Enacting your link labor
Links. Here they are.
For your use and abuse.
They give news that may amuse or confuse.
They can bore, maybe score – or you will ignore.
But whatever they do, here they are:
- Just you watch where you fry eggs in Ukraine! Not just anywhere, says the European Court of Human Rights!
- The bad soap opera that is the Bronx District Attorney’s Office might actually be getting worse. Or, rather, we are just finding out how bad it truly is…somehow this isn’t the “ripped from the headlines” stuff you see on police procedurals like the various Law & Order franchises.
- Speaking of cluster&*$% law enforcement. Not surprising, really.
- Huh.
Global Warming,Climate Change,Climate Chaosor whatever they are calling it these days was supposed to have made snow a thing of the past in the UK, right?
Have at ’em.
Swiss is poet.
And I didn’t even know it
Just try to imagine that being said, Beat style.
/bongo drums optional.
*finger snap* *finger snap* *finger snap*
He’s the beatnik
His links are scenic
His feet surely show it.
They’re long fellows.
It’s not a crime
To make a rhyme
Don’t make fun
if you can make a pun.
It urges all staff members to vigorously support Israel as he “find[s himself] up against a flurry of media allegations.”
Lions were towed.
Thin blue lions.
*symphony applause*
This is how I picture him in his office.
Actually there was one a few years ago where some high ranking judges and cops and lawyers were involved with a prostitution ring.
/Law and Order pedant
But the purity of the DA’s office was maintained, right?
Good point. Yes it was. The ADA put his integrity above politics and brought the few near-do-wells to justice. And all in one hour!
Rivera also alleged that prosecutors keep booze inside personal refrigerators in their offices, and guzzle down liquor, beer and margaritas at their desks.
Someone’s conscience is bugging them.
Margarita Monday is, in fact, a national holiday. So you can’t fault them for that.
Except she looks more like Kevin Hart than Angie Harmon.
schools shut as the ‘Beast’ wreaks havoc
Fatal crash with like, 2 inches of snow on the ground.
Atlanta with a 1/4″.
Maybe Israel and that douchebag from Minneapolis(?) can partner up and start a consulting firm to advise municipalities on crisis management.
This young girl is so damn good on guitar. I was never close to this good as she was three years ago.
I’m totally crushing on her. Thanks, mang/ette!
There are a lot of good-looking girls that can play instruments well on YouTube. My usual reaction is, “Wow, she’s hot. And she’s a pretty good player, too.” In her case it’s exactly the opposite; she’s a fantastic talent and she happens to be very cute.
From Swiss’s DA Link:
Transgender boy wins girls’ state wrestling title for second time
Testosterone matters, who would have guessed?
Only a dick would do that.
I was going to say it sounds like a total dick move.
He getting lucky in da locker room tonight.
Russians at 2020 Summer Olympics: “Our entire women’s swim team is transitioning.”
Christ, what an asshole.
As he finds himself up against the reality that as he was grandstanding and trying to blame the NRA he knew that his deputies refused to enter the school and confront the shooter. And then actually prevented EMS personnel from entering to treat the wounded.
Yes that whole “don’t let the EMTs in until the area is secured” schtick only really works after they pants-shit their magazine on a furtively moving dark-skinned biped.
17 dead white creatures whose parents can afford legal retainers is a bit different circumstances
Probably better than the alternative – which would involve a mob and some rope.
If its true are the charges allegations?
Why is Tres commenting on morning linx when he should be herding orphans? Why, Im letting the VA do a needle-biopsy of the tumor thats growing on my thyroid. Since the procedure involves getting my neck perforated, I probably shouldn’t have agreed to be seen by Dr. Acula.
(Mitch Hedberg joke)
Good luck.
I hope it isn’t serious.
Good luck
Take care, Bud.
Good luck…prayers for you
Get well mammal, your orphans will keep your factories running in the meantime
Good luck.
And do it for Hedberg!
Put on your favorite ass-kickin’ boots, and show that needle who’s boss!
Best wishes to you, Tres Cool. Hang in there.
Good luck
The “thin needle aspiration” to the neck is one of the least fun medical procedures I’ve endured.
I had a lymph node done.
Not near as bad as hemorrhoid surgery or having the drain tube yanked out of my knee…but definitely less than fun.
It’s over pretty quick.
/Not much of a cheerleader.
Good luck
Why don’t people take libertarians seriously? Oh wait…
Elvis is running for Congress
SHH it’s a secret
I award you no points for your failure.
That it wasn’t this is deeply disturbing to me, and you are a bad person.
Frankly, I’d like a little less conversation and a little more action from the Libertarian party.
Only fools rush in.
The Libertarians have left the building
But does he think Hillary is a wonderful public servant?
The Arkansas Libertarian Party should convince Sheldon Richman to run. The public television debate with him would be highly entertaining.
That would be hilarious. Every debate would devolve into a rant about American hegemony serving the interests of Israel.
Just you watch where you fry eggs in Ukraine! Not just anywhere, says the European Court of Human Rights!
I was under the impression Socialists don’t mind eggs being broken if it leads to the utopian omelet.
Considering the over 120 million murdered and the billions put through hell, I would say your choice of words is kind.
Socialists don’t mind breaking eggs, but they damn well mind people having their own food! This wrecker (or is she a Kulak?) was eating without permission!
Yellow snow warnings are in place for some of the UK
Where’s Frank Zappa when you need him?
Also- there does not appear to be even an inch of snow on the road in any of those photos.
even an inch of snow on the road in any of those photos.
In Michigan we call that clear weather
When I was a kid, there were some winters that had up to a foot of snow – unusual – but not rare. Now – I think a couple of those photos might be 2 to 3 inches. It’s been an extensive snowfall, and what news do we have? None really. A fatal car accident where poor weather conditions are implicated and a bunch of idiotic ‘human interest’ stuff. Meh.
When I was three we would get snow up to my head. Now we rarely get snow deeper than knee high.
Climate chaos, confirmed.
First transgender recruit signs contract with Pentagon
Where does the judicial branch get the constitutional authority to set military recruitment policy? Other than the FYTW clause, of course.
Eastern declined to identify the recruit or which branch of the service they are entering. He said the recruit met all standards for joining but has not begun basic training yet.
If this is a POC, just hand over the Bronze Star right now.
Bronze? Why are you a racist transphobe? Silver or GTFO.
4 years, 36 million. He also gets the use of a private jet.
I’ve had my disagreements with Jennifer Lawrence, but she does know how to promote her latest movie.
“If you don’t like boobs, you should not go see ‘Red Sparrow,‘” Lawrence said.
“Not only did Lawrence conquer her fear of going nude for her role as a Russian spy, but it sounds like she got comfortable with it. In fact, the Academy Award-winner was walking around naked on set so much she thinks she made everyone else uncomfortable.”
I blame skinny jeans for any uncomfortable feelings.
Sounds like she’s prepping to do porn.
I need to get to the office, but I should I head to my bunk first.
God willing.
From your keyboard to God’s ears.
Or eyes.
“The ‘Fappening’ happened, might as well make it work for you.”
/JLaw’s agent
I was going to skip it but, suddenly, I am intrigued.
Herd of deer obeys stop sign in Canada
The buck stops here.
*steely reptile gaze*
::grabs 12 gauge, takes Count Potato out behind the barn::
And in Canada they put the Deer Crossing signs in spots with less traffic, to keep them safe.
Even the deer are polite in Canada.
I was assaulted by a director. Now I’m giving up sex
Wow. You’re up for normal human behavior and relationships? Fancy that.
“If the future is to be female, what responsibility does that put on women to bring about their most feminine self? For me, and let’s be clear that I speak on behalf of myself only, it means I am going to stop having sex. Romance is my crack. It is a lot of single women’s crack. Men’s crack? Well, ours. These drugs are strong, and they are circumventing something deeper.”
Put down the pipe.
“we are still submitting to the great fallacy”
Speaking of cluster&*$% law enforcement. Not surprising, really.
The e-mail was making the department aware of the Boycott Divest and Sanction Sheriff Israel movement.
Forgive me if I’ve expressed this thought before, but it rears its head again in my life.
I am an American. We are good at pretty much everything. There are many reasons for this, chiefly our large population, economic/cultural power, and a culture of competitiveness. There are not many sports or fields where we don’t have at least one high-ranking expert/Olympian/Nobel winner/etc. Usually we kick ass and take names. Our military superiority plays into this, as well.
The Olympics are thankfully over here. All of the kids, whom I am sure have never watched any of these sports before, are so enamored with skeleton and short track skating and curling. All of them. They know every single athlete. They are *personally* proud of them. Kim Yuna is still a national treasure here. Now, I think that their pride and enjoyment comes distinctly from nationalism, and they love that Korea is on the map as being the best in the world. I get that. That makes sense.
But as an American, I can’t understand it. We’re good at everything. It’s not something that I take personal or nationalistic pride in. I guess I just expect it.
Glibs, particularly expats or those abroad, how do you feel about this? (No. 6 expat to US, especially Pie, straff, and I’m not sure who else lives overseas.) Are Americans assholes for thinking that we are (and….I’m sorry, *being*) better at most things than most countries? I don’t mean to be rude, though it obviously will sound as such, what do other countries latch on to in order to feel national pride? In the last decade it’s been figure skating, skeleton and short-strack in Korea. They also have huge baseball pride (Ryu Hyun Jin and Shin Soo Choo especially.). There’s an incredible sense of shared identity here now. It’s what they hang their hat on
What does Romania hang theirs on? It’s an emotion that I have never experienced so I’m hoping that I’m explaining it clearly.
Forgive me for what I know will be a Ken-length post as soon as I submit.
Whatever you say, cis-shitlord.
Urge to kill….
You’ve been ridin’ my back all night.
TBH, I give no shits about trash sports sponsored by a fabulously corrupt organization (like the IOC). I prefer real sports sponsored by a fabulously corrupt organization (like the NFL).
