Dubbed “the Worst Tabloid”
OK, time to have another themed links…but not in subject matter. Nope, we are going to go to a single type of source….the Tabloids! Roll around in the trashy headlines, the insinuation and innuendo! Rejoice in the lack of weight and seriousness. I give you, the all-tabloid links!
- We’ll start out with a typical British tabloid reaction to a motor accident – or, a “Hands Free Horror Smash” as the Sun calls it.
- The NY Post will go a bit longer for their headline, to coax you into reading of other people’s misery. “Delta Passengers Rage Over 12 Hour ‘S-tshow’ On Delayed Plane“
- Back to Britain, for everybody’s favorite….the Daily
FailMail. “LOCKED IN WITH LIONS“. Kudos for incorporating the video bit too. I just love the oddly specific reference to the car brand in the header. And God Bless for adding the pics, so we know it was two attractive women IN DANGER!!!!!!!!!!! Never change, Daily Fail! - I would be guilty of the most egregious malpractice if I didn’t include America’s favorite (no, not The Weekly World News) …The National Enquirer! I found a lovely little sports related conspiracy story…For The Win! This is absolutely delightful in the “journalism” aspect of the “investigation”.
- OK, one more, I cannot resist, just as an homage to the World’s Only Reliable News…6-INCH ALIEN!

Just TRY and beat that one!
I just KNOW you have favorite tabloid headlines you can share, yes?
Jeezus. Fucking. Christ,
Gotta be satire, gotta be satire, gotta be satire…
How’d I know what that was going to be a link to before clicking on it?
Humanity is truly beyond hope. Where are you, Sweet Meteor O’ Death?
Gotta give them credit for the puns at the original source link.
No kidding. That’s how it’s done.
I guess they all thought he was…
( •_•)>⌐■-■
Damn that’s slick character work
Remember that old story about an econ prof or math prof that was reported to TSA because he was doing some math on a note pad and some middle aged housewife thought it looked terroristy. And maybe had a swarthy completion, I don’t remember. But TSA pulled him off the pane and interrogated him.
The TSA goon squad getting scared by math is the joke. But of course the punchline is.. he was using Arabic numbers…
Calculus is terroristy.
It is Integral to many terrorist plots.
I can’t even differentiate between the dumbass comments and smart ass comments here.
What difference, at this point, does it make?
at this laplace and time, none.
It’s a sine of the times we live in.
See something, say something
Good thing he wasn’t a tan gent trying to enter a rhom bus.
They didn’t specify who’s facing disciplinary action.
Hopefully it means the guy who is supposed to be teaching math to these kids.
Get fucked with your “extremely poor judgement.” He articulated a thought and you bunch of jabronis took it out of context and escalated the confrontation.
Allen Parish. Oberlin.
This explains much that I will just keep to myself.
Was it the intention of every adult involved to look dumber than the children? Because if so, mission accomplished.
At least I didn’t break Swiss’s heart – well what remains of it.
When will Congress act and ban these ladies’ assault weapons? Won’t someone think of the children!?
1, 3, 10, 15, 26, 27 (obviously), 30, 40, 41, 43, 45.
Many of you would put your 6 inch alien in these fine specimens.
Once again I reference a link! EXCELSIOR!
Issues with Ink aside – why would you Tattoo your Palm?
Who is #38?
She is not a number! She is a Free Woman!
From this clip
Thanks, she sure is cute.
You’re welcome!
An oldie but always relevant when the ban boner comes around.
“But if you’re familiar with the OECD, you’ll immediately notice a problem with the list Fisher uses. Mexico is an OECD country. So why is Mexico not in this graph? Well, it’s pretty apparent that Mexico was left off the list because to do so would interfere with the point Fisher is trying to make. After all, Mexico — in spite of much more restrictive gun laws — has a murder rate many times larger than the US.”
US has the worst murder rate EVARH*. Must do something
*ignoring every country with higher rates.
That’s always my favorite thing to do with progs
“Not more than Mexico, Honduras, Venezuela, El Salvador, or South Africa”
“Why not?”
“Look, those are very different countries.”
“Different how?”
“Culturally, economically”
“So then murder rates are not driven by gun ownership rates?”
Wait, if murder is driven by culture and economics, then mass immigration of poor people from those culture… nope, better just stop there.
“Because those countries are shitholes.”
I see Chile is second on the list. What’s its gun-control story?
Chile today, hot tamale.
/narrows gaze.
The new talking point is that the debate isn’t about murder rates it’s about mass shootings.
Hooray, let’s have a “debate” about statistically irrelevant anomalies. That’s going to lead to nothing but the most rational and well posed policy changes.
also down.
Sigh… why do I even try.
I think it has to do with duty or something.
Because you’re the best of us, Swiss.
I referenced a link! I did it! Me, me, me!!!
“Ford to New York: Drop Dead”
I support your efforts, Swiss
My favorite as well.
Also, the Cleveland Plain Dealer headline from around the same time:
“Ford to Cleveland: Are You Serious? No.”
Awwww….poor Swiss…
As soon as I saw the first posts, I thought “damn, Swiss ain’t gonna be happy”.
Not just me…when you put some thought and effort into finding links, a theme, search out images, write it up (sloopy always gives us a summary of news and sports before the links, OMWC goes into imagery and unique music, Brett gets the latest in, ZARDOZ dredges through advice columns and has had stories and themes run through the links, STEVE SMITH too….etc.) and it is paste-fest from Jump Street.
Screw it.
*pours some everclear and distilled water for Switzy*
Don’t feel bad. The lions were adorable.
We all appreciate the efforts, even if it’s not always apparent.
What is this Swiss group therapy?
We appreciate the effort. I even contributed a magazine headline.
Let’s turn it in to a party instead. Break out the fondue and cocaine.
Fondue is a helluva dip.
OK, no more boobs off the bat.
Don’t you ever apologize for that, Q. Ever. You hear me- don’t ever apologize for your works of charity
Don’t be mad Swiss, we still luv the lynx!
Applying rules to people like us (well not me specifically but the rest of you folks) is like herding cats.
It’s the contrarian streak.
The links were a good effort, but after that image…quaint.
Now excuse me, I have to bleach my brain to try and earase those headlines next to those happy, lunatic, Joker-like grins. *shudder*
For what it’s worth, I enjoyed your links and I appreciate the extra creative effort.
I see your six inch alien and will beat it by two inches. Right here buddy.
You’re gonna hit the 6″ alien with your 2″ penis??
/partially missing the punchline.
/puts arm around Swiss.
You see Swiss. It’s simple.
We’re assholes.
There, there. Some of us dutifully right click each link and pick Open in New Tab, then peruse them and come back to Glibs.
Sometimes we get burned by Rick Roll stunts.
Sometimes (ok, just once) we get burned by HM. #NeverAgain
But we still do our part.
Take heart.
You might already know this, but you can middle-click (press the mouse wheel down on a modern mouse) to open a link in new tab, without having to bring up the context menu.
All links I’ve ever tried from this site open in new tabs. it’s one of the many things that make this the ‘Best Site on the Internet’.
I just got home from work. I read your Catalonia piece, which I like, and then I came here. I started reading your links, but got distracted by Q’s T&A link.
*sigh* How do I make a character not sound sleazy when it comes out he joined the pep squad and drama club specifically to meet girls?
Make him 32 years old.
He’s sixteen. His age and identity has been established in the series.
Have him hit that high C.
Well, when I was sixteen…
…Uh. I don’t remember.
He stayed in both because he discovered he really liked them, and forgot all about hitting on chicks.
That’s actually pretty normal and believable.
But the way it’s conveyed in conversation can read in a variety of ways, and a lot would reflect poorly on him as a character, turning the audience against him when they’re not supposed to hate him.
It’s okay. A 16-year-old doing that is at the very least understandable and relatable.
Redeem him with some other action.
1. Make sure he’s attractive to girls, even if he doesn’t know it
2. Ensure that he doesn’t subsequently become unattractive to girls
I agree, but if the character was somewhat of a loser or a nerd, or maybe had some type of flaw like a speech impediment, then he’d come across as more sympathetic.
“he didn’t really care, but thought it would be a solid place to meet women”
Exactly, why is it an issue? Says more about your readers if they think that’s gross. Nobody joins a club if they’re not at least passively interested in interacting with people.
The captain, club president were aware of it, found him useful and if girls might have found him cute?
Everything in human history has been a ploy to sleep with women, so in the grand scheme, he’s just a regular dude.
I guess I’m more worried about phrasing when it actually gets referenced in dialogue.
Have it to a reply for someone, most effectively the love interest, thinking he’s gay.
I’ve been debating whether or not she gets that mistaken impression.
Too cliche.
How about he joins to hit on dudes but then realizes later he’s a repressed heterosexual? Huh? Never heard that one.
Cliches work, that’s why they’re around.
Well stereotypically the guys on the pep squad and in the drama club who are getting the girls in those clubs are the ones who joined specifically for that purpose. Most of the guys who join those clubs are either too weird, dorky, or gay to get the girls (excepting girls who are into those first two, of course).
Obviously you just need to write him as being very successful. Everyone likes the guy that gets all the hot chicks
His own brother doesn’t believe him when he makes a statement about how many of the girls he had a tryst with.
This guy … is Nick Offerman?
It’s kind of sleazy.
I treat characters as human beings. They’re going to have good and bad qualities.
Good. But you’ve clearly stated his motivation, which we’ve interpreted as less-than-savory but VERY HUMAN. One of the best things to discover is when your own characters surprise you. Characters, like people, change. People love characters who change — like Sam Rockwell in Three Billboards or why there will be people rooting for Kylo Ren to turn to the light side in the next installment.
People love characters who stay the same, too*. Heck, people often love the bad guys**. If you make your character cool enough or otherwise enjoyable enough, people will look past any number of character flaws.
*See: James Bond. He’s basically the same character he always was (arrogant, suave, womanizer, competent spy), and that’s worked for, what, 30 films? I know some stories have tried to give him an arc, but in the end the arc always bends back to the same place.
**See: Darth Vader. A murderous, megalomaniacal, tyrannical asshole whose only redeeming points are that he loved his family and killed a bigger asshole. He’s basically Hitler if at the end of the story Hitler killed Stalin. People shouldn’t like him, but they do.
“How do I make a character not sound sleazy when it comes out he joined the pep squad and drama club specifically to meet girls?”
Have him shoot in self-defense and save 25 lives.
Have him go to drama club camp, where he unwittingly leads on a gay guy and wears anal beads as a bracelet?
While amusing, the last part is unlikely given my storytelling.
Remind them why Dillon robbed banks.
I thought that was why people robbed share-croppers?
There were white sharecroppers.
I heard a story from someone a while back whose brother/friend/whatever was a photographer who was often commissioned by the WWN. One anecdote was the WWN had a story about a real-life (or real-death) “corpse bride”. So the photog got a coupla models, put them in bridal wear, and posed them in front of a random U.S. courthouse. Except the story was supposed to take place in Slovakia or something. They ran the picture with the English word “Courthouse” in in anyway.
