Why cant California get it over with and seceded already?
Or slide into the pacific?
Californians have been taking the “Eat a lead weight challenge”.
+1 Otisburg.
See you down in Arizona Bay.
one great big festering neon distraction
I’ve a suggestion to keep you all occupied..
Learn to swim.
Heh, I listen to that tune at least once week and I’m still not sick of it.
“Followed by millions of dumbfounded dipshits” is a great lyric no matter your choice of political/social poison.
I sure could use a vacation from this bullshit three ring circus side show of freaks.
We’re decades apart in age but we can still come to agreement on things. The experiment is not over. Not fucking yet.
I prefer the fish market in Kabukicho.
Question for those on a 90 day visitor visa- can you get the tax rebated if you take the clap home with you?
I’ve never seen a “Duty Free” sign hanging in a hostess club window.
How the hell is Japan going to hit the 40 million visitor mark with that kind of lackadaisical approach?
WHAT? Is the concept of ‘giri’ dead then?
Obligation Free? That would be a perfect sign.
Sargon of Akkad is in fine form in this one!
Did he get banned from YouTube or something?
Doesn’t look like it.
He’s back on. YouTube did purge a ton of channels, all of which are not even alt right or far right. Red Ice TV is still up which is a riot.
Even on their Twitter account people hate them.
And I think a 13 year-old SJW runs its Twitt account.
Smart-alec idiots.
Not a lot of positive comments in the replies
At all.
And they seem to be extra assholic with the conservative purging from the videos I’ve watched.
I still can’t believe Lauren Southern is still on Twitter and YouTube
She’s purdy…
She draws clicks. Even to the censoriois prix running google, money is what still makes the company click.
Speaking of twitter, after SP’s post last night I resumed a mild interest in the platform and tweeted at an NPR post. During the day I received a notification someone liked my tweet, and another that I had a reply. Neither is visible to me. Same with a drunken tweet to Steven King after JB posted something King said months ago. That one got several replies but are now vanished on my end. I think I am shadow banned.
Last year, Chinese trawlers were seized off Senegal, Guinea, Sierra Leone and Guinea-Bissau over illegal fishing. In 2016, Argentina’s coast guard sank a Chinese trawler that was fishing illegally within its territorial waters.
Falkland Islands 2, Yellow Fever Boogaloo
They need a new Captain Ahab to whip them into shape. Apparently a fishing boat can outrun the Argentine Navy these days. https://www.maritime-executive.com/article/argentine-coast-guard-fires-on-chinese-fishing-vessel
Wayne Allen Root’s show is on Newmax TV (which is apparently a channel) right now. His show seems to be broadcast out of his living room or maybe his office.
It’s quite the spectacle
(2nd worst VP in LP history)
Newsmax just cut away from Root’s show to show the funeral of Billy Graham from earlier today.
This channel is for real
Guess I’ll repeat this here.
Watching Valerian with the kids. Movie sucks, but i can’t decide if Cara Delavigne is hot or not. Leaning towards hot, but I’m on 3rd bourbon after four beers.
available is more important than hot
she’s neither
The Roman Emperor?
I’d have been totally into her back when I too was a thirteen year-old boy.
Based on a quick image search I’m leaning towards no. She’s got that Euro-fashion-model look that doesn’t do it for me.
Blech. How the fuck she became an actress is a mystery*.
*A Weinstein-style mystery.
Fuck you, Penn State. You still ignored child rape on your campus. Go suck an asshole.
Penn State – “Done and done!”
(4, -6)
If economic globalisation is inevitable, it should primarily serve humanity rather than the interests of trans-national corporations.
How do you answer that? I strongly disagree that globalisation should serve humanity?
exactly; it was hard to play along
I remember the ASVAB asked if I’d rather ride a motorcycle or cut myself with a piece of broken glass.
Are you a violent person?
yes: if I need to defend myself
no: all other situations
It is a ridiculous question. Economic globalization has brought bazillions of people out of poverty and made some trans-national corporations a bunch of money. I think bringing people out of poverty does serve humanity. Now bring in corruption in impoverished nations and we have another kettle of fish, to stay on topic as it where.
