Way to go Big Ten. Your conference isn’t playing meaningful games because the league brass just had to have the conference tournament in that hotbed of Big Ten country…Madison Square Garden? Seriously, what the fuck? Everybody is playing rivalry games this week as you get set to kick off your conference tournament nowhere near a single Big Ten school that is worth a shit. I hope the whole arena sits empty as you get set to finish your tournament the same day as conferences like the Atlantic Sun and MEAC rather than when it traditionally ends when its played at a venue that makes fucking sense.. Stupid bastards. Meanwhile, Villanova, Clemson, Nevada, Kentucky and Xavier were among the winners last night.
On the frozen ponds, Les Canadiens beat the Islanders, the Sabres topped the Lightning, St Louis took care of Detroit, Colorado was better than Calgary, and five goals wasn’t enough for Vancouver, as the Rangers put up 6 to win in overtime. And in case most of you haven’t noticed, spring training is well underway and games are being played. Oh what a glorious time of year!
OK, maybe that’s a bit of an overstatement. Many of you are still dealing with shitty weather and snow. All we’re getting is rain, rain, rain. But at least I’m indoors except for the fact that I’m scheduled to move into my new office this weekend. SO I need it to stay away at least half of the day Saturday. Everybody pray for me that I doin’t suffer first-world problems this weekend. I will thank you for your prayers in advance by providing you this sweet ass edition of…the links!
Here’s a “child rapist” I think many of you would get behind. (TW: Florida. anti-TW: this is the type of teacher Van Halen was talking about.)

This is how you’ll all be forced to defend yourself if they get rid of “assault weapons”. With nothing but air.
Trump puts his foot in his mouth. Although his words are being wildly mischaracterized and its being implied he means in general, what he said is still a terrifying prospect. As a bonus, I’m sure this will cause the left to have a renewed interest in defending the Fourth Amendment. Still, he needs to choose his words much more carefully. There would have never been a need to secure a warrant to arrest that idiot. He had the cops called during enough active crime situations that they could have easily arrested him on the spot and then secured a warrant while he was sitting in a jail cell awaiting a bond hearing. That actually would have followed the due process requirements and would have also gotten the guns out of the hands of a sociopathic nut job who regularly made threats and acted like he was about to do exactly what he did.
The religious atheists on the left continue to make efforts to win the hearts and minds of America the only way they know how. Chris Pratt makes a harmless gesture that he believes, as do hundreds of millions of Americans probably, will make a positive difference in someone’s life and those assholes go bonkers. Christ, what a bunch of assholes. Also, poor headline choice, Fox. It sure didn’t sound like Smith was “forced” to defend anyone. He did so willingly and graciously. And FWIW, Mallrats was still probably his best work.
For all those geniuses who say average Joes shouldn’t be walking around with guns and that only trained police officers should have them: I’d love for them to explain this and tell me they’re gonna stick with their position. Also, if we ban guns, this will never happen because people won’t have them. Except, this was in SF, where guns are essentially outlawed. So there goes that bullshit talking point too…unless he went across the border into Indiana and got one and then went back into the city to carry out his mayhem. Can they use that bullshit talking point in California? Sure seems to work for the grabbers in Illinois that want to blame their violence problem on everything but the individuals carrying their daily shootings out or the failed government system in their fair city that disenfranchises large segments of their population.

Dorothy Brown: endless purveyor of graft without consequence
Speaking of Chicago politics, I see its business as usual. The federal investigation into the office has gone on for five years and the abuses have been chronicled with detailed precision. Yet somehow, the machine that brought us Barack Obama has yet to bring anyone to trial. But that has to be a coincidence.
I guess I could have put this in sports, but I’m gonna count it as news. Hey, listen, I think the coach is completely justified in his position here, with the exception of his last couple of sentences. If he recruits players who can’t pass the NCAA-mandated drug tests and can show where that’s happened, he is making a sound decision that will make sure he’s able to field a team that won’t run afoul of antiquated NCAA rules. Too bad he’s not venting his anger at the NCAA instead of Colorado pols. Because in my opinion, that’s where he should be directing it.
I had no reason to play this other than the fact that I wanted to hear it. Its my right!
Good luck out there today, friends.
*shakes fist at the heavens above*
I actually feel bad that I first look at how hot the teacher is… It is no less serious based on hotness. Then again…
It’s “no less serious” or “shouldn’t be taken seriously at all”? There’s no crime here. That boy is old enough to know what he wants and he went and took it from a willing participant. His parents are just assholes that want to blame his poor grades on someone other than their son or themselves for not having a clue what their kid was doing.
Now a hot chick is going to jail. If there’s a crime here, that’s it.
well either. if it is serious it is always serious if not not. I mean I guess she could spoil the kid and he will be disappointed by girls his age so that is bad
Well, if he did it with a girl his own age these days, they would both get arrested and put on a list, this way, one of them was saved from that.
She’s married, he was her student, and he was only 14. Even if you want to argue that shouldn’t be illegal. It’s still a big bowl of wrong.
Also, if a handsome 26-year-old teacher had sex with a 14-year-old girl, the townsfolk would gather their torches and farm implements.
I’m not saying it’s not wrong. But it shouldn’t be illegal.
I didn’t read that he was her student though. I thought that hadn’t been determined yet.
Pervy, yes. Illegal, shouldn’t be.
I thought that’s what I read yesterday, but maybe it hasn’t been determined.
Anyway, then I guess it depends whether you want an age of consent, and what that age should be.
*crawls off hot rock, lights the OMWC signal, crawls back*
NO DONT GET UP, I’ve taken care of it!!!1!1!
This is why the lizards will never take over. We’ll just unplug your hot rocks.
I feel bad for the husband in this case. The kid, he gets to brag about the hot teacher he nailed. The husband, has to live with the fact his wife preferred a kid over him (unless he was involved in some way, in which case fuck him).
Especially since he’s a firefighter. Aren’t they typically swimming in poon?
So what do you think the age of consent should be? Or do you think we should be like France and have no age of consent laws? In my view, 14 is too young (16 should be the cut-off, at minimum), and in any case I absolutely think it should be a crime for teachers to have sex with minor students. School attendance is compulsory for minors, and until that law is abolished it is absolutely inappropriate for the state to force attendance at an institution where state employees are allowed to pursue a captive, minor audience for sex. If you’re a pedophile (or technically hebephile in this case), you shouldn’t take a job teaching and deserve whatever punishment you get. Even if you are hot.
I do not think there should be a single hard age of consent and I know the “harm” created by these cases is massively overblown. Yes it *can* cause long term psychological harm to the teen, even in cases where it is a hot younger female teacher and a male student but it is far from guaranteed to do so.
If it were entirely up to me it would work like this…
13 and under – It is always rape unless the other party 3 years or fewer older than the younger party
14 to 16 – Possibly rape. In order to prove rape the state must prove that the teen in question was actually harmed in some way by the encounter or that a reasonable person would have concluded that this individual teen was not mentally ready to make such a choice or that there was a specific exercise of power to coerce the teen into consenting. Merely showing that a 21 year old hooked up with a 15 year old in not enough.
17 and up – Can still be statutory rape if the state can show that a reasonable person should have known that the individual they were having sex with was not mentally mature enough to consent to sex with them (this primarily covers the mentally disabled)
We’ve went back to the dark ages. Just 100 years ago, people got married at 13. When I was a kid, teenagers had sex all of the time and there was never anything made of it unless someone wound up pregnant. People need to chill the fuck out, it won’t be long now before sex at any age is a crime, we’re almost there.
And the sad thing about it is that i am seeing the same people that told me the other side was trying to stop people from having sex back when now making sex criminal.
“Here’s a “child rapist” I think many of you would get behind. (TW: Florida. anti-TW: this is the type of teacher Van Halen was talking about.)”
OK, weed, and maybe the student was Mexican, and there was butt sex. But replace that fish with a lobster.
Those hot teachers aren’t playing with a full deck
So you are saying they are Evan material?
He told his parents that he was having a relationship with hot teacher and that was what was causing his grades to falter. She took an 8th grader out of his home at 11pm? So where are these photos? Where is the dope pipe?
I smell a rat.
picked him up occasionally from their home at 11pm and often spent hours with him in private afterwards
WTF? Where were his parents? Who lets their kid roam for hours after 11 pm?
If the teacher committed child abuse according to the law, then so did his parents via their negligence. It varies by state, but child abuse laws that I am familiar with include an offense for negligently allowing your kid to be abused.
Does Trump have any aides left who’ll tell him what a pile of dogshit he just stepped on? He literally announced his 2020 reelection run and lost the election in the same week.
The left won’t make hay out of it because they hate him so much. It won’t make a difference to the Deplorables. He always says something stupid and a) nothing ever sticks to him and b) he doesn’t actually follow through all the way with whatever he just said. What he says really really really is great camouflage for what he actually does.
Good point. What’s his Democrat opponent gonna say? That damn Trump is violating the 2A and pissing off the nra!!!
He could get primaried though .
Clinton didn’t have to say anything, Just let conservatives vent by voting for Ross Perot.
Yes, it make Trump vulnerable to a primary challenge. It would also be a boon to the Libertarian Party if they don’t nominated an idiot.
Yeah, that’s what I’m getting at. It only hurts him if there’s some 3rd option. If it’s just him vs Warren or Kamala Harris it’s not much of an issue
The idea of the Libertarian Party not nominating an idiot made me lol.
Maybe. If he signs an AWB bill, he’s toast.
Doubt it. They’ll have selective amnesia and blame Obama. Just like when the left ignored shit Obama did they didn’t like and blamed it on Bush.
I disagree. The AWB along with “read my lips” sunk HW Bush and it would sink Trump. It would be seen as an act of unforgivable betrayal by his most fervent supporters.
I still firmly believe that Hillary lost the upper Midwest in the general election by campaigning as a gun-banner in the primaries.
Have to disagree there, if he signs an AWB his base will have a collective coronary.
I honestly do not know if that’s good or bad.
Sigh. I hate to say it’s a plan but…
Trump shows he’s amenable to firearms restricting legislation. Local conservatives freak out and vote like crazy people this fall preserving the House and Senate for team Stupid.
Maybe. They’ll never trust him again. He’s basically doing a DACA on gun control which will set a horrible precedent.
Chipper gets it…
We joke about the guy playing 5D chess, but sometimes I see pasterns that tell me he is certainly saying & sometimes even doing stuff just to set up some other play.
Don junior is likely on the case.
I disagree there is no strong alternative and if he can survive and get reelected after trampling on the 2A rinos will likely abandon any pretense of being pro gun if they know they can get away with it.
I don’t understand why he’s not just following public opinion on this.
30 years ago civilians were prohibited from carrying concealed weapons just about everywhere. Now it is permitted in all but the deepest blue states because that is what people wanted.
Big Ten commissioner already said “ooops, my bad” about compressing the schedule so they could hold a spectacle witnessed b y hundreds!
B1G wanted NYC market with Rutgers, Balmer/DC with Maryland. Instead of scooping up Kansas, Kansas State and Iowa State, etc when they could have.
Maryland was a good get. But they should have gone after Syracuse instead of Rutgers. I’d have also been happy with Kansas, but their worship football program wouldn’t have been any better than Rutgers.
Believe it or not, there are still academic standards….not sure if Syracuse would meet them. 🙂 People forget about the academic exchanges and such – I took a graduate course from a damned fine professor at Ohio State, when I was getting my MA at U of IL. I had a weird, lisping and tubby Marxist history prof from U of Iowa as an undergrad, so it isn’t always a hit…
Back when they got Ped… er, Penn State, the B1G wanted Pittsburgh, badly – but they took a look at the place as a school and gagged.
You just explained why they chose not to go after Kansas, K-State or Iowa State. Also, Kansas would have had a better chance if Mizzou would have been a viable candidate.
As a K-state alum and fan originally I would have said fuck off. But lately the way the Big 12 is handling things I’d be happy if they moved. Plus that would mean we could play catch up on Nebraska and beat them while they are down.
Mizzou wasn’t going to make it for academics – Iowa State and Kansas were good enough. K-State…beats me.
That’s what I meant about Mizzou being viable.