I sure do miss the WWN.
A good friend of mine had a boss who did some of the old drawings for them. I think he said if he had one more SHARK HORROR sketch to do, he was going to stab himself with a pencil. But the money was not bad, so he kept plugging away.
God dammit, NE didn’t like either Firefox, Incognito Mode, AdBlock or some combo of them. I really, really wanted to see the thought process for the article!
*sigh* When can I go home for the day?
You could quit and go home permanently.
How much do you want to keep the current job?
I got off work at 2:30.
Yesterday was 70; the drive home today was through snow. 😮
That sucks
The best part of grocery shopping is reading the tabloid covers
I look at the covers of the gossip mags count how many of the “celebrities” I’ve ever heard of (usually less than 50%).
I do the same and it’s getting close to 0%
I am disgusted with all of you.
That sounds like something Tulpa would say.
That is funny
That’s funny, in a way. I had no idea what a Tulpa was, until 2 days ago, I compared UCS’ explanation of how to write a story to making a Homonculous. While I was checking to make sure I said what I meant, the article talked about tulpas.
Aha! I thought. And did nothing else.
“How dare the President call us ‘un-American’. The nerve. Also, hey generals, why don’t you guys get more involved in domestic politics and help us confiscate guns?”
I don’t see why this is a thing the left would care about. If Trump is literally Hitler, he’ll start gun confiscations any day now on his own.
Yep. He’s making nice
goosestepsstrides in that direction.Taking everything that comes out of Trumps mouth as gospel now? I’ll give it the same weight I’ve given everything he’s said in the last couple years.
The stuff he’s said before were not being pushed as policy. The man wants to increase the age limit for buying certain guns. If President Obama suggested such a proposal and had his party in the majority people would be screaming bloody murder and rightfully so
Best case scenario:
Conservatives don’t want anything done, Progs want something, anything done. Trump intentionally included the age limit as a throwaway option. Then he show how he compromised with both sides and got something done to help school shootings (improved background checks and armed teachers).
I don’t know if this what is actually going on, just a thought. I do know that seriously supporting raising the age to 21 will counter all of the positive things he’s done so far in my book.
Most likely scenario: Trump continues to say whatever the fuck is at the front of his mind, which continues to have about 0 relation to anything he does.
Raise the age to join the military to 21 and I’m in
I’m willing to go along with it on the condition that the voting age goes back to 21 at the same time.
Yup, the dems couldn’t or didn’t do anything about guns when they were in charge but our Republican president is pushing through gun control.
And Trump cultists are for it.
When he’s making fun of other politicians – fine.
When the POTUS is saying very specific things about what he;s going to do to make it more difficult to obtain firearms? Yeah, I take that seriously.
And his specific proposals on this topic are indefensible.
^ This
If it happens he will not have a good reelection campaign
He’ll likely be primaried either way, but after passing gun control, his primary opponent will likely beat him
but after passing gun control, his primary opponent will likely beat him
I think you’re exaggerating the backlash for a minor common-sense gun control measure supported by the NRA and directly inconveniencing few people.
You’re underestimating our ability to hold a grudge.
I’m underestimating your numbers.
Lunatic morons with a microphone
I’ve already said that I think these fuckers really want more school shootings. Obama did give guns to Mexican drug gangs in the hope that more American guns would be used to slaughter people so he could use it as a prop in his push for gun control. Now they are kicking and screaming over suggestions that we get rid of soft targets. They want more school shootings, not less.
Put armed people in schools and this school shooting bullshit will come to a screeching halt. That is exactly what gun grabbers dont want.
“Accept you will never get rid of guns, you may want it, I may want it, but the bitter clingers will never allow it. How do we solve the problem with the tools we have? Kill anyone who kills children. Shoot back at them.”
IDK, maybe that will work.
I don’t think the answer is put armed people in schools, because that is a very expensive solution in order to prevent a rare occurrence. I think the answer is allow armed employees in schools. School shootings only became a thing after “Gun Free Zones”. Repeal that law. And then mere possibility of an angry janitor with a Hi-Power becomes a deterrent. Remember the Aurora shooting? The asshole researched which theater didn’t allow guns. They’re cowards who will only go after targets as soft as the contents of Q’s image folder.
the Daily Fail Mail. “LOCKED IN WITH LIONS“
Holy shit, that was awesome. And the best part – the incident took place in England!
Now, I’m not saying I really want to die in England, but if I have to, “eaten by lions” is the best way to go! Way cooler than getting eaten by lions in Africa.
“Consumption” used to be a common cause of death. Might have meant something else.
It will be America’s.
If you’re in Wales instead of England, you get eaten by badgers instead. Per Swiss’ request for ridiculous tabloid headlines:
Gordon Ramsay Sex Dwarf Eaten by Badger
That’s astoundingly entertaining.
Almost as good as “B is for Badger” (ABC’s of Death)
dangit….gotta get back to reading links in a timely fashion
Soft Cell has the soundtrack:
“He was doing well but was under pressure like everyone else in this god damn industry.”
No kidding.
This is why time off is important, Rufus. People can’t work all the time or celebrity lookalike midgets end up getting eaten by British backyard fauna.
Quit dragging Spice Girls into everything.
Which one was the remedial whore again?
I think he got the better deal.
Being alive in Tregaron is a fate worse than death.
After seeing people on the inter-webs mocking the death of Billy Graham, I read an article about him and it seems like those who criticized him know little about him other than the fact that he was an evangelical Christian. Apparently, Graham refused to segregate his tent meetings (in violation of the law), wrote about the immorality of segregation for Vibe magazine, and helped bail Martin Luther King out of jail.
I suspect that most the disgust for Graham is really just rooted in the fact that he was an evangelical Christian.
Billy Graham was cool.
My snarky answer yesterday is the one I stand behind. Most people can’t differentiate between all the old, white men with white hair that did the televangelist thing. Most televangelists turned out to have some pretty scummy characteristics, so availability bias says he must be scummy too.
(Either that, or I’m just projecting, because that was totally my first response when I read he died.)
I’ve given you my reason, and it’s more than because he was an evangelical Christian. In that respect, I had more respect for him as such than most other televangelists/other major evangelists.
But you didn’t like my reason either, so…
I wasn’t specifically referencing your criticism. I meant more so some people on the inter-webs who were just raging against Graham because he opposed same sex marriage or whatever culture war issue is so important that we need to trash a man.
I didn’t mean to pick on your criticisms, which were at least based on something concrete
But he didn’t have an FCC Monkey Band
Pastor Gas is a teleflatulist!
Pretty much.
He’s evangelical! Get him!
His crackers were always highly overrated and disappointing.
But he didn’t just stop with the routine crackers. Oh no, he went all-in on honey and then … cinnamon!
He crossed an indefensible cracker modification line. His cracker hubris was unparalleled. Probably responsible for much of the unnecessary cracker arms race of the 20th century.
Graham crackers are a plot of Presbyterianism, not Baptists. And if you think they are disappointing now, you should try some based off the original recipe.
Are we talking about the food stuff or his congregations?
He was a fine Man
Must you bring your gay politics into every thread?
Of course that is it.
Pence – least offensive professional politician
Graham – least offensive Evangelist
Both attacked viciously by people whose honor and character could be stuffed up a mosquitoes ass without causing the mosquito any discomfort.
Two very low bars.
FYI, Just Say’n, I enjoyed that video of your old-school Catholic televangelist you posted yesterday. That guy had quite the flair for the theatric, and a few good lines too (“Communism is a vulture that feeds on dead societies”).
I could almost feel the ruler whacking the back of my head.
Political ‘reporter’ has never heard of the idea of ‘natural rights’ and scoffs at the notion that rights come from anything other than government. This is just naivety.
Dowd is one of the worst, most sanctimonious of the NeverTrumpers
He’s obviously an ignorant asshole as well.
Jefferson and Madison said the source for the rights in the Constitution derived from God’s authority.
Who the fuck are they?
/GOP Political Consultant
God Who?
You don’t need a god to justify natural rights, but it helps.
Sanctimony and ignorance couched as an argument.
I think I saw Rachel Maddow do this once too. What a dick that guy is.
Because hey, shit happens?
Detectives also searched the students home
You could knock me over with a feather.
Let no opportunity to search go untaken.
Thicc Thursday?
My anaconda don’t want none unless you got buns, hon.
(Didn’t read the article to see whether it’s a man or a woman.)
Men don’t really have big asses, so …
It’ll take more than an anaconda to handle that. Also, how’s she wipe?
How do I make a character not sound sleazy when it comes out he joined the pep squad and drama club specifically to meet girls?
It depends on whether he’s an asshole about it. It should be possible to portray him as somebody who enjoys the company and companionship of the fairer sex, and not just some degenerate bedpost-notcher.
It’s a work of fiction, right?
I fail to see the problem
Why I took theater, weren’t any chicks in my metal shop classes.
He’s got no qualms about flirting with/hitting on most girls he finds attractive, the main exception being the one he actually wants to be with, because he’s terrified of being rejected by her specifically. Acculumating short flings with the remainder is the actual motifivation for his club membership.
I’m telling you, it’s only offensive if he failed. As long as he’s good looking and got with a bunch of these chicks, he’s merely providing them with opportunities. If he’s a young ( not yet wealthy) Wien strength, it’s very offensive. Brad Pitt, not so much…
“If Utah Gov. Gary Herbert signs a bill that recently passed both houses of the Utah legislature unanimously, parents in his state will not have to worry about getting arrested for letting their kids play outside or walk to school.
Which, of course, no parents should have to worry about in any state. But they do … in part because of me.
Utah’s so-called Free-Range Kids Law is named for the movement I began 10 years ago, when I let my 9-year-old ride the subway alone. I wrote a column about it in the New York Sun (R.I.P.) and two days later I was on the Today Show, MSNBC, Fox News and NPR being asked why I’d let my son do something on his own in the big, wide, child-snatching world.”
What about walking somewhere else?
Of all the depressing stuff I read here (I really come here just for Swiss’s links, truth be told) it’s this treating children like they’re forever three-years old that upsets me the most. What kind of nation do we become when we raise our children like this?
“It’s NOT about an environment for leanring. It’s ABOUT making a HOME here!”
/Helicoptered Kid at Yale.
#Metoo. I listened to the AoM podcast that she was on and I was sad for a few days after word. It’s hard to even fathom that some if not most kids now grow up under constant supervision, where play and fun are inevitably an organized or electronic activity and independence is stiffled rather than encouraged. What would millennials value liberty? By and large it’s a foreign concept.
Why wouldn’t some chap give the lion-attacked blonde a coat? She must be freezing in that dress! Just more misogyny I guess.
Ms Reynolds, who filmed the footage, said: ‘It was the last thing you’d expect to happen on a causal day out.
I would be willing to bet there’s an advisory on the back of the ticket warning about lions clomping around on your vehicle. I also suspect they refuse to allow convertibles to enter that enclosure, for that reason.
