Not that SP and I over-indulged yesterday. Nosirree, we would never do anything like that. We’re too mature and classy, at least she is- and I have proof, it was on her report card last semester. In actuality, while drinking, we watched the DW Griffith version of “Abraham Lincoln,” mostly because it was DW Griffith’s first talkie and had Walter Huston in the title role. It needed more alcohol, but there were definitely a few fun spots, including some actors in blackface, and some scenes with Walter Huston made up to look like The Joker. Surprisingly, the screenplay was by Stephen Vincent Benet, one of my favorite authors, who demonstrated that hagiography was apparently his only weakness as a writer.
OK, what’s the news today? Of course, the Big Story is Team Blue demonstrating that they can lie just as effectively as Team Red, just at greater length. The idea that the people paying for all this shit ought to be able to actually see the court filings is crazy talk. The idea of secret courts and domestic spying being unconstitutional is even crazier talk. I mean, that sounds crazy enough to come from libertarians!
Fun fact: the constitution is unconstitutional. There are some ideas that are so stupid that it takes professors to believe them.
What’s Spanish for “kabuki”? Another story where I just hate everyone involved.
Fuck California. Seriously. I lived most of my adult life there and couldn’t imagine going back to that authoritarian shithole. I don’t often root for law enforcement to actually come to personal harm, but in this case (as with drug and vice cops), I wouldn’t shed any tears if it did happen.
Not satisfied with using taxpayer-funded land and receiving massive subsidies to produce dead animals parts for human consumption, the US Cattlemen’s Association (that name is problematic!!!!) is trying to get the government to play whup-ass on producers of meat imitations, rather than compete in a free market. Because millions of times a day, people mistake veggie burgers for ground up cow, and it’s all about protecting the people rather than rent-seeking. This is my shocked face.
More shocking news: ratings for the corrupt enterprise we laughingly call the Olympics are down. If this trend continues, how will the poor folks in the IOC get bribed by politicians? And how will the few remaining television viewers be able to experience the thrills of trash sports, 24/7?
Music Time! From Dead Kennedys covers to Sibelius in 24 hours. This is a brilliant composition, and the buildup from the start of the Intermezzo to a stunning march gives me chills every time I hear it.
we watched the DW Griffith version of “Abraham Lincoln,”
In A Night to Remember, the Titanic hits the iceberg.
The Japanese attack at the end of From Here to Eternity.
Lucas changes the ending.
You want some MSG?
No, I don’t want Madison Square Garden, thank you very much.
UC Ted S.
McCaulay Culkin dies.
If I didn’t have a young lady still sleeping next to me, I’d listen to that music. Sibelius is great. A name only slightly sullied for me by Kathleen Sebelius.
Pics? I’m asking for Q.
Or for OMWC, depending on how young.
I watched the Olympics on my phone and via Chromecast.
No figure skating.
To be fair, the couple from Germany obliterated the pairs free skate. It was a phenomenal performance.
“the Washington Post reported Saturday. Citing anonymous sources”
Enough already.
Letters to the Local Rag: Chemo is for Suckers Edition
Try Alka-Seltzer?
Man, that alkaline water trend is dumb.
You know what else is alkaline?
The Black Rock Desert?
The batteries what go in the Bodywand Aqua?
Hall of Fame right fielder for the Tigers?
*narrows gaze*
This is why I lurk here.
Most of the Picketwire River?
The natural habitat of African Cichlids?
The Bonneville Salt Flats?
Threading fail
basic bitches?
i hear punting lemon juice in water makes it alkaline
A co-worker of mine was convinced her blood was too acidic and stopped drinking soda and eating citrus fruits.
Did some good for her teeth, but she wasn’t dying and did not die, so her blood stayed within the narrow window of pH where your proteins work.
Ask her, “What is the pH of stomach acid? How much does that shift when you drink 12 oz of soda with a pH of, say, 3?”
This will get you laid.
How low to appeal to her base urges.
as i said above, lemon aka citrus is alkaline
That’s a lye.
gonna go out on a limb here and suggest citric acid might be acidic and not alkaline.
Basic science.
But it becomes alkaline after entering your body. This is very widespread
People who’s diet consists entirely of blood just don’t “get” mundane biochemistry.
Drink some baking soda mixed in water.
“These California agents are coming for your guns”
Because your readership is mostly Latino criminals?
“”From the consumers we see going to the meat case to buy our plant-based burgers where they’re sold, we see about 70 percent of those are at least flexitarian, people that have meat in their diet as well as non-meat protein,” said Brown.”
Goes hand in hand with the non-meat protein.
I have to be honest and say I thought gymnast when I read that word. I blame Natalie Comanechi and my hormone fueled brain in the 80’s.
I think her name was Nadia, not Natalie..
I think you are right
What, you didn’t appreciate Katerina Witt?
I used to have the issue of Playboy which included Witt’s nudes. I no longer have it. It was one of two issues to sell out. I will overlook her having been a Stasi informant.
Tonya Harding for the pr0n flick!
“I will overlook her having been a Stasi informant.”
97% of East Germans were Stasi informants, so no big deal.
Read that “full of more shit than a Christmas goose.”
“I’m a vegan, except for burgers, chicken wings, veal, hard cheeses, and ostrich eggs”
Actually had a conversation once with some gomer who claimed to be an “octo-lacto-pesco-vegetarian.” So I said, “so, not a vegetarian at all.”
He didn’t like that comment. Tough shit.
Octo means he eats pulpo?
Ate times?
Octo-lacto: Eight milks = cow, sheep, goat, soy, almond, coconut, magnesia and whip cream in a spray can.
“Ovo..” Damn autocorrect.
After listening to Schiff on NPR over the past weeks, I have to question the intelligence of anyone who believes a word that asshole says. NPR hosts even push back on his claims sometimes but they sure will give him a platform to spew his bs.
Let me guess: the Democratic staff is leaking classified material to the press and blaming it on Republican staff.
Is Mexico paying for it?
I like Sibelius.
Letters to the Local Rag: National
RifleRussians Association Edition*sigh*
I’ve already renewed my lapsed NRA membership this week. I might gift some new memberships to family members. I’m definitely going to buy more ammo and a new firearm next week as a “fuck you” to these gun grabbing assholes.
OK, make up your fucking minds: you either respect the Second Amendment, or you want to ban “assault weapons” and standard-capacity magazines, restrict gun rights outside your home, and emulate countries like England and Australia where guns were actually confiscated.
I’m sick to fucking death of this doublespeak bullshit where they insist that we need to radically roll back the Second Amendment, but then act like you’re a wackjob Alex Jones conspiracy theorist if you are concerned about the impact on your gun rights.
Letters to the Local Rag: Lock Me Up Edition
Adults need to stop messing around and start protecting our live – why did n ot anyone think of this before? off courts. Got to love 16 year old who believe they know how to run the entire world.
I feel you. I understand and you are right. On your way to school look both ways when crossing the street or use a crosswalk with a crossing guard.
Yet, if drowning stats are true, these same kids think nothing of going into the ocean after the lifeguards have gone home for the day.
In the latter situation they perceive themselves to be in control.
This isn’t a partisan issue.
This is the number one sign that it is a partisan issue.
PC MeToo vs. Europe’s 120db
would harass I guess?
From the California asshole story:
Around 2 p.m., the team heads out in a trio of black cars, no license plates, and a minivan with a lockbox in back to hold evidence.
Must be nice to be the King’s Men.
The lockbox is obviously to keep the cops from stealing the guns and selling them,
no license plates
No wonder the government hates the sovereign citizen movement so much.
You mean the mindset where they are sure the government would like to take away there guns? Yeah, those people sure are crazy, aren’t they?
Fuck California. Seriously. – I knew a stripper in Bucharest old town named California. Looked sketchy. Fucking would be a bad idea
Sketchy as in like a vampire?
How sketchy? What kind of sketchy? Trashy torn stockings sketchy or track marks on her arms sketchy?
Winner-take-all electoral college system is unconstitutional, say suits led by Boies
A coalition of prominent law firms and professors has filed four federal lawsuits claiming the winner-take-all system of electoral college voting distorts presidential campaigns and violates the U.S. Constitution.
Sounds ridiculous, really. DO this people have so little respect for their profession?
The system allows candidates to win the election while losing the popular vote. – well yes
n violation of the right to political expression and association under the First Amendment a – this is stupid. I read the first Amendment. there is no firs amendment case for presidential election by popular vote.
I guess we know who doesn’t even hover over the links.
What do you mean? this is a comment about one of the links.
I think he meant that everyone else just skips into the comments.
I don’t even read the comments.
From the article:
The 14th Amendment doesn’t specify ‘one person, one vote’. Section 2 discusses how Representatives are apportioned, and it allows that states may refuse people of the right to vote and be counted for purposes of representation if they are in rebellion or convicted of other crimes such that their voting privileges have been revoked.
And if electors had voted in proportion to the statewide vote totals, Trump would probably have won anyway.
Yep, and Article II says that electors are chosen by the state legislatures, no method specified. If they put names in a hat and drew them out it would be ok with the U.S. constitution.
Yep. I also disagree that the First Amendment guarantees an equal vote as a form of political expression. If that were the case, shouldn’t I have an equal right to vote in CA state elections even though I live in NH, and vice versa? And non-citizens have the same First Amendment rights as citizens, but denying them the right to an ‘equal vote’ is somehow legit? These lawsuits are doomed to fail.
Hey, but all those law firms got their names in the paper.
Recent run of videos shows Boston cops in harsh light
the harsh light of day?
He should have just gone out and killed some black people, collected his bonus, and taken a nice vacay before starting whatever position he’s been promoted to.
coming in to work this morning it had snowed over night, that sloppy slushy crap. On the highway the county plows weren’t out yet, coming into town the town plows weren’t out yet. But all those greedy business owners had plows going in all the parking lots in town.
Isn’t it a sin to work on Hangover day?
Selfish bastards.
Saw the closing ceremony of the Olympics. Generic k pop and bad speeches. I dunno it seems you heart the exact same speech every time. Thanks to the Korean people and bla bla bla world peace. Get some new material people
You didn’t like the roller blade skis?
Meh I was just expecting more half naked korean women
The comfort women appeared in the opening ceremony.
Foot binding or gtfo
But on the bright side of the Olympics. Romania managed a 7th place, which is LIKE TOTALLY top 10.
Is that Imperial or metric?
He did say “top 10” not “top dozen”.
“I just checked out this woman’s social media account and she is being harassed by a lot of people because CNN thought it was responsible to publish the name of an elderly woman who was duped by the Russians.”
What Ever Happened To Brendan Fraser?
never wondered, really
saw that yesterday. #himtoo
There is no reason to remake 3 Days of the Condor. Also, is he the lead? I’m supposed to believe he reads books?
Reading a book
“Russian spies hacked the Olympics and tried to make it look like North Korea did it, U.S. officials say
Russian military spies hacked several hundred computers used by authorities at the 2018 Winter Olympic Games in South Korea, according to U.S. intelligence.
They did so while trying to make it appear as though the intrusion was conducted by North Korea, what is known as a “false-flag” operation, said two U.S. officials who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss a sensitive matter.”
*bangs head on desk*
The Russians hacked into my computer and deleted my homework.
The Russians hacked into my dog and made him eat my homework.