Globalization is great, as long as governments aren’t involved.
International free trade = good
International military alliances = bad
International regulatory bodies= bad
(7.13, -5.59)
Frankly, I’m a little disappointed.
rusty ruler good to +/- 50%
fun fish fact
If you ever wondered how fish spread to distant lakes and ponds, it’s because their eggs stick to the feet of ducks and other waterfowl and get taken for a ride.
some ponds just sat on a dirty toilet seat
That was masterful, Don.
Or released into the everglades by people who get scared of their Walking Fire Breathing Dragon Fish they got at the pet store after it eats their Shitzu.
“How do you answer that?”
If there’s another Glib survey, the questions should be:
1) Which Glib is the funniest?
2) Which Glib is the most misunderstood?
3) Which Glib do you agree with most?
4) Which Glib is truly libertarian AF?
5) Which Glib is best read?
Don’t answer any of that….just would be fun.
Are you sure, b/c I have answers…
We can be forgiven for saying someone is funny probably.
Surveys are like popular suffrage: more mob rule than anything; I don’t encourage them.
Fitzgerald will always win for Best American Novel, but I’ll always argue that it’s merely because he’s widely accessible; Hemingway ranks for the same reason, methinks. These guys don’t make the top 20 for me, but I’m glad sixth graders everywhere do read them.
Still gonna answer number 1. Almanian!
I read you generous but snarky, usually a bit incredulous in that John Cleese way. The new wife is always asking what I’m grinning about or laughing about.
My own raising leans to whimsy; I rank Mark Twain as The Great American, maybe because he just never took anything too seriously.
The internet is great for new ideas and postures, and the kids make me laugh in ways I would never have imagined. Tres Cool therefore tickles (shocks?) me the most; I never would have thought or quipped the things he writes: tres drole.
No respect for Emperor Norton? A true American hero. Had no power, but had people respect him and honor his wishes regardless.
I read you (all, the site in general) generous but snarky
#4 is ripe for purity testing ….
So long as feeling and sniffing for ripe purity is not required it can’t hurt.
I should have never wrote “purely.” That’s the wrong spin.
I meant a complimenting question: who consistently applies libertarianism? that sort of thing
3) none of yall. I form my own damn opinions.
4) myself, of course.
re #3
I like quite a bit of your opinions don. One of your posts from a month or so ago, I saved. I felt like shit posting on FB a few weeks ago and I plagiarized your comment word for word without attributing the quote to you. I had fun with that one.
that’s kind…enjoy
I think we know the answer to #4
1&2&4 UnCivilServant
3 Agile Cyborg
5 JW
SP guarantees me SugarFree is a big fluffy bunny. Most understood? When I met OMWC he was in fact old and had candy, I did not however see the panel van with the restraints.
fun fish facts
The Latin word for whale comes from the Greek word for sea monster, ketos. The related word Keto was the name of a sea goddess. She shacked up with a dude name Phorcys who sounds a lot like SEA SMITH’s great-grandpa.
In Greek mythology, Phorcys (/ˈfɔːrsɪs/; Ancient Greek: Φόρκυς, Phorkus) is a primordial sea god, generally cited (first in Hesiod) as the son of Pontus and Gaia (Earth). According to the Orphic hymns, Phorcys, Cronus and Rhea were the eldest offspring of Oceanus and Tethys.[1][2] Classical scholar Karl Kerenyi conflated Phorcys with the similar sea gods Nereus and Proteus.[3] His wife was Ceto, and he is most notable in myth for fathering by Ceto a host of monstrous children. In extant Hellenistic-Roman mosaics, Phorcys was depicted as a fish-tailed merman with crab-claw forelegs and red, spiky skin.
P Dawg’s offspring included the mother of the cyclops Polyphemus and the sea monster Scylla. Though to be fair, Scylla did not start out as a monster.
