Brett decided to celebrate his 60 Days Sober award by having a drink. Then celebrated that drink by having a drink. And those two drinks seemed so lonely that he needed another… anyway, as his sponsor, I guess you’re stuck with me for your afternoon entertainment.
Aren’t you glad Hillary didn’t get elected? If she had, we’d be going to war in Syria. Which we now totally won’t do. Nossir.
Feel like a nutpunch? Of course you do. And here ya go!
Oscar ratings bust. Fox News attributes it to politicization. Maybe. Or maybe because ratings for everything are down as people unplug.
The screaming for more Action Against Drugs continues. Note something interesting:
The number of kids sent to pediatric intensive care units (PICUs) doubled between 2004 and 2015, a team at the University of Chicago Medicine Comer Children’s Hospital found.
Of course, the article doesn’t mention what that number actually is or how it fluctuates from year to year or how it relates to changes in overall PICU intake. Because that might make panic seem stupid, and we all know we’re having an opioid apocalypse.
Should I take this personally? Well, I’m not on Facebook anymore, so I guess it’s moot.
Someone has NOT gotten with the narrative.
Lord of The Flies comes to mind.
Weekday edition of Old Guy Music. From the brilliant movie “The History of Future Folk,” a plaintive ballad. Hondo!
The FutureFolk movie is amazing. Dee Snyder (of Twisted Sister Fame) plays a major character. He is, as in almost everything he tries, awesome!
“He is, as in almost everything he tries, awesome!”
Yes. My wife is forever jealous at how Snyder kept his mascara from running during those music videos.
The most awesome thing Dee Snyder ever did was tell congress where to shove it.
To prove how evil kids are, when I was a kid there was a crippled girl in my school, and some of the kids would yell this at her: “Twisted sister! What do you wanna do with your life!? I Wanna walk!”
I don’t think the low Oscar ratings were just because of Jimmy Kimmel…
…..but it didn’t help that he was hosting
No, but he didn’t help. I find the late night comics these days unbearable. Kimmel is close tot he top of the list.
I have found that I hardly even watch my TV anymore. A couple of shows I like and sports. There isn’t a single news/talk show/late night comedy program that I can stand and hasn’t been for several years.
You have to get the Amazon Fire Stick and then download the Pluto app. You can watch Newsmax TV on the Pluto app. It’s a good way to remind yourself of why conservatives are nuts, too.
Bonus: Wayne Allen Root has a TV show on Newsmax TV and it appears to be filmed in his living room or a poorly organized office.
I expect to be able to get Internet at my house in maybe another year or so. The ISPs in my area are putting in airfiber. The service coverage is still about 10 miles away from me, but it has been getting closer the past year or so. I will probably try something like that in the future.
You don’t have internet at home? Not even dial-up?
I have satellite through at&t, bit it is limited to 20G a month. That is more than enough for what I do, but if I were to start using Hulu or netflix or something like that, it wouldn’t be near enough.
“I expect to be able to get Internet at my house in maybe another year or so”
Hmmmm….when will they start paving the dirt roads?
I live about 2 miles down a dirt road that connects to a state highway that was paved about 15 years ago. Maybe one day I’ll get some asphalt, but I doubt it. I don’t particularly want it. The dirt keeps the undesirables away.
Sports and the Velocity channel is plenty for me.
I miss the Letterman/Leno days. Decent late night TV.
Only reason I still have cable TV right now is that it’s included in my HOA fees.
The only reason we still have Dish is because we couldn’t find a cheaper way for my wife to watch Hockey and me to watch Football (real football, not that surrender monkey euroweenie crap) .
That said there are a couple of shows still in production that get watched at our house.
Most of us watch Lucifer, and Elementary
My wife and I watch The Magicians (AKA Harry Potter does drugs has sex, and goes to Narnia)
My Twins watch Supernatural
My youngest watches My Little Pony
And that wraps up all of the shows active shows anyone in my house watches
I really wanted to like that but lost interest before S02 started.
Couldn’t stand the book. I understand anti-heroes, but wow, what a prick.
what a prick
I noticed that too when I read it (after watching S01). I don’t have any further interest in the books, either.
I subscribe to for hockey and watch it on my TV over Roku. Same for MLB.
NFL stubbornly clings to broadcast and cable/satellite contracts…for now.
How do you watch local games? I thought they were blacked out?
Oh, and how you doin?
….what he said. If Im still up at that hour and have a peek, the monologue from any of them is unwatchable.
Same with SNL.
Kimmel takes it from “probably not” to “no way”.
Kimmel was very likeable, a buddy with a foosball table and good beer in the fridge, when he did “The Man Show”, and he was actually pretty decent on his late-night talkfest for a few years, as he was more wacky and amusing than political as Letterman became more and more “suck on Obama and hate the Right”. But somehow seeing the dickhead from my college Colbert tearing up the ratings with show totally based on TDS, Kimmel must have decided that being a nasty Lefty was where the money was. Is he actually that way personally and has been hiding it all these years from us, especially on The Man Show? Or has he decided that he wants to get in on the virtue signaling too, and is really mostly playing a role?
Too bad Johnny Carson doesn’t host the Oscars anymore, he was always good. They should dig him up and reanimate the corpse, I’m sure Disney’s got some sort of capability to do that by now.
Carson had to be asked and paid to do the gig – as did Letterman. Kimmel being the douchiest douche in Hollywood, smells like he became a public douche because he desperately wants to be the Oscar host and knows that being a kiss-ass will get him the gig.
In a few years they’ll drop his ass and tell him they prefer someone entertaining instead.
I think like with Bill Simmons, it’s virtue signalling to appeal to millenials. Though it could be genuine cause they had kids. Having kids seems to turn normal people into pants wetting maude Flanders types, whether from the right or left. This has been my experience with friends.
Kimmel had kids with his first wife before his TV career even began. He dumped them when he started getting successful and dating Silverman.
Our ‘moral compass’, Jimmy Kimmel, left his wife and kids as soon as he got famous. Which is probably the shittiest thing a dad can ever do is just bail on his wife and kids in order to fulfill his own selfish ambition.
He hosted last year’s, which were also down from the year before. Believe me, there is a BIG portion of the TV audience tuning out specifically because of the political speeches and browbeating from our “betters.” It’s the same thing that happened with the NFL, where, for two seasons, they tried to hand wave how much of an impact the anthem kneeling had. Personally, I don’t really care. But, I work in sports TV and I guarantee you the anthem protests affected ratings, in much the same way Kimmel’s petty political comedy affected the Oscars telecast.
Granted, TV audiences have grown tired of getting lectured to during awards shows like the Oscars for a while. Kimmel is just making it worse.
This comment from the great screenwriter Paddy Chayefsky during the 1977 awards seems evergreen:
This amuses me.
I’m shocked the numbers are still that high.
Archive site is F’ed up, so you’ll have to deal with the link bareback.
They are just playing around with the pace of the decline now. Tell a big chunk of the country they are assholes, they will flip you off and not watch…then, a big part of the younger set has no interest in movie awards, they have people to watch playing video games and screaming, laughing and swearing at the game screens.
I went to Publix at lunchtime today to partake in mankind’s greatest creation, the Publix Chicken Tender sub. My walk from work to the downtown Fort Lauderdale Publix takes me past the Broward County Jail. Couple of satellite trucks still parked there. Kind of stared at the top floor slit windows (where the isolation cells are). Guessing Cruz is in a hole within a hole within a hole for his own protection, more than anything.
Anyways, from Dan Arel, the man that brought you this derp about the DPRK, we have more derp, which might actually explain the DPRK derp.
Not surprising from a self-described anarchist who want more government.
Publix does have awesome subs, the Publix Italians are to die for.
A response to a response: “The Dutch, like most of Europe, also have free birth control, access to abortion, drug counselling and rehabilitation. They can drink beer at 16 and everything else at 18. They teach their kids about sex from a young age and have 1/5th the rate of teen pregnancies as the US do”
Do they even history on Twitter?
You can’t compare the Netherlands to the U.S. We are, nor have been, anything like each other at any point in history.
“You can’t trust individuals to do the right thing, but Gov is magically the answer to our ills!”
Regarding that teacher that left 75% of his students out in the hallway to die. Is there anyone who doesn’t look like complete assholes after that shooting in Florida?
The 3 men that put themselves between the bullets and the kids? Of course, they are all dead… 🙁
[raises hand]
Put your hand down
Even Nick Gillespie would have had a better reply than this.
That’s cold blooded. Respect
The Coral Springs PD officers, who rushed in past the Cowards from Broward?*
*Full Disclosure, my gun-grabbing, sweater-for-Hillary-knitting MIL is apparently friends with a bunch of the guys on the Coral Springs PD.
No one wants to see HRC in a sweater.
Maybe if she was wearing it behind prison bars.
Coral Gables Po Po looks pretty competent.
“Fox News attributes it to politicization[…]maybe because ratings for everything are down as people unplug”
I’m guessing it’s a combination of the two. I think the type of people into watching the Oscars, even if semi-lefty by default, are not the most politically engaged people. They just wanna watch it for fun and to watch the beautiful people traipse around in clothes that cost a year’s salary. They don’t want to feel like they’re being lectured to, even if they might superficially agree with the sentiment.
That and people just not watching TV generally. Still, almost 20% is a pretty catastrophic drop.
For me, I stopped watching all of this stuff when Bush Derangement Syndrome kicked in, and I didn’t even like him. I just got tired of being preached too, whether at a concert or by petterman
I blame Obama for having Joan Rivers killed.
We don’t have ABC on our Sling. I wouldn’t have watched it anyway, but my wife would have, at least until she got tired of the political BS and started yelling at the TV.
So about 30 seconds in…
Maybe a minute. At that point she would record it in order to fast forward through it the next day.
“I’m Conor Friedsdorf and I’m not smart”
If’n you can’t defend yourself with your single shot muzzle loading musket, then you’d better accept that you’re probably gonna die.
I didn’t watch the Oscars. Did anyone there express remorse or contrition for covering up for Weinstein for decades?
I didn’t watch the Oscars.
No. But since thy have all quit raping each other, they now have time to preach to us rubes.
“they have all quit raping each other”
Citation needed.
I also did not watch the Oscars, but the Today Show was on in my house this morning (I know…), and I got to see Frances McDormand’s courageous speech of stuttering, incoherent nonsense. She sounded like a participant in one of those hyperventilating, Tourettes-esque, speed-talking college debates that were the subject of great mockery a year or two ago.
Saw him molestering on the sofa?
Really long and interesting article re Chrsitopher Steele from Jane Mayer, who seems reliably to the left, though was critical of Obama on whistle-blower prosecutions and drone strikes. Predictably, the article is hagiographic regarding Mr. Steele, but I found this line, that I don’t recall seeing previously, pretty interesting:
“Steele’s sources claimed that the digital attack [on the DNC] involved agents ‘within the Democratic Party structure itself,'”.
agents ‘within the Democratic Party structure itself,’”.
Old School Communists?
I’m not saying that they’re saying Seth Rich, but….
“”agents ‘within the Democratic Party structure itself,’”
this is sort of an overblown way of saying, “bernie supporters”
Alternative headline: “I’m a Whore”
Alternative headline: “Three Reasons to Work as a Driver for Uber”
Without a pic of the author, I cannot endorse the 2nd Alt headline.
So, we’re going with “I’m a Whore” then?
It looks like she paid for the transportation though.
I mean, really, they’re both adults. Far be it from us to judge others on their consensual, uncoerced choices.
I’m joking. But, I also detest the notion that just because something is mutually agreed upon between willful parties no one should be allowed to criticize them.
This. “I don’t have the authority to stop you” =/= “I can’t criticize anything you do that is legal”
I liked that article when you wrote it.
Thanks! I never miss an opportunity to pimp my old articles.
I’m just wondering why it’s “newsworthy”. Is she trying to warn the public wither her story? Patting herself on the back? Of all stories to tell, why did they pick hers?
Not even judging. She can let her freak flag fly.
Not a whore, she didn’t charge any of them.
A slut sure but then there is nothing wrong with being a slut, the world needs more sluts and fewer prudes who think there is something inherently wrong with sex
Hepatitis A, B and C?
Looks like the story originated in Australia, so ‘D’ as well. Plus HPV and a whole raft of other nasties.
Chlamydia from Koalas?
I’m not sure what the purpose of that article was except as sort of a boring and sexless Penthouse forum-lite
e.g. “here’s anecdotes of my slutty encounters without any description or details other than ‘they were uber drivers'”
i mean, i understand why it was in Australia’s version of Jezebel – i don’t understand why it was in the NY Post.
surprised it’s not in the pagesix tabloid section, but yeah, pretty much this.
