When researching themes for the links, I occasionally find out interesting tidbits. Today marks the anniversary of the death of Dr. Thomas Bowdler, the original Family Friendly guy, who brought the world a cleaned up version of that notorious pornographer, William Shakespeare. He also was the inspiration of the word “bowdlerize,” a successful physician, and a master-level chess player. Oddly enough, it is nearly impossible to find pictures of him- apparently he never rated a portrait. So I can only use my imagination.
In any case, I need to roll out links as discussion points amongst you folks with an unusually close relationship with your maternal parent.
Arabs do what Arabs do, and the UN does what the UN does. I know, let’s send in troops! That should fix things.
Serious question: can someone name a car rental company that isn’t involved in the latest round of social signaling and useless symbolism in support of the destruction of our constitutional rights? Not that I’m a big fan of the NRA, given its history of mindless support of cops, but I wish businesses would go back to the idea of being businesses and stop alienating their customers by immersing themselves in the outrage du jour.
An old tradition has been revived. Sorta. Pro tip: cold areas are not ideal if you want to make an impression.
Billionaire offers to save taxpayers a chunk of money. Outrage ensues. I would have thought that having a rich guy pay for government over and above his mandatory taxes would delight progressives, but I suppose that my search for and shred of intellectual consistency will have to continue.
I’m not sure how to make this story Family Friendly. When I read through it, I marveled at how delightfully weird people can be, so at least there’s amusement.
It’s time for Old Guy Family Friendly Music, and this go-round, a delightful cover of my favorite song from the punk era.
I made a glibs presidential ranking survey. It’s the 2nd draft, the results from the one I posted last night was it was too long.
Results prediction:. They’re all zeros.
Calvin “don’t fuck with economy” Coolidge is #1 in my book.
Somehow I read that as only the last 10 presidents. There were a couple that didn’t completely suck. I like the cut off that Coolidge guys jib.
The long version of the quiz is in last night’s links only 1 person finished so far.
French for “The new vague”.
An old tradition has been revived.
Another Olympic tradition, this time with Canadians.
Car rental places put a high age restriction on their dangerous product unlike gun retailers. They would sell trains or rent out walking shoes if they could but those darn Republikkkans.
This turn off your adblocker crap is getting increasingly annoying.
100% agree. As soon as I see it I leave.
Can you turn off your adblocker?
This is your last free comment, after that subscribe
…AND BY BARTER, MEAN (redacted by family-friendly council)
Use uBlock Origin instead of AdBlock – makes that go away.
Its terms say you must allow it to access your data for all websites. Sounds evil.
Yeah, all the blockers do that. Otherwise they wouldn’t work. Guess you have to trust them ?
WaPo links work in incognito mode.
Ah. Yes. But are the charges true?
Frankly, it sounds like just another Tuesday in Warty’s basement, but I’m just a filthy libertine, so what do I know?
That is the first thing I wanted to know also. Did he do it or not? With both sides blowing so much smoke we may never know.
The alleged victim could have saved herself all this embarassment if she’d taken Mike Pence’s philosophy to heart.
Yeah, let me go in a guy’s basement and put on a blindfold and get taped to a set of rings!
Bitch, you wuz aksin’ fer it!
Well…I would have to see the photos myself before I could make any kind of call on this
I wasn’t going to turn off my ad-blocker for Business Insider, so I didn’t RTFA. I do have a quesiton (beyond ‘is the slimeball guilty?)
Is it ‘Republicans blame Soros’, or ‘ONE Republican hinted that a Soros group had some involvement (with evidence) so it gives us the excuse to screech ‘All Republicans are STUPID Conspiracy Theorists’…. but a pattern of brazenly corrupt urban Democrats is just a random coincedence.
The current DA’s campaign had been supported by a PAC that Soros had ‘partly funded’.
ah OK, so it is a political hit job (even if not explicitly Soros-backed)
OTOH, hit jobs are easier if your target is a raging slimeball like this guy seems to be.
I don’t know the details of this case. As a general premise, I’m all for more politicians going to jail.
Also family friendly music.
I am convinced that the UN just engages in theatrical justifications to continue taking money from the US. Send the scoundrels packing.
Other than dying, there isn’t a single action that Israel could take that would please the UN and the PLO
Go back to 1968 BC borders.
“The people of Missouri deserve better than a reckless liberal prosecutor who uses her office to score political points,” Greitens said in a statement Thursday.
Someone didn’t read their Shakespeare. Better statement:
“Villain, I have done thy mother”
“The people of Missouri deserve better than a reckless liberal prosecutor who uses her office to score political points,”
This is what all Attorneys-General do.
Yes but here she appears to be telling the truth.
“The indictment — handed down by a grand jury and stemming from an investigation launched by Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner — alleges that Greitens took a compromising photo of a woman without her consent and transmitted the image to a computer. Greitens has admitted being unfaithful to his wife before he won election as governor but has denied criminal wrongdoing and has insisted that the affair with his former hairdresser was consensual. His attorney filed a motion to dismiss the indictment.”
Your story is about a photo, whether what he did with it deserves prosecution. Well, then show us the picture so we can judge if it’s “compromising”. Whatever that means. And what is “transmitted the image to a computer”?
Exactly. A computer? I assume he sent it to his own computer. Did anyone else see it? How does the woman know he did this?
Too many unanswered questions. Also, I want to see the pic.
The technical charge, given later in the article, is that he transmitted in a way that it could be accessed by a computer. So, it’s actually even more cryptic.
“transmitted in a way that it could be accessed by a computer.”
Like from a private server?
I’m pretty sure top secret info that was transmitted from private servers was deemed not be illegal sometime last year.
“The picture was turned into ‘0’s and ‘1’s that are easily stored on today’s electronic computation devices”
/T. Herman Zweibel
We all know the Chinese are looking out for the people.
And PsychoMike is a gungrabber. I think?
I was thinking Tom Friedman.
This from a country that executes people and sells their organs. Having China weigh in should help the pro-2nd people.
Newsweek has to be one of us in disguise. Not even a journ-o-list in full virtue-signaling RDS can actually think invoking China is a positive.
They can’t honestly think that, can they?
Justin Trudeau?
Throughout human history, white people have only been evil and brown people have only been benevolent. Get woke, shitlord!
The MSM are not the enemies of the American people! I mean sure they want censorship that benefits them but…
When did 4chan buy Newsweek?
That appears to be merely reporting on the opinion of the Chinese state owned media and not an endorsement of such.
I’ll wait for Friedman to second the motion.
Not sure if ironic….
Still don’t like people using Twitter as a blog, but this is still a good read:
h/t Gilmore
Yes it is. I don’t know the solution. There’s a deeper issue at root here, not just gunzzzz.
You survived the week. This has given you the right to redheads.
5, 7, 12, 15, 23, 27, 44.
Please, Erin go Braghless.
9, however 41 would have made it but that arm tattoo. Why do you mammals inisist on putting graffiti on your playgrounds?
I wish I knew.
definitely orgy-worthy.
Redhead day is the highlight of the week.
Alternatively, now with fewer crappy low-eez selfies, is Gingermageddon.
24 gets it.
Is this NRA boycott proof of the libertarian moment.
No, it’s proof that ROOOSHIA actually did elect Trump, because fake Twitter mobs work.
