Greeting friends. Its good to be back to the normal flow. I was happy to find some internets my last day in Detroit, but its much better being home in the sun. My two lovely spawn convinced mommy that they wanted to swim yesterday. she convinced me I was needed. How did it go? Mommy jumps in, screams “oh god its cold!” Daddy spends a full minute thinking about how small his sack is going to get until Mommy’s taunts get to him. Daddy jumps in. Kids put a foot on the first step. “Its too cold!” I made my four year old swim to the wall, just to try to see what his level of swim comfort is. He got out after that. “I don’ like it. Too cold on my eyeballs.” Moral of the story — even in sunny FL, pool swimming in February is for Canadians. And now… the links!
Oh, sheep fighting? That’s never going to take off in Scotland. I thought it was a different way young men have of bonding with sheep.
CDC employee calls in sick, vanishes without wallet, phone, or dog. Time to prep for the zombie apocalypse.
Will the Supreme Court find public unions are substantially political activists and forcing someone to pay union dues is forcing them to subsidize a political process? Odds are yes, as this came up and deadlocked 4-4 in the time between Scalia and Gorsuch. Gorsuch will probably join Roberts, Thomas, Kennedy, and Alito in this, but who knows? I thought the penaltax was a slam dunk.
Here’s a feel good story about a pig finding its way to the dinner table. Just kidding. Its a horror story about breach of contract.
Still got more for our friends at the BCSO.
CDC employee calls in sick, vanishes without wallet, phone, or dog. Time to prep for the zombie apocalypse.
Someone should make sure he was not working for any democrats.
Aren’t all Democrats zombies?
“Will the Supreme Court find public unions are substantially political activists and forcing someone to pay union dues is forcing them to subsidize a political process?”
Best part of the oral arguments was when the audience laughed after the lawyer defending union dues prefaced his remarks by stating that public employees were ‘underpaid’.
Most likely, the Court will not overturn precedent, because that is what Roberts likes. It helps with the cocktail party invites.
You gotta figure: whatever they had on Roberts to get him to flip his ObamaCare vote, they still have. If he wasn’t a swamp creature before, he is now.
Only time I ever dealt with the AFGE was when one walked up to my desk while I was working. I interrupted his script and held out $1. I told him he can keep it if he doesn’t bother me at my desk again.
He took it, and six months later, he bothered me at my desk again.
Did you get your dollar back?
You already know the answer.
Strange how the USPS is an “open shop”
The full failure, incompetence, and cowardice of Broward County Sheriff’s Department is starting to come into focus.
I’m not usually in favor of mob violence, but this might be an exception.
I’m calling around for woodchipper rental prices.
Somebody needs to ask that radiologist if the handgun wounds that she does reads for are typically taken to the hospital only after law enforcement delays the EMTs from responding to the shooting.
Quick dirty math on her claim that AR15 wounds are common.
“She says she looks at handgun would almost daily, which is plausible.”
Handguns, absolutely.
AR15 wounds? Bullshit. Even a doctor working in a warzone hospital in a bad bad part of town isn’t seeing AR15 wounds on a daily basis.
Even if we assume that the “firearms type not stated” includes a proportional amount of rifles, that leaves us with 327 total rifle kills in the country. Now, this is deaths, but I think it’s a fair assumption that a higher percentage of rifle wounds result in death vs handgun wounds. 4%, on the high end, of gun homicides are rifle homicides. I doubt that higher than 4% of gun woundings are rifle woundings, because I think that rifles have a higher lethality rate.
So there’s roughly 48,000 “I got shot by someone else and didn’t die” incidents each year. 40% of those are treat and release. So going with our 4% figure, that means there are at most 2,000 “I got wounded with a rifle” cases a year in the entire country.
There’s no way in hell one radiologist, even in a busy hospital, has seen more than say, 20 AR15 wounds in one year.
Want to know what the most garbage police departments are? Look at which ones have appeared on The First 48.
Two sides of the same coin — quick to shoot — slow to rescue — cowardice through and through.
Don’t blame the deputies or even the sheriff. They’re just mindless drones with no responsibility for their actions. Blame the closest Republican instead, like the governor. He should know what each and every deputy in the state is doing at any given moment.
David “Glory” Hogg
More like glory hole.
Was he spotted crashing into a gas station in Texas?
+1 Captain trips
Baby, can you dig your man?
The worst Song in Book/Cinema Hisrtory
Probably the victim of a robbery in which none of this stuff was taken.
+1 The Stand. I think. it’s been 15 years since I read that.
Most inadvertently hilarious article of the day.
“Xi Jinping’s power grab condemned as step towards tyranny”
Oh no, Xi is threatening the liberal and totes free bastion of China.
Many of you have noted that you do not like referring to yourselves as ‘libertarians’, because people like ENB and Soave call themselves such. Instead, you refer to yourself as ‘classical liberals’. Guess what- neocons are now calling themselves this.
Can we call ourselves regular “liberals” now? Because I think that the left has moved on to “progressive”, and will move from there to “socialist” once they start being honest with themselves.
I think the way the game is played, we need to start calling ourselves “socialists”.
We are already “Russians.”
I prefer to refer to myself as an “asshole”. Fits me pretty well.
We do too, Hi Tulpa!
Assholians, use the proper terminology
I knew it. I’m surrounded by Assholes. – Dark Helmet
You filling in for LH and Derpy today?
Hey man, I commented on the links off the bat. I’m not liking sassy Swiss
Sorry I posted two links back to back. That was accidental
*reholsters catbutt*
Praise be to Jesus
Life was simpler when you could just call a spade a spade.
Racist! next you’ll be making fun of the Vietnamese….. Pot Belly Pig!
I actually feel bad for Molly.
Meh. A neighbor got a “tea-pot” pig that grew into a disgusting monster. They aren’t supposed to be pets.
They are cute when they are little, and the only redeeming quality they have when they grow up is how tasty they can be.
They are cute when they are little, and the only redeeming quality they have when they grow up is how tasty they can be.
They turn refuse into bacon. It’s basically magic.
LOL I am totally using that.
Speaking of cachons…
I got Nick the pig as a friend.
Large omnivores who can’t be housetrained, and get bored and destructive.
A 450lb toddler who you can’t even bargain with.
I’d rather run into a black bear than a feral hog or javelina. I think I’d run into a feral hog or javelina than a mountain lion, but its a close call. Those fuckers are fast, smart, mean, and those tusks will open you up wider than a [insert metaphor here].
That reminded me that I had wild boar sausages for dinner last night, still have a few left in the fridge.
