Of craps, I give none today. But I don’t want to end up hauled in by rampaging Red, er…Links Guards, so you get links.
- I wonder how many Glibs bid on one of these? NOTE: this is NOT something Sloopy auctions, so don’t even start making that joke. In case any of you do, I’ll just do this now… *narrows gaze*
- NIMBYs and Slavers try to thwart useful apps. If I was in a crap giving mood, I’d make some sort of ROADZ! joke. I’ll leave that for all of you.
- Death Panels? Rubbish made up by people standing against progress!
- I guess someone is betting on the Kurds.
There. Links.
Back by popular demand, bikini babes!
5, 6, 15, 17, 31 but all are conquered by 1.
There are a lot of repeats in this set, Q.
Since the ones above ain’t scratching your itch.
1,6,10, 15 and 30
Why are you reposting Swiss’s first link?
Well, that didn’t take long to paste in something else…
Hey I have not 1 but 2 comments relevant to the lynx below.
Besides, hot ladies are always OT!
Your lack of investment disappointing.
Somehow I will get over your disappointment. It might take years of counselling, therapy and rehab….but I will!
“How dare you criticize the media, why they’re the voice of reason“
Jeff Bezos going to be excited when Trump shows up with that shiny new helicopter.
There it is. This is the dumbest thing ever published in the Washington Post. I know that’s a high hurdle, but they’ve done it. Congrats to all the useful idiots
I mean, we already knew he was Worse Than Hitler (TM), so being worse than South American dictators is small potatoes.
okay those responses renew my faith in humanity.
I actually saw a left-ish friend of mine in the comments, slagging the WaPo. I have been urging him to turn to the libertarian side for a while now.
Is that the fellow we were drinking with on Saturday?
No, he is out in CO.
Written by a professor at UR – I’m bursting with civic pride now!
My days of not taking the Washington Post seriously have certainly come to a middle.
“Eating Tide pods have really messed up ‘writers’ at the post.”
RE: Russian virgin sacrifices.
“You can’t make a lot having a regular job, but here you don’t even need to do anything.”
Well I wouldn’t say you don’t have to do *anything*…
On another note, I really think that whatever immigration deal they come up with needs to explicitly define “being a hot, young woman” as a special skill for fast-tracked immigration. It’s clear that Eastern Europe has a supply glut and we need to do what we can to help these poor girls realize the American Dream IYKWIMAITYD.
Do they have any difficulty now coming over?
My wife’s uncle imported a very attractive Ukrainian half his age. He divorced her after she took a kitchen knife to him and demanded he hand over his 401k.
Man, if you can’t trust a Ukrainian mail order bride, who CAN you trust?
Svetlana, baby, I love you!
“It don’t matter. None of this matters.”
Avoid those kinds of situations is the “extreme vetting” he’s talking about.
I hope he got the return policy.
If I import a Ukrainian twice my age, does she come with her own 401k?
NOT something Sloopy auctions, so don’t even start
Sloopy specializes in heavy equipment, right?
John Pron?
“Wait… was she a big girl?”
This symbolizes the quality of these links
Hawaiians hardest hit.
How does endurance work impact weight training?
To clarify, how does going walkabout for several miles on ‘rest’ days impact the weight training for deadlifts and squats in between?
how does going walkabout for several miles
Depends on whether you find naked Jenny Agutter.
‘fraid not. Instead I found the Mohawk River. Not exactly what I was looking for.
Endurance work will be counter if you’re trying to bulk up, but can be good for straight strength and conditioning goals.
That would get me out of this confounded chair and away from you lot. Win/win?
That amount of walking is perfect for your weight loss and conditioning. Don’t worry about it.
I’m somewhat amazed at how quickly I was able to adapt technique after finding out that raising my heels off the floor was a bad idea. The first few days the response from the previously under-utilized muscles was “fuck this noise”, but they’ve fallen into line already.
Don’t listen to these fools. Do no activity other than weight training. Recover faster by eating Lucky Charms at all times. If you’re not going through 4 boxes a day, you’re not even trying to get strong.
Christ, don’t tell him all the secrets!
???UNICORN??? Marshmallows??are??real????!!! ???? #magicallydelicious #unicornmarshmallow #? #❤️
Elena, 22, from Moscow, told Bumaga that she sold her “virginity” twice and is not planning to stop:
“This is now my job and I can live on the money I’m paid for a couple of months,” she said.
You can steal our democracy, but this I will not stand for!
I count three holes that you can sell, no more than that.
Now that’s what I call a loop HOLE!
Only one of them has a freshness seal, though.
But I love luncheon loaf, it goes great on round store brand Ritzlike crackers.
A favorite from Iraq: Treet slices (for whatever reason people kept sending us Treet instead of Spam) on english muffins in the toaster oven. Add cream cheese and enjoy.
The Robby M.O. in action:
find lefty darling, effusively praise them for their mildly-better than usual statements
one of the weirder examples of this was his touting Dr Mary Koss as some ‘ally’ in the fight against the ‘Campus Rape Crisis’ narrative. She was literally the progenitor of the entire Rape Crisis movement and was really only critical of one tiny aspect of the modern freakout – which was to admit that a single, over-cited study was probably being misused by activists.
To be sure
“find lefty darling, effusively praise them for their mildly-better than usual statements”
You forgot the next step: viciously attack right-wing individual that is more aligned with your supposed beliefs, because your left-wing betters find them to be ‘icky’.
Ha. Hahahaha.
What gender does Robby identify as this week?
From the looks of it, whatever his wife tells him.
+1 strap-on for pegging
Ima guess this is her, based on the yorkies.
She looks like that?
US Department of the Interior employee, seemingly.
Not much of an internet presence aside from virtue signaling and dog fetishism. Not to be confused with some tough looking Real Estate agent up in Canuckia.
Carrie is apparently Robbie’s wife, and you’ll be floored to discover that she retweets standard-issue leftist drivel
Between the Russia fever dreams of Cathy Young and the standard progressivism of ENB and Robby, what complaint could anyone ever have with TOS?
More deep thoughts from Soave’s better half.
Absolutely, Mexico is exactly like North Korea. You are so smart.
“but isn’t North Koreans”
More sammiches, less Tweetz.
1) it’s gender discrimination to be uncomfortable about mixed gender 1-on-1 meetings
2) #believeHer
Choose one, because you don’t get both.
Just make it a 1-on-1-on-1 meeting. Nobody says your meeting has to be confidential, buttercup.
And if it is, let the +1 be someone from HR.
A three way? Interesting.
A three-way?
Alternate tweet:
“Skeletor or reanimated corpse? You decide!”
Are you kidding. Look at these guns!
Soave’s mug can be in a Sears catalogue.
Posing ‘Fruit of the Loom’.
First time someone linked to his Twitter, I thought that was a pic of Milo.
So what you’re saying is he’s gay?
Eh, I think its actually noteworthy given who it is. RGB has made a career of flushing the rule of law and the respectability of the judiciary down the toilet in exchange for tactical wins in the gender wars.
Having RGB come out against an anti-male proposition would be like if Julius Caesar came out against crossing rivers.
What about people using the shortcuts without using the apps? Dead end roads for the win!
RE: Death Panels.
Are we sure that ZARDOZ isn’t behind the creation of the NHS?
The death panels are the chosen ones, lifted up from brutality.