Looking back I see the Puritans and Victorian morality was very much an attack on Upper Class morality.
Even the Puritan hatred of theatre had a class-warfare element. Who was Shakespeare’s patrons?
What would it take for this site to be not family-friendly.
Less drunken sodomites posting? Fuck. That would ruin my weekends.
“Florida Man Sodomizes Pink Flamingo to Death”
Poor birdie.
I’m gonna go out on a limb here and assume that “Florida man” Eduardo Jose Raphael Sanchez originally hails from one of those regions. Also, I do not recommend looking at his picture. Sheesh.
Looks like he normally wears a fedora,
Right, LADIES?
Kill everyone now! Condone first-degree murder!
There’s a John Waters joke in there, struggling to get out.
And maybe a David Lynch movie.
That guy does look like he could fill out a pair of double D’s at least.
Uffda. Can you blame the guy.
She was asking for it with those long sexy legs. She was ready to flamingle.
*squints judgmentally*
I blame the NRA.
It’s “satire”.
Yeah, well, being permitted to resign is pretty generous.
He is toast. I keep waiting for the scheme to make their numbers look good by not arresting juvenile offenders in order to get grant money to hit the mainstream news. If the MSM would tell the real story here there would be a lot more resignations than just the sheriff. Fourth estate, my ass.
Your going to be waiting a while unfortunately. It’s all narrative, all the time. I don’t know how I could hold the MSM in any more contempt that I already do but then keep digging and finding new lows.
Than* they*……I also hold my tablet in contempt
If these revelations get more media attention, we might see the gun control push fizzle out. The current proposals would not have much effect on me, but I hate like hell to see any new controls passed.
The more I look the more I see how useless the terms left and right are.
Originally they referred to seating arrangements in French Parliament.
Much later did it refer to ideology. Even then the left and right had a lot of factionalism.
Originally Right meant a French monarchist. Also an aristocrats and a Catholic who supported state religion. Nationalism was originally leftist. And leftists included classical liberal and socialists.
Bastiat was a center-leftist in 1850 France.
As independent America was not a monarchy and had no aristocracy and was Protestant and without State Religion an American rightists (and conservatives for that matter) have very different leanings.
It isnt just left and right, nearly all labels are useless. Every individual that uses them means something different by them.
I think of people as collectivists or individualists. That seems to be pretty uniform over time but it is pretty general.
I showed my proggies friend the Nolan diagram to try to explain how libertarianism isn’t “far right” (her words)….unfortunately collectivists can barely even comprehend individualism. The them it’s all just linear.
Don’t get me started on how the Nolan chart is based on 1960s-70s US politics…
It’s an imperfect model to be sure but for getting people to understand that libertarianism is anti-state rather than just a flavor of conservatism it is sometimes useful
::narrows eyes::
Robby, is that you, with your “to be sures”?
It was meant to be ironic so, yes?
I’m pre-caffeinated at the moment, so excuse my narrowed eyes.
It isnt anti-state. It is pro-individualist. The existence of the state is inevitable. We just disagree with everyone else over what the state should be doing and not doing.
“The existence of the state is inevitable.”
An-caps have a sad.
Anti-state/pro-individual don’t have much space between them in my view. My language was imprecise, I wasn’t disagreeing with you
Mine wasn’t very precise either. There are certain things best dealt with in a collective way. Whatever name you hang on the bodies that deal with them are going to act much as the state does now. Once upon a time most roads were private and it was a mess. You couldn’t go anywhere without some troll jumping out from under a bridge and demanding a passage fee. We collectivized the roads. It works better this way albeit far from perfect. If the roads stay collectivized the body that administers them is going to act just like the Dept. of Transportation does now.
Can’t forget how “liberal” is used.
Yeah that’s forever lost to the latest version of the newspeak dictionary. I love the term ‘classical liberal’ but to 99% of the population they would interpret that as ‘hillary voter’
Reason uses liberal like it is still the 1880s. Then we have Just Say’n speak of “honest liberals”.
Reason increasing fails to distinguish between classical liberal and any other kind of liberal. So long as they profess the holy Trinity of libertarianism….
Or how “social liberal” can mean a socialistic liberal, wanting to leave people alone or a gungrabbing SJW who wants to thinks free speech is racist.
That goes not just for people but other things too. For a laugh you can always ask a pinko to carefully define capitalism.
Or science for the global warming crowd.
Or Sheldon Richman
Isnt he the one that just starts screaming about (((them))) if you ask him about the weather or what time it is? We already know what he is going to say. That’s like poking a corpse with a stick.
I think Scott Horton is doing good work at the Libertarian Institute but I’m kinda dismayed that he brought Richman into the organization.
Horton hired a who?
*golf clap
That’s too bad. Richman is just a bad writer. Too much sanctimonious backpatting and angels-dancing-on-pins theorizing. And a silly obsession with how libertarians leftists because of Ben Tucker.
And his anti-war writings are shrill, jumbled and not insightful. Makes me yearn for Raimondo frankly.
+1 Star on belly
It’s the shrill that turns me off. It’s just preaching to the choir
I also don’t think he is very informative. He recently wrote a piece called “the Truth about Niger” which despite the title didn’t actually talk much about Niger. Or his piece about the shutdown a few years back that went into a tirade about US foreign policy that wasn’t well connected to the rest of the article.
How did he ever get away with writing an article on the truth about niggers?
“BREAKING: CNN Reports FOUR Broward County Deputies Waited Outside School As Children Were Massacred
So there were four armed officers outside the school. And none of them did anything, according to CNN. They instead waited for Coral Springs police to lead the charge inside.
What’s more, Coral Springs City Manager Mike Goodrum apparently chewed out Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel over that malfeasance on February 15 — more than a week ago. Which means that Israel knew full well that his own office had botched everything dramatically when he stood on stage with CNN’s Jake Tapper and a crowd of angry parents and community members and blamed the National Rifle Association and Dana Loesch for his own horrible failure.”
The surprising part is that CNN is reporting it.
Sheriff Israel and his deputies demonstrate why our traditions of tarring and feathering and riding the rail should have been preserved.
Blaming it on 4 “cowardly” deputies is red meat thrown to the public, but it diverts attention from the conspiracy between law enforcement and the school district to hide juvenile crime statistics.
Don’t get me wrong – those cops deserve just as much criticism and justice as Scot Peterson – but there’s a systematic attempt to obscure a far broader issue.
That is correct. The city council, the sheriff’s office, the school board, the prosecutor’s office, any psychologists that examined the psycho…the lot of them should be put in stocks.
Also, wasn’t this conspiracy uncovered post-Travon Martin and no one wanted to hear it? Not sensational enough I suppose or not suitable to whip people into a frenzy.
Not sure about ole’ Skittle Boy, but this has been posted a couple of times which I think – assuming it’s accurate – explains almost all of the whole, rotten edifice.
Miami-Dade and Broward = Hamsterdam.
Remember children: only LEOs should have guns, they’re professionals sworn to serve and protect.
They are also horrible racist thugs when expedient.
Neither of these statements are falsifiable. Guess we disarm the public just to be safe.
All the more reason to boycott the NRA!
The Sheriff was paid off by the NRA!!111!!!
I’m not surprised. “Look, even if you have a million armed men ready, one kook with an rifle can kill dozens! Disarm now!”.