I grew up around javelina. They are social creatures, damn near blind and dumb as a stump- unlike feral pigs. Most times a javelina “charges” you they were running to escape and didn’t notice you were there. Imagine a covey of 50 lb, four legged quail. When you scatter them the just run in whatever direction they were pointed. If you get one cornered or wounded they will defend themselves with their canine teeth.
I like.
I was thinking “hooker at the Super Bowl”, but this is a family-friendly site.
Winston’s mom.
I heard it’s nearly impossible to run into a mountain lion, unless you are some sort of odorless super ninja.
Yeah? Your point?
They are going to try to avoid you.
But, as an *sniffs armpit* odorless super ninja, how can they?
If you run into a mountain lion, the mountain lion wanted you too.
I almost ran into a mountain lion, literally. I was riding to work on my motorcycle and he came bounding in front of me, totally oblivious. I was all over the brakes and he ran off. I shudder to think what would have happened if I would have hit him. I would be laying on the ground next to a fallen bike with one pissed-off cougar wanting to take the whole thing out on me.
… Hobbit
Hare-lip in Appalachia?
Kentucky coal seam?
North Korean minefield?
Russian Oligarch?
Always hungry, picky once they taste real food. He’ll literally squeal and scream whenever unhappy. Smart like a dog, but with none of the loyalty or love. A pure sociopath and narrcasist.
Pot belly pig or Trump?
The horrible part is how the owners didn’t honor their signed contract to return the pig. It would be like buying a home with deed restrictions and then ignoring them.
That’s what I was referring to. Leave it to the comment carnivores to go all carni with their real life experiences.
Kidding aside, it reminds me of a report I saw years ago about a polar bear that, you know, went all polar bear on people.
An animal shelter took in a baby polar bear. They were showing all these ‘aw shucks’ and ‘gee how fucken cute is that polar bear’ pictures as it sucked on a milk bottle. Then when it was older, they were feeding it milk while it was on its two feet (so it was about maybe 4-4.5 feet or thereabouts) and it suddenly whacked the bottle out of the person’s hand and tried to attack her. No shit. It’s one of the most ruthless predators on earth. It ain’t gonna be your cute slave forever.
Reality set in that day.
That’s like the whole Florida python thing.
Do you normally have a problem milking your python?
I’m with you Brett. If they didn’t want the pig or couldn’t care for it then they should have returned it. These people are disgusting.
“Although Molly’s owner was vetted by the SPCA — and signed a contract specifically stating that the pet couldn’t be killed or consumed — Davis said it’s not a criminal offence to breach that contract.”
So civil court?
What are their damages?
Pain and suffering. It’s right their in the article. They feel sick thinking about how tasty she looked as chops.
I have no idea. But a contract that has no penalty for breaking it sounds worthless.
I’d serve them Molly’s bacon to woo them.
Surgery next Monday for a ruptured Quadriceps tendon. Most of my spring and summer hobbies are fucked at this. So I guess I’ll spend all my spare time shooting at the range.
I got told I had a torn rotator cuff 6 months ago and that I would not regain full use of my arm until I had surgery. This is the same shoulder that got wrecked when I was younger and has a history of my arm popping out and needing to be slammed back in. Spent the last 5 months working hard on it and have 95% use again.
Tore mine when I was five. Then when I was around 17 I was doing the butterfly in swimming and it suddenly popped out…and then it get popping out again and again. In bed, playing sports, torturing my orphans….I was like Riggs in Lethal Weapon it got so loose.
I had no choice but to have surgery. Best decision EVAH. It does get sore though from time to time.
Surgery is painful. Good luck.
Next time, pay for the anesthesia.
Won’t work, he is a Muppet. No matter what he did, he would’ve felt it.
They assured me the cloth drenched in pina colada was good enough.
AFTER the surgery.
I see you got the same pain management team as my friend who, after having his colostomy bag off and his intestine reattached to his anus (reconstructive surgery from a colectomy) was told he could have another ibuprofen.
Seriously, this was 1993. They gave me a couple of codeine pills and sent me off. The next three days were unbearable. I hardly slept.
This wouldn’t have happened if Rufus were in a country with a human health care system like Canada.
Had a total knee replacement a little over seven weeks ago. They had me on Oxycodone for the first two weeks. Man does that stuff knock you out. I was prescribed 45 of them right before leaving the hospital. Cost: $6.71. Quit taking it as soon as possible. I still have about 15 of them left.
Don’t let Preet Bharara see that.
Enough about Palin, what happened to your knee?
Enough about Palin,
Make sure you do your range of motion exercises. They are very important in making sure you get back to normal. Also, ankle weights are good for putting pressure on your knee.
Considering I can’t extend my lower leg or use stairs, it can’t wait to see if it works itself out. The MRI showed complete tear of the tendon.
Good luck with that.
Ouch! Sorry
[NHL Trade Deadline] How the fuck does Steve Yzerman do this every time he makes a trade? Can he hypnotize opposing GMs or something?
Seriously, good pick ups.
Detroit got good return for Tatar I find.
I was shocked Tatar was worth three picks including a #1. They must value him as a 30 goal scorer someday.
Despite little proof that he can attain that level. He’s good and fast and all but it hasn’t exactly been met with production.
Vegas had 4 second round picks? Did I hear right?
I guess they calculated it was worth….
/dons sunglasses
the gamble.
So, as someone who follows the team but doesn’t know players, etc. I assume the Nash trade is the Rangers giving up on the season. Would that mean they’re ready to ditch Vigneault?
Probably. They traded their captain away today as well.
The Rangers are in total rebuild.
They even told their fans on Twitter that’s what they were gonna do.
I’m sure they refunded the season tickets for the rest of the season.
CDC employee calls in sick, vanishes without wallet, phone, or dog. Time to prep for the zombie apocalypse.
Used to live withing walking distance from the CDC. Nice neighborhood. That being said, folks just up and disappear in Atlanta rather frequently.
People disappear around Tucson, too.
But that’s because we’re (a) surrounded by a desert which will kill you in any number of entertaining ways, from poisonous animals to dehydration to drowning in a flash flood, and (b) a little over an hour from Mexico, which makes disappearing pretty easy, whether voluntarily or not.
What’s Atlanta’s excuse?
Don’t forget that one mountain lion.
What’s Atlanta’s excuse?
Their airport offers direct flights to Tucson?
Here in l.a., I just assume anyone that disappears is chained up in a Hollywood producer’s basement putting lotion on it’s skin…
I blame Wayne Williams.
Damnit. And we thought the panic buy on ammunition was bad enough already.
Oh, sheep fighting? That’s never going to take off in Scotland. I thought it was a different way young men have of bonding with sheep.
First sentence of that article, emphasis added:
They should fit right in with the Scots, if Trainspotting taught me anything.