IRT the app article, fuck you. Pay for private roads or shut the fuck up. Public roads, you fucks say muh roads and then complain when the roads get used!
Trump signs memorandum proposing ban on bump stocks. Why can I never resist going into the gutter/comments?
Oh gee, my bump stock has suddenly been stolen!
Ok folks, just turn in your bump stock and get a free Amazon gift card! We’ll have them all off the streets in no time!
Until the guy canvassing the turn-in line offers 2 gift-cards
That would be a strange twist, if true.
Are belt loops now illegal as well?
Damn you! You beat me to it.
It would almost be enjoyable to watch the dismay of the idiots who support him, but…you know.
They can get some sweet disappointment when Trump participates in some immigration reform/amnesty deal.
That will be enjoyable.
I won the bet, Pomp!
Change your name to Nick Gillespie and profile pic should be Robby
This is a bone he’s throwing to the control crowd. Bump stocks are small potatoes.
The WaPo article is worse than the tweet itself; it focuses on the regime of Juan Peron, and basically whitewashes it with “yeah, maybe it was bad, but it had good intentions, and it was so much better than the military junta that followed it a couple of decades later”
“This is supposed to be a ‘appy occasion! Let’s not argue over ‘oo killed ‘oo.”
“You kickrd the bride in the chest!”
Whoever wrote this obviously has zero understanding about Argentina and Peronism. There was (and still is) left-Peronism and right-Peronism. The military Junta was instituted because the right-Peronism under Peron’s last wife was warring against the left-Peronism of the Moderos (I think that was their name) and other left-wing groups. You literally cannot say that Peron circa 1950’s was better than Peron circa 1970’s, because it was the same ideology
NIMBYs and Slavers try to thwart useful apps.
Some of those laws seem blatantly unconstitutional to me.
I don’t have the article but it appears that TopFloridaMen may be caving on gun control
Awesome. They’re trying really hard to turn a significant portion of the population from productive members of society into felons.
I wonder how something like that would go in a nation where the populace was not neutered in ways of self protection? I would not react favorably to 1. A court deciding my kid should die, and 2. Preventing me from taking said child anywhere the hell I want for different treatment.
As with the Charlie Gard case, am disturbed that a court may decide whether legal guardians/parents can determine care for their child at their own expense.
I have a question and I don’t have a good answer. Why is everyone losing their shit over the Florida school shooting, and no one seemed to care about the Las Vegas shooting? Is it because they only care about kids?
I have a question. Why do you hate children?
Because when they turn up on the line, I get a visit from the government for some nonsense called a “child labor law” who bans people from being allowed to work?
Because they’re the worst.
Affluent and liberal area.
*attaches tin foil hat*
There was something unfavorable to the narrative about the Vegas shooter, (take your pick: funded by the Saudis, connected in some way to the DNC, left explicit evidence that he was targeting Trumpsters etc.) so it was quietly buried.
The only reason people are “freaking out” about the Florida incident is that the media is relentlessly flogging it and crafting a milieu. It’s like advertising; that ad you see and annoys the crap out of you the first time you see it, doesn’t seem so bad after the 50th time. The media does this all the time.
Because political indoctrination outfits like Everytown didn’t have a ready and willing supply of survivors to trot out in front of cameras and parrot their talking points on national television – country music concerts tend to be barren ground for gun control advocates. Unlike, say, the high school kids who spend their days marinating in the leftism of their teachers.
Have there been any updates, like at all, on the Vegas shooting? I know a couple weeks back they named the AZ person who sold ammo to the guy, but anything else? Is there a site or source that is still tracking info on this? I’ll probably get put on (another) list for trying to find out, but such is the price to pay, I suppose.
They had 10x as much on the Cruz kid in 24 hours as they’ve gotten on Vegas in months. I don’t think it’s far fetched to say that there’s a cover up.
To be fair, if they phoned 4chan on Vegas guy, they’d have a TON on him too…
From my perspective (which is not in US) this time it’s different because they’re using actual students as props. So they have a new angle that needs testing because this time it might work.
Las Vegas was too weird and off the template. This is a classic “white guy shoots up a school, as they always do, ban all guns!”
Las Vegas – Bunch of rednecks and hicks at a couple country music concert
Church in Texas- Redneck Bible Thumpers
High School in affluent Florida neighborhood- Perfect props for dank facebook memes and narrative pushing.
I’ve mentioned this pet mode of analysis before, but here goes again: Not all modes of death have the same moral impact on people. And the moral impact that a mode of death has is a product of your moral tribe.
Conservatives lose their mind when an Islamic terrorist kills Americans on American soil. Those people worried about “the worlds longest unsecured border” are still in favor of a war that puts Americans into the middle to get shot at.
Progressives lose their mind when a child loses their life in a school shooting. Obama was probably being honest when he expressed outrage at every school shooting, but could order a drone strike on a wedding over coffee without batting an eye.
The numbers don’t matter, which is why the swimming-pools-kill-more-kids argument doesn’t matter. And its why the refuges-commit-crimes-at-a-lower-rate argument doesn’t matter. Adult country music fans aren’t children, so they don’t gin up the same level of moral outrage by progressives.
The same thing happened with the hurricanes.
Red Texas got pummeled, and the narrative was about zoning laws and unchecked urban growth resulting from free market capitalism.
The banana republic territory of Puerto Rico got pummeled, and the narrative is that we aren’t doing enough to help.
this is a good point. its something i overlooked at the time.
The reality is that this is hardly any different than the operations of your Buzzfeed/Mic/Gawker type lefty new media
“A Clinton-Obama sex tape using body doubles”
Excuse me, I have to go commit suicide now.
That’s a new you-fem-izm.
Both guys? Both women? Black woman, white guy? Both trying to power bottom? Details, dammit.
Both trying to power bottom?
I envisioned a twerking contest. LOL
Then thought longer about it and puked in my trash can.
puked in my trash can
Awwww man, I was going to sleep there tonight!
oh, and
“allegedly produced online content to sway the 2016 presidential election”
they keep repeating this as tho its articulated in the indictment. its not, really. the crime is “failing to register as political groups”. Whether they’re trying to ‘sway the election’ or simply rabble rouse to serve their own interests is basically projecting what their intent was onto that.
and given that almost any online communication during an election period can be construed as ‘political activity’, its a pretty meaningless charge to begin with. I haven’t seen anyone comment on the indictment in this way, but from what i can tell its complete horseshit and effectively un-prosecutable.
Still don’t get how any of it is criminal.
“complete horseshit and effectively un-prosecutable.”
its criminal only because of the unbelievably wide-latitude given to what can be construed as ‘political activity’, and the fact that they’re a foreign agency
i’m quite sure there are some examples that will come out of the case that are definitely questionable. but much of it would be behavior which, again, would otherwise be indistinguishable from the same exact sort of low-budget rabble rousing engaged in by any social-media activist types. including ‘false flag’ behavior, trolling, pretending to be people they’re not, etc.
Everyone in politics hires outside agencies to create spam-bots. the difference is that these weren’t working for the DNC – they were working for ‘teh russians’, and that’s supposed to make the entire country clutch its pearls.
the real story that news media could be telling is to expose how widespread and ‘normal’ all of these ‘political-bot’ behaviors are. but they’re not interested in educating the public.
