Finally another week from Hell (also known as “my job”) comes dwindling to an end. And I may even be undisturbed this weekend, since my usual sources of weekend angst are busy celebrating their New Year. That means day-drinking, and that means craft beer, and THAT means a run down to Swiss’s preferred beer purveyor where we can swap ribald stories over some high octane brews. Unlike Mexican Sharpshooter, we are not exactly experts and the beers served at this venue tend not to have wide distribution, so we won’t impinge on his reviewing territory. However, it’s at least warmed up enough here that letting out the beer does not involve an act analogous to trying to piss through a button.
While Swiss and I get a load on, you delightful reprobates can comment on today’s news. Here’s a few examples of things that randomly caught my attention.
As has been discussed extensively, the Department of Futile Gestures has brought charges against people they can’t touch for engaging in political speech. Never mind that the First Amendment doesn’t specify “citizens,” or that, yet again, our Fifth Estate doesn’t know the difference between a “campaign” and an “election.” Of course, the logical continuation would be the indictment of the Obama State Department folks for funding OneVoice to meddle in the Israeli elections campaigns to favor the leftist opponents of Netanyahu.
Noisy calls for the resignation of a Federal official for failing to get involved in matters having nothing to do with anything interstate. Well, I’m torn- on the one hand, it’s ridiculous to make a (literally) federal case out of things which aren’t even vaguely federal. On the other hand, the more federal officials who are sent packing, the better.
It is important for the all-wise government to step in and regulate home schools to ensure that they do just as poor a job of education and just as effective a job of indoctrination as public schools, or so writes Diane Moon Glampers.
And although California requires private school employees receive a background check, parents who work with their kids are actually exempted from being checked to see if they have past criminal records…
I… don’t even know where to begin with that one.
If you ever want to see a pitch-perfect example of outright lying with statistics, this excellent article does a wonderful analysis and take-down of a typical bit of bullshit that’s been heavily passed around to gin up FUD. While I’m at it, here’s another splash of cold water dose of reality.
Music time, of the Old Guy variety. High on my list of Concerts I Wish I Had Attended was the Carnegie Hall reunion of a crew of ex-Mingus band members. This extended jam is insane fun, and the best part is Roland Kirk following George Adams’s outside solo. Kirk starts conventionally, then suddenly… well listen and hear. I don’t know if Adams was ever the same after that musical spanking. This is some stunning playing by a group of the finest musicians to ever appear together on a single stage.
since my usual sources of weekend angst are busy celebrating their New Year
I thought (((New Year))) was in September.
Maybe he means the Chinese New Year?
It could be Korean or Vietnamese. Do the Japanese celebrate Lunar New Year?
Anyhow, I was joking about (((OMWC’s people))) giving him weekend angst. Never met a Jewish mother? I met one who gave me angst.
Is this a Jackie Mason bit?
“Noisy calls for the resignation of a Federal official for failing to get involved in matters having nothing to do with anything interstate. ”
But if a person reports a crime to the FBI that isn’t under their jurisdiction, shouldn’t they refer it to the local authorities, or at least tell the person to report it the local authorities?
I don’t know but there wasn’t any crime reported in this case.
They should. It’s also possible, since guns are subject to federal laws and regulations, a federal agency would have jurisdiction depending on the nature of the report.
“#BREAKING: Florida sheriff says his office received about 20 calls regarding school gunman over the past few years.”
“PARKLAND, Fla. (AP) — Florida sheriff says his office received about 20 calls regarding school gunman over the past few years.”
Those shtreimels look way cooler than the hat that Mingus is wearing.
There’s no one group of finest musicians.
Or this.
Not the finest musicians.
Before Q gets in: Thicc
Lol. Did not expect that.
Bravo Ted!
“Financed the building of a cage large enough to hold an actress portraying Hillary Clinton in a prison uniform”
Pics or didn’t happen.
Large enough.
“”After the election of Donald Trump in or around November 2016, Defendants and their co-conspirators used false US personas to organise and co-ordinate US political rallies in support of then president-elect Trump, while simultaneously using other false U.S. personas to organise and co-ordinate US political rallies protesting the results of the 2016 US presidential election.”
If the real point of the alleged Russian meddling was to “sow discord” in the US political system, those efforts wouldn’t conclude upon Mr Trump’s election – and, according to the indictment, they didn’t.
In the days after the election, Russians were playing both sides against each other – encouraging rallies both for and against Mr Trump.
