Wow, what an arduous journey the last week and a half has been. Its still not showing any signs of slowing down, but I felt honor-bound together back to links duty. I’m imposed enough on my friends who so graciously (and most likely did a better job) in covering for me these last several days. But in the words of Frank Costanza, “I’m back, baby!”
Will Oklahoma even make the tournament? The appear to be on an express elevator to the basement of the Big XII after getting rolled again last night. This time by Baylor. Elsewhere, Rhode Island got boat-raced by St Joes, Auburn fell, Tennessee won and the Tar Heels got beat at the buzzer by Miami (FL).
On the ice, we are nearing the trade deadline, which should generate some extra action as well as tension. Anyway, the Bruins, Capitals, Devils, Panthers, Predators, MINNESOOOOOOODA WIIIIIIIILD, Stars, Kings and Sharks all won. Congratulations, eh.

Of course I’ll kill his family for him for not medaling, ma’am. I know what my job is.
The Olympics are over, I guess. I have absolutely no idea what happened beyond Ms Kim stealing the show. Hey, I wonder if NBC will glowingly cover her and her brother when they have the families of the Nork Olympians who didn’t medal (read: all of them) fed to dogs or something equally barbaric.
Soccer happened too, with Swansea beating Sheffield Wednesday in an FA Cup match, while in Spain Real Madrid once again faltered. More games on tap today, with Spurs playing C-Level Rochdale. And in Spain, several big games.

I agree, bubbe!
That’s the sports update for the day. And now we get to…the links! And I’ll apologize in advance if I end up re-linking half to all of these. I have seriously been out of touch other than trolling a couple cards on twitter over the last couple of days.
Man tells truth, gets pilloried. “Sorry it doesn’t fit the narrative, buddy. If you were on our side, you could make all kinds of Nazi comparisons and we’d be ok with it.” -the left
Camille Paglia unloads. I don’t think this is gonna go over well. Not that she gives a shit.
The next time some left-wing dickhead holds up California as being an ideal place to live and mocks your state, just link this piece to them and tell them to STFU. L O freaking L. (Full rankings in all categories linked in the article.)

This makes a lot of fucking sense.
And here’s one for the busybody eco-warriors that think man can fix everything. Gee, who ever guessed that the earth was able to adapt to mankind as well as mankind has adapted to the earth?
Orlando decides to try the same failed experiment that city after city after city have tried. Gee, I wonder if the results will be different, SMDH.
On the same day as the Parkland shooting, something else happened that is not getting the coverage it deserves. I suspect it won’t either. Quick recap: good guy with gun foils possible mass shooting at church and gets popped by trigger-happy cop for his troubles. But let’s at least give these cops credit for one thing: they didn’t sit outside playing with themselves while something potentially terrible was about to happen.
Well, I hope I’ve not disappointed anyone. But I’ve got no more words for ya. Just a very 80’s video with bad lip-syncing and a message…of hope.
Go make the day a good one, friends.
Bacon hardest hit. Welcome back, Sloop!
Welcome back, Sloop!
Thanks to both of you. And to anybody else that wondered where I’d been
banished to during my 10-day unpaid suspensionlately.the families of the Work Olympians who didn’t medal (read: all of them) fed to dogs
And then the dogs fed to the Elites! Circle of Rife!
*edits, narrows gaze*
Rife is life with Lacism.
I can only assume that the bike lanes are a moneymaker for someone on the city council, because commuting by bicycle in Orlando in August is as preposterous as commuting to downtown Minneapolis in late January.
But wet tshirts, man
On fat German tourists!
Do you want fat men in spandex? This is how you get fat men in spandex.
If sweat had an ad campaign, Q approved.
““What we expect to see are reduced travel speeds through the corridor,” Hattaway said. “We expect that travel volumes will stay at about the same because there is a lot of capacity on this roadway, and we expect to see increased bicycle and pedestrian activity.”
Isn’t reduced travel speeds with the same travel volume the same thing as more traffic? How is that good?
The city put bike lanes on my street a few years ago. It cost a fortune and took forever. So far, I haven’t seen any increase in bicycle activity. But it is easier now to get into a head on collision.
The road cyclists won’t use those unless they are barricaded fron vehicular traffic. This is just the nose of the camel, the rest is soon to follow.
Because some small minority of bike users are irresponsible (hitting peds, motorists, or killing themselves) I think we need to take bikes away from the millions who ride responsibly.
We definitely need common sense bike control.
Last year they started this same idiocy in Bal’mer. Nearby, on a 2 lane street with on-street parking on both sides, they removed one full lane, turned the curb space into bike lanes and moved the parking from there to the lane they just eliminated, with reduced parking capacity, of course.
Traffic is predictably horrific, but the dozen or so bikes that use the new bike lanes seem to like it.
Along my commute they took a road with twin lanes in each direction and turned it into one lane each direction with a center turn lane and bike lanes on each side. What was an easy 1.5 miles turned into daily traffic back ups. The best part? The bike lanes run from a highway which is prohibited for bike use to a heavily trafficked artery with no shoulder space that it suicidal to ride on. The bike lanes connect with nothing.
Tundra you give them way too much credit. I could live with all the bike shit if I thought some ambitious crooked pol was getting his beak wet. That would make sense.
Sadly, I think that these maroons do this stuff just for the fawning accolades they will get from the crazy bike community. They want to see some write up in some proggy magazine about how ahead of the game
Minneapolis,Orlando is. They want to tell those smug assholes from Portland at the next big governmental convention to shove it because they are just as bike friendly as anyone.A friend of my wife’s is the bicycle and pedestrian coordinator for a medium sized city. It sounds like hell to me. All you get are cyclists, runners, and moms bitching about how shitty your infrastructure is.
Of any major city, Denver has the best paths I’ve seen. You can get around a good portion if the city without even getting near traffic/pedestrians.
The bike lanes in Manhattan are an abomination and fill me with rage as a pedestrian.
Chicago tried this with State Street back in the eighties. They completely closed the road to motor vehicle traffic for a couple of blocks smack dab in the middle of the loop. The immediate result was a
vibrant utopia where everyone gleefully shared the public spaceoppressive shithole with shuttered storefronts and devoid of human presence. Roughly fifteen years later the city briefly had an alcoholic’s moment of clarity and bulldozed the fuck out of the whole thing. Here’s our resident mouthpiece of the insufferable cycling community explaining the failure by lamenting the city’s inability to prog hard enough and become more like Europe or some shit:
I don’t know if being armed would have prevented the Holocaust, but we would have taken a lot more of them to Hell with us.
Israel is a delightful example of what happens when Jews are armed. They can be grossly outnumbered yet manage to survive.
“And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?… The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin’s thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If…if…We didn’t love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation…. We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.” -Solzhenitsyn
And read this very, very closely. Goldenblatt isn’t saying that this is a faulty strategy for reason X or for historical comparison Y. He is saying, specifically, that it is too difficult for him to think about this concept in any deep way. It’s “mind-bending” for him to just hear about someone putting the argument forward.
I feel bad for anyone to weak or too ill to entertain an idea they don’t end up agreeing with. But I wouldn’t look to them for moral or policy leadership.
Also, notice that he says “small number of Germany’s Jews”. Most of the Holocaust victims were not German, and the number of victims was not small. Assuming half of the victims were adults and half of adults were armed, that would be ~1.5 million people under arms. The SS, the organization responsible for carrying out the Holocaust, numbered 800K strong. Being armed probably wouldn’t have prevented the genocide, but it would have made the Germans pay a steep price.
Usually having to pay a steep price acts as a good deterrent. Note that the NAZIs had a gun grabbing agenda much akin to the one the left in the US pursues, and look how well that played out for the people they blames. Have no doubt that today’s American left shares a lot with the old time communists and Nazis, and would resort to violence to reach its tyrannical end goal.
One does not simply fuck with Mossad.
No idea, either, but once again the people in the comments act as if he was suggesting that the armed Jews would line up against the military. Just like the anti-2A fuckers here. This gets quoted here a lot, but I think it’s a good example:
I’ve seen that somewhere before.
I did preface it accurately 😉
I first read it from some Glib anyway so it’s all good. Point is, fuck gungrabbers amen.
They’re literally the only thriving, let alone surviving, nation in the region. And they’re under a relentless assault by all of their neighbors. I can’t help but think that would not be the case if there wasn’t a Jew with a gun behind every corner (reaching over to pick up a dropped penny).
They are also the only country in the region where women have equal rights under the law. Yet, most feminists are pro-BDS.
That’s because of America imposing itself on the Arab world and because the Jews are shifty and manipulate those around them for their own gain.
-any number of prominent leftist supporters of the BDS movement
America imposing itself on the Arab world
Well, there they have a point. Crazy idea: let’s just keep the fuck out of their eternal squabbles. Trade and commerce, that’s it.
But even trade and commerce needs “protection’. That’s where the problems begin.
The Roman would send soldiers to protect merchants in hostile areas.
I wonder if this is just a reality.
Some Jewish gun owners wouldn’t have stopped the whole thing. But they would have had to choice to go down fighting and make the fuckers pay.
That is something that the “YOU CAN’T FIGHT THE ARMY WITH YOUR AR!” crowd never seems to get. I don’t expect to win, I expect to have five or six of them serving me drinks and polishing my knob in the afterlife.
Completely stop… doubtful. But maybe enough resistance would have made a difference.
Yes – think Ike would have preferred an SS Division dealing with armed Jews in Germany instead of fighting his army in northern France?
+1 Warsaw Ghetto Uprising
What these folks don’t seem to get is that they wouldn’t have been opposing the German army, they would have been shooting looters during Kristallnacht.
Exactly. You nip this shit in the bud. It doesn’t start with entire armored divisions with Totenkopf caps. It doesn’t start with entire freight trains and massive death camps.
It starts with mobs of angry disaffected young men smashing up store fronts and burning houses. Makes dickless assholes feel powerful to destroy something that’s not theirs. You shoot them then. You kill them in the street, and then you file the insurance paperwork for your broken window, and then maybe your country regains its sanity. Or maybe not.
But if you cower, and you let them carry off your shit, then you better run the next day, because today they take your stuff, tomorrow its your life. Bullies don’t stop till they get hit in the mouth.
+1 Koreatown during LA riots
Also, it would have loudly told the world what in the hell was exactly going on in Germany, rather than the quiet capitulation that was only horrifically discovered after GIs were well past the Rhine.