I suspect that the indictments will not last long after the special counsel’s tenure ends (which will conveniently happen after Democrats take the House)
So, if they wanted to, the FBI could charge any foreigner with this same “crime” for publishing or speaking in a derogatory manner about a politician? Or is the criminal part that they are portraying themselves as Americans?
provided it were happening during an ‘election period’ (arbitrarily defined) and the agency they were working on behalf of could be (very loosely) be defined as having some political interests.
basically, yes. but what they’d have to demonstrate some chain of intent and quid-pro-quo – who they were doing activity X on behalf of…. which, again, makes these sorts of charges effectively un-prosecutable. Easy to charge! basically impossible to take to court. Perfect for any special prosecutor who wants to make some ‘fake progress’ in his investigation.
Thanks for the explanation. Would be interesting if all the trolls showed up for their day in court.
I guess I’m trying to figure out what the actual law is the trolls are being charged with breaking. I heard the summary like everyone else, but it didn’t seem very specific.
In the interests of disclosure, my Russian wife thinks we’ve collectively lost our fucking minds over…internet trolls. I don’t have a good explanation as to why I’m supposed to be outraged over them.
“complete horseshit and effectively un-prosecutable.”
Yep. If you can prosecute for this, then you can prosecute illegal aliens for attending DACA protests. After all, they aren’t registered as foreign agents, and they’re trying to influence US policy.
Doesn’t registering as a foreign agent have to be done in the case of some specific situation? I mean something other than posting on FB?
basically; but i think it would have to be coordinated by some foreign organization, and that would be the entity charged with failing to register with the State Dept.
Nikki “Would” Haley won’t shut up:
One of Trump’s 3 really excellent picks for cabinet/other prominent positions (Pai and DeVos being the other two).
I’m still liking Pruitt.
Yeah, Nikki is near the bottom of the better cabinet picks. Still ‘would’, though.
Scott Gottlieb at FDA, Sonny Perdue at USDA, Mick Mulvaney at OMB/CFPB.
Still she persisted.
“Death Panels? Rubbish made up by people standing against progress!”
Every time euthanasia and abortion are allowed they inevitably result in genocide. I’m not really saying the practices should be outlawed, but this is a fact of history that people should have to reckon with
The good thing about socialists is they eat their young. The bad thing about socialists is they have an insatiable appetite.
“Remember, it’s not genocide if we say it isn’t”
Sloopy’s auctions are really interesting.
/assumes position for spanking.
Of course, Rufus finds getting spanked kinky.
/wiggles ass.
This isn’t the end. This is just the start. I’m going to take this NHS down. I’m not giving up, my son isn’t giving up.
‘No-one, I repeat, no-one in this country, is taking my boy away from me. They are not violating his rights and they are violating my rights.’
Take the NHS down? With what weapons? Sorry, you are a declawed people. You’ll bend over and take it.
Killing undesirable babies is the NHS’s M.O.
Exactly. People don’t fucken realize their bodies belong to the state after they agreed to ‘free public health’.
I don’t get how naive and stupid Europeans/Canadians can be.
When push comes to shove a bureaucrat holds power over you and you can threaten to defy but they have the guns and the full force of the state to back them up.
I stand in defiance as I’m being led to the gas chamber!
Hey, I thought I was going to be spared when I voted for you!
Death Panels? Rubbish made up by people standing against progress!
“Death Panels?!”
“Don’t worry, it’s just a nickname.”
“Oh. Whew”
“Yeah, it’s more of a committee than a panel.”
“Actually, it’s more of a bureaucratic work-flow.
We don’t form a committee unless you file a formal complaint following your being actually put to death.”
Well sometimes the panel allows people to get life-saving treatment, so really if you think about it it’s more of a “Life Panel”.
Lindsay Shepherd speaks of ‘linguistic imperialism of the left’ in this video but it really gets juicy around the 4:50 mark when SJW professor Nicholson begins to speak.
It was glorious in its word salad of nothingness.
Rufus, I’m thinking of racializing someone. Is it OK if I racialize your sister? Don’t worry, I’ll change her back after an hour or so.
Be my guest.
Racialize away.
OK. I think I did the spell right. How’s she looking?
She’s pumped on depression pills.
I’ve come to the conclusion that certain people speak in word salad because they don’t want the normies understanding what they’re saying.
It’s basically speaking in code.
It’s a means of tribal identification.
A reminder of how Alder Hey Hospital has treated sick children in the past
I wouldn’t argue that the Russian trolling factory is purely commercial marketing scheme and had nothing to do with political influence. However, it’s useful to make money and impress some folks in Russia with your political influence at the same time.
That’s impressive. I only have one account and zero followers.
this is basically my point above. they’re no different than any sort of social-media-marketing, albeit more edgy
All I know is the Russian curling team was caught doping.
It would be utterly moronic for the Russian curling athlete to use doping in this situation. I think this is some sort of Tonya Harding/Nancy Kerrigan story.
Awesome. Know more about the backstory?
No, it’s a speculation on my part. It just makes no sense to take meldonium when everybody knows that Olympic athletes from Russia will be tested and re-tested in S. Korea. If it were a different drug, then maybe. But meldonium became infamous in the last two years since it was banned in 2016. It’s hard for me to imagine that a rather intelligent guy would do something so stupid.
I look forward to the release of the sex-tape.
That sure sounds familiar.
I’m the only male in this coffee place. It’s eerie.
probably the only one drinking actual coffee rather than some coffee-flavored slurpee concoction, too
Where the heck are you?
Would you any of the other occupants?
Whoops. 4/11.
That happened to me once in a Cheesecake Factory. The munching and nattering was deafening.
Jaybird X3 and Spotify, FTW!
I don’t know who this guy is or wtf he lied to Mueller about… but his attire game is pretty A+, provided you don’t get irritated by the euro affect of the french collar + tiny knot. By my tastes, he’s maybe pushing the “I’m the nephew of the King of Denmark”-look a little hard. ‘aristocratic-aspirational’, call it.
but then, it seems the pedigree might be spot on:
“”van der Zwaan married the daughter of Ukrainian-Russian billionaire German Khan””
they met at a Bond-Villian convention!
Ukrainian-Russian billionaire German Khan? That’s got to be made up, right?
No relation to Chaka
Well, Crimea was the seat of Tatar Khanate and there were such a thing as Volga Germans so…
I miss the Gilmore fashion reviews. You need one for each person indicted.
G., your sartorial reviews are always spot-on. A weekly column would be awesome.
Muh Master Race
Gun laws!
Haifa Jabara, obtained a protective order in 2013 that required Majors to stay 300 yards (275 meters) away and prohibited him from possessing any firearms until 2018.
But prosecutors said Majors was undeterred, and that he struck Haifa Jabara with his car in 2015 and drove off. She suffered a broken shoulder, among other injuries. Officers who stopped him later reported that he was intoxicated.
They could have prevented it by not allowing him to have a driver’s license.
Someone posted this yesterday: https://nypost.com/2018/02/20/serious-knee-injuries-increasing-in-kids-and-teens/
FWIW (and it ain’t much) here are my “tinkings””
“There is some evidence that people who have ACL injuries will develop osteoarthritis or degenerative arthritis over time.”
This has been known for decades. When I had my surgery in 1991 my doctor explained this was a possibility and again in 2003 when I had my second surgery. 27 years (and 15 years) later I’m okay. /knocks wood. But the knee isn’t the same.
“ACL prevention policies could slow the trend, Shaw and colleagues write. They suggest exercise training prevention programs that involve neuromuscular training in schools and junior sports teams. In addition, government health agencies, sports medicine authorities and sports groups should make adolescent ACL injury issues a priority, they urge.”