The president’s supporters have cited this as evidence that the Russians were as interested in undermining their man as much as helping him – although that’s undermined by actual communications Mr Mueller cites in the indictment, in which “specialists” were told the organisation supported Mr Trump and Mr Sanders.
What the post-election rallies demonstrate, however, is that the Russian efforts haven’t ended. US intelligence officials, in testimony before Congress earlier this week said essentially the same thing – that the Russians, undeterred, will seek to continue to foment chaos in the days ahead, including during the 2018 US congressional midterm elections.
The question, then, is what the US does – or does not do – to prepare and respond.”
Evolve to become a society that values robust, rational debate where substantive discussions about policy can proceed, between citizens, residents and non-residents?
That won’t fit on a bumper sticker.
Depends on what you drive.
It’s funny how much of the Russian troll activity was aimed at creating dissent among the various identity groups of the left. It was all incredibly hamfisted with accounts like “Woke Blacks,” “Blacktivist,” and “United Muslims of America.”
One of the charges leveled against the Russians? Defrauding the United States. You can’t make this shit up.
Mueller is still busy throwing everything and anything he can at Manafort. The latest? Submitting false information to obtain a mortgage on a Washington property.
If his whole investigation is a fail, do you think there’s a chance we can get the money spent on it back?
The longer this goes, the more it follows the Ken Starr trajectory into futility.
I’d say with a mortgage fraud charge, he has already beaten Starr.
Then lots of homeowners who went underwater in 2008 should be in the dock, too.
Let’s also emphasize again how the Russia hysteria, not anything Russian attempts to spread disinformation (something that has always been part of politics of any kind), is the real attack on democracy and free society. Former (((Nazi))) collaborator Soros calls on the EU to regulate speech on social media. Just how cynical and warped do you have to be to paint attempts to suppress speech as an effort to protect democracy?
If trolling is now a Federal offense, HyR better look out.
It also says those named in the indictment had visited the US posing as American citizens and had begun discussing how to affect the election as early as 2014.
Truly, Trump’s schemes are nefarious.
TBF he has sown discord.
“The Invention of the Jewish Nose
The designer of the film’s poster evidently agreed, avoiding more obvious symbols of Jewish identity (skull-cap, sidecurls, Star of David) in favor of a single dark, hook-nosed, fleshy face. Indeed, the poster hardly needed the accompanying title. In Europe in 1940, this representation of Jewishness was widespread: similar depictions of Jews could be seen on posters and in pamphlets, newspapers, even children’s books.
This image of the Jew, however, was far from “eternal.” Though anti-Semitism is notoriously “the longest hatred,” until 1000 CE, there were no easily distinguishable Jews of any kind in Western imagery, let alone the stereotypical swarthy, hook-nosed Jew. Earlier monuments and manuscripts did depict Hebrew prophets, Israelite armies, and Judaic kings, but they were identifiable only by context, in no way singled out as different from other sages, soldiers, or kings. Even nefarious Jewish characters, such as the priests (pontifices) who urged Pilate to crucify Christ in the Egbert Codex (circa 980), were visually unremarkable; they required labels to identify them as Jewish.”
Everyone knows the hooked nose thing is nonsense. If you really want to find out who the Jews in the crowd are, alls you have to do is drop a penny and see who rushes to grab it.
Hey! What happen?
(((I))) had the Elders of Zion delete your link.
“New Lewis Carroll biography finds ‘nothing untoward’ in his relationships with children
“The author, a former chairman of the Lewis Carroll Society, and the editor of 10 volumes of Carroll’s diaries, told the Guardian that Carroll was “a man who had an instant rapport with children. He was keen to educate them. Particularly girls. Girls did not go to school, and he thought that was such a waste of talent. When he visited friends he would try to educate the girls, give them puzzles and games to intellectually stimulate them. Some went on to become quite important in the suffragette movement, and in the campaign to get degrees for women.”
Wakeling blamed “rumours of him taking nude photographs of hundreds of children” for the idea that Carroll had an “unhealthy relationship with children”. But when Wakeling set out to search for these photographs, he found about 30, mainly from about eight families who had approached Carroll themselves.
“Child mortality in Victorian society was high. Parents who had children would have paintings or sculptures done, just in case. When photography came along, it was much easier. And these parents wanted them to be as close to angels as possible, so they tended to be nude. He obliged,” he said. “It was very much a Victorian thing you did. There was nothing untoward about this. Out of 3,000 photographs it is less than 1% – tiny. So suggesting he took hundreds is wrong.””
Pictures on tombstones are really disturbing. If you think it’s cool for your family, okay; but I am not taking this well at all.