They pretty much had to, because it’s been in the Miami papers for a week now and was picked up by other outlets a few days ago. There’s only so long you can bury a story that has already gone national. Can’t do Nuthin’ Network.
Nah. CNN is trying to push it so the heat is off their gun grabbing phony town hall.
This is what occurred to me as I was making coffee, a few minutes ago: how many of the super-woke and carezy-feelzy teachers being trotted out by news sources like CNN and Newsweek to say “No gunz in teh schoolhouse!” would stampede, shrieking in terror, directly to the location of a known armed teacher or administrator every time they heard a loud noise?
I am convinced that they actually want more shootings in order to further their gun grabbing agenda, they just want the shootings to happen to someone else. They want martyrs but they dont want to be one.
Not to be too foreseeable consequences aren’t unintended. But what reasoning could there be behind making schools “gun free zones”?
The money is in failure, not success.
File under: answers to questions no one is asking.
Speak for yourself. I found that very informative in light of my newest fetish.
“.@holly_harris points to her home state of #Kentucky, where the incarceration rate for men grew at 5% last year, vs. a 14% growth for women. “If we keep going at this rate, we are going to have an epidemic of incarcerated women.” #CPAC2018″
Or at least incarceration equality.
You’d imagine the feminists would be rejoicing at this, demonstrating that women are just as capable as men in all careers.
Did you know that it’s us easier to achieve “growth” if you start with smaller numbers.
“If we keep going at this rate, the entire population will be in prison!”
Extrapolation fail.
It worked in North Korea.
#MeToo prison tatt doesn’t sound like a good idea.
Team Canada is up 5-2 over the Czech Republic with less than 10 min to go in the men’s hockey bronze medal game. It’s on NBCSN.
Looking good for Canada, especially after that successful coach challenge. I’m watching it on CBET, the (Canadian) announcers are very excited.
I wish Canada had made it to the Gold game (well, and USA of course). I am “meh” about Germany or the “athletes from Russia” winning.
In other hockey news, a ref in the Blackhawks/Sharks game took a puck to the nuts last night. He didn’t get up right away, and when he did, he repeatedly bent over and leaned on his knees as he slowly skated around. Poor guy would have been forgiven if he just left the game, but he soldiered on.
Yep, I’m right there with you on that. It’s unfortunate they’re only playing for the bronze. I missed the Canada/Germany game, but it sounded like it was a heartbreaker. I’m a German fan, so I’m not incredibly upset.
Ouch, he’s a tougher man than I would be. 🙁
Me, I’m just watching the Rangers fall apart and shaking my head.
I’m not really invested in it, but the stupidity of “Olympic Athlete from Russia” annoys me enough to want Germany to win.
Bad luck with that puck bounce, but 6 tp 3 with 3:34 left is still pretty comfy.
Even with the power play, Canada should be fine.
Czechs are empty net now. 2 goals in 1 minute isn’t going to happen here, but I admire them for keeping it interesting.
Yep, they’re giving it their all, which I approve of.
And it’s official. Team Canada takes the bronze. Good on ’em.
The surprising part is that CNN is reporting it.
No kidding.
As I noted, not at all.
I can easily imagine a senior brass conference including union guys discussing this and agreeing that for certain considerations, the 4 union members will be thrown to the wolves, to protect the elected officials. It’s like a scene out of one of the early Dirty Harry movies. Or, coincidentally, The Gauntlet.
“If we keep going at this rate, we are going to have an epidemic of incarcerated women.” #CPAC2018″
What? “Equal time for equal crime” is bad?
I can’t keep up.
Well the females only get .75 cents for every license plate churned out.
*narrows gaze*
But they also get free feminine hygiene products.
Trump to the rescue. I hope you all enjoy your higher priced goods. I’m gonna taking it in, crony style.
Isn’t there a story about a steel manufacturer that benefited from cronyism out there? Someone, a chain smoker maybe, should write the novel.
Yeah. It’s kinda long and the characters could use a bit of developing, but overall I’d give it 4 stars.
Aside from that. Thus news gave me the opportunity to spend a lot of time at work last night explaining economics to my co workers. I think I actually educated a few guys who were giddy about this.
Was that before or after you had to fling all that fireclay during a furnace breakout?
It’s a different type of furnace than the ones in the novel. Rands furnace was a basic oxygen furnace. It doesn’t move. When our furnaces break out, we immediately tilt it and pour the steel out in the slag pit. That keeps from burning too much stuff up.
That and basic oxygen furnaces are a continuous process while our are a batch process. We can pour out 60 tons of molten steel and make repairs. On a basic oxygen furnace, you have to make repairs during the breakout. Otherwise you stop a continuous process that will stall the whole operation.
I always assumed Trump would favor tariffs, etc.
Not a surprise. One of his big flaws.
Speaking of absurd…
It’s capitalism’s fault that you’re a slut shamer!
#6, where did Metro fall on the scale of Limey tabloids? It seems like a dirtier version of the Enquirer.
Metro post-dates my departure, but if I were to look at that and try and figure out the target demographic, it’d be low-level office administrative staff and retailing people. Like a ‘Lad’s Mag’ but for chicks.
I know – sounds awfully classist – but that’s just how I’m drawn.
Don’t be an idiot. Chavs don’t read! Metro has words!
Nope, It’s hard to cast a parallel, but in a word “Shop Girls”. Specifically, Dollar Store-type staff.
If she smokes, she pokes.
There is truth in that.
You could have just left it at “Rose Tyler”.
Oh, Rose is not just a ‘Shop Girl’, but also a “slapper”.
In fact, Rose might be the archetypal “slapper”.
Huh, I haven’t heard that one.
She did call herself a “chav” once – when her body was inhabited by Lady Cassandra.
We’re divided by a common language.
Chav is primarily a socioeconomic label with behavioral/fashion connotations. People would willingly label themselves ‘chavs’.
A ‘slapper’ is more of a critique based on personal behavior, particularly w.r.t sexual behavior. It’s very similar in many ways to ‘nigger’. A ‘slappa’ can call another girl a ‘slappa’, but woe betide a guy who does it.
Slappa, please.
What constitutes “many” partners? Asking for a friend.
I’m not sure the author of ridiculous clickbait really thought that far ahead. I guess so many that you don’t know who the father of your children is? Apparently, knowing is a form of capitalist, patriarchal oppression.
They seem to have settled on “over a dozen” but I agree that it would be worse to have had a smaller total but overlapping so you don’t know the paternity of your children than to have a larger number but serially and over time.
In the case of a female, three. For males, 25.
Unless you count your own hands as partners, which skews the numbers a bit.
/takes boots off to assist in the counting.
I still only require two hands to keep count, so I am a slut per OMWC standards, but OK by the Metro standards. And it took me a couple of decades to rack ’em up.
Oh, you and your humblebragging …..
I do not consider “slut” to be pejorative. Feature, not bug.
I wasn’t going to be that specific. I was just going to inquire about double or triple digits.
we tend to judge people based on how many people they’ve had sex with.
What’s this “we” shit?
It’s the “royal we”.
It’s just Queen Liz that thinks that way ….
I judge people by the amount of crotch rot they have.
Judge them poorly or highly?
It takes a lot of dedication to get the entire alphabet of hepatitis.