Iowa State also wasn’t going to gain the league a bigger tv footprint, and while Kansas would have gotten the KC market, that’s small potatoes relative to DC-Balmer (which is working well) or NYC (which is financially, if not in regards to fan interest).
What are the academic requirements to be in the big 10?
I know you have to be an AAU member school.
Nebraska is the only non AAU school in the B1G (and that may have been rectified… IIRC, they were ineligible by technicality and the lawmakers in Lincoln could clear it up by passing a law)
I assume that Johns Hopkins is an AAU member, but thats the only other B1G school I’m not 100% sure is AAU.
Johns Hopkins in the Big Ten? What alternate universe are you writing these posts from, and are they performing better than Rutgers in football?
Johns Hopkins is in the B1G for Lacrosse.
Wait till I tell sloopy that the B1G added Note Dame last year… In men’s hockey.
Or maybe you could have just left it all at the original 10 schools.
As a Golden Rodent fan, it is sad to see that we don’t have some of the old time rivalries because we had to split into two divisions and now don’t play some of the teams. My boys don’t know the fine old tradition of always losing the Little Brown Jug year after year after year.
It’s worse in hockey. The school torpedoed some of the oldest and best rivalries for the sweet lucre and now no one goes to the game. Sade when MG/Blaine draws better than U0fMN.
Did they ever get rid of the clear boards?
That was the St. Paul Civic Center. Home of the MN State High School Tournament. Now the Xcel Energy Center.
Clear boards are long gone – you can’t put ads on them!
Absolutely agree that leaving the WCHA was incredibly dumb. I’m not a hockey fan, but even I used to follow the old rivalries. Growing up where I did, there was a huge division between those who supported the Gophers and those who supported the Fighting Sioux. I used to pretty aware of how both those teams were doing. Now? No idea.
Yep. They pissed on a ton of great hockey history when they left the WCHA.
It is very sad that so few people will see the Golden Rodents of Minnesoda stage one of the greatest upsets * in modern history by winning the Big 10 tourney and making it to the Big Dance.
You may laugh, but I’ve seen many, many sports documentaries like Hoosiers and Major League. I’m sure that after last night’s shellacking by Rutgers, the team met in the locker room where little Ricky Pitino gave an inspirational speech about how they are underdogs and no one wants them to win. After the speech the team melds into an unstoppable group of plucky competitors. Down by a lot in the first half of the championship game, Pitino and his star Reggie Lynch will realize that winning is a lot more important than a few date rape accusations and rescind his suspension. In the second half Lynch will go crazy scoring 100 points to win the big game.
*It will only be a great upset until they win the entire NCAA tourney shortly after.
And FWIW, Mallrats was still probably his best work. – LIES
About Pratt, the prayers thing is I assume mostly a figure of speech, so it is a bit deranged of lefties to make such a big deal
Read his tweet. It was very much a heartfelt prayer and not just a figure of speech.
The tweet:
Kevin we don’t know each other too good but I have loved you since Clerks and I’m praying my ass off for you cause I believe in the healing power of prayer. Can you please pray with me people!? ?♥️
The SJW’s helped create the alt right and now the atheists are trying to create more believers. And here I am, stuck in the middle.
Militant atheists are the reason I always refer to myself as a non-believer. The hard core atheists seem to be just as religious as any dogmatic Christian.
Even atheists need their gods.
My god can kick your god’s ass!
That’s what atheists sound like to me..
Not much difference between them and the people they hate.
Yup. I’ve actually drifted back into Christianity over time, but in my time of agnosticism, I had no problem whatsoever with the faithful. I just didn’t believe what they believed. I never understood the aggressive atheist mindset.
“Apatheist.” That best encapsulates my angle. I just don’t care what you believe or not believe.
Stolen from The Jacket. Not sure if it coined the term or not.
Chris Pratt don’t right too good, do he?
/Fucking Pedant
Back in the ’60s, ’70s, and ’80s, it was not uncommon for Christian of various stripes to “witness” and to invite you to their church.
For the past 20 years in my experience, the only people who drone on about their religion are atheists and Muslims. And, whereas the Muslims I’ve encountered aren’t so bad, the atheists can be pretty damned obnoxious about it. I really don’t care if you don’t believe in God — that’s your business — but it’s no more appropriate to assert your atheism in a social setting than it is for a Mormon to proselytize his religious beliefs. And, in my own experience, Mormons and Jehovahs Witnesses are nicer and more respectful of non-believers, and do not proselytize in social situations. (The Muslims, of course, are a mixed bag of extremes.)
Well, they are deranged. I cant for the life of me figure out why someone praying for someone is offensive. If you are a believer, pray. It doesnt harm me in any way. It doesnt affect me in any way whatsoever.
From what I’ve read about this story the SJW’s were equating praying for someone with the phrase that really sets them off, “Thoughts and prayers”. James Gunn went off about it, including a bit about how no one expected Chris to shoulder aside doctors in order to operate personally, and that prayers were all that he could offer.
It’s offensive because if you like someone on twitter you’re both agreeing to groupthink.
“Did he just say ‘making fuck’”?
“My girlfriend sucked 37 dicks!”
“In a row?”
“Hey you, get back here!”
For all those geniuses who say average Joes shouldn’t be walking around with guns and that only trained police officers should have them: I’d love for them to explain this and tell me they’re gonna stick with their position. Also, if we ban guns, this will never happen because people won’t have them. Except, this was in SF – I understand people in SF can walk to Indiana to buy guns
You sound like my boss.
I’m scheduled to move into my new office this weekend.
If you could just move your desk down to the basement…yeah, that would be great….and leave the red stapler
Here is a can of roach spray…
Take care of the pests while you are at it..
This is feeling like a Hank III kind of day
“Chris Pratt makes a harmless gesture that he believes, as do hundreds of millions of Americans probably, will make a positive difference in someone’s life and those assholes go bonkers. Christ, what a bunch of assholes. Also, poor headline choice, Fox. It sure didn’t sound like Smith was “forced” to defend anyone. He did so willingly and graciously. And FWIW, Mallrats was still probably his best work.”
I agree, but you misspelled “Chasing Amy”.
I thought I knew you Count Potato.
Next you’ll be defending Yoga Hosers.
No, Yoga Hosers was awful.
Sorry, the G-spot is a myth but there is good news! Two women academics, who’ve devoted their careers to studying female anatomy, say learning the truth about your body will make your love life so much richer
Whatever they call it, that spot is NOT a myth.
I’m hoping that they discover that the chance of having a G-spot correlates with the percentage of Neanderthal genes you have.
I hate to admit this, but I don’t get what you mean, which probably proves the point I suspect you’re making.
I always thought that the G-spot “debate” was a false dichotomy. Just because some people have a G-spot doesn’t mean everyone has one. Not everyone’s erogenous zones are equally responsive after all.
From that point, it was stretching into a Neanderthal/rapesquatch joke. STEVE SMITH SPREAD JOY OF G-SPOT AND BY SPREAD MEAN FORCIBLY IMPREGNATE WITH G-SPOT GENES, or something along those lines.
I agree, but if all the people they studied were not responsive, it doesn’t mean it’s a myth either. FWIW, I didn’t believe it till my husband hit it. TMI? You decide.
No definitely not TMI, In fact I think we need video evidence of this
For science of course
.. or at least a Glibs article on your research.
…an illustrated article
I would hope that the word “myth” was a product of the DM headline writers, not the researchers. I might be wrong though.
Do you have pictures?
That points to the G-spot being as metaphysical as it is physical. As in – there is an emotional connection that is required to make the physical response possible. This is something that I’ve detected in my own experience, though I also have to wonder if the emotional connection was heightened by the physical activity. Hard to put causation on either one.
Well as a libertarian woman, isn’t every spot on your body mythical?
We’re mostly on Twitter. LOTS of us. That’s where the lefty loons are and available to be engaged.
*GIF of nodding black woman snapping fingers*
“We’re mostly on Twitter”
So Russian bots are behind the myth of libertarian women. Got it.
You caught me. We’re busy on the gun range and out wiring our properties up with trip wires and booby traps.
Euphemism or not? You decide!
He-he. Boobies.
We’re also talking about biological women; not trolls and bots pretending to be women.
Not a myth.
Also, why are we still so backward that we are still trying to discover basic anatomy? Modern science, my ass.
I really, really want to be one of the scientists that is helping in this incredibly important search for the g-spot.
It’s dark, lonely, and for the most part, thankless work, but somebody’s gotta do it.
Not a myth. Not-wife-unit has a very highly tuned spot. It’s lots of fun to play with.
I don’t recall any others having one, beyond this one girl in high school.
What might have been. Or, (congrats Pie) the future belongs to Eastern Europe.
So is it time to hide yo kids hide yo wife?
It’s time to visit Prague when your wife insists on a European vacation.
College dropout refuses to leave her dorm room
Liquor up a couple of football players, have them go in, grab and and throw her out of the building, followed by her stuff. Arrest her for trespass if she stays on campus.
“Grab it by the leg” didn’t work out so well last time it was
triedused in a made up story.The rent is too damn high!
*prolonged applause*
So the college has a large contingent of students who work the system. They might want to reevaluate who they admit.
It’s most likely a NYC thing more a college thing. It’s tough to evict anyone.
“Palmer, who first enrolled in Hunter in 2010 after a stint at St. John’s University in Queens, said dorm life is “really lonely” for someone in her 30s.”
“Palmer, who first enrolled in Hunter in 2010 after a stint at St. John’s University in Queens, said dorm life is “really lonely” for someone in her 30s.”
Kevin Smith’s Dogma was a very spiritually uplifting movie for me.
I liked his version of God
I was going through a crisis of faith at the time (one of many) and his portrayal of God helped so, so much. It also clarified many things until I didn’t work them out until later.
*although* I didn’t work them out until later.
I’ve worked them out so many times and had to start over that I’m only certain that humility is the only approach that works.
Mine was not with my religion, it was with Christianity 101. I’m staying in my church no matter what because generally it bears good fruit. As for Christianity, I decided my issue COULD be like [insert different explanation here] and to leave it at that because I’ve been driving myself crazy for decades over it and I’m tired of the fight.
I found it rather ironic.
Don’t you think?
Alanis wouldn’t know irony if it did something ironic to her.
Single women get married to trees in ceremony to save them
Around a third of Mexico’s land area is covered by forest, and there is a widespread problem with illegal logging, mostly controlled by criminal groups.
There’s a BLM in Mexico?
illegal logging
Damn my shitty skills. It’s a pic of a tree with a giant penis shaped branch
Spoiler alert!!!
Time to kick out the NRA before Mom and Dad get home
Sure, ask any cop. They’ll tell you how awesome they are and how worthless you are.
That had to be written by Elsworth Toohey.
Doesn’t quite have the smarmy veneer to be Nathan J. Robinson.
Has this dumbass ever read any of the writings by the founding fathers?
“Arm teachers? Please dont take our soft targets away! We need martyrs for the cause!”
We could shut this school shooting business down right now. Gun grabbers desperate to keep that from happening.
it takes years of training and a very rare and admirable temperament to be effective in a SWAT situation.
Throwing smoke grenades in baby playpens at wrong addresses is best left to the professionals
it takes years of training and a very rare and admirable temperament to be effective in a SWAT situation.
It takes years of training to hunker down in safety? Huh.
And while I hope the temperament that allows this is rare, I don’t really think its admirable.
According to Thom Hartmann, Patrick Henry urged Madison to change the wording of the 2nd Amendment so that Virginia’s slave patrols would be more effective.
Therefore the 2nd amendment is racist and so are its supporters.
His first draft for what became the Second Amendment had said: “The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed; a well armed, and well regulated militia being the best security of a free country [emphasis mine]: but no person religiously scrupulous of bearing arms, shall be compelled to render military service in person.”
But Henry, Mason and others wanted southern states to preserve their slave-patrol militias independent of the federal government. So Madison changed the word “country” to the word “state,” and redrafted the Second Amendment into today’s form:
“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State [emphasis mine], the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”
Little did Madison realize that one day in the future weapons-manufacturing corporations, newly defined as “persons” by a Supreme Court some have called dysfunctional, would use his slave patrol militia amendment to protect their “right” to manufacture and sell assault weapons used to murder schoolchildren.