Everyone I’m related to going back seven generations is buried on two hills a mile apart: quiet stands of red clay lost deep in the piney South. We have short generations and long lives, so I talked to people who lived in the 1870s and heard Civil War stories second hand. I want to walk amongst their stones quietly (even more quietly when I round the corner of my own stake). We are simple and unbejeweled folk: granite, thank you.
In other cemetaries, though: pictures! It’s a new thing, and, particularly, with young (and probably unexpectedly early) interments, it’s completely discombobulating to see their sophomore class picture smiling up at you from some creepy, shiny, oval.
Please stop this so I can remember people the way I want to: as they were with me, as we knew each other and walked this planet together. No more Olan Mills headstones.
I want my tombstone to represent my artistic abilities. A stick figure representation should do just fine.
open collar schmucks
They buried a Volvo?
I laughed
A 760, no less.
Classy indeed.
I recall being amazed, walking in a Bavarian graveyard in the 1980s, how many graves had photographs of the dead. And I’d say that 50% of them were photos of young men in their WWII uniforms “gefallen” for the “vaterland.”
Has anyone used the company Blink-health for prescriptions?
Just got home from home work, got soused, about to make blueberry pancakes for the kids. This morning was Chocolate Sombrero from Clown Shoes Brewery; very mild, quite nice with steak and eggs.
Maybe the Limeys can snatch Obama for his blatant attempts to meddle in the Brexit vote. I say they may have him.
Letters to the Local Rag: Which Amendment Are We Talking About Again?
Some people are willing to fight this, toots.
He’s sincere; I doubt it not.
And here comes a generation of that lot: Millennials feel their way, and the rule of law and the Constitution aren’t part of their common sense. They aren’t structured, so tangents, exceptions, and infringements are normal. Wait until wise latinas start being replaced by wise millennials: it will be all over; the new natural law will be all that matters; the US will be France.
Example: NAP doesn’t apply to Nazis…because they’re Nazis. You can slam a guy over the head with a shovel for simply wearing an armband: it’s okay, it is known. It’s like you haven’t even read jezebel dot com gsheezsh
Even the NY Post has lost their mind over this.
Yes, those are all stupid suggestions. None of them would have prevented Columbine, Virginia Tech, or Newtown.
Number of deaths due to automatic rifles is close to zero.
By which I mean “civilian deaths in the US.”
Lost me on that one. How does silencing someone who has said they are going to shoot up a school prevent them from shooting up a school?
I haven’t had anyone tell me that they support full confiscation of all firearms, or even a class of firearms. If so, I would let them know that I own that kind of gun, I won’t surrender it voluntarily, and ask them if they really think I should get my door kicked down by a SWAT team because I have it.
If they say yes, I’ll ask them how many dead cops they are willing to see in order to confiscate firearms. I’ll want a number – 5? 500? 5,000? There are at least 2mm, and probably more, Ar-15s alone in the US. If there are only 1mm AR-15 owners (a low estimate, IMO), and only 1% of them refuse and offer armed resistance, that’s 10,000 shootouts over just one kind of “assault rifle”.
So, how many dead cops is your crusade worth? I already know you don’t care how many dead gunowners result from your crusade, so I’m only asking about the cops.
You’re expecting an American to do math??
I don’t have much problem with the self-described Republican’s letter as written … except that it won’t do any good.
Since 1934, legally-owned, fully automatic weapons have only been used in three murders in the US. In one of these murders the shooter was a cop.
Fully automatic weapons comprise a fraction of a percent of citizen-owned firearms, so a blanket ban wouldn’t affect many gun owners. And, since the data indicate that cops are disproportionately likely to use a fully automatic weapon to commit murder, cops obviously should not own or otherwise possess fully automatic weapons.
I’d have not problem with a blanket civilian ban on automatic rifles if it weren’t for the fact that this really is a slippery slope … and it won’t do any good.
Obviously homeschooling enabled her to murder her children. A proper public school education would have prevented this.
Getting shot in a school or killed and shoved in a freezer.
Kids have it tough these days.
Re gay murders allegedly up 400%. Math is hard.
I fully expect this sort of hyper irresponsibility to keep going in the “Age of Trump”.
The one defining feature of Nazi and Fascist behaviour back in the day is that their actions were overt. They were brown and black shirts (and blue caps in Russia) going around busting up people’s heads, breaking down doors, throwing them in prison and gulags and outright murder culminating eventually into war – because that was the end goal (for the Nazis and Fascists).
