Turkey… Syria… zzzz – my eyes just glaze over reading this stuff. It’s like I’ve probably read the same story a few hundred times over the last 40 years.
I used to play a video game called Railroad Tycoon. Newspapers would pop up every few seconds. The generic headlines included “Tensions Rise in the Balkans” and “Unrest in the Middle East”.
LOL. That’s more accurate than the headlines that use to pop up in SimCity 2000.
Only 40 years?
Well, I didn’t read a lot of news in my toddler years.
ZARDOZ, there are so many worth extermination, yet as a brutal enforcer I can only deal with so few. What is a brutal exterminator to do?
Do you have a horse yet? That will help cut down on travel time between cleansings.
I think you have to write to an advice columnist. After their substandard advice, ZARDOZ can give you his advice.
I guess Joe expects #MeToo to be over by 2020
This is just stupid. Apparently we aren’t purging the NLRB hard enough. There was no “harmful” speech in Damore’s memo. Not sure if he has a chance at a civil suit or not.
On the one hand, true, on the other, why the heck should the NLRB have any say over whether someone is hired or fired?
I’m not really sure why they were involved. Maybe something with it being a non-right to work state even if he wasn’t unionized..or if the company has an arbitration clause?
“Statements in James Damore’s 3,000-word memo “regarding biological differences between the sexes were so harmful, discriminatory, and disruptive” that they fell outside protections for collective action in the workplace, an associate general counsel for the National Labor Relations Board wrote in a six-page memo disclosed Thursday.”
That’s absolute bullshit, what he said was very measured and was backed up by research and wasn’t discriminatory at all. Maybe they read the wrong memo.
I’ve never sent nor received a memo, but they seem to be all the rage these days.
Nope, just a disingenuous asshole exercising his power in bad faith.
It’s a federal agency. State right to work laws don’t have anything to do with it. Certain provisions of federal labor law apply to pretty much all workplaces, regardless if the person is part of a unionized work group.
Cali is right to work
It is stupid but the NLRB shouldn’t exist. Right to work and at will employment should be the law of the land. If I don’t like your face I can fire you and no I’m not going to allow a third party to negotiate on your behalf.
RC Dean raised some provocative points in an earlier thread. I find the NLRB position beyond disturbing – essentially, this is very close to Government-sanctioned work-place speech.
That barn door has been open for a long time.
Somewhere ( I don’t remember) it was hypothesized that the NLRB took this case and made this decision as a first step. This decision allowed the memo to be a firing offense. Perhaps the next step would be to require it to be a firing offense (as discriminatory).
Does this mean you can fire all the men now without having to wait for them to actually harass women? Got to nip it in the bud.
Because a work environment where managers openly ridicule and deny advancement to white men is totally not hostile.
Christ… I remember when this stuff was an Archie Bunker punchline – and nothing has changed.
Well if the “wage gap” really existed, you would think this would already be happening. If a company could cut their payroll costs by 25% with zero impact on efficiency or quality, why the fuck wouldn’t they have an all-female staff??
You forgot about the overwhelming expense of free tampons in the women’s room.
Men have periods too, shitlord.
Top heavy brunette babes.
Lord Almighty #12.
#8 looks very much like someone I know, but she’s not the woman I know, she is this woman.
There are a few that I think are too young for the orgy.
What model Realdoll is 6?
I’d like to congratulate Number 1 on being my future wife and I’m interested in enrolling in 30’s photography class.
#14 reminds me of my favorite bartendress.
#29 looks like the bunny is already on the boil.
Heavens to Betsy! *retires to fapping couch, tissues a-fly*
#43 Thank you very much.
Only if it’s cocaine + food coloring.
Joe Biden V Donald Trump: ‘Tard Fight 2020. Only on Pay Per View.
For sure. If I didn’t hate Biden I’d feel sorry for him. On economic issues he is more or less a centrist Democrat. I can’t imagine how he clings to those positions and makes it through the Democratic primaries.
Ehh there are plenty of Corbyn speeches to plagiarize.
But 78 is the new 35!
Run, Joe, Run!
Admittedly, a Biden presidency would be full of lulz. But holy hell… he’s not even young enough to be a boomer.
Shouldn’t that be shuffle, Joe, shuffle!