In a historical context I would say it is improving in some ways, devolving in others.
I want to drag in the discussion about the trend of freedom in the US from the wine thread. Specifically, suthen’s spot on assessment of the situation.
If I had to further categorize the trend, it’s an improvement in the inclusion of people and groups in the “we get liberty” bucket and a devolution of what “liberty” actually entails. Liberty in the US has gone from an inch wide and a mile deep to an inch deep and a mile wide.
Something close to 50% of my income is given to the governemnt for a bunch of shit that I don’t want or need. That’s a whole lot of freedom taken from me.
Yes the country is rich and there are more opportunities here than in most if not all other place in the world. We are not particularly free though. I can’t operate my vehicle without wearing a seat belt without getting my vehicle torn apart by cops with dogs.
Join the Free Staters in New Hampshire, where it’s still legal to drive without a seat belt
I dont know if it was exactly spot on. Dean and Lachowski have a good point. So do you. I would say that we have made more progress and in less time than anyone else, ever. They may be hard to live up to but having high ideals, high standards, helps a lot even when you fall short.
Suthenboy reminds me of JsubD from TOS. I’m nearly always in agreement with what he says and always envious of how succinctly he says it.
… Hobbit
Of course, the article doesn’t mention what that number actually is or how it fluctuates from year to year or how it relates to changes in overall PICU intake.
Thanks for the trigger warning. The misuse of statistics like this gets my blood pressure up. “Doubled” from 4 to 8 is not the same as “doubled” from 40,000 to 80,000.
They also cherry pick the year.
Us the 60 day thing a joke or for serious?
You take anything on seriously?
Just the opportunity to meet girls.
It’s funny because there are no libertarian women.
Oof. And you thing the Wild are disappointing.
Who would want to spend 60 days sober?
Only a lunatic imo
Bah, there’s some of us that has never been drunk or stoned
See the comment above
I’d like to thank jeebus for the end of the big 10 tournament. 3 days of drunken hillbillies wandering around the city was brutal.
“drunken hillbillies wandering around the city was brutal.”
It was the Big 10, not the MAC
Sounds like paradise to me.
*except for the city part.
You don’t want to be taken down to paradise city?
What with all the green grass and pretty girls.
ACC tourney starts tomorrow in Brooklyn.
Makes perfect sense. Don’t the Deliverance states have their own arenas?
Nc lost hosting duties bc of the transgender bathroom stuff now the top teams are even more incentivized to lose the acc tourney
Due to the travel time plus as before the number of games in a short span
Any Next of Kin reenactment featuring crossbows?
Ham? Pineapple? The science seems to be SETTLED.
Sure, settled in Great Britain. The food there is atrocious.
You kinda made my point for me. They boil their meat, and call that edible. Yet they still refuse the unholy union that is ham/pineapple.
Hah. Lol, I kind of did!
My wife like ham and pineapple pizza. I still love her anyway.
We’re sorry she won’t be joining us for pizza. Ever.
No worries. DOOM and I will keep her company.
Sigh, now I want Hawaiian-style pizza.
*makes shopping list*
Yeah, I don’t understand what’s wrong with SP. Ham and pineapple is awesome on pizza.
What’s wrong with SP is that she knows pineapple is horrible on pizza, but she is too nice to cat-butt people who say otherwise.
*sets table*
*knocks it over*
*knocks Mike over*
The only thing that would make that pizza order worse is Canadian bacon. Call me a jingoist, but I refuse to consume foreign bacon. That’s just un-American
If you judge Canadian bacon for what it is, ham, it’s not that bad. Doesn’t belong on a pizza though.
I do judge it by what it is: Canadian
Losing that girlfriend in Canada was pretty tough on you, huh?
She moved back to Canada. Can you believe that? She lived in America for a while and decided to move BACK to Canada. Who does that?
Worse than Hitler. Did she know Trump?
I just ordered 3 pounds of it from that Alpine sausage place someone mentioned – it was that good the first time I tried it. (Their bacon was amazing too, ordered 2 pounds…)
(It’s pork loin – “Canadian bacon” is just some name that Americans made up. Details at wikipedia IIRC.)
Also known in Canada as “back bacon.”
Damn, but that stuff’s good.
No – this joint
What about eggs Benedict?
“What about eggs Benedict?”
You just answered your own question. Hollandaise sauce is the Nick Gillespie of sauces
…A good way to get more butter?
My Hollandaise is the Amy Schumer of sauces
Pudgy and not funny?
Thick, yellow, and sour
Fatty and disease ridden?
Hollandaise is perfect for eggs Benedict made with salmon.
My wife likes pineapple and pepperoni.
It has started to grow on me, after about 10 years of eating it.
Pineapple and pigs were made for each other.
Pineapple juice, soy sauce, brown sugar and a little black pepper cooked down to thicken. Put over pork chops and rice. Put your pineapple slice and a cherry on top. I do it all of the time. It’s freakin’ fuckin’ delicious. There are never left-overs.
I have never done pineapple with porkchops. I have done it with hamsteaks and it’s delicious. I will have to try that.
*Autocorrect tried to turn hamsteaks into hampsters. I almost left it.
That sounds good, I’m not much of a cook but I might have to give that a try.
Add some fresh grated ginger and you just described my not-so-secret recipe for teriyaki sauce.
Suthen gets it.
The rest of you miscreants, not so much.
Yeah, I’m on Team Suthen on this one.
The perfect pizza is pepperoni and black olive.
You are welcome.
Olives? Yuck.
Thats’ the only ingredient I ever manually take off a pizza when I didn’t have choice in the toppings.
But damn, how come a sausage pizza might have four chunks of sausage per slice, but there will be several hundred black olive pieces per slice? Makes it very difficult to remove them, and you lose most of the cheese as a result.
Onions, green peppers, red peppers all much better instead.
Some people.
/cracks a jar of Greek olives and eats the whole thing.
Get your sodium checked. Just sayin.
Sausage and green peppers.
Roasted red peppers FTW.
Growing up in NY I always got sausage. But then I went to Buffalo for school and they automatically give u pepperoni there unless u tell them not to, so I learned to like it.
The euphemisms in that statement…
Michael Malice makes a fair point
Armie Hammer was miscast in Call Me by Your Name. He didn’t look younger than his age–you would think that would be a basic requirement in Hollywood. And his character failed to convince that everyone was smitten by him–which was crucial to the plot.
Ok, you win. I have no idea what you’re talking about
Everyone loves baking soda. Duh.
Oh, know I get it
I mean, I kind of fell for him dancing to “Love My Way.” But his performance was still a dud, esp next to Chalamet.
Honestly thought the movie was a total drag overall, in spite of some good (and uncomfortable) moments.
Have you read the book? I really enjoyed it (probably right around the time it came out in 2008).
I kept meaning to reread it before the movie came out and didn’t get around to it…or seeing the movie.
I haven’t, but I remember you said you liked it. I’ll check it out. Might clear up some things that had me baffled.
I will say it again. Leftist ideology appeals to the worst parts of human nature and thus attracts the worst kinds of people. Pence is the kind of guy I would like to have as a neighbor and wouldn’t mind having over for dinner. I might not agree with him on everything but I think he is probably a pretty good guy despite his profession.
Kimmel? I would drag that motherfucker down the driveway by his heels and leave him in the street.
Kimmel? I would drag that motherfucker down the driveway by his heels and leave him in the street.
Are you a leftist or something? You don’t sound like somebody I’d like to have as a neighbor regardless of either of our politics.
Who’s a Good Boy? He’s a good boy!
Or maybe because ratings for everything are down as people
unplugask, in unison, ‘Who gives a shit?’.I don’t know if there is anything to this other than panic over the latest shooting and an over arching desire to “do something.”
I suspect that there isn’t much to worry about and some poor kid is getting railroaded. I may be wrong in this specific instance because there is little info available, but I’m sure things that are said innocently will be taken wrongly and harsh penalties will be doled out over things that shouldn’t be much of a deal.
That is a nice L1A1, now I want to put a few downrange with mine.
Thanks. I like it. And now I realize that post makes no sense and why no one has commented on it. I SFed the link.
Defend your scrotum!
“Louisiana Mom Charged In Baby’s Death After Off-Duty Cop Crashed Into Their Vehicle
According to an arrest report via The Advocate, Brittany Stephens, 20, was arrested Tuesday in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, after police found that her child’s car seat wasn’t secured and the straps were not adjusted correctly for her child’s size. The report also stated that the “lack of securing the seat to the vehicle and the loose straps are a contributing factor in the death of the child” and “show gross negligence.”
Although Stephens wasn’t driving the vehicle when the crash took place, she claimed responsibility for securing the child’s car seat.
The incident took place back on the evening of October 12, 2017, when Baton Rouge Police Officer Christopher Manuel crashed into the vehicle Stephens was in at 94 MPH. The SUV Stephens was in also included three other adults and four children, including her one-year-old daughter.”
Wow! My blood is boiling.
Nearly all baby seats aren’t installed correctly.
The police fucked up, killed an infant and are doing their best to distract from it.
The cop, by the way, is also charged, BUT…
So I’m guessing we’ll see a plea deal where he gets no jail time, another 6 months of paid vacation and then back on the force. Maybe with a week’s unpaid suspension, though the union will quietly have that overturned.
“but had been released on $3,600 bail”
Are you fucking kidding me?
I know–she shouldn’t have been charged in the first place.
Fucking twat cops.
I have a semi-related theory:
The (what seems like an increase) in stories about parents forgetting babies in the car seat? Its caused by passenger side airbags and the resulting requirement to put the car seat in the back seat.
People would forget the kid a lot less often if they were up front.
They not only go in the back, but in the opposite corner of the driver, so you can reach back there if you need to attend to them at a stoplight. Then they fall asleep, then you get out and don’t see them.
This article leaves out some important details. The car seat was merely improperly secured, it was “wedged between front seats on top of the center console”. Basically jammed between the driver and passenger seats on top of the console and cupholders. Plus, they had 8 people in a four seat vehicle and no one was wearing a seat belt.
I’m not in favor of prosecuting this young lady, but that first article is pretty misleading about how irresponsible she was.
**car seat WASN’T merely**
I wonder how the insurance company will split up the blame.
I understand that, but this is how we rolled in the 70s:
If some shithead cop smashed into the Country Squire, no one would have said a word about how we weren’t wearing seat belts.
Same here. No one ever wore a seat belt when I was a kid, not even my mom.
Yeah I hear you, but the author of the first article goes out of his way to make in sound as though the car seat was strapped in, just not secured “properly’ in a technical sense. It reads like a defense attorney’s argument, like she technically violated the manual on strapping in her child, but didn’t really do anything wrong. I don’t see any good reason to minimize the mother’s irresponsibility.
There’s a 100% chance the police are lying.
I traveled 1000s of miles as a kid in the back of a pick up truck.
Every summer we’d drive from Indiana to Florida in a Ford LTD station wagon that had the seat belts stuffed inside the seats. My parents put the middle seat down so we’d have room to move around or sleep. Those were some great times.
We had that same Country Squire (with the same weather as that photo, in the Chicago suburbs!). And yeah, they’d fold down the back seat and you could have 7-8 klds all sitting holding their knees for a trip to a little league game or other kid event, never a problem.
I’m just going to guess that, due to the amount of mud in that photo, it was taken during Minnesota summer?
My parents had a Chrysler New Yorker wagon and I remember spring skiing days like that.
All this, “Make teh skoolz safe from gunz!” crap annoys the shit out of me. They are safe. Your kid is more likely to die on an athletic field than by gunfire. Or riding the bus.
A friend emailed:
It’s interesting how the Right just tacks harder right, dragging the Overton window with them. And the Left just keeps moving further right in search of some compromise.
I think it started just after WWII when colleges became more meritocratic and started plucking the high IQ people out of small towns and moving them far away. The people left behind have votes that are worth more thanks to the shitty compromises in the Constitution.
How should I respond to this? It seems he’s so far off from reality, but I want concrete proof/examples/data to show him how much he’s been sucked into the MSNBC viewpoint. To think the Left has been doing anything but doubling down on moving farther left is beyond me. Compromising towards the middle? On what? Certainly not even something as relatively safe (meaning, not as passion-driven as abortion, guns etc) as tax cuts.
Just reply by sharing the latest recipes for Tide Pods.
ignore it
How should I respond to this?
Get your friend some emergency medical attention for the stroke they’re obviously having?
Does he consider almost nominating an avowed socialist as “moving further right in search of some compromise”?