That’s enough of a source. In tomorrow’s WaPo:
“How Russian Dog Hacking Is Hurting Children In Schools”
“Michael Moore: NRA is Worse than ISIS
Left-wing documentary filmmaker Michael Moore took to Twitter on Friday and urged the media to compare the National Rifle Association (NRA) to the murderous terrorist group ISIS.
“The NRA is a terrorist organization,” Moore wrote in a tweet that went viral. “The media should speak of the NRA in the same way they do ISIS.”
“Total ISIS-inspired deaths in US = 79,” the Academy Award-winner wrote, adding, “Thanks to the NRA & the politicians they buy, we’ve had 1.2 MILLION American gun deaths since John Lennon was shot dead in NYC #NRAKillsKids.””
TW: Breitbart
You know what else is worse than ISIS?
Fake beef?
Depends on what your definition of IS is.
*opera applause*
Archer FTW.
Michael Moore?
I was gonna go with Set. The eqyptians had so many revisions in their mythology though…
do there people really believe is the NRA the only think that is standing between US and gun controlled utopia? Cause I get the feeling it is just a scapegoat. I really cannot tell anymore when people believe what they are saying
They have believed it forever. I have listened to progressive friends spew hate for the NRA for 20 years. They really are convinced nobody would want to own a firearm if it were not for the NRA. If the NRA did not exist life would be nothing but puppies, kittens and happiness.
The NRA is Emmanuel Goldstein.
I think you’re right, Deg. The anti-gun movement needs a demon and the NRA fits that need nicely. The smarter of them know that there are far more supporters of the Second Amendment than belong to the NRA, and those supporters vote and vote hard. Nonetheless, they’ll take what they can get as an object for their 24/7/365.25 Two Minutes Hate.
And Moore is worse than the NRA.
I can’t wait to see the video where Cruz pledges his allegiance to the NRA in the name of the Prophet Charleston Heston (Peace be upon him).
Why choose the Lennon shooting as your end point?
Moreover, why is every single “firearm death” directly chalked up to the NRA? That seems a bit gratuitous. That seems to imply that if the NRA didn’t exist, there would be zero.
They need a convenient boogeyman.
Yes, that’s what they actually believe. Everyone knows the right thing to do is to enact sensible gun control legislation, but the NRA blocks this by bribing politicians with their evil blood money.
I’m guessing that is a touchstone for him and his ilk.
“The media should speak of the NRA in the same way they do ISIS.”
“It’s their culture, you should just accept it.”
Like that?
Hipster-speak for “omnivorous”.
Or almost every human that ever lived.
“George TakeiVerified account @GeorgeTakei
In Star Fleet we did not allow students and teachers to carry phasers into class. Some radical Earthlings argued we would be safer if everyone was armed, but the Vulcans pointed out that this was plainly illogical. Besides, the Klingons tried that, and it didn’t work out so well.”
The important thing is fighting the stereotype that Japanese are intelligent.
George deserved all the taunting from Shatner, this is obvious now.
You’d think Takei would know better.
He’s a fucking disgrace.
Seriously, George, fuck off with this nonsense.
“This idea would have been dismissed by fictional beings in a fictional universe that I had a minor role in 50 years ago and have been milking for fame ever since!”
Well, I’m convinced.
Submitted without comment:
I had to duck duck go what a TERF is.
it is a fairly well known term sadly
Oh, and if the claymation nose-less orc with the giant vagina gif does not make it into the mods gif pool I will be disappointed.
Block Chain voting? Glibs can be the vanguard!
the whole thing bout fix politics fix democracy is so incredibly stupid. As if there is this great version of democracy and politics and we ca nix our watt yo that. The general thinking that we can wish ourselves to Utopia I think. These are people who think democracy means getting what they want, and when they don’t they decide to fix it.
Jonah Goldberg made an interesting point in the last Remnant episode, casting doubt on the idea among lefties that if only everyone voted, Democrats would have an eternal stranglehold on power. But if that’s true, why is it opinion polls routinely demonstrate a reliably even split? If random samples of 1000 citizens are reliable predictors of election outcomes, what would change if your sample becomes the population? The mandatory voting shtick is bubble thinking incarnate.
You “give” your vote to some guy, because you can’t be arsed to pay enough attention to vote intelligently. Will you be paying attention when that guy starts supporting issues you don’t? Or when he gives your vote to another guy, and then shortly thereafter buys a nicer car?
On one hand, I can see how it could allow for finer granularity of representation on issues. People that like guns and strippers can pick one proxy, people that like strippers but not guns can pick another proxy. But people are still going to have to closely track how their proxies are representing their interests; if people treat it like a fire-and-forget thing, it’s an abdication of their franchise, and it will just create more layers of graft and corruption. It’s a technological “solution” that will cause more problems, because the actual problem is one that can’t be fixed technologically: sloth.
Now, blockchain-based voting as a mechanism for low-fraud (fraud-free?) network voting sound cool.
You can’t fix democracy; you can’t fix politics, you can’t fix government.
That’s why you encircle government with a phalanx of woodchippers.
If government tries to escape its shackles, you (rhetorically, Preet; always rhetorically) water the ground, ‘pour encourager les autres’.
The tree of bureaucracy must from time to time be pissed on by the mangiest of mutts.
The problem with democracy isn’t how to vote, it’s that we think voting once every couple of years to choose between oligarchs is democracy. Voting once a year is as much democracy as popping into church on Christmas and Easter is religion. Democracy means actual ongoing civic participation, which is pretty much impossible as power migrates far away from the people. There’s local democracy, or no democracy.
This fetishizing of democracy – promoted heavily by government schools – is very harmful.
That’s what boggled my mind about all these dipshit warmongers talking about “bringing democracy to the Middle East”. When you have a culture where it is commonly believed that gays and non-Muslims should be tortured and executed, and that a woman is rapemeat if she goes outside with a black sheet over her body, what good is democracy? The “will of the people” is rarely a fair and judicious thing, and as F.A. Hayek pointed out, voting doesn’t necessarily reveal the will of the people – it’s just the will of the most passionate and numerous.
CNN thought it was responsible to publish the name of an elderly woman who was duped by the Russians.
Are her initials Hillary Clinton?
so Netflix recommended to me the live action version of Full Metal Alchemist. I liked the anime but non anime it just looks kinda cheesy. I mean anime often look cheesy but it is part of the format so to be expected.
Gah. Is there such a thing? Was it directed by M. Night Shamanman?
I don’t think I can bring myself to give money to those authoritarian bozos at the NRA. I think I’ll buy some RGR shares, instead.
There’s always the GOA & SAF.
Look out!
You know what else is worse than ISIS?
The NEA?
BREAKING: Broward County sheriff refutes letter from a state lawmaker calling for his resignation:
He claims only one LEO was ever on campus during the attack.
The others were probably on the street crouching behind their cars, so technically not on campus.
My understanding is that the others arrived after the shooting stopped. The shooting lasted only about 4 minutes, so their response time would have to be pretty remarkable to get there during the shooting. The problem is that they were still waiting outside while there were injured kids inside who could have used some help.
The Science is Settled!
CNN Poll: Seven in 10 favor tighter gun laws in wake of Parkland shooting
Well. That’s it then. I’ll take all my guns to the dump when it opens.
Seems to be the metal can be recycled. The dump? do you hate Gaia?
Because people stuck at airports are an important demographic?
as long as you ask the question in a vague way that implies the current ones aren’t ‘tight’ enough, and are routinely being skirted, people will go, “uh sure”.
the way they did this last time was to ask people if they supported “universal background checks”. (96% or something like that said, ‘yes’)
Which is basically the same trick – suggesting that there’s some huge material difference between the background checks done now, and “universal” ones which must really be a lot better! they use the word ‘universal’ in them?!
The problem w/ the ‘universal’ b.s. is it required articulating what was missing, and when it got into the weeds of the details, everyone opposed them. Particularly anything which would be a de-faco violation of HIPAA, like ‘mental heath database’. Everyone (including trump) acts like this is just one quick bill from becoming reality, when the legal complexity is enormous
All I know is doctors, academics and politicians with the power to put people into a ‘mental health database’ won’t end well.
The potential for manipulation along with nefarious and evil ploys is there for the taking.
The medical industry is probably one of the strongest lobbies *against* a mental health db.
for liability reasons (and genuine concern for peolpe avoiding treatment), obv, but that’s how it goes.
doctors don’t want to be in a position where they’re responsible to make the call that should be made by a court. Declaring someone mentally unfit/’danger to themselves or others’, as discussed in a previous thread, is a very serious procedure and takes significant time and effort. and once done, it has major legal ramifications. what they’re proposing is some half-way measure which would be bad for 1000 reasons, not least of which is that labeling anyone is ‘potentially’ a danger to themselves or others, yet keeping that information *totally secret and limited solely to FFL dealers* would be impossible. it would basically have the same effect as a legal stripping of your rights, only done arbitrarily. Which creates opportunity for lawsuits in 100 different directions if the info ever was used in any other capacity.
Anyone on such a list will be stripped of their right to vote, too?
Hah hah. Just like requiring an ID, let alone a background check, to exercise your voting rights.
I’ve been against stripping certain individuals of their rights from the beginning. It’s a slippery slope. First they deny everyone who has ever committed a felony of their gun rights and right to vote. Then they start adding other people, anyone who’s ever been treated for mental issues, anyone on anti depressant or anxiety medication, people who use medical cannabis.
They’ll just keep adding to that list, and people who said ‘oh yeah, taking guns away from ex-felons is a great idea’, should not complain when they find themselves on that list. Taking people’s constitutional rights away for any reason is unconstitutional, period.
Once they’re able to take guns away from the majority of people because whatever, they’ll just go for the real prize, confiscate firearms from everyone.
So WHAT you’re saying is medical lobbyists are just as bad as the NRA?
The other thing is that the U.S. has had universal background checks since 1998. That is what the NICS is.
And 7 in 10 don’t know what the current laws are.
suggesting that there’s some huge material difference between the background checks done now, and “universal” ones
Most polled probably thought this means ensuring aliens from other planets are under the same restrictions as Earth-dwellers
China’s Communist Party (CCP) has proposed amending the country’s constitution to allow President Xi Jinping to serve a third term in office.
State-run news agency Xinhua said the Party will remove the provision that the President and Vice President “shall serve no more than two consecutive terms” from the constitution of the People’s Republic of China.
The proposed amendment will have to be ratified by China’s rubber-stamp parliament — the National People’s Congress (NPC) — in March.
When it goes into effect, Xi will be free to serve indefinitely as China’s head of state, the strongest indication yet he is intending to maintain power at the top beyond the two 5-year terms served by his predecessors for the past 20 years.
In January, the Party’s top body proposed also adding “Xi Jinping Thought” to the document, enshrining it alongside Marxism-Leninism and Mao Zedong Thought as a key guiding principle of the country.
You’d think after 3,000 years of the god-emperor/giant bureaucracy thing the Chinese would be willing to experiment with limited govt.
If he became emperor he would change his name. and bring back the imperial concubines otherwise whats the point?
They did, the British enabled it in Hong Kong and it was wildly successful. Unfortunately the PRC is going to swallow it up. Cheer on the opposition as their autonomy is slowly eroded.
Genie. Out of bottle.
China’s not really really communist anyways.
Who said anything about communism?
I looked up TERF, and I still have no understanding of what it’s supposed to mean.
feminists who belive e men who have gender/sex reassignment are not truly women and still have the original sin… ehm i mean original male privilege. It is not difficult
Does it have something to do with an exchange of responsibilities, or some other kind of transition? My oldest kid works in an ER, and the slang there for transferring a patient out of the ER is “TURF.”