A similar story is found in Hyginus,[16] according to whom Scylla was loved by Glaucus, but Glaucus himself was also loved by the sorceress Circe. While Scylla was bathing in the sea, the jealous Circe poured a potion into the sea water which caused Scylla to transform into a monster with four eyes and six long necks equipped with grisly heads, each of which contained three rows of sharp teeth. Her body consisted of 12 tentacle-like legs and a cat’s tail, while four to six dog-heads ringed her waist. In this form, she attacked the ships of passing sailors, seizing one of the crew with each of her heads.
The word ketos survives in English in the word cetacean.
Huh. I thought ketos were those weird sticks that fat girls on diets are always peeing on. Learn something new every day.
RE the wide roaming Chinese fishing boats. We would see their shrimp boats offshore Nigeria when I worked there. Nigeria has the biggest prawns I have ever seen. You could tell the boats from China from local boats because the Chinese ones didn’t look like they were about to sink.
The sinking Nigerian boats were WHY the shrimp were so big.
That and what flows out of the rivers. What is Latin for big ass feces and plastic bag fed crustacean?
I naturally assumed “prawns” is some gay-slang for “big black dick”
but seriously, shrimp don’t really taste better the bigger they get. (*can’t speak for cock) same is true for lobstah. big /=better, tho does often mean ‘costs more’.
oysters are similar. the ones with the biggest output arent the best tasting necessarily. those japanese, creamy pink ones are incredibly good, but they’re teeny. my faves are somewhere between bluepoints and pacifics for bang-per-buck.
pan-fried bluegill: 1/2 pound of heaven….but those bones
Croppie is the most delicious game fish in the cointry. Bar none. I’m off work tomorrow and the rain has finally stopped. I have a 10 acre watershed lake that I own half of. Tomorrow morning, my son and I are going croppie fishing. I’m excited. This is the best time of year to catch them.
I must admit I am not up on the gay slang for big black dick, but I have heard people refer to big shrimp as prawns. That is what they called them there. It might be a Euro thing too. I only ate them once and they were overcooked and not impressive other than in size. The things were about 8 inches long. I went to dinner with my boss and his wife and I succeeded in spraying prawn juice on her as I utensil wrestled one in an attempt to cut it. He thought it was hilarious but she was less than impressed since she was not near as drunk as we were.
Its really more about how you *use* the prawn.
but seriously.. i take my opinion on shrimps/prawns from many chef experts, which is: its kind of a crappy food item when they’re not in the perfect flavor-zone.
which, at least for my taste buds, is “outside new orleans, and not bathed in butter and garlic and blackening spice”
**since i’ve been drinking…
what i mean is, i don’t think i’ve ever eaten shrimp/prawns in any fashion that was better than the way you’d find them in the US Gulf. and most especially in the region of the New Orleans shrimp Po’Boy w/ a little remoulade dressing.
If there’s a prawn-method elsewhere acknowledged as the apex of crustacean exellence (e.g. south africa?) it is unknown to me.
the South overcoming through biscuits (Aziz Ansar):
I concur. I was just making note of the size of the things. The best shrimp po boy I have had whats her face number one and I were driving on I-10 and they closed the freeway due to torrential thunderstorms. The gas station/mini mart we were able to stop at had no power but had a gas kitchen. They sold everybody wanting one a fried shrimp poboy in the dark cash only. I have never made the turn south on that highway and entered New Orleans. It is on the to do list. The best crawfish I have had were purchased at a gas station outside of Bayou La batre Alabama as well. Lots of good gas station food down there.
i’m with you. i don’t think there’s any “mudfish” or shitty water creature that hasn’t already been perfected for consumption by 200 years of New Orleans excellence.
i don’t care if its oysters, crawfish, catfish, redfish or shrimp. if they haven’t found the best version of it in new orleans, i am extremely skeptical any such better-version exists.
* as a footnote, i ate the fried oysters @ the royal house oyster bar (royal@st louis) a few months ago, and i’m still wondering if mankind can improve on such a thing. i don’t even know what’s involved in what they do, but bite-for-bite, its the best eating i can possibly imagine.
In Australia, it’s prawns
Based on the knowledge from the opening scene of a Martin Lawrence movie, ‘jumbo shrimp’ are actually prawns. I think it was Blue Streak, but google ain’t turning up answers.
