You can get vitamin D from lanolin, so while it’s technically derived from an animal, it’s gathered from wool without harming or impacting the life of the sheep.
Last I heard even Milk is taboo to Vegans, which is also expressed with no harm to the animal. Same with unfertilized chicken eggs (ie, the eggs you get in the store) They’ll never grow into chickens, but they’re still haram.
on February 19, 2018 at 7:17 pm
Well, that’s because you’re impacting the life cycle of the animals, forcing them to breed.
I’ve no real appreciation of the intricacies of what increasingly seems to me like a cult, but I guess you could harvest the small amounts of wool caught on wild plants and extract the lanolin from that, without promoting the exploitation, or impacting the life of wild sheep.
Sheep, as they exist today, do not do well without human aid. When not regularly sheared and treated, this is the best case scenario. Most sheep parasites or predators are deterred or removed by human action. Without keeping them in commercial herds and regularly shearing them, they cook in their own fleece, get riddled with bung-eating worms and die.
on February 19, 2018 at 7:27 pm
Let’s take a different tack.
Synthesis of D3 from lanolin is really synthesis from cholesterol.
The synthesis path looks like this:
a) take raw lanolin, and process it via a saponification process which separates waxy lanolin, and so-called lanolin alcohols
b) solvent wash the ‘lanolin alcohols’ to extract cholesterol
c) purify the cholesterol to pharma purity
d) Hydrolyze the cholesterol to 7-Dehydrocholesterol
e) Irradiate the 7-Dehydrocholesterol with UV to create Cholecalciferol (Vitamin D3)
So it seems to me that the key point here in this process is obtaining an ethically acceptable source of raw cholesterol.
Easy – send the Vegans to work in the fields tending their subsistance farms. They’ll get plenty of sunlight, and an education about what it takes to feed a population. No need for an alternate Vitamin D synthesis process.
As for “ethically acceptable source” I find it perfectly ethical to eat livestock we’ve protected and fed for their entire lives as sustinance, so shearing sheep for wool and lanolin does not pose an ethical issue for me.
on February 19, 2018 at 7:34 pm
Nor me. For all I care, they can harvest all the cholesterol they need from unicorns’ gall bladders,
As for the other two. Hens will lay eggs whether or not they’ve had an encounter with a rooster recently. This may have been a trait bred into them by humans, but it is now they way they are.
As for triggering bovine lactation – If we didn’t remove the bulls from the herd and left them to their own devices, how frequently do these people think the cows will abstain from breeding?
on February 19, 2018 at 7:42 pm
Let me help you out UCS. Number 6 has the right idea. Cows produce milk when they produce offspring. Same as any other mammal. Calves are taken from their mothers so humans can have the milk. Not exactly a natural life cycle.
On the wool front, yeah, I also don’t get the objection.
Mammals continue to lactate beyond the point at which the young should be weaned provided the proper stimilation (ie, a milked cow will continue to produce for longer than would otherwise be the case) Also, the average dairy cow produces at least two different kinds of milk. The first kind, produced near and shortly after birth is unsuitable for human consumption, containing a higher and different fat content than is expected of commercial milk. This is fed to the calf. The second kind, which is produced for longer afterward and the production can be prolonged as described above, is the commercial grade milk. Some of this will also be fed to the calf before it is weaned, and then put to eating solid foods.
A sickly calf is of no value to the farmer, and will be fed in a manner that encourages proper development. (Those that end up as veal will not be fed for as long…) However natural it may not sound, it is the lifecycle of the domestic cow for the past few thousand years. A symbiosis with humans which has led to healthier, more prosperous and more numerous bovines than their auroch ancestors could have dreamed.
on February 19, 2018 at 7:44 pm
This is why Kiwis have such smooth hands and shins.
Count Potato
on February 19, 2018 at 7:45 pm
It can also be obtained from mushrooms exposed to ultra-violet light.
Old Man With Candy
on February 19, 2018 at 9:30 pm
Phytoestrogens are necessary for men to grow titties.
on February 19, 2018 at 8:02 pm
Given it’s PETA, they could just donate the fur and viscera from all the strays they euthenize to the nearest Vitamin D3 synthesis plant.
That aside, I’m in no position to critique the mushrooms claim, but I can’t find any information on just how much vitamin D is present in even an optimally-UV-irradiated mushroom. Soy, tofu and almond milk are *fortified* with vitamin D, so the real question is where that vitamin D comes from. Sunlight? Well duh – we KNOW that’s OK. And ‘plant-derived supplements’? There’s no information beyond ‘it came in a box’.
When you look in the one significant backgrounder they provide, Vitamin D Fact Sheet for Health Professionals, you’ll note that in ‘Sources of Vitamin D’, EVERY example provided is either not Vegan-friendly, or is an otherwise acceptable vegan food fortified with Vitamin D from sources unknown.
Indeed, the only non-animal source of vitamin D that is talked about other than sunlight, is the mushroom claim, and with a quick and non-exhaustive search, all the citations go back to a single study from, or primarily inspired by footnote 13 from the NIH document. Mattila PH, Piironen VI, Uusi-Rauva EJ, Koivistoinen PE. Vitamin D contents in edible mushrooms. J Agric Food Chem 1994;42:2449-53..
So, where does this vitamin D that is used to fortify vegan-friendly food come from?
Not impressed, but open to persuasion.
on February 19, 2018 at 8:08 pm
It comes from olive oil and figs. Did you not read the post?
Count Potato
on February 19, 2018 at 8:50 pm
They’re hippy mushrooms that make run outside naked so you get more vitamin D.
on February 19, 2018 at 8:55 pm
Nope, there’s an alternative precursor in mushrooms, but if you want to get your daily requirement of Vitamin D, you’d need to eat about a kilo of button mushrooms, or about half that of morels or portobellos. This is one of the reasons that veganism – for example – may well be a worthy dietary objective, but it will always be a niche behavior unless that Malthusian die-off happens.
Veganism is an act of denial of biology. Humans are omnivores whose diet requires elements from both vegetable and animal sources. All of the logic pretzels being engaged in and self-torture emerge from that basic, inescapable fact.
