill on anyone’s livelihood, and it’s respectable if they’re going to take a stance to stand behind it, whatever happens to the bottom line. I loathe the impulse to boycott, but if the left is going to keep pushing it, let it be mutual.
Retail is dying anyway. They’ll be gone in 10 years or fewer regardless.
I’m in the market for a new kettlebell, and I think I’ll be getting it from Amazon instead. It comes out to a pretty reasonable price even with the insanely high cost of shipping weights.
You never want a kettle bell that has been inside dicks.
I reject the cultural hypocrisy of allowing, and even applauding, a business which has a policy of saying, “We don’t sell guns to children,” while pillorying that same enterprise, if they were to openly establish a policy of, “We don’t sell guns to niggers, or women, or Mohammedans, or left handed redheads.”
I fall back on the “willing buyer, willing seller” defense.
I was expecting a “very special” SugarFree tribute:
Kyrgyzstan marks national hat day under shadow of dog scandal
The Vienna City Hall is Rathaus in German, or rather Weiner Rathaus. I applaud their truthfulness.
also other city halls are Rathaus in german not just Vienna
“If Sheriff Israel is the ‘amazing’ leader he says he is, he will release videos of his deputies’ actions during Parkland shooting
Israel is under fire, from the public, from Republicans in the Legislature and from the media. The Miami Herald, South Florida Sun-Sentinel and CNN rightly have sued the BSO and Broward County School Board to pry loose surveillance video of the exterior of the school, showing the police response to the shooting. (The School Board says it has turned over its video to the BSO.) The media companies argue that the video recordings are of “extreme public interest.” And they are, absolutely. In addition, The Herald Sun-Sentinel and CNN want to determine for themselves whether the exemptions that the BSO cited to withhold the videos apply.”
Images from Sandy Hook were never released. If I recall, Connecticut even passed a law against it.
Was the Broward Coward wearing a camera during the incident? I’d like to see several minutes of the side of his squad car as he hid behind it.
I think footage that contributes to a neutral SITREP is entirely appropriate, whether it’s the fender of a cruiser, or over the fender of a cruiser showing 3 cops from Coral Gables forcing an entry, but we know it never stops there.
In general, there’s an unwillingness to release photographs because they end up on the Internet. Some of the ‘extreme public interest’ is prurient if not downright ghoulish, and it’s becoming pretty clear that the more publicity these events gain, the more likely ‘copycat’ wannabees try and replicate.
In the case of Sandy Hook, there was a lot of footage and thousands of still shots taken, but I’m not really sure what public interest is served by publishing forensic photography. Sandy Hook’s investment in surveillance equipment will probably have captured the perp’s entry to the building, but again, it’s hard to see what public interest (i.e. other than ‘if it bleeds it leads’ journalism) is really being served here.
I’m all for footage that demonstrates objective failure and malfeasance becoming available (if necessary, via FOIA requests). I’m far less happy with even the most neutral stills being slapped across the front of the New York Post.
Opacity breeds suspicion.
Opacity fuels suspicion, sure.
The “legitimate” (rather than prurient) reason why people want to see that stuff isn’t because they have an objective need to see the result of a school shooting, it’s because they fundamentally don’t trust government to tell them the truth.
In a way, it’s meta-evidence to demonstrate that the state lies to us. If you could trust the state, you wouldn’t need to see the pictures.
“it’s because they fundamentally don’t trust government to tell them the truth.”
Which is perfectly reasonable.
These are videos of a public space, with absolutely zero bloodshed or anything offensive. Not at all like images of blood-spattered hallways and kids with their heads blown off.
Whatever reasons might apply to not releasing crime scene photos don’t apply to video of a parking lot where no crimes were committed.
“he will release videos of his deputies’ actions during Parkland shooting”
So, still photos then?
Hopefully CNN will sue for the video from Las Vegas too, but I’m not holding my breath.
But something tells me that the courts will bend over backwards to figure out some sort of reason to dismiss or allow this blatant violation to continues. Safety needs of the community or something… from the invisible ink section that seems to go with any law.