A long time ago I lent a bass amp to a friend for a gig. I got it back the other night. Now the Volume is stuck at like 11 no matter where the dial is. I’ve turned down everything but it’s still blaring noise. How do I fix this, it am I just destined to lose my hearing?
Most likely the ground got disconnected from the volume pot.
Or the pot is Bwoken
That’s the second mostly likely (pots usually fail open).
I’ll pull it apart tonight.
Thanks guys
Assuming the dial is wired up to a pot, you could replace it. You’ll need a logarithmic pot most likely, they’re the most common for volume controls. If it’s hooked up to a digital control try looking for replacement parts from the manufacturer, or kick your friend in the genitals until he agrees to buy you a new amp.
Sounds like it might just be a busted potentiometer… Let me put that in millennial speak for you… The turny part might be broke and you might need a new one. This may involve both tools and a magazine.
Hey now! I think DOOMCo can actually check the oil in his car. Pretty sure anyways.
Thanks! This millennial had no idea what a pot was.
It’s a vessel for holding liquids.
You know, I was going to make another joke about millennials, but I just cut my thumb on my zipper and I don’t feel up to joking about my generation’s superior intellect any more.
Feel free. If I was that easily offended I wouldn’t be hanging out here.
If I were that easily offended…
I’m not a Millennial, and I thought it had something to do with ass sex and/or Mexicans.
Put it this way, it’s way better than the pot we had when I was a kid.
Unless you like tearing apart amps why DIY? Take it to a shop and have your friend pay for it. I rarely had to borrow gear– but if I did I would be damn sure to return it in the condition it was originally.
I wouldn’t mind trying to figure out how it works, but that might be how it ends up.
I was making a pot joke. If I hadda guess, I’d say the older potentiometers are better. It’s very easy to change them. Just need some minor soldering.
‘potentiometer’….. Oh look Mr. Smarty Pants.
The left can’t meme.
“…and I go and collect all the sticks in the state, burn down the forests and imprison landscapers.”
Talk loudly and carry a small pussy hat
Ban trees.
It’s terrible doggerel.
Did Q write that?
They are the #1 cause of forest fires.
Kid obviously learned to beat another person from his parents.
“Even if your kid was acting in self-defense? UNFIT PARENT!”
We’re all children, and the government is our daddy.
“So you’re saying you’re too stupid to realize he can just get another stick?”
Why is your god-damned kid hitting people with sticks?
Unfit parent. Take the kids away and put the parents in jail.
“You are an unfit mother. Your children will be taken from you, and placed in the custody of Carl’s Jr. Carl’s Jr……fuck you!”
“If your kid beats my kid with a stick, my kid will kill him in self-defense.”
Take the stick away and your soon to be serial killer is going to find a rock.
“When my daughter beats the shit out of your kid with Tae Kwan Do, are you going to try to take her legs away you sick fuck?”
What happened to letting the kid pick out another stick which will then be used on their backside?
Ok, so after somebody commits a murder, we’ll take their guns away. Oh look, we already do that. Problem solved!
I taught my daughter that a base ball bat is a pretty good weapon in a pinch.
Pretty sure we take guns away from murderers. When my child hits someone with a stick I don’t ban all children from owning sticks and burn the forest down.
For Swiss since we failed the Linkalympics.
You can stop now, Q. Swiss is probably already comforting himself with delicious chocolates, finely tuned watches, and Nazi gold
Don’t forget the cheese. And bread. And bread. And pastries. And more bread. And more pastries. And pretzels. And pretzel bread. And pretzel buns with cheese in the middle. And some bread.
Tourist: Waiter, I’ll have the Swiss club
Waiter: Excellent choice, sir. Would you like that with bread or pretzel bread?
Tourist: Ummm…I guess pretzel bread. Does it come with any sides?
Waiter: The pretzel bread is the side.
Tourist: This is a sandwich, right?
Waiter: Yes
Tourist: So, it’s lunch meat in between two slices of bread with a side of pretzel bread?
Waiter: Correct, sir. Except, there is no lunch meat between the two slices, just Nazi gold
Swiss bikini
That link keeps getting re-directed.
I want somebody to respond to the whiny children being puppeteered by the gungrabbers with,
I’d like to help you son, but you’re too young to vote”
I have to admit I’m annoyed by the notion that they’re “puppeteered”.
You want to say that CNN, et al are pushing these kids because they agree with their prescribed agenda and ignoring kids with a different opinion, that’s fine. But passionate 16 year olds are smart enough to do things like this. My brother was one (and he had the “right” opinions as well)
I think that’s what people mean by puppeteered.
I don’t think anyone doubts that there are tons of super leftist teenagers who are willing to go on TV and spout proggie talking points on cue. It’s just horseshit that a supposed news organization. Shit, the first time I ever saw the Chocolate Jesus speak was in 2006 when my Smart Kids High School organized a field trip to go see him stump for Fuckface Timmy Kaine.
How do you get 500 enthusiastically loud people to a midday weekday rally? Go let the local HS out of class on a late September afternoon. Then they cheer the junior Senator from Illinois as he promises them free shit.
Chocolate Hitler’s Welfare Putsch
This belongs here,Dragonfly!
Also would.
Ban trees.
When sticks are outlawed, we’ll all be safe.
lines like this always remind me of ‘calmly-hyperbolic’ british news patter perfected by Brass Eye
but I just cut my thumb on my zipper and I don’t feel up to joking about my generation’s superior intellect any more.
Something something zipper tracks on your pecker.
No, that’s the kind of mistake even I could only make once.
Is that the frank or the beans?
Not sure if anyone has linked this today, but talk about tabloid worthy, LOL!
Heap big Bullshit Chief Zoolander
Thanks, you retard, from America, now we know that no matter who we elect we’ll never have a president dumber than this guy.
I finally realized that cultural appropriation is a thing.
Canadian 1: Check it out, eh- those Americans are going to elect Donald Trump
Canadian 2: They’re going to elect a cartoon character
Canadian 1: Yeah and here we are like a bunch of hosers with a straight-laced prime minister like Harper
Canadian 2: It’s not right, eh. We can’t let those American upstage us everytime
Canadian 1: Oh, we’ll show them yanks, alright. Let’s elect Pierre’s dimwitted son
It’s adorable sometimes how retarded he is. I think he was trying to make an additional play for fabled “ethnic vote block” of Indians, and went overboard. Because PM Zoolander is a nickname well earned.
He’s a fucken ridiculous twat.
“Neil deGrasse Tyson: “Because of Pink Floyd, I’ve Spent Decades Undoing the Idea That There’s a Dark Side of the Moon””
He’s the worst.
“Neil deGrasse Tyson” – Too literal-minded to realize that the “Dark” side of the moon is the one we can’t see from where we stand on the Earth. Much like the “Dark” Ages were due to a lack of ready records for study by later historians rather than referring to light levels.
There’s a ton of Dark jokes to be made about Neil DeGrasse Tyson
Another one that needs to be put back into the sock drawer.
Soooo, there’s not a side of the moon that we can never see from earth? Has Bill Nye weighed in on this?
Also, Heaven is a fictional place, but even if it were real you would not be able to build a stairway high enough to reach it.
Space elevator. That is all.
I’m surprised he didn’t blame the Catholic Church.
Does this mean there’s no sunny side of the street either?
I occasionally wonder if Twitter verified a parody account by mistake.
Gary Johnson will forever be remembered as the libertarian candidate who ran slightly to the right of socialist Bernie Sanders
What’s a sea pack?
“Hey, gun owners, and specfically NRA members, are statistically old rich white people with good credit. We should piss them off to cater to screeching idiot progs on Twitter” -Bank President who should be fired on the spot.
I’m always curious about how much due diligence companies do when deluged by “customers.”
It’s a generation gap thing.
A 55 year old bank executive doesn’t grok that these “3,000 angry customers” are actually just a bunch of SJWs on lefty twitter spamming their hate mail buttons and lying through their teeth.
“I am a concerned Christian conservative who has always banked at First National of Omaha for decades, and I am going to close my account!!!” -CaliProgForBernie1997
I’m gonna venture a guess that the the First National Bank of Omaha has more than one customer who does millions of dollars of business through that bank who’s a serious shooter and NRA Life Member. Like, oh, I don’t know, a big time construction firm or general contractor or auto dealership or hell, a sporting goods store.
If I were to hazard a guess, I would say the decision had nothing to do with the mob-o-morons. It was probably due to a quiet phone call from a guy named Buffett.
“Gov. Rauner drinks chocolate milk to demonstrate his commitment to diversity
In an awkward onstage appearance this week, Gov. Bruce Rauner drank a glass of chocolate milk to demonstrate his belief in diversity.
“It’s really, really good,” Rauner said after taking a sip of the sugary drink. “Diversity!”
The clunky corporate metaphor was the brainchild of Hyatt Hotels diversity and inclusion executive Tyronne Stoudemire, who appeared alongside Rauner on Wednesday at the downtown Chicago Thompson Center to discuss workplace diversity at a Black History Month event.
Enlisting Rauner as his lanky magician’s assistant, Stoudemire, who is black, poured a glass of milk to represent the white men who lead most organizations (including, um, the state of Illinois).
“This chocolate syrup represents diversity,” Stoudemire said, before squirting a healthy dash of brown syrup that immediately sank to the bottom of the glass.
“When you look at most organizations, diversity sits at the bottom of the organization,” Stoudemire continued. “You don’t get inclusion until you actually stir it up.”
Rauner then stirred the syrup into the milk, turning it brown, and he took a sip and pronounced it good.
“Diversity is the mix, and inclusion is making the mix work,” Stoudemire said, concluding his analogy.”
Awesome. Now I want someone to take that analogy to the limit.
“Then we add sprinkling of chili powder. For Hispanics. You know them Hispanics love chili.
And some cinnamon for South Asians.
And coconut, can’t forget Filipinos.
What the shit do we put in for Indians? Anyone?”
Cardamom? Might as well make this a Chai at this point.
Initially I figured that it would be undrinkable mess, but I think, if you try hard, you can probably only work with sweet and spicy flavors sufficiently that it just ends up as a heavy, pretentious diabetes-in-a-cup.
Chocolate + Cinnamon + Cayenne with some vanilla and cream in milk is basically a “mexican hot chocolate.” Sweet and spicy + cream is also a common way to make diabetes tea in SEA. Both are delicious.
Raw sewage or curry powder. Probably both.
Fire water!
Corn flour
So the takeaway from the demonstration is that brown people will naturally sink to the bottom unless they are coerced into mixing with whitey.
According to Democrats, yes.
Gov Rauner – “Skin color matters. Y’all are darkies.”
The more I think about it, if I were Chinese, I would have pissed in that glass.
Breaking news: Prosecutors in St. Louis have indicted Missouri Gov. Eric Greitens for a “felony invasion of privacy” charge.
Have no clue what that’s about, but it’s something that’s happening.
That guy has been nothing, but a disaster. Doesn’t he have an ongoing sex scandal too?
Apparently it’s related.
Like that is every Saturday night, what ev;s….