I personally think we’re better at most things than other countries because of our immigration/assimilationist culture, where we’ve gotten the best, brightest, and most ambitious folks from all over the world to join in our national project.
The national project to raise awareness for ‘Old men with candy’?
I personally don’t care a whit about what some person I’ve never meet or care to meet does in the some corporate sponsored, government-subsidized competition. Now, Kim Yuna, wooood.
I almost added that immediately after I typed out her name. I thought for sake of brevity that I shouldn’t.
But. Um. Yeah. SHWING.
Right now I’m obsessed with the girls from Twice (Mina can do anything to my all day and I would absolutely be ok with it. I mean *anything.*) And I hate that I actually love like 5 of their songs. It’s not good.
She beat out Mao Asada twice, IIRC. The comedians had a fun time of it.
You’re gonna have to change the salute in your avatar to the TT pose now.
I am an American. We are good at pretty much everything. – except cars (Germany) and watches (Switzerland)
You’re an expat? I thought you were born/bred Romanian.
I am not an expat. I just wanted to say US cars suck
My Volkswagen was antisemitic. I hated that fucking car and it hated me back. Died an early death (engine froze up into a solid, one-piece block at 65k miles).
I’ll take Japanese or Korean. Our Hyundais and Kias have been delightful, and I was a very happy long-time Mazda owner.
My wife’s VW Rabbit was a rolling POS – and I’ve had more problems with MINI/BMW than any American car I’ve owned. But hey, at least the Mini can handle so damn well.
Of course I also liked my American cars big ‘n’ stupid – the old body-on-frame RWD with a V8 out front. America, like trucks, knew how to make those kind of cars really well. These days I don’t know what American car I would get, though I’ve been eying the Taurus SHO or the Fusion Sport, either one would be a good straight-line sleeper.
My Rabbit was a POS, too. The Super Beetle, Vanagon, and Fastback were all awesome cars that I could repair myself. The Scirocco I had was quick, but I didn’t hold on to it long enough to have to make any real repairs.
My Scirocco back in the day was probably ground zero for unattributed pregnancies for 2 or 3 years.
It was a total poon magnet.
That is all.
As a Edge sport owner it is a sleeper with the same motor. As a turbo car it can be significantly tweaked with chipping (+50hp) with little to no risk to longevity. The fusion sport is quicker of course due to the lower weight.
I’ve owned German cars since 1998. I’ll be trading my last bimmer in for a Japanese car in the next couple of weeks.
What does Romania hang theirs on? – we are a great nation but the evil foreigners are keeping us down. Also Simona Halep when she wins
Her breast reduction makes me sad.
There’s a fair amount of national pride bound up in sports for the Brits,
In many sports, Britain seems to punch above its weight for a nation of its population, so there’s not much envy expended on the Americans and their achievements, and there’s usually something for the sports fans to be euphoric about.
Nationally, and not reflected in the media, when it comes to the Olympics there’s a stoicism that probably goes unobserved by furriners – in failure, you get a lot (or certainly used to) of the public reverting to nostalgia with a kind of shrug of “what else can you expect? we’re no longer a global power.”. In success, it always seemed to me that the real adulation is reserved for individual heroes or where particularly pathos-laden, heroic failures (Eddie ‘The Eagle’ Edwards, etc).
To the extent that true team sports have wins, the tabloid newspapers are particularly involved in jingoistic boosterism when it comes to soccer. It’s much more muted in the more gentlemanly sports of cricket and rugby, but like other nation, a true team sport where the country fails, and the nation is galvanized with calls for the team management to be hanged, drawn and quartered for being the traitors they were. Individual team players tend to be the focus when a team has a spectacular win – you don’t have whole national teams lionized in the same way as it appears Korea seems to does.
Even if the good old US and A racked up every single gold trinket this time around, I’d still have nary a fuck to bequeath upon the Winter Olympics. It’s a collection of rich kid sports that’s ran by one of the most criminally corrupt organizations in the world. Rah rah, sis boom bah. Big fucking deal.
I don’t know anything about anything, but isn’t this partly a Korea thing vs. a not-America thing? America might be less invested in international competition than average, but AFAICT Korea is at the same time more nationalistic and insular than average.
Also, I think part of it is that whereas other smaller and/or more homogenous countries need to look to other countries in their region to get their GO TEAM GO on, the US is large enough and heterogeneous enough to support sports rivalries internally.
Oh, I absolutely agree with you. And yeah, the obvious reality of living in the most homogenous nation (well, the North, too) on Earth certainly has everything to do with this. And that until 1979 the North was wealthier than the South. They are so happy to show off being good at something, anything. (And they are now so good at so many things!)
I just don’t know how that feels. The only real primal tribalism that I have, where I don’t care about anything other than I win and You lose is being a Cubs fan. That’s how I get that shit out.
I just don’t understand how it feels to put so much of yourself and your actual self-worth into what people from your country do. The only thing that makes sense to me is how the US kicked ass and took names during WWII and that I am proud of everyone on the fronts took that shit down. But I’m too far removed from that for it to be personal.
Oh, and reply to my email, dummy.
I have seen nothing.
evan g mathews @ gmail ?? (All together, duh)
Funk Legend George Clinton on Cultural Appropriation: ‘We’ve Got to Get Over This Sh*t’
Yet another reason George Clinton is a god in somewhat human form.
Looks like Georgie’s gotta little bit of bitch in him.
Let us pee in all y’all’s afros to rejoice.
He internalized something or other. His opinion is invalid.
George is the man just for bringing aliens into the discussion.
With three or four dicks, no less!
“We used to have parties…where ADAs will have sexual relationships with officers and prosecutors. We’ve had incidents where ADAs are having sex with each other and they’re married, so husbands find out about their affair and they come to the office and expose [it].
The King’s men. Funny, my employer expects me to show up at the office and work, not orchestrate orgies.
Maybe you should apply at OrgyOrchestrators.com. They’re looking for a project manager.
in my experience, sex is cheap.
Cheap for you, anyway.
The antibiotics are more expensive
Anchorage man sentenced for attacking sex offenders
The Memory of Charles Bronson hit hardest.
Oooh, Death Fisting. Selling advanced tickets?
Why does it seem that judges always do the right things for the wrong reasons. This isn’t about vigilantism, as the criminals had already been punished by the state, this was just plain violence.
This seems to be yet another argument against sex-offender registry lists.
Yeah. I think I figured this out. Sex offenders less likely to report crime and cops less likely to help them out.
Sort of like prostitutes.
I personally think we’re better at most things than other countries because of our immigration/assimilationist culture, where we’ve gotten the best, brightest, and most ambitious folks from all over the world to join in our national project.
So what you’re saying is we have stolen the greatness of other cultures and enslaved noble people in pursuit of our hegemonic pride.
What’s this “we” stuff? I haven’t done shit and don’t plan on starting.
Yes, exactly.
Oh, and nice job on the threading, as usual.
I think you could have stolen a lot more, especially doctors and the like
My doc is from Prague. And the one who works for me is from Gujarat.
You still have fewer physicians per capita than several EU countries despite I assume higher pay
We don’t need more. We’re much healthier than you wretched Warsaw Pact types.
Well more might get the price down
The AMA doesn’t want more doctors, for some strange reason.
I never understood that ‘doctors per capita’ part.
I reckon they’re saying, ‘hey, we have doctors!’ but on the hand, it could mean more Dr. Riviera.
It’s a strange stat.
Hi, Dr. Nick!
I’ve never had trouble seeing a doctor on short notice, so I really don’t care what the per capita number is.
But have you by any chance cheked your priviledge?
That’s why you see a doctor. He uses his index finger.
The Beast from the East, as the cold wave is called (strangely cause it is caused by Canadians west of Europe) is not laughing matter. Snow is falling people. Almost 50 centimeters of it! (that is 20 inches in silly measures). Whatever shall we DO?
That being said, for Bucharest it is nothing that has not happened every damn winter since Bucharest exists. It was actually a very warm and light on snow winter overall. Off course, my morning commute was a bit more difficult due to no sidewalks being shoveled (except my own which I shoveled before leaving for work) at 7 30 when I leave home. On the bright side the traffic was very light as people delayed leaving home with their cars so I could mostly walk on the street and avoid sidewalk. I was surprised that the garbage men came as usual this morning, draging the cans through the snow in shoveled yards.
Also schools in Bucharest are closed all week. I don’t remember the schools ever being closed when I was going. Kids these days. Weak.
Did you have to go to school uphill… both ways?
pretty flat. But never closed on account of snow.
My junior year of high school, the only way I got an solo parking spot was by parking at the athletic fields ( about 1/4 mile walk from the school building). It has a slight dip to it in the middle, so I always used to joke to a friend I’d drive to school that we could tell our grandkids we did have to walk a half mile to school, uphill both ways.
Y’all need to get your weather in order. I’m going to be in Netherlands and Austria next week and this freezing snow shit is unacceptable.
“The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air ‘is coming back to TV – but with a girl in the lead role’ claim US reports”
who said originality is dead?
Nothing says requisitioned equality like rehashing an old show and changing the gender of the lead. Who wants new original content anyway?
I can’t wait for the premiere of the Duchesses of Hazzard.
All wearing hijabs?
Repaint the Frau Lee with a Norwegian Flag on the top.
It would be a pretty small flag to fit on the top of a Prius.
Country Legend Taylor Swift singing the theme song.
♫”…that’s why they show my tits, and not my face on TV.”
Hillary Clinton’s fake southern accent as the narrator: “Mercy! How will the Duke girls get out of this mess? Y’all come back and find out, y’hear?”
Will it be that crazy chick from SNL? What was her name again? Jones? Queen Latifa? Whoopi? What’s the Cosby baby girl (any of them really) been up to?
I couldn’t care less about a shitty 90s sitcom remake, but the fear that a new “star” would rise to ruin science fiction films for two decades afterward is a real one.
You shouldn’t worry about her, but her daughter ruining movies.
After After Earth!
Forbidden Planet with Rosie the Robot.
Can someone get a comment from STEVE SMITH on this article?
