In conversations over many beers yesterday with Swiss, he lapsed into his usual complaints. “Why do we even bother doing Links? No one actually reads them. Lord Humungus just starts posting his own, Q starts posting titty pix… it’s like our efforts are useless.” I hate to see a grown man cry like that so I reassured him, “Yes, they do, they read our stuff very carefully. And they read every article we link.” Yet somehow, he didn’t believe me and continued to sob uncontrollably. I think he’s wrong. Work with me here, people.
So apparently, our Fearless Leader has actually been captured on tape spouting incredibly antisemitic statements. Could it be that the Progressives are right about Trump?
One has to wonder, is it possible for porn stars to also be rapists? Here’s one who just might be.
Ahhh, the Middle East. Always a reliable source of outrage and violence. This one might be a bit different, though.
Just when I think Jeff Sessions can’t get any stupider, he proves me wrong.
OK, y’all have fun in the comments, and make sure we stick to the topic so that Swiss doesn’t complain. But first, Old Guy Music! From the bestest guitarist with the finest patter, doing something… unexpected.
“So apparently, our Fearless Leader has actually been captured on tape spouting incredibly antisemitic statements. ”
That changes the way I see things…
It’s a little late to reply, but I just want to tell you how I’m feeling.
I always post at least my first 3 comments on the links. But you guys only notice the trouble makers. *Searches for fat asses to post*
And I’ve been rolled nonetheless. This is how Trump got elected.
I also generally go 3 comments befor linking despite the fact that the stuff i link is the best
Can’t you both be right?
I read all of OMWC’s links, and always skip Swiss’ links.
“One has to wonder, is it possible for porn stars to also be rapists? Here’s one who just might be.”
This #metoo is getting a little too crazy.
Want James Dean accused of various sex abuse stuff?
I believe you’re referring to James Deen.
IIRC, James Dean would probably be considered a victim in this day and age. From what I heard, he was pretty much forced to be a pin cushion in order to get roles.
“”Ahhh, the Middle East. Always a reliable source of outrage and violence. This one might be a bit different, though.”
That’s called a slow news day in Turkey.
I will never give this site up, and I will never let it down.
Fifth? It took to FIFTH to get the perfectly appropriate comment?
Hey I was trying to keep the illusion up. For Swiss’ sake.
“Just when I think Jeff Sessions can’t get any stupider, he proves me wrong.”
It’s the devil weed that makes you stupider.
Sessions was born that way, he didn’t need to do the pot to get that stupid.
Don’t give up clicking, guys. It gets better eventually. Trust me. Would I let you down?
RickRolling and TrumpTrolling
To click or not to click…
They’re snickering at us now. Rebellion! Who’s with me?
@ number 6: how is your app coming along?
Thanks for asking.
Currently got a platform based on FlaskREST set up with some test data. Requesting the hell out of it to see if it breaks. Some of the stuff I’m building is in technologies I’m not awfully up-to-date on, and I want to make sure the ones I’ve provisionally selected are up to the job.
Nice, sounds like you’re moving along fast. I know you’ve been using Python for Postgres (or were looking that way). What other technologies are you using? (Out of curiosity)
Well, I’ve been evaluating Python and a bunch of other tyechnologies/ideas, but it’s starting to look like:
* Postgres on an *ix platform (possibly Ubuntu, possibly a flavor that does rolling updates)
* REST interface providing an SAAS as the primary delivery mechanism, probably using Flask
* Bulk loading via some mechanism – probably a combination of REST and some custom UI coding where it makes sense, probably python, but I’m still tinkering with that.
* Authentication via Authy
* A basic UI for users who want to use this stand-alone (without using a CRM/Financial Management system). Ideally, something like Flask
* While the data will be queryable with most reporting products, I’ll probably select one or two and build out wizards and a template system
And yet, I kept clicking..
See, I tend not to click on tinyurl links period. I’d like to know where I’m going.
TinyURL’s are the gloryholes of links – you don’t know what’s on the other side.
They are the Tony of links.
Don’t you mean the Nick Gillespie of links?
No, I put Tony because that’s his shtick.
I used to spar with a particular progtard at another blog that had the incredible habit of linking to things that actually countered the very argument he was attempting to make.
In conversations over many beers yesterday with Swiss, he lapsed into his usual complaints. “Why do we even bother doing Links? No one actually reads them. Lord Humungus just starts posting his own, Q starts posting titty pix… it’s like our efforts are useless.” I hate to see a grown man cry like that so I reassured him, “Yes, they do, they read our stuff very carefully. And they read every article we link.” Yet somehow, he didn’t believe me and continued to sob uncontrollably. I think he’s wrong. Work with me here, people.
I clicked the music link.
It’s punishment for me never clicking the music link.
After repeatedly getting Rick rolled I refused to click the music link.
They’re all music links.
CIA Argues The Public Can’t See Classified Information It Has Already Given To Favored Reporters
Ah, the FYTW exemption.
It’s not classified if the recipient will spin it right it seems. Lord have mercy, they’re pathetic.
So, just to make sure I’ve got this right:
Propaganda good
Transparency bad
The person that made that statement deserves only one thingtar & feathering.
What this libertarian website needs is an iron fist. Why not have a moratorium on external links for a given period (30 min or so) of time after the links, or any article, goes up?
Sure it might seem heavy handed. Sure it might catch some innocent posters. But the think of the Swiss!!
*narrows gaze*
Because then one of us would have to babysit a piece for a half hour after it goes up. And contrary to popular opinion, we’re all pretty busy people.
I was thinking there might be some kind of automated feature that could be used but, yeah, a person having to monitor the comments would be a bit much.
I though businesses just run themselves while greedy capitalists make tons of money
That opinion isn’t popular, it belongs to Rufus.
Rufus is popular?
Missed it by this much.
So, about 5:45 this morning, I woke up to find this in my living room. I’ll have to say, it’s not exactly what I expected.
I trust y’all way to much.
I should have expected that.
This must end.
But everybody reads my links. Right?
-man living in denial
I clearly commented on all the links.
Way to go, Air Force.
You are now saying that common sense is something to apologize for.
It took me two link to realize the edit fairy was not needed
Gah Gilmore’d
Sounds like par for the course with the military…
Sgt. Lil Wayne approves.
The AF has embraced PC culture with gusto. They were #metoo’ing way before Weinstein. That ridiculous organization drove me to libertarianism. #shouldhavebeenamarine
Six years after I punch out, the Air Force is still finding new and inventive ways to embarrass itself in front of the other services and ultimately, me.
I punched right after Obama’s election. Had a sweet opportunity to do QA in Korea for the auto-track radars if I reenlisted and I do not regret taking that opportunity at all sense the AF was culturally changing into a social experiment.
You didn’t miss much from Obama’s AF.
Well, at least it wasn’t the same video for all four links.
Jesus, you did all five. You (((monster))).
Since these fine Sunday evening links are a hot mess, let’s toss a grenade in the room. ACLU Plans to Challenge Ohio’s Abortion Ban on Fetuses With Down Syndrome.
If abortion is going to be legal, you cannot have different standards applied to different reasons for getting one.
Personally, I think it should be illegal after implantation since that is the threshold in the process where an overwhelming majority of pregnancies go to term unless intentionally tampered with. But this law is akin to criminalizing intent for committing an act that’s perfectly legal if carried out for another reason. And thoughtcrime is bad.
*kicks grenade back*
At this point I’m not clicking y’alls links!
*Runs and cries*
There was some commedian maybe jimmy carr with a joke i dont understand all this abortion debate fallung down the stairs is not that complicated
Damn, that’s good.
If you want me to read your links, you should definitely hide the content with tinyurl. Or, wait- maybe I have that backwards.
It’s not that I don’t trust you…
It’s not as if HM posted these links.
Thicc Astley?
Well done, Old Man. Well done.
*Searches for fat asses to post*
FYI- I’m not falling for your sumo pics.
I got hired for a new job yesterday. I start tomorrow. Thanks for the support last week, Glibs
Sweet! Where?
Large grocery store we’ve shopped at for the last 13 years. Nice people. I believe it helped that every Saturday for the last 13 years I’d have a “Howyadoin” conversation with the manager.
Definitely helps that you talked to the manager routinely. People prefer to hire people they know are courteous and outgoing.
Well good for you, man. Let us know how it goes.
Are you still in BR? How far away do you have to travel to find a “large” grocery store? Cuz there sure isn’t one in the neighborhood.
Foodtown on 91st and 3rd
Ah, never been there. Bit out of my way. But it does look bigger than anything else I’ve seen.
That was quick. Cheers!
I am totally jealous.
Congrats, man.
Congrats. Hope it works out well.
Nice, congrats!
Congrats! I’m doing that dance myself, except mine is more drawn out.
What’s your function?
Welcome back to the rat race.
Congrats. Bay Ridge is my old stomping ground. I used to trip on acid underneath the Verazzano bridge.
Good for you. Congratulations.
Congrats slammer.
Drinks are on Slammer! Congratulations!
Congrats! Plus you don’t need to leave the “land of the R line”.
Sorry, Slammer.
My thoughts and prayers are with you.
If a porn actor gets fucked, and then the check bounces, is that rape?
If you fail to pay a hooker, is it still prostitution?
Dependa on how much of a beating you get afterwords
Have you ever stiffed a porn actor?
::remains uncharacteristically silent::
I didn’t realize we were doing euphemisms.
They left him holding the bag.
Are charged with theft?
Also if she is dead yoi don’t need ro pay
Or review what you post.
when I type on my phone while at stop lights I just post mot time to really review. There is enough redundancy in language to get the point across. When I type on the phone at the gym I generally review.
Man, I never review my posts, so you’re doing better than me.
Now THIS is a busy Glib!
Not rape, but you got fucked twice
I got hired for a new job yesterday.
*toots horn, throws confetti*
Just when I think Jeff Sessions can’t get any stupider, he proves me wrong.
Well, according to what I was reading yesterday, Rick Perry will turn the earth into a barren, uninhabitable wasteland before Trump’s first term is over, so we’ve got that going for us.