Orlando decides to try the same failed experiment that city after city after city have tried.
If I wanna ride my bike in the middle of the street, then sit down at a table to eat the sushi I bought from the food truck in the lane next to the bike lane, then you have to let me because “community”. Never mind how all these products and services actually move around.
when I read the dame failed experiment I was expecting rent control
Is that a fruit sushi? And do you know how to fix the tire if you get a flat?
To be sure
Don’t forget that the anti-car greenies are ultimately behind this. They co-opt road cyclists and soccer moms.
Ever notice that it’s almost always initially presented to the public as an “experiment”? After a solid half-century of “experimenting” with this you’d expect it to finally be “settled science” and these dolts would be able to confidently state what the outcome will be.
They can, the outcome will be no change in smog, great gains in smug.
National holiday tomorrow and I’m just off work. Was gonna go to my friend’s bar downtown…but it’s been raining all day and now it’s snowing.
Decisions decisions.
Koreans celebrate Purim?
Everybody should. I gave the history of it last year and it’s a fucking GREAT holiday.
I’m rattling and hissing just at the thought of Haman, that fucker.
It’s called the March 1st Movement. (삼일 운동.)
It was a big protest/movement/declaration of rights that the Koreans gave to their Japanese colonizers in 1919. Sadly, the impetus for it was a Woodrow Wilson speech. Don’t like giving that fucker credit for shit.
Thousands were killed and the Japanese burned a lot of shit to the ground to quell it.
By the way: here’s a fun and (to me) BIZARRE fact about Korean: They don’t have names for months. 삼일 literally means 3-1, as in the date. Every month is just translated to 1 Month, 2 Month…12 Month. I like the simplicity, but it just seems so strange to me.
Sounds like they needed a proper dose of the Roman Empire.
Every month is just translated to 1 Month, 2 Month…12 Month. I like the simplicity, but it just seems so strange to me.
Well, in the western calendar September to December basically are Latin for “seventh month” to “tenth month”, so our system kinda used to be the same until some Caesars decided to mess with it. I do think named months have more flair, so I prefer it even if it is more complex. By the way, do they have proper names for days of the week, or is it just “weekday 1” and so forth?
Happy Fourday of Week, twenty-eight day of two month.
So young girls have 5 Month/9 month romances?
Shit. It’s 12 month, not 9.
Well December is “12 month” but is named “10 month”, so this whole thing has some confusion baked in.
July and August used to be Quintilis and Sextilis until certain people came along and ruined it.
They have names for the days of the week. But it’s very confusing.
The name for Sunday in Korean is the exact same as “Month+day.” The name for Monday is the exact same as “Day+day.” I don’t know if that makes any sense.
Sunday~weol yong il
Monday~il yong il
~il=one and also day
So “Sunday Jan. 1” is “il weol, weol il il”
“Monday Jan 2” is “il weol il ee il”
It’s a bit of a bitch. The rest of the days of the week I know but I don’t know where exactly they come from or what they mean.
Is that the case? I know Japan seems like that but they actually have more traditional names based on a lunar calendar similar to (and likely borrowed from) the old Chinese lunar calendar. It’s just that the traditional names are very rarely used. Seems the same for Korea too.
Beware sticking it in crazy Evan…
Beware the Hoes of March?
Dude, he’s surrounded by East Asian women.
I love me some Asian myself Baked, but the price you pay for crazy never seems to be worth the good time..
It’s a lot easier to justify if you have no other options…
I’m still working on the ROI numbers on that….
So far, I’m ahead of the curve.
Give it a try.
Legs should be the chief export of Korea.
Lord help me, I love them skinny, muscular calves.
“ctive restoration includes such projects as creating wetlands, planting desired species mixes and conducting prescribed burns. But some experts are wary of the study’s findings and say that successful ecosystem rehabilitation cannot occur without active restoration.”
I’m going to take a wild guess that these experts are invested in the active restoration business.
Cautious as it is, the authors’ conclusion is that passive efforts — such as ending farming, logging or mining or removing a dam — led to results that in many cases were no slower or less comprehensive than more active restoration work.
Active restoration includes such projects as creating wetlands, planting desired species mixes and conducting prescribed burns. But some experts are wary of the study’s findings and say that successful ecosystem rehabilitation cannot occur without active restoration.
Who gets paid by the government, if we just let nature take her course? That’s the vitally important question, here.
Camille Paglia unloads. – she is not a real woman so what does it matter what she says?
She allegedly has gender dysphoria, so according to prominent left-intersectionalist-retard-pomo logic she’s actually *lit’rully* not. Which matters because the message isn’t what’s important, but rather the messenger. Which makes sense because [retardo reasons].
The notion that nature will accomplish ecosystem restoration with little or no help is “the Walt Disney hypothesis,” and is fraught with problems, said Steven Handel, editor of the journal Ecological Restoration and a Harvard professor of landscape architecture.
No, he’s right. It’s been 65 million years since that asteroid hit and that’s left are real small furry creatures scurrying about in the iridium-infused ash and dust.
He’s an editor of a journal dedicated to grifting money from various governments in order to manage restoration. I’m shocked he’d reach that conclusion.
Also, Harvard might be a little less reliable a source for ecological restoration studies. Perhaps they should ask professors at schools that actually spend a lot of time studying mining, land management, ranching, farming, etc. I doubt that Harvard prof even understands the process of cattle ranching or mineral extraction and land restoration.
Land restoration? You mean giving North Dakota to Liz Warren and her tribe?
No, putting it back into storage in a land bank.
*narrows gaze*
I doubt that Harvard prof even understands the process of cattle ranching or mineral extraction and land restoration.
Sure they do, Top Men order the world to be as it should, fine a few deplorables, and voila…Beef, steel, and pristine land happens.
I get the feeling that Thomas Massie doesn’t get invited to too many cocktail parties.
Rep. Thomas Massie tells the TRUTH about GOP’s gun-control hand-wringing
This is a great point. Especially with regards to domestic violence and violent ex-husbands/boyfriends.
That is a great point. At what age do citizen’s actually get the freedoms guaranteed in the Constitution? Can the police search her house without a warrant, seize her property, silence her speech, and imprison her without due process? Maybe quarter a squad of soldiers in her house just to complete the job.
is it double true if it is in capital letters?
Congress have not received a briefing on the Las Vegas shooting
“Massie is not convinced the Las Vegas shooter did not have fully automatic guns. He has requested more information from the FBI, but he says members of Congress have not received a briefing on the Las Vegas shooting. “There’s been very little due diligence here in Congress even before proposing a ban on a firearm accessory,” Massie said.”
“Congress is in the dark about the deadliest mass shooting of our time: “We received … a classified briefing on Orlando. We received one on San Bernardino. We’ve never received one for Vegas.””
I wonder why.
We received … a classified briefing on Orlando. We received one on San Bernardino. We’ve never received one for Vegas.
For what possible legitimate reasons could these briefings be classified?
To make members of Congress feel important.
From the Government’s perspective:
Orlando – Terrorism
San Bernadino – Terrorism
Vegas – Not tied to international terrorists to date.
I thought their perspective was:
TerrorismWorkplace ViolenceSan Bernadino-
TerrorismWorkplace ViolenceVegas- What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas
Terrorism Workplace ViolenceHate CrimeOstensibly to “conceal methods,” but really to cover up that the FBI probably knew something but didn’t act.
This seems like the most probable explanation at this time.
Massie seems like a pretty cool guy. Congress is probably wasted on him.
The received a classified briefing on the Florida shooting. WTF?
Were Russian spies implicated in the shooting?
War veteran and teacher tells students he’ll protect them in case of a school shooting; admin removes him from class and orders him to undergo a psychiatric evaluation
According to parents and students Locke’s only crime was to address his concerns about school safety with youngsters in his Advanced Placement History class. The teacher feared a similar attack could happen at Cherry Hill East.
“During the course of the conversation he indicated that he would protect his students if something like (Parkland, Florida) happened here,” parent Eric Ascalon told “The Todd Starnes Radio Show.” “He was raising safety concerns about the school with the students. And the intent of his statement (was that) he would protect his students at all costs.”
Imagine that, folks. An Iraq war veteran reassured his students that if someone tried to attack the school, he’d be there to protect them. That’s a good thing, right?
Well, the leadership at Cherry Hill East felt otherwise after a student in the classroom complained.
The school district refuses to comment on what was said or why Locke was placed on administrative leave. Locke, too, has stopped talking on the advice of his attorney.
But before that happened he granted an interview to
“The bottom line is that I was very concerned about the security at my school,” Locke told the news site. “I was adamantly concerned with the welfare of my students.” reports the school is guarded by two unarmed “campus police” – but the officers are not employed by local law enforcement.
My son spent a year at a military High School. Half the teachers were like this guy – and they were allowed to carry on campus if if they had a CCW.
Some smart private school will hire him.
Military High School. Walked into the history teacher’s room and in the corner was a perfect replica of a Roman Scutum (Legionary shield) in the corner. My knees grew weak.
Learn to spell, moran.
Your a moron!
He’s SugarFree and is probably thinking of a Roman War Helmet.
This brings a new meaning to the idea of a shield wall.
So yet another guy tries to find the better “political compass” to replace the outdated paradigm of “left vs. right,” and all the existing political compasses. It is an interesting efford, although a bit long, but a bit pointless to me. The issue is not how to define a better mouse trap.
The things is I am not a fan of various flavors of infringed liberty so I really don’t give a shit of all these classifications. But it is an interesting exercise I guess, if this sort of thing is your bag, baby.
I am still a fan of the Heinlein compass
“Political tags—such as royalist, communist, democrat, populist, fascist, liberal conservative, and so forth—are never basic criteria. The human race divides politically into those who want people to be controlled and those who have no such desire. The former are idealists acting from highest motives for the greatest good of the greatest number. The latter are surly curmudgeons, suspicious and lacking in altruism. But they are more comfortable neighbours than the other sort.”
GodDAMN, I loved me some Heinlein.
Did anyone even read this admittedly overly long and full of itself link? Am I linking for nothing here?
I managed about 50%, until it started to explain Cosmologicism.
The problem is in letting OCDs loose with a blog. Everything has to be categorized and popped into its appropriate box. Where possible, in recognition of reality, try and parametrize the samples. Second-order objective, see if you can identify distinct domains in which you can group each boxed sample, along axes or within some kind of N-dimensional Cartesian universe so that people with good visualization can appreciate the distinctiveness AND the commonalities between the categories you create.