+1 record player
My dad let me listen to his George Carlin record (A Place for My Stuff). It was a rite of passage.
I cassette-taped him off HBO in like 1982. My friends and I were highly amused.
Beta or VHS?
Nothing that fancy.
Well you had a fancy enough stereo and TV setup to tape audio off the TV. Unless you just recorded in the room like the jackasses who record their TV with their iphone and post it on youtube.
Point boombox at TV. Press record. It was a simpler time.
You were rich enough to have HBO?
Not really. But my mom had her priorities. Plus the whole package of 30 or so channels was only like 30 bucks a month.
We couldn’t get cable where we lived. We had a tower with an antenna on top and a rotor.
Mom had the TV on *all* *the* *time*.
Yeah, I got the same habit from… uh, somewhere.
In my city (Rochester NY), the burbs got cable a good ten years before the big city did. My mom jumped on that shit ASAP.
Did you have fights over the inflatable bath pillow? Did she screech and screech at you? Was it solved through violence or childish name-calling?
Mom had screaming fits at *everybody*. And if shoe couldn’t blame anybody (Dad in particular) she’d blame God.
My mom bought me “Occupation:Foole” in the early 70s when I was a tweener She, my dad and I would listen to it, laughing so hard tears were rolling down our faces. I’d never heard of Carlin before that, but thanks mom. The 7 words riff was so cutting edge and incredibly hysterical. I bet it would still be hilarious today, when motherfucker is barely a bad word anymore.
My stuff is stuff, and your stuff is Shit….
All my junk is stuff. And all your stuff is junk.
You get shit! You get shit! EVERYBODY gets shit!!
Straightforward from here:
1. Biden and Trump 2020
2. Both really old
3. Both die of heart attacks at final debate
4. ???
5. President Hillary
4, obviously, is Hillary living longer by opening her maw and collecting their souls.
The souls of Trump and Biden? I don’t think any lifeform could consume those and extend it’s own life.
SugarFree could, and I believe does.
Joke is on her there.
+1 Bubba Ho-Tep
the new 78 is the old 78. I know.
Record comes from the word for heart, as in “to put something back in your heart”.
In other news, someone at Burberry lost their mind.
So brave.
raburrys? we’re not serving rasburrys.
The brand of choice for trans-chavs?
It’s just boring at this point.
She looks like a sulky teen-aged boy, and believe you me I am more enthused by ballet dancers than THICC.
I’m starting to wonder if Bill Self has something on Bob Huggins. Or maybe the two of them are working the line in Vegas.
NJR has 2 new pieces. 1 is a Marxist deconstruction of Richard Scary’s picture books. The other is about the importance of the microaggression concept.
In fact, if you actually listen to the explanations of people worried about “microaggressions,” rather than citing ludicrous caricatures or some hyperbolic email from a 19-year-old, you’ll find a very serious and important idea. Ironically, those who profess themselves to believe in “reasoned argument” are making every effort to avoid having a reasoned argument about microaggressions: they will find some list of supposed microaggressions that included a statement like “America is a melting pot” and use this to conclude that student activists have lost their minds. But they won’t look at the other items on those lists, or address the most serious claims by those who have suggested microaggressions are an actual problem.
The idea behind “microaggresions” is actually quite clear and not at all paranoid. It is this: because nearly everyone has internalized a variety of racial and gender stereotypes, even in an age where explicit racism and sexism are frowned upon, women and people of color face dozens of small daily slights based on their gender or race. Derald Wing Sue, in his book on the subject, has explained very clearly what this means. It’s not abstract, and it’s not mushily subjective. Among the first examples he gives are: a woman being uncomfortable that a male employer seems to refer to male employees as “Mr. X” and female employees by diminutives of their first name (i.e. “Kathy” instead of Kathleen), and a professor patronizingly praising a black student for how articulate he is. I say these are not subjective because they are measurable: if a professor praises black students for being able to string a sentence together, but doesn’t do the same for white students, it is not “imaginary” to think that race is operative here. If a boss treats female employees differently than male employees, even in a small way, that’s not some made-up illusion.
I’ve had 4 beers, and I’m trying really hard not to chug that 500 ml wine box in my fridge. This is not making it easier.