Again. Well known well before this article. Reinforce and straighten the ligaments around the ACL.
I prefer reading about new techniques regarding the procedure. We’ve come a long way. My neighbour had his done in 1983 and the incision was a long one across the knee leaving a long scar. By the time I had my first, it was arthroscopic with little incisions.
Make that “knees” I tore the ACL in both knees.
I tore my ACL, MCL and PCL in one ugly hit playing intramural FB.
The reconstruction surgery (state of the art in 1986) involved 145 stitches to the inside with 3 stainless steel screws and 57 stiches and an additional screw to the outside.
Now days, that knee is better than the other one. I favored it so long the other knee had been wore out by 20+ years of Army PT..
Oof. You must like showing that scar off at parties.
In the past 3 1/2 years I’ve had my knees replaced 3 times. I had both replaced at at the same time, but one didn’t take so I had it replaced again a little more than a year ago.
MRI tonight.
Ouch. That looks painful.
How did you rupture it?
Slipped on the stairs which resulted in my squatting really hard on one knee. It felt like someone hit me with a hammer just above the knee when it happened. But no real pain since then.
The MRI will say how badly it is damaged. Surgery seems very likely. Four to six months of therapy after that. My spring and summer plans are basically fucked.
Sorry to hear that. Hopefully a full and speedy recovery.
Everything I have read say 100% recovery after surgery is typical. It just lost time.
Balconyville it is!
Good luck.
Good luck. May your recovery be easy.
i still have the middle third of my patella as my ACL proxy done back ’90 or ’91. the repaired knee is much stronger than my natural knee.
how much of that osteoarthritis is due to recovering patients ceasing all weight training post-op, i wonder.
My doctor would say that, ‘it’s stronger than ever!’
I never bothered to try and find out. I stopped playing team sports. Fuck that.
I had the same thing (modified Jones procedure) for my first ACL reconstruction in 1984. Tore it the next year, and in 1985 I was one of the test subjects for a new method (allograft) using a cadaver ligament, that also had the benefit of requiring a much smaller set of incisions. Did another year of rehab, and again went back to playing soccer. When I tore *that* one a year later, they confirmed it using this fancy new technique called arthroscopy. I then decided to retire. Never got it repaired, so my right knee is still kind of unstable. I can’t really sit cross-legged because my knee will often briefly lapse out of joint if I do. And that hurts. My left knee is shot from thirty years of compensating for my right knee.
I hear you. Same here. I would play soccer protecting my right knee – even at 70% I still kicked ass. Pissed me off.
On my left knee they used a tendon on my right…I forget.
I posted that this morning, not yesterday. Pay attention. Are you distracted by something important…like working?
Like I remember who posts what with you non-workers.
“China wages war on funeral strippers”
Putting the fun in funeral.
What if the strippers are ladyboys?
I think that first picture might be.
They cost extra (so I’ve heard).
Who could’ve possibly seen this coming?!?
Out of everything facing humanity, this probably scares me the most.
which could account for 10 million deaths a year by 2050.
Could? Yup, I’m sure medicine won’t advance at all in the next 30 years.
It’s gonna be Listerine and amputations for all.
Nonsense. We have already died from Net Neutrality getting nixed and Ebola.
Best, most enlightened, happiest, smartest place to live in the UNIVERSE.
Don’t worry, I’m sure there are plenty of other cities more than happy to host instead.
“It is a tough call when you ask the NRA to reconsider coming to Dallas. But it is putting all citizens first and getting them to come to the table and elected officials to come to the table, and to address this madness now,” Caraway said.
Well, not all citizens. Those deplorables can fuck off with their constitution.
Huh, I never figured Dallas for a SJW city.
Meh. The SHOT show went to Vegas and nothing else happened. Despite the handwringing.
Fuckhead mayor should remember he represents everyone.
Oh, shut up.
You know who else was shot in Dallas?
JR Ewing?
Winner! What does He win Johnny!
The real tragedy was that officer getting completely bunkered on that pillar. You’d think they’d occasionally do some force on force so as to learn not to be so tight on cover…
I think an NRA convention is a very unlikely place for a spree killer to show up.
Tuccille has a good article out about guns:
Those comments are a cesspool.
Really bad Hihnfection in there. Gangrenous, really.
He’s didn’t die yet?
No, sadly, this is world in which a wonderful dog left this life yesterday yet Hihn lingers on.
Sorry to hear that, Chipwooder.
I had to link this because of the headline, as well as the formulation in the judge’s verdict.
Not always illegal to yell FHRITP at female reporters, judge rules dismissing case
But of course, this being Canada, you bet there’s a (soft, passive-aggressive) nutpunch
Did you see The Jester in India?
I try to limit my exposure to PM Zoolander’s antics, CBCs efforts to the contrary.
Me too. I try and pretend my pal Cookie Monster is in power.
microcheating = just the tip?
I was thinking micropenis.
“Australia’s ABC News Thinks There Should Be a Pregnant Man Emoji
Emojis are about to enter next-level wokeness.
At least, that’s if liberals get their way. An article penned “The case for a ‘pregnant male’ emoji” from the Australian Broadcasting Corporation puts forward the idea that there should be a ‘non-female pregnant emoji’ to represent all the many pregnant men we have in society.”
“many”….don’t think that word means what you think it means, even IF you accept their formulation that women taking testosterone are men.
Pregnant = uterus.
Uterus and male = mutually exclusive.
Pretty easy.
Well, I agree that pregnancy isn’t masculine.
Tell that to the governator
Is there a sea horse emoji?
What happened to sex != gender? Female and male are not gender terms they are sexual characteristic terms. Nutters from humpty dumpty land.
Where are all of these pregnant men?
The cancer from up north is infecting the US. If you do not support your child’s gender transition, you may lose custody. Granted this is a messy case and not so clear cut, but it is one step closer to the European concept of the state having a say in how your raise your child.
It takes a village….
And then We destroyed it to Save it
As noted before, the “child” in question is 17. While I don’t think parents should be forced to have responsibility for minors without commensurate authority to raise them, this is basically just emancipation of a nearly adult minor. The reasons given here are mostly bullshit, but “I am nearly an adult, I don’t want to live under my parents, and I have an alternate living arrangement lined up” is a pretty straightforward and incontestable case for emancipation or transfer of custody IMO.
Like I said it isn’t a cut and dry case. But, I would imagine that it is not too long before such rulings are made in favor of fourteen year-olds that want to transition and their parents disagree, like what is happening in Europe and Canada
A line, once crossed, stays crossed.
New Iron Law?
I don’t get it. Do they think he’s an idiot or not?
I think he is and I ain’t budging from that.
Current Affairs takes aim at libertarians
tl;dr version: libertarian principles are insane because it is possible to concoct a far-fetched scenario where those principles lead to a bad result (like ritual cannibalism). Meanwhile, the proven failures of centrally-planned economies get free pass.
You know, if you stop hitting yourself in the head with that hammer, you’ll feel better.
It’s in the Name Warty
Who wrote that? Shreek?
So, followup to yesterday’s bitching about the price of C&R rifles: I unexpectedly bought a M39 Mosin for $150 less than they’ve been going for. I don’t get it. Is a run on evil black rifles beginning? Maybe all the gun money is being spent on AR-15s today.
