Saludos compañeros Glibs! Dos cosas ocurrieron a los administradores en este fino sitio web.
– Nadie lee los enlaces.
– mexican sharpshooter no se ha encargado de proporcionar los enlaces de la tarde …
Así que hoy, obtienes lo que llamaré, “Enlaces mexicanos”. No es como si fuera a leerlos de todos modos, y en este caso si no estás a punto de dar un paso más en la traducción para descubrir si te estoy insultando en español. Cuál soy yo Todas tus madres usan botas negras del ejército y deberían avergonzarse de sus terribles tacos.
Aparentemente, El Trumpeñero es amigo de un prominente político mexicano, a quien una vez se refirió como “el peor candidato” en Twitter. Él probablemente tenga razón. Utah podría hacer algo peor que reemplazar a Orrin Hatch con un Orrin Hatch más blando, después de que todas las personas del sur sigan eligiendo a John McCain.

No fuí
13 personas murieron en el sitio de recuperación del terremoto en Oaxaca debido a un error del piloto. Investegaciones preliminares han determinado que el piloto no era el Capitán HM “Howling Mad” Murdock.
El Trumpeñero en represalia por el estado de California que decide no seguir las leyes federales de inmigración, simplemente eliminará los recursos federales de inmigración de California. El Trumpeñero se retiró, sin embargo, aún no se sabe si California está embarazada.
¡Que tengas un buen fin de semana Glibs!
Translation services provided by the Alpha Beta Corporation for private sector Orwellianism.
Taco Bell
Que cabronazo!
Drop the chalupa!
Can we at least get some Latin weather girl spreads?
Fine. Here you go.
Te odio.
Like this?
Davy Crockett didn’t die for this.
There’s snorted roibos tea on my keyboard now, asshole.
Was it a mechanical keyboard?
You sir are fooking evul! 🙂
It’s on his business card
“Breaker of hearts and keyboards”
That’s on his Overwatch profile. He’s a dab hand at Tracer.
I never expected that. Figured Widowmaker was more his preference.
(link for non-player reference)
That would have been a good one. Tracer was the only one I could think of on the fly -_-
Mei is bae.
Fantastic. Never change HM
Señor Plow no es macho, solamente es un borracho.
So you better make that call to the Plow King.
Oh wait, I have something for this. My Mexican coworkers tell me it’s the proper way to greet someone in Spanish!
Chinga tu madre, pinche cabrón!
I understand Mexican Harleys make this sound: cabrón! pute pute pute pute
It’s puta…
I only learned quitese la ropa y dame dulce in 3 years of Spanish
Take off your clothes and give me some candy? Was OMWC your teacher?
quite possibly. It’s worked in Argentina but I’m guessing that the pesos I paid it was a given
I’m sorry, but you appear to have changed the autocorrect language.
So today a prog told me the NRA is, and I quote, “preventing any sort of national dialogue about mass casualty incidents involving guns.”
God, remember that nationally televised “town hall” where the NRA death squads burst in and crucified the CNN employees on live TV as a warning to everyone who would question The Way of the Gun?
If the Leftists get to stop us from saying ‘Merry X-mas’ then it’s only fair that the Righties get to stops some gun control talk.
If they wore Brutal Enforcers gear, I’d stand and applaud.
Did they Have Red boots and Chonies on?
Dialogue = shut up and give me what I want.
Ask the sidebar.
No notas de recuadro, por favor.
It makes the rest of the page too narrow. From what I’ve read, it has to be turned off manually every time there is a new post.
It’s one drop down menu selection.
Gracias, hada!
Please press 1 for English.
Oh, shit, what language is that?
Я буду содомировать туристов до тех пор, пока их матери не забудут
Hold on, it seems we’ve got a subpoena from some dude called Mueller.
Pretty much what I was going to say
What combat sports are common extracurriculars at a high school level?
They wrestle round here, that’s about it.
Gang Banging 101?
Aka Twister?
Too soon, Cowboy.
You know what? Carry on.
As in conducted by the school or taken by high school-age kids?
If the former, usually just wrestling. Maybe boxing if the school isn’t run by complete weenies.
If the latter, they’ll do those or some kind of martial arts (karate, tae kwan do, jujitsu, some kind of hybrid).
I’m trying to fill in what Donny Colfax does during the school year, when he’s not being Baron Mortis. It’s unlikely he hasn’t had martial arts training given his family. Competition level involvement seemed almost natural.
Extramural fencing?
My cousin went to high school in Columbia, MD (not sure which one) and they had a fencing program.
That might not be outside the realm of possibility.
Leyden Academy is an expensive private school, and it has been established in previous stories that it has an Archery program
#6.2’s school nearly started a program. It’s not that unusual.
There are a couple of school districts near us that have programs. It’s nice, plot-wise because you can introduce personal dynamics that most readers won’t have experienced, but might appreciate in the abstract. Dealing with implacable foes. Dealing with people who don’t observe the formalities. That knee injury that you took en piste.
Of course you’d be piste if you got injured with modern fencing arms.
::golf clap::
if you need background on this, yell out and I’ll get you some pointers to resources.
I love resources.
I took fencing and archery in college, but I don’t mistake myself as an expert.
Yeah, but you understand the culture.
I fenced epee. Very psyched when #6.2 took it up and got a lot better than I ever did. Life interposed and he hasn’t lifted a mask in 3 or 4 years.
Smell my finger?
Does paintball count as a combat sport?
Smear the Queer?
Drivers Ed and the javelin toss
I need this translated into pidgin.
Que dijiste de mi Madre?!
You heard me.
Why I oughta!!!
Chrome is asking if I want to translate the page!
Mucho Trabajo y Mucho Cervesas!
Being a human is gay because the human species is Homo sapiens and “homo” means gay.
Finally someone says what we were all thinking!
That’s offensive to the australopithecus
That certainly explains why Homo erectus went extinct.
[golf clap]
What the hell is Channel Ocho?!
It comes after Cinco and before Nueve
Creo que quisiste decir siete y no cinco?
I didn’t say IN ORDER, did I?
Well played my man.
HM? Paging HM. Heroic Mulatto to the THICC courtesy phone.
There’s a difference, methinks, between a woman with a big ass and a big ass woman.
A difference with little distinction.
Would. If for no other reason, I could text the pics to my friends.
“‘Africa’s answer to Kim Kardashian’ says her 60 inch backside stops traffic”
Yeah, but not in the good way.
“In a collision with a Kia, the Optima came off worse.”
She’d better not fall asleep on the beach. Someone’ll park their bike in that ass.
Fuckin A, Hyundai Sucks, i had one once, piece of crap!
*glances out window, gazes upon 2010 Elantra*
I…..can’t dispute this statement.
Never drove a Kia, but when the focus was totaled, the interim rental was an Elantra. I hated that car. I felt like I couldn’t see anything, and the controls were not intuitive. Most annoying of all the windshield wiper control was the exact opposite of the way it was on the Ford, so that my muscle memory screwed it up every time.
You Know Me, I Really do like Kias, But Toyota is good, Honda is good, Subaru is Good IMO
/Small cars
Until they disappoint me, I’m sticking with Ford.
Unfortunately, I accidentally got one assembled in Michigan.
I bought it used so I’m not sure if it’s a common problem but I seem to get a lot of lurch between shifting gears. I’ve also had issues with the heat not fully kicking in until I reach highway speed, which can be a bitch when it’s Winter and you live in the city.
I had a 2005 sonata that I really liked.
wowowo = a Swahili word meaning a woman with an enormous backside
Eskimos, snow, etc.
Google translate says it means friend. Ah, no.
here’s the music video
song summary: women with gigantic asses are beautiful; I like women with gigantic asses
It’s basically Sir Mix-a-lot in Swahili.
What the fuck is wrong with you, man?
Her ass has its own zip code.
Zip codes are actually created based upon the volume of mail an area recieves. Several state agencies have their own zip code, but only a single street address.
Your tandem bicycle needs repair?
Well, actually…
Thanks, Cliffy.
Did he get anything right? Even about the postal service?
Yes he did
Ohio State’s zip code is really easy, 43210.
Shouldn’t that be THE 43210?
Maybe she gets copious amounts of fan mail? 😛
Her ass has it’s own congressman
Only one, but two senators.
Well, strictly speaking, in order for her ass to have it’s own congressman, it would be necessary to convene … oh, wait … that’s a joke, right?
Pats #6 on head, gives him cookie…
a bilingual joke
A Mexican man goes into a store. He tries to describe what he wants, but his English is not good. The clerk starts bringing random items. When he brings out the socks, the man says ah, s-o-c-k-s. The clerk says “you can spell it, but you don’t know the word?”
In Spanish, s-o-c-k-s sounds like eso si que es (yes, that’s it)
When my middle school spanish teacher told it, the non-english speaker was an old woman.
Used to be an AM radio commercial in Houston in the early 90s… “If you can spell socks you can speak Spanish” and then try to sell you an audiotape course.
I’ve got a Mexican joke;
Two gringos spend the night partying hard in Ensenada. In the morning, just before dawn, they are leaving a bakery saying goodbye to the baker, whom they have befriended over mucho tequila and mucho cocaine. Around the corner drives a pickup truck full of Ensenada policemen. They literally drive the truck into the gringos and pin them against a wall. The cops jump out with guns pointed and scream en Espanol to get on the ground. The gringos kneel, legs locked, hands behind their head ad Ensenada PD take their wallets.
“Where’s the rest of your money?”, the head cop asks.
“That’s all of it. We partied and spent all our money” the gringos explain.
“We’ll take you to an ATM and you better give us more money” says the cop.
So the cops took the handcuffed gringos to an ATM, pointed guns at their heads and made them withdraw the maximum amount transaction.
Oh wait, that’s not a joke.
Never been, never will, that’s why. My Daughter wanted to go with our Church group down there to build houses or whatever, I said, no, NO and FUCK NO!!! to my Red Headed hot daughter down there….
Pics or it didn’t happen.
If you’re replying to me, go to the Christmas Post, She’s There, and still hot
Okay, Trump.
Go on….
Sometime in the ’90s we did that and got pulled over by the cops for speeding (legitimately) and were shaken down for money (less legitimately). I just told them I had 1/3 as much cash as I did and handed some over. The other authority respecting middle school church kids didn’t get lunch that day because the cops took all the money they brought.
Ha, lesson learned.
Adult or sub-adult daughter?
Sub then, not now
“Listen sweetie. I’m not a man with a particular set of skills.”
Wait, she’s red headed down there? You MUST show us pix. And explain why you’re looking at your daughter’s pubes.
I’ve heard that this joke works in a bunch of languages:
Where do cats go when they die?
You know Mary and Joseph were Mexican, right? I mean, who else names their kid Jésus?
Oh, and as always, HEY YUSEF!
24 oz Coors Lights to kick it off.
SUP TRES! I’m rolling Undercover Shutdown Ale right now, 9.7% not IPA not Hoppy,
And this is for Later, Grandma Sutfins Chocolate Pumpkin Pie Ale
Tall Cans in the AIR!
Just poured a Evan Williams with a little branch water.