You might believe, and I do, that the excessive policing of language inhibits our ability to be honest with one another and creates a feeling of “walking on eggshells” that is corrosive of warm and healthy social relations. You might also believe, as I also do, that we should be careful about unfalsifiable and subjective concepts that become all-encompassing. But I don’t see any grounds for snorting with derision at the microaggression concept itself, which seems like an imperfect but useful attempt to capture a very real series of slights that people experience every day. And instead of spending their time diagnosing the ills of “victimhood culture,” perhaps critics could should actually try to understand why people find it aggravating to be regularly subjected to endless small forms of everyday prejudice.
I will not chug box wine. I will not chug box wine. I will not chug box wine.
Box wine doesn’t do it for me anymore like it did in my 20s.
My wife works in the wine industry. Amazingly enough, the technology behind wine boxes has become so superior that there are a number of relatively high-end wines you can get in a box now. You would likely note a wine box over our kitchen sink were you to peruse our house any given day.
I wasn’t marking on taste, but it’s ability to get me drunkardly. On the whole I usually prefer the taste of cheaper things in life.
Yeah, I wish more of the wines I buy were also available in boxes.
The only real problem is that since it’s only me, I’m stuck with the same type of wine for a couple of weeks at a time.
Just drink.
Now, I know some people hand wave away this argument as silly and illegitimate, but [says something silly and illegitimate].
Dude, I just can’t. I’m having a nice, relaxing Saturday evening here – I can’t even look at that.
Appropriate responses include, but are not limited to:
“My name is Mrs. XYZ and if you call me Kathy one more time you’ll have my resignation on your desk before I leave tonight.”
“Of course I’m articulate, I made it into this damn school. Now why don’t you talk about the subject?”
This is not that fucking difficult.
Richard Scarry’s Busytown books show happy anthropomorphic animals going about their daily lives in a small town. The animals are disproportionately cats, pigs, rabbits, dogs, and foxes. Each has a role in the town: a pig runs the drug store, a raccoon owns the hardware store, a bear teaches schoolchildren, a goat fills potholes. (Then there is Lowly the Worm, who seems to do very little of anything.) The differing careers among the species even inspired an academic article about class divides in Busytown, John Levi-Martin’s “What Do Animals Do All Day: The division of labor, class bodies, and totemic thinking in the popular imagination,” Poetics 27 (2000) pp. 195-231. An excerpt:
It is clear that foxes in particular, and predators in general, are most likely to be in positions of command (see Table 2). The mayor is a fox, the airplane pilot is a fox, etc… Pigs and raccoons tend to be at the bottom of any authority relation. Owls are unusual in that they are totally disconnected from authority relations – evidently, they are residual craftsmen not yet proletarianized by industrialization.. That the use of the pig legitimizes class stigmatization is seen in the disproportionate number of foolish mishaps that pigs cause in this work…. Fully 16% of the pigs are involved in a mishap of some other, far more than any other species, and unlike the other species, they are the cause of the mishap 75% of the time…. These interpretive glosses are supported by our findings, but can we make sense of the scheme as a whole? Let us arrange the major classifications in a Durkheimian schema…Fig. 4 plots this order in a three-dimensional totemic space, in which the relative positions of the species provide a key both to their hierarchical relations and what Evans-Pritchard (1950 [1940]: 109f) called ‘social distance’: “the distance between groups of persons in a social system, expressed in terms of values”. The order of animals is stretched into a U-shape. Animals at the bottom of the U may be considered to be dominated, animals on top dominating. As we shall see, while there is a logic to the horizontal placement of species, it is not to be interpreted as a single latent dimension. The dominated animals are raccoon, bug/skunk, pig, and mouse. Note that Table 5 demonstrates that the vertical dimension here correlates quite well with the percent of the species that are professionals, who have authority, and who have skilled jobs…
Maybe I can go back to grad school and write a thesis on the economic disparity on Cybertron. I’d knock that shit out of the park.
Fun fact: the voice of Starscream was the same guy who did the voice of Cobra Commander.
Christopher Charles Collins (August 30, 1949 – June 12, 1994), also known as Chris Latta, was an American actor, voice actor and comedian, perhaps best known as the voice of Cobra Commander on the G.I. Joe animated series and Starscream in the first Transformers animated series. He is also noted among Star Trek fans for his guest roles on The Next Generation and Deep Space Nine, along with many other television series and a number of films. In addition, he had a successful stand-up comedy career.
