Hi everybody. Its your friendly neighborhood morning? purveyor of links. Am I in the right place? What’s going on here? As it turns out, I have been in Michigan all week in meetings with my new employer and our clients. The job is pretty cool, my co-workers are pretty cool, but man do we have a fuckton of work to do and by my 8th workday, I’d already been asked if I can compress the delivery schedule — which I believe is a new record. And man, have I missed you guys. I’ll be flying this afternoon and Sloopy is still busy, so… here I is.
Okay, Sports — In hockey, Filthy won, Florida defeated the Capitals, Senators struck by Lightning, Habs beat the Rangers, Blackhawks didn’t lose! In pre-Spring Training news, it looks like the Rays are gonna suck this year as their ownership tries to tell everyone they need a new stadium on the other side of Tampa Bay. Listen, I like Ybor, but I don’t want to fight IKEA traffic for weekend afternoon game parking. And now… the links!
And yet, nobody has been fired and these same editors will probably continue to root for gun control. If only Americans were guaranteed a recourse against a tyrannical or negligent government that can or will no longer keep them safe, if it ever did. Meanwhile, the same sort of technocratic fixation on expertise that allowed the failure cascade to result in 17 deaths, perhaps more except for a few sadly unarmed men who stood fast so others could find cover and safety, comes the idea that experts should be able to confiscate guns once they judge someone a danger.
Pakistan is back on the global terrorist funding list? Where IS my shocked face?
Anti-Brexit forces continue their push to keep holding votes until they get the result they want.
Now I got myself worked up about it again, let’s have some angry music to fire y’all up. Put on the headphones,kids.
99) I think I’ve mentioned before Slate’s hilarious/awful new parenting column, sort of an accompaniment to Dear Prudie. Here’s a perfectly ridiculous letter from the latest edition, a real insight into the challenges of progressive parenting today:
My daughters have pledged for years that they’ll never get married or have children; the middle school one is gender-fluid and the older one never has a good thing to say about high school boys. (Can you blame her?) We’re taking each day as it comes and being supportive, and most of all, we’re listening to each other as much as possible.
Yesterday, there was a sudden change in the older one. She had a goofy look on her face while sharing an email exchange she’d had with a male friend, and then she literally twirled around the kitchen floor, giggling about how she found a nice person and how much she looks forward to spending the lunch period with him every day.
I’m excited that she has opened herself to the possibility of emotional intimacy with someone outside the family. My question is this: How can I best support her? He is a special-needs student. I don’t know what his needs are—he may be on the autism spectrum or have a developmental disability. I haven’t pried much, because in many ways, I know that it does not matter at all.
On the other hand: I know I am coming off like a total asshole in saying this, but my personality mandated that I dated people who were at least as smart as me. We’re certainly not at the dowry stage or anything. For now, I am trying hard not to project what I wanted when I was 16 on her situation. I’m just listening and offering opportunities for her to invite him over to hang out and play Mario Kart or watch Doctor Who. Should we also invite his mom? She’s very involved with him, and my kid feels like the mom gives her stink eye when she sees them together. More generally, can you advise me on how to support my Mensa-level daughter, who’s crushing on a special-education boy?
—Daughter’s First Crush
Ha ha ha, oh man, those poor kids. I laughed out loud at how “they’re listening to each other as much as possible.” Right! Mom has got her daughters so neurotic about sexual and gender identities issues they don’t know it’s okay to have heterosexual relationships. The middle school daughter is gender fluid? No, she’s not, and at her age, she shouldn’t even know the latest permutations in gender identity terminology, much less be applying them to herself.
And the older kid, who’s got herself a boyfriend and Mom’s wetting herself with excitement because the kid is special-needs. It’s not what you think, lady! She’s going to be so disappointed she won’t have her own personal Corky to show off to her progressive friends. In schools today, every third kid is special-needs. My son is classified special needs because he’s ADHD. It’s not meaningful, it’s a con so schools can get more federal money, and so the feds can involve themselves in education, traditionally a local purview. And that’s if the kid is actually special-needs anyway, rather than your “Mensa-level daughter” making something up so you’ll get off her case about being in a heteronormative relationship.
Special bonus Thought Not Sermon on the “Autism Spectrum”: Autism is of course a real condition, but the “autism spectrum” is something made up by progressives to A) make a mental illness out of the personality type most likely to grow up to be conservative, and B) allow the local school system to milk more of that sweet, sweet federal education moolah.
I don’t know what his needs are—he may be on the autism spectrum or have a developmental disability.
He’d have to be pretty retarded to be interested in your daughter, so that stands to reason.
I know I am coming off like a total asshole in saying this, but my personality mandated that I dated people who were at least as smart as me.
You know who else examined medical records for intelligence?
Our lizard overlords?
Marcus Welby, M.D.?
“but my personality mandated that I dated people who were at least as smart as me”
I thinking that didn’t narrow things down much.
Take her to an Insane Clown Posse concert and say, “Pick one.”
Yes. 16, still in high school, and playing Mario Kart. Mensa.
Ummm…I was still in high school at 16, played video games a lot (Atari days, but still), and consider Mensa’s standards to be too low.
Not that I would join any organization that would have me.
Eh. That was more of a comment on the parent’s opinion of herself.
Ditto, not that I care about such shit. Raw intelligence doesn’t really mean much once you step into the real world.
To address the issue at hand, my best friend was probably 15 or 20 IQ points smarter than me, and a shit ton more diligent than me, and he graduated high school at 18 after playing tons of Mario kart with me.
He ended up with a 4.0 in computer engineering at a top 10 engineering school and didnt even try that hard to get it. Some geniuses don’t have the resources to be able to go to college at 12.
Special bonus Thought Not Sermon on the “Autism Spectrum”: Autism is of course a real condition, but the “autism spectrum” is something made up by progressives to A) make a mental illness out of the personality type most likely to grow up to be conservative, and B) allow the local school system to milk more of that sweet, sweet federal education moolah.
Not close on this one. Autism spectrum disorder is a DSM-5 classification that groups Asperger’s, high-functioning autism, and other “types” of autism into a single ASD diagnosis. It’s a controversial grouping and clinicians still usually break down an ASD diagnosis into the unofficial subgroups.
A diagnosis of ASD isn’t made by the school system. It’s typically made by a developmental specialist using validated diagnostic tests like the ADOS. The ADOS has an extremely high specificity and validity, in the upper 90s… meaning false-negatives and false-positives are extremely rare when administered properly.
^^yes^^ – getting my son through all the autism testing was a months long process. With house visits by social workers, visits to multiple doctors, MRIs, and some angry moments where I wanted to go on a social worker punching spree.
The diagnose was not handed out willy-nilly.
This, except for the punching spree. But I am only 6 weeks post-diagnosis, so give me time.
And, as far as I can tell, the doctors we have worked with have no interest in using the unofficial subgroups.
There were two social workers who were real prats; people who should have been working anywhere but with special needs children. And one doctor who was so full of himself that I wanted to bring him down a notch or two.
Things that I normally brush off, but when it involves the kiddo, my dander gets up.
You’ll see the subgroups used more in the literature. Asperger’s and high-functioning autism (HFA) are especially broken out separately because they are the two ASD subgroups that have a chance at mainstreaming.
I think they were combined into one ASD diagnosis because the diagnostic tests are very accurate for detecting any of them. The prognosis and therapeutic treatments though are as different as night and day between a young kid with Asperger’s/HFA and one lower down in the spectrum that struggles to show the slightest interaction or communication with this world.
We think our daughter is high functioning, although the docs basically said we will have to wait a few years to really narrow that down. Her speech is severely delayed, but she will interact and communicate in other ways, and is improving in those areas even if the speech is coming very slowly.
In fact, we had her tested because we already had her in speech therapy and her therapist recommended it because she was making no progress. Between that time and her diagnosis, we noticed more and more autism type behaviors.
If she’s communicating and interacting, that’s excellent even if speech is slow or non-existent.
My son is four and doesn’t speak often. If he wants milk, he’ll go bring me a cup and the gallon of milk out of the fridge and then put the milk back himself after I pour it. That’s his way of asking and I’ll take it because he’s still communicating. Speech is slowly coming.
#6.1 had profound apraxia as a toddler, diagnosed at 3. Two years of worry, testing, anxiety.
All we got out of her was ‘tut’ as ‘No’, and laughter as ‘Yes’. Speech, Occupational and Physio- therapy. Barely spoke until 4, and was encouraged to chew gum to develop woefully-underdeveloped jaw muscles. Warned by professionals that it was going to impact her learning and socialization.
2 weeks before her 5th birthday – wham – she hasn’t shut up since.
Never stop pushing, never get disenchanted, stay optimistic.
She has “Go” and “Zip” (she says zip zip zip when she plays with a zipper) and that is about it.
She was yelling “Go Go Go” at the short track relay the other night, I thought that was good.
I think she is going to be a talker when she figures it out. Probably will be wanting her to shut up.
My son has a severe case of apraxia too. That’s actually the bigger issue than his autism for still being relatively non-verbal. He tries to talk up a storm, but that damn apraxia makes it nearly unintelligible. We’re trying and he has a top team pushing him through.
My son was not a talker… only knew a few words at age 2-4. Now he has a very wide range of words, but it is mixed in with “TV” or “Parrot” talk – scenes from movies or TV shows. He can order his own food ata restaurant, but he still can’t figure out the how’s and why’s of more complex interactions.
Just another cross that we bear the best we can. I’m glad we went to this school district since they have a very good special needs program and, unlike the last district, my son is part of the larger school social scene; he even got asked out to one of the school dances.
Also, no MRIs, but we doing an eeg with a 2 year old is not much fun.
eeg came back normal, no seizures.
MRI was for his large head size – I’ve got a big noggin’ myself – so it was a precautionary thing. It was a decade ago so I can’t remember if it was part of the autism diagnosis or not.
“…my personality mandated…”
That is some straight-up horseshit of an excuse. Another form of ‘ I am a redhead so its not my fault’. “I cant help it so dont criticize me for being an asshole”
Sounds a lot like the “I’m Cuban so I always yell like this and you can’t tell me to stop” I got from one of our faculty recently after we had a meeting to discuss his recent tirade.
Ha. We have a manager in our Miami office that gets upset and slips into Spanish and doesn’t realize it.
Maybe the daughter is an uber-prog like the mother and is crushing on this kid because she can feel intellectually superior to him. Then she can “teach” him and tell him what to do.
KK may be spot on. Progressives love power. Who better to date when you are a power hungry prog than some poor dumb kid who you can teach how to think properly..
I’ve seen it – my friend’s daughter always dates these poor redneck boys. I’ve watched her deliberately use high-falutin’ words so she can womansplain their meaning.
What does she do if she stumbles onto a guy who acts redneck but has a big vocabulary?
Fuck, but this was me at 17. Dad was a farmer most of his life, but he had me reading Aristotle when I was 13. I dressed and acted like a big Iowa redneck country boy (which is what I was) but shocked Civics teachers by tossing Aristotle or Cicero at them. That didn’t jibe with their image of a big kid with long hair who drove a pickup with a gun rack and wore a Pioneer Seed cap.
Dad insisted on a good grounding in the classics. It was years before I realized how much perspective that really gave me.
Pioneer? Dekalb or GTFO. 😉
Pioneer paid better for detassling. 😛
A younger redneck me would mansplain her ass straight to the kitchen.
/not all rednecks are dumb.
Plenty of them aren’t.
Her current boyfriend is one of these losery types that just seems to fall into bad luck and trouble (like, his roommates stealing some computer equipment from somewhere and then the house gets torn apart by the cops and everyone is arrested – that kind of thing). I’m pretty sure the daughter loves lording it over him with her nuclear family, decent education, and relatively secure amount of money.
I feel bad for the kid (the boyfriend). She’s a harpy.
“S’pose I’ll leave you alone for awhile. So’s ye can kill it.”
This one begs for the excellent advice of ZARDOZ.
the middle school one is gender-fluid
We used to call that “pre-pubescent”.
I’m excited that she has opened herself to the possibility of emotional intimacy with someone outside the family
I too am excited that you progressed beyond incestuous relations.
Anti-Brexit forces continue their push to keep holding votes until they get the result they want.
Democracy is sacrosanct right up until it isn’t.
The right results are important otherwise you get the wrong results and you don’t want that
The voting will continue until the results improve.
And yet, nobody has been fired and these same editors will probably continue to root for gun control. If only Americans were guaranteed a recourse against a tyrannical or negligent government that can or will no longer keep them safe, if it ever did
Just fold gun control into health care
See, this is why we should rely on the police to protect us,..oh, wait…
The FBI fucked up, the local police fucked up and the waiting for retirement piece of shit sat outside while kids were killed. Yet no one on the left notices their saviors are fucking retards more worried about pensions than doing their job. If we only had MOAR government this could have been averted… Fucking idiots
Statistically, they’d have to hire someone who wasn’t a coward who would be involved in one of these eventually, right? Monkeys… typewriters… Shakespeare. So not 100% wrong.
Monkeys… typewriters… Shakespeare. So not 100% wrong.
But when you are 99.9999999…% wrong, that’s basically 100% wrong for all practical purposes. It was calculated that it would take 2,737,850 million billion billion billion monkey years to randomly type ‘RUMOUR. Open your ears’, after all. And when the experiment was done with real monkeys the results were: “They produced five pages of mainly the letter S, before attacking the keyboard and relieving themselves over it.”
The conducted the experiment at Vox?
Of course they notice. They love this shit and want more of it. It helps facilitate their march towards a disarmed, helpless population. Those kids are just martyrs to the cause.
I don’t own firearms but I keep a machete beside the front door. It’s all in the wrist.
You’re skipping the original amd largest fuck up. The legislators fucked up-
By law everone in that school was barred from having the means to defend themselves. There was even an armed agent of the state permanently stationed at the school to make sure that no one there was armed.
Because school shootings are so rare, one problem with hiring guards to prevent shootings is that it will attract people who are interested in doing nothing.
I thing there’s a market for a truly professional security company to be at schools for security only. None of the BS the cops do.
My prediction is that Former Officer Peterson is going to add one more victim to that tragedy. I don’t know how you live with that.
Nah. He filed for, and will receive his retirement.
Any reports that he “resigned” are misleading. He retired.
Personally, I hate dead pools, but this seems about a 50/50. Wait till what he did sinks in for a couple weeks.
We’ll see. Some people have no shame.
What is it with these Scot/Scott Petersons?
I haven’t seen CNN or many other of the usual culprits having much to say about this. I guess it just fucks up the narrative about relying on the cops for protection.
my wife was watching CNN last night when I got home. The response is “See! Good guys with guns done help, so you don’t need more guns!”