Grilling mild Italian sausages. Served with mashed red potatoes, beer braised cabbage with sauerkraut and bacon. A hot mustard, a sweet mustard, and horseradish. Chilled sliced tomatoes, hard boiled eggs, and little pickles.
For dessert i made a jello mold. Orange jello with sliced peaches and maraschino cherries.
It’s been a rough week. Cooking is therapy.
Damn, you’re making me hungry at work. That sounds delightful.
Hope your weekend make the week worth it.
What time is dinner? (Checks watch) I could maybe make it.
Jello mold. Are you from the Midwest? I like them in the summer. Light and refreshing.
Born in Cleveland. Grew up in New Castle, Indiana. Yeah, I like a jello mold.
Hey! You know who else is from the midwest? Minneapolis, to be exact; Uranium Club
The correct spelling is No Classle.
We are BR, You bet we are!!!
I had a Riesling with dinner. I’ll probably have some vodka tonight.
dfh 90 minute.
That’s a good beer. I’ll be drinking their Brown Shugga after my workout. Cheers!
Since I have a rare chance to get in on teh evening links I bring you derp…
Efrain de la Cruz, mayor of Santiago Jamiltepec, was on the phone with CNN en Español’s Mario González when the crash occurred.
“A helicopter carrying the governor and the others went down,” he said.
“A helicopter is down, a helicopter is down. Oh my God! It’s a military helicopter,” Cruz said. “This can’t be possible, oh my God.”
There was supposed to be a pity comment there but the Mexicans took it.
Dammit Tundra, you had one job!
They make the Comments Americans won’t make, cheaper too
Nearly fourty-five minutes in and still less than one hundred comments. Afraid of a little Spanish, are we? So unwoke.
I’m not, but I don’t read it very well. OTOH Spanish language glibs outreach could be very fun.
‘OTOH Spanish language glibs outreach could be very fun.’
We already do that with the weed and butt sex.
Hmm, good point, but we can always use more wacky telanovellas, gameshows and latin weather girls.
I’ve forgotten most of the Spanish I once knew. I remember a handful of words and one bad joke.
Mis pantalones son muy occupado!
Tango un gato en mis pantalones.
Hey…..I got 2 burritos I just assembled, and a pound of the chipotle-esque cilantro rice, shitlord.
Chipotle and Soap, SW Ohio right?
/Likes cilantro
I made it for teh girlfriend, aka “Jugsy”.
Its not real secret…..basmati rice, lime juice, and that vile, noxious, weed, known as Cilantro. Ill prolly order a calzone.
I made it for teh girlfriend, aka “Jugsy”.
Pics or that’s not her nickname?
He could be talking about his dog… so
And some more
That’s not in the least bit true.
You mean Paper?
Paper works great….as I recall, Al Franken, during recounts, kept finding paper absentee ballots in the craziest places.
“We just found another truckload of ballots.”
Ah yes, the Christine Gregoire Method.
I still remember when i was a kid during some election and my dad being absolutely furious when several thousand ballots were “discovered” in the great state of New Mexico to clinch some election for Democrats. I can’t remember which election, but he was absolutely convinced it was significant fraud.
Sounds like there’s still somebody making sure the machines can’t be hacked.
But you don’t understand, sharpshooter, it’s the feelz that count
Maybe, might have been posted already, but this is the most head-desk article I’ve read in a while.
“A Chicagoan can walk across a street into Indiana and purchase firearms from an unlicensed seller with no tracking of that transaction.”
Cool, I didn’t know that. I’ll try that this weekend. Who’s offering to pay my bail if this doesn’t work like the author imagines?
I recommend against. According to google maps and common sense, I can find no part of Indiana bordering the city of Chicago.
I can’t get past the ad block detector, but in un(?)related news, the Forbes Quote of the Day was “I believe that empowered women change society. The data tells us.”–Melinda Gates.
Yes, Mindy, empowered women change society. Unfortunately they do this by co-opting the might of the government to create a more collectivist society that seeks to emasculate men and put government in the traditional husband role of protector.
Change doesn’t necessarily mean improvement.
I stupidly followed the sidebar on my YouTube, and clicked on Bill Gates playing the Price Is Right game clip from the Ellen Show.
Yes, he is as out of touch with grocery prices as I expected. However, I felt the audience was more “ho ho ha ha….he’s so silly!” as opposed to “that wormy fucker has $90BN and he needs to share the wealth”.
Typical prog idolatry Id expect from the “woke” Ellen crowd.
So short version of the article is every. single. fallacy. of the gun debate boiled into one place.
Lie #1: There is no connection between mass gun ownership and gun deaths.
Lie #2: We don’t need stronger gun regulation because gun violence is declining.
Lie #3: We didn’t have this problem “in my day” because people loved Jesus and didn’t play violent video games.
Lie #4: The Second Amendment blocks gun regulation.
Lie #5: The solution to gun violence is more gun ownership.
Lie #6: Chicago has tight gun restrictions and mass gun violence. Ergo, gun laws don’t work.
Lie #7: We should enforce existing gun laws before imposing new ones.
Lie #8: We need guns to protect ourselves from the government.
Lie #9: No legislation can curb gun deaths in the US.
Lie #10: Americans oppose tighter gun regulation.
There ya go
You could easily write an article each explaining why every single one of his points is horse hooey.
Unfortunately, a five-page article won’t fit on a bumper sticker, so the average Democrat would never be able to understand it.
This ^^
Ha! Proof that despite your busty imgur pic you’re not a real woman.
“The data tell us.”
That was my secondary reaction.
I read that in my voice, Killer!
Somebody tell Melinda the word “data” is plural.
She can’t help it. She was only the product manager for MS Publisher.
Not Microsoft Bob?
I would have guessed that annoying animated paperclip.
You kids today.
It’s like Windows ME never existed.
My favorite Clippy meme (from before we called them memes).
There’s an Argentinian writer named Fernando Sorrentino. He writes crazy stories. My favorite is There’s a Man in the Habit of Hitting Me on the Head with an Umbrella.
Have you ever read any of Marquez’s shorts? They are also pretty great. Check out “the very old man with enormous wings”
Argentinians be wack, yo.
see: Borges, Jorge Luis.
“”There’s an [anywhere in latin america] writer named [pick one]. He writes crazy stories.””ön,_Uqbar,_Orbis_Tertius
random Spanish idioms
pulpo = octopus, but in Puerto Rico, it means a man who is always touching and kissing women, generally without their permission
entre la espada y la pared = between the sword and the wall; between a rock and a hard place
hablar una otra lengua es tener una otra alma = to speak another language is to have another soul
For anyone interested, a link to Tom Woods’ fresh appearance on Stefan Molyneux’s show discussing the state of the Libertarian Party and the leftward tack of libertarianism.
Wonder what Tom thinks of Dan McAdams’ calling Molyneux a blood thirsty neocon. Or something like that. Can’t find it on Twitter, but he said something like that last week.
Woods replied on Twitter, as did many of his followers, pointing out how ridiculous that charge is.
thanks, will watch this later.
i don;t like stefan, but i dislike him mostly for his “that’s not an argument” anal-objectivism which predates his being accused of tolerating-racism. What bothers me more than the occasional dude like him is that the libertarian establishment like Cato/Reason spends so much time/energy shrieking “we’re not like those Nazis!!”, as tho anyone on the left gives a wet fart about the difference between Mises and Cato when it comes down to 1st or 2nd amendment issues, or basic limitations on govt.
That comment section is as close as one could get to reproducing through text alone the visceral disgust pedophilic torture porn would.
Just become a real conservative and be over with this silliness called Libertarianism
Jesus, Molyneux ain’t that bad.
Ugh, misread your comment HM. Yeah, YouTube comments are terrible that bunch included.
Ha ha Canada!
don’t be mean.
I actually didn’t care until Brule’s hit.
Stop breaking Rufus’s heart!
I posted recently about a friend who has a meth addiction. He is now in inpatient rehab. I hope he gets it together.
It was So Hard for me to put that shit down, and it was all in my Head, and I knew it it. I was working, eating, and didn’t pay for it, I thought I could handle it.
I finally Moved to Colorado and Found my Life again. This was in 1995, I Pray for your Friend
I pray for him too. I’m no angel, but I’m blessed with biology that allowed me to use without “addict” issues, to stop easily, and, most importantly, never return.
Yeah. I was pretty much high on meth between March ‘93 right up to the day Kurt Cobain blew his brains out. I decided to make some better life choices. Quit. Walked away.
Wasted year of my life. I did learn to play bass pretty good though.
Yeah, that shit is nasty. I had a problem with it myself in the late 90’s/early 00’s. Unlike yourself, I didn’t eat or work, much less sleep. Just days long binges filled with shadow monsters, oily skin, sensitive teeth and constantly thinking of ways to rip people off to score some more. It got to the point where I began to scare myself. I was a complete fucking sociopath when high. To this day if I run across a smell that reminds me of spinning the ol’ glass dick I immediately feel the need to take a shit.
Never tried it. How the hell did that shit ever become a “Well, I’ll try it once” kind of drug?
I don’t really trust myself with addictive substances. Mostly because I’m not sure how I’d react, and I don’t want to find out how far I can fall.
My mom has been an addiction therapist for over 40 years, but it was my engineer dad that gave me the best advice. “Mom means well, but ignore her. Just don’t touch any of the hard shit whether it’s alcohol or drugs.” I’ll have a whisky rocks once in a while, but otherwise it’s beer and the occasional wine or sake.
The Onion had some thoughts on meth.
(yes, Im trying to bring comedy to tragedy)
I guess I was a little naive and didn’t really know much about it outside of it being a form of speed and I was curious. And like most hard drugs, the first few times is a helluva lot of fun. I’ve always had some social anxiety issues but when high I was open, chatty, and people seemed to enjoy my company far more; even people who had no clue I was on it. Of course over time that all changed. By the end I mostly quarantined myself in a room, filled with paranoia, peeking out my windows and only venturing out to buy smokes, make a deal or two, then buy more meth. It was only after I found myself with no friends and living in a car for the majority of 01 that I finally snapped out of it. I bought a one way plane ticket to Boston where I knew not a soul and had no connections of the drug variety and forced myself to grow up and get my shit together. Moving 1700 miles away from that life was the best thing I ever did.
Good for you. Hitting bottom means something different to every person. I hung out with Russians for a summer back in ’97. They were exchange students and would get high as fuck on anything they could get their hands on. Children of rich cronies in Moscow. I’d enjoy the herb while they’d descend into whatever madness they had in the pipe or needle. No values to speak of in their lives. One wound up in prison in the US and the others just fell off the radar completely. Don’t know why I never joined them other than it wasn’t appealing to my personality disposition.
good for you, it’s tough doing that but if that’s what was need to be done it was worth it. My brother is in prison right now on meth related charges, I hope he can figure a way to do something like what you did.
We’re pulling for him.
One of my wife’s best friends beat it in the 90’s.
One of my best friends in the world completely ruined his life with that shit. He’s in prison now, and belongs tjere for the shit he did. His two kids will grow up without him and he has permanent mental health issues from his years of use. I hope your buddy gets better. Meth is a life killer.
I hope he gets through it.
Heh, I just bought tequila, sooo….appropriate?
