Greeting friends. Its good to be back to the normal flow. I was happy to find some internets my last day in Detroit, but its much better being home in the sun. My two lovely spawn convinced mommy that they wanted to swim yesterday. she convinced me I was needed. How did it go? Mommy jumps in, screams “oh god its cold!” Daddy spends a full minute thinking about how small his sack is going to get until Mommy’s taunts get to him. Daddy jumps in. Kids put a foot on the first step. “Its too cold!” I made my four year old swim to the wall, just to try to see what his level of swim comfort is. He got out after that. “I don’ like it. Too cold on my eyeballs.” Moral of the story — even in sunny FL, pool swimming in February is for Canadians. And now… the links!

Oh, sheep fighting? That’s never going to take off in Scotland. I thought it was a different way young men have of bonding with sheep.

CDC employee calls in sick, vanishes without wallet, phone, or dog. Time to prep for the zombie apocalypse.

Will the Supreme Court find public unions are substantially political activists and forcing someone to pay union dues is forcing them to subsidize a political process? Odds are yes, as this came up and deadlocked 4-4 in the time between Scalia and Gorsuch. Gorsuch will probably join Roberts, Thomas, Kennedy, and Alito in this, but who knows? I thought the penaltax was a slam dunk.

Here’s a feel good story about a pig finding its way to the dinner table. Just kidding. Its a horror story about breach of contract.

Still got more for our friends at the BCSO.