Yes, I remember that now. Maybe it is originally a Brit thing.
Damn, dude. *high five*
old timey pics of sea monsters
The Sea Bishop
Rondelet based his sea bishop depiction on an account he received from a physician, Gisbertus Germanus, who saw the creature in Poland. Rondelet was skeptical, and stated that he had omitted from his description several “fabulous” claims about the sea bishop. “I present the image of the monster altogether the way I received it,” he continued. “Whether it is true or not, I neither affirm nor deny.” The fish, which might have been based on a doctored skate or ray, made an appearance later in the 16th century in Ambroise Paré’s Des Monstres, complete with its pontifical garments. It is not known whether Paré himself was a devout Catholic, but a few months before his death, he was reputed to confront the Archbishop of Lyons on behalf of the poor and starving in Paris. Religious animosities ran high during Paré’s lifetime and for centuries afterwards, so it’s no coincidence that some monsters bore striking resemblances to clergymen. Periods of religious strife likely increased attention to so-called monsters and certainly changed the explanations offered for them, from sins such as greed and vanity to sins of blasphemy and heresy.
The Whistling Pleisosaur
Boitard offered his readers a first-person tour of the early Jurassic Period (then referred to as the Liassic). Accompanied by a magician who could transport him back in time, the narrator saw prehistoric monsters fleshed out and up close. The plesiosaur announced itself with a “menacing whistle,” and, the narrator recounted, “I recoiled in terror on seeing the scaly head of a horrible reptile looking at me with flashing eyes. Its open mouth with sharp teeth menaced me with a forked sting; its neck was of a prodigious length, like a cable, or rather like a huge snake . . .” So the humans in this scene are just a way of telling the story. But plesiosaurs almost certainly couldn’t coil their necks, snakelike, around trees. And what’s it doing on land anyway?
Hey Discord gang, if you are lurking about I just wanted to send up a flare. I’m alive and well, but my phone committed a grave act of dishonor and chose digital seppeku via a boot-loop. I am in the (annoying) process of account recovery and should be back on by the weekend, hopefully.
” No respect for Emperor Norton? ”
Greatest Americans are hard to list, but Twain, Adams, Houston, and Sherman are in my top 100.
As in burn the south sherman? I disagree.
Absolutely Sherman: he swiftly ended the war and saved maybe a million lives.
Ever read Thank God for the Atom Bomb? Paul Fussell could write a very compelling essay.
Sherman is a monster-
as all great generals are. He burned his way through the south and sanctioned the theft of property from civilians. Fuck him.
Yes his actions were necessary at the time, but that doesn’t excuse them. moral relativism is bullshit. war is evil. Especially unnecessary war, as the civil war was.
My philosophy is weak in this area. War is a contest between collectives; collectives tend to be bullshit (ie: shooting someone because they live on the wrong side of a line); it would be just as well for us to agree that all generals are monsters and leave it there.
But I also speak as a profoundly invested Southerner, as someone whose ancient, landed family were spared precisely because the war ended when and where it did: men came home, cropped were raised, live began again. Once the war was a fact, the need for its end was a fact.
Back to my weak philosophy > I might compare this situation to free markets: it is not that I want slow, stupid, unmotivated, or un-resourceful people to be poor, but I just know that free markets create the least total pain in the long run; there is no better way, so I don’t shrink from the unhappy residues of the correct path. Medicine is often bitter; cauterized or amputated wounds are often the lowest risk; some bandages must be ripped off; a lesser pain up front may be the correct choice. There was no better way than Sherman; I’m a manager who simply accepts that.
Faulkner wrote “for every southern boy, it’s always within his reach to imagine it being one o’clock on an early July day in 1863, the guns are laid, the troops are lined up, the flags are out of their cases and ready to be unfurled, but it hasn’t happened yet. And he can go back in his mind to the time before the war was going to be lost and he can always have that moment for himself.” But 1863 was much too late! Our unnecessary war might very well have ended if, on the night of 06 April 1862, Buell had failed to relieve Grant and Sherman, both trapped on a humid bluff not 100 miles from where I now write. It might have then been early enough to sue for peace, that night; but by 1864 there had been no chance for a very long time.
