If only they hadn’t implemented common-sense spear control.
Top alternate name is Shitholia.
(I keed I keed)
Just have the Greeks sell Macedon to Macedonia, and then pay some of their debt.
Is there supposed to be a link on that last one about the Italian?
He had to fly before he could put it in.
Damn your nimble fingers!
Edit Faeries flit about we see.
Ah, got it.
this is sort of interesting, tho it will change no one’s mind about anything
When all you want is to punish the other tribe, facts are a mere inconvenience.
Obviously we need to ban magazines larger than 9 rounds.
Changing magazines has never been the great task that the left has pretended it to be over the last few years. Film at 11.
Were they also going to ban metal, springs, shop class, and youtube videos?
It’s not like it takes specialized tools or a great deal of skill to manufacture your own.
“Senator Marco Rubio (R., Fla.) hinted at a CNN town hall last week that the weapon may have malfunctioned, saying “three or four people may be alive today”
Pass common sense legislation requiring all firearms to jam every 7th round.
I’d say that the chances of this being true are about zero.
Even if it were true, it’s not really a good narrative to get behind. The proggie response will be either, “See, AR15s are so deadly that they don’t even need extendos, they should be banned outright!” or “If high capacity magazines aren’t that important, it should be no problem to give yours up.”
There’s a joke in there about ZARDOZ and MISSING LINK but dammed if I can find it.
… Hobbit
So what you’re saying is that the missing link joke is…..missing?
How apt.
I don’t suppose the shithole refugees have anything to do with the outbreak.
It’s not a shithole, you shitlord. It’s a “differently fecalled zone of reduced altitude.”
Yeah,that’s too much to type
I vote shithole.
I wobble corrected
It appears that Heroic Mulatto got beaten to the punch by someone on Kickstarter.
Butt backers? Original butt, what?
Topless woman confronting Berlusconi is playing right into his hands!
*narrows gaze*
+1 slicked back head
It’s anecdotal, but European feminists seem to be more attractive on the average than American feminists.
“You’re a sexist pig! Look at my tits!”
I’m not sure what she was hoping to achieve.
I’ve met quite a few women where they think that’s a turn on for men. You should see what some Japanese chicks will do while saying, “Yaaa~daa~”.
…go on.
…you have my attention
“Mom, I have this big test tomorrow and I’m having a hard time concentrating.”
Is usually how it starts.
I’m sure it is. In fact, I’m sure Silvio was thinking, “My, you’re a handsome young lady, and under different circumstances I’d be handing you a champagne flute and guiding you by the elbow to my waiting limousine.” But as a means of protesting a womanizer, it seems … counterproductive.
Of course, this is Italy, so none of my cultural instincts apply. She did succeed in getting coverage in the “international press*” so if that was her goal, then well done her.
*Daily Mail, heh heh
I’m sure it’s a “by any (idiotic) means necessary” type thinking.
Same thing as Rose McGowan, who we first came to know when she showed up naked at the VMA’s a Marilyn Manson’s +1, then went skinny dipping in a hot tub with Harvey Weinstein, then decided that she didn’t like Harvey’s sexual advances.
I love that in every still photo every Italian dude looks just a little bit lecherous, and in the video all the men are this blend of discretion and a complete unwillingness to stop her or stop taking pictures of her. In my head it’s this very 60’s stereotypical Italian machismo deal, all City of Women.
OT: I’m fixin’ to pick up some green shirts for my last St. Patrick’s Day before 40 and kid #2, and I’m a little bummed that I couldn’t find the Glibs logo in black on a Kelly green shirt.
Stereotypical Italian machismo like THIS?
If you want, I’ve got a Drunk Lives Matter shirt I bought on a previous St. Patrick’s day (from a black guy selling them on the street) I can send your way.
I appreciate it, but I’ve already pulled the trigger. I’m doubling up, with a “Taxation is Theft” shirt to open the day, changing into the Glibs shirt when the amateurs come out by early afternoon.
Holy shit. I suppose he was selling “loosie” cigarettes, too? Anarchy.
File under: “Lol, No Thanks”
US, Afghan leaders agree on peace push, Taliban don’t
i do think its funny sometimes how we have this idea in our heads that we can send our military overseas to other countries, shoot and bomb the locals for a decade or two, then expect the burden of “peace making” to fall on the people we traveled 8,000 miles out of our way to kill.
US: “hey look, man, honestly we’re really just looking for some peace and quiet”
Afghan taliban: “Oh, really? Wow, i’d never have guessed, what with how you keep drone-assassinating our leaders and stuff. I guess this was all just some misunderstanding. So, cool then; i guess you’re going to leave our country now?”
US: “Uhm, actually no”
Afghan taliban: “Lol ok we’ll just keep car bombing you then. Thanks for the call tho.”
