As mentioned in a couple of threads, the girlfriend and I (not pictured) went down to Ravenwood Castle to take part in Hoop and Stick Con, a gaming convention put on by the castle that raises funds for Extra Life (previously, the fundraiser was for Child’s Play… both are worthy charities). This year’s goal was $9,500 of which $50 from each $75 ticket was donated, as well as half of all room rental costs for the weekend (room rentals included convention tickets). So it’s a bunch of geeks getting together to play board games, role playing games, eat, drink, and have fun… all while raising money to help sick children. This is the sixth year of this convention, and the first one I have attended. Below, I’ve got some pictures and comments on some of the games I was able to get in.
Thursday night:
Arrived after watching the girlfriend freak out after driving on country roads. It was raining (this was a common theme to the weekend). We were told our cabins were a short hike to the castle, which while true, did not include the fact that the hike was uphill, on a poorly marked trail that was nearly washed out. We did not attempt to walk up the path again. Since we were walking up, we just brought a couple of games. After dinner we got a ride back to our cabin and drove back up, allowing us to bring up more games. I managed to teach Topiary to several people, as well as Mexica:
Both games I taught have simple rules, with some deep strategy. Both also allow some cruel blocking of other players in the game. Topiary is a light filler, taking about 20 minutes to play, while Mexica takes about 60-90 minutes to play and has a deeper strategy with less randomness..
Woke up to rain. Got cleaned up and drove up to the castle, after a light breakfast we looked around to decide what to play. More people had arrived, and there seemed to be about a 60/40 split between roleplayers and boardgamers. The items for the silent auction had been set up, and the girlfriend and I looked over the options.
She decided she wanted the B. Nektar basket, while I went for the Bell’s basket, the Jackie-O’s basket, and the Heavy Seas basket. After writing down some bids, we then got some games in. Today I got to teach Torres:
Another action point based area control game that the girlfriend had never opened or learned to play that I enjoy. It plays in about 60 minutes, and has gone through many printings with different variations on the rules. I also got to teach a game of Isle of Skye, a nice tile placement game with an interesting auction mechanic. I learned a game called Dragon’s Delta which was an action programming game that had a very mild dexterity element to it. I played more games of Mexica (I really like this game, and the Iello version is a beautiful printing). Then I played an Ameritrash game called Fate of the Elder Gods:
This one I wasn’t too big of a fan of, it seemed to overstay its welcome, and I don’t know how well the elder gods powers are balanced. But that’s an initial impression after several days being low on sleep, and playing with a bunch of new players. I’m more than willing to give the game another shot.
The rain continues… today after breakfast, I got into a big heavy worker placement game by Uwe Rosenberg: A Feast for Odin:
This is not a short game, as it took 4 new players about 3 hours to play through. Surprising (to us players at least), we all managed positive scores in the end (you start with -86 points). I won with the lowest winning score in the history of the included score pad at 55. More games were played, and beer consumed. For a size of the scale of the castle, this is the main room:
There were at least three other gaming rooms in the basement, split up between the main pub and two side rooms. The downstairs area was mostly running RPG’s through the weekend. Although they did have a Crokinole board in the pub:
That finally made me realize how big this game is. Looking at most of the pictures, it looks to be about the size of your standard Monopoly game. This is shockingly wrong. The playing area of the board is over two feet across. I got to learn how to play this while waiting for dinner to be ready, and am now looking for a board for my basement. This is the day that the silent auction completed, and the girlfriend and I won three of the items we had bid on (the B. Nektar basket, the Bells basket, and the Jackie-O’s basket). During dinner, we found out that the convention had raised $11,587 for the Extra Life charity:
After this, we played a couple of quick fillers (Topiary again, which I failed to take any pictures of at the convention) while waiting to pay for the silent auction, then went back to the cabin to deplete the alcohol stores we had brought down with us.
Today was a slacker day. Wake up, clean up, pack everything up, and then head up to the castle for breakfast. No real gaming today, just saying goodbye to the people we met, and watch the girlfriend exchange Facebook information with others. I then convinced the girlfriend that we should go to Athens, were I saw this appropriation of Libertarian culture:
And had to find solace in the beers of Jackie-O’s:
What was total attendance, if you know?
Unfortunately, that I do not know. Based on the amount of people I saw, and the capacity of the castle, I would guestimate about 100 or so.
That is pretty good for the amount of $ raised for the sponsored charity!