All I can think of was how un-vegan my meal plan for the week is. Speaking of, would using chicken broth to make grits be a good idea, a bad idea, a great idea or culinary heresy?
on February 19, 2018 at 7:11 pm
I have found that using chicken broth is always a good idea – I dunno about grits but why not. Yum!
The experience is never complete until you “accidentally” drop an oily fig into a patch of your own chest hair, and for the jollies of any onlookers, pluck the fig out. Proceed to say “oh my…” , eat the fig, then once again for the benefit of any onlookers, run the olive oil into the chest hair.
It would be interesting, just as a thought experiment, to try and find out exactly what progs hate so much about guns. It’s been proven 100 different ways that gun laws don’t actually make anyone safer. If anything there’s a slightly negative correlation between gun laws and safety. I wish for one beautiful second they’d quit dissembling and just admit they want to abolish 2A. That would at least be honest. I’d then like to hear the honest truth about why they can’t stand private firearm ownership. It seems to come from a place of purely illogical fanaticism. I’d love to hear in their own words, calmly, the real reasons why.
I strongly suspect it is not a position they reasoned themselves into, and thus they cannot articulate the reasons why not.
on February 19, 2018 at 7:44 pm
It’s a religion.
on February 19, 2018 at 7:44 pm
I can understand it possibly in their revulsion to primitive behavior.
Primitive societies are usually armed. As society ‘advances’, conflict between individuals becomes more abstract and less lethal, the ultimately progressed state will be where any conflict between individuals has zero expectation of lethality. So, how do you ensure that conflict is never lethal? Take away all weapons, of course.
on February 19, 2018 at 7:47 pm
It helps to have a homogeneous population where everyone shares the same values. You know, like the US is not & they explicitly advocate against anyway.
on February 19, 2018 at 7:49 pm
Good luck getting that kind of honesty. I just had some derpbook dust ups with proggie friends and acquaintances over the most recent school shooting. Most will admit they want gun control. Pressed for specifics it gets murky real quickly. Many don’t know exactly what they want, probably because they didn’t read the talking points. A few will either say they are okay with muskets or simply want a ban. Those honest few believe they really can get rid of all civilian guns and that will make us all safer. It’s ridiculous but they sincerely believe it.
on February 19, 2018 at 7:56 pm
The marxist do not want an armed populace able to resist. They also don’t want an armed populace that might breech their gated communities to go after the animals that have declared themselves more equal. The rest are sheep who have been and continue to be brainwashed by the Marxist. The propagandist are up of both kind.
Good point about the leaders and the followers. It’s the same with so many issues on the left.
on February 19, 2018 at 8:18 pm
The only good news is they lose a lot of their sheep when they turn 30 and their tax situation turns upside down and they’ve by then themselves have come up against some brainless bureaucracy or two that they had no method of recourse against.
on February 19, 2018 at 8:19 pm
Some of them start business, too, and the whole process is accelerated. I meet very few proggie small business owners (vanity businesses excluded).
It’s uniformly all the same bullshit: animism and projection à la “gorsh, I can’t imagine most people also don’t trust themselves to no act on the kind of homicidal impulses i Imagine i would have if i owned a gun.”
on February 19, 2018 at 10:03 pm
From the perspective of the very few people I know personally who have a problem with guns, which is basically my wife and several of her family members who are city/suburban folk.
Very middle of the road lean slight republican but don’t like the Trump sorts of people.
Rights, liberty, and even the constitution just aren’t a part of their calculus on the role of government. If it “feels” like a good idea then it is a good idea, so with respect to firearms, you don’t “need” one so there is nothing wrong with prohibiting all or some kinds of firearms, or making you go through an expensive dog and pony show to get one, but they aren’t going to vote one way or another on it.
My wife at least over the years has shifted from “no way do I want any in the house” to “do what you want, its not my thing, don’t ask me to come along”
Probably helps that we’ve moved to a very safe, small town area where firearms are “normal”
J. Frank Parnell
on February 19, 2018 at 11:53 pm
Their political enemies like guns. They want to punish their enemies by taking away something they like.
on February 20, 2018 at 12:11 am
I think anti-gun people can be broken down into one of three groups or perhaps an overlapping position between two or three:
1) The ones who really are concerned for safety but are woefully misinformed. I have actually met people who truly believe that gun bans would make the country safer on the whole. It’s just that they write off all contrary evidence as NRA propaganda, but they automatically believe anything that is reported on CNN, New York Times, or Mother Jones. People can arrive at this position through extreme emotionality – desperately wanting to stop the shootings but not having any idea how other than through gun control. And of course, people sometimes get here through willful self-delusion.
2. The government fetishists. Many “progressives” see the government as some kind of warm, fuzzy, shiny, happy entity; merely “the things we do together”. They also see government as some kind of super-intelligence that can and should manage everything. They are comforted by government control, and they get antsy when the hoi polloi are left with any degree of freedom at all. So, imagine how they feel when the people say to them, “I’ll just hang on to my AK-47 here in case the government gets out of control“.
3. The partisans. Some people probably don’t give a crap about guns deep down in their hearts, but they feel compelled to vote for Democrats on the basis of some other issue. Since humans generally feel the need to be consistent, people can either confront the issue (uncomfortable) or just convince themselves that gun control is actually a good idea (comfortable). I think there are also people who will associate guns with their opponents on other issues. People tend to see political camps as a good vs. evil struggle, and since gun owners probably trend towards conservatism and libertarianism, “progressives” see them as being on the other side of the struggle.
commodious spittoon
on February 19, 2018 at 7:46 pm
Fuckin’ figgots.
C. Anacreon
on February 19, 2018 at 7:58 pm
At times I wonder what a generation 200-300 years from now might think about us, and exactly how horrible we will be considered as people, for something we do commonly today, compared to the then present. Many of our contemporaries today will say we shouldn’t honor slave owners, but certainly in the 1700s slavery was not exactly considered odd or even all that terrible, as most humans were just starting to see the evils of the practice and begin abolitionism — and I doubt a person alive in 1718 would think that the world 300 years in the future would be removing statues of their otherwise noble heroes simply because they owned slaves. Could there be a parallel in which people will think that most of us alive today are monsters?
