Friends! It has been so long. Brett is in a post-apocalyptic wasteland and his second through fourth string replacements are working (yes, Rufus, some of us work). So you get some slap-dash, last-minute links from me:
Florida legislature! “Florida House declares pornography as a health risk: Republican Rep. Ross Spano says there is research that finds a connection between pornography use and mental and physical illnesses.” Republicans are apparently aiming to be the party of science now. Good for them.
Now here’s some science. “Drinking Alcohol Helps Better Than Exercise If You Want To Live Past 90 Years Old” Guess what, we at Glibertarians don’t care if this is good science or not. 건배!!
Rejoice! He’s in a far better place than this. “Billy Graham, preacher to millions, adviser to U.S. presidents, dies at 99”
Time to sit your boss down and have The Talk. “Phishing schemes net hackers millions of dollars from Fortune 500: IBM has uncovered sophisticated campaigns which are successfully targeting Fortune 500 companies.”
Nothing like T&A to make your Wednesday smooth as a freshly waxed punanny.
I thought Billy Graham was already dead.
There I referenced a link!
I wonder if Billy will get in an elevator with a strange woman in heaven.
#5 Iskra Lawrence. #10 is Ewa Sonnet. I think #45 is photoshop.
25 and 45 are grotesque. But that leaves lots of yummy.
The 9th circle of Hell?
Anywhere but Minnesoda in late February.
I don’t understand the animosity toward Billy Graham?
I think he was a moral scold, but he’d mostly faded from prominance by the time I arrived on the scene.
He was an antisemite and a warmonger. Fuck him.
A single private conversation does not make someone an ‘antisemite’ and a ‘warmonger’. God willing people don’t judge you after you’ve passed based upon a single conversation. He was a religious adviser to every president from Eisenhower to Obama. Your case is less than convincing and reeks of general animus
When someone brings in every goddamn antisemitic trope in that “one conversation”, it’s worth asking what’s truly in their heart. I’m pretty sure I know what’s in his.
The worst antisemitism I’ve experienced in my life (and I have) has come from Southern Baptists.
Well, I’m just glad your not drawing an overarching conclusion from generalizations or anything.
Who gives a shit about antisemites. Do semites need that many people defending their honor? There are entire groups in the US dedicated to defending the honor of a group that wildly successful by almost any metric. It’s bizarre.
No one under the age of 40 can actually tell him apart from Pat Robertson, so we are playing the odds and unloading 50% of the animosity we know we are supposed to have against one of those two.
He invented those sweet crackers, so there’s that
I mean, he preached to a bunch of them for decades, but I wouldn’t say he “invented” sweet crackers.
My brain processed that as “Pat Boone”, then I imagined Robertson singing a wypipo version of Tutti-Frutti.
Clearly I need to not wait till 5, and commence drinking now.
The third bolgia of the eighth circle, with the rest of those that practiced simony.
You sure you aren’t thinking of Pat Robertson?
No, I’m thinking of televangelists in general. While I don’t care for any of them very much, they don’t offend me either. Sure, I disagree with a lot of their politics, like Billy’s warmongering and Pat’s blaming everything on the gays, but they aren’t unique in that regard. The televangelism is though, so eighth circle it is. Or the first, since they are protestant.
Dante burn!
You’re right. Now us glibs are actually going to the Ninth Circle, as traitors to our country.
How can a non-hierarchical religion be guilty of simony?
The selling of pardons by the Catholics and granting special access to a prominent religious personality for the promise of redemption by protestant televangelists seems to be a difference in the amount and type of ceremony involved, target than a difference in morality.
Does he really categorize as a televangelist?
I think he was an evangelist who happened to use television as one of his mediums, but it was far from the primary one.
He was sort of the ur-televangelist, no? I always got the impression that he was the visionary that took revival meetings from tents to radios to tvs and sold out stadia. Whether he was the best at it or not, I dunno, but he seems to be the mold from which the rest were cut.
What Rush is to talk radio or Jon Stewart is to detachable clown nose journalism.
That is true, I think.
That I disagree with.
He seemed to me to be a extremely talented but typical southern baptist preacher, who because of his vision was able to preach around the world, and used radio and tv to expand his base.
To me a televangelist may or may not have a church, but they have a regular tv audience that they preach to, that is the primary focus: Oral Roberts, Pat Robertson, Swaggert, etc. I guess OSteen today, but I skew old.
Heard a preacher a few weeks ago say that the reason his church broadcasts on TV isnt so that members can stay at home, but to target people who are still too drunk on Sunday morning to change the channel.
He was part of the Fourth Great Awakening in American history. Revival meetings are as American as apple pie. He wasn’t the first to do it, he was just a prominent member of the most recent Great Awakening and therefore is identified with a practice that stretches back from the beginning of this country
To me a televangelist may or may not have a church, but they have a regular tv audience that they preach to, that is the primary focus: Oral Roberts, Pat Robertson, Swaggert, etc. I guess OSteen today, but I skew old.
I think that’s a very fair way to look at it, but we may be drawing hard lines arbitrarily on a loosely defined spectrum based on our personal preferences.
Speaking of proto-televangelism, I LOVE that there’s video of the founder of my parents’ particular sect from the 1920s on youtube
Sister Aimee Semple McPherson on Prohibition (1930’s)
Just because I’m that age, here’s MTV’s take.
Almost assuredly. But when I hear “televangelist” my mind doesn’t go to Graham.
It goes to SNL skits about Tammy Faye Bakker.
I was blown away when TBN sold their campus in Orange County. Times must be tough for televangelism.
At the risk of doxxing myself, as a high schooler, I waited tables in the restaurant of Oral Robert’s Hotel. I never met the man. The daughter was hawt. Lots of African bigwig converts, tossing big tips. None of the room service calls ever were like in the movies. The CEO of Random house was a dick.
School shootings = mental illness = porn.
Clearly everyone on this site is a school shooter in the making.
*returns to huge_loads_on_big_titties.mp4*
They are wearing school girl costumes, right?
You’re thinking of “Huge Loads on Big Titties II – the Re-Spoogenating.”
Now here’s some science. “Drinking Alcohol Helps Better Than Exercise If You Want To Live Past 90 Years Old” Guess what, we at Glibertarians don’t care if this is good science or not. 건배!!
This is the fourth time someone has posted this. Also, you can take my porn from my cold sticky hands!
I thought I was the only one who commented on the same links being posted over and over again. 😉
This article is the Lou Reed of Glibs.
At least it isn’t the Browns. That’d be disappointing.
I did warn you the links were slap-dash and last-minute, no? I haven’t had a chance to play in the comments in weeks, so I checked the afternoon and morning links and was satisfied with my level of due diligence.
I’m not mad, Jesse, just disappointed. I know you’re capable of more.
The classic dad admonishment!
Jeez, FM, you know you don’t have to lower my self-esteem to get me to sleep with you, right?
Have to, no. Want to, yes.
I can’t argue with that.
*tries extra hard in bed*
Have some Russian bears.
That was fun. I’d like to know why none of them own more clothing than underwear and wifebeaters. None of them were hairy enough to be bears though.
I could likely look this up and solve it myself, however my browser history is likely already toxic enough. Whats the diff. between your classic “bear”, and the “otter”?
Bears are bigger (burlier/muscled, big-boned, or fat) while otters are slender (swimmer’s build, lean, or scrawny). If you see someone you’d identify as a twink were he left in a vat of Nair for half an hour, you’ve spotted an otter.
Glib but SFW and helpful: A field guide to bears
SFW, but …. disturbing.
What, how?
It’s hard to reconcile the use of the word ‘Ewok’ anywhere near the subject of erotic ardor.
It’s hard to reconcile the use of the word ‘Ewok’ anywhere near the subject of erotic ardor.
I think that was meant to be a bit of a gag. I more often hear something like “pocket gay” or pocket [taxonomic category] for the more compact versions of things. But I want to dig deep into why you’ve got such a profound distaste for something as wholesome as ewok fucking.
Like a Tamogaychi?
How about a Furbi?
It cannot be said enough times!
It’s funny how a mistake of fact in an earlier volume can be turned into a plot seed.
I started out with trying to explain why Travis misremembered his marathon time, and had to come up witha story where the discussion would arise organically. I ended up sketching out a story involving an attempt to set of an amnesia-causing mind bomb at a homecoming event.
Fiction is fun.
I’ve always thought I had some germ of talent for fiction writing. Ever since I became literate at age 3 or 4, my two favorite activities were reading books and writing stories (although didn’t always finish them). People have always complimented the non-fiction things I’ve written, and I’ve actually done freelance work as a copywriter.
A few years ago, I decided to focus on trying to write fiction, but I’m finding it very difficult. I get a spark of inspiration that seems like the most awesome story ever, and I might work on it for a few days – usually reaching a few thousand words – but then I read it again and it just seems like it was a lame idea right from the start.
Any tips on how to write fiction and actually get shit done?
I think you might be my twin. As such, I cannot help you.
I did this once.
I actually hit the 50K goal and enjoyed the challenge of writing every day. The story turned out really good, but I never finished it. It’s hard fucking work.
Submit it. Fucks sake, these people post Romanian food blogs and long winded craft beer reviews (and at one time overly footnoted historical insomnia cures) The Unfinished Great Libertarian Novel should be a weekly feature.
Don’t forget the geeky board game write ups…
Someone here does that?
I think it’s Harambe.
November is just about the worst month to write a novel for me.
May I can do. I wrote Shadowboy between May 8 and June 8 of the same year. That was 107,000 words. November, one of my least productive months.
The story turned out really
goodwell. TIWTANUGLN.A: That’s what editors are for.
B: You seem to have mashed your face into your keyboard at the end there.
Thank you.
Saw your update on the squats. You are doing exactly the right thing. When you perform the lifts properly, muscles that you never even knew you had make you want to quit. Don’t. That site I linked has a lot of good, non-bro, information.
Get after it.
Don’t start your awsome idea right away. Let it ferment in your mind and distill out the most workable elements. Before you put pen to paper (or start up the word processor more likely) have a idea of who’s in the story, what they’re like and the general direction the yarn will be headed.
Knowing your character(s) as a person (or people) will serve you well in making the reader connect with them.
You make it sound like writing should be like creating a homunculus.
Write drunk, edit sober.
He was probably the dominant religious leader of his era,” said William Martin, author of “A Prophet With Honor: The Billy Graham Story.” “No more than one or two popes, perhaps one or two other people, came close to what he achieved.”
Commie Pope is trying, damnit!
Florida House declares pornography as a health risk:
Carpal tunnel is a scourge.
Near-sightedness is a burden.
And the scoliosis makes for furniture problems.
And that’s ignoring the keyboard cleaning bill.
“there is research that finds a connection between pornography use and mental and physical illnesses”
Maybe it’s harder for people with illnesses to get laid?