The Innocence Project reTweetered one of my Tweets. Ut oh. That greatly increases the potential for retardation in my replies.
I see the new talking point on the school shooting was issued some time over the weekend, in response to the absolute dereliction of duty exhibited by the Broward County Sheriff’s Office. Even a coworker of mine used it today. It goes something like — “See? You imbecile gun toters keep telling us that the answer to a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun. Well, there were good guys with guns at the Florida school, and nothing stopped the shooter.” Somehow this is supposed to expose how useless it is to allow people to carry. I think. I’m having a tough time accessing the yummy logic that must be in the center.
Cops aren’t the good guys, of course.
“There were no good guys with guns at that school. Good guys with guns don’t hide behind their cars until the shooting stops.”
The venn diagram showing the intersection of cops and good guys looks suspiciously like a pair of boobs.
The police have no legal responsibility to protect people. They are just the clean up crew with guns.
The Florida shooting “proves” that individuals need to carry to protect themselves — no one else is responsible for you.
Some armed people chose not to act. That does not mean everyone should be deprived of the choice.
I’ve also had luck with the “Cops don’t carry guns to protect you from criminals. They carry guns to protect themselves from you.”
Caveat: a former Marine Corp sniper put a pistol round into the head of guy who had a woman hostage in a car here in Tucson last year. So there are exceptions.
Caveat: a former Marine Corp sniper
I’ve known a few good cops.
Every one of them were former military, I think all ex-marines. After facing real combat and risk, putting down puppies while safely on the other side of the fence just doesn’t hold the same thrill.
Real military experience instills far more discipline than any police training.
Ain’t no such thing as an ex-Marine!
“Good” is a descriptor of positive character, which encompasses a varied set of traits that does not include “corrupt” or “chickenshit”.
Again, the deterrent is not knowing who has a gun.
Google stops showing results for AR-15 gun purchases. But, totally still supports net neutrality that totally won’t just benefit them at the expense of smaller competitors.
Luckily AK-47s are still uncensored.
So, another Russian bot conspiracy?
Net neutrality means infrastructure companies carrying Google’s traffic for free. It doesn’t mean Google has to be content neutral. Of course Google would support it. Always read the fine print.
Yeah, I was trying to make a clumsy dig at their hypocrisy. It failed. I get it
I was actually agreeing with you and just expounding on the point.
You’ve confused the hell out of me.
I think if I elaborate I’ll just make it worse, so chalk it up to an inability on my part to communicate.
Or my inability to understand
So is this a new thing or just the same old from before that no one cared about?
I find plenty of AR-15 stuff on google.
I thought the penaltax was a slam dunk.
I thought the subsidy illegality was as well. There is no law if words don’t mean what they say.
Hey for real kick in the SCrotUS, read United States v. Thomas Bean – authored by the good Justice Thomas.
OMG. James Woods called Bernie a “low rent hooker”. DYING.
James Woods blocked me on Twitter years ago and I can’t remember why.
Why have you not bragged about this?
“That’s never going to take off in Scotland. I thought it was a different way young men have of bonding with sheep.”
Well, maybe.
“They treat their sheep like mistresses, stopping by the garages where they install them, bringing food, caressing and massaging them before they head out together for long walks on the beach.”
In case you were wondering, the smug, soy-boy, beta-male and human cue-ball at CNN is still a lying ass-hat.
“Reliable Sources” deceptively edited clips of NRA member Colion Noir and NRA spokeswoman Dana Loesch saying that the media loves mass shootings.
“Reliable Sources” conveniently edited out how both Loesch and Noir both specifically qualified their statements by stating they are not implying the media loves the tragedy of the shootings but that the media loves the ratings they gain from the shootings.
Honestly, they’re such garbage people that they probably do enjoy the tragedy. But anyway, the NRA isn’t saying anyway Don Henley didn’t already say better.
“Justice Anthony Kennedy asked David Frederick, the attorney for the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees Illinois affiliate, whether a ruling against AFSCME would reduce its political influence.
Frederick agreed that it would.
“Isn’t that the end of this case?” Kennedy asked.”
The AFSCME along with the teacher unions are two of the biggest reasons why Illinois is in such a shitty state. These assholes are willing to bankrupt the state so their organization can keep their precious pensions and perks but refuse to realize that a broke state will prevent their members from collecting their pensions. I think the best part about all of this is their unwillingness to own up to their bullshit. For decades they’ve endorsed corrupt politicians who stole from taxpayers but are not only shocked that they were stolen from too but that the taxpayers aren’t too enthused about having their taxes raised to continue to fund their bullshit.
I posted this on the last thread, but I’m starting to wonder whether Frederick even lives in Illinois or is even remotely familiar with Illinois.
“Alito asked about a scenario where a union’s request for a 5 percent raise could “push a city to the brink of bankruptcy.”
“That particular hypothetical, in fact, is an unfair smearing of the collective bargaining process,” Frederick snapped back in an unusually caustic retort.”
Frederick works for the Illinois Attorney General’s office. Alito’s hypothetical LITERALLY JUST HAPPENED WITH CHICAGO PUBLIC SCHOOLS A COUPLE OF YEARS AGO. The teacher’s union asked for a 7% raise and CPS said they couldn’t afford it, so the teachers went on strike. CPS eventually relented and had to be bailed out by the State. CPS is still rated as below investment grade (junk bonds), due to its financial imbalance.
obligatory: AFSCME parody
Can you say “Federal bailout”? I knew you could.
I would bet money that this gets seriously discussed in Congress within the decade, especially when Democrats retake control of the House
complaint dept
I don’t know why so much of life involves sitting in a chair and listening to someone else talk. Most people spend years doing that in school and church. You’d think they’d get tired of it. I certainly have. Once someone is literate, what is the point of attending lectures? Most people are not good at public speaking and most people can read faster than they speak. I suspect part of it is the inertia of tradition and part of it is making sure the message was heard. And of course, the ego boost to the speaker.
Imagine someone who listened in one-on-one conversations but never spoke. You’d think they had some kind of mental illness. And yet, every day countless people sit silently while someone else does all the talking.
The message may be heard, but it is often not retained. Any way you slice it, most presentations are a waste of time.
I can see now why the communists used long meetings and lectures as a form of psychological torture.
One of my favorite parts of Orthodox liturgies was the time limited homily, about 15-20 minutes. Much better thanks the hour long snoozefest from the Southern Baptists I grew up with.
I can’t stand lectures.
Ha ha
Ending corporate welfare is going to be a positive development from businesses going full SJW
I’m stealing that.
On the one hand, I don’t like setting the precedent that government can do things based on a company’s speech. See, for example, the idiots in some places that tried to block Chick-Fil-A from opening a few years back.