Meteorological Mystery Surrounds What Caused Massive Tree Fall in Northwest Washington
related: Bigfoot in the Spotlight! Two Packed Days of Films & Speakers at Bigfoot Bonanza
Two Packed Days
So the trees made a sound?
I assume you’re all being bombarded with local “What are OUR schools doing to keep teh precious baby childrinz safe?” stories.
Bozeman is in the midst of planning a big new second high school to accommodate all this pernicious growth. I can’t wait to hear that they have decided to tear up the blueprints for the new, friendly, open plan, in order to make it more like a supermax fortress. There was a story last night about how they’re worried somebody will smuggle a bomb in at night during a basketball game, and detonate it during school hours. Because, it COULD happen, therefor it WILL happen.
Our high school was a (at the time) new structure, designed apparently to prevent vandalism or any hint of joy. Completely windowless classrooms. During the winter, some wise-ass would always blurt out, “It’s snowing!” and everyone would instinctively look over- at a blank cinderblock wall.
Almost 50 years later, it’s still there and still looks like a prison. Congratulations to MT for catching up.
My sister’s high school was like that. Behold, Mills Godwin
Medium Security PrisonHigh SchoolOur legacy lives on.
I’d be more worried about the cops beating up the spectators at the basketball games.
What in the hell happened to Bozeman. I worked there in the mid-90’s and was asked to speak at the HS during deer season. The parking lot was full of trucks with rifles in the racks and no shits were given.
Knife crime has left London’s young people reeling. We need action now
The Labour MP for Croydon, Sarah Jones (chair of the all-party parliamentary group on knife crime), has called knife crime “an epidemic spreading through our communities”.
It feels like normal London communities are now living in a state of emergency, a consequence of failed domestic policies, lack of funding, and institutional indifference. What’s needed now is a strategy to combat this
A strategy. Off course. Why din’t anyone think of that before?
The funding gap must now be faced by the taxpayer and increases in council tax.
Fight stabbings with muggings.
You know what wins in a knife fight?
An automatic assault knife of course. With a thing that goes up.
A knife that flies 1700 feet per second?
Thank you Sen Feinstein.
Ballistic knives?
If any part of London can talk with authority about knife crime, it’s my old manor, Croydon.
Common sense knife control NOW!
For me, and let’s be clear that I speak on behalf of myself only, it means I am going to stop having sex. Romance is my crack.
“Likes to be chased.”
Yeah, I’m not gonna participate in your “Prince Charming carries me away to his fairytale palace on his flying unicorn” fantasies. I’ve had that shit pulled on me enough.
“Prince Charming carries me away to his fairytale palace on his flying unicorn”
That brings a favorite.
Hey Rapunzel!
Caption contest. Our friend, the Israelite.
There were too many tots, not enough toys.
Check out the tot with his toy.
Getting to safety in 2.6 seconds flat!
Yeah, it’s fast, but it’s also got armored doors I can hide behind, right?
It can drive away from a shooter three times faster than a pistol bullet.
Same colors as the UAE one.
Uffda. NoDaks can sleep easy tonight.
The serial christmas tree thief may have been caught by an intrepid citizen.
Great story of a local loon pestering the cops, the local university and the paper about a tree stolen from his property.
This guy has to be a Minnesoda native.
Nice try NoDak-breath.
Vogel, 65, lives in north Fargo on his family farmstead that was established in the 1880s.
The kook is your very own.
The Labour MP for Croydon, Sarah Jones (chair of the all-party parliamentary group on knife crime), has called knife crime “an epidemic spreading through our communities”.
It feels like normal London communities are now living in a state of emergency, a consequence of failed domestic policies, lack of funding, and institutional indifference. What’s needed now is a strategy to combat this
And when we’re safe from knife crime, we’ll move on to the next frontier. FRYING PAN CRIME.
Sure. Too chicken to take on the National Anvil Association?
Everytime you see some poor bastard folded up like an accordion trying to walk down the street, I hope you think the NAA’s blood money was worth it Brooksie.
According to Andy Capp there is a lot of rolling pin related crime in the UK.
Op-Ed: Los Angeles’ homelessness crisis is a national disgrace
Finally. California has finally done something I approve of.
My only question is do they have any literature about this new Help for the Homeless program that we can give to our local indigent population? I hope that the Minnesoda legislature realizes that this is a prime opportunity to slash programs and benefits for the homeless.
I imagine a giant Grapes of Wrath migration of homeless from all over our nation to bask in the warm embrace of the Angelinos.
If I ran a municipality where I needed to get rid of some homeless people, I would have a weekly Greyhound one way shuttle program for them to move to Cali.
Solving our homeless problem on the cheap!
Reelect me for your Mayor!
took extraordinary action – mkay
voted in November 2016 and again in March 2017 to raise our own taxes – stamping a ballot is not extraordinary action. It is quite unextraordinary
It’s funny, I actually do work with LA Land their homelessness. The company I work for helps with a lot of HUD’s mandatory reporting. Maybe I’ll write something up about it.
Yeah, me rolling up the window at the freeway offramp isn’t meant to be a solution or stopgap measure.
One of the “measures” L.A. enacted assesses a “fee” on all new housing projects. When you’re lacking affordable housing, obviously charging extra fees on houses will help, amirite?
The owner of a Chik-fil-A kicked NoDak woman out of restaurant for breast feeding.
Look at this story and tell me if you would want that woman flopping her hooters out in your restaurant.
Mathern said he’s drafted a bill that would eliminate the “discreet and modest” clause
L oh Fucking L.
Did you click to the next picture of the pol who is trying to get the “discreet and modest” clause removed?
Tell me that if you were a cop you wouldn’t be very suspicious that this guy had an intense interest in breast feeding.
Gah! I’m not on phone, dude. That filled up my entire screen.
We need a catchphrase that clearly captures the utter importance of such an insignificant qualm along the lines of “Bake the Cake”. Maybe just “We’re Expropriating Your Property”? I don’t know. I’m not clever
We’re a chicken place, we don’t want any cows with giant udders
You, sir, are clearly wrong.
I think you meant “Udderly wrong” /Minnesoda pronunciation
Dont have a cow on OMWC just because he didn’t milk the pun for all it was worth.
*clenched BUTTHOLE in preparation for retribution*
(I hace no idea why my phone autocorrects BUTTHOLE to all caps)
(I hace no idea why…
Haven’t you wondered what Beavis and Butthead actually did when they grew up? Work for Merriam-Webster of course!
That’s a North Dakota 8, you fuck.
So what would you replace “discreet and modest” with?
“Large and in charge.”
All legislation should rhyme.
How do you think she got so big? Because she 8 & 8 & 8
a couple other “North Dakota 8s”
Dennis: Oh, uh, I mistook that girl for Great Plains trash. She’s actually desert trash. I should’ve picked up on the multiple gecko tattoos, so this, this is kind of on me. Either way, I’d rather stay in this barren wasteland of a state than spend one more minute with that filth. I’ll see you back in Philly.
That is very difficult to masturbate to.
Woman wants attention. Film at 11.
I thought she was on private property?
Donald is really breaking my balls.
On Monday, Trump told a gathering of state governors: “By the way, bump stocks, we’re writing that out. I am writing that out. I don’t care if Congress does it or not, I’m writing it out myself, ok? You put it into the machine gun category, which is what it is – it becomes essentially a machine gun…”
No. It really doesn’t.
Scrooge McDuck has gone too far this time
Honestly, I don’t care about bump stocks. The ATF could have ruled against them in the first place, and nothing would have changed.
I don’t want one. The issue is the abuse of language to put “pulling trigger real fast” into “banned gun” category will be abused 20 seconds after it’s ruled.
How else will we be able to defend ourselves when Jerry Miculek attacks?
Pocket Chuck Norris.
Who died and made him legislator?
Oh, the DNC and GOP did under the Obama and Bush eras.
Next stop – belt loops are banned. After that, mandatory thumb amputations.
I’m surprised the email didn’t blame the ‘alt-right’ for the ‘personal attacks’ on the good Sheriff.
I look forward to that version of L&O depicted in the article. Man, that would be good TV.
Tard Tuesday: Schiffian Pipe Dreams Edition
“the liberal that they call their neighbor, the person who wants equal rights for all and fairness and liberty”
Cool story, bro.
Equal Rights? Those words, they do not mean what you think they mean.
“I pray that Mueller and his team are the one check and balance that our complicit Republican Congress refuses to be.”
The same Congress that has allowed a House and Senate investigation to continue? Or the Congress that forced the executive to impose further sanctions on Russia and included a questionably constitutional provision which required the executive to maintain those sanctions unless Congress decides otherwise? Or are we talking about the Congress that includes members of the president’s party that constantly disparage his leadership on the floor of the Senate (often, rightly so)?
I wish the Democratic Congress under President Obama was so complicit
This whole case is the Democratic Party version of the IT’S HAPPENING gif.
Yeah. Except even the guy that I once met on the Ron Paul campaign who insisted that the Federal Reserve assassinated JFK was less unhinged than Adam Schiff and his far left enablers.
“we would not allow ourselves to be duped again by charlatans and warmongers.”
HAHAHAHA!!! right, because Obama was neither of those things. I can’t even read that with a straight face
The irony is that Democrats are the warmongers in this scenario. Anyone who doesn’t think this ends with either more American involvement in Syria is naive
“The web of criminality will spread far and wide. I think it will end up shocking us as to how many of our fellow Americans were complicit in the deceit.”
Oh, I think we’re getting an idea of how many people in positions of authority were using Russian disinformation for partisan advantage.
And using Russians to aid their campaign (no, not Trump, but the other one)…..
It’s banana republic stuff. The wrong candidate won. They want wrong candidates to know that if they try to run against the chosen one they will be punished. If need be bureaucrats will go back 20 years and dig through anything they can find. But only for one side.
The plebes need to understand there are consequences for defying the state.
This might actually be an apple?