More half-baked thoughts from my favorite prog rag
The core of my difference with the right on guns, though, is that they think guns are “neutral” and “inevitable” and I think guns are bad and should be eliminated. A world without guns is better than a world with guns, because possessing a gun is like having a magical button in your pocket that can kill whoever is standing next to you, and a world where people have such buttons is like a horrible and frightening place to live. The first step to ending a standoff is for everyone to admit that we don’t want to be in a standoff anymore, and to gradually try to de-escalate. But if you have a certain group of people who believe disarmament is impossible, who don’t even want to try, or who think that being armed is a natural and desirable part of life, then you can never get anywhere. My problem with the right’s position on guns is that it pessimistically resigns itself to futility, instead of admitting that, however difficult it may be, the very long-term dream is to create a world without any guns in it. Pessimism is suicide, and I believe in trying to move slowly and carefully toward utopia, and my utopia has neither war, weapons, or murder. (I don’t accept the argument that there are legitimate uses for guns. Hunting is just murder of another kind, and if you just enjoy the feeling of spraying projectiles around you can play paintball. Weapons are designed to inflict injury on human beings.)
I repeat: utopia means nowhere in Greek.
A world without guns is better than a world with guns, because possessing a gun is like having a magical button in your pocket that can kill whoever is standing next to you, and a world where people have such buttons is like a horrible and frightening place to live.
Nathan J Robertson has never been a 96 lb woman in her mid fifties in a parking garage. He has never been in a wheelchair.
He also sounds like a guy who feels a compulsion to push that button… “just to watch him die”.
So no one else can be trusted either.
Yeah, projection.
A gun – specifically the carrying of it outside the home – is the only tool that can give a woman, an elderly person, or a disabled person the ability to defend themselves from a thug who has been lifting weights in prison for 3 years.
Why does this person hate women, the elderly, and the disabled?
Pepper spray doesn’t work?
if you hit them in the face…a gun is effective with any impact.
They are pro-rape. Obviously.
As opposed to the peaceful and non-horrible/frightening times before guns…
Also a world without guns is not an option on the table. You can get a world where only the military and police and criminals have guns.
So a world where the lower classes are at the mercy of the powerful. That’s the other option.
His utopia exist. It’s schools where no one is armed. Then they get slaughtered.
But you see, in his Utopia, not even the criminals have guns.
So it’d be back to rule by the sword.
That time before guns when the world was at peace…
Or crowds in a place where a truck can barrel through.
Let me know how that goes for you.
I believe our best philosophers have already resolved this question.
Listening to NPR right now, and it seems like for the past week it’s been at least 50% of their air time is dedicated to the Florida shooting. Now I’m listening to an 18 year old whose brother survived telling a commentator about how his little brother had to step over 10 dead bodies and how his future saved him. Good on the teacher. Sorry if I seemed a little heartless but this non-stop coverage of this particular incident is starting to get just a little bit tedious.
I’m local (the high school is about 20 minutes from where I live). The high school about a mile from where I live participated in that walkout today.
I ain’t never escaping the non-stop coverage.
Look, I sympathize with these kids. But they shouldn’t be listened to any more than anyone else because they “have the right opinions”.
The 1994 AWB didn’t fix shit. Idiot high school student emoting will have the same effect on Florida as I listen to a simpering pussy Republican from Florida’s House talk about a comprehensive package to solve the “problem.”
The 1994 AWB didn’t fix shit.
What do you mean? Other than the 38 school shootings with fatalities during the AWB, it fixed everything!
It fixed us in Connecticut pretty good. Basically, that’s what our Shitstain Governor re-enacted after Sandy Hook, and then some.
Yeah, they’re overplaying their hand. Again.
Using kids as props appeals to their base, and is pissing everyone else off.
^^ Yup. My GF is a teacher, and she’s been yelling at the tv over this.
FFS, I’m in Ohio, and we’ve got idiots on both sides trying to ban “assault weapons”. Now, I’m not a gun guy by any stretch, but wouldn’t this:
Eliminate most pistols (except revolvers), shotguns, and non-bolt action rifles?
“the very long-term dream is to create a world without any guns in it. ”
Which is a lie. The long-term dream of these assholes is a world without private ownership of guns – the want the military and police to have them all.
Long-term dreams are great and all, but only if they aren’t completely ignorant of history.
But, in socialist utopia land, there is no need for police and military because mankind has been magically transformed into correctly-behaving collectivists who would never do anything wrong for any reason because they’re no longer slaves to neoliberal ideology (Marxist-speak for human self interest, which they claim is cultural and not natural).
This tool thinks pessimism is dangerous. And yet, it was the same magical thinking that lead to 100M+ extinguished lives.
In Britain they can’t seem keep makeshift guns out of the hands of gangsters. Australia still has a shitton of guns floating around.
You can’t un-invent technology. You can only harass law abiding citizens when caught with the unapproved technology.
There are 500 million guns in the good old US of A. At the rate authorities currently confiscate and destroy illegal guns snatched from criminals, ridding this country of guns will take millennia. Literally.
I’m pretty sure a pessimistic position on the ability to take everyone’s guns away is on point.
Also to the filthy hippie who wrote that: please volunteer to come take people’s death buttons away. Pretty please?
I was trying to calculate just how long that would take the other day.
As there are somewhere between 40 and 50 million gun owning households in the US, and figuring that you might get 10% compliance with mandatory
confiscationbuyback, that leaves you with between 36 and 45 million households to raid.With 100,000 cops going around in 10 man teams dedicated to doing nothing but searching residences and seizing guns (and considering there are about 800,000 current cops that’s a hell of a lot of new people), each team would need to conduct between 3600 and 4500 raids through its existence and if each team can conduct about 250 to 400 raids per year, you are looking at 9 to 18 years to hit every home you can identify from 4473 forms.
Of course that doesn’t address the question of what do you do to the adults in those 36-45 million households. Fine them? Toss em in jail for a year? You need to get tens of thousands of judges and prosecutors to do the trials.
If just half of one percent of the ‘scofflaws’ intentionally decide to resist with violence, that is between 180,000 to 225,000 potential people who really do mean ‘from my cold dead hands’. So you’ll likely see several thousand additional homicides a year both of cops and their targets.
That’s not counting those who might be killed in the 250,000 to 400,000 raids each year because they armed themselves believing they were the victim of a criminal invasion (isn’t it though?), or because they made a ‘furtive movement’ but otherwise would not have resisted. And of course with so many raids going on there will be tens of thousands of raids against households that are not gun owners, and they too will have casualties.
One big giant bloody mess.
I think you’d eventually see one tenth of one percent (maybe less) start carrying out targeted assassinations of LEO and politicians. It really would be a recipe for a civil war.
That might be an overestimation. I think you could literally (as in real, literally) see 4 or 5 raids that go wrong where some otherwise straight citizen pops a cap in a cop, and every subscriber to will be crapping their pants and refusing to conduct busts.
You’d get almost zero local-officer compliance, and the only cops who would be prepared to risk not going home at night to their families will be the SWAT guys, and probably not even then.
Or sets up IEDs so that when the raid is conducted the cops get blasted to hell and gone and the gun owner is out the back door.
And now that he or she has nothing left to lose, they aren’t going to target the SWAT guys during the raid. They target their families. They target anyone who supported gun control. It’s the night of long knives shit.
It’d be a bloodbath and I don’t think the progs realize how much of one. And after the dust settled down, what we have … who knows? Revolutions usually go to the meanest bastards, not the most upright.
The problem is that gun owners are, by and large, a law abiding population. I’m rather concerned that in the event some sort of bill passes banning further production nobody will care. Or, more worryingly, they’d 1) willingly comply with a buyback 2) simply hide their firearms.
Hiding your guns will turn those law abiding people into felons.
Without 100% compliance, that’s pretty much guaranteed to create a LOT of felons. Overnight.
The thing is, even in a compliant place like Australia, they got 25% compliance with “hand them over or else”
Tuccille has written a few articles on TOS about how most parts of Europe have two to five times as many ‘illegal’ guns as there are ‘legal’ guns.
Americans are a bit more rebellious in this aspect, so I’d expect no more than 10% compliance.
NY and CT have seen massive non-compliance with their most recent rounds of registration.
In almost all counties in Colorado, the residents and the sheriffs have basically told Denver/Boulder to bugger off when it comes to the things they recently passed.
Some people need killing, or least being credibly threatened with killing, Nat.
Besides which, Kratos murdered tens of millions last century, and I don’t see you becoming an ardent anti-federalist or anarchist. Something something, planks and specks of dust.
We really need your help. Help us find a cure for Trudeau:
We’ll trade. We’ll take Trudeau and y’all can have Trump.
It wouldn’t help either country at all, but it would be hilarious to watch.
I don’t want Trudy. We’d be back to Obama style damage to the country.
Yeah, I’m going to go with Trudeau is worse than Trump
Trudy with a non-favorable legislature though? The left gets to fap over him and nothing would get done.
(In a utopia, maybe. But yeah, given the power of the executive Fidel’s son could do far too much damage here.)
Yeah, I could see that. That wouldn’t be too bad.
Still like the tax cuts, exiting the Paris Climate Agreement and the changes to the Dear Colleague letter from the Obama administration. And neither of those things would have happened with Trudeau
Obama didn’t have a favorable legislature after 2010 and he still managed to do some awful things.
he had a pen and a phone.
Since Canada decided to have the absolutely imbecilic parliamentary form of government, if Trudy doesn’t have a sympathetic legislature he can’t be prime minister.
I am aware of that (hence the talk of what would happen if they switched countries).
“Trudy with a non-favorable legislature though”
You know for sure GOPey dopes would fall head over heels for him and give him things.
Celebrity Leader Swap, coming this fall to CBS!
Speaking of Trudeau: Why India is being really rude to Justin Trudeau is an oddly interesting topic.
Because he’s the leader of Canada and therefore doesn’t matter in the grand scheme of things?
I believe because the idiot twerp told the leader of India he had more Sikhs in his government than he did.
He’s an insufferable prick.
Because mocking Trudeau never gets old…..
I once had to listen to a bunch of female relatives gushing over how “cute” and “handsome” he is, which of course makes him an excellent prime minister.
They are trying really, really, really fucking hard to make me think that female suffrage was a mistake. I don’t believe that and I don’t want to, but goddamnit, they’re not giving up the fight.
Just give in and admit it.
Before suffrage, the leader of the DNC was Grover Cleveland, during the movement it was Woodrow Wilson, after it was FDR.
I wouldn’t be surprised if FDR won the male as well as the female vote, and of course women couldn’t have gotten the vote and Wilson couldn’t have won the Presidency if not for male support. Female suffrage was one aspect of a larger movement supported by men as well as women, which also brought us such wonders as Prohibition, the Federal Reserve, and eventually Social Security.
In fact, FDR’s stronghold was the South, to the point of over 90% support in most Southern counties. FDR couldn’t have won without the Southern male vote.
FDR was a wet Protestant, which had almost everything to do with his appeal. Al Smith was a wet too but the filthy southern Protestants would never vote for a Catholic.
Didn’t most of the South stay dry for at least a little while after the 21st Amendment (with some counties being dry to this day)? I dunno how much appeal him being “wet” had in the South.
It was a mistake. Universal suffrage is always and forever a mistake there are many specific examples of why this is the case, for a general argument see The Law. If laws may be passed by voting or if government may be altered by voting and government ought to preserve liberty then voting must be restricted to only those who feel the direct pain of laws and government acts.