Maybe I’m just looking at this through the wrong lens, but an organization specifically created to rain death and destruction down from the skies doesn’t seem to be a place to worry about “microaggressions”.
Their original mission and what they’ve become are two totally different things now.
“but an organization specifically created to rain death and destruction down from the skies ”
I think your looking for the field artillery.
/FA officer
I had a joking conversation with a retired FA officer about guns and shooting; we concluded that pulling the lanyard trumps squeezing the trigger.
These euphemisms….
Enough of the Rickrolling.
Anyone else a Charlie Winston fan?
Enough of the Rickrolling.
What are you talking about? Maybe you have a virus.
Or a fever?
Not me. Dislike that song.
Watchin olympics the korean chick that was first loser in the speed skating seemed much more upset than the czeck chick that was third loser. Strange.
Also winter olympic women seem to me to have prettier faces tham summer ones. Although cant properly judge the ass in winter.
Being 4th is the worst, but being silver is the worst of the medalists.
Japanese chick won that one. I only got gold myself in the backyard Olympics so do not know the feeling of a silver medal.
Also bobsleigh guys are kinda fat for athletes, although I think they need the weight. But lots pot bellies in that group. One of the Romanian guys is 172 and 96 kilos. I am 182 and weigh 86 kilos and I fuel very fat… I cant imagine 96 and 10 cm shorter. But since all were 95-105 kilos and there is a maximum weight limit for the bobsled I assume they want to keep it close as possible to the max allowed total weight
Can you translate that to real units of measure? I don’t get that gibberish.
Keep your metric system in Romania where it belongs.
you are jealous that I weigh less and my dick is longer.
10 centimeters is still only 2.5 inches no matter how you try to pretty it up.
might wanna check your math there
Um… *holds up 4 fingers*
Makes me laugh everytime
saw a study once that bronze medal winners are usually happier than silver.
Yeah, silvers are mad they missed the gold, bronzes are happy they got on the podium.
Regarding properly judging asses in these games, did you see the Russian pairs skater chick the other night, of the last two to skate? She had a mini-skirt over a yellow polka-dot thong, looking almost completely bare-assed during twirls, like the cheerleader on the cover of the National Lampoon Yearbook Parody. Wow.
What this libertarian website needs is an iron fist. Why not have a moratorium on external links for a given period (30 min or so) of time after the links, or any article, goes up?
We’re all spammers, now.
Well played OMWC, well played.
I amuse myself sometimes. SP just rolls her eyes.
So was this the product of the hangover, or developed prior to that?
Inquiring minds want to know.
They hung these posters up at work a while back. I have a hard time believing that they are true. How does one measure the energy of a plastic bottle?
Calculate the mass of each type of plastic in a bottle, multiply by # of bottles, multiply the results with the calorific value of the hydrocarbons that would be used to create that many bottles.
Finally, assume 10,000% energy conversion rate.
And, if you’re feeling particularly green, add the energy used to make the plastic bottles too, because science.
It seems like a better energy source than nuclear.
assume the bottles mass is converted to pure energy.
oil equivalent? At work I just have a glass which I fill from the filter thingy.
It’s complete bullshit. First, recycling plastic is poor economics. Second, if you’re a deeply Green religionist, plastic is carbon that’s been sequestered, whereas burning it releases CO2 (not that they ever think that through, it’s religion, and plastic is BAAAAAAD).
Even the number of bottles is hard to figure. How many men work at your mill, Lach?
The number of bottles is the most believable number. They bought the water, so they should know. There is about 500 full time employees and another 200 or so temp/contractors. I can see us drinking that much water. It gets pretty damn hot here.
I was going to say – you have 21 shifts a week, I’d guess, so about 1000 a year, so you’re down at an average of 1 and a bit bottles per capita per day.
14 shifts a week. We operate on 12 hour blocks, but your point stands.
I was going to say – while not all of the shift are down in production, a bottle a day sounds a bit low.
My grandfather was a stoker at a coal-fired power station, and he’d lose about 12 lb on a shift. Part of the employment deal was that he was issued tickets that he could redeem for beer after a shift. Of course, drinking a gallon of beer a night wasn’t exactly great for his long-term health, but neither was shovelling coal.
One per day is way low for workers who are in the bad areas. There are days in the summer that I have drank 20+ bottles in a day. I’d say that more than half of the full time employees work in the less intense areas.
I spent a few days in the rolling mill and down at the stacks at Port Talbot back when it was operational. I could spend about 20 minutes up in the walkways and I was done. Even the allegedly ‘climate controlled’ control rooms were hard to tolerate for more than an hour or so.
I have to say, the cement mill was worse, but mainly because of the air quality.
I spent 3 years working in a plant that makes graphite electrodes before I came out here. That place had carbon dust everywhere. I was covered in it everyday. I had to shower before leaving work to keep it out of my vehicle. If you forgot to close your eyes and scrub your eyelids, you would look like you were wearing mascara. Black boogers everyday.
We had a crane go down over one of the furnaces one day. I went up to it to troubleshoot and the carbon dust was so thick in the air that my meter read conductivity through the air. Good times.
I guess a water cooler is out of the question?
Anyway… how woke. My office – in New Jersey – doesn’t recycle. At all. I remember after my job was shipped there from the Wall Street area looking for the paper recycle wastebasket at my desk (everyone got one in NY) and not seeing one. They are so unsophisticated in NJ.
It would be very difficult to carry a water cooler with you into some of the places we go. And in some of the places we go, it’s necessary to carry hydration with you.
Well, I was thinking you leave the water cooler in place and carry just the water in some sort of cup or hey a reusable plastic bottle. Buying everyone commercial bottled seems a bit expensive to me.
And also, of course we are woke, we are a recycling plant.
Ah, I didn’t know that. Thought you were smelting steel or something.
We are. Our input is scrap steel. We turn it into non scrap steel.
Oh OK. When I hear recycling I don’t think steel. Carry on!
How much of the steel made in the US is recycled? I would imagine most of it. Could be wrong though.
Steel is the World’s Most Recycled Material
Steel is the most recycled material on the planet, more than all other materials combined. Steel retains an extremely high overall recycling rate, which in 2012, stood at 88 percent.
The article says about 66% of new steel is made from scap. I’m not sure if that’s a world number or a U.S. number though.
There are few processes better measired than oil and plastic generation. The lift energy and transportation of oil is measured by many institutions. Synthesis of chemicals is also exquisitely measured: raw stock and power consumption.
The funkier cost would be energy to collect and return and process the bottles back into resin…..and that is very inefficient compared to the original resin production.
You poor soul. The mill I worked at went through something similar (I suspect it had to do with being owned by Spaniards). If it hasnt happened yet, wait until all your aerosol cans go bye-bye. At least that has a genuine foundation in remaining EPA compliant.
I immediately saw Gerdau at the bottom of the poster. My mill was Acerinox S.A. I think I see the problem…
Our biggest EPA issues have to do with bag house emissions. It’s a constant struggle to keep those compliant.
looked up Fort Smith Arkansas on the webs. Summers look bad. Hot and humid. Also does not look like the kind of place with Michelin stared restaurants
Summers can be pretty rough, but we usually have fairly mild winters. I don’t live in the city, but there are some pretty good places to eat despite not being very fancy pants. It’s a pretty typical southern small city. There is quite a bit of industry still here. It’s a good area to live.
My problem with heat is I can’t sleep. In my bedroom the AC kinda blows over the bed and I don’t like sleeping with the AC on, so during summer it gets hot in the room and sometimes I wake up during the night and turn the AC on with a timer to get thing cool enough to fall back asleep. I would need a house with a cooling system that I can run all the time without feeling a draft in a place like Arkansas. To keep ideally 22 degrees in the bedroom during summer months …
I’m totally opposite. I can’t sleep without a fan running.
Are your vents not adjustable? You should be able to point them in a way that doesn’t blow over you.
it is a 18 year old unit that has seen better days. I really need to buy a modern one.
“Also does not look like the kind of place with Michelin stared restaurants”
You make it sound like this is a bad thing.
I’m sure Montreal must have a few. Never been in one myself.
Yeh. Meh. Been to a couple. Very good food but spare me the rating system.
Not a fan of that sort of stuff.
Me neither. Just give me a good diner.
With a calorimeter?
I’m impressed that your plant uses over 50MWHr/hr. That’s some serious power.
… Hobbit
That’s great.
‘Black Panther’ Top-Grossing Film in History at 33 AMC Theaters
Take that!
Making closed ethno-states great again!
I thought the previews looked interesting, but I generally wait to hear reviews.
I’m confused about the ’33 AMC’ qualifier in the headline.
Black Panther is a solid Marvel film. Between this and Spider-Man Homecoming, I think Marvel has figured out how to make a good villain. There’s very few references to the other MCU films, with the largest tie coming in one of the end credit scenes.
‘Logan’ was awesome.
Probably will end up being the most under rated of them all.
Best use of Les Mis as parody
I’m confused about the ’33 AMC’ qualifier in the headline.
Freemasons, yo.
What’s the point of waiting for reviews that are going to fawn over it for reasons which have nothing to do with the actual movie?
Previously, my Derpbook had been filled with all veterans. Trump-supporting ones at that. Even the the Mexicans. I’ve recently added some others with softer leanings. Seeing my lazy, cretinous boss post about how socially important Black Panther and feeling inclined to bite my tongue hurts.
Solution: Delete your facebook account.
A nation divided along comic book lines.
Jefferson declares itself state ‘Bigfoot capital’
Donald Trump v Bill Clinton: why don’t the sex scandals seem to stick?
TW: The Guardian
” A panel of experts gets to the bottom of the double standard”
Is it really a double standard tho?
1. It’s been 20 years, things have changed.
2. One of those things is that changed was that Bill Clinton had an affair and everyone was told to ignore it, and that it has no bearing in his presidency. Looks kinda like people have taken that advice
3. Clinton was impeached for perjury.
4. Clinton was the sitting president during the said scandal, rather than a scandal that occurred prior to taking office.