We have already seen it; people claiming a Constitutional right to go out in public free of the fear by being shot by some madman. Because, if we just passed a few more laws, that would totally work.
“The right of all Americans to wrap themselves in a false sense of security shall not be infringed.”
“If Sheriff Israel is the ‘amazing’ leader he says he is, he will release videos of his deputies’ actions during Parkland shooting
“This bodycam footage is boring. It’s nothing but twenty minutes of the fender of a cop car, from six inches away.”
Black and white?
i would like it released with Smell-O-Vision to get that urine-soaked fear experience.
This is neat. But I wonder why so many of these “hey look at our new tech” videos have music that sounds like ZZ Top without the talent.
Next we need a drone-hunter-hunter, to clear the space ahead of the invasion drone.
its fighter/bomber all over again.
SHOCKING: Feminists Are A Bunch Of Catty Jealous Bitches
#metoo doesn’t count when it’s a hero. Some animals…
Damn backwoods Republican areas. That would never happen in enlightened Democrat-controlled cities like Chicago or New York.
“A former al Qaeda terror suspect ordered mayonnaise with pastrami”
Listen, I think I’m a pretty tolerant person. I’m sympathetic towards people making yellow rice with achiote. Saffron is expensive. Some people like cilantro. Well, I say live and let live. It’s not their fault they’re genetically inferior. Pineapple pizza? Your toppings, your choice. But anyone putting mayonnaise on pastrami should be sent to Guantanamo.
“Awful scandal porn: Nunberg gone wild
Why it matters: This is one of the reasons America hates the media. Our entire industry lit itself on fire because a troubled Trump hanger-on made an ass of himself — live.”
“Newly released evidence today calls into serious doubt many of the most widespread beliefs about the 2016 shooting by Omar Mateen at the Pulse nightclub in Orlando, which killed 49 people along with Mateen himself. Because the attack occurred on the club’s “Latin night,” the overwhelming majority of the victims were Latinos, primarily Puerto Ricans.
In particular, Mateen went to Pulse only after having scouted other venues that night that were wholly unrelated to the LGBT community, only to find that they were too defended by armed guards and police, and ultimately chose Pulse only after a generic Google search for “Orlando nightclubs” – not “gay clubs” – produced Pulse as the first search result.
Several journalists closely covering the Mateen investigation have, for some time now, noted the complete absence of any evidence suggesting that Mateen knew that Pulse was a gay club or that targeting LGBTs was part of his motive. These doubts have been strongly fortified by the new facts, previously under seal, that were revealed by today’s court filing.”
Interesting article. Just plain old-fashioned jihad, I guess.
I noted this:
And this:
Orlando prosecutors caving? Or is there more evidence?
Do they give any evidence of the differing evidence against the significant others in the three cases? I’m not going to take anyone’s word for it that there’s “More evidence” if they don’t tell me what that evidence is.
Nothing more than a load of speculation about Danley. It’s odd that the authors refer to Russell as “ex-Christian” rather than a converted Muslim. In any event, the takeaway seems to be that prosecutors are racist because, in their zeal to avenge the deaths of several dozen gay Latinos, they indicted a Muslim woman… and that proves they’re racist because other prosecutors in other states declined to charge another Muslim woman, or Paddock’s girlfriend, who by all appearances has cooperated with authorities.
It’s strained, to say the least.
From what I read about the marathon bombing, Boston area police were told (possibly by Russell) of other things Tsarnaev had done and the cops were too lazy to investigate and instead told the informant “He’ll screw up again and we’ll get him then.”
i was never really sure where Glenn stood on 2A. this helps…
As a result of the referendum [against gun control]– both the result and the process leading up to it — personal security and political liberty are substantially healthier in Brazil.
and this Q&A in the Grauniad…
Glenn what is your view on the current gun debate in the US. I know from previous blogs that you were in favor of gun ownership in Brazil, does that hold for the US? – gregmcinerney
I wasn’t exactly against gun control in Brazil. That was a post I wrote really early on after I began blogging, and I was really writing because of how impressed I was with the quality of the public debate that took place over that public referendum.