I’m guessing it may be a retrospective look at our practice of killing animals and eating their meat. Heck, within a few years there will likely be very delicious meats that are grown from cell cultures and never were part of a living being or felt pain. And eventually the quality of these meats will be so good, and so much less expensive than animal husbandry, that breeding for food will become a thing of the past. Will the people of that day look back at us today eating a juicy steak and think we were equivalent to cannibalizing our animal slaves? Will they remove our names from the history books because we were so cruel? Will only the vegans of today be spared this crusade, much as the earliest of the abolitionists are now the only ones thought OK by modern folk compared to their time?
on February 19, 2018 at 8:03 pm
I think the fact that we throw other human beings in cages for the slightest of things should be on the list. Who knows if it will be though.
No, I think the future will look back and be baffled at the idea of unalienable rights and abolistion of slavery. Then the record will be burned as seditious.
on February 19, 2018 at 8:05 pm
Will they tear down all the giant cow statues in front of Ponderosa restaurants? But really, will the lab meat be better than what we raise to eat now? I have a hard time believing that.
I have a hard time believing it won’t be. It holds the potential for absolute control of texture, fat content, and flavor profile.
The devasting effect on the cattle population will be horrific.
on February 19, 2018 at 8:11 pm
You’ll be able to see a model of a cow in Natural History museums though.
on February 19, 2018 at 8:27 pm
Flavor profile. We will end up with nothing but over hoppy IPA rib eyes. There will always be ranchers selling real meat. Maybe I am a meat luddite, but I don’t think they will ever be able to insert all the conditions, pollens, grasses, grain that effects the flavor of a good steak. (effects, affects? fuckit)
Color me skeptical that you’ll be able to tell the difference.
on February 19, 2018 at 8:06 pm
I’m assuming wars will continue forever since humans are mostly just stupid hairless Apes driven by primitive emotions and greed, but our wars will be for the wrong reasons and their wars will be justified.
on February 19, 2018 at 8:07 pm
The vegans of our time will be pilloried as co-conspirators, of course. Too cowed by fear to rise up and strike down the carnivores, they nevertheless benefited from the monstrous status quo.
Just as every American alive today whose ancestors were not slave owners is still a beneficiary of the slaveocratic hegemony, the vegan ancestors of the citizens of America in 2300 will be the descendants of monsters.
“As a circumcised American man I tell my Mother every year on my birthday that she had No right to mutilate me like that. I ask what her reasoning was and she never has a good answer. Circumcision of females is illegal in the U.S. and the same should be true for males. Mutilation of a child in any way should be criminal. PERIOD.”
You sound like such a delightful person. I’m sure your mother is so happy to hear from you.
Taking away the child’s right to choose for himself is awful – as is constantly harping on it to your mother.
on February 19, 2018 at 8:28 pm
If #6.2 wants to have the end cut off his dick when he’s 18 to stop himself from fapping, or for whatever reason, he’s welcome to have it done.
I wouldn’t be any party to it, especially since I don’t know of any guys, circumcised or uncircumcised, who doesn’t/didn’t fap as a teenager.
juris imprudent
on February 19, 2018 at 8:41 pm
You dare challenge the medical and moral knowledge of Dr. Kellogg?
on February 19, 2018 at 8:44 pm
It was surprising how thoroughly the issue was discussed – well – argued since he was the first (and last) male of his generation born into the family.
His Johnson has been the subject of much disagreement, but I won.
juris imprudent
on February 19, 2018 at 8:53 pm
I trust you realize I was jesting about that quack.
on February 19, 2018 at 8:58 pm
Yes indeed, but Kellogg actually arose as a part of the discussions concerning the appendage in question. It was bizarro world to me as a recent, immigrant.
“Is there a religious reason why you want to mutilate my son?”
“It’s healthier”
“ORLY? Evidence?”
on February 19, 2018 at 8:28 pm
I got snipped because I was born in the 70’s in the US. I didn’t do it to my three boys because I thought the choice really should be up to them. Funny enough every single one of my friends had their boys cut. They said they wanted their boys to look like dad. “For the family photos” joke by me did not go over so well.
I don’t think circumcision should be an in hospital institution and the practice is ghastly. If I have a son, I would decline circumcision and he could elect to do so when he’s a grown man.
But dudes like that are almost certainly insecure about their performance issues and/or game skillz and it’s very the kind of dude that joins a support group where the members all wear stretching apparatuses to form a replacement foreskin and play in a pantsless drum circle.
Dude, move on. If you were uncut you would spooge even faster and be even less attractive to broads.
on February 19, 2018 at 8:07 pm
Lallemand has some vegan yeast options. If of-interest, please let me know via other channels.
on February 19, 2018 at 8:14 pm
If she wants to deal with that she should get some good natural yogurt. I’ve heard it works wonders.
Since they lack any form of self-awareness even up to the level of plant life, I don’t see what other concern for their well being their can be. These are microbes. Microbes that piss alcohol and burp carbon dioxide. They will be with us, always.
on February 19, 2018 at 8:39 pm
Vegan yeast? Is this for real?
on February 19, 2018 at 9:29 pm
So after doing far more research than I ever thought I’d do (about 7 minutes) I learned that there is a subset of vegans who believe eating anything with yeast is anti-vegan, and therefore amoral and wrong.
After another couple wasted minutes, it seems that most vegans think the anti-yeast vegans are nuts. Which is really saying something.
Yusef drives a Kia
on February 19, 2018 at 9:26 pm
You know there is a reason Cows wear Leather….
UV Sunlight is your Friend…
Peanut Butter!
Vegans are the Progs of the Food world, “We can make Humans Perfect, just watch!”
on February 19, 2018 at 9:29 pm
It’s a (barely) feasible dietary habit if you get lots of sunlight and live in an environment where all your other dietary needs can be met by eating plants.