Collins’ stand-up career peaked in the late 1980s and early 1990s, when he performed in most of the major comedy venues in the United States and Canada. In 1990, he won the San Francisco International Stand-Up Comedy Competition.[citation needed]
At the beginning of his act, he would enter in a black trench coat and order the audience to applaud the person who introduced him. Afterwards, he would pick out an audience member who failed to applaud and tell him he had to “clap alone”. He later told the audience he was not a comedian, but a “psychotic who learned to market his problem.” Collins’ comic persona was a loud, angry, mentally unstable man who liked to intimidate the audience.
I like this guy already.
Great review – thanks for the link. On my reading list.
It’s a children’s book, you know.
Yes, as-in reading list “to” my pseudo-grandchildren (we regularly babysit our neighbor’s children, and I have exhausted the remaining book supply from our off-spring).
“To be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else – means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight; and never stop fighting.” – e. e. cummings
Getting tossed in the clink for stuff your friends did tends to bring out the best in writers. See Dostoyevsky.
I hate these SJWs. I loved those books as a kid. I read them to my kids who loved them and they are being saved for my grandchildren.
There is no deep, hidden message. It’s a bunch of lighthearted stories about cute animals. The books encourage kids to read and ask about the many things in the illustrations. Fuck the SJWs.
I was more of a “Go, Dog, Go” kinda kid. I mean the dude flips off the old lady about her hat and promptly drives into a tree where there is a fucking rager happening. If that isn’t me at 25 then I must have missed the bus.
Good evening mammals, I’m at the Lightning game
Discussing amphibian matters with fellow lizardperson Steve Yzerman?
Go Devils!
Lundqvist got pulled again earlier. It must be day ending in “y”.
There’s been rumors that the Flyers are going to go after Henrik. There’s no way in hell we’d want to give that kind of prospect package up when this team isn’t competing this year anyways, even if you assume that the Rangers D is the reason for his poor play of late.
I thought he still had several years left on a very expensive contract. Though TBH I’m not very knowledgeable about this stuff in hockey.
He’s got 2 years left after this one.
His save percentage is .917, which is close to his career average (.920). He’s just facing a ton of shots.
Still don’t want to trade for him.
I dunno… maybe it’s the partisan coverage I get on MSG, but I don’t see how he’s all that anymore [keeping in mind that I’ve only been following the game for the past couple years so maybe I missed his prime]. I’ve routinely seen him playing against other goalies with better numbers.
Or… yeah, it could just our shit defense.
from wiki’s Cobra Commander article
The character was created by Marvel Comics writer Larry Hama, who envisioned the character as “being in love with the sound of his own voice,” and drew inspiration from famous conservative pundit William F. Buckley.[4]
If you’ve never seen Aladdin, it is worth it for no other reason than the Genie (Robin Williams) doing a 4-5 second riff mimicking WFB.
Ah, a few provisos, a few quid pro quos…
I guess it was beyond the pale for the genie to call Aladdin a goddamn queer and threaten to punch him in the face.
Great moments in punditry – sadly before my time
fun fact
Aladdin. name of a hero in stories from the Arabian Nights, from Arabic Ala’ al Din, literally “nobility of faith.”
Salah Al-Din (Saladin) = the righteousness of religion/faith
Saw the new Blade Runner and the new Wonderwoman this week. The former looked like it was filmed through a fish tank while a Yak farts in the background. The latter ended with a scene that exactly mirrored a spermatozoa trying to fertilize an egg.
How…how exactly does a yak farting affect the picture quality? You know what, nevermind.
Have you seen it? French horn, or whatever the hell it was, blaring the entire time.
I watched Wonderwoman for the second time this last week. And to go back to my fan edit article, I would have cut out the final boss battle and ended on the realization men kill eachother not because of a god, but because the world sucks.
Maybe just me, but Ares shoots a stream of white stuff at her, she absorbs it and then stares at the stuff covering her hands. Not disgusted or pleased, just intrigued.
Didn’t notice either time; just this second time I thought ‘Gee Mr. Cleaver, if I was workin that swell job I think I woulda cut that fight scene.’
You’re right. That final scene was terrible. Looks like they ripped off this guy.