“That guy that came in with chest pains? TURF him to Cardiology.”
Do they do a package check before they move him?
Trans-exlcusionary Radical Feminist, I think. Typically used as a pejorative by the intersectionalist types to describe feminists who prefer to not associate with penis-bearers, regardless of the “identity” of said penis-bearers. Mythical Libertarian Women had a nice rant on the topic a few weeks back, I think.
-“old school feminist who doesn’t buy this, ‘men who say they’re genderqueer are our natural allies'”-stuff.
women who think “women” are a class defined by biology, and whose interests are different from the hodgepodge of gender-bending people on the fringe.
I think at some point you’ll see a similar split within LGBTQ, where the L’s and G’s say “honestly, we don’t really care about your transgender toilets”
This. Or, as I think of it, biological women who don’t want some dude in a dress* lecturing them about what it means to be a woman.
*yes, I know that description is pejorative, but it is the right phrase for explaining TERFs.
The problem is that they go out of their way to harass people who not only look like this
but don’t want anything to do with their feminism.
From what I can tell, most T couldn’t care less about bathroom laws.
Anyway, it’s not that TERF’s don’t consider gender-bending people on the fringe their allies. It’s that many of them actively attack MTF through hate hoaxes, trying to get their social media accounts banned, etc. It’s bigotry, not disagreement.
” many of them actively attack MTF through hate hoaxes””
i don’t know about ‘many’. The Terf-types emerged in the 1970s and 1980s, and the initial motivation was simply to keep their interests specific to ‘Women’. if there are a few aggressive ones, i’m not surprised, just because all activist communities have crazies. i don’t think they are typical tho.
I guess it depends on your definition of many, and who you consider TERF’s. You are correct that they are generally older second-wave and third-wave feminists (and first-wave feminists are pretty much extinct). But I wouldn’t describe the majority of feminists as TERF’s, even if they don’t consider MTF “women”. The people June is talking about are the ones that do things such as put XX in their username, won’t shut up about trans people, and make cringeworthy vagina music videos.
I think a lot of the old-school feminists of the 80s are considered TERFs by the SJWs., eg. camille paglia, germaine greer
there are some who self-label themselves TERFs but the more common thing you see is that term being applied to anyone who disagrees about the intersectionality nonsense, and says, ‘that’s not feminism’
As Gilmore points out, there are crazies in every movement. I think that much of the disagreement and unwillingness to embrace transgender individuals comes from a desire to keep the focus on women and not to shift it to the specifics of the problems faced by transgender individuals. For example, wanting to discuss the problems women face in dealing with doctors without the conversation derailing into the problems an MTF faces dealing with a gynecologist. I am not a TERF, but I sympathize having seen this particular example completely derailed by two MTF trans individuals. My reaction was ” JFC, can we not discuss YOUR issues for once.”
And then of course, there is “The Cotton Ceiling.”
Also, there used to be a women only music fest in Michigan. Then transgender individuals and gendered individuals started demanding to attend. This was entirely privately run, and the organizers were serious about it being WOMEN only. If a man (say, electrician) had to come onto the site, they had to be escorted and loudly announced as they went. But protests were organized and the organizers eventually just ended it due to harassment. Frankly, descriptions of the festival weekend sounds like hell on earth to me, but why couldn’t they have their women’s thing without having to make it all about trans and queer people?
I think they should be allowed to have privately run events only for women. Just like I think people should be allowed to have private schools only for men.
Not to get into a discussion about “passing privilege”. But there are MTF who could have just shown up, and no one would have known the difference. And I’m thinking the protesters were SJW’s motivated by politics and looking to cause trouble like they always do.
If a man (say, electrician) had to come onto the site, they had to be escorted and loudly announced as they went.
They couldn’t find any female electrician/any other trade person?
That was the usual practice, but on the rare occasions a man was on the property, they had escorts announcing him like bells before a leper.
That actually sounds hilarious. Did the women throw tomatoes and stuff? I picture Mel Gibson in Braveheart.
Outside the “activist” community, which is really just a bunch of leftists, none of the letters care a whit about each other.
When Page went to drug rehab, her aunt placed her belongings in a storage unit, then stopped paying the monthly fee. The guns, as elusive as quicksilver in a country awash in weapons, now belonged to whoever bought the contents in a blind auction.
Goddammit. Don’t make me start going to storage auctions.
In other news, Babe continues to be a raging dumpster fire.
“When I talk about my future with my friends, it always includes marriage and children. But I’ve also cheated on every person I’ve ever been with.”
“Butts are canceled because everyone is freaking out over trying to get a sexy belly button now
What the hell am I supposed to do with my innie?
2012 was a great year because it was the year Kim K officially ushered in the era of the ass, and we were all allowed to stop worrying about our lopsided titties for a sec.
Sure, we had bums to worry about instead, but I’m of the firm belief anyone can acquire an ass as long as they’re following the right Instagram accounts. Boobs, not as easy. But you know what’s harder to change? Belly buttons. And that’s what’s trendy now, so god help me.”
“Lifetime cast the Walmart-version of the Royal Family for their latest movie, and everyone involved in this should be executed”
“Congratulations, empty souless vessel Level 50 unlocked! I look foward to reading your “I’m 30 and nobody wants me” boo hoo article while you type away on your amatuer blog in an apartment filled with cats and dildos crying about your drying overies.
A dozen years ago, the state set up a database that flags law enforcement officials when a registered gun owner is convicted of a felony, deemed mentally ill, has received a restraining order or committed one of about 37 qualifying misdemeanors.
The list is known as the Armed Prohibited Persons System, and while it has failed to prevent mass shootings in San Bernardino, Isla Vista and other cities in the state, it has taken tens of thousands of guns out of the hands of people prohibited from having them.
State officials say the kind of restraining order that a family or law enforcement official is allowed to seek here against someone of concern might have landed Nikolas Cruz, the alleged school shooter in Parkland, on the list if one existed in Florida. That will never be known.
“All you guys who say a gun registration system will be weaponized against you are just a bunch of paranoid crackpots. That would never happen. Furthermore, while this system may be imperfect, we have to try, because if it allows us to kick down one door, it’s worth it.”
I’ve also cheated on every person I’ve ever been with.
Hence, my rule: If she’s willing to cheat on him, she’ll sure as Hell be willing to cheat on you. No thanks.
+ 1 ex-Mrswesternsloper number one
That’s what happened to my cousin years and years ago. He started to date a girl who cheated on her boyfriend with my cousin. I told and warned him, ‘if she did it to him, she’s gonna do it to you’. Sure enough….and soon after too.
Sometimes guys don’t think properly.
Have you left the one you left me for?
Yup, happened to me. She was a master at breaking up with a guy in the most ambiguous way. She’d move on to the next guy while winding things down with the current guy, but would stay FWB with all her exes. Of course, when one of her exes decided to rub it in my face, she claimed rape to try to keep me plugged in as a part of her game.
I was the master at cutting away from those sorts of girls. My buddies were all like ‘you’re nuts she’s hot!’ But I didn’t give a shit. I wouldn’t give them an….inch.
/runs back. Dons sunglasses….
…an inch.
/runs off.
The relationship ended when she cried rape. Even if I could’ve gotten over banging the ex while I was out of town, I wanted nothing to do with the level of sociopathy required to cover your own ass by falsely accusing a guy of rape. I mean, I was getting things lined up to get cops involved, and she still stuck to her story.
Borderline Personality Disorder
It always only takes a few sentences of description to guess these, with amazing accuracy.
Broke it off with a girl last year for this very reason. A month into the relationship I was wondering why I couldn’t see her as anything other than a sex object, finally started thinking with the big head and came to the same conclusion.
How could any of you miss this from the lawsuit filed by some crackhead law firms?
“Plaintiffs in the suits include LULAC, actor and comedian Paul Rodriguez, and former Massachusetts Gov. William Weld, who was the Libertarian Party’s 2016 vice presidential nominee. ”
Make sense given how much he thought Hillary was a wonderful public servant.
Weld can go the hell.
I wish that really rhymed.
“Another issue is a change to men’s hockey, which is typically one of the most popular Winter Games sports in the U.S. This year, the NHL didn’t allow its players to compete in the Olympics,”
The hockey was solidly entertaining as it always was before the pros arrived and will continue in the future.
Except for the blithe, no offense, that was Germany. Good story aside, It was all sit back and play Devils trap hockey. And it was smart because the ice surface was terrible. Finesse teams struggled on that to establish a passing game (the puck bouncing off sticks was grating)..
Canada should have been able to overcome that though. But Russia would have handled Canada in the gold medal game. They looked good and they can still pass the puck around with pure skill as we saw on the GWG.
If an Original Six team had come up with the trap, everybody would be praising it.
It was. Toronto Maple Leafs:
Just like ‘catenaccio’ was perfected by an Argentine (Herrera coaching Inter Milan in the 1960s) and the Swiss originally played it way back to the 1920s I believe.
So everything shitty in hockey came from Canadians. 😉
And the other hand, firebrand hockey from the Habs in the 70s and Oilers in the 80s!
On the other….fuh.
Except for people that like to watch passing and shooting instead of uncalled obstruction.
The Fate of Frankenfiend
The good news is that we may be getting rid of one of the worst congress critters ever. The bad news is her replacement will probably we worse.
“SAN DIEGO — The California Democratic Party declined to make an endorsement in this year’s U.S. Senate race early Sunday morning, snubbing Sen. Dianne Feinstein in her bid for a fifth full term.
Her main challenger, State Senate leader Kevin de León, won the support of 54 percent of the delegates at the state party convention here this weekend, short of the 60 percent needed to secure the party endorsement. Feinstein received only 37 percent of the votes.
The rebuke of Feinstein by the party delegates comes even though the 25-year incumbent has led polls by wide margins and has received broad support from state party luminaries like Sen. Kamala Harris and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi.
The results were a sign of discomfort among many liberals who believe Feinstein should do more to challenge President Trump — and of de León’s strong connections to the party’s activist left flank. The endorsement contest was a “test of the establishment’s authority and power,” de León chief of staff Dan Reeves said before the vote.”
I guess the DNC will continue to pull farther left. Probably because they saw how popular Sanders was?
It may be time for Team Blue TEA Party. Good luck in those midterms.
What did happen to Blue dog democrats? Do they even exist anymore?
I believe their pro-Obamacare votes cost the majority of them their jobs.
My grandparents were yellow dog FDR Dems,
a generation that is gone now.
It’s an obsolete term meaning “would rather vote for a yellow dog than a republican.” My grandparents were these.
Ah. Thanks.
Labradors hardest hit.
It’s 100% assured they are going further left. Not sure why this would surprise anyone. They put 2 fully avowed communists in charge of the DNC. How long can it be before they have a red flag with hammer and sickle on it as their new logo?
California’s Falling Into the Ocean
egould: or this:
I wish it would float away and become part of Siberia.
Look at that kid’s face!
That’s the ‘OMG, my parents are retarded’ look.
But he’s so dreamy! His hair is so nice. Excuse me, (steps to side and barfs, preferably on Zoolander’s sandals).
Twittermeister Iowahawk’s comment on the kid’s look:
“When you’re thinking about what the school bus is going to be like Monday morning.”
I forgot to mention thanks to SP for getting rid of the squirrel infestation of last night.
True bravery!