It’s my bet that such a habit can only be indulged in a place like the South of France or Tuscany where there’s plenty of sun, a long-enough growing season, sufficient precipitation and fertile soil.
on February 19, 2018 at 9:31 pm
I don’t believe for a second, however, that sunshine is as harmful as we are led to believe.
on February 19, 2018 at 9:36 pm
In the long run, I bet it is harmful, but nature doesn’t give a fuck.
If we get skin cancer at 80, the universe doesn’t care. All we have to do is live long enough to create the next generation. Then we can die.
Yusef drives a Kia
on February 19, 2018 at 9:38 pm
i love Feeling the Warm sunshine, It helps Mentally IMO, A fresh Breeze, good for the Soul
F. Stupidity Jr.
on February 19, 2018 at 9:30 pm
Just got a campaign email. I really believe this was approved by the candidate and not at all some sort of ruse to make him look bad:
You have a choice:
Jerry Hall a Successful Businessman, Strong Christian, Experienced, and a strong Conservative Christian who can help correct problems in Washington working alongside of President Trump to drain the swamp, protect the unborn, protect your right to bear arms and get GOD BACK IN OUR SCHOOLS, COURTS AND GOVERNMENT and who will follow the Republican Platform or:
Michael Cloud who was a NEVER TRUMP and who has refused to say he would work with Trump and Identifies with Libertarians who have different agenda’s than true Republicans.
Bech Bruun who refuses to live in the District and has identified himself as the Establishment Candidate Lawyer. Bech will only work for the Loyybist that are supporting him and not the voters of District 27. We don’t need to refill the swamp when we are working hard to drain it.
Do we need to elect candidates who can not even get along with other Republicans, and expect them to work together across the aisle in Washington, we need maturity not children who are bullys.
Elect Jerry Hall a stong Christian Constitutional Conservative and let’s get to work for Congressional District 27!
Visit our web sight at
on February 19, 2018 at 9:32 pm
A vote for Jerry Hall is a vote for Mick Jagger’s sloppy seconds and illiteracy!
F. Stupidity Jr.
on February 19, 2018 at 9:34 pm
You’re just working for the Loyybist!
on February 19, 2018 at 9:36 pm
Your just one of the bullys!
on February 19, 2018 at 9:32 pm
Thought they were fighting the establishment not the establishment clause.
J. Frank Parnell
on February 20, 2018 at 12:04 am
Man those Loyybists are the worst.
on February 20, 2018 at 3:56 am
Wasn’t Cloud involved in some of the Harry Brown campaign shenanigans?
“Early in my career I was spending an excessive amount of time at work,” Bustos said, adding he would rarely see his son or daughter because of his grueling schedule. “I wanted to be more involved with my wife in raising our kids. Police work is not just a career, or a job, it is a calling because of the commitment and passion one must have to make a positive difference in our community.”
Gustave Lytton
on February 19, 2018 at 10:04 pm
Thirty one and done, retiring at age 57.
on February 19, 2018 at 11:14 pm
“maybe at a school campus preaching the consequences of wreckless driving.”
That’s some fine editing.
on February 20, 2018 at 2:33 am
Wreckless is exactly how I like to drive.
Scruffy Nerfherder
on February 19, 2018 at 9:43 pm
No mention of puppet Reagan in Land of Confusion? Kids these days…
C. Anacreon
on February 19, 2018 at 11:07 pm
That was so witty and insightful, with an addlebrained Reagan puppet having two buttons at bedside, one for NURSE and one for NUKE.
Oops, he pressed the wrong one, mushroom cloud! Oh, that Reagan.
Gustave Lytton
on February 19, 2018 at 11:35 pm
Or him riding a dinosaur. Because he’s a cowboy. And old.
on February 20, 2018 at 3:08 am
Woke up, cant sleep so I thought I would come fuck a dead thread.
I am not qualified to tell other people what they should be eating. I made a pizza this evening with 4 different meats on it.
I love, love, love figs but I don’t think they are suitable for vegetarians or vegans. There are, IIRC, 126 varieties of fig and consequently, 126 species of Fig Wasp to polinate them. Fig wasps burrow in to the fruit and lay thier eggs. If you eat figs, you are also eating wasp bits.
R C Dean
on February 20, 2018 at 6:52 am
*throws away figs*
Rufus the Monocled
on February 20, 2018 at 10:00 am
Veal involtini stuffed with sage, figs and prosciutto.
You’re welcomed.
on February 20, 2018 at 11:08 am
Years ago, I did some work for an import-export company in the UK that specialized in spices, teas, dried fruit, nuts and other imported dry goods. I got to know the guy who ran the place (Hong Kong Yuan, step brother of owner who was (as it turned out) the compradore of one of the large and famous Hongs in HK.
That kind of business was quite heavily regulated, and often had inspections by the UK Customs and Excise simply because you could have smuggled nukes in that way. Old fashioned tea chests, lined with foil, full of all kinds of stuff. Some items they sold on to bulk purchasers, some they repacked for retail internally.
Anyway – the real teller is the anticipated spoilage on different types of goods varied greatly based not only on the good itself, but source, and by season (important, because spoiled goods didn’t incur value added tax). Iranian pistachios (which the UK didn’t embargo in ’79) had an anticipated spoilage of 7%/unit – a unit being whatever kind of container it was in. I think a tea-chest of dried and salted pistachios was about 120lb. That kind of good was sold on in bulk.
Figs had an anticipated spoilage of about 15%. Now, IIRC, it wasn’t wasted unless there were identifiable pieces of ‘non-inert foreign material’ in there. So, the firm used to repackage the figs, because at 15% spoilage, basically, every single flat (figs were delivered in what looked like old-fashioned wooden ammo boxes). The selects went into fancy table-ready boxes or raffia plates and shrink-wrapped. The ‘ordinaries’ were picked over, spoiled parts removed, and usually packed into pint tubs, and the ‘seconds’, which tended to be the broken up figs, had the “foreign material” cut away and they’d chuck it into an empty tea chest to be ground up to make fig preserve, Because of the wonderful way that the UK used to administer VAT, the “seconds” and “ordinaries” were taxed differently to the “selects”.
