Thank God its Friday.  And the first round of golf I will have gotten to play in some time.  Well, that’s the plan anyway.  It may not happen now that I’m a little short-staffed at the auction yard after the yard guy I’d hired as a favor to my friend decided to get good and drunk on the job yesterday to the point that he embarrassed me in front of a customer I was loading out and then decided to take a 45 minute nap until I woke him enough to forcibly eject him from the property. Seriously. Dude was 3/4 of the way through his second 42 ounces of cool, refreshing Steel Reserve when I came back from a meeting with a customer and the landlord of my office. And it wasn’t even noon.

Auction time? You mean sleepy time

Anyway, I got out of there without him hurting himself or someone else. But that’s what I get for hiring the degenerate son of a friend instead of a random dude with a pulse that sits in front of the nearest Home Depot.  Lesson learned. and rant over.

I don’t usually drink on the job. But when I do, I drink Steel Reserve.

Hey, there were sports yesterday. Sorry Louisville, that choke job should put you out of the tournament. Michigan is advancing, as is Wisconsin (and that should put Maryland out as well). Penn State plays Ohio State tonight and will try to beat my Buckeyes for the third time this year.  I will be displeased if that happens. Wichita State won, as did Cincy and Arizona.

On the ice, the Bruins went for the two-point conversion and put up 8 in beating the Pens. Other winners were the Hurricanes, Lightning, Panthers, the Predators, the Sharks (sorry Swissy), the Kings and the Coyotes, who beat the MINNESOOOOOODA WIIIIIIIIIILD!!!!  Congrats to the winners. Sorry, Chicago. This year is circling the drain.

OK, that ought to do it for sports.  Now how about…the links!

Beautiful, inviting Los Angeles

Want to start the links with something retarded?  Then you’re in luck! You know, when your article is filled with government interventions that either fail to solve or actually exacerbate the problem, you might want to reach a conclusion other than “the government needs to solve this”.  But expecting that from the LA Times is like expecting a pig to do algebra.

OK, this one is a bit of a dilemma for libertarians. Actually it isn’t. This is a private property rights dispute and the property owner or operator has a right to have someone removed that refuses to leave.  But we are still free to point out when that person using their rights is an asshole.  This is one of those times.

When the “we have to ban guns because they’re the only way people can carry out mass killings” narrative is disputed by reality. If only it were easy for that family to have been able to easily purchase and use a deadly weapon to defend themselves against somebody. Unfortunately for them they lived in San Francisco.

This man is a real warrior for social justice.

I need one of the Chicago Glibs to track this guy down and buy him a beer. See, this is how Americans should get involved in fighting over there, not by being shipped over as an “advisor”.

Its physical.  And educational. So why did the guy resign? Oh yeah, I guess because its not on the approved list of teacher aids. Jesus, what a bunch of prudes.

Follow up to the piece yesterday where a college baseball coach told a Colorado recruit he wasn’t interested because kids from that state hadn’t been passing drug tests: he’s been fired. Listen, if I can give any advice here to potential managers, business owners or coaches: don’t ever give anyone a reason for not hiring, recruiting or retaining them.  Always say its “for no particular reason at all” and never share anything about your reasoning with anyone else in writing. Jesus, this is elementary stuff here. Only SJW’s can hire and fire people based on political or social beliefs. That’s the way its been for decades now.

Not all power bands are created equal. This one was superior to any others I can think of.

That’s all she wrote. It was good to get back to links duty. I hope I didn’t disappoint.