Take your meds, Thom.
Corporations aren’t “persons”, but they have to express the right opinions.
As a legalistic construct, corporate personhood is real and in practice.
I was showing the contradiction in the Left’s position, not expressing my view on corporate personhood.
Ah ::taps own nose::
Corporations are groups of people exercising the right of peaceable assembly.
Corporations are not people, but they are persons.
They are artificial, legally incorporated persons, but they are not natural persons.
That they are persons is in the very root of the word “corporation”.
Our local lefty columnist is one of those “the language is from the olden days and doesn’t count anymore” folk. I think he’d be totes jelly to see that someone managed to out prog him by linking the 2A to slavery.
This technological argument against AR-15 ownership always cracks me up. Yes, private individuals owned muskets, cannons, and there were even privately owned warships. In other words, there was no distinction between civilian and military weaponry; citizens were just allowed to own whatever the military had.
A musket was common among both government soldiers and citizens. So, if the Constitutional principles can be updated with the times (as it is with the 1A for radio, TV, and Internet) then we should all be allowed to have select-fire M4 carbines.
And – since early privateers were allowed to own ships with banks of cannons… we should be able to buy machine guns and artillery no questions asked.
And, if I’m Bill Gates level rich, I should be able to own fully armed and equipped warplanes (If I were, I’d own a collection the size of Leno’s car collection, from WWI aircraft onwards, to preserve them if nothing else).
All airplanes are weapons. I would think 9-11 taught us that.
Can you imagine what a disaffected young man could do with a cannon in a gun-free zone?
Sure, it’s the same reason why the First Amendment shouldn’t apply to anything said on the radio, TV, movies, or the internet.
Well you can say whatever you want, but the final say on what is allowed will be determined by a bunch of high school kids. The same kids that know so much about the 2A.
And your right to free speech is only via press technology at the time of the drafting and your un-amplified voice in the town square.
It’s tough to parody that which already is.
Well, we know him control was designed to keep guns out of the hands of those scary darkies.
Gun control, fucking auto-correct.
Urge to kill rising..
Why do these asshats always mention Ayn Rand?
Anyway, again, the mere possibility an employee might be armed is a deterrent.
It’s not because her fictional heroes are so outrageous. It’s because her fictional villains are so spot on.
Takeover by whom is unclear, seeing as how they are the government.
Wait, why is one part of the government disarming another part of the government?
I think the people have seen through that particular lie. The ruling classes are the only people who actually govern, and they’re effectively a different people from a good chunk of the nation, which is why they openly disparage them and that contempt is returned. Elections don’t change that; even Saddam Hussein had elections, and a great deal of power is unaccountable to elections (bureaucracy, lobbyists and think tanks, and the party machinery that filters out candidates prior to elections — see also, Hillary’s takeover of the DNC).
This is the essential problem — democracy means government of the people, by the people, and for the people, and that requires broad public participation in the actual decision-making and action (e,g,, participating in the defense of the community by owning infantry weapons). That’s a physical impossibility so long as power is concentrated in DC or even in statehouses. Democracy means community rule for most affairs.
In a mere 20 years, the colonists went from being loyal subjects to being in open rebellion against a government they no longer found tolerable. Things can change quickly, and the wise person plans ahead.
No, it came from the folks at Concord, who decided it was better to risk death than to allow their government to confiscate their weapons…which included artillery. This country was founded by gun nuts who hated taxes. There is nothing more American than to follow in their footsteps.
As if the cops are effective in a SWAT situation.
James Madison is getting a bill for running a kangaroo court.
$850k in legal fees? So the lawyers get paid but the real victim gets nothing but readmitted to a school he probably has no interest in attending again.
Now he needs to sue the fuck out of the school for real.
I foresee those types of guarantees disappearing from college contracts shortly.
Heritage Foundation: 64% of Trump’s agenda already done, faster than Reagan
With unprecedented speed, the Trump administration has already implemented nearly two-thirds of the 334 agenda items called for by the Heritage Foundation, a pace faster than former President Reagan who embraced the conservative think tank’s legendary “Mandate for Leadership” blueprint.
Thomas Binion, director of congressional and executive branch relations at Heritage, said that Trump has implemented 64 percent of the “unique policy recommendations” from the group.
At this stage of his presidency, Reagan had completed 49 percent of the Heritage policy recommendations.
“We’re blown away,” Binion said in an interview. Trump, he said, “is very active, very conservative, and very effective.”
What’s more, he said, Trump hasn’t just focused on one agenda area, but he and his team has pushed through administrative moves on foreign policy, deregulation, immigration, tax reform and health care, moves often ignored by the media.
You know who else quickly pushed through their agenda…
Harvey Weinstein?
HRE Charles V?
George M. Steinbrenner III?
My wife?
That’s sweet. When did you marry Winston’s mom?
Steve Smith
Who’s up for a Mad Lib?
“As an officer, if you feel like you’re being shot at — of course, we are always concerned about the public safety — but if my life is in danger, ________________________”
“you’re all going to die.”
…fuck your spoiled brat kids, they’re on their own.
I will follow procedures and fear for my life while adhering to my training.
devil take the hindmost.
I’ll take up a “tactical position” somewhere far from the shooter.
“I will need new underwear.”
Cripes, what a moron.
You don’t “feel like” you’re being shot at. You’re either being shot at, or not.
I love the “to be sure, we are always concerned about public safety” in the middle their. The way he throws it in, it is clearly a secondary concern at best.
For the Mad Lib, I would go with “y’all motherfuckers are on your own”.
“Stop resisting.”
Minneapolis’ new stadium keeps on
givingtaking….Someone needs to buy blackout curtains for the NCAA Final Four. They (and some window washing equipment) will cost $2M.
Also embedded in the story is this wonderful nugget.
A testament to the altruism of people involved in government. The stadium is such a cesspool of cronyism.
They can pay for it with the revenue from electronic pull-tabs.
“They got the memo! Kristen Stewart and Stella Maxwell match in black and white at Chanel Beauty House party”
TO: K.S.
Sorry, but Chloe Kim was by far the most attractive gal in those pics. (of course I already have a sexy Korean in my harem)
If you want to burn a smoking hole in 2 hours of your life, watch “Personal Shopper,” starring Kristen Gormless.
You may have to control the overwhelming impulse to stab your own frontal lobe after about an hour.
I liked Personal Shopper. Cafe Society was disappointing. Equals was meh. America Ultra and Adventureland were great. Clouds of Sils Maria and Camp X-Ray were boring.
Personal Shopper was the best acting KS has ever done.
The acting in Personal Shopper was pedestrian at best.
America Ultra and Adventureland were decent movies despite KS.
They should remake Mannequin with her playing the mannequin.
Who should play the live action version of the mannequin?
A computer simulation.
Recording of Obama’s Sloan conference speech leaked by Reason magazine
How do they get relative mundanity from He also commented on the lack of major scandals surrounding his administration,?
The full quote included that he didn’t have any scandals that he was embarrassed over. So, he has no shame
Neither does Brother Cain.
Texas students launch ‘No Whites Allowed’ magazine
An individual named Thor Menslage questioned whether the event would constitute “racism” by excluding “whites,” but he was rebuffed by defenders of the event who stated that “there have literally been whites-only establishments that were government sanctioned and approved.”
“So you’re saying that because segregation happened, it’s fine to be racist against Whites?” Menslage countered, to which another student, Katie Gee scoffed that “equality is just more cishet [cisgender heterosexual] white supremacist patriarchy trying to write the narrative.”
“We have a host of liberal organizations who regularly pass around anti-white propaganda,” one anonymous student told Campus Reform. “Our campus does nothing about this, doesn’t label it hate speech, won’t remove it, etc.”
So I’m reading Hitler’s Children: The Baader-Meinhof Gang on the recommendation of a glib. It’s remarkable and frightening how many similarities there are between the student population of late 60’s Germany and USA millenials.
If you’da asked me, I coulda told’ya.
I was just thinking the same thing. Hopefully they turn out to be just as ineffectual.
Netflix had a pretty good docudrama, Baader-Meinhof Complex, about the Red Army Faction.
I think the RAF were quite different from SJW millenials. The men had balls and at least some of the women were sensuous. However, like Antifa millenials, they were sociopaths, so there’s that.
How about just ignore race entirely?
Oh, sure, just take the best pieces off the board of the victim game.
Only a Nazi white supremacist would ignore race.
I feel the need to also include the rest of the article, because Derptologist’s quoted part doesn’t include this bit:
Looks like the university ultimately did the right thing. It also sounds like they aren’t actively endorsing or encouraging this publication or it’s group’s events.
Open borders + Welfare state = Ahmad and his Three Wives
History professor calls for repeal of Second Amendment
A professor at State University of New York at Geneseo recently wrote an op-ed advocating for the repeal the Second Amendment of the Constitution.
Michael Oberg, a history professor, started his column by arguing the National Rifle Association is at fault for children dying in gun-related deaths.
“Our feckless leaders in the Senate and the House remain beholden to the National Rifle Association, a trade organization that has opposed any attempt to remedy the problem,” he wrote. “While children die, they remind Americans that the Founding Fathers asserted in the Second Amendment that ‘a well-regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.’”
Both Oberg and the NRA did not respond to requests for comment from The College Fix.
“Let’s get rid of this antiquated and blood-drenched amendment, and let’s end the slaughter,” he wrote in the Democrat & Chronicle.
Oberg then goes on to state that the Second Amendment was only meant to be applied to a newly founded nation that needed guns for its defense.
“The Second Amendment emerged out of a context unique to a new nation. When it was ratified, America’s leaders relied upon the militia for local defense, to punish Indians, and control slaves, and in a nation separated from its imperial rivals by the Atlantic,” according to Oberg.
Interestingly enough, Oberg also states that no one would lose their right to bear arms if the constitutional provision he is seeking actually went through.
“Repealing the Second Amendment would deprive no one of their guns, but it would empower the Congress and state legislatures to do something effectively to end the slaughter,” he wrote.
Well, Oberg is either a retard or a lying SOB, maybe both.
I think Oberg a Fell down and bumped his head.
He’s technically correct– it’s not the repeal of the second amendment that would do it, it’s the laws that blue states would immediately pass post-repeal that would deprive citizens of their guns.
‘Technically correct’ lands me all the ladies. They love it.
Well it is the best kind of correct.
Overturning Roe v. Wade wouldn’t take away anyone’s right to an abortion either.
There would be no practical impact from the abolition of the First, either.
None! I’m confident we wouldn’t see anything like hate speech laws if the 1st was repealed.
Well, given team Evil’s record of shooting themselves in the dick, they’d probably get rid of it right before losing in a landslide to a far-right Congress and President. So, they’d be too busy being raped in prison for having the wrong politics to pass any such laws.
That is the kind of timing skill they have. Alas, I still expect them to go full Canada or EU on us in the long term if the first is repealed.
Stop trying to talk me into support a repeal of the 1st.
That argument is too convincing.
They assured everyone it wasn’t true the left would call for its repeal and called anyone who believed in such lies were ‘crazy extremists’. Yet, here we are.
Again. The greatest most perfect example of how these things work is the anti-smoking campaign that kicked into high gear in the 1980s. They told everyone who believed it was going to eventually become oppressive “for the children” they were nuts and exaggerating.
Not only are there places that make it illegal to smoke in private spheres, they designate ‘smoke spaces’ outdoors.
There’s no question, to me, this is the shtick their playing with gun control. It’s not about the control. There’s enough on the books from what I gather (albeit tenuously) but confiscation and Canadian style restriction to guns.
Good luck America. If you let the pig on the table…..I’ll let you guess the rest.
The pig shits all over the table?
I saw traped in my hospital bed this morning that the only people supporting gun rights are Asians of some sort praying with ARs in a church service. *it was on a completly netual swedish morning news show.
“Let’s get rid of this antiquated and blood-drenched amendment, and let’s end the slaughter,” he wrote in the Democrat & Chronicle.
Sounds to me like he wants to write a new amendment whose blood-drenching will make the 2A’s look like a paper cut.
the National Rifle Association, a trade organization
The NRA is not a trade organization. Not that it really matters but lefties really really love this lie.