So, they think that since you can’t rely on the police, you should therefore not be allowed to take responsibility for your own defense? Some deep thinkers there.
Just line up quietly and take your bullets so we can harp on our narrative.
This has been driving me crazy with lower level crimes lately (especially package theft): The police in my area simultaneously say that you should rely on them and only them for protection against crime and also say that most crimes are too low level for them to waste their time on. There are whole swaths of my city that basically have people driving around stealing all day because they know there is absolutely no recourse from their victims and the police aren’t going to “waste their time” stopping them.
I hope you’re right.
Here, let me help you get started: “My only regret is that I didn’t make this sacrifice when it might have made a difference”.
I think it’s pretty clear that the Broward County Sheriffs Office fucked this up 6 ways from Sunday.
No new laws necessary. Next time, do your fucking job.
Remember the kid during Columbine dragging his half-paralyzed body out a 2nd story window and half a dozen SWAT bois in an APC being too nutless to go retrieve him until he dragged himself to safety?
Talking to SoCon Dad last night on the phone I lost my cool: “Cops seem to be really brave when they are crashing down doors in the middle of the night and shooting people whom reflexively attempt to defend their homes. They are really brave when they execute a childs dog in front of them. But time after time when they have the chance to stop a mass shooting they freeze in place. Omar Mateen got to keep killing people while SWAT waited outside. The Las Vegas shooter got to keep shooting while it took cops 72 minutes to enter his room. This kid got to keep shooting while the officer, who’s only job is to stop this shit, froze in place. I’m sick of hearing about these “hero’s”. It’s fucking bullshit Dad.”
The cowardice is one of many embarrassing failures on the part of the Sheriffs Department.
They had to fuck up dozens of times to get to the point where Cruz was shooting at the school.
In addition to the usual suspects, laziness and incompetence, you have politics.
And more politics.
For the record, that guy failed the background check, but Sheriff Israel gave him a badge, gun, and qualified immunity anyway.
So a democrat Sherriff puts identity politics and social signaling ahead of merit?…..color me shocked.
Just say Sheriff. Joe Arpaio wasn’t any different.
You are correct, party affiliation really doesn’t have any bearing.
Wow….not that I expect much out of law enforcement, but they manage to come nowhere near even my very low expectations. Revolting.
The cognitive dissonance of the gun grabbers is, well, not surprising. “See, a good guy with a gun doesn’t help. We can’t rely on law enforcement. We just have to get rid of the GUNZ!”
[ignoring the assumption that a pants-wetting coward is a ‘good guy’] “Ok, how ya gonna do that?”
“Rely on law enforcement”
“Dad, that cop would’ve heard of Becky gettin’ raped and he’d just be grateful the Gatlin boys didn’t cornhole him.”
It’s a hot button issue with us. He and I can talk calmly about other stuff but when it comes to cops he’s a total policeone.com guy. It’s all projection about feeling inadequate for never joining the military or police force. He worships militarism and regularly attends Grossman-esc fanboy conferences.
Yessiree, they are on my FB. Relatives posting that gawdawful sheepdog meme.
I see red when I read that shit. I don’t take kindly to someone calling me a sheep nor am I arrogant enough to assume I have special innate qualities that make me uniquely suited to protect others.
Sheepdog that runs like fuck when the wolf shows up.
Grossman is the wolf, right?
We had a sheepdog on our farm.
It used to eat our chickens.
Well technically, he was only supposed protect the sheep.
I’ve got small government/huge military/closed borders Dad convinced that cops are worthless. I’m working on the rest with him.
My Dad is coming around on military spending. Bring up cops and he just shuts down. Stopped reading Balko’s book because he criticized them having high-and-tights and wearing oakleys.
That POS BSO sheriff went on CNN knowing his armed officer did nothing while unarmed teachers and students did more to fight back and still said giving those victims the tools to fight back wouldn’t have helped.
Well, giving his deputy the tools to fight back didn’t help, so….
his reasoning “All the cops I have under me are cowards, ergo everyone is a coward.” Sorry cup cake. I cleared my own damn apartment with a sub compact .380 before the cops got there. we aren’t all cowards.
I genuinely can not understand how that deputy could wait outside while hearing the gunfire and screams. How the fuck could anyone live with themselves after that?
The thought of going home safely that evening for supper and a few brewskis?
Well, yeah, the top priority for cops is going home safely at the end of the shift.
Anyone in a police force with the attitude that getting the cops home at the end of the shift is more important than protective the lives of fellow citizens should be allowed to go home – permanantly. Drop them from the force, since they’re of no use in the role.
I cleared my own damn apartment with a sub compact .380 before the cops got there.
You had to clear your apartment with a gun before you moved in? What kind of place do you live in?
He was checking for gators, pythons and meth dealers.
My apartment door was kicked in when I got home.
So not pythons or gators then.
Oh damn, that’s pretty crazy. Sure it wasn’t the blue gang?
Gators can’t just squeeze under the door, do you even Animal Planet, bro?
There is a dead coach from that school who is riddled with .223 inch diameter holes who saved more lives than the armed deputy who was charged with saving those lives.
Too bad the coach wasn’t allowed to be armed.
Exactly!!!! That’s been my reaction to the excuses being made for this pussy – that coach who gave his life to save others did it without a weapon. This piece of shit had a weapon and he couldn’t be roused to try to stop a massacre?
“You can’t say what you would do in that situation!” No, but I know I wouldn’t just hide in a fucking corner. Yes, going up with a pistol against a dude with a rifle puts me at a disadvantage – so? If nothing else, you distract the guy by taking a few shots at him and then taking cover. You interrupt his leisurely slaughter of the unarmed and force him to re-evaluate his situation. That alone buys time and probably saves lives.
I have been in Michigan all week in meetings with my new employer
Did you get any house hunting done?
Man, they’ll hunt anything in Michigan, won’t they?
Those Feral houses from Detroit have become a pest species there.
IF I move to Michigan it will be as a newly divorced man. I’m too lazy to wander around this Earth until another woman takes pity on me. It took 20 years from the time I started looking at girls as people I wanted to be in the same bed with for the one I have to take me in. I don’t have another 20 in me. So, I’ll just commute. Three of our six are Texans who are likewise not moving to Michigan.
“Opponents of Britain’s exit from the European Union are preparing a major campaign they say now has close to a 50:50 chance of stopping Brexit”
It’d be hilarious if there were another referendum and the result was the same as the first. I don’t know where they get their 50/50 figure, but if they’re basing it on polling, Brexit did far worse in polling than it did in the actual vote, and I don’t think there’s any reason to think it would be different this time.
It has exactly the same likelihood as Trump getting replaced by President Hillary, according to people who desperately want these things.
They’re not basing it on polling, they’re basing it on the words of Eloise Todd, the CEO of Best for Britain which is an organization that is campaigning to stay in the EU. It has nothing to do with polling.
Although she might be talking about the specific deal that May has introduced to follow through with Brexit. If she’s only taking about that deal having a 50/50 chance, not Brexit as a whole, then maybe she’s right – I wouldn’t know.
On polling, the article says that the public’s opinion on Brexit hasn’t really changed since the vote.
In sports links you missed the great Romanian club Steaua bravely losing in the Europa League to Italian scum Lazio
Anti-Brexit forces continue their push to keep holding votes until they get the result they want.
Democracy is only ok when it results in decisions I like.
What the hell is going on?!? I’ll tell you, Canada is losing 2-0 to fricken Germany in hockey!
Is Olympic Hockey taken seriously as in the best players, or is it like football during Summer Olympics?
there is no Football in the Olympics, the IS Euroweenie ball though
Like soccer now as it was before the pros went for a few Olympics from ’98-’14.
Still. No excuse.
You know what other German did a bunch of winning before losing?
Baron von Richtoven?
On the plus side of the sports ledger, they picked up a 30 point win over Virgin Islands in yesterday’s FIBA World Cup qualifier.
I’m sure the tax payers of Broward County are thrilled to see their tax dollars laying deputies to protect the home of the man they paid to not protect their children.
He was not trained for that sort of thing, I assume
Good point, they usually expect to shoot dogs and unarmed “furtive movers”. Can’t confront an armed suspect unless they have an overwhelming force advantage.
All I am saying is if it was a 12 year old with a toy gun it would have been different
That’s actually not true. I did a little gun blog reading last night. Several of the cops that regularly post on there made it clear that since columbine, the training in an active shooter situation is to go in immediately, back up or no. Officer let kids die was trained to run to gunfire in the situation he was in. That’s why he was suspended without pay before he decided to retire to collect his pension.
What a slap in the face.
More cops protecting him than the 3000 kids at that school. And he isn’t even an employee anymore. Solid…
The Supreme Court established that law enforcement is under no obligation to place themselves in danger to save members of the public. Peterson is in a legally defensible position. I’d let him slide, if it opens up a broader discussion of why the fuck we need to pay guys in cheap blue uniforms to be mere spectators to school shootings.
legally, sure.
As a human being, no.
Cringing in place. Pathetic.
They protect their own, not us.
Quick question – do the men guarding him have guns?
I expect this to have already been covered knowing this place but
Former Freemason, 51, found drunk and naked inside a huge pipe organ with a toy gun and remote-controlled police car says he got lost while trying to hand out cheeseburgers to the homeless
That’s one of the best headlines I’ve ever read.
Yeah, feels like it belongs in the tabloid thread from yesterday.
I, similarly, have had well-meaning nights go awry after drinking a bottle of whisk(e)y.
Was he originally from Florida?
You can change any of the nouns around and it’s just as funny
*sigh* my hometown.
nostalgia kicked in?
I spent many a night sleeping in that pipe organ as a young lad when I was down on my luck.
That made me smile. Sounds like a night to remember.
Friendly lookin fella for sure
Pakistan being a state sponsor of terror and still receiving foreign aid would make a pretty good small government talking point in the next election.
Washington has spent the past week lobbying member countries of the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) to place Pakistan on the so-called “grey list” of nations that are not doing enough to combat terrorism financing.
I’d settle for my own government not to financing terrorism. *Adds McCain to “Grey list”
Israel announced that Peterson resigned, retiring from the force.
So much for the highly anticipated “good guy with a gun.”
Be sure to let us know when he eats a bullet.
As for the other- it undoubtedly will come as a shock to the Miami Herald editorial board (and a couple hundred million other Americans), but “some guy with a badge and a gun” is not necessarily the same as “a good guy with a gun”.
I think we all know that here. Maybe the first responder knob slobbering will subside a bit, but I doubt it.
Yeah. When people talk about the “Good guy with a gun” they aren’t talking about the cops who show up to count bodies.
Maybe if he tries suicide they can go in and shoot him.
More details on Justin Trudeau’s Laughable, Disastrous Trip to India.
I think that youngest son is really not into being dressed in that get-up. And what the hell were they thinking? Doesn’t Trudeau have any advisors, perhaps somebody from the Foreign Ministry, who could suggest this might not be a good idea?
You are talking about the guy who decided how to fill his cabinet based on the candidates’ genitalia rather than their competence.
And thought that this was a justifiable idea based on the calendar year. He’s a rather shallow man.
Yeah, don’t know know [${CURRENT_YEAR}] is actually the reason to give up socialism?
When I look at that picture, all I can think of is the gasoline fight from Zoolander.
It just keeps getting better. I love this picture and the description.
Ok, so now I’m thinking of Tobias Fünke.
My God. Whatta turd burglar.
May be?
He may also be more bumbling than Clouseau.
Clouseau did in fact succeed at his job.
Good point.
And yet, nobody has been fired and these same editors will probably continue to root for gun control
Of course they will. They were standing on the bodies before they were even removed from the scene. And did anyone see any of that CNN town hall? It was disgusting. And it was not so much a “town hall interview/debate” as it was an anti-gun rally. I am not as surprised by this as I am about people actively protesting AGAINST the freedom of speech, but I still find it odd. So many people would rather be subjects than citizens.
Anyway, might be time to pull the trigger and go ahead and get an AR, if only just to have one. //punintended //blackriflesmatter
Personally I don’t have much use for a rifle, but I have told my wife “If they ever looked like they might ban them I’d get one”
Problem is, everyone else has the same idea, or at least when talk of banning comes up and seems marginally serious, they disappear from shelves, and prices shoot up higher.
So I bought at the bottom.
Problem is, everyone else has the same idea,
Yea, even now everything everywhere is ‘out of stock’. It’s probably because no one trusts Team Red, even on this issue. I certainly don’t.
Yeah, I feel the same way. Would have to mortgage my kidneys to get what I want (an M1A), but it would be worth it to have a dog in this fight.
1. You only need one kidney, fool.
2. An M1A is totally worth a kidney. Possibly two.
Note – they need no be your own kidneys.
A Garand is *nearly* as good. And as I noted yesterday, the CMP has more arriving, so I’m going to be buying.
Yesterday, there was a sudden change in the older one. She had a goofy look on her face while sharing an email exchange she’d had with a male friend, and then she literally twirled around the kitchen floor, giggling about how she found a nice person and how much she looks forward to spending the lunch period with him every day.
Another tragic victim of the nature-vs-nurture wars.
It’s hard to kick against those pricks.
Why Some Winter Olympic Sports Are “Faster, Higher, Stronger” For Men Only
And don’t you dare suggest that men and women are physically different.
Look, the winter games have a sport that consists of nothing but sweeping – where women have the natural advantage.
“Snowboard Slopestyle competition, which ended up differing in format itself thanks to a seemingly totally arbitrary decision”
I don’t/I refuse to understand, so it must be arbitrary.
What I find silly in the Luge is a relay race which is one man alone, one woman alone and then two men on one luge. Besides doubles in luge being ridiculous, at least have one man and one woman.
You’d call that “The Splooge.”
*raises glass*
Wikipedia says doubles is open to both sexes. True? I have no idea, like I said wikipedia.
But I guess if you were trying to win the luge, wouldn’t you want the most sled weight possible?
Just put Lena Dunham on the team.
Lena, Amy , Ophah and Rosie in the four-man bobsled. Gold medal! Guaranteed!
i think there is a two ton weight limit on that
Yes. Also the bobsled. Bunch of fatties in that sport.
What’s the point of having multiple people in a sledding event?
In fact, while we’re on the topic, where in the hell did the bobsled come from?
Hey, I have a solution, just get rid of gender segregation in all sports! Problem solved!
or do porn luge. have a man and woman have sex while navigating the sled
NH House defeats concealed carry bill for college campuses.