This I can state with confidence, for I am drawn to the idea like a cop to a Twinky.
I did, Pie. And I’m gonna go out and buy a replacement copy of The Notebooks of Lazarus Long (my old one’s just about worn out).
Why don’t you and Swiss go out in the woods and howl and bang drums or something at the unfairness of the world not reading your links?
He rotated the Nolan chart, reflected one axis, and renamed the axes.
good guy with gun foils possible mass shooting at church and gets popped by trigger-happy cop for his troubles
No good deed goes unpunished. Though, since this was not an active shooter situation, I would think that a “drop the gun” order should have been given instead of simply opening fire. And I fully expect some type of punishment to the cop(s) that failed to follow this procedure. ///stoplaughing
“Officers entered the building and saw the churchgoer holding the gun and opened fire, according to the Amarillo Police Department. The churchgoer was hospitalized in stable condition.”
It also sounds like the cops were lousy shots.
Not sure what procedure is in that circumstance. The guy who got shot had an interesting reaction;
“There were other people there, I just took the gun away from him. I got shot. I got the bad part. It’s life.”
Apparently the left decided that being proved right about first responders (so to speak) risking being shot by cops was less important than being proved wrong about good guys with guns.
Also, Harvard might be a little less reliable a source for ecological restoration studies. Perhaps they should ask professors at schools that actually spend a lot of time studying mining, land management, ranching, farming, etc. I doubt that Harvard prof even understands the process of cattle tanching or mineral extraction and land restoration.
Oh, come on. Those Harvard scholars have access to the minutes of all the House Agriculture Committee meetings. What else would they need?
BUK experts scrambled to fight Nigeria Lassa fever outbreak
Quick give the CDC a billion dollars so they can stop this from spreading to the United States!
Ce*sored! China bans letter N (briefly) from internet as Xi Jinping extends grip on power
My favorite censorship move is when they banned memes that showed the remarkable resemblance between Xi Jinping and Winnie the Pooh:
Columbus, OH and much of the civilized world bans the letter M the last week of November every year. It seems to be working out well. Doesn’t it?
*blank stare*
It is good that you recognize the separation between Columbus and the civilized world.
Columbus…isn’t that the school that has the bruised and swollen testicle for a mascot?
So, in the last week of November “Columbus” becomes “Colubus”?
NO, it’s THE Colubus.
(Columbus resident. Wife works at OSU. Buckeye fan, but not of the crazed variety)
Everybody Wag Chug.
They were okay. I prefer Me Without Hats.
I like the hot chicks who sang Walk like a Egyptia – Baaarama
The Craberries?
Dow I It is my favorite Ie Ich Ails sog.
“Ie Ich Ails” A Franco-German industrial noise and dance band?
World’s first plastic-free aisle opens in Netherlands supermarket
I just read: “Locus of food-borne illness opens”
We have those in Kroger. They’re called the produce section.
You mean kroger doesn’t have bags for putting produce in so it doesn’t have to rest directly on the filthy checkout scale?
All I can think of is that drippy package of chicken that went past earlier and left its fluids behind.
Pretty sure we had plastic-free aisles from the invention of the aisle until the early 20th Century.
I suspect there were plastic free aisles everywhere before 1907.
From the California Quality of Life comments:
Probably cannot figure out why people think coastals are condescending.
In other news, computers have better gaydar than people.
“We show that faces contain much more information about sexual orientation than can be perceived or interpreted by the human brain. We used deep neural networks to extract features from 35,326 facial images. These features were entered into a logistic regression aimed at classifying sexual orientation. Given a single facial image, a classifier could correctly distinguish between gay and heterosexual men in 81% of cases, and in 71% of cases for women. Human judges achieved much lower accuracy: 61% for men and 54% for women. The accuracy of the algorithm increased to 91% and 83%, respectively, given five facial images per person.”
Since gays are 2-3% of the population, you get better results with an app that says “Straight” 100% of the time.
2-3% of the population?
Do you even watch TV? Based on my viewing at least 50% of the population is gay.
*narrows (population percentage of) gays*
Isn’t this based on pictures from dating profiles? Which would mean they’re keying off images specifically designed to attract a particular sort of person. Still interesting but not the same as pointing a camera at someone and getting “Gay: 85% probability.”
The problem with white guys.
When you have nothing of value to add, the solution is always to blame someone else for your failures.
CNN is still fake news
“full semi-automatic”, “originally built for the battlefield”, “defining characteristic is the speed and caliber of the bullet”, “people only buy them to play soldier*”, a weapon intended to inflict maximum damage**”, “excessive training needed to handle an AR”, “only used to inflict a lot of damage in a short period of time”
Jebus Christ…
*The only context that this is true is the nature that citizens are the militia.
**otherwise know as a ‘weapon’.
Okay the Twitter comments are hilarious especially leaning back.
That was just so sad. “Full semi-auto”? Holy shit.
leaning back
Definitely cringe-worthy.
Full semi-auto
And that guy is supposedly ex-military.
Washed out of basic is still “Ex-military”
I may have missed that part.
I’m speculating, but the term is fairly loose and not exactly a high bar to reach.
The general defending himself
I know a couple of early-teenage girls who would outshoot this wuss, then pistol-whip him a few times for good measure.
Like this kid?
Fail, anyway the second one is better.
Or maybe this one?
“If I wanted to fire this on full semi-automatic all I do is keep firing.””
Germany Paves Way for Diesel Ban, Dealing Blow to Auto Makers
This is what happens when you let greenies near the levers of power. First, they promote and incentivize people to switch to diesel – because gas mileage is sacrosanct – then fuck all the diesel owners a few years later by banning what you pushed them into buying. I can only presume a push for EVs is next. This is the same Germany that shut down its nuke plants and imports electricity. Idiots.
will the us see those engines on the market? I could go for an OM617
This is also the same Germany that has a huge price difference between regular gas and diesel, as well as a complex tax structure that drove everyone to buy diesel cars, that now will ban the diesel cars…
It is almost like these douchebags enacting idiotic laws to save Gaia are fucking out to kill or impoverish people so Giaia’s infestation goes down or something…
It’s especially ironic given that “Diesel” is named after a German. Germany introduced the world to Diesel and now wants to ban it. How the times change.
I thought it was thought up by a tough, aggressive lesbian. *smh*
What these folks don’t seem to get is that they wouldn’t have been opposing the German army, they would have been shooting looters during Kristallnacht.
Now you’re advocating vigilante justice? You libertarians are a bloodthirsty mob. Why do you hate law and order?
What a bunch of Dick’s.
Ah, a sales reduction plan. I’m sure the shareholders will be thrilled.
I bought a brick of .22lr at Dicks a few weeks ago. Didn’t see any “assault rifles” there.
Yeah, I didn’t know they sold them in the first place. I remain flummoxed why businesses are caving at the rate they are over this particular incident. Why now? Why not Vegas or Pulse (which were objectively worse)?
I honestly think it’s the built-up impotent rage about Trump. They are desperate for anything that will stick, so they are throwing any clod of mud they can pick up.
Tipping point. Decision makers reside in cities, because those are hubs of management. The rural/city tribal divide has been the most important cultural force of say the last decade or two in the us. This has turned cities into progressive echo chambers where expressing non-progressive views can get you shitcanned from your job and ostracized from polite society. The decision makers, even if they aren’t progressive them-self, are awash in the progressive echo chamber and they influenced in their decision making by it.
But of course, the important feature of these kind of ideologically-closed environments is 1) the most extreme voices get signal boosted, 2) dissenting voice didn’t go away, they just shut up, and 3) their customers don’t all live there.
I wonder if I will still be able to buy an assault shotgun there. I bought sweet Mossberg there as a gift for my brother’s 50th B-day.
So, Dick’s is pulling out?
Dick’s went soft
So, I guess I should buy stock in Bass Pro?
They did this after Newtown and walked it back by stocking the guns in their hunting and fishing specialty store. Cabelas is superior in every way, no big loss.
If I recall correctly, this is not the first time Dick’s (*snort*) has flagged it’s tail for the gunbanners, after a well-publicized shooting. They should probably go on the permanent “do not patronize” list*.
*Disclaimer: I don’t shop at Dick’s anyway, ’cause I’m not fucking made of money.
A real dickhead.
“Stack on Wednesday called on elected officials to ban assault-style firearms, bump stocks and high capacity magazines and raise the minimum age to buy firearms to 21. He said universal background checks should be required, and there should be a complete universal database of those banned from buying firearms. He also called for the closure of the private sale and gun show loophole that waives the necessity of background checks.”
Can’t CCW on premises.
Couldn’t buy them at Dick’s branded stores before, now at any of their stores (Stream & Field).
Most of the store is full of fancy plastic/synthetic running, yoga and fitness gear.
Their gun section is a holdover from when progs used to hunt.
They’re not really losing much in this, maybe some people who bought ammo, a case or a safe because it was cheaper than Cabelas.
# of locations (roughly):
Dick’s – 610
Bass Pro Shops – 177
Cabela’s – 83
Field & Stream – 23
See, the problem is, outside of Wal-Mart or a local gun store, there’s a lot more people shopping at Dick’s than the others combined. They might be one of the only gun retailers in your neck of the woods.
Sorry for not sharing. There’s two Cabela’s, a Bass Pro Shops and three Gander Mountains all within the city limits. Seems like too much of America is in an outdoor store/gun desert.
That’s not even close to frigid. In fact, if the best defense you can come up with for your (literally) shitty state is “but it’s hot here”, you know you don’t have a good case.
Yeah, it always comes back to the weather doesn’t it? Well, coastal North Africa has great weather too and I don’t see people flocking to live there.
Once the Wakandans give over and start pitching in to decolonize North Africa, everything will get better. Any day now.
The Dakotas, Iowa and Wisconsin all have one thing in common….
They are riding Minnesoda’s coat tails to paradise!
I take it as the author being a bit cheeky on purpose.
I picked up a lot more smug – probably because I’ve met people with the exact same attitude. If that was not the author’s intent, well, I’m no mind reader.
It was like there’s all this evidence that CA ain’t that great, and all they have to throw out there is the old weather argument.
Waiting for my friend who works the gun counter at Dick’s to weigh in on the news they no longer sell ARs.
I’m guessing rural and suburban Dick’s are unnecessarily antagonizing their clients.
Yeah this shit is so dumb.
There’s people who still won’t buy Rugers because of what the old man Fudd said decades ago…..and that dude is dead, and these are people who spend thousands on guns every year.