Indeed. After 7 years of marriage, I’m proud that I have no idea how many people my wife has slept with and she has no idea about me. It’s best that way.
Never struck me as a particularly useful piece of ancient history to us either.
I’m pretty sure I know how many people I’ve slept with. No idea about the wifey. As long as it’s not since she slipped on the ring, don’t care.
That’s the important part. despite what Reba would say.
Those 28 hash mark tattoos by the bikini line may provide a clue.
Both men and women will be a little suspicious of someone who sleeps around because it suggests that this person prioritizes immediate pleasure over long-term commitment. A person has to wonder, “if they treat everyone else like fucktoys, why would I be any different to them?” This is not universal, but it’s a general rule. Also, the more sexual partners a person has had, the more likely they are to have an incurable and even deadly STD. It’s just simple probability, and I don’t see how it’s unreasonable to be “in the know” about which girls or guys are known to sleep around a lot.
And there’s nothing wrong with this – your body, your choice. But don’t come whining and crying when people start to view you as a fucktoy rather than a potential spouse.
As an aside, “slut shaming” is something that is far more often done by women to other women.
Because people never change, I guess?
It doesn’t mean you’re going to be a pariah forever – just that most people will need to see a recent pattern of changed behavior before they consider you “relationship material”. Again, not universal, but a common view.
I don’t see how this is an irrational viewpoint. Employers will be leery of hiring someone who has never lasted more than two months at a job because they wonder if this person is just going to walk out after a similar timeframe. Many people use the same thought process about potential relationship partners.
Assume you commence a relationship by exchanging medical checkups, and they’re both clean.
Now, why does the amount of former sexual partners matter? First time you sleep together, you may (quite reasonably) think you’re just engaging with a fucktoy. What develops later is a different story.
Frankly, I had no high expectations of “purity” in a sexual partner back in the 80’s. The certainly shouldn’t have had such expectations of me.
“The Girl Who Told the Truth
A decade ago, Gabby Sones accused her parents and five others of running the most depraved child sex ring in Texas history. Now she’s ready to clear their names.
They’d claimed that Gabby’s parents, Jimmy and Sheila, as well as five other local adults, had committed a series of depraved, almost incomprehensible sex crimes. The defendants, the children testified, had set up a “sex kindergarten” in a trailer outside Tyler. Then the adults had put the children on a stage at a swingers club in nearby Mineola, where the kids were drugged and forced to dance and have sex with one another.
It became one of the biggest scandals to ever hit East Texas. “Mineola Child Sex Ring: ‘Indescribable Acts,’ ” blared the Tyler Morning Telegraph. Across the country, people read in Newsweek about the case “that has riveted and revolted east Texans.” A war would rage for eight years, pitting children against parents, social workers against cops, and one district attorney against another. But above all else, it would pit a woman named Margie Cantrell, a lifelong foster parent and devoted person of faith, against a group of people portrayed as redneck deviants. In 2008 and 2010, based on the testimony of Gabby and the other children, four of the defendants were put on trial and sentenced to prison for life.”
So she *did* cut down the cherry tree?
Sorry, I can’t read that. Even if it’s bullshit.
Looks like the Cantrells were Munchausen By Proxy .
Sex Kindergarten? Hmmmm.
I’ll be in my bunk.
This case reminds me of the Fells Acre Preschool case in Massachusetts in the 80s. It was a horrible miscarriage of justice. Of course, none of the “heros” were punished.
This is so infuriating.
From the Newsweek article linked above:
It added, “Gun ownership in China is strictly regulated, which helps reduce gun-related crimes and deaths. The U.S. should learn from China and genuinely protect human rights.”
That strict regulation of private gun ownership also comes in handy when the government decides to carry out mass relocations of people in order to build dams or stadiums and other facilities associated with staging an Olympic competition.
…or if they want to kill a bunch of protesting college kids.
Connected to Suthen’s point above about collectivists & individual: a lot of people show their true colors when appealing to China for support for their own policies.
From a brief skimming of the Wikipedia article, it sounds like civilian gun ownership in China is virtually banned; the only people who can have them are those who have a “need” such as scientific research, wildlife management, or hunting, and I’m sure these are on a strict “may issue” basis with very, very few permits ever granted.
I always hear “nobody wants to take your guns away” (it’s weird how often I’ve heard this phrase repeated verbatim by anti-gun people – was there a pamphlet put out by the Democrat Party or something that instructed people to say this?) So by idolizing a country where gun ownership is 99% banned, are they finally admitting that gun confiscation is their end goal? Why is it some kind of wackjob, tinfoil hat, Alex Jones conspiracy theory to think that they would probably confiscate guns if they had the political capital?
After all, if a person went around saying “we could learn a lot from Saudi Arabia on gay rights“, would it be unreasonable to think that this person probably wants to ban gay marriage?
Pet pig adopted from BC SPCA killed and eaten by new owners
Awful, but still should be legal.
What is, “how did it taste?”, Alex.
Awful why? Pigs are food.
This was a pet pig.
Yeah, I have a hard time accepting the idea of a pig as a pet. Pigs are nasty, nasty animals – if they didn’t give us bacon, I’d have a hard time thinking of any reason for their existence.
Awful and shouldn’t be legal. The rescue group adopts out animals to owners who explicitly or implicitly agree to care for the animals. These owners violated that agreement. Maybe it’s fraud or maybe a simple breach. Either way it should be punishable.
China, India and Turkey have high trust in government. Hmm…
(CNN)InfoWars, a far-right media organization run by Alex Jones and known for peddling unfounded conspiracy theories, is on thin ice with YouTube after it posted a video that portrayed the survivors of the Parkland school shooting as actors.
This is baseball:
“InfoWars’ main YouTube channel is two strikes away from being banned
The Alex Jones Channel, Infowar’s biggest YouTube account, received one strike for that video, a source with knowledge of the account told CNN. YouTube’s community guidelines say if an account receives three strikes in three months, the account is terminated.
That video focused on David Hogg, a strong voice among survivors of the mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School. The attention has given him a powerful platform — but it has also made him the subject of demonstrably false conspiracy theories that claim he is so simply too skilled as public speakers not to be a paid actor.
On Wednesday, YouTube removed the video from InfoWars’ page for violating its policies on harassment and bullying. The video was titled, “David Hogg Can’t Remember His Lines In TV Interview.”
I guess if their goal was to make InfoWars and that video more visible, that would be a good way of going about it.
I remember hearing the same thing about Sandy Hook. I immediately dismissed it. Over time I have become less quick to do so.
Crap, I typed that wrong.
Mental illness or met binge?
Um, meth.
Surveys are crap.
Margaret Mead is shocked.
This is just one more example of “experts” being woefully out of touch with reality.
Just about anyone could tell you that if you give teenagers a boring survey to do in school, they will write goofy, wackadoo bullshit on there and giggle about it. Anyone who was a somewhat normal teenager could do this.
Yet, here it is on NPR being reported as though it’s an amazing scientific breakthrough.
Now we’ll need to spend millions of dollars studying why teenagers don’t take some bullshit seriously. Winning!
The Dutch are a high-trust society. I mean there was the 80-year Independence war, the Belgian revolt, foreign occupations, the lynching of the Dewitts, fights between Republicans and Orangists, slavetrading, the king giving up power over feared revolution and US Interventionism.