…(not pictured)…
Sounds like a fun weekend! I enjoy living vicariously through other nerds.
Thanks for the write-up and congrats on the Bell’s win. Please enjoy one for us poor GlibFit beer abstainers!
Role playing? No pics of the best French Maid outfit?
I prefer the classic ‘Lost Cross Country Skier and Old Trapper’, but yeah.
When I was in charge of the armory at the small boat station I was assigned to, I had a buddy who was always pestering me for flex cuffs. People are into what they are into I guess, and his wife was into being arrested.
Looking for recommendations for a new beer and pretzels wargame.
For clarification, I’m looking for something along the lines of Gorkamorka, Crimson Skies, or Ogre on the tactical side…Risk or something similar on the strategic side. Game should be 3 hours tops.
If I stand over her, it kinda looks like Gork, but if I stand over ther, it kinda looks like Mork. Fuck it, I’ll play as Diggas.
If you can find a copy, it sounds like Forbidden Stars may be up your alley. Unfortunately, Fantasy Flight Games lost the Warhammer license, and the game is currently out of print. Supremacy still has a lot of copies out there available at reasonable prices, and was recently reprinted with some updates (as Supremacy 2020). For a shorter game, you may want to look towards Spheres of Influence, Clockwork Wars, or Scythe (which I’ve got a write up about in the pipeline).
Scythe…are you nuts? That ain’t beer and pretzels. That is too fiddly and involved.
Alhambra, Bohnanza, Jaipur.
Wasteland Express Delivery Service is pretty cool, but it’s more trade war than war war.
and am now looking for a board for my basement.
Looks like a simple enough thing to build. Of course you could get quite fancy as well with inlays and exotic woods and what not, I may have to build one. Looks like a good beer drinking game.
I do not have the woodworking skills to build such a thing. Nor do I have any of the tools that would be needed. You can find custom ones being made for $250 and up (and up, and up). Mayday games appears to be about the only ones doing a mass produced board, which runs $150 when it’s in stock. It is very much a good beer drinking game.
I had to Wikipedia that game and it does look like a good beer drinking game. Leave it to a Canuck to come up with a game of sliding things around. It would be fun to make one of those boards. A few jigs and good to go.
Googling some of these games led me to which has some kind of ranking system. Are these rankings worth reading?
Depends on what you’re looking at the rankings for. Overall, is a good site for discussions, reviews, and rule questions. The rankings are just based on user reviews and then run through an algorithm to try to clean up some of the noise. Considering their database has over 15,000 ranked games in it, I’d say anything in the top 1,000 or so are going to be solid games, and at that point you’ll need to base anything on personal preferences.
Where does “Cards Against Humanity” fall in this hierarchy? Minimum BAC of 0.15 to play.
Cards Against Humanity would be classed as a Party Game or Activity. More of a way to pass time, similar games would be Spyfall, Codenames (which also has an adult version), LCR, and (for you) Busen Memo (NSFW).
Busen Memo? Why have you not written a review on this one?
That’s so awesome.
Codenames…I cannot recommend that strongly enough. Spyfall is a hoot too.
My dad and I used to play Ace of Aces alot when it first came out.
Super fun. Throw in some beer, and now you have a good beer drinking game.
No kidding … “page 223…what?! But I was right there!”
Gawd I hate fucking laptops, this damned infernal contraption won’t let me type in the manner in which a man should type. I cannot even do a proper contraction. Anyway, I have been basically homeless for the last 3 days, having camped out Friday and Friday night, inside my house and now am holed up at the Hilton drinking. No power and therefore no civilization going on 60 hours now. So BGE are now saying my power is back on. I do not really believe it, but I shall venture back to my abode early tomorrow to see if this obvious deception is true and as a bonus maybe get to throw out several hundred dollars worth of spoiled food. This is just like living in a real life episode of the Living Dead.
We lost power for 14 days in 2012. Think yourself lucky.
We have a generator for the fridge, microwave, and a few lights, but losing power is still a serious inconvenience.
We have one too, but gas supplies were scarce and we had to manage use very carefully.
Watch-on-watch for freezers, alternating with heating pump/well pump. A bit of residual juice for lighting and miscellaneous low-wattage devices.
Gawd I hate fucking laptops
I wouldn’t have thought sticking it in the USB slot is anybody’s kink, but whatever floats your boat.
Seriously, I hope you do have power back. When Hurricane Irene came through in 2011, we were without power for two days. Not fun with no air conditioning.