The “Taliban” have often said “let’s talk”. Using that label is quite a generalization, as none of the original bunch by that name still exist.
The Pak/Saudi backed invaders will often say “jaw jaw” one minute, and war-war the next. Where they end up….?
P.S. search the tag “Afghanistan” for further details.
-“Using that label is quite a generalization”
Sure, and i’ve sometimes made that point myself. I doubt the AP (or any other news media) is going to abandon their one-size-fits-all terminology at this point.
Is there an actual united “Taliban” these days?
The Taliban have about 60k fighters. To defeat them, it will be necessary to kill 15 or 20k of them in a year. So far, coalition forces have killed about 1.5k per year.
Wow, they reproduce that quickly? They sound like Tribbles.
ZARDOZ, you’re all talk. You speak of your brutal enforcers, yet they continually fail in keeping the brutals in line. You’re a fraud, giant head.
*shoots JB*
Tundra is gonna have a sad
This is collective punishment since we all have to the cat butt.
And it has worms. Some of us are getting ready to eat dinner here. Thanks JB.
And to make up for the Kickstarter link, an interview with a porn star (SFW).
Oh for fucks sake…
“I’m a thin woman with big breasts and European beauty features. I don’t have to put up with nearly as much crap as women of color in this industry, or even trans, or disabled performers, who frequently get fetishized and paid less for their work. And it’s bullshit.”
Welcome to the wonderful world of supply and demand, you gorgeous owner of big norks and European beauty features, whatever they are. No, most people don’t want to pay $7 a minute to watch a quadriplegic hump a dildo.
It’s unfortunate for those other-abled performers. Perhaps you could subsidize their cam business by subscribing to them.
Where do you find more than one large North Korean?
Get a load of Pauline Kael up here!
Obviously, your browser history wasn’t included in 6’s research.
Get a load of Pauline Kael up here!
Number.6 didn’t know anyone who voted for Nixon either?
To be fair, Number 6 is British…. 🙂
How many would trade Zardoz for a Boorman take on LOTR that might prevent the existence of Peter Jackson’s versions?
Do you want more of this? Because that’s how you get more of that. The 60’s were a strange time.
Make. It. Stop.
WTF was that?
My view is that a Boorman LOTR would have been more like a Bakshi LOTR than a Jackson LOTR.
I’d link to some of the songs from the Bakshi LOTR, but I don’t want to break Swiss.
… thank you.
Bakshi, the cinematic genius that brought us “Cool World,” in which we get a close up on Kim Bassinger that’s soooooo close, you can see the lunar lander mapping her pores.
Inner Space II.
Cool World is a cinematic masterpiece.
Excalibur probably would be the Boorman movie that gave the closest look at what he would have done with LOTR.
So, it probably would have been worse than Jackson and still better than the Rankin and Bass crap?
Ok, finally finished retyping my entire youtube treatise. I made a vid about some classy, classy ladies: https://youtu.be/VrMlUA89h_Y
Do you have a rug on your table or are you looking at these on the floor?
Yeah…it’s a folded up runner on the ottoman.
Libertarian Moment
If you’re going to make a flying car it has to have gull-wing doors damnit!
They won’t let Macedonians self identify as Macedonians. The Greeks aren’t very woke.
Which group of Brutal Exterminators you support depends on who is in power, Rachel Maddow edition.
And for anyone who missed it, here is the NYT article from 2016 which reports on Obama and his crew giving the green light for the US to give the Saudis assistance with ‘cleansing’ operations in Yemen.
When do we get to see a ZARDOZ vs STEVE SMITH engagement in Thunder Dome? Two memes enter, one meme leaves?
I guess it depends on if STEVE SMITH can catch ZARDOZ.
Not gonna be guns he vomits after that, to be sure.
Who run VortexTowm?
Gotta make a move to a town that’s right for me?
This or the Peter Jackson’s version?
“North Macedonia”.
You’re welcome.
“Why should we have to change our name? They’re the ones that suck.”
“Because ours are called West, Central, and East Macedonia.”
“Ah, so they are deliniated. We will be ‘Macedonia'”
“That’s not how any of this works.”
“Also, we were first.”
“There, you are wrong.”
*sharpens sarissa*
The Ottomans called Greece Yunanistan.
Good evening mammals. I suppose I should offer a getaway to the giant floating head. I am pretty certain our zyperian class cargo shuttles can accommodate the head and his kitten. Maybe now Zardoz will take up my offer on doing some some off-world invasions. All he had to do is transport our power-armored enforcers across some rough terrain. No weapons vomiting required.
No weapons vomiting required.
Even our future reptilian overlords have succumbed to the pressure from the gun grabbers.
Really?!?? Seriously?!?? No! Your Future Reptilian Overlords want your stupid gun laws rolled back to the point that parts of your country resemble that Twisted Metal Video game.