On the other hand, anything that gets rid of corporate welfare is good.
In Chick-Fil-A’s case that was local governments trying to deny them a permit, because of their beliefs. In this case it is government ending a special privilege that was given to Delta because of their beliefs. Delta should have never received this in the first place.
I hear ya, JB. The Iron Laws apply to the righteous and the wicked alike:
Me today, you tomorrow.
I’m coming around to the idea this is just a war. Lining up behind principles amounts to getting punched in the face and responding with a speech about how wrong punching is.
There’s no evidence progressives plan to stop punching. Punching back is the only option. Whether that leads to chaos or mutual disarmament is unknown but it’s the only option not guaranteed to result in an ass kicking.
That is awesome.
I remember that strike. It was particularly hilarious when they made the claim that their failure to produce quality education is not their fault because they have to teach children from broken homes and communities, but then made the argument that by not giving them those 7 percent raises, Mayor Rahm is hurting the children. The question is that if the results are out of your hands that no matter how well you teach don’t translate into success, then why does it matter whether you receive this X amount in raises. They basically wanted a giant pay raise without any sort of accountability.
This is a reply to Just Say’n’s comment above.
Are you The Late P Brooks?
“Alito asked about a scenario where a union’s request for a 5 percent raise could “push a city to the brink of bankruptcy.”
“That particular hypothetical, in fact, is an unfair smearing of the collective bargaining process,” Frederick snapped back in an unusually caustic retort.”
Unfair, in what way? By implying they’re parasites who will bleed the host dry?
I also love how whenever you call them out on their bullshit, they say that they are fighting for the middle class. Bullshit, they are fighting to maintain the current structure which only benefits those who just coast by and gets offended when you mention the word accountability. Public sector unions needs to be nuked from orbit or at the very least have their bargaining power reduced.
The lawyer for Broward County Deputy Scot Peterson said his client has been unfairly described as a “coward” for following protocol when he didn’t race into Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School during a gunman’s deadly rampage.
Peterson, who was the school resource officer, resigned last week amid severe criticism from Sheriff Scott Israel — and President Trump. The sheriff publicly chastised Peterson, saying the deputy stood outside for several minutes and did not enter the building to confront the shooter.
Seventeen students and staff were killed and more than a dozen injured in the shootings Feb. 14.
“Allegations that Mr. Peterson was a coward and that his performance, under the circumstances, failed to meet the standards of police officers are patently untrue,” his lawyer, Joseph A. DiRuzzo III, said in a statement.
DiRuzzo said Peterson believed the shooting was taking place outside the school and followed protocol for such an incident. That included taking up a “tactical position” outside the building and initiating a Code Red lockdown.
Of course he did.
following protocol when he didn’t race into Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School during a gunman’s deadly rampage
I’ve lost track of the number of cops who insist that “protocol” since Columbine is to, well, enter the building to confront the shooter.
“I was just following Orders”
“Allegations that Mr. Peterson was a coward and that his performance, under the circumstances, failed to meet the standards of police officers are patently untrue,”
That’s because the standards are for the police to protect themselves and not give a shit about the people.
In other words, procedures were followed.
Honestly, I wouldn’t be surprised if Peterson sues for reinstatement and gets it. With back pay. I mean, the fact of the matter is that the law is probably on his side. Police aren’t legally responsible for protecting the public. And I don’t doubt that there are procedures in place saying cops shouldn’t go rushing into a gun fight.
That’s precisely the whole problem. Gun control takes away people’s right to defend themselves and makes utterly dependent on the government for their protection. It says the law abiding aren’t allowed to protect themselves, but must rely on the police. But, the police are under no obligation to protect the public. Peterson may well have been an utter chickenshit. But, gun control makes you utterly dependent on the police not being chickenshits when they are perfectly well within their rights to be chickenshits.
He resigned before he was fired, so I doubt he can do that.
Rest of it’s still correct though.
So let me get this straight, he could tell it was the sound of an AR-15, but couldn’t tell if it was inside or outside?
I’m already sick of this kid.
“Here’s a radical idea: why don’t I just spout left-wing talking points and everyone can pretend that I am totally not just politicizing a tragedy.”
What are the odds that his phone doesn’t have dick pics he has sent to various people, and possibly sexy-time pics others have sent to him of his classmates.
IOW, he’s a
normal teenagerchild pornographer. I’d bet money on it.Quite possibly. And if his life gets ruined in the back and forth, the people pushing him on the public will quickly enough find themselves a new patsy to push their agenda.
I do quite enjoy the “crisis actor” conspiracies surrounding him though.
Who knows?
He’s gonna grow up to rule one of these little Southern towns.
The problem isn’t the little shit. He’s getting attention and being treated like some sort of hero. He’s doing what kids pretty much can be expected to do in such situations.
The problem is with the so-called adults. It’s they who are feeding the little shit’s ego to push their agendas holding his classmates’ corpses as shields. It’s slightly less vile but more imbecilic “adults” who are taking the substanceless commentary of a traumatized teenager as a substitute for reasoned debate.
I honestly don’t thing he’s traumatized at all. He’s an opportunist cashing in on a once in a lifetime opportunity. He’s loving his new found fame. He’ll end up with a full ride to an ivy league school and a high paying job in the media from this. Fuck this kid and fuck his handlers. There I said it.
^ this
I’m guessing his Twitter bio read “Activist” before the loon shot up his school.
So he graduated in 2015 from Redondo Beach HIgh, or was that a middle school high school graduation?
You cannot parody these people.
What a Fag! and not the Good kind
I think he’s trolling and it’s hilarious.
I can’t tell anymore, my sarcasm meter has been atomized by the legitimate derp out there.
Just read through quite a chunk of his Twitter thread…I don’t think he is trolling, I think he is completely sincere.
That may be even funnier
And he probably makes fun of those self flagellating catholics.
“What can I do to decolonize my actions?”
What are you, John J. Pershing? Did you personally colonize anything? No? Then STFU.
I would recommend a large bag of these.
Throw yourself off a tenth floor balcony.
Maybe leave your car running in the garage with the door closed? That would be nearly instant decolonization.
You want to decolonize, okay rip your own asshole out.
This is so stupid I can’t feel my face.
They’re actually doubling down on that retardation? Holy shit.
That hundredth of a millisecond totally makes the difference.
At 3000 fps, the rifle bullet will take 25 milliseconds to travel 25 yards. At 1000 fps, the handgun bullet will take 75 milliseconds to travel the same distance. A difference of 50 milliseconds.
Reaction time for videogamers, who don’t have to actually heave their arm and a weapon around in meatspace, is between 200 and 250 milliseconds, about five times more than the difference in bulletspeed. The fastest gamers have reaction times of 100 milliseconds.