Do Wonderwoman’s powers include the ability to do a pull-up?
What I do want to write about, though, is the ongoing issue regarding women and pull-ups. The New York Times caused a bit of a shitstorm in October 2012 when they published an article called “Why Women Can’t Do Pull-ups.” (The ironic thing is that those of who actually read the article and didn’t just skim the headline would have learned that about a quarter of the women who were part of the study were able to do a pull-up after just three months of a three-times-a-week resistance training program. A sweeping judgment about the physical capabilities of all womankind after a three-month program of moderate strength training that was actually somewhat successful? Sounds legit!)
The article led to a flurry of counter-articles pointing out that, yeah, women can do pull-ups if you train them properly. (Here’s a good one at Nia Shank’s website, and here’s another good one at Breaking Muscle.) And that continues to show up in the articles I’ve read about the pull-up standards: that if you train women properly, most of us will be able to do them.
Of course women can do pull-ups, I saw it in GI Jane.
Before I went to Airborne school I was required to do the Army PT test at my unit (17-21). Then there was an additional requirement to do one pull-up and hold up for 10 seconds. Since I couldn’t imagine anyone couldn’t do that (I’m nearly 40 now and out of shape and I can do it easily) I asked why it was required. He said most women couldn’t do it so they check before sending anyone to airborne.
Sure enough when I got there, following the PT test (which for women has lower standards) everyone had to do the one pull up. We probably lost over half the women there to that one test but I don’t think a single male failed it. Most people there came out of basic training and were in great shape.
I think by the end only a handful of the close 50 or so women passed. If the Army ever does do gender neutral standards for PT it will either be exceptionally easy for men, or will end most women’s careers. There just isn’t as much overlap in male and female physical abilities as many people think.
I eagerly await her explanation of how the ACL is a tool of the patriarchy.
I saw Wonder Woman was free on demand a few weeks ago and tried to watch it. I think I made it about 30 minutes into it before I had to give it up. It isn’t just WW either. I can’t sit through any superhero movie. I get bored to tears by them.
The only exception was Guardians of the Galaxy. Don’t know why I liked that one, but I did.
He said in 2018, he would “beat a path all across this country to stand up for leaders who will stand up for all of us.”
Do Democrats really want the Biden gaffe machine standing up for them?
He’s kind of got the Trump shield working for him. If you’re already covered in shit, it’s hard to make new shit stick.
I didn’t think of it that way. You are right.
Biden makes a funny:
“Senator Biden, words in the past have gotten you in trouble. Words that were borrowed and words that some found hateful. An editorial in the Los Angeles Times said that “in addition to his uncontrolled verbosity, Biden is a gaffe machine.” Can you reassure voters in this country that you have the discipline you would need on the world stage, Senator?”
[silence, then laughter and applause]
The like/dislike ratio offers a glimmer of hope.
Students Call for Action After Florida School Mass Shooting | NBC Nightly News
“The like/dislike ratio offers a glimmer of hope.”
I thought gungrabbing would lead to another civil war?
My family was enthralled when a school in their town had one of these protests. It sounded like just a few students though.
I wanted to point out that having the same political views as people who’s brains aren’t fully developed isn’t something to brag about but I stayed quiet.
There’s a reason leftists are always going on about getting out the “youth vote”.
Saturday night Stout!
Brew rebellion is my favorite local Brewery right now, and the only one around that does a lot of Stouts and Porters, Today I give you,
John Paul Jones White Chocolate raspberry Stout, the raspberry takes a bit of edge off the Black texture, 10.9% woohoo! I like it
Oh, CNN. Are you even trying anymore?
MS-13 gang members: Trump makes us stronger
MS-13 members say Trump’s policy and rhetoric serves as a recruitment tool. Activists say Trump is emboldening the gang, making immigrants vulnerable.
This is one of those cases I hate being right. On Nov. 9, I had said the left was going to be in full freakout mode as long as President Trump existed.
Now I think it may even be worse. The Progressives are going to be in full fascist freakout mode until somebody stops them. Unfortunately, the stopping is going to open up an entirely new set of massive problems.
Things are going to get a lot worse before they get better.
They said the same about ISIS. Hasn’t worked out like that.
Guess that doesn’t work for lefty boogeyman.
NAZI party “your rhetoric makes us stronger.”