California Bummer
Meet the Press: “What do we do about people who are clearly mentally deranged, but have demonstrated no evidence of their derangement?”
Was there an uncomfortably long silence after they asked that question?
Brooks, are you deranged, or have you merely not yet demonstrated any evidence of your derangement? Be honest, now.
No assault rifles for the under-21 kids. Let the Marines carry pea shooters.
I heard a bit of Trump’s interview with Judge Jeanine Pirro. I don’t see how his pushing for what would be an assault weapons ban for people under 21 would do anything except annoy his political base. It’s an ineffective policy, and political poison.
I hope Gilmore doesn’t see this:
millenials are the worst ever.
this is how the future will see them
That afghan poncho is ridiculous.
I swear that came off our couch circa 1980. My mom made it.
I have an afghan made by my Grandfather in the 70’s draped across the built in fold out bed/futon in my office. It is tacky af but I love it. Not sure I would wear one as a poncho though.
“We don’t want to take away anybody’s 2nd Amendment rights. We just want to keep people from having guns.”
Trump Wants to Deny Struggling Americans Access to Healthy Farmers Market Food
In last week’s presidential budget, the administration proposed replacing most Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits with a pre-selected box of mostly dry goods like peanut butter, pasta and cereal. They wanted to stop benefit recipients from choosing their own food, including redeeming their federal assistance at farmers’ markets such as those our organization manages across Los Angeles. That’s right, fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts or whole grains—any semblance of a product that looks like it came from a farm—were excluded. Meanwhile, the plan was introduced with Orwellian descriptors like “access to a nutritious diet” and “100% U.S. grown and produced food.”
Yeah, tons of people on food stamps shop at farmers markets.
I’ll give the guy a few points for being honest about his agenda:
Stephen Gutwillig is executive director and Jaclyn Rivera-Krouse is director of benefits and incentives programs at Sustainable Economic Enterprises of Los Angeles (SEE-LA), which manages farmers’ markets in Hollywood, Echo Park, Atwater Village and across South Los Angeles.
It truly is astonishing about Trump. People are actually trying to make the jump ‘school shootings’ are on the rise because of Trump. Just last night my wife’s friend asked ‘what school shootings and other shootings happened under Obama?’ I just stared back at her when she asked me.
It’s a bizarre psyche on display. All was good under Obama. All is bad under Trump.
It was all peace and harmony under Obama apparently. The unicorns ruled the earth.
Nuts really.
I sure wish it was only Trump haters who were addicted to confirmation bias. There’s plenty of that stuff to go around.
Read the article on curling. FWIW.
Outdoor curling stones sometimes are without crystals and tend to just go straight and not curl if memory serves me right. I played it maybe 25 years ago at a carnival.
Let the imagery reign on that one.
Nah his closing zinger today was referring to a group as “anti abortion rights”
Goddammit. These people are so far up their own asses, they are incapable of even contemplating the existence of any honest or principled opposition to their “completely self-evident truths”.
“I feel” not same as “Everybody knows”
“Two arrested in chainsaw fight at Akron home”
I thought Akron was in Ohio, not Florida.
Summit County- our own version of Bradenton, Fl
“next to a chainsaw in the living room.”
Yep. In Ohio, that’s where we keep them.
Want to see a prog throw a fit? Ask them if the 6,000 or so annual AIDS deaths in the US are a sufficient reason to outlaw gay sex.
In 2014, gay and bisexual men made up an estimated 2% of the U.S. population, but accounted for 70% of new HIV infections. Approximately 492,000 sexually active gay and bisexual men are at high risk for HIV; however, we have more tools to prevent HIV than ever before.
Watch out, CDC. Say stuff like that and your funding might get yanked.
8 Maids-A-Milking Imperial Milk Stout from The Bruery is bloody delicious. Very thick with a creamy mouth-feel and a flavorful, assertive taste. Good stuff and l0b0t now = schwilly.
That looks delicious.
It’s downright fantastic! Pairing with some leftover prime rib and sunny-side-up eggs. DY-NO-MITE!!
My 7 year old daughter just tried a sip and made an awful face; she asked “You really like that, daddy?“
milk and beer are words that don’t go together
a creamy mouth-feel
I read some of the linx. Is that allowed?
I usually read all of them.
Kudos to the Atlantic for publishing this letter from a reader:
To give you an example of why the gun people disagree with you, consider something you do enjoy: Flying.
Most people who shoot AR’s view it like you view flying—something that they enjoy; the act of going to the range and shooting targets or “plinking” cans at home or whatever, is just an activity they like to do. It then gives them the added benefit of being usable for home protection and the admittedly whacked out perspective that they will fight the oppressive government should it ever come to that.
Again, the last is probably ridiculous, but it is a psychic benefit important to many people; the home protection aspect is real and the enjoyment of shooting is real.
You would probably say that all may be true, but is not worth the deaths. The pro-gun response is that the deaths from AR’s are a small, small proportion of overall gun homicides, despite the high profile cases.
Again, lets compare it to flying, something you love. Every year, roughly 400-450 people die in general aviation accidents. For rifles total, not AR rifles alone, but total rifles, the latest year (2014) had 248 people murdered. (suicides are unknown, I’d suspect they are a similar percentage with homicides, i.e. under 5%; accidental death are almost exclusively handguns).
To put this in context, there are somewhere around 5,000,000 AR style rifles in circulation, meaning in any given year, there is (at most) about 1 murder per 20,161 AR rifles in 2014. By contrast, there are roughly 210,000 private planes, so that would equal 1 death per 525 planes. So from a purely statistical standpoint, private planes are about 80 times more deadly than AR rifles.
I realize that these stats are not apples to apples and if you include suicides and accidental deaths the AR might be as deadly or more deadly than private planes (although on a per unit basis, I would say owning a plane is far likelier to kill someone than owning an AR). But imagine if the government took these statistics and banned private planes and non-commercial aircraft. What would your response be?
I’m sure you can come up with all kinds of reasons why flying is important and useful and banning planes would be a complete over-reaction, but I can also point out that the vast majority of people don’t fly private planes and do just fine (plus you destroy the environment and suck up gobs of government money with regional airports and below market landing fees).
why does anyone ever really need a private plane anyway?
common sense plane control
restrictions on high-capacity planes
outlaw bump-wings
“the admittedly whacked out perspective that they will fight the oppressive government should it ever come to that”
Maybe it is whacked out, but I’d like to know I at least have the option of fighting back if indeed it did ever come to that.
I don’t think it will come to that, exactly. But the left in this country have went their own way and are just outright saying that they do not want American in it’s current form. They want to get rid of all white people (except for the ones in high offices) and remake the country into their socialist utopia. Half of American is no longer compatible to the other half. I don’t see this ending well. If the Democrats ever get back into power, they will go apeshit, it will not end well.
Most people don’t understand tyranny is most likely to manifest itself via your local law enforcement overstepping their bounds, not an A-10 strafing your neighborhood.
Ladies so hot, they gotta wear shades.
Also, I know the Olympics are a corrupt shakedown, but I did enjoy watching the Men’s Curling team win.
It was weird watching Americans win in curling.
Almost surreal.
Like a bad dream the dream catcher didn’t catch that turned into a national nightmare.
And women’s hockey, too. Don’t forget that.
Yeh, that too. Shoot out. Pft.
Canada broke a record for total medals but didn’t win where it matters most: Hockey and curling.
Archive site is fucked. I can only see a handful of pictures. #8.
I did enjoy watching the Men’s Curling team win. – that is kinda gay. You need to look at more tits.
#14 reminds me I have been lax in my Darcizzle viewing.
WTF? Market capitalization is now a proxy for “social influence”?
Watching some morning shows, it seems obvious that the Democrats are not interested in stopping school shootings. They’re using this last incident to push for more gun control.
They all use the same assault rifle/bump stock talking point. It’s like listening to robots. No practical solutions at all.
The dad who’s making the rounds is steaming mad that everybody’s talking about gun control instead of coming up with some real ideas.
The safety angle is always a ruse; they know damn well that gun control has no effect on safety, they just want to eliminate private firearm ownership one regulation at a time.
They’re not at all interested in protecting schools from crazy people with guns. Privatize the school system and take all the money we’re wasting on commie indoctrination camps, and provide them with armed guards. That will effectively end mass shootings at schools. Public schools are easy targets. The left want more mass shooting so they can get rid of the 2nd amendment and confiscate all arms from citizens.
My lefty friend thought he was making a smart point for gun control when he asked why these shootings never happen at private or Catholic schools.
Or was he taking a shot at the rich? Crazy catholics?
Who the hell knows anymore what leftists are thinking. They talk like bukkake.
Has there ever been a shooting at a private school?
They probably do a better job of weeding out the crazies.
Probably, but if by some circumstance there hasn’t been, then it’s a perfect argument against government schools. “You support public school funding? So you think that mass shootings of kids is OK.”
“Russia completely subverted the American democratic process!”
Yeah, whatever. Take your meds.
What the fuck?
It’s odd how they need a strawman for everything. They don’t want to debate the pro-gun Americans. They have to go after the NRA, like the 2nd amendment wouldn’t exist without them. The NRA are weak on the 2nd and they are not what’s keeping the 2nd amendment around.
I don’t mind the nra taking the heat.
They really are all lashing out wildly now. Death throws.
Throes, Doom, not throws, and Good Morning!
Dammit! Now I know
Glib lurker?
Funny, that they include women. Let them have guns, and next thing you know they’ll want to vote and drive cars.
Can’t let them vote. We’d go bankrupt.
*Lights Pie signal*
Shit, that was supposed to be a reply to DOOMco. I can’t post today.
Picking the obvious #metoo bait is so brave.
didn’t see it. Don’t like the new Romanian realist cinema of the last 10 years that much.
also touch me not is not really a good translation. better would be touch me … not but the original name is different
anyway maybe the translation is ok i dunno… the original title is
Nu mă atinge-mă
Nu mă atinge means don’t touch me
atinge-mă means touch me.
For me simply “touch me not” can be to easily interpreted as don’t touch me. It is in fact “don’t touch me touch me” sort of mixed signal. I don’t get mixed signal from “touch me not”. But maybe I don’t get the nuance..
Sounds like it should be called Lost In Translation
“Touch me not” means a few things to me. There are certain flowers called touch me nots that are unpleasant to touch. Touch me not also means a person (usually a woman) whose body language is saying “leave me alone”.
I agree that there’s no mixed signal from “touch me not”
Don’t Touch Me Not?
i think it may be better. It is somewhat confusing which the original title also is
Sounds like the Susan Sarandon song in The Rocky Horror Picture Show.
The US Cattlemen’s Association doesn’t actually produce any cattle. It’s a government organized & financed org with mandatory fees (taxes, really) like so many agricultural product groups. Good luck if you want to raise cattle and not pay into that slush fund.
So lobbyists who are too cheap to have an office on K Street?
My mistake. I conflated US Cattlemen’s Association with the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association.
Just talked to my shooting buddy. He was at one of our larger gun stores yesterday. Said it was unbelievably packed. Liberals seem to be the top gun and ammo salespeople in the world.
Obama sold more guns than anyone in history.
Damn your fast fingers.
Bill Clinton wasn’t so shabby either. ARs and AKs were niche sales until he tried to ban them.
/For anyone missing HyR
Y’all aren’t true libertarians, because you mock Obama’s, who was clearly better then every other President!