There are only two things I can’t stand in this world. People who are intolerant of other people’s cultures, and the Dutch.
Oh the Irony.
Though in his case it should be “a book no one has read but only know it uses ‘nigger’ a few times.”
This story made me laugh. This lady has made some sort of career out of “reconstructing the face of Jesus”.
I’m not a believer, so I think it is crazy to care that much about how someone looked. I’m even more amazed that it is a “revelation” that a guy who lived in the middle east looked middle eastern instead of like the blue-eyed european that european painters painted.
Bonus points for using a comparison to the shroud of Turin as proof that your newest claims are true. That is totes sciency!
I remember a Paul Theroux book – I think it might have been The Old Patagonia Express where he proposed that if you were lost somewhere in the Catholic world, you didn’t need to even meet anyone to ask where you were, you could infer it from a crucifixion scene.
Every location’s Jesus looks similar to the locals with the exception of the face. The level of emaciation is just a bit greater than the local idea of ‘very thin’. The skintone, very similar to the locals, etc.
Dammit Microsoft.
I want to like you but you have to go and do shit like enabling Skype in the background without telling me. Now I’m getting spam messages from Brazil.
So what does old Donna have to say?
She wants to sell me some enhancement pills.
And she needs to see me naked. She’s definitely got issues.
Mike what are you guys feeding the bucks up in your neck of the prairie?
Those fuckers keep getting stuck to each other because they are too horny.
Pretty fucking dumb trying to disentangle the front half of a stag from another stag, armed only with a frickin’ hammer.
Yup. I thought the same thing. I kept waiting for him to get an antler through a leg.
What’s the moral of that story?
.30-06 fixes problems.
Global warming.
I would also have accepted “Trump Administration is gutting the EPA”
Today, in TERF’s are the worst:
“Who Are the Rich, White Men Institutionalizing Transgender Ideology?
I found exceedingly rich, white men with enormous cultural influence are funding the transgender lobby and various transgender organizations. These include but are not limited to Jennifer Pritzker (a male who identifies as transgender); George Soros; Martine Rothblatt (a male who identifies as transgender and transhumanist); Tim Gill (a gay man); Drummond Pike; Warren and Peter Buffett; Jon Stryker (a gay man); Mark Bonham (a gay man); and Ric Weiland (a deceased gay man whose philanthropy is still LGBT-oriented). Most of these billionaires fund the transgender lobby and organizations through their own organizations, including corporations.”
The sexual proclivities of the funders doesn’t strike me as pertinent information.
And they wonder why people think they are somewhat similar to Nazis…
It’s similar to the Leftist strategy on race: claim to be building a post-racial society, then mention the racial implications first and foremost when you discuss any issue, and if there are no racial implications there, invent some.
“Barbara Kay: Delaware students can now choose their own race. This should end well
The state of Delaware is poised to adopt what is known as “Regulation 225.” Approved both by the Delaware State Education Association and Gov. John Carney, Regulation 225 would safeguard children’s “protected characteristics,” such as gender, age, race, sexual orientation and gender identity. Section 7.4(1) of 225’s Prohibition of Discrimination Code states, “All students enrolled in a Delaware public school may self-identify gender or race, which is maintained in the school.”
Why are schools recognizing race in the first place?
How about self-identifying your age, student-loan status and highest level of schooling?
School (to Rufus): Race?
Rufus: Muppet.
School (stamping paper): Awesome.
Wow, that woman is nuts!
And I’m not talking about Rachel Dolezal.
You know who else supported freedom of association when it allowed him to purge his opponents?
NPR digs down on #BoycotNRA
SHAPIRO: What kind of an impact is this likely to have?
MOSENDZ: You know, I think it’s something a lot of people are noticing, but I don’t think it necessarily is going to change NRA membership rates. These membership benefits might be nice, but I don’t think that’s really what drives somebody to become a member of this organization.
No shit. That’s some top notch analysis.
I realize headlines are written to draw eyes and clicks, but dropping “affinity discounts” is hardly the same as severing ties. I mean, if you have to swear an affadavit that you do not own any guns before the desk clerk at Hilton will let you check in, that’s a big deal. I suspect most people will just say, “Oh, crap. How about Triple A?”
*I once was at a local hotel, and observed a guy wheeling his luggage out to the parking lot on one of those luggage carts. Right on top of the stack was a locking pistol case. He saw me looking at it, and I just smiled back at him.
I found exceedingly rich, white men with enormous cultural influence are funding the transgender lobby and various transgender organizations. These include but are not limited to Jennifer Pritzker (a male who identifies as transgender); George Soros; Martine Rothblatt (a male who identifies as transgender and transhumanist); Tim Gill (a gay man); Drummond Pike; Warren and Peter Buffett; Jon Stryker (a gay man); Mark Bonham (a gay man); and Ric Weiland (a deceased gay man whose philanthropy is still LGBT-oriented). Most of these billionaires fund the transgender lobby and organizations through their own organizations, including corporations.”
Whatever. Change your diaper.
OT: Any Glibs remember the tape-only label ROIR? They are online now and you can download digital versions of their releases. I’m about to spend a lot of money!
I do. I think I have the Einsturzende Neubauten and maybe a couple others.
I have very fond memories of driving down to the shore (OCMD) listening to the MC5 “Babes In Arms” cassette.
(Gilmore comes huffing in to the “most Hipsterish person here competition” finish line, expecting to hear cheers, instead finding the stands empty, seeing a crowd receding into the distance, carrying Left Hand of Radar on their shoulders. Takes off striped headband and kicks can)
The Dutch are a high-trust society.
Yesterday it was the Danes. I can’t keep up.
Hertz and Avis are getting in on the act, eh?
Mi ricordi the next time I rent a car down there.
Anyone have alt suggestions?
Dollar and Thrifty are subsidiaries of Hertz. I think by now every single big car rental company boycotts the NRA.
I’m sort of sad I no longer work for my old employer. We were always supposed to rent from Hertz here in the US. It would have been fun to rent from some pro-NRA company and when the expense report squawked, put in my reason for not using Hertz as “Trying to steal my RKBA”.
I bet Sixt doesn’t give a damn.
“Our Search for Meaning and the Dangers of Possession
“There is no such thing as not worshipping,” wrote novelist David Foster Wallace. “Everybody worships. The only choice we get is what to worship.” G. Jung would have wholeheartedly agreed. He posited that psychic life is motivated by a religious instinct as fundamental as any other, and that this instinct causes us to seek meaning. “The decisive question for man is: Is he related to something infinite or not?” Jung wrote in his autobiography. “That is the telling question of his life.”1
There is empirical evidence that backs up Jung’s idea of a religious instinct. Researchers have found that the less religious people are, the more likely they are to believe in UFOs. “The Western world is, in theory, becoming increasingly secular — but the religious mind remains active,” writes psychology professor Clay Routledge, in The New York Times. He notes that belief in aliens and UFOs appears to be associated with a need to find meaning.
Jung felt that traditional religions could provide an adequate means of relating to the infinite where the believer still maintained a “vital participation” with her faith.2 David Foster Wallace agreed with Jung that traditional religions or value systems were a good place to look for meaning. He cautioned that worshipping the wrong thing can have dire consequences. “The compelling reason for maybe choosing some sort of god or spiritual-type thing to worship—be it JC or Allah, be it YHWH or the Wiccan Mother Goddess, or the Four Noble Truths, or some inviolable set of ethical principles—is that pretty much anything else you worship will eat you alive.”