Not cited was the lack of cords of stacked campus mass shooting massacre victim corpses in Arkansas, Colorado,Georgia, Idaho, Kansas,Mississippi, Oregon, Texas, Utahand Wisconsin. Was cited: feels
Several years ago there was a shooting in Trolly Square, SLC just a mile or two from the University of Utah campus. After the investigation, it was discovered that the shooter had asked questions about the University, but someone had joked, saying everyone on campus was armed.
That story may be apochyraphal, but jump forward a few years to when I was at the University. I had a professor who was horrified to find out that students were allowed to carry on campus. She said that if she found out that any of us were carrying she would just cancel class. It made me laugh cause I’m sure ~10% of the class was carrying.
Man removes feds’ spy cam, they demand it back, he refuses and sues
Big Mexican Brother?
He should send it back one chip at a time.
I predict this guy will be a big, big fan of Gorsuch in about 3 or 5 years.
Follow the Second Amendment exactly as James Madison intended
My what a novel and incisive take you have.
Wait I though most originalists are based on text not the mindset the authors. No one knows the mindset of the authors. Especially not this person who obviously wrote on the internet instead of sending a letter by pony express.
Yes it’s sad that the founders didn’t have computers it Internet. They never could have foreseen the destructive force it could have by the way it could massively and efficiently publishing lies and shit-for-brains ideas. Obviously the freedom of speech and the press is limited to non recorded speach and paper writing.
The stupidest part of that argument is that it doesn’t follow from the actual text of the be amendment. It’s any bearing arms, not about a specific type of weapon.
He doesn’t realise that a Musket will take his head off just fine, does he?
and, to the full extent possible, the words and syntax precisely with the mindset the authors held when they authored it.
We’ve been studying this for decades. But I’ve finally figured it out and I’m right.
Their words don’t need all that much interpretation.
It doesn’t say “Arms available today and nothing developed after”, it says “arms”. I’d go so far as to say yes, that extends to everything from blunt objects to nuclear devices.
Similarly, the government can go in and shut down any of the Trib’s media that don’t include technology available when the 1A was approved, right?
By his reasoning.
Hand cranked printing presses only.
[I am guessing at the late 18th century tech level]
My only distinction, and I could be wrong, is that “bear arms” to me means something an individual can carry. If it requires infrastructure, it doesnt qualify.
I think that fits with originalism, allows lots and lots of stuff, and still draws a line short of ICBMs.
If we want to go into the weeds – Private cannon, both land-based and shipboard – were commonplace and accepted as normal in the early republic, even without letters of marque having been issued. Cannon requiring a team of people to operate and at least one draft animal to move.
I do not regard “bear arms” as limiting you to man-portable. Because then you start to ask boundary questions – tanks and tank guns; Augmented carry capacity from robot exoskeletons; and so on.
I would be fine with that, that is no different than augmented printing press from electricity. Technology makes more and more things arms.
My interpretation doesn’t prevent private cannons from being legal, it just wouldn’t have 2nd amendment protection.
To use an example from the KY constitution, it guarantees a right to open carry( and the state Supremes have done a good job of supporting this). The fact that the state is thus allowed to restrict concealed carry doesn’t mean we don’t have pretty decent concealed carry laws.
To what purpose is it to protect the private ownership of arms as bulwark against tyranny but then allow the government to decide whether or not to permit the ownership of the same armaments it has access to?
See my comment below. There may well be a right to own those from Article 1, Section 8, and I am totally fine with that. But that doesn’t make it a 2nd amendment issue.
Private cannons were not just acceptable, but those and and cannon supplies were what the British were after when they marched out of Boston through Lexington & Concord. It’s logical that the Founding Fathers, having recently experienced [British] government attempts to seize arms meant exactly that. Also, from Wiki:
Those aren’t just arms for defensive use either. Buried at a tavern.
Not really, because the constitution also authorizes the issuance of letters of marque and reprisal, which indicates that private citizens owned and operated crew-served weapons including artillery. “Arms” doesn’t necessarily mean “small arms that can only be operated by a single person”.
Then crew-served weapons fall under a Article 1, Section 8 right, not a 2nd amendment right.
We can have two things.
Just like I hate people trying to stuff things that are clearly 9th amendment rights into other amendments instead.
So you want to take away the right to keep arms based upon your subjective standard as to whether one individual can bear it?
Because anything not explicitly a 2nd amendment issue on this matter is effectively at the whim of a potentially hostile ruling regime.
No, Article 1, Section 8 just helps to indicate what is meant by “arms” as referenced in the second amendment, the right to keep and bear which shall not be infringed.
Letters of Marque and Reprisal are an authorization of private entities to act as privateers against enemy forces and shipping. They do not allow or disallow the ownership of the necessary arm, which is an inherent right the government is not permitted to infringe.
Article 1, Section 8 predated 2A.
It doesn’t need the 2nd amendment for the rights under it to exist.
Of course, that is very Hamiltonian of me, as he thought the BoR was unnecessary and would be used to limit rights to those listed. And I don’t like making Hamiltonian arguments usually.
Hamilton was wrong. Without the explicit reminder that there are rights that should not be trampled, they would have vanished long before they did.
I agree, which is why I am not happy with the argument I am making. Which I did start with “I could be wrong”.
Although I do think he was right about us not recognizing unlisted rights. 9A gets ignored way too much.
And you sir are only allowed to disseminate your drivel with a hand-cranked printing press or standing on a soap box in the town square. Rights don’t change because technology does, moron.
And by the way, doesn’t that mean that the government should also only have muskets and muzzle-loading black powder cannons?
Come, come, rifling had been invented and was in common use at the time.
True, but muskets were used for battle because compared to rifles they could be relatively rapidly re-loaded and fired. Muskets were better suited to the battlefield tactics of the time. Proggies don’t realize that muskets were basically the “assault weapons” of their time.
Three shots in 46 seconds
I also find it interesting that the author includes the Ferguson Rifle in the the options for bearing arms. Since that is the only relatively widespread breachloading technology that existed at the time of the founding. I believe the idiot meant muzzle loading.
breech-loading, black-powder, flintlock-firing armament of his or her choosing.
Um, black-powder muskets are muzzle-loading. And what a load of crap. There is a reason the term “arms” is used. The founders understood that technology changed over time and that predominant weapons of the future would be different than those of the time. The entire intent is for citizens to be roughly on equal ground with the government as far as being armed. This is especially considering that they considered the citizens to make up the militia. A militia needs to be armed with current technology weapons to be effective. May this gentleman fuck off and stop calling himself an originalist, because he clearly is not.
Also, I’ll take “conservatives” that are proggies is drag for $1000.
Not all black powder rifles from the 1770s are muzzle loaders
I recently found out that a modern design of muzzle loader has a break action to place the percussion cap at the center of the back end of the powder charge, and the propellant comes in cylindrical slugs. It was fascinating. It was still technically a muzzle loader because the propelland and projectile were loaded from the front.
Those pellets suck. They will shoot but there is a very noticeable difference in power using an equivalent charge of loose powder. Very noticeable.
In the case I discovered their existance, the weapon being demonstrated was the one with the built in suppressor.
Forgot about that one. So the author really does want you to have something even less efficient than a muzzle-loader. What an ass.
A modern made Ferguson replica can do 60 rounds before fouling too much to continue.
But but but net neutrality, mah roadz!!
Famously used by Lewis and Clark and was known to the founders. Also, you can’t have my guns. Period.
It never occurs to these fuckwits that specific types of arms are never mentioned either in the amendment or the FF writings about the amendment? It says ‘arms’ and on one or two occasions in writings ‘rifle’. Also, the authors were familiar with technological advance in arms. They had seen the replacement of brass cannon with iron, smoothbore to rifled barrel, experimental multiple round guns, paper cartridges over loose components, flint to percussion ignition etc. They specifically didn’t mention types of arms because they knew technology would continue to advance.
This is just more mendacity from gun grabbers.
As you say, gun grabbers lie. It’s what they do.
Just as the Founding Fathers intended.
A police officer has died in Spain after violent clashes erupted between rival fans before Athletic Bilbao’s home Europa League match against Spartak Moscow at San Mames.
The officer from the Ertzaintza – the Basque Country’s police force – suffered a heart attack.
Another thing we sophisticated Europeans have and you Americans don’t is quality sports hooligans. Your one riot once in a while just don’t cut it.
Barbarians, seriously, it’s a FUCKING GAME! get over it euro weenies
tell that to the face of 500 angry Russians
Europa league rioting? Now I have seen everything.
Did that cop hear some shots on goal and hunker down behind some cover and wait for it all to be over?
Posted yesterday, but still very relevant:
Although, I still hate numbered tweets.
h/t LT_Fish
“Although, I still hate numbered tweets.”
Here it is a a web page:
Women’s Rights Marchers in Berlin Stymied by Antifa
Their true (commie) colors are starting to show.
Do they even intersectionalize, brah?
those was just Nazis using women as a pretext, sullying them,
Antifa would be a little to the right of Merkel. I’m confused. Are they a right wing hate group now?
The object of their hate is Western Civilization.
We can’t worry about one groups rights when the whole collective is being trampled! Get in line with us it you are against us!
The real question is: during the fake-ass CNN “town hall”, did the Sheriff already know that his deputy cowered in fear outside the building while 17 kids were slaughtered?
I’m going to go with 100% yes, because he’s a known piece of shit.
Disasterously incompetent because he hadn’t asked where his SRO was or lying piece of shit. Tough call.
Seeing as the SRO wasn’t dead at the scene, he should have known about this pretty much as soon as it happened.
I’ll take lying POS 10/10. Of course he knew.
he had to know. How long does it take to call your deputy and ask “Where the fuck were you?”. I think that would be basic prep for a town hall, because someone might ask where the cop was that was supposed to protect their kids. but no one asked because they were too busy screaming murder at the NRA.
Inconvenient facts will be ignored at all times.
That scene from Private Ryan when the translator kid cowers in the stairwell comes to mind.
Was he assigned to stand around a school because he was too worthless to do any actual police work?
The motivated cops are out issuing seat belt tickets and storming the wrong addresses. The worthless ones are guarding the schools.
I was thinking too incompetent to answer phones at the precinct or handle prisoners at court.
According to twitter thread Gilmore linked earlier, SRO positions are pretty comfy bonuses. Considering the guy had thirty years (?) on the force, it sounds like he was seniored into that position. Feeding incompetent cops into certain positions would be much too meritocratic for a bureaucracy.
and worse, really, since according to that tweetstorm by LastRefuge above, those cops are also liaisons to the criminal kids that the sheriff’s dept collude with to keep their numbers down. dude was trusted in that position by the brass to continue the scam. That was his real job. it looks dirty top to bottom and the gun shrieking is going to bury it I bet.
Procedure was followed.
Shh! You’re supposed to conduct a 4-week investigation before saying that!
Ex-judge gets 5 years for trading lighter sentences for sexual favors
Mom who won custody case against ex who gave birth may lose kid
Biological mom is going to be sad when she finds out that other mom’s defense “it was for my daughter” is good enough for family court.
They do say everyone has a price.
$2m is pretty cheap, given you stand to lose your livlihood unless you’re a Lionel Hutz-level shyster.
I don’t usually read AMMO GIRL but this is a good one,
Sounds like those kids were let down by incompetence and human cowardice more than anything. Sprinkle in other possible factors like parenting and poor peer socialization and we see a clearer picture.
But let’s focus on the guns.
Don’t forget that the Broward Co. School District had a ‘deal’ with the LEOs to soft-pedal prosecution of minority juvenile offenders.
Destruction of family – Most likely the fault of the state
Incompetence – Hallmark of the state
Helpless victims cage liked prisons – 100% fault of the state
They blame guns? You gotta be kidding me.
100% OT: I got a Woody Allen movie from the library: Cafe Society
It was a total re-hash of his past 70s-80s films; sort of a mix of Radio Days and … uh whatever sentimental movie you wanted to add. Sets were good, acting was uh, okay. But damn, Woody, just give it up.
But I suppose that is the bane of any artist/musician/etc – especially as you get older. You’re the new kid on the block, the fans are flocking, the critics are gushing… if you deviate too much from your “greatest hits” then your fans turn away. But if you stay on the same path, everyone gets bored. It would be like if Duran Duran re-made Rio over and over again.
Good song though
Yeah – I actually wouldn’t mind – too much – if Duran Duran remade Rio over and over again… 😉
At least we Knew Simon was banging young Hot Chicks, not his Step daughter
Simon still is, probably. And I still would!
Seriously. You can’t remain hungry like the wolf as you age. Your appetite changes.
Save a Prayer for me, Rufus.
Thoughts and prayers. Typical Reflex…
He had a couple pretty decent movies in the 90s–Deconstructing Harry, Sweet and Lowdown. Manhattan Murder Mystery was fun. The last really great one was Crimes and Misdemeanors, which was, what, late 80s?
Critics now are grading him on a curve. Midnight in Paris, which was praised to the heavens, was only okay. It had some nice moments but was pretty slight. That one in London with Scarlet Johannson wasn’t bad, but kind of a re-hash.
I found it very disappointing. Kristen Stewart and Jesse Eisenberg were a great on-screen couple in Adventureland and American Ultra.
Is Buzz Cut Girl standing in front of a bunch of CNN cameras on that (ex) cop’s front lawn, yelling, “Get out here and explain yourself, Pussy!”?
Her media handlers couldn’t work it into the schedule. She’s scheduled to stand on Charleston Heston’s grave and scream that at that time.
It’s the last thing on her checklist for that scholarship to Yale.
Vegan feminism is trans exclusionary
They don’t eat meat, so…
…they make word-salads?
“EXCLUSIVE: Fatal attraction! Exec of NASDAQ company, 45, sues 19-year-old ex-girlfriend for campaign ‘to destroy him after breakup – posting nude photos of him on Instagram, creating a fake gay Tinder profile and painting swastikas on his Lexus'”
teenage crazy is a tech savvy kind of crazy
I find that hard to believe, she definitely doesn’t look bugfuck nuts or anything.
Dammit, screwed up the link.
She looks like a sex robot. Maybe an honest mistake by the tech exec?
Only one of those would bother me.
The fake gay tender?
This is why I come here. You guys are the only ones that get me.
There was also this:
“Her alleged cyberbulling continued with a Craigslist solicitation that ‘ a 45-year-old man raped my 9 year old daughter,’ accompanied by a $1,000 reward.”
I think once you are out of school, you can stop calling it cyberbullying. Let’s try to stop infantilizing adults.
Please. You’re not getting “bullied” by your boss. You’re a pushover and he’s taking advantage of you.
You know who else was okay with swastikas on their car?
The hindu version of the Red Cross?
He stuck it in crazy. I almost feel sorry for him. *snort*
I sounds like he didn’t even stick it in.