A gun store local to me used to have a big picture of Barak Obama plastered on the store front with the caption “GUN SALESMAN OF THE YEAR”.
A request for advice from the all-knowing Glibertariat:
I rarely buy cars. I’ve only bought two this century, and they’ve both been BMWs. My current one (328xi) still has at least 100k miles left in it, but it’s reaching the point of its life cycle where annoying, expensive things start going wrong (like the window automatically rolling down but refusing to go back up). Also, I brought this car with me, so the nearest service location is annoyingly far away. Combining this with the fact the the loaners the dealer gives me when fixing mine have convinced me that I don’t need to buy another BMW. They’re fine, but I don’t love them, and I need to for the price.
Going to the dealerships within a reasonable amount of travel and test driving models that might be suitable for living in a suburb of Canada, there have really been only two that didn’t put me to sleep (causing great consternation to the salesguy) the Subaru WRX, and the Honda Accord Sport (6 spd).
Anyone have experience with these? They both get terrible gas mileage (this is my completely unconcerned face). The WRX’s clutch is oddly far right, and it has almost zero travel between fully engaged and fully released. The interior looks like a surplus one from 1994 (not bothering me, except for the unreadable, digital turbo gauge). It’s so primitive, it still uses a hard key. The seat is made for a thinner guy’s butt. The Honda is very comfortable, excellent driving ergonomics, but the clutch doesn’t engage until it’s waaay off the floor, and it just doesn’t have the acceleration of the WRX.
The WRX is more simple, but in my opinion that is a point in it’s favor. Less to break in 10 years. The new 6 speed is much better than the older ones 5 speeds, in terms of durability.
The interior is simple, I won’t sugar coat that. I’m looking at a new one as well. My dad has a 2012 one that’s beautiful. New engine in these new ones, but these seem to be capable of 300k+ just like the old ones.
Thanks. I can also believe that the interior is one of the things keeping the price so low.
It is definitely the best power per dollar car under 40k.
Get the premium for the heated seats and it’ll be fine. The interior is simple and cheap, but not poorly made or falling apart.
I can’t speak to the Honda, but I’ve had a WRX for a few years (2015, “Premium” trim, which basically means it gets digital radio and has fog lights). I’m generally pleased with it. It was the first manual car I’ve owned, and on that front I can say it’s definitely not a good car for learning to drive stick on (but now I can probably drive just about anything, so I’ve got that going for me, I guess). Compared to Honda Fits (don’t know about the Accord stick, I’ve never even seen a manual one for sale in the U.S.), the clutch is much more responsive but also more work for your foot to use; it is not the kind of car that you want to be driving in stop-and-go traffic. Driving it at slow speeds is an exercise in complete frustration, although from what I’ve read, that has to do with the stock tuning; if you can get a COB, it’s much more forgiving. The driving experience doesn’t get enjoyable until 40 mph+ but then it’s fun as hell. My primary complaints are that the Bluetooth integration is atrocious, the trunk is cheaply made, you can’t get a hatchback, and the interior sometimes rattles. However, they’ve redesigned the center console since 2015 so the Bluetooth problems may be resolved, and the interior rattling is entirely situational. The interior is plain and will certainly feel like a step down from a BMW, but the last car I had was an Acura RSX (despite the brand, it was not a luxury car) and so I’m used to it.
(I forgot about the heated seats, I don’t use them that often)
Just because the Bluetooth is so bad, let me list the ways:
– There is no address book integration. You must manually add contacts to the car which don’t sync with your phone in any way shape or form.
– The voice recognition is hit-or-miss, even when it’s matching against your own voice (you have to record contact names when you add them and they must be 2 syllables or more, so if you’ve got a friend named “Tom” you have to include his last name).
– The software can crash (fail), and it’s not that difficult to cause. This renders it unusable until you can restart the car. There may have been a firmware fix for this because I haven’t had it happen in a while.
– It locks you out from certain things while on the road. This includes pushing a button to cancel everything. So if you hit the voice recognition button but change your mind, it will get angry at you when you press the cancel button and you have to say “go back” (which might get misrecognized as some other command) to get out.
– Sometimes you have to re-sync the car from your phone for some reason.
– Audio integration works okay, but only for music. The voice that plays while navigating (“turn right onto Main Street”) does not work over the speakers, whether you have the radio on or not. I’ve had to switch the navigation to use the phone speakers multiple times.
I hate new Bluetooth car stuff.
Even my old roommates 2017 gti has a mediocre one. It’s better than his 2015 a3.
Honestly, the interior is so primitive, it’s retro. It brings back memories of fingerbanging Kathy Sehon in my Datsun 200sx. I should see what she’s up to.
What the fuck?
Once again, progressives like the idiots at Vice cannot distinguish between “may” and “must”.
Things you didn’t realize were involved in parenthood when you decided to have a baby: making up songs to sing to the baby about not touching the poop when getting their diaper changed.
Now I need a similar song for not touching the electrical cord on my laptop while I’m surfing glibs.
The itsy bitsy spider went up the water spout.
Touch my laptop cord again and I’ll fuckin’ knock you out.
I think we need to hear the poop song before we can help if you want something similar.
I imagine he went with Steely Dan ‘Baby don’t touch that poo-poo, you don’t wanna smear it on your face”
I went with Stealer’s Wheel:
“I thought this was just pee,
but it turns out I need wipes,
don’t use your hands
to touch that stuck on poo”
In that case I would go with:
Cords to the left of me,
drink glasses to the right,
they are all just like the poo,
now your gonna thinka nuther kinda stinka but that stinka is you.
cords to the left of me,
daddys crack pipe to the right.
Lay your hands offa what aint yastoffa,
go get your mumbly
quit sucking your thumbly,
It might be covered in poo.
I would sing don’t go near the diaper to the tune of don’t go near the water by the beach boys.
Uffda, The Beach Boys is the worst band ever. The Moby Dick/ Nick Gillespie/ Gravity’s Rainbow/ Ken Shultz/ white people/ of bands.
Agreed. Beach boys suck sweaty gutter dwelling drunk bum balls but I am not sure I would include Ken in the Gillespie list. That is a low blow. Or does Ken like the Beach Boys?
cannotrefuse to
It’s willful ignorance, all the way down.
Now I need a similar song for not touching the electrical cord on my laptop while I’m surfing glibs.
As long as she’s chewing on the part downstream of the transformer, she won’t get shocked *too* badly.
It’s DC all the way DOOOOWWNNNN!
You don’t need a song. A firm NO! and a stern look should do the trick.
Mark Steyn on his Game,
Idiot makes stupid prediction without understanding the reason for the two-party system
There will always be two major parties in the US. It’s an artifact of the winner-take-all system. The only way the two-party system would die is to restructure Congress to do proportional representation. Are the parties themselves about to be replaced? Maybe…. probably not, though. It took a brewing civil war to ignite the last replacement.
Kasich should know better. The coalitions between the two parties has been scrambled, though. The influx of the working class in the Republican Party is making odd bedfellows between nationalists and your standard conservative. At this point, though, I don’t think Is such can be considered either or
This got over 8,000 retweets:
And 33000+ likes.
Still better than Harry Potter
A week ago, I took my oldest son and 3 of his friends to Universal Studios for his birthday. We went to Harry Potter, of course, which fortunately had several beer carts.
There were tons of full grown adults walking around in wizard robes. What the fuck is wrong with people?
You don’t have to wear anything under the robes. It makes Harry Potterland more enjoyable.
has anyone checked on her? maybe she was having a stroke.
Pie, want to explain this?
explain what?
“Transgender boy wins girls’ state wrestling title for second time
CYPRESS, Texas — For the second year in a row, a transgender wrestler has won the Texas girls’ Class 6A 110-pound division.
Mack Beggs, an 18-year-old senior from Euless Trinity High School near Dallas, entered the tournament in Cypress outside of Houston with an undefeated record. He beat Chelsea Sanchez — who he beat for the title in 2017 — in the final match Saturday.
Video posted online showed a mix of cheers and boos from the crowd following Beggs’ win.
Beggs is in the process of transitioning from female to male and taking a low-dose of testosterone.
It was his steroid therapy treatments while wrestling girls that stirred a fierce debate about competitive fairness and transgender rights last season. It’s been a lot quieter since last year when his march to a state championship was dogged by a last-minute lawsuit that tried to stop him.
Beggs had asked to wrestle in the boys’ division, but the rules for Texas public high schools require athletes to compete under the gender on their birth certificate.”
Funny. I thought known doping got you DQ’d, not a championship.
Russia takes notes for the next Olympics.
“Our entire women’s gymnastics team is transitioning”
VOX: Russian Olympic Team Wins ‘Woke’ Gold Medal
Birth certificates list sex.
Combining this with the fact the the loaners the dealer gives me when fixing mine have convinced me that I don’t need to buy another BMW. They’re fine, but I don’t love them, and I need to for the price.
I have owned four BMWs made in the ’70s, and I loved them. Given the opportunity, I’d consider owning an early 630csi. But I would not touch a BMW built in the last twenty years.
The last one that would make me grin as I walked out from work to the parking lot was made in… 1998 (Z3). So you’re right. Although there was that aluminum-framed twin turbo 545 in the early 2000s that was just a beast. 6 speed, doing 80 in 3rd, that sort of thing.
My Instant Pot arrived this morning. I decided to make “Random Freezer Stuff Soup”. The recipe is very flexible. It involves opening the freezer, finding meats and veggies that have been in there too long, throw them in the pot, add seasoning and cook until done. There is already a nice aroma filling the house.
those always turn out good, Cheers!
When did they rename the crock pot?
They didn’t, this is a pressure cooker.
Isn’t it both?
Well, it can act as a slow cooker, but the lack of any crockery precludes it from being an actual crock pot.
I think the only things that should be made under pressure is booze and prom night sexual encounters.
That is a woefully ignorant proclaimation of absolutes.
Ok, diamonds and oil as well. I never claimed to to be non-woefully ignorant, but perhaps only should not have been in that sentence.
One hour in the pressure cooker and both beef and pork easily fell to pieces when prodded. It would take many hours with your preferred earthenware to attain that state. Now I can look to other ingredients.
Damn, the peas were too badly freezer burned. Well, I’ll separate out the meats and use them in something less soupy.
Slow cooking is the cooking Jesus did. You kids and your instant gratification.
“add seasoning”
Diet salt?
In this case, garlic powder, onion powder, chili powder, and basil.
So you are making chili. Me too, but in a properly crockery enabled crock pot.
No, I’m making soup. There is far too little chili powder for chili, plus the veggies and water content preclude it from being anything but soup.
UnCiv I am going to start reading Shadowdemon, it’s been a while since I read the first book, does it stand alone or should I skim over the first one again to refresh my memory?
I try to allow my works to be as standalone as possible. whether or not I succeed is a different story.
“Indian state offers free breast implants to the poor
A south Indian state has become possibly the first in the world to offer publicly-funded breast implants, its health minister arguing, “Why should beauty treatment not be available to the poor?”
The Tamil Nadu state health department on Wednesday launched the free service at a clinic in the capital Chennai. “If we don’t offer [the procedure for free], they may opt for dangerous methods or take huge loans for it,” said C Vijaya Baskar, the state health minister.
The clinic had already been providing breast reconstruction surgery for cancer patients, but was now extending the service for people who wished to alter the size of their breasts for other health or cosmetic reasons.”
Hasten that bankruptcy….
Back alley boobs jobs?
How did this bungfungus get verified so quickly?