Is a run on evil black rifles beginning?
Of course. It’s what the grabbers never seem to comprehend.
It’s a shame that all that focus on ARs makes any other 556 scary black rifle rare, expensive and out-of-production.
Was that the Finnish refit? Or just one of the Soviet models?
Current Affairs likes the pie analogy:
It might be true that my slice of pie can grow at the same time as your slice of pie, because some new innovation increases the aggregate amount of wealth, but that doesn’t mean that there’s no such thing as “distribution.” The amount of pie at any given time is still distributed across individuals, and if you have less it’s because I’m not giving you any of mine. “Poverty has no causes,” Pinker quotes, but it does, the most obvious of which is the set of decisions made by governments and the wealthy about what to do with wealth. If you want to get all Marxist about it, the poor would be less poor if they didn’t have capitalists yoinking away their surplus value. (You can also reject this notion of causality and still not share Pinker’s idea that the wealthy are not to blame for continuing poverty. Even if you agree with him that “poverty has no cause,” that doesn’t mean those who could fix it but don’t are blameless. If I could tell you that you’re about to step in front of a train, but I don’t, we can argue about whether I caused your death, but either way I’m an asshole.)
“If you want to get all Marxist about it, the poor would be less poor if they didn’t have capitalists yoinking away their surplus value.”
Based upon this sentence, I’m convinced that this writer just heard about the concept of ‘surplus value’ and strung it into a sentence in order to make it sound like he understood what he was writing about. This sentence literally makes no sense. Not even in a Marxist conception of economics.
I could see surplus value as an actual concept. However, I see it as the fact that the capitalist (using HIS value) can make your effort more valuable than you can yourself. Therefore, he profits by…well, profiting; and you profit by earning more from the capitalist than you could earn from you efforts alone.
I still haven’t decided whether these people are evil, or stupid, or both.
Leftism is a con. It is about power, nothing else. There is plenty of both to go around.
Surplus value = not poor.
Christ what an asshole.
Surplus value. Is that the famous swimming pool full of money I keep hearing about?
So many lefty arguments seem to rely on this false notion of,
“Either something “matters” – and is equally significant as anything else – or, “they don’t matter at all”.
And if you can’t prove they don’t matter at all, why, then they’re *significant*! (never mind ‘how’ significant, or significant to ‘what’)
Its a way of bypassing any comparative analysis, of relative significance. And of avoiding any real-world measurements of what that significance is.
i.e. in absolute terms, the poorest in America are richer than most people in the world. But this is terrible because rich people still exist. see: the gender gap, or any other ‘inequality’. The false notion that “Equality” is the natural state of man, and should be the goal of any healthy society. as tho with greater equality, everyone would be achieving some personal self-actualization.
Noah Berlatsky whipped out this “you can’t prove it has no effect, therefore it is important” argument in regards to “killing whores in video games”. Killing whores in video games is bad, you see, because ‘it might have an effect’ on the way people see women.
the idea is that “Not Nothing” is significant. Anything “not nothing” matters. which is just an absurd, cheap rhetorical way of transmitting the burden of the argument onto people DISPROVING the stupid claim. “you can’t prove it doesn’t!”
I got into a direct tit-tat with him on the point here
Who writes for that commie rag? It reads like a high school freshman is struggling to say something coherent.
What I’m listening to right now.
A nice blast from the past.
And they wonder why people don’t believe their claims.
I am convinced that lefty brainwashing creates critters that do not know the difference between truth and fiction, reality and what is in their heads. Wear a lab coat and make pronouncements people are supposed to buy it. I have run into plenty of them. They wear the coat and Science!! They have no idea what science is.
“A California mom pleaded guilty to torturing to death her 8-year-old son because she thought he was gay. Pearl Sinthia Fernandez, 34, agreed to a plea deal Thursday for first-degree murder in the 2013 death of her son Gabriel Fernandez, the Los Angeles Times reported. The Palmdale mom also confessed to a special circumstance allegation of murder involving torture. Prosecutors alleged that Fernandez routinely beat, starved and tortured the child with the intention of killing him. The 8-year-old boy died in May 2013 after he was discovered unconscious with a cracked skull, broken ribs, missing teeth and BB pellets in his groin, according to the Los Angeles Times.”
What the hell would make you believe that your 8 year-old is gay?
He liked playing with dolls?
I’m not being sarcastic. There are boys who like to play with dolls. There are parents who think that means the boy is gay. Even when the boy isn’t. :/
He preferred My Little Pony to GI Joe.
Also, the kid was murdered in 2013 and she’s just now pleading guilty 5 years later? So much for a speedy trial.
Hey, prosecuting actual criminals is hard!
Paging Rufus! I threw this link in the morning thread, just as it expired. Please tell me the picture is Saskatchewan in July.
Tinyurl. It’s a Rick roll people!
Oh, Im not that cruel. Unlike our site Masters.
I wonder if that’s the road that there was a hold-up working on because the elves hadn’t been placated properly ….
If you want to get all Marxist about it, the poor would be less poor if they didn’t have capitalists yoinking away their surplus value.
I’d be interested to hear what this person thinks about government policies which result in people being arrested and locked in cages for trying to earn a living.
Replace “capitalist” with “government”, and I wonder what xe has to say.
Another victory for socialism
Venezuelan refugee crisis could eclipse Syria’s, economist predicts
Around 4 million Venezuelans have fled their country, and the number will keep rising amid a severe shortage of food and cash, according to an economist.
He said the outflow will eventually overtake Syria’s, which stands at 5.5 million.
Godspeed and good luck, Chile.
I think they might need a Wall…….
Caraway also points to the past tragedies in Dallas, including the 2016 ambush that killed five Dallas officers, and the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.
That Oswald guy went to school when he was a kid. What more do you really need to know?
Isn’t it appropriate to remind folks that Oswald spent a few years in… RUSSIA?
And…he had a russian mail-order bride, before such things were ?? ?????
I bet someone here that Trump would end up supporting some gun regulations. And now he is doing just that.
Therefore, I won the bet, whoever I bet. I demand, per the agreed upon rules, that you change your name to ‘Nick Gillespie’ and put Robby’s face as your profile picture.
“turns illegal weapons into machine guns.”
Good god, if that’s not an invitation to malicious compliance, I don’t know what is.
Pomp- I bet with you. From the discussion in the morning links on 2/15/18:
Just Say’n on February 15, 2018 at 10:23 am
$50 says Trump calls for some version of gun control or says he is willing to entertain the idea
Pomp on February 15, 2018 at 10:46 am
I’ll take that bet just out of speculation that he didn’t flip in the aftermath of shit like Las Vegas and that Texas church shooting, and the fact that a lot of prestige media outlets are going bananas and cannot resist going hysterical. Plus he’s one of the few people that was allowed the privilege of NYC concealed carry permit.
Just Say’n on February 15, 2018 at 10:55 am
Let’s do it.
Pomp on February 15, 2018 at 11:05 am
Although the presser seems to be over with, few preconditions to avoid a Palin’s Buttplug type of situation:
(1) The wager shall be in Canadian Dollars or Zimbabwe Dollars, your choice.
(2) We have to establish a cutoff time for the wager.