I haven’t spent money at Dicks since they fucked people over who bought ARs a few years back. Fuck them.
Cleavage, sideboob or underboob? Perhaps we need another surveymonkey to decide. Today, however, it’s underboob.
8, 13, 17, 22, 27, 30, 35, 38.
LOL at 41’s shirt.
I like 6 and her dirty knees
From the department of people who need to fucked in the neck:
Minnesoda gets its gun ban boner on
You know, not only do you admit you don’t know much about firearms, but you also think owning them is only appropriate for hunting. Fuck this cunt.
And he wants to have a *conversation* about it. What he’s saying is “prove to me why (x).”
Fuck that guy for real.
A new assault car ban definition would outlaw many cars – such as many with automatic transmission – commonly used for commuting by car.
Nimby said, “Do they need that kind of car to commute? I’m not that well-versed on commuting by car. I don’t commute by car, none of my family commutes by car. But I’d be happy to sit down and talk about it with those that do.”
Do they realize that most school shootings didn’t use assault weapons?
They don’t care.
Um, I’m pretty sure most of those guns were either black, or a dark shade of grey.
Hate body odour? You’re more likely to have rightwing views
Nothing new but I like this article because the title says rightwing
and then the byline
Scientists suggest authoritarian attitudes may be partly rooted in biological urge to avoid catching diseases from unfamiliar people
because rightwing = authoritarian
“because rightwing = authoritarian”
Someone needs to explain to these “journalists” that just because you repeat something over and over, that doesn’t make it true.
Right wing IS authoritarian. So is left wing.
I agree with that. But that is not the idea they are trying to transmit
Barry Goldwater, tyrant.
Barry was more one of us, in retrospect. He would be absolutely unacceptable to today’s Right.
I do agree, however progs have tortured language so much that none of it means anything at this point. When they say “right-wing” they usually mean “anyone not committed to the Glorious People’s Revolution”.
FWIW, I think “right-wing” and “left-wing” are inherently meaningless terms anyway; there are those that believe in personal liberty and those that don’t.
They are very meaningful terms. The right wing wants to restore the Bourbon monarchy, the left wants to guillotine the aristos.
Just because I associate the stench of BO with dirty hippies doesn’t make me right wing. Take a fucking bath.
I’m sure this study was done by someone French.
Climate change fucking things up in Italy. Rome and Naples hit with blizzard.
I find myself blown away and stunned at the comments about if (((they))) were armed against the Nazis. For example:
“colin, huddersfield, United Kingdom, 2 hours ago
So ignorant . Honestly there have been 1.5 million gun deaths in the USA since 68 . How many of these were defensive deaths ?. The mighty German army took 5 years to defeat by super powers and you suggest that armed Jewish civilians could have stopped the oppression of their race . Ridiculous .”
1.5 million?
It’s amazing this is seen as a valid defense. ‘Yeh well, they’re a well-trained army so you’re an idiot if you think you have a chance’.
So roll over a die. Folks, this is how an emasculated society sounds like.
I think the Germans would have still succeeded, but it would have come at a price. There was no significant cost to rounding up the (((unarmed))). And maybe, just maybe, the price would have been too damn high.
The would’ve killed the Jews if they had had guns. Nazis were the original Predators.
They may not have even tried if they were armed. Fighting your own citizens is pretty damn difficult since they are already within your lines. Plus people tend not to like seeing their neighbors in gunfights or getting their heads blown off. They shipped them off so it wasn’t a street war.
A few soldiers can oversea filling cattle cars but a couple of armed pissed off people can shoot the soldiers. Every piece of logistics gets more complicated because they would need significant manpower to commit to executing their plans.
I don’t even understand what point that’s trying to make. Your choices are:
1. Get rounded up and murdered in a death camp
2. Fight back and likely still die, but at least you’re going down fighting
Which one do you choose?
Heil Hillary!
Exactly. There is literally no way that (((guns))) make the situation any worse.
They don’t understand the statement, “It’s better to die on your feet then live on your knees.”
They also don’t understand the statement, “It’s better to die on your feet than in a gas chamber.”
I think some of them make a living on their knees.
– Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, “The Gulag Archipelago”
I’ve seen that somewhere before…
I have that quote circled in his book.
Didn’t they defend the Warsaw Ghetto bravely….with guns?
They like to pretend that didn’t happen, especially the part about how Stalin ordered his soldiers to not attack the city, to let the resistance die so the communists could take over.
Actually, I had to look that up because I was thinking the same thing but…
Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, 1943: Red Army still in Belorussia & Ukraine
Warsaw Uprising, 1944: Red Army ordered to halt combat operations by Stalin after capturing eastern suburbs.
less than 50 starving Jews with no military training with maybe a platoons worth of small arms, ammo they looted off the dead, no supplies, no fire support. Nothing but the will to not go quietly. It took the Nazis a month to finish them off, and they had to burn the whole ghetto down to do it.
In that link to the entry about the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, it said that (((they))) knew they weren’t going to win, but they wanted to fight for their honor.
1.5 million?
Including suicides, which aren’t crimes. I’m kinda surprised they still try to get away with inflating the numbers like this.
What was the Jewish population of Israel when they declared independence? They managed to hold off the armies of all of the Middle East who were out to utterly destroy them.
Actually, sometimes those work.
I don’t know what there plan is but things like narrowing streets and slowing traffic, if done right, can lead to faster traffic flow. 20 mph with no lights is faster than 35 mph with lights every block.
Its the street vs road issue, and don’t try to mix uses. Roads are for getting between A and B as fast as possible and should have limited access points (commercial businesses, driveways, etc) and very few traffic stopping devices (lights, stop signs, etc).
Streets, on the other hand, are destinations. Homes, businesses, offices, etc. They should be narrow and slow, friendly to pedestrians and bicycles (with or without lanes).
Streets should have a speed limit of no more than 25, and roads should be 55+, maybe 45 in limited circumstances. 35 mph should never exist (I can think of an exception or three, but those are mostly rural roads, that go thru a small town. Although, honestly, it should probably drop to 25 in those cases).
I have no idea what these ROADZ things you’re talking about are, but they sound Communist.
And the NOAA gets caught cooking the books again. By adjusting the past to look colder in order to gin up a warming trend where none exists.
meh I do not find that blog fully reliable . I have no idea how good the data is but I assume poor
The small town that started a community revolution across Europe
So libertarianism proven wrong once again
Did Daniel Boone have an AK16? I didn’t think so.
Well, this seems suspicious
tl;dr: Man criticizes an Alabama sheriff in newspaper. 4 days later, man is caught in drug raid after police get a “tip”. Man has small amount of pot and a few adderall pills, so he gets charged with possession. He was making hash butter with the pot, so the police weighed the pot WITH the butter to get to 1,042 grams — which is just above the 1 kilogram number necessary for drug trafficking in Alabama, which means he’s now locked up for drug trafficking.
WTF? They included the butter in the calculation? Drug warriors can get sodomized with a rusty piece of rebar.
It gets more fun: The city police department that was “primary” on the raid didn’t include the butter in the calculation, but the Sheriff’s office (the one he criticized) decided it would be counted.
“Once that marijuana was mixed with the butter then the whole butter becomes marijuana, and that’s what we weighed,” Sims said.
The Miracle of Transubstantiation. Weed Jesus is REAL!
Somewhere, Michael Bloomberg is nodding his head.
“That shit will block your arteries. Is that an over-sized drink you got there too, asshole?”
That Bong Hits for Jesus kid was really on to something.
Once that bad cop gets mixed in with the good cops then the whole force becomes bad, and that’s what we weigh.
Push for a Jury trial.
Given the results of this poll, is it really a smart move by all these companies to start alienating a key demo?
I’ve grown used to being called a murderer by journalists and lefty agitators, but spineless companies taking their marching orders from those people is very disappointing.
So the people with the least amount to lose for wrong solutions pick gun control as their solution.
“Journalists and lefty agitators” But you repeat yourself.
Facebook censors 30,000 year-old Venus of Willendorf as ‘pornographic’
FWIW, The Chive just announced they’re pulling all their content from Facebook because it keeps getting censored.
Furthermore, these Silicon Valley giants do not own the world. Alternatives will appear. There was a time when Sears-Roebuck looked like an invincible business force. Look how that turned out.
After they stopped selling mail-order rifles, they just went downhill.
IBM owned the world…until Microsoft.
Microsoft owned the world…until Google.
Thus is shall continue.
The pilgrams were hipper than the millennials.
That looked more like Serena of Willendorf when she was knocked up.
If you’re not careful, she’s going to threaten to shove a fucking ball down your fucking throat.
I can’t fap to that.
Dick’s Sporting Goods wins the award for ‘business that is totally unaware of who are their customers’. I’m sure this will boost sales for all those Dick Sporting Goods in Manhattan.
Those virtues ain’t gonna signal themselves donchaknow?
Speaking of Manhattan…
Swallow Your Pride? Chick-fil-A’s Aggressive Manhattan Expansion Has New Yorkers Ethically Conflicted.
If your biggest concern in life is whether a fast food restaurant shares your values, you live a pretty sweet life.
I think this guy has his priorities right.
First World Problems
I read Dick’s stopped selling them 6 years ago. This is just a marketing stunt.
They certainly did in Danbury, CT, because that’s where Lanza’s mom bought her XM-15.
What do people around here think of Soros? I know what I think. But I’m reading a thread on another site and there’s this one guy in total over drive protecting Soros demanding evidence of what Soros is accused of. It reminds me of how people demand proof of Hillary’s corruption. In either case, it’s similar to Al Capone. Everyone knew he was a vicious mobster but there was no proof.
How can you argue against such people? Or is he correct? There’s a lot of smoke around Soros and that’s it.
I’m about as ambivalent toward Soros as I am the Kochs. I’m more interested in hearing what political successes they’ve engineered than the sums they’ve spent.
What he said.
Soros and the Kochs read that comment and *Tents Fingers* “Excellent”.
I told a progressive friend of mine once after he was railing against the Kochs: “Say what you will about the Koch brothers, but they don’t overthrow national governments, like Soros helped to do in Ukraine”.
Make that point makes me a Russian bot now
Perfect example. The Soros defender I mention below thinks this is all BS and wants proof.
Above. Jesus.
Still shocked the Brits didn’t kill him for fucking with the Pound. I think the guy is a malignant tumor.