“These same few Parkland kids were joking days after the shooting, sharing selfies, laughing on TV, and making nasty comments at Dana Loesch and Marco Rubio with the cameras on them. But I can’t actually point that out or else I’m “attacking children” and “attacking survivors.””
Here’s Matt Christiansen’s take, which I find I agree with.
Depending on how much tin foil you want to break out you can really go down the rabbit hole with this, even as far as Internet “theories” that Hogg isn’t a student, but a “crisis actor” plant. There’s a point in the footage where he obviously winces and adjusts an earpiece, the implication being that someone’s feeding him lines and there was an unexpectedly loud noise from that end. There’s allegedly footage of him rehearsing everything he says beforehand, which is offered as an explanation for why he seems to ignore what Rubio says and return again and again to a set of standard talking points and calls to action.
But you don’t have to believe any of that. You can take the entire thing at face value and still conclude that this is an obnoxious teenager who was present at a tragic event and through a combination of heated emotion and his own personality is not worth taking seriously. Frankly, I think he’s an idiot, whether he was at a shooting or not. Look, sometimes bad people get cancer, too, you know what I’m saying? Just because you happen to be at a tragic event doesn’t mean you’re not a piece of shit.
Who knows? It’s the same as all of the obfuscation after the Sandy Hook and Las Vegas shootings. At this point, there are still questions about how law enforcement responded, with conflicting statements from different sources.
Especially if that “activist” label is more than two weeks old.
I sometime wonder whether those types get personal gratification from the means of attaining their new found bully pulpit. They get a bullhorn bigger than their wildest dreams, and all it took was a few kids getting shot.
Right? The shell casings are still warm and this little motherfucker is doing interviews on Ellen. There’s something rotten in Denmark.
Holy shit the shaved head lesbian from the townhall is also shown reading from a script at a press conference in that video. She’s babbling about conceal carrying a rifle.
My tinfoil hat just got turned up from 3 to 7
So, I’m not going to assume that these kids are all plants being paid by George Soros or shit like that, but I think it’s perfectly reasonable to assume that these are people who had an agenda to begin with, and who CNN selected out of a group of kids specifically for their views and, maybe more importantly, for their tractability. And this Hogg kid is probably a savvy enough operator to see that this is a golden opportunity for him to become at least Internet famous. His fifteen minutes of fame have started and I don’t think he’s going to let little things like decorum or rational, honest debate get in the way.
I like it. It’s a horrible strategy that has cost them dearly in the past. Good. Keep doing it.
It’s been of the basic pillars for the progressive strategy for the last 8+ years: “You can’t criticize this policy because of (insert identity politics here)”.
If you criticize Obama, you’re racist. If you criticize Hillary, you’re sexist. If you criticize David Hogg, it means you want kids to die.
It’s not a winning strategy; people aren’t agreeing with them. They’re disengaging. And then they strike back at the ballot box.
Since when did we decide as a nation that teenagers should be guiding policy in this country or anywhere else? And if we’re doing that now, can we get the opinions of all the kids who have guns and aren’t shooting up schools?
How about the cute blonde snowflake who says she has nothing to lose. Oh yeah?
That little shit is just a carnage profiteer. He’s getting his 15 minutes of fame and will likely get a full ride to an ivy league school on an activist scholarship if not a book deal (ghost written for him of course). He’s making this tradgety work for him.
“Woman Assumes Olympics Fan Is Flying a Confederate Flag. It Was Norwegian.
A news tip earlier this week that reported a Confederate flag flying beneath an American flag in the Greenwood neighborhood of Seattle, Washington was discovered to be a mistake — because the red and blue-striped flag was actually a Norwegian flag.
The Seattle Times received the following tip from New York Times best-selling author Rebecca Morris after she believed that she saw a Confederate flag flying in her neighborhood: “Hi. Suddenly there is a Confederate flag flying in front of a house in my Greenwood neighborhood. It is at the north-east corner of 92nd and Palatine, just a block west of 92nd and Greenwood Ave N. I would love to know what this ‘means’ … but of course don’t want to knock on their door. Maybe others in the area are flying the flag? Maybe it’s a story? Thank you.”
However, a more thorough examination revealed that it was actually a Norwegian flag was flying at the house of Darold Norman Strangeland, who raised it at the start of this year’s Winter Olympics in PyeongChang, South Korea as an homage to his Norwegian-American background — his parents emigrated to the states in the mid-1950s.”
She can’t differentiate between a Norwegian flag and a Confederate flag, but we should still listen to her about how important it is to tear down statues?
Rebecca Morris is a real dumbass. Like, stupid.
Nice pick, I saw them play a bunch of times.
Me too. The first punk rock show I went to was Big Black and Naked Raygun at the No Bar & Grill in Muncie, Indiana. October 1984?
I will be amazed if we haven’t met. ’85 Blue River, ’89 BSU. Longtime lurker had noticed your No Classle references but NO BAR required a response!
I’m sure our paths have crossed. I was a real prick back then, so sorry if I:
Destroyed your mailbox
Cut down your pine tree
Did donuts in your lawn. Dumped that ashtray full of cigars in your fishtank
Roundhouse kick jaw shatter
And some other stuff
Was looking at the Wiki on school shootings, given the shitstorm, and I came across a shooting I don’t remember hearing about from 2005. Then again maybe I was just to drunk to remember back then. I wonder what specifics might have kept the noise down on this one.
The res? Or the fact the cops entered the building confronting the shooter?
both of those and that he got the guns from a cop.
A detail that seems consistent about these young spree-shooters is that they all stop what they’re doing as soon as they’re presented with an armed response.
omar mateen was different – jihadis want to go out in a blaze of glory. but all these crazy kids tend to give up and cap themselves when they see other people w/ guns.
if i recall correctly (i may not), the VA tech shooter stopped after 1 cop confronted him. the Oregon Community College kid returned fire @ plainclothes cops, then offed himself when he was wounded. James holmes turned himself in when cops arrived.
this is an argument for ‘more concealed carry’ because if they can be interrupted, you can limit the killing. its not about ‘taking them out’. its simply presenting an armed response.
Yeah, I believe you’re right about the Tech shooter. That’s the thing that kills me about the people who are so dead set against concealed carry as an answer to these situations. These shooters aren’t highly-trained operatives carrying out a mission or some shit, they’re deranged losers living out a revenge fantasy. Most of the time it seems like as soon as they hit even a little bit of resistance the fantasy bit evaporates and they panic. And besides which, if it’s my kid sitting in a class when some beta male with bad skin and halitosis comes in with grandpa’s 870 because he can’t get a date to the prom you’re goddamned right I want the teacher to be armed.
I agree completely with your point;
i do dislike the term ‘answer’ because everyone plays these stupid rhetorical games as tho there’s a correct ‘solution’ to the mass-shooter thing, and i don’t think anything “solves” crazy kids who decide to murder their peers. you can limit guns to x people or have concealed carry, and there will always be other places/opportunities for them to carry out their crazy ideas.
the argument is really just “there are multiple things that can be done to make things better”, and none of them are “disarm all the law abiding, sane people”
That’s a better way to put it, I totally agree. Disarming potential targets seems to me to be so remarkably counter-intuitive as to border on sinister. Unless you believe that most people are murderers, taking guns away from people en masse is not going to result in fewer mass shootings. And if you believe that most people are murderers just waiting for the right opportunity, then there ought to be a shit ton more of these events, and yet there aren’t.
As seen on Facebook this morning:
“If I’m understanding the conversation correctly, we cannot talk about how to prevent a school shooting, we can only talk about what to do once an active shooter is at school. That means we can’t discuss logical steps that most Americans support, like banning semi-automatic rifles, keeping guns out of the hands of people who shouldn’t have them, and enforcing the gun laws already on the books. And we can’t talk about increasing funding for public schools so they can have more guidance counselors and smaller class sizes and social-emotional learning curriculums. No, we can’t talk about preventing school shootings. That’s too logical for the current administration, the GOP Congress, and the gun lobby and their supporters. Instead, we have to talk about arming teachers. I cannot believe I need to explain how asinine this idea is but as a former teacher, let me walk through this scenario and what our government would have asked of me.
I’m in my classroom teaching and get word that there’s an active shooter. I have to find the gun I have securely stored somewhere in my classroom- let me repeat, I have a gun that I store in a room regularly populated with a few dozen children- and then take that gun and leave my classroom to pursue the shooter. OK, so now my classroom full of students is left to deal with this situation on their own. Got it. Nothing could go wrong there. I’m sure they will be fine. And here I am with my gun in my hand and all the confidence that the concealed carry class I took gives me. I mean, I know police officers train regularly for intense situations like this but that concealed carry course and the couple of times at the shooting range are kinda the same. I don’t know where the shooter is but I will totally have my wits about me and so will everyone else and so I’m sure I will quickly and accurately be told where he is. And when I find him, if history is at all a teacher, I know he will likely have an AR-15 and since I likely am not keeping an AR-15 in my classroom, I am totally out-armed. But that’s ok, because I’m a teacher so I’m totally trained for this situation. Now, hopefully the police haven’t arrived because if they have and I stumble upon them with my gun drawn, I’m just gonna have to hope they can tell that I’m not the shooter, I’m just a random person walking around with a gun in an active shooter situation. I’m sure that will be fine. And now I’ve found him and one of a few things happens. Either:
1) He shoots and kills me and now, since the best solution our government could come up with for how to deal with our gun crisis was to ask me, a teacher, to stalk an active shooter, my own kids will grow up without a mom.
2) I shoot my gun and miss him but strike another staff member or child because it turns out that I’m a teacher and not a sharpshooter. Now I get to live the rest of my life knowing that I shot and potentially killed one of my colleagues or students.
3) In the fantastical dreams of all the people proposing this preposterous idea, I actually shoot and kill the shooter. If the past predicts who the shooter is, that means that I just killed a child. Yes, it’s a child in the middle of an absolutely horrific act. But it’s a child. And likely a child from my school who I know. So now, I live the rest of my life knowing that I killed one of my students and the child of someone in my community.
4) I can’t get to him in time and he kills a bunch of kids and colleagues before killing himself and now I get to carry the guilt forever that I was hired to not just teach my students but protect an entire school from an active shooter and I didn’t. Because that’s what teachers are supposed to do in this new dystopian world the GOP and gun lobby have created and I failed.
We have heard a lot of stupid ideas from Trump and the GOP Congress over the last year but this has to be one of the worst.
To be clear, the problem isn’t that we don’t have enough guns in our schools. Hell, I don’t like my kids playing at anyone’s house who owns a gun because I don’t trust the decisions two kids would make if they came across it. But you want me to send my child to school where there’s a gun and 650 kids?
And the problem isn’t mental illness. We all know that we don’t have any more mental illness in the US than in any other country but we have an exponentially larger gun problem than any other country. Yes, we need better mental health care and easier access to it but there’s absolutely zero data to support the position that mental illness is why we have school shootings.
And the problem isn’t a lack of discipline in schools. Kids these days! Those damn hippies. Oh wait. I mean, those cynical Gen Xers. Or wait, is it the lazy Millenials? I can’t remember any more which generation it is that adults are now deriding. Nope, the kids are alright.
And the problem isn’t a lack of God in schools. For all the people who love the second amendment so much, I’d like you to scroll up just a bit and re-read the first one just so you can remember that whole separation of church and state thing. And PS: If you think kids need God to tell them it’s not ok to shoot their classmates, it’s not the kids I’m worried about.