5. The Left has spent the last 20 years since Clinton/Lewinsky relentlessly telling the world that sexual impropriety is irrelevant, getting a BJ on the side is no big deal for the leader of the free world, and all you backward bible-thumping SoCons need to stop being such prudes and lighten up. Also, as outlined in my article on Friday, there is a significantly lower value placed on sexual restraint in general now vs. then.
6. Trump didnt do it in the oval office.
The most nauseating part of all this has been the concern trolling and the exacerbated cries of “I’ll never take a Christian conservative seriously again.” This coming from asshole atheists who regularly openly mocked conservatives. They mock them for having moral standards then with a straight face try to claim moral superiority over them.
Trump has been the best thing to come about regarding the culture wars. He taught the right to stop allowing the left to claim moral superiority and to stop allowing those with no morals to use morals as a weapon against them.
He has also accepted the fact that the “progressive” Left is going to call you a racist as long as you disagree with them on anything, so there’s no benefit whatsoever in bending over backwards to show how Woke™ you are. You may as well just say what’s on your mind and ignore the screeching imbeciles who are calling you racist.
I hope more politicians follow his lead in that regard.
Modesty patches, no nudity and no tongues: Actors union’s new on-screen sex rules for the #MeToo generation
to be fair actors are a bit dumb they need clear guidelines
Lena Dunham hit hardest.
+1 XXL Modesty Patch
Back in my day, the left used to make fun of the stodgy old men on the right worried about the loose morals leading to public nudity, sex, and (worst of all) dancing. I’m so glad we are beyond that.
Also Mike Pense is crazy and backwards for having archaic and simple rules to avoid sexual impropriety or the appearance of same.
“new guidelines for simulated sex”
Seems to me the best solution then is to make the sex unsimulated.
suggest ‘best practice’ for
Go on…
I’m just glad that since all these Hollywood types have quit raping each other, they now have time to preach to us about modesty.
I considered Rickrolling the link, but titties are far too important for such games.
Not a whole lot reason to go back 1, but if you must, 10, 17, 22, 33 and 38 make it worthwhile.
Tell Swiss that we always appreciate his links, in our own autistic way.
go past*
19 looks interesting
Truly sick Man! third time this morning
It keeps me busy.
Just because
Campus speech police go pro in Silicon Valley.
The big question is what can be done about it outside of just refusing to use these services? Instapundit makes the argument that regulation is needed because, although he’d prefer a libertarian society, it’s not possible with these companies having so much power. I think that’s a shitty argument and reeks of prog logic, just applied to his particular hobby horse. Perhaps more high profile lawsuits like Damore would reel them in? I’ve done my part by divesting from Google, but that’s pissing in the ocean.
it is a shitty argument. Government intervention will not lead the corporations of having less power and as usual regulation will favor big established players and make them even bigger.
The answer is level the playing field. Deregulate and end corporate welfare.
They hung these posters up at work a while back. I have a hard time believing that they are true. How does one measure the energy of a plastic bottle?
I hope they’re planning to burn those plastic bottles to generate electricity. That would be the greenier thing to do.
Just for that rickroll, I’m skipping the rest.
Here, instead, is the answer to a question I’ve had since Mueller dropped that turd the other day:
OMG it’s rickrolls all the way down. It’s too early for this shit.
Feel the pain, citizen.
I don’t know why he even issued the indictments. I guess so it would look like he found something worth the year of investigating he did. The charges seem pretty thin and are against people he has no power to prosecute.
After months of investigations, they gotta indict somebody. Otherwise they give people the idea it was all just one big circle jerk.
Matt Welch, Patient Zero for TDS, takes a break from 2 year long exercise in hyperventilating about Trump and pens article with the headline Don’t Feed President Troll.
Are you saying Welch infected the entire editorial staff of National Review (they who produced one issue solely dedicated to Never-Trump)?
There’s something off about the links. They all seem to say the same thing.
Never gonna let you down.
Kind of a one-hit wonder thing.
FWIW, I read the links I find interesting. I even offer a long-winded response sometimes!
How do you have time to read the links when you’re working so hard?
I normally read all the links. I read the accompanying text when it has something productive to add. I get annoyed by the parody accounts Steve Smith / Zardos commentary that doesn’t help preview the link or provide useful commentary.
Well if you worked, then you wouldn’t have so much time to read the links.
Those beatings, they aren’t gonna perform themselves.
I thought orphans were your ‘clients’.
Top. Men.
That guy got it.
For the spiritually inclined Founders, it’s rule by men vs. rule by divinely granted rights.
I love Bastiat. Simple, well written arguments.
“Or do they believe that they themselves are made of a finer clay than the rest of mankind?”
Statists would answer “yes” to that. Or, at least, claim their education made they better.
Top. Men.
I deal with a lab technician at my employer that has horrible raging TDS and is constantly obsessing about the CiC on Twitter. I’ve literally seen him consume actual “fake news” in real time – most recently the incident where ABC erroneously reported Trump “directed him to make contact with the Russians.” Here we are, a couple months later, this guy doesn’t even seem to be the least bit bothered that a trusted media entity literally fed him untrue propaganda or a sense of shame about gobbling up horseshit.
It is completely fascinating how he cannot seem to stop obsessing over Trump for even a second and it seems extremely exhausting.
My favourite lollertastic moments with this guy is when I happen to talk about shitty presidents and horrific basis for W’ s Iraq War II. The pleasant sound of crickets descend upon this laboratory when I talk about my distaste for executive abuse of powers, such as extralegal murderdroning of US citizens without due process on foreign soil.
That’s a creative way of trying to get fired.
I’ll give you that.
The Kids in the Hall would be proud.
So, if Dems decide to make 2018 a referendum on gun control you can kiss the Blue Wave goodbye. Sure, they’ll pick up some seats here and there like the minority party always does, but they just continue dying on this hill and never learning that the gun vote is big, it’s bipartisan and they fucking show up at the polls en masse. I’m not really a single issue voter, but I’m pretty damn close to one when it comes to 2A; that is the most direct and concerted assault on my liberty right now and given the choice I will *always* go with the more pro-gun candidate regardless of party (not that the Dems have had any pro-gun candidates in at least the last 2 decades).
Bernie was pro-gun until he wanted to be president.
Bernie was [instert response here] before he wanted to be president.
that’s not a “was”.
It’s a loser issue. Even the TDS guy in the comment I posted above agrees with the Heller decision and the 2A protecting a real civil right. He claims to be a social democrat.
It’s really a bad topic for the D’s. Lots of D’s care about gun control, but its not their defining issue, its the Identity-Politics Olympics. A fair number of R’s care about gun control, enough to get up off the couch and vote in the midterms. And the R’s don’t even really need to spend advertising money on it. The smaller, more passionate constituency will, by its very nature, be more well informed on the issue on their own dime.
The Laff-A-Lympics!
I don’t think even the Dems are that stupid. No, this will quietly go away after the expected expressions of outrage! which seem to be dying down already.
I think they do it just ‘to show’ they care. That way, whenever the debate comes up they can always say ‘hey man, I was for gun control!” even though they were just paying lip service. I’m starting to believe they don’t have any real intention of doing anything.
FFS, Obama and the Dems had the House AND Senate and didn’t do anything about it. If they cared so much, they would have done something. Instead, Captain Douchebag spent all his political currency on O’care. I still believe that legislation is what began the process of the DNC’s demise.
Wrong. NPR just told me the majority of Americans want stricter gun laws. I would be interested in seeing the source of this claim.
NPR. Then when some prof makes the same claim, you ask where they got it…
Actors union’s new on-screen sex rules for the #MeToo generation
We need to just go back to waves crashing on the beach.
I’m quite enjoying Season 3 of Trump!. But I’m not quite getting the recent twist with the indictment of Russian trolls. Hoping the plot develops better.
Yeah. It seemed like the writers were always teasing something with the n Mueller investigation, but then it just petered out.
Don’t worry, there’s plenty of reptiles in season 4. Especially if Rick Scott runs for senate
Not even an intergalactic spoiler alert? Come on man.
Thank goodness. Chuck Todd is on the gun control case.
“Why is it possible to buy a long gun at 18? That’s crazy.”
We need to “fix” the background check system, by making it impossible for anybody to buy a gun, apparently.
Let me rephrase that:
“Why is it possible to exercise your civil rights at the age where you are considered an adult?”
Chuck you are right – 18 year olds need to be kept away from guns. We should raise the conscription age to 25.
Humph, we issue small bore plasma rifles and battle daggers to all our young who survive their culling tournaments
NYT: Why Yoga Pants Are Bad for Women
In the #metoo utopia to come, everyone just wears a potato sack.
How the hell does one write an opinion about yoga pants and not have any pics?
I thought women loved yoga pants.
Not the fat ones.
Women can, of course, be fit and liberated. – fit meaning all bodies are beautiful and liberated means more government handouts
I tried to read this bit of concern trolling. I gave up part-way through.
NYT: Why Yoga Pants Are Bad for Women
The only reasonable response.
Now Bernie is on, saying everybody in America, except Donald Trump, knows the Russians interfered with the election.
And the chocolate ration has been increased.
If they were paying attention they would know that he changed his stance on Russian interference months ago.
Is that true? Because I listen to Jimmy Dore and he’s part of that Sanders faction that hates Hillary and what the DNC did to Sanders. He’s been railing against the lies the DNC fabricated about Russia.
If Dore’s position is the standard position taken by Sanders supporters, that would seem to indicate a contradiction.
Bernie’s just trying to distract from the Russia! support for his campaign.
40% of the guns sold in this country are sold with no background check, sez Bernie
I bet the number is higher than that. And good.
It’s very telling that they still want “universal” background checks to combat mass shootings when most of these cowards purchased their guns legally and passed a background check.
Finally, someone is taking shit seriously. Jennifer Lawrence is going to fix democracy.
They really love their signs.
One is too wordy, and the other says ‘Everyone’s full of shit’.
So woke.
“It doesn’t have anything to do with partisan [politics],”
I bet it isn’t.