If this guy thinks that college kids are the cream of the crop of their generation then he is utterly hopeless
Ask him if he prefers camps or forced sterilization.
Get him into rehab. He is clearly doing lots of drugs and has made himself delusional.
There is no point in replying to someone that committed to insanity.
Well, the meaning of ‘right’ and ‘left’ are so subjective that the first paragraph can’t be addressed. Maybe the friend could be invited to suggest what specific legal and social changes have happened over the last 70 years that demonstrate the ascendance of the ‘right’, you might have enough to address the comment.
Seeing IQ as a non-renewable resource is an interesting idea. It would seem to support the idea that impenetrably low IQ genetic lines are of low- or no- societal value, and are simply a drain on the nation’s overall supply of intellect. Maybe we could come up with some kind of plan to deal with families where there are three generations or so of imbeciles.
Eventually, once meritocracy gets a bit nearer to the completion of its wicked plan and sufficiently impoverishes these benighted deplorables in these ‘left behind’ communities, some kind of benevolent plan could be arranged to eliminate their pernicious derailment of social betterment.
Well said.
God, its all projection all the time with them. If he is that far gone there probably isnt much you can say.
“I think it started just after WWII when colleges became more meritocratic and started plucking the high IQ people out of small towns and moving them far away. The people left behind have votes that are worth more thanks to the shitty compromises in the Constitution.”
Ask him if red states have colleges and which party inner city ghetto dwellers reliably vote for. That should get you started.
What you could challenge is the claim that colleges are becoming more meriticratic.
Time was when only the very brightest could usefully benefit from higher education. That changed with the GI Bill and in the 60’s, to the point where for many parents – especially (presumably) where your (college educated) friend came from – find the idea that their child should NOT go to college unthinkable.
When 60% of the young people graduate from High School and are expected to go on to some kind of further education, what you are in is almost the opposite of a meritocracy.
Disclosure: I went to college on the GI Bill (the original one)
But what you are describing is exactly my perception of growing up; everyone went to college (in the movies, at least). The guys went to “round themselves out” and the women went for a “Mrs.” degree (Exhibit A: Where the Boys Are.
… Hobbit
Did the link right, forgot to close parentheses.
Find vaguely right wing rhetoric from Democratic presidents?
Like, perhaps, this one from JFK:
“A tax cut means higher family income and higher business profits and a balanced federal budget…. As the national income grows, the federal government will ultimately end up with more revenues. Prosperity is the real way to balance our budget. By lowering tax rates, by increasing jobs and income, we can expand tax revenues and finally bring our budget into balance.”
That’s funny. I’ve had some Daily Kos-type lefty friends mourn having ‘lost the culture war,’ like some right-wing (esp evangelical) writers have.
It’s bizarre to me how people can have such diametrically opposed perceptions of the ‘same’ thing. Ideological bubbles are a hell of a thing. I think it’s time to revisit “Thinking Fast & Slow.” Perceiving changes to be greater/lesser than they actually based on the different choices of starting points—sounds relevant.
*actually are
(though I’m sure somewhere like LessWrong has a much pithier exposition. TF&S is bloated and eventually too redundant)
Someone has NOT gotten with the narrative.
I assume that today we abruptly reached the point where the people whose lives were directly affected by the shooting are the only voices of True Wisdom on setting national gun policy?
…are no longer the only voices…
Both are right.
Our old friend NJR brings the derp once more.
Yesterday I went to an idyllic local park on and cycled around the fountains. It was a lovely afternoon, and I thought to myself “Well, if this isn’t perfect, I don’t know what is.” Then I looked around and realized everyone in the park was white, in a majority-black city, and I remembered that I was in a highly segregated area of town, and that this little slice of paradise existed in part because of great wealth inequality.
Some strong derp right off the bat. I guess Chinatown is also the result of sinister segregation and not similar people choosing to cluster together.
This is the Michael Jackson Problem: it would be very uncomfortable to listen to music by someone we knew to be a sexually predatory pedophile. But Michael Jackson’s music is utterly beloved and does not have any real objectionable content (uh, except for that one song with the anti-Semitism in it).
The linked video leads down a rabbit hole of cancerous YT comments.
Dickens celebrates the downtrodden in a miserably unfair society and then endorses imperial slaughter.
Lyndon Johnson’s antipoverty programs can’t make up for the fact that he pursued a racist war that left 1,000,000 Vietnamese people dead, anymore than Stalin’s industrialization of Russia can compensate for the Great Purge.
How was the Vietnam War racist? The US was fighting them because they were communists. I guess the US is only allowed to fight white majority countries. There was a lot of racist propaganda against the Japanese during WW2. I guess that doesn’t count because of FDR.
This debate comes up a lot around “The Enlightenment” and “Western culture.” Should the West’s history of genocide and colonialism…
Whereas the history of the rest is people of all colors and creeds holding hands and singing under a rainbow.
Useful idiot. <— the word idiot is in there for a reason.
Thanks for the trigger warning. The misuse of statistics like this gets my blood pressure up. “Doubled” from 4 to 8 is not the same as “doubled” from 40,000 to 80,000.
This reminds me: the other day, I was thinking about that VW-Audi “dieselgate” bullshit. As I recall a big part of the story was that emissions were “40% higher than the statutory limit” when the ecu was in cheat mode.
I never saw the actual numbers, but upon consideration, I’d be willing to bet that what was claimed to be a “40% increase” was an bump from, let’s say, 100 to 140* parts per million. In other words, nothing even remotely like a 40% change. In reality, not even a fucking rounding error.
*a number I pulled directly out of my ass
The cheat basically allowed the engine to put out what was legal emissions just a few years ago. It’s not like it was rolling coal.
let’s say, 100 to 140* parts per million.
I don’t believe it was nearly as high as that.
And significantly lower than what was legal a few years before.
When even Reddit (on /r/movies) claims that it was overly political and that the Sexual harassment stuff reeked of bullshit…
Sample (upvoted) comment:
This, by the way, is the time to mention that you should listen to Adam Corrola’s podcast, because it’s awesome.
I’ve been listening to the podcast intermittently since its inception. It is entertaining and Corolla is more consistently hilarious than most.
“A Missouri man who threatened to ‘kill all white people’ and was already charged with slaughtering three in the Kansas City area was indicted Friday in the murders of three other people.
Frederick Demond Scott, a 23-year-old black man, is now charged in the murders of five white men and one white woman in total, although investigators and prosecutors have not discussed a motive for the killings.”
In the Daily Mail? Of course.
Can’t find the video of this skit (dammit):
Damon Wayans: “A funny thing happened to me on the way to the club tonight…I killed four white people.(No laughter) Oh, guess you had to be there, you’d have been dying.”
MN students don’t want their school named after awful racist……Patrick Henry.
Fast Times at Head Desk High
MIT librarian: Tech workplaces plastered with Star Trek posters, other geeky stuff is non-inclusive to women
The top librarian at MIT recently argued that to make tech workplaces more inclusive and welcoming to women, ditch “Star Trek” posters and other geeky stuff cluttering office walls.
“There is research that shows that workplaces that are plastered with stereotypically ‘tech or nerd guy’ cultural images – think Star Trek – have negative impact on women’s likelihood of pursuing tech work and of staying in tech work in general or in that particular work environment,” said Chris Bourg, director of libraries at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
“Replace the Star Trek posters with travel posters, don’t name your projects or your printers or your domains after only male figures from Greek mythology, and just generally avoid geek references and inside nerd jokes,” Bourg added. “Those kinds of things reinforce the stereotypes about who does tech; and that stereotype is the male nerd stereotype.”
tl;dr feminists are never happy
We should do everything we can to let the aspie geeks know they’re not welcome.
Lol. These folks are gonna “problematic” their way out of a job some day. Librarians are a dying breed.
(I should add that it’s not a good thing that librarians are going away. Irs just a fact of life)
Keep in mind that ‘the patriarchy’ is code for western enlightened civilization.
And the same people defend Middle Eastern cultures that are blatantly patriarchal.
Omelettes, broken eggs…
So someone named Bourg is against Star Trek?
[golf clap]
Like, resistance is futile, OK?
I thought you may have Spock too soon, but after taking a Kirk look at the article, I see you’re right.
He’s gonna have some real tribble if he carries on like that.
I’d like to see her hoist on her own Picard. Can you tell that I don’t even Riker?
He’d better checkoff that list pretty carefully or his name’s gonna be Mudd.
I won’t make any Bones about these comments.
“Hear that, guys? We can’t name our systems after Star Trek any more. So let’s switch to D&D names.”
See? ‘Chris’. The patriarchy again. Damn its black soul.
“other geek stuff”
My girlfriend framed a poster sized map of the LOTR world and hung it on her (home) office wall.
Chicks dig geeky stuff too. Way to other her you feminist shitlords.
::Hastilt renames all his devices based on first names of Victoria’s Secrets models::
Because no women have ever been fans of Star Trek since 1969? WHAT?? What planet is that idiot from that she thinks only boys are interested in that icky genre stuff ? Or the precious ladyflowers will be unable to work with a, gasp, sci-fi poster on the wall?? jfc lady, way to make us all look bad with your stupidity.
jfc lady, way to make us all look bad with your stupidity.
This is my wife’s reaction to most feminist crap that makes the rounds these days.
I usually think “Stop ‘helping’!”
No. Hell no.
A travel poster like this? Ok
I was hoping for this one
OK, let’s try this linky
And don’t sexualize your printers or domains by naming them after women, as if they were a car or ship. That’s misogynistic, shitlord!
Yes, these people hate you
Their hate sustains me.
Christ, what an asshole.
See? You’re just a worthless peasant, so no gun for you. Never mind the fact that the vast majority of people who get murdered are not celebrities.
Wait, I thought the narrative was that your average woman *is* under legitimate threat all the time.
What I find stunning about the comment and this response in defense of the initial comment is that both of them are so certain that stalking doesn’t exist anywhere outside of celebrities. If you are stalking Jennifer Aniston, you better believe you’re going to jail. If you are stalking the little old lady down the street, at worst a restraining order will be placed on you. Police and the justice system care more about wealthy celebrities than the rest of us plebeians.
yep. Their behavior is following a familiar pattern.
“because he’s overcompensating”
lol gun nuts have small penises herp a derp
The gun is phallic therefore blergg I r smart see You can’t refute my claim so it’s Totally Valid
Gimme a Pulitzer
LOL so brave and woke
Thank God Bubba from Georgia showed up to let everyone know he was okay.
Keely is doing the Lord’s work in a pretty bad neighborhood, there.
Student op-ed: Conservatives ‘must re-evaluate their beliefs’
As an example of the “effect of conservatives policies firsthand,” Othman cites the homelessness rates in Washington, D.C., even though D.C. is run by both a Democratic mayor and city council, and has never had a Republican mayor.
Nonetheless, Othman goes on to state that conservatives “deserve all the backlash we can give them” if they continue to “invite fascist speakers to campus” or campaign “for conservative candidates.”
I love own goals.
Like I said, a familiar pattern. Violence in the street, shutting down dissent or opposing views, increasing villianization of anyone who disagrees and working themselves into a frenzy. Soon the calls for widespread violence and criminalization will be daily.
They are gonna want to round up people like Milo, Shapiro, Akkad, etc and imprison them. Failing that they will outright try to kill them.
“GW doesn’t need more dialogue on campus between the right and the left,” he concluded. “We need for conservatives to be called on to re-evaluate their political views and actions.”
Fall in line, or else.
Count me in on one of those who thinks at the very least the didactic bull shit from know-nothing celebrities are hurting ratings.
They’re idiots and why would I give them a second of my time?
I never watched these award shows but at least when I would peek and watch, Billy Crystal was busy, you know, doing his job well. I never felt I was going to be insulted. As opposed to lecturing and coming off looking like a little twerp like Kimmel. It’s all so very lame and ‘fuck off’.
Meghan McCain mad that conservatives are done with her father’s bullshit and excuses.
It would be a welcomed improvement if conservatives actually moved away from ‘ol Maverick and his boy toy, Lindsey Graham.
Also, Lindsey Graham needs to come out of the closet already. He needs to admit that he is sexually aroused by the pictures of dead Arabs
I don’t even want to know what he does with his GI Joe doll.
Bin Laden to the US
You [Americans] should ask yourselves whether your security, your blood, your sons, your money, your jobs, your homes, your economy, and your reputation are more dear to you than the security and economy of the Israelis….Let me say that we have declared many times, over more than two and a half decades, that the reason for our conflict with you is your support for your Israeli allies, who are occupying our land of Palestine [emphasis added].