Just Say’n on February 15, 2018 at 11:12 am
(1) We could forgo outside currency and instead use the Glib currency of the cat butt. Whoever loses must forgo a thorough cat butting by Swiss
(2) The cutoff should be one month from today
Pomp on February 15, 2018 at 11:34 am
(1) So the loser gets to decline a cat-butt? Since we’re not even talk sweet cash (or pocket change), what about the winner chooses the loser’s avatar for a week? Boy we’re drifting pretty far away from the original scope of the wager at this point!
(2) I’d take a 2 week timeframe.
The responses are a hilarious mix of “too late fuck you”, “why only propose? that can get rejected. just ban them by fiat!”, “not far enough, ban all the guns!”
I guess the now socialist Democratic Party isn’t even going to pretend like they don’t want to take people’s guns anymore
Everyone knew bump stocks were toast, your prediction was like saying the sun will rise tomorrow.
Actually, it is not at all like saying the sun will rise tomorrow. I don’t think you understand what that phrase means. Especially, since Trump is going to try to outlaw bump stocks through executive fiat. And a bet is a bet and I won
After Vegas it was inevitable that Trump would support some kind of gun control measure, as sure as the sun will rise tomorrow morning. You’re right though, you did win your bet.
(1) you didn’t confirm the modified terms
(2) none of the terms described changing the name, only the avatar
(3) feast your eyes on my sexy new avatar!
You are a man of your word
February 20th, and my balcony is open and I’m sitting here in shorts & t-shirt (no, you don’t want pics).
This is an unacceptable turn of events.
February 20th and it’s 72 in my living room.
My furnace is set to 68.
*this is because there is only one thermostat and the location in the living room means the rest of the house is cooler when reliant on the furnace for warming.
I don’t particularly like it that warm.
I wanted to go home and enjoy the 70 degree weather this evening, but fuck Microsoft and their shitty software.
Mine is set to 50, pretty much all year. I may crank it to 65 if it’s below 25 outside. I also don’t pay my own electric (it’s part of my condo fee), so the AC stays on 24/7 in the summer.
The joy of homeownership – paying all my own bills directly. Also, not having to put up with Condo association rules.
Oh, so your zone valve gets stuck too!
No, the furnace hasn’t been running because the room with the thermostat has been too warm.
Move your Stat, it’s easy
I’d love to swap this stupid programmable one for a dumb thermostat where you just turn it to a temperature. If I want to just shift the temperature “from now until I change my mind” and not have it forgotten if I turn off the system, I have to change five different values – one for each time setting in its system.
If you open that fancy one up, chances are it’s on a standard 4-wire connection. You could replace it with an old school Honeywell 8775.
6, don’t ever assume anything, I’ve seen some pretty Messed up wiring combos
OK, let’s assume 2?
12 bux will get you a Honeywell CT87n. I know it’s a bit overkill because it has heating AND cooling, but I’m sure you can ignore half the functionality …
I use 6 wire for residential, so which ones do you use? Do you need 6? why did I pull a 6 wire?
/Unofficial Glibs HVAC/R tech
This is a sweet non programmable, I sell a lot of them, 5 year Warranty,
I guess 12v, common return, (maybe 2nd common return?), blower, AC and heating?
all 24 volt controls, 115 v furnace/blower, and 230v Outdoor A/C section, U.S.
Red 24v
White Heat
Green Fan
Yellow Cooling
Brown or Blue Common
Blue 2nd stage cooling
Orange Reversing valve
you only Need a minimum of 4 conductors, but it only grows, and Always have a spare conductor,
Electricity doesn’t care what color the insulator is
These euphemisms….
It never got above 57, and my house is cold……
Never got around to fixing your own system?
It works fine, I just leave it off during the Day, They make a Digital NON programmable stat, just like you want, but has a big display, just unplug the furnace when changing em out
its Feb 20th and its unseasonably cool at 60 in Phoenix.
Damn. We hit 73 here in Cleveland today. Tomorrow, we’re supposed to fall back below freezing.
Storm system passing through. It’ll be in the 70s next week.
We hit 67 last night and I was pulling an extra blanket out. High returned to 83 so all is right in northern Polynesia.
Single digit American degrees today and snow on the ground. This is unacceptable.
Took him, like, a week to resign.
DC is totally not a corrupt shithole country.
Oooooh! And a golden parachute!
What do you think the week was spent doing?
Skimming through the comments, something caught my eye about the RussiaSpamGate thing.
If we’re going to criminalize attempts to commercialize the electoral process, there are about ten thousand political consultants who should be subject to prosecution. We’re going to need a bigger jail.
If we legalize drugs, then we’re gonna need a new revenue source for the industrial prison complex.
On the plus side, people will be a lot less broke up over throwing political consultants in jail than pushers.
I doubt anybody in the White House is that smart, but “Let’s sit down and consider what sort of restrictions might have a meaningful effect” is likely to result in No Further Action. As usual.
That kid in Florida wasn’t using a bump stock, was he?
The idea of banning bump stocks because of the Florida shooting is about like banning three inch or larger exhaust tips on Japanese cars after somebody rams a Ford Econoline van into a crowded farmers’ market.
Not to sound any more stupid than I usually am, but I need a ruling. Given that there’s another cavity adjacent, wouldn’t that be more handy that using the butthole?
Couldn’t they just wear it? (((They))) do it all the time, i saw it in South Park, so it must be true
Do they have Korean versions of (((them))) ?
I think that would be the Japanese, but We should ask Straff
I’m not convinced that they werent headed to Straffin’s place, given the lack of available mines for his orphans.
Pat Robertson has a local reputation for snuggling diamonds into the country on his wife as jewelry. I don’t think he’s a ((())).
If she’s openly wearing them, is that really smuggling?
If she didn’t wear them out of the country, it is. Robertson was partners in a diamond mine in Africa.
If you fail to file a customs form delaring items of value you carry out of the country, then the feds will charge customs duties on any such items of value not declared on the outbound trip that you bring in. The fact that they were in the open and no questions were asked falls on customs enforcement.
The downlow was that she wore costume jewelry out, declared it, and replaced it with the real stuff on the way in.
Okay, that’s actually smuggling.
Uh, there’s no exit controls (currently) in this country. Show a valid passport and visa if needed for your destination, and you’re boarding. CBP does not screen people leaving the country, neither does ICE. Or at least face to face. They may look at manifests but you don’t have to declare squat.
Yes, I know, but if you didn’t file the optional form, you can be held liable for customs duties on anything “of value” being brought in – even if you left with it.
The prudent way to wear expensive jewelry in- and out- of sovereign nations is by getting an ATA carnet for the items.
This is advice from a guy who was really glad he had one for some items he was traveling with once upon a time.
Need strong floor muscles to hold in over a kilo of a dense material.
Best way to build up those floor muscles.
What if you shaped it like……oh, nevermind.
Just for giggles, I thought I’d figure out what a solid gold buttplug might weigh, but I got no data on the volume of a buttplug.
On the assumption it’s about 100cc, you’re talking about 1.9kg gold, or about 4.2 lb.
That quite a weight to hold in with your sphincter, and that’s gonna be a lot more capable than the other place.
I know some asian ladies have this reputation for firing ping-pong balls out of their snatches, but would call for some serious muscle control.
6, you’re assuming the only retaining power comes from the smuggler’s muscles. A belt and retaining strap would not be that difficult to acquire or rig up and should work as a… ahem… backfill for the limits of the smuggler’s musculature.
Why not Rope, no achain that hangs around your neck. make it out of, i don’t know, GOLD?
They make gold rope too.