Lawrence said of her involvement with the non-profit organization. “It’s just anti-corruption and stuff trying to pass state by state laws that can help prevent corruption, fix our democracy.”
When it involves the GOP and conservatives.
My advice is make sure if it’s a Robertson or Philips screwdriver before you try and fix it.
It’s not partisan, it’s just saving democracy from those evil Rethuglikkkans.
I mean, it’ll be like the last California Senate race – you’ll still have your choice of Democrat. So what are you whining about?
Robertson screwdriver?!? Another Canadian shibboleth.
More celebrity politicians. This couldn’t possibly go wrong.
Hey politics is show biz for the ugly. Now we have a chance to get good looking pols.
It must be nice to take “a year off” and do nothing useful. So brave.
Shorter JLAW: No one offered me a movie deal.
fix democracy. – by massively reducing the size and scope and power of the state I hope?
It’s always funny how actresses try to talk about ‘equal pay’ as if that were even vaguely what they wanted. Despite the fact that most actors are pinkos, they work in an incredibly individualistic profession. Someone like Jennifer Lawrence will be paid based on the personal brand she brings to a film, not according to how much work she does on it.
Um, no, I’m pretty sure it’s really fucking easy to be a celebrity spouting lefty feminist talking points. Nobody has suffered any consequences for publicly saying things like this. On the contrary, many people, James Damore for example, have suffered actual consequences for taking the contrary position.
This is just like celebrities being called “brave” for criticizing Trump. How the fuck is it brave if there is no risk of any repercussion whatsoever? It’s the opposite, if anything. Criticizing Trump is the safest, most mainstream position there is.
Entertainers are like testicals they are doing their job or turning blue. (Trying out a variant of the watermelon environmentalist joke)
ANOTHER school shooting. They happen every day, now.
So, wait- school kids are going to fix this problem, and defend themselves? I approve.
Missouri passed laws that provide for armed teachers—bonus that you don’t know which teachers are armed.
My kids’ schools are impossible to get into without ID, although no metal detectors. Yet.
That’s probably not the “do something” law that most parents and gun-grabbers are demanding.
*sigh* Way to burst my bubble, dude.
Still contemplating writing an article on rape in romance fiction and how it’s hot for male-on-male, but not male-on-female (“your mama’s rapetastic bodice rippers”), the studies on rape fantasies, the way it’s morphed into werewolves and “fated mate” tropes, and my speculation that a lot of #metoo is self-loathing for various reasons that intersect. Intersectionality for the win!
We put our 16yo cat to sleep two weeks ago. Heartbreaking. But there’s nothing better for a heartbroken cat family than two new kitties. I have a very happy hubby.
Business is picking up like crazy so I’m suddenly living with my job again instead of having an amicable separation to see if it’ll work out. Dare I thank the Cheeto Jesus? At the least, he hasn’t pissed me off. At best, his trolling is wildly entertaining.
My bad luck to have a kid who loves never giving up and never letting down. Also, not stopping believing.
We put our 16yo cat to sleep two weeks ago. Heartbreaking. But there’s nothing better for a heartbroken cat family than two new kitties
Aww. Sorry. But new kitties! That’s what we do everytime we lose one.
They do better in pairs, specifically littermates. Our 16yo survived her sister by 3 years, but we think she got into grass with fertilizer. We found her right by some flourishing clematis.
I read that as ‘new titties’.
Sorry to hear about your cat.
Stay classy, Rufus.
/lowers head.
Yeah, it was a bad week for cats. Our psychokitty took the ‘long ride’ too.
Business is picking up like crazy
We made 450,000 tons of product in 2017 and a little less than that in 2016. The goal for 2018 is 530,000 tons. That would be a record for this place. I fear we are in a bubble that is going to be really nasty when it pops, but right now things are good.
I dont think it is a bubble.
Even if it’s not (from your fingers to God’s ears), it’s never a bad idea to treat it like one.
it always is
The government debt is going to blow up eventually and that is going to have a pretty negative effect for awhile when it does.
The private sector growth is probably not a bubble. I agree with you there.
Agreed, but I’m making hay. Goal is to kill our consumer debt and put some aside.
I was just trying to be light up thread. I didn’t mean to downplay the loss of your cat.
I’m not that kinda guy I swear I’m not!
You didn’t! I LOLd.
/gives Mojeaux a noogie.
Hey now! Ow!
Sorry about your cat. The kittens and your business picking up are good news.
I don’t read romance fiction and am curious how/whether male-on-female rape depictions have changed – I recall backlash regarding movie depictions of M/F rape b/c “the bitch was liking it.”
Happy to hear that your business is doing well.
Sorta. One way is that non-consensual sex (“non-con”) is tagged as such. The other way is using supernatural elements like “you are fated to be my mate and neither of us has a choice.”
Women never write “the bitch” was liking it. The old ones were a vehicle in which the virginal heroine could retain her virtue while discovering the joy of sex. Depending on the plot, the hero is her one and only and conquers him with love. The other is if her first is NOT the hero, he’s a villain and makes a virago out of her, after which she crosses whatever country with a sword in her hand (figuratively speaking) and unapologetically fucking her way to/back to her one twu wuv.
“The bitch” was liking it is a male writer’s viewpoint and I saw that in Louis L’Amour and pulp spy novels, which are (and I say this without judgment) every bit as much masturbatory fantasies as any erotica women write. I don’t shy away from the fact this is escapist fiction. That’s fiction’s purpose.
I’ve gotten close to writing it, but I was paying homage to a quintessential dark, mysterious gothic hero plopped in the 21st century. I don’t stomach the rape well (unless I’m reading erotica) and I didn’t when I was a kid. It was something I had to get through to the romantic payoff of the grand declaration of love.
That said, I read very widely when I was a kid (don’t have much time now to read anything) and I appreciate the differences in men’s and women’s voices. I read romance when I do read because it has a cathartic and meditative effect on me.
Are there any stories where the heroine falls in love with a man after he forces her to watch him masturbate? Asking for a friend.
You’re friends with Louis CK?
Besides Fast Times at Ridgemont High?
Let’s be honest. We all joined in on that scene.
Watch him masturbate a what?
I read quite a bit of Louis L’Amour when I was a kid. My grandfather was a big fan of his. I don’t recall any rape scenes. The only steamy kind of gross sex scene I can even remember reading when I was a ute was in Edward Abbeys “The Monkey Wrench Gang” but that was because Heyduke was a drunken filthy pig and I never understood why Abzug would ball him.
It probably wasn’t Louis L’Amour. I was very young and read a lot of stuff that didn’t have covers that I dug out of a neighbor’s trash (okay we were poor, shoot me). She’d have a trash bag full of cover-less novels every other week. (In fact, this is on my mind because I’m trying to find one in particular, and I don’t remember what year-ish that was, anywhere from ‘75 to ‘80.)
Ya, I don’t know. There were a lot of us in my circle who read L’Amour in that time frame. It would have been the early years of high school for us. There could have very well been rape scenes and I just don’t recall them because I am a heartless shitlord. Who knows. All my friends and I wanted to start hiding guns in the mountains and become Mountain Men and live off elk and the occasional slow elk that wandered by but alas we all grew up and got jobs. I too read many a coverless novel. For a time my folks worked for a distributor of dime novels in the racks at convenience stores and comic books. Nothing in our house had a cover because when they were rotated out of circulation the cover had to be torn off and sent back to the distributor but we could keep the books and comics.
Well. If you want to change my mind, put some shrieking hysterical children on my teevee.
I find this disturbing on many levels – the exploitation is beyond unconscionable.
Comrade, the only exploitation is that of the capitalist exploiting labor.
What I find disturbing is that their parents are no less screechy and entitled. I can’t tell you how many times a teacher has thanked us for backing him/her up with regard to our kids because it is apparently very rare.
That’s fine except when you’re dealing with school administrations.
#6.2 got into trouble years ago. Principal calls me and notifies me of the event, and asks for my reaction.
Me: “Well, I think he should apologize to the kid he hit, in class. It was a very public incident, so let’s have a very public apology. If you think additional measures are necessary, let’s talk.”
Him: “Oh, I think that’s pretty drastic. We were thinking of denying him the privilege of riding the school bus for 2 weeks.”
Me: “That’s all well and good, but what you’re actually doing is rewarding him and punishing us. He hates the school bus, and we will have to do some juggling to work out a way to drive him to school. And you have no closure on the event, and no pour encourager les autres”
Him: “Pour encourager les autres?”
My XY tax deduction was accused of making a threat (he didn’t make, turned out) that they would normally call the police for. But they couldn‘t prove he said it, the kid who said he said it had a 2-year-long documented history of bullying my kid and my kid’s partner in mischief (who ‘fessed up later to saying it), and the bully was goading my kid. Again.
We argued that my kid would have said something like it and probably DID say it but IF he said it, it was because he was fed up with the bully and the school’s inability to keep this kid off his back for 2 years, and if he said it, we’d back the school’s decision up. BUT there would be no apology from my kid until the bully’s parents were brought in for a conference and the bully was gotten under control.
And that was where it ended. It also ended this other kid’s bullying career.
I wouldn’t even expect an American school official (or teacher) to recognize that line, so I’m assuming this story dates to your time in the home country.
That was my mistake. It was here.
On the other hand, the principal is Australian, so more fool me.
I wanted to tell the one kid, “Shame on you for trying to deny the NRA its 1A rights!”
We need Total Information Awareness in our schools. Where’s John Poindexter when you need him?
Singing backup for Lou Reed hopefully.
I read the links
I am also dragging OMWC straight to hell. Rick Astley? Really?
Totally unnecessary and I am sure he will be chuckling to himself all morning.
You got that right. All.Morning.
Except it was more chortling with random outbursts of hysterical, evil villain laughter.
He’s gonna break an arm from patting himself on the back so much.
So he isn’t fessing up – was this brilliant idea conceived under the spell of alcohol or in the remorse of it’s absence?
Neither, it was during the interregnum between beer with Swiss yesterday and vodka with SP today. Had my first coffee of the morning and was thinking, “What should I do for Links today that will piss everyone off?”