Time to embrace NAZI’s to weaken them.
MS-13 members say Trump’s policy and rhetoric serves as a recruitment tool.
Because nothing is going to prove Trump wrong like immigrants joining gangs and committing crimes.
Grade-A reasoning there, chief.
You ever get that feeling where you did something you’re super excited about but nobody else cares?
All The Time….
I wish we had DMs on here. There are times I’d like to solicit thoughts around here without putting the content in the open.
I get that impression from my wife daily.
Expectation error – challenging to overcome.
The curse of the nerd.
I don’t care if nobody else cares. But I’m a shitlord, so there’s that.
I hate working in secret, so don’t let me down on the praise shitlords!
I liked… I mean, really liked… the use of Master Shake.
Just a temp track, but that’s the voice I have in my head for The Hat.
Nice. You don’t need a voice actor. That was enjoyable.
Thems was stolen vocals, if’n we gets it up’n runnin for reals we’ll need actual voice actors. But this wasn’t the project I was talking to you about anyhows.
Not sure if I want to do a fake Japanese accent. Don’t want SJW world coming down on my head.
It wouldn’t be an accent, it would be speaking Japanese. See, this project has a character named Orbit Boy, who was Japanese tourist who got caught in orbit around Gravity Man and by default became his sidekick.
It would be obvious to any Japanese person that I’m not Japanese, but that might add some charm. Or piss them off. Lemme think about it.
Well, if I do it alone, he’s just gonna say things like wing-ching-chow, which is way more racist.
I’m pretty sure wing-ching-chow is Chinese.
And that’s why it would be lacist.
that’s…. Really cool so far,
Nicely done.
*does millennial hipster snapping of fingers*
The thing is, it’s not really in my budget right now to buy this software (I did this with the trial version). So would like there be enough support here to do like a gofundme Glibs style to get the project going? It’s $200 for the software.
But only if there is some homage to our favorite flicks.
Well, SugarFree is the ultimate author of the content, but I’d always insert my own POV.
You are truly gifted.
I don’t get GoFundMe, but I haven’t tried very hard.
I think there should be a platform where you can sell shares in yourself. What do you think you could make with your $200 project in 2019?
Very nicely done. The clips of Trump saying stupid shit is a near endless supply. You are on to something here.
Only the 2nd half.
So it’s been a decade since The Libertarian Moment has been happening. How is it?
I live in the middle of nowhere. I pay taxes that are theft, but aside from that, there is little to no government actual threat to what I do on my property.
Also. #livingfreeinanunfreeworld
I don’t know. Can’t go anywhere without roads.
So this is libertopia after all.
Yes I’m struggling to get by without internet after libertarians in congress killed net neutrality.
I see your internet is down.
meanwhile, in Venezuela
In Colombia Border Town, Desperate Venezuelans Sell Hair to Survive
tl;dr- it’s all because of “authoritarianism”
I still can’t believe the way Chavez tricked all those super-smart people like Sean Penn into thinking he was doing Real Socialism, when he was really just installing a system of State Capitalism.
I remember finding where a bunch of leftists had quotes praising Venezuela’s economic reforms. These were lefty economists and advisors.
If the stupid party wasn’t stupid those quotes would be everywhere. “This is the democrats idea of good economic policy.”
Muh mom the communist is touring Cuba next month. I can’t wait to lord it over her that she repatriated instead of settling into that mecca of egalitarian enlightenment.
Your Mum is a communist? I know a few but can”t imagine being related to one. Raising a shitlord like you must irk her something fierce.
what she hates most:
a) my egalitarian support of her and all women to do whatever they want (nothing to bitch about)
b) every good thing in her life was delivered through capitalist markets
It sounds like you escaped more than Texas.
+ 1 ‘what I would be about is to socialize, um, uh, the government taking over your oil company’ – Maxine Watters
21 Killed, 70 Wounded As Boko Haram Suicide Bombers Attack Fish Market In Borno
Gerishk, Afghanistan: Four intelligence operatives gun down sixteen of their colleagues and join the Taliban.
I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again: enhanced radiation weapons
They hate the fish. Stay away from the fish.
+1 Jerk
Forgot how much I like Harvey Birdman. Another reminder Stephen Colbert used to be funny.
Ha hah!