But what if it’s Neo that’s attacking the school?
He would just tell the bullets no and hold up his hand anyways.
Consider that it would more likely be at 15-20 feet than 25 yards and the difference is even more negligible.
I was trying to be generous. I don’t know, but I would expect a typical classroom to be around 30 feet on a side, so that would be your max range in a classroom. Of course, if you are at the door (like an armed teacher should be), your range is going to range from a few feet to jammed up against the motherfucker’s head.
Hallways are a different matter, but teachers shouldn’t be roaming the hallways looking for an active shooter, that’s what the poli . . . I’m sorry, I just can’t type that out with a straight face.
Jesus Christ, that fucking smirk of hers keeps coming back over and over again. She can’t even appear dispassionate or angry.
Michael Brown @mdavidbrown · 1h1 hour ago
Replying to @MSNBC
Michael Brown Retweeted MSNBC
I never thought I’d see the day that @MSNBC made the argument for arming teachers with AR-15s. Madness. The complicity of @MSNBC with the NRA has got to stop.
Didn’t he die fighting a cop after robbing a convenience store?
I’m already sick of this kid.
No shit. There must be a flight of stairs he can fall down. Repeatedly.
Death to all public employee unions, especially teachers unions that enrich themselves off of the suffering of poor kids
No liberal could ever explain to me why FDR was opposed to pubsec unions. It was always just denial.
“Although Molly’s owner was vetted by the SPCA — and signed a contract specifically stating that the pet couldn’t be killed or consumed — Davis said it’s not a criminal offence to breach that contract.”
That part was omitted, the previous time that story got linked here. Makes a major difference.
Honestly, I wouldn’t be surprised if Peterson sues for reinstatement and gets it. With back pay.
I am compelled to agree.
It wasn’t “cowardice-cowardice”.
His actions protected the people that matter–cops.
If he actually resigned, how the hell does that work?
“He was pressured into resigning by the Sheriff. Of course, the Sheriff isn’t responsible, either. Because he was the victim of the climate of finger pointing created by the NRA to disguise their own culpability in this matter. Blah. Blah. Blah.”
If you wondering if the models could weigh any less.
So hot right now.
Reps. David Cicilline (D-R.I.) and Ted Deutch (D-Fla.) formally introduced a bill on Monday to ban assault weapons.
Good luck with that.
So, all semi-autos? Or just the ones with the black thing that goes up?
I have not read the bill, but it wouldn’t surprise me they are being purposefully vague with their definitions to include scary black pistols.
In the DPRCT, a pistol with a threaded barrel is an assault weapon.
I know what I’ll be getting.
Out of Connecticut?
That’s sad.
For some reason, I read that like the opening of Law and Order.
Dunh dunhhhhhh
Dunh dunhhhhh
A sepulchral gong and the sound of some steel testicles being hammered? Oh yeah.
The definitions are in the first few pages of the bill, which is embedded in the article. Looks similar to the assault weapon ban of the 90s, but tweaked somewhat. Did the 90s bill have a maximum magazine size? Because this one caps detachable (or non-detachable) ones at 10 rounds.
Basically, it looks like they’ve stolen Connecticut’s legislation from ’13.
This is the stuff Clinton would have reintroduced.
Good to know. My gun knowledge is from… after the 90s, when I was old enough to purchase firearms for myself.
Explains how they had it ready so quickly. Hopefully this doesn’t go anywhere.
A few differences. Bayonet lugs are no longer evil.
Bill Ruger’s deal with the devil has been abrogated. No Mini-14s now, although Mini-30’s aren’t on the list.
M1As aren’t on their list.
So basically, they got pictures of every black gun in production that looks scary, and decided it’s bad. Same action in a traditional stock or in Fudd Wood Finish, OK.
So the usual, annoying but ultimately useless curtaining of a constitutional right.
It gets better.
After a close reading, one of the definitions is that of a semi-automatic pistol to be banned.
Prizes for anyone who immediately recognizes that this outlaws – at the very least – the Glock 19 (and potentially any other Glocks that incorporate that trigger group like a Glock 23) and Specifically the CZ75, and by extension, potentially the whole CZ 9mm metal frame models)
No prize for me, sadly. I saw that, but didn’t put it together– I wasn’t aware of fully automatic pistols, wouldn’t have caught it. That’s a very popular gun– I remember trying out a Glock 19 when I was shopping for my pistol.
Define assault as something other than an action?
What’s that going to do with the millions of semi auto guns already around?
I can’t think of a better way to move a ton of semi-auto weapons from store shelves than this.
Looking at the bill, they are sweeping in handguns and shotguns as well as rifles, as long as they have the requisite offensive features like pistol grips, etc. And they have the laundry list of banned guns.
Looks pretty much like the AWB of old, at a quick glance. I am delighted that the Dems are going to run with this, again. I can’t believe that, even if the Repubs in Congress are stupid enough to pass it (and I think they are), that Trump would sign it. He may be a buffoon, but he has to know that signing this bill would make him unelectable in 2020.
There will be a lot of new faces in office.
Is this good, or bad?
I Gilmored myself….
You also can’t search Google for these
Glock 19
Walther ppq
Ruger gp100
R mington 700
Hunting rifle
Several other guns will bring results of only props, holsters, and things like that.
My girlfriend is searching a bunch as I type this.
The GP100? A six-shooter is too scary now?
Doesn’t seem to be true based on a few searches I’m doing myself.
Couple of quick examples:
(was also able to successfully search for “AR-15”)
Go to the shopping tab. It should be blank
That pulls up nothing. You’re correct.
Which is, you know, weird, because the second link under “Glock 19” takes you to a place where… you can buy a Glock 19.
(come to think of it, I don’t think I’ve ever clicked on the shopping tab doing a google search. People do that?)
It happens. I don’t do it, and haven’t used Google in a while.
Successfully searched for the rest of those terms as well.
I’ve never heard of this “Google” of which you speak, but when I typed in ar-15 Bing return a ton of results.
Bing is funnier to me for some reason.
I use that too.
An alternative to DDG would be which I’m rather liking.
If he actually resigned, how the hell does that work?
I’m guessing the union rep will coach him to say he resigned under unlawful duress.
“Is Black Panther Islamophobic?
The Marvel Studios movie may inadvertently reinforce the negative portrayal of Muslims
“Wallahi (by God) I will shoot her right now,” says the man, obviously Muslim from his Middle Eastern headgear, as he places a gun to a girl’s head. Without spoiling the movie Black Panther for those who have not seen it yet, this is part of a scene in which the soon-to-be king attacks a convoy of trucks carrying abducted women.