No, no, appropriation. You should be ashamed.
fun facts
burrito means little donkey (because it carries a lot)
torilla means little turtle (because it looks like a turtle shell before it is flattened)
taco comes a Aztec word that means “in the middle”; in Spanish it means “plug”
nacho was named after the inventor, Ignacio
jalapeno comes from an Aztec name meaning “sand water place”
/taps computer screen.
There are white hispanics, don’tchaknow
Not in canadia…
I like women with bony asses who don’t discipline their children.
HM gets it…
I JUST got a new keyboard from the keyboard cabinet.
Maybe you should invest in a splash guard.
Ah, the fine art of passing…
I’d try it but once I start speaking, the proverbial cat is right out of the bag.
Ahem. You speak huh-white.
Eh? Timbits, Hoser, Hockey, is that OK?
I think SPLC just labeled Glibs a hate group after reading this thread.
I like it when we get compliments.
Just now?
We must have been slacking.
The family friendly certification is what finally did us in.
Fuck Off Little Jewish Warlord!
Had my final interview (possible future boss’s boss) today by phone. It was about 20 minutes, half of which were him asking if I’d also be interested in this or that type of work within the company.
The waiting resumes.
Appendages crossed.
*crosses eyes*
Uh…THanks? Maybe a non-tradional method will help…
Thks, Number 6.
Hang tough, and Good luck! Oh, Gas prices just went up again. 3.15$ for Regular 87
2.39 here today. maybe 2.49.
Where? you know I’m SoCal…
Thanks. I will be fine either way. Although mentally I have already taken the new job and moved. But if the finances don’t work, I will have to pass and just keep at it here. 🙁
Good Luck!
Thank you, all. I need all the good mojo I can get.
[insert upside-down exclamation point here]buena suerte!
Best of luck to you. I hope it works out well.
Good luck!
Wife got chicken breasts and baby back ribs for doing up on the Weber. Now I need to find a good dry rub for the ribs and some instructions on how to properly smoke in a Weber.
I shot beer up my nose at “wife got chicken breasts”.
Wife got chicken breasts
Sorry, dude. Have you suggested augmentation?
Godammit, Tres, beat me by 5 seconds.
I did, but she clucked at me about accepting her as she is.
+1 Jennifer Aniston.
Dear god, Farkers are dumbasses.
You had me at Weber, Game on! Yummy
This is the rub I swear by (Alton Brown gets credit):
8 tablespoons light brown sugar
3 tablespoons salt
1 tablespoon chili powder
1/2 teaspoon ground black pepper
1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper
1/2 teaspoon Old Bay seasoning
1/2 teaspoon rubbed thyme
Actually works well on either chicken or swine. I apply it about an hour or 2 prior to cooking.
1/2 teaspoon onion powder
Rufus? Based on this perhaps you’d like to make a statement?
It looks so sad stuck outside trying to watch that TV.
I wonder if it was able to see Canada snag the gold in that event.
Speach bubble: “Wypipo” SMDHorns.
In other Canada news. I only hope that the picture was taken in July.
I have a pound of Linguiça, and am trying to figure out how best to cook it.
Already smoked?
it’s great in paella
I don’t have the budget to buy that much seafood.
As for whether or not it’s already smoked, the answer is – I doubt it. the package says “always cook thoroughly” which would imply it hasn’t been subjected to any real cooking mechanism.
Well, you just make a seafoodless paella. It’s not authentic, but a paella with linguica isn’t exactly authentic anyway.
Since it’s raw, it’s a sausage. Don’t cook it so hot that you drive out all the delicate seasonings. I’d toss them in a frypan at low heat and brown ’em all over and serve them over pasta with tomato, but I’m deplorable like that.
Or, serve ’em hot with fried onions in a hero or ….drum roll … portuguese roll. I’d be tempted to add some sweet peppers too, but again, that’s the deplorable talking.
That guy’s delivery cadence is too stop and go. He needs to practice more.
He’s only been doing it for about a decade.
I know what you mean though, my fiancee can’t stand it if I watch his videos when shes around.
I was giving him the benefit of the doubt.
Slice it in about one-inch lengths. Place with some water in a skillet with a lid and basically steam the pieces. They’ll swell out of the ends of the cuts as they cook. Cook for a bit with the lid off to remove some of the water. When done cook some eggs sunny-side in the water/grease mixture that’s left Or cut up a couple of the pieces into small bits and mix into scrambled eggs cooked in the water/grease with the remaining big pieces on the side.
*re-ignites HM signal.
Genma was the boss, and Ranma was the king pimp of poontown.
Fucking hell when Ranma 1/2 is manlier than last decade of anime production…
Akane was such a bitch. I never understood why Ranma just didn’t go with Shampoo or Kodachi.
“A teacher would have shot the hell out of him before he ever knew what happened.”
Hillary, Bernie, GayJay, Stein? No way would we be treated to this type of eloquence .
I wish I could believe that.
Reality is, dealing with a determined active shooter in a busy building has the potential to get very messy. We’d all like to John Wick him to death, but most of the time, a shooter will get the jump on at least a few victims before he’s confronted.
N.B. Just got an email from Springfield Armory telling me the 2nd Amendment is at risk. Which is pretty fucking lol-worthy coming from those guys.
he’s confronted
This is the most important part.
Doubt that Trump would use a qualifier. “A teacher would have the capacity to shoot the teacher and possible deter him from harming more students.”
I just counted. It’s under 280 characters!
Just. Wow..
It was from Rebecca Morris, who is an author of The New York Times best-seller true-crime books.
That’s it. I’m giving up on life.
I’m a proud Norwegian-American
Christ, what an asshole.
I am unappologetically just American. You left the old country, so leave the old country label behind.
I’m not going to turn off my ad blocker for the Seattle Times, but I did see the picture.
How is it possible for someone to think that was a confederate flag, especially if they cared enough about it to complain?
They were looking to be offended.
There you go.
Same thing occured a few years ago with an electric guitar painted to look like a UK Union Jack. People lost their minds because they thought it was a confederate flag.
Kid Rock hardest hit.
see also: Controversies about the word “niggardly”
Everyone knows that the stars were an optional embellishment, man.
The trick I learned here (props to whomever pointed it out) is to reload the page, then stop it mid-refresh. I run AdBlockPro, and that little gem gets me past 90% of the Adblock-blockers. After that, I generally lose interest and move on to pr0n anyhow.
She says, “Maybe that’s the story … we’re so stressed by all things political that we see things that aren’t there.”
Maybe there’s no story and you’re an idiot.
meanwhile in the socialist paradise of Venezuela
‘We are dying’: Venezuela’s oil workers have become so hungry they are too weak to do their jobs
Food has become more important than employment, and thousands are walking off the job to find it, leaving few left to produce the oil that keeps the economy going
I remember when that happened in the Soviet Union. What kind of government did they have…..oh yeah. That has to be just a coincidence, right?
I made a Glibs presidential ranking survey
EVERY president? Put down the crack pipe, brah!
I got to Martin Tyler and was just like, that’s enough.
Who the fuck is Martin Tyler?
Oh yeah, the English soccer commentator. His foreign policy views were bad. Just a 2!
I might do a post ww2 President’s listif not many people or nobody completes this one.
I’m just an ignorant furriner. Once you get past JQA, I don’t know anything about any of the dudes until you get to Buchanan.
This. I don’t honestly know enough, either. Maybe just reverse the list so people start with Trump and head backward to Washington.
Pat Buchanan, right?
Washington was good, probably could have been king but didn’t want it.
so much bullshit here
Guns are killing high school kids across America at alarming rates
Yep, those evil machines loaded, cocked, aimed, and shot themselves.
Arming teachers or bolstering mental health programs, as Trump has suggested, isn’t going to fix this problem. As Vox’s German Lopez has written, America has more gun deaths than any other country — and it also has more guns.
Colombia and Brazil aren’t *real* countries.
I love how VOX has that in a directory for “science & health”.
Are suicides which comprise almost two-thirds of gun deaths included here? Of course they are but why not obfuscate when your audience won’t bother to look into the numbers?
Suicides work nearly as well in the “heroin/opiate public health crisis”, too.
Interesting point, I’m sure a good portion of those are just that.
Those overdoses I mean.
You’ll be hard-pressed to meet a happy addict. Specially once they realize they flushed their life away for their drug of choice, and more than likely, some form of depression sent them down that road.
I wonder what portion of those are due to involvement with the criminal justice system and the resulting problems from that. It has to be an important factor.
Some of it may be self-selection in the sense that happy people don’t bother scoring meth because they weigh the minor benefits with the risk of ending up in jail.
My brother dealer/user/prisoner said a large portion of the overdoses are from people who are out of rehab and have lost their tolerance and the overdoses are often a miscalculation of dosage but sometimes people are just not happy with life after rehab.
Yeah Waterfall, a lot of people have their doses figured out factoring in their tolerance and they get out of prison or rehab or whatever and promptly OD because their tolerance has dropped. It’s a sad situation that’s made even more so via government drug policy.
Yes, Waterfall.
Tolerance is a big deal. One of the results of prohibition is the uncertainty of supply. Most casual addicts use like it’s their last day.
Is this real?
First glance, yes, but it’s misleading.
Case in point. Why start in 2009? Yes, Obama, blah, blah, blah, but Anders Breivik was – conveniently – in 2011, which pushes Norway way, way up the rankings. Add to that the size of the countries, and you see that the only populous country that is ‘worse’ is France, with 6 events during that period.
When you count the number of discrete events, the US doesn’t do anywhere near as well, but there’s a crumb of comfort there. The magnitude tends to be smaller, in part for reasons we’re all aware of – because someone CAN come along and confront the shooter.
For me, the key message is that lots of people in Europe are shot by mass-murderers too, and given the population of America is similar to the population of Western Europe plus Scandinavia (certainly in order-of-magnitude terms), you were less likely to be a victim of a mass murder in the US than you were in Europe over the same time period.
Yeah, I caught the Norway thing. But I’m not good enough with statistics to judge the truthiness of these things; a person can make statistics say all kinds of things that aren’t so.
Straffin? Your thoughts on this, if any.
I’ve never seen that at kaitensushi and I eat it a couple times a month. I have tried dancing awabi at a ryokan (Japanese style inn). Not visually appealing but I did what I always do when coming across some new food someone is offering. I ate it. Delicious.
Two words- Ew.
Scallops on the shell, grilled. Maybe my favorite food in the world. The crab on the left is being cooked ala kani miso. Disgusting. Japanese food in a nutshell. Unbelievably delicious or the grossest shit you’ll ever taste.
That crab is freaking me out a little, and I’m known for eating just about anything once, including ika no shiokara.
I want my food to have stopped moving before I see it on the plate.
I’d definitely eat that.
^Gets it. UnCiv with arbitrary eeew? Not at all.
For those who like this stuff, Mr. Akkad has a 40 minute The Tragedy of Venezuela
Just watched it and it’s excellent. He’s not the best debater but he’s very good at attacking certain viewpoints when hes able to prepare.
First thing when I walk into work today, a coworker comes over and asks if I want to see his naked beaver.
It was a dead, skinned rodent. And he is going to have a hat made.
If I actually went out and shot something, I’d want the hide tanned. If it was a furred beast (be it a deer, a nutria, or something in between) I’d want the fur intact.