In my case I don’t need the stone head to vomit anything because he will be carrying a fireteam of exo-suited enforcers armed with everything from small tac nukes to flamethrowers
/NRA purity check passed
“parts of your country resemble that Twisted Metal Video game”
Done. It’s called Detroit.
What’s the difference between Hiroshima and Detroit?
People moved back to Hiroshima.
Also, Hiroshima was destroyed by an external enemy. Detroit rotted from within.
Rotten from the core?
Lay down and die.
Breaking into the top 3 percent of most-viewed channels could bring in advertising revenue of about $16,800 a year, Bärtl found in an analysis for Bloomberg News. That’s a bit more than the U.S. federal poverty line of $12,140 for a single person. (The guideline for a two-person household is $16,460.) The top 3 percent of video creators of all time in Bärtl’s sample attracted more than 1.4 million views per month.
“If you’re a series regular on a network TV show, you’re getting a good amount of money,” said Alice Marwick, an assistant professor of communication at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. “Yet you can have half a million followers on YouTube and still be working at Starbucks.”
Another “study” proving the “gig” or “alternative” economy won’t make you rich. Of course, it might help if google would quit demonetizing anybody who doesn’t tow their lefty political lion.
What part of “supplemental income” don’t these people understand?
I think it’s entirely appropriate that Google pays these hardworking creators a Universal Basic Income.
It’s the same reason they don’t ever grasp the concept of “roommates” when looking at poor people.
That amount is north of the global average per capita income. Why do they want to promote income inequality?
JFC… they’re trying to pretend that “Youtube star” is a living?!
Eyeballs are not eyeballs are not eyeballs, and it’s ridiculous to pretend the penniless shlubs who routinely watch a YouTube channel are an appealing demographic for advertisers. Especially because it’s cheap to upload webcam movies to YouTube. Shooting a professional pilot and hoping you’re picked up? Not so much. Fuck, how dumb are these people?
I can’t afford my six bedroom, four bath house in Martha’s Vineyard making videos of me unboxing every pair of sneakers I buy! There ought to be a law that I can!
“If you’re a series regular on a network TV show, you’re getting a good amount of money,” said Alice Marwick, an assistant professor of communication at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. “Yet you can have half a million followers on YouTube and still be working at Starbucks.”
Ouch. The stupid.
Being a series regular involves more than showing up in front of a camera. Secondly, how many series regulars are there on network TV? How many YouTubers are there who could have 500k followers?
Also! How much does advertising cost on network TV vs. how much do ads cost on YT?
Also, I doubt YouTube charges more for ads on more popular videos.
The vast majority of serious creators I follow also have patreons or other accounts. Guys like Sargon pull in over $7.5k a month easy – and that’s just with donation levels of $1 or $2/person.
Diversity and Comics is making over $1k but he’s putting most of that back into buying books to roast and funding production of his own books.
A showdown between Zardoz and Steve Smith has been brewing for a while. A give Astros the advantage since he can fly.
*I give Zardoz the advantage
Screw the Astros
One in 3 British children age 6 to 17 told pollsters last year that they wanted to become a full-time YouTuber. That’s three times as many as those who wanted to become a doctor or a nurse.
You’re shitting me. British children don’t want to grow up to be gears in the NHS meatgrinder?
They all want to be professional whaaaaambulance chasers.
Very few 6-year-olds pursue their six-year-old dream. Usually if you ask them a week later, they will answer something different.
No. Just no.
Speaking of the Italian election:
Italian election results:
“The Five Star Movement is the strongest single party.
The Democratic Party is the second single party.
But as a whole, the Democrats’ centre-left bloc is in third place.
The League may be the largest party on the centre-right.
The new Free and Equal (LeU) left-wing party has won enough to enter parliament.
The pro-Europe +Europa list may have missed out”
Nonetheless, the main parties who won have all had an anti-EU bent.
YouTube’s new moderators, brought in to spot fake, misleading and extreme videos, stumbled in one of their first major tests, mistakenly removing some clips and channels in the midst of a nationwide debate on gun control.
“As we work to hire rapidly and ramp up our policy enforcement teams throughout 2018, newer members may misapply some of our policies resulting in mistaken removals,” a YouTube spokeswoman wrote in an email. “We’re continuing to enforce our existing policies regarding harmful and dangerous content, they have not changed. We’ll reinstate any videos that were removed in error.”
The misstep pulls YouTube, Google and parent Alphabet Inc. deeper into a toxic political fights over gun control, fake and extreme content, and whether internet companies should be responsible for what third parties post on their services. The episode also shows how the huge video site continues to struggle with policing the service and how difficult it is to spot troubling content and decide whether the material should be taken down.