Libertarians don’t like to morally preen. Hell, more often than not we’re making jokes about our snorting lines off a hooker’s breasts or demanding our orphans polish our monocles. But, thinking about it, libertarians are the good guys. Consider for a moment, all our favorite Hollywood heroes. They’re not bullying people around, demanding everyone else obey them, trying to hurt people who see things differently. They’re the guys who promote freedom. Who believe that everyone is entitled to a fair hearing. That people can see things differently and still be civil. Even when the heroes aren’t libertarian in expressed ideology, they’re almost always libertarian in practice.
In contrast, Hollywood loves to make the villains in its stories conservatives. But, I don’t really think we can say that in this day and age. In practice, the villains in the real world story are progressives. Consider:
If you want to resolve scientific debates by jailing anyone who disagrees with you, you’re probably the bad guy.
If you think it’s okay to beat people in the street for expressing their political opinions, you’re probably the bad guy.
If you think that organizations that peacefully petition the government for rights you don’t think people should have is a terrorist organization and should be abolished, you’re probably the bad guy.
When you think that due process is just too much of a burden, you’re probably the bad guy.
The list can go on indefinitely. I haven’t figured out where conservatives fit in all this. But, libertarians are definitely the good guys and progressives the bad guys.
It’s hard to preen much when one of the first tenets of your philosophy is that there are no perfect solutions, only tradeoffs.
The first tenant of my philosophy is the Golden Rule, so I feel no problem with some moral preening now and again. I subscribe to a moral philosophy that stands up to intellectual rigor and real-world experience. I should evangelize it more, not less.
Also, my humility is off. the. charts.
One of Jeff Foxworthy’s less popular schticks.
Well stated.
Sex offender sentenced to 300 years in prison released on technicality
So they’ll toss some poor shlub in jail for a technicality, but they let a proven pervert out on one? What a law system you got there.
As much as it pains me to say it. Assuming the law was correct, the scumbag should be released. We can’t only stand up for the good people, and even perverted scum have rights. In a just world, this would lead to the prosecutor’s office prioritizing all of their cases, and dropping charges against anyone they couldn’t get to trial in time. In our world, it probably just means that the prosecutor’s office will drop charges against hard cases, and keep slamming in as many easy possession cases as they can.
Basically the same situation as the government’s behavior in the school shooting. The government wants the respect of the people, yet they screw up incredibly and put everyone in danger.
This is not a “technicality.” This is a “basic framework of due process and justice.” Letting a child molester out in public is bad. Running a kangaroo court is worse. Everyone responsible for this fuck up should get booted out of polite society and out of any job involving the administration of justice.
Amos 5:15 is always applicable here. “Hate evil, love good; maintain justice in the courts. Perhaps the LORD God Almighty will have mercy on the remnant of Joseph.”
If it were one my kids, I’d probably be waiting to pick him up outside the jail, though.
I find it offensive that our justice system
would allow this to happenhas a right to speedy trialI’m sure you do, DA Dan.
Today in the annals of misleading math: Behold the wonder of solar energy!!
A story about how a small town in Minnesoda climbed on the solar train and is raking in money. It is filled with numbers about the “savings” people have realized. Conspicuously absent are any mention of subsidies that these clowns got from the govt.
For example they talk about a school district “saving” $3M over 30 years. Sure. All those panels will still be as viable in 30 years as they are today. Also mentioned was a guy who got a $200K to save $400 to $500 a month in his electric bill. Yup. After 33 years or so, he will be rolling in the money.
Also mentioned was a guy who got a $200K to save $400 to $500 a month in his electric bill.
Save $400 to $500 a month? That’s crazy. My entire electric bill for last month was $160.
Besides using LED lights and thermal coffee pot, I don’t make any special effort to conserve electricity. The LED lights are big savings though, I figure it costs me $7/month to run 3 LED streetlights (250 watt equivalents) + 500′ of LED string lights all night. I do hit in the low/mid 200s when running central air during the summer.
They guy had a cheese factory or something. So he does have a big electricity bill. But everytime you read about these solar projects the payoff is always 25-30 years out. (I think our local county put in some panels on a transportation depot that would take 50 years to pay off).
I have the same skepticism when I read any budget proposal that balances the budget in 20 years. There is no way that all things will stay the same over that length of time.
Oh that makes more sense. Agreed about the skepticism with payoffs that far out, especially with decreased efficiency and breakage which often seems to be overlooked.
Ah, maintenance and degradation are never factors when selling bullshit.
“Sell the sizzle, not the steak”
Ah. Longhorn and Outback steakhouses.
Greitens prosecutor doesn’t actually have the photo he’s been charged with having taken.
So my first reaction to any grand jury indictment is “Ham sandwich,” *yawn*.
My second reaction to this is I’m ecstatic Greitens is fighting this with a big fat “Fuck you.” Like that smirk in Rick Perry’s mugshot. If you either didn’t do the thing or were fervent in your belief that doing the thing was right, you should stand up to the crybullies.
I am finding myself increasingly skeptical of these claims. They indicted the guy and dont have the evidence but they plan on getting it? They dont want me on that jury.
Oh, and this nugget
“And we remain confident that we can prove our case against the Governor beyond a reasonable doubt. I will not get into the specific evidence. This case is to be tried in the courtroom and not in the media,” said Gardner’s spokeswoman Susan Ryan.
Oh, that’s a laugh. Prosecutor declines leaking damaging info to media. That’ll be the day.
Did anyone mention the teacher accused of sex with a student looks a little like Demi Moore? The old version of her anyway.
Yup, pretty strong resemblance to Indecent Proposal-era Demi.
Hairy hairy bush Demi Moore? (won’t link the classic NSFW pic)
No need. I have a copy. Its around here somewhere. Probably stuck to something.
25 years later, these fuckers still think they’re the heroes
That didn’t turn out for them very well
Kind of like JB’s link
The link you mean?
On the contrary, they still exist 25 years later. Looks like it worked out well.
It takes a brave man to watch a bunch of kids get burned alive.
I have thoroughly enjoyed the miniseries. It is absolutely brutal to the ATF and FBI – their depiction of these agencies as driven by budgets, PR, and politics feels pretty accurate to me. I think the way it deals with “who shot first” (the series shows it as the team specifically tasked with dealing with the dogs) is very likely spot-on, given what we know about cops and dogs.
Koresh is portrayed as a mix of charismatic, creepy, and kind of menacing. They are probably going a little easy on him, but its plausible.
Haven’t watched the last episode yet. NO SPOILERS! I can hardly wait to see how it turns out.
Adults arrive on the scene, send the cops dressed as soldier home. A few weeks later Koresh is quietly arrested when he goes into town to buy some supplies.
“A new Lancet paper about antidepressants caused quite a stir this week. Headlines proclaimed that “It’s official – antidepressants work“, “Study proves anti-depressants are effective“, and “Antidepressants work. Period.”
Cipriani et al.’s estimate of the benefit of antidepressants is also very similar to the estimate found in the notorious Kirsch et al. (2008) “antidepressants don’t work” paper! Almost exactly a decade ago, Irving Kirsch et al. found the effect of antidepressants over placebo to be SMD=0.32, a finding which was, inaccurately, greeted by headlines such as “Anti-depressants ‘no better than dummy pills‘”.
The very same newspapers are now heralding Cipriani et al. as the savior of antidepressants for finding a smaller effect…
Overall, there’s no big surprises here. The new paper confirms what we already knew about antidepressants, and the media confirmed what we knew about the media.”
I think the real question is whether or not they’re worth the side effects in a particular case.
I know they work for me, which is all I give a shit about.
I never thought the question what whether they worked, I thought the question was if they’re overprescribed and/or worth the side effects depending on the patient.
Religion of tolerance, everyone!
But Indonesia is where everyone points as the example of Muslims being nice and friendly…
150,000 East Timorians might have something to say about that.
Well, not anymore.
Aceh is one of those “shitholes” people talk about. The happy sunshine violent ransacking of Christian churches do happen in metro Jakarta with some regularity unfortunately.
So how long do you have to keep the Robbie pic?
Oh I could have done away with it on Tuesday, but I have been busy all week so didn’t change it.
Q: Why can’t a blonde dial 911?
A: She can’t find the eleven.
Oh man blondes are my weakness so orgy. Or just 27. Or 23’s face, 22’s ass, 3’s tits all mounted on 29’s body. That’d work too.
I thought (((you))) would have posted (((you people))) (((today)))
Chag Purim!
(((Mardi Gras))) such as it is. Time to get shitfaced.
If Judaism were an evangelical religion, we could clean house at Purim. A holiday where it’s a RELIGIOUS COMMANDMENT to get shitfaced drunk. Who doesn’t want that?
Random memory:
When the kid was like 5 or so we went to one of those community fairs that had a few rides and games and food. Anyhoo the local fire department was there, and we went up to their table so she could get stickers and such. The woman behind the table asked her what number to call in an emergency, and she said “Nine one one”. The woman then turned to me and talked about how important it is to say “Nine one one” instead of “Nine eleven”, because kids (and some adults) get confused when they can’t find the 11 key.
It’s not just public officials. At one point at my (soon to be previous) place of employment, the HR department wanted to create a call menu that had 15 options. We had to sit the head of the department down, and ask him to press 15 on his phone before he realized the issue.
Um, can’t you have each option be set up to press the # key at the end? My work extension is four digits long, followed by #.
On the phone system we were on at the time, menus allowed for up to 12 inputs (0-9, #, and *). I could have done some workaround using a get digits function, but then you run into the issue of what timeout do you set between the digits entered? Too short, and you’ll be routing all of the people who are slow to option 1. Too long, and you’ll get people thinking the menu didn’t take their input and pushing the digit again, so impatient people selecting 1 get sent to option 11. Regardless of that, for a department that had ~12 people in it, there was no need for that many options. That’s on top of the other issues with their menu… they wanted to start with Press 1 for general questions, press 2 for benefits, etc…
Totally OT, but whisky expert Glibs: what are the whiskeys most similar to Glenmorangie Nectar D’Or. I mentioned very late in the afternoon links last night it is my favorite, but I’d like to try some others like it as well.
That’s a fairly sweet, smooth, slightly spicy, non-peaty Highlands scotch. I’d give Dalwhinnie a try, I think you’d like it.
I’ve have a bottle of Glenmorangie 12 year and really like it. I’ve never had the “Nectar D’Or”. What is the deal with that one…aged in wine barrels or something like that?
Yes, First aging in bourbon, second in Sauternes. I liveglibbed my tasting of it last night.
On the Discord feed? I should visit there more often than I do.
It sounds delicious. That could be my gift to myself for my upcoming b-day. What’s a bottle go for?
In Ohio, about $65
Sounds good. I will check it out! I’d love to give you some recommendations in return, but I am only just getting into whiskey.
My fave-raves are the Talisker products.
My local liquor store charged me $90 for the Nectar D’Or, but I have a sneaking suspicion that taxes might be a wee bit high here.
I picked up a bottle of Talisker Sky as a “cheap” (it was on sale for $40) introduction to more peat whiskey. I still prefer non-peat whiskey, but I could also see myself acquiring a taste for it at some point.
And I hate wine, but love Nectar D’Or.
“The Zimbabwean Health Minister has reportedly claimed condoms made in China are too small for his citizens’ prodigious penises.”
Dicks out for Zimbabwe!
We may not have a functioning economy but at least we’ve got our huge cocks!
Come to Zimbabwe, where our penis size is only exceeded by our inflation rate.
So they’re growers AND showers
B1G, Big East and ACC are all the NYC area. While the SEC is in St Louis.
Only one of those makes any sense at all.
So, it seems Google is cracking down on YouTuber wrongthinkers in preparation for the ‘18 election cycle. https://mobile.twitter.com/getongab/status/969204462718894080
Can’t have people disagreeing with the approved narrative you know.
I know it’s already been tried, but how long until these types band together and start a new site? Add in some really heavy hitters in the viewer department like Jordan Peterson and you could attract a lot of people.
They have been doing it for a while now. At this point Google’s political bias is obvious.
Although I don’t believe Google is friendly to conservative viewpoints, a lot of this is being driven by the advertisers. Corporations are terrified of the leftist social media mob in the current environment and are pushing youtube on this issue.
