Brett decided to celebrate his 60 Days Sober award by having a drink. Then celebrated that drink by having a drink. And those two drinks seemed so lonely that he needed another… anyway, as his sponsor, I guess you’re stuck with me for your afternoon entertainment.


Aren’t you glad Hillary didn’t get elected? If she had, we’d be going to war in Syria. Which we now totally won’t do. Nossir.


Feel like a nutpunch? Of course you do. And here ya go!


Oscar ratings bust. Fox News attributes it to politicization. Maybe. Or maybe because ratings for everything are down as people unplug.


The screaming for more Action Against Drugs continues. Note something interesting:

The number of kids sent to pediatric intensive care units (PICUs) doubled between 2004 and 2015, a team at the University of Chicago Medicine Comer Children’s Hospital found.

Of course, the article doesn’t mention what that number actually is or how it fluctuates from year to year or how it relates to changes in overall PICU intake. Because that might make panic seem stupid, and we all know we’re having an opioid apocalypse.


Should I take this personally? Well, I’m not on Facebook anymore, so I guess it’s moot.


Someone has NOT gotten with the narrative.


Lord of The Flies comes to mind.


Weekday edition of Old Guy Music. From the brilliant movie “The History of Future Folk,” a plaintive ballad. Hondo!