Cautionary tale for evan
already have…although she was in her natural form
And this, gentlemen, is why you under no circumstances stick it in crazy.
Take note Evan from Evansville
“A same-sex couple in Texas have sued the federal government after they were turned down as foster parents by the US government’s Unaccompanied Refugee Minors Program (URM), allegedly because they don’t ‘mirror the holy family.’
Lamda Legal filed a lawsuit against the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), on behalf of married couple Fatma Marouf and Bryn Esplin, on Tuesday in the US District Court for the District of Columbia.
The United States Conference of Bishops (USCCB) was also named in the lawsuit.
The complaint focuses on statements allegedly made by executives at Catholic Charities of Fort Worth (CCFW).
The women claim the CCFW’s Director of International Foster Care is the person who told them they would not qualify as foster parents in the URM.
They also claim that a woman named Donna Springer, chair of the executive committee of CCFW’s board of directors, told them that none of the 700 children in the URM were LGBT, in response to their direct inquiry on the matter.
In carrying out the mission of the URM, the federal government contracts with the USCCB, which oversees the CCFW as one of its subsidiaries.”
If it turns out they enjoy some occasional recreational pot this might just be the perfect Reason trifecta story.
Libertarian moment? Or to local?
So many Acronyms……
allegedly because they don’t ‘mirror the holy family.’
So they’re looking for foster homes run by three dudes?
The Hottest New Beauty Trend Is Eyeballs
One model walked the runway with a replica drawn-on eye in the center of her forehead (if you’re wondering, the additional eyeball appeared to be mascara and eyeliner-free — trend alert!).
All things old are new again
I knew that’s what the link would be. Barney Phillips FTW!
So cultural appropriation?
Residents hardest hit?
Hey, 32nd ain’t so bad said every Canadian long-distance runner!
So I’m having a problem.
I am a staunch 2nd A supporter. Pretty much my response to everything is “Fuck off, slaver.” I in principle believe that The People can own any weapon of their choosing.
However, in an discussion/argument with someone that disagreed with me, I would never take that belief to its logical conclusion (the right to own a bazooka or tank or nuke, etc).
And the more I think about it, I can’t quite square my beliefs. I think if people were allowed to just buy a grenade launcher, the rando’s two seconds of bipolar rage could just shoot into a coffee shop and kill dozens. I don’t think that there’s any possible way to have any effective deterrent for that, and I do believe that tech that makes things quicker and easier make it more likely for people to utilize it.
I do think more people would do coke if it were sold in stores. I do think that the swiftness of a gunshot to the brain does make more people tat are on the fence commit suicide. I also think that if someone could just buy a bazooka, the incredibly rare crazy person who just snaps might just go and shoot a school bus or something.
I think that the 2nd is sacrosanct and gives teeth to the rest of our rights. I think people in principle should be able to own whatever they want (and get punished for any violations), but I’m having a hard time actually justifying the right for people to own live grenades.
I have the urge to swerve my one ton, hunk of steel into people on the sidewalk. Somehow I’ve managed to control that impulse so far.
*crosses Japan of list of places to go*
Some asshole did that for real a few years back in Akihabara which is one the busiest shopping districts in Tokyo. He killed about 10 or so. Not religious or anything, just another loner, nutjob.
Well they should have designated the sidewalk/plaza as car free zones.
Wasn’t it Germany that decorated the anti terror barriers they had to put up last year for Christmas?
Yep. Shocked my memory worked for once.
Shit. I’m taking Mrs. Animal to Akihabara next week.
Is that Japanese tonnes or real Muricun ones because I have a feeling that no one is askeert of your moped.
Even my car is 1.75 real tons.
I have no idea what a Honda weighs. Ride my bike almost everyday, anyways.
I believe people should be allowed to own whatever they want, but that those larger area impact weapons are already restricted (even if unconstitutionally), so those items are not currently in the debate.
Your doing it wrong, you supposed to say you love the second amendment but then argue for it’s repeal. And you definitely never ask for other peoples thoughts. You’ll never make it as a prog.
My proggie friends always challenge me on that statement, and then I come back with, “Most of what the Federal Government has done since 1916 and the enactment of the 16th amendment has been unconstitutional” And then they shut up.
I think if you are an originalist, you would have to support ALL arms including ordinance. I can’t see the market being very large or very cheap. Would someone abuse that right eventually? Absolutely. Sometimes freedom is messy.
Sometimes freedom is messy.
This goes to the fact that the left really believes government can provide them with heaven on earth. In this case security by fiat of law. The concept that only law abiding citizens will be impacted by legislation of any kind, while criminals and crazies will not be deterred in the lest, never registers. I have even gone so far as to point out that despite the existence of laws to prevent murder and rape, and some states even putting murderers to death as a deterrent, murder and rape still happen. So banning guns will not stop gun crime or crazies committing murder. This is usually when you get the “Who cares? Guns are ickky and I hate them, so nobody else should have them but the state” admissions….
As long as we have a huge military, ordinance would be fairly cheap. Economy of scale. There isn’t much raw material that goes into a grenade ano as long is the manufacturer is making millions of them, they can sell at a low price.
From a texturalist standpoint arms are not ordnance. They may be generally synonymous but, at least in technical usage, they are distinct things – arms be a subset of ordnance. Omission of ordnance is important to understanding the 2A.
Go all-in on your beliefs and accept that they may have negative repercussions. Not everything is amenable to a utilitarian calculus.
Since most advanced weapons systems are developed in partnership with the government under some degree of contractual confidentiality and exclusivity, it’s very unlikely they would be widely available to the public anyway.
The road to totalitarianism is paved with ethics-free utilitarianism.
I don’t think a grenade nor it’s launcher would be very difficult to develop.
If it’s patent-encumbered or kept a trade secret by agreement with the manufacturer it certainly makes it more difficult. Presumably there would be market pressure against the arms and munitions manufacturers as well. The market would also be fairly niche, making the launchers and munitions exorbitantly expensive.
As we speak there’s really nothing stopping a sufficiently motivated nutcase bent on mass murder from going the DIY route to a grenade launcher, but it’s difficult enough that it hasn’t happened.
True. I could probably turn out a dozen smokeless powder grenades in my shop with very little effort.
My dad has a grenade that came from Japan. It was made in the final months of ww2. It’s made from ceramic as there was little metal left to be had on the island. I’m sure I could turn out something equivalent or superior to what resource starved 1940s Japanese dooms day planners did.
Patents last 20 years. Think we’re ok on the patent front.
Not thinking people should be able to own live grenades and the like doesn’t mean you aren’t a libertarian. Guns can serve a legitimate purpose other than killing people, live grenades do not (except maybe as a very dangerous paperweight).
They are effective at taking out squads of heavily armed men who come through the door at night looking to do murder in the name of ‘law’.
Arms are not judged on their “legitimate purpose other than the purpose for which they are protected”.
You don’t need a grenade to resist the government. If shit really hits the fan you can make your own Molotov cocktails, if necessary.
The government will always outgun you- there’s no way to change that.
As I have said before, “Need” has nothing to do with it.
^ This. I don’t “need” a full automatic weapon. I also don’t “need” a hunting knife most of the time. I [should] have the right to possess both until I use them to cause harm in an act other than self-defense.
Need? What’s that got to do with it, just say’n
If we start banning things based on someone’s judgment on whether people “need” them, well, that’s a very long list indeed.
Nearly everything that makes a modern society is surplus to any individual’s “need”. You don’t need that cellphone, that car, that vacation house, hell, that three bedroom house, etc. ad infinitum.
Its a stupid argument, taken at face value. Its really code for “I don’t want it for myself, so I don’t see why anyone should have it.”
My reaction to the iPhone when it was introduced was “Who needs that?” but alas the design has proven so popular it’s hard to find a real phone anymore. The selection just isn’t there. And a whole segment of the economy grew up from something nobody needs.
Christ, I was just pointing out that a grenade or rocket launcher is not going to be all that helpful in resisting the government. It’s a fact that even if you could buy all the same weaponry as the government you will NEVER out-gun them.
And we’re pointing out that it’s irrelevent whether or not you can actually manage to out-gun them in agregate. You just have to make them wary. And that’s only one aspect of the equation to boot.
So this is where the fault lines are being drawn now?
“I’m not sure that restricting your ability to purchase grenades and rocket launchers is a complete violation of your 2nd Amendment rights”
“WTF- you’re nuts!”
Provide a reason why the government has a right to deprive you of owning live grenades. Explain why this is different from you owning a handgun, on the assumption that you have not committed a crime.
All Rights of the government derive from the people. You cannot give or grant a Right to the Government that you cannot exercise yourself.
Given the drivers around here I would love to drive a tank – though it would be hell on the roadz!
As far as the nuke, is legality what stops people from owning these? They are incredibly expensive. Anyone who can afford one can already buy one, legal or not.
I don’t know what a tank costs to own, maintain, and arm, but I can’t imagine it’s cheap. Those who can afford one can already afford other means of incredible destruction if they chose.
So I guess we’re down to bazookas and grenades. Is a grenade that much more destructive than a Molotov cocktail? Or a 5 gallon gas can filled with nails and ball bearings? Why are all these psychos that would throw legal grenades into school buses full of children not currently doing that with the above?
Tanks are not that worse than big rigs in maintenence terms. Your main hassle will be with the ATF regarding the armaments*. A tank with deactivated armaments is perfectly legal, and there are a good number of privately owned vehicles in the country (mostly historical models owned by collectors).
*disclaimer that I don’t think they should have a say, but this is a statement of what is rather than what should be.
Personally, I’d like a T-72
My cousin owned an Iraqi tank for a while. Not sure what he did with it.
Did it come with gold in the gas tank?
First Gulf War edition, just piss.
And the sump was full of liquid shit.
It couldn’t have been easy sitting in a tank, hull up in neat lines, waiting for the coalition forces on Jan 16th, 1990.
Duck. Shoot.
Nope, it was a shooting gallery. I recall armor teams lining up to surrender after watching the first lines get smeared across the sand in a matter of minutes.
The difference is between discriminate and indiscriminate weapons.
People should be able to privately own nukes. As Jus Say’n says below, if you want, you can easily make a Molotov Cocktail and toss it in a school bus if you’re so inclined. Timothy McVeigh made a hugely powerful bomb that killed over 150 people using nothing but fertilizer. Unhinged people will find a way and I typically think that having the resources to buy a nuke and being that unhinged are usually mutually exclusive. If not, well, shit happens.
I honestly think George Soros would go “If this city disappeared, I could make…”
“People should be able to privately own nukes.”
Now that’s how to win an election.
The biggest threat to the second amendment is the right, not the left. If we followed the principles of the Constitution and dispensed with a standing army (and all the malign tempations it presents to the ruling class), it would be manifestly clear that arms ownership is an element of civic participation as critical as voting. In the context of self-governing, and self-defending communities, they would have the local knowledge to figure out who could be trusted with the town bazookas, and who could not.
“dispensed with a standing army”
Great point. I would say that while the right definitely love them some military industrial complex, the left (other than powerless ideological leftists) is equally complicit in the warfare state. The only time they ever oppose military expansion is if it fits a very short term partisan agenda.
You’re correct about the standing army being the problem. You’re incorrect about it being the right.
Think of who was in charge for every large scale American war. It wasn’t the right.
The M.I.C. is the most bipartisan coalition in DC
Well, let’s put it this way — is there any way in hell the professional political right would permit an attempt to dissolve the army? Which is why there won’t even be a national conversation about the military. And as long as the military exists, it assists arguments against gun rights. Why should normals be allowed “military-grade” weapons? In a properly democratic society, it would be obvious — because those ordinary men and women are the military.
is there any way in hell the professional political right would permit an attempt to dissolve the army?
is there any way in hell the professional political left would permit an attempt to dissolve the army?
Nanny state government loves them the ability to use force. Even against their own citizens.
I realize I’m nitpicking here but “properly democratic society” sounds like an egalitarian shithole. /Not wanting to argue and not defending standing armies
Very destructive and easy to own weapons exist right now. I have several 5 gallon gas jugs in my shop that I don’t burn down schools with. I have a safe full of rifles that I don’t shoot up shops with. I have several vehicles that I don’t mow down crowds of people with. I have a 250 gallon propane tank that I don’t put an ignitor on and place in a church. I have hoise hold chemicals I could mustard gas out of amd I don’t poison people.
The point is, someone who is going to snap and try to kill people is going to do it. There are any number of ways to do it and availability of arms has little to do with it. Almost everybody doesn’t snap and try to kill large amounts of people. Those that do will find a way, regardless of the legality of this or that weapon.
Case in point, Asian mass-stabbings, where one attacker manages to go through dozens or hundreds of people with a single blade.
…and none of those hundreds have a gun to stop him.
But what if the stabber had a katana?
I would never take that belief to its logical conclusion (the right to own a bazooka or tank or nuke, etc)
Anyone who wants to use explosives or heavy weapons to mount a mass killing will do so regardless of any laws against them. The assumption behind banning weapons is really that they will be used impulsively or mistakenly by previously law-abiding people. There is no such thing, as far as I know, as an impulse mass killing or one that happened by accident. Banning weapons won’t keep them from being used in a mass killing.
the incredibly rare crazy person who just snaps might just go and shoot a school bus
Which is it? Are they crazy, or do they just snap? I don’t think you can point to a mass killing that was somebody who went from “No plans to kill anyone, ever” to “Ima shoot up that school right now” from one minute to the next. Mass killings are not impulsive (again, as far as I can recall).
Would it be easier for someone who decides and prepares for a mass killing to get heavy weapons if they were legal? I expect so. But look at the Vegas shooter – he could have easily acquired full auto weapons – he had a clean record to qualify for the permit and plenty of money to cover the cost. But he didn’t go that route. So not even every mass shooter who can acquire heavy weapons will do so.
“But if it would save one life” needs to be answered with “What if it won’t, because there’s little reason to believe it will” and “There’s a lot of things that, if we banned them, would save one life. If saving one life outweighs all arguments to the contrary, then there is a very, very long list of things we need to ban. Let’s start with the things that kill the most children, you know, stuff like swimming pools and cars.”
This redirects to “maybe saving one life doesn’t outweigh all arguments to the contrary after all.”
Like this guy
Note that Wiki labels this as “disaster”, then “massacre” in the alternate names.
Actually, “disaster” (which one associates with “natural disaster”) is appropriate, since it’s something that will occasionally happen, no matter what laws are enacted.
1. If we’ve already legalized every small arm such that we’re now arguing about cannons, grenades, rocket launchers, etc. then I think we’ve already moved the discussion farther along than it presently is. That’s fine by me.