I agree that agressive murderous generals and their armies ate necessary to end a conflict.
The agressive murderous generals that end conflicts are only necessary because of the conflict. The conflict is caused by people that are the fellow travelers of these same agressive murderous generals.
Sherman is my favorite Civil War general–maybe after Grant. He knew how to win the war. And fuck the slave-holding Southerners.
war is evil
As is slavery.
I have not read thank god for the atomic bomb. I have read downfall, and many other books on the Pacific war. The atomic bomb saved many American lives. Yes.
Also, America had no business fighting WW2 in the first place. It was people in high government positions who made the poor decisions that put us on the path that made our involvement in WW2 necessary. High government people like the likes of sherman.
You refer to Europe, of course…no arguments here as to that theater.
we had no business fighting Japan either.
But that’s where the Kaiju come from!
Sherman was a warrior, he understood the brutality of war and how to best utilize it to bring the war to a close. He was also completely opposed to being a politician afterwards, something I can admire.
Sherman wasn’t a warrior. He was a dictator. He gave orders. His orders were effictive. That doesnt make him a hero. He simply the most brutal of the generals available to Lincoln
That made him a winner
That didn’t make him a decent human being.
All generals are dictators and all wars are hell. Both true. He was a man who did brutal things and refused to allow that to be capitalized later in life by politicians.
Sherman’s tactics were sound war tactics, just not for the war he was fighting. He wasn’t fighting a war for obliteration of the enemy, he was fighting a war of reunification; on that front he failed miserably.
I tend to disagree. They were sound tactics based on the anaconda strategy developed by Hancock. The south was and is peopled by a stiff necked people. To end the war in the most brutal, punishing and unpleasant way was seen as best to break the southern spirit. To ensure that rebellion was made a fearful concept.
The torching of Atlanta and the cutting of the railhub broke the spirit of many of the rebels and showcased the steep decline in confederate ability to defend it’s nascent homeland. Without a large scale invasion of the south the south would not have been brought to the table.
Like I said ‘sound war tactics, just not for the war he was fighting.’ It ended the war quickly, but added an additional 100 years before reunification actually started. Even though commanded by the same federal government, the divide between North and South didn’t end until after the 1960s.
I mean that process really started with the Spanish-American war. Have that external enemy brought together a lot of former enemies in an imperial dream. I would go further and argue that the divide between north and south is still ongoing. But from the perspective of government the Republic was reunited and more quickly by Sherman’s action, the attitudes of the defeated were insignificant, and as I said such harsh measures were the most certain way of ending the war and maintaining the martial spirit in the north. I really can’t see how the south would have been as you said the divide between the north and south could have been bridged any quicker.
The rise of the KKK was insignificant? Jim Crow was insignificant? These were relics of the way the north one, they didn’t change hearts and souls. They subjugated people who hated them, then let them vote on national policy for appeasement. It was a recipe for disaster, it’s a miracle that it worked, to what ever extent it did.
Perhaps I mis-worded that. It was insignificant to the government how it happened only that the republic was kept whole.
I did not mean that the reactions to southern occupation, radical republican punishment and reconstruction was insignificant to the victims of jim crow or the kkk.
But, i do not see a path in which the union attained the surrender of the CSA when there wasn’t some sort of cultural snap-back in the south.
If you are fighting a war of reunification, you have to prove to the people you are fighting that there is a reason to reunify. It doesn’t matter if the war ends quickly if the end result is subjugation. Reunification should be mostly fought with propaganda, proving your foes don’t stand for what they say, and proving you do. If you can’t do that, then perhaps reunification shouldn’t be the goal.
That’s fair. But not cogent. The North was not going to allow secession. In that case and given the southern attitude towards independence and the continuing brutality of the war the anaconda plan was going to happen.
Whether or not the war should have been fought is a hypothetical. A fascinating debate indeed. I am inclined to think the war was a mistake, but believe it was inevitable based on the conduct of the parties concerned.
Once the war started the conduct of the war was going to get dirty. Reunification by force of arms was the first goal. Unification of culture was secondary.
ie. If your goal is to prove the union is worth preserving, don’t suspend habeus corpus and don’t destroy the property of noncombatants.