Would like to hear glib opinion on this:
Florida’s trying to require a “financial literacy” class as a precondition of graduating High School. It’s passed the Senate, pending before the House. Or maybe it’s the other way around, I can’t remember.
Yea or nay?
Seems fine if you accept that the state has authority to set high school education requirements. I’m not even opposed to the nationalistic “civic literacy” requirements that occasionally get suggested.
The “class” is required by the State, so will have specific content (TBD), likely credentialed instructors, class time, and obviously specific testing – all of which equate to $$$.
Yea if they let me specify the requirements of the class.
I have pretty strong opinions on the subject of,
“if the govt is going to have mandatory k-12 schooling AT ALL… there are ways it could be better”
which is entirely separate from the opinion that “they also shouldn’t be doing it at all”.
if they are going to do it, i’m a big proponent of: “establish very clear standards of ” here is a short list of things you need to demonstrate mastery in to receive a diploma”…
…and then focus all resources on helping kids achieve mastery in those few topics.
(*”mastery” here not being a term reflecting ‘highest possible achievement’, but rather baseline ‘bare minimum’)
If they were to do that, i think ‘basic macroeconomic, and personal finance literacy’ would definitely be things that would be hugely beneficial.
The problem is that they don’t currently operate along these lines; kids just have requirements thrown at them, and there isn’t really any sort of structuring of school around ensuring base-level competence. Given that the reality is that schools teach everything very very badly, i’d probably be against adding more requirements to an already shitty system.
Your average public school teacher is an economic ignoramus. Why the fuck are they allowed within 1,000 feet of children???
a brief outline of the stuff i grew up with that informs my POV
I understand but still don’t buy into it. What about the kid that wants to study electronics, then after two years of it decides he’s more interested in history and would rather study that? He’s wasted two years because he had the arrogance to change his mind.
Also, it seems like the original study was half-assed. From what my parents and grandparents told me, they (and their parents) decided what kind of high school they wanted to go to – either a skills-based one or a broad academics one. This is the 1920’s thru 1940’s. My grandmother (1923) chose secretarial school, my father (1944) chose vocational (electronics, machinery, etc.), my mother was general ed (Catholic).
This was shitcanned by the 1960’s and the trend was to shove everyone into the nearest school that HAD to be comprehensive (unless one went to parochial school). Sure you could take electives, but now instead of being in an environment set up for the student’s interest it was an environment for the “equalization of opportunity” (my phrase). Add in the forced busing, then mix in the guidance counselors who seemed more interested in guiding the students into fitting the numeric goals the school district and state wanted to see rather than what the students were interest in and capable of – you wind up with a toxic environment that only works in the LEAST economically-diverse neighborhoods.
My high school in the 80’s was economically diverse but not very superficially diverse – 60% white, 40% black. About 50% middle class, 30% lower-class, 20% poverty. I’d say the majority of kids learned how to read in elementary school. It was a toxic environment.
Stepdaughter’s high school today is 70% white, 15% Asian (all types), 10% Hispanic, 5% black. The economic makeup is 60% upper-middle class, 35% middle class, 5% lower-class. (poverty would be token at best). The school is successful because you’ve got a significant majority of families interested in getting their kids educated OUTSIDE of school at a young age and the economic means to do so. Most of the kids knew how to read before kindergarten and learned how learn outside of the typical school environment.
The school bureaucrats like to take the credit for the quality, but it isn’t deserved.
don’t even know what you’re referring to.
the CES concept is pretty simple. its basically ‘schooling on-demand’, as needed’ rather than forcing kids to sit in separate classes for 8 straight hours a day
a smart kid might decide to fulfill all his requirements in 1-2 years, and spend all his-her time satisfying the basics.
a different smart kid might take more time, pursue some specific interests/jobs, and do his graduate requirements on their own pace.
slower kids needing help would have resource labs where they could spend concentrated time on their core weaknesses, and wouldn’t need to have to jump from one subject to another when they don’t even have basic skills needed to deal with those subjects.
the concept of “wasted time” simply doesn’t exist in this model. how kids choose to utilize the school would be based on the kids themselves, parents, and input from their advisors
the way school is done now is basically a one-size fits all factory which rotates kids through classes, 90% of which don’t actually impart any particular skills or competencies which are measured.
e.g. instead of 4 years of english courses, you’d have a ‘reading + writing’ lab.
its a conceptual shift from “getting through X amount of material”, to simply ‘being able to demonstrate competency’.
i went to one of these types of schools, and in my own case, i pretty much wrapped up my english/history requirements in half the time, and left myself with twice as much time to spend on math + science (which made both easier and allowed me to do AP classes i probably wouldn’t have done otherwise).
I can imagine a person going, “oh, this is so airy-fairy and idealistic and would never work in the real world”. At one point in the 1990s, there were 1000 schools operating like this (tho no 2 schools were exactly alike). And they operated everywhere from inner cities, w/ poor students, to very rich suburban communities. As an alternate high-school model, it works pretty well.
The American school system does exactly what John Dewey designed it to do: produce a compliant populace that spends 6 hours a day being indoctrinated with a socialist, statist, and collectivist world view and having the notions of independent thought and action beaten out of them.
It’s one of the reasons I have such little patience for conservative education reformer types. You have a giant bureaucracy staffed entirely by leftist ideologues who’s mission in life is producing people who will vote for the leftists, and they want to tinker around the edges with “financial literacy” courses.
“” they want to tinker around the edges””
basically my same complaint. the problem isn’t the “content”. its everything to do with the structure, method, and system.
i’d be more concerned with the content (or what’s ‘missing’) if the system itself were first completely overhauled.
I say get rid of schools as we know them. And the abomination of property taxes too. If u have kids, figuring out how they get educated and paying for it is ur problem.
The problem is systems are inflexible. To stick an adolescent into an education “system” is more likely going to frustrate them than teach them. And despite the superficial diversity, students know damn well they’ve been pigeonholed into the smart kids, the average kids, and the dumb kids and they resent it. Let the kids go to environments where they have to mix with people of all ages that have similar interests rather than an age-restricted caste system and they’ll be less alienated as adolescents and more productive as adults. But that would be allowing them to think for themselves, consult with their parents, and take personal responsibility for their decisions – that is an affront to TOP. MEN. And for heaven’s sake don’t let a 16-year old and a 22-year old become attracted to each other!
Ah, no.
God dammit, I’m sick of all these reboots!
FWIW, I answered to a comment you made in the Catatonic thread. It was a good point.
Just checked that thread. Some experience with separatism might give a different perspective. I had a professor in Moscow who had lived in Canada and noticed that the National Post was all in favor of independence for Tatarstan in the early ’90s despite being strongly against Quebec’s independence.
It does put me in a philosophical bind.
I think some places may have a better claim or reason to separate so I don’t think the NP was being contradictory or inconsistency.
Quebec’s reasons for leaving hasn’t convinced me we should leave. But it doesn’t mean I can’t support, say, Brexit because that comes with its own particulars.
I’m hungry.
Go get some poutine. Isn’t that all you all eat up there?
Never ate poutine in my life.
Or a Big Mac.
True story.
What about a Royale with Cheese?
The fuck is wrong with you?!
That and fried beaver tail.
Florida’s trying to require a “financial literacy” class as a precondition of graduating High School. It’s passed the Senate, pending before the House. Or maybe it’s the other way around, I can’t remember.
Yea or nay?
Sounds good, in theory. I dread the thought of what this would entail as implemented by the NEA and their co-conspirators.
Which economic theory is better?
A) Keynesian
B) Marxism
C) Monetarist
D) Austrian (you will not graduate if you pick this one)
(And yes, like the average teacher, I used “better” with four choices even though it means I should have only given two choices.)
E) Mercantalism
*spends 50 Papal favor*
Sorry, reflex…
“”what this would entail as implemented””
yep. it would be a mess that ended up having nothing to do with actual financial literacy, and probably more to do with
“how to navigate the maze of public benefits systems in order to ensure if you have a baby out of wedlock that you can maximize your monthly subsidies”
Yes, it would probably include that. But perhaps it might be a class that would teach impending adults how to make a budget and live within it, and that might not be so bad.
Everyone, girls, boys, had to take home ec in junior high (and shop) when I was in junior high. Home ec covered budgeting. But, home ec isn’t part of the curriculum any more.
Those tabloid covers are really disturbing. Such happy colors and pictures paired with such dark text just really feels wrong.
That was my reaction too.
“Love it!” Smiling women. Bright colors.
Then read the words. Ick.
If he was a real police, that would have been the procedure.
Somebody should’ve told the school resource officer that the shooter had an ounce of weed in his pocket.
“There’s a dog
on the loosetied up!”His head ought to be mounted on a spike, and I am only half kidding.
In a more civilized age, men who had disgraced themselves as thoroughly as he has would have the decency to end their lives.
Yes, fat and worthless cops are fat and worthless, whether you call them a cop or a “student resource officer”.
It feels like the No True Scotsman fallacy, but if someone draws a paycheck and is designated to protect children, and then he listens to the sound those children getting murdered, I’m tempted to say he’s not a good persons.
Ah, no.
Sad and true.
That is just gobsmacking. I am officially gobsmacked.
There are a surprising number of people sticking up for the cop on that thread. Twitter is a damn cesspool.
There will be the usual rightie copsucking “You didn’t know the situation! There could have been hidden threats!!!!”
The left suddenly FUCKING LOVES POLICE because they have adopted the talking point that because this cop was a cowardly shite, therefore no one should own guns.
Then take the guns away from the cowards first.
They talk about how all the new proposed gun laws will help. Why not just make school shooting against the law?
-School shootings
Come on, BP, that’s the easiest double negative ever. won’t work!
Half of them seem motivated to compare how defenseless the cop was with only a handgun versus a scary assault rifle. Which is complete nonsense.
The cop should be spraying bullets to make sure he eventually hits the perp. Any collateral damage would be charged to the perp anyway. I think that’s the “logic”.
Not a “gun guy’ but this can’t possibly be correct.
You might be able to theoretically get that with an extended magazine that never malfunctions and a relatively high for a rifle cyclic rate. For reference an AR-15 at best does 1000 RPM or 16 rounds/second. The GAU-8 on the other hand does 3900 RPM which is 60 rounds/second. Brrrrrrt.
I should add, an AR-15 modified for fully automatic fire.
Yes, because cops never have an AR in the trunk for such a situation.
To clarify: the SRO could have access to a similar weapon. It isn’t inconceivable he/she can have access to one locked in a safe. Yes, this is moot if the SRO is a yellow bellied jackass…
It’s not correct in the sense that the guy meant it, because its irrelevant what exactly the cop was armed with. His job is to move to the sound of the guns and engage the threat until either the threat is eliminated or he is unable to continue to fight.
The reason a school cop spends all day flirting with the hot teachers and talking sports with the custodians and “patrolling the grounds” on a sunny Florida day is so if an evil fucker like this shitstain comes onto the grounds with ill intent and a weapon, that there is someone to place his body between that threat and the children. That’s why he is paid.