2. You can build a grenade. Or maybe you’d prefer to call such a thing an IED. Regardless, while more work than buying a grenade at a surplus store, it’s still quite possible. Just ask people who served in Afghanistan or Iraq.
3. Given that the purpose of the 2A, as stated right there in the text, is to have a “well regulated militia”, people need to be able to train with the devices that they may be called upon to use in wartime. Nobody disputes that wars involve grenades, and so training with grenades–both live and dummy–is part of preparing for war.
Evan. We aren’t talking hi tech or hard to get. Your hypothetical rando nut could put one together in an afternoon with stuff from the hardware and sporting goods store. If people were prone to doing that sort of thing they would be doing it. Making grenades legal wouldn’t change the frequency of that occurrence one whit.
You are falling into availability bias. You can imagine a rando blowing up a coffee shop, so its a real concern for you. This is a useful mental mechanism when you will interact with no more than 100-150 people in total at any one time. Does straffinrun have a weird nihilistic streak? Yeah maybe. Ok, straffinrun doesn’t get any grenades. But he’s a wily SOB so maybe no grenades in general circulation because he’ll trade his coveted sexual favors for them. So the grenades should be locked up and only available when the Canadians descend from their frozen wasteland with murder in their hearts.
But like many human intuitions, this breaks down in a modern society where you are countrymen with three quarters of a billion other people and your market is the entire human race. Just like a market economy *must* replace reciprocity when society gets too large, logic and statistics *must* replace intuition when society gets too large.
You already know this. You know that, given your actual culture milieu, a rules-based utilitarians system (aka a sacrosanct RKBA) will produce better results than making up rules based on the easily imaged problems *even if* the rules-based utilitarianism is not an unvarnished good. And its not an unvarnished good. There are times when bad people will do bad things just like you can imagine.
But you should also know that the *cost* of preventing this terrible thing is *greater* than the expense of preventing it. Agglomerating power with authority sufficient to take guns away leads to all sorts of bad things.
So instead of relying on the striking, emotionally-charged things you can identify, you need to do a risk analysis. What’s the impact of an increased murder and accidental death rate? What is the probability distribution of each the increased rates? What’s the impact of Jim Crow? What’s the impact of one of the worlds most liberal and cosmopolitan countries that leads the way in economic power, science, and culture turning into the most efficient killing machine in human history. Even if either of those has no more than 0.001% chance (and they both happened, so its higher), that’s a lot worse than the impact on murder rates, isn’t it?
Regardless, no one is going to vote for “let any five-year-old buy a machine gun through the mail” (even though that used to be legal). So taking that position leads to ever increasing gun laws.
5-year olds should not be making purchases. Not of anything at that age.
Agglomerating power with parents sufficient to take guns away from 5 year olds doesn’t have any cost I can think of, and is perfectly consistent with a healthy RKBA because parents can, should, and do have the right to deny all sorts of things to their own children. Ergo, adult signature on delivery is not a problem within my framework.
Report: FBI probe into NCAA corruption identifies possible violations by basketball powers
I knew KU would be on the list. You have to pay players to go to that shit hole!
We suck so bad we didnt make the list!!!
Go GT basketball!
I miss Bobby Cremins (although 1 and done recruiting killed his system).
We lost fair and square!
It’s a good thing that the FBI is focused on the important things
OK, that’s an amusing backdrop on the clip. I know what they’re trying to do but it reads like Sportscenter is a scam.
I’m curious at to why NCAA violations are any business of the FBI. Don’t they have enoigh on their plate with the Russians hacking our elections and a kid in Florida making threats on the internet.
Supposedly it’s agents contacting players, and not the college programs, at fault. But certainly good players at college powers are most likely to be involved.
Someone mentioned yesterday that the Broward County guy is obviously retarded. Why is so little being made of this?
Based on what I”ve seen on the TV, you’re going to have to narrow that down.
I know. I was wondering when Don Lemon got a badge.
*Rocks back and forth, giggles *
That was me Festus. Now stop being a retardophobic jerk.
Gary Johnson says that the Clinton campaign was spending money and resources to discredit him. Bill Weld nodded in agreement
+1 Bill Welds new car
Sure. That stopped the moment.
Whatever Gary
Did they spend it on a microphone and air-time for Johnson?
Also, why did Johnson attend CPAC? That convention is such a garbage fire that they imported Le Pen’s granddaughter to talk about her non-liberal ideas on economics and literally everything else.
I’m not a big Gay Jay fan, but he deserved better than having to attend CPAC
They brought in the National Front?
Great, we’re definitely headed the way of Europe in politics now.
Seriously. You got open socialists on the Left now and a fucking National Front member speaking at a gathering of ostensibly conservative activists.
Left without comment. https://youtu.be/Xfnr0Mu1g1g
Fuck the GOP. They’ve whipsawed from the Moral Majority and Ralph Reed to this crap. All the while letting the libertarian wing take it in the ass.
I don’t mind seeing the Moral Majority take one in the ass but this milquetoast bullshit is beyond the pale. Man Up!
Le Pen’s appearance was a disgrace. I tend to believe that the Right reacts to movement on the Left. So, I think it was inevitable that the Right in the US would default to the tired illiberal position of vague nationalism, after the Left embraced the illiberal position of socialism.
The NF is a full-on socialist party that happens to not like immigrants. Outside of the consideration that national borders exist for a reason, there shouldn’t be any commonality between the GOP and them. I find them morally reprehensible on multiple fronts.
Johnson believes there was a smear campaign to belittle his intelligence
If by that he means there was a coordinated campaign to put him on television and ask him topical political questions for which he had no answer and made himself look like a total chode, then sure, there was a smear campaign.
For some reason, I really liked that response.
Made the mistake of scrolling down further,
Christ, what an asshole.
Weird. The work filter no longer blocks Twitter, but it’s completely stripped of formatting and graphics.
I guess she should have been spending it to help Johnson pay off his debts.
Spend money to discredit GayJay? I read that to mean that Hillary paid for some venues for Gary to speak publicly.
When I was in high school there was a hare-lipped kid that used to get teased pretty regularly. He was the teacher’s pet and was mean to the younger kids. A couple years later he shot his parents and burned the house down because his Dad wouldn’t sign over his trust fund. Shared a joint or two or ten with the guy. Aside from the mean streak, he seemed alright.
Aside from that, Mrs. Lincoln, how was the play?
I laughed
Oh yeah. We all laughed. It was so bizarre and we were Zappa/Beefheart fans tripping on shrooms, more often than not. We had access to those cheap Mexican ones.
I wish I could add something to the page title, but I think it says it all.
36 with a side of 4, 40 and 87 please. 73 would be near perfect if not for those ridiculous lip injections.
They also should stop with the tattoos.
Any ink, including the non-permanent KCCO, chivette, or those idiot Murray shirts.
What is it with all the Bill Murray shirts?
Man’s best friend.
German Shepherds are the best dogs
Wow. And we only give him a scooby snack for that yet we give the coward a pension.
National news media keep scoring own goals.
Shocked, I am.
“Sir/Madam, i’m from the editorial police, and it appears your artistic license is expired”
James Earl Jones had that same problem; there are great treatments nowadays.
JEJ might have stuttered, but i think he was echolalia-free
its not clear what the implication of being “on social media” is supposed to suggest.
– is the idea that, what people do on social-media is *more* serious than what they do in other forums? Its hard to imagine a more-absurd suggestion.
– but don’t worry – there’s another one right here, saving me the trouble: the idea that the “mighty FBI” is supposed to spend its days sifting through Youtube comments, and determining which ‘threatening behavior’ might be the early-warning signs of a teenage-mass-murderer.
(surely the federal govt has tools to quickly parse the identities of handles like “KittenRapist908209482” vs. “EdgeLord04327834”, rather than require a subpoena for every single one??)
they keep using this term “follow through” as tho the purpose of the FBI is ‘pre-crime’ investigation. These are editors at a major urban newspaper: are they themselves this ignorant, or are they simply pandering to their reader’s own misconceptions?
I think it’s the equivalent in their mids to “He was walking through the town square shouting his intent”.
an excellent analogy:
– and if someone were doing that, would it be the job of the FBI to find out why?
no. the first people to inquire would be local police. who, if they thought the matter was serious, would inform local social-services, who at best might, “Make a record of the incident”. given that the person was a ‘troubled teen’, do you think the incident would be an excuse to immediately call the Feds? .. or would it be to consult with parents?
Ultimately, no “complaint” to authorities from 3rd parties about a minor’s behavior has much weight *other than that of the parents*.
everyone can make their reports, but where do they go with them? always back to the parents. Ultimately its the guardian’s decision how to interpret these behaviors. they know better than any ‘outside agency’.
So, Mr and Mrs Cruz: “do you think your child is a mass-murderer waiting to happen? No? well, our hands are tied, then”.
No agency can ‘act’ without first going through the parent. so they make a record, and move on to the next case.
All of this complaining about “Govt Agencies failing” amounts to willful ignorance of what govt agencies actually do.
I think that it might have been entirely appropriate for the FBI to have conducted some initial research, there’s no indication which state the threat originated from. Of course, once that was established I think it’d be entirely appropriate to have informed local PD (assuming a location could be inferred), at which time the FBI could have washed their hands of the whole thing unless there was some kind of federal dimension to the issue.
Now, we know that Broward(?) had an agreement with the school district to avoid criminalizing actions perpetrated by minority minors, so it’s not hard to figure out why this was swept under the carpet.
which is a rough outline of ‘what actually happened’.
my point is that people keep pretending that the FBI was supposed to leapfrog over all of these other agencies and just take the matter into their own hands.
that’s not how shit even remotely works. everything always devolves down to local cops, who basically dead-end with the parents. unless parents AND local cops together go, “holy shit Houston we have a problem”, the Feds aint going to do jack shit because it aint their jurisdiction.
which ultimately, again, comes down to “parents”: a word you are not seeing often mentioned in all of these “hindsight is 20/20” editorials
Wasn’t there another, more specific tip in January that didn’t make it down the local level?
All of this complaining about “Govt Agencies failing” amounts to willful ignorance of what govt agencies actually do.
I wouldn’t say my ignorance is willful, it just comes naturally. I can’t honestly cannot state the jurisdiction of the FBI since they cover everything from tweeting dick pics to setting up would be terrorists by offering to sell them shoulder fired missiles. A quick glance at what is actually a federal murder, and I can only assume the planning of one, would include abuse of a child. Shooting a bunch of them falls under abuse if I am not mistaken. IANAL but the way I read it when a person targets, or potentially targets individuals that are minors it makes it Federal. And yes, they will ask the parents, but it seems many students thought if the school would ever be shot up it was by this kid and one can only hope they would interview people the prospective shooter associated with. As to the agreement 6 speaks of, well that is another can of horse shit there.
This https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/1111 is what I was reading. On second glance it says the child has to be under the perpetrators care, so maybe I am wrong.
If you swing a dead cat around here and a computer programmer ducks you would hit a lawyer. Maybe one of them could weigh in. I have to go to work.
Gilmore, the problem I have with the FBI not acting in this case is that the YouTube Channel’s owner/ creator specifically went out of his way to call in the tip to them, and they couldn’t be bothered to even forward it to the Miami office and have one of their Newbies check this kid out. It would have taken a few hours of their time away from harassing people for breaking laws that don’t hurt anyone, and possibly have lead to an interview that may have deterred the shooter. I’m not saying the shooting wouldn’t have happened, but the fact that the FBI got a fairly specific threat and didn’t even bother to look into it to see if there was probable cause to interview someone is just plain lazy.
Please share with me the following:
– your rough guess of the # of “leads” the FBI gets every day,
– and the number of agents you think they have specially-assigned to investigate, “some shit people said on the internet”
Doubtless the FBI gets lots of tips every day, and not only tips based on internet postings. They might want to consider some systematic means of sorting and prioritizing threat levels.
Trained personnel plus computer software for analyzing incoming tips might be worth thinking about.
Or maybe the FBI should fess up and announce that we shouldn’t bother phoning in tips because they can’t keep up with the volume.
which of course they already do. even then, the ‘priority’ ones are sorted first by things they have direct jurisdiction over.
e.g. foreign terrorists, kidnappings, sitings of known wanted-federal suspects, etc.
as per my example above: “when complaints originate hundreds of miles away from people who’ve never met the person they’re complaining about face-to-face? they will be instantly discounted”
e.g. one person who complained about Cruz’s “i wanna be a school shooter” remarks was in Massachusetts.
Valid points. My issue with the FBI on this, is that they tout themselves as being on top of all this shit, as the agency that needs more money and more power to make sure this kind of thing doesn’t happen. So we give them more money and more power because they say they are walking the ramparts to protect us from this kind of thing, only it turns out they aren’t.
If they don’t want to be held responsible for not preventing these kinds of crimes, they need to stop saying they can be trusted to prevent these kinds of crimes.
But they will never do that. Because taking them down to their true function – invesigations to support indictments of genuine federal crimes, not local crimes like murder, etc. would gut the agency. They want to be the national police force, then they get held responsible for failing to be the national police force.
This enrages to no end as I seem to recall J. Edgar swearing 6 ways from Sunday that they would never be a national police force and were only there to serve as an investigatory backstop to enable local LEO to coordinate cross-border cases. They were not even permitted to carry firearms in the beginning.
If Trump wanted to impress me, he’d be calling for the FBI to be disbanded instead of banning bump stocks.
From what I’ve read the shooter was post-crime — that he had made threats of violence, and held guns to peoples’ heads. I don’t know if that’s accurate. And I’m not a lawyer, but I would be surprised if that isn’t a felony.
It can be charged as assault*
*New York at least, don’t know Florida
still not sure why you think that sort of thing is the concern of the Federal Bureau of Investigation rather than local social-services
I didn’t write that it was. My point is investigating crimes that already happened doesn’t sound like some crazy Minority Report shit that’s beyond the job of law enforcement.
I read that he had been reported to local authorities 39 times.
Its common law assault.
“are they themselves this ignorant, or are they simply pandering to their reader’s own misconceptions?”
Why not both? Democrats gonna tyranny.
It’s not the FBI’s job to deal with a local idiot. They didn’t intervene, but really why should they have. FBI is for interstate crime and Russian bots hacking elections. This was a local problem that wasn’t fixed on a local level.
That said, we should still ban bump stocks.
Oh, and it gets better
I love the sanctimonious pronouncement of this high-standard… sans any reflection on the reality of how mass-shooting responses have actually happened.
this would be only slighly less egregious if there hadn’t also been another mass shooting not far away, not long ago, in Orlando where police waited for ~3 hours, twiddling their thumbs, while a mass shooter continued to execute victims
what was the public told in that situation?
