It’s no secret that in counting from 1 to 10, the ACLU seems to always skip 2. It’s also no secret that they have a continuing habit of conflating, “You have a right to do X” with, “You have a right to demand taxpayer money to do X,” and their remarkably immoral support of Mandated Racism Affirmative Action is stunningly hypocritical. More and more, they seem to have lost sight of their purported mission, despite flashes here and there of doing something good. But this morning when I clicked over to their site to read an article about our loss of Fourth Amendment rights in the notorious 100 mile zone, I got this popup:

Remember when they used to beg, “Donate monthly to fight Obama’s attacks on people’s rights” after the arrests of journalists, the abuse of the IRS to attack his political enemies, the drone killing of Americans, record-setting deportations, expanded domestic spying, and stepped-up incarceration rates for victimless crimes? Yeah, me neither.

So at this point, it’s not a matter of the mask slipping, it’s been totally removed. The ACLU is nothing but an arm of the Democratic Party, no different than or Democratic Underground, and now doesn’t even pretend otherwise.

That sound you hear is Nat Hentoff and other principled civil libertarians of yore spinning in their graves.