Bin Laden to Islamic militants
Our talks with the infidel West and our conflict with them ultimately revolve around one issue — one that demands our total support, with power and determination, with one voice — and it is: Does Islam, or does it not, force people by the power of the sword to submit to its authority corporeally if not spiritually? Yes. There are only three choices in Islam: [1] either willing submission [conversion]; [2] or payment of the jizya, through physical, though not spiritual, submission to the authority of Islam; [3] or the sword — for it is not right to let him [an infidel] live. The matter is summed up for every person alive: Either submit, or live under the suzerainty of Islam, or die [The Al Qaeda Reader, p. 42].
ISIS to the US
What’s important to understand here is that although some might argue that your foreign policies are the extent of what drives our hatred, this particular reason for hating you is secondary, hence the reason we addressed it at the end of the above list. […] The fact is, even if you were to stop bombing us, imprisoning us, torturing us, vilifying us, and usurping our lands, we would continue to hate you because our primary reason for hating you will not cease to exist until you embrace Islam. Even if you were to pay jizyah and live under the authority of Islam in humiliation, we would continue to hate you [emphasis added].
Kill ’em with fire and piss in the ashes.
This is why I will never give an inch to the gun-grabbers, their mentality is identical.
And why they love Islam so much.
It’s interesting how the Right just tacks harder right, dragging the Overton window with them.
I’m right where I always was. You’re the one who has disappeared over the horizon.
Anyone have a Downfall Hitler meme where he plots the creation of SAP as revenge for loosing the war? I really feel like that is exactly how it happened.
I just want to know how much stuff is in my warehouse!
That’s the joke. It’s not your warehouse. It’s SAPs.
Apparently I’m not the only one suffering under the curse of SAP today!
SAP is, was, and shall always be Of The Devil.
We are still running the AS 400. Consider yourself blessed.
our old AS400 system was fantastic, I miss it.
(except that wacky century-year dating system)
More in: “How News Media Spins The Awkward Realities of US Foreign Conflict”
US Decides to “Pause” in ISIS Fight
see, our proxy-allies, the kurds? are now in a shooting war with the Turks, also our ostensible allies.
a more-competent news media would see through the Pentagonish-speak and go, “US fail to convice Turks to prioritize ISIS fight over domestic political interest” or something like that. Or they’d at least be able to describe how this sort of “pause” isn’t so much a conscious decision as much as a concession to the fact that shit is outside our control.
Paraphrasing would just show one’s bias. Better to print government press releases with no questions asked as a way of feigning neutrality.
Do you expect journalists to know what they’re talking about? Let alone, foreign correspondents, who are so notoriously ignorant that they continually got played by failed author Ben Rhodes
Some small sliver of sanity left in the GOP.
Yeah, that doesn’t surprise me actually. I think most of congress doesn’t really want to go backwards on this.
Only because they want to keep spending out of control while foreigners buy our Treasuries. Otherwise voters might get wise when inflation hits 7% annually again.
If congress hadn’t spent the past 100 years abdicating all their power to the executive, then thus wouldn’t be such a problem. Back in the good old days, Tariffs had to be voted on in Congress and weren’t controlled by the whims of one man.
You couldn’t make this up if you tried.
A new controversial Florida billboard is targeting the National Rifle Association as a “terrorist organization.”
The anti-NRA billboard is funded by Claude Taylor, a former White House staffer for President Bill Clinton, through MAD DOG PAC, a political action committee that also erected billboards calling for President Trump’s impeachment in states across the country.
The Pensacola billboard plainly states: “The NRA is a terrorist organization.”
They felt the need to start alternating between terrorist and Nazis after using Nazis 100 times in a row.
A fool and their money…
No need to make it up. History is replete with this. Keep demonizing your opponent until you have convinced yourself that violence is justified. It happened in Germany, Russia, China, Cambodia, Vietnam, Cuba, Venezuela,….
Guess what comes next?
I hope not – the royal family there owns my company. That could get weird, fast.
Jimmy Kimmel gets dragged down your driveway by his heels?
Why is Jimmy Kimmel in his driveway?
Kimmel? I would drag that motherfucker down the driveway by his heels and leave him in the street.
I’m not entirely sure, but considering “Leftist ideology appeals to the worst parts of human nature and thus attracts the worst kinds of people.” and Kimmel is some kind of exemplar of that, I’m guessing it was not to bring hotdish and discuss the local sports team.
Nutpunch related.
Librarians are a dying breed.
Alas, poor Sugarfree, I knew him well.
No, no. Dying to breed.
It’s a common mistake.
Embarrassment as Emma Watson sports feminist tattoo with grammatical error
Emma Watson displayed some new ink at the Vanity Fair Oscar Party but social media users pointed out the tattoo’s glaring grammatical error.
The “Harry Potter” star showed off a tattoo that read “Times Up” on her arm — clearly missing the apostrophe for the organization Time’s Up.
It was not immediately clear if the tattoo was real. People reported the tattoo could be temporary.
In the words of Judge Judy, beauty fades, dumb is forever.
Why does she look like Wynona Ryder? Nose job? Still would.
Still would.
You wanna see the apostrophe? *flips bird*
Headbangers Ball called, and they want their hair back.
Still would.
That haircut is garbage.
Imaginary Time
“Since events before the Big Bang have no observational consequences, one may as well cut them out of the theory, and say that time began at the Big Bang. Events before the Big Bang, are simply not defined, because there’s no way one could measure what happened at them.”
But there are ways to figure out what came before, he says.
“Quantum theory introduces a new idea, that of imaginary time. Imaginary time may sound like science fiction, and it has been brought into Doctor Who. But nevertheless, it is a genuine scientific concept. One can picture it in the following way. One can think of ordinary, real, time as a horizontal line. On the left, one has the past, and on the right, the future. But there’s another kind of time in the vertical direction. This is called imaginary time, because it is not the kind of time we normally experience. But in a sense, it is just as real as what we call real time.”
This has enormous implications when it comes to the Big Bang.
“James Hartle of the University of California Santa Barbara, and I have proposed that space and imaginary time together, are indeed finite in extent, but without boundary. They would be like the surface of the Earth, but with two more dimensions. The surface of the Earth is finite in extent, but it doesn’t have any boundaries or edges. I have been around the world, and I didn’t fall off. “
In electrical engineering there are two types of power; active and reactive. Their sum is called complex power and is denoted as Complex=Active + j*Reactive, j=sqrt-1. If you had a purely inductive coil then you could have “free” power.
… Hobbit
The tried that on Mythbusters. They managed to siphon off a little power.
a solution in search of a problem
Among those weapons is the formidable Sarmat heavy liquid-fuelled intercontinental ballistic missile, which is being developed as a replacement for the massive 210-ton R-36M2 Voevoda, which is appropriately called the SS-18 Satan by NATO. The weapon flies on novel trajectories to thwart any attempt at interception by missile defenses.
“Sarmat will replace the Voevoda system made in the USSR. Its immense power was universally recognized. Our foreign colleagues even gave it a fairly threatening name,” Putin said.
“The capabilities of the Sarmat missile are much higher. Weighing over 200 tons, it has a short boost phase, which makes it more difficult to intercept for missile defense systems. The range of the new heavy missile, the number and power of its combat blocs is bigger than Voevoda’s. Sarmat will be equipped with a broad range of powerful nuclear warheads, including hypersonic, and the most modern means of evading missile defense. The high degree of protection of missile launchers and significant energy capabilities the system offers will make it possible to use it in any conditions.”
What makes the Sarmat particularly formidable is the weapons’ ability to fly a trajectory over the South Pole, completely bypassing any current U.S. missile defense system. “It can attack targets both via the North and South poles,” Putin said. “Sarmat is a formidable missile and, owing to its characteristics, is untroubled by even the most advanced missile defense systems.”
Overall, there would not be immediate strategic implications for the United States in the short term. Indeed, there are no existing American countermeasures to defeat Russia’s existing nuclear arsenal.
“Insofar as there is no current or anticipated missile-defense counter to anything already in Russia’s strategic arsenal, no, nothing changes,” Joshua H. Pollack, editor of The Nonproliferation Review and a senior research associate at the James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies, told The National Interest.
Replace the Star Trek posters with travel posters
“Nude Beaches of the World”
Obese, geriatric Germans. No thanks!
I would like to thank Iran for bolstering the 2A supporters’ arguments.
And then he left to go attend the latest ‘let’s pitch homos off the roof’ event.
I think it’s parody, though. A comment:
Add something about “biological realism” and you have alt-right in a nutshell there.
It doesn’t read like a parody at all…read further back in the account’s timeline.
Yeah, apparently real life is a parody.
RPI joins the ranks of college cesspools
RPI’s been there for a while. FIRE had them in their top 10 worst schools for free speech.
Was reading Senator Shoshanna’s replies on this, and some alums were saying the administration recently conducted a coup d’etat against the Student Union, which had been 100% student-run for over 100 years.
“that’s not how “eminent domain” works”
That’s not how any of this works.
Makes me feel even better for never having donated any money to them since I graduated from there.
It’s about time they got rid of those stupid RPI rankings for seeding NCAA tournaments!
Oh, you mean Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute? Never mind!
brought to you by the minimum wage
Flippy the robot takes over burger duties at California restaurant
minimum wage = minimum jobs
I took the kid to McDonalds yesterday (occasional treat, she loves the chicken nuggets, and it’s tolerable for me because I can get a McGriddle), used the kiosk, and they brought the food to our table. Cheaper for them and easier for me.
Jeez, not the most high-tech robot arm, was it? Looks like something from a middle-school science fair. Nice to see it missed placing one out of three patties on the tray, and no doubt had to have the patties set absolutely on the mark on the griddle, or it would have missed them altogether.
Still good reason for low-wage workers to fear, though. It’s not like the first plane was a stealth bomber, but it didn’t take that long relatively speaking until something rudimentary became highly complex and capable.
Officials said Flippy requires a human helper to put the patties on the grill and the robot then takes over cooking duties
I’m just a dumb finish carpenter/tile setter/drunk but I’m fairly sure I could figure out how to get that thing to put the burgers on the grill if it can flip ’em and take them off. The tough stuffs done, just need to alter/add some programming.
Depends. Things that require tactile response (like sliding a spatula between burger patties) are much harder than things that don’t (like scraping the burger off the flat top). Of course, the easy way would be to put a grinder/extruder above the flat top and just feed live cattle into the hopper.
Yeah, but you’d need a really effective anti-noise generator or a bitchin’ sound system to drown out the bellowin’.
I think you’d have to make burger “magazines”, frozen patties separated by maybe a layer of shortening such that it feeds one at a time with a Crisco buffer so that a spatula can slide in without needing to be super accurate, remove the patty, and you’re off to the races. Or, you’d need an assembly line like Quiznos. Someone would need to load trays, but the trays could probably be shipped as-is.
I for one welcome our new robotic overlords.
I get such a kick out of the empty-headed Weather Channel back-benchers. This one chick just said “Barnstable, Massachusetts” like Barn. Stable.
Kristen, I wonder if you listened to the ATC stuff linked here?
You Need To Hear These FAA Tapes From That Oregon UFO Incident That Sent F-15s Scrambling
What did you think of it?
oooh! I don’t think I’ve heard those…will take a listen.
I’d like to see the radar playback. Easy enough to do if I sign up for premium on one of the radar apps.
oh – I see the radar playback is in part 2
Never mind, it’s way too blurry to see. And the radar apps won’t do, because they usually rely on transponders.
Yeah, I couldn’t decipher them either….
There must be a way to see the ATC radar playback – they got it for the video somehow. I doubt they went through FOIA. I’ll see if I can find anything.
Those were obtained from FOIA. AT QA will run it thru a program called Falcon to combine audio and automation data together.
Looks like the FOIA didn’t request raw radar data though, so you see normal traffic with A/C squawking and no uncorrelated (primary radar hits) only.
Last time I pulled data for a FOIA it was requested for all radar data, correlated and uncorrelated in relation to the Oct. shooting in Vegas. It’s a massive data dump
Now she’s saying “Wooster” like “Woo. Ster”
But she pronounced “Concord” correctly as “Conkerd”
As in the product of countries that were “conquered”?
I want to hear her take on the weather in Chili, NY.
I think she’s right and New Englanders pronounce shit stupid.
“GW doesn’t need more dialogue on campus between the right and the left,” he concluded. “We need for conservatives to be called on to re-evaluate their political views and actions.”
Confess your sins and beg forgiveness, and you will garroted before the flames reach you.
Am I the only one who thinks “meddling in the election” should mean “literally changing votes or otherwise messing with ballots”, instead of “some social media propaganda”?