Are we to suppose this School-Door-Protecting officer was trained differently?
John pr0n.
How the hell did she not lose weight during training? Eat truckloads?
I heard she took a couple of weeks to finish the marathon…
Some people are fast while fat. Its really depressing when some guy witha beer gut is running 9 minute miles next to you. Of course, he probably started training 50 lbs ago.
Follow Gbob’s link below. That circumstance does not apply to the subject of this article.
She’s now excited to continue prepping for Ironman Arizona in November, and wants to continue pushing the boundaries of what is considered acceptable for women of her size.
Who says it’s not acceptable? Heart attacks don’t fat shame. Oh, wait…
Are her knees bionic?
Titty Sweat
Suddenly got the taste of a dirty penny in my mouth.
The winningest comment that ever winned a win!
That’s not unique. I’ve seen fatties at every race I’ve ever done to include marathons. Wake me up when a fatties comes in the top 50 finishers.
She’s a trip. Does this every year. Raises money, gets some donations, and then there’s always a reason she drops out of the race. If she does finish a race (under the average speed a middle schooler would walk) there is often controversy.
There’s a whole Reddit page dedicated just to her shenanigans.
Good read there – and detective work.
This type of statement just makes me want to fact check.
Fastest finisher of the race was 17 minutes. (based on the differential between video time and race gun time with the video starting with the first finisher). This is not a world record 5K run, but a good starting point. Lets say their time for a 10k is merely double their 5k time (not a given, but it makes the math easier) 32 minutes gone. Snack prep we’ll say 5-10 minutes. That leaves 18-23 minutes for a shower and travel time. How close does Andrewk777 live to the race route?
And then thyere’s this, from that Miami eitorial:
Ever since the Columbine, armed first responders have been told to track down the active shooter and kill him. No waiting for backup. A 30-year veteran, Peterson obviously couldn’t do it. He stepped down on Thursday after he was suspended without pay by Israel pending an internal investigation into his actions.
And what a difference Peterson’s presence could have made. How many lives would have been spared if Peterson had at least distracted Cruz from his six-minute mission to kill. Petersen obviously feared for his own life. That’s understandable. And it’s likely he was outgunned, fueling the sheriff’s announcement Wednesday that school officers would carry rifles from now on.
For fuck’s sake. Maybe they should give the pussy a bazooka. Or- better than that, they should have pre-positioned explosive charges in place throughout the school campus so they can take out the threat remotely. Or drones; how about drones?
“Problem exists behind gun”
The biggest mistake to make here is to expect a school cop (or any cop) to be a hero. They aren’t – demonstrably so. They have no legal requirement to put themselves in harm’s way, and we should stop even attempting to shame them for not being heroes. Indeed, we should trumpet the fact that we don’t condemn them for being normal, self-interested people who just want to go home safe at night.
Why? Because it’s a better message that advances the cause of personal freedom and liberty. It helps demolish the ‘Sheepdog’ narrative without demonizing people who we (or at least some of us) feel are morally deficient. You wanna defuse this whole “cops are heroes” narrative? That;s precisely what this does. I think Peterson’s a piece of shit, but in conversations about the issue, I shrug and ask whether it’s reasonable to expect a guy to walk out into ‘certain death’ at the hands of a crazy kid with an AR-15.
Fuck that shit, respectfully. He strapped on that side-arm in the full realization that he might have to use the tool in the day-to-day. He cringed. Fuck him with a claymore.
Sword or anti-presonnel mine?
Eggs. Either one would be appropriate.
What he said.
And he was allowed to retire with a pension, which likely is in the range of $60-70K a year, which all of the dead kids’ parents are paying for with their tax dollars.
I’m speaking tactically here. I won’t lose any sleep if they find the guy tomorrow hanging from a light fitting, but if we want to stop this shit happening again, and again, and again, we have to disabuse the people we know of the notion that we should expect better of the police.
What are we interested in? Virtue signalling, or results?
This miserable shit has been hung out to dry by his own police department to deflect attention from their own not-insignificant failings. You really think that we’re going to address these shootings by having ‘Top Men’ cops in these places?
That’s a good point, but haven’t cops been fucking up for years and still a huge chunk of the public worships them. “Better Angels” have been myth for centuries.
The problem is that hearing that “cops are incompetent, sadistic bastards” is a bitter pill for most of the public to swallow, until their dog gets shot or their neighbor’s kid gets crippled by a flash-bang when the SWAT team come a-visiting.
Given a choice between the two extremes, most law-abiding citizens will reject that message and – because there’s no other narrative – will support the cops and at best, recognize that there are a few bad apples.
The middle way is the only one I see working. Why is a cop – who is someone’s next door neighbor – be any braver, faster, smarter, nobler, whatever – that you? Or me? And – if they really are doing a job – maybe one that’s statistically a bit more dangerous than my job, but less dangerous than Yusuf Drives a Kia’s – then why do they deserve special privileges?
Why are they better at protecting school kids than motivated, volunteer armed teachers and janitors? Answer: on average, they aren’t, and usually, they’re hundreds of feet away from any crisis that manifests.
I’ve been threatened with instant death before. I didn’t think. I acted. Dude was gonna shoot my dog and I rushed up and grabbed the barrel, took it away and emptied it. I didn’t have time to be afraid. I also helped two drunk guys out of a burning tanker (whilst also being drunk at the time) before it became a conflagration. Everyone else was just kinda sorta standing around. Fuck that shit! Act!
I don’t know for sure if I could do that. I’d like to think that I could, but in reality, I don’t know.
I have pulled a dying guy from a car that was plauisbly at risk of exploding, so maybe I am made of the stuff of heroes.
What I do know is that many of the public couldn’t – some, because of fear, some because of indecision. I’m reasonably sure that most cops aren’t made of that kind of stuff either.
I don’t know for sure if I could deal with that, but as an adult, I tend to get calmer and calmer in bad situations. My brother slipped on a rock, climbing a waterfall in Pisgah Forest last year, a half mile from the main road and his car, and split his head open and concussed himself. I had to drive his butt to the hospital after some nice strangers gave us a lift out from the access road to his car, but I mostly stayed calm until I got him to the hospital (and then I only freaked out because I parked his car in the 30 minute spots, and forgot to move it until 45 minutes later.
Your response isn’t at all unusual. I think we’re hard-wired to be able to deal with crises, but modern life means we don’t get to see our programming work very often.
I pass out at the sight of blood, but I’ve dealt with a couple of gushing wounds, and in every case, I passed out after the crisis.
I am completely calm with regards to injuries when it’s my own. “Aw crap, I’m bleeding”. I am much less composed when the injury happens to someone else.
I don’t know why.
The really crazy part was that I was driving his car at about 15 MPH above the speed limit, while holding a bag in front of him (so if he puked, it wouldn’t go all over his car), and making sure that he’s holding the towel to his head wound.
My mom and sister are both nurses. They don’t work in trauma, or surgery or anything, just your average ordinary convalescing floor that is for the most part minimal drama.
Every three to five years there is a major accident on the highway in front of my parents house.
Both of them have jumped into mangled cars potentially a spark away from going up in flames to try to stop some stranger from bleeding to death while waiting the 15+ minutes for the local volunteer FD to get there.
Granted they have had training on providing emergency aid, and they’ve also had experience with staying calm while dealing with a patient that has went into arrest or other rapid onset medical problem, but still, jumping into a potential fireball where they themselves are at risk was probably not a part of anything they were ever given instruction on.
Ordinary people do extraordinary things every day.
” I shrug and ask whether it’s reasonable to expect a guy to walk out into ‘certain death’ at the hands of a crazy kid with an AR-15.”
I call bullshit. Teenager with an AR. His hearing shot from firing indoors. An experienced man with a pistol has no tactical disadvantage going after a guy with a rifle indoors.
Even of he did, what kind of monster doesn’t “do something” when kids are being killed. Most people will never have the chance to make as much of a difference as that cop could have and he chose self interest and cowardice over the lives of kids he had worked with for years. Fuck him with a rusty chainsaw.
“Kids come and go, but I could get hurt!”
Hence the air quotes. Often, I’ll be talking to someone who thinks an AR-15 is a magical death-dealing totem.
What kind of monster doesn’t “do something”? Someone who is no different from all of the rest of the sheep who you see in the mall every day. The ones who run from danger. The ones who are not obligated to save anyone’s life. Someone who is ‘normal’.
The guy shouldn’t have been doing that job. No police should be doing that job. Why? because they’re the wrong tools for the job. They’re only doing that job because the public think they can.
And that’s the real problem.
armed first responders have been told to track down the active shooter and kill him. No waiting for backup.
Bull. Shit.
They still wait for a “tactical advantage”, meaning they place their own safety over the safety of, in this case, schoolchildren. Look at Pulse nightclub – armed officers who were actually in the building were pulled out, and the cops hung out in the parking lot listening to people bleed out begging for help on their cell phones.
They aren’t heros, at least not reliably. We shouldn’t pretend they are, meaning we shouldn’t count on them to stop a mass killing. If we can’t count on them, we have to rely on ourselves. It sounds like that actually is the lesson a lot of people are starting to take from these events. Finally.
Maybe ol’ Hicky learned his lesson after his party got shellacked by jamming through his shitty laws in CO.
Baby steps.
Boiling frogs
Let’s see: your writing vs. the NRA – which is more racist?
NYT sez
Ever since the Columbine, armed first responders have been told to track down the active shooter and kill him. No waiting for backup. A 30-year veteran, Peterson obviously couldn’t do it. He stepped down on Thursday after he was suspended without pay by Israel pending an internal investigation into his actions.
And what a difference Peterson’s presence could have made. How many lives would have been spared if Peterson had at least distracted Cruz from his six-minute mission to kill. Petersen obviously feared for his own life. That’s understandable. And it’s likely he was outgunned, fueling the sheriff’s announcement Wednesday that school officers would carry rifles from now on.
I’m sure it would get tossed out, but I’d like to see somebody sue Deputy Peterson to recover every penny he ever received on school patrol, plus interest.
SCOTUS has ruled cops have no obligation to protect anyone.
And 99.9% of Americans have no fucking clue about this and call you a lunatic if you bring it up and give them the exact case to look up (which they never do).
Their job is to collect and serve (the state).
it’s likely he was outgunned, fueling the sheriff’s announcement Wednesday that school officers would carry rifles from now on
A coward with a rifle is still a coward. And to be perfectly honest, depending on the layout of the school, I would likely prefer a handgun for an indoor engagement at short ranges. Honestly, a rifle is only an advantage if you are likely to have a shot that is more than 25 yards (in my case; your accuracy may vary).
we should stop even attempting to shame them for not being heroes.
Fuck that. I’ll stop when they stop thumping their chests about their “first responder” heroism and posturing about how that fucking badge makes them better than me.
This isn’t about them calling themselves “noble first responder”. It’s about the rest of the public calling them “noble first responders” (and believing it).
I see what you are saying and I don’t think you are wrong. Rational self interest applies to all so why should we treat cops as any different? If people see cops as rational self actors they’ll stop engaging in hero worship. The only problem is people aren’t rational and they love hero worship.
“so why should we treat cops as any different?”
Because they voluntarily chose a career that mostly involves enforcement of victimless crimes. For that alone they should be ridiculed at every opportunity.
That’s something I’m still conflicted over. I really do see both sides of it. These abusers whom deprive fellow citizens of their rights “for their own good” deserve scorn. I can’t think of anything so despicable as an unaccountable arm of the state empowered to slaughter kids and puppies without any real consequences. Maybe demonizing them is best.
On the other hand I see what Number.6 is saying. I think he’s taking the “be the adult in the room” approach. They aren’t monsters just like the aren’t hero’s. They are just a segment of the population whom took a job and act in their own self interest. Some of them are descent people and some are assholes like any workplace. if we can strip them of their mythos (positive or negative) people might understand that their is absolutely nothing that makes them special.
I’m not sure which is a better tact or where the truth lies.
I see what you mean, and as my dad was a deputy I have some sympathy for the “it’s just another job” bit, but the truth is that it’s more than that. I’m a regular workin’ Joe, and some of my job perks are things like free access to the Adobe Creative Cloud, a modest budget to attend industry conferences, a lax policy with regard to lunch length, etc. I am probably not alone in saying that at no point would I be able to stop a stranger on the street and interrogate them without being ignored, told to fuck off, or punched in the face. If I were to walk around with a gun on my hip I’d be in a cell within hours. I can’t pull another driver over, even if they do something illegal or dangerous. I certainly can’t detain someone, search them for drugs or weapons, cuff them, and put them in the back of my car. Oh, and if I shoot someone in self-defense, the burden of proof is on me to justify the shooting, and there isn’t a union that’s going to stick up for me and provide for my legal expenses.
So, yes, police work is different and requires a higher exposure to danger than, say, web development, but also comes with a significantly greater set of legal privileges. There’s an understanding that those privileges are to be used to support a greater responsibility than civilians who aren’t granted those privileges.
It’s a bit more nuanced than that.
I actually agree with Naptown Bill. The cops have all kinds of privilege that non LEOs have that should require them to be subject to additional expectations.
My take is that for public consumption – when dealing with the (dare I say it, easily led and ignorant public) – full throated condemnation is doomed to failure. I want to win the war of ideas in public. That needn’t preclude our willingness and ability to fight harder in the legal and political sphere.
I’m with Number.6. You want to walk around with your “Thin Blue Line” bullshit, then I expect you to live up to it.
Agreed. He took an oath when he joined the force. That kind of cowardice in the military would result in criminal charges.
well… I was in a fighting hole with a guy I literally had to slap and kick to keep his shit together in a combat situation. Since he didn’t actually take off running, he got the same medals and parade as the rest of us.
Answering the important questions.
No, no it does not.
If this scenario sounds familiar, you might be one of the many people who struggle to poop when they’re on vacation. Yes, this is a thing; and yes, it’s pretty common, says Dr. David Poppers, MD, PhD, gastroenterologist and clinical associate professor of medicine at NYU Langone Health.
How many other Glibs read this as “Dr. Poopers” the first time?
Dr Pepper, sorry.
You really think that we’re going to address these shootings by having ‘Top Men’ cops in these places?
I certainly do not. I believe the best way to short-circuit the “more cops in the classroom” mob is to trumpet this and every other failure to perform as loudly as we can. Why the fuck do we pay these cretinous blowhards to hang around schools staring at teenage girls’ (or boys’) asses all day, when a) the likelihood they will be needed is negligible times a bazillion and b) it is virtually certain they will do exactly what Peterson did at the exact instant they are actually called upon to do the work?