There do not seem to be any far left sites, no matter how strident or radical, which have been taken down. I find this intriguing.
It seems to be a purge the center type purge. Evil and stupid.
It’s nuts.
Recently they put out a tweet about the pay gap and people absolutely blasted them for it. Youtube responded ‘yet you still follow us’. In one line they revealed what kind of mindset probably lurks in their woke cubicles.
No one noticed, though, that their CEO is a woman with an estimated net worth of $410 million according to wiki.
Oh, one more thing. They’re willing to engage in vapid SJW platitudes like ‘diversity’ and ‘equality’ while speaking truth to justice.
Yet, they have no qualms with destroying the work of people who in some cases took years to build and helped make youtube what it is in the process. And they do it without explanation or accountability.
The channels they shut down….what do they do with the money accumulated in the subscriber accounts?
I’ve read that they’ve been accused of outright stealing it.
Let’s see if this hateful garbage is still on YT…
Yep. Though they did delete the music video with the battle footage.
david oxenreider
david oxenreider
2 weeks ago
Allah is always victorious…. allahu akbar
the video YT deleted:
That was, er, that….
/walks away nodding.
So youtube keeps it up because they removed the caption? WOW.
mmm aaa
mmm aaa
3 weeks ago
Islamic state ☝ ?
Soon soon in your countries. . Jihad for the sake of Allah ☝
Animated Stoge
Animated Stoge
1 month ago
Finally original nasheed YT keeps deleting
ISIS song
Soon, soon, you will see the wondrous: a fierce conflict, and you will see:
In the heart of your abode, will be the battles. For your destruction, my sword has been sharpened. (x2)
We have marched by night, to cut and behead. By a knife of revenge, targeting those who deserve it.
With specters of night, and young men of terror, and an explosion of woe, so that he may be defeated. (x2)
You have begun to fight me, with the alliance of the shadows, so taste my fury, if it has fired up.
For long you shall remain, in my war you shall suffer. With what shall you meet, a young man praising God? (x2)
If the steed has roamed, raised its head, and leaped forth, thus it has become a lighted blaze.
The bullets have blazed, and revenge has come, so where is the escape, most evil of the creatures? (x2)
To you we will come, with slaughter and death. With fright and silence, we tear the bonds.
You have failed publicly, so taste the loss, and return fleeing, under the cover of night. (x2)
If infidelity agitated, frothed, and stirred up, we have filled the roads, with red blood.
By stabbing the bayonets, by striking the necks, to assembly the dogs, if they marshal. (x2)
We have come, we have come; we have set off with determination. In earnest we have proceeded, to the peak of the peaks.
We dive into deaths, we close the ranks, we die standing, as the lions of courage. (x2)
I used to scoff at the idea they’re a “death cult”.
I have a grudging respect for the foot soldiers. They at least put their money where their mouth is. I’m a lot angrier at the financiers and the propagandists who egg them on.
At the USS Lexington, I saw a plaque from a kamikaze pilot. In his last letter, he wrote that he was nothing but a particle of iron attracted by a magnet- the American aircraft carrier. His own life meant nothing because he was protecting the god emperor and the superior Japanese race.
There is no way to defeat militant Islam except slaughter. I wish it was otherwise.
A slight adjustment to the narrative
Math teacher Jim Gard was credited with protecting students in his classroom in the horrifying moments of Feb. 14 after a teen gunman unleashed a fusillade of bullets at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland.
In recent days, however, students Josh Gallagher and Connor Dietrich have expressed contempt at Gard on Twitter. Josh said Gard “called himself a hero, and … the media portrayed him as a hero when in reality he is the opposite.”
Josh said he was in Gard’s class when the fire alarm went off and the students filed out. When they heard gunshots, about 15 of them froze before racing back to the classroom. Gard, however, had locked the door and refused to let them in.
Gard expressed shock at the accusations, telling the South Florida Sun-Sentinel he followed protocol that requires to keep doors locked during an active shooter drill or real emergency. He said six students followed him back into the room.
“I looked back down the hall and no one was around — no one,” he said. “You have to close the door. That’s protocol. We have no choice.”
He said he and the six students were huddled in the dark when they heard banging on the door. He said he is prohibited from opening the door but did walk over to it. The banging, however, had stopped.
He was merely following orders. Those zombies are a crafty bunch.
We watch a lot of movies, but they always have some flaw that just puts me off. I need reasonable plots (as rare as the rational investor), I despise sentimental distractions, and need to relate to some character just a little. Just once I’d like to walk out of a flick without her knowing I’m going to say “it would have been solid except brick masons don’t drive new cars” (Loving)….that sort of thing.