Like, I’m pretty sure the First Amendment applies to advertising.
No, in fact they want everyone who hears it to think that it means “changing votes or otherwise messing with ballots”, so you’re good.
Some people are getting their dander up over social media ads, though, and calling it “interference”. I can’t see how it’s a big deal. Messing with ballots = big deal. Buying ads = nothingburger.
I stand by the assertion that if our electorate is stupid enough to have their voting habits affected by things they read on social, then our electorate is too stupid to vote.
Aren’t you glad Hillary didn’t get elected? If she had, we’d be going to war in Syria. Which we now totally won’t do. Nossir.
The headline says “After reports of chemical attacks, White House considers new military action against Syrian regime”, but in the meat of the article it says:
So, I’d say things are fine for now. If the President and SecDef are both leaning against war it probably won’t be coming soon.
I could certainly be wrong, but I was under the impression then SecDef Clinton and erstwhile candidate Clinton was firmly on the record as being in favor of immediate military action against Syria. Like boots on the ground shooting war. I don’t trust Trump any more than I do the media, but I have seen Clinton make policy-related moves towards war in Syria; thus far, I have as much evidence to suggest Trump is gearing up for the same thing as I do that he’s speaking to a particular audience for effect rather than making an honest statement about his intentions.
“So, I’d say things are fine for now. If the President and SecDef are both leaning against war it probably won’t be coming soon.”
Seeing how congress is the only government entity that can declare war, it doesn’t really matter what the President and Sec defense want.
Not to sound like a cynic, but just because we haven’t declared a war in fifty plus years doesn’t mean we haven’t been fighting any.
True, but presidents have gotten involved in wars without proper authorization, and in any case I don’t see the war drums beating in Congress at the moment.
Even if congress declares it, the prez can leave the troops at home.
I guess I should have put a /sarc tag on that. Sorry guys. I know we have about 6 undeclared wars going on right now.
I don’t attribute any credibility to anonymous officials.
What about sources familiar with those officials’ way of thinking?
Oh, well, that’s totally different!
Interesting article on a Democrat running for Congress without criticizing Trump. It’s an R district, so he has a sound strategy, but I was surprised, and a bit heartened, that such level-headed thinking still exists in the D camp.
What do you want to bet they go with Barak Obama HS.
MMMM-MMMM-MMMM is nearly 3M’s, isn’t it.
Robert Reich: Donald Trump’s Whole Worldview Belongs to Ayn Rand
Neither the president nor his party believe in the notion of a common good.
Who is Ayn Rand and why does she matter? Ayn Rand – best known for two highly-popular novels still widely read today – “The Fountainhead,” published in 1943, and “Atlas Shrugged,” in 1957 – didn’t believe there was a common good. She wrote that selfishness is a virtue, and altruism is an evil that destroys nations.
When Rand offered these ideas they seemed quaint if not far-fetched. Anyone who lived through the prior half century witnessed our interdependence, through depression and war.
This utter selfishness, this contempt for the public, this win-at-any-cost mentality is eroding American life.
Without adherence to a set of common notions about right and wrong, we’re living in a jungle where only the strongest, cleverest, and most unscrupulous get ahead, and where everyone must be wary in order to survive. This is not a society. It’s not even a civilization, because there’s no civility at its core. It’s a disaster.
In other words, we have to understand who Ayn Rand is so we can reject her philosophy and dedicate ourselves to rebuilding the common good.
Common good = stuff I like
Where do tariffs fit in to Rand’s philosophy?
The S&M parts.
Robert Reich can shove his utilitarian bullshit right up his ass. I’m not an Objectivist, but as I understand it “selfishness” is meant in the sense of always acting with one’s own interests considered first, and expecting the same from everyone else, while “altruism” is the opposite. Setting aside the assertion that Trump is an Objectivist, there’s nothing in the ideology that prevents a person from being generous, donating to charity, etc., provided that is what the person most wants to do and it isn’t expected or required of them.
That’s what i got out of it, If I don’t come First in my Personal life, how can I possibly have the resources to act in an altruistic fashion?
Not to mention the vast majority of the left are lying out of their ass when they claim to “care”.
Altruism at the point of a gun is not charity.
… Hobbit
There ought to be Godwin-type ‘law’ for internet lefties hysterically and irrelevantly invoking “AYN RAND!!”
And “neoliberalism”
And Nazis….oh wait.
But enough about the Clintons and their inner circle….
You see, Friends of Global Progress are a very progressive group and they have always maintained that you represent the blackest element of social retrogression in the country, so it would embarrass us, you know, to have your name on our list of contributors, because somebody might accuse us of being in the pay of
Hank ReardenSaudi Arabia.Reich’s intellect is only matched by his stature.
As much as l love Rand, Trump’s “I’ve had it up to here with this guy” *Holds hand up to shoulder height* gave me a chuckle.
Ooh, a new Marcotte column! Let’s read.
For a time, things were going swimmingly. Atheism was getting multiple rounds of media coverage, conferences were expanding in size and number, and word was getting out that it’s OK not to believe. There was a rapid rise in the number of Americans, especially young Americans, who say they have no religious affiliation. But soon there were grumbles of discontent in the movement, especially with the way the leadership appeared to be predominantly older, white men, and with the way that movement leadership avoided larger social justice issues related to secularism, such as reproductive rights or fighting the religious right’s racism.
And then there was the way women were being treated.
“Institutionalized sexual harassment and erasure of the voices and the lived experiences of people of color and women of all ethnicities is something that is absolutely endemic” to the community, said Sikivu Hutchinson, a writer and founding member of Black Skeptics Los Angeles.
“Women would show up to events and we would be treated as meat instead of participants in the movement,” explained Stephanie Zvan, a writer and co-host of “Atheists Talk” in Minnesota. Zvan’s response to the issue is rooted in her sensibility as an organizer. She started advocating for organizations to create codes of conduct for events, complete with consequences for sexual harassment.
Rebecca Watson, the founder of Skepchick, tried a slightly different approach. In 2011, she put out a video detailing how a man followed her into an elevator at 4 a.m. at a conference and hit on her, which she said made “me incredibly uncomfortable”.
Atheism has nothing to do with politics, you dingbat!
But everything to do with religion (or religiosity).
How prescient that one South Park episode was.
why do you need a conference for not believing in something? I dont go to conferences about the non-existence of ufos.
Because atheism is a belief.
Is that what religious folks actually believe?
Professing to know the unknowable sure sounds like a belief to me.
I’ll let the religious folks answer for themselves.
Belief is not necessarily “professing to know” anything
Then you’re confusing atheism with agnosticism. Atheism rejects the existence of any and all gods, which is an unknowable tenet. It’s faith in the opposite direction.
I recognize that some people consider agnosticism to be atheism. I do not agree with this view.
Agree with Scruffy – it’s the exact reason I switched from “atheist” to “agnostic”.
I’ve got to sign off and put the kids to bed. But maybe someone enterprising will write an article on this topic so we can all flame each other like we did at TOS whenever this subject came up.
Q (I think) actually had an article about it, and the discussions were pretty interesting—to those of us who are into that kind of mental masturbation.
For now I’ll just say that taking the referents of the term ‘atheist’ to be the vocal organized atheists with a predilection for ‘social justice’, is perfectly valid. They’re the most visible of atheists. Its the immediate association that many people have with the word.
Atheism is no longer a lack of belief, or a disbelief, and people who try to frame it that way when they know its connotation is otherwise are doing some Motte-Bailey rhetorical trickery.
Atheism is no longer a lack of belief, or a disbelief,
Something something not explicitly right-leaning, something something eventually become left-leaning.
It’s what anyone paying attention to the very vocal self-identitied atheists and their tribalistic behavior believes.
Is that what religious folks actually believe?
Not only do religious folks believe that atheism is a belief, but many of us believe that atheism is a religion, because, as we’re fond of saying, “everybody worships something,” and a religion is a group of people worshipping the same thing.
For some. Others, not so much.
Atheism has nothing to do with politics, you dingbat!
I thought the same thing about video games! Boy, was my face red…
Richard Dawkins’ response to Watson:
“Dear Muslima
Stop whining, will you. Yes, yes, I know you had your genitals mutilated with a razor blade, and … yawn … .don’t tell me yet again, I know you aren’t allowed to drive a car, and you can’t leave the house without a male relative, and your husband is allowed to beat you, and you’ll be stoned to death if you commit adultery. But stop whining, will you. Think of the suffering your poor American sisters have to put up with. Only this week I heard of one, she calls herself Skep”chick”, and do you know what happened to her? A man in a hotel elevator invited her back to his room for coffee. I am not exaggerating. He really did. He invited her back to his room for coffee. Of course she said no, and of course he didn’t lay a finger on her, but even so… And you, Muslima, think you have misogyny to complain about! For goodness sake grow up, or at least grow a thicker skin.”
Well in places with state religions it certainly is.
Anyway atheism has always had a problem with the notion that once we reject religion then rational, logical and scientific TOP MEN will rule us. The belief that their opponents are all reactionary and superstitious and are very intolerant of them does not help either.
Lest anyone think I am creating a strawman how about Gary Johnson?
Or this:
Yeah, the atheistic Jacobins of France and their explicit deChristianization; and the tamping down on religion and religious groups in every communist state; is hard to extricate from politics.
“Movement” which, at its core, is basically a bunch of aspy dudes, has problems when people who aren’t aspy dudes butt in. Film at 11.
Remember all that pearl clutching about Carson taking over HUD? And how you haven’t really heard much of anything about him since? Well, here’s Variety to get you caught up on the travesty that is HUD.
They call him a failure for his inability to secure HUD’s funding and because a bunch of Obama era community organizer types fled the agency. Like this wasn’t the point. To gut HUD.
actually he got caught up in a scandal over his renovation of his offices. aside from that, nothing.
HUD is a travesty of an agency that does nothing except enrich cronies and perpetuate poverty. Burn it down
Yep. Public housing is nothing more than concentration camps for poor black folks.
I wouldn’t go that far.
I would. Boy, the stories my neighbor tells me about daily life. Not that much different than the Warsaw ghetto.
OK, the ghetto was the halfway house to the camp, but the idea is the same – keep ’em corralled and controlled.
I think that’s Vanity Fair, not Variety.
And I liked it when Patricia Neal took over Hud.
Carson is black and therefore I find this article to be extremely racist.
Only quote on the Oscars I care about, which of course was given anonymously. Voter said he didn’t care if Gary Oldman beat his wife with a phone. He was that damn good.
I’m still surprised he didn’t get in trouble with the comments he made about Mel Gibson and Jews a few years back.
According to my Leftist handbook, Anti-Semitism is OK now
Sad but true, as we’re seeing from the leaders of the “Women’s March” right now.
Hanging out with Farrakhan is totes ok now.
I think anti-semitism falls under ‘it’s different when we do it.’
It’s cool if it’s a hardcore Progressive, it’s literally Hitler if it’s anyone who isn’t.
Looking over the pinko bullshit on this page I see a rising intolerance. They are going to want violence. They mostly wont get it. They are too concentrated and incompetent. Maybe they will fall back on splitting the country. I wont lift a finger to stop them. Go your own way, implement your preferred policies. I will pop up some corn and watch you descend into poverty and starvation.
They undoubtedly want violence. They just haven’t figured out how to get rid of the ‘fighting back’ part yet.
They’re going to proceed even without the upper hand. The fervor of the SJW left is not fully under control right now.
I’m sure that would be fine with the powers behind the scenes. They’ll get a couple thousand martyrs, which will do wonders for pushing their agenda though various legislatures.
I don’t get the Mossad CIA Proxy Army cartoon on the front page. Anyone?
Who is Nunberg, and why is Twitter all atwitter about him?
Trump flunky under investigation who says he’ll not (and has not) comply with a subpoena form Mueller.
Also he was apparently drunk while working the day time news network circuit.
OMG that’s awesome
If I had to take questions from the likes of Jake Tapper, you can bet your sweet ass I’d be drunk, too.
I don’t really hate Tapper…he occasionally Tweets intelligent stuff. Jim Acosta is terrible. Don Lemon is a medical moron. Tapper…not so bad.
Case in point
Sure it wasn’t Lumberg? I hate that guy.
A Nation of Iagos
Iago is my favorite Shakespearean villian. Drip, drip, drip that poison in the ear.
Iago was a lickspittle quisling to that power-hungry Jafar.
If nothing else, Saint’s Row IV taught me that Aaron the Moor is the greatest villain in Shakespeare
Empror Zenyak: And that, my friends, is a man of conviction
Shakespeare’s early plays certainly have a more than a little adolescent violence to them. Titus A. is a hoot. “Who’s for dinner?”