If he was armed with a fucking pointed stick, it’s still his duty to take the fight to the threat.
None of those kids had a pistol. None of those teachers had a pistol. I guarantee you one of them wished they did.
“If he was armed with a fucking pointed stick, it’s still his duty to take the fight to the threat. ”
Agree. And the original tweet is beyond stupid: it assumes the two people would lined up in the hallway like a western. In that situation, I don’t think the cop would even be obligated to demand the shooter drop his weapon even if the cop was behind the shooter.
Yeah and even if that ludicrous situation did come to pass: it’s still the cops duty to kill the sonofabitch or die trying.
I don’t care if there’s a lone wolf, if it’s a pair of them like Columbine, if they’re a fucking Pasadaran strike team or a goddamn clan of ninja assasins. You stand the fuck to, and you die on your feet, with the slide locked back. That’s why you get the 21 gun salute and the Stars and Stripes on your coffin. Because you are expected to run to the sound of the guns. If you wish to be called a hero, you must act like a hero in dire moments.
Look at what the people on Flight 93 did. Unarmed and untrained. Faced with multiple enemies and a locked door. They improvised, adapted, and overcame. They didn’t live, but they died on their feet and they saved the lives of others doing it.
This honestly makes me angrier than the shooter. Evil men will be with us always, and I don’t think there’s any more evil around nowadays than there used to be. Maybe even a little less. But I think there’s a hell of a lot more cowardice, and that disgusts me.
Preach it!
I think there was blog post (maybe Ace of Spades) in the last few months ripping into the whole issue of “heroes” – cops & firefighters whose main goal is to go home safe. It was brilliant but I can’t remember who wrote it at the moment.
I think it was CBD. He’s a Reason reader who infiltrates AOSHQ with some cop skeptic stuff. Always leads to a good amount of MUH BLUE WALL in the comments.
This one? Yours truly appears in the comments.
I’ve heard anecdotes that cops who are also reservists are some of the worst people to have in the field. Not sure if foisting their antisocial behaviors on foreigners is a good thing or not.
Yeah, that’s it.
Hear! Hear! Viking.
A few years ago I was having coffee with the local sheriff and this subject came up. I asked him what he had instructed his deputies to do in a situation like that.
“There comes a time in every man’s life when he has to ante up.”
God Damn right. If i was a male family member Id’ have a little come to Jesus meeting with the guy explaining that he’d shamed the family name and that he’s dead to me and I expect the only way he can propitiate that sin is to eat a shotgun blast. I think in some ways he’s worse than the piece of shit shooter.
It’s not. Not even close. Don’t forget that gun grabbers never, ever, ever, ever argue in good faith. Everything out of their mouth is an attempt to deceive.
Never in the history of the world has someone wanted to make you defenseless for your own good and they never will.
Between this and the FBI not acting on a clear tip-off about the murderer, the idea of taking guns out of civilian hands should be a total non-starter. “You want to disarm me but you are woefully incompetent and uninterested in my safety? Yeah, fat chance.”
Trouble is, most of the useful idiot gun-grabbers truly believe that if they pass gun control, no one will have guns so there will be no danger.
Even getting to Australian levels of gun ownership, never mind Western European, would be nontrivial. The closest thing to the “no guns” fantasyland that exists is basically Japan, and getting the U.S. to be like Japan is never going to happen.
The Slate Star Codex article linked below by thepasswordispassword makes about the strongest pro-gun control argument that can be made realistically about the U.S. given the data available: if we enacted Australian-style gun control, the murder rate would optimistically be reduced from 3.8 per 100,000 to 3.0 per 100,000.
Short of a Maoist revolution, there is never going to be a time when guns are practically absent from U.S. streets. And there would be so much bloodshed if that happened that it would make us envious of Brazil or Mexico’s murder rate.
—Between this and the FBI not acting on a clear tip-off about the murderer, the idea of taking guns out of civilian hands should be a total non-starter.—
Amen, brother. These ‘people’ want to disarm me after they’ve proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that they’re unwilling to defend my children in an emergency situation.
They can just fuck right off.
“He took up a position and stayed where he was.”
IOW he hid somewhere cowering in fear.
Maybe CNN can show up on his lawn and dox him.
Don’t worry. After he was put on leave, he filed for early retirement.
Conclusions are colored by being a California atheist but a pretty good analysis and critique about statistics on guns, homicide and a racial group so disgusting the Romans built a wall to keep them out.
Even the Romans tried to keep the Mexicans out!
That’s probably the best analysis of publicly available state-level data you’ll ever get without too much bias. One thing I like about SSC is that, even when the author reaches conclusions I disagree with, the argument is presented in good faith with thought and depth.
Oh it’s worse.
The guys Romans built the wall for? They got wiped out by the guys who replaced them, reaved Percy lands, went bankrupt in Panama and settled the South.
So, I recently saw an article that linked to a study that claims that 81% of women claim to have been sexually harassed. Really? So, is the goal of that study to prove that women are habitual liars? Because that is in no way believable. So either the data is inaccurate, or I’d estimate that at least 50% of women are pathological liars. I’m not sure these are the results they want.
‘Sexually harassed’ includes having a dude you are not into hitting on you , so this really shows that 19% of women have no standards or are so fugly no one hits on them.
You’re leaving out the part where most of these studies do not ask “Have you ever been sexually harassed?” they ask a lot of tangential questions like “Has anyone ever made a sexually suggestive comment in a workplace?” and a “yes” answer is another “Victim”.
Or Unauthorized use of Male Gaze. Don’t leave that out.
The #MeToo movement is another in a long line of too big to fails.
The #me too movement passes me off because I know women who gave up careers to try to stop some assholes in academia (another progressive bastion) and got nowhere. Going after men that engage in truly egregious behavior, and because of it, they will never get their chosen career and nothing really happened to the assholes. But some vacuous actress says that guy hit on me and they drool “ooh how brave”. They can go fuck themselves.
Houston, we have a problem. And it’s the patriarchy.
“But again, this impulse to enter the “space race” isn’t simply the embodiment of the American spirit of invention or forward-thinking entrepreneurship. Neither is it driven by the kind of nationalist Cold War fervor that inspired the creation of America’s space program in the 1950s.”
The impulse is to get away from crazy bitches like her. When people prefer a barren rock to your company, you may want to take a look at yourself first.
My “fellow” women make me want to hang my head in shame.
Can we repeal the 19th amendment?
Haha we were saying essentially the same thing to each other in different threads at the same time
Indentity groups only count for anything when they are groups of people united by ideas. You owe no apologies for other women just because they’re women. Damn, did I just white knight?
While your statement is true in theory, the reality remains that when an individual is the “first woman in our engineering department” or “first black medical student” or “first female president”, they are, deservingly or not, an ambassador of their “type.” And if they suck at their job or are just jerks or whatever, that will make a lasting impression and unfortunate association for any others of their “type” that might follow.
One of the many reasons I desperately wanted Hillary to lose.
And also one of the many reasons I resent “progressives” and democrats for constantly trying to put people in pigeonholes where they can be stereotyped and associated with the sins of their brethren (or sistren?).
I’m aware of what being a “representative” of an outside group is like. It’s a blast. You sound like you’re having fun.
Everything is cool now, but when I started 17 years ago, there was a strange coolness coming from the “guys”, the blue collar technicians. I finally asked an engineer about it, and he told me the story of the only other woman who had worked in the group and who apparently thought everything around her was sexist and a slight against her. So I patiently kept being me and eventually they realized I wasn’t a carbon copy of her (she was long gone by then.)
You are the American in Japan; I was the American in Sweden. It was kind of funny, because I was one of two American women in the class, and it was enlightening to all the others to see how different we two were. She was a total left wing nut, and I was a conservative at the time.
It happened to overlap the Clinton/Lewinski kerfuffle too, so I got informed and asked about that all the time, as if I would have insider knowledge. Funny.
So, two of the n=? women on this site seem to favor repeal of the 19th Amendment.
I am (likely) older, but 100% would relinquish my voting franchise for repeal (although I don’t really know whether the others are serious).
There’s absolutely a genetic impulse of favoring security at all costs, along with a general “OMG BE NICE” thing that appeals to women. That’s definitely a factor.
But I think it’s mostly economics. I don’t know many, if any women who are the primary breadwinner (actual breadwinner, not “the person the welfare money gets handed to”) and who are outspoken proggies on the economics front. My fiancee is pretty damn conservative, because she works full time and has since her second year of college, and paid for the whole thing herself. Like I don’t think it’s a coincidence that of the women in my office, the outspoken proggie ones have husbands who actually work real big time careers, pay all the bills and fund the retirements, and vote Republican. It’s easy to be social justice housewife when your husband takes care of all the actual heavy lifting, and you just buy Starbucks and clothes with your paycheck.
Note that our Token Libertarian Wimminz are, from my gleanings, pretty serious career women who are either single or the ones bringing home the bacon. Just like with college students, that whole SOCIAL DEMOCRACY NOW!!!! impulse kind of falls away when you realize that when you’re working in the private sector, you’re not the collective Paul, you’re the selected Peter.
I would bet that the statistical grouping, nationwide, of “single adults or primary breadwinners of the household who are employed in the private sector” is heavily male, and also heavily rightwing, even the women. Complementary, I would bet that “dependent spouse/public sector worker/straight up welfare parasite” is heavily female and heavily leftwing.
You see, it must be the patriarchy, because all them rockets look like a giant penis shooting into space. /progic
Ugh, I’m starting to wonder how many of these people are real. It seems like there’s a word generator out there that spouts this stuff: it’s all the same.
I prefer this kind of attack on the patriarchy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FmKJ66X0QvM
She was great.
Anybody else watch SpaceX launch of a satellite using Falcon 9? This morning at 6am PST.
Not as sexy as Falcon Heavy, but a good reminder that SpaceX is not fucking around.
Time to disband NASA (the Global Warming/ Muslim Outreach Centre) and let private industry take care of space.
You’ve just exposed yourself as not a real woman according to Marcie Bianco of NBC Think. Space exploration is a patriarchal desire of men whose only care is ravaging the planet and leaving nothing but decimation in their wake. Report to the reeducation camp!!
Isn’t it ridiculous??
People like Bianco are not helping the cause of women trying to make it in tradionally male-dominated fields.
I am even more in need of reeducation because I believe that men do tend to have more of a genetic drive to explore and innovate. So sue me.
Missed it, but the dual landing of the first 2 stages of the Falcon Heavy was the most epic thing I’ve seen since the moon landings. Yep, private industry needs to get it done. NASA has not been able to get out of low earth orbit for more than 50 years, FAIL!
I replayed the landing of those two rockets so many times, even my computer got tired of it.
Had to get the Elon Musk bio right afterward and try to understand that nutty guy. Brilliant, but not somebody you want to live with or work for.
Amen brother. Dudes, they landed two, almost three, rockets AT THE SAME FUCKiNG TIME!!!!!! That was fucking epic. And not on the news.
I fucking hate this dystopia.