So, since I’m a critical son of a bitch who needs to be more positive, I give you Pan’s Labyrinth (2006), the last movie I found to be nearly flawless. The catch, you notice, is that it’s a fantasy, so we forget to rate it for historical accuracy, respect for the laws of physics, or for farcical plot devices.
So what was the last truly excellent movie? The Crying Game was 1992….surely someone can do better than that.
All movies are fantasy.
Been meaning to check that out forever.
I don’t go into movies looking for “perfection” though. That way lies disappointment. I know people who specialize in poking holes in movies – I used to live with one – and I gotta be honest, that drives me nuts.
I poke holes in movies, I’m just befuttled by “The catch, you notice, is that it’s a fantasy”. All movies are fantasy, the problem lies more in not breaking the rules of each particular fantasy.
Internal consistancy is magic. It helps suspend disbelief.
You are correct sir! HaHa! Hiyo!
I tell all the girls that my internal consistency is magic, but so far none of them is willing to suspend disbelief.
right: don’t break the rules
“The catch” was about Labyrinth: there are almost no rules to that fantasy, so I was able to relax and enjoy it more easily.
Does Not Compute.
of course there were rules, lots of them in fact, given that it was a period piece.
There weren’t any Teslas or Kalashnikovs
I notice that the people who hate plot-holes like to ignore them when it is a movie they love.
Have you watched the Devil’s Backbone or the Orphanage? Both have similarities to Pan’s Labyrinth (The Devil’s Backbone moreso, because it’s another Del Toro film).
I’d also recommend Stardust or Spirited Away for others that are similar.
The only copies of Devil’s Backbone and Pan’s Labyrinth were dubbed in spanish. Quit stealing our movies foreigners!
I didn’t even talk about Vanilla Sky vs. Abre Los Ojos.
Film Fact: Vanilla Sky was the first film Cameron Crowe made without Assistant Director Jerry Ziesmer and it shows.
Isn’t Pan’s Labyrinth in Spanish anyway, given it’s set during the Spanish Civil War? I can’t remember now. The visuals were so strong that I can’t remember whether the film was dubbed in English.
Yes, that was the joke.
I should itthat again. A remember a whole lot of it for only having seen it the one time, in the theater.
dubbed into English
I probably catch half the Spanish
dubbing doesn’t bother me at all anymore: my hearing is so bad that I don’t catch half of what is spoken anyway
They released a dubbed version of Pan’s Labyrinth? I remember there being some fun made of Doug Jones for not knowing Spanish (he played the Faun), but learned the lines phonetically. Last I read, it made it easy for the voice actor to dub over Doug Jones’ lines.
Like when I watched City of Lost Children thinking it would be in english because I knew Ron Pearlman didn’t speak french. Turned out he played a mute.
Spirited Away is one of my favorites.
Orphanage is produced by GDT. Decent, but not nearly his directorial caliber. You are correct about “Devils’ Backbone” though. Love that flick to death.
Event Horizon is actually quite accurate. The geodesic method of folding space to move a starship does in fact open a portal to a rather nasty alternate universe.
Kinda like drinking a cube of PBR and watching a feminist musical.
Well more like watching that video sober
So how accurate is In the Mouth of Madness?
Is Sam Neill really just the center of evil weirdness?
I’m not sure, never seen the movie. However your observations about that particular mammal seem true.
We already have Armond White.
Better change your mind…
Contradiction much?
When Hulu first started they had these little pop-ups before the videos asking which ‘advertising experience’ you wanted, usually a binary choice between two products I couldn’t give two shits about. But, at the time I thought eventually it would work towards curated ads for things the consumer might be motivated to buy; you sign up they ask you about your interests and if you’re say a gamer you would probably actually watch the ads because you want to know when a new game is coming out. But instead it’s curated (if at all) based on guessing based on your browser history. You let grandma use your computer once to find out which menopause treatments work? You must want to know all about menopause! You had jock itch once? You’ll forever be pelted with ads about what to rub on your balls!
Why would Hulu have access to your browser history? That would make it spy-ware, unless you specifically grant it access to files on your computer.
Seems more likely they would base their ads on your video viewing habits.
I wasn’t talking about Hulu specifically with that last bit, but internet advertising in general. Probably should have clarified.
It’s a little complicated. Ad providers can only read their own cookies, so only if two sites use the same ad provider can they know you visited both sites.
Anyway I block ads so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I’m saying, I thought the advertisers would have savvied by this point, at least one of them saying ‘Hey, you’re going to see ads, why not see ads you actually want to see?’ I mean if they could charge more for one effective ad per page rather than small amounts for tons of ads people wouldn’t care about ad blockers. Ad blockers are only popular because of how shitty internet ads are and how many sites don’t think about how they affect site performance.
I get annoyed by inobtrusive ads for things I want to buy. The average internet ad is insufferable. I’d rather not visit someone’s site than disable the ad blocker in 99% of cases.