How would I find someone to do that? (I’m going to fool myself into thinking I’d successfully preserve a hide on my first try)
Go to YELP! and look for taxidermists. If you start doing it on your own, you’ll be more Dexter-like.
How hard will it be to convince them that I just want the hide preserved, and not a fully-posed animal replica?
Not hard, most taxidermist send the hides to a tannery anyway, so you would pay for that service.
Wynona issued a statement #MeToo.
Ah, good song.
The exchange went like this, right?
So that Broward County sheriff is a real piece of shit apparently. Four of his officers didn’t enter the building during the shooting we found out today. It took the arrival of the police from the next county over before anyone went in.
So to recap: police will kill you for slight indiscretions in the name of maintaining the peace, but if you need them to maintain the peace they’re not going to do shit. What would they say they do exactly
I heard they could tell it was an AR-15 and they thought entry was understandably futile. What chance do four trained professionals with pistols have against one half-retard with an AR?
I’m pretty sure he went full retard.
That’s an argument the gun controllers are actually making. They’re unwittingly making the argument against schools as gun free zones.
Don’t you know that AR-15s are military weapons that shoot 60 bullets a second that no one has a chance against?
4 trained professionals, plus the SRO, and no doubt all of them were wrapped in kevlar and plates.
Plates? Highly unlikely. There are so many police that I’ve known who don’t even want to wear their vests.
Now, I can believe one, maybe two, had a plate on at the time.
My wife just asked a question that is very interesting. Aren’t most schools locked down these days? I know when I was in high school, there was only one door that was unlocked except during bus loading/unloading. You had to buzz into the admin office to get into the school at the main entrance. How did this idiot get into the school?
Heck, I’m 80% sure my high school admin office had a button that shut all the interior bulkhead doors for exactly this situation.
My school had no such capacity. And a lot of the doors were either propped open by student, or didn’t lock.
I graduated in 2000.
I would have guessed that you’re in your early 50’s.
Don’t tell me I’m wrong about how many cats you have.
I have 0 cats, and was born in 1982.
2000 – Whut?
But he inherited the soul of Ebenezer Scrooge
I was born a geezer.
You had no idea just how soul-crushing govt work is, did you?
I graduated in ’06, and my school had been recently renovated when I was a freshman. My recollection may not be 100%, but after one of the school shootings they explained some of the precautions they took to keep people from shooting up the place.
Even today’s school kids will hold the door open for a kid that’s a pace and a half behind them.
I don’t know if this is the situation in this case, but a lot of the kids my son is at school with find the school security a pain because it’s always an inconvenience.
So, based on a bit more additional research, it sounds like what happened was he was able to get into the freshman building because it was a multi-building campus, so the building wasn’t regularly locked down. Then he pulled the fire alarm to get everybody to evacuate. By the time they were able to issue the lockdown order, most of the freshman building was already evacuating.
Shit situation, absolute shit situation.
Someone could very well just let him in if the gun is hidden. He could have followed behind someone who wasn’t paying attention, found an open window, stashed it prior to his spree and the retrieved it, broken a window, or somebody just left the door unlocked somewhere.
I dunno how old this school is, but there were no openable windows in my high school, the doors all locked automatically, and you couldn’t get in without a current-year school ID without a teacher vouching for you. If you tried to sneak or force your way in, there’d be a shelter in place signal sent out and all of the classroom doors would lock (i can’t remember if that was auto or manual).
He was a former/current pupil.
It’s difficult to completely secure a building like a school, especially if entry is been sought by someone who knows the layout. I don’t know how he was dressed, but if he’d come to the school dressed pretty much like any other pupil, he could get in.
Chicken-tits makes a solid point. However, I have to go WAY back to the halcyon days of the 80s, to think of my high school, with numerous entrances, wide-open, unlocked, and un-guarded.
But, when I even think about collecting Tres Version 2.0 from school, I better call head, and have my “PARENT” id with embedded RFID chip.
The 80s for me too…our highschool was so open that we had a Matthew McConaughey from Dazed and Confused character that wandered onto campus on a regular basis and picked up all the hot and willing chicks.
Early 80’s too. We were all Woodersons back then. It’s like the Dillinger quote.
It’s a version of NYPD’s compstat.. If they have to stop him and take a report, it fucks up their statistics. Ergo, they do nothing. They need the numbers to back their policies. Their social programs are working, you see? No need to prosecute violent offenders! Now where is my federal cheese???
And that’s how a police agency responds to 34 calls. AND DOES NOTHING. NO CRIME HERE. Except for this one unfortunate exception, but what hero could have seen that coming?
Locked doors don’t stop a determined attacker.
No, but they can slow him down…. There’s no right answer, but making it harder to move around the school should reduce the carnage.
Not the next county over. Coral Springs Police, a municipal law enforcement agency, which is in Broward County.
BCSO is deep in the Democratic political machine. Very deep. Politics reigns supreme.
The Sheriff is a known piece of shit. And that’s not breaking news.
He’s good at passing the buck and throwing others under the bus.
Everything in Broward is deep in the Democratic political machine. Hillary got 66% of the vote in the county. And I don’t think I have to re-remind everyone who my representative in Congress is.
I repeat my question from earlier.
When do they put his head on a pike?
Because if it were one of my kids in that school, I would be out for blood.
He is going to have to resign. I don’t understand how he hasn’t already
I’d like to see some public officials get fed to the mob. This warrants it.
Yeah or they should, at least, lose their pensions. Which will never happen.
Compared to that guy the mafia are good people, Men of Respect and all that.
Because it’s his imperative to move on to bigger and better things. Hillary/Steve Israel 2020!
Warren/that Broward County cop that ran away from a massacre
It’s going to be a tough primary
Seriously, there should be some kind of fucking consequences for this shit. Go down to Lowes and get some lumber, hinges, and a post hole digger and make yourself some old fashioned stocks so people can throw rotten fruit at them at least.
So I’ve been doing some thinking on this after my post last night about wanting to go into the security business. Here’s what I would do for a school. Three private security guards, previous military/security experience preferred. Thorough background check is conducted to ensure no dirtbag kiddy-diddlers or whatever. They are all armed. One is the on duty controller with a small suite of monitors and alarms in a school broom closet or something. The other two are a team and can’t leave each other’s sight and mostly just patrol the school grounds. SOPs include radio comm checks, random security measures (such as doing ID checks in random places), and securing the entire facility each night. By having a permanent security team in place with access to building layouts, they can get to know the school grounds and run a continuously updated school security plan and, when permitted and when no kids are around, they can run drills. The two-man (not limited to men, by the way) team is to ensure redundancy and is a significant advantage over any shooter. Of course, any and all changes are run past the school board and parents prior to being initiated. Depending on what people are willing to fund and are comfortable with you can adjust the package to include all different types of monitoring and training for the school employees and parents. This team is for security only, they are not law enforcement and are not looking for drug busts or anything else. Only if life or limb is in danger by another person and they will also be required to have proficiency in de-escalation tactics as a first resort if there is no immediate danger (i.e. a school fight breaks out, they aren’t body-slamming kids).
I await your “fuck off, slaver” comments.
Standard libertarian disclaimers apply. Private business only. No data is collected, etc etc etc. Not limited to schools. I don’t yet accept Bitcoin but if there’s interest I will 😉
I’d argue that that’s a better model for colleges than the current CSO/Campus Police model too.
With a large campus, you might need more than one team, but otherwise, I think it would work.
I don’t know a lot about what’s already in place in private security practices but I probably have higher standards for the guards and the product.
I’m a little bit familiar with one specific campus. Relatively small, the weather’s always OK, and they’re phasing out their existing CSO model which is pretty informal and by 2018 standards, very lax.
The college has decided to ‘upgrade’ to a campus police department, which I think is probably somewhat excessive, and I think may well end up being rather heavy-handed – but we’ll see.
The job would suck for anyone with half a brain. You probably wouldn’t want to hire anyone who would apply.
Fun story:
I went to college at a small college in a small town. We only ever had one campus lockdown, it happened when one of our campus security guys shot up an apartment adjacent to campus. Turns out the local dealers had a deal with the campus security officer who was also a part time freelance hitman, the deal went south. I stayed in the college bookstore where I worked in the backroom eating snacks and waiting for the all clear for like 8 hrs.
That’s Coen Brothers movie material.
Yeah, it was weird. For me. The dealers were actually known well by students and slung the ganja exclusively. The security guard wore tactical gloves all the time, he also was on a temporary suspension for dive-tackling a student and busting out his teeth on contrast to the no-chase policy that was in place. He was the sort who had a dumping ground for his victims and displayed a lot of sociopath behavior
The problem with a scheme like that is that it’s going to be impossible to keep anyone engaged for a long period of time. The job would be incredibly boring and the odds are that the people doing the security couod work their while life in the job and never once have to react to a situation.
Let people protect themselves.
I think they should be allowed to protect themselves, but having people dedicated specifically to security makes them much more proficient and able to detect and deter threats. It would be very dull, but then again, I’m not looking to hire new guys looking for excitement. I’d be looking for guys like me who were security pros in a previous life and need something to carry on with but don’t want to deal with government contracting or law enforcement. There’s quite a few that I know.
It’s an interesting concept in as far as safety is concerned and I imagine you sell it pretty well in this climate. Also having them not be just another arm of the law is a nice feature.
We’ll see what it looks like a few years from now when I’m able to do it. Plenty of time to work on a model that isn’t school-specific. It’s a subject I’m interested in pursuing anyways.
It’s probably a good business idea and would be easy to sell. It could even be effective where implemented. I don’t see it as a solution to the problem of mass shootings at schools though. There are too many schools for there to be enough competent teams to do this effectively. That and these shootings are so statistically rare that I think any group assigned to do this long term would end up complacent, no matter how well intentioned going in.
My 3 year old son goes to the only preschool in Los Angeles with an armed security guard. None of the rest of that is necessary. If you see a dude strapped up at the entry gate, it’s time to move on.
Well, like I said, things can be tailored to fit what the school wants.
Cool. But won’t the asshole shooters just move on then to other soft targets? When the crowd leaves the latest superhero movie?
When the local sports store in the mall hosts a local sports hero to sign autographs? Sunday school classes at the local welcoming church?
Pretty soon, the whole country is a secure fort at any place where five or more gather??
I like how you took my idea of one guy owning a business providing security for people who want it to a total police state. That’s pretty awesome. By your logic nobody should ever band together to prepare for bigger threats and we’ll all somehow magically maintain Libertopia.
You know, you’ve never heard of a shooting at an online school, have you?
They just shoot wads.
I dunno, she did have a schoolgirl outfit on the last time I looked up…uh…online schools. And something definitely shot.
But THE RUSSIANS are online!!!
Online? The Russian bots will fuck you up…
The first President of the US was George Washington, not Leonid Brezhnev.
Banning schools would be a more effective way to stop school shootings than banning guns…
I don’t like cops anyway and this whole incident highlights how absolutely useless they are when needed. When not needed they are actively harmful. The citizens of that county should demand that whole department disbanded.
Societal rot isn’t going to be fixed by those with a vested interest in keeping it going. Band aid fixes or jackboot thuggery are the only options government can conceive.