Is it rated for 9 falls? this is important..
+1 alum enema
Sounds like a while new category of physics to me.
Gold doesn’t tarnish. You use that other for your silver and copper.
The more You Know…..
How do You know?
“BREAKING NEWS: Trump proposes bump stock ban in wake of Florida school horror and White House says door is open to more gun controls
President Donald Trump took action on Tuesday to outlaw bump stocks like the one used in the Las Vegas shooting last fall.
‘I signed a memorandum directing the Attorney General to propose regulations to ban all devices that turn legal weapons into machine guns,’ Trump said in the wake of a Florida massacre in which the killer did not use such a device.
Trump’s directive, which he pointedly brought up at a White House Medal of Valor ceremony, followed his press secretary’s announcement minutes before that the president had ordered his administration to look at ways it could unilaterally deter mass shootings like the one in Parkland.
White House press secretary Sarah Sanders also said that Trump had not closed the door on new gun controls, including an assault weapons ban that is unpopular with the president’s base.”
At least we’ll get our first Native-American President?
If the AG’s office was rational, they’re return a short memorandum saying “All mechanisms which convert a legal firearm to a machine gun are already NFA-controlled items”
Well, given that a bump stock doesn’t actually turn the gun into an automatic weapon per the NFA of 1928, this is going to be a wonderful shitshow.
I doubt the NRA will fight this. It was probably their idea.
Sounds about their style
Totally agree.
There’s a market for a training DVD that maybe I’ll fill.
“Can’t get a bump-fire stock, but really want to simulate close to full-auto speed, totally legally?”
Sell it on Ebay for $10 a pop.
I’d vote against trump for this, but I’ve given up on voting after GJ.
But you live in Florida! It’s so important!
Yeah, eff it. I’m probably staying home in November. And November 2020.
But 2019 you’re all over that ballot?
Despite my previous comments, I counsel that we wait and see.
He’s given Sessions a directive to draft some regulations. Unless Trump intends to enact a carefully crafted executive order, this still has to make its way thru’ the legislature, and to date, he’s shown a relatively refreshing reluctance to rely on executive orders.
If bump stocks are so scary and nasty, and the democrats want a ban passed so badly, maybe it’ll get attached to another piece of related legislation that the dems aren’t so outraged about, like constitutional carry. ::snurf::
Let’s see. It’s not like getting outraged will change the executive branch’s mind.
New regulations also have to go to open comment by the public. The last ATF comment period had a very vocal response against reclassifying bump stocks.
I’m for compromise. I’ll trade a bump stock ban for say, a repeal of the NFA.
Indeed, native automatic is safer than bump fire.
Since Trump has vowed to cut 2 regulations for every 1 enacted, i’ll trade him bump stocks for silencers and descheduling MJ.
I’d be prepared to do a 1:1 trade.
Bump stocks for complete abolition of the Inland Revenue.
Inland What? speak american please…
IRS man. I.R.S.
Sure. We’ll abolish it first but will take time to figure out how to make the bump stock ban work so we’ll revisit that in 4-5 years, assuming we don’t forget in the meantime.
Isn’t that how all political compromises work?
If he pushes an AW ban he’ll quickly go from a probable two-termer to a certain one-termer. It’d be a colossal betrayal to a large majority of his supporters. Still, there’s no need to panic just yet, he has a history of offering conciliatory language and not following up.
I don’t think for a moment there will be a new AWB.
He has too many data people that can run up Powerpoints showing it had negligible effect, and follow it with Powerpoints showing him how much his popularity will suffer.
“Assault Weapons”, no. Bump Stocks, maybe. He’s always been squishy on the second amendment.
Bump stocks almost certainly unfortunately.
This is a case where the speed of bureaucracy may cause the change to wither away. He has been seen “doing something”, but all that actually happened was he pushed it into the slow process queue. A process that won’t reach public comment until after the grabbers’ attention and mobilization has waned. The ratio of response when the rule last came to public comment led to “no change to current status”. It is not such a certainty either way.
He’ll soon discover that pandering to lefties won’t do a fucking thing to move the needle on his approval ratings among them.
Note to Daily Mail: A safety pin gown has safety pins.
Hurley wins. No contest.
I bet she’d win today, to boot.
There are a few things about Liz’ personality that just don’t excite me, but if she’d just shut up and enjoy the ride, I’m sure we could spend a few fun hours of each others’ time.
“One of the world’s highest-paid supermodels has been under fire after posting ‘Happy Lunar New Year’ instead of ‘Happy Chinese New Year’ on her Instagram account.
Angry Chinese web users have taken to the social media app – which is blocked in mainland China – to accuse China-born model Liu Wen of being ‘unpatriotic’.
Ms Liu, 30, posted the controversial greetings under a picture of her and Wendi Deng Murdoch on February 19. She has changed the message to ‘Happy Chinese New Year’.”
Is than people-darin for “would”?
As I learned it. Could mean dumb monkeys trying to speak Chinese too.
I don’t get it. Also, never apologize to the mob.
I rarely appologise to you guys, and even then not because I’ve offended anyone but because I said something that I either didn’t mean, or in a way that wasn’t what I meant.
Ill apologize to a person if I offend them, but fuck a screeching mob. Apologizing only encourages them.
In-person, maybe. Online, I’m not going to encourage people to take offense. And offense is only taken, never given.
War on Chinese New Year? Could War on Chinese Christmas be near?!
Too late!
Lul, India gave Trudy II the brush-off.
That’s actually better than Trudy deserves, really.
He’s baiting Dalmia to write 2000 word piece on why Modi is Hitler, because only a Hitler would let a sweetie like PM Zoolander out in the cold.
He’s Canadian, he’s used to the cold.
I thought he was Cuban.
Only below the waistline.
But the media is reporting he signed $1 billion in trade deals.
Given his track record, that’s probably how much the Canadian taxpayers are out of pocket to India now.
Knee-Jerk reactionary politics defeated in at least a small way.
Florida is about 8 deep blue counties (Leon, Duuuuuuval, Orange, Hillsborough, Palm Beach, Broward, Miami-Dade, and Monroe) in a sea of red. Statewide elections are always going to be close (and I wouldn’t be surprised to see the Governor’s race go D this year), but the legislature is always going to be Republican.
I’m waiting for the “South Florida should become its own state” people to start their talk up again.
Statewide elections are always going to be close (and I wouldn’t be surprised to see the Governor’s race go D this year), but the legislature is always going to be Republican.
That sounds like you’re one court-ordered redistricting away from a legislative shift.
The feds have to approve every redistricting in the state, if they haven’t figured out how to do it yet they’re not going to.
For Congress maybe (I thought that part got overturned recently), but not state legislature.
Still, if the courts can’t make our congress reps go blue, how would they be able to make the state reps?
From the twits:
How fucked up do you have to be in the head to think broadcasting a thought like that to the world is a good idea?
(not that I’ve never posted fucked up shit before)
I emote therefore I am.
“I don’t think, therefore, I am not” *poof*
/The Far Side
I really wish someone would open an honest, national, conversation, over why the two ‘resource officers’ placed in the school were un-armed.
Were they? The resource officers I’ve seen are armed. Source please.
This says he was “elsewhere”
While I search for my faulty citation, I will defer to yours. A resource officer “in abstentia” is likely safer than an armed one roaming the hallways.