Advertisers could be a part of it. But SJW’s are a very tiny market. Like Michael Jordan might have said, ““Republicans buy shoes, too.”
SJW’s are a small part of the market, but consider that 1, the advertising firms are typically located in big cities with an almost exclusively liberal populace, and 2, the SJWs have weaponized the news cycle, where every minor complaint on Twitter gets amplified on multiple websites and the morning network “news” programs.
True, but if you look at things like the Damore memo situation, it’s also that Google is run by a bunch of progressives.
If making your slogan “Don’t Be Evil” isn’t virtue signalling, I don’t know what is.
I don’t disagree, I’m just pointing out that the issue goes beyond the staff at Google. Google may be filled with proggie shitheads, but at the top they still want to make money.
The horse is out of the barn now but if Google had said “no censorship” on the initial calls for it this would be a nonissue. Companies might initiate boycotts anyway but their bottom line being hurt by their competitors who did use Google would have put a stop to that and quick.
That’s true. And “no censorship” would require less work.
Good guys win arguments by presenting better points then their opponents and showing where their opponents are wrong. Bad guys force their opponents to shut the hell up.
I am not really a fan but sow some sargon of akad clips and the guy says nothing that anyone honest would classify as improper .
He’s far too socialist for my tastes, but I treat him like I do one of my Democrat Centrist friends, as a good check on my own thinking and views, and a way to sharpen and clarify my own beliefs.
He is not socialist though. Lets not call everyone left leaning socialists
He supports the current state of Britain, which is too close to socialism for me to like. That’s probably a more accurate description of my problem with him.
I believe words have meaning and would like to stick to it.
Here’s a radical idea: stop defending these businesses. I’m not saying that we advocate the same statist policies as the Left, but we should leave these virtue-signaling companies to the SJW mobs. Cities don’t want Walmart in their communities, even though Walmart raised the age of gun purchases? Too bad, that’s their problem. Democrats want to censor and control YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook? Too bad, that’s their problem.
No more think pieces, no more demand that our politicians (all three of them) focus any effort on combating this. Let these companies lie in the bed that they’ve made. Just a shrug and a “too bad pal- this is what you wanted”.
All the statism will inevitably ruin these companies and then maybe some actual businesses will arise.
So, what are the rules for defining in-kind donations?
It depends on who you give them to.
I’m on board with this. The Streisand effect intensifies. Dangerous ideas that are censored just become more attractive in the eyes of younger people. Not to mention – young people watch YouTube and are way more tech savvy than older people. You simply can’t censor this stuff without making it more popular.
So I have a question. Do you know a book or website or someplace where a good – as good as possible with this sort of things – history of South Africa? Because the whole thing seems such a mess.
You could ask my father. He worked there for 20 years. He knows the country and it’s history very well.
I am curious, why the interest?
They are going down the drain at break-neck speed.
Yes but there is a lot of backstory to that. I am not sure I understand the origin of of land ownership in cases like South Africa. Was it mostly land owned by no one, or was it just kicking the existing owners of the land? Were the current majority Bantu people land owners in South Africa before whites – I would think not but am not sure. Was there land ownership in the first place or just pastoral tribes? When exactly did the Bantus move in and how did they treat the Khoisan? Better or worse then whites? This is not relevant to the actual case but it is interesting to get the background. . Then again I do not now the status of land there in the 1700s and 1800s.
“The expansion reached South Africa, probably as early as 300 AD.”
Well yes but it may be better said than Wikipedia in a book. Anyhow just curious really. I see a lot of talk on the interwebz on the topic recently.
A racist nation established by criminals who overthrew a previous racist regime, whose first leader’s own family were responsible for kidnapping and murder of opposing factions, whose ‘Truth and Reconciliation’ Committees were little more than judicially-run revenge tribunals, cheered on by the world’s communitarians.
Make no mistake, the apartheid policies and governance of the white South African period were despicable and should have been opposed, but the excesses and policies of post-Apartheid SA may possibly be worse, except that we’re spared the moralizing by the complicit international community.
Make no mistake, the apartheid policies and governance of the white South African period were despicable – oh I never though otherwise. But they do bring to question the legitimacy of land ownership.
Well, once you commented on Suthenboy’s posting, it became much clearer what aspect of the history of South Africa you were interested in
I think it’s hard to get a balanced interpretation of South Africa’s history, since it is so political. I would read a Boer source and an African source. From my understanding most of that land was conquered by the Boers when they fled the cape after the British established control. But, to be fair, all the land in the cape was conquered by the British, including the former Zulu lands. It is an obviously discriminatory policy, as I am not aware that the government is forcing businesses in the cities to give their property as reparations. The ANC has long had a special hatred for the Boers (not without good cause, though) who mainly occupy farmlands outside of the cities.
But they do bring to question the legitimacy of land ownership.
The legitimacy of ownership established under the apartheid regime is probably on par with the legitimacy of land ownership in a lot of places. Once you say “Oh, that ownership regime was established by conquerors and should be invalidated”, well, where you gonna stop?
Pedo teacher: would.
On another note, part of why these cases of female teachers creeping on adolescent boys is so shocking is that it runs counter to evolutionary biology. Women are programmed to be attracted to and go after top dog, high status males with wealth and influence, which is why they are often into men older than they are. Men on the other hand, want maximum beauty and fertility, which is why they often go after younger women. A 14-year old kid is pretty much the antithesis of high status, wealthy and influential so the idea of a woman sacrificing her career and private life to go after one points to something profoundly wrong in her head.
A true transgender?
The kid was 14, so she isn’t a Pedo.
She is that other thing that no one ever remembers.
“When he moved to North Hollywood, he had to go door to door telling everyone he was a pederast.”
“What’s a pederast, Walter?”
“Shut the fuck up, Donnie!”
8 year olds dude
Ephebephilia. Doesn’t have as nice a ring to it though.
it runs counter to evolutionary biology. – evolutionary biology is not that set in stone. It is valid for large numbers not outliers. You will see a lot more women going for the top dog than teachers having a bit o’ the ol’ fun
That’s true, but humans work in averages and anything that falls outside that will cause the (again average) person to clutch pearls.
In that particular case I am suspicious that the kid is making that up.
The Irish have an answer for you.
These links get posted too goddamn early in the morning.
Right? I’m not even awake when these go up!
Kurt Schlichter writes a lot of laughable garbage, but when he’s right, he’s right.
“Crazy talk? No. Don’t be gaslighted. They will tell you exactly what they want for you if you give them long enough. The beauty of social media is these creeps just can’t help themselves; you just have to have the strength to listen and accept the truth no matter how unpleasant it is. Many of them want you dead – again, they will tell you outright.”
I agree. Due to social media, the mask is off.
I have been saying this for a while now. I keep getting called crazy.
I know it’s already been tried, but how long until these types band together and start a new site?
First, we need to get the “alt-right friendly” verification apparatus up and running.
A 14-year old kid is pretty much the antithesis of high status, wealthy and influential so the idea of a woman sacrificing her career and private life to go after one points to something profoundly wrong in her head.
Unless she just wants to punish her husband. In this case, it said the guy’s a “firefighter” so it’s about a 97% likelihood he’s a total douchebag.
RE: Colorado pot baseball.
What a joke. It’s not as if kids in every state in the Union don’t get high. And blaming it on “liberal” politicians? Legalization had absolutely nothing to do with politicians, it was a direct ballot initiative, so blame the people of Colorado. And BTW, only two counties that voted for Romney that year voted against legalization. Kind of shoots holes in your “only heathen Socialist Democrats smoke weed” narrative. Hope the kid gets to play somewhere else.
The boy is said to have told his parents that the relationship made his grades suffer.
Carpal tunnel from all the high fives he was getting.
You mean a 14 year old was distracted from school by sex? Tell me another one.
At that age I could cut glass 24 hours a day. I didn’t have to bonk my teacher to be distracted. I am thinking the kid’s story is bullshit. Let’s wait and see what she has to say.
There are 14 year old boys who are not distracted by sex 24/7? I sure as hell don’t remember that.
I mean it’s a win/win, right? Kids gets some real grown up poon, some free pot, and as a bonus he gets to blame his laziness in school on someone else. I don’t blame him for taking the poon and free weed, what normal hetero kid wouldn’t? I would have. But he’s a little jackass for blaming her for his bad grades. He should be thankful to her for what he got. Little shithead he is.
Peak poop: climbers of tallest mountain in US told to take their feces home
Mountaineers at Denali in Alaska put human waste in a glacier but research finds it can persist, staining ice and polluting water sources
You know, I’d really love to get that kind of funding for a study into what happens when you freeze shit.
I mean, what do people think happens to biological waste when you drop it in a body of water – even if it is frozen?
But can you fuck it?
But if we leave nothing behind, what will future archeologists discover?
Thank you very much for that. I am sure the guy is trolling but geez, I think I just lost 20 IQ points by reading that and at my age I dont have that many left to spare.
I don’t know if “The Guardian” realizes this, but as a former mountain climber let me assure you that it has always been required that you take your poop off every mountain you climb. It’s basically never been not a thing.
Usually I manage to go a few days without pooping because I don’t want to do this. It’s the hiking thing where somehow when hiking I don’t need to.
Who is going to enforce this? When you’re near the top of Everest, how likely is it that some cop is going to ticket you?
Marine Le Pen, the leader of France’s far-right Front National, has been charged over photographs she tweeted showing gruesome images of purported atrocities by Islamic State.
The move by a judge in Nanterre on Thursday came after the national assembly voted in November to strip Le Pen of her parliamentary immunity over the three photos posted in 2015.
Le Pen, who lost to Emmanuel Macron in last year’s presidential vote, is facing charges of circulating “violent messages that incite terrorism or pornography or seriously harm human dignity”, and that can be viewed by a minor. The crime is punishable by up to three years in prison and a fine of €75,000 (£66,000).
You want a martyr?
This is how you get a martyr.
This will only help Le Pen.
Is it possible to dislike Le Pen and think that conservatives embracing her niece is beyond disgraceful, while at the same time think that these charges are utter nonsense and underscore just how reactionary the modern French state is? Would this law have been imposed against an approved media establishment for simply showing pictures of ISIS’ barbarism?
In a rational world, yes.
And no.
We are the Remnant
I sure hope it’s possible, because that’s my reaction to this.
“Opinions belong in your head, not on your bumper”
— Hank Hill
I hope they bring King of the Hill back to TV
Best Hank Hill exchange:
Peggy: Well, Hank, did having a woman on the Supreme Court ruin it?
Hank: Yes. And that woman’s name was Earl Warren
Careful what you wish for, they might reboot it with Bobby as a grownup woke tranny who pushes gun control.
Bobby: Dad, can I have a gun?
Hank: Son, do you know how long I’ve been waiting to hear those words?
Hank: Bobby, if you weren’t my son, I’d hug you right now.
Hank: Can’t you see you’re not making Christianity better, you’re just making rock and roll worse?
/agrees with Hank
Yes, bacon really is killing us
While I do try to avoid processed meats in great quantities, I am kinda meh on this one.
The source of the story was an announcement from the World Health Organization that “processed meats” were now classified as a group 1 carcinogen, meaning scientists were certain that there was “sufficient” evidence that they caused cancer, particularly colon cancer. The warning applied not just to British bacon but to Italian salami, Spanish chorizo, German bratwurst and myriad other foods. – yeah the WHO is not exactly a credible source
As every news report highlighted, processed meat was now in a group of 120 proven carcinogens, alongside alcohol, asbestos and tobacco – leading to a great many headlines blaring that bacon was as deadly as smoking. – meh everything is carcingenic these days
In January, a new large-scale study using data from 262,195 British women suggested that consuming just 9g of bacon a day – less than a rasher – could significantly raise the risk of developing breast cancer later in life. The study’s lead author, Jill Pell from the Institute of Health and Wellbeing at Glasgow University, told me that while it can be counterproductive to push for total abstinence, the scientific evidence suggests “it would be misleading” for health authorities to set any safe dose for processed meat “other than zero”. – meh so many things can potentially harm you you cant really avoid em.
Is it really worth living if you can’t eat all that stuff though? Just don’t overdo it and you should be fine (I say with no evidence whatsoever).