When it began, large majorities favored gun control. After they were told that the police were failing to protect them (which they already knew) and that their banning guns would leave them defenseless, huge numbers changed their mind. I was just writing to comment the rationality and substantive nature of that debate.
I don’t write about or opine on every issue because I’m often ambivalent, or I don’t feel I know enough to take up readers’ time by writing about it, or because I think others have more valuable things to say. Gun control is one of those issues for me. I definitely see the reasons for wanting to ban especially the most menacing firearms, but it’s a bit like the War on Drugs to me: I just can’t imagine the government successfully taking guns out of the hands of criminals or even deranged people without very, very invasive and abusive measures, and even then, I’m not so sure it could work.
So, he has absolutely no principled defense of gun ownership or the right to self-defense. Sounds like he supports assault weapons bans, and would be totes cool with confiscation and a ban on private ownership if it wasn’t for those persistent logistical problems.
Good to know.
“those persistent logistical problems”
Like ‘police won’t protect you, so to protect yourself is rational’? At least he’s aware of those logistical problems and consequently isn’t interested in fear-mongering directed at frothing proudly-ignorant gun-grabbers.
So basically he was railing against Obama (and Clinton) and the media could simply not allow that their gods be questioned, so they went with the standard “hatred of marginalized group that we defend” angle.
“Mikdash Educational Center, a Jerusalem-based nonprofit, is minting the “Temple Coin” which features President Trump’s face in profile alongside the Persian King Cyrus who, according to the Hebrew Bible, allowed the Jews to return to the Holy City after being exiled from Babylon 2,500 years ago.
According to the Associated Press, the coin also features the name of former British Prime Minister Arthur Balfour, known for the 1917 Balfour Declaration that declared the British government’s support for a Jewish state in present-day Israel.
The center will produce 1,000 of the silver-plated coins which can be purchased for a donation of $50.
The Trump administration confirmed last month that that the U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem would open on May 14 to mark the 70th anniversary of Israeli independence. Trump’s decision effectively declared Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.
The news was met with hostility and derision from the media and Democratic party, despite Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, and Barack Obama all declaring plans to move the embassy to Jerusalem.
Both Israel and Muslims who live in the area claim Jerusalem as their capital. The present U.S. embassy is being moved from Tel Aviv.”
$50 for Silver-plated?
Silver was $17 an ounce last time I checked (earlier this year). I want solid silver.
$16.56 right now
Dammit, my silver lost value!?!!!!11!!eleventy!!
Still lurking…job update. Have an interview tomorrow! It has been interesting to say the least watching a good business go to shit. Might even write it down and post in the future. Loves and frredom to all hopefully i can visit more often soon.
Part of a Bacon Cheeseburger?
Be civil.
Well, there are a lot of jobs for bacon…
They called me…haven’t even filled a resume out yet it’s been 17 years since i had to do that.
Good luck, bacon! It will be good to see you around more.
*drops gloves gives hug*
Good luck!
Would love to read that experience. I’m going through something similar, I’m holding out until I start to dread having to go in.
Living it is part of the experience for sure.
Dammit, I still need to come down your way to visit in person.
Best of luck tomorrow, but I think you’ll do great.
Good luck!
Sunken World War II Aircraft Carrier Found by Deep-Sea Expedition
*gives salute*
He’s found a crap load of WWII boats on his expeditions. That article isn’t exactly accurate. The Lady Lex was scuttled, the 216 were KIA from the earlier damage she took.
Great review over at Eric Peters Autos 2018 BMW M550i
Well done, BMW. I want.
I want an i8. I know it’s gimmicky and electric (plug-in hybrid actually, which is probably the future of “electric”), but it’s just such a pretty car.
Bimmer’s are money-pits. I don’t recommend it. At least don’t buy it. Lease it instead.
Our fell apart shortly after 100k. We are used to driving Japanese cars 200k+.