Ideologies and isms make for easy objects of worship, substituting handily for religions of old. “Our fearsome gods have only changed their names,” Jung wrote. “They now rhyme with -ism.”6 Political or social ideologies are appealing because they tend to confer de facto special status upon adherents, and offer a clear path to transformation. They therefore set us upon a quest toward a better life or a better society, and so provide compelling structures that dictate meaning and purpose.”
Why did you have to kill yourself DFW?
That is a hell of a lot of words to say “I think everyone is just like me”.
So I notice this HBO video about a 13 year-old kid buying a gun despite being refused, among other things, to purchase alcohol, has gone viral which will please you all I’m sure:
I’m smelling BS?
“Then the camera shows him entering an adult entertainment store.”
Those still exist? I thought they went the way of Tower Records and Blockbuster.
Well, I’d like to know which state he’s in first, because that’ll determine what laws, if any, were broken.
My guess is that his parents were standing behind him, out of frame.
There’s some consensus that this was filmed in Virginia.
It’s illegal to purchase a long gun in VA until you’re 18. What seems to have happened off-camera here is that the father did the paperwork, because while the “Gun show loophole” exists in theory, in practice, most vendors at gun shows go thru’ all the same checks that FFLs do. There’s no incentive at an event like a gun show not to.
I can imagine ‘laws being broken’ in some states (such as mine, CT) literally behind a Walmart or the suchlike, but there’s no reason for someone who is law abiding to take those kinds of risks. And obviusly, there’s every incentive for someone who isn’t law abiding to try and make purchases that are illegal.
If that really was an illegal sale, the seller and the boy are clearly identifiable from the footage. Why aren’t they in police custody?
“while the “Gun show loophole” exists in theory, in practice, most vendors at gun shows go thru’ all the same checks that FFLs do. ”
There is no gunshow loophole. Every vendor must go through the same procedure when selling a gun no matter their location. The so-called loophole is that private individuals sell to other private individuals in the parking lot, just like you and I can sell to each other as individuals now. Some people hang out in gunshow parking lots because they have a great many potential buyers for granddad’s old browning than if they put an ad in the paper and tried to sell from home. They are in the parking lot because the gunshow venue isnt going to let them in the door to compete for sales against the vendors who paid for their space.
In truth I have no idea how often this happens, if at all. The whole gunshow loophole nonsense is, like everything else the gun grabbers say, a lie.
The claim I’ve seen made is that dealers at the shows will also do this, if they’re “dodgy”. To the extent it happens at a gun show, it happens where a gun show is going on, between private parties, regardless of how it’s called.
Reality is that the dealers have so much at stake that it never happens, and as you note, to the extent that it goes on at gun shows, it’s simply an individual seeking a fertile selling environment.
Now, in states like CT, that kind of sale can take place – except that unless the seller and purchaser fill out a DPS-3-C form, they’re felons under CT law, because while a 4473 hasn’t been filled out, the DPS-3-C requires the purchaser’s and seller’s firearm permit details. I’m sure this kind of thing happens in other states too, so no matter what the gun grabbers want to call the “loophole”, it doesn’t exist in CT, because of a ‘chain of trust’ established in the firearm permit. Note that there’s no mechanism to buy or even import a firearm into CT nowadays without holding some kind of permit.
The so-called loophole is that private individuals sell to other private individuals in the parking lot, just like you and I can sell to each other as individuals now.
I’ve bought all but one of my guns through the “gunshow loophole.” None of them were in the parking lot. At most gun shows, the cost of setting up a table is low enough that if you have more than 1 gun to sell, it’s worth it. Heck, I bought my home defense shotgun from the organization that put the gun show on. I was expecting to have to fill out a background check form, but the guy just looked at my driver’s license and my pile of bills and handed me the gun.
They are in the parking lot because the gunshow venue isnt going to let them in the door to compete for sales against the vendors who paid for their space.
This is the part that’s wrong, BTW. Most decent sized gun shows are about 10% private sellers (of the firearms sellers)
Friends of ours from Europe claim they were able to buy a gun at a gun show in Florida.
It goes something like this. The parents of the person telling the story live in Europe but own condos/homes in Canada and Florida. The daughter lives here and her brother is in California. With her parents they visited a gun show because he wanted to buy a gun and they allege did so without any questions asked.
I didn’t dig deeper but how does that sound to you guys?
Smells like a boy cow got into someone’s Facebook account.
In most states, if you can show a driver’s license from that state, you can buy a gun from a private seller. I’m guessing somebody in the group flashed a FL driver’s license or they’re bullshitting.
Devil is in the details. So are they claiming they bought a gun illegally? Because that can be done in a lot of places including countries where ownership is just about banned.
Ask ’em exactly what they bought. If you’re feeling salty, ask for the serial number.
Oops, the point being that I guess they might have had little scrutiny if they bought a C&R or a replica that shoots BBs.
In practice, while purchasing a long gun is usually less involved than a handgun, I doubt very much they weren’t at least asked for photo identification that established their state of residency and age.
By ‘less involved’ I’m referring to the fact that most states do not require that the buyer has a Concealed carry Permit or other Permit, the lack of which denies them the right to buy.
Just remember “loophole” is whatever allows someone to buy or acquire a firearm legally. The gun grabbers’ close the [fill in whatever “exception” allows someone to acquire a firearm after the most recent gun grabbing legislation] loophole rhetoric is to ratchet away our rights.
Here in this state, it was the gun show loophole, but only at gunshows not all private transactions. Are you crazy, we’re not trying to take away your guns.
Then it was private transactions without a background check because no one’s checking to make sure that the person can legally own a firearm, but not between family members because we’re not trying to take your guns away.
Next, will be to close the family loophole. But the gun grabbers still aren’t trying to grab guns.
I award this video 100 Courics.
13 year-old kid buying a gun
Am I supposed to find that concerning? If the kid knows what he’s doing, then why not? And if he doesn’t, then his parents, the Boy Scouts, the NRA youth program, or any of a number of other sources could teach him how.
(n.b. I do not know if the NRA has a youth program)
The NRA do have a youth long gun program, usually open to kids between 10 and 19.
But the course is incapable of ensuring some sweet-tempered little muppet won’t lose his shit and kill millions in an orgy of destruction.
Don’t worry, the crack team of mind readers who perform “background checks” will figure that out.
When I was 12, I took a gun safety class from the NRA. It was standard for almost all 12 yr olds in my hometown to take the class. It was held every year a few weeks before deer hunting season. We used bb guns in the elementary school gym.
There’s something in my eye here
Holy shit.
My father is going through some health issues and always he looks forward to is seeing or playing with our kitten or my sister’s dog. It’s crazy the joy they bring.
And then I waded into the comments. Couple of observations….from what I can tell from a quick cursory look, it’s mostly women. It’s almost as if they kick into overdrive whenever they see a story about nurturing.
Of course, it took a guy (probably libertarian) who said:
“Scott Seeger My moms place had a cat and it died. They decided not to get anothet because a lot of the senoirs got bitten and scratched bc they forgot how to handle animals.”
lol. Way to go spoiling a lovely tug of the emotions with reason.