A rich guy financing his political agenda. Not much to think. Do I think he has good intentions? No. Do I find him a decent human being? No. Is he the reason for everything wrong int he world? No
“The woman who raised Florida school gunman Nikolas Cruz paid $50,000 to adopt him from his drug addicted biological mother and later bought his younger brother for $15,000, a new report claims.
Trish Devaney, who was friends with Cruz’s adoptive mother and lived next to the family from 1999 to 2002, told Radar Online that both Nikolas and his younger brother Zachary were born out of one night stands.
When she learned that his biological mother was due to give birth again, she paid $15,000 so Nikolas would have a brother related to him.
‘She was happy with Nikolas and wasn’t going to try for another one, but when she found out he would have a biological brother, she decided right away to take him and her husband was on board.”
Paid who? Adoptions ain’t free, you know. There are lawyers and agencies involved.
That said, I’m pretty sure its illegal to pay a parent to surrender their parental rights. Surrogate mother contracts are a complication, and possibly an exception to this in some states.
Shoulda called me. I have some orphans I could have let her have for less, and while they ARE psychologically damaged, they’re warranted to not be psychotic.
That gun grabbing pol? Yeah, she is going to have to stand in line to get fucked in the neck.
These two assholes have a VIP ticket to the front of that line
A couple of fucking assholes have been arrested for beating, torturing and molesting their 21 year-old twin daughters (who are both retarded). Prepare to be shocked….. the family was visited by police and child services many, many, many times without any action being taken.
Headed out to the store to buy a gallon of bleach to pour in my eyes after reading that. Let me know if you need anything.
Fucking disband all police departments at this point. They serve no purpose
Why do you hate our heroes? The obvious answer is to ban parents.
Especially black ones with the thing that goes up. / that is not funny
Or ‘end’ mental retardation like our betters in Scandinavia. See, it’s not genocide if you just pretend like it’s not happening
Pure evil. Sickening. I hate them. These people need to be publicly hung.
“Police found Curry and his 11-year-old daughter naked in a room.
“There was pornography playing, sexual toys and objects strewn about the room,” court records said.
The other twin, who had cuts, burns and scars on her body, was also at the home.
Officers also found between 600 and 700 DVDs, VHS tapes, a camera and a heavy wooden paddle wrapped in tape. They also found two dogs in the basement lying in their own urine and feces, according to the reports.
Investigators were told by people who had been in the home that they saw handcuffs and chains attached to the bed and “all family members reportedly share a bedroom and bed.”
One of the twins was pregnant with her father’s child, according to the report. She has since given birth.”
Higher intelligence ain’t all it’s cracked up to be.
This guy needs to get the Andronicus Comnenus treatment.
The argument has also been continually knocked down by gun control advocates who point out that personal firearms couldn’t have taken on the Nazis.
A law in 1938 did prohibit Jews from owning weapons – but there was some armed Jewish resistance during the war.
See! Good men with guns did nothing. This is why you need to wait for the authorities. Don’t worry about the little skulls on their caps.
When you believe submission to tyranny is better than fighting it and dying, you actually will use this idiotic argument that since you can’t possibly win, you should just suck dick.
“The self-proclaimed call girl ‘mistress’ of a Russian billionaire has claimed she will reveal Moscow’s purported connections to the 2016 US presidential elections if America rescues her from a Thailand.
Nastya Rybka was thrust into a corruption scandal in 2016 when she filmed billionaire Oleg Deripaska and Russian Deputy Prime Minister Sergei Prikhodko on Deripaska’s private yacht.
She took to Instagram on Tuesday begging the US for help after she and nine others were allegedly arrested in Thailand on Sunday for being sex experts and running a course in ‘lovemaking’.”
She seems like a reliable source.
At least her last name isn’t “Slutskaya”.
Being a sex expert is illegal?
We prefer the term sexpert, please.
Just a bunch of normal kids who are totally not being funded and coached by progressive organizations.
Also, why is Planned Parenthood involved in gun control? Based off of their history, I would think they’d be fine with dead kids
Those kids sure seem cheery for having just gotten traumatized.
“We’re on TV!”
You should do the links some day. All tweets.
The almost instantaneous appearance of the teen “victims” on TV and their elevation to celebrityhood is bizarre to me. I’d swear these leftist little shits were pre-selected and coached. They act nothing like kids who have lost friends.
Wait are you claiming that the dnc operatives with bylines are rigging the shit to push the left’s narrative?
I’m surprised at how fast and efficiently they dance in the blood these days.
I don’t necessarily have a problem with the kids*: teenagers like attention plus it looks like they’re getting time off school. The adults – including the media – who are using them are assholes.
*Doesn’t mean I agree with their points.
Nah. Kids can be assholes, too. And these kids are assholes.
If you want play with the adults, be prepared to judged like an adult and treated like an adult.
It seems like every organization with a political aspect is jumping onto bandwagons.
The NRA is talking about the bravery of cops and giving out awards for repealing (the FCC’s version of) net neutrality. The ACLU is pushing ObamaCare and not defending the 1A rights of 2A supporters. Etc.
It probably brings in some short-term donations, at the expense of the organization’s long-term mission.
“A South Carolina drug dealer is accused of deliberately killing a sorority girl after he supplied her with Oxycodone.
Anthony ‘AJ’ Hunt, 22, was arraigned on Monday on federal charges in connection to the 2016 homicide of 19-year-old Rachel Bandman.
Bandman allegedly overdosed at her apartment near the University of South Carolina in Columbia, The State reported.
Hunt was charged with unlawful distribution of oxycodone, alprazolam (Xanax), and possession of a firearm in furtherance of a drug trafficking crime.
‘Mr Hunt had every reason to believe that death would occur when he distributed the drug,’ Assistant US Attorney Ben Garner said at the hearing.
Prosecutors claimed that Hunt intentionally killed the 19-year-old student – but authorities haven’t indicated what led them to determine the case was a homicide.”
Same argument lawyers use when they try to sue a liquor store or gun manufacturer after somebody does something stupid.
Bullshit. If she took the drugs herself and he didn’t force her to take them, there is no case. Once you’ve went there, it is a very slippery slope you have.
If Dick’s Sporting Goods wants to drop a product line, that’s their lookout. I would say they are much more beholden to the soccer mom demographic than somebody like Cabela’s or Sportsman’s Warehouse. I think Walmart dropped “assaulty weapons” while ago.
Companies are not immune to the braying mob. I think it’s dumb to succumb to a two minutes’ hate in the twatterverse without having a substantive business reason to show your shareholders. At this point, I can’t remember who’s bankrupt and who iusn’t, but the entire sporting goods segment is on shaky ground. Turning customers away is a bad idea.
The reason it’s stupid as shit is that the kind of guys who buy guns also buy a lot of other stuff, and they’re quiet. Silent Majority. The Forgotten Man.
Bob walks into check out the gun counter while his wife is shoe shopping, he asks if they have a Tavor in. The clerk tells him that Dicks is taking a stand against gun violence, and is not selling assault weapons anymore. Bob nods, walks out of the gun section, and then out the store.
Bob needs a new putter. He’s buying it from Golfsmith. His daughter is starting softball. She needs shoes, glove, bat, bag, etc etc. Have to get that somewhere else. His son wanted a new fly rod for his birthday. Cabelas has some nice ones. He’s taking his idiot liberal sister’s son out next week to learn how to shoot. Need to get some more ammo for that, the local gun store will have it. Wife’s birthday is next week, she wanted new workout clothes and shoes. She’s lost 30 pounds, so her current stuff is baggy. He was gonna splurge on her and get her a whole new wardrobe of workout stuff. Have to get it somewhere else. The pastor had asked him if he had any spare camping gear for the poor kids in the Scout troop. He’ll pick that up somewhere else.
Bob’s not gonna tweet @Dicks. He’s not gonna write a letter. Or make a phone call. He’s just gonna take the four thousand bucks he spends at Dicks in an average year, and walk it out the door.
This this this
Caving to the Twitterati is dumb anyway. Twitter manipulates all kinds of things behind the scenes to create the appearance of consensus and hide dissent. Not to mention they throw around the banhammer like it’s going out of style against people with viewpoints they don’t like. If you think social media is representative of your consumer base, you’re a blind idiot.
If a twitter account doesn’t have The Right Views it belongs to a Russian Bot. So any tweets without The Right Views can be ignored as TEH RUSSUNZ INTERFEARANCE BY CORPURASHUNZ!1!!!!!11
On the one hand, I am getting tired of this shit.
On the other hand, I find it oddly liberating to see so many soi-disant “smart people” out themselves as complete and total morons.
Net win, I guess.
Yeah even leaving that aside, SJWs aren’t spending money. They’re fat, broke, crazy people. They don’t buy golf clubs, basketball shoes, camping gear. They don’t do anything but bitch on the Internet about the outrage du jour.
There were over 1.5 million ARs sold last year. Even at a conservative average cost estimate, you’re looking at a billion dollars in revenue. Plus accessories, ammo, training, etc. Gun owners are, statistically speaking, rich white guys with families. That’s exactly the kind of customers a sporting goods store wants to get in the door every day.
How many SJW baristas living with roomates paying off their basket weaving degree do you need to replace one mid level exec who likes to golf, camp, fish, shoot guns, and who has a family that also does sporty activities?
Wow. That’s a regular Don Draper moment, there.
There’s a lot of talk about banning bump stock, high capacity mags, and specific rifles. The reasoning I hear is that it will reduce the loss of life in a mass shooting. But aren’t they conceding the point that there will always be armed murderers getting into schools? If only 7 people were killed in Florida instead of 17, would that make anyone happy? I think we should be: a) trying to find ways to discourage people from wanting to kill a bunch of people, and b) protecting kids from murderers.
Morality spectrum:
Partial ban of firearms → Expansive ban of firearms → Total ban of firearms → Ban of all weapons.
You get outflanked by moral grandstanders unless you go all the way to the right.
That’s pretty much it. Because just banning certain things doesn’t account for people being creative and using different guns, or explosives, or running people over with a big truck. You never get to the root of the problem, unless you consider the problem being people having any weapons at all.
“Molon Labe”, “Fuck off slaver” and “Fuck you, you can’t have my guns” are all appropriate responses. They’re not interested in logic, reason or a “conversation”. Their goal is a ban on private firearm ownership; don’t let them get their foot in the door.
And lie the whole time that they just want this one “common sense” restriction and that’s it! They’re not trying to take your guns!