Sure, but they only have limited means to do that. They can’t read your browser history, for example.
Ad blockers aren’t just popular because they’re not showing the “right” ads. I don’t care how right the ads are, because they mess up the page, don’t go away, etc. etc. Browsing the web with ads is like watching TV with one third of the screen running commercials the whole time. I don’t want to see ANY of them.
If the ads are plain text ads sitting in a sidebar, then I don’t mind them. Once I had to worry about ads delivering malware to me, or slowing down my browser, they got blocked.
And fuck that website if you think I’m going to turn off my adblocker and trust that your website vetted all of the ads, and has actually competent technical people working for them.
This is one of the reasons I have given up on Instapundit on anything other than a well-locked down desktop browser.
PJ Media has signed up with some cowboy outfit that is more than happy to lard up his whole site with invisible click activated popups that play havoc with a smartphone browser.
Yah, I don’t know how anything works on phones. Because I would rather stick a fork in my eye than attempt to do any serious browsing on one.
I use a flipphone, using tiny screens with my sausage fingers plus small screens making me nauseous and giving me headaches; I just want to make phone calls. Well, I don’t even ‘want’ to do that, but that’s what I need.
I wish Audible would use the metrics they have based upon my logged in browsing/wishlist/purchasing. The utter Shit being shilled on the front page makes me want to cancel my account.
Ogle the lubricious declivities of these seductive females.
20 and 37.
I like yoga pants.
I have seen the Giffords study mentioned in this referenced several times but my instincts tell me it is bullshit but I havn’t figured it out yet.
There were only 900 gun deaths in NY in 2016? And the CDC lists 1480 for Illinois. Hell, isn’t there at least 300 murders on a long weekend in Chicago?
No way to ‘figure it out’ without the raw data they use, including (at the very least) some information on the circumstances.
The source is the CDC, but again, no drilldown of detail.
Ya, CDC numbers and I totally trust them to not cook anything.
Well, for a start, I’m looking at the data methodology, and we get this:
So, one component of the Giffords’ data is suicides, and I can believe that in general, the more common firearms are in a state, the more likely it is that an otherwise law-abiding adult might use one, given ease of access. Same way with accidental death because the user is a blithering idiot. Being an idiot or committing suicide is not (yet) a criminal act, so these should be factored out, so we’d need to see raw data.
So this also includes every time an unarmed person is shot by cops, hmm.
Yes, I also think if shooting incidents were included rather than deaths only it would flip the results upside down which would go against the argument. I think places with more lax gun laws means more knowledge and leads to people who actually kill the person they are shooting at whether it is themselves or someone else. In Chicago you have 300 shootings and 50 deaths. In Alaska if there are 300 shootings, close to 300 people die.
good news> no one’s position is predicated on statistics: US constitutionalists believe we have a right to be free no matter the numbers, and gun grabbers hate people, guns, and constitutions they don’t understand even if the stats say all is well
Hmmm – not convinced. In CT, if you go thru’ all the rigmarole you have to go thru’ to get a gun, jump thru’ all the hoops, deal with all the bullshit, there’s a fair to middling chance you’re motivated enough to get good.
What you are right about though, is inner city violence. Bridgeport and New Haven are pretty bad by New England standards and those fuckers are apparently real bad shots.
I did not mean to imply someone who jumps through the hoops and goes to the range in CT can’t shoot. I am sure you and your range buddies could out score me. I am winning no marksmanship competitions with my Berreta. I usually get it somewhere on the paper though, with most center mass. But you guys are probably not the largest gun owning contingent in CT if it were possible to count all the guns, legal and illegally purchased there. Nor are you guys the ones doing the shootings. It is inner city gang bangers and thugs and they don’t bother going through the hoops for legal gun purchases anyways so any argument that gun laws work is mute imho.
Briefly looking at NYC stats this morning, http://nypdnews.com/2018/01/fewest-annual-murders-shooting-incidents-ever-recorded-modern-era/ and all crime is down to historic lows there. Shootings, rapes, robberies…… 789 shootings, 289 murders. The lowest since 1951. That is good and good for the residents of NYC, but I do not think that is attributable to more strict gun laws. Or do strict gun laws stop rapists from raping too? I don’t think so. Something else is going on. What’s the unemployment rate?
Oh, I wasn’t trying to get into some kind of shooty-pissing contest about who the True Minutemen are :/
No, the thing I think I was trying to get at is that once you factor out the ‘background’ of suicide and negligence, there’s clearly a sample set due to inner city crime where law enforcement is incapable and/or unwilling to act, and ‘normal’ America.