Propping up a dead friend instead of leaving a flaming bag of poo certainly shows both immaturity and style.
Kids still do that? Probably scribble TW on it first.
Ironically back in Elizabethan times writing a violent play set in Roman Times was considered High Art. It seems Titus Andronicus was highly regarded in its day.
That’s what I hate about the “DeAd WhITe mEN!” BS being peddled. Plutarch, Seneca, Kyd etc all informed Shakespeare and helped him create his masterpieces. But, no, we have to be ignorant of them because they’re white. Reinvent the wheel then you pissants.
Great article and I’m pretty clueless when it comes to Shakespeare.
Get started! The uneducated masses loved his plays in his day and somehow we’ve gotten to the point where pinheads in ivory towers claim him as their own. Maybe the best example of the “take over a respectable institution, gut it and wear its skin”.
So, if we find the handkercheif, we beat the progs? Or is that playing into the progs hands?
I just figured out who Muriel Bowser reminds me of.
Gwen Ifill?
Rhywun you are wondering about promotion and relegation. A big reason for the lack of it was that for a long time the biggest problem that American sports leagues faced (faces?) is the high cost of road trips. Canada has no promotion and relegation either for similar reasons.
And even promotion and relegation developed accidentally in the 1890s as a result of a merger of two professional English soccer leagues.
All true – and I also got to wondering if P/R would even fit American “nature”. We don’t let bad teams drop down to a lower league – we give them preference at draft time! We want to tell ourselves that the Sabres have a chance at beating the Maple Leafs (up next…). We don’t want the boring predictability of the same 3 or 4 teams winning everything, every year.
Aw yeah!!!
Well, of course in baseball, basketball, and hockey, many of the lower league teams are owned or affiliated with a top-league team (Branch Rickey FTW).
Hmm, in football, maybe the Browns should be relegated to the NCAA…
That wouldn’t work due to the obvious conflict of interest. See 1899 Cleveland Spiders.
The squeeze learned me about firearm maintenance this weekend
Birchwood Casey products, I hope!
I hope you stocked up on .45LC ammo.
I have a number of boxes.
Alright kids, I bought my gun today. S&W 460V for an excellent deal off gunbroker. 3 guns in one, chambering .45LC, .454 Casull and the second most powerful production handgun round in the world, the .460 S&W Mag. It should arrive later this week and I’m giddy to try it out.
Eat shit gun grabbers.
Ooooooh!! Aaaaahhhhhhhh!! Sounds sexy.
May it bring you much joy at the range and never need to be used in defense–but ever ready for it.
I’m greatly anticipating the quizzical stares I get at the range shooting that monster.
So cool! I’m jealous!
I countered the HR guy’s Friday evening job offer today at noon, and he countered my counter this evening (verbal only), and I accepted (verbal only).
I intend to spend a quiet couple of weeks at my current employer getting loose ends tied up, then offer them a choice of 2 weeks notice or 4. New employer is happy to oblige.
It’s cocktail time at the ‘Splosives house.
Thanks from the support from y’all who wished me luck, and thanks for the friendly jibes from those who advised me against the People’s Republic of California. It will be a painful transition logistically, but it will be worth it.
Wow. That’s great! I hope the transition (work, personal, logistics…all of it) goes as seamlessly as possible!
Thanks, MikeS! I imagine I will be back in the Twin Cities a bit, so I’ll stay on the distro list for Glibs reunions.
You better! I wish I lived closer to the Cities so I could attend one more meet-up before you go.
That’s awesome, nice work! So you are moving to SD then? Cali ribbing aside, it’s probably the only place in California that I’d consider living (except for maybe some rural areas). Hopefully the move will go smoothly. What does Mr. Splosives think?
I will be working a bit north of SD, so I am looking at houses in Oceanside, Escondido, and the desert east of the highway from Escondido to Rancho Bernardo.
Mr Splosives vacillated in the beginning but is fully on board now. The big transition for him was when I sense he was feeling powerless, so I made the MAJOR concession to him that he could choose the house as long as it was within commute time budget and money budget. I think he needed to be in charge of something, and that did the trick.
Got a buddy who lives in Olivenhain with her hubby, and she loves it. Might wanna give it a boo — last time I was there, there were some serious bargains in housing. Damn near made me wanna move from Alberta. (Then I moved to BC. ???)
I looked at Olivenhain. Looks great, but nothing available on Zillow for less than an million, so yeah, no.
Great looking place though.
Thanks much! This is scary but exciting!
Life’s meant to be an adventure 😉
You’ll be amazing, and San Diego will be a nice cultural shift.
My parents lived in Rancho Bernardo for a few years. Nice ‘hood. I worked at the Nordstrom in the Escondido mall for a summer.
If you’re the drive-for-pleasure type, my favorite drive was through Ramona, left at Santa Ysabel, through Warner Springs, up to Mount Palomar via Lake Henshaw. If you have a 4WD, you can try Nate Harrison Grade down the back side of Palomar. I had to turn around about 1/2 mile down in my Hyundai Excel hatchback 🙂
I also liked driving up to Julian, then down to Borrego Springs. A nice hike is Palm Canyon (aka Hellhole Canyon):
There are hang gliders at Mount Laguna, and you can also sometimes see fighter jets training in the valley below:
You’re right KK. My folks lived on the Old Julian high Loved visiting them.
Good for you! Enjoy. Changing jobs reminds me of Talib’s Antifragile; keep the challenges coming so that you don’t atrophy.
Yup, for sure. I am ready to reinvent a bit and get out of this rut.
Glad the Job is working out! Despite all my Doom speak, Cali is a wonderful place to live, it just has a different set of Problems,
I’m sad we’re gonna lose you, but happy that I travel to CA frequently.
Thanks! After I give official notice, we will definitely need a Twin Cities Glibs meet up to celebrate.
We have several hospital departments under my supervision in Escondido. Once you move perhaps we can arrange an SD area Glibs meetup during one of the times I’m down there to rattle some doctor cages.
I hope there comes a time once you make the big move to California when TWO LIbertarian Women can get together! (and more? we can start our own LadyGlibCon/Bar Meetup)
Wouldn’t that create a temporal vortex, swallowing the entirety of the universe?
(actually, I met Banjos twice and we’re all fine. I think.)
I was going to mention the possibility, but i figured no one would really complain about the universe ending, right?
Maybe it’s not the Four HorseMEN of the Apocolypse after all…
Four horsekin??
As long as you don’t make it into a contraction…
OK everyone, since I’m a pedantic, verbose, intractably pretentious loser, I’m thinking of submitting another article to Glibs of a philosophical variety.
I was thinking of doing a libertarian analysis of suicide. However, I don’t want to do something that heavy without first running it by the commentariat. Too depressing? Too insensitive? Just plain inappropriate? Thoughts?
I’m curious what position you would be taking.
My position is going to mirror my position on adultery; morally wrong, but part and parcel of self-ownership. People are responsible for their own actions, even if they’re not alive to see the fallout. As devastating as it is, no one has the right to force continued existence on another person if they find that existence intolerable.
I’ll be interested to read about your take on the temporary nature of many of the root causes of suicide. Specifically the idea of forcing people to cool off when they’re about to jump off the ledge (metaphorically and literally)
How are you going to argue that suicide is morally wrong without resorting to “because God made you”?
You made a big fucking mess for other people.
I tried telling my daughter that, but she still shit her diaper for about 2 and half years.
And you kept her? The hell?
My empire needs an heir.
If you remain, don’t complain.
What does that mean, master?
How to be a Stoic. The Samurai would meditate every morning and force themselves to make a convincing argument for not killing themselves today. The Stoics would say, “you can always turn over your wrist if it gets to bad”. Lethal Weapon had the same idea.
Yeah. It’s a betrayal to your loved ones, like adultery. Not necessarily immoral, but it’s also contagious. My parents have a family friend whose husband killed himself, followed by both her daughters in the following five years. Seeing the effect it had, it’s hard to not say it’s immoral, personal bias aside.
That is gonna start a free will, agency and/or teleological shits storm. I’d love to read what you got given you’re much more philosophically literate than I am.
That’s why I wanna write it; controversy is interesting.
Betrayal? I never asked to be here and if you want me around I’d argue that it’s your job to make it worth my while. I think/believe/have faith that simply up and leaving everything and everyone behind is on a moral par with suicide and I can’t see any issue other than failure to keep obligations.
Fair enough, though I do not agree that it is a form of betrayal. Does a person’s emotional attachment to me override my desire to no longer experience emotional or physical pain? As libertarians, I believe that for many of us, we can agree on some variant of the non-aggression principle as common moral axiom. Does suicide violate the NAP? I don’t think it does. Any other stance belongs to the domain of deontological ethics, of which two different individuals may differ as to what set of norms they follow. A pious Jew would opine that eating pork is immoral, but his or her judgement would bear little relevance to the Christian happily chowing down on some baby back ribs. Likewise, the Abrahamic stance that suicide is sinful because humans are created in the image of their maker who reserves the right to determine the lifespan of an individual bears little relevance to a follower of the Dharmic religions or an atheist, for example.
Seconded. Even reading the Stoic’s cut (so to speak), it still seems like there is a moral free-for-all happening.
Write it and let’s Start Choppin’!
You’d have to explain what you mean by “obligations”.
I never asked to be here and if you want me around I’d argue that it’s your job to make it worth my while.
What do I get out of it?
Sorry, Q. There really isn’t any reason to write your article.
The argument is officially over.
How the hell do you fuck up gallows humor? That video is more likely to induce homicide than it is suicide.
Official video? Sure, before it was encoded to fit the memory of a Commodore 64. Horrible quality. Love the song though.
Right? WTF
Sorry Rhywun.
Try this.
Great song, either way!
Fine, I’ll take their advice.
What do I get out of it?
Mostly useless babble and shit stirring but every thousand comments or so I get off one killer joke/pun/riposte, plus if they start using “first” Gifs again I might make some more award winning shitty animation.
Better. Though I feel their 90s material is not as good as their 80s or 00s and 10s (!).
To be clear, I don’t see it as a strict violation of the NAP. And as far as betrayal goes, I think it depends on the nature of the relationship. Is it a betrayal of your parents? Probably not, since your relationship with them is involuntary. Spouse? I’d say yes, since I’d consider it implicit in the marriage contract that you wouldn’t end your own life (but I could be off base); same with kids since you are responsible for their existence. But I’m not gonna blow my load about this yet, especially since I’m not even fully erect. Gimme a week or two to collect my thoughts and write it.
And you’re right, it could be a deontological argument. However, as a libertarian, an individual’s devotion to duty is a strictly personal thing, which is why I can’t bring myself to say that suicide is prohibited on the basis of the NAP. So perhaps immoral (at least in some absolute way) is the wrong word. Perhaps “existentially dystonic” or some other such technical sounding nonsense I pull out of my ass.
How are you going to argue that [insert any bad thing here] is morally wrong without resorting to “because God made you”?
An excellent question.
I struggle with the question myself. Which is more inherently cruel: ending your life and likely causing decades of mental anguish for the people who love and care about you, or suffering decades of mental anguish yourself because of a sense of guilt and shame heaped upon you by the people who love and care for you for even considering the act? Either way, there will be suffering.
Smothered by boobs.
Imagine Chuck Schumer on roller skates. Topless.
Now *I* want to commit suicide.
From a self-ownership perspective? I could get behind that.
Personally, I hope nothing is inappropriate here. My feeling is if it is a well thought out position, and not blatantly insensitive, it’s fair game.
Sounds very depressing.
Which means it’s compelling. Go for it.
Depending on the angle you’re going for, you can make that uplifting through how you frame it. “You have the right to blow your head off!” is not a winning message because it plays right into the stereotype that libertarians are heartless. We wind up debating the number of homicides committed by firearms and not insisting on having them debate how many lives are saved by having the right to bear arms. I don’t know what your stance on suicide is exactly, but a state that would deny a person the control of his own life is a state that would end that life when convenient.
Do it. It’s a topic I struggle with mightily, so I’m always interested in different perspectives. I’ve had some up close and personal experience, but am still not sure where I fall.
I think its fine as long as its conceptual rather than ‘practical’
i think conceptually, suicide is the ultimate expression of ‘self ownership’ and is tres libertarian
in practical reality, its something very very few people do with ‘rational’ basis.
i think the rare cases of ‘assisted euthanasia’ – e.g. people with terminal illness, severe/chronic debilitating/degenerative conditions – are actually a more-interesting subset rather than “Suicide” as a whole.
the key problem about trying to encompass something like that ‘philosophically’ is that in the process of philosophical exercise you completely lose touch with the reality of the thing. which is that, in practice, suicide is almost never arrived at rationally by healthy people.
my pov on this is based on having 2 family members who committed suicide – admittedly not super-close, but close enough – and a brother who was on constant suicide-watch for about a decade, due to his severe illness.