Time to disband NASA (the Global Warming/ Muslim Outreach Centre) and let private industry take care of space.
Crazy libertarian nonsense! Only the government (and Nazi scientists) can get us to space!
Re: the Free range tweet, I did enjoy the subheading about him being “radicalized.”
Math humor is the best.
“ABC News: in Nov. 2017, the Parkland shooting suspect’s guardian at the time called 911 following a physical altercation involving the suspect. The guardian said the suspect had threatened people w guns & “put the gun to others’ heads” in the past”
“See something, say something”. Guess that doesn’t apply when the cops fuck up.
Dude, everyone knows it was the video games.
I’m on a plane right now which is about to taxi away from the gate. The pilot just came on the loudspeaker– a woman — and I swear she introduced herself as “Captain Cooter”. Help! What do I do?
Start singing “Cooter is leaving tonight on a plane, I can see the red tail lights heading for Spain, God, it looks like Cooter, Oh I miss it so much”.
Put up a confederate flag in the aisle?
Giggle every time and make sure everyone sees you.
I am from Missouri, can u show me ur cooter?
Sorry Glibs – haven’t had much time to Glib lately….maybe more this weekend. Still a couple quick notes.
1. Don’t recall if it was Rhywun or Gilmore or Jesse I got hooked on Carpenter Brut a little while back – but it appears that the next album is “out” (Site says so…itunes USA says nada). Very NSFW promo vid – the best kind.
2. Brendon “I made ‘Home Movies’ and “Metalocalypse”(!?!)” Small has finally got his first real video out for his new “Galaktikon” franchise. I would have preferred animated in the vein of the Dethklok MVs but it captures the visuals and feel of the concept album (and comic books) pretty well. Not my favorite song but hopefully there’ll be more in the future.
Carpenter Brut. Is that Richard wearing really shitty cologne? Because it’s not Karen drinking champagne.
BTW Pan – still haven’t had time to watch Marathon Family, but the artist/creator/director of Technotise just mailed me a free copy of his graphic novel the movie was based on. What a punch in the nuts that I can’t read Serbian. https://twitter.com/FishLikesFlicks/status/966829667377393665
Hoping Humanoids or some other publisher will think about translating this one. Sure looks nice.
Oh neat! How long is the GN?
Given that every time it looks like Marathon Family is on the schedule something horrible happens, maybe you should try to remove curse first?
66 pages not counting bonus art pages, etc. Yeah…I should probably just go ahead and watch it in a few days (maybe time next week).
Hmm…I wonder if I could do a translation of it, it’s not too long and hopefully not overly wordy…
The artist I’ve been corresponding with is also pretty good with English – not a major issue. I’d really just rather see it get picked up for publication over here.
Muslims burn piles of diapers because cartoon cat’s whiskers resemble Arabic for Muhammad
To take a step back:
The world is filled with people looking for a reason to be angry, because that anger makes them feel good. What we see from Muslims like this is not much different than the daily outrages from Team Red and Team Blue.
A person who can ignore provocations, real or not, has a great power.
Sodium polyacrylate doesn’t burn well at all. It would have been funny to watch them try that.
“A person who can ignore provocations, real or not, has a great power.”
So true. I’ve always wondered why people choose to give others so much power over them.
My son was constantly being badgered by some jerks at school and that was the line that finally got him to just ignore them. When he did that they quickly gave up.
What utter horseshit.
Razorfist on the ongoing gun control nonsense. Heads up: He’s agin’ it.
I don’t know how alive this thread still is but I wanted to to thank y’all who gave me advise for my phone interview. I passed round one and am off to the next round of interviews!.
I didn’t give any advice, but I’m more than happy to take the credit.
Thanks scruff.
I didn’t help.
Which means I did help.
you’re welcome.
You helped in spirit, that’s what counts.
Out of curiosity, which piece of advice proved most useful?
*i’ve never done phone interview, and wonder what sort of things they tend to hit people with and what works vs. what doesn’t in terms of it ‘going well’
Breathe heavily into the receiver, moaning gently every minute or so.
All this time and I never knew I was giving interviews
Trsh gets it!
The going slow and taking time answering. Was probably the best piece of advice. I do a lot of public speaking as part of my current job but talking to someone on the phone is a different animal.
Also keeping off of speaker phone, which is a habit of mine when talking on the phone.
Thanks DEG
I had my in-person interviews with half a dozen guys a couple of weeks ago, but today HR called and said one more guy (who was scheduled to talk via phone that day but didn’t make it) wants to interview me. He’s the boss of my would-be boss. So we will have a phone call in the next week or so.
waiting, waiting.
Good luck with your next phase!
Good luck to you as well.
This job would be a bit of a sea change for me, despite being a similar position it would be a work from home job which is not something that I’d ever considered doing before.
Working from home is tough for some. For me, when I work from home, I need an office I can close away from the rest of the house, and when the stepkids were little, I wore my work badge around my neck as a reminder to them that I was “at work” and not to be disturbed.
Wasn’t really for me. I like the teamwork and banter; I am an extrovert too. But I sure do like being able to work an occasional morning or afternoon from home.
I’m an introvert, but HATE working from home. I need the ritual of going to the office.
Man, I am hoping to start my 2x/week telework next week, and I am so fucking excited about it. When I used to do 50% telework, it was one of the best times of my life. I got to have a commuting ritual and a telework ritual every other day.
I learned in grad school that it was not for me.
I love work from home. I don’t know that I could do it 5 days a week, but 3 or 4 days a week would be great. No commute, better food, no awkward break room encounters, and no waiting in line to take a piss. Also, my home office is nicer than my actual office, so I’m more productive at home.
I’m an introvert, so I was frankly concerned about being on an open office setting ( the company I’m applying to has a new hq in my hometown that is laid out in that style. Also I have no kids, only cats, and they are actually very well behaved for the most part.
The biggest thing of course is focus, but if this job is analogous to my current one, and it’s supposed to be, I will have plenty of time to get work done without burning myself out.
The biggest advantage in my mind is being able to have a human schedule. I love my current job but I work weird hours and would frankly prefer to be able to see my wife more than passing except on weekends.
congrats man. Hope it all works out.
Thanks Lach.
Evergreen College predicts near-20% enrollment drop. Get woke, go broke.
Couldn’t happen to a nicer group. Of course the lesson from this for the progs is to double down. I don’t expect any sort of soul searching to lead to actual revelations.
Zoolander is trying really hard to piss off the Indians
Heh. What happened Liberals? No matter how silly or flip-flopping they seemed to know what they were doing.
Didn’t know about Dosanjh.
So the recent days’ retardation has prompted me to put myself in the market for another firearm. The one I have is too beastly for a non-shooter like me. So what is a good, simple, reliable practice gun? I can use Judge Judy for home defence (following some Glib’s advice to load it with one .410, and four .45 Long Colt), but I’d like something with as little recoil as possible so I can get used to shooting and get semi-confident.
I’m extremely biased towards the 92FS for 9mm. It’s relatively heavy has very little recoil and in single action mode (hammer back) the trigger is very light making follow up shots more accurate. It fits my hands pretty well but that’s a more personal issue.
Smith and wesson m&p in 380.
380 recoils like a BB gun, and the m&p is a decent gun (I’m wearing the 9mm shield right now)
Specifically this one Link
I can’t speak from a great deal of expertise, but my personal favorite is still my little 38 special double action revolver (a Rossi–nothing special). Sure, my Glocks hold more bullets, but I’m not defending Normandy here.
How’s your health?
Back to 100% !! Thanks for asking.
I am still concerned about the fact that I had to fight so hard to get the hospital staff to recognize that my lung capacity was shit, and I had to prove it by using a peak flowmeter from home and an excel plot I made myself.
When I read about the flu death stats in the news, I wonder if any of those people could’ve been saved with the same stubborness and knowledge???
That’s great to hear! And it’s so awesome you took charge of your own care!
I’m with Hayek, here. Your eventual weapon is a revolver, you should use one for practice also. Plus, a .38 is nothing to sneeze at, especially in +p!
Mine is +p loaded with hollow points. My likey.
One of my CCW instructors said I had the smoothest revolver pull he’d ever seen.
Oh, kid, you and your euphemisms!
I’m similarly thinking about increasing my collection because of the idiocy. I want my collection to include a “sporting rifle” before they get banned. I’m thinking of getting it in 308. We’ll see, it’s really expensive
Is there anywhere you can go to test shoot different rifle calibers and brands? I know I can go to the range here that has rentals and do a few different caliber handguns, but I don’t think they have long guns for rent. How would you know which one to get? Reviews and word of mouth? Being a non-shooting wuss that I am, I don’t think I could invest in a rifle without test firing a couple.
I have a few guns that I’ve never shot (not even the caliber). I’m broke, so range time is a luxury I can’t afford. However, I didn’t pay much for them, so if I don’t like them I’ll sell them.
There are ranges that have long gun rentals. If you do a bit of googling, you’ll probably find one. That’s where I’d start.
I’d really like a springfield M1A. Pricey as you say, but that’s a damn fine looking rifle. I have an FAL for my .308 fun gun and I like it, but it’s not really designed for any kind of optics that would allow me full use of the capabilities of the round it fires.
Not only fine looking, fun to shoot too.
In related news, it looks like the CMP are getting Garands back in, repatriated from Turkey and Indonesia. No news on the South Korea ones yet, so pretty soon, you should be able to grab a piece of history from the CMP again.
Cool. I have a CMP garand. It’s a 41 SA. It was refurbished at the red river armory in 1967. It has a very nice LMR barrel that was new when I got it. I love it.
Depends on what you want to practice with: rifle, pistol, or shotgun? And do you want your practice to be with a proper caliber or are you fine with a .22?
I’d recommend that you start to think like a shooter. Marksmen don’t talk about recoil; we hardly think about it because the craft of shooting doesn’t depend on the equipment. Indeed, I think and manage myself and the projectile no differently whether I’m exercising my portable hand cannon, shooting a recurve, throwing darts, or throwing tomahawks or knives. I’m well into my fifties, and the old frame and eyes and nerves ain’t a gettin’ no betta……and I’m still consistently better than 95% of all comers and routinely outshoot people with their own guns because: it ain’t about the gun.
A marksman is simply managing three things: a) developing an estimate of the target’s course/location and its likely background b) minimizing physical variables that would cause him to move inappropriately during the act of firing (posture, breathing, muscle tension) c) acquiring and maintaining excellent site alignment with the estimated target. All these things are exactly the same for .600 Nitro Express and finger-popping rubber bands across the office: it’s math and self-control, nothing more.
So go get a .22 rifle and become a marksman. Teach yourself all the tricks using that cheap, fun, quiet, handy technology. Learn how to be stable, learn how to see, learn how to breathe, learn to squeeze and follow through and become able to call your misses before anyone else can even see where you printed. And then get all worried later about the perfect practice round/weapon. And know this: once you have mastered the art of breathing and follow-through, you will never think of recoil again using any reasonable caliber in a frame with suitable stocks; your hand won’t care, your ears won’t care, and your eyes won’t care; you won’t even think about the gun itself ever again….you just be being, breathing, and willing the round into the target. Marksmanship is self-control, math, and practice; the zen comes from competence. No high score was ever shot by someone who thought for even the first second about recoil on the way to the range; it simply isn’t a consideration once you’re competent. And if you gotta have a pistol, okay, go get a .22 pistol and all this still applies.