Olympic highlight for those of you who don’t want to watch the whole olympics.
America’s first cross-country skiing gold.
I watched that. It was great.
The over-the-top commentary contributed to the excitement.
If curling is an olympic sport, so is beer pong.
If figure skating is an olympic sport, than pretty much anything can be.
It’s the Olympic Games, people; almost none of these are actual sports.
I think the term sports has been expanded to any activity where medals can be given out.
Women, children and Huey Lewis hardest hit.
Wooo! I could medal in beer pong.
Ya know, I maybe need to wind my kufi with more tin-foil. However, when I think about how many kids are in schools, say K-12, across the US, and over the past 5 years, the number killed by “school shootings”, when expressed as a percentage…..makes me think of Saul Alinsky and Rule #9: “The threat is usually more terrifying than the thing itself.”
(Im by no means marginalizing or de-legitimizing how horrid this all is)
I just noticed that there are five movies that all came out at about the same time that have “wonder” in the title. It’s like some Hollywood producers decided “wonder” was the hot word this year.
Hmm. I wonder…
…should be avoided at all costs.
Speaking of cultural appropriation: Gucci thinks the future of men’s fashion lies in jeweled bracelets, purses and turbans. Reactions mixed.
Ima be ballin up in here like Ali Baba in a turban. I can already see it.
two points i keep find myself wanting to explain, but choosing not to because i just don’t get anything out of people’s stupid emotional/political debates anymore
1 – Police and/or feds DO NOT PREVENT CRIMES
– they document and investigate crimes. they are not ‘actively deterring crime’. They don’t go looking for “potential” criminals and spend their days trying to undermine their ‘not-yet-plots’
perhaps this illusion was created by the idea that the FBI is always doing ‘sting arrests’ of terror plots. i don’t know why/when this delusion became popular, but in the wake of this recent school shooting shit, it is genuinely getting irritating. YOU CANT PROSECUTE NON CRIMINALS. people keep going, “but the cops were called to his place 30+ times! he said crazy shit on the internet!” Yes. None of which was actually criminal behavior. What, exactly, does anyone expect authorities to have done? The fact is that people can show “warning signs” all day, and police still have no authority to arrest or interfere with them. Do you want them to have those powers? and if you say, “yes”, have you considered the consequences?
2 – Police (and/or Feds) are not Rambo
– please go examine the “what happened in the first hour” response to every mass shooting in the last 10 years. what you will find is that in 90%+ of the cases, what police do is “freak out and reach out to one another trying to figure out what’s going on”.
no one goes charging into the unknown with their gun drawn, looking to stamp out evil.
no one does this because that’s not how organized armed organizations operate. you are not trained to be some superhero: you’re trained to follow rules. When shit gets crazy, most people call their boss and ask what to do. When cops show up at a mass-shooting, even one ongoing… guess what happens? they phone in and go, “So boss, whacha want us to do?” and what do you think the boss says? “Assess the situation”. They don’t know if its going to be a hostage thing, or if there are multiple perps, or anything. they don’t know what’s going on.
The idea that a handful of cops are going to run into an unknown situation, and instantly “form the diamond pattern shown to be the ideal response to mass shooters”…sorry, fox news viewers, please stop with your fucking rambo cop fantasies. Yes, “they *could* have done something”. And if my aunt had a dick she’d be my uncle. The fact is that risk-aversion is what people actually do when things go completely to shit. Stop playing “what should have happened” and start thinking about the reality of “why crazy people go after schools in the first place”: because no one shoots back. Its not about forcibly “arming teachers”: its about realizing that preventing cc holders from carrying on school grounds creates a target-rich environment for crazy assholes who want to kill without consequence.
ok, thank you, end rant.
Cops carry guns to protect themselves from you. Not to protect you from anyone else. Nobody can keep you safe but you.
Conservative radio is all over the more security and more cops in schools. It ticks me off to no end because this was a massive failure of security and cops. How they don’t see that blows my mind.
The cops are simultaneously are saviors in blue and not responsible for our safety. The cognitive dissonance is overwhelming.
…. which is why I’m keen on changing culture, not politics. Stop believing cops ARE, or even CAN BE “heroes”.
When one actually exhibits heroism, by all means recognize it, but stop expecting that by paying a man a salary, that you can demand he’s going to be hero.
I don’t expect heroism, but I think they should have a healthy fear of cowardice. The public should extract some mob justice from Peterson, if for no other reason than to make the rest of them think twice before standing by and listening to kids die.
There’s also the nasty double standard that they can claim anything looked like a gun to them and get away with shooting, but ic you or I tried the same alibi we’d be laughed out of court.
you make a good point, which maybe i was missing in my own 2-point analysis
– its this “cops failed!” meets “and so we need more cops!” mindset which is so retarded
and its not limited to the “Fox” types. Its on the left as well.
the point is that ‘security’ isn’t solved by top-down bureaucracies. its solved by scaring the living shit out of potential bad-doers, making them realize if try and go all ballistic @ X spot, they could get offed themselves very quickly and ignominiously. You don’t solve that with “more fat, uniformed, risk-averse donut eaters screening your emails and social-media posts”
I expect it from the left.
I expect the right to acknowledge that gun rights are fundamentally about the right to self defense and not to push the forfeiture/delegation of that right to other parties, especially ones that refuse to accept the responsibility that comes with it.
Sinolar to the argument that if the FBI hadn’t been investigating Trump, they would’ve had more resources to follow up on tips. I don’t want the FBI doing either. Communities should be the ones responsible for the safety of their kids not some. Not some bureaucrat 1000 miles away.
Small quibble, they do prevent crimes. There’s an entire part of the job that involves analyzing data and picking out high crime areas and then figuring out ways to deter those things from happening there. We call it “Reports & Analysis” in my shop and their whole purpose is to figure out which areas are getting the most complaints and calls at which point the ops section comes up with ways to try and mitigate what’s happening. Sometimes it’s as simple as putting lights in the area. Sometimes it’s just a seasonal thing (graffiti comes to mind here) and it’s as easy as having a guy sit there at dusk for a time until the season passes. Nothing is perfect and I’m not going to run around defending police departments (I’m not even going to throw in anything about “bad apples” because my article already explained I think that’s BS), but it’s not accurate to say that security and law enforcement don’t spend their time actively trying to prevent crime.
i would use the term “deter”, which is very different in concept from actual “prevent”
discourage (someone) from doing something, typically by instilling doubt or fear of the consequences.
“only a health problem would deter him from seeking re-election”
synonyms: discourage, dissuade, put off, scare off; More
prevent the occurrence of.
“strategists think not only about how to deter war, but about how war might occur”
synonyms: prevent, stop, avert, fend off, stave off, ward off, block, halt, check; More
There is a very different concept involved between “passive deterrence”
(e.g. putting lights in places where someone might decide to try and steal shit; putting fences up, putting cameras, setting police beats)
and “active prevention”
(e.g. responding w/ limitless resources to any and every individual threat as tho every one might lead to some genuine actual-crime in the future)
if this wasn’t clear from my earlier remarks, i apologize.
this is sort of exactly my point –
actual crime ‘deterrance’ isn’t about TOTAL INFORMATION AWARENESS and ensuring that the FBI can respond in force to every adverse social media comment
its about ‘putting lights in dark corners’.
its a complete inversion of the sort of things people actually complain about. e.g. “OMG the FBI failed”! – at a job they actually don’t even have.
The FBI is secondary at this point.
There are a few local officials in the sheriff’s office and the school district who need to pay. Big time.
it would be more accurate to say, “they don’t do it on any individualized basis”
what you describe is “generic deterrence”
what i complain about is, “the assumption that when individuals exhibit “warning signs”, that we assume there’s some local+federal infrastructure designed to leap at those triggers and instantly….well, “do something” despite the fact that our constitution specifies strict limits on what they can do to non-criminal ‘weirdos’ who might express bad-intent.
Because you’re describing a Minority Report-type of situation.
I am 100% positive that someone messed up in preventing this and it would have been within their full scope of responsibility to do so. Multiple house calls like that, and if Playa is correct about the felonies outlined below, a case could very easily have been built to restrict his access to firearms without banging down doors and going full SWAT or whatever. Like Playa said, if they had done their jobs properly it would have been prevented. I guarantee someone just didn’t want to do the paperwork.
this would require having a court certify someone as mentally incompetent.
am i mistaken in thinking you someone who would normally object to the arbitrary stripping of firearms rights ?
I always object to stripping someone’s rights arbitrarily.
This wouldn’t have been arbitrary and I would absolutely have been pursuing a court case if someone received 39 house calls, had a history of mental health issues, and was actively making threats to shoot people. Try not making assumptions.
My point about “arbitrary” was you creating entirely new categories for how a court determines ‘incompetence or mental illness”
a) someone takes an insanity plea in a legal defense, or is
b) determined by court, with extensive psychological evaluation by experts, to be incapable of handling their own affairs
it is extraordinarily difficult to strip someone’s constitutional rights.
i had a post about this the other day which maybe you missed.
You seem to suggest that some mere accumulation of “39” police complaints adds up to some sufficient legal cause to deny an adult the same legal rights anyone else enjoys.
and “history of mental health issues” was still missing any medical professionals actually diagnosing and categorizing his condition, AFAIK. What exactly is your specific standard for declaring someone mentally unfit?
if someone received 39 house calls, had a history of mental health issues, and was actively making threats to shoot people.
You say that like these are well defined. How specifically do you need to define why there were house calls or what mental health issues or what constitutes a threat before you take away someone’s rights? Should we make lists of enemies that can’t accuse us like during the Inquisition?
Cruz pointed a gun at someones head and threatened their life. It’s apparently on a police incident report.
IDK, maybe a Mises Institute fellow could argue that you have the right to point a gun wherever you wish, as long as you don’t fire a bullet and that death threats are just free speech, but personally, I think that someone who does that should be arrested and put on trial.
I will sleep just fine with someone who thinks that is acceptable behavior not being allowed to purchase a gun at an FFL.
You are being deliberately abstract. I’d pursue a court order within whatever the legal system says it needs to be.
Cruz pointed a gun at someones head and threatened their life. It’s apparently on a police incident report.
If that’s true then that’s something he should have been arrested for and would obviously disqualify him from gun ownership. I would think it would be obvious that no one is arguing that that should be legal, but I guess some people want to be obtuse.
The problem is saying anything someone doesn’t like can be construed as a threat, having the wrong beliefs is said to be evidence of mental illness and anyone can call in a reason for a police visit. Or don’t you click the links?
Of course I’m being abstract. Laws have to address more than 1 specific situation. We live in a nation where courts find exceptions that allow the government to do what it wants if it has a “compelling interest.” Laws need to be clear.
i apologize if i’m too particular about distinguishing actual legal-requirements for stripping people’s rights.
felony convictions would need to come first.
I don’t believe a Mises fellow would argue that brandishing a weapon wouldn’t be considered a crime.
Cruz put a gun to someone’s head. It’s in one of the many incident reports, not to be confused with an “official report” with the associated DR number.
Everything this asshole did got swept under the rug.