Last time we lost power, Edison blew up my 1400$ Refrigerator, and No, they won’t fix it, they aren’t obligated to do so
Interesting, in Virginia the power company is responsible for your appliances if the power problem originates at the service pole. Squirrels are through my neutral on the pole a couple of years ago. I noticed the lights were flickering and called Dominion to tell them I thought I had a bad neutral. They were there within 30 minutes because of the liability issue.
SCE would go broke if they had to replace all the A/C equipment they blow up, let alone Home appliances and PCs etc.
That storm had us out of power for 2 weeks. I was in 7th grade though, so I didn’t mind it too much.
I hated laptops as well, and can really only type well on conventional keyboards (it’s because I’m so old I learned to type in typing class in high school on old non-electric IBMs, with a manual swing-arm carriage return after you hear a bell) — so came up with this solution for when I’m on the road (usually 3 days per week). I bought a Microsoft Surface tablet, which is actually considered a full computer rather than like an Ipad, as it has a hard drive and USB port — but it’s like having a very light and flat all-in-one computer. Also got a nice little binder for it, which makes it look like a school leather folder from the outside, but turn it inside out and suddenly you’ve got a perfectly standing computer screen. Then add a Bluetooth mouse and a portable Bluetooth keyboard, and I’m working on a personal desktop computer on my hotel table. All easily fits inside my small travel backpack.
Typing in high school began with the manual, DING, slap the side models, and the 2nd part of the course we were elevated to IBM selectrics. Or so I think. Unless Im in a battlefied scenario, using anything other than a full-size keyboard makes me want to punch things.
Imperial 66 long-platen.
I’ve been out for 60+ hours.. no estimated fix time..
Tractor PTO Generator powers panel #1.. so I have everything except for the heavy loads (oven, dryer, range etc.)
My problem is that the generator settings have wandered and to get 240V, it is running at 63HZ… so my UPS and smart appliances won’t run on that source..
We were out for those 14 days back in 2012 as well.. and I seem to remember a long outage in 2013 too. Testing your generator needs to be done before the season starts.. it is no fun trying to get it running in the dark/cold during a storm.
Just have to go and get 10G of Diesel each day.. or pump it out of the heating oil tank.
If that’s a Winco genset, there should be a voltage regulator adjustment that you can tweak to get the voltage up at the correct rpm.
Yes, it is a Winco. They don’t seem to document it too well.. but I have pulled the mecc alte instruction manual and will adjust the system as soon as I get power back..
During previous outages the UPS would run fine.. so I’m sure it has just drifted slowly out of spec, and without a HZ meter you aren’t going to know it was drifting. The UPS tells me the hz, but you would never look there until it refused to sync up.
I have also ordered a V, A, HZ, Power meter so I can get direct feedback on the generator source.
Sorry about your loss of power. I fucking hate power outages.
The mall slips a little more…
They really shouldn’t send him [to the Oscars]. We shouldn’t have to make those choices of, ‘Do we or don’t we?’”
“This is not about his guilt or innocence,” Tarana continued. “It’s about there being an accusation that’s alive, and until they sort of out, it’s really on E! News and shouldn’t be on us.
I hate posting from a phone
According to the brief search I did, the matter was closed for lack of evidence.
And I thought Seacrest was gay.
Pig win on a walk off single. U of A 7. USC 6.
Woo pig sooie.
The convention sounds like it was a good time.
You will let us know how the beer is?
I have this, but when people are over drinking we never think to play it.
Probably should be filed under “too local”, but I know at least Lachowsky can appreciate THIS.
When hot slag comes in contact with moisture the result sounds “like a bomb going off,”
I always thought slag meant promiscuous homosexual male. That article reads better if it does.
nice find.
That’s the proper term. Slag has been used for all kinds of colloquial use. Back in the old country, one might say:
But it also got used for insulting/criticising someone:
talk about how not to sell a hyperlink.
This however is the industrial context.
Power bottom?
It’s been raining all day here. That means that every charge of scrap we have put in the furnace is wet.
Every back charge has blown up since I got here this morning. Good times.
Secondary aluminum smelters are REAL anal about keeping any moisture out of their scrap, or at least knowing exactly whats in it, before they apply heat.
That looks like a cool place. Will have to take wife for one of those mystery dinner weekends.
Crokinole looks fun. Reminds of that game we played in junior high school where you fold a piece of paper in to the shape of a triangle and flick it at the other edge of the desk.