This is why dried fruits seem unreasonably expensive. It may be easier to automate now, and QC at the farms themselves may be better, but dried fruit is disgusting, man. Make sure you trust the people you’re buying from.
Raisins and sultanas. Don’t even ask me about the spoilage on those.
Dates are far better. Spoilage on North African dates in general only ran 3-4%.
Sunset? Vampires! I find Sunshine works great for Vitamin d
Pie in the Sky hardest hit.
I liked the Dessert
The V is for Vampires????
Q: “What do you call a Vegan Vampire?”
A: “Dust.”
Vitamin D is non-vegan?
Well vitamin D is an animal product.
You can get vitamin D from lanolin, so while it’s technically derived from an animal, it’s gathered from wool without harming or impacting the life of the sheep.
Last I heard even Milk is taboo to Vegans, which is also expressed with no harm to the animal. Same with unfertilized chicken eggs (ie, the eggs you get in the store) They’ll never grow into chickens, but they’re still haram.
Well, that’s because you’re impacting the life cycle of the animals, forcing them to breed.
I’ve no real appreciation of the intricacies of what increasingly seems to me like a cult, but I guess you could harvest the small amounts of wool caught on wild plants and extract the lanolin from that, without promoting the exploitation, or impacting the life of wild sheep.
Lets put this in perspective.
Sheep, as they exist today, do not do well without human aid. When not regularly sheared and treated, this is the best case scenario. Most sheep parasites or predators are deterred or removed by human action. Without keeping them in commercial herds and regularly shearing them, they cook in their own fleece, get riddled with bung-eating worms and die.
Let’s take a different tack.
Synthesis of D3 from lanolin is really synthesis from cholesterol.
The synthesis path looks like this:
a) take raw lanolin, and process it via a saponification process which separates waxy lanolin, and so-called lanolin alcohols
b) solvent wash the ‘lanolin alcohols’ to extract cholesterol
c) purify the cholesterol to pharma purity
d) Hydrolyze the cholesterol to 7-Dehydrocholesterol
e) Irradiate the 7-Dehydrocholesterol with UV to create Cholecalciferol (Vitamin D3)
So it seems to me that the key point here in this process is obtaining an ethically acceptable source of raw cholesterol.
Easy – send the Vegans to work in the fields tending their subsistance farms. They’ll get plenty of sunlight, and an education about what it takes to feed a population. No need for an alternate Vitamin D synthesis process.
As for “ethically acceptable source” I find it perfectly ethical to eat livestock we’ve protected and fed for their entire lives as sustinance, so shearing sheep for wool and lanolin does not pose an ethical issue for me.
Nor me. For all I care, they can harvest all the cholesterol they need from unicorns’ gall bladders,
As for the other two. Hens will lay eggs whether or not they’ve had an encounter with a rooster recently. This may have been a trait bred into them by humans, but it is now they way they are.
As for triggering bovine lactation – If we didn’t remove the bulls from the herd and left them to their own devices, how frequently do these people think the cows will abstain from breeding?
Let me help you out UCS. Number 6 has the right idea. Cows produce milk when they produce offspring. Same as any other mammal. Calves are taken from their mothers so humans can have the milk. Not exactly a natural life cycle.
On the wool front, yeah, I also don’t get the objection.
Disclaimer: I’m a vegetarian.
Mammals continue to lactate beyond the point at which the young should be weaned provided the proper stimilation (ie, a milked cow will continue to produce for longer than would otherwise be the case) Also, the average dairy cow produces at least two different kinds of milk. The first kind, produced near and shortly after birth is unsuitable for human consumption, containing a higher and different fat content than is expected of commercial milk. This is fed to the calf. The second kind, which is produced for longer afterward and the production can be prolonged as described above, is the commercial grade milk. Some of this will also be fed to the calf before it is weaned, and then put to eating solid foods.
A sickly calf is of no value to the farmer, and will be fed in a manner that encourages proper development. (Those that end up as veal will not be fed for as long…) However natural it may not sound, it is the lifecycle of the domestic cow for the past few thousand years. A symbiosis with humans which has led to healthier, more prosperous and more numerous bovines than their auroch ancestors could have dreamed.
This is why Kiwis have such smooth hands and shins.
It can also be obtained from mushrooms exposed to ultra-violet light.
Yikes. Lots of soy there.
Phytoestrogens are necessary for men to grow titties.
Given it’s PETA, they could just donate the fur and viscera from all the strays they euthenize to the nearest Vitamin D3 synthesis plant.
That aside, I’m in no position to critique the mushrooms claim, but I can’t find any information on just how much vitamin D is present in even an optimally-UV-irradiated mushroom. Soy, tofu and almond milk are *fortified* with vitamin D, so the real question is where that vitamin D comes from. Sunlight? Well duh – we KNOW that’s OK. And ‘plant-derived supplements’? There’s no information beyond ‘it came in a box’.
When you look in the one significant backgrounder they provide, Vitamin D Fact Sheet for Health Professionals, you’ll note that in ‘Sources of Vitamin D’, EVERY example provided is either not Vegan-friendly, or is an otherwise acceptable vegan food fortified with Vitamin D from sources unknown.
Indeed, the only non-animal source of vitamin D that is talked about other than sunlight, is the mushroom claim, and with a quick and non-exhaustive search, all the citations go back to a single study from, or primarily inspired by footnote 13 from the NIH document. Mattila PH, Piironen VI, Uusi-Rauva EJ, Koivistoinen PE. Vitamin D contents in edible mushrooms. J Agric Food Chem 1994;42:2449-53..
So, where does this vitamin D that is used to fortify vegan-friendly food come from?
Not impressed, but open to persuasion.
It comes from olive oil and figs. Did you not read the post?
They’re hippy mushrooms that make run outside naked so you get more vitamin D.
Nope, there’s an alternative precursor in mushrooms, but if you want to get your daily requirement of Vitamin D, you’d need to eat about a kilo of button mushrooms, or about half that of morels or portobellos. This is one of the reasons that veganism – for example – may well be a worthy dietary objective, but it will always be a niche behavior unless that Malthusian die-off happens.