No need to get a court certification of mental incompetence; following through on the ADW would be sufficient for my tastes.
again: if so – then his specific case was a result of police fuckups…
but not the *kind* of fuckups that everyone seems to be harping about in the media, which is more toward an angle of assuming vast authority and capability which law enforcement simply doesn’t have.
iow, im not responing to anyone saying
“local cops totally fucked up here and let too much prosecutable shit slide”
i’m responding to 100s of arguments i’ve seen which claim he (Cruz) was a “problem” that could have been solved entirely without any specific felonies committed: because he “said crazy shit on facebook” or “because he had video of him cutting himself” or any list of other ‘scary, but otherwise legally inconsequential’ details.
“i’m responding to 100s of arguments i’ve seen which claim he (Cruz) was a “problem” that could have been solved entirely without any specific felonies committed”
I’m not making that argument.
He committed several felonies. And the “authorities” did nothing.
I think the combination of unwillingness to prosecute, shitty home life (for whatever reason) and failures to ensure he was medicated are the causes of many of those calls, which aren’t actionable absent a formal complaint.
There were a couple of domestic incidents which were apparently never prosecuted, because the foster/adopted? mother – naturally – was reluctant to do so. In one reported incident, he was handcuffed and placed into a cruiser until a staff member of a local Behavioral Health facility came and made sure he’d had his medication. It was claimed that during this episode, he had behaved violently, thrown chairs and other furniture, but no verbal threats were claimed by the mother – she claimed he had insulted her but she wouldn’t divulge further details. Needless to say, if any verbal threats had been made at the time, there would have been cause to invoke an involuntary examination which could have led to a commitment to a mental health facility.
I’m still noodling around the issue of whether being on a cocktail of psychiatric medications under the guidance of a behavioral health facility to address a history of developmental and learning disabilities is sufficient justification to deprive an individual of their 2nd amendment rights, and I doubt this particular case will ever be sufficiently transparent to help me make my mind up, but an individual who is under constant behavioral and developmental monitoring may well be one of those hard cases that results in bad law.
yep, i get it. and if that’s the case, the argument is different from the one i’m responding to.
there’s also the fact that he’s nearly a juvenile, which complicates things. i assume the reason this ‘prosecutable stuff’ never was treated seriously was because of that.
i don’t know anything about his family-life, which from what last person told me was, “he had no real parents at all”
my 2 points above were far more about the general reaction you see in the media than arguments about this specific dudes case.
and i think those 2 points are actually valid in the context, even if there are circumstances which show the underlying problem in this guys case to be different from the public complaint.
a tweet I saw recently put it this way:
the thing i’m bitching about in the OP is the latter media-instinct
i noted previously that the word missing from many ‘angry editorials’ was
everyone wanted to blame the FBI, the local cops, the NRA, the school administration, etc etc, etc.
but there was (and maybe this is why i know nothing about the ‘potential felony behavior’ that is being cited) nearly no mention of the fact that anyone behaving the way this particular guy was alleged to be behaving was the sort of shit “parents” are supposed to be responsible for.
i’m not trying to make some social-con point here, but i think there probably is one to make:
ultimately, most assertions of govt responsibility stops at the point at which the parent-meets-the-kid
and we generally (meaning, we “libertarians”) like that. we don’t want cops over-riding parents in matters of behavior of a minor.
i am mildly concerned this example might end up undermining that general belief.
Apparently his mom died in the fall and he was in ‘the system’ and now his foster is trying to get his inheritance.
I don’t know what exactly to think about the proper role of police in situations like these. It seems to me like they’ve got no qualms about rushing in, barking conflicting orders, throwing people around, killing dogs, and mag dumping on innocent people when they feel the slightest bit threatened, but when non-cops’ lives are in danger, all of a sudden it’s “well let’s just wait and see what happens”. It seems like yet another double standard to me.
More police is not the answer. Private security like Mustang is proposing would help where implemented, but I think there are entirely too many schools in this country for that to be universally effective. Allowing people to protect themselves would help too. Allowing schools the freedom to expel kids who obviously don’t need to be there would help some as well.
This was entirely preventable under current law and presumed police staffing and deployment levels. They fucked up beyond belief, and, based on the facts available presently, nothing is going to convince me otherwise.
This guy wasn’t a non criminal. He had at least 5 felonies that were swept under the rug for political reasons. In the last 18 months, if just ONE of the Broward County deputies had done his job, Cruz would have been a prohibited person, and…. no boom stick.
They had SO MANY bites at the apple, but… politics.
He had at least 5 felonies that were swept under the rug for political reasons.
What are the “political reasons”?
To reduce the number of arrests of minorities. It had got so bad and so embarassing that the school district and the police department conspired to keep what would normally be juvie arrests off the books.
Transparency is racists, clearly.
My dad actually broached the conspiracy theory idea that they’re OK with shootings like this so they can go after or guns.
I have been saying that for days
I don’t think you even have to go that far-at least, not for police.
It’s not like there’s going to be much in the way of consequences for them, so they don’t have to really be one way or the other (apart from having family/friends be involved).
Mo’ problems, mo’ money. New training requirements, new gadgets, new hires = $$$. The possible crackdown on guns is a bonus, really.
Clearly moar money is needed. Amazing how congress is never shot up unless they’re out in the suburbs playing baseball.
Being a prohibited person doesn’t stop anyone from getting firearms.
Other than that, you’re right.
It weakens the arguments of gun grabbers.
Do you think that this anti-social autist loner would have been successful in finding a gun on the streets?
This shithead was able to buy a gun. Legally. Because the cops didn’t do their job. Also legally.
“It weakens the arguments of gun grabbers.”
I disagree. it promotes the illusion that lists work and all we need are better lists.
“Do you think that this anti-social autist loner would have been successful in finding a gun on the streets?”
Yes, moneyes is money. or steal one. Or murder a family member and that theirs. There no shortage of ways to procure a firearm.
As far as my freedom (and yours) goes, him stealing a gun would have been preferable. But he didn’t. He bought it. Legally.
And now the national “conversation” is about how easy it is to buy guns. And, by extension, how “we” should make it harder to buy them.
If the BCSO had done their job, he would not have been able to buy a gun. But they didn’t. 20/20 hindsight: could this kid have snuck in the back door? Maybe. But he walked in through the front door.
Fuck the BCSO.
Yeah this is what it comes down to: they already have all the tools and laws they need to stop some of these crimes from happening.
But they refuse to use them.
Fuck the BCSO.
On that we can agree.
if this is true in this specific instance, it still isn’t really any broad disagreement with the 2 points i made above which are more about the broad false-expectations people have for our “police and feds”
I’m curious what felonies he committed now, since in the frothing around this guy i’ve never heard much about his criminal past,but rather his racist social media posts and his self-cutting, etc. as signs of “mental instability”, which while concerning, arent’ criminal.
The issue with those POVs as they pertain to this particular situation is
Shooter (per media sources, so take with grains of salt) issued threats multiple times, and reportedly pointed a firearm at people. Those are not “pre crimes”, those are actual crimes. If the police had brought charges, and the justice system actually prosecuted them as the crimes they are, he would not have been able to legally purchase the weapon from an FFL, assuming “pointing a weapon at a person and threatening their life” is a felony in FL. There’s also reports that the SRO in question declined at one point or another to actually press charges against the killer for some kind of crime he committed on school grounds.
As with the Columbine shooters, and with quite a few of these kids, we see that the “bolt from the blue” narrative is bullshit. These killers are not normal, healthy boys who just snap into murder mode. They have a pattern of escalating violence which is treated not as crime but as a maladjustment or an illness. Which has its pros and its cons.
But maybe, just maybe, when a 17 year old points a gun at someone and threatens to kill someone, he ought to be charged, not hugged.
It’s not a Rambo fantasy to expect that the LEO specifically fucking placed at the school to protect it from threats moves to the threat. There were four of them. Four. School shooters are almost always single actors. They had, at minimum a 2 to 1 advantage, and they must have had at least two long guns.
It’s not a fucking Rambo fantasy to expect four armed, armored, trained LEOs who have the advantage in every conceivable way to actually move to the sound of the guns.
It’s not a fucking Rambo fantasy to expect four armed, armored, trained LEOs who have the advantage in every conceivable way to actually move to the sound of the guns.
Mrs trshmnstr has been on a roll as of late. Her response: “they should be held just as responsible as the shooter for this tragedy. Their job was to protect the students, not to cower behind their cars while kids were being shot”
These killers are not normal, healthy boys who just snap into murder mode. They have a pattern of escalating violence which is treated not as crime but as a maladjustment or an illness. Which has its pros and its cons.
The difficulty is that in most cases their behavior seems like mere maladjustment until very late in the process. This particular kid should’ve been in county lockup, but most aren’t nearly as obvious about their intentions. For every potential school shooter, there are 10,000 maladjusted loser kids who grow up without killing anybody. I’d be interested to see if there is any true differentiator that investigators can use to separate the chaff from the wheat in these situations.
I mean, it’s not even a wheat from the chafff thing, it’s a “hey this violent felony should be prosecuted just like any other.”
Happened with Columbine too. Those kids committed crime after crime, and always got diverted to probation and what not.
This interesting study was the result of my curiosity about the profile of mass shooters after reading your comment. They don’t talk too much about criminal history, but it’s a fascinating read.
This one is worth a read, too.
indeed, and if those things are well documented, they’re definitely reason to ask why law enforcement were derelict in their duty.
my point was broader, about the way people are pretending that cops/feds are supposed to be ‘screening’ anyone and everyone for potential risk. It is notable that none of the media i’ve seen to date has really zeroed in on any of these alleged pre-crimes and said, “why exactly did he slip through 0the cracks” and instead tends to hyper-focus on “guns guns guns”
im making a descriptive rather than normative claim. its not about what they “should” do: its about the reality of what happens in these sorts of conditions.
i think we, as passive observers, are pretty comfortable monday-morning quarterbacking “schools shootings”. I don’t think people on-site when they’re underway have quite the same luxury.
the fact is that they all have very bureaucratic procedures which guide behavior. pretending they’re going to take initiative in an active shooter situation is a nice “guideline” – but the very same “guidelines” tell them to hold off when there is a pause in the firing; ‘what if its a hostage situation?’ ‘what if’… etc.
if you look at the response to the Pulse Nightclub shooting, where cops were there within minutes, but ended up babysitting the situation for 4 hours, that is what the “rules of engagement” actually result in. No one takes the initiative. Yes, in an ideal world we’d like it if everyone stuck their neck out, but they don’t.
again, this isn’t about what should/shouldn’t be the case, but a point about “what is the norm”
Well the issue with that POV is that for years now I have heard cops say that their SOP in a school shooting is for officers to move to the sound of the guns as they arrive on scene. That is the standard procedure, supposedly.
I am a pretty reasonable guy when it comes to lethal force encounters. I don’t expect miracles. What I do expect is that when four cops with long guns and body armor cower outside a school where a single shooter is killing children, that those cops answer for their cowardice and dereliction of duty.
“”That is the standard procedure, supposedly.””
please share with me any examples you have of lone police officers taking out mass-shooters.
the only ones i’m aware of are mostly “accidental” and instantly-reactive. Npt actions taken by people who actually had any pre-time available to stop for a second and call the boss/for backup, and or try and assess situation.