Arm the willing; teachers, janitors, lunch ladies.
Not the lunch ladies, they’re all power tripping.
I got into a straight-up domestic with my wife last night over Trump’s tweet suggesting the arming of teachers. She, a former teacher, was aghast. I, a current gun owner, was like, “Yeah, I think it’s a good idea.” Her argument, such as it was, was that adding more guns to schools was not going to address the problem of guns being in schools; after all, guns could be taken by kids, etc. I pointed out that even with “resource officers” that has already happened, and it’s pretty damned unusual, and besides which, no, responsible gun owners do not stick a .357 in their purse and leave it unattended; that, after all, is the “concealed” part of concealed carry. Long story short, she lost her shit, which seems to be the typical reaction of gun grabbers.
If you’re a dedicated Progressive, of course the idea of allowing Americans the option of carrying the means of their own defense with them so that they aren’t dependent on the dubious protective capability of the official authorities is absolutely batshit crazy. If, however, you aren’t clinically brain-dead and don’t think people are cogs in the machine of a perfect society, to be changed or discarded as needed to fit in the grand design, it’s a pretty obvious answer. It’s so obvious it isn’t even really an answer to a problem; that it isn’t the status quo is itself a problem.
Suggest to your wife that you move to the crime-ridden part of town and open a shop.
The proggie gun-grabbers are all upper-middle class douchebags who have no idea how other people live and survive. It’s easy to be a gun grabber when you live in a neighborhood without violence and enact a cover charge (taxes, fines) to keep the poor out.
We live less than a block away from public housing where, last summer, there were weekly shootings right along the intersection we walk through to go to our local watering hole. A lot of the residents walk down our street to cut through a hole in the fence to get to it. Even she has gotten to the point that she can identify caliber pretty reliably just by hearing a shot while she’s standing on the back porch. We live in a place that is still referred to as East Puerto Rico (actually called Eastport). I mean, we’re already in the crime-ridden part of town. The problem is that she runs in circles where everyone tows the Proggy lion, including a lot of her family, and she has a visceral, hostile reaction to anyone who tries to actively shift her opinion. Which is ironic, because her dad is a native east Texan and avid gun owner. I don’t get it.
“I’d already been asked if I can compress the delivery schedule”
Sounds like at least one of your co-workers is an asshole.
Aw man, there’s a new accessory out to add to my shoulder thing that goes up and my automatic rounds – A bump magazine. Maybe after I find a chainsaw bayonet.
Because training stops mass murderers from proceeding.
The training canard really grinds my gears.
It’s always “if you want to arm the teachers, what training will they get and who will pay for it?”
Because suddenly they care about funding.
If you let people carry in a school like they can almost anywhere else, I don’t see another training requirement needed.
I think it is up to each person to decide on the level of training they need.
I open carry without a permit, mostly because I can’t bring myself to ask permission to carry and I think OC is safer than CC.
I think it’s appropriate to at least offer some amount of subsidized training. Really motivated people who would carry will *usually* be somewhat aware of the 4 rules, etc., but someone who decides that they will carry in school to protect their pupils based on principle, would probably benefit from some training.
I’d personally like to know that a teacher who is carrying had at least been given some guidelines on what differentiates cover from concealment, stuff like situational awareness and some basic tactitard knowledge.
Also, if they’re doing training exercises together as a team, with the involvement of local cops, it undercuts the “We can’t let normal people have guns, everyone would just shoot each other or get shot by the cops! Herp derp.” line of argument, since they’ll know that the other guys are allies in responding to a threat, and the cops, in the unlikely event they show up while there is still a threat, will also know them by sight.
That’s a good point. There’s some benefit to putting non-LEOs in the same room as the people who are in theory going to show up ready to shoot a stranger with a gun, just so if nothing else the non-LEOs are familiar with the LEO protocols and can give them the “I’m not the bad guy” shibboleth.
Couldn’t they just roll that into their mandatory training?
Do they get active shooter training now?
Not all states require training as a prerequisite for a CCW.
The gold standard for training in states that do require it, is the NRA Basics of Pistol Shooting course, which teaches you almost nothing of value in a force-on-force situation. It will help ensure you don’t shoot yourself by accident.
Yeah, I heard that one last night.
Nobody but the idiot Progs are suggesting frog-marching teachers at random into a bus, dropping them off at Parris Island, and not letting them leave until they’re all stateside Force Recon. Some permit/license programs already require some basic safety training, and a lot of CCW holders seem to be interested in acquiring training on their own steam. I think the type of person who is going to seek out a CCW (or who is going to buy a gun to carry to begin with) is also the type of person, on the whole, who is interested in being a responsible gun owner and also frequently interested in learning how to use a gun in self-defense scenarios.
Even if not, though, and it’s just a matter of 1/10th of the faculty of a school sometimes bringing a pistol with them into work, that improves the odds that someone will be on the scene if and when a shooter pops up who can at the very least slow the shooter down until police arrive, if not dissuade the shooter from going on a rampage.
It’s always forced marches, stockades, barracks, machine-gun towers and dark satanic mills with these people, isn’t it?
Well, they do worship FDR and Stalin.
Yeah. They can’t imagine something not being mandated by authorities. Everything has to be sanctioned by the state in some fashion. They’re not just afraid of the idea of freedom, they think of it in the same terms as radiation or cancer.
Agree 100%, I don’t have a permit, but I grew up hunting and was a Marine Corps weapons instructor.
While not everyone who carries has the exact same experience, a responsible carrier would not carry a weapon they’re not familiar with.
Also I saw a training video where if one person in a group was armed and just covered their own doorway an active shooter had no chance to get them.
Not sure how it would work in real situations, because I would be more likely to try to get him instead of sitting still.
This isn’t about them calling themselves “noble first responder”. It’s about the rest of the public calling them “noble first responders” (and believing it).
Sorry, but they (their representatives in the public eye) never miss an opportunity to portray themselves as our only hope. We can go back and forth about “leaders” vs “rank and file” all day; our pal dunphy used to spout a big smokescreen about how cops don’t write the laws, they merely enforce the laws they are given.
That’s a heaping pile of steaming bullshit. The cops and their union are always in the State House lobbying for more laws and more control and more ways to fuck with the people who pay their goddam wages. The Montana legislature has passed Constitutional Carry in each of the last three sessions, and the fucking cops have convinced Governor Bullock to veto it, because it scares them to think about a citizenry on equal footing.
I’m pretty sure dunphy was a sock puppet and damn good at not breaking character.
That’s one reason I can’t bring myself to defend the NRA. Police unions and Police Chiefs oppose gun rights at every turn at the state level and the NRA is too scared of raising the ire of our ‘hero’s in blue’ to say shit.
I joined about a year ago and got a cheap little gym bag out of it, but I am going to let it lapse.
Their response to the Castile shooting was indefensible.
I’m giving serious thought to joining GOA
Only reason the NRA get a red cent out of me is to support their training side because they add value. The NRA-ILA can go fuck ’emselves with commander-style Mark 2 Lancer Assault Rifle. Yes, money is fungible, but every begging letter I get from the NRA goes in the round filing tray.
I just upped my annual donation to GOA.
Ditto. Frustrating, because I want to support legal and legislative efforts that support reasonable gun ownership (i.e. reject regulations and laws that violate the “shall not be infringed” bit) but it’s hard to find groups that are both effective and who are genuine in their support of the 2A.
And for good reason. They got stomped, particularly by the GOPe, in pre-Internet media filtered world when they decried jack booted thugs.
“It’s time to queer outer space.
Since the Space Shuttle program was retired in 2011, the U.S. space agency NASA has turned over much of the work on space transportation to private corporations and the “commercial crew” program. As venture capitalist space entrepreneurs and aerospace contractors compete to profit from space exploration, we’re running up against increasingly conflicting visions for human futures in outer space (Wright and Oman-Reagan 2017). Narratives of military tactical dominance alongside “NewSpace” ventures like asteroid mining projects call for the defense, privatization, and commodification of space and other worlds, framing space as a resource-rich “frontier” to be “settled” in what amounts to a new era of colonization (Anker 2005; Redfield 2000; Valentine 2012; Wright and Oman-Reagan 2017).
Elsewhere I’m doing research on all of this as a PhD student in anthropology, but here I want to argue that we must go even further than academically interrogating the military and corporate narratives of space “exploration” and “colonization.” We must water, fertilize,and tend the seeds of alternative visions of possible futures in space, not only seeking solutions to earthly problems which are trendy at the moment, but actively queering outer space and challenging the future to be even more queer.
I’m queering the word queer here — I want to use it to call for more people of color, more indigenous voices, more women, more LGBTQetc., more alternative voices to the dominant narratives of space programs and space exploration. I want to use queer to stand in for a kind of intersectionality that I can speak from without appropriating or speaking on behalf of others, as a queer person. So by saying queer, I’m not trying to subsume other identities and struggles into the queer ones, but calling out to them and expressing solidarity and respect for difference in joint struggle, I’m inviting you all. I also don’t want to write “intersectionalize” outer space but it’s basically what I mean. So, when I use it here queer is not marriage equality and the HRC and heteronormativity mapped onto cis, white, gay, male characters ready for a television show. It’s also not me with my own limited corner of queer, minority, and disability experience. Queer is deeply and fully queer. As Charlie, an awesome person I follow on twitter calls it: “queer as heck.””
“And even if we only find evidence of life from the distant past, I wonder if we will protect that scientific and cultural resource on Mars.
SpaceX CEO Elon Musk recently announced his plans to send an uncrewed spacecraft by 2018 to land on Mars and return to Earth. Musk says he intends to build human settlements on Mars, and, along with organizations like the Mars Society, he has talked about terraforming the planet (making it more Earth-like). The careers section of the SpaceX website even depicts Mars transforming over time from the Red Planet into a blue-green world, like Earth. Is this the long-term work SpaceX hopes to do on Mars? What place would preservation of Martian landscapes, ecosystems, and the cultural heritage of landing and exploration sites on Mars have in these plans, if any?
Terraforming Mars would mean fundamentally changing the planet. In a video about possible visions of colonizing Mars, Mars Society founder Robert Zubrin invokes Christopher Columbus and the colonization of western North America. This narrative is common in space exploration—especially in the private space industry, where libertarian and capitalist values often dominate discussions, and space is seen as a new frontier waiting to be settled.”
There is no exosystem, hence the need to terrform.
The landscape would be there, but greener.
If you want to preserve the old probe in the dust there’s a really simple method – one you’d have to do without terraforming because of the martian dust storms that would slowly rip it apart – build a dome over it.
In the Kim Stanley Robinson Mars Trilogy (unless I am confusing novels), there were “Reds”, who were like Earth “Greens”, but they wanted to preserve Mars in its original state, or at least parts of it.
Of SF Mars colonization novels, I think my favorite is Moving Mars. I generally like Greg Bear.
In the last story of Lucid Blue (And Other Tales Too) I introduced a portal to Mars, and I keep asking myself what the people who control it are going to do with it long term. (Short term, they’re studying the alien tech).
I wonder if we will protect that scientific and cultural resource on Mars
Who is this we, anyway?
A Queered space program sounds like Apollo 1 to me.
You can’t just fix stupid.
Not a big Pulp Fiction fan, but
“English, Motherfucker, do you speak it?”
He made two good flicks and that more than what we can say for nearly every working director nowadays.
To em Reservoir dogs was good and I liked Inglorious Basterds, everything else I’ve seen of his was not interesting.
“McDonald’s Is Bringing Back Szechuan Sauce Again After Fans Freaked Out
On Saturday, McDonald’s brought back a nostalgic favorite — but so many fans rushed to get it, many of them were left disappointed. But after fans cried foul on social media, they’ll get a second chance at the stuff this winter.
The chain’s Szechuan Dipping Sauce, which was originally sold as part of a Mulan promotion in 1998, got a second wind thanks to the show Rick and Morty, which featured the sauce in a recent episode. “I want that Mulan McNugget sauce, Morty,” Rick says in the episode. “That’s my series arc, Morty! If it takes nine seasons!”
A fan frenzy ensued, with fans trying desperately to get their hands on the stuff. A packet of the stuff was going for $99,000 on eBay, and then McDonald’s gave away three giant bottles to lucky fans on Twitter. (Naturally, one of those bottles sold for $15,000, to DJ Deadmau5.)
But that wasn’t enough for Rick and Morty fans, who demanded they get a chance to try the dipping sauce. So McDonald’s decided to bring it back for one day only, on Saturday, October 7, as part of their launch of the Buttermilk Crispy Tenders. And fans came out in droves, lining up around the block at local locations to get a taste.
But the supply of Szechuan sauce was far too small to meet demand, and it was only available at participating restaurants. That led many fans to miss out on it, and those customers were not quiet about it. USA Today reports that people who lined up for hours got angry after the supplies ran out nearly instantly in many locations. Crowds chanted, “we want sauce,” and police even had to show up to manage the crowds. And the backlash on social media was swift, with hashtags like #SzechuanGate and #McFail going viral.”
Why? I’m sure you can cook up something better in your own kitchen.
I love R&M and I’m scared to even mention that online because of how dumb the fandom is.
I’m surprised no one has screamed “CULTURAL APPROPRIATION!!” because McDonald’s isn’t from Szechuan Province.
Isn’t it just a blend of sweet and sour and like honey mustard or something? FFS, people.
Tardation is the most powerful force in the universe. Some say it’s stronger even than derp.
As dumb as the fans were about this, the real idiot is McDonald’s. They actually had a hook that got people to line up for blocks at their stores. Instead of using it to to their advantage, they pissed on their customers and then told them it was rain. The morons that run it are driving it into the ground.
I was in a fighting hole with a guy I literally had to slap and kick to keep his shit together in a combat situation. Since he didn’t actually take off running, he got the same medals and parade as the rest of us.
The police, unfortunately (I blame the union), have devolved culturally to a point where it seems as if no cop can fail so egregiously that his “brothers” won’t circle the wagons in his defense. There is real value in social shaming; what if that guy had paused with his hand on the door and thought to himself, “What I will have to endure from my co-workers if I chicken out will be worse than whatever happens when I go through that door. Fuck it, I’m going in.”
Apparently, he’d rather be a live pariah, retired in Arizona or some place where nobody knows him.
*I pulled all that out of my ass, and it didn’t hurt one bit.
No sympathy for the guy. His job grants him legal authority and immunity above and beyond his fellow civilians. He, unlike others, can draw a weapon on someone, handcuff them, force them into a car, and drive them to a jail, solely on the basis of his own judgement, and the assumption will be that he’s doing the right thing. Anyone else, at any step in that process, would be considered a criminal and possibly a lunatic.