Are they trumpeting the same study that purported to show (or at least, was reported to purport) that processed meats raise the risk of cancer by 50%, when the actual increase was from 2 to 3%?
I thought it was less than that.
Even if it isn’t, tell me it was.
Yeah, it’s horseshit. Guaranteed that there are anti-meat people behind this.
Fuck it. I harbor no notions of living forever. Meanwhile, I propose to enjoy myself.
My thoughts exactly. I keep in decent shape, but I’m going to enjoy bacon, booze, and ‘baccy from time to time. A life where I can’t ever fry bacon or smoke a pipe isn’t a life I’m terribly interested in living.
You’ll have to pry my bacon from my cold, dead hands.
I don’t buy the anti-nitrite hypothesis. Many of those studies make the grave error of assuming that because lab rats were fed some absurd amount – the equivalent of which no human could possibly consume in the form of processed meats – then eating those meats in any amount is unhealthy. Kind of like that “study” that “proved” a link between aspartame and cancer because they fed lab rats an amount that would be equivalent to a human drinking over 300 cans of Diet Pepsi a day.
Also, if nitrites are bad, they better release a report about eating celery and other vegetables that contain nitrites (they are naturally occurring chemicals after all; they’re not just created out of thin air by evil meat industry scientists).
These actually have a lot of value to me. Because of them, I keep my giant bag of pure nitrites locked away in a cabinet where my semi-feral five year old can’t get to it, because she can and will chew threw packaging to get at pink food if she has too. She’s like a starved raccoon.
But for people who don’t do home curing, I don’t see the value in them either.
So Bacon Magic is just a euphemism for cancer?
That makes his happy little bacon avatar a lot more sinister.
Two years ago, Dianne Causey’s landlord died and her rental house in Portland, Oregon, went up for sale. She was forced to move from the city’s historically black neighborhood where she’d lived since 1978, into an apartment further east, nearly an hour away by public transit. “The apartment was way out in the boondocks. I was miserable,” she said.
But in December, Causey, 66, was able to return to north Portland, when she bought her first home through the Portland housing bureau’s preference policy, or “Right to Return” as it’s been called, the first of its kind in the US.
The program gives down payment assistance to first-time homeowners who were displaced, or at risk of displacement, from the city’s north and north-east neighborhoods because of urban renewal; it falls under a city plan that delegates how $20m will be spent on affordable housing, in an effort to atone for the sins of gentrification.
Two years ago, Dianne Causey’s landlord died and her rental house in Portland, Oregon, went up for sale. – this phrase, given he landlor’s gender is not mentioned, makes it seem like Dianne house went up for sale. While it may be a figure of speech, it was not exactly her house. I dislike this kind of phrasing.
Portland’s “historically” black neighborhoods are post-WWII era artifact. Also missing, how dangerous those neighborhoods were in the 80’s, particularly to law abiding residents.
She was forced to move from the city’s historically black neighborhood where she’d lived since 1978, into an apartment further east, nearly an hour away
I’m gonna need some details on that. I get that she had to leave her old house, because whoever bought it didn’t want to rent (to her). Evicting trespassers is something that often involves force or the threat of it.
But how was she forced to move an hour away>
“NEWFOUNDLAND, Pa. — Hundreds of crown-wearing worshipers clutching AR-15 rifles drank holy wine and exchanged or renewed wedding vows in a commitment ceremony at a Pennsylvania church on Wednesday, prompting a nearby school to cancel classes. With state police and a smattering of protesters standing watch outside the church, brides clad in white and grooms in dark suits brought dozens of unloaded AR-15s into World Peace and Unification Sanctuary for a religious event that doubled as an advertisement for the Second Amendment.
World Peace and Unification Sanctuary in Newfoundland believes the AR-15 symbolizes the “rod of iron” in the biblical book of Revelation.
The Rev. Sean Moon, who leads the church, prayed for “a kingdom of peace police and peace militia where the citizens, through the right given to them by almighty God to keep and bear arms, will be able to protect one another and protect human flourishing.”
Moon is the son of the late Rev. Sun Myung Moon, a self-proclaimed messiah who founded the Unification Church, which critics regard as a cult. The younger Moon’s congregation is a breakaway faction of the Unification Church, which had distanced itself from Wednesday’s event.
An attendant checked each weapon at the door to make sure it was unloaded and secured with a zip tie, and the elaborate commitment ceremony went off without a hitch.”
Wow sweet.
Believe in the 2nd amendment and all, but that’s… weird. Creepy weird.
Someone should be keeping an eye on this place for large deliveries of Kool-Aid or Flavor Aid
Moonies have always been….eccentric, but they never struck me as suicidal types.
But this is an offshoot and the Moonies are distancing themselves from them. I was mostly joking about the Kool-Aid, but if the Moonies think you are a little out there…
Has nothing to do with the 2nd Amendment and everything to do with the 1st Amendment
It’s still creepy weird.
Absolutely it is. To be fair, though, I also find most evangelical faiths to be weird, but I don’t like admitting that. I’m a little too deferential to the religious beliefs of others. I even have problems criticizing Scientology.
My church will definitely feature guns.
*Furiously scribbles in notebook*
And a large floating stone head?
“We was kangs an’ sheit?”
This is interesting. If an AR-15 is a symbolic item that is central to this sect’s faith, surely it has the same standing as a burkha, yarmulke or a turban.
LOL. I wonder if the Washing Times covered that.
They’d scrub any mention of it.
I see what you did there.
You couldn’t drag this story out of them with a 20 mule team.
I pretty much follow the same religion except substitute an AR-15 for my penis.
This is exactly what the news in Sweden chose to show as the pro gun people and also interview without giving any context and plenty of glamor shots of the crowns ant ARs. And the sensible gun-control people were shown in a much more favorable light.
And to finish with the guardian review, I will leave this here
How America’s identity politics went from inclusion to division
The short version – there are votes to be had in divisiveness.
Are there people who read “The Guardian” for non comedy purposes?
“Gorilla Statue Removed After Complaints It Was ‘Racially Insensitive’
CORSICANA (CBSDFW.COM) – A statue of a gorilla, and prime attraction for kids at the Community Park playground in Corsicana was removed by the city.
A spokesperson for the city said some community members found the gorilla offensive – racially insensitive — in some form, and requested its removal from the park.
Part of a playful, circus-theme, the man-made gorilla held his ground for 19 years. It was in a cage, since it wasn’t reinforced and could fall over if kids climbed on it.
Most would say he never bothered anyone, giving only joy to children whose imaginations are anything but politically correct.
But now, in his absence, memorials and growing crowds at sit-ins fill the void. A protestor sits in the cage, refusing to move until the gorilla is returned.”
TW: Autoplay
Yeah, it was the people who thought a gorilla would be fun addition to a playground who are the racists, not the complaining busy bodies who took one look at it and immediately thought it was a proxy for a black man.
As they say when lefty types prattle on about “dog-whistle racisim”, only the dogs hear the dog whistle.
“Dog whistle racism” = Literally anything can be racist, no matter how devoid of any racial content it is.
Meanwhile, lefties will idolize gun confiscating countries (“why can’t we be more like England and Australia?”) and openly call for the repeal of the Second Amendment, yet they’ll deny any desire to confiscate guns and insist that none of them actually said that, so it can’t possibly be a goal.
Dicks out for Dobby
This has turned into gorilla warfare.
Late to the party as usual. And I brought something fun this time! I was discussing friction stir welding because of an article that touted the use of TWI technology by SpaceX in their rockets. Which reminded me of the glorious Mattel Spinwelder!
I had a couple of these sets in the early 70’s. They were a blast for an elementary school boy – you could build buildings, cars or airplanes from the frame up by welding plastic I beams together. You could also rivet on cardstock “sheet metal” coverings with plastic rivets. What a fantastic toy.
Holy shit! I was just talking about that with a friend not two nights ago! Not coincidentally we were working on props for our kids’ high school production at the time.
Thanks for that, cyto! Great find!
I was thinking of resurrecting this technology for a similar purpose. Hot glue guns are the weapon of choice for the school project. But it is seriously lacking in shock integrity. My son is representing his district in a regional SECME rocketry challenge – 2 liter water rockets – and although his design was fantastic – it was not good for more than one or two flights without repairs…. because of glue guns.
So…. a dremel tool, some polystyrene craft rods…. hmmmmm…..
You mean hot glue dispensers? It’s much less likely to provoke students to violence.
Thanks for that heads-up. I wouldn’t want to get zero-tolerance banned from the school!
Today, in belaboring the obvious
According to Abramowitz and Webster, in 2016, “large majorities of Democrats and Republicans truly despised the opposing party’s nominee.” Voters were motivated to go to the polls to cast ballots against the opposition’s nominee much more than to support their own party’s choice. The key factor “in predicting party loyalty in the 2016 presidential election was how voters felt about the opposing party’s presidential candidate.”
In fact, Abramowitz and Webster found that “this measure was twice as important in predicting loyalty as feelings toward the candidate from one’s own party.” Partisan loyalty remained “very high because both Democratic and Republican identifiers overwhelmingly viewed the opposing party’s candidate with deep hostility.”
Stupid voters, don’t know what’s good for them.
I voted for Gary Johnson because I deeply despised both party’s nominees.
Also, he didn’t know where the fuck Aleppo was, which is an immense character strength.
They didn’t let him finish. He meant to say, “What’s Aleppo to us?”
What difference does Aleppo make, now?
I voted for Johnson because I couldn’t bring myself to vote for Trump, but that wasn’t exactly a shining moment I’ll be telling my kids about either. I still can’t believe they managed to find a worse VP candidate than Root.
I am not convinced of that, but it is close enough to give you the benefit of the doubt.
By the end, I was only voting for Johnson to get the LP easy ballot access in KY. Mission accomplished.
My vote for Johnson was a combination of middle finger to Teams Red & Blue and ballot access.
I couldn’t vote for Johnson, because he managed to be two ticks to the Left of the already left-wing Republican nominee. I disliked Johnson ever since he endorsed humanitarian wars and a permanent base in Afghanistan in 2012 in a glowing interview to the god-damn Weekly Standard. Johnson’s hard-left position on religious liberty convinced me that he was nothing more than a neoliberal.
Jill Stein, frankly, was the best candidate in 2016. Sadly, in hindsight, this is indisputable.
If your litmus test is being able to pass your party’s litmus tests…. then definitely.
My litmus test is a restrained foreign policy and Johnson has long advocated a haphazard foreign policy that was less aggressive than Clinton’s but more aggressive than *candidate* Trump.
My litmus test is a restrained foreign policy
So her “socialism in one country” schtick is a winner for you?
I agree. She was.
She’s awful, sure, but she’s somehow less awful than the rest of them, which says … a lot, and none of it’s goo.
^ This.
Stein is unbelievably ignorant and awful, but she is still better than the establishment candidates of the Republican, Democratic, and Libertarian parties
i think its sort of a silly and pointless claim
neither johnson or stein had any prospect of breaking 5% of the vote (tho LP with a better candidate could maybe have hit it and gotten the LP some better footing for future efforts).
The only benefit people in 3rd party positions provide is to (maybe) move the needle of the way major party candidate posture on any single given issue. By that standard, she failed. Green-bullshit is less influential in electoral politics than at any time since ~2000. She didn’t aid her own constituents, particularly. She failed at her job.
Rand was probably the “best candidate”, because had he won the primary, he could have actually won the presidency.
i think what you’re really saying is “Stein’s policy proposals, in total, amounted to the least-awful array of ideas” (to you). Not that she as a person was a super-duper candidate who was in any position to ever do anything about these ideas.
As politics become a form of mortal combat, a strange burden falls on those who are most engaged. In the words of the conservative German jurist and political theorist Carl Schmitt — who as a supporter of the Third Reich knew something about hatred — the combatants must, as he wrote in “The Theory of the Partisan,”
consider the other side as entirely criminal and inhuman, as totally worthless. Otherwise they are themselves criminal and inhuman. The logic of value and its obverse, worthlessness, unfolds its annihilating consequence, compelling ever new, ever deeper discriminations, criminalizations, and devaluations to the point of annihilating all of unworthy life.
It is not too much to say that a significant number of voters in both of America’s major political parties see their adversaries as worthless. And history teaches us that the logic of worthlessness has chilling implications.