I’m anti-cop in general, but if the state is going to disarm people, they need to provide armed protection. SROs should be armed AND responsible for the safety of the school. That or allow staff to carry.
..or be at work
They were armed with Resources, get it? Come on Man!
Salty ham tears alert!
I pick this one, She Purty!
Is that one of the Russian virgins?
She can be yours for the low, low price of 10^17 Zimbabwe dollars.
Shut up and take my money!
So, shitlords, I have just returned from a visit to the valley below and the local house of beer.
While I was there I sampled several local brews (they mostly have MD or DC local beers) and was super not impressed with most of them.
A couple of note were the Evolution Noveu Rogue Flanders Style Sour Ale. Is this similar to a Lambic? Asking you beer snobs. Reminds me of a cross between beer and mead.
And the one I brought home, which is a Malt Liquor made in Murland. I can’t remember the name, but it was the best one I tried tonight. Here’s a pic of the little growler I bought and the pour.
Some malt liquor beer from MD
Interesting Contanister, Tres would be Pleased, is it good?
Yeah, out of the 5 I sampled, it was the best. They’ve changed their selection up a lot since the last time I was in and I had a harder time this evening finding something good. But I would definitely drink it again.
WHOA….that’s a Malt Liquor lookin all classy? The need to stop appropriating the inner-city and the OG-lifestyle!
Fuckin’ hipsters, man.
Right? Gentrifyin’ fuckers.
Malt Liquor + Chocolate syrup for maximum class.
orange/grape drank for the win
I think ya’ll ain’t had a good malt liquor, because I’m going back down the hill tomorrow to get a full size growler of this.
Mais frio
A Flanders Red is a sour beer, different fermentation and maturation then a traditional Lambic. The Flanders Reds will generally have some fruit notes that can be picked up, as well as some oak notes from barrel aging. The two iconic ones that are in distribution are Duchesse De Bourgogne and Rodenbach (which also existed as a Grand Cru edition). If you want some other fancy Malt Liquor, Dogfish Head is releasing Liquor de Malt again this year. They’re selling it as part of a ticket to an event near the end of March, so I don’t know if it’ll hit distribution channels.
I just want to know what is a good Lambic to try. They have many at one of my more upscale local stores. I just keep seeing all this fruit stuff and I don’t want it, I want to try a traditional Lambic. Any suggestions?
A good one to try would be Geuze Boon, or any of the other ones from Boon. Most of the fruited ones are good as well, I would recommend staying away from the Lindemans (which is the most commonly available ones), as they’re not sour beers, but back sweetened fruit beers (at under 3% ABV to boot). The well built fruited Lambics use the fruit as an accent to the sourness of the beer itself.
Sam Adams used to do a seasonal cherry lambic that wasn’t too bad.
In the Valley
Here’s the thing with Trump and the bump stock ban/any other gun grab he does (no matter how small or inconsequential): this definitely makes me doubt the 47.5 dimensional chess theory of him because he should know that this is a no-win proposition. There is no upside. Anyone who favors additional gun control won’t be satisfied, and even if they were, they are not his constituency. People who support gun grabs hate him so much that he could support abolishing 2A and they still wouldn’t vote for him.
At the same time, he alienates large swaths of his core constituency by going squishy on guns. If he wants to get re-elected, he needs to assemble at least the same coalition he had before and doing *anything* on guns (other than loosening regs of course) will chip away at that coalition in significant ways. This is by far the dumbest move he’s made.
Completely agree. Spit in their eyes. Relax silencer laws.
Assuming He wants to be re-elected after the current, on going Shit storm?
Then at least announce you aren’t going to run for a second term, instead of throwing the election.
Would that be any worse than what we have now?
He’s not half as stupid as his detractors think he is nor is he half as smart as his hardcore supporters think he is. He’s just a fairly intelligent politician without a well formed ideology muddling through the best he can. That being said, I don’t think the bump stock ban will hurt him at all, most people think those things are ridiculous. Hell, I think they’re ridiculous, I just don’t want to see a ban.
In my opinion he doesn’t have the legal authority to ban them.
National reciprocity.
No, there’s a healthy percentage of voters who aren’t in his core constituency nor in the left’s core, who may believe he’s “being reasonable and responsible” by this action. There’s a good number of purplish suburban congressional districts where squishy soccer moms and dads need a good reason to vote GOP (or stay home and not join the noisy, ampted up Democrat’s GOTV.
Drink up Glibs!
I posted that at noon, you fiend.
I don’t know, I watched the first few minutes of a Netflix documentary (from the UK) that says any amount of alcohol is bad.
Fuck the UK, ‘Murica! the best Beer in the World! Cause We stole all your ideas!
Buried lede much? Also how does wealth level correlate?
I may just start to drink ether to be fashionable.
I’ve always wanted to give that a try but, well, fuck that.
Ether is a terrible drug. It was adopted in the US because it was harder to kill people with than chloroform, which the British used.
so….bug, NOT feature? Or do I have that backwards?
Sorry, it’s a terrible anesthetic because nearly everyone gets crippling nausea. Chloroform provides a more profound anesthetic but has a very narrow margin of safety. Recreationally I can’t comment, but would probably go with nitrous oxide.
+20 whip-its
I miss those days…
Katy Tur is such a shitstain.
Katy Tur doesn’t want kids to grow up having liberty and the rule of law. Therefore she cannot care about the children.
Children don’t need those things, they need to be comforted in a comfortable cocoon of warming warmth, a gun free cocoon where the the only arms are for used for hugging.
Freedom isn’t free.
Gov. Scott should note the number of kids who drown in backyard swimming pools each year and ask the young activists why he shouldn’t ban pools too.
What do you value more: free press or kids?
Rule of law or kids?
Immigrants or kids?
Immigrant child journalists with guns.
I would watch that news show.
Are they Legal or Illegal?
Rule of law = legal
Eat a queer fetus for Jesus?
/Chris Korda
Guns and Kids. They aren’t mutually exclusive.
OT – I don’t care that figure skating is not a real sport but come on… Eleventy billion plusses for Tessa!https://youtu.be/irGj8oG2F6Q
What country are you in? Because it says not available in merica.
*hisses* Canada!
No kidding.
Make Links American Again!
Canada. Fucking CBC! It’s probably on an NBC feed. I don’t even care for figure skating but it dusts the room up pretty bad when I watch it.
I watched last night – no question they deserved Gold.
For any bluesy soul music fans, there is a live concert broadcast of Tedeschi Trucks Band right now on youtube. They put on one hell of a live show.
Hey Hi Ho! Fuck off Slaver!
“bluesy soul music”
I’d probably lump TT in w/ “Jam bands”.
but still good stuff. The capitol theater was a place i went probably…. 50+ times during high school. it was my live-music ‘biggest venue’ that i really enjoyed. (not very very big, but still a few thousand)
it was originally an old-school, 19th century theater
it was renovated once in the 1980s i think, then again in the early 2000s. but the acoustics were fantastic, and the management were always firstly concerned with ensuring everyone was safe and having a good time, and less concerned about whether you were smuggling beers in with you and whether you were doing bong hits on the balcony.
US Men’s Curling got a victory. Suck it, Switzerland
Mr T is pleased
…that was posted yesterday
Mr T pities the fool that confuses his pre-game excitement for his postgame celebration
“NIMBYs and Slavers try to thwart useful apps.”
Christ. What assholes.
Trump is talking about “strengthening background checks” now. JFC.