(and get idiots, particularly neutral ones that don’t care one way or the other, to believe the last)
Privatize the school system and let them get armed guards. The left will bray the loudest against this. Why? Because they don’t want to stop school shootings, they want more school systems so that they can make a case to repeal the 2nd amendment. That’s the goal and it it means a million, 10 million, 100 million have to die for that cause, then so be it.
Looks like I will be giving Don Young some of my money and not Dick’s sporting goods.
No one, in the history of the world, disarmed someone for their own good.
More good stuff from Massie.
Sad that you can count pro-liberty congresspeople on one hand.
And still have several fingers left.
You only need one and the sense to put it in the right place.
Massie, Amash and Paul. That’s pretty much it.
Three fingers for them, they get a thumbs up, rest of Congress gets the middle one.
I was informed by Fonzie that Ron Wyden was the most libertarian-y member of Congress
Ron Wyden is the Nick Gillespie of congresscritters.
Yeah, there are like 3 of them, that’s it. All the rest are statists.
When only criminals have guns is the goal of the left.
Come to Dick’s! We take the name to heart!
It looks like Dick’s will also not sell any firearm to those under 21 and announced they will advocate for stricter gun control laws.
I’ll be looking for them to go the way of Sports Authority soon.
LL Bean it is!
“Antifa Group at U. of Texas Austin Hosts Program for Students With Mental Illness
A Texas Antifa student group hosted a six month health program to “politicize” students with “mental illnesses,” according to a Thursday report.
The Revolutionary Student Front at the University of Texas at Austin hosted a “Revolutionary Mental Health Program” “to address the mental health needs of students in a way that would primarily serve to politicize and strengthen them, to become more committed to revolution and more capable of carrying it out,” reported Far Left Watch.
The UT Austin Antifa student group based its 2017 program on “Turn Illness Into A Weapon,” a book charting the neo-Marxist Socialist Patients Collective group’s actions in Germany, which placed the blame of mental illness on capitalist oppression.”
Great plan. Something something autistic screeching
Now THAT is straight out of the Stalin playbook.
+1 running dog.
A common political tactic in the Soviet Bloc was to take the ignorant, poor, and sometimes just plain stupid peasants and put them in positions of minor authority. They were so thankful for the power that they would carry out orders fervently and with no remorse.
the Soviet BlocUS Universities.Or, you know. Cannon fodder.
Turn Illness Into A Weapon
Who are the fascists, again?
“Antifa Group at U. of Texas Austin Hosts Program for Students With Mental Illness”
Well, as they say, everyone looks after their own.
This will end well.
Even Jennifer Lawrence is smarter than the DNC. On her still strong support for Hilary Clinton and how that goes over in her home state:
“The Democrats made a huge mistake by chastising the Trump supporters, and that was disgusting to me. Of course they’re not going to vote for Hillary Clinton; they’re going to vote for Donald Trump. You laughed at them when their plight is very real.”
It is not a messaging problem. The Dems need to stop being hostile to the population both in word and policy if they want to win.
They’re going to move further left and double down on identity politics. If that’s what it takes to win, they’ll be winning a lot. If not, oh well.
She has actually been very reasonable lately. This statement and the dress kerfuffle where she pushed back on her decision to wear the dress.
“defining characteristic is the speed and caliber of the bullet”,
This brings me to a question. I saw one of the student victims on tv, giving a presser it looked like, who survived the Florida shooting due to the work of an EMT.
Anyway, she was shot in the chest. Wouldn’t a shot to the chest from an AR-15 have done massive damage, resulting in death, or at least have her still in a hospital bed two weeks after the event?
Gunshot wounds are incredibly high variance events. Depending on any of the approximately (high-level math on the way, sorry in advance) fourteen fuckton different factors, a bullet could skip off an bone and leave nothing more than a cut. Or it could destroy multiple organs and bones while bouncing around in a body.
Is it *likely* this happened? No. Is it *possible* this happened? Yeah, absolutely. Doesn’t really raise any red flags to me.
The first thing that came to my mind was the possibility that she wasn’t the first thing that bullet hit.
You really don’t want to be the happy recipient of a round after it’s been deflected by something else, unless almost all of the energy has been spent.
You can be confident that the entry wound will be bigger than it would be otherwise, and it may be substantially bigger and is probably more subject to deflection within your body. But as ALatW notes above, huge variances here. Certain spots in the upper torso could result in a thru-and-thru, and hydrostatic shock is well tolerated by lung tissue because of its relatively low density.
A: I am well aware of that
B: hitting something else does not necessarily mean bouncing off.
We don’t know a damn thing about angle of incidence, velocity or orientation of the bullet at impact, location of injury beyond “chest”. Number of previous students, books, etc struck before impact, shape of the bullet at impact, and so on.
Well, your last point is the subject I was trying to address. Some of your variables become far less important once the bullet is deformed, assuming there’s enough residual energy in the bullet to penetrate a victim.
You can be confident the bullet is deformed. Assuming the bullet has not fragmented, it means the effective caliber of the bullet will be greater, so is likely to be more disruptive at the site of entry.
Is it possible the student is a legit ‘walking wounded’? Sure.
Is it probable? Far less certain of that.
Hypothesis w.r.t. news article? Maybe she was hit with fragments of the rounds or casings, or from bits of building material ablated from a bullet impact. An EMT is likely to take a look and ‘treat’ her after that too.
I’m not going to assume that. That was my point.
If it’s a FMJ, a really high velocity bullet like .223 has a non-zero chance of being just a through and through with minimal damage as long as it doesn’t directly hit a vital organ. Not that I’d want to chance it.
But on the other hand, you just suffered a through-and-through on the lower left lobe of your lung. You’re bandaged up, you have an appointment at the doctor at 4PM to check for pulmonary edema and another ‘scrip of Percocet.
Or you suffered a very high torso impact that weaseled its way in under your clavicle and managed to exit just above the scapula so you bled a bit, had a doc probing around making sure there were no bits in there, they stitched you up and amazingly, never even needed a sling.
Are you gonna feel like giving an interview?
The tighter twists and shorter barrels of the newer ARs changes that fourteen fuckton different factors slightly towards less damage. It is after all, a medium-powered cartridge.
If I had to chose what I was getting shot in the chest with, I would certainly pick .223 over a full powered hunting round like .308 or Winchester .270 .
defining characteristic is the speed and caliber of the bullet
They got even that wrong. Its speed, mass, and diameter/caliber. I’m not an expert, but I think the last one is the least important.
Mmmmm… it depends…. A nice straight through-and-through – the last would be most important.
The Revolutionary Student Front at the University of Texas at Austin hosted a “Revolutionary Mental Health Program” “to address the mental health needs of students in a way that would primarily serve to politicize and strengthen them, to become more committed to revolution and more capable of carrying it out,” reported Far Left Watch.
Taking “useful idiocy” to a whole new level.
Doesn’t InfoWars have 2 strikes on Youtube already? Inevitable they get booted someday soon. That’ll be fun.
Earlier today I was looking for a particular clip on Youtube and noticed that “Restricted Mode” was enabled. I wasn’t having that bullshit, so I turned it off – only the moment I made that change and hit save, the page reloaded, and resticted mode was still enabled.
I do not log in to Youtube, because reasons, and I’m wondering if this was a change they made in their latest round of silencing differing opinions.
You can get a list of Youtube videos in restricted mode. Just google it.
Actually finding the two second clip of Alan Rickman going “Shut up you twit” was not the relevent portion of that comment.
What the dissidents need is a way to play torrented videos in websites they way YouTube videos are done right now. They’ll also have to get used to relying on donations rather than ads.
While I’m not a big fan of imposing on content providers, even as shitty as they are, making banks common carriers is probably a necessity so long as government is so involved in banking and acting to undermine cash.
He may not be a crisis actor, but he is definitely a tragedy pimp and a moron.
From the department of They Will Never Be Happy:
Mandatory sexual harassment training for Minnesoda state legislators doesn’t go well.
We need a ban on assault politicians I guess?
You don’t say.
Again, when employment of women plummets, how many of these twits will ever make the connection?
Why would anyone think its dangerous to flirt with Maye Quade?
Multiple women accuse Minnesota state Senator Dan Schoen of sexual harassment
Other than fucking up the text message to the wrong person, is she willfully ignorant that guys (and gals) talk like a lockerroom with their pals?
Fucking idiot should be ejected from office just for that self-confessed retardation.
These are the people who want to be taken seriously.
“We shouldn’t have to go to work and tell every single person, ‘Do not flirt with me.’
Because you still want the hot ones and the rich ones to flirt with you, right?
“Google Appears to Remove All Shopping Search Results for Guns — Even Water Guns, ‘Guns and Roses,’ ‘Burgundy
Searches for “gun,” “guns,” “pistol,” “pistols,” “AR-15,” “rifle,” and “revolver,” in the shopping section of Google’s search engine will now fail to return any results, while other searches which have nothing to do with firearms but include the keywords similarly provide no results, including “toy guns,” “water guns,” “glue gun,” “Guns and Roses,” “Gundam,” “Top Gun,” “Naked Gun,” the Man With the Golden Gun,” “Shogun,” “Sex Pistols,” and even “burgundy.’”
TW: Breitbart
It looks like my days of not taking Google seriously are coming to a middle.
After reading that Hot Air article, and the excerpt of his letter, I think the truly appropriate way for the CEO of Dick’s to act on his beliefs would be to resign, effective immediately, since his employer’s business model apparently presents an unresolvable moral dilemma for him. But that would be hard, and involve personal sacrifice.
The Dick’s story is too bad. I don’t think I can buy anything there anymore. But the little one loves Field and Stream because of the taxidermy, so I’ll keep taking here there as free entertainment, I guess.
Any Cabela’s near you? It was hours of entertainment when Spawn 1 was little.
There’s a big one in Wheeling, which is not too far, but it requires a dedicated trip.
It’s worth it. Between the taxidermy, aquariums and hunting videos, my kid couldn’t get enough.
Plus used guns to fondle.
“We shouldn’t have to go to work and tell every single person, ‘Do not flirt with me.’
That’s a total overreaction. Just tell the ugly and poor ones.
I would short Dick’s Sporting Goods stock. I think they just stepped on a landmine
Eh… I go to Dicks for cleats and sport equipment. It is the go-to place for Soccer, lacrosse, field hockey, etc… Moms. I literally forget that they sell guns and ammo and walk over to their gun desk as an afterthought.
If I’m shopping for guns or ammo, going to Dick’s doesn’t even cross my mind.