I’ve only ever owned Japanese cars and no real issues except for the ’03 Mazda 6. The problem: Ford Duratec motor. My parents work at a BMW dealer and they say that, in truth, BMW’s are not worth it. So I pass that along.
I own 3 Toyotas and 2 Mercedes. Always buy as much Toyota as you can reasonably afford — they go forever.
Agreed. Mercedes can be as well. I had a 1988 535i for about 5 years. It was really fun to drive. But, man! It was expensive to service. I did basic stuff like oil changes. However, it was frequently in the shop with problems. Thankfully, the French guy who owned the shop had a dealer’s license and sold cars on the side. So, I got to drive a LOT of 1980s Mercedes as loaners.
Play the sad trombone as I lose all interest.
Way of the world, Drake. The death of the row-your-own is nigh.
That’s what collector cars are for!
*Shakes fist and refuses to accept it*
Damn sure not paying $100k for a car without the transmission I want.
Sweet! Really like Peters’ reviews.
Had I known about his site earlier, I would’ve bought a Kia instead of the little Lexus hybrid I have. Would’ve saved at least $5K. *Sigh*
Started as a man and is now a dragon lady. Sounds legit.
^don’t click if you’re just sitting down for lunch
Well done, BMW. I want.
Get back to me when they come out with a stripped down lightweight two-seater version. You know, a FIA GT3 car.
Actually, I’d rather have a BMW M1 than anything they have built in the last 20 years.
Well, of course, but we can still appreciate the outrageousness of the M5.
Me, I’m still holding out for an AMG E63. They’ve got a satin gunmetal, blacked out trim, de-badged version that would just . . . *heads to bunk*
Given what they want for it, I guess really I’m waiting for a winning lottery ticket.
This is just sad.
Left-wing fascists (but I repeat myself) condemn speaker as left-wing fascist.
From NRO’s piece:
must be nice to be so close-minded and illiberal.
This incident highlights the disease of Leftism. This time the disruption could not be blamed on some outside agitators like antifa. It was the left-wing faculty and closed minded students who silenced dissent. It’s getting harder and harder to spin these stories as not a big deal
There is a woman wearing a jacket that says “Stay Woke”. And I think she’s serious.
I’d take one of these, too.
OK, looks like i have to lawyer up regarding my layoff. *sigh*
Stiff you on your bonus?
Yep. Precisely.
That’s a drag. Sorry to hear it.
Ouch. Good luck with that.
We’ll see. I probably won’t get anywhere with it, but I’m gonna take a stab at it (metaphorically). If I don’t get satisfaction, it puts a crimp in my plans to run my own biz.
Sorry to hear that.
It’s OK. I won’t starve. Just means I have to stop lounging around the pool with the Cristal and ladies of negotiable affection a bit sooner than expected.
OK, looks like i have to lawyer up regarding my layoff. *sigh*
That sucks. But- I thought you quit.
No, layoff. I was expecting it, so I put a ball over each pocket so the anticipated departure would be professional and (should have been) both amicable and equitable.
The call when it came, was no surprise, and the sep agreement, in isolation is reasonable. However, there are some outstanding 2017 tax year issues which are not.
Damn sure not paying $100k for a car without the transmission I want.
*raises string-back-gloved fist in solidarity*
I decided to vote in the Republican primary today. Hard to do it. Hate pretty much everyone.
Holy shit, there’s a tweet for everything:
Donald J. Trump
Verified account
Follow Follow @realDonaldTrump
No eleven am article? Glibs has gone Hollywood. Sad!
I love how “progressives” will cheer for a massive gun registration (which is definitely to be used for confiscation down the road) but they scoff at the idea of a Muslim registry because “you’ll never find all the Muslims, and it will just be used to round them up at some point in the future!”
You can’t support a gun registry while opposing a Muslim registry and be logically consistent. They’re both stupid ideas for the same exact reasons, and the dangers of each are identical.
And, somehow, voter ID is terrible. Idiots.