If laws may be passed by voting or if government may be altered by voting and government ought to preserve liberty then voting must be restricted to only those who feel the direct pain of laws and government acts.
So if you make a comfortable living and have never been convicted of a crime, you don’t get to vote? That seems like an odd rule.
The problem with non-universal suffrage, and I say this as someone highly skeptical of just giving any old schmuck the vote, is that nobody has yet proposed a condition of suffrage that doesn’t lead to disenfranchisement of people affected by the government’s actions.
Real simple. If you get more from the government than you pay in taxes (and this includes salary if you work for the .gov either directly or indirectly) you can’t vote.
A military full of people who can’t vote is a recipe for mutiny.
Ain’t suppose to be a standing army anyway. And nobody is forced to join. Want to vote? Don’t make a career out of the military.
Read Heinlein, I think he got it right – you have to actually suffer for your vote. You do voluntary federal service and offer your body and will to the government for whatever term may be required. Your service is guaranteed to suck. You can quit at anytime, but you only get one shot to become a citizen. If you make a comfortable living and haven’t committed a crime, good for you – you still have access to courts, it does not follow that you should also be granted the liberty to vote.
Just read the article. I’m starting to get annoyed with him taking his family everywhere. It’s a trade mission and keep it to the work of government.
I don’t need to see you flaunt pictures of you at the Taj Mahal asshole.
He and his entire party are convinced the Canadian government exists to foot the bill for their life of luxury, and they live it up on the Canukistani taxpayer dime.
Even with his obvious man handicap and according to some rumors, he still managed to spend some off office time with some Joly demoiselle. I’m willing to give him a ”…nice” for that, carrying on the Dreams of his Father.
Then again, being impaired down there might be an attracting feature to that kind of woman.
As a fellow french-canadian, I can only express my sorryness to all the world from inflicting Trudeau on all of you.
At this point, I’m starting to think he is part of a separatist ploy to make Canada look like a really silly idea. And it’s probably working better than they expected.
I’m gonna need some proof, Jesse.
191 proof?
I found out my liquor store carries Everclear
I’m still trying to find one that carries the polish rectified spirits that are even more alcohol than that.
No one needs more than one hundred and ninety proofs. They also don’t need dumbass friend that make jungle juice with everclear and powdered kool-aid mix and now warn their friends.
“Need” has nothing to do with it.
Jello shots that burn.
Everclear 190 is about is high as you’re going to get. Azeotropy.
Yep, the only way to get higher than that is to add other compounds….other highly lethal compounds.
I’ll settle for 190.
Check the proof, there’s also an Everclear at 151 proof for those of us in states with a limit of 151 for spirits. Even though Bacardi 151 is no more.
I have a bottle of Bacardi 151 in my freezer.
It’s never been opened. I bought it because I saw the “Warning: Flamable” on the label.
Hmm. I will check. It’s Brooklyn but store is a bunch of Mexicans so they may not give AF
My girlfriend is debating morons on the internet now. She wasn’t really pro or anti gun, but once I pointed out that crime is at it’s low rate, she got pissed people thought otherwise.
I argue when you consider the dropping crime rate by guns and the amount of guns (roughy as high as 600 million) in circulation, America is pretty damn sane and peaceful.
Its crazy peaceful. But that won’t stop the grabbers.
It’s interesting that crime has gone down while the number of guns in circulation has exploded (thanks to the various panics every time some politician talks about “sensible gun laws”). According to the gun grabbers’ “models”, the US should be a crime-infested shithole, but it’s actually safer than any time in recent history.
Impossible! There have been 14,283 mass shootings this month alone in the United States!*
(*statistic may include billiards tournaments and group photos.)
Good strategy. I might try that. Find one easily verified falsehood per false narrative and drop that on her.
Shes been doing a bunch. She just posted some link of how fast you can change mags on an AR.
Of course, the nutcase, anti-Christian (but pro-Islam) progs are probably hating on Bill Graham right about now.
Not to mention a few Glibertarians.
Jesse is back. Classin’ up the joint.
Help me Oh Edit Faerie
So close
I read that as “Jesus is back” – direct result of Billy Graham death.
SugarFree, I emailed you some links.
Is that a euphemism for dick pics?
Just scrote, artsy really.
It’s like a blasted moonscape.
Ya know “nutscapes” are a thing, right?
It’s like a hairy black sun is eating the sky.
Cue the Pink Floyd…
“Look Mummy, there’s a scrotum up in the sky
That’s a weird hobby.
Definitely a euphemism.
The voice was better in last night’s?? clip.
Math is hard!
Local rag runs a U of Mn press release (they pretend it is news, but it looks like they just ran with whatever the U sent over).
The U being good guardians of public money decided to hire a fancy firm to report on how great the U is and why the U needs even more public money.
Those seemed like dubious metrics to define “success” to me. It is a sad day here in Minnesoda when you only care how much taxes a firm pays to the state. Also it took me all of two minutes to dig up the U’s budget from last year. It appears that the U gets $650M from state coffers. So those tireless workers for Truth and Decency at the U are a net drag of about $200M.
I would love to see a real reporter go to whatever press conference the U puts on and ask how losing $200M a year on the U “contributes” to the state.
Its like “the fact that its big” is a self-contained argument for making it bigger
“generates more than $470 million in state taxes”
And I get my money from bacon grease. What’s the problem?
Are you an exchange student from Scotland?
You’re not fooling me. “Tripp Umbach” is definitely the douchey rich kid in one of those John Hughes movies.
Spader. Vintage Porsche. Light Cotton Blazer.
We have been treated a variety of Team Blue political commercials while watching the Olympics. The Iowa gubernatorial candidate was education, education, education spending and touted similar talking points. Another Dem memo must have made the rounds.
(reposting from prior thread)
Swooooon) “Europe has *real* public intellectuals!!
this is funnier when you realize that all these leadup examples were intended as *proof* of his intellectual significance, rather than some attempt to undermine it.
You, the reader, are supposed to be surprised and confused when you later learn that he’s skeptical about the inevitable success of European Social Democratic leftist-governance, and other ‘crazy ideas’
basically, the above are supposed to be the ‘out there and crazy’ bits, not the “your car is a uterus” stuff.
sounds familiar
these ideas are so wild and unheard of. they were entirely unknown to the author until she pried them from Germany’s leading public intellectual over a glass of rose.
strange, that when libertarians say the same things in the US, people like the NY’r themselves have zero compunction making the same claims about ‘far right wing ideologies’
anyway, its long, but worth reading.
the key theme is basically,
“Very highly regarded European intellectual has temerity to disagree with conventional lefty thinking”
“generally libertarian worldview is seen as Far Right extremism by Europeans; and writer is admittedly confused as well; not sure if this is sign he’s ‘smart’ or whether he’s hitler”
Sluterdick is a cool name
“negative gynecology”
New York and Euro intellectuals are as dumb as bricks. Anyone who reads this and thinks it makes sense is a retard.
When postmodernism and deconstruction posited the idea that nothing makes real sense, it became a free-for-all for the retarded to publish.
“postmodernism and deconstruction posited the idea that nothing makes real sense”
… (raises hand to explain that’s not really what they meant, but decides that would be start some vicious feedback loop)
I know it’s not what they meant, but it’s how they’re treated.
the point wasn’t that anyone was stupid (anyone can troll thru ‘intellectuals’ works and find retarded analogies, or superficially bizarre arguments)… was more the “New Yorker encounters libertarian ideas from someone they respect, finds them strange and bewildering” angle
They poisoned the well with the “my car is a vagina” horseshit.
its so much more intellectuallishy in the original german
Anything not left wing is called far right extremism in the US, I just assume it’s the same in Europe.
“I wasn’t taught Civics or the Constitution- thingy”
“I think wordplay makes me clever. I will never know the consensual touch of a woman.”
These poor little used bastards.
“Guns are for rubbing”?
The media and politicians using these kids this way is unconscionable and disguising. Immoral assholes.
You thought they would suddenly stop what they’ve been doing for decades?
Powerline is calling it the Children’s Crusade 2018.
I expect similar results.
I don’t know where they’d fall prey to slave merchants in this day and age, but yes, probably.
bringbackourgirlsboysThey’ll be sold into slavery?
They were already sold to the teachers union at age 5.
I can’t envision having kids unless I could keep them out of government schools. I’m not even religious, but I’d sooner send them to a religious school. although even those have to get government approval for their “general curriculum”.
I’d probably end up going with homeschooling or unschooling.
Anecdotes aren’t data, but we’ve nearly steered our two thru’ public school and ended up with a couple of individualists who believe in liberty, personal freedom and responsibility.
It’s not impossible, but it’s getting more difficult as each day passes. It’s like living in an educational H.P. Lovecraft story.
You shouldn’t have to worry. You have the final say in how your kid thinks.
I make damn sure my daughter gets the other point of view on whatever subject she’s learning.
Trudeau is serving as a perfect example and lesson. When he announced his diversity cabinet ‘because it’s 2015’ my daughter had to write about it. I showed her Harper’s cabinet and asked her what she noticed. She observed it was pretty ‘diverse’ and not a whole different from Trudeau.
Don’t buy the hype and propaganda kiddo. Lesson learned.
And lemme tell ya, that opened her eyes even at 10 years old.
Meh. Spawn 1 informed his government class that the y absolutely don’t have to acquiesce to a search when stopped by the cops, going so far as to tell them to lawyer up immediately.
He’s also preparing a presentation on New Jersey v. T.L.O for a Government class.
It’s more about you the parent than the fucking school. It has actually been very helpful to see the silly lefty shit IRL after telling them what to look for.
Yes, we are/will homeschooling. Besides the curriculum, the accepted practice of in loco parentis is hard stop for me.
I wouldn’t trust most public school teachers and administrators to pick up the shit after my dogs, let alone have any sort of authority over my children.
Mine are going to a good catholic school, its really the only option at this point.
I homeschool. It’s not difficult. It isn’t expensive. The kids are far ahead of the public schools. And there’s no indoctrination.
Even when I grew up it was filled with political indoctrination. I can’t imagine how bad it is now. They went to public school for a while. I got a lecture from a 4th grader about how I shouldn’t have a campfire because wood is a fossil fuel. Wood…fossil?
That’s not why I pulled them out but there’s a lot of dunces as teachers.
Home schooling is something I’d like to do.
I expect it would be quite a lot of fun.
My first experience with a home schooled kid was many years ago. Was a guild member in UO, and for about a year I had no idea that this mature adult person was actually a 13 year old kid.
CNN’s going to stroke out with the level of self-congratulation they’re exuding about their upcoming town hall.
“My policies are so childish, I need children to vote!”
Nothing says grassroots like a commercially printed and mass produced sign.
I saw some protest coverage on Power Lunch – matching t-shirts for some groups. That’s a lot of bake sales and car washes…
I’d be more convinced if they randomly used cute backwards letters.
Can we stop with the ” xxx Strong” bullshit?
Boston wasn’t strong, the chickenshits all locked themselves in their houses like they were told.
Parkland wasn’t strong – nobody shot back and killed the sumbitch.
At least the Vegas shooter is dead, but we’ll never know if he shot himself or if a second responder did.
It was Alex Jones.