USDA This time
If you read it, note the wide disparities in the yield of D2 in the portabella samples, disparities which don’t seem to be explained.
DISCLAIMER: I know I am going to regret this post.
Need Vitamind D – SUNLIGHT AND SKIN.
I doubt you’ll regret it, because it’s true.
It’s the only way to be sure you get your IUs, unless you’re prepared to scavenge the vitamin D off some other animal.
100% agree. Sun has been here an awful long time.
You’d think Q would use that as reason to post bikini pics.
Copy that.
Did my part with the shirt off at lunch, right until the hail started falling. I want a refund on SoCal.
Veganism is an act of denial of biology. Humans are omnivores whose diet requires elements from both vegetable and animal sources. All of the logic pretzels being engaged in and self-torture emerge from that basic, inescapable fact.
I’m struck speechless.
All I can think of was how un-vegan my meal plan for the week is. Speaking of, would using chicken broth to make grits be a good idea, a bad idea, a great idea or culinary heresy?
I have found that using chicken broth is always a good idea – I dunno about grits but why not. Yum!
Good idea
It sounds good. Give it a try.
Chicken broth and heavy cream to cook baked cheese grits is always a good idea. Whip in a whole egg before baking to golden brown crust.
Mm that sounds good
I love visiting my relatives in Virginia for the holidays.
Can’t wait for this toy to trickle down to local law enforcement.
Remotely operated gun system. Not quite an autonomous weapons platform.
I’m still waiting for ED-209.
Hey Web D! Did you try the teeth whitening from your last submission?
I prefer to double the vitamin D and eat my oily figs while sitting nekkid in the sun.
Is that why you’re on the registry?
No, that was the oily fig at the bust stop incident but I don’t talk about that.
at the bust stop incident
Q hit hardest.
Bust stop, bust goes, cop stays, charges grows
Under my rap sheet
All that courtroom we enjoyed it
Appearance and pleas and allocutions
That chewbacca defense, we employed it
By August, I was sentenced
Hollies FTW!
Specifically a 16 or 17 year old Graham Gouldman, later of 10cc
Damn, now I have this 60’s classics playlist running.
Now that’s multitasking!
The experience is never complete until you “accidentally” drop an oily fig into a patch of your own chest hair, and for the jollies of any onlookers, pluck the fig out. Proceed to say “oh my…” , eat the fig, then once again for the benefit of any onlookers, run the olive oil into the chest hair.
Repost from Afternoon Lynx since it’s dead:
It would be interesting, just as a thought experiment, to try and find out exactly what progs hate so much about guns. It’s been proven 100 different ways that gun laws don’t actually make anyone safer. If anything there’s a slightly negative correlation between gun laws and safety. I wish for one beautiful second they’d quit dissembling and just admit they want to abolish 2A. That would at least be honest. I’d then like to hear the honest truth about why they can’t stand private firearm ownership. It seems to come from a place of purely illogical fanaticism. I’d love to hear in their own words, calmly, the real reasons why.
I strongly suspect it is not a position they reasoned themselves into, and thus they cannot articulate the reasons why not.
It’s a religion.
I can understand it possibly in their revulsion to primitive behavior.
Primitive societies are usually armed. As society ‘advances’, conflict between individuals becomes more abstract and less lethal, the ultimately progressed state will be where any conflict between individuals has zero expectation of lethality. So, how do you ensure that conflict is never lethal? Take away all weapons, of course.
It helps to have a homogeneous population where everyone shares the same values. You know, like the US is not & they explicitly advocate against anyway.
Good luck getting that kind of honesty. I just had some derpbook dust ups with proggie friends and acquaintances over the most recent school shooting. Most will admit they want gun control. Pressed for specifics it gets murky real quickly. Many don’t know exactly what they want, probably because they didn’t read the talking points. A few will either say they are okay with muskets or simply want a ban. Those honest few believe they really can get rid of all civilian guns and that will make us all safer. It’s ridiculous but they sincerely believe it.
The marxist do not want an armed populace able to resist. They also don’t want an armed populace that might breech their gated communities to go after the animals that have declared themselves more equal. The rest are sheep who have been and continue to be brainwashed by the Marxist. The propagandist are up of both kind.
Stories like this scare them.
Good point about the leaders and the followers. It’s the same with so many issues on the left.
The only good news is they lose a lot of their sheep when they turn 30 and their tax situation turns upside down and they’ve by then themselves have come up against some brainless bureaucracy or two that they had no method of recourse against.
Some of them start business, too, and the whole process is accelerated. I meet very few proggie small business owners (vanity businesses excluded).
You know who did have the guns?
It’s uniformly all the same bullshit: animism and projection à la “gorsh, I can’t imagine most people also don’t trust themselves to no act on the kind of homicidal impulses i Imagine i would have if i owned a gun.”
From the perspective of the very few people I know personally who have a problem with guns, which is basically my wife and several of her family members who are city/suburban folk.
Very middle of the road lean slight republican but don’t like the Trump sorts of people.
Rights, liberty, and even the constitution just aren’t a part of their calculus on the role of government. If it “feels” like a good idea then it is a good idea, so with respect to firearms, you don’t “need” one so there is nothing wrong with prohibiting all or some kinds of firearms, or making you go through an expensive dog and pony show to get one, but they aren’t going to vote one way or another on it.
My wife at least over the years has shifted from “no way do I want any in the house” to “do what you want, its not my thing, don’t ask me to come along”
Probably helps that we’ve moved to a very safe, small town area where firearms are “normal”
Their political enemies like guns. They want to punish their enemies by taking away something they like.
I think anti-gun people can be broken down into one of three groups or perhaps an overlapping position between two or three:
1) The ones who really are concerned for safety but are woefully misinformed. I have actually met people who truly believe that gun bans would make the country safer on the whole. It’s just that they write off all contrary evidence as NRA propaganda, but they automatically believe anything that is reported on CNN, New York Times, or Mother Jones. People can arrive at this position through extreme emotionality – desperately wanting to stop the shootings but not having any idea how other than through gun control. And of course, people sometimes get here through willful self-delusion.