I’ve yet to see any evidence in the ‘Age of Trump’ America is on this track. Apparently his is a covert operation that *emboldens* the “alt-right” and will eventually lead (though I haven’t heard it explicitly said) to his version of the black/brown shirts (no word on the colour Trump has settled on) and….lots death and wars.
All they have left is, well as if this is a surprise, is to lie and manipulate data (see whatever it is they call global warming now and gun control).
It’s asinine beyond belief to even remotely think this is possible. Then again, this from a group of people who think Russia hides under their beds.
You get donations by being the shrillest, most bombastic, bullshitter on the block. That’s a pretty high bar to clear these days.
Ok. I went to check the comments. Not one person questioned Signorile’s assertion. One made a loose stab at it and that’s it. Instead it was all emotion all the way down.
“Alan Roberts
I’ve lost several friends, community members and patients to anti-LGBTQ violence over the past two years, and every one of them counts. Are you saying that that extra eight percent is negligible? Should it be OK for anyone to lose their lives to prejudice this way?”
“James Alexander ·East Stroudsburg University
Trump! ….. All we need to know!
Like · Reply · 30 · Feb 5, 2018 3:09pm”
Casey Telemaque ·
Works at Gefran
I’m so tired of men’s masculinity being threatened being a reason to attack and hurt people.
Like · Reply · 1 ·
And Signorile is feeding into the hysteria and really is riling people up based on specious journalism (editor-at-large? More like fabricator-at-large). I went into his Twitter account – holy moly can it get any more irresponsible than that? But hey, don’t look to Twitter to suspend his account for ‘Fake News’ for obvious reasons.
This beyond the politics is a falsifier of basic education, taking statistics out of some meaningless outliers. Just like more men are mass shooters then women. Being so few, this says nothing of men and women in general
Of course not, it’s HuffPo.
I’ve lost several friends, community members and patients to anti-LGBTQ violence over the past two years
Bull. Shit. Unless your posse was hanging out at a certain Orlando nightclub. So I’m gonna need names, dates, and how they were killed.
Maybe he’s a trauma surgeon or something? Anyway, “anti-LGBTQ violence” often conflates violence against people because they are LGBT with violence against people who are LGBT. Matthew Shepard wasn’t killed because he was gay. He was killed for the same reason most people in the U.S. are murdered — being involved in illegal drug business.
Maybe he’s a trauma surgeon or something?
OK, maybe if he works at Rush Memorial in Chicago, maybe he’s seen several gay people killed by violence in the last few years. Maybe. Still need names, dates, etc. to verify.
Of course, the leap from “gay guy kilt by someone” to “gay guy kilt by someone because they hate gay people” is . . . large.
Maybe he’s beating up his gay friends and they are no longer his friends? Parse the language!
It’s easier than all that: it’s asinine to think that the plans and efforts of an unprincipled narcissist can be predicted.
In fairness to Trump, we haven’t heard anything principled coming from any of our institutions in decades
(although I’ll toss Randall a bouquet for his stint in the well recently).
The Turpin case and the lack of regulations that made it possible, Lubienski notes, is in part due to “the success of homeschooling advocacy organizations in rolling back or preventing reasonable regulations of the practice.”
When will Betsy Devos be made accountable for her crimes against humanity?
Beer Today, Scones Tomorrow – I assume the punny title works better if one pronounces scone incorrectly
As has been discussed extensively, the Department of Futile Gestures has brought charges against people they can’t touch for engaging in political speech. – the constitution of the US is outdated when it comes to free speech., You need common sense free speech control.
It is amazing how much better Europe is. Better speech laws better gun laws and 90% of our population is not starving, living in boxes and wearing sacks instead of clothes.
And although California requires private school employees receive a background check, parents who work with their kids are actually exempted from being checked to see if they have past criminal records… – you also need common sense parent control
Home schooling is illegal in Germany.
good sensible policy. Also parents never misbehave in Austria for example.
*slow clap*
Also you need the metric system. Damn you need a lot of things
Holy shit, this thread is retarded.
to quoit George Carlin it is not retarded it is minimally exceptional
Think about how stupid your average person is, and then remember that half the population is stupider than that
Alt-take: A horrific hurricane destroys homes, how can you not mention the ‘global warming?!’
Letters to the Local Rag: Remedial Bible School Edition
render unto Caeser
Ah yes, who can forget the exciting Muslim vs Christian battle scenes in the Bible.
Guess which side is me and which side is Swiss.