Yes, yes, of course. Fucking neo-Nazis are ruining everything. Why can’t those tribalist cretins in flyover country see how wonderful, caring and qualified Hillary is?
Yes, well, if the choice comes down to which of two atavistic tribes I choose to shed blood over, it’s going to be the one pushing for greater subsidiarity. Right now, that’s the right. If the left ever comes around on pulling the feds out of everyone’s most intimates, I’ll support the left.
I’ve tried to explain this to my friend’s proggy mom on more than one occasion. The fact that the far left consistently uses dehumanization tactics, and tries to socially ostracize people who disagree with them (and I use personal examples from the church we attended when her son and I were growing up, when the church’s lefties tried to ostracize my parents for being centrist instead of far left, and how that led me to leaving the church entirely), is exactly the same as the far right/ collectivist supremacist right using similar tactics to build its power, and both lead to the same exact results: death and destruction of the non believer. I just don’t think she can square that circle, because the people she looked up to in college were the hippie types, not the far leftists like Bill Ayers and such. I try to emphasize to her that a lot of the opposition to left wing policy is based on it treating a very ideologically diverse group (that, by and large, has admitted they’ve lost the culture war, and is mostly trying to negotiate a fair peace to be left alone) as if it is a monoculture, and that the portrayal, by the media, of that group as a monolithic evil that does not care about individuals is completely disingenuous. This, thus far, has failed to be convincing.
“no one wants to take your guns.”
Points for honesty. I guess?
Do these fuckwits understand that there is a process to amend the Constitution? If you feel that strongly, get crackin’. Because there is no other way you’re getting them.
(they’re not getting ’em even with a constitutional amendment)
(Shhhh. Amendment work should keep them occupied for 100 years or so)
Get on it!!
Just until they manage to pack the court with enough Marxist justices to take the issue away from Congress.
That’s when I reach for my revolver.
Mission of Burma! NOICE!
The spittoon has the right of it. SCOTUS long ago usurped the authority to amend the Constitution. Just because they don’t do it overtly, doesn’t mean they don’t do it constantly.
There’s a reason why we are now in the longest period of our history without a Constitutional amendment (pretty sure; haven’t checked). That’s because the amendment process is no longer necessary to change the Constitution. SCOTUS handles that now.
we are now in the longest period of our history without a Constitutional amendment (pretty sure; haven’t checked)
Not so; 61 years passed between the ratification of the 12th amendment and the 13th; even if you discount the 27th amendment, which was ratified in 1992 but began the process in 1789, that puts us with 47 years since the ratification of the 26th amendment. The next longest time after that is 40 years, between the ratification of the 15th and 16th amendments.
Thanks, kbo.
I had forgotten that 27th amendment took over 200 years to pass.
No, they’ll just succeed in making half of the country criminals and make it unsafe to go out into public since criminals will be convinced they’re the only ones with guns. Say hell to home invasions, getting robbed in broad daylight, car jackings, etc. Crime would skyrocket and the dumb shits would blame illegal guns.
Maine – that’s funny. I bet he doesn’t know a soul who lives more that 10 miles from Portland. Maine is about as armed up a state I’ve seen – hunting rifles and shotguns more than pistols and black rifles – and you aren’t collecting them.
They’re much more about the bloodshed than they are the confiscation. They want a hundred thousand LaVoy Finicums across the nation.
Do the other 100 million gun owners become McVeighs then?
There’s a Preet question if ever there was one.
I’ll put it this way in lieu of a direct answer: I plan to have kids in this country, and I won’t let them grow up in Brazil if there’s anything I can do about it.
Srsly. Hiram Maxim Machine Gun Shoot anyone?
The wife-o and I are heading out tomorrow to visit another town and do some shopping. Of course I plan these things like a military expedition: making lists of places to visit, best restaurants, pubs, and where we are going to stay. She, on the other hand, is more of the “we’ll find whatever whenever we get there” mindset.
A small celebration of *30 years of the day we first met.
*Actually we had met before at a punk rock hangout by complete happenstance, and even had a small conversation, but really weren’t introduced until a year or so later.
** additional: 30 years?! I don’t feel or even look that old. Mentally I’m still that same kid with the skater hair cut, but now I’m just a lot more jaded.
I don’t feel or even look that old.
Same. Most days.
Doing some math, it’s closing in on 34 years for Mrs. T and me. Damn.
Congrats and have a great weekend!
Congrats! Celebrating 15 years of marital bliss in a few weeks. I’ve known this broad for… Jesus, 20 years. Really? No way. Why that would make me…
Well congratulations to you guys and have a wonderful weekend!
I can fake it due to my still luxurious untamed hair
To be sure!
Our 15th is coming up in a few months. Doesn’t seem possible.
Congrats on choosing wisely.
And yeah, mental constructs of your own image may not match objective reality (he says, whistling…).
A little weather delay
The start of day three of Formula 1 testing has been delayed as snow blanketed Barcelona.
After cold and wet conditions limited F1 team’s running on Monday and Tuesday, forecasted snow hit overnight ahead of day three.
Circuit officials cleared the track, but snow continued to fall and appeared to be getting heavier as the morning went on.
The official Circuit de Barcelona-Catalunya account tweeted: “Red flag at tack until helicopter is able to fly.”
Hard to get useful data in those conditions.
Lol. I thought snow in Europe was a thing of the past!
I thought F1 ran in all weather. Just change out the tires.
I don’t think they make Blizzaks for F1 😉
Just wrap some chains around the rain tires.
Those will be some sweet pictures, though.
Running better today and, in shocking news, Hamilton is fastest.
Chris Pratt is one o’ them rare Hollyweird conservatives in the wild. And he’s also Andy Dwyer. <3
“EXCLUSIVE: YouTube Secretly Using SPLC To Police Videos
YouTube is getting help from the left-wing Southern Poverty Law Center in its effort to identify extremist content.
YouTube’s “Trusted Flaggers” police the platform for so-called hate speech to terror-related content.
The SPLC has labeled pedestrian conservative groups as hate groups in the past.
The left-wing nonprofit — which has more recently come under fire for labeling legitimate conservative organizations as “hate groups” — is one of the more than 100 nongovernment organizations (NGOs) and government agencies in YouTube’s “Trusted Flaggers” program, a source with knowledge of the arrangement told TheDC.
The SPLC and other program members help police YouTube for extremist content, ranging from so-called hate speech to terrorist recruiting videos.
All of the groups in the program have confidentiality agreements, a spokesperson for Google, YouTube’s parent company, previously told TheDC. A handful of YouTube’s “Trusted Flaggers,” including the Anti-Defamation League and No Hate Speech — a European organization focused on combatting intolerance — have gone public with their participation in the program. The vast majority of the groups in the program have remained hidden behind their confidentiality agreements.
The SPLC’s close involvement in policing content on YouTube is likely to cause consternation among conservatives who worry that they may not be treated fairly. The left-wing group has consistently labeled pedestrian conservative organizations as “hate groups” and has been directly tied to violence against conservatives in the past. Floyd Lee Corkins, who opened fire at the Family Research Center in 2012, said he chose the FRC for his act of violence because the SPLC listed them as a “hate group.”
First, the flaggers are equipped with digital tools allowing them to mass flag content for review by YouTube personnel. Second, the partner groups act as guides to YouTube’s content monitors and engineers designing the algorithms policing the video platform but may lack the expertise needed to tackle a given subject.”
I’m still stunned that Aayan Hrsi Ali (I think that’s how her name is spelled) has gone from sympathetic figure in the early 2000’s to reviled extremist now. Her opinions haven’t changed. The hard Left though has been successful in branding anyone who attacks even radical Islamists, like the Muslim Brotherhood, as bigots
I’ve read her book, which is by and large, sympathetic to Muslims, and clearly states, over and over again, that if it weren’t for radical Wahabbist Imams, Islam would be much more stable and could be a force for good.
I think her going from sympathetic victim on 60 Minutes to vile extremist that doesn’t deserve a platform in the West (!) best exemplifies how Enlightenment is in perpetual decline. She uses data to make her point- her opposition use pure “feels”.
Had the opportunity to hear her speak about 10 (?) years ago – brilliant. At the time she still went everywhere with at least 2 security guards.
She’s an amazing woman. It just shows how psychotic the left is when one of the blacks folks that they think they own, goes AWOL from the plantation.
The Left, in the US, has embraced full French style socialism. If The Satanic Verses were written today you would have college kids calling for his death. They now oppose logic and liberalism
I would be very surprised if campus commies who know of him don’t already support the fatwa.
The modern left is no different than the mercenary slave bounty hunters back in the day. Don’t R-U-N-N-O-F-T the plantation, or they’ll hunt you down on Twitter!
You used to be able to bring up Pim Fortuyn or Theo Van Gogh’s murders without inherently being tied to one side of the political spectrum. Now, it inherently marks you as a “right-winger”.
Wrong. It always made you a racist. Racist.
“The media site assigned some 10,000 new moderators to spot fake news and remove it, but instead they ended up taking down some conservative channels and clips during this latest nationwide debate on gun control. The site said it did so “mistakenly.””
10,000 new moderators
You know that’s a carefully vetted group operating under some close monitoring.
Less surprising than the “Who” the groups are… is the fact that Youtube thought it necessary to hide the involvement of these groups.
if they were proud of their proggy bona fides, they’d be highlighting the fact that they employ the ADL and SPLC to screen out hate-speech.
the fact that they feel the need to obscure them suggests their role isn’t really to do with “hate speech” at all, and that they’d prefer to keep the process in the shadows.
there’s also a question here about what incentive these outside groups have to flag/police content. Are they contractually bound by google and strictly limited in what they are allowed to police? Or could they whore themselves out to any 3rd parties and say, “yeah, we can make your critics go away, provided you make a donation”
At this point it sounds like they have an editorial policy and should be held responsible for the content allowed on their site.
*runs away*
well of course they do, but i’m not sure that any form of social-media could be claimed to entirely lack one either.
an editorial policy doesn’t necessarily have to advance a specific POV to be one; they could just say, “we want everything except x,y,z” – where they loosely define x,y,z as ‘anything that we think is either porno, incitement to violence, fraud/blackmail, etc’….. which is pretty much what i think they already do say in their own user agreement.
i also don’t know what “held responsible” means. by whom? for what? how?
the thing that is strange/questionable about the current situation is not the existence or absence of any policy, but rather the fact that
1) they outsource their “editorial decision making” to blatantly partisan activist organizations, AND
2) obscure who/how these outsourced editors function through confidentiality agreements.
and 3) … doing so opens up a huge array of questions about how those editorial powers could be used by these third parties for their own purposes.
as i said – giving independent, partisan groups the secret power to surreptitiously ‘edit’ youtube, and flag content, creates obvious potential conflict of interest.
What do you think is cheaper? Bloomberg spending millions of dollars on his failed “Everytown” gun control marketing efforts? Or donating a few hundred grand to various 3rd party groups, and having them methodically de-monetize almost every gun channel on youtube?
I meant they are starting to act more like a newspaper or other publisher who can be held responsible for the content they publish, rather than an open forum where anything can be said without it meaning that YouTube approves of it. It wasn’t an entirely serious comment, since I don’t actually advocate for that (thus the running away).
You mke a lot of good points, assuming youtube doesn’t pay these groups it is actually cheaper for them, and they are less likely to catch flak from said same groups.
“”held responsible””
same point above remains.
no social media are pure, ‘open forums’. they always shape content, and give priority to content that generates most revenue.
the issue is not whether YT/Google has an editorial policy or not. Of course they do. The issue is them secretly giving editorial powers to 3rd parties to use for entirely venal, self-interested, potentially-political purposes.
i also don’t know what “held responsible” means. by whom? for what? how?
What comes to mind is that YouTube is now eligible to be a defendant in any defamation case brought on any video posted on YouTube. My understanding has been that more-or-less “pure” conduits of information that did not screen for content (outside of some pretty vague areas like banning spam and abusive posters, etc.) were pretty much immune from defamation claims. At some point, though, you move outside that safe harbor.
I could be totally wrong about this – haven’t researched it.
I think it was the AOL case and a determination of whether a carrier is capable of, and can be shown to have exercised editorial discretion.