And finally, the problem isn’t all the two working parent households. I know no one supporting this idea of guns for teachers understands how logic works but I just want to point out that the people they want to hand guns to are likely women, since more than three-quarters of all K-12 teachers are women. If all these women go home to take care of their kids in order to make sure their kids don’t become school shooters, I’m not sure who will be left to teach.
The problem is guns. Guns. Guns. Guns. That is the problem. And until we are willing to regulate them and the people who have access to them, we will continue to be the only one of our peer countries where parents worry every day when they drop their kids off at school about whether they will survive the day.”
She sounds like a perfect recruit for the Broward County Sheriffs Office.
…wow, that’s a whole lotta sloppy thinking.
It’s not just the stupidity.
She’s a morally repugnant person.
Yeah, I’m trying hard to begin with the assumption that people who disagree with me are people of goodwill who are no less moral or intelligent and have just happened to come to a different conclusion, but on stuff like this it’s really hard. The anti-gun position is the kind of thing where if you follow the reasoning and apply logic you’re either advocating for something morally reprehensible, i.e. far more death and suffering, just targeted at people you look down on, or you’re not really that interested in the effects of what you advocate so much as how you personally feel after spouting off about it.
Look at #3. She doesn’t want to do the morally right thing. That’s someone else’s job.
What a piece of shit. At least she’s up front about it. That’s my favorite kind of piece of shit; it’s all out in the open.
maybe someone who can’t distinguish between “you could be armed if you wanted to be” and “you’re obligated to be armed against your will and to go hunt down an attacker” shouldn’t be teaching kids how to think.
I’ve been thinking about making a video to expound on this and other things people don’t seem to understand about guns.
I’m still waiting for someone to tell me which war AR-15s were used in.
The War on Wymenz, they’re always hardest hit.
Back where I come from, they called that war “The Troubles”. But your point stands.
Who has she heard say all teachers should be forced to be armed? My take away from that is some stupid people are teachers.
People don’t understand the concept of deterrence, and how shootings became a thing after schools were declared “gun free zones”.
“And finally, the problem isn’t all the two working parent households. I know no one supporting this idea of guns for teachers understands how logic works but I just want to point out that the people they want to hand guns to are likely women, since more than three-quarters of all K-12 teachers are women. If all these women go home to take care of their kids in order to make sure their kids don’t become school shooters, I’m not sure who will be left to teach.”
Tell us what you *really* think.
Not that Israel is, as a general matter, a model for sane gun policy, but arming teachers and putting armed guards in schools isn’t exactly unprecedented.
They stopped hijackings as well with deterence.
“None of these points that I disagree with explain why shootings occur. Only my opinion is the reason why these shootings occur. Because reasons”
Ms. Teacher,
As this most recent school shooting has shown America, you won’t have to worry about the police being in the building until a half hour after any shooting noises stop.
And if none of the probable outcomes of you being armed if an active shooter situation takes place involve either you killing the shooter or the shooter killing himself after seeing someone else with a gun, you’re nowhere near confident enough that I’d want you volunteering to be armed anyway. Find a safe place to hide like the kids and cops did. Thanks in advance.
I hope that charter schools and private schools run this woman out of a job.
My Friends Son goes to a Private Christian school, They have Security and they do pack, if you know where to look, i think it’s Cool
My daughter will be ready for Kindergarten in two years, and I’m planning on starting her at one of the local private schools if we’re still in the area. There’s a Lutheran school up the road that I went to for 1-7 that is pretty reasonable. I’m not sure if they’re packin’, but I’m reasonably sure they don’t use the term “intersectionality”, and that might have to be good enough.
She’s the living embodiment of everything wrong with public schools. She manages to be ignorant, sanctimonious and mendacious all at the same time. The only reply she deserves is “No, you can’t have my guns, fuck off slaver.”
I have a sig P938. It is 6″x4.5″ including the paddle holster. I slip it into my waistband and it is so light and comfortable I hardly know it is there. Sometimes I forget I am wearing it. It is chambered in 9mm Luger, holds 8 rounds, and packs a pretty good punch for such a small gun. If I put it slightly back behind my front pants pocket it doesnt interfere with my arm movement at all. If I wear a jacket it is nearly impossible to tell that I have it on. It isnt a full sized battle rifle but in a pinch I would rather have that than nothing. If I taught school I would have no trouble wearing that to work every day. This teacher, if it is a teacher and that isnt just another lie, is just another mendacious gun grabber. Lying sack of shit.
Between the wars British boys were issued rifles. They kept them day and night. They took them to school where they spent time practicing marksmanship. They walked or rode to school with their rifles. They kept them in class and walked or rode home with them. They cleaned them every night and had inspections every day. I looked and as far as I can tell there were no school shootings at that time.
gun grabbers – “Please dont take our soft targets away! We need martyrs for the cause!”
Seriously, fuck these evil people. Fuck them with a chainsaw.
I bought the p238 when it was relatively new to the market. I really like it (easiest gun to carry I own and 10x easier to shoot than most .380’s) but wish I’d held off until the 938 came out.
And now I’ve found him and one of a few things happens. Either:
1) He shoots and kills me and now, since the best solution our government could come up with for how to deal with our gun crisis was to ask me, a teacher, to stalk an active shooter, my own kids will grow up without a mom.
Perfect example of these hoplophobes’ thinking. If I just cower in a corner and sacrifice everyone else, maybe the
evilmisguided person will pass me over.You don’t need to go out and track down this shooter. You just need to protect your classroom full of kids if that threat comes in. Isn’t that what you should doing anyways? (Obviously not) If the shooter comes in and you have no viable means to defend yourself, your kids are already without a mom.
What a despicable piece of shit and a moral coward. No business being near impressionable young kids.
Exactly. Yes, bitch, as the parent of one of your students I expect you to exercise at least a minimum amount of care towards the protection of the children entrusted to you during the day. And that means protecting the children in your charge, not running off like John Rambo. Just take the amount of interest you have in your own safety and extend it to the children who are forced to provide you with a livelihood. Or fuck off so that your place can be taken by someone who isn’t a worthless piece of shit.
I think her true colors show in #3.
NOBODY asks to be put in that situation. It HAPPENS to you. And if it does, regardless of how you feel afterwards, you HAVE to do the right thing. It’s part of being a responsible adult.
Like I said, she’d be perfect recruit for the Broward County Sheriffs Department.
“I shoot my gun and miss him but strike another staff member or child because it turns out that I’m a teacher and not a sharpshooter. ”
Don’t worry, Miss. I wouldn’t entrust you, out of all the staff at your school, to be responsible enough to learn how to use the tool. You’re free to cower in the corner.
Reminds me of the same arguments after 9/11 when the idea of arming the crew came up. The lady and her friends were full of all the horrible things *could* happen if the crew had a gun and used it. All of it was less bad than what *did* happen.
Maybe you should “scroll up” (the fuck?) and re-read—well, read—1A, you craven asshole.
And we can’t talk about increasing funding for public schools so they can have more guidance counselors and smaller class sizes and social-emotional learning curriculums.
Aaaaand, now I want to hunt this person down and beat her with a sock filled with nickels.
That’s just because you were never taught using social-emotional learning curriculums.
In all seriousness, they’re doubling down on the problems that plague the education system. I’d be talking out my ass if I said that the female focused education system amplifies the mental troubles of these shooters by emasculating them, but is it possible that these nutters would find a healthier outlet for their destructive emotions if primary school wasn’t trying to turn them into girls?
Maybe, but I think in the old days this kid would have just been institutionalized anyway (right or wrong – I don’t know).
If institutionalized you mean in prison I agree. And old days = days before they stopped prosecuting violent juvenile delinquents in Broward county.
I think there’s something to be said for a degree of sex segregation in schools. It’s pretty well established that boys and girls learn differently and are stimulated by different kinds of activities. As you said, it’s not good policy to treat boys like defective girls.
Naturally, in a fully privatized school system, parents would be able to choose whatever type of education is best for their child, but I do think that the most successful types of schools would be those with sex segregation the majority of the time. Of course, there would be some integrated activities so that the kids learn to interact with the opposite sex.
And we can’t talk about increasing funding for public schools so
they can have more guidance counselors and smaller class sizes and social-emotional learning curriculums.the teacher’s unions can rake in more of that sweet moolah that gets funnelled directly into the Democrat Party coffers.I have to find the gun I have securely stored somewhere in my classroom- let me repeat, I have a gun that I store in a room regularly populated with a few dozen children-
but I am too fucking dumb to remember where I put it.
However, I totally deserve a raise, because without me, your children would be too helpless to navigate the modern world.
Exactly. I got into it with the wife about this. She said, “Are you seriously suggesting that a teacher should just stick a gun in her purse and leave it in a room full of children to grab?” And I said, “Well, first, how do they know it’s in your purse? That’s where the concealed part comes in. And more importantly, no, if you’re unable to carry a firearm responsibly I don’t think you should have one. But just because you can’t be trusted to carry a gun responsibly doesn’t mean that no one else should have the option, especially if they could act as a first responder in an emergency.”
It’s funny, I carry almost every day at work, and I never have to worry about somebody rifling through my laptop bag and finding it. Of course, that’s because the gun is on my hip at all times.
I love this woman and am in an otherwise very happy marriage, but I kept wanting to say, “Oh, like how kids used to take your car keys and wallet out of your purse every day? Oh, wait, that never happened? So really it’s that you think Trump is icky and don’t like guns because of your watermelon-ass Prius driving clique you work with. Got it.”
So much of progressivism is just herd mentality. I think I did a pretty good job taking apart progressivism as an ideology to an ex-flame. Finally she knew she had no argument left and admitted; “All my friends are progressives so I’m not going to change.”
Pretty much the way to ensure any discussion with any Progressive ends in a fight is my favorite response, which is: “I can’t be expected to have a meaningful debate with someone who can’t even agree that there is such a thing as a fact, or that there is objective truth.” It’s true, though, which is why it stings. You can’t really have a discussion with someone if you can’t even agree on the most basic terms. If we’re debating about the color of the sky and your position is that it’s just as valid for you to say that the color of the sky is Venezuela as it is to say that it’s blue because nothing has any meaning outside of that assigned by the observer, And that’s postmodernism, which is the philosophical underpinning of modern Progressivism.
I was reminded of a story from about a year ago of kids getting into their parents’ vaping liquid and the resulting moral panic. I thought about how five-year-olds can theoretically buy Clorox and kill themselves getting into that, but we don’t have a moral panic around bleach.
I think I remember that. It sounds like some local news catnip: “Deadly vape liquid kills local toddler. Are your children safe? Fox 5 investigates!”
But yeah, you know what you don’t hear about kids doing very often? Going on stabbing sprees with the 5″ chef’s knives in most kitchens, or setting fire to people’s houses with the gas can for the lawn mower, or stealing their parent’s cars and driving into crowds of people…or, it must be said, taking their parent’s guns and shooting people with them.
My brother came after me once with the turkey carving knife. 🙁
Not just in kitchens, but unlocked and easily accessible to kids in drawers or on counters. Those same kids can just grab and use those knives, even without adult supervision.
My brother came after me once with the turkey carving knife
You pointed out his misuse of a comma didn’t you?
“but we don’t have a moral panic around bleach.”
Well, not exactly:
“A study shows that one of the risks of using bleach includes raising the risk of infection in your children.”
