In conversations over many beers yesterday with Swiss, he lapsed into his usual complaints. “Why do we even bother doing Links? No one actually reads them. Lord Humungus just starts posting his own, Q starts posting titty pix… it’s like our efforts are useless.” I hate to see a grown man cry like that so I reassured him, “Yes, they do, they read our stuff very carefully. And they read every article we link.” Yet somehow, he didn’t believe me and continued to sob uncontrollably. I think he’s wrong. Work with me here, people.

So apparently, our Fearless Leader has actually been captured on tape spouting incredibly antisemitic statements. Could it be that the Progressives are right about Trump?

One has to wonder, is it possible for porn stars to also be rapists? Here’s one who just might be.

Ahhh, the Middle East. Always a reliable source of outrage and violence. This one might be a bit different, though.

Just when I think Jeff Sessions can’t get any stupider, he proves me wrong.

OK, y’all have fun in the comments, and make sure we stick to the topic so that Swiss doesn’t complain. But first, Old Guy Music! From the bestest guitarist with the finest patter, doing something… unexpected.