I would be lost without my pets. When my dad died, my cat (who generally has the attitude that humans should keep their hands to themselves) did not leave my side for days. If he wasn’t on my lap, he was sitting next to me with one paw touching me. It was a great comfort.
The paw thing is a killer. My kitten likes to put his gently on our faces as he purrs.
And then I realize, this animal is a natural predator and a carnivore. If he was, say, 50 pounds heavier his internal schemes to kill us would be put into practice.
“The compelling reason for maybe choosing some sort of god or spiritual-type thing to worship—be it JC or Allah, be it YHWH or the Wiccan Mother Goddess, or the Four Noble Truths, or some inviolable set of ethical principles—is that pretty much anything else you worship will eat you alive.”
The political cultists currently self-immolating from TDS find this baffling.
No, I am definitely not offended.
She is A-OK.
I salute you.
TDS, or just a garden variety nutcase?
A Tennessee woman who was convicted last year of trying to climb a White House barrier was arrested again Friday after authorities said she drove a vehicle into a barricade near the executive mansion and was found with a gun in her hand.
D.C. police identified her as Jessica R. Ford, 35, of La Vergne, Tenn., about 20 miles southeast of Nashville. Police said Friday night that she was charged with gun possession and other offences.
Some woman tried something similar when the Ascended One was in office, and the Secret Service croaked her. An improvement, or dereliction?
She’s the hero we need?
Saw The Importance of Being Earnest last night at The Old Globe Theater. I realized it may be the basis for every episode of Frasier.
BoycottNRA, cont’d
Separately, insurance company Chubb Limited said Friday that it will stop underwriting “NRA Carry Guard,” a policy marketed to NRA members who face legal or civil lawsuits after they shoot someone. A spokesman for Chubb told Reuters that the company informed the NRA of the decision three months ago; the policy has faced criticism from gun-control groups who called it “murder insurance.”
This is actually meaningful, in my view. I have no idea what the underlying arithmetic might be. Maybe nobody buys it. It seems unlikely that there have been many claims, but I could be completely wrong about that.
I’m lovin’ the conflation of lawful self-defense and wanton murder.
Couldn’t the NRA just underwrite the policy themselves? Or set up a trust to do it? Maybe the next target of the gun grabbers will be making carry insurance illegal.
To the NRA, that would change a guaranteed revenue stream into a liability. No way they’d do that.
When you look at all these relationships the NRA sets up, they basically take a slice of the partner company’s revenue stream and co-market the product. The partner company has all the operational costs.
No way they’d do that.
Crazy idea, but at some point they may have to please their membership rather than padding their pockets.
You’d think so, wouldn’t you.
… I could sit and watch this tumbleweed all day …
There are a number of groups that offer policies and legal assistance. I have never heard of Chubb Ltd.
Security company that offers theft insurance in Europe. Quite big, and probably dismissive of the income it made from those policies.
That crossed my mind.
“We are standing up for what is right! We are canceling our murder insurance policies! Both of them!”
Wait. Don’t the gun grabbers always insist that the cavemen who own guns should have to buy insurance?
Yup. A story from 2015 about a proposed law mandating insurance.
What the fuck do they want exactly?
[citation needed]
Also weasel words – gun fatalities. Not murders.
The results are clear: car fatalities have declined by 25 percent in the last decade, but gun fatalities continue to rise
What’s a lie in service to the cause?
What the fuck do they want exactly?
The abolition of all private gun ownership. Oh wait, they’re not supposed to admit that.
I think we’re missing the best part:
Service members and law enforcement officers, however, would be exempt from the requirement.
But of course they would.
“Service members” should be in bold, too.
Saw The Importance of Being Earnest last night
“The good ended happily, and the bad unhappily. That is what Fiction means.”
Indeed. Though left unresolved was the fact John Earnest Moncrief was engaged to his first cousin. I’m not sure that was a problem when the play was written.
My guess it was her video on 120dB that did it. YouTube seems to be rather aggressive in censoring it.
The whole thing shows how completely bankrupt third-wave feminism is. They all about opposing rape culture and patriarchy in the West (which is tilting at windmills). But they are against other women speaking out against rapes committed by immigrants from cultures that are inarguably patriarchal.
Oh, she’s poison to Youtube.
I find it ironic that the people who whine the most about “monopoly power” will, when given some taste of it themselves, abuse the ever-loving fuck out of it. Projection…
“Progressives” have no principles other than the mad pursuit of power and dominance.
These are the same people who wanted to turn the office of the president into that of an emperor when Obama was in office, but promptly did a 180 and screamed about dangerous overreach of executive authority as soon as Trump sat down in the big chair.
Consensus is created by punishing, hiding, or removing the source of dissent, and if you don’t agree then you’re part of the problem.
They don’t hate abuse of power, they hate not being the abuser. It’s like the kid who acts like he’s dying after hitting another kid and getting hit back. The kid isn’t against hitting, he’s against being hit.
The problem with libertarian political “alliances” — at some point, the other side remembers you’re the junior party and turns on you.
Now available in English:
Not that anyone who writes German could be evil.
I think it would be great if these women completely co-opted the #MeToo hashtag with their stories.
Speaking of the “gun show loophole”… I have never seen anything I was interested in that was not egregiously overpriced, at the shows I have been to, so I haven’t been able to avail myself of it.
You mean one of those fully automatic assault rifles with the thing that goes up and a 6000 bullet clip?
I believe you’re supposed to use a secret handshake, say some words about your god the NRA, and then drink the blood of innocent people.
Yea, I’ve never seen any firearm I actually wanted (or could afford) at a gun show. Well, I did try to buy a Taurus revolver back when I was just getting into guns and didn’t know good brands from shitty brands*, but the guy wouldn’t sell it to me because I had moved across town recently and my driver’s license still had my old address on it (so much for that gun show loophole, huh?)
* The PT92 has always been pretty good; it was my first handgun and I still shoot it regularly. I’ve also heard very good things about the recent (after ~2010) offerings from Taurus. They seem to be moving up to the level of Ruger or even S&W.
I’ve found decent (not amazing) deals at the larger shows. Just like anywhere else, the more competition the better the prices. I’ve accepted the fact that there’s a 10-15% markup for “no papers” transactions at the shows.
I picked up my 1944 M1 Carbine at a gun show for $700 + 1oz silver coin. I knew I made a wise purchase when I was stopped 3 things just walking out by someone asking if I was selling the gun I was carrying.
In good shape and shoots like a dream. Although I did buy the bolt dissembly tool because I was having a very hard time without it. Needed to clean the small bits to get it to extract smoothly.
Also, from WaPo:
Meantime, gun-control organizations Moms Demand Action and Everytown sent a letter Friday asking five companies — Google, Amazon, Apple, AT&T and Roku — to cease streaming NRATV, saying “it’s time for tech leaders to acknowledge their role in helping the NRA spread this dangerous content.”
Noxious cunts.
How many of the mass shooters have been NRA members?
All that tells you is the nefarious power of the NRA to influence total strangers.
Although I *think* Lanza had a membership bought by his nutjob mother.
The story I remember is that they had an NRA pistol course booklet in their house, which led all the media outlets to proclaim that they were NRA members, but what actually happened is the mother had taken the NRA pistol course to meet the state’s licensing requirements, and that’s where the book came from.