I was in JROTC in high school for three years from ’89-’91. In a back room through an unlocked door in the back of the classroom we had a rack of around a dozen fully functional bolt action .22 rifles used by the rifle team. Ammo was kept there too. Nobody touched them unless one of our instructors told us to.
Can’t trust them Wimmenz with the guns!
unpossible! shotguns can fire many projectiles simultaneously; how could they stand a chance with their puny pistols shooting only one bullet at a time???
They really need some training, they got off four or five shots at close range and the dudes still alive, also the one shot the daughter took could have just as easily hit her mom as the robber.
I was mostly mocking the recent talking point about pistol rounds being slower than rifle rounds, but yeah, that was a total shitshow.
Plenty of other examples of store owners/clerks fending off robbers though.
Is there anything the wimmenz can be trusted with?
(This is why there are no female libertarians….)
Suspect linked to 10 other robberies in the area.
Sounds like the po po suck at their jobs even more.
Dad abuses his son. Son’s death 20 years later linked to a brain injury from the abuse. Dad arrested for murder of the son 3 years later.
AT&T didn’t waste any time abandoning net neutrality AT&T is killing the internetz! (by not charging for data)
Some things becoming free = Taking away peoples’ right to view the content that they want
Almost like Advertising on TV, The Horror!!!
The article’s author is really an amateur. He should have gone with something like “AT&T is making Netflix count against your data caps!”, similar to the “Whole Foods is going to charge you more unless you join Amazon Prime” articles that came out after Amazon offered a discount to Prime members at Whole Foods.
No different from customer loyalty cards at other supermarkets.
Not entirely abandoned
To make you angry.
And to make you apoplectic.
So much of progressivism is just herd mentality. I think I did a pretty good job taking apart progressivism as an ideology to an ex-flame. Finally she knew she had no argument left and admitted; “All my friends are progressives so I’m not going to change.”
The “What would people think?” defense.
but if you ask them *they* are the free thinkers because they’ve unshackled themselves from outmoded notions like religion, western values and, as Baptism Bill pointed out; objective truth
*shuffles off shaking head, muttering about squirrels
but if you ask them *they* are the free thinkers because they’ve unshackled themselves from outmoded notions like religion, western values and, as Naptown Bill pointed out; objective truth
Keenan Thompson is the Grand Marshal at this Georgia NASCAR race. I can’t believe he would participate against his own self-interest.
He started practicing a long time ago.
A few weeks ago and right after the FL high school shooting guys I used to work with got in touch with me about possible work. These guys are Brit, Kiwi and Canadian. On a voice chat, the first thing out of the kiwi guys mouth was, “When is Trump coming to New Zealand to debate gun control?!!” He was just busting my balls and I was the token American when I worked with them and got all kinds of good natured ribbing but I find it impossible to explain the culture in the US to non-Americans when it comes to guns. They hear of shootings and wonder why we have guns. They don’t and they don’t have these problems. I have no answer other than we have the 2nd amendment as a last resort to a tyrannical gov, but I am reading in comments here over the past few days that that is stupid foil hat territory. Is it just that shootings in other places do not make the world news like every goddamned thing in the US? Or are we a nation riddled with mental cases? Why did we not have significant mass shootings in schools prior to Columbine and what changed? Jesus I sound like Winston with this comment.
“Why did we not have significant mass shootings in schools prior to Columbine and what changed?”
2 words, Rainbow Six
Video games? I don’t know about that. Kids all over the world play violent video games. I think my next tact of explanation is going to be we are more free and have more liberty and with freedom comes some ugly. Deal with it. That and many of our police suck.
I said Rainbow Six, going out in a Blaze of Glory is fun, when it’s just pixels, some may have other Ideas however.
No I’m not a Luddite, Video games are fine, People are Dumb
this isn’t at all clarifying.
what was the point of “Rainbow Six” again?
Kill bad guys,mostly
i meant your citing it as a cause of school shootings
I was in jest, I won’t touch the Whys of Shootings, Too complex, too much Human Nature again
Strictly my opinion: lot of young males being prescribed mind-altering drugs under the heading of “anti-depressant medications”, who then take themselves off of them and end up more pharma-chemically messed up than before.
I think there might be something to over medicated. Not to do the, “back in my day” but the only meds kids were on then was asthma inhalers and they were few and they actually had asthma.
It’s this. It’s why Paul Krugman can flat out lie about there having been no gun massacres since they enacted ‘common sense’ gun control in Australia is the mid 90s and nobody bats an eye. It’s ridiculously easy to disprove the lie, but none of their incidents make global newsfeeds.
Maybe Krugman read it here.
Are you saying a group dedicated to fact checking might not check the facts they cite to a fact checking article?
My fav stat is how homicide rates went up after the buy back. You need to massage some numbers to make that look good.
In fairness, that was in 2011. In 2014, a man shot his wife and three kids to death before killing himself, so this would count as a gun massacre, if they held true to their definition.
Well, the factcheck org article is from 2017 but they have no problem citing a study from 2011 and not adding the 2014 incident. This is why I trust factcheckers as far as I trust bad smelling milk.
extreme crimes tend to have their own self-replicating lives.
serial killings, for instance, were fairly rare for half a century. from 1900 to 1950, there were ~50 or so people killed *per decade* by serial killers.
but then in the 1960s that number jumped to 200, then in the 1970s….to 600… where it stayed through the 1990s, then for whatever reason* (which i will argue in a moment) fell back to ~100 or so in the 2000s and 2010s.
this phenomenon was examined first back in the 1980s: mass killers tend to imitate what they hear being reported. they have fantasies, and their fantasies are based on what they see being turned into “celebrity crimes”
the ‘school shooting’ may be a slightly different phenomenon – but share aspects of this. serial killers tend to be middle-aged men who spend years working on their murder fantasies in their heads. mass killings committed by teens tend to be different in quality + character, and mostly are a combination of fucked up home life, not getting any pussy, and mental illness, or some combination. basically, they’re “reactive” compared to the methodical nature of serial killers, and might only have 1 or 2 specific targets in mind even when they go off and shoot a dozen.
why “only” america?
i don’t think its “only” america.
Number of incidents listed
Africa/Middle East 111
Americas 133
Asia 172
Europe 108
Oceania/Southeast Asia 148
But i think we’re notable for being the biggest country with the greatest diversity and the most guns. I think its fair to say that we’re a more-violent country overall, but still less so than you might assume.
The MSM reports on all these shootings because they want gun control obviously.
Oh and I am not American and there are shootings reported on local news all the time. But these guys are usually black so no one cares.
*a point maybe i didn’t get to:
I think extreme crimes tend to follow these sorts of “headline chasing” trends
its basically a vicious cycle perpetuated by media. the things given the most airtime gradually becomes the national obsession, which serves to direct the misanthropic energies of the sort of people who hate themselves and others so much that they want to go out in a blaze of death-causing
immortalizing themselves as a giant douche seems to be less important than simply ‘immortalizing themselves’ at all.
this phenomenon was examined first back in the 1980s: mass killers tend to imitate what they hear being reported. they have fantasies, and their fantasies are based on what they see being turned into “celebrity crimes”
This is probably more relevant than anything. I just don’t know the statistics to argue the point. Thanks.
I have also pointed out in discussions we are a country of 330 million give or take? and we get compared to nations of 20 to 50 million. You put enough people in a barrel and crazy will float to the top and make the news.
as i said, “we’re notable for being the biggest country with the greatest diversity and the most guns”
merely being big means you’ll see more incidents of extreme crime. being big AND being diverse (economically and ethnically) raises the potential for violence. add “guns” and you have another risk-factor.
1) UK, Canada, and NZ combined are short of 100 million people. I bet you could carve out a section of flyover country with 100 million people that hasn’t had the amount of school violence as those three countries combined.
2) 17 people died out of 320 million. More people win the PowerBall each year. That many people die in car crashes in the US every 4 hours. It becomes global news because the media is on the gun grabbing train, and wants to do everything they can to support the prog cause.
The Delvon Lamarr Organ Trio has released some recorded material
the video says, (2016), but according to amazon, the album is coming out next month, and this is the first single
it seems its going to feature a version of “Can I Change My Mind”, a tyrone davis soul tune i’ve always liked. also ‘walk on by’ by Issac Hayes. which i think has been done before by hammond organ people, but is still cool
*correction: second single
this was the first
Way Groovy Gilmore!
This is cool,
This is the part that left me speechless
two thumbs up for some funky organ
Nothing on Spotify yet. Thanks for the heads up! Love these guys.
I’m going out and mess around in the garage.
I saw TPVV open for The Moties years ago. Great show.
Damn… I return from the wilderness with beer, pictures, and a new job and there’s no afternoon post. Damn slackers.
Um, these guys are pretty cool, Hi Neph!
The Delvon Lamarr Organ Trio
Score! on the new Job! Pics? I don’t see no pics
Did you get that job modeling while drunk? That was the one I was going for on Indeed.
I applied for Village Idiot, but Tres might has gotten the position ahead of me,
Tres Sr. thinks its funny to routinely say, “Tres? You’re just like one of them idiot savants. Only without the “savant” part.”
Sup Tres! I knew you were here 😉
I was fryin yard-bird, drinkin CL, and making mac y queso
A number of Olympic athletes have been outspoken against the Trump family during the Games; Adam Rippon’s comments about Mike Pence, for example, were one of the reasons his post-program interviews were a must-watch. Toward the end of the event, Ivanka Trump began flitting around the Olympics in her father’s place, taking photos and meeting with American athletes before and after their competitions. She also had front-row seats at the Closing Ceremony—and skier Gus Kenworthy was not happy about it.
“So proud of all these people!” Kenworthy wrote on Twitter Sunday, in a post featuring a photo of Team U.S.A. “Everybody here has worked so hard to make it to the Olympics and have the opportunity to walk in the closing ceremony! Well… Everyone except Ivanka. Honestly, tf is she doing here??”
Who the fuck is Gus Kenworthy?
I actually agree with him other than I assume he would have no problem if one of Obama’s kids was roaming around the Olympics when he was supreme leader.
Suck it, haters.
Jessie Diggins is gonna make a lot of money.
They put ice fishing in the Olympics and Minnesoda will own it all.
We owned it all anyway, hater.
But His Holiness will take you ice fishing when you come and visit.
Hey now, I am not a hater. All though I think Lyndsey Vonn probably changed her name to avoid being associated with you people. But she lives in Vail so I don’t consider her Coloradan anyways. She is a Vailtonoid.
Lol. You can have her!
As stupid as the Olympics is, I enjoy the stories about normal kids who go and do cool things that the experts don’t expect.
And fuck Finland.
I am with you. I appreciate when kids excel at their sport. Great athletes are great athletes.
Although…..fuck me. Seriously All though I did type.
So brave. So woke. So free.
Before his first slopestyle run on Sunday, Gus Kenworthy shared a kiss with his boyfriend on TV — a significant moment in a year when he is one of the first openly gay Americans competing in the Winter Olympics.
Kenworthy, who came out in 2015, has been vocal about what it means to him to be representing LGBT Americans at the 2018 Winter Olympic Games in PyeongChang, South Korea.
Kenworthy’s boyfriend, Matthew Wilkas, brought a rainbow American flag to Kenworthy’s event on Sunday local time and wore a shirt that said USGAY.
Does anybody really need to ask Jonny Weir if he’s gay? I’m just sayin’, if he’s in the closet he’s not exactly spy material, if you get my drift.