I was laughing about your antics during lunch with the spouse – his face became grey, and he asked “do they really have tapes of Trump making antisemitic statements?”
Complete waste of my best Rick Astley impression…
Following a tragedy, the question which always arises is: “Will
Jesusthe Congress rescue us from ourselves?”Mister President, we cannot allow a kneejerk legislation gap!
I’ll have you know I read all the links and to prove a point I just listened to “Never gonna let you down” in its entirety 5 times. HOW’S THAT FOR DEDICATION!!!1
Dedication, sure? Brains, not so much.
“Bari Weiss and the Left-Wing Infatuation With Taking Offense
This is why identity politics can sometimes seem like a new sort of political theology. Belief and conviction are good things, but only if there’s something to believe in. Identity politics and the virtue-outbidding it necessitates often signal the absence of religion in search of religion—with followers mimicking its constituent elements: ritual, purity, atonement, and excommunication.
In purely practical terms, moral posturing doesn’t usually change anyone’s mind, because people intuitively interpret it “as a form of jockeying for in-group status.” But it doesn’t need to change minds, nor is it necessarily supposed to. Its point is to transform politics into a question of purity. It’s not enough to have the right opinion or intent: The precise words used to convey the right opinion become just as important, as Weiss herself quickly found out. Within this framework, acknowledging the legitimacy of different opinions—if the language used can conceivably be seen as insensitive to a disadvantaged group—becomes more than difficult, too; it becomes a moral failing.
The disagreement within the left about the role and relevance of identity has bled into the larger culture. It is a dangerous disagreement, and it needs to be fought. Identity politics, as the backlash to Weiss shows, is divisive; it is polarizing; and it distracts from more fundamental debates. The large part of the country that is left-of-center, if it has any interest in winning elections, cannot simply depend on anti-Trumpism. It needs new ideas, but that requires actually having them. In the place of ideas, there is whatever this is: small differences, indignation, and an infatuation with being offended.”
if I recall correctly the Atlantic no longer has comments and that is where the fun is
They don’t? Too bad. Maybe because whenever they wrote retard people let them have it.
There’s a link to David Frum calling for conservatives to save the GOP from itself.
If the identity politickers would follow their ideology to its rational conclusion, they would realize that the smallest and most vulnerable minority is the individual and the individual is what needs needs protecting.
Of course if they were into rationality, then they wouldn’t be identity politickers.
That’s what floors me about them particularly when it comes to free speech. They somehow think ‘hate speech’ will only be defined along their terms without thought that it could be turned on them. THAT’S why ‘hate speech’ laws are horrific.
I agree with this characterization,
but left is far short of a monopoly on moral posturing. Authoritarian hopes ride high on both sides. The only advantage on a given day is that those who happen to be in power irritate those who are out; that is little to celebrate regardless of who holds the upper hand: a pox on both their houses.
“Have our tribes become more important than our country?
The single most important intellectual trend of our time is the popular rediscovery of human tribalism. We thought we had it licked. For roughly 200,000 years, humans ran around in small, clannish groups, hunting and mating together while variously raiding or befriending other groups. But in the past couple of centuries, we wised up and replaced tribal social organization with depersonalized, rules-based institutions: markets to organize our economies, elections to organize our politics and science to organize our search for knowledge. To satisfy our hankering for group affinity, we transferred our tribal loyalties from clan and caste to abstractions like the Constitution and the free-enterprise system. The results were spectacular, a step change in human potential. We had figured it out. Or so we thought.”
meh with the exception of major wars, I so not think there has ever been a mythical time without tribalism. I remember attack adds in US politics from the 1800s that were little short of the other guy eat babies
Drucker, who was very astute, wrote a book about the end of the nation-state. He didn’t attempt to prophesize about whether loyalty would attach to larger, transnational institutions or back to tribal affiliation though he saw the possibility of either.
Who Do You Mean We Kemo Sabe? Conservative intellectual thought has always recognized the destructive nature of human clannishness and the importance of defending the civilizing institutions.
Identity politics, as the backlash to Weiss shows, is divisive; it is polarizing; and it distracts from more fundamental debates. The large part of the country that is left-of-center, if it has any interest in winning elections, cannot simply depend on anti-Trumpism. It needs new ideas, but that requires actually having them.
I’ll be right over here, holding my breath.
There was no such thing as violence before Pong was invented.
It is funny how they never talk about the real stats on gun violence.
I had a game on my first macbook pro (that I can’t remember the name of) some years ago where the cure for getting weak and or when you needed healing power you smoked some substance in a pipe Awesome game in spite of not having any rape.
Incompetent assholes
No offense to Joy Reid or Chelsea Manning, but I think I found the dumbest person on twitter:
Exactly what you’d expect from a man with that name.
The answer is to not play with people who change the rules,
Fuck off Slaver!
Feb 16
Think of this investigation like a game of chess. Our dear Mueller is 10 moves ahead of tRump. He’s laying the groundwork. 1) Proving Russia interfered (so tRump’s “Russian hoax” is bogus) 2) Now we can see how everyone fits in to the crimes. Patience. Relief is coming! #Resist
That is the one I was going to blockquote. Hate to tell you Maggs, but if Mueller actually goes after actual crimes, they all lead to the Obama administration, FBI leadership, HRC and the DNC.
tRump? My style guide must be out of date, I thought we were still using Drumpf.
LOL at “tRump”!
Replying to @funder
WE NEED #NewElection This Year We Cannot Wait Until 2020 4 @HillaryClinton Legitimate Real President2Take Office Right NOW!? @realDonaldTrump #ILLEGITMATEPOTUS #NotMyPresident #25thAmendmentNow #TheResistance #BlueWave2018 #BlueWave #ImpeachTrump #RussiaGate ????PLZ RT!?TY?!
That’s a lot of #
#i #fucking #hate #that #shit
Isn’t that the Russian troll-bot style? Jus’ sayin’ (since he isn’t here).
Thanks Obamas ?
Feb 16
Replying to @funder
No new election. No need to put the country through that. We had an election. Clinton won. Depose trump and Pence, invalidate everything his pen touched and CLINTON FINISHES THE TERM. Seize his assets and throw him in prison. Only then can we heal.
These people are begging for a dictatorship, so long as it’s their champion holding the reins.
Also, 10% total taxation would be a godsend now.
Samuel was just a selfish greedy ayn rand worshiper who didn’t want to pay his fair share.
so long as it’s their champion holding the
For definitions of ‘heal’ that mean ‘have a goddamn 4gw civil war’. I think that’d be the sign that it was time to spit on my hands and hoist the black flag.
Are they talking about healing through fire or something metaphorical like that? The only outcome I see in this scenario is a Civil War 2.0 that would make the first one seem mild.
Yes. Overthrow the elected President, imprison him, and install his opponent. That’s exactly when the “healing” will begin. Yep. Nailed it.
Pinned tweet:
*sigh* Ok fine, I’ll take Ivanka.
“Cynthia: ‘Trump was in Moscow in 2013 for Miss Universe pageant. I have a feeling he was part of this plan since then.'”
“Moon Rover: ‘Ha ha, wow, that is some crazy random multitasking if so! “Hmm, I hate this crap pageant, so while I’m here, why don’t I plot to commit treason by hacking the election in 2016! Brilliant!”‘”
I mean, if what this people believed was really true, then Trump & the Russians would be so brilliant and have their contacts so widespread that none of this information would ever have seen the light of day. The argument is that they are both insidiously brilliant and massive incompetent at the same time. It sounds like the JFK conspiracy people.
What, you’ve never met a Chem-trailer?
Feb 16
Replying to @funder
We must be able to UNDO all of the UNAMERICAN shit done by EO and the #TaxScam and get rid of ALL of those damn dangerously unqualified cabinet appointees.(Gorsuch too) Think we can do that if the election is declared NULL&VOID?Could President Obama come back in the interim? HOPE
Let’s say they got what they wanted. Let’s rerun the election with the winner elected by popular vote…and Trump wins again. Do you think they’d shut up?
Not a chance
They don’t get why so many people voted for Trump, and they’ve doubled down. If the election were held again now, he WOULD win in a landslide with one question: “Are you better off now than you were a year ago?”
Mr. Potato, I knew there was a reason I don’t use twitter. Holy shit. The stupid goes deep in that thread.
Greetings from the Atlanta airport, waiting to board flight to Nawlins.
The Rick roll was embarrassingly loud as I stood in the boarding line.
That’s one way to come out.
I comment on the links all of the time. Because they’re all so dreamy .
Snowing but not sticking this morning. Doggie enjoyed frolicking in the flakes.
In related news, the folks across the alley learned this morning that letting their dog run and do other things in my yard is not a plan. In another time and place, I would have simply and directly taken care of this and left the collar on their porch, but I do not live in LX (Libertarian Xanadu).
I’ll be filing a pointless report with the constabulary.
I would have called the deposits micro-aggressions, but it’s a pretty big dog.
Shovel into a bag, toss bag on their front porch.
We have a similar problem. Neighbors are having problems controlling their newish dog, which is a rescue. They’ve been great neighbors for twenty years so they get a bit of a break. This too shall pass, and they’ll still be our neighbors when they work out their training issue.
Two dogs got into one my fenced fields, going under a gate, and killed some chickens (for those keeping score, my chickens do not have a favorable life-expectancy). I considering putting the dogs down, but I couldn’t do it. They had collars but no tags. Called animal control and they took the dogs off.
Turned out the dogs belonged to my neighbors that had gotten out. They were very apologetic once they realized their dogs had killed my chickens, since 90% of people around here would have killed the dogs on the spot. Never had a problem since, but I also reinforced the bottom of that gate with plywood so foxes couldn’t sneak under.
Fortunately for me, their is an unambiguous law on the books in this matter and a competent bureaucracy to enforce it.
/you know what goes here
I sympathize. Chickens are hard to keep alive. There are a whole lot of critters out there that love killing chickens.
My outside thermometer is reading 67 (it’s off by a few degrees due to location) right now and it is supposed to snow tomorrow. I am going to have to cook my Presidents day ribs today which is ok because I like ribs.