“Sheriff says he got 23 calls about shooter’s family, but records show more
As critics have taken aim at law enforcement for missing warning signs about South Florida school shooter Nikolas Cruz, public records have emerged that conflict with Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel’s statements about the number of times deputies were dispatched to the shooter’s home.
Records obtained from the sheriff’s office by CNN show the law enforcement agency received at least 45 calls for service relating to Cruz or his brother from 2008 to 2017, before the attack at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland on Feb. 14. The sheriff’s office has insisted it received no more than 23 calls for service regarding Cruz or his family.
CNN has repeatedly asked the sheriff’s office to explain the discrepancy, sending emails and attempting to reach an agency representative by phone. The agency has not responded to those requests with an explanation.
On Feb. 15, CNN received a Broward County Sheriff’s Office log based on a public records request showing 39 calls from Cruz’s house over a six-year period. During CNN’s town hall on the Parkland school shooting last Wednesday, NRA representative Dana Loesch confronted Sheriff Israel about those 39 calls, though she inaccurately described them as being 39 visits from police in one year.
On Saturday, the sheriff’s office reiterated that lower figure, releasing this public statement: “Since 2008, BSO responded to 23 incidents where previous contact was made with the killer or his family. STOP REPORTING 39; IT’S SIMPLY NOT TRUE.” That day, he made the same claim in a letter to the governor.
However, based on logs of the original calls and additional records since obtained from the agency, CNN has found that the Broward County Sheriff’s Office actually received 45 calls in the past decade related to the Cruz home, Nikolas Cruz or his brother — even more than previously thought.
The documents in question include call logs from the law enforcement agency’s “computer aided dispatch” system. The records list police calls from the home at 6166 Northwest 80th Terrace in Parkland, Florida, which was the home owned by Nikolas Cruz’s mother during that time period, according to property deeds.
Each listed police call has a unique identifying number, dispatch date and time, and description. The descriptions include mentions of a “mentally ill person,” “child/elderly abuse,” “domestic disturbance,” “missing person,” and more. The vast majority of the calls resulted in “no written report.””
I haven’t seen CNN do this much investigation since someone made that wrestling gif making fun of them.
“I haven’t seen CNN do this much investigation since someone made that wrestling gif making fun of them.”
Not true. They also put a lot of effort into tracking down some random woman who supposedly, at one time, promoted an event that was supposedly organized by some all powerful, all knowing Russian trolls or something. They showed that woman. How dare she try to engage in the political process.
They also published her name and address.
Just like firefighters
Not a lie. They just didn’t bother responding to other half of the calls.
Berlusconi’s comeback shows that Italy still struggles with its fascist past
Today, what’s most worrisome is the rise of anti-migrant racism. We’ve reached a point where even well-educated people agree with the rhetoric spread both by the right and the Five Star Movement (M5S). – well if the migrant situation was not handled so poorly by Europe this would not be the case
First comment
Fascism set up our healthcare system, our pension system, it built roads, train tracks and eliminated swamps full of malaria, it increased our agricultural output and dragged us from agrarian society to industrialized nation. It also did a lot of bad things don’t get me wrong.
Berlusconi only ever looked out for himself and his cronies, never made a single measure to improve the life of the average Italian, just laws to protect himself and his interests, plus he’s a neo-liberal extremist.
I’m pretty sure they did not run on time under Berlusconi (at least in Milan, my aunt’s brother and various relatives live there, and the trains do not run on time).
Well, that is pretty much true in Italy.
I’m not sure it’s racism to not want large numbers of foreigners residing in your country.
Berlusconi’s come back doesn’t show this. The fact that neo-fascist parties are growing in popularity show this. And even then, I think the rise of these parties shows more how the political class in Europe have failed so horribly.
Which is why the members of that class are so desperate to conflate the people getting tired of their failures with the people being evil fascists…
We can all look forward to the return of the bunga bunga parties.
Why It’s Time To Raise The Voting Age Back To 21
In short, ignorant teenagers are ignorant.
The ages for things are all over the place — 16 to drive, 18 to vote, 21 to drink — it doesn’t make much sense.
Shoot. My response got fucked up (can’t remember who we named that faux pas after) and is down below.
Yes, we need to pick one age of majority and stick with it. Do you think that jackhole who wants to raise voting age also wants to raise the age you can enlist to 21 (or be drafted when that comes back)?
Why? Your notion assumes that everyone reaches some threshold
of responsibility for every facet of life at exactly the same time.
I see no reason why the driving and voting age should be the same.
Well, I don’t see much reason why they should be age based at
all, but given that they are, becoming an adult is a process
that doesn’t happen all at once. Some hard line cutoffs are
necessary just to avoid having to make judgment calls all the
time, but that doesn’t mean the cutoffs need to be the same
for every activity.
Not to pick a fight, but Fuck off slaver. There is no reason that a young person that the country expects to be able to be called to kill and be killed in defense of his country should be denied ANY other freedom allowed any other adult.
To me, that is a fast and hard line. If you want to establish some test of maturity that establishes adulthood, I’d be open to suggestions, but the mish-mash that places going to war as something less than anything else is an utter travesty.
“There is no reason that a young person that the country expects to be able to be called to kill and be killed in defense of his country should be denied ANY other freedom allowed any other adult.”
But hey, our political class sure as hell wants to pretend the problem isn’t them and the damage they have done, but people’s lack of maturity..
I fail to see where I said what you are accusing me of.
Indeed, I even said ” I don’t see much reason why they should be age based at all”, which a moments reflection
might suggest to you that I don’t think that the age
based limitations are generally a good idea.
Nor did I bring up military service at all, so I don’t see
how I “[placed] going to war as less than” other activities.
So, yes, honestly, if you’re going to use raw age as your
discriminator, I don’t see why everything needs to
be the same age. Personally, I wouldn’t use age much,
but it does have some advantages, such as being harder
to game the system.
I dunno. I kinda like 18 for everything. I have a hard time saying you are old enough for some of the following, but not others:
Owning a gun
Entering contracts
Consenting to medical procedures
Entering the military
The one that sticks out, really, is driving. Currently, the default age is 16, but its demonstrably more dangerous than any of the ones where the cutoff age is older.
But where will teenagers fuck if they don’t have access to automobiles?
Luber drivers?
It obviously depends on the person. It’s not clear to
me what an age cutoff is supposed to do. Let’s assume
that people become responsible enough at different
ages. Is the age supposed to be the 50th percentile,
of people responsible enough? That seems too low?
Perhaps the 95th, which seems a bit too much.
This perhaps sums up my general problem with age
based restrictions, I am unconvinced that it’s a good
proxy measure for responsibility. I don’t have a better
suggestion at present though.
Luckily they tend not to vote
Inside the black market for college homework
“People Cheat At Already Rigged Game, Nation Shocked”
Back when I was in University the top cheating thing was a earphone that would fully fit in you ear with no wires. Someone would dictate the answers by phone. Off course you needed to communicate back and this was done through a series of coughs. Slower, repeat etc. One time a guy’s girlfriend – who was enrolled in economics university – dictated some microwave thing to her boyfriend and said the wrong Greek letters. Fun times
Cheating in old Bucharest Polytechnic was probably more time consuming than actual studying would have been.
Often found this to be the case when I was in college too..
There was a massive cheating ring in China a few years back where dozens of students had earphones in during the University entrance exam. The students mothers rented out a room near the testing site and worked together to come up with the answers to their kids’ tests.
I used to get up at 7 am during summer break to dictate stuff to friends…
I don’t think I ever cheated in college. It was mostly about being a good bullshitter and I had that nailed. I did write a paper once for a friend, but it was more giving him a first draft that I had abandoned for a different tack.
I’m sure there was cheating when I was in college, but I know there was sabotage in attempts to drag the grading curve down. Primarily committed by pre-meds against engineers.
We did a find/replace for a fraternity brother’s paper on The Tale of Genji to “The Tail of Benji”
After he convinced his prof that he was the victim of a prank, he redid his paper… but didn’t notice the varios racial slurs we had inserted.
good times.
I’ve cheated on exams before. It was shockingly easy to do.
The vast majority of my professors would let us have one double sided index card, for formulas (so they didn’t have to include a formula sheet in more advanced classes). The really mean one was Gas Dynamics, where everything was Open Book, and boy, you’d better be familiar with those tables. I got a C on a midterm because I fucked up on reading the tables 3 times. I was furious at myself, and brought a ruler the next time.
The challenge of passing advanced engineering often relied on just how much shit you could write on a single index card.
This is new? Fuck, I made some good coin back in the day writing papers for dolts.
Back in my college CS days, there was one guy who went around asking if he could “borrow” people’s programs. He was a nice guy so a lot of people agreed to let him look at their code.
So he managed to get a degree in computer science, and with his outgoing personality, even got a job working as a programmer for one of the local code shops. And was promptly canned six weeks later since he didn’t really know how to program; and was apparently spending all of his time trying to get other the workers there to do his job. At least that’s how I heard it. He ended up being a salesman which fit his personality a lot better.
I hope he’s working at stack exchange now.
During my second year at college, I doubt I bought more than a dozen pints of beer, I was so busy doing peoples’ Fortran-77 assignments and the standard fee was 8 beers.
Fortran77 was the only programming language I was trained in at college. They changed the curriculum the next year to C++, which I would have likely used more. After getting 20 pages of compiling errors during my first project I would have paid the 8 beers.
It was ‘worse’ than that. We were on punch cards and errors came back in a variety of formats, 2 days later.
If you were a so-so FORTRANner, you could end up burning a LOT of spare time (and goodwill) among the card operators before you got a magic square working right.
I didn’t see punch cards or tape readers until I entered the work place. They were a back up for the HP calculator’s microcasette we used to code our HP testers. We had to call in some retired asshole every time we needed to program a new test. By the end of my time their I replaced the testers with new DMMs and relay networks using a PC.
I was lucky. If I’d entered college 2 years earlier, I would have had to have done Algol-68.