Old tropes and basic facts:
a) when it counts, you will revert to your training, so don’t mess around with double-action at the range
b) if you don’t enjoy your gun, you won’t practice; it’s got to be easy to load and sight; the grip must be comfy
c) you can shoot .38Spl in a .357mag revolver for easier but not much cheaper practice
d) all other things being equal, heavier/semi-automatics/longer barrels recoil less than the opposites (lighter/revolvers/short barrels)…just physics
Too late to close on a short note, but I also hear many folk learn by dry-firing the little practice bullet thingies to see what they’re doing wrong; doing all that with a laser site while watching the effect its prints on the wall down the hallway gives instant, free feedback, I’m told.
I didn’t know such things existed! I’m see about getting some.
Snap caps. They protect firing pins when dry firing would damage them.
Nicely said, and it some times Take til the 50’s to put it all together for Amateurs
‘Twas easy for me> I inherited most of the knack: everyone in my clan who isn’t cool as a cucumber with smooth reflexes has been unnaturally selected over the past century or so.
I’ll say it again: in 20 years in bad-ass Texas I never met a man who could outshoot my mother. Feuding is relentless stuff but excellent for the gene pool.
So the SRO was a coward. The sheriffs department ignored the threat. The FBI ignored the threat. We need common sense cop control. Maybe a mandatory cop confiscation.
Here’s a Tweet I just Tweetered on that subject
Ah Vox. Such derp that even I take a break from it.
Indeed. This is one of those moments where there really are Two Americas.
The progs simply cannot comprehend that when I say “good guys with guns” I don’t mean cops. I mean ordinary citizens. The fact that Officer Donut chose to save his own skin and leave children to die does not surprise me, and only reinforces my firm belief that everyone be armed.
It’s of a piece with why I hate the term “first responders”, which increasingly seems to be used to mean only those with the government seal of approval.
It’s really interesting to see the contortions here.
On the one hand the left loves them some good guy w/ gun couldn’t stop shooter
On the other hand the dude was coward and should be handed a blade and a piece of paper to write his regrets to the ancestors
The FBI screwed up, but can be trusted when it comes to Trumputin.
The LEOs apparently ignored the problem but can totes be trusted to be the only armed people in civil society
ad nauseum…
Black lives matter, but they shouldn’t be armed. Unless they’re cops… who are racist.
You joke but…
Cops should be the ONLY ones with guns. And don’t speak ill of the FBI.
Cops are for after crimes have been committed. Period. They have no obligation to prevent or save anything and they know this. The cops are heros narrative is absolute BS.
If you want to be safe, you have to do it yourself.
+1000 Spatula Squad
Who here lives in Korea? I thought someone did, but can’t remember. I’m interested to hear how the Korean media are treating those two women speed skaters.
Evan, I think.
/Glibs stalker (I’m your Mary)
He does. Until he attempts to hook up with that supposed Vietnamese cheater, and gets kidnapped by either a Bangkok sex ring or Nork organ slavers. Electro-robo-AIDS will be looking up from where he’s gonna be.
I have not [yet] had sexual relations with that woman!
She has a dog, goddammit!
Sex and dinner then?
^^Ok. That was funny.
They get released to STEVE SMITH’S Korean cousin
I’m sure I’m too late for this. I’ll post someplace else when you’re around.
I live about an hour south of Seoul.
All of the kids are absolutely NUTS about all of the medalists. I ask them what their favorite winter olympic sport is and they all say “short track” and skeleton because that’s what they’ve won. Kim Yuna (retired) is still a huge deal here (ads, cameos, etc) because she won figure skating the last couple of times around.
The whole country, which previously didn’t give a shit about any of these things, are now rabid fans which is something I’ve been thinking about a lot.
America (a lot of which comes from our population but also training methods) tend to kick ass at most things Olympic. Korea, and I assume other countries as well, are basing their national identity on whatever it is that they win. They have a few athletes who literally represent their country and everyone is 100% behind them and are enraptured. This was also true in the last Games in Vancouver; it isn’t just pride that they are winning in their own country, they just love that they are on the international stage and get to point to a few people and say “WE are the best in the world at THIS.”
They take it very seriously and I find it fascinating. Those girls will be on beer and soju ads within weeks, and they will be ubiquitous.
The two that took each other out off the race???
Hahaha I haven’t followed the Games in any way. No idea what you’re talking about. Did this just happen? Keep in mind it’s 1230pm Friday here right now.
I was talking about these girls.
Everyone loves the guy that one skeleton and these ladies. I’ll look into what you’re talking about.
Ah. you’re talking about these gals.
I will ask the kids when I go to work in an hour. Ouch. I bet I get a lot of angry faces when I playfully mock them.
It wasn’t broadcast live here, I don’t think, so it may have taken place yesterday. But they aired the race here a couple hours ago. I feel bad for them.
Yeah, I’m usually very sympathetic to losers (I’m a lifelong Cubs fan *cough* 2016 World Champions *cough*) and do feel bad for them.
But hey. That’s sport. I bet my kids will actually be really upset. I’ll be gentle with them. My guess is that they won’t be personally angry with the skaters, but they will be really upset that the expected national glory was “taken” from them, and in that fashion makes it all the worse.
Now I’m very curious as to how they’ll respond.
this morning was Refrigeration, at 38 Degrees Ambient,Way too cold for me, tomorrow I have a Double Crane Lift at 6:30 AM, should be 35 or so, not Good for Yusef, I’m way too skinny to deal with it, but the Money is Good so I’ll suck it up…………..
Cry me river! Looking at 4 below tomorrow morning with a high of 22.
But, yeah I grew up in the bay area and 38 was like the Arctic.
You can handle it.
Doesn’t mean I have to like it,
/Lived in Colorado, I know cold
Cold is relative
It’s 38 degrees here and raining. It’s been raining since Monday and everything is starting to flood. There a bridge I have to cross to get home in the morning. When I drove over it at 5 this afternoon, the water was about a foot below it. I expect it to be underwater in the morning and I’ll have to take the detour home.
So the left’s new talking point appears to be that the AR-15 needs to be banned because it’s such a dangerous killing machine that our brave and highly trained police officers can do naught but cower in fear before its awesome power, and if you disagree you hate our noble heroes in blue.
IDK, I personally don’t find “the cops will do nothing to protect you, therefore you need to give up your guns” to be a persuasive argument, but what do I know.
What if you already hated the thugs with badges?
If We took up arms against the “Man” they would hide in Fear,as well they should at that point..
The fact that the media thinks this is a persuasive argument really shows you just how far into Eloi status they are.
They literally think that “the Top Man on the scene didn’t do anything, what do you think you could have done?” is a persuasive argument.
Like, I really don’t understand this, it’s very very hard for me to put myself into that mindset, even as an intellectual exercise. I don’t think I am an expert at anything really, but I do think that I am capable of a lot of things. That Heinlein quote about “specialization is for insects” is how I try to approach life.
People in the Western world are so spoiled, they can believe these things and get way with it, that’s why…
“specialization is for insects” I am an HVAC/R guy by trade but I’m also known as Bob the Builder, I know all trades, You have to if you want to be a builder, and I think all Men should at least know how to use a tape and Swing a Hammer, But what do i know…
I don’t know if they expect any thinking people to believe it. It’s just the Prog freakout that’s been going on since Nov. 9, 2016 (and also from 2000-2008, and 1981-1993).
They’re just throwing everything at everything in full screech mode trying to win the argument by sheer volume.
Cold Civil War, They know in thge back of their reptilian brains they are gonna get slapped down,
/No Offence Mr. Lizard
They might be thinking along the lines of: brave hero with years of training who has likely been involved in more than one gun fight over his career and might also be a combat veteran was unable to do anything with his side arm only good for keeping the peace against a maniac with a weapon of war. All of that will be forgotten the next time a black person is shot on camera of course (copsuckers excluded). I’m not exaggerating that much.
There are plenty of people who have very serious mental reservations about trying anything without expert help and step-by-step instructions. Cooking for example. The fear of failure is extremely strong. Crank that up to 11 when dealing with guns that have a totemic power. Just by owning one the world view changes and you feel a faint desire to shoot someone, anyone maybe yourself. Dangerous objects that lead to dangerous thoughts. Couple that with a belief that cops are highly trained professionals, heavily influenced by what they see on TV and in the movies and you get this impression that cops are the experts that must be deferred to in an emergency. Add a dash of militarized police forces putting down riots to imply that they are operational operators. All of that inside a political bubble where your only interaction with pro-gun folk are raging molon labe types on facebook and you’ve got a recipe for minor cop worship when it comes to guns.
This completely undermines progressive narratives, though.
So an ordinary guy with a gun can’t do what a trained police officer can do and stop a lunatic.
But an ordinary guy with a gun (and 18 year old kid no less) can completely keep a trained officer at bay.
lol wut?
Something like Cop + AR-15 > Maniac + AR-15 > “Ordinary gunnut” + AR-15 > Cop + Pistol and so on. The scary assault rifle is so much more powerful and effective than a pistol that it overwhelms the advantage a cop has and no regular person will have ready access to an AR (in their mind) so why bring it up? A hunting rifle probably falls somewhere above or below handgun in scariness depending on personal preference regardless of caliber.
something they don’t understand is that the AR isn’t even the end all be all of firearms. There are better ones one could use if one was interested in shooting up a school. The AR is just popular, so it’s specifically demonized. Something like a p90 or the like could arguably be more effective.
Those making laws about firearms have jack shit knowledge of them. Those clamouring for the laws have even less.
Hmmm… then how are they going to confiscate them?
It’s all about those gun buybacks.
Takin em off the street.
Also this totally debunks that stupid “good guy with a gun” talking point, according to Derpbook.
Ahh the West Coast never gets much love, I’m going to color my Hair BRB!
Question, I have an old EQ with a 2 pole plug, now it it makes Ground Noise, I changed it to a 3 pole plug and grounded the Chassis in 2 places, still a ground Hum, it’s fine for regular listening but impossible for recording, Ideas?
It figures I’ll have to ask the AM people, The West Sleeps, ah well….
add capacitors ?
Actually that’s an answer, Cap to Ground bleeds noise, it’s an option
Turn your plug over. You’ve got line on your neutral and vice versa.
… Hobbit
I just got a text from my mom-
Your dad has made more beer than ever come get some please
Hell yeah.
I wish I had a Dad like that.. or even a Dad
/2008 much love
Sorry to hear that Bob. That sucks. My parents will be 70 next year. I hope I can keep them as long as possible.
Thanks but it was inevitable, Love Mom and Dad, now, when they are gone you’ll go, ohhh, fuck, such Knowledge and Love, Gone….