Presidents Day ribs?
I didn’t know anyone actually celebrated that holiday.
^Russian troll.
What links? Did I miss something? /ADHD
I’m no SoCon, but still funny:
Hey admins, someone messed up the links. I diligently followed them all, as I do with every wonderful and fascinating link you guys post, but they all lead to some 80’s music video.
You’re welcome! / the admins
A letter in the Bozeman paper (quoted in its entirety):
A few days ago, as I looked across the valley from Peets Hill I saw a thin layer of brown smog hanging in the valley. Smog? In Bozeman, Montana? How could this be? Well, when the Bozeman Chamber of Commerce “successfully” campaigns to sell Bozeman to the world, when quislings, yes quislings, at the city commission (ever so quietly) change zoning all over town, ignore hundreds of concerned citizens, and give Bozeman – lock stock and barrel – to greedy developers, when impact fees are so low that the impact of the mindless hoards moving here is borne by the long-term property owners, when the public has to buy back its own public greenspace (the Emerson lawn) to keep it from being sold to a developer, there is no hope for Bozeman. Accept it. Bozeman’s motto has become: “In Greed We Trust.”
Forty years ago we proudly proclaimed that, “Montana is what American was.” Now, quite simply… “Montana is what American is:” devoured by short-sighted, self-centered greed. Bozeman is in lock-step with Psychotic Commander of Greed in the White House, completing the clean sweep.
Quislings, I tell you! Traitors! Sellouts! Trumpistas!
Build a wall, before it’s too late. The mindless mongrel hoards (sic) are destroying this once great land. Oh, agony! Oh, woe!
mindless hoards moving here what would the joke be here? Are there many Californians movong to Montana?
To Bozeman? Oh, yes.
Whitefish is choked with them, too.
When I lived in the Flathead Valley in the early 1990s, people in Kalispell, Lakeside, and points south to Missoula were already pissed off with them. Popular bumper sticker then: “Don’t Californicate Montana.”
where there Flatheads in Flathead Valley or was the name a lie?
Used to be – I don’t remember what their status is now.
I honestly thought the batshit insanity would have died down a year on.
Instead, it actually seems to be getting worse.
I’m shocked, too.
It’s called thermal inversion and I guarantee there was “smog” over Bozeman since the time there were three houses there burning wood for heat the same as every other mountain town located in a valley which is pretty much all of them.
God, idiots.
I like how this individual makes no distinction whatsoever between development and greed.
If it’s some ugly manifestation of greed for developers to buy land and build things that the local market demands, wasn’t it similarly evil to build the town in the first place?
nope. right now it is the perfect amount of development, anything more is to much. Sort of like global temperatures.
*crosses off Montana as a place to build his cabin in the woods away from everyone*
“Pictured: The teen who dated Florida shooter’s ex-girlfriend after him says the killer threatened his life and promised to ‘watch him bleed’ for ‘stealing’ his girl and physically attacked him twice
In the months leading up to the shooting, Cruz sent a series of threatening messages to 17-year-old Enea Sabadini after he started dating his ex-girlfriend, Buzzfeed reports.”
So it could be bullshit.
My daughter is doing her ‘persuasive essay’ for English class and one of the questions is: Should the government fine people for not recycling? I went off on the ‘government is force’ angle.
What would you guys use for an against argument? I’ll give you all credits.
On the site, it’s 50/50.
Hmmm. Is “fuck off, slaver” too harsh?
If the government wants me to do something it values, there should be something in it for me. If money is being used as an incentive here, give me a tax rebate in compensation for enacting their labor.
Not to mention that if the market conditions are unfavorable, the stuff goes into the damn landfill, anyway.
Pure signalling and government should be nowhere near it.
In roma ia there are plastic paper glass metal containers but when collected the same truck comes and takes everything at the same time. I think there were European Union funds and so they put the containers allover. The metal cans are generally taken out by people who then sell them to recycling centers which actually pay money for alluminium cans
One of Bloomberg’s first acts as NYC mayor was to end plastic recycling because it was a money-loser. Needless to say, he soon repented in the face of all the howling from the heal-the-earth crowd, and he didn’t make any gross miscalculations like that one again.
I would start with, “What is government and where does it get its power?”
That ought to keep her busy for awhile.
You could go with government should not use forcr to impose something of questionable benefit. But honestly I doubt there is any argument against fines persuasive to a pro recycling person
An appeal to principle is lost on millennials and moderns in general; to illustrate self interest, one must apply reductio ad absurdum where it hurts; to wit:
should the government fine people for
* not maintaining suitable BMI and blood cholesterol levels
* washing your hair every day
* putting lawn clippings in the trash
* buying cereal in containers netting less than 2kg/4lbs
* grilling out
* wearing jewels mined in South Africa
* getting less than 80MPG
* watering their lawns
Either we need an effective, all-encompassing nanny state or none at all.
* heating the house above 65F
* taking plane trips
* having a black roof
* using equipment constructed from rare earth minerals
I think you would get a yes to a sadly large number of those
sure; next essay questions:
Where should the reeducation camps be built for your fat friends?
At what LDL level should they be executed?
That’s the route she was taking.
Tundra, if it were me it would begin and end right there.
Someone argued, ‘forget fine, lock them up’. They just made our case.
Siftian agreement that just so happens to be 100% accurate, and fawning over how right and proper every single step along the way is.
Person with mental handicap doesn’t recycle properly. Fines are levied. Person doesn’t understand them. Penalties accumulate. Person doesn’t understand them, and thus ignores them. Court date set. Service given. Court date comes and goes. Sheriff shows up at 6:00 AM banging on the door. Person is afraid and yells to go away. Door kicked open. Mentally handy caped person is tackled, suffers torn rotator cuff, gets handcuffed, sits in jail handcuffed for six hours before being processed. Loses the ability to type. Has to give up job writing hypothetical about why the government should indiscriminately pass rules backed up by force. Just like it should be.
Swifian, god damn it.
It’s both Siftian *and* Swifian!
I almost searched for “Siftian” to see if there was some political philosopher with the last name Sift who was known for making arguments in this style…
When they protect me from being firebombed for having a sign that’s too much in English, perhaps I might think about recycling for them.
Which Government and where is it written they even posses this power? Granted it is Canada so it actually might be “constitutional” or whatever you Canadians call that document that places limits on Government power.
Don’t they fine people for seatbelts?
I think it falls under the ‘FYTW’ loophole.
Ya, but that is state and local gov doing that. The FBI doesn’t go around writing seat belt tickets. It can always be argued they don’t have the power to do it even when they tell you they do. There are all kinds of things they do that is not constitutional and it is not pointed out enough and is why NPR is interviewing kids who are calling for common sense gun laws whatever those are.
Good question. It’s not specified. I doubt on a Federal level it could happen; or at least it would be harder to do it.
Something like trying to pass a carbon tax I guess?
I’d take the economics utility argument. If the recycled substance is not even profitable for the private sector to recycle, and the hazard of not recycling the substance is not demonstrable, then you are left with a situation where the government is forcing people to recycle at an economic loss that costs the taxpayer excess money, with potential for additional consequence of introducing unnecessary bureaucratic and administrative costs that are intractable to recall. Government mandated unprofitable recycling for inert materials only achieves the goal of lining the pockets of government crony enterprises and satisfying the moral righteousness of do-gooders and feels.
Government mandated unprofitable recycling for inert materials only achieves the goal of lining the pockets of government crony enterprises and satisfying the moral righteousness of do-gooders and feels.
Is this not the goal in the end?
Maybe it hasn’t occurred to the teacher and/or some of the students.
I’d also point out the question of how will they know to fine you for not recycling? either someone’s going through your trash (which requires inspectors who’ll have to drive cars and ultimately be more environmentally bad than some plastic going in a landfill) or their finding your recyclables insufficient, based, probably, on some arbitrary metric (Households in this neighborhood on average eat six cups of yogurt, twenty bottles of water, and four aluminum cans each week). so a violation of privacy with significant environmental harm, or fines being levied on some impersonal and likely impossible to correct ‘standard” that will ultimately end in people producing exactly the amount of waste for their assigned fee, instead of less.
(probably going to reply right before a new post goes up, but oh well)
Are there many Californians movong to Montana?
Sadly, yes.
What I find amusing about it is that when I arrived in Colorado to attend college in 1973, I heard all of the exact same crap. Everybody wanted to be the last person to move to Colorado, and lock the gate behind them. At the time, Texans were the interloping hoards (sic). “If God had wanted Texans to ski, He would have made bullshit white,” and so forth. In the intervening years, a lot of people (a great many of whom apparently came from California. And Massachusetts, and Connecticut, and Illinois) have flooded into Colorado, bringing their enlightened understanding of how the world should be with them. Where once they were pretty much restricted to shitting in their own Front Range nests, aka the Denver-Boulder Corridor, they now have gained enough clout statewide to work on the progressive wish list like magazine capacity restrictions and other idiotic nonsense. Given the opportunity to return to Colorado, even to the Western Slope… I wouldn’t.
I was saved from local tradition, ignorance, and agrarian poverty by a Yankee plant built in TN and the jobs and culture it brought.
After four decades, the rust belt moved further south: the plant closed; only toothless crack-whores are left where benevolent invaders once ruled.
My mom used to make that argument (shut the border) and she was a native Californian; keep out all the damn migrants from other states. She was a first generation native in California – a product of Arkie migration.
As it ever was, it thus ever is.
I’m native to MS and adore every acre of the place,
but I would have all the natives exported so I could have it to myself.
but: NAP, so they’re free to be themselves, I suppose
One phenomenon that I haven’t seen pointed out here, but has been talked about in a number of articles.
The people moving out of blue states into red ones where the jobs are MORE LIKELY TO BE REPUBLICAN. They are the white suburbanites. (this may not apply to Montana, largely, where people aren’t moving for work relocation).
This exodus has had the effect of making blue states EVEN BLUER and red states EVEN REDDER. May people have bemoaned this occurrence because of that. These states are going to be more different value-wise than ever before. (Which is why we need a weaker federal government to not oppress people, imo).