Hell, they all fled in Vegas.
Boston put itself on lock-down when a bunch of guerilla marketers put up light brites.
Millwall however, Millwall strong.
and those who beat their swords into plows will slave for those who didn’t…
Are we seeing the endpoint of a stagnant society?
“We Stand With the Kids”…who is “we”? Aren’t you one of the kids?
Funny how the cameras only find the gun grabber kids.
Apparently at least one kid doesn’t even know how to make a FIST in self defense.
No homo?
They may as well be holding up signs that say “Keep us defenseless!”
Meanwhile, kids all across my state are gearing up for the trap shooting season, the fastest growing high school sport in our fair state.
That would bring a single tear of joy to my eye if I were capable of it.
You could jack off in honor of it instead?
That’s an idea.
Ah yes the old ‘Reverence Rub’, or is that the ‘Tribute Tug’ ?
Don’t look forced into this at all. Nope. No way. Their passion is pegged at eleventy on the passionometer.
I’m pretty sure none of those three kids made the hand written signs, unless they’re hella gay. The writing is way too nice.
I always assumed it would be Utah that was first out of the gate on banning porn.
I recall somebody researching the IPs from visitors to porn sites and found that UT was one of the highest, if not the highest in the nation.
I saw that. I think it was hotel purchases for porn on demand. Back in the dark ages when streaming titties to your phone wasn’t viable.
Et tu, Stanford?
She’s just angry that no one retweets her jokes.
Their mascot is a tree. I cede the rest of my time to my esteemed colleagues.
Colonizing a dead planet is rape!!!
Will no one think of the Martianz?
That article is a flaming pile of stupid on top of a heaping of self-loathing.
That a major media outlet would print that garbage and that Stanford would subsidize it, makes me sick to my stomach.
““Women in developing countries are particularly vulnerable to climate change because they are highly dependent on local natural resources for their livelihood,” a 2013 United Nations report noted. “Women charged with securing water, food and fuel for cooking and heating face the greatest challenges. Women experience unequal access to resources and decision-making processes, with limited mobility in rural areas.””
Because men don’t eat food.
Women are hurt hardest because they have to see their sons and husbands die.
No, that should be in the plus column because it’s smashing the patriarchy.
I’m confused, aren’t women in developing countries more highly dependent on local men for their livelihoods or does the article just assume they’re a natural resource to be exploited by women?
Based on statistics I’m making up. I’d say 80% of the kids that walked out of school today did it just for an excuse to skip, 10% were boys trying to impress girl, and the remaining 10% actually care about the movement. I put the margin of error around 75%.
In school, we had to take some measurements to determine the value of pi and our margin of error.
We came up with 6 +- 3
You went to a school for climate scientists?
I’d put the margin of relevance at 0%. High schoolers cannot vote, nor are they known for forming rational viewpoints.
Anybody ever watched “Think Like a Cop – The Rest of the Story” youtube channel?
I’ve been digging it. He will certainly not pass everybody’s libertarian purity test (nobody does). But he’s close enough for me. Sometimes what he says is pretty interesting, and sometimes it’s just plain funny to listen to him talk. Sometimes he’ll take the cops side in a way that would piss off people here, perhaps … but sometimes he’d fit right in here. I’d recommend starting with a “Crazy Cop Story”.
If you don’t like rednecks, do not watch.
If you don’t like rednecks, do not watch.
No worries. No one like rednecks. Especially not rednecks.
Think Like a Cop – The Rest of the Story
So he has ridiculous pregnant pauses like Paul Harvey?
I’m always on the lookup for YT channels. Looked this one up, video on channel preview starts “gonna talk about this video… of a guy shooting a guy..”
I’ll start watching the vids later.
“The car is like a uterus on wheels,” he says.
It comes with an ejection seat?
It’s an abortion of engineering?
Women can’t operate them properly?
As it gets older it’s useless?
Limited head room?
It’s basically useless if a man doesn’t initiate it?
It’s got a lotta miles on it.
Just on the front half, the back half has barely been used?
Plenty of junk in the trunk too.
It leaks weird fluids and makes screeching noises?
More terrible ideas from Thom Hartmann
Two simple changes to U.S. law, both things based in other laws that we already know and like, could solve most of America’s gun violence problem:
Treat all semi-automatic weapons in a similar way under the same laws as fully-automatic weapons.
Regulate gun ownership and usage the same way we regulate car ownership and usage.
Not mentioned: ending the war on drugs
Thom Hartmann is the Rush Limbaugh of The Left. A brain dead hyperbolic stooge.
So everybody gets guns as a rite of passage at 16?
Only after they spend a semester in school learning how to safely use one!!!!
Don’t be crazy.
Oh good! I can get a permit to carry in all 50 states?
No shit. I can use my license to carry in every state! Sweet!
I can buy, sell, or trade in any state without having to do a background check?
People will be surprised if I don’t have one?
I can have as many as I want and no one will care?
Also stop at AAA and get an international permit for $10.
Me: I’ve run out of ammo.
AAA: We’ll be there in 30 minutes with a can for you.
Me: I’ll have my card ready.
There will be televised events where they auction them off to wealthy collectors?
Regulate gun ownership and usage the same way we regulate car ownership and usage.
Our intellectual betters think this would reduce the amount of regulation on the purchase and use of firearms.
It’s a great idea. After all, nobody ever gets hurt in car accidents.
Besides, I like to text while I shoot.
Prohibition also not mentioned.
He did mention it in a similar article. He credits gun control with ending tommy gun massacres and not the ending of prohibition.
Uh, you don’t need government permission to buy a car, nor do you need a license of any kind to drive it on private property.
Good, no legal paperwork required to buy a car or modify it unless I use government roads. Therefore unless I’m using a government gun range I can have and use anything I want.
I think we can all appreciate Pomp’s new avatar.
Is that Soave in the pic?
I missed the whole setup.
Yes and it says “I <3 Nick Gillespie".
I bet Pomp that Trump would end up backing some version of gun control and Pomp, a man of his word, admitted defeat and changed his avatar, per the stipulations of the bet
“Admittedly I’m having a hard time processing the fact that the children we propped up as rhetorical human shields in the aftermath of a tragedy are actually being attacked. Oh, the humanity!”
Don’t read the comments.
Damnit, I should have listened to you.
I think the least heartless seeming way to counter this bullshit is to compare them to Jenny McCarthy. Basically, “I can’t imagine what it’s like to deal with what you have to deal with, but I have enough emotional distance from the situation to be able to see that your proposed solution to this problem is based in false premises, and it’s going to cause a lot of suffering without actually fixing anything.”
In school I wrote some shitty essay about how we needed new text books and gosh darn it the children are the future so pay up.
I didn’t particularly give a shit about text books but I knew the teachers would lap it up and the did. They made a big deal like I was gonna be a president in the future and sent it to the principal. Made me feel like a big deal.
A few years later I came to realize I was just a useful idiot who liked the momentary attention. But outside of impressing 45 years old ladies nobody gives a shit.
I don’t hate them but I think the realization that they created an environment where the rats can get a shot of crack by pressing the right buttons colored how I looked at schools later in life.
Uffda. Super disappointed in 3M.
3M Settles with Minnesoda over groundwater suit for $850M (case originally asked for $5B)
This case was a pure money grab by our publicity whore of an AG. She tried to get $5B from 3M to clean up some sites that she claims that were contaminated. The fact is that 3M has paid hundreds of millions already to clean up the sites. The last time around though they said enough is enough. Next thing you know the AG (Lori Swanson) files a suite.
Just before the trial started the Minnesoda Dept of Health reported that their long term study showed no apparent health effects from the PFC contamination. I’m pretty sure that is why Swanson decided to settle. 3M had planned on using the MN Dept of Heath scientists as their own witnesses.
Even though she won a settlement, my guess is that she is going to mete out some more punishment.
Wait til they learn that 3M stands for Mexico Mining and Manufacturing.
So the reason costs have exploded is because the EPA and Minnesoda changed the definition of “safe”. Considering that Minnesoda couldn’t find any proof of higher health impacts in the affected areas, it seems dubious that the standard needed to change in the first place.
BTW, in the language of epidemiology and toxicology, “linked to” is the tell, indicating “we don’t actually have any cause and effect evidence.”
Exactly. “We ran as many statistical tests as our software could handle and one of them came up with an alpha < .05. We have no idea whether the assumptions underlying this test actually apply to our data, but we took a Research Methods course in grad school so we are experts."
“We have our own problems in Minnesota with regulatory agencies that are captive to the industries that they are supposed to regulate.”
Is she talking about her own office?
Our corporate compliance guys contacted me today.
“Do we use any fluorocarbons?”
“Can you get rid of them?”
“Sure, but that will eliminate 2/3 of our product line.”
long silence
“See what you can do.”
How did Team USA’s women’s speed skating uniforms make it past the #metoo sensibility check? They’re almost Q worthy –
That’s unfortunate
You know that’s a significant area of drag, right?
Old Army Joke: You know why women paratroopers cross their legs when they jump?
So they don’t whistle when they come in for a landing.
In those outfits they look downright flat-chested.
Reminds me of this.
Needs moar cleavage.
Yes. Always.
“Why do you keep looking at my crotch?! Perv!”
Because you drew a target there.
It’s like a taunt to Fat Fucks like Weinstein – if you could catch me, here is your target area.
I was going to say that it is too bad that they don’t allow corporate sponsorships in the Olympics because if there was ever a uniform that needed Target’s logo added to it…
Hole in One Golf?
This makes me happy.
The Senate has similar bills that will actually pass, but the shitty Dem controlled House will fuck it up. Fuck them.
CBS editors suck. About time even though it will never pass the house.
Oh look. All of three bills are currently being heard at House State, Veterans, and Military Affairs Events Committee. More informally known as the kill committee. They’ve got a 12 year old on right now talking about how guns are scary and her best friend was killed.
The thing that pisses me off the most is that the advantage in the House for the Dems is almost solely due to gerrymandering.
One thing I wish the pro-gun side would do better is find people who have been saved by guns and get them on national TV. Yes, the pro-gun side makes reasoned arguments with facts, but I don’t see why they can’t augment that by adding a personal touch. There are tons of parents out there who have saved their children’s lives by using a gun. It would at least make it a little harder for the anti-gun side to claim that they’re “for the children” when the other side has saved children’s lives as well. It would basically force the anti-gun side to blow off the lives of those other children, and they’d tie themselves in knots over it.
In Colorado in 2013 the ACLU, Colorado Criminal Defense Bar, NRA and RMGO all backed a bill about restoring gun rights for convicted felons who had committed non-violent felonies. The star of the show was an old man who had served in Korea that as a highschooler had been involved with the felony theft of a tuba from his school and could not teach his grandchildren how to hunt. The only opposition testimony was a 20-something in yoga pants who was too dumb to pick up hints from the Dems on the committee that they wanted her to suggest onerous requirements and subjective decisions and instead had the insightful comment that “there are no such things as self-defense weapons, only self-offense weapons.” The bill died in committee. Sure it helps but sometimes the deck is just stacked.
Christ even the ACLU backed that? Wow.