I’ll make a bet with you- if Dick’s stock drops 2% or more in the next month, you change your avatar to Nick Gillespie’s picture. If not, then I change my avatar to Nick Gillespie’s picture
So you are saying you want to look at pictures of Nick Gillespie?
If you’re really serious, it’s got to be the skinniest pic of ENB you can find.
Shit, if you win I’ll try and photoslop a picture of ENB making a sammich for your avatar.
“Head teacher bans children from touching snow for ‘health and safety’ reasons”
The sun never sets on retarded.
Uffda. Do they all have aquagenic urticaria?
That is what keeps this poor kid from Minnesoda from playing in the snow.
That’s just awful.
That’s horrible.
I had an Ass teacher once. It hurt.
Enjoy some blackened death metal from India.
Did you hear the new Ihsahn song that came out this week? New album should be coming out soon.
Heard about the album, haven’t heard the song. I just don’t dig his solo stuff. It’s high quality, but I’m a huge fan of grimy chaotic wall of noise stuff. People were complaining about the new Ihsahn album cover, but I love it.
Worth reposting:
“For starters, among people who are prescribed opioids by doctors, the rate of addiction is low. According to a 2016 national survey conducted by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, 87.1 million U.S. adults used a prescription opioid—whether prescribed directly by a physician or obtained illegally—sometime during the previous year. Only 1.6 million of them, or about 2 percent, developed a “pain reliever use disorder,” which includes behaviors ranging from overuse to overt addiction. Among patients with intractable, noncancer pain—for example, neurological disorders or musculoskeletal or inflammatory conditions—a review of international medical research by the Cochrane Library, a highly regarded database of systemic clinical reviews, found that treatment with long-term, high-dose opioids produced addiction rates of less than 1 percent. Another team found that abuse and addiction rates within 18 months after the start of treatment ranged from 0.12 percent to 6.1 percent in a database of half a million patients. A 2016 report in the New England Journal of Medicine concluded that in multiple published studies, rates of “carefully diagnosed” addiction to opioid medication averaged less than 8 percent. In a study several years ago, a research team purposely excluded chronic-pain patients with prior drug abuse and addiction from their data, and found that only 0.19 percent of the patients developed abuse and addiction to opioids.”
It’s going to go the same way as Vioxx, where an eceedingly small subset of patients with problems caused the entire drug to be pulled from the market. That was when I learned to hate the FDA.
Seldane. The only thing that ever worked for my hay fever, off the market because one or two people died from a reaction with antifungals.
Quit huffing Tinactin, idiots!
Plus used guns to fondle.
The gun library in the Billings Cabela had a bunch of Colt Single Action Armys last time I stopped.
Armys? Armies? No, Armys. No, I’m pretty sure it’s Armies. No, Armys is right…no,…
/time passes
What if former congressman Dick Armey was cloned and several Dick Armey clones were in the same place?
But is the Armey Army armed with Colt Single Action Armys? No, Armies. No, Armys…
/time passes, the sun expands
The US Army armies were armed with SA Armys?
AND in other news, SWMBO suddenly became rabidly anti-2A.
Despite the fact she is a CCW holder, apparently nobody needs a long gun. Nobody. Partly because she *knows* that someone who knows what they’re doing could perpetrate mass shootings with a bolt action rifle with mags.
Handguns are OK because personal protection, but we in the household live in a safe place and so we don’t need them. next conversation is ‘maybe when the kids are all gone, we can look at places in North Carolina’.
I’m gonna go all Minnesota. ‘Uffda’.
Time to start restricting her rations until she comes back around.
She’s gonna have a shitfit when I pick up that Ruger Carbine I ordered on Monday.
I’m gonna put a fucking bitching red dot on it and order a can.
Excellent! If you try saying it outloud, you would start with a big huff and make it more like “hooof-da”. The exhalation lets the listener know you are thoroughly upset.
By the way what is SWMBO?
My first guess would be an acronym Barak Obama uses when he is posting in Craigslist for some strange.
No that’s BrownEyeBarry9inch.
She Who Must Be Obeyed.
Valerie Jarrett?
In general it refers to a significant other. I know it’s a longstanding abbreviation in the homebrewing community.
^ that (until now) is the only place I’ve seen it before.
Aaaah. I call my wife FFOT. Five Feet of Terror
You married cojoined triplets?
No, just triplets. But one of them has a club foot and that isn’t scary at all.
Also became popular in the BBC series, “Rumpole of the Bailey.”
*Note to self*
Scroll down before responding.
Yeah, She Who Must Be Obeyed. It’s stolen from the John Mortimer’s character, “Rumpole of the Bailey”.
John Mortimer’s two greatest gifts to the world are Rumpole and Emily Mortimer.
*pours out claret onto ground*
The other one I like, which I can’t use because we live in a raised ranch, is “Her upstairs” which was used in a British comedy series called “Minder” about a very dodgy used car salesman and his sometimes-bodyguard, sometimes-minder.
For about 6 series, the guy’s wife was referred to, but never seen. An omnipresent, oppressive threat to happiness.
someone who knows what they’re doing could perpetrate mass shootings with a bolt action rifle with mags.
Well, yeah. Somebody with a building, a crowd, a piece of shit rusty Mosin, and a bunch of stripper clips could kill a LOT of people in a short amount of time.
As I’ve said on other threads, just wait until school lets out, then mow ’em down with an F-350. You’d probably get high casualty totals than this kid did.
If you’re determined to kill lots of people, you’ll find a way.
That’s the problem none of the gun grabbers want to address, because it isn’t about keeping kids safe, but disarming the deplorables so they can feel safe and not worry about the state sicking its agents on the deplorables.
I bet somebody with an armed federal government and a compliant Congress and SCOTUS could kill a lot more, albeit over a somewhat longer amount of time.
Hell, does the FDA even have armed agents?
If they don’t, they’re probably the only alphabet agency that doesn’t.
According to WaPo, the “every agency has its own SWAT team” is a a bunch of bunk.
However, I will leave it as an exercise for the libertarian reader to notice what the WaPo report doesn’t pay much attention to.
Ah, fuck it. I just saw the “four Pinocchio” rating at the bottom of the article.
Even though the gist of what Paul said is right, that these agencies have police forces which use aggressive tactics, the fact that the exact phrase “SWAT team” is technically incorrect means that he’s a total liar. Also, it’s totes cool to use these forces against people because “interstate commerce … is illegal” and some people “did not obtain prior licenses”.
All hail the jackboot of the regulatory state.
Why am I not surprised that WaPo has a LEO union on speed dial.
Regardless, I find that claim extremely dubious. The ATF and DEA don’t have SWAT teams? The only way that even begins to make sense is if you engage in an overly technical dissection of the meaning of the phrase “SWAT team”. The entire premise of both agencies is to use “special weapons and tactics” against illegal recreational drugs and illegally obtained firearms, respectively. I guess the ATF doesn’t have any SWAT teams because the whole goddamn agency is one big SWAT team.
Sorry to hear that man. Maybe it will blow over?
I dunno. She’s pretty stubborn. Maybe she’s got Pajamaboy as a fuckboy and he’s moved on to lecturing everyone on gun control. Who knows. It probably won’t blow over anytime soon.
The problem for her is gonna be that I’m an active member of the club, I’ve been elected Range Secretary for 2018 and I’m involved in the youth training program, so the issue can’t be downplayed on the family wall calendar.
I can move all my boomstick-related stuff out of the office, and in one respect it has an upside. If I go out and buy something, she can’t complain that I didn’t tell her I bought it.
“Of course I didn’t tell you. You hate the things, remember?”
Just start saying ‘fluffy bunnies’ instead of guns, ‘picking daisies’ instead of shooting. “Honey, I’m going to buy a new fluffy bunny and then head out and pick daisies with the boys at the club.”
“That 50lb package on the porch? You can leave it there. It’s just another 2000 rounds of 124 grain gummi bears”
Whenever my wife complains I invite her to the range.
“You say we should do more stuff together. Let’s go shooting.”
Dontchaknow these complaints are coded language for “you’re supposed to go along for more things I want to do and not complain.”
Of course I do. it’s also code for “you spend $500 on a new pistol, not a necklace for me?!”
With my ex this was the reason she disliked firearms..
She Who Must Be Obeyed. AKA wife, girlfriend, dominatrix, etc…
Next time I’ll start at the top of the thread and go down.
Yep, I’ll just go down.
So we’re just done with phrasing?
I’m with this guy:
I was going to buy his & hers AR lowers last weekend, but the store closed early. I plan on doing it this weekend. My girlfriend was pretty happy with the idea. Maybe you should get your wife her own rifle…
Connecticut. We already can’t get ARs.
Fudd guns or Fudd gun lookalikes for us, which is why I bought this a couple days ago and I’m waiting for it to arrive.
It doesn’t have to be an AR, think of it as a gateway rifle to get her to soften her newly developed Anti 2A stance.
I’ll be curious to hear how that carbine works out for you.
She’s fired the M1A a number of times, which admittedly is a lot meatier than that carbine, but she wasn’t particularly impressed. Her rationale for guns is shooting imminent, rapey/assaulty guys in the street. “Reaching out to touch” someone 100 yards away is the military’s job.
It’s not a rational philosophy, but it has its own internal consistency if you believe that cops and the military are our duly appointed defenders.
As far as the Ruger’s concerned, it shoots like a 10/22 and weighs about 2lb more. There was a guy at the range with one, so we played show-and-tell. It’s nice. Easy to shoot, easy to clean. Takedown is nice, and on reassembly, his red dot was still at POA.
Minor victory.
Roku has apparently told the people whining about NRA TV to fuck off.
The big question is when these companies quietly start offering NRA discounts again, will the customers come back? My money’s on no.
Armys? Armies?
nyuck nyuck nyuck
Dick’s (DKS) is jumping around, but down $.45 from the open. Not everybody is cheering, apparently.
Despite the fact she is a CCW holder, apparently nobody needs a long gun.
This is why this is all so stupid and crazy and pointless. The Fudds will say, “Nobody needs a handgun, especially one with a large capacity magazine. And my long gun has a legitimate sporting use, unlike those scary G I Joe monstrosities.”
What I have is good. What you have is unnecessary and should be banned.
Louder with Crowder’s “I’m pro-gun, change my mind” is fucking depressing. Shit these kids are stupid.