Deaths from negligence and suicide seem to be on a falling trend nationally at the moment, although I don’t thing this is necessarily a trend that we can expect to persist. When you look at lawless inner-city firearm deaths, I sense (minimal and anecdotal evidence) that it’s increasing in some locations and decreasing in others, and for ‘rest of America’, the trend seems to be a pretty smooth decline.
Leaven that into overall violent crime stats, and sure, as every year passes, America becomes (on average) safer. Part of that is I think – that society (= “the sheeple”) are being ‘tamed’ – which is a two-edged sword.
There may be other factors at play, but that ‘taming’ is to my mind the key to the issue.
How many suicides vs. violent crimes………
Guessing it’s more to do with culture than gun laws.
Aaah, I was hearing shootings and thinking murders in Chicago.
I can’t wrap my mind around what’s happening in Chicago. It’s like a war.
Po-po in Chicago literally doesn’t seem to care.
ZARDOZ, this is why you have indoor kitties.
Or no kittahs at all, like a person without brain parasites prefers.
Will it help learn to play a Holophonor and impress my lady love?
Unfortunately, not for you. You have what my holophonor teacher, Mrs. Mellinger, called “stupid fingers”.
There is no respite for me tonight. The girlfriend is watching the Oscars in the bedroom…
I’m watching Crowder watching the Oscars.
I’m watching this wondering why all the Dinobots were never together at the same time.
Huh, that’s tonight?
The girlfriend canceled plans so she could watch the Oscars. She has her flaws, but she likes me.
All I can do is suggest you take Tenacious D’s advice.
go to a drive-thru?
At least you got her out of the living room. She sounds like a keeper!
There’s no TV in the living room… she’s taken over the bedroom.
No TV in the living room? I didn’t know you lived in a third world country. Should I send you some New England Patriots Super Bowl LII Champion shirts? Do you have access to clean drinking water? Do you need some Brita filters to stop the dysentery?
There’s a TV in the bedroom and the bar. Then there’s monitors in the computer room, but the living room has no televisions or displays. There is a large selection of board games in there though…
Wait, you have bar, and that’s not where you are?
I hope there’s a man-cave somewhere in all of that.
How does the man-cave work in a gay relationship? I mean, I guess it depends on the make up of the couple; but if it’s like two manly guys do they each get their own man cave?
It’s like having a best friend you like to do manly stuff with. And then sleep with later.
OTOH I haven’t actually *lived* with a romantic partner, so don’t take my word for any of this.
Oh, so you’re the love em and leave sort? That’s how it is? #himtoo
CPRM: Nope, I’m playing games on the computer while watching Robot Chicken on the other monitor. I have plenty of time to walk down to the bar to refill a glass when I want.
Rhywun: I’m fairly certain my downstairs bar qualifies as a mancave. Full surround sound for two seats, tins from most of the breweries I’ve been to, three taps of home brew, and a full selection of liquor.
Oh, then there’s the comic book art work on the walls as well.
So why complain about her using the TV other than to be a sexist shitlord? You make me sick. I would be sitting at the bar.
I… can’t even.
The Mississippi seems to have crested here at about 38′ above pool. The back road off the island was closed, so I’ve had to take the causeway, but I would have much preferred to wade my way down the trail with 20 inches standing over the road. New flotsam has arrived, and the stench of nutrition will layer the banks for a few days. She is a magnificent beast; it is terrifying and mystic to live within inches of your destiny, to feel as dynamic as the water flowing by you, and to be constantly reminded of how insignificant ones time (and passing) are.
Nicole Kidman knows how to do glamour. Her dress is the highlight of this shitty awards show.
I’m developing a degree of respect for her now she and I am older.
She’s a nice lady too. She was filming a movie near my house and we took the kids to see them in action. When they were done she stopped the limo to take photos with the kids.
Cool story. I’m glad she got out of that cult.
In before, “what about the other cult she’s in now?”
College football player manages 20 reps of 225lbs on the bench press at the NFL combine. He did this with a prosthetic left hand. Then the following day he posted a 4.38 in the 40yd dash, faster than any LB since 2003.
when is cybernetics going to be treated as a PED?
What does his prosthetic hand have to do with his 40 time?
He wasn’t wearing it for the run. It was just impressive on its own.
On the other side of things, Oklahoma offensive tackle Orlando Brown ran his 40 in 5.85 seconds, slowest in 7 years. Also only put up 14 reps on the bench press, which is the 2nd worst combine performance on record for an offensive tackle.
Did his dad tweet a photo of him smoking from a gas mask or did the police implicate him in a murder without releasing any information?
The sun went down a while a go, but I’m still jamming this song.
All 5 Best Actress Nominees Skip Ryan Seacrest on Oscar Carpet
I was all like, “Whatever” and put my hand up and he was all, “Whatever” so I told him “As if” until he was all, “Step off” and I was like all…………
TBH I always thought he was gay. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Me ツ
(ツ】is read “tsu”. FYI.