But what does preserving the union by means of destroying the basis of the union accomplish? If you are preserving the union based on the ideas of the union, then Sherman’s tactics served the opposite purpose. (I’m not from the south BTW, just think this was a terrible strategy for fighting the war the North proclaimed we were fighting)
I concur. Lincoln did some shitty things, both in treatment of civilians, and non-combatants.
I think this has been the problem with US military strategy since the Civil War, we don’t know which war we are fighting. If we wanted military victory in Vietnam, we could have had it, but at the same time we were trying to win ‘hearts and minds’ and that is not the same…and so on and so forth, until we are where we are now. We seem to not be able to distinguish which wars we are fighting to obliterate the enemy, and which one’s we are trying to win hearts and mines.
Heh. I’ll drink to that.
I’d buy that for a dollar!
Ah Robocop. They don’t make em like that anymore.
Sure they do, just they don’t get the joke about selling out.
The ad that played before that was for a movie about Chappaquiddick, and the Kennedy cover up. Can’t believe they made a movie of that, but then again, who knows of it’ll be honest.
Also, who the fuck doesn’t know Oregon trail? Really?
Kind of like how ‘Shock and Awe’ got rid of Saddam quickly; but has kept us there holding the pieces together for 15 years and counting. If your war is one of obliteration, fine. Obliterate and leave, but if your plan is to get the people on your side? Destroying the property and lives of those people isn’t a sound strategy.
Fair enough. I think it may just be a difference of opinion on long ago history.
The problem isn’t long ago history, it’s that we keep repeating.
Shania, Bryan, Whitney and Bobby are my favs, too. Bryan was Canuki, but that’s ok.
^^^ What he did? I saw it.
(so is Sha-ney-ney)
I read a book of Twains short stories/essays some years ago. The line that has stuck with me more than anything in that book was from the story of the stage ride across America and he wrote about the Mormons he met in Utah. (disclaimer of not meaning to offend the Mormons here) He said something about being upset Mormon men would be so greedy as to take more than one wife until he saw the Mormon women and then figured the men were doing the nation a service by taking them out of the dating pool. That may reinforce a misogynist label on myself that I found that funny, but, come on that is funny.
Neither of my flights today were this exciting.
I did get delayed by the President and Air Force One.
Wow! So glad I have never experienced that.
” a bit incredulous in that John Cleese way ”
Who should voice the Glib radio membership drive?
My American prejudice vetos Cleese and all subjects everywhere, but his tone is hilarious.
More non-culture war links:
American Dude: Imma make a knife out of fish hooks.
Japanese Dude: I was right there with you for the first seven words.
I think this says something deep about our two cultures, but you’ll have to find someone much smarter than me to tell you what that is.
Bonito- good for shivs or dashi.
My 25 minute commute took 5 1/4 HOURS tonight due to snow and bad drivers.
So you peed in a cup?
Surprisingly,that wasn’t a problem.
I lived in Victoria for a bit and sometimes the Ferry line-ups were excruciatingly long. Thanks, discarded Timmies cup!
Note to self: don’t help myself to Festus’ box of timbits.
“Way of the Road” https://youtu.be/D0u6Lb6RCz4
My nine-minute commute took about 15 minutes because I had to remove a fallen branch from the driveway. That and getting stuck behind a snow plow.
Better than being stuck in front of a snowplow, I’d wager.
Wow, that’s awful. You could almost have walked home in that time.
It took me 17 minutes to get two fish sandwiches at Arby’s. My commute was the same as always, but good thing I left early, for the fish sammiches.
Because I couldn’t resist
The sandwiches do nothing for me but I like their curly fries. I can buy them frozen in bulk but it’s never quite right.
I actually tend to be the opposite, at least for the actual roast beef. I like the curly fries enough, but tend to forgo them these days.
だるい。 Darui. Lethargic. Slightly hungover, but will soldier through a day of work at the UN university today. 40 or so black Mercedes are parked right out front, so some bigwigs must be hear today. *Urge to kill rising*
tantrum yoga
Tantric Fury. It’s a new discipline wherein one channels one’s inner angst regarding the election of Donald Trump but never lets it come to full fruition.