Much like your mom.
Ba doom boom
This has been a running joke for years and yet I’ve never seen Winston respond to it. Impressive restraint. (Unlike his mom. *Couldn’t resist)
Winston is the opposite of a snowflake. It makes sense. Behavioral genes skip a generation. His mom is unique. AND MY UNIQUE I MEAN UNIQUELY PERMEABLE
Oh, come on. Strangers with Candy? He had great comedic chops. Politics is hack bait.
A huge talent, he lost me almost immediately after taking Dave’s desk.
I saw him at Second City in 90 or 91 and picked him out that night as a guy who was going somewhere; I don’t recall his bits or humor, but his range was amazing: singing, dancing, very demonstrative and compelling physically on the live stage.
When you’re funny, your politics don’t matter to me; my sense of humor can take shortcuts around the truth and issues generous license. The problem is he simply isn’t funny any more.
George Carlin had stupid political views. I still love his stand up.
Traffic court is aconstitutionfree zone.
Sitting here drinking some Hendrick’s while getting ready to see this at the local weird artists’ spot:
It’s been a good day to be a Razorback. (These days are few and far between)
Baseball- Arkansas 32 Bucknell 3
Basketball- arkansas 94 #21 Texas A&M 74
You leave Bucknell alone. What’s Bucknell anyways?
I have seen Bucknell knock the basketball hogs out of the NCAA tournament in my lifetime. I have little sympathy.
32-3? Jesus. Where the Bucknell players blind?
Honestly, the hogs have a national championship contender team this year and Bucknell couldn’t find the strike zone. It was 21-1 in the bottom of the 4th. Coach Horn subbed in everyone he could and still knocked Bucknell around. The hogs beat them yesterday 16-2 and we’re playing again tomorrow.
I’m pimping for these guys. It’s a brick oven pizza joint I pass by on my way home. It’s very good.
random thought
I’ve been thinking a lot about effective counter jihad psyops. The important thing is to assure them that if they surrender, they will not be harmed or humiliated. The other important theme would be to show how terrorist acts are un-Islamic. Islam has rules for war.
During his life, Muhammad gave various injunctions to his forces and adopted practices toward the conduct of war. The most important of these were summarized by Muhammad’s companion and first Caliph, Abu Bakr, in the form of ten rules for the Muslim army:[7]
O people! I charge you with ten rules; learn them well!
Stop, O people, that I may give you ten rules for your guidance in the battlefield. Do not commit treachery or deviate from the right path. You must not mutilate dead bodies. Neither kill a child, nor a woman, nor an aged man. Bring no harm to the trees, nor burn them with fire, especially those which are fruitful. Slay not any of the enemy’s flock, save for your food. You are likely to pass by people who have devoted their lives to monastic services; leave them alone.[7]
1. While you and I read the Quran in English, for ourselves, the average non-westernized jihadi gets his Islam from an imam
2. Whether westernized or ‘in-country’, muslim doctrine is still predominantly provided by the teachings of imams who have access to, and summarize the hadiths and sunna, which are judicial interpretations provided by ayatollahs, who have precedence over imams and whose interpretations are often wildly contradictory.
3. Hence, the Quran and the body of jurisprudential Islam available to an imam will provide support for any interpretation and directive that an imam might want to feed to the faithful
4. Every single directive provided in your last paragraph has been abrogated and contradicted (and restated) in modified form for the last 1000 years.
As I understand it, one of the knottiest theological controversies of radical Islam is whether indeed, they are strictly speaking at war with the kuffar, or whether they are simply dealing with an insurrection. After all, any place at any point in history wherever an Islamic man has ruled, that land is technically Dar El Harb and part of the muslim world in perpetuity.
Furthermore, while the first caliph, Abu Bakr urges his followers to follow those ten rules, the concept of, and moral acceptability of Taqiya and kitmān had been established during Mohammed’s lifetime among him and the companions.
Shorter me: Lying and misdirection is considered totally acceptable when dealing with the kuffar and even other muslims when you are devout muslim.
Rules for Radicals was translated into Arabic?
Yeah. I saw I clip where a Hamas guy swore he had Jewish friends after the interviewer started quoting the Hamas charter.
C’mon guy. Don’t piss on my leg and tell me it’s raining.
Post it if you can find it. That I’ve got to see.