^^^So much this, and not just with guns. Reasoned arguments don’t move the needle of public opinion; humans are too emotional and panicky animals for that. That’s one thing Trump has been good at with putting people who have been victims of crimes committed by illegals. He *should* be doing the same thing with guns, not going squishy on them.
They’ve been doing testimony on HB13-1037 Concealed Handguns on School Grounds for three hours now. It must be nice to have a union job where you can choose not to come into work and instead lobby the state government with 30+ of your students while regular folks still have to be productive. I expect the mag ban repeal won’t be heard until the next committee date or very late tonight depending on how much they want to fuck with the Nevilles.
What is the reason for such a stamp? Is that when CO outlawed normal-capacity magazines or something?
Yeah. The mag ban had a grandfather clause and it just so happened a major US manufacturer of magazines was located in Colorado so in the infinite wisdom of the state the solution would be to require all magazines manufactured in the state to be stamped with a date of a manufacture. That way anyone caught with a magazine they hadn’t owned before the ban could be distinguished from someone who had owned the exact same magazine before the ban.
Of course, every county sheriff except for Denver and Boulder has publicly said they won’t enforce it because it’s a waste of resources/infringement of rights, the law itself is unenforceable anyway since there’s no way to prove that a mag you bought in Wyoming you didn’t already have and there are plenty of gun shops doing civil disobedience by continuing to sell said mags. So. It’s a feel good law that serves absolutely no purpose except for perhaps as an add-on charge for a gangbanger caught doing some real crime.
It makes internet orders of rifles frustrating because a lot of those companies aren’t willing to open their product to remove the factory magazine. And with the recent changes in California law, 10round no scary feature configurations are practically non-existent.
I wish the automakers would take the same attitude towards California regulations.
“Sorry, we’re boing to build for the larger market outside of your state.”
Just find a reputable, local gun shop (one of the aforementioned civil disobedience ones) that’s willing to order it on your behalf with some minimal markup for their trouble. I don’t know what part of the state you’re in, but I have a few recommendations if you want. Admins can give you my email since I don’t want to expose the shops in a public forum.
Anyone know of any gun stores near Harrisburg, PA that hold a reasonable stock of long guns?
I’m gonna be out that way tomorrow thru’ Saturday, kicking my heels and I want to go window shopping.
I’ve got alternative sources, it’s more the reason to be looking at those online orders is because of the extreme markdown deals you occasionally find. Like an 800 dollar price on something normally listed for 1200 and MSRP near 1600.
Harrisburg is not really in my area, but you might want to check out the Trop.
With a wee bit of luck, they might have one of these.
It would be nice to have another toy that isn’t registered in my home state, yet is still legal.
It would be nice to have another toy that isn’t registered in my home state, yet is still legal.
Despite PA law specifically prohibiting the state police from keeping a registry, the state police keep handgun sales records:
Pennsylvania law requires that information received by the Pennsylvania State Police pursuant to a sale is destroyed within 72 hours of the completion of the background check.[1][2] The Pennsylvania Firearm Owners Association notes that the Pennsylvania State Police nonetheless keep a “sales database” of all handguns purchased within the state.[16] The database was challenged based on what was asserted as the unambiguous text of the statute, specifically “nothing… …shall be construed to allow any government or law enforcement agency or any agent thereof to create, maintain or operate any registry of firearm ownership within this Commonwealth” (full statute text above), the Pennsylvania Supreme Court nonetheless ruled in Allegheny County Sportsmen’s League v. Rendell, 860 A.2d 10 (Pa. 2004), that Pennsylvania’s database of handgun sales is not prohibited by state law because the registration was only of handgun sales and not of all guns.[17]
You won’t be able to buy a handgun being from out of state, but I wouldn’t be surprised if the state police also keep long arm sales records.
Well, I can buy a handgin out of state. I just have to have it shipped to an FFL in my state to pick it up, do the 4473 and the CT DPS-3-C registration.
I can bring in out-of-state purchased long guns, provided I transport them obeying the state laws of all the states I travel thru, and then own it in my home state without filing the DPS-3-C.
It;s unfortunate that I can’t transport a long gun with a threaded barrel thru’ NY, because that’d be a real coup.
Not to mention, Magpul setting up shop elsewhere.
Number.6, depending on which way you go to the Harrisburg area, I suggest:
Heritage Guild in Easton, PA. Sarco is next door. Both right off of I-78.
Cabela’s in Hamburg, PA. Also near I-78.
oops.. wrong place.
Message received and understood. Despite the threading error :/
These people are disgusting shameless pigs, the whole lot.
Or perhaps I should have said JournoLism?
“A weapon used in war”
Which war would that be?
Jenkins’ Ear
Get’s my vote for the best-named war in history.
“A weapon used in war” “Military style” “Military grade” all based on looks, not functionality.
All weapons can be used in war. And banning “military grade” weapons undermines that whole prefatory non-normative clause in the 2A about “a well-regulated militia being necessary for the security of a free state”.
Using those kids as props is having an affect on the one guy who matters: Trump.
“proposed limiting them to adults aged 30 or older.”
Didn’t CNN just push lowering the voting age? Hmmm….
30 and older? Better get those guns out of the hands of all those teenagers and 20somethings in the armed forces, pronto!
“shall not be infringed” is such a tricky wording
But kids are dying!
Goddamnit. I had pretty much decided that I was going to vote for Trump in 2020 if his next three years went like this, but gun control? All bets are off. I seriously hope he’s just saying those things as flim-flam and misdirection.
It will be interesting to see where he lands…he’s not a principled person, and apparently has supported gun control in the past, but on the other hand he likes to win and his base likes guns and the Ds don’t seem to be in a mood for compromise. One positive thing I read today is that apparently Donald Trump Jr. is a big pro-gun guy and is trying to pressure his dad not to give in on gun control, so at least Trump is hearing the right message from people close to him.
t-minus few hours before first Trump comparisons begin.
i noted that Macron was far more ‘le-pen ish’ than people realized … about a year ago. One of the first things he did after getting elected was to run off to poland and very-visible demand that Polish people stop competing w/ French workers.
Stop showing up five days a week!
French: Per union rules you must have four people to screw-in a light bulb. The Polish are so efficient that they only use three people. But, this is a violation of the law. Sacrebleu!
How many French does it take to change a light bulb?
None. They’ll capitulate to the darkness.
Stop fucking dogs, people
“According to a police report, witnesses say they heard Ivan DeVoren engaging in sexual activities with his dog, Snoopy, on several different occasions. Witnesses described hearing sex sounds coming from DeVoren’s apartment on numerous occasions. They kept records of the alleged incidents, including sounds of a dog whimpering, creaking furniture and inappropriate language.”
Numerous occasions? Why didn’t they call the 1st time?
inappropriate language
I dunno, I bet the language was wholly appropriate to the situation. It’s just that the situation itself is fucked up.
When I first read that, I thought it said “sloopy,” and I laughed a bit too hard.
Bitch set me up!
Pipe Jimbo for the win!
What have you been smoking?
I’d call that bumptious and vexatious.
The Humane Animal Rescue says DeVoren was a volunteer there back in 2014.
See, he’s not all bad. He likes dogs!
He really, *really* likes dogs.
From the comments:
“If the mutt doesn’t fit, you must acquit.”
Gucci models carried replicas of their own heads in a terrifying runway show — and people are freaking out
Wow they look pretty lifelike.
What a scam. Ugly clothes, ugly models, just plain ugly.
It’s true. The models almost look like humans.
Gucci makes clown clothes now? Are we past creepy clowns to clown sheikh?
clown sheikh?
Omar the Tent Maker?
Those are models?
This disable your adblocker crap is getting annoying.
Indeed. I will more readily forgo your website than be subject to ads.
If you want money from me, sell me a useful product directly.
Speaking of WWI I think we are giving the German High Command too much credit. They did some incredibly stupid things.
The most obvious one being going to war against France and Russia at the same time. This was something Bismarck desperately tried to avoid.
Then you got stuff like von Papen’s antics in the US, the Zimmermann telegram or the Naval Order of October 24 1918.
They had to fight France and Russia at the same time. The Russians were mobilizing along their border and the French were prepared to use the opportunity of war to reclaim lands that the Germans won in the Franco-Prussian War.
I agree that the other provocations were nonsensical
They spent much treasure to build a huge navy, fought one inconclusive battle, and kept it in port the rest of the war.
Their attempt for one last Naval battle during the final days of the war lead to a mutiny that in turn began a revolution that overthrew the Kaiser and all the other German monarchs.
While the Royal Navy were led pretty poorly, it would have taken a brave Admiral of the kreigsmarine to have just sailed out against the home fleet without a damn good reason to do so.
So why keep building it up? Why not just give the sailors rifles and send them to the front?
Florida House declares pornography as a health risk
Sad. They shot down new gun laws, but then they had drop a turd.
And they still won’t reform their horrifying divorce laws, so my uncle will continue having most of his income siphoned off to support his pathetic drug addict ex-wife (who was a CPA for crissakes! Ooops, wait, she lost her license because she’s a lush and an oxy addict) for the rest of time. Fuck you, Rick Scott.
As far as I’m concerned, all this talk about Trump placing any sort of increased restrictions on guns or access to guns is all lip service until he actually does something. He’ll throw a few quotes out there and gauge the reaction of his base before he does anything, and judging by the reaction so far, I doubt he does anything.
This is where I’m at too. I *almost* fell for it and was looking at more mags & ammo to buy, but talked myself down.
Didn’t he already send a memo requesting the drafting of new regulations? I’m pretty sure a bump stock ban is an inevitability. On the plus side, if they were ever actually necessary (ie, civil war), it seems like they would be trivial to produce with 3d printers, and bans of any sort at that point would be moot.
The issue isn’t really the bump stock itself. It’s the language they’ll use to outlaw devices that ‘artificially enhance the rate of fire’ – which will potentially impact third-party triggers, spring kits – basically anything that will let a gun owner discharge a firearm faster than a ‘stock weapon’.
Exactly. Next time there’s a Democrat in the Oval Office, they’re going to “interpret” that in the broadest terms possible. It’s practically an iron law that new government regulations are always stretched way past their original intent.
When scientists develop new oral drugs, they have to calculate how much of the active ingredient will be absorbed by the liver because it’s certain that this will happen. Likewise, people have to automatically factor in the leeway and wiggle room that the government will give itself in the enforcement of new regulations. “Progressives” always tell me “this isn’t a big deal; all it does is X” but they fail to consider that the regulations never stay confined to the original terms.
Of course, such devices aren’t actually necessary to shoot damn fast – go check out youtube footage of Jerry Miculek – so anyone with sufficient motivation to train to empty a mag in 10 seconds can do so with varying degrees of accuracy.
The next step would be to require that guns are manufactured to only shoot up to a certain rate of fire. Which is as reasonable as micro-stamping every round you use in the gun.
This makes sense
Democrats want $300 million because “Russians”
“if you don’t throw money in the money hole, the terrorists win”
Even money says the bill will be set up so that more than half of the money would have to be spent on anti-Russian influence “groups” with a specific list of which groups are eligible.
Giving 4channers free mountain dew and doritos for life would be cheaper and more effective.
You can’t expect them to pay to rig elections on their own dime.