The women are all wearing hijab (headscarves) against their will. As soon as the girls are “liberated”, they remove their headscarves.
The scene inadvertently reinforces what colonial studies experts such as University of Toronto Professor Sherene Razack call the stereotypes of the barbaric Muslim man, oppressed Muslim woman and imperilled non-Muslim.”
Not a stereotype.
Stereotypes become stereotypes because they are GENERALLY true.
It is unfair to apply a stereotype at an individual level, but that does not make them un-true.
Live by the social justice, die by the social justice
As NotWokieLeaks (back from his latest twitter suspension!) said… you can apparently never be “woke” enough.
Plus that’s a one-off scene near the beginning of the movie that takes a few minutes and serves to introduce us to the main characters. The real villain of the movie is a black SJW.
NotWokieLeaks (back from his latest twitter suspension!)
What did he get suspended for? Being an honest liberal?
One of the indicators that someone is dumb as hell is when they use the term woke.
* When they use it non-ironically (Is that a word? I think so, but it looks weird.)
That movie is just filled with wokeholes.
has this made the rounds yet?
A discussion among students at Oberlin High School in Oberlin, La., about a mathematical symbol led to a police investigation and a search of one of the student’s homes, according to the Allen Parish Sheriff’s Office.
On the afternoon of Feb. 20, detectives investigated a report of terroristic threats at the school, where they learned that a student had been completing a math problem that required drawing the square-root sign.
Students in the group began commenting that the symbol, which represents a number that when multiplied by itself equals another number, looked like a gun.
“Wallahi (by God) I will shoot her right now,” says the man, obviously Muslim from his Middle Eastern headgear
Now I’ve the goodam song in my head. “I see, by your outfit, that you are a cowboy…”
“The brutal world of sheep fighting”
“Inside Atomwaffen As It Celebrates a Member for Allegedly Killing a Gay Jewish College Student
ProPublica obtained the chat logs of Atomwaffen, a notorious white supremacist group. When Samuel Woodward was charged with killing 19-year-old Blaze Bernstein last month in California, other Atomwaffen members cheered the death, concerned only that the group’s cover might have been blown.
Late last month, ProPublica reported that the California man accused of killing a gay and Jewish University of Pennsylvania student was an avowed neo-Nazi and a member of Atomwaffen Division, one of the country’s most notorious extremist groups.
The news about the murder suspect, Samuel Woodward, spread quickly throughout the U.S., and abroad. Woodward was accused of fatally stabbing 19-year-old Blaze Bernstein and burying his body in an Orange County park.
The report, it turns out, was also taken up in the secretive online chats conducted by members of Atomwaffen Division, a white supremacist group that celebrates both Hitler and Charles Manson.
The group may have as many as 20 cells around the country, small groups of indeterminate size in Texas, Virginia, Washington, Nevada and elsewhere. Members armed with assault rifles and other guns have taken part in weapons training in various locations over the last two years, including last month in the Nevada desert near Death Valley.
Members have discussed using explosives to cripple public water systems and destroy parts of the electrical power grid. One member even claimed to have obtained classified maps of the power grid in California. Throughout the chats, Atomwaffen members laud Timothy McVeigh, the former soldier who bombed the Alfred P. Murrah federal building in Oklahoma City in 1995, killing 168, including numerous children. Charleston church shooter Dylann Roof and Anders Breivik, the Norwegian extremist who massacred 77 people, also come in for praise.”
Atomwaffen? Seriously?
Yeah thats the lamest name ever.
“Nevada desert near Death Valley.” No Such Place, no such Group, I call BS on the Whole thing…
Maybe on the other side of the mountains? But yes, the whole thing could bullshit.
When I was a kid and the family drove out to California, we had a blowout in the Mojave on whatever interstate that is, and had to get the van fixed in Las Vegas the next morning. The whole area is, I suppose, a desert.
And Las Vegas by day looks decidedly unglamorous. Not like any of the gaudy photos I had seen.
There are evil people in this world. News at eleven.
Notorious? Never heard of them. Chances are there’s a 10-1 ratio of FBI agents to NAZIs.
Sanctimonious cunt is sanctimonious
One after another, companies under pressure from survivors of the Florida mass shooting are ending their relationships with the National Rifle Association. Avis, Hertz, Delta, United, MetLife and others have all done so since last week. But at least one major company has refused so far: FedEx.
FedEx offers N.R.A. members up to a 26 percent discount — the sort that the other companies have chosen to end. “Wait does @FedEx still support the NRA?” David Hogg, a senior at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, the site of the Feb. 14 shooting, tweeted this weekend.
Many students have called for a boycott of companies that support the N.R.A. In the case of FedEx, there are obvious alternatives: U.P.S., DHL and the Postal Service.
Ending a discount program won’t, in and of itself, save any lives or cause great political damage to the N.R.A. But the FedEx situation has now become something of a test case of the new anti-gun movement. It’s also a test case for whether a major company feels comfortable allying itself with a group that effectively promotes violence.
So I’m with the students on this one: I encourage you not to use FedEx so long as it’s comfortable siding with the N.R.A.
I guess I need a better dictionary.
The NRA couldn’t be a better boogeyman if they tried.
Supporting something that can be used for evil is the same thing as promoting that evil thing.
For example, net neutrality supporters effectively promote child pornography.
The left promotes a lot of evil when they support the state’s power to fuck up people’s lives.
Squawk and Power Lunch both had segments pointing-out that FedEx “didn’t” end their relationship. Fred Smith has been supportive of the new tax plan (and original proposal) – FedEx targeting is just about the NRA.
Dude films himself getting shot
i think people walking around talking to their phone attached to a selfie sticks are douchebags, but you don’t really have to shoot them.
Not sure how the super-ethical talented journalist professionals determined that the shooter was both a) a man (tho to be fair, its likely) and b) used a “long gun”, but i will have to attribute that to some industry secret with which i am unaware.
They asked that Broward County SRO to identify the type of weapon via the sound it made.
A “long gun” I could believe. A specific long gun type? MAYBE if you’re shooting it, or in a location where you know the acoustics and have heard a number of different guns fired. In a location distant from you, with ‘normal’ acoustics? Nope. A particular caliber? I can tell the difference between a 223 and a 30 and “something bigger than a 30”, and that’s it.
To determine the gun, you could get clues from rate of fire if automatic, and the sound of the action resetting – but to do that you’d be so near you’d need hearing protection if you were hoping to differentiate anything beyond the first shot.
resettingcycling.– DOINK DOINK – indeed.
*of course, the AP gloss didn’t really specify that the details came from a subsequent APB put out by the police
No pants?
In the DPRCT, a pistol with a threaded barrel is an assault weapon.