You are the not-Nazi swastika (the arms are pointing the wrong way to be the Nazi swastika) and Swiss is the Star of David? The other way around is too obvious, so I think you swapped to fuck with us.
All kinds of weird shit happens when he and I get to drinking.
*nods slowly*
Meanwhile, in Iowa last year, after the death of a 16-year-old girl who was homeschooled and died of starvation, a bill to require quarterly checks on homeschooled students also failed to make it out of committee.
How else are we going to get thousands more sociology majors on the state payroll?
Mandatory medical exams of school children?
OMWC approves.
Also you need the metric system. Damn you need a lot of things
Send in the blue helmets!
There are two kinds of countries in the world: those that use the metric system and those that have put a man on the moon.
Don’t get me wrong: I’m a man of science and prefer not to need to get out a spreadsheet to figure how many fluid ounces there are in an acre*foot, but that’s funny.
41,708,982 fluid ounces in an acre*foot
=(5280ft/mile)^2 / (640acres/square mile) * (1ft deep) * (12in/ft)^3 / (231in^3/gallon) * (128fluid ounces/gallon)
My car gets a 40 rods to the hogshead.
I wasn’t arguing….just an observation
and I’d disagree: they know a gallon of water is about eight pounds
but trust me: my relatives are functionally illiterate in most regards
by that token, their ignorance of SI is not even noteworthy
that’s twice today my comment posted to the wrong place
Well, 40 rods is 0.13 miles, or 320 rods to the mile, and a hogshead (U.S) is 63 gallons (U.S. fluid) so, that’s…
…counts on fingers…
1.575 gallons to the rod, which…
…removes shoes…
504 gallons to the mile.’
Man, what are you driving?
That thingy which carries the shuttle to the launching pad?
“My car gets a 40 rods to the hogshead”
*wipes snot off of iPad screen*
The thing with the metric system is that every American knows it. It’s taught. Ask anyone about it and they can use it. Americans know two systems.
I go back and forth effortlessly, but it’s my game:
I’ve worked for Japanese, French, German, and American firms
in Canada, the US, Mexico, Spain, France, Germany, and Poland.
But I’m related to a gross of Americans who could not tell you the mass of a liter of water;
the very best of them know a kilo weights about two pounds…that’s all they know.
Most probably couldn’t tell you what a gallon of water weighs either. That doesn’t mean that are illiterate on the metric system any more than the American one. It means they don’t memorize things that have little use to their lives.
Most countries that I’ve looked at still use their “old” systems here and there. Like German Pfund or Fuß.
At least when I was a teenager, everyone knew that there’s 28 grams in an ounce. Except in New York City, where there’s 25.
I know what you mean.
However, gold bugs also know that there are 31 grams in an ounce.
That information should have been forwarded to the FBI’s Miami field office for further investigation, but “we have determined that these protocols were not followed”, it said.
Whoa. The all-important procedures weren’t followed this time. Something might actually happen.
Procedures only matter when following them vindicates an officer.
Hehe, oh you.
They’re so overworked! Nothing a 30% budget increase won’t help, and Trump would gladly give it to them.
Something might actually happen.
I predict an off-site training program for all involved. Four days at a five star hotel on the beach in Hawaii ought to do it.
Only four days?!?! You monster! It has to be at least five.
Of course. You have to factor in the OSHA mandated breaks.
Let’s compromise at 6 days, but only if they can bring their families on the taxpayer’s dime.
Ocean view rooms only, otherwise we as a people dishonor our brave betters in the FBI.
If anyone has read and studied the Bible, they would know it is very political. And even then we were fighting Muslims versus Christianity
The Romans were Mohammedans?
The things you learn…
the bible was written in 1562 by a guy named Baldrick
I tried reading the Mother Jones article on homeschoolers. The concern trolling was too much. I quit part way through.
So straffinrun is a metal singer?
38 degrees amd raining. I got to work at 6:30 this morning, just in time for a vacuum switch to blow up in the substation. We just got the new one installed and the plant is back running.
Moral of this story. If you go work hungover, expect the absolute worst thing that can possibly happen as soon as you walk in the door.
38 degrees – I find it difficult to work in extreme heat
3°C for you eurotards
Over the last 25 years, I’ve come to consider that 38C (100F) isn’t ‘extreme’.
Russians are kicking the shit out of USA on the ice. Their goalie is a freaking giant. 6’7″. His head is above crossbar when he’s on his knees.
half of the Americans aren’t old enough to shave
That’s the problem. Most of the US team are ex-NHL/washed up Europe league players. I think they only have 4 youngsters on the team and – surprise! – they are the only ones getting anything done.