2. The government fetishists. Many “progressives” see the government as some kind of warm, fuzzy, shiny, happy entity; merely “the things we do together”. They also see government as some kind of super-intelligence that can and should manage everything. They are comforted by government control, and they get antsy when the hoi polloi are left with any degree of freedom at all. So, imagine how they feel when the people say to them, “I’ll just hang on to my AK-47 here in case the government gets out of control“.
3. The partisans. Some people probably don’t give a crap about guns deep down in their hearts, but they feel compelled to vote for Democrats on the basis of some other issue. Since humans generally feel the need to be consistent, people can either confront the issue (uncomfortable) or just convince themselves that gun control is actually a good idea (comfortable). I think there are also people who will associate guns with their opponents on other issues. People tend to see political camps as a good vs. evil struggle, and since gun owners probably trend towards conservatism and libertarianism, “progressives” see them as being on the other side of the struggle.
Fuckin’ figgots.
At times I wonder what a generation 200-300 years from now might think about us, and exactly how horrible we will be considered as people, for something we do commonly today, compared to the then present. Many of our contemporaries today will say we shouldn’t honor slave owners, but certainly in the 1700s slavery was not exactly considered odd or even all that terrible, as most humans were just starting to see the evils of the practice and begin abolitionism — and I doubt a person alive in 1718 would think that the world 300 years in the future would be removing statues of their otherwise noble heroes simply because they owned slaves. Could there be a parallel in which people will think that most of us alive today are monsters?
I’m guessing it may be a retrospective look at our practice of killing animals and eating their meat. Heck, within a few years there will likely be very delicious meats that are grown from cell cultures and never were part of a living being or felt pain. And eventually the quality of these meats will be so good, and so much less expensive than animal husbandry, that breeding for food will become a thing of the past. Will the people of that day look back at us today eating a juicy steak and think we were equivalent to cannibalizing our animal slaves? Will they remove our names from the history books because we were so cruel? Will only the vegans of today be spared this crusade, much as the earliest of the abolitionists are now the only ones thought OK by modern folk compared to their time?
I think the fact that we throw other human beings in cages for the slightest of things should be on the list. Who knows if it will be though.
What will replace the prison system then?
On-the-spot executions and exile to the cursed earth.
No, I think the future will look back and be baffled at the idea of unalienable rights and abolistion of slavery. Then the record will be burned as seditious.
Will they tear down all the giant cow statues in front of Ponderosa restaurants? But really, will the lab meat be better than what we raise to eat now? I have a hard time believing that.
I have a hard time believing it won’t be. It holds the potential for absolute control of texture, fat content, and flavor profile.
The devasting effect on the cattle population will be horrific.
You’ll be able to see a model of a cow in Natural History museums though.
Flavor profile. We will end up with nothing but over hoppy IPA rib eyes. There will always be ranchers selling real meat. Maybe I am a meat luddite, but I don’t think they will ever be able to insert all the conditions, pollens, grasses, grain that effects the flavor of a good steak. (effects, affects? fuckit)
Color me skeptical that you’ll be able to tell the difference.
I’m assuming wars will continue forever since humans are mostly just stupid hairless Apes driven by primitive emotions and greed, but our wars will be for the wrong reasons and their wars will be justified.
The vegans of our time will be pilloried as co-conspirators, of course. Too cowed by fear to rise up and strike down the carnivores, they nevertheless benefited from the monstrous status quo.
Just as every American alive today whose ancestors were not slave owners is still a beneficiary of the slaveocratic hegemony, the vegan ancestors of the citizens of America in 2300 will be the descendants of monsters.
Do you know who else was a vegetarian?
Tony Gonzalez?
Mary Moon?
That chick who refused to eat my meat?
Speaking of circumcision.
The same Iceland that euthanizes undesirables? Fuck them.
So armageddon will be about the penis. I could have told you that.
You have converted to worship of ZardoZ I see.
All Hail Zardoz!
From the comments:
“As a circumcised American man I tell my Mother every year on my birthday that she had No right to mutilate me like that. I ask what her reasoning was and she never has a good answer. Circumcision of females is illegal in the U.S. and the same should be true for males. Mutilation of a child in any way should be criminal. PERIOD.”
You sound like such a delightful person. I’m sure your mother is so happy to hear from you.
Taking away the child’s right to choose for himself is awful – as is constantly harping on it to your mother.
If #6.2 wants to have the end cut off his dick when he’s 18 to stop himself from fapping, or for whatever reason, he’s welcome to have it done.
I wouldn’t be any party to it, especially since I don’t know of any guys, circumcised or uncircumcised, who doesn’t/didn’t fap as a teenager.
You dare challenge the medical and moral knowledge of Dr. Kellogg?
It was surprising how thoroughly the issue was discussed – well – argued since he was the first (and last) male of his generation born into the family.
His Johnson has been the subject of much disagreement, but I won.
I trust you realize I was jesting about that quack.
Yes indeed, but Kellogg actually arose as a part of the discussions concerning the appendage in question. It was bizarro world to me as a recent, immigrant.
“Is there a religious reason why you want to mutilate my son?”
“It’s healthier”
“ORLY? Evidence?”
I got snipped because I was born in the 70’s in the US. I didn’t do it to my three boys because I thought the choice really should be up to them. Funny enough every single one of my friends had their boys cut. They said they wanted their boys to look like dad. “For the family photos” joke by me did not go over so well.
I don’t think circumcision should be an in hospital institution and the practice is ghastly. If I have a son, I would decline circumcision and he could elect to do so when he’s a grown man.
But dudes like that are almost certainly insecure about their performance issues and/or game skillz and it’s very the kind of dude that joins a support group where the members all wear stretching apparatuses to form a replacement foreskin and play in a pantsless drum circle.
Dude, move on. If you were uncut you would spooge even faster and be even less attractive to broads.
Lallemand has some vegan yeast options. If of-interest, please let me know via other channels.
If she wants to deal with that she should get some good natural yogurt. I’ve heard it works wonders.
I am sick and tired of all that artificial yogurt.
Oh. It wasn’t a euphemism. Sorry ’bout ‘dat.