The older we get, the more friends and loved ones who die by their own hand we accumulate.
I’d be up for a conversation, but it would probably turn into more like a drunken Wake “I love you man” one. It’s too freaking close to home. Yet can be cathartic.
My problem is that a close coworker that EVERYBODY loved offed himself 4 years ago, and when it happened, many people came to imprint on me (because I was the only extrovert and openly kind and maybe even female coworker??) during those dark weeks. Through the subsequent years, other coworkers come to me near the anniversary of his death to let their emotions out, or they tell me of a spouse or child that committed suicide. I bear it stoically and give the best sympathy I can, but, MAN does that take it out of a person!
We “left behinders” try to find sense in the departeds’ suicide, but we just need to get over that. They weren’t rational at the time. Be grateful that you can’t understand that pain, and move on.
Comedian Craig Ferguson wrote a book called “Between the Bridge and the River” in which he describes real people (though the book is fiction) who have jumped off the Golden Gate Bridge to end it all, and then between the bridge and the river, as soon as their feet leave the bridge, they realize, Oh Crap, this is Permanent, and my Problems are Not. The survivors generally get better. Breaks my heart for the ones who get the Between the Bridge and the River revelation but die on impact.
“to be sure, Sommers is icky”
– Robbie in about twenty minutes
Seriously, if Sommers is a fascist then there is no way they would view us as anything better than falangists
Weed Mexicans and ass-sex will convince them. I mean it’s not like Robert Reich called Trump a Randian. Oh wait…
Went on TOS and saw that Robbie was calling Sargaan alt-right after antifa shutdown one of his recent events. Never really listened to Sargaan, but I heard an interview with him on Tom Woods. He seemed like kind of an old big government liberal
Looks like he added a correction. Of course, five minutes of research would’ve shown Robby that not only is Sargon not associated with the alt-right by anyone other than mouthbreathing antifa types, he’s gotten into more than a few vocal mix-ups and debates with alt-right folks, including a live debate with Richard Spencer.
He actually describes him pretty well as an “anti-PC” guy. Sargon describes himself as a classical liberal, and he may well be, but like a lot of Brits he seems to be more comfortable with government getting involved with social welfare stuff, regulation, that sort of thing. His biggest bete noir is the social justice movement, particularly antifa.
Christina Hoff-Sommers is a fascist?
I think I’m just going to stay away. I don’t want to be in the splatter zone when heads start spontaneously exploding from sheer derp overload.
Alright kids, I bought my gun today. S&W 460V for an excellent deal off gunbroker.
Get some good hearing protection.
Hey, ya’ll fellow Glibs, really appreciate all the responses to my hysterical power outrage rant yesterday afternoon, lol. I didn’t participate in the conversation any longer because my wife was down in the laundry of the hotel washing clothes because of all great times, she got called into work on Sunday. Fortunately, she only works .4 miles from the hotel we were staying in. I myself expected the worst and over packed. I went down to the bar to hangout.
Anyone here tried Dog Tag Lager? I discovered it at the Hilton. It comes in 16oz cans and is one of the better American attempts I’ve seen at a lager. I managed to drink enough of it to get quite the buzz going. My wife told me I’m drunk and I said ‘Freedom isn’t free’. Yeah, that’s my go to for everything now.
Anyway, made it back home this morning after working half the day from the hotel on a laptop *barf*, to find the electric back on and nothing spoiled in my fridge except the milk. Going to let the wife check the freezer tomorrow, but I think most of it is trashed.
Good to hear.
Going to let the wife check the freezer tomorrow, but I think most of it is trashed.
If it’s been closed this whole time, you will probably be ok.
I hope so. Anyway, could have been worse, we’re lower on stuff in there than we typically are. We buy produce every 2 days or so and try to use it all, but we buy a lot of meat for the freezer. I’ve pretty much devoted myself to research backup power now. We’re looking at a house in the country also at the moment. Not sure what one has to do with the other, maybe I’m gonna get all prepper and stuff.
If it were August it might be different. I don’t worry about the winter (obviously), but the summer storms can really fuck things up. HOnestly, I’m not sure a generator is worth it, unless you are far out in the country.
Being without power sucks. We had rolling blackouts after the big quake. Helps you appreciate living today and not a couple hundred years ago.
The lady who sits in the cube next to me at work wasn’t in on Friday because she got snow, living higher up in the Catskills than I do. She claims to have gotten about four feet. The boss lady didn’t get power back until Sunday night.
And we’re supposed to get more snow on Wednesday.
Bought this the other day after MSS’s beer post, just noticed what looks like about 1/2 tsp of coffee ground in the bottom of my glass, I know that Hefe’s have some floaters, is this also a cream ale thing or have I poisoned myself?
Any fish keeping Glibs out there?
My wife and I just got back into it (freshwater) after over a decade hiatus. Man, I had forgotten how much I enjoy it. I have one tank next to my desk and it’s great to just watch them swim around. Very relaxing and stress-relieving.
Nope. But it reminds me of a HS friend whose entire dining room walls were lined with multiple rows of tanks. I thought it was a bit much. But I used to stop in the pet shop all the time on the walk home from elementary school and look at them. Yeah, I can see it being relaxing.
So, we stopped at a lady’s place this weekend to buy an extra tank she had. She lived in a 70’s-80’s single-wide trailer. We complete the tank transaction and are having some small talk. It comes out that she breeds chiclids and has 19 tanks in her house. 19 tanks! I’m sure many were smaller tanks for fry, but wow. I hope her floor doesn’t collapse.
She was sweet, but the whole time I was thinking “cat lady who picked fish instead of cats.”
Come on, this is any hardcore hobbyist. Ever bought obscure car parts?
People are awesomely weird.
Good point. I worked with a guy who tore down his Harley in the living room of his trailer house every winter. Supposedly this is not uncommon behavior with old Harley riders.
Who the hell wants to work out in the cold?
I’m in a hiatus now as I’m paying off school. My present to myself when we pay these loans off is going to be a top notch planted freshwater tank. Before I went back to school, I had a tank or two running at all times, usually planted, and often with dwarf freshwater shrimp. I did discus once (they died when my tank broke during a move). Had a breeding pair of angels for a while. Also had a couple breeding pairs of German blue rams.
A few of my tanks
Fish porn! That’s awesome!
Here is a picture of our newest addition. A 72 gallon corner, bow front.
Looks great! I didn’t realize they did bow fronts so big.
I’ve got a twenty gallon freshwater tank. It’s mostly my wife’s thing. They are fun to watch for a bit and my little girl loves it.
I have a 35 gallon freshwater tank that holds one seven-inch goldfish that’s six years old (and one algae eater that’s about the same length). I tried snails and the goldfish ate them. It’s kind of a pain in the ass, since I ended up being chief fish caretaker, but the tank is pretty and the fish is kind of adorably stupid. But I’m certainly no expert or have fancy fish or anything like that.
We’ve pared it back to a 90 and a 130. Wifey used to breed angels but holy shit you have to be quick to save them from everything, including the parents. We keep the smaller tank for our giant feeder comets and the other has been killing damn near everything for about two years. Judi bought her horse two years ago…
You’re married? I’m shocked! SHOCKED! Who would marry you?
/sarc, please don’t catbutt me
To make amends for your extremely hurtful comment, I want you to add a link to a B-cup redhead to your list below.
Czech it out below.
The last one is a D-cup blonde. I mean, she can bring a box of crackers if she wants, but that’s not a B-cup redhead. Just sayin’
I have a 200 gallon saltwater reef.
That sounds like a bunch of fun! I’m too much of a newbie to think about saltwater at this point…maybe one day.
Oh, and pictures or it never happened.
You know I really should take some. The phone pictures come out so crappy though.
So true.
My link is a testament to the awfulness of cell phone pics of tanks.
YouTube fully embraces intersectionality.
*My Bold*. Someone was asking about what was happening on YouTube in another thread.
“We know it when we see it” would have been more succinct.
I really couldn’t care less – it’s their platform to do with as they wish.
When you have this much crony capitalism going on, it’s not really just “their platform”. I’d love to see the free market fix this shit, but they won’t let it happen. It has become a Gordian knot at this point and I have no idea how to peacefully unravel it.
Honest question – what is the crony capitalism with YouTube?
I’m just talking in general about the pile of regulations that benefit the multinationals who can afford giant legal departments.
Yeah. It’s the whole “revolving door between [X] and the Government” argument. Silicon Valley is the new Defense Industry.
It’s their platform, but I don’t see what’s wrong with criticizing their practices. Again, I fail to see why I can’t criticize an agreement between private actors while still not believing that the government should be involved
I don’t think anyone here would disagree. Criticize away!
I disagree!
You could try to make a case that significant ownership stakes by public employee pension funds could make it (at least partially) a public entity. I don’t know if I agree, but I wouldn’t mind seeing people more knowledgeable than me debate it.
SLD that there shouldn’t be any government employee pension funds.
(And government or state, not public.)
Hey HM!
How about some Korean chicks trying BBQ?
I believe I’ve shared that video before.
Girls like meat.
And if you haven’t seen the North Koreans try BBQ video I recommend it.
14:00 on is perfect.
That Brooklyn shit is probably more BBQ than anything from Asheville.
Great video
the past weekend had a funny twitter-explosion of people freaking out over a (4 year old) story saying, “Brooklyn BBQ is taking over the world”.
the BBQ place the og story cited was one that i lived 3 blocks from for 10 years. It was… well, it was a nice place to have near me, and a place i sometimes went because i played in a band with a bartenders brother and she’d slip me some free high end bourbon every now and then, but on the *absolute* scale it was “meh” and not even worth mentioning. In fact there were 3 or 4 other places in brooklyn alone i could think of that deserved mention before it. and even none of those really were things i’d say were “better” than the shit you got at random on the roadside in NC or outside Memphis. They were “decent” plus they offered a high-end environment and lots of fancy bourbons. they weren’t some shack on the roadside which had nothing but slaw, pickles and soda as side-items.
anyway, if there were any insight at all i’d have tried to put into that debate, its that “NYC has the best of many many things in america” – which i would argue to my death…. but most of those things are things it imported from elsewhere outside america, or are unique to itself. The shit it most definitely NEVER does better, is the stuff “outside NYC”. the most salient example of which is “Southern Food”. You can get some decent soul food in a few places, but really nothing remotely like the full-monty of proper country-cooking. You’d think this was obvious, but apparently its not: but you can’t get “Country” into a city without it becoming “city” in the process.
I got the sense that the thing picked up steam because it was a convenient hook for people to unleash their opinions on NYC.
Yes. i don’t know why, but everyone needs an excuse to periodically vent their hatred of the place.
which is odd to me. places i don’t like? i generally don’t want to talk about other than to say, “meh”.
Welch had an article about NY politicians today was mostly exorcising his own ‘learning experience’ of how shit works. it seemed to serve the purpose for some of the commentariat to do the normal, “NYC? ptwooey!”-thing
I’ll finish that on the throne in the near future. He is right that NYC is run by morons, though. It would be nice to see some thoughtful commentary about WHY that might be. Political machine, voter apathy, etc. Oh well.
I’m not touching the comments. I was off work today and I get enough of that shit during normal weeks.
In defense of people with poorly-considered NYC bigotry (myself included, to my discredit) I think it’s the media saturation of New Yorkers who are…very vocal about their civic pride. Particularly the Brooklyn hipster stereotype. It’s not that other areas don’t have their boosters who can get a little obnoxious–Texas, lookin’ at you here–it’s just that there’s a special kind that seems to be associated with NYC that I find grating. The irony is that it’s a snobbery that kills me, and I come from a city in Maryland that’s notorious for snobbery.
of course, but it reminds of the epiphany any 20-something might have after 5 years living in the city.
i think the fact he lives in pk slope, and has kids, narrows his perspective a lot. he doesn’t really get to roam freely and live the sort of “see every corner, talk to every type of person” stuff that someone might get to do after 10 years. he’s becoming salty, but not because of a diversity of experience – because of the constant irritation of park slope, which is indeed a proggy nightmare. Even Wburg had its ‘todd seavy hosted, monthly libertarian bar-night”
Yes. i don’t know why, but everyone needs an excuse to periodically vent their hatred of the place
Same reason people hate on Cali. It’s a place that throws its weight around culturally, socially, and politically, and seems to have an active disdain for the little people in flyover country.