Speed, skill and creativity win at this tourney. USA hockey screwed the pooch on their team selection.
That guy is dead now.
*pours out a 40*
I just hope the Wild sign Greenway the second he steps off the plane. The guy is a beast.
What’s the deal? Professional athletes aren’t allowed to play?
I heard the NHL said “No Olympics for you.” I dunno if this is new? Probably, since it was remarked upon several times in the last couple games I watched.
Yeah, after last Olympics, the NHL decided – “not this time” as it sort of gutted the last third of the season.
So apropos of nothing I shave on average every 5 days, any more often and I get bloody on the neck. I use shaving gel and remembered an article read in reason a while ago about how gel/foam are scams and irritate you more. So I tried something called shaving oil -an English brand called Somersets . It worked reasonably well and did not irritate more than gel, I think even less actually, although it seemed harder to clean the razor (I use a Gillette fusion and those things are expensive so I wanna get y uses out of one and so am not sure if the oil will make it grimy long term). I will try the oil a while and then maybe try and actual badder hair brush and a classic cream/soap to see how that works…
Get some castor oil, it’s cheap and it works. Clean your razor often. Using a steel razor handle will allow you to just boil it in a pot to sterilize it. The Astra blades are about $0.10 each on Amazon and are excellent.
Remember to prep, use heat on the areas you want to shave to soften the hairs.
I was always afraid I cut myself with a safety razor, that is why I get the overprices Fusion In Bucharest it is like 20 dollars US for 4 reserves
The adjustable safety razors allow you to change the aggressiveness of the cut. I’ve done them all and I am very prone to razor bumps and cuts. The safety razor is the best way to go.
Oil works fine – I use it when I travel – but make sure you wash it off with soap after, and ideally, use a moisturizer if you have some to hand.
Most of the time, I’m using old school soap puck with a badgerhair brush, same rules apply – make sure you rinse afterwards and use moisturizer.
I used this oil
Hmm i just used water to wash the oil. I do use a sort of after shave moisturize – current one from the same Somersets brand.
this is the t shave thing
Well, the oil is probably castor oil. All the other gunk is just there to smell nice. I’ve used peanut oil in the past.
Scruffy’s right about the safety razors though. It’s hard to do major damage to yourself, and once you get them adjusted to the right aggressiveness for your growth, they’re fast and very gentle on the skin. Cheap AF too.
If that’s a bridge too far, I also use these (again, when I travel). Blades are very good, and far cheaper than the Gilette/Schick/Wilkinson Sword multiblade razor heads, and last far longer. Just watch out on the prices – there are a lot of reseller on Amazon that hike the prices. I but from Harrys direct, and the blades work out under $1 each.
Hybrid Vegetable Oils, Menthol, Natural Fragrance, Aloe Vera, Organic Sandalwood Oil, French Lavender Oil, Organic Tea Tree Oil, Evening Primrose Oil, Sweet Almond Oil, Jojoba Oil, Virginian Cedarwood Oil, Vetiver Oil, Safflower Oil, Grapefruit Oil, Corianda Oil, Palmarosa Oil, Comores Ylang Ylang Oil,Organic Brazilian Bisabalol, Organic Chilean Rosehip Seed Oil.
i don’t have major issues with Gillette besides a vague feeling of getting scammed
I learned something interesting this week- Gillette uses Krytox as their blade lubricant. Dryfilm RA, specifically. Now what use this is as a practical matter, I have no idea, but it’s a fun trivia fact you can use to impress the ladies..
Only $30K per pail!
Interesting, because the MSDS for Krytox labels it as a mild skin irritant.
The irritant part is from the surfactant that’s used to keep the PTFE in suspension. Once it’s applied and baked on, the surfactant is gone.
See, it’s knowing stuff like that which gets me laid.
Middle school kids need to know this?
they come for the candy, they stay for the knowledge of chemicals
I now realize Somerstes is sexist. they have 7 products for men and only 2 for women
On the road I use the free hotel hair conditioner,
and I’ve got the curly-fierce Celtic whiskers.
I hate coping with the TSA liquid rules and just carry-on none.
I haven’t clean-shaved in probably 20 years. No patience for that. Just dry-run an electric razor over it every few days.
I have thick facial hair that grows crazy fast. I’m currently rockin’ a full beard, but when I don’t I had the best luck with an old school Gillette safety razor, such as the ones made by Merkur. Short handle, notched blade guard. I also use a brush and shaving soap. When I