It was WATFOR (Waterloo FORTRAN) for me. But at least I didn’t have to do punchcards — we had Lektromedia “smart” display terminals by then, executed our programs on the Uni’s Amdahl 470/V7 mainframe, and got our output from industrial-sized laser printers that had an insatiable appetite for paper and toner and were constantly being tended by tech monkeys (usually IT students working for low wages).
And yeah, C++ would’ve been a much better language to learn. I still have trouble with object-oriented programming, lo these many decades later.
I did it tutoring the dumb ass athletes in what passed for math and science classes for those morons.
“The Broward Sheriff’s Juvenile Arrest Conspiracy Might Actually Be True
If you’re active on social media this month, you may have seen several articles and tweets touting a conspiracy theory related to the February 14 shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida.
The essence of these claims is that the Broward Sheriff’s Office (BSO), in collaboration with the Broward County School District (BCSD), had ordered their deputies not to arrest juveniles for a variety of crimes in order to artificially reduce their statistics and qualify for lucrative state and federal grants. Both BSO and BCSD are controlled by Democrats, and this policy, the conspiracy believers claim, explains why the dozens of complaints about the Parkland school shooter, Nikolas Cruz, were ignored.
Here’s the wild part: there may be some truth to this conspiracy theory.”
No shit. “Democrats in school administration juke stats to swindle taxpayers out of money without actually improving education system” doesn’t exactly require Infowars level suspension of disbelief.
It’s not a theory – it’s a goddamn fact. No Thug Left Behind
I’ll bet the change happens faster than she thinks.
“the Departments of Education and Justice issued a “Dear Colleague” letter”
That never seems to end well.
“Next do the comparison between the AR-15 and the human fist, because that’s the alternative to the handgun.”
Some one should tell him of England’s stabbing epidemic.
I think he’s criticizing MSNBC for thinking that having no handgun is better than having a handgun in an active shooter situation because “a handgun won’t do anything” when it has been shown that all it takes to still shooter is to respond with violence. Once that occurs they will kill themselves.
Again, the mere possibility of a being confronted by someone with gun is enough to keep school shooters from showing up in the first place.
the ol’ metal pipe doesn’t get much love these days. Sad!
Nor the candlestick, rope, wrench…
Hammer time!
Lessons from a misspent youth – you know what makes an incredible weapon? Those rubber dividers from supermarket checkout aisles. You don’t see them anymore, they’re all plastic now, but back in the day I’ve seen a serious beating administered with one.
Upright bass E-string.
But here’s the bad news: Passing Measures H and HHH was the easy part. Money alone doesn’t solve problems, and in the end the tougher questions are how to spend it, where to spend it, on whom to spend it and how to measure success.
I’m sure the vast majority of that money will end up in the pockets of consultants, grant writers, and various “advocacy groups”. Meanwhile, the Homeless Dilemma will only grow larger and more baffling.
I’ve been hunting for witches ever since Trump tweeted to tell me to start, but I haven’t found any yet. 🙁
I did turn into a newt once for some reason, though I got better.
What was the Tweet?
I imagine it was something like this: “Hocus Pocus is such an unrealistic movie. Witches don’t fly on brooms. They become first ladies and then senators and then run for president. SJP should have never done this movie. Sad.”
That’s the most compelling tweet he’s ever sent out
Burge has been having fun with this.
I was reading an article about RealID as it is going to be implemented finally here in Minnesoda. One of the lines in it was about the fact that anyone under 18 won’t need a passport or enhanced ID to fly.
That made me think that if you can’t buy rifle, booze, smokes, or a handgun until you are 21, why not let them fly without ID too? A national law that says the age of adulthood is XX. The government would then not be able to ban any activities by adults based on age. So it is either 18 or 21 or 26. Figure out when it is and go for it.
The odd thing is that driving a car has the highest risk of hurting other people, but has the lowest age.
Sun bunnies make us all pine for summer.
6, 13, 15, 18, 21, 24, 28, 29, 31, 34.
Archive site is fucked and I need to get to the office. I’ll check the orgy candidates later.
“But contestants were first acquainted with Dr. Selden during the casting process[…]did they have a history of mental illness?”
I think wanting to be on the show qualifies as mental illness.
““As soon as the medical tests came back, you’d see that herpes was the biggest thing,” said Ben Hatta, [creator and executive producer] Mike Fleiss’s old assistant. “And sometimes you’d be the first person to tell a contestant that they had herpes. You’d be like, ‘Uh, you should call your doctor.’ Why? ‘We’re not going to be able to have you on our show, but you should call your doctor.’
“Then they’d realize they’d been denied from ‘The Bachelor’ and now a bunch of people knew they had herpes.””
That’s an interesting read. Survivor is our guilty pleasure at the Naptown household and my wife usually gets disgusted with it by episode 3 for being fake. We’ve debated the extent to which it’s rigged and how they do it, but it’s pretty obvious there’s a strong element of kayfabe, even amongst the contestants. I suspect the casting for Survivor is very similar to that of The Bachelor and all the rest.
I believe this.
“California students protest gun violence by participating in rock violence ”
I know this nothing new, but it’s just horseshit.
You wanna be a boy, go compete with the boys and get your ass handed to you.
I find it amusing myself
I’ve heard conflicting reports. According to one story he wanted to compete with the boys and the state wouldn’t let him.
I’ve heard the argument that this is the State’s fault for mandating that children wrestle in the category that aligns with their sex and birth. But, how is it not the fault of people allowing a girl to take testosterone and still compete with other girls? Even if she was wrestling boys, she is still getting an unnatural edge with the testosterone. What am I missing here? The testosterone isn’t being used to cure a disease or abnormality. It is being used for cosmetic reasons.
At the very least, it’s in the realm of opinion whether it’s being used to cure an abnormality.
Diagnosing disease via the pseudoscience of psychology is the greatest testament to the irredeemable collapse of Enlightenment in the West
There is physical evidence, although more for MTF than FTM.
What physical evidence? Seriously, I’d like to know
That’s the part I really don’t get, beyond the school not wanting to get dragged into court. In my mind they accommodated this guys needs to the bare minimum to prevent a lawsuit and prevent overturning the apple cart as I just don’t think this is going to happen very often even in todays time.
In other stories I’ve read that the kid wanted to compete against boys, but wasn’t allowed to (state law changed in 2016 for athletic competitions, says kids have to compete with the gender listed on their birth certificate)
I think the kid did want to wrassle with the boys, but the Texans forced the kid to wrassle girls because that is what the birth certificate said (also why Obama had to wrassle Kenyans in high school).
Anyone know if the kid wanted to wrestle against boys but was prohibited by state law?
I kid, I kid.
I don’t know how to feel here. In Virginia we didn’t have girls or guys wrestling we just had wrestling and you sometimes would encounter a chick, never saw one at the varsity level but maybe jv. However I could see a state having both, but it gets complicated due to the testosterone taking and if she were to go against boys what would stop a boy from entering the women’s league completely dominating for 4 years. This case is such an outlier I could go on anyway with it, bottom line I think choosing to compete in athletics as a female should preclude you from using performance enhancing drugs.
omg they misgendered her in their link
oh, i guess not. its a girl beating girls who is taking what are normally PE drugs (testosterone)
what a bizarre rationale.
Speaking of NFL corruption mentioned by OMWC…was SB III rigged?
“…the Baltimore Colts the best team ever assembled.” Um, which team was it that had just won three championships in a row?
Careful, you might get OMWC ranting about the 1965 NFL Championship Game.
Well, that’s certainly a little more nuanced than I expected.
I suppose I was expecting American-style performative art against the military and colonialism or whatever, not a plea against communism and anti-Christian purges. But then, she was frying eggs, not Tide pods.
For Warty
Why don’t you go down on me any more?
Oh yes. Bring her to me.
Derb reflects on how we react to events these days.
Hysterics Under The Guidance Of Fanatics
Beyond parody
Those donations don’t just make themselves
But I guess it is ok if it is in the name of diversity. And nothing says diversity like groupthink
I think we know what a joke the SPLC is. Any news org still quoting them is a joke.
Any news org still quoting them is a joke.
Hey, would you look at that…
You call that snow UK? Lol.
Moorhead parents complain about racial bullying in the schools.
Two things jumped out. 1) Looks like the Somalis and their baggage train of activists are spreading out, and 2) WTF? How do you get to be 21 in high school and not get a degree?
“There’s no reason to stay in school if you’re not going to get a diploma. I’d rather work and make money.”
This kid sounds a lot more reasonable than many high school grads.
He should go to Road Building Vocational school.
Tammy Yak? Awesome name.
First thing that came to mind when reading that: Dafino showing the Dude the picture of the Knudsons’ farm. “I’m s’posed ta show her this. It’s the family farm outside of Moorhead, Minnesota. They think it’ll make her homesick.”
“How do you expect to keep them on the farm after they’ve seen Karl Hungus?”
He fixed the cable.
And stay away from my fucking lady friend Dafino!
There is only one yardstick, and we will beat you with it until you submit.
Because we need more Lifetime specials?
Defund NPR.
I had a conversation with someone yesterday who is in a management position at a local nonprofit. She doesn’t hire on her own, but is involved in the process. Their board decided that the organization was “too white”, and so decided to set “diversity goals” for hiring. Since they promote from within as a rule the goals had to be calibrated such that entry level hires would filter up through the ranks to eventually diversify the entire organization. Well, they start hiring people, and the upper-level management starts asking about the racial makeup of individual new hires, which makes this person deeply uncomfortable. “I’m pretty sure that’s illegal, and at any rate I’m not comfortable discussing that,” she says to the higher-ups. She’s telling me this, and then she’s like, “Doesn’t that seem, well, racist?”
Yeah. Yeah, it sure does. I guess if you decide that you want to make sure there aren’t too many people of one particular skin color in your group it’s going to be pretty difficult to make that happen without, how can I put this…discriminating against some people and in favor of others on the basis of skin color. Funny how that works. I wonder if there’s a hiring strategy you can use to avoid being racist AND not discriminate against people based on accidents of birth such as skin tone…
Merit is racist
Race will stop being an issue when people stop making race an issue.