You misunderstand me. I am talking about how I have seen multiple cops in leadership positions express on the record that the response to an active shooter, particularly a school shooter, is that cops move to the gunfire ASAP.
so have i.
what i’m actually talking about is the gap between “idealized situations” and the real ones.
as a “last thoughts” on this
…. this was this very interesting tweet-thread earlier which might be worth looking into. Very data-driven
We beg to differ. We even provide the plots.
FBI anti-terror units
Yep. This article points out one of them.
*disclaimer I did not read the whole article and only did a short search. I have to go to work.
There is a great This American Life episode concerning this case and I recommend anyone interested dig that podcast up.
I’ve just joined the NRA. Not a gun owner, don’t really care about buying a gun even if I move away from the Boston area. I’m also perfectly aware of the NRA shortcomings in defending the 2nd Amendment. But fuck these fascists.
I’ve been a life member long enough that I probably cost them money. They won’t get any more of my money. They are too squishy.
Good move but shoot Gun Owners of America some bucks if you can spare them. They don’t compromise.
JFPO is also good if you don’t mind giving money to (((them)))
I read that as JFUPA.
I’ll be in my bunk.
As a family, we have lifetime memberships for both GOA and NRA. I honestly, don’t understand the “Libertarian” hate for NRA. Unknown whether GOA would compromise if the MSM was aware enough to target their existence.
I think an advocacy group should leave the compromising to the politicians. On the other hand, the NRA is the YMCA of guns, so the multifaceted good that they do overcomes the occasional squishiness. I do worry that the NRA leadership is thinking short term on this one: “maybe if we give them bump stocks, they’ll be satiated and leave AR-15s alone this time”
The NRA has never pretended to be 2A absolutists. They are all about responsible gun ownership, and pushing things forward slowly.
They are fine throwing away bumpstocks because bumpstocks are, frankly, a bullshit gimmick which IMO leads to a lack of control of your rifle.
I put them in the category of “driving after 3 beers”. Yeah, you’re probably ok, and in libertopia it’s not illegal, but you’re a fucking dumbass.
I don’t know about other libertarians, but the NRA can fuck right off with their “it’s violent video games that’s the problem” bullshit.
I will–when they have enough impact to draw the hate of the gun grabbers.
I generally think the NRA sucks, and I donate to CalGuns Foundation, but…
They’re about to get a big check from me.
“It turns into a dead cat”: Ozzy Man on Fergie. Holy shit. I don’t know how he sat through that.
I have avoided that performance up until now. Holy cow that’s bad.
Wow everyone has off days but that is sure something.
That was outstanding.
I enjoy the colloquial swearing: “She could still kick it in the dick” and “Fuck me dead” and whatnot.
Grand daughter #1 just arrived for the Weekend, first things first, Candy!!!!
OMWC is rubbing off on you.
I’m guessing she’s not a new born. Maybe you’re just happy Yusuf gets to see his daughter this weekend?
I just thought he was hungry and excited for a new arrival… i think it’s close to bed time for me
Bedtime? You’re one of the few that outlasts me and my time zone privilege.
You guys are sick, Riley is a badass little 7 year old, and She will tell you so,
Remember this, Yusef. Only I truly get you. *SMDH at trsh and Hayek*
That’s kind of how I read it on the first pass…
Is that her name?
Destine’= Daughter
Riley=G daughter #1
Brin Lee=G Daughter #2
Deegan #1 G Son
Calix #2 G son
G KIDS!!!!
Grandkid names are not within your circle of influence so you should stop the shame spiral, forthwith! My Grandkids in order of appearance: Jaydien (?), Reese, Luke, Morgan, Mitchell, Sienna and Adeline. No Bobs or Daves or Marys or Sues. It’s a brave new world, Kamarat.
The Minnesota DNR runs an eagle cam (live video day and night) that follows an eagles’ nest somewhere in the Twin Cities. They posted this pic of Mom eagle sitting on the nest under the inches of snow we got yesterday.
She’s almost disappeared under the snow; that’s her head and beak in approx the center of the nest, and her body off toward the left.
Oh, I should add she’s incubating 2 eggs and will probably lay her third this weekend. She has laid 3 eggs every winter for years.
“Desicated”. People thinking that it’s amazing or incredible that animals protect their offspring make me wonder if they really understand evolution.
I suppose you could argue that it is dedication, even if it’s evolution that brought it about. Any eagles that said “Eff this shit, I am going to find a warmer place to hang out” would have ended their DNA line right there. So dedicated eagles win.
Speaking of evolution, this particular bird has laid eggs either in Jan or Feb for years, and most times has managed to fledge 2-3 healthy eaglets later on. That’s early even for bald eagles in warmer states, but it is creating a larger group of eagles that can endure a cold winter start, I guess.
This year, her usual mate has not appeared (I think), and there have been daily/nightly battles between the new mate and the intruder. Pretty intense stuff. New Dad hasn’t shown up for a few hours, so we eagle watchers wonder if he got hurt by the intruder, whom Mom does NOT like.
There’s an Aesop fable in there somewhere.
I saw a bald eagle fly over the house the other day. I didn’t realize they were around here… figured they were more prevalent closer to the mountains. I’d love if it took up residence in the neighborhood. Keep the rodent pressure down to keep the ground-based predators away.
I see bald eagles around my place frequently. Especially late winter/early spring. A few weeks ago there were a half dozen of them flying circles over my place. They are pretty cool.
Up here in the great white north we have a population of ducks that stay year round. Sometimes they fall out of sky and the people that bring them in report that they are basically skin, bones and feathers. Lazy ducks.
Now that I think about that, my timing couldn’t have been worse.
Yusef likes Candy!
lookit 88 Fingers Louie over there
That’s a lot of fingers
Lookit who never watched the Flintstones.
I’m more of Jetsons man, myself
Y’all jelly, That’s all
Wayne Allyn Root (WAR) has a show on Newsmax TV (which is a television channel apparently) and Jesse Ventura has a show on RT.
What a glorious age we live in
Newsmax. That the one with fat, sweaty bearded guy that doesn’t own an iron?
Unfortunately, I think you need to be more specific.
That sounds like The Young Turks.
Wait does he have a beard? Meh who cares.
I have a Young Turks channel too with Cenk whatshisname
Chunk YugeEar?
I suppose Ventura isn’t concerned about Russia?
It’s Settled, we are going to at least Fort Mojave AZ, where my Daughter lives. My Legless Wife can Babysit on SSI, and I can work at lowes/Home depot for the difference, and Consult/build at the same time, any drawbacks?
There’s not a V in Lowe’s
Damn it! Well, I’ll fake it. What Department should I work in? ALL!
I would Dominate a Home improvement Store, But I just want to chill,
/Psycho OCD Maniac
Not that I can see – go for it!
Except for my OCD, I thank you for you’re faith
That’s Encouragement, Thanks!
Hardware store would be my dream job right about now. I have the grey-haired gravitas to sell things to the unsuspecting and meanwhile I’d be able to calm my OCD impulses by stacking tiny boxes and arranging things so it looks “just right”.
Cheers to your move, by the by! “Faint heart ne’er won Maiden Faire”. Good for you, Bob!
Funny that you say that. I have a fantastic hardware store near me that I always tell people will be my last job. I love that they always seem to hire people (including kids!!) that understand the special wandering process that marks a good hardware store. Yes, I’m looking for something, but I’m not sure what it is, yet. Go ahead and keep doing what you’re doing and I’ll bring you in eventually. It’s the best.
I always have to explain at the hardware store that I’m looking for something specific, but the piece isn’t meant for what I’m going to use it for. Also, because it’s us.
Holy shit! I’ve never seen that! How the fuck can that be?
I don’t know, you must be slackin on John Cusack, like I bet you never even saw The Jack Bull.
Now you’re just messing with me.
The Jack Bull For real.
Looks weird, but I’ll probably seek it out.
To deviate, you should seek out Buying the Cow. It stars Jerry O’Connel and a young Ryan Reynolds. A romcom I’m sure you and Mrs. Tundra will enjoy.
I grieved when Seven Corners hardware store in St Paul closed.
I used to deal with them professionally. Fucking assholes.
Jerry’s in the Grove.
Well, I feel better now. Thanks. I was just a customer.
I will keep Jerry’s on my mental list. If I stay around. 🙂
No worries. I’ll find you a good one in the new place.
If I could I’d live on the western slopes outside Flagstaff. Trees, lakes and winter, only hours from Vegas and LA.
This is not a Pumpkin Ale at all, more Chocolate and Cinnamon, like a Xocovesa, very Firm and tasty for a Friday Night!
Ahhhh, e
This Beer is Gorgeous! Granma Sutfins Chocolate Pumpkin Pie Ale,
Like when you eat zucchini bread and thinks it’s banana bread?
So… anything new to report about Vegas guy? No? Carry on.
Nope our city has moved on except the cash cow of “Vegas Stong” merchandise
I remember all the stuff left on NY NY in 2001, that was all gone pretty fast.
I guess if we assume OMWC is hetero, this is his theme song.
Oh, I’m sure we can do better* than that.
*not saying the song is better, just more applicable.
Oops. This song.
Stupid two submit buttons.
OMWC music
Nice. Another.
I like when they play that in Pulp Fiction while Uma is ODing. Great scene.
There is no way that The Ugly American outnumbers The Pretentious Western European traveler. It’s a ¥300 cappuccino, bitch. Just drink it or GTFB to Italy.
From my understanding the lower classes actually like Americans because they tip, and no else does. But I’ve never traveled, only seen this in docuseries.
And free choco for the kids. But seriously, once airfare became reasonable for the average Joe, the Ugly American stereotype should’ve died. Americans are nice people for the most part. Bumbling, yes, but not the pompous pricks many middle class Western Europeans are.
But, the version of the American we see in media is the perception of the elite, not the average man.
Gracias a dios que es viernes.
did you say DIO!
1. My router still won’t let me access this site.
2. The lefties are really really really anxious about the AR15- like it’s some kind of super gun that mere possession of turns people into unstoppable death dealers.
3. The whole problem with this Cruz guy is that he was adopted. If he had been sent to the orphan mines like he should have been, he wouldn’t have been able to shoot anyone but other orphans.
Just show them this and blow their minds. This is not an assault weapon. This is a semi-automatic rifle.
Maybe I’m not enough of a gun guy to get your point. Why would a .22 LR blow their minds?
The first one is a bolt action AR-15 mod. So not an assault rifle, but it looks like one. The second looks like a regular rifle, but is semi-automatic. Even people who grew up with guns don’t seem to get the distinctions.
Ahh. I did not see that there were two links. All I saw was the .22, and I was like “well it’s cool everything fits in the stock when it’s broke down, but what am I missing?”
Video from the trash heap.
I hate working on our ‘modern country’ station.
This is probably the best execution of this bit I’ve heard.
I’m still awake because I’m still angry.
#ResignScottIsrael was the 2nd highest trending hashtag on twitter this evening.
In more civilized times, he’d find a sword and throw himself upon it. But I’ll take him walking away in shame. Even though I know that shame involves a lifetime pension out of my tax dollars. He can be a pariah.