13 minutes, that’s way too long.
*watches whole thing*
This was supposed to be a reply to the fish hook knife.
I made it until he started making the billet with the smaller hooks. I wanted to believe it turned out better and did not want to ruin my mood if it didn’t so I stopped there.
Just a lot of heating, hammering, filing and sanding. I don’t know a lot about smithing, so it’s interesting to me; YMMV. Also, I couldn’t really see any hooks in the finished product, so I’ll have to take his word that they show up in person.
Funny or Die did used to be funny.
Also, I think this is where KFC got their celebrity Colonel idea from.
(Trigger warning: More Hayeksplosives job saga–skip if you are so inclined)
I had the phone interview today at 1pm with the VP of engineering for the possible new company. He told me I was interviewing for the position of Engineering IX, and that there was only one other Engineer IX at San Diego, and that that guy was something of a celebrity. (Turns out, that guy is the one who started the effort to hire me, so that bore some weight with VP)
Then at 5pm, the HR guy called with a formal offer. It’s 50% more than I am making now, plus a ridiculously generous relocation situation.
I am going to call future possible manager this weekend with some questions, but I am pretty sold.
Heaven help me.
Good luck! And congratulations! That’s fantastic news.
Think of the Mr. as well. This seems to be something men forget, thinking of the spouse. Make sure he has opportunities in the new place as well. I’m not sure what the demand kilt wearing country artists is in San Diego. We already know you’re venturing into a place with at least one man who could try to mess up your marriage; make sure the Mr. is actually down for the change and that it won’t cause a rift.
*Waves tentacles in solidarity, rinses through various color changes* Great news, Ms. Hayek!
:Totally did not read that as “tentacles” on first pass:
I’m a mollusk so whatever testicles that I do or do not own remain my choice. My Choice, My Body! How dare you?
Hey, it’s nighttime in these parts, so fly your freak flag/testicles as you see fit.
Congrats h. Welcome to the most progressive of states, it’s good to have at least one more sane one in the asylum.
Whoa whoa whoa, something doesn’t add up here – I’ve been assured from numerous reputable sources that all the leaders of STEM industries got together behind closed doors and devised a nefarious conspiracy to keep women out of those careers. What gives??
Seriously though, best wishes.
Congratulations, ‘plosives.
Sounds like you done good.
I’m hoping that the original recruiter is emptying wastebaskets now. That’s gonna make for some awkward moments at the Xmas Jamborella.
Doubt I will have to see that guy much. He works in Texas. And I won’t take any sh!t from him.
Congrats (I hope)!
If the move happens, may it be as quick and painless as possible.
Congratulations ‘splosives!
Thanks, all!
Just got home from work. I called an hour before my shift to find out if our trucks were going to be delayed due to weather. “Hell no!” I was told, “They’ll be here by 10pm.” We sat around, on the boss’s dime for an entire 8 hour shift only to be told at 5am that the trucks will be here mid-morning Saturday. Sigh… now I have ask 2 guys to come in Saturday night and I’m already into overtime with 4 more days remaining in the pay period so the big boss is gonna yell at me about payroll on Monday. Oh well, this Dogfish Head 120 Minute IPA is ,making things better. Then, make waffles, sausage, spam, bacon, and eggs for the family and take the kids so they can march in the Rockaway Beach St. Patrick’s Day Parade (If I get tipsy enough I may even break out my bright orange “ULSTER FOREVER!” t-shirt).
26 [in green] + 6 [in orange] = 1 [in Union Jack logo]
Your boss is a cock if you were scheduled to work on hours he prescribed and pitches a fit about OT in an emergency situation where the work needs to be done.
F my life. Show up at the reserve center to find out class was canceled last night since the instructor couldn’t get down here due to weather. At least I can get mileage reimbursement and I get half the weekend back, but now I have to reschedule the POS for some other date (probably July – assuming it doesn’t conflict with my other class that month).
3 1/2 hours back to Cville in a few min.