There is no and will be no libertarian moment, but I’d like to think that at some point people with a grain of sense will wake up one morning and think to themselves, “Wait a minute…diversity hiring is just affirmative action, and those both mean hiring someone on the basis of skin color…in order to stop people…hiring people on the basis of skin color…well, shit.”
Oh, yeah, because primetime television isn’t pandering to women enough already.
You know, I whinge a lot about problems with corporate governance and government entrenching management a lot. But, Hollywood really is a prime example of what I’m talking about. They’ve been bitching for years about losing their key demographic (males 18-24) to video games, yet they’re only interested in making product of even less interest to them. All to appeal to some exec’s political or cultural sensibilities, bottom line be damned. And yet these same people feel free to behave sexually in ways that would make truckers or roughnecks cringe.
Are people deliberately forgetting that Black Panther is a Marvel Studios superhero movie?
Empirical evidence suggests that yes, the race of the character is driving more blacks to the theater.
However, it’s a leap to suggest that an Oprah Movie-of-the-month would necessarily repeat the same box office success.
Uffda, someone let our “presidential contender” Senator on TV and she said something stupid again.
Sen. Klobuchar: Fining social media for bots is a ‘great idea’
Every day, I think she can’t get any dumber and every day she proves me wrong.
When people say her name out loud, do the horses whinny?
There was a stupid motherfucker in my aviation group on Facederp saying “why can’t the UK airports act like the airports in Norway? The planes in Norway still fly when there snow!”
Ya think it might be because Norway gets a shitton of snow every year, while the UK gets, like, an inch? And that it might not be economically feasible for the UK to retain all the equipment and manpower that just sits idle for most of the year?
Reminds me of a story Russ Roberts (I think? Might be Mike Munger) tells often about sitting in an airport waiting for a spare tire that has to be delivered from elsewhere. Another travelers grouses that the airline should carry a spare on every plane, like cars do. Roberts (or Munger) speculates that it makes little sense to ferry around that added weight on every flight for a problem that crops up so seldomly, and the benefit of having to very rarely inconvenience passengers pays out in marginally lower ticket prices for everyone. I gather he won over no friends in that crowd.
Not to mention you’re not gonna pull over to the shoulder in mid-air to change a flat.
That’s the shame shit we get in the DMV when it snows from people with normal climates. Remember when Chocolate Nixon first came to town? There was a snow storm, nothing much, but enough to shut stuff down. He and the rest of his Chicago mob cronies were all, “Hurr, hurr, we wouldn’t even report this much snow on the news! Youze guys are scared of snow! Sausage!” And then someone had to point out to him and the rest of the idiots that it’s difficult to come up with an effective snow removal budget when you’ll get two winters in a row with one day below freezing and no snow followed by a winter in the teens with two blizzards back-to-back.
We have the same problem in the US… southern airports don’t have the snow removal equipment that northern ones do.
Here is a shot of Charlotte (KCHT) 4 years ago. https://imgur.com/a/lRD7G
You can see that they just cleared the one runway, and the minimum taxiways to the terminal and the FBO.
I was flying up from FL and needed a fuel stop in the SC/NC area.. Approach told me that my destination was closed for snow… and all of the other regional airports too.. so I said I was landing a KCHT.
I couldn’t get confirmation that they had cleared the runway at my local airport (they had), so I finished the flight at KMMU Morristown NJ where the FBO told me the runways were clear.
Anas Abdi, 21, a Somali immigrant, said he languished in school, relegated to basic classes until he was told he did not have enough credits to graduate. He said the same outcome had happened to other students, who were dismissed from school without graduating when they turned 21.
Wait, what?
I thought they kicked you out of
schoolthe nest at 18.OK? So go get a GED. Lots of immigrants do just fine and graduate.
Has anyone here played/bought this? Is it funny? My concern is that it ends up being just the same joke over and over.
Why spend the money?
Re-enable your ID over at TOS and you can play for free, forever.
Just killed me. This is why I love you guys.
I only suggested that because
1) I’m a total cheapskate. Free is always good.
2) If you’re like me, you always set games to the toughest setting.
I make fun of the bullshit designations in the EU/elsewhere about how Stilton or Champagne, etc can only come from one region or you can’t name them those things. Complete bullshit. However, I see FDA regs about what can and cannot be called mayonnaise, for example.
Now, my personal beliefs lean heavily into the notion that the customer should be able to take action if they are defrauded, or that they can be happy to consider whatever they like to be ‘mayo’ or whatever it happens to be. However, to me that seems very onerous on the individual compared to the company with their own legal team at beck and call. Is it reasonable for the the government to make a blanket statement saying that mayo has to consist of X% of Y ingredient for it to be sold as “mayo?” My gut says no, but I do get the idea behind that. If you sell mayo and it is actually mustard, then I think the onus upon the customer to enact legal retribution is such a steep hill that it effectively allows fraud to occur.
Two ideas, one that isn’t at all new to anyone here. 1: Loser pays legal fees. I think we all like that. Takes care of a lot of shit.
2: I would propose a system that entitled individuals to be granted a prosecuting attorney/team to investigate and prosecute matters of this nature. A local/state/federal Department of Consumer Complaints, or some shit. Grand juries are still involved to suss out if the case has merit, and a State institution would go after cases like this against individuals and companies in order to keep them honest.
Yes, I see all of the pitfalls with that. But I think that the justice system has to be state-run, sadly. I think eliminating FDA/etc regulations would be worth it if the recourse for the everyday person would be to get a lawyer that could effectively go after snake-oil salesmen that did indeed actively engage in shady–>illegal and fraudulent acts.
I probably didn’t word this as well as I wanted to, as it’s very late here, but it’s something that’s been pinballing in my head for several years now.
Get rid of regulations: Create an On-Demand lawyer system to prosecute offenses. Grand jury to see if the claim has merit. Loser pays.
Why would you sell mustard and call it Mayo?
I would argue that if you sold “mayo” and it came in a white bottle and said “mayo” on it, but it turned out to be mustard, that that would be fraud.
Yes, of course, I think that the customer should then vote with their wallet and not buy that product/brand anymore. But I don’t think you can sell halal food, promise and label it as such, and then it actually isn’t. Or more generally, you can’t sell pork and call it beef. Or all of the misnaming and mislabeling of fish that goes on.
I’m just looking for a way to make those types of perhaps class-actionable cases more readily prosecutable for fraud. I’m not sure how to get there.
tl; dr; give us moar skank pics plz
I have many. But you have to be nice about it.
Ah, the Miracle Whip principle.
I dunno. I don’t have that much of a problem having a valued ‘brand’ attempt to promote itself with a reserved name, if it can do so, and that extends to a voluntary co-operative that seeks to differentiate itself from competition via a cru or other kind of appelation controlee.
If competitors want to come along and glom onto the reputation, they have to modify the use and say ‘champagne style‘ or ‘Method Stiltonoise‘ or whatever until they can cultivate sufficient following or peer recognition to either stand alone or become a member of the group.
If they want to protect the brand, then why not actually create an organization to monitor it and use a label (like the Trappist monks) did?
Well, in effect, that’s what an appelation controlee is, except it’s in France, so the whole exercise is undrewritten and managed by the French government, as I understand it.
Ah, how we forget the details of the mayo case.
Just Mayo…without the essential ingredients of mayo.
Luckily, Reason provided a glory, that is to say, a nice knock-down argument, in their article.
Clearly the solution is more foreign aid.
Uffda, someone let our “presidential contender” Senator on TV and she said something stupid again.
They kept showing a clip of that idiot governor of Washington, Inslee(?), “Speaking truth to
powerTrump” on the Sunday shows. Some moronic nonsense about teh gunz. Maybe he’s the next contestant in the Demo Presidential sweepstakes. Until he gets devoured in a feeding frenzy by the Social Justice Mob for being too white and too male.“Pretty sure the Left has had a war on law enforcement for a few years now”
Yet, neither side ever seems to consider the laws are the problem.
All they have to do to win elections is not be crazy. And they can’t do it. They always gravitate toward an extreme when it is politically convenient. They either declare that cops should be killed or they hold-up the FBI as the most honest and trustworthy institution in all of American history.
Preface, I’m not a chemist nor a metallurgist.
I am faced with an impossible challenge (to me) At work, we use electricity in the form of an arc to melt scrap steel. At the same time, we use natural gas and oxygen to assist in the melting of the steel. This generates a lot of gasses. These gasses are processed through a filter system that traps the dust and some of the gasses before before they are vented to atmosphere.
Graphite electrodes are ghastly expensive. To save money on electrodes, we pour water on them while they are creating the electric arc in order to keep them cooler so that they last longer. The more water that is introduced into the melting process, the more CO is vented to atmosphere.
There is one man at my work who’s job is to conserve graphite electrodes. One of my many jobs is to make sure that our process isn’t emitting enough CO to trigger fines from the state.
If you read all this, then thanks. I don’t really have a point, other than its making my job very difficult at the moment.
Thank your graphite guy for simultaneously conserving a precious resource and helping to greenify the planet.
The last job I had before taking my current one was at a plant that manufactured graphite electrodes. A little over 4 years ago, the bottom fell out of the graphite electrode market. I had my wages cut, was reduced to working 40 hours a week, and lost some of my benefits. My plant was running at 40% capacity and things weren’t looking good.
I went looking for another job because of this. I found a great one and am happy for it. Fast forward 4 years and the graphite electrode market is booming. A lot of plants closed their doors thereby reducing the total tons of graphite electrodes on the market. My ex-plant didn’t. They are now booked at 110% capacity through 2020. At times I wish I would have stuck with them through the hard times. I would most likely be higher up the chain there than I am here. Oh well.
.I visited one of those graphite log factories. It was the blackest factory I ever visited, walking through 4-6 inch deep lamp black and carbon powder. I remember looking over a heat treating pit at 600C with no guard rails in place. Dirty, unsafe, and great. I imagine It was better to visit than to work there however.
I visited one in India years ago. I have no doubt they’re still doing it.