On a somewhat related note, the Chive reported that they are no longer using Facebook to promote their content because of Facebook’s new fee system. My point being, when people are pushed far enough, they will realize they are still free to create their own alternative on the Internet, just like we did with this site. Keep this bullshit up, YouTube, and you’ll end up being the next MySpace.
And when is content racist? A reggae non-racist skinhead group? A documentary on Division 250? Slippery slope here.
btw, my wife just gone done grading some papers for her constitution law class, and any number of the students do the “free speech is great…” except for hate speech. “That needs to be restricted.”
So… do they get an F? 😛
I’d probably give them a D on the paper, with the opportunity to write a rebuttal to the hate speech exclusion if they want a better grade.
This is why teachers should have guns.
Why Scientology-watching is fun: they take sarcastic and denigrating Tweets and use them unironically for their marketing materials.
Curious is a word that describes Scientology, yes.
“Nikolas Cruz’s psychosis ended in a bloody massacre not only because of the stunning incompetence of the Broward County Sheriff’s Department. It was also the result of liberal insanity working exactly as it was intended to. School and law enforcement officials knew Cruz was a ticking time bomb. They did nothing because of a deliberate, willful, bragged-about policy to end the “school-to-prison pipeline.” This is the feature part of the story, not the bug part.
If Cruz had taken out full-page ads in the local newspapers, he could not have demonstrated more clearly that he was a dangerous psychotic. He assaulted students, cursed out teachers, kicked in classroom doors, started fist fights, threw chairs, threatened to kill other students, mutilated small animals, pulled a rifle on his mother, drank gasoline and cut himself, among other “red flags.”
Over and over again, students at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School reported Cruz’s terrifying behavior to school administrators, including Kelvin Greenleaf, “security specialist,” and Peter Mahmood, head of JROTC.
At least three students showed school administrators Cruz’s near-constant messages threatening to kill them — e.g., “I am going to enjoy seeing you down on the grass,” “Im going to watch ypu bleed,” “iam going to shoot you dead” — including one that came with a photo of Cruz’s guns. They warned school authorities that he was bringing weapons to school. They filed written reports.
Threatening to kill someone is a felony. In addition to locking Cruz away for a while, having a felony record would have prevented him from purchasing a gun.
All the school had to do was risk Cruz not going to college, and depriving Yale University of a Latino class member, by reporting a few of his felonies — and there would have been no mass shooting.
But Cruz was never arrested. He wasn’t referred to law enforcement. He wasn’t even expelled.
Instead, Cruz was just moved around from school to school — six transfers in three years. But he was always sent back to Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, in order to mainstream him, so that he could get a good job someday!
The moronic idea behind the “school-to-prison pipeline” is that the only reason so many “black and brown bodies” are in prison is because they were disciplined in high school, diminishing their opportunities. End the discipline and … problem solved!”
Realclearpolitics has an investigative report on this. Apparently there is merit to this argument
something cart something before the horse
“”pulled a rifle””
That doesn’t mean it was concealed on his person.
bad writing, regardless.
same with the sloppy use of mental-health terminology.
Yeah sometimes when shit like this happens I have to use the “We cannot prevent all evil actions. That’s the price for living in a free society” type language.
This is not one of those times. Just like with September 11th, it was a systemic failure on the part of our very very expensive, very very empowered government. They fuck up, repeatedly, over and over again, and get people killed through their incompetence, laziness, and arrogance, and they and their media suckboys insist over and over again that despite their enormous power, enormous resources, and their endless bullshit rhetoric about thin blue lines and watchers on the walls, that they need more power, more money, more people. Always more more more.
Fuck them. They are, in the words of a great man, incapable of running this shit. They need to sit their five dollar asses down.
You can thank Obama for those gunned-down kids.
I’m way behind in my reading so this may already have come up, but Suderman had a really interesting piece in the October magazine on cocktails & prohibition (and he never uses the T word):
Tequila? Good. Drink it straight, pussies.
I bet it will really suck.
Dyson Hoovers Up Talent for Electric Car
That’s genius. When the car falls apart, it can vacuum up its own nuts and bolts.
“Dust magnate”. That’s fucking awesome.
“British student, 18, is viciously beaten and raped by two men who cornered her in a shisha bar during a college trip to Berlin
The girl had to spend two nights in hospital after the attack because of the severity of the injuries and the trauma caused by it.
Berlin Police declined to comment or give the location of where the rape happened, and no description of the attackers has been released.”
I blame the roving gangs of Amish.
“The suspects fled in a black carriage, easily identified by the large orange triangle affixed to the rear”
Because they’ve already been caught surely.
In future news, a British student is forced to write an apology to two men of Asian descent whose spirited salutations she unfairly characterized as “rape.”
Just what in the fuck. Almost all these teachers are married, frequently good looking.
Likely a complete sicko.
The tails may be slimmer, but they still have their crazies.
Whereas “Don’t Stand So Close to Me” is a tale of longing and terror. (Yeah, I’ve had a crush on a teacher or two.) (Physics and karate, to be specific.)
equally good song though
I adore that song.
“Hot for Teacher,” not so much.
“Minnesota stopped a man wearing a “Don’t Tread on Me” Tea Party shirt from voting, citing a ban on clothing with “political messages.” Now, it’s being argued before SCOTUS Justice Alito absolutely destroyed them.”
Oh shit killed him.
That’s some epic trolling, right there.
More of a bitchslap, really.
*orders Don’t Tread On Me shirt for next election*
Reading that was like watching a a bored tiger play with its prey.
Dude. Benchslap is the preferred nomenclature.
Pretty well shows why you can’t have fair restraints on free speech. Also, the text of the second ammendment is too political to be in our polling stations.
*cocks finger gun and shoots self*
I’ll be wearing my “I Love Guns and Titties” shirt to the polling station next time.
I see the Trumpers are lining up to defend his latest 2A tomfoolery.
From the beginning of Trump’s president run, my greatest fear was his lack of a foundation. Once he gets an idea in his head, or if steered by one of his kids/confidants, he’ll go off into the weeds.
Well, yeah, when you have no moral compass or principles, it’s pretty easy to sway in the breeze. And the whole shit about the steel industry. He’s really paving the way to be a one-termer and leave GOP scorched Earth in his wake.
The GOP has an interesting problem. While the party nominally has a level of control over government that they haven’t held since the 1920s, at the national level their position is tenuous. They couldn’t win with bog-standard candidates McCain and Romney; they all dislike Trump but he brought them a win they couldn’t get on their own. However, while Trump won the electoral vote handily, the popular vote was close in a lot of states. So they need him on the one hand but are also barely staying afloat with him.
I certainly hope it’s just flim-flam and misdirection, like so many other statements he has made.
I guess it’s still safer than if Hillary were in office. Shit, if Herself™ were sitting in the big chair, the confiscation would have already started.
” the confiscation would have already started.”
Well, something would have started.
God only knows if he meant it or not. I have a bad feeling he did. With DACA, he offered the Dems a dilemma – you can have everything you want if I can have everything I want.
With guns, though, he specifically took a shit on the proposals that his supporters want. He basically told them Dems they can have everything they want, and . . . . you’re welcome. I don’t see his game on this one, unless its to goad Dems into opposing gun control because he supports it. With DACA, he had a negotiating strategy. With guns, he doesn’t.
Sad! I was actually planning to vote for him next time, based on what he’s done so far. If the Repubs pass any kind of gun control, they will join the Dems in the “RC Do Not Vote For, Ever” bucket. I’m sure they’ll be just crushed by this.
The same ostensibly ‘libertarian’ commentators that attack the NRA (and rightfully so) for being deferential toward police and too Trumpist, will never, not even a little, not for a second, even in passing ever criticize Planned Parenthood that receives half a billion dollars in federal tax dollars and uses that money for political campaigning. They will also never attack the ACLU, even though the ACLU doesn’t really defend any civil liberties anymore, since they’re even backing away from defending free speech.
Think I made a bullshit conservative talking point? Check TOS and read their articles defending Planned Parenthood for receiving taxpayer dollars and then read the articles rightly attacking the NRA
I get your point regarding the NRA’s dereliction on the Castille case. And I think I agree. Here’s the thing that bothers me, though. If the NRA had actually done the right thing and taken the principled stand it should have, what would have been the response from the usual suspects? Would they applaud the NRA as a principled defender of Second Amendment rights? Or would they be damning them for trying to exploit the issue without being sufficiently woke?
Yes, they should have done the right thing regardless of whether the cosmo crowd would give them due credit. But, the people who’d damn them anyway should probably shut the fuck up. Or at least stop calling themselves libertarian.
Hard to say. They traded my membership and donations in exchange for someone more inclined to lick a badge than I am.
I think there are more of me in the next generation of shooters than there are badge lickers.
The NRA is absolutely abandoning, and being abandoned by, gun culture 2.0 as far as I can see. I’ve redirected my funds to my state-level gun rights organization. And if I felt the need to contribute to another national organization, there are better recipients that match my values better than the NRA.
Well, let’s consider a hypothetical where they had done the right thing with regard to the Castille case. Would you recognize them as taking a principled stand? Or would you criticize them for glomming on to a case that should be about poor oppressed minorities? If it’s the former, I’d say you have a strong point. If it’s the latter, well, sorry but you don’t really have much ground to criticize them for not doing what you would have criticized them for. Disliking the NRA isn’t some sort of principled value.
I said so publicly in real time. After the case of the black woman from PA arrested in NJ (forget her name), I said either the NRA needs to vocally support Castille if the apparent story (non-violent ccw holder killed in front of a baby by an edgy cop) was true, or I’d withdraw. This was during that “we need a month to figure out what’s up. I gave them that. The results came in. It was, they didn’t, I did.
One reply:
Maybe time to start voting for someone else…
Then again this here tree of liberty is looking kinda parched.
DC High School graduation rate to drop from 73% in 2017 to 42% in 2018
The thing is, 73% graduation isn’t even all that good. My high school had a ~90% college attendance rate.
Elitist huwhite privilege in action.
Pfff… I’m the only one from my high school graduating class who didn’t complete some form of higher education. Mind you, a couple of them finished culinary school, and at least two finished a mechanics school.
Me? College dropout after one year working towards an English degree. I feel I made the right decision.
If I had known then…I would 100% not have gone to college. I would have most certainly done a trade apprenticeship, most likely in carpentry. Or I would have gone to college at Embry Riddle and done an aircraft maintenance or logistics course of study (and suffered through the FL weather).
Spazzo Takei uses Space Socialism to make “argument” about gun control.
With enemies like this, who needs friends?
Oh my.
He is one of those strange creatures who is crazier than a shithouse rat but I cant find it in me to dislike him.
Probably because he’s so wacky, he’s not a legitimate threat.
“The most foolish mistake we could possibly make would be to allow the subject races to possess arms. History shows that all conquerors who have allowed their subject races to carry arms have prepared their own downfall by so doing. Indeed, I would go so far as to say that the supply of arms to the underdogs is a sine qua non for the overthrow of any sovereignty.”
-You know who
“All political power comes from the barrel of a gun. The communist party must command all the guns, that way, no guns can ever be used to command the party.”
-Some psycho who believed fucking 15 year olds would grant him eternal life
However, these individuals were acting with such good intentions. Unlike this evil, white, male slave-owner:
“What country can preserve its liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance. Let them take arms.”
-You know who
Woodrow Wilson?
OT: What’s your favorite work of Shakespeare?
I’ve been listening to Mendelssohn’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream a lot lately, so I bought a complete Shakespeare volume and read the play that inspired it, which I also enjoyed. Which one do you think I should read next?
(PS: I already had to read Romeo and Juliet ad nauseaum in high school)
I find much inspiration in Titus Andronicus.
Always been partial to Macbeth and Merchant of Venice.
Taming of the Shrew and Much Ado About Nothing, although I did a re-telling of Hamlet, which I think is all kinds of fucked up.
Personal favorites:
Much Ado About Nothing.
Henry V
Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead
King Lear
OT: What’s your favorite work of Shakespeare?
Hard to say Maybe Lear; no good deed goes unpunished.
Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead
HEY! Shakespeare didn’t write that.
*Most excellent.
He wrote parts of it…