Again, people keep conflating “Russians” with “the Russians”. Russia is not Ohio State.
That would be going to far.
I’m sure they already have a good plan and they can account for every penny of that $300M. No way that is some phoney-baloney number that will end up being sent to and other groups.
Pat Condell: A Word To The Google Feminists
Makers of Fancy Doo-Dads Compete for Natural Resource
Normally when the subject comes up, its about the horrific “exploitation” of Africans who are the main suppliers of the metals that go into smartphone batteries.
When its about Apple and Tesla, that detail is sent way to the bottom of the article where no one will notice
The newest conspiracy craze: Crisis Actors.
I’m going to see if I can dig up one of the videos that I saw on Facebook yesterday.
Actors? No. Willing stooges for leftist propaganda? Absolutely.
Yeah. This kid LOVES being in front of the camera. He was interviewed here on the local news about a fight between a lifeguard and a kid at the beach.
Is that the one who’s Dad works for the FBI? Or is that just another conspiracy theory?
a kid from florida was interviewed about a fight in california?
Evidently, his family used to live in Redondo Beach.
I’ll admit that there are things about Sandy Hook that make me scratch my head.
But Parkland is pretty cut and dry. They found a couple left-leaning teenage stooges who love the camera. Not hard in a deep blue county.
Just… no. No Sandy Hook trutherism. I’m drawing a line. In the sand. See it? See it there? That’s a line. In the sand.
I can speak from reliable second-hand knowledge, that most of the more outre Sandy Hook conspiracy stuff is bunk. Some of the circumstances surrounding the case have been conveniently kept out of the public sphere, because – well, frankly, it’s pretty harrowing stuff.
Some of the public servants who were in a position to have helped avoid the event have conveniently been kept out of the news, and there’s plenty of blame to go around the public too, for not being snitches. Lastly, there were some quite outspoken local critics of the way the investigation was handled who have been kept out of the public eye.
I dont believe you.
I’m not in a position to influence your opinion any more than that, brah :/
Come on….. please. Dish information. Nobody reads this.
As I intimated, the firearms that were claimed to be used, were used. The kid murdered his mother before he left for the school, using an AR-15 pattern gun she kept under her bed wrapped in a blanket. The catalyst was that she was going to have him committed for evaluation later in the week.
He then drove off to the school, was confronted by the principal and took a nice long time wandering around the school putting rounds in the kids who were cowering in place, in addition to adults. No effective opposition was staged. Took a long time to get all the remains out of that place.
The kid was a known problem in the town, cops, doctors, school system, parents, neighbors. All known – just like this Florida kid seems to be. There were lots of people coming down from Hartford and up from NYC interfering and pushing local LEOs out of the way and very regular briefings to our resident shitlord Governor.
To the extent that there’s some deep conspiracy here, it’s well acknowledged locally. Molloy was prepared to take all the heat to enact some gun laws which Hillary would then use as a model for a set of federal laws. The payback would be federal money and a nice job for our Shitstain Governor under a Clinton presidency. Molloy enacted a bunch of laws, and had(has) more on the slipway that I expect he’ll try and get passed as a “Fuck You and Goodbye” when his term ends.
My SIL was at Yale Med at the time. She got called in to help at the morgue.
There’s a very good reason for keeping that stuff out of the public sphere. Think of the most harrowing, gruesome thing, and… it’s worse than that.
The “crisis actor” thing is a favorite among the Alex Jones crowd.
Apparently Soros is paying these guys off but can’t find new actors for each new disaster, so he just reuses the same ones.
I mean, taking it from the premonition that the government has no qualms about killing its own citizens, there’s much easier conspiracies to be made (not saying I believe in them) that the shooter was some controlled MKUltra thing than to say it didn’t happen and that everyone involved is an actor.
Conspiracy theory types love the crazy stuff since it shows how sinister the gov is, contradicts the official story the most and lacks evidence since They covered it up.
“The Bigfoot Lawsuit Against California Actually Makes Some Really Good Points
A California woman who claims she saw Sasquatch perched in a tree last year is suing California for refusing to accept what she now knows to be true: Bigfoot inhabits the San Bernardino mountains.”
She says she saw trees in the San Bernardino mountains? Now I’m sure she’s lying.
How About big horn Sheep? We have those too,
Also a lot of blame for Nazism and Communism is laid at Wilson but what about Ludendorff? He was the one who sent Lenin to Russia. He was the one who thought reinstating unrestricted submarine warfare was a good idea. He also helped create the stab-in-the-back to absolve himself of defeat. Oh then he supported Hitler in the Beer Hall Putsch.
Are you practicing pick-up lines? Because these are Walter Gibson level awful, man.
No, he’s practicing his answers to common interview questions.
“Hey baby, I’d like to stick my Ludendorff in your Beer Hall Putsch, if you know what I’m saying.”
The Shadow?
The Shadow is actually Lamont Cranston, wealthy man-about-town.
Walter Gibson was the guy who wrote the shadow stories. And in those stories he wasn’t actually Lamont Cranston but would pretend to be him.
Christ, not that Walter Gibson.
This one:
So a forgotten 80s Rob Reiner movie? Really?
You do realize where you are?
Old white men with a Nick Gillespian taste for lame old pop-culture references that they think are obvious?
In the movies and the radio drama, The Shadow was Lamont Cranston.
Biofuels Law: Still Sucks, No One Does Anything About It
Cruz brags he’d have repealed it. I don’t recall that being the case in Jan 2016, honestly. can’t remember. I remember Trump sucked-farmer-dick hard in Iowa. Maybe 1 or 2 others mumbled “adverse consequences” but otherwise handwaved past whether or not they actually supported the law.
I still consider the corn-ethanol “biofuels-subsidy” policy a sort of bellweather for ‘really bad ideas cooked up in DC which no one ever changes’. Pretty much everyone agrees its a dogshit law, but no one will risk an ounce of political capital to undo it.
Ted Cruz did talk it in Iowa.
“Cruz is one of just two candidates who doesn’t support the RFS (the other is Sen. Rand Paul, R-Kentucky, who similarly wants to lift other regulations that suppress ethanol use to offset eliminating the mandate) and he’s taken plenty of fire for it ”
Sweet. More power to him.
still thought he came off so slimy in the debates that he was dead on arrival.
It’s not just corn subsidies for biofuel, but cattle feed and dextrose syrup. That market distortion arguably increases obesity and makes antibiotics less effective.
Cattle feed and dextrose syrup.
I was hoping he used the word ‘adore’ himself.
He has to be an even bigger fucking idiot than I took him for for speaking Arabic to a bunch of Hindus.
lol…what a fucking tool
They’re not a first nation. Their ancestors ethnically cleansed the ancestors of the real first people in Canada, who are now the indigenous of South America as a result.
Hey for all that is worth maybe I can help with the links if you are short on staff, as of NO I AM NOT WORKING!
Then again, looking around all the dead soldiers in my place, I’ll probably live to be about 200 and am not probably that quite reliable. Waking up at 4:30 PM might be good either.
Joking aside, thanks to all of the staff for what your are doing, those links are always appreciated.
Ouash. T’es tu fini?
*checks phrasebook*
Excuse me, I don’t speak foreign.
”Non verbal expression of disgust” followed by ”Are you done?”.
I know Rufus’s first language is not French, so I’ll translate it to : ”Holy Jebus! Are you wasted?” which I think is more of a friendly way to express empathy towards a fellow human being facing some hardship.
It’s unfortunately close to ”T’as tu fini!?”, which would be interpreted as STFU : ”You are annoying, you need to stop.” (especially accompanied by the expression of disgust). To most people born and raised in Quebec, the next thing would be a beating if you didn’t stop the annoying behavior. Kind of triggers a fight or flee reaction. Works well with kids, but with drunken adults? Wouldn’t recommend it. I am pretty sure that was not the message Rufus was sending me.
To enlighten the reader, the way to funnily ask and make 100% sure your Quebecer friend will understand your meaning would be : ”Ciboire! T’es tu scrap?” Yes, that is ”scrap”, as in… well… scrap. Yeah, we don’t really speak French, we speak Franglish.
You are now in on our secret code.
But yes, I might be a little scrap, and reading back at the massacre I’ve made of the English language, I do think I probably should be done. Carpe Diem and all that. I hate winter. And tax season even more.
Hey le grand….
J’casse les couilles.
My favorite Quebecism growing up was ‘niasse pas avec le puck’. While it literally means stop fucking around with the puck, my friends would apply it to everything. As in, for example, in a restaurant if one of us was being indecisive, they’d say, ‘hey, arrete de niasse avec le puck. Patate ou salad calice!”
That is, ‘patate ou salade, calice?!”
Auto-spell doesn’t recognize Quebecois.
Nor should it.
In fact, I don’t know which linguistic malaise I dislike more, French as it is spoke, or autocorrect.
This coming from a guy who thinks 77f is too hot.
50s and 60s are optimum temperatures. 30s and 40s are somewhat brisk, but managable. It is easier to stay warm than to cool down, so by the time you’re looking at 75, I am not happy.
And what does any of this have to do with arrogant technology and arrogant-sounding frogs?
You know sometime I feel like my life is boring and a waste of time. Then again I remember that there is somewhere some guy that actually bothered to define precisely which range of temperatures he likes and dislikes, and managed to give those same range subjective evaluations. And he is not one of those HVAC guy that we have around. I am grateful for that person.
BTW it’s ”la” puck. I’ve never heard it as a masculin noun other than with anglophones. So yeah it’s female. The ”niaise pas avec la puck” just got a bit of a double entendre doesn’t it?
That takes no effort, merely observing when I’m comfortable versus when I’m not.
yeh yeh. La puck.
Yeah I kind of expected that. It’s a deep dish pizza kind of thing right?
Like all things, Catholics did televangelism better than Protestants
Even our whores are better.
Fun fact: this was Bastiat’s “party”. Apparently Bastiat a center-leftist?
I’m pretty sure Winston is a Russian bot.
In Soviet Russia bot is misinformed by YOU!
Rich Man spends money in style of Government Stimulus Project.
How many people could he feed for the cost of a stupid clock?
(not my actual viewpoint, he can do what he wants with his cash, but where’s the WaPo report on this when you need it?)
Anyone else still find it hard to believe that the Amtrak Train carrying a bunch of Congressional Republicans hit a truck mysteriously parked in the middle of the track? Isn’t that the route they use if they need to evacuate Congress from DC? Which is cleared and secured by law-enforcement and military?
I think the more-suspicious detail is, “you can charter a train?”
I wonder how many anti-gun folks would freak out about this being a super dangerous gun?
Yipe, the price on those!
I’m not allowed to own one of those.
gilmored right under gilmore, now that is an achievement.
A bolt action AR? Now I’ve seen everything.
I saw a pump action one recently for california.
The only reason I would want one is to switch the upper and not have to buy a new gun.
The Troy industries thing? I think that’s so cool, california be-damned. i think its a cool gun for any occasion.
So this but twice as expensive and from a manufacturer I’ve never heard of.
“Which is cleared and secured by law-enforcement and military?” There’s your answer right there
Lawsuits challenge Electoral College system in four U.S. states
You get a single vote. That vote determines the elector that pledges to vote for the candidate whom you are voting for.