20x20x15ft piled logs, buried in a pit, lit and covered over with sod and soil as the fire is lit. Come back 14 days later and 20 kids are put in the pit with shovels and sacks.
I spent 3 years in one of those places. Some of the best guys I have ever known worked with me there. I have lifelong friends from the experience. I wouldn’t tragedy it for nothing, and if the money was right, I’d go back in a heartbeat.
Are the fines cheaper then the graphite electrodes?
I have been trying to get an answer to that question for 6 months.
The answer is-
nobody knows. Not the head of my dept. Not the enviromental manager, not the plant manager, nor the HR director.
Why isn’t it the environmental manager’s responsibility to keep the CO2 levels in range?
The environmental manager is lower on the totem pole.
She has no power. The power is in the people conserve cost and the people that produce product.
Basically, until the enviromental manager can see infractions that cost the company more than we are making, she is powerless.
This is all well and good. As it should be, actually. The problem lies in that nobody can quantify the cost of being out of compliance with the EPA mandates.
The HR manager can do it by killing employees.
That’s because nobody at the EPA knows. The motherf**king moron in charge of supervising the Mill Creek Cleanup in Cincinnati since 1983 (I happen to know the when his position started, because my mom was hired at P&G to be in charge of their efforts to clean it up, and worked with him during the 80s) didn’t know the fine schedule for subsequent violations of the agreements made between the EPA and the companies that had polluted the Mill Creek. This individual has a doctorate in Environmental Science, and yet was unable to do anything but mouth platitudes at my high school AP Govt. class (his daughter was a classmate, her brother was one of my brother’s best friends, awkward….), and he couldn’t answer basic questions about it, nor was he expected to. That was one of the things that helped lead me towards libertarianism.
I suspect that you are absolutely correct.
try dipping your steel in orphan blood. VIRGIN orphan blood, that is. it cuts down on CO and there’s no EPA limit on lamentation released into the atmosphere.
sorry, did you say graphite? nevermind. orphan blood doesn’t work on those. much to my chagrin.
Is the problem that the electrodes are running too hot, or that they’re simply oxidizing faster, because they’re hot? You put them in an oxygen-rich atmosphere to suppress CO formation and you’ll get a lot of CO2. Depending on a whole host of variables, it’s possible that if you add enough oxygen to drop the CO to an acceptable level, your electrode oxidation will be thru’ the roof.
Now, I’m not an industrial chemist – but have you considered making the atmosphere around the electrodes more inert via the cheapest inert gas you have available? It would do nothing for the temperature of the electrodes, but you could drop the oxygen (and nitrogen) levels drastically. It might not even be feasible given the specifics of your plant. I guess argon is the cheapest bulk inert gas around.
The answer to that is-
Fuck if I know. I’m an electrician. If you wanna know how to program a PLC or how large your wire needs to be to run an election motor, I’m your man.
Im in over my head.
I can see your point about introducing a shielding gas. Argon, or nitrogen. That would dilute the emissions and do something chemistry wise that I don’t understand.
Thanks #6. You are pitching ideas that I can kick up the ladder.
Nitrogen might not be suitable though – at high enough temperature and/or current it’s going to generate nitrogen oxides, but I guess if you have an appropriate air scrubber it might not matter.
Nitrous oxide.
Another bane of my existence. Sometimes when I get the CO levels down to EPA standards, I start getting NOX violations. good times. good times indeed.
Well, that’s the trade-off when you use electrodes in air.
I would like for my bosses to subscribe to your newsletter.
My background (if you go back far enough) is non-ferrous group processing, so I’m hardly an expert in anything you’re doing down there.
Number.6’s idea of an inert on the electrodes (Argon is probably a better choice than nitorgen and pretty cheap). Otherwise, you can oxidize the CO downstream from the point of generation. I’ve run tools that use heated copper wool as a catalyst (I’m assuming your effluent gas is pretty frigging hot), and at this site we use permanganate-impregnated carbon for ambient air.
Are you taking the Oxygen in the water vapor into account for your Fuel mix? is that constant water? or does it change? Cleaner Burns= much less CO, IME
Just shut your fucking mouth. Don’t want to hear your fucking bullshit. Read some books, do some studying before you fucking talk. *throat sings*
Does reading Harry Potter and posting at DU count?
As long as you’re fighting the patriarchy with me, sure.
“Harvard University Bans Single-Gender Clubs — Unless They’re Women-Only
Female-only clubs will be allowed to remain “gender-focused, but members of male-only clubs will be “slapped with sanctions.”
Because equality?
How the hell is this not a Title IX suit just waiting to happen? Somehow, I don’t think this is going to get the gloss-over it would have gotten a couple of years ago.
I’m founding the Mike Pence Chaperoned Mixed-Sex Dinner Parties Club. It’s open to everyone.
No kidding. You practically never see overt, explicit sex discrimination, but there it is. The trial should take about five minutes.
Plaintiff’s Attorney: Is this your policy?
Harvard Dean: Yes.
Plaintiff’s Attorney: No more questions, your honor.
Defense Attorney: *commits ritual suicide*
You’re forgetting the “wokeness statute” written in invisible ink on all Local, State and Federal codes.
There is one man at my work who’s job is to conserve graphite electrodes. One of my many jobs is to make sure that our process isn’t emitting enough CO to trigger fines from the state.
If you read all this, then thanks. I don’t really have a point, other than its making my job very difficult at the moment.
Sounds typical. Can you introduce O2 into the furnace exhaust? Not that I would ever encourage anyone to mask their combustion byproducts to appease the EPA…
*somewhere in D.C., the Preet Bharara of the EPA perks up*
That is high-larious!
I forgot that he’s probably Castro’s kid.
Sadly, if you look at the eyes, he’s very like Trudeau Sr.
It would be an epic LOL if he really was Castro’s kid, but I’m pretty sure he isn’t. Not from the nose up, anyway.
He sure does look exactly like Castro. Those rumors have restarted since Fidel’s son committed suicide and reportedly mentioned Trudeau.
Watching Fed Chair Powell’s testimony – that &%#) Maxine Waters spent her entire allotment pushing for diversity candidates/appointments.
Doves come in multiple colors?
Hey, RAH, if you want to organize a drink or something in Norwalk next time you’re over, lemme know.
Email is e198176a@opayq.com
Will-do. I had planned a visit in early March, but most of the “team” is in Chicago for a conference so meeting here.
Look, she tied her own shoelaces this morning, so her intellectual capacity for the day is done. You can’t really expect her to say anything coherent about monetary policy after that. Or ever, really.
Female-only clubs will be allowed to remain “gender-focused, but members of male-only clubs will be “slapped with sanctions.”
*hums “We Shall Overcome”*
Man is this kid ever a grandstanding fame whore.
Crisis actor on CNN’s payroll.
i’ll see your Parkland pussy and raise you one Columbine shooting survivor and state representative trying to end gun free zones..
Though he’s not in my district, I have given money to that guy.
Whoever writes the urls doesn’t know what Congress is.
the child murderers they are
Ya know, I doubt that’s going to move any votes in the legislature or at the polls.
It’s laughable. His histrionics have no reasonable place in a discussion about anything.
“Well, here’s a piece of legislation that would allow concerned parties to have a mental health hold placed on–”
“What about hardening public schools so they’re not such obvious targ–”
“At the very least, we need to look into this policy of glad-handing criminal behavior among stud–”
child murderers they are
Enough about Planned Parenthood.
I read he already graduated, but who knows?
You ought to be more skeptical of claims made on 4chan
Not a crisis actor, just a colossal prick. Going through tragedy doesn’t grant license to smear people with no evidence whatsoever so fuck this kid.
The sad thing is, he is being, and will be, handsomely rewarded for this. Lots of gushing attention now, and I guarantee you the Ivy League and misc. other top-tier schools will get in a bidding war for him when he goes to college. I believe he is a senior this year, maybe a junior.
If I was a TV Producer, I’d do a reboot of “Behind the Music” series. I’d call it “Behind the Crisis” and it would feature these folk that are used as props for the crisis du jour. You’d see how once the panic subsided they were kicked to the curb by their sponsors.
Cindy Shaheen – Things were great. Ratings were off the chart, then in 2008 there was this election and suddenly I couldn’t get on TV if I was in a tower shooting people.
This kid will be another. If he doesn’t get that scholarship locked down soon, he is going to be SOL.
Victimhood ?isn’t ? a ? virtue ?
I would have thought that it’s because I have personal experience of a railway tragedy that my views should be dismissed out of hand.
“Teenager David Hogg who’s on CNN and MSNBC on a continuous loop doesn’t want to hold Sherriff Israel-Democrat accountable, he wants to hold Governor Rick Scott-Republican accountable. Ya’ll getting it now?”
I love that they’re going full-court press for that ghoul. “Lions don’t care about the opinions of sheep,” indeed.
Can we disagree with the kid without bringing up the Alex Jones crisis actor bullshit?
Loveya, Q, but really hate to see that coming from you.
Agreed. There’s no such thing as a “crisis actor”, merely people who exploit proximity to a tragedy for political grandstanding and personal fame. I think that’s sufficient reason to dislike this little shit, no?
Point taken. The claim flying around the tin-foil hat crew is that he’s 21 and graduated in 2015. If that’s the case, then him being played 24/7 on CNN et. al. seems a bit too convenient. Or he’s just a dumbass kid trying to extend his 15 minutes so he can get laid and it fits the networks’ preferred narrative. Either way he’s annoying as shit.
If he weren’t actually a student, all it would take is a yearbook to prove otherwise, so yeah, don’t see it.
Aaaaand here we go, from TMZ no less.
I take back the conspiracy stuff. The kid is still an asshole.
He’s not going back to school…because he never went there! Dun, duh, dun!
some anti-gunner made this but i think it’s awesome. reminds me of that scene from Thank You For Smoking where the gun lobbyist made Merchants of Death bumper stickers.