He could solve that by moving 1-2 miles in any direction. Park Slope (and the oft-cited Williamsburg) are extreme examples that everybody thinks represent all of the city, when that’s simply not true.
the funny part is that 90% of the people you’re talking about? are people who moved to nyc and maybe lived there less than 10years.
the people for whom the ‘place’ is an ego boost are people who feel they’ve elevated their station in life by mere relocation.
people who were born there have no such illusions.
Re: stereotypes
What you’re getting is the media-filtered version of things. They love to push buttons and lots of people fall for it. E.g. nobody hears anything about the 9/10 of Brooklyn that isn’t Park Slope or Williamsburg.
Long story short – progs are loud and annoying, and the media feeds on it and amplifies it.
Yeah, now that you mention it nearly every person I’ve heard never shut up about how great NYC is (and really, Brooklyn, and probably Williamsburg) is someone from around here who moved there and is back visiting family or friends. Part of it is also probably my dislike of big cities. I’m a mid-sized town guy and that’s where I’m comfortable. NYC is pretty much the Platonic ideal of a big city, and in my mind it’s just concrete, skyscrapers, and traffic as far as the eye can see. Which of course isn’t true, but I’m a rube and don’t know better. Or, more likely, I’m projecting my anxiety about cities onto New York because it’s the closest one I’m not familiar with.
I read a stat somewhere that at one point (like, mid-20th century) something like 1 in 10 Americans was from NYC. I think since then we’ve moved to a situation where a majority of Americans have no experience at living in a large city at all. A big reversal of the pattern that prevailed back then.
Because they treat those of use in the rest of the state like shit. We’re the victims of their politics, basically.
“Oh my God, look how thick it is”
I do a sweet mustard sauce for my prok BBQ, but putting it on uncooked it doesn’t taste as good; it needs to be caramelized and even close to burnt, then along with the applewood smoke it is heaven.
I might be drunk. I haven’t quit in years. I’m just back in Michigan
Too late. The truth is half way around the world while you were putting your pants back on.
I like the new avatar. Japan is costing me a fortune in plumbing supplies.
Bad sushi? Too bad I missed you guys when you were here. If you’re back again, let me know. Mustang, Mrs. Mustang and I got together for a few beers last week. Fun to put faces to avatars.
Toto “seats” – one installed, more on the way.
⛲ I don’t usually push any of the buttons, but I do love the heated seat in winter.
Hah! My wife is after me to put one in as well. Heated seat is the reason.
You think a Florida Man is wearing pants? That’s culturally incentive!
I made this for Just Say’in, but feel free to use it to meme the hell out of TOS. It’s a PNG, so the background is clear and you can paste into any picture easily.
It is a cool picture. Maybe I’ll change my avatar
The everytime you post about a post being the Nick Gillespie of posts, your post would be the cartoon Nick Gillespie of posts. This shit is like time travel hard to keep track of.
this should be good
Why carrying a gun is an immoral act, according to Marilynne Robinson
“It’s a recipe for a completely deranged society.”
But the thing that bothers me is that people like him are people who nourish this idea of living in a hostile world, of collecting guns because they feel as if they are somehow at odds with American society as it has developed. They fear the socialist takeover that’s supposed to come any minute or whatever — these fantastic exaggerations of things that are fictional to begin with.
Eric Allen Been
What do you think of those on the left — the intellectual Cornel West comes to mind — who have accused Obama of outright war crimes because he carried out so many drone strikes?
Marilynne Robinson
Well, I’ve never talked with Obama about things like that. You have to think people have a certain range of options. If you were trying to keep casualties to a minimum, I can see why you would think that drone strikes were much more effective than an invasion force. It’s not a good choice. I’m sure that he would not have done it happily, but given the range of possibilities that they are, if the objective is to maintain a lower rate of casualties, for both sides, I can see how you might, as president, be forced into a situation like that.
Guns bad; drones good.
herp herp herpa derp
I don’t know; it may be more basic than ‘guns bad; drones good’. It could be ‘government guns good, private guns bad’, or just typical Progressive statism.
Meanwhile, Antifa shit-heels are clubbing conservatives in the street with bike locks, shutting down speech they don’t like through threats and/or acts of violence, and being encouraged to do so by the mainstream media and Democrat politicians at all levels of power.
And lawyers standing before the Supreme Court are arguing that conservative opinions should be illegal at election sites, while leftist opinions should be permitted.
If I went to an event that *might* have Antifa protesters show up I would absolutely show up armed. I’m not getting beaten by a mob with nothing in my hands but thin air. And I base this on the fact that every time they show up they physically attack people they disagree with after having stated that as their intention to begin with. Sorry, but if there’s a group of people who say they want to beat the shit out of me I take them at their word and plan accordingly.
This sort of glib (((drink!))) smug-guffawing dismissal of people who are leery of government metastasizing-infringement and the potential for tyranny irritates me so much. Somehow we’re the crazy ones because we’re well aware of how revolutions work and where they happen—abruptly, even in places that were theretofore relatively free, and by the hand of a brazen, mostly-under-the-radar minority, targeted at the well-off and relatively prosperous. It’s another example of bourgeois (usually left-wing) assholes feeling smug about things that they’re incurious and ignorant and unimaginative about.
“My life is comfortable now, and I can’t imagine it being any other way!”—is essentially what they’re saying. “I’m proud of my ignorance, and I’m going to look down on those who aren’t so foolishly close-minded.” (Though that would require a modicum of self-awareness.)
That’s the essence of revolutions, that they happen so vertiginously. They’re not ‘evolutions’ (except maybe in narrative-historical hindsight).
Assholes. It’s not even that a socialist takeover, or whatever, is supposed to come any minute—but that it could. Or, you know, someone intending harm could try to harm me. Someone, like Marilynne Robinson, could try to take away my rights. That’s reason enough to be vigilant and take precautions.
There’s no inevitability-calculation in our philosophy, you dumb Marxist twat. But people like you give us good reason to hedge our bets.
You anti-socialist are so paranoid.–so-funny-funny-shit.jpg
10-ish minutes before I find out if this bread right here comes out right.
If it does, go ahead and pencil me in for a six-pack by October.*
* – yeah, right
Bread was never a problem for me going low carb, it was potatoes and beer.
I learned a valuable lesson about “baker’s ammonia” when making almond flour bread. My first attempt smelled like a dirty cat litter box.
Mmm urine fresh!
The good news: the flavor is good. Quite good. Not even a little eggy to my taste buds.
The bad news: there is no way to fit deli meat in between these runty little slices. I reckoned the mix would have risen substantially during the 40-minute bake time, but nope. Perhaps the thing to do is to throw chunks of this bread into a sandwich salad to get a bite of bread with each forkful. Maybe I need a smaller bread pan. But again: the flavor definitely passes the test.
Cut it horizontally instead of vertically?
I’ve wondered, on a low carb perspective, about ‘breading’ things like fried chicken with pork rinds. Haven’t tried it yet.
I have done chicken breasts and fish fillets with crushed pork rind breading. It seems to work fine for me.
Best for last:
You should have a regular Glibs after dark article/girly pics
I think Q might be Victor from Choke.
That actually looks kind of funny.
Hey Tundra, if you’re still on; are you a casino guy? I’m thinking about inviting some glibs this spring; I gots 4 Indian Casinos near me. We could drink and quote John Cusack at everyone all night
I’ve put a lot of work into this shit and I deserve your praise!
The Trump thing with the Hair on his right shoulder totally reminded me of Ambassador Molari (Babylon 5) and his “Keeper”.
Nice voicework too.
This is the kind of thing that makes me want to introduce Glibertarians to other real people I know, but then realize they would think I am insane for pointing them here. Whatevs. Fuck it. They’re not worthy (yet).
Thanks. When Sugarfree gave me the note ‘the hair is sort of world-weary and sad, maybe even a little gay.’ and I sent him just me talking kind of depressed, it made me a little sad. But, if it works.
It’s great. The intro voice is a bit too synthesized of course, bit it’s just an aperitif anyway.
The whole joke with the voice in the intro is to make the viewer think the rest of the audio will be that dad. At least that was my thought when making it.
*bad not dad.
I love it.
So right now the overlords are debating if they have enough in the coffers to cover production, if they don’t and I need extra funds, who is in?
C, you’re my man, 50 grand, and all, but you’ve got a little competition.
Mind blown
My undergrad alma mater just made the NCAA Tournament, so I have that going for me.
Will probably be a 13 or 14 seed and a sacrificial lamb for a big school.
This, in a nutshell, expresses my bafflement at the American way of doing sports. We’re supposed to root for our team to lose.
Hm. Squirrels are active tonight. Let’s try this again.
This in a nutshell is what I don’t get about American team sports – when we’re supposed to be rooting for our team to lose.
Testing – just lost 2 posts.
Hm. Squirrels are active tonight. Let’s try this again.
This in a nutshell is what I don’t get about American team sports – when we’re supposed to be rooting for our team to lose.
well, you didn’t lose this one. Maybe you were mugged. I hear that happens a lot in NYC.
I give up. It’s telling me “duplicate post” but not showing either one.
But it showed this one?
Yup. Apparently the squirrels aren’t Rangers fans.
Nobody important is. Try praising my link above, that should go through.
FWIW I was trying to link to an article saying that we should hope the Rangers go on a losing streak and I was remarking how that is a weirdly American thing to do, due to the curious nature of our sports leagues.
The attempt at parody. But if you want true parody [link omitted due to exposing user account]
When I get duplicate post and I hit the back arrow, neither post shows until I hit the refresh button. Then only a single instance shows up.
Usually. This time I got completely borked.
I meant to say I posted two slightly different posts and neither of them showed up. Got no error message. When I attemted to repost the 2nd version I got the duplicate post thing.
Weird! I wonder if its more of the “out-of-our-hands” wordpress changes effing with us.
My main posting frustrations are my own fault. I type out a long, well thought out comment, then with an errant thumb above the touchpad, obliterate most or all of it, and there’s no UNDO for that crap.
I could type comments in Notepad and then paste, but I’m too lazy.
I exist in an alternate reality where your posts went through … simultaneously as I exist in this one.
I read your Rangers remarks and found them pithy.
Also, in the other reality I extensively praised CPRM’s link, but was too spent to do so in this one.
HS a belated congratulations on your new job. I live less than an hour from where you are headed. If you need info or help with the area let me know.
Thanks, Chafed! I might have to take you up on it. At first, we looked mostly at east of the highway in the middle of nowhere, but came to realize how much we like being able to dash out and shop for food or goods without spending an hour round trip. Then we looked at Escondido, which has many promising options. Lately, Oceanside has been winking at us.
The company has a hugely generous relocation package that includes a few flights out just to look at houses, and then pay for closing costs on our Minnesota house as well as the California house (including realtor fee). So, heck, I might be hitting you up sooner than you think. 🙂
I get it old dude. You’ll like people watching. Your pension lifestyle demands such low cost entertainment. Fidgeting in your chair, blowing the remaining calories of life force like an amoeba reacting to stimuli. Do what you wish. On our first eye contact I conveyed my displeasure at your Steven Gawking impression. I’m staring back at you now with unmistakable loathing. You fidget more and revert to your 10 year old self. 以心伝心. “Ishindenshin”. That concept that provincial Japanese believe to be a uniquely Japanese ability? The ability to read other people’s minds? Try it out on my noggin right now. Here’s a hint; if you don’t like being watched while you’re people watching, don’t go people watching.
This is the worst dating site ever.
Thought everyone was gone. It’s like farting in an elevator and then so else gets in. *shrugs*
Awake from excitement. And the also from the need to see how much snow I have to drive through for an all-day training course 15 miles away tomorrow morning (today morning? just in a few hours). Did I mention that a bunch of snow and ice and ridiculous wind dropped several inches from evening through now? This is going to SUCK!!
I think Minnesota is giving me the middle finger for leaving.
Early morning links
I thought the Lexington was tied up in Corpus Christi?
Love by claiming the stock market is because v if you, you can die by it too Mr Trump.
Vigilantes? That implies investors are making decisions for reasons other than, “well, that is going to hurt the companies bottom line, time to move some money.”
Take your dog to work day, or Take your dog to work day?
Some people bring their dogs to my work. It doesn’t bother me, but that’s because there is only one it two. If I had an office littered with dogs, I’m not sure how I’d feel about that.
I hope your comment is in reference to the first link and not the second one.
Few minutes before links video for you.
I walk out the door this time every morning. I will check it tonight.