That makes sense. It’s just about the only acceptable qualification as far as the towns around here are concerned.
Oh, and for anyone who thinks the .22 is a pussy round? That’s what the little shit used to ice his mom.
It is very common for people to underestimate the 22. Last I looked it was the number one caliber used to kill. If you have ever hunted with one and seen the wounds it makes i n flesh…yikes. Good penetration, broken bones, bullets fragmented. A 22 is pretty nasty.
This is a pattern. They’ve done this over and over again and every time we’re told “it’s the free market responding to its customers” as if we can’t even criticize this bullshit action. It’s funny that some people thought this would end with Nazis. The Left doesn’t want dissent. We’re all Nazis to them
We’re all Nazis to them
Things the actual Nazis did:
1. Shut out opposing viewpoints, initially without the power of the state backing them
2. Drive people they didn’t like out of business
3. Confiscated private arms of their targets
Irony is dead
Well, by that measure, we have to ban any video made by a Muslim about Islam. Even if it has nothing to do with terrorism, even if it explicitly condemns terrorism, it spreads a dangerous message.
These people are retarded monkeys. They’re trying to destroy civil society just to achieve their supposed goals. I’m going to laugh from the top bunk in the camps when that shit weasel Bloomberg gets dragged out into the streets,
Idiot Roperites that would cut down every law (and custom and decency) to get at the supposed devil. Morons.
Why Take Your Daughter Fishing days are always a disaster.
You mean one of those fully automatic assault rifles with the thing that goes up and a 6000 bullet clip?
They wanted ‘way too much for it, and it didn’t even come with the optical “see it, shoot it” targetting system helmet. Pffft, what a gyp.
Dick Durbin has been denied communion indefinitely by his bishop. Haha
Seriously? Please post a link.
And this mendacious bullshit: “it’s time for tech leaders to acknowledge their role in helping the NRA spread this dangerous content.”
These are, of course, the same busybodies who weep and wail about people with no training or specialized (State-certified) knowledge having guns, but they want to prevent gun owners and wannabe gun owners from having access to some very good sources of information and training.
Because the last thing in the world they are willing to see is the “normalization of gun culture” which might undermine their totemistic fearmongering.
Gun culture is an impediment to confiscation. It teaches people that guns can be used safely, that they are to be respected rather than feared, and that civilian gun ownership is not the cause of violent criminal actions. All heresy.
I used to believe that it would be good to have a basic gun safety lesson in schools, much like they teach fire safety – just a quick lesson that some people own guns as is legal to do in this country, real guns are very different from toy guns, and you shouldn’t ever touch them without an adult’s guidance.
However, with the school system under the control of government sector unions, I’m pretty sure any gun safety curriculum would be distorted into “some evil people own guns, guns can go off spontaneously and kill people, so always be afraid of guns”.
“Arming Teachers Would Endanger Students of Color
Donald Trump’s proposal to arm teachers would make schools more dangerous for some students.
Even assuming teachers and educators with the readiness and training of soldiers or law enforcement, the presence of additional guns risks turning a school shooting into an outright shootout, with students and faculty in the crossfire. Hitting a mobile target isn’t easy, and in the heat of a crisis, armed teachers are as likely to hit innocent students as they are the shooter.
The larger problem with arming school faculty—or turning even more schools into something akin to prisons, with armed guards and heavy security—is that it is a grossly outsize reaction to a relatively rare phenomenon that, given racial bias in the education system, will harm far more students than it ever saves.
As it stands, black, Latino, and Native American students are most likely to face harsh in-school discipline. From 1972–2010, the school-suspension rate for whites in middle and high school climbed from 6–7.1 percent. For Latinos, it climbed from 6.1–12 percent. For blacks it more than doubled from 11.8–24.3 percent. In 2007, 70 percent of all in-school arrests were of black and Latino students. This increase came despite few racial differences in their offenses. Students of color aren’t more likely to misbehave, but teachers and school officials are more likely to impose harsh punishment on offenses by students of color. For example, one 2011 study found that 32 percent of black students were suspended for first-time offenses of cellphone use at school, compared with just 15 percent of white students.
The data is clear. Whether it’s zero tolerance policies or in-school police officers, the harshest discipline falls on black and brown students. Indeed, at all ages, black and Latino children are viewed as more dangerous and unruly, regardless of actual behavior.”
Meanwhile, Slate’s editorial position seems to be cops are racists and only cops should carry guns.
“Don’t get rid of our soft targets! We need martyrs!”
Evil fuckers.
Horseshit. Students of non-color are now more likely to be punished because of the quota system Obama pushed.
I looked up the numbers for gun deaths in the US because of the claim above that deaths are increasing.
Slightly up but given the increased number of guns and increase in population I’d say they are flat or slightly falling. Check out the chart…
1999 – ~29K 2014 – ~33.5K
Look at the chart. For someone paying little attention it looks like deaths more than tripled. More mendacity.
Oh, and they fail to mention that 2/3 of gun deaths are suicides.
“Simple Steps”
5. Recruit Retired Military & Law Enforcement: The number of qualified public safety professionals that live in our communities is surprising. These friends and neighbors have already received certification and weapons training. Most of them (unless they become criminals) are already allowed to own, possess, and carry firearms. Having them operate the access points at all schools, check every backpack and bag carried onto the premises, and engage every threat be it a firearm, a pocketknife or any other form of contraband — would not only ensure a safer school campus, but also a more rule following, law abiding one. Drugs, porn, and other forms of disruptive materials would be filtered out of the school campus environment on the threat of being discovered every day by the school security professional.
Yeah, fuck you, too, Townhall.
They seem to be just fine with turning schools into something indistinguishable from prisons.
They’re already strikingly similar:
– You get victimized by any number of tough guys, but you get in trouble if you defend yourself
– You can’t go anywhere or do anything without a permission slip
– They’re run by unionized government employees who are totally unaccountable
– The food tastes like boiled dog shit
You forgot the fences and locked doors and state mandated attendance.
Drugs, porn, and other forms of disruptive materials would be filtered out of the school campus environment on the threat of being discovered every day by the school security professional.
Just like they are from actual prisons?
David Burge, National Treasure:
Okay, this just occurred to me. Remember the old saying about how, “the fox is running for his dinner, but the rabbit is running for his life”?
Human nature being what it is, it’s much more likely that a man (or woman) who is already outside and presumably safe from harm will be less motivated to act than that same person who is stuck inside a building with somebody actively trying to kill him. This is one reason why I think allowing some willing subset of school staff to be armed is a good idea.
Prediction: Broward County cop who didn’t go in and retired instead of getting fired (the first one fingered) (heh) will eat a gun before the year is out. I do not know how any LEO (old enough for retirement) could live with having been that big a coward. NOT that kids died, but because he was a shriveling coward. Where are the trigger-happy psychopaths when you need them?
Two way firing ranges aren’t as much fun as plinking at cans if you want to go home safe every day.
I don’t know why cops think they’re entitled to go home safe every day like they’re convenience store clerks.
I would say that any decent man with a shred of honor or integrity wouldn’t be able to live with himself.
Whether the Broward deputies are such men is unlikely, but not yet finally determined.
Or too cowardly to face world-wide contempt and mockery.