“FedEx Rejects Boycott By Stoneman Student Tyrant David Hogg, Announces Will Not Drop NRA Member Discounts”
Remember all the leftist hullabaloo after Citizens United that corporations aren’t people? But now the left wants corporations to take a stand on every political issue.
I like FedEx better anyway, UPS always manages to damage boxes or misplace them in the truck.
the UPS guys are quicker with a smile and overall friendlier around here but Fedex has always been about 10% cheaper. especially now that UPS switched to volume pricing.
i bet i could get my rabid forthechildrunz wife to let me stick this on our bumper. it kind of goes either way.
So now some hipster douchebag ice cream company is threatening to stop using FedEx because FedEx won’t join the NRA hatefest.
I’m sure that will bring them to their knees.
*no link from phone
The last couple of times I shipped a gun it was through UPS. Surprised they are getting heat too.
sounds like we’re dividing our economy up along ideological lines. i’ll take the side with guns.
So now some hipster douchebag ice cream company is threatening to stop using FedEx because FedEx won’t join the NRA hatefest.
You know what would warm the cockles of my cold dead heart? If FedEx responded to the threat by refusing this asshole’s business from here on out.
Transport my gay gelato!
it’s not like ice cream is heavy or incompressible (why is spell-check telling me this is not a word?) or requires special shipping. i’m sure the prices are very competitive in a one-carrier (UPS) market.
If I was UPS I’d be making a special note of all these businesses saying they would stop using FedEx and charge them extra.
they probably already are.
meow there are some regional carriers that are well-priced for bulk stuff but not sure about a requirement that every shipment is refrigerated.
FedEx is a common carrier and has to take his business. Best they can do is put their worst employee on his route.
Crap, I always rely on FedEx when I want an ice cream cone. Now what will I do?
Is this true? Because I find it difficult to believe Google couldn’t come up with better code, no matter how much they wanted to virtue signal.
That’s just sad.
Google’s New Slogan: Be Evil.
Also, searched “Guns and Roses”, can confirm that it’s blocked.
Be Evil and Indiscriminate. And stupid.
Also shows up that way if you search for (film director) James Gunn’s name.
Try shopping for Shogon total was 2. You get results plus a “did you mean Shogun total war 2”?
Then you get nothing
How utterly pathetic. “Mommy, make the bad word go away!!”
tl;dr: New Jersey, which has some of the highest property taxes in the country, is trying to get around the limits on the SALT deduction under the new tax law by calling property taxes a charitable donation. The Treasury isn’t exactly having it.
Make it voluntary and not “voluntary” and it would be.
Yeah. All of these schemes are horrible because they intentionally conflate coercion and charity.
Democrats opposing raising taxes on the rich.
“The rabble might get upset at US over how much we take from them!”
I live in NJ unfortunately. Everyone knows this crap won’t work, it’s just blame-shifting-theater.
The alternative – actually looking at how our sky-high property, sales, income, and fuel taxes are spent – is too horrible for these people to imagine.
Red banner headline at Drudge: TRUMP: I’M IN FOR 2020!
Who is he in? Melania, Hope or a Super-Sized Big Mac Meal?
Also, great work finding another hobo for his campaign manager.
Wood, Tried it, Woodn’t.
Here in Wisconsin, where we’re a bunch of fatties, super-sizing your meal just got you the large size. When I moved out west and ordered a super-size I was surprised that it was bigger than the large.
Day two, week four of my diet…I think I’d rather have the Big Mac Meal than Melania at the moment.
I’m shocked – shocked – to find out that politicking is going on in here!
“America Doesn’t Have a Gun Control Problem. We Have a White-People Problem
This fear is why they’re so obsessed with arming themselves with multiple human killing machines. It’s why they fight against even the notion of incremental disarmament so vehemently. They are scared shitless of us. Of anyone who is not them. And this fear is why our shitty gun laws exist, and it’s why they will continue to.
Perhaps this fear is guilt-based, and they’re scared the same way you were as a kid when you stole some cash from your teacher’s purse. And you kept waiting for repercussions, but they just never came. But that fear—that feeling that you’d have to answer for your wrongs eventually—never quite left. Or maybe this fear is karmic. A belief that once we “get on top,” we’ll treat them the way they’ve treated us. And that fear drives them to do whatever they can to maintain their position.”
Just call for white people to be put in concentration camps and get it over with.
And don’t complain if you end up in the concentration camp or they’ll mock you again.
“The reason the NRA attacks shooting victims, the media, and everyone else except these racially radicalized shooters, is because white supremacist terrorists are their base. The NRA gives less than a damn about the 2nd Amendment”
Same website mocks White South Africans being raped, murdered, and thrown off their land because colonialism. So, yes, maybe we should be armed and wary.
Christ almighty, that is the most racist commentariat since Stormfront got shut down.
Still waiting for some evidence that anyone writing for the Root is a Very Smart Brotha
Very smart = mind poisoned by levels of racism that would make Hitler proud
“Perhaps this fear is guilt-based, and they’re scared the same way you were as a kid when you stole some cash from your teacher’s purse. ”
*Decides against going for the set-up*
All i know if that stealing money from your teacher is not a shared experience in my circle. I don’t think this has to do with race, but if you start going down the racist path, don’t be surprised when people throw it back in your face.
I’ll admit, we all tried to steal our 3rd grade teacher’s Hershey Kisses (she gave them out as a reward for A’s), and most of us got caught.
In addition, this is how she’d avoid paying to refill them. Everyone who was caught stealing them had to bring in a bag. She had that system down.
If I’d been your teacher, I would have made fake kisses out of Ex-Lax, you thieving bastards.
She was my best elementary school teacher. Now, if my 4th grade teacher, Mr. Shaver (aka Mr. Slaver) had done it, it would not have surprised me one bit.
Like I said, I really don’t think race has anything to do with kids stealing, it’s that these ‘Defenders of the Race’ do an awful lot to open up arguments by white supremacists. This example is more hilarious than actual, but we see this everywhere.
Not to mention the conveniently elided fact that the majority of gun homicides in this country are committed by black men. But it’s racist to point that out, of course.
And homicides of black men are almost exclusively carried out by other black men. Excluding LEO shootings, of course.
No a big fan of LEOs but that’s also the case not when you do include law enforcement shootings.
I was just trying to ensure my invitations to cocktail parties in DC don’t suddenly dry up ….
Robby would miss you so.
Group consciousness for the win I guess. I remember one prog blogging after the Miami nightclub shooting demanding that all men deal with their toxic masculinity: all men share guilt and a big plus for not mentioning the shooter’s motivation.
Orlando, not Miami.
Right. D’oh!
Never mind that most crime is committed by non-whites and that most crime against non-whites is committed by non-whites. But, you know, “kill whitey” and all that.
whitey’s doing a fine job killing hisself via suicide + white-on-white homicides. we don’t need, nor do we want, any help.
New Jersey, which has some of the highest property taxes in the country, is trying to get around the limits on the SALT deduction
Where are your “raise my taxes” Democrats, now?
James Alan Fox continues to do yeoman work in combating hysteria.
He’s an OBGYN?
David Scott (D-GA), just went on a rant about “that President Trump” wanting to deliver food in-place of Food Stamps. “…dried milk and canned food delivered to their porch.”
Al Green (D-TX) now saying there hasn’t been full employment for black people since slavery.
“Porch”? Racist dog whistle or what!
“there hasn’t been full employment for black people since slavery”
Citation needed. Also, define “full employment”.
I don’t believe there has ever been full employment for any race, there are always people who prefer the bindle over business.
Is he arguing for a return to slavery?
So I have some arguments against Trump’s food stamp/delivery plan, but what objections to Democrats have to it other than “TRUMP”!
but only white people will shout “LEARN ECONOMICS!” to the Marxist from Texas who doesn’t understand the difference between full employment and full production.
And again, this is something the Feds already do on top of food stamps.
The bank where I work processes payments for supermarkets on the res. Recipients get checks with bills of goods printed on them, generally things like peanut butter, tuna, 2% milk, etc. They’d collect their items and “pay” with the checks, which were batched and sent to us to process like any other check. It’s essentially what Trump suggested, and what Democrats are heatedly condemning for… some reason.
was it Scott Adams that said you can’t take Trump literally but you have to take him seriously. this is a perfect example. he said send them food instead of cash. people freak out thinking he wants to literally send them food via milkman or Amazon Fresh. get into the policy details and it’s a feasible solution to send them vouchers for specific foodstuffs.
I don’t doubt Trump envisioned care packages showing up on doorsteps a couple times a month, but your point stands, who cares what Trump imagines are the particulars of any given idea? He’s never shown himself to be a details man, and seems to care little about how any policy plays out so long as it’s got his name on it in huge gold lettering.
I’m curious how progressives would respond to a serious effort to replace food stamps with that program. It’s exactly the sort of thing the guilty middle-class white voters should want: no more sugary drinks! No more Cheetos or red meat! OTOH, progressive politicians would know how unpopular it would prove within their low-income fiefdoms. And how to reconcile the notion that it’s a perfectly adequate program for Natives on the res, but patronizing and insulting for low-income Chicagoans or Baltimorons? The head-spinning would be as glorious as their freakout over inner-city blacks getting to choose their students’ schools.
So…we should go back to slavery?
The bank where I work processes payments for supermarkets on the res. Recipients get checks with bills of goods printed on them, generally things like peanut butter, tuna, 2% milk, etc. They’d collect their items and “pay” with the checks, which were batched and sent to us to process like any other check. It’s essentially what Trump suggested, and what Democrats are heatedly condemning for… some reason.
And those would be the very same FEELZ PARTY do-gooders who lobby to get the liquor licenses of businesses which are not even on the reservation yanked, because them pathetic drunkin injuns need some lily white matriarchal supervision and guidance.
Does anyone know if/where I can find any articles talking about the libertarian perspective on the British intervention in Sierra Leone?
You know who else was concerned about British intervention and is the topic of libertarian articles?
Alright, this one’s gotta be Hitler.
Sorry, the answer I was looking for was the Union during the Civil War.