…he isn’t?
Frances McDormand, whom I love, just won her award, babbled for a couple of minutes and then ended by saying the words “Inclusion Rider”. She might’ve been drunk.
Cool. I like her. For that movie with the long name I forgot?
Burn After Reading?
She was great in that one. It’s pretty cool/weird how the Coen brothers can whip together these weird comedies in between their serious flicks. Most of them don’t do that well, but they’re still really entertaining with great performances. This one….also Intolerable Cruelty, Hail Caesar, A Serious Man, etc….overshone by stuff like “No Country for Old Men”, etc – but still better than most comedic-focused directors ever turn out.
So Frances McDormand was one of the five actresses that stiffed Ryan Seacrest, then won Best Actress and babbled on for a couple of minutes?
I guess you could say she was part of the “babble-on five”.
Queer black marxist feminist political economy in a white-supremacist heterosexist-homophobic capitalist patriarchy: Rhonda M. Williams on method, history, theory, and policy
HT: @National Peer Review.
I could eat alphabet soup and shit something more coherent.
herp deh derp. tum teh teedily tum teh tur. herpa derpa! da derp da derp teh tum teh teedily derp derpy dumb.
He, she, or it contains multitudes.
So… I’m watching the premiere (televised) evening of MLS action. New team LAFC beat Seattle, NYCFC beat Kansas City (yay!), and LA Galaxy are in the process of beating Portland (boo!).
And I’m reading some news about MLS and other soccer leagues (the one-time 2nd league, NASL – where I used to watch the NY Cosmos, just got canceled) and wondering a few things. To me, part of the fun of soccer in other countries is watching the progress of teams falling out of and rising into the top league. Obviously, the US doesn’t have this. The teams are the same every year. You lose – well, there’s always next year. The main reason given that the US and Australia are the only countries without promotion and relegation is that soccer isn’t very popular there.
So I ask this: why doesn’t the US have promotion and relegation for football, baseball, etc.? Wouldn’t that add even more interest?
Because it’s a business first, entertainment second and a sport third.
Right, and I’m giving them an idea that would probably make everybody a lot more money.
But they’re a government subsidized monopoly, no need the think outside the box.
It’s the Greenspan put of the sports world.
it could have happened with baseball when the minor leagues were independent.
But the competition was all in parallel leagues.
If the AL had been slightly less successful, instead of a World Series we might have ended up with a 2nd tier.
OK late night Glibs, here are your crumbs for the week.
“Disquieting and nostalgic at the same time”
Critics rave.
Them words is too big for my simple college edumacated mind to understand.
Think it was the K-tel background music that did it to me.
Are you calling me a pig!?
Isn’t it funny how that quote has wormed its way into culture.
Film Fact: Babe II: Pig In The City was directed by George Miller, of Mad Max fame.
Dude. That was the tits. I am impressed with your efforts.
Very good!
For the other early risers
Banning assault rifles would be constitutional
The 2nd Amendment is not long. It reads “A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.”
That’s it. There is nothing in the text of this amendment about what types of guns people can have, how long someone may have to wait before buying one, or whether certain people shouldn’t be allowed to have guns at all.
ding ding ding
It was only 10 years ago that the 2nd Amendment was interpreted to protect an individual’s right to possess a firearm for personal reasons. In District of Columbia v. Heller, a narrow conservative majority of the Supreme Court held, for the first time, that the 2nd Amendment protects a person’s right to own a firearm for purely personal reasons like self-defense. Before Heller, most courts considered 2nd Amendment protections to be limited to the possession of firearms in connection with the need for militia service.
oh bullshit
why won’t you just be happy with common sense gun control, it sounds like you might get to keep be guns.
B b guns f auto-correct
You see, the sentence “the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed” actually means there are numerous, even unlimited ways in which this so-called right can be limited, restricted, curtailed, or, one might say, infringed.
When the word “infringed” is used it depends on context. Guns may be infringed in spite of stating “not be” before it, but a supreme court ruling saying banning abortion is illegal for privacy reasons means that right can never be infringed. Some rights are more equal than others, and it seems the ones that are granted by government are more equal than those granted naturally.
Really? CNN really doesn’t understand what ‘infringement’ means?
I guess I shouldn’t be surprised.
Interesting point of fact – the text of Second Amendment makes no allowance for ANY infringement, no matter how reasonable or under what process. This is, arguably, not true of the rest of the BoR.
Well, some of the BoR do not even exist anymore. See the 4th.
And 9th and 10th
Well, the phrase “Congress shall make no law” in the First Amendment seems pretty unambiguous. But I’m no constitutional scholar or anything.
Remember these people don’t think hate speech is protected speach. They will continue to argue for less freedom, in complete denial of what the text of the Constitution means.