Broward probably needs to stop electing Sheriffs. The guy before Israel was as big a piece of shit as Israel is plus a massive amount of corruption. And then if you go back to the late 80s/early 90s we had Nick Navarro, whom some of you might remember as the guy who tried to censor 2 Live Crew (echoing our governor at the time) and got a special shoutout in 2 Live Crew’s … song … about Governor Martinez.
Actually, Broward should stop electing. We’re tooo dumb to elect.
This is quite possibly the most collossal fuckup by law enforcement ON EVERY POSSIBLE LEVEL. Not a kid had to be hurt. But even outside of the kid being hurt, the locals could’ve at least slowed him down and saved lives. Instead they stood behind their car doors so they could go home safely that night while kids were still dying inside. Probably get fucking medals for it too.
I’ve always been split on elected sheriffs. They can be good or bad things to have. I think that the fundamental problem with then is that they politicize their entire departments, but I fail to see how this is different from any other branch of local government and even a lot of police departments.
Also, the state of Florida came out today with their “common sense” gun control measures . Raising the age where you can buy ANY gun to 21, A 3 day waiting period (unless you have a CCW and have taken a 16 hour shooting course from the state), and a bump stock ban. The kind of legislation put together to piss everybody off.
And will do absolutely nothing to solve the problem. As usual.
Maybe this will calm your troubled mind. robert and Crissy must have a combined age of Methuselah but they still bring the sultry. I’ve been grooving on this for a few days.
This is just hitting too close to home. Parkland is the “other” (along with where I live) middle/upper-middle class suburb of Fort Lauderdale (in Broward County). Thought at one point I was going to move there. Know people there. People in my office have kids who go there (they were all okay, thankfully). And to know it could have been stopped with the most basic of police work from the FBI or the local police. But they couldn’t get off their fat asses to do anything before or DURING the shooting, and we have 14 dead kids and 3 adults who died trying to protect them.
I seriously do want to see heads on pikes.
So sorry for that, Friend. As soon as I heard about “cringy Kop” my bile started rising. I can’t imagine what it would be like to have that happen so close to home. Probably torches and pitchforks.
I wouldn’t be unhappy if the parents of the dead children strung up both the SRO, and the SRO’s chain of command up to the sheriff. Pour encourager les autres.
Deserved summary executions won’t do much to encourage the others to behave, I fear.
I notice that your Avatar is of a juvenile holding a gun. This is deeply problematic.
It’s all good. She’s a cyborg.
Since It’s been a while since I read or watched the series, I looked it up, and she has an impressive arsenal:
Cyborg, huh? So, she’s literally a killing machine.
The more I learn about this story, the more infuriating it gets. It’s got everything to piss off a libertarian. Incompetent cops, calls for gun control, dead kids, calls for mental health screenings, calls for more cops and more laws. It sucks every which way.
To bring everyone down, Anywhich Way But Loose.
That tune is one of my guilty pleasures
Don’t blame Clint! He was in his late 70’s “experimental” stage, kinda like college freshmen that leave home bursting with promise and returns for Thanksgiving sporting a crew-cut and hairy legs and pits. Or maybe he was just paying off an ex-wifes’ lawyer. We’ll never know.
Who cares?
“Right turn, Clyde!”
I didn’t mean this as derogatory, I love the movies, just meant it as a calm down moment,
Hell in a hand-basket.
Libertarian Moment!
I’ve been thinking a bit about “high-trust” societies and all. I mean China, Turkey and India are all High-Trust societies which makes me question the concept all together.
As for Scandinavia we are overlooking how the region benefits from US foreign interventionism and Nationalism. And Scandinavia has had some pretty serious socially (and actual) conflicts in their past. Denmark and Sweden had major conflicts between classical liberals and absolutists for example. Denmark even ended absolutism due to fears of Revolution. Finland had a brief civil war a hundred years ago. These issues are glossed over as if a”high-trust” society is something that just is as opposed to the result of centuries of social strife.
Where is everybody? For a bunch of unemployed libertines we sure have early bedtimes.
‘libertines’…there’s yer problem right there. That’s the other sites game. We’re libertarians.
AAAAAAAAAAAAANd along comes Q to undercut my point.
Perfect timing.
How old are you?
>25, <50.
I don’t get your racist math symbols!
It’s a Klingon thing.
Wookie > Klingon> Ewok
Is that a man?
I mean, I just want to know. I’m not judging. But she looks very manly.
Aw. Reminds me that I’ll never have a redhead again in my life. Makes the universe so big and me so small. Fuckers.
Never? Is that by choice?
But we can enjoy her beauty. Here is a VERY NSFW pic from later in the photoshoot.
The three best words in the English language: Late Night BEWBS.
Thirty-odd years ago would have been Late Night Drive-through. Burger King Onion Rings for the win and for the way that they demolished my ring! Week after week, mile after mile…
Anyway, Q keep enjoying whatever odd things it is you enjoy. I need to sleep now because, yes Rufus some of us work.
Is this gun control push proof of the libertarian moment? Bill Weld being a Libertarian? Is the move to internet censorship? Will the Democrats win in November on a libertarian platform?
Depends what happens in the month or so leading up to the vote. People are generally stupid so those tax cuts are going to be as distant a memory as sucking on Mom’s teats. I hold out very little hope for this administration between the concerted efforts of those that oppose it and the way that it has been blowing it’s own toes off on a regular basis. Maybe start a war?
Damn, I’m out of beer and we’re only in end 5. I guess I’ll have to switch to bourbon.
My comment below was supposed to be a reply.
Man, my Net Fu skills have been for shit recently.
Brownest of the brown liquors
Wow. Serendipity. I’ve been contemplating cutting back on my beer intake lately and then I shrug my shoulders and go back to mopping the floor.
Oh, Phil Hartman. Gone but not forgotten.
If you’re still up, you
deservewill probably enjoy this.“Buttplug! No problem!”
+1 “Glory hole virtuoso”
What do people think about Larry Sharpe? He narrowly lost to Weld and is planning on running against Cuomo in November. He is black and grew up poor so the LP powerbrokers think this will get them SJW points. Except it won’t. See how the MSM liked Johnson until they didn’t.
I read an interview between him and Welch. Welch says that if he pulls 10% against Cuomo then the LP might be going places in 2020. Well that would be good for the LP but I have my doubts that he can pull it off. This is the same magazine that published an article that a Libertarian might win that Georgia special election.
Sharpe claims that libertarians have hundreds of city councils. I presume he means seats. Is that true? If so they don’t have major ones. I do agree that winning city council seats and state legislative would be a big coup for the LP. Retail politics, normalizing them, pragmatic libertarian that is actually libertarian (questionable I know) and building power bases. Problem is this is pretty difficult already. The LP’s attempts to gain seats in DC have been a miserable failure. Don’t see much evidence that Boston, Baltimore, Philadelphia, NYC, Detroit, Seattle, Pittsburgh, LA, SF, etc. are really receptive to libertarians.
I’m very skeptical of his claim that “When Democrat come….they stay.” That would involve them essentially giving up pretty much everything they used to believe in otherwise they won’t be staying.
His claim that “The Democratic Party will go away in 30 years. It won’t exist. It’ll be the Libertarian Party” is flat out stupidity. Even if the Democratic Party does finally collapse (as it has been since 1840) does he really think most Democrats are crypto-libertarians? This is the big stupidity of the LP. The current Democrats absolutely loathe libertarian economics of even the mildest form. Not only that but many Democrats openly oppose Free Speech and are not really opposed to war or the surveillance state. So they don’t agree on the foreign or social issues that Libertarians thought they could agree on.
Give it up. The dreams of the LP ever having influence in the current climate have eroded to dust *Much like your Mother’s pusshy!*
Anyway the Nolan Chart and the “fiscally conservative and socially liberal” are nothing more than reactionary appeals to a romantic non-existent 1960s-70s past and the assumption that those political currents would forever remain unchanged.
The idea is that Libertarians have Republican economic views and Democratic social views. This inherently glosses over the welfare state.
And as we have seen the Republicans have not been cutting government. And the Democrats are increasingly opposed to free speech, puritanical on sex, opposed to individualism and quite willing to support war and the surveillance state.
And looking at history shows how this paradigm was only temporary. The American left was very nationalistic and pro-war during WWI and the 1930s and 1940s. The original French Left included Robespierre and Brabeuf. And the left has always had social reformers so they have never had a “leave people alone!” sentiment.
Also if anyone looked out the history of the Puritans and the Victorians they would realize that their mores were very much an attack on the upper classes. So the new Puritanism is no surprise. Hell Islamic Fundamentalism is too.
You leave my sanitized political education alone! How dare you?!?!? Everyone here except for maybe “Four Score” and OMWC has been raised on the same pablum. It has never been a linear graph, it’s always been a Mobius Strip. I floated this idea a decade ago and some fucker stole it and published a book.
I can’t tell if this gadget is calling for Q, or, HM, or, any of the other reprobates here.
The best part was when the “Boss” dude handed the thing to his assistant and “man-splained” its potential. She was quite receptive. Happy secretary, Happy life!
Absolutely! I can’t believe this guy didn’t comment on that part.
Question: How would Boss know whether or not she ever put it to use? Inquiring minds, and all.
A well-groomed anus is sure to shatter the glass ceiling, this time.
Damn, 5 in one end. The Swedes are rattled!
Curling. Pah! That’s for fifties era housewives and pubic hair! All kidding aside, my parents used to drag me to bonspeils all over the province. They had a shit-load of fun but little Festus not so much. That was back when they had straw brooms (whocka whocka whocka) and smoked and drank during the games. we had an entire room set aside for Dad’s trophies because he was actually very good at it. Golfing, too.
Did you wear themed costumes?
Tartan pants and plaid jumpers? Sure. I was too young to go out on the ice so the smoke hanging from the corner of the mouth and mountain of stubbies behind the hack was all dad.
From 2-4 in the round robin to gold for the first time. Crazy run.
My Father was funny that way. He was never a teaching type. He always figured that if you were good at something then he’d never lift a finger to correct you. I started golfing as a teenager and his response was “Don’t touch my clubs!” I played baseball and football competitively until I got fucked up with an injury at 16. His response “Time for you to get a job.”
OK, who around here knew about this, and didn’t bother to tell me??
No one knew. Not even the niggling little voices in HM’s head knew. You knew. You shared. Now I know and must have one!
I’d say they have kinky potential, on the level of stampeding cattle through the Vatican.
Then you are not truly “Not A Naked Intruder”! Good Day Sir!
Well, I mean, if I have a bang-saddle on…..
I said Good Day!
::blushes:: Aww, gee! You have a good day, too!
Wifey just watched some weirdo culty/Mormon movie called “Horse Dancer”. We sat and mocked the production values and she kept watching it til the end. The protagonist didn’t jump on a horse until the last reel. She loves horses, I suppose.
Fuck Hertz in the ass.
Anyone know of any car rental companies that didn’t just go full retard?
Leon’s Rent and Wreck. No money down but the payment might be pricey. I also know a cheque cashing place, right around the corner.
I was hoping Avis would stay out of the fray, but alas..
I can’t keep track of who owns who anymore, so I have no idea which actual dealers are full retard and which aren’t.