I’m 54 and i would love to Compare notes with my Parents, Life is weird and Fucked up, your Life and mine can never be the same but, the same ….
I hope I’m not being non sensible
“Do I hafta mom?!”
Yes you do, now go to Bed!
Kid’s been really down lately, decided to take her to therapist. Therapist told us (she hadn’t told us at all) that kid’s being pretty severely bullied at school, and it’s fucking with her self esteem.
When I was a kid, went through the same thing, but we were still doing “sticks and stones”, and I ended up with fucked up self esteem going until now, and I’m 40. Don’t want that for the kid.
Got to go through the teacher/guidance counselor/;principal obviously, but other than that, what to tell the kid to do? There’s a part of me that wants to tell her to give as good as she gets – if they’re gonna make fun of her, find something about them to make fun of, making herself a threat rather than a target, so they leave her alone. Not sure that’s the best idea though. But maybe it is.
I’ve got no fucking clue.
I had that when I was a Kid, Redheads sucks then, really. I finally got pissed and decided I was a good as anyone else, then My Life got better, that’s the best I can tell you,Fuck every one else!
Bullies pick on perceived weaknesses. Showing a bully fear or hurt encourages them. Someone who can not show their emotions is a poor target for a bully. It’s hard to do, but not showing hurt or fear when you are hurt or scared is a big way to disincentivize a bully.
Maybe get your daughter into something that builds self confidence. Martial Arts, sports, or something of the like.
Get in there face, and stand down one, you go it made, Tough Guy without fighting, but be ready
There’s kids being kids, and then there’s bullying.
I’d wait to hear it directly from your daughter. The therapist might be overstating “bullying”.
But yes, teach her to dish it out. It’s an important skill (when required), and necessary to have in the tool kit.
There was a kid being a relentless prick to my (now 10 year old) son. It was just words; not a situation where he could just punch the kid in the face. So I told him to ask the kid why his mom was always spending the night in hotels nearby. Problem solved.
Hilarious. How’d you know the truth about his mom?
All the parents know. I just thought I’d pass along the knowledge.
Personal anecdote-
I spent a few years in juvenile prison as a teenager. I was barely 15 and not a very big or violent white boy when I got there. It was hell for a long time. After a year or so, I got quite a bit bigger and stronger and learned about hown to stand up for myself. I eventually learned that to back down at all was to invite myself to get my stuff stolen or to get my ass kicked. I eventually got to where I would respond to any aggression immediately and violently. After doing this a few times, everyone left me alone. My last year and half or so in there, I didn’t have any problems with anyone.
That’s a little bit more of an extreme situation that what your daughter is in, but the same principles apply.
Step one is getting her to talk to you at all. It’s a delicate balance between getting a kid to open up to you, while emphasizing that they have the fortitude to deal with the problem.
It also depends on what form the bullying is taking. #6.1 suffered at the hands of the Cool Girl Clique for a number of years, and while it wasn’t anywhere near as bad as some kids experience, it was pretty harrowing for her. Part of what makes girls (and boys too) suffer so much with bullying is that it undermines their self-confidence. Her resolution came in seeking out other outsiders and creating a ‘fuck those bitches, who needs them?’ clique of her own. Not a universal solution, but one that seemed to work for her.
Giving as good as she gets will often just compound the issue – the school aren’t going to cut her any slack if she retaliates. School zero-tolerance policies turn anything like that into a shitshow, and while revenge is good, it doesn’t create resilience.
I agree that school zero tolerance policies are bull shit. However, if my son ever got suspended or punished in some manner for sticking up for himself, he would know that he’s not in trouble at home.
That was the way we dealt with a different set of problems #6.2 had.
It’s been challenging, and has involved us getting attorneys involved on 2 occasions and threatening the school with legal action.
But sadly, the process is the punishment.
Once you can have meaningful conversations with your kid about gaming the system, it’s easier.
Did I mention that the left can’t meme?
I saw that meme on my derp book earlier. Not very good. 1/5
That’s very generous.
Did you know that 17 Ronald Reagans were murdered at a Florida high school while a deputy cowered in fear nearby?
with a revolver no less.
Thanks for that meme. If nothing else it reminded me of the afternoon when that happened. It totally interrupted the cartoons I wanted to watch, but I kept my young impressionable eyes on the video feed while they replayed that scene over and over.
And the shooter was stopped. Rushed down in 3 seconds. No one has been making an argument about psychic conceal carry holders who magically draw on would-be assassins.
And now I’m down the rabbit hole of would be assassination attempts. Apparently the BBC did a documentary about the guy who tried to kill Trump at a campaign rally.
You need to be trained like Jack Bauer to really know how to use a gun. They’re like super complicated and stuff.
If those manly men in the SS couldn’t stop a shooter preemptively, how could little girly-man math teachers do it?
Only the strongest of men (who are also government agents) should have guns.
Ha. I just scrolled back on my face and looked at that meme. A girl I went to high school with and is a teacher at a local school posted under it,
-I’d carry at school in a heartbeat if I was allowed to.
Coming up on the anniversary of when Congress was taken hostage. I’ll bet there will again be no mention. Because if we ignore how violent our past was, it makes the present seem more dangerous.
Pffft… Now, the candy-asses want FEMA help.
Where’s that “can-do” spirit, PR?
What do you think of this Sir Not Digby Naked Chicken Intruder Ceasar?
I can’t stop laughing about “A Path to Wellness”! It’s all fantastic, really.
Yeah, that’s me that subscribed. I’ll see what I can do for the funding.
did you read the A Path To Wellnes articles?
Part one.
Part two.
I wrote all the parts in script format, as well as the poster from that video up yonder.
Homework?!? Aww, man….
I’ll get to them in a bit.
When the videos for hat and the hair come out they will be on a official glib account, not sure if you’ll get many hits off that subscription. Thanks though.
Ehh, it was more applause than anything.
A signal of virtue, if you will.
For those still around this late, and are interested in YT channels, allow me to recommend Daily Dose of INternest
Just fun/cool videos (some with factoids) from around the world.
Knuckles is an achidna. He can fly, can achidnas fly?
I think it depends on how hard you throw them.
“INternest”? Fuckin’ hell…
Hey! This is library!
I think we’re missing the hot librarian…and the books…and the free masturbation computers.
You know, I could never get those to work properly.
#thebrowardcoward is now a twitter thing, it seems.
I have to wonder how long this guy will last, now that this has come to light. And, I don’t mean him being a target for anyone.
Then again, it’s not likely that he can be sued over this.
/defer to the resident attorneys.
Someone whose job it is to protect a school
Who is participating is enforcing laws that assure he is the only legally armed person at that school
Who’s should feel a moral duty to protect high school students over his own hide
and does absolutely nothino when his school is shot up
deserves anything that’s coming to him
Oh, I don’t disagree. I’m of the opinion that, barring anyone going after him, he’s probably going to die by his own hand.
Also, he may have a cursed name.
you may be right about that. I certainly don’t think I could live with myself.
If the S.O. has dropped its internal investigation into his non-action, he may be covered by immunity (I think). If they don’t have any finding of fault with him, it may be damn-near impossible to sue, since the families would have to show, at least, negligence.
If there is anything at all that supports a “go home safe at the end of your shift” mind-set, it might just get treated as if it were policy (if it isn’t in policy already).
If there was ever a reason for some kind of class-action suit against an agency, I would think this is it. Of course, it’s not like they would have to pay anything personally.
I am so furious at that resource officer that I would be fine with some vigilante justice where he ends up hanged.
Also, I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about what to do after the military and I want to continue in security, but don’t want to be associated with government work. Is there such a thing as an armed private protection officer that doesn’t involve guarding dirtbags or banks? Hell, sign me up to guard a fucking school for a reasonable price. I don’t even want a retirement plan. I’ll just sit there and train for contingency ops when the kids aren’t around. I’ll even provide training for the teachers, make emergency plans to share with the parents, and not be a goddamned coward when shit hits the fan.
*preferably a private school but I’ll go guard a public one too if the taxpayers authorize it.
You thought about being a P.I.? Or, doing security consulting?
Yeah, it’s something I’m considering. I’ve got a while to figure something out. I’m just worried that “security consulting” turns into “government contract” and I don’t want that.
Correct me if I’m wrong, but you are, effectively, the police chief on your base, correct?
When I am in command of the security at a base, yes. I’m working at an HQ right now, not base level.
Well, between your command, and the military training (and, them being combined in your job), I would think* you probably have a good foundation for setting something up yourself, which would allow you to focus on non-government customers.
*I’m saying this from a non-sworn point, so I don’t really know what it takes, per se. I also am wondering what the hell I’m going to do when I retire, because I’m like you regarding government work, but with far less translatable skills.
That’s the way I’m leaning right now. I like the idea of using what I know but being able to pick my clients (if I’m successful).
Then again, I also like the idea of opening a pet shop and handing out puppies to kids because I’m tired of the security environment.
Hell, I’d help ya if I can.
Well, probably not the pet shop thing, as I’m allergic. But I do like how you think.
/would like to see puppies handed out to kids.
OMWC’s not gonna like you horning in on his gig.
Any F500 company is going to need corporate security people to do investigations, manage physical security, and more.
Knowing high-value loss prevention (ie: “How do I keep everything with the word Trijicon on it from walking off the base”) in a high-traffic environment is a great segue to security for any industrial assembly operation/factory.
Having demonstrated experience dealing with DV issues, restraining orders, and keeping people off-base who should not be there is a great segue into security for large call centers.
Experience in securing facilities from credible attack, and running or participating fully in disaster recovery planning for said facilities is a great segue into security for datacenters.
I could go on and on and on.
Take a look at where you want to be, and see who runs things like that nearby, or who has HQs in the area.
Depends on whether you have any specific, almost unique skills. I have a few friends that have, over the years, gone into the personal protection business. Inevitably, until you get some solid assignments on your resume, some of your work inevitably involves protecting dirtbags, because politicians everywhere need protection.
One of my more experienced friends spends about 60% of his time working with diplomats and in-country diplomatic protection teams, but he paid his dues in the 90’s making sure Washington’s Worst People didn’t catch a pill.
There is going to be a market for private security at schools especially after what that cop did. Or kids school is charter and they have private armed security.
What if he ended up in a woodchipper instead?
Only if it’s feet first.
Well, he’s not a prosecutor, or judge, so…
I have a feeling that there are people envisioning even worse fates.
Probably too late but maybe this can make it into morning links.
Athena retweeted this last night and I just read it: https://twitter.com/TheLastRefuge2/status/966854507744374784
Top Men. All the dissembling behind this event is teeth-grinding. Worse given the time-frame and context than Las Vegas IMO. 100% preventable.
That was talked about the day after. That the perp’s name was “Cruz” pretty much ensured that any misbehavior would be handled administratively and not via law enforcement.
It gets worse.
So, are we going with the tabloids because they’re now a more objective and reliable source than say, CNN?
Wonder Twin Powers Activate!