Yeast will never become endangered.
Booze is just too popular.
Since they lack any form of self-awareness even up to the level of plant life, I don’t see what other concern for their well being their can be. These are microbes. Microbes that piss alcohol and burp carbon dioxide. They will be with us, always.
Vegan yeast? Is this for real?
So after doing far more research than I ever thought I’d do (about 7 minutes) I learned that there is a subset of vegans who believe eating anything with yeast is anti-vegan, and therefore amoral and wrong.
After another couple wasted minutes, it seems that most vegans think the anti-yeast vegans are nuts. Which is really saying something.
For every extremist, there is someone more extreme.
Jains vs Namdhari! Film at 11!
I did 30 seconds of research on that and decided to go to bed instead.
Who knew?!
But be certain it’s after sunset – merely hiding it in the cabinet won’t work, the magic is tied to nighttime’s anti-light.
Vegans are super smart.
Not smarter than your brainiac gun grabber prog friend.
No one is. He should just pick the president.
(Spoiler alert, it’s probably Bernie)
I like meat
I like cows.
Was expecting a Dead Milkmen video.
Gotta stay true to my peeps.
me too but this is great!
Yes! fuckin cool!
Well then, here’s another you might like!
For You!
Remember these Guys?\
I do!
Love this one, too.
Wow, never heard it, I really like it. Thanks!
You know there is a reason Cows wear Leather….
UV Sunlight is your Friend…
Peanut Butter!
Vegans are the Progs of the Food world, “We can make Humans Perfect, just watch!”
It’s a (barely) feasible dietary habit if you get lots of sunlight and live in an environment where all your other dietary needs can be met by eating plants.
It’s my bet that such a habit can only be indulged in a place like the South of France or Tuscany where there’s plenty of sun, a long-enough growing season, sufficient precipitation and fertile soil.
I don’t believe for a second, however, that sunshine is as harmful as we are led to believe.
In the long run, I bet it is harmful, but nature doesn’t give a fuck.
If we get skin cancer at 80, the universe doesn’t care. All we have to do is live long enough to create the next generation. Then we can die.
i love Feeling the Warm sunshine, It helps Mentally IMO, A fresh Breeze, good for the Soul
Just got a campaign email. I really believe this was approved by the candidate and not at all some sort of ruse to make him look bad:
A vote for Jerry Hall is a vote for Mick Jagger’s sloppy seconds and illiteracy!
You’re just working for the Loyybist!
Your just one of the bullys!
Thought they were fighting the establishment not the establishment clause.
Man those Loyybists are the worst.
Wasn’t Cloud involved in some of the Harry Brown campaign shenanigans?
The LAPD is losing a familiar face, and it’s going to be a ‘huge, huge loss’
Thirty one and done, retiring at age 57.
“maybe at a school campus preaching the consequences of wreckless driving.”
That’s some fine editing.
Wreckless is exactly how I like to drive.
Gimme the big D!
No….. wait…. not what I meant….
Full blown dementia?
Big D has always meant Big Dump.
Big and satisfying.
Anecdotal statistics implying that pop culture has gotten way more political/ people will just not stfu about Obama.
No mention of puppet Reagan in Land of Confusion? Kids these days…
That was so witty and insightful, with an addlebrained Reagan puppet having two buttons at bedside, one for NURSE and one for NUKE.
Oops, he pressed the wrong one, mushroom cloud! Oh, that Reagan.
Or him riding a dinosaur. Because he’s a cowboy. And old.
Woke up, cant sleep so I thought I would come fuck a dead thread.
I am not qualified to tell other people what they should be eating. I made a pizza this evening with 4 different meats on it.
Now I am going back to bed.
I love, love, love figs but I don’t think they are suitable for vegetarians or vegans. There are, IIRC, 126 varieties of fig and consequently, 126 species of Fig Wasp to polinate them. Fig wasps burrow in to the fruit and lay thier eggs. If you eat figs, you are also eating wasp bits.
*throws away figs*
Veal involtini stuffed with sage, figs and prosciutto.
You’re welcomed.
Years ago, I did some work for an import-export company in the UK that specialized in spices, teas, dried fruit, nuts and other imported dry goods. I got to know the guy who ran the place (Hong Kong Yuan, step brother of owner who was (as it turned out) the compradore of one of the large and famous Hongs in HK.
That kind of business was quite heavily regulated, and often had inspections by the UK Customs and Excise simply because you could have smuggled nukes in that way. Old fashioned tea chests, lined with foil, full of all kinds of stuff. Some items they sold on to bulk purchasers, some they repacked for retail internally.
Anyway – the real teller is the anticipated spoilage on different types of goods varied greatly based not only on the good itself, but source, and by season (important, because spoiled goods didn’t incur value added tax). Iranian pistachios (which the UK didn’t embargo in ’79) had an anticipated spoilage of 7%/unit – a unit being whatever kind of container it was in. I think a tea-chest of dried and salted pistachios was about 120lb. That kind of good was sold on in bulk.
Figs had an anticipated spoilage of about 15%. Now, IIRC, it wasn’t wasted unless there were identifiable pieces of ‘non-inert foreign material’ in there. So, the firm used to repackage the figs, because at 15% spoilage, basically, every single flat (figs were delivered in what looked like old-fashioned wooden ammo boxes). The selects went into fancy table-ready boxes or raffia plates and shrink-wrapped. The ‘ordinaries’ were picked over, spoiled parts removed, and usually packed into pint tubs, and the ‘seconds’, which tended to be the broken up figs, had the “foreign material” cut away and they’d chuck it into an empty tea chest to be ground up to make fig preserve, Because of the wonderful way that the UK used to administer VAT, the “seconds” and “ordinaries” were taxed differently to the “selects”.
This is why dried fruits seem unreasonably expensive. It may be easier to automate now, and QC at the farms themselves may be better, but dried fruit is disgusting, man. Make sure you trust the people you’re buying from.
Raisins and sultanas. Don’t even ask me about the spoilage on those.
Dates are far better. Spoilage on North African dates in general only ran 3-4%.