Admittedly, these Californian Republicans are moderate Republicans w/ more liberal social values. But the Californians moving into your city may not be doing what you think they’re doing.
Just saw the nation of “Olympic Athletes From Russia” on NBC. Oh Olympics, never change.
Yeh, I don’t get that at all.
Plus the time difference has kept involved on a lukewarm basis.
It’s because of the whole doping thing. They really should be called the Unified Team. 🙂
I know it’s about that I just don’t get how they were penalized and participate under that name.
Why, because they change the name and have them participate under the IOC flag changes anything?
Why, because they change the name and have them participate under the IOC flag changes anything?
The ones who were banned by the IOC don’t get to participate.
Again, I know but why don’t the others who didn’t get to part. under the Russian flag? EG. the hockey team.
Taiwan, the Republic of China should be participating under its own name too.
Because paying for your own shit is not an option.
I bet there are departments that prohibit wearing & using privately purchased equipment.
Scratch that, I know there are departments and agencies that prohibit unauthorized equipment.
The department could pay for it. They don’t want to, but want the state to without the strings.
McDonald’s is taking cheeseburgers out of the Happy Meal
By 2022, cheeseburgers won’t be part of the menu for the kids’ meals, although parents can still ask for them. The main choices will be hamburgers and four- and six-piece Chicken McNuggets. And the French fry sizes will be smaller.
Bottled water will be added to Happy Meals later this year, and chocolate milk will come with less sugar. McDonald’s also pledged to serve more fruits, vegetables and grains.
All Happy Meals in the United States will have 600 calories or less by June, and at least half of stores and drive-throughs around the world will meet that target by 2022. McDonald’s says the calorie count in an average Happy Meal will come down 20%.
A little slice of cheese makes that much of a difference?
This is McDonald’s. It’s not actually cheese.
Shorter: McD’s to reduce component costs without cutting prices.
Have a 57-oz bottle of orange juice!
Except the cost of the cheeseburger happy meal is 30 cents higher, so not really.
A slice of American cheese probably isn’t expensive. The labor of sticking it on the burger I would expect is either.
And they already probably are going to need to have the cheese still in stock.
So I’m not clear on the economics of what they are hoping to achieve. Proclaiming to be healthier? Um. good luck with that. Your brand is already associated with one thing. The cost of changing it is going to be really high.
I was thinking more about smaller fry size and subbing in water & apple slices.
Oh yeah. They already did that. You can still get the dual fries, but they’ve tried to give you a healthier option for half those calories.
With as capable as Russian troll farms seem to be, maybe it’s time the Koch brothers buy themselves some so libertarians can start stealing some elections.
Wait – you mean libertarians don’t dominate every level of American government? But Nancy MacLean wrote a whole book about how the Koch Brothers have created an unstoppable libertarian juggernaught with their bazillions of dark moneys that control every election!
It’s true, government budgets have been decimated. They’re barely getting by on the scrapes we provide them.
I’d settle for the literal definition of decimated.
That isn’t rue at all, I read a link once. I swear!
True, damnit!
How internet trolls and white nationalists fooled the media.
4Chan’ers or Russians – which group is the more diabolical threat to democracy?
our experts on extremism
I bet this is a thoroughly vetted and rigorous form of expertise.
sure all the experts agree it is ok to punch a Nazi, and they know just who needs punching, being fresh out of lib arts college
OMG! Didn’t you yet recognize that Russians are privileged whites?
No wonder they are concerned.
these days I am surprised when the media is not fooled… I would talk about downfall but I do not think there was a mythical past when the media was better. Just like with natural disasters, now it is just easier to know about it.
Although in the past maybe they wrote somewhat better, now with the invasion of millennial bloggers everywhere …
4chan is positively affecting democracy by exposing the media for the shrill moronic shills they are.
ABC has never issued any correction or retraction of their original story (at least that i’ve seen; AP issued a tweet saying, “well the source we mentioned earlier is lying”; ABC hasn’t done dick)
It was particularly bad in their case because not they pretended to have ‘confirmed’ the lying liars info by getting their own independent sources. which turned out to be the same idiots from 4chan.
Wake & Bake?
Mission accomplished.
I abstained this weekend and I have a three day weekend. Such a waste of free time not being high but I have tequila so it is all good. I have a line on an actual good job so no weekend burns for westernsloper until I get a yea or nay on my CV.
Say what you will about Williamson, when he’s pissed, he’s entertaining
American government mostly works by interposition, standing between us, the free people at whose sufferance it exists, and the things we want to do. Want to drive a car? “F*** you, pay me.” Own a home? “F*** you, pay me.” Want to build an extension on that home? “F*** you, pay me.” Got a job? “F*** you, pay me.” Business good? “F*** you, pay me.” Business bad? “F*** you, pay me.”
“Make no mistake about it, America, the only one to blame for this incident is the killer himself,” which is exactly the sort of thing a sanctimonious schmuck says when he doesn’t want to consider the institutional failures right in front of his taxpayer-subsidized nose and the culpable negligence — to say nothing of the sand-pounding stupidity — of his own agency.
Always. Be. Closing.
Ahem. Around these parts we are partial to wood chippers. I agree with OMWC that this all is not the responsibility of the Feds to begin with, but god damn if they are going to make it one they should be held account for fucking up and this was a huge fuck up. I stand by my call that the FBI should be disbanded close the doors and move decent agents to overlapping agencies. There is no reason there should be 1000 employees in the Miami field office. That is idiotic.
We don’t care if we’re disbanding the Agency,
but FL is 21M, so 6.3% of the US (333M for easy math)
and the FBI reports 35k
so about 2,000 employees needed in FL
but maybe based on the density and type of crime they round up?
What crime do they round up? A better question is what crime do they round up that is not also in the mission statement of another agency?
right: I’m not defending them; to be clear:
“we’re disbanding the Agency”
but if you have the Agency,
their math might be okay in FL
That is in Miami, which with a quick search Dade county has a population of less than 3 million. So, doing math on my fingers = 1 FBI employee for a little under 3000 people. If we want to use the math that we need an FBI employee for every 3000 people well then the FBI needs to open a field office in my town and have 2 employees there. Or do FBI agents just like to live in Dade county? I know I did. I am sure they have offices in Jacksonville, St Pete, Tampa……
who knows
there’s no point in (no way of) being rigorous if we don’t know the details
I’m an engineer; practical math and operations is most of what I do;
but I don’t worry about a little gnat shit in the pepper
I am not an engineer and frankly I find math hard. I am an ex, hope to be employed at it again soon O&G exploration grunt but I know when the FBI fucked up. And they did and fuck the FBI they have too many employees like every other fed agency which are the gnat shits in the pepper of the US and when you get enough gnats shitting you can no longer get pepper and only taste gnat shit.
He’s full of shit. When did America become all about snitching on your neighbor? This is the fucking Stasi he’s asking for.
OT: We need to coin a term to describe a piece of work that uses the language and appearance of science but which is actually gibberish or bullshit. For example, the “studies” that claim things like “using data science and algorithms, we determined that there is a strong correlation between conservatism and sociopathic personality traits“.
In other words, fill in this blank:
Sanctimonious : Righteous :: ________ : Scientific
I thought the word was ‘pseudo’?
so today, I got into it. this was the last response given. he sure can type a lot and not say much.
Guys, there’s no arguing with that logic. I’m sorry to say it, but he has demolished the case for civilian gun ownership. Just give it up. The fight is over.
It started with him saying people with mental illnesses shouldn’t have guns.
I just asked which ones, and why. then wondered if less people would seek help if there was a list of conditions that would bar them a gun.
it devolved into paragraphs pretty quick.
Yea, a diagnosis-based ban on gun ownership is just a ploy for a near-total ban.
You are bothered by some shit you saw over in Iraq? You’re clearly a ticking time bomb – no gun for you.
You have anxiety in large crowds of people? Obviously, you’re an autism-spectrum introvert just like Adam Lanza. Banned!
Your wife left you and you’re depressed? We’ll just add your name to the NICS list for your own safety!
Ya, that one got me chastised back in the day when I did facebook before the people who chastised me unfriended me.
Shorter idiot:
i.e. “I got nuthin’ here, but I know a lot of politicians who are real smart and will buttress mah feelz.”
Otherwise known as appeal to authority.
I really did want to start just naming all the fallacies he was using. but that list might have been longer than his screeds.
*puts thumbs in beltloops* Well, there’s yer problem right there*turns head and spits*
That is the sentence that jumped out at me. Doom needs to point out that our rights, as the founders saw them, are natural rights and they penned the constitution to limit the government. It is hard to argue with people who see the government as being the one who grants us rights. Kind of backwards there.
from the top
and then three paragraphs of nothing
“””just one who wants to see something done about the acts of domestic terror being enacted by mentally unstable gun owners.
Likewise, I said I believe it WILL reduce the acts, because I’m quite positive IT WOULD.”
That was an emotional word salad indeed.
It was also arrogant and evil. He’s so compassionate it hurts; a eugenicist hiding behind a thin veil of rationalism.
Does this short-sighted fool not grasp where this can end?
Think ‘mental defectives’. If there’s one thing we know, if such a grotesque law is ever enacted (and it’s pretty safe to bet it wouldn’t solve the problem. To think this like he seems to, is to exhibit a remarkable ignorance of human nature and illness; it’s a travesty to be in such denial over this issue) that list would expand. Look at the ‘no-fly’ list. It will expand and be absurd and one day people with migraines will be considered ‘mentally ill’.
He has no idea.
I think the root of a lot of Leftist errors is the failure to realize that the government itself is a special interest group with goals that are often hostile to those of citizens. They still believe this junior high civics class fantasy where the government just does exactly what the people want and nothing more. This is why they think “giving the government control” = “giving the people control”.