Ruh-roh. The barrel on the .22 top end for the 1911 has a threaded barrel. I’m a terrorist.
If you came to CT with it, yes.
A buddy of mine had to register his Ruger 22/45. A right PITA it was.
The report, it turns out, was also taken up in the secretive online chats conducted by members of Atomwaffen Division, a white supremacist group that celebrates both Hitler and Charles Manson.
The group may have as many as 20 cells around the country, small groups of indeterminate size in Texas, Virginia, Washington, Nevada and elsewhere. Members armed with assault rifles and other guns have taken part in weapons training in various locations over the last two years, including last month in the Nevada desert near Death Valley.
As many as…
Experts say….
Sources confirm…
Bullshit reigns.
Iowahawk – Swinging for the cheap seats!
I just noticed that he doesn’t have a blue checkmark…is that by design?
In the never-never land between trolldom and legitimacy, Iowahawk is truly an edgelord.
Just how many outfits did that dope bring?
I’ve never seen anything like it.
True embarrassment.
Twitter is worth all the aggravation just to be able to follow him.
Lol – “I’ll feel sorry for this kid until Canada eventually elects him” – Iowahawk can take the night off, he’s won the internet for today.
Powerline is having fun with Zoolander, with Bonus Weird Al! Don’t ever change Canucks!
I have noticed a new talking point, today. It seems our media betters have rediscovered divestment. I just saw but did not bother to read a NYT thing about, “You may own guns and not even know it.” By all means, call your broker and ask him to get you out of sporting goods and into Tesla and wind power.
Uber makes cities more congested, because….?
Ride-hailing services like Uber and Lyft were supposed to make our streets less congested, but studies suggest that they’re having the opposite effect.
A report published by the UCDavis Institute of Transportation Studies in October 2017, which surveyed over 4,000 adults in seven U.S. cities, found that after rolling out one of the two services public transport usage dropped by six percent. More worryingly, the study found that between 49 and 61 percent of journeys made using the likes of Uber and Lyft would have been made on foot, on a bike, on public transport, or not made at all, if those services weren’t available.
Why can’t those sheeple just stand there in the rain for twenty minutes, waiting for a bus, goddammit? Or just stay home?
More worryingly, the study found that between 49 and 61 percent of journeys made using the likes of Uber and Lyft would have been made on foot, on a bike, on public transport, or not made at all, if those services weren’t available.
Our study used the sound empirical technique known as “making shit up”.
The real problem with Lyft and Uber is that they are cutting heavily into DUI revenues for cities.
My grandma lives in a retirement community in a rural area, outside a smallish college town. Some of the more tech savvy oldsters have discovered the wonders of Uber. So now, instead of waiting till Tuesday for the weekly bus trip to the grocery store, or the Thursday bus trip to the mall, or having to ride with someone who still drives, they have their independence back. Want to catch a movie? Uber. Need to get meds? Uber. Feel like getting lunch in town? Uber.
Fuck them though, right?
This is the typical form of media-dishonesty
“Ride-Hailing Services Aimed at Cutting Traffic ….””
Who ever said that was their ‘aim’? These companies didn’t go into business to accomplish some urban-utopian end; they went into business to address *under-served demand*, the gap between the groups served by cabs and public transport, betting that more-competition would yield huge untapped market.
their objective, as is anyone’s, is to make a buck. if their own success results in more congestion… well eventually that should benefit subways again. but apparently its not bad-enough to matter yet.
Heidi Klum is single:
“Heather Locklear was arrested for nearly biting her boyfriend’s nose off in a drunken rage, and then attacking three cops who came to break up the fight late Sunday.
A source in the Ventura police department tells that Locklear ‘was wasted’ when she and Chris Heisser, the high school sweetheart she recently reconnected with, ‘got into a physical fight’ at her house in Thousand Oaks, California Sunday night.
The former Melrose Place star, 56, ‘practically bit the tip off of Heisser’s nose,’ the source said, before instructing a woman who works with her to call police.
But her plan backfired when cops showed up on her doorstep and tried to put her in handcuffs.”
Yeah, Heather’s moved down the “hot” and up the “crazy” side of the matrix.
That mugshot photo is a “hell no”.
No hobbyhorse left behind!
Turned on the news a while ago, and they (CBS) were interviewing some woman who’s saying all children older than 12 should be “screened” for depression because… well, I think we all know where she’s coming from.
Just saw some guy on TV say that “We fixed everything after 9/11. We need to fix things now.”
I could have used a good shrink when I was ~18. But it would have had to be at my initiative. Being forced into it? The notion horrifies me.
Hey all. Quick question. Does anyone know of any articles that do a good job arguing noninterventionism in places such as Somalia, Yugoslavia, Iraq, etc.? Basically, I’m arguing against a book that says that military intervention/the UN is a good way to topple corrupt governments and help restore peace in Third-world countries, and I’m trying to find good sources for arguing against that. If anyone has any suggestion, they’re much appreciated.
Suggest you research “Libya.”
Found This:
It’s more about foreign aid, but The Road to Hell: The Ravaging Effects of Foreign Aid and International Charity is pretty good. It’s by a guy who was a Peace Corps volunteer in Kenya before getting a front row seat to the clusterfuck in Somalia.
Also: The White Man’s Burden: Why the West’s Efforts to Aid the Rest Have Done So Much Ill and So Little Good
It’s by a World Bank guy and has more stuff on military intervention.
I think the argument against that is to not give a shit about them. Whether that’s better for them is debatable, but better for us seems to be the goal.
Unfortunately, I can’t argue that point of view I’m supposed to talk about why I think those methods do (or don’t) help poor Third-world countries.
Who wrote that book? Matt Welch?
If you check Mises I’m sure you’ll find stuff justifying their non-interventionist position
The book itself it The Bottom Billion. Matt Welch is the author, I’m fairly certain.
Probably dead thread, but the author is Paul Collier.
Basically, I’m arguing against a book that says that military intervention/the UN is a good way to topple corrupt governments and help restore peace in Third-world countries
Do they have an example of what they consider a successful case?
Cote D’Ivore in the 90’s.
Do a search on UN Peacekeepers and sexual assault. It is easy pickings for articles why you don’t want those fuckers in your country.
Robby listened to Obama’s super secret speech.
It’s not a scandal if nobody reports it!
And it’s not a lie if you believe it
Ya no shit there. Someone needs to tell that asshole history is still being written on his administration. He might very well go down as the leader of the most corrupt administration in US history.
“”It’s not a scandal if nobody reports it!””
as i said in that thread, some of the best evidence that Obama is terrible concerned about scandals during his administration? is the fact that he keeps repeating the claim that there were no scandals in his administration.
you don’t keep banging a drum on a single point if you think the facts already speak for themselves.