While I watch most of his videos, I can’t watch the “change my mind” segments for that reason.
the firearm ignorance is staggering. if i feel strongly enough about a topic that i’m going to march or lobby to strip a right from the Constitution, i would research the laws and rigorously scrutinize the data. the first kid admittedly said he gets his news from twitter and cnn. none of them know shit about firearms. christ.
It’s one thing to watch a Firing Line segment in which, say, Thomas Sowell goes up against a detractor, because even while I disagree with his critic, his critic is at least familiar with Sowell’s lines of argument and can therefore engage reasonably. The college students I hear discussing anything, literally anything, are so insipid and weak and ignorant, it’s impossible not to feel depressed and anxious for the future.
I took poli-sci classes of my own volition (wasn’t part of my major or minor) and I was typically the only one there in such a position. The stupid shit these people spouted, when this was supposedly the thrust of their entire education. And not just policy stances, but just sheer ignorance like arguing with me about Thomas Jefferson’s role in writing the constitution (hint, he wasn’t even in the damn country at the time).
We’re not arming up fast enough for me.
“Incivility at Work: Is ‘Queen Bee Syndrome’ Getting Worse?
Women report more incivility experiences at work than men, but who is at fault for instigating these mildly deviant behaviors? One UA researcher set out to answer that question, with surprising results.
“Across the three studies, we found consistent evidence that women reported higher levels of incivility from other women than their male counterparts,” Gabriel said. “In other words, women are ruder to each other than they are to men, or than men are to women.
“This isn’t to say men were off the hook or they weren’t engaging in these behaviors,” she noted. “But when we compared the average levels of incivility reported, female-instigated incivility was reported more often than male-instigated incivility by women in our three studies.””
Let me find my surprised expression.
Ostentatious piety
What portion of Dick’s revenue comes from assault rifles? Less than a tenth of 1%? Less than a hundredth? A look at Dick’s inventory shows that it sells a huge number of popular products that clearly make up most of its sales: footwear and clothing; golf, football and baseball accessories; workout equipment; soccer equipment; snowboards; tennis rackets. Those are only a portion of Dick’s offerings. Dick’s also will continue to sell rifles, shoot guns and many types of ammunition.
Dick’s CEO, Edward Stack, also said the company supports a number of public initiatives, which include the following:
Ban assault-style firearms.
Raise the minimum age to purchase firearms to 21.
Ban high-capacity magazines and bump stocks.
Require universal background checks that include relevant mental health information and previous interactions with the law.
Ensure a complete universal database of those banned from buying firearms.
Close the private sale and gun show loophole that waives the necessity of background checks.
In the final analysis, the company’s “sacrifice” is tiny.
That sacrifice may not be so tiny. A lot of people who shoot guns also buy shoes, and tents, and have children who need sports equipment. There are a lot of other places to buy sporting goods. I can’t wait to see how this little “experiment” plays out.
I can’t wait to see how this little “experiment” plays out
They fail to realize that they won’t only lose rifle sales. People (like me) will not buy anything from them anymore.
Absolutely this. Dicks is right the fuck off my list of available retailers.
If they were only halting selling AR-15s that would be one thing, but going on public record of supporting these gun grabbing measures will make me never shop there again.
That’s the thing. They didn’t just stop selling certain products, they came out in favor of a certain political stance. Way different.
Actions have consequences. They decided that they value the business of a bunch of loudmouths, some of whom who buy sneakers and spandex from them, over the business of a bunch of quieter observers who buy a wide variety of products with far higher profitability from them.
It may sound like a really bad business decision to us, but these people have run successful multi-outlet retail operations for years, so I’m sure they know what they’re doing.
“It may sound like a really bad business decision to us, but these people have run successful multi-outlet retail operations for years, so I’m sure they know what they’re doing.”
I mean honestly, that’s the craziest thing of all, and why I would wonder if someone brings legal action on fiduciary duty grounds.
Dicks has the whole loyalty card thing. Before they announced this, did no one go into their database and go “hmmm let’s see how much money we get that comes from people who buy ARs?”
Did no one in the board meeting say “Uh, hold on a second guys, we looked into the data. People who have purchased an AR in our stores are, across the board, in the 90th percentile or above of customers in terms of revenue.”
“It may sound like a really bad business decision to us, but these people have run successful multi-outlet retail operations for years, so I’m sure they know what they’re doing.”
Like Kmart?
Or Montgomery Ward?
Or Borders?
Or Galyans?
Or Gander Mountain?
In retail, everything is temporary.
And those retailers didn’t even take political stances.
What happened to corporations don’t have a right to speech because corporations aren’t people?
“Teenage girl ‘raped by a gang of Asian men during two-year ordeal was finally treated as a victim when her boyfriend phoned TV news studio after she saw report on Rotherham abuse scandal”
I blame noodle culture.
I’d think it’s difficult to rape anything when you’re pushing noodle.
If it was up to me investing in rope companies would be a certain money maker.
It’s England. They probably have a rope ban.
“Asian men”. Fucking weasels. Makes it sound like Chinese tourists our Japanese businessmen were responsible.
They name them in the article. I’m not an expert by any means, but they sounded more Pakistani than anything else. But, calling them “Asian” lets you dissipate any association over a continent holding billions of people.
Drake, RC, This is a difference between American English and British English.
England had much more association with the Indian Subcontinent.
The US had much more involvement with the East Asian Co-Prosperity sphere.
To a US person “Asian” means “East Asian”. To a UK person “Asian” means “South Asian”.
Haven’t clicked the link, but I’m going to guess they’re…Tamil. Am I right?
“Orlando decides to try the same failed experiment that city after city after city have tried. Gee, I wonder if the results will be different, SMDH.”
Well, I’ve said this before, but Baltimore went completely apeshit with this stupid idea. On one stretch of road I drive on several times a week, they decided to make a 10 ft wide bike lane on one side. Cars parked on both sides of the street, now there’s barely inches separating cars in the 2 lanes from each other and parked cars. I have NEVER seen a bike in that massive bike lane. It’s not that there’s no bikes, there’s lost of them, all riding right down the center line of the road between cars. Idiots will be idiots, I’m afraid there is no cure.
a town near me just ripped up its main street for about six months. I thought it was because they were widening the road because it’s also a county highway. Nope, they were putting in bike lanes. I don’t remember ever seeing someone on a bike in that town in my entire life. I mean, sure must be kids who ride their bikes and such, but I’ve never even witnessed that. But they needed to confiscate a portion of people’s front lawns, cut down trees and spend a shit ton of money for a bike lane that doesn’t even run the entire length of the road.
They’re doing that on a stretch of highway near where I live. It’s been going on for a year now. At first I thought they were repairing the road. Nope, putting in a fancy bike lane. The bike lane will basically be the new road because no one rides bikes there and the road is barely driveable, what’s left of it is full of wheel breaking pot holes, but they have to build a bike lane.
I feel like riding a bike in Baltimore during any kind of traffic is just a complicated, painful way to kill yourself.
We’ve got a fair number of bike lanes around here, but fortunately most of the older parts of town are too narrow to fit one. You do see them elsewhere in the county, though, in places where I can only imagine some dipshit on a local city council or something decided to get “environmentally Progressive” or some shit. Because it’s not like anyone’s using them to commute, and I might see maybe one person use them om a day. max.
I think we have a new winner for “Shittiest news media story of 2018”
in related news: “White Nationalist Rape Mobs Reportedly Not Rampaging Across Liberal Arts Campuses, Yet”
“This is part of The Associated Press’ ongoing effort to fact-check misinformation that is shared widely online, including work with Facebook to identify and reduce the circulation of false stories on the platform.”
It’s only February.
“”reduce the circulation of false stories “”
Wait until we get into September before the midterms. If the AP is going to “fact-check misinformation that is shared widely online”. They are going to be very busy. Even if its only for the misinformation they don’t like.
They should have 2 departments
1 to create the “Fake news”
1 to “debunk it” by spreading it on every channel and social-media platform known to mankind
There’s a Babylon Bee headline for you: “KKK stages no anti-Black History Month march for umpteenth February in a row.”
If the KKK can’t get even that right, what good are they?
I am disappoint.
So the AP and ABC are admitting that their stories are so preposterous that they are easily confused with The Onion?
File Under: “Learning Curve“
John Constantine had to find out the hard way.
What if I’ve seen the movie?
The geniuses at Money magazine are now claiming Cabela’s and Bass Pro are the only major retailers selling “semi automatic rifles”.
Also, “rifles of the type commonly used by mass shooters.”
Why must they insist on parading their complete and utter ignorance for everyone to see?
One of the things you see a lot in the media claims about “Mass shootings”:
1) they use a very very very wide definition in order to pump the #s up.
Which is basically the “more than # (3 or more, usually) wounded” definition. which includes dozens and dozens of annual urban gang shootings at block -parties where single bullets might strike 3 people, leaving many wounded but few killed. in other words, “mass shootings” which are not at all typical of the sort which the public conceives as “mass shootings” (e.g. the lone crazy guy who shoots up otherwise strangers in some public place)
Almost none of these actually use rifles.
2) but when characterizing what things are “typical” of a mass-shooting, they revert to this very very narrow definition: the sort of ‘school shooting’ / spree-killing event where 10 or more people are killed. Suddenly, the San Berdoos and the Omar Mateens and the James Holmes are the “norm” again; but will be quickly discarded when the same journalist needs to whip up some scary data. – e.g. “most mass shootings are done w/ AR-15”
The school shooting statistic is even better. Anything that involves a gun and a school counts. Window shot out in the middle of the night? School shooting. School Resource Officer has an ND? School shooting.
“Almost none of these actually use rifles.”
The combined number of people in the country killed with all rifles every year is lower than the number killed with bare hands.
They want your rifles to keep their jackbooted thugs safe whenever they decide it’s time to institute their Glorious Worker’s State. That’s the only reason.
America can’t be fundamentally changed to what the proggies want if so many of the deplorables have the means to resist…
There is a reason the left is banking its hold on power on the biggest possible welfare state combined with as much illegal immigration by people that want to take advantage of that welfare state.
“Why must they insist on parading their complete and utter ignorance for everyone to see?”
They are counting on the fact that your average dolt, especially the proggie douchebags, are as uninformed or stupid as they are about the real facts and will lap up their attempt to paint this in the most negative light possible, and then demand the action their narrative calls for. It’s a case of misinforming and exaggerating to sell shit. If it works it is worth the stupid lable more informed people would tag them with.
Jeff Sessions can go to hell. PILL?