Did you point out that the Sheriffs dept had 20 complaints about the fuck and the FBI received 2 tips he was going to shoot up his old school? Gun laws are not the problem incompetent law enforcement is. That is why you shouldn’t put your faith in law enforcement or gun laws and embrace your second amendment right and practice shooting a motherfucker center mass. (paper targets of course)
not for this. I was trying to do some socratic devils advocate stuff just to have him see the holes in his idea.
I don’t know who to credit for this:
The laws and bureaucracy clearly weren’t working;
the obvious solution is more law and bureaucracy.
Whar muh free munny gone?
Combined with last year’s tax overhaul, which reduced state and local tax deductions and also managed to strip our nation’s coffers of well over a trillion dollars in revenue, the burden of this infrastructure plan would fall on states and cities already critically strapped for cash.
Ultimately, we small-businesses owners and our customers across the country would foot the bill for this plan, not profit from it.
Instead of real government investment that stimulates the economy and bolsters small business, the White House’s proposal alarmingly suggests selling off our infrastructure to private companies.
The highways, bridges and roads we rely upon for efficient shipping and transportation would go to Wall Street investors, wealthy developers and even foreign governments, who would be free to charge us hefty new tolls as we engage with suppliers and customers around the country.
Where the fuck does this so-called businessman think those government “investment” dollars come from?
Fucking commie dope.
Written by Exec Committee members of “The Main Street Alliance” – curious who is funding?
Couldn’t find anything on their funding, but so much of the verbiage sounds like lefty boilerplate.
Well, they’re sharing stuff from the Center for American Progress on Derpbook, and auto-eroticizing (yes, I know that isn’t a word) about funding a scholarship for a P.O.C., so I think their politics is self-evident.
Instead of real government investment
Real, as in real Treasury notes and further debt
Likewise, I said I believe it WILL reduce the acts, because I’m quite positive IT WOULD.
Dude, laws are totally just like magic spells. If a witch can turn a prince into a frog, Congress can make people stop shooting random strangers!
If people want to
own gunsvote, I have no issue with their privacy being invaded in the form of background checks.See how he responds to that.
I really thought about that. voting or first amendment stuff.
It’s also worth mentioning that Eric Holder floated the idea that background checks for jobs is racist because of the “disparate impact”, but a background check for a gun purchase is hunky-dory.
When debating gun control, I always find it helpful to compare it to the idea of a Muslim registry.
“There have been a series of violent attacks, and most of the assailants belong to one particular demographic. Therefore, we should keep a registry of these individuals so that we can find the ones who pose the greatest risk and intervene before they snap. This registry will be only a slight inconvenience for the law-abiding members of this group, so they really shouldn’t complain at all. If it prevents just one attack, it will all be worth it. We have to do something; we can’t just remain idle while these attacks are occurring.”
Recite that for them, then ask them to explain why a gun registry is a wonderful idea but a Muslim registry is totally off the table.
* In case it’s not clear, I don’t support a Muslim registry. I just find this to be a useful way to illustrate the inconsistent logic that is out there.
sent. let’s see.
Prediction: DOOM is racist.
well, yeah.
It is known
Every single one. It’s not April 1 yet, guys!
And- speaking of magic spells:
A well-designed infrastructure plan — one that repairs and maintains our roads, bridges and schools, upgrades our water treatment systems, updates our rail and subway tracks, modernizes our ports and airports, creates universal broadband access and expands our clean energy systems — can create millions of quality jobs and spur economic activity on Main Street, while meeting the most pressing needs of our communities.
We should definitely get the Magic-Wand-Waver-in-Chief on that.
Libertarian moment?
John Kasich is a human embodiment of chewed bubblegum on my sole whilst walking in Manhattan. Fucking piece of shit.
Sources familiar with his thinking stuff.
Holy shit.
What guarantee do I have that they didn’t just pull this stuff out of their ass?
He’s a journalist. He’s got that press card in his hat band. What more do you need?
Shit, maybe I should become a JournoList. I hear they get paid pretty well, and it appears that no skill or knowledge is necessary, not even basic English grammar and composition.
The money is for the beautiful folk for being beautiful.
Getting the facts right and putting them in perspective pays bupkus.
Pull! Nyuk-nyuk-nyuk.
Mr T continues to be the nation’s #1 curling fan
curling is cool, Mr T.
More proof that Mr T is the president we need.
+ many fools who require pitying
Oh man, that gave me an amazing belly laugh.
I pity the fool who don’t eat my cereal!
Gilmore always with the best twitter links.
i don’t even know what he’s talking about. Norway is wearing distracting pants? I’d have thought that bit was sort of loony-toons by itself, but for the fact that its Mr T, and he’s talking about curling. that’s more than enough-crazy by itself without getting into the details.
My six foot wife is not chanting USA against the NOR curlers;
if it weren’t for the John Daly factor, I’d buy her team trou.
We play bocce on the beach and mow a pitch into the yard for Thanksgiving.
Curling seems to use up the knees, so no thanks.
The French Quarter is officially skeevier than ever. Yechhhh….
I blame Trump.
Is he buddies with Larry Flynt? Because Larry has certainly invested in the area.
it’s like rule 34 or something.
The roadzzz certainly look like shit
Watching You Can’t Take it With You. Great scene where one of the characters is questioning why he should pay fed taxes and what’s it used for.
Also, “I don’t feel guilty” for court charges. Maybe Herself could use that one.
I heard this story on my drive to work last week.
It made me laugh that NPR pointed out one of the costs was lost tax revenue. I wrote a short parody piece about it but heard no response (granted I submitted it on Fri morn and I know the admins actually have lives so no problemo).
We’re all tax cattle now
That and the producers of shit that the people who do the studies use for living a comfortable life. We are here for them so don’t go offing yourself in an opiodic haze. It has costs dontcha know.
It saves on Social Security and Medicare.
Not if you read the study the story is written off of. Well, medicaid costs anyways which is the same money. They say it costs medicaid and use that cost in their numbers. Good point on the SS and medicare not being paid. I have been listening to Thomas Sowell at work when I can and he points out how blue collar folk use far less in those “benefits” than the upper crusters.
Yeah, that’s easily the criticism of the opioid “epidemic” that irritates me the most.
Since there’s no afternoon/evening links yet – quick question. Thinking about an extra workout option for home (due to timing/space/etc) – is there a list anywhere of good dumb-bell exercises that I could mix/match? Thinking about buying one pair – working on that for a few weeks and then upping 5 lbs at a time (I can buy used and resell at Play It Again Sports).
Obviously there’s generic curl, fly…but how many other solid options are there that *don’t* require a bench (I do those during my other workout at my 24 hr gym) – just standing or whatever. Any suggestions for a good mixed set?
I bought an incline bench years ago for my dumbell workouts that I am not doing now. They are not that expensive and don’t take up much room. I would think you would want a bench.
Is the bench functioning as an adequate coat rack at this point?
No it is down stairs in the shop and is what my unused mountain bike leans against.
I do some bench exercises at the gym….really just want something I can do a few minutes a time – or a few of the same sets every day – but obviously I’d probably still need to alternate on days.
I’ve tried some kettlebell exercises – normally for lunges or squats, but I’m thinking more about some different upper body workouts.
Dumbell snatch:
LT Fish,
Thanks to Naptown Bill’s enthusiastic endorsement of kettlebell exercise, I bought one aused this websiteite to try out a beginner exercise. I like it a lot so far.
I did something stupid there, but I think you get the point.
well, it is your handle.
^This. There’s a lot you can do with KB’s that will hit multiple muscle groups/core strength and tons of stuff on YouTube as far as instruction goes…..35 lbs is a good place to start for most men.
– This workout is pretty good, but I think of it as more of a cardio workout than strength building.
– Triceps extensions, one-armed rows (“lawnmowers”), overhead press (keep the kettlebell upright if you want a really hard version of this)
– You can do Tabata exercises with a kettlebell. Squats are my favorite. For something that’s only four minutes, it will leave you surprisingly exhausted, and you get some wonderful soreness the next day.
An old Onion article: Gorilla Sales Skyrocket After Latest Gorilla Attack
I remember it because it was about the time I decided the Onion wasn’t as funny as it used to be.
Because wanting to own a gun for self defense is just as crazy as wanting to own a gorilla for self defense.
And gun owners are analogous to crazed wild animals.
Well you lot ain’t exactly domesticated or house-broken for that matter
You shut your filthy whore mouth! Florida Man is like that cause he’s surrounded by swamps. Or something.
AP be all like “Black People cant get mortgage loans”
Eddie Murphy proved decades ago that white people get money for free.
Urge to ridicule rising… *soldiers on*
Uh… who doesn’t know this? *continues – notes that the rest of the article is anecdotes and feelz*
Good lord what a load of horseshit.
We need “black” banks
so they can show us all how easy it is to raise capital
and they can loan to whomever for whatever reason
Their idea that companies are deviously guessing your race based on census data or some such is flat out insulting. I’ve been involved on the programming side of insurance and guess what “race” is not involved at any stage. Unless the underwriters have some secret list of everyone’s race and are denying insurance to applicants of color – yeah, that sounds likely.
Well that’s how these evil corporations make PROFITZZ, right? By turning away perfectly good customers with perfectly green money just because of the color of their skin?
Exactly, and they ignore the fact that someone else WOULD give loans to these perfectly good customers with excess melanin, and those businesses would out-compete the racists, and the racists would disappear.
Hmm, that doesn’t seem to be happening, so the obvious answer is…. everyone is racist and colluding against the black man. *sigh* It must hurt to be that stupid.
Ya know, maybe its my wypipo privilege, but the times Ive applied for (and not always received) loans, they quite clearly un-hid the issues they had with either my credit history, DI, or both. They were very upfront why I wasnt eligible.
The entire thing is malicious lies. AP ought to be ashamed of themselves except they’re apparently proud to be the next Salon or something.
You mean you just didn’t whip out your privilege card and had them doing backflips to give you money? Is there a talk you and I need to have that maybe you didn’t have with your dad?
History repeats itself with slight…very slight…modifications and a few weird hiccups like the Holocaust stuck in.
I mean, stupid nitwit millennial reporter, without the slightest shred of self-awareness, pushes for subprime lending.