I’m arguing against a book that says that military intervention/the UN is a good way to topple corrupt governments
Yikes. That sounds like trading one corrupt government for another.
It’s more about foreign aid, but The Road to Hell: The Ravaging Effects of Foreign Aid and International Charity is pretty good.
There is also a book about Haiti called The Big Truck That Went By which is supposed to be pretty good. It’s about the international aid scamsters after the earthquake.
I was glancing at a German MG42, known as a “Spandau” by the Allies. “Of course, that was the best machine gun of the war,’ I commented, relaying what I’d read in many books.
“Says who? Says who?” retorted my guide and head of the unit, John Starling. In the next few minutes, he proceeded to deconstruct everything I thought I knew about this infamous weapon: that its phenomenal rate of fire caused massive problems of over-heating, that it was widely inaccurate (for which having since fired one, I can now vouch), that is was incredibly expensive to manufacture, massively over-engineered and lacked certain simple additions that would have made its handling so much easier. The men supporting this weapon not only had to carry vast amounts of ammunition to feed this thirsty beast, they also had to lumber around six spare barrels because of its readiness to over-heat. And each barrel bore multiple inspection stamps. “Which were,” John told me, “an utter waste of time in the middle of total war.”
The Germans can make high performance machines, but they struggle to make simple, reliable ones.
Germans suck at lots of stuff. That’s the whole motif of the 20th Century
In 2013, for example, there were an estimated 10 million guns, both legal and illegal, in France, which at the time had a population of 66 million. That year, 1,750 people were killed by firearms, amounting to 2.65 deaths per 100,000 people.
By contrast, the United States, with a population of 316.2 million in 2013, had an estimated 357 million guns in circulation—more than one gun per person. That year, there were 33,636 U.S. gun deaths, or 10.64 deaths per 100,000—four times the rate in France.
6x as many guns but only 4x times as many deaths? I’ll buy that for a dollar.
not mentioned: French commados sinking the Greenpeace’s flagship, Rainbow Warrior
mental sandbox time
Suppose infantry switched from regular machine guns to crew-served Gatling-type guns. That would improve reliability at rate of fire at a cost of weight.
Hmm, an M61 Vulcan is a too heavy for infantry. Perhaps if it was resized to 5.56. Something like the M134 minigun.
Ooh, lookee here
The XM214 is an American prototype 5.56 mm rotary-barreled machine gun. It was designed and built by General Electric, . Also known as the Microgun, the XM214 was a scaled-down i.e. physically substantially smaller and lighter version of the M134 “minigun”, firing M193 5.56×45mm ammunition.
General Electric tried to refocus its efforts by making the Microgun an infantry weapon, but the Army showed no interest.
God damnit!
Miniguns require electricity to fire and are prone to jams. A round that fails to fire required a complete breakdown of the gun to repair. We armed Cobras with them in VN, and then went to ‘chain guns’ because they were so much more reliable.
A chain gun is actually closer to the concept of a gatling gun than the minigun. The electric motor only acts to rotate the all-mechanical action of firing the gun.
It’s still possible to fire the bushmaster in a Bradley without having any power to the turret.
OK, suppose instead of an electric motor, there is a hand crank. That would reduce rate of fire, but increase reliability and reduce weight.
Turning a crank is easier than changing a barrel.
It would depend on the type of engagement and who you expect to meet in what situation. In a fixed defensive position, a crew served Gatling-style gun would be nice. Chasing through the jungle, maybe stick with the regular machine gun. In a mobile operation in open country, the crew fed Gatling would work.
Spray and pray is a comforting technique if you can carry enough ammuntion to keep it up long enough to finish the fire fight.
I will defer to the Master:
As General Patton said;
“Fire on Infested Areas: Owing to the pernicious traditions of our known distance rifle marksmanship, we are prone to hold our fire until we see targets. In battle, these are seldom visible. When any group of soldiers is under small-arms fire, it is evident that the enemy can see them; therefore, men should be able to see the enemy, but seldom are. When this situation arises, they must fire at the portions of the hostile terrain which probably conceal enemy small-arms weapons. I know for a fact that such procedure invariably produces an effect and generally stops hostile fire. Always remember that it is much better to waste ammunition than lives. It takes at least eighteen years to produce a soldier, and only a few months to produce ammunition.
During WW2, about 1000 rounds were fired per enemy killed. For, Vietnam, 20,000 rounds per enemy killed was the low end. I believe it is now up to 50,000 rounds.
Taken to the current level, it’s why we shoot hellfire at three guys with AKs on a goat trail.
I have a video for that, and it’s awesome.
Eat a bag of dicks, Taliban scum.
Large crew served weapons tend to draw a lot of fire, and limit mobility.
Majority of 20th century advances in combat effectiveness had to do with mobility and communication. Firepower has not changed significantly since the end of WWI.
I read that the US had the best radios of WW2 and that was a big factor in the victory.
25 series for the win. I love those guys.
There is a story where Patton saw a guy up a pole in Africa repairing a wire. A German plane strafed and missed. Patton said “Ah, son..aren’t you scared?”
“It’s my job, sir!”
today I learned
Hudson Maxim (February 3, 1853 – May 6, 1927), was a U.S. inventor and chemist who invented a variety of explosives, including smokeless gunpowder, Thomas Edison referred to him as “the most versatile man in America”.[citation needed] He was the brother of Hiram Stevens Maxim, inventor of the Maxim gun and uncle of Hiram Percy Maxim, inventor of the Maxim Silencer.
During World War I, Maxim wrote a book, Defenseless America, in which he pointed out the inferiority of the American defence system and the vulnerability of the country against attacks of foreign aggressors. His good friend, Elbert Hubbard, died on the RMS Lusitania when it was torpedoed by a German submarine. This event fueled his belief that the USA should improve its defenses and join the war against Germany on the side of the Entente.
Maxim also wrote the book The Science of Poetry and the Philosophy of Language about the nature and writing of poetry. In this work, he contended that words, like chemical particles, had natural laws that governed the manner in which they could be combined into verse, and that poetry perceived as excellent was in fact one that conformed to those laws. He also argued that certain famous poets (William Shakespeare, William Wordsworth) had discovered those laws and put them to use in their poetry.
During his experimental career, he lost his left hand in a mercury fulminate explosion in 1894.
He spoke and wrote prolifically on many topics – from his opposition to maintaining the Morris Canal, to his disdain of Prohibition, to his love of poetry and boxing.
Maxim appeared as King Neptune during the first two years of the Miss America Pageant in 1921 and 1922, arriving on a great float and presenting the trophy to the winner.
what a baller