I read an interview with a captured ISIS fighter. They asked him why he joined. He said he was at the mosque and the Imam said the govt in Baghdad was put in place by invaders and unbelievers and all Muslim men who were able had a duty to fight.
Well, for once, the imam got the first part of the story right.
The second part is debatable, but refreshingly honest.
Questioning doctrine is dangerous. One of the many reasons Islam is difficult to change. Some things are basically off limits. Muhammad was the perfect man. Denying that is like saying Jesus wasn’t the son of god while claiming to be Christian. The claim is so central that you aren’t in the religion if you don’t believe it.
Muhammad was perfect and he did a lot of shitty things. Condemning the shitty things he did is claiming he’s imperfect.
Hm. That whole not killing women or children thing seems to have dropped off. And do priests count as monastic? Because I recall a priest being murdered in France rather graphically.
We’re gonna make it up in volume.
Well, the guy is looking at about 300 years – 30 of that for the firearms alone. He’d better start singing and cutting a deal with the DA.
OMG I hit a page with nothing but mugshots – holy hell
bad tattoos dot com is your friend
Fake news. There is no such thing as a “good tattoo”.
Oh my.
I can’t be the only person that found that story romantic.
Why’d the fat guy have to sit next to me? Also, this BGM (Muzak) version of The Girl From Ipanema is funky. *Sips coffee, imagines fat guy in carnival T back*
The fat guy sat next to you because you used to touch yourself at night. This is known.
Traditionally in Polynesia, fat people were hired to be living furniture. Just imagine the job interviews.
“So tell me about your qualifications.”
“Well, I started out as a footstool, and then spent several years as coffee table. But I’m proud to say that I worked my way up to sofa, and if you just give me a chance, I’ll be the best love seat you’ve ever seen.”
Holy smoked salmon with capers and lemon. Over 200 comments? DON’T ANY OF YOU WORK?!
I’m working on a drink, does that count?
Capers and cream cheese are to smoked salmon as pepperoni is to pizza. Delicious. I worked on my resume today, sat in the sun on a beautiful afternoon (god bless global warming) and took a nap.
young derpy learns about political economy and international relations
My Dad used to just shake his head and his newspaper whenever my Brother would stand on his soap box. Yay Dad?
That last opening was much stupider than the others.
The big question: Scarlett or Lady Jaye? I know the Baroness was the hottest on the show, but COBRA operatives are excluded from this question. We’re fighting for human freedom here.
Lady Jaye, hands down. Although in the Rise of Cobra, I’d be hard pressed to choose between Scarlett or the Baroness. Threesome?
I’ll quote DEG – “Orgy!”
Obligatory: Porkchop Sandwiches
Biden: I’m gonna find a really articulate black running mate.
.. needs to be clean too.
No Oprah Club.
Doomco, if you’re out there, I saw your post about maybe stopping by the NH gun show tomorrow. There are some folks in NH and we could it into a meet up if you’d like. My semi-throwaway mail is dgroves140 AT gmail DOT com if you’re interested.
OK. Jillian Mayer can have my babies after all.
Link yes – SFW
Looks like the new Polymer80 PF940SC not-Glock-26 is going to be showing up around April. Also, the SS80 next month, woo.
I see that Brownell’s and Midway both have a sale on the current frames, too. (“Hey, Valentine’s Day is over, now you can go Poly!”) I’ve been having a hell of a time trying to find a used upper for less than a full pistol online… even ones that look like they’ve had a rough time with Fuzzy Dunlop in the modern urban crime environment are going for prices that make me just go back to glancing through Backpage/Armslist for perfectly good pistols to strip… which have their own form of comedy. And that’s for a 19 upper–26 ones seem in short supply.
I suppose I could just buy aftermarket stuff, and I was tempted by that Brownell’s RMR slide, but I just don’t like the front serrations wrapping around the top.
Good end of thread link? I dunno, but I found this article on cognitive dissonance and myside bias in the New Yorker. It’s a good read at points:
And then you get this:
When writing an article for The New Yorker about cognitive bias and the power of group think, it would probably be a good idea to challenge your own readers on their bias instead of feeding them exactly the type of irrationality you spent an entire article highlighting.
It’s the New Yorker. Challenging their own worldview is not something they do.