“Under the winner-take-all system, U.S. citizens have been denied their constitutional right to an equal vote in Presidential elections,”
It seems that following the letter of the Constitution is unconstitutional.
Doesn’t the Constitution say that states can choose electors any way they want?
Seems to me they’re asking to drop the college altogether and go to most votes wins nationally.
Reynolds v. Sims said states can’t decide how they want to structure their state governments because somehow having a state senate consisting of people representing counties and a statehouse consisting of equal population districts violates the 14th amendment.
It seems the only reason the Senate and Electoral College have been left untouched is because they are actually in the constitution.
Maybe, but it’s more likely that the sheer audacity of such a ruling is the real deterrent.
They could just as well say that the 14th Amendment overrides the 12th Amendment and the original Constitution on the EC and Senate.
I imagine the main audacity would be that SCOTUS would be how they could say that the system that elected of the man who nominated them and the legislature that approved of them is somehow unconstitutional.
They wouldn’t be saying the branches are unconstitutional, just the method by which (some of) their members were selected. And, while it would set a really bad precedent in the U.S., other countries’ supreme courts have committed (or, more often, attempted and failed) soft coups like that before.
I’m still a little perplexed as to how the United States Supreme Court can rule on the constitutions of sovereign states, never mind the will of the U.S. Congress which accepted those states into the union.
Besides FYTW, that is.
Incorporation, supremacy of Federal Constitution and ensuring a Republican constuition I presume are the arguments.
It is funny what gets “incorporated” and what doesn’t. How can the court’s tortured reading of an amendment get “incorporated” when the plain reading doesn’t? FYTW, again.
It is also a bit absurd, absent a similar ruling about the EC and Senate, to say that the Federal Constitution, which not only allows but calls for disproportionate representation, somehow forbids the exact same thing at the state level (absent an explicit wording as such).
And it is beyond absurd to suggest that republicanism is incompatible with bicameralism, or a senate composed of members not selected in proportion to population, since that the Roman Republic had such a thing (and, as mentioned, so does the U.S. government)
The Constitution doesn’t establish an inalienable right to vote anyway. It merely lists a few criteria that may not be used to deny a person the opportunity to vote: race, gender, and age if at least 18.
Bill Weld is a part of that suit.
I thought you typed “Bill Weld is a piece of shit.”
Which is objectively true.
I’m pretty sure there are states that do not use a winner take all system for allocating electoral college votes.
Regardless, it would at best be an approximation.
Nebraska & Maine I think.
Yes. There are two.
Without the electoral college, the national presidential election would basically be the New York, California, and Chicago election cycle… Hmmm, it’s almost like they’re aware of that…
Let’s see…ah, here it is. Article II, Section 1:
“Each state shall appoint, in such manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a number of Electors, equal to the whole number of Senators and Representatives to which the state may be entitled in the Congress…”
Now let’s find where it says that citizens have a right to an equal vote. Hmm, not there…not there either..or there. Sorry, can’t find it.
Good luck with that lawsuit.
The Supreme Court has repeatedly ruled that explicit, enumerated rights with no textual exceptions can be restricted without amendment. It would not surprise me to see them rule that their made-up rules supersede the actual text of the Constitution.
I haven’t left home in a few days. I also haven’t been able to navigate to I thought something was wrong with the site.
Then, I had an idea, and turned the wifi on my phone off and tried to navigate here, and Viola! Success.
I know that I haven’t blacklisted this site on my router. Is it possible that Xfinity is blocking you?
I’ve been having the same problem. Something about DNS and can’t find the server.
I can access the site fine when I turn my VPN off. With the VPN on, I have to try a bunch of different IP numbers before I find one that’s accepted.
It’s only on Glibertarians and started a few days ago.
Your router probably has a bad DNS setting. See if you can change it to Google’s or OpenDNS servers.
This is what happens when there’s no net neutrality
Change your router’s DNS Servers to OpenDNS’s servers rather than Xfinity. It’s never a good idea to use an ISP’s DNS Servers because they then have the ability to know who you’re trying to visit.
OpenDNS servers are and
I don’t see anyway to change the DNS settings in the router control panel.
I wouldn’t be surprised if you couldn’t do it on the Xfinity router. In which case, set it manually on your phone and computer.
Uh… So if I change it on my computer (I assume I can Google the command line) it won’t matter what the router DNS is?
Correct. You are overriding the inheritance from the router settings by doing so.
I changed the DNS settings to the Open DNS ones on the TCP/IPv4. TCP/IPv6 says the addresses are invalid, so I kept that on automatic. Still will not connect to this site.
Disable IPv6. You might find your system works faster as a result.
It’s a pain in the ass but maybe try a reset on the router (you’ll have to completely set up the router from scratch if you do this).
if you’re console-friendly, drop to a DOS window, and type:
ipconfig /flushdns and hit enter
tracert and hit enter
and see if you get a trace
Absolutely disable ipv6. The inherited ipv6 settings from the router can override your ipv4 DNS settings.
Also flush your dns cache after making the changes.
Ugh. That sucks.
If you’re running windows on your PC, you should be able to do it there instead. The current settings on your PC probably point to your router.
A link to how to set this up:
Google was clever enough to grab two very memorable addresses. and Easy to remember in a pinch but Google.
Changed IPv4 to Open DNS, disabled IPv6, cmmd line as admin “ipconfig /registerdns”
Still can’t connect.
Tracert gives reply “unable to resolve target system name http…etc.”
Nslookup results: can’t find non-existent domain
n.b. both tracert/traceroute and nslookup need hostnames not URLs
(they operate at a lower level on the network stack than HTTP)
Tracert timed out, so did nslookup
Well then it is distinctly possible (if a bit unlikely) that your ISP is blocking OpenDNS as well as Glibertarians. Can you resolve other hosts?
That’s sucky. Try changing your DNS to It’s google, but it’d be a good start if you could resolve via that.
Or, if you’re feeling a bit antisocial, use
Can you resolve other hosts?
This was a dumb question. You can obviously resolve other hosts, as nslookup both did a reverse DNS lookup of the OpenDNS IP address and indicated that it received a non-existent domain response for your query.
However, it is extremely unlikely (while not, technically, impossible) that DNS response records for are being blocked, regardless of source. I got nothing now.
I probably screwed up the code here. But here goes nothing.
How many times can an ‘expert’ be wrong in the same article?
So do exactly the same thing they did already and expect different results.
I probably screwed up the code here. But here goes nothing.
How many times can an ‘expert’ be wrong in the same article?
I see you brought the squirrels over from TOS as well?
Alright. Car packed for the convention, 4 bags of board games, an empty growler, 2 bombers of home brew, 2 bottles of mead, 2 bottles of homemade wine, and a flask of bourbon. From everything I’ve heard, there will be no internet access, and spotty cell reception. I’m entertained that the girlfriend is freaking out about the lack of internet more then me.
Have a great time!
Safe travels.
The girlfriend is driving (my car can’t hold the amount of board games we’re taking), she picked BrewDog as the lunch stop, so there will be good food and beer along the way. I just need to figure out where I want her to stop to get the growler filled. Anyone got any suggestions along 71 that will be open on a Thursday afternoon?
No AR? I am disappoint.
It’s a board game convention not a mall ninja bro fest
Nice. Have a good time.
That’s the plan. It’s a shame the weather is supposed to be 30’s and raining all weekend, I’ve heard that the area has some beautiful hiking trails and such.
Have fun!
Have fun!
First time I double posted here. Hooray?
Australia took away the guns and they don’t have school shootings now
And how many school shootings did they have before?
Australia has schools? I thought they just throw their children into the outback and whatever comes back they accept into society.
Then why are they so scared of guns? You’d think they’d consider it a necessary element to fight the war their own continent is waging on them.
They lost a war against emus. They’ve given up.
If Paul Hogan has taught me anything its that Australians use knives and not guns as a cultural thing.
The dingo educated your baby.
Wikipedia lists four school shootings with three deaths having occurred since their gun ban. It lists one shooting with zero deaths having occurred before the ban. The list is probably not comprehensive, but in 30 seconds of research I’ve already disproved this talking point.
They’ve had other spree shootings, but most of those were family killings.
It’s hard to imagine, from the home of Angry Anderson.
Given that Australia has a long and storied history of biker gangs, I can’t help thinking that there’s some data massaging going on. The Bandidos and the Black Bandits have been shooting each other, and other bikies for decades.
I’m always told that “nobody wants to take your guns away”, yet gun grabbers are always idolizing these countries like Australia and England where guns were actually confiscated and ownership was turned into a government-granted privilege with countless caveats. How does this make any sense?
What if I went around saying, “I think we can learn a lot from Saudi Arabia on the issue of gay rights. But ban gay marriage? What?? I don’t want to ban gay marriage! Where do you come up with this stuff?! You’re so paranoid!”
“Don’t be silly, a gay man will still be able to marry up to four women”
Speaking of televangelists, hit a bureaucrat in the head!
A lot of Squirrels today, must Be the global warmings
so this keeps coming up now on facebook posts.
aren’t private sales for people who know eachother?
Nope. But it’s “trust but verify” time. Make sure you have a bill of sale, and make sure you did some basic diligence that the guy you’re selling to is who he purports to be. A sale that puts a gun in a felon’s hands can bring a world of hurt down on the seller.
Personally, I’d be very leery of doing a private sale directly like that, but then again, some people go hitchhiking in Somalia. Who am I to judge.
Yea, if I ever wanted to do a private sale, I would probably want to see a concealed carry license or some other indication that the person is not prohibited from owning firearms. I hate to lend legitimacy to this idea that a background check makes everything A-OK, but I have a home, assets, and things to lose. And the government tends to come down hard on gun stores that just happen to sell a gun to that one psycho who shoots up a place, even if they followed every applicable law.
“Shall Not Be Infringed” is pretty fucking cut and dry in laying out our rights, but sorry – I can’t risk my ass by doing a private sale to someone who might commit a crime with it.
I’m totally up for private purchases however. If I’m the one doing them.
The easiest way to avoid bad eggs is to require a BOS in the ad and request an ID. For piece of mind asking for a CCW is a good practice.
Another feature of Vermont: a virtually non-existent crime rate and no major mass shootings that I can immediately recall.
Well, except for Vermont’s problem with presidential hopefuls’ wives who need investigating for fraud, but yeah, gun crimes are almost nonexistent there.
It’s clearly because of the lack of Christian white males.
Actually I could’ve bought one from someone in the parking lot outside a gun show without any real effort.
This is not an argument for gun control though.
I mean think about it.
I’m trying, but those idiots have made my brain hurt
Unless it’s Taco Bell, it’s totally legit.
Arby’s = best place for gun transactions.
I get my best guns at Long John Silvers.
Long John Silvers is where I buy my banned 12 inch throbbing black ‘cake toppers’.
Goes great with their dextrose syrup and cattle feed.
Chick-Fil-A, of course
Chick-Fil-A is where I buy my black tar heroin. It goes really well with their honey mustard.
Cant buy on sundays.
A common practice at one gun show I know of is to wander around with a slung rifle that has a for-sale sign on it and negotiate a sale in the parking lot. Illegal but untraceable.