So fuck him. I hope that in a situation where I’m armed and able to stop a shooter I wouldn’t freeze, but if I were “specially trained” to do that as a career, I would good goddamn well go on and do it. And if I didn’t I should be rightfully ashamed, and probably face legal penalties.
The only exceptions seem to be if a good cop deescalates without shooting and another cop shows up and shoots.
Also if a cop tries to do the right thing and it embarrasses the “thin blue line”
Maduro defaults on rent. No one is surprised.
Nah. They’re just doing so well that they don’t need representation in the US.
As per the high pressure situations talked about above, I always start laughing. It’s a nervous tic and seems to disarm assailants and situations. Maybe I don’t give a fuck. Still scared of heights, though.
Heights are like honey badgers. They don’t give a shit about your brazen disrespect. They know they have gravity on their side.
I can’t shoot a height in its brain and put it down before it notices me.
The trick is to miss the ground.
Flaps arms spasmodically whilst falling to certain death.
I work out of boom lifts on a daily basis. They still scare me
I finally got over my anxiety in scissor lifts last year, but I could never do the shit my dad and brother used to do, like standing on top of a 12′ ladder on top of a rickety 10′ rolling scaffold to cut hangers off the ceiling.
That there is a double no. Since I turned about 45 or so I’ve had vertigo issues. I’ve had clients demand that I climb an 18′ step and I’ve told them to fuck right off.
just a thought-
The screaming for gun control laws is a lot louder after the Florida shooting than it was after the Vegas shooting. Maybe the right people were killed in vegas.
Wasn’t it a country music show? That would make that line of reasoning logical.
Not being children certainly was a difference.
The Las Vegas shooting got memory-holed a lot faster because the case is so bizarre it inspires conspiracy theories instead of “outrage”.
The school siege and massacre in Beslan is still by far the worst but doesn’t help the gun-grabbers’ cause.
The school siege and massacre in Beslan
Is that in Arkansas? /sarc
Despite their claims of being worldly and knowledgeable, most people are pretty parochial.
As a parent, that act of evil scared the crap out of me way worse than any nut job with Mom’s gun and a grudge.
A mystery wrapped in an enigma. I think it was a . Fuck that! I don’t know what happened in Vegas but something surely sets off my bullshit alarm. It’s probably the Casino covering butt.
You know what else is mysteriously missing from this latest discussion on spree killing? The names Steven Willeford and Johnny Langendorff.
“The common view we see from the mainstream media is that President Trump is a monster and there is no doubt about it. In support of that view, they offer plenty of evidence. And by evidence, I mean they hallucinate they can read minds.
One of the biggest illusions of life is that we humans are good at deducing the inner thoughts of both strangers and loved ones based on observing their actions. The truth is that we are terrible at knowing what others are thinking. We just think we are good at it. No one is good at it. No one.
The business model of the news media has moved away from hard reporting and toward punditry and opinion. Viewers enjoy opinion-driven content and it costs a lot less to produce than hard news. And that means the news industry has moved from factual reporting to — for all practical purposes — some form of imaginary mind reading to fill the hours.”
Most of his counterfactuals are mind-reading too.
Dana Loesch, slinging red meat like an Argentine waitress:
She’s not wrong. They are the enemy of the American people.
I’ve been enjoying Dana Loesch smack down gun-grabbers and media hacks since 2012. Love it.
Also, most definitely would.
From TOS, but it is rage inducing.
Ken went off on Robby in the comments (he must be in a bad mood). Not to worry, though, $parky was there to defend Robby’s honor!
“School Resource Officer Who Failed to Confront Mass Shooter Previously Defended Cops Living at School Rent-Free”
In the context of the news and arguments that unfolding over gun rights and due process, this is a shithead observation.
This is like pointing out to Mrs. Lincoln the day after the assassination that in addition to shooting her husband in the back of the head, John Wilkes Booth also broke the speed limit as he was getting away.
Other than to point out what a shithead you are, Robby, how do you expect reasonable people to react to that? You’re the most obtuse ass-wipe to ever grace Reason’s masthead–and I’ve been reading since the ’80s.
“Not only did Peterson fail to confront Cruz—he also failed to assist a previous investigation, undertaken by state authorities, to determine whether Cruz was a threat to himself or others.”
There’s the lead–not that Robby would recognize it.
Determining whether Cruz was a threat to himself or others it the criteria necessary to hold him for observation in a mental hospital–to gauge the severity of the threat he posed. In California, anyway, that’s good for 72 hours.
If they’d put him under observation, looked at his social media posts, and gotten testimony from the people around him, he almost certainly would have been committed–by a judge–and this atrocity probably wouldn’t have happened.
Ken’s formatting puts me right on tilt. I mean, I love a paragraph as much as the next man, but FFS, leave some for the rest of us!
Also, that’s pretty harsh. Maybe Ken thinks Robby buried the lede, and mayhaps he did, but is he implying that he did it for some nefarious purpose? I don’t understand why he’s so salty.
Tangentially, TOS is a ghost-town, man. It’s kind of sad.
“Tangentially, TOS is a ghost-town, man. It’s kind of sad.”
No way. They have MJ Green and $parky. That’s a real brain trust there.
It’s like seeing an ex-girlfriend from high school who used to look all good working at a gas station late at night, hair all scraggly, with a dead tooth, overweight, bad skin, and you hope she doesn’t recognize you but then she does at the last minute and she’s like trying to make eye contact, so you kind of make like you’re doing something really important with your phone and hurry out the door.
An oddly specific observation, Bill.
I like to set the scene.
“Kill a communist and receive £340, Philippines leader Duterte tells nation
THE PHILIPPINES president has offered a £340 bounty for each communist rebel killed by government forces in a bid to save on the state’s anti-insurgency costs.”
Suicide by bounty?
This is some righteous indignation. And CNN deserves it and more
Do they elect Sheriffs in Florida? That will be kind of hard to explain away.
Depends on the county, but the Broward Sheriff is an elected position.
It’s a fair damned point. Pretty much every single institution failed over a lengthy period of time from the school all the way up to the FBI if you want to go that far, and the incompetent local authorities team up with the Clinton News Network to blame the NRA and gun owners, the two groups least culpable to the rational, honest mind.
Random morning drunky-pants thoughts. I graduated from a Southwest Florida HS in 1989; pickup trucks with rear window racks full of shotguns (for those over 18) or air rifles (for those who could not yet have a shotgun) were a very everyday sight. I spent a great deal of my teens wandering the woods by our house with my .22 rifle (a Western Auto that has no serial number my grandfather gave to my father on his 12th birthday, dad gave to me on my 12th, and I will give my daughter on her 12th); the ONLY time trouble was afoot was when I was stopped by a ‘Grouper Trooper’ who worried I might be poaching quail.
My morning beer is a Lindemans Kriek Cherry Lambic and it almost stymied me what with the foil wrap, corona cap, and a surprise cork under the cap. I endeavored to persevere and the beer is quite yummy. While at my local beer jobber, I picked up the last 10 Dogfish Head 120 MInute IPA in stock. I drank one last night and I think it is becoming my favorite beer. I very much plan to put the other 9 up to age but I don’t know if I have the will to resist to drinking them.
Tradition says you have to bury one of the 120s for a year.
Yep. We used to walk down our suburban streets with our 22’s. Going plinking. Might get a rabbit, might get a grouse. Nobody gave us the side-eye and we were 13 year-olds. It wasn’t that long ago that you could buy ammo at the corner store.
“ Scot Peterson, a school resource officer at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, assigned to protect those inside, apparently stood armed, but frozen, outside the freshman building.”
Maybe Scot was low on T.
*Mom Clap*
Companies continue to virtue-signal. This is how they will restrict guns- the same way they have made religious liberty a disfavored natural right. The Left will put pressure on companies to stop doing business with the NRA and gun manufacturers. Just like they convinced companies to boycott Indiana when it passed a RFRA that was exactly like the federal RFRA (and exactly like the Illinois RFRA that then representative Obama voted for).
Boy, those responses, though. Looks like a fair number of Twitter people are woke as hell about the anti-gun agenda. I particularly loved how one person was demanding that bump stocks, which were not used by the Florida shooter, must be banned after the tragedy they had no part in whatsoever. This is the kind of person we’re defending our rights against.
“This is the kind of person we’re defending our rights against.”
Manifold failures at every level by the people to whom we’re supposed to forfeit our right to self-defense, but the real culprits here are the millions of peaceful, law-abiding gun owners. Sure, Dems, run with that.
Why not ban large knives? I mean, they weren’t used either, but since that’s obviously not in the criteria, what the hell?
That’s an odd autocorrect for “Assholes”.
Going after banks, and I don’t mean for their branded Visa cards, would be substantial.
Getting Enterprise to force people to sign affidavits that they won’t carry in their rental cars would be substantial.
This? This is just social signaling. Dumb, and it might cost them, but mostly harmless.
So far…
Guns are so lucrative though that other companies will take the heat to make the bucks. Unfortunately, religious freedom doesn’t pay as well :(.
Which maybe helps to explain why national front style rightism is becoming more popular. If the rich and the corporations are selling the rights that are most significant to the working and middle classes down the river, you start to feel like a fucking sucker standing up for theirs.
My political philosophy is increasingly “fuck big everything”. Yeah, government should be small enough to drown in a bathtub (or at least, in a lot of little bathtubs spread out across the country). But so should business and labor and banks and everything else, or they’ll just step in to fill the void.
At any rate, maybe it’s time companies learned to fear the political clout of gun owners the way that politicians do. If they were going to pussy out and Scot Peterson gun owners when times got tough, they shouldn’t have tried to cynically court them in the first place.
Glad I saw this now. An hour later and I would’ve booked that car through Enterprise instead of Hertz.
I only remember where Hertz is located near me because they have the unfortunate situation of being on “Avis Drive”
I wonder why people make the connection between the NRA and mass shootings. How many mass shooters have been NRA members?
The same Indiana RFRA that Gillespie and Penn Jilette opposed?
It seems like the litany of failures and corruption stemming from Obama’s tenure will never end. Every week is some new fuck-up brought to light now that the incompetent jerkoff is out of office.
What were we saying, earlier?
Let’s ask someone who’s in the trenches every day what he thinks of arming teachers. “It’s hard to begin to count the number of ways this is a bad idea,” said Chris Magnus, police chief of Tucson.
More to the point, many deranged mass murderers expect to die themselves during their killing sprees. It’s almost laughable to believe that the president’s proposal would deter them.
“Why would we think someone who has those kinds of problems is going to make rational decisions based on the fact that someone in the school might be armed?” Chief Magnus said.
If that’s the argument you want to go with, then why are we wasting millions of dollars on school cops? I guess it’s because cops are magical heroes, unlike teachers.
Oh, wait- maybe it’s so they can generate revenue by writing “minor in possession of alcohol” (and/or tobacco) tickets and doing drug searches of all the students’ lockers.
If they want to talk to somebody who is “in the trenches every day”, why are they talking to a police chief?
It takes little imagination to foresee a situation in which a frightened teacher, thrown into a combat situation — in a crowded space like a school hallway or classroom — wounds students in the process of trying to take out a gunman.
The best way to prevent the threat of a bad guy with a gun is to keep him from getting the sort of battlefield weapon the Parkland killer used, by banning assault weapons and high-capacity magazines, and by tightening background checks.
This very real possible adverse effect can be eliminated through the use of a completely imaginary alternative.
Another thing this dipshit doesn’t realize is that the very possibility of firearms being present is typically enough to scare off these cowards. And most of them commit suicide as soon as there’s any sign of armed resistance. I know a few of them have shot back at cops or other armed individuals, but that’s not usually the case. They’re pantywaists. That’s why they kill little kids.
The best way to prevent the threat of a bad guy with a gun is to keep him from getting the sort of battlefield weapon the Parkland killer used, by banning assault weapons and high-capacity magazines, and by tightening background checks.
Welp, next time I see the Mayor (which I do, very occasionally), I’m going to ask him if our police chief was hired as some kind of outreach to the developmentally disabled community. Of course, our Mayor is pretty much your off-the-rack pinkish liberal, so he probably thinks the police chief is right.
Since I know you’re all tired of hearing about Trump being a puppet of the NRA
The Republican monopoly on federal power, however, will not last forever. Assuming American democracy survives Trump, there will someday be an opportunity to seek accountability from the president and his entourage. If we expect America to ever again be more than a squalid kleptocracy, we’re going to need a comprehensive plan of de-Trumpification, including wide-ranging investigations and legal reforms. It’s not too early to start thinking about what that might look like.
After all, if Democrats take back the House in November, they’ll be able to subpoena Trump’s tax returns and start hearings on his manifold conflicts of interest. Should Democrats retake the Senate, something akin to the Church Committee, which investigated abuses by our intelligence agencies in the 1970s, could give us a measure of clarity and closure about this uniquely dark, disorienting period. Eventually, laws can be adopted to help us avoid repeating it.
Some preliminary work on de-Trumpification has already begun. In January, Christine Todd Whitman, the Republican former governor of New Jersey, and Preet Bharara, the former U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York, announced that they’d be leading a task force on the rule of law and democracy at the Brennan Center for Justice, part of New York University’s law school. The idea is to figure out which of the norms that Trump has blithely discarded can be written into law or otherwise codified.
Trump is monstrous in many ways.
What exactly are the nefarious things Trump has done that Obama didn’t also do, only more so?
Presidenting while white and cisgender.
Steven Levitsky, a Harvard professor and a co-author of the recent book “How Democracies Die,” cautions that new laws aren’t enough to knit together the fraying civic fabric that allowed for Trump’s rise.
“No set of rules anywhere can respond to every situation, cover every ambiguity,” he said. Even the most exacting regulations can’t compensate for bad faith and a total-war approach to politics. Our political parties are so “intensely polarized — and this polarization is being driven by Republican Party extremism — that they are willing to basically employ any means necessary to win,” Levitsky said. “As long as that’s the case, you’re going to see politicians breaking norms and skirting rules, or using the letter of the law in ways that undermine its spirit.”
It’s those goddam Republikkkinz fault.
I never saw that coming.
For Democrats, “extreme” is just a smear term. They’re extreme on abortion and gay marriage; they wouldn’t accept any kind of “moderation” or “compromise” at all. Yet, they act like everyone else is a loon if they
thinkrealize that the 2A is absolute.“Extremism in defense of liberty is no vice, and moderation on freedom is no virtue.”
– Some wypipo who died over 100 years ago or something
“Extreme” is a relative term. But they are absolutely projecting in that part that you bolded.
How dare they start using Democrat tactics?