Illegal but untraceable.
If so, it sounds ripe for an ATF sting.
It’s hilarious to me that gun-grabbers think that a gun show is some kind of free-for-all where no gun laws apply.
I always like to tell the story of the time I tried to buy a revolver at a gun show, but the guy wouldn’t sell it to me because *drumroll* my driver’s license had my old address on it.
(In hindsight, it’s probably good that I didn’t buy that revolver – it was an old Taurus, and I later learned that up until very recently, most of their stuff was total shit.)
Illegal in your state, maybe. Unless you’re an FFL.
Some states ban private sales. Pennsylvania, where you are headed, is one of them.
Huh. I should get some food before I post. My memory of the law isn’t what I thought it was.
Here’s the skinny on that particular piece of journalism.
At the moment, it’s totally legal to buy a gun – especially a long gun – in a person-to person sale, and in many states, you do not need any kind of permit to own or operate a long gun.
It is important that the seller and the buyer comply with whatever local state laws may exist, such as a minimum age requirement. This was met – the seller wanted to see photo ID.
There is no obligation on either party to have a bill of sale, although it’s wise to have one. This is the case in most states.
It’s still legal to buy and sell most things with cash. Even small, used denominations.
We do not live in Airstrip One. There is no obligation for a purchaser of anything to explain to a seller what his reasons might be to make a purchase.
Let’s compare this with possibly one of the MOST restrictive states (when it comes to long guns) – Connecticut.
CT residents can do exactly the same thing. I can meet AlexInCT in the car park of Bass Pro in Bridgeport and purchase the gun from him. In addition to requiring money, I would also want him to offer a partially completed DPS-3-c form which would then need to be copied 4 times, IIRC – one copy for him, one for me, one for the CT DPSS and one to wipe my ass with. He would want to see my CT Concealed Pistol and Revolver Permit or my CT Long Gun Permit. I would then give him the money, give him the Big Two Fingered Salute and send him on his way. I would be obliged to send a copy of the DPS-3-C to the Department of Public Safety in Middletown Connecticut to inform them that ownership of the weapon with this serial number had passed into my possession. I’d drop the letter in the mail, pop down to the same Dick’s where that evil shit bought his ammo for Sandy Hook, fill my boots, and go off and shoot up a school.
How could I do this? I mean, I made a purchase in one of the most restrictive states in the US, and I still murdered a load of people!
Maybe if I’d complied with all possible “reasonable restrictions” – AlexInCT met me in a local gun store. He surrendered the AR-15 to the store owner, who then ran a 4473 on me (a solid and responsible Legal Alien) and released the gun to me, completing a DPS-3-C, just the same. I then buy some ammo from HIM, and go and shoot up a school.
The fact is that the way you stop this ever happening again is you confiscate all the guns. Or you enact thought crime legislation.
We all know this.
The gun grabbers know this.
Everything else is just rearranging the deckchairs on the Titanic.
Oh, and while I was at it, I replaced the barrel with a reproduction of the one created by that asswipe in the Twitter video who sawed his AR15 up.
If I’m gonna go down shooting, I might as well be using an illegal SBR.
It brings to mind, not that you’re about to do such a thing, how many peoples lives were saved during these shootouts simply because the shooter wasn’t particularly skilled?
In (very) general terms, the usual outcome is that when one of these assholes is challenged by someone else with a firearm, they usually cap themselves, particularly in schools and colleges.
That factor alone makes the disarming of schools a total disaster. The perps know they have at least some time for a leisurely, unopposed spree.
It has occurred to me that one of the reasons they oppose armed personnel in the schools is precisely for this reason. If a school shooter is stopped, which they very likely will be, their arguments go out the window and the bodies they love to use as a soapbox wont appear.
And really, if you can be sure nobody’s going to oppose you, you wouldn’t need to be skilled at all. It’s not like you’re going to wing someone and they retaliate.
Thanks for that.
Back on the train. Misread the appointment I had scribbled in my day planner. Mutha F****r. Wrong office and now I gotta go across town and be an hour late. Guess who’s gonna be doing some deep bows.
Front facing bows, or the “other” kind?
Any news on the job offer yet, H?
I frequently visit CT for business (specifically, Norwalk). It would be nice to connect if you are nearby.
By all means – I’m two towns up from Norwalk, and at the moment, my diary is pretty open.
May I read it?
Open – and empty.
Open – and empty.
So, to sum up:
Have you been reading his diary?
It’s the ridiculous side-to-side wacky inflatable arm-flailing tube man bow they do that Westerners normally don’t get to see.
I’m good at both.
+1, bobbing up and down head under a table
Crack is whack, but 20 bucks is 20 bucks.
Glibs I need your help! I’ve been tasked with deciding whether to expand the beer selection at the business I work for. The positive is that I get free beer, the negative is that I am a beer philistine. Two of the beers I ‘ve been given samples of are:
Karbach Brewing Co
Hopadillo IPA
Karbach Brewing Co
Love Street Kolsch Style.
What do you guys think of them? Have you ever tried them before?
A little bit about the clientele, were in Texas, near the border, not a lot of hipsters just hard working blue collar folk for the most part.
I’m leaning no. But these fuckers are giving me quite the buzz and now I kind of want more.
The kolsch might do better there than IPA
My dog really likes the IPA he jumped on me when I got home and one of the cans fell and he basically put his mouth to the crack in the can and began to suck it up.
Near which border? Texas has a few of them, and if it is Ok, or LA, then the question is which one pairs best with catfish.
I will be of no help. I have not tried either I was just being snarky. I am a bit of a beer philistine as well. I drink what is cheap at the moment. Which one is cheaper?
I may be a beer geek, but I have not had either of the beers. What’s the best selling beers at the location currently? If they’re BMC (Bud Miller Coors), then go with the Kolsch, as you’ll have an easy recommendation for people to try it. If you have a collection of craft beer fans, then the IPA may sell better, for a while. If it’s not a solid IPA, then after the initial run of those who are hunting the new are done, then it will linger on the tap for a long time.
This is good advice.
Made it to the other appo and wouldn’t ya know it? The guy I was supposed to meet, the guy I panicked over because I was gonna be late to meet, was a no show anyways. Not a call or anything. Govt work. His thinking certainly was, “He’s gonna get paid anyways, so what’s the difference if I call him?”.
Funny because I’m about halfway through The Fountainhead (slogged through Atlas years ago) and came across the phrase “spiritual embezzlement”. The original “you didn’t build that”. Bureaucrats really do think we are all just cogs in a machine, interchangeable and not requiring basic decency.
Uhg. Ayn Rand is horrible. I’d rather have to live in Japan than read that drek.
She wasn’t the most captivating storyteller, true, but she nailed the pinkos perfectly. Thats why they hate her so. She showed them for what they are without pulling any punches.
She needed an editor. A character would give a soliloquy and say the same thing 5 times, then three pages later, the same character would give another soliloquy with almost exactly the same arguments.
True, but she did get her point across.
An editor with a machete. She could have gotten her point across in only 5000 pages. Buried in those tomes are some masterful gems and a few soliloquies that will stand up through the ages. It’s like panning for gold. Keep in mind that she didn’t invent that. They were portrayals or the behaviors of character that she actually had direct experience with in the USSR.
Ok so none of the DNS stuff is working. I’m currently using and are those Google or are they ok?
I don’t know why I can’t reach this site. Maybe Comcast really is blocking it.
The google DNS servers are and
Or maybe Ayn Rand?
try tracert
and see if you can get to google’s dns server or if it’s hanging.
if that works, not sure if nslookup will do interactive mode in Windows and don’t have one handy. Try typing nslookup by itself. If you get the chickenlips,
> server
Default server:
Non-authoritative answer:
or tracert [whatever IP is returned]
I already tried nslookup and tracert and got back timed out.
Lemme try again, maybe the new DNS I just put in will work
Ok, so this time nslookup found Glibertarians, and gave me the same IP you have. But tracert timed out.
I’m going to temporarily try Google DNS server and see what happens
Same thing: nslookup finds site, tracert times out
It’s that asshat Preet, I just know it.
When you say it times out, does it return to your command prompt immediately or does it appear to hang? Does it show any hops?
1. * * * request timed out
2. * * * request timed out
I know this is stupid, but try power cycling your PC, cable modem, and your own router or wireless access points if you have them?
DNS request timed out.
timeout was 2 seconds.
DNS request timed out.
timeout was 2 seconds.
*** Request to timed out
No delay on getting carrot back. It’s not my machine because my phone won’t connect on WiFi but will on cell provider net. Reset router through control panel this afternoon.
Did you try turning it off and on again?
Doesn’t anyone Speak Human around here? all I see is this Robot Speak, kinda Freaky….
So more links to HM style stuff?
Charo is way too classy for HM
Holy crap! I’m listening to Charo on Pandora! She’s Good! Wow, Real Good!
Real Good Guitar player
And she was barely legal (well, there are huge questions about her age) when she married sexagenarian Xavier Cugat.
Ok, so I guess at one point I looked at glibs at work without using private mode, so on that computer in firefox as soon as you type ‘g’ into the address bar it autofills with ‘’. I deleted glibs from the history, and followed the firefox instructions for deleting it from the autocomplete, but it still shows up, after just typing ‘g’. WTF?
What do you think of these voices? I know they’re know Master Shake and Fylock, but we can’t afford them.
Hair’s gotta have better audio. Too much distortion. I know, it’s someone talking into a mic. That’s how it sounds. But the delay is killing the flow. And they should be talking over The Donald. He’s just background noise, they’re the main show. Maybe zoom in on them to emphasize. Then you can tune up The Donald when The Donald has something to add to the scene.
I’m just testing out components. I have access to better mics, will do more stylistic things when it all comes together, just trying to get the components right first.
I just want an opinion on the voices (not the audio quality, but how well they work for the characters)
I like them.
Thanks. This can yuge if I do it right. It’ll be a fun side project nonetheless.
I haven’t used FF in a long time. Does it have the ability to have you sign in, and are you signed in?
No signing in.
So load it up with a bunch of other g sites:,, that kind of thing.
Ok. Will do. Because I know Glibs advice is the best advice! *waits for Koch check*
Yusef is listening to Charo.
i’m listening to this.
We’re both winning.
Not sure on either Account, but fair enough..
I’m working in the rolling mill tonight. I haven’t been down here in about a year. We had some trouble with the rotary shear, but we got it back running.
Never get Complacent, you will Die….
Straiff’s new avitar made me think of Mr. Bill from SNL, haven’t thought about that in years.
Today I rediscovered an unappreciated gem.
Clint Eastwood’s The Gauntlet demonstrates the many skills and honed expertise of modern American law enforcement:
1. Situational awareness
2. Tactical disposition of personnel
3. Target acquisition and awareness of what lies beyond the target in the event of overpenetration
4. Shot placement
5. Safe weapon handling
6. Effective weapon selection
I forgot that is an open xfinity wifi in range. I can reach this site through it, but not through my comcast/xfinity router! And it’s only this site. Curiouser and curiouser. I wonder if comcast customer service could help.
That reminds me, i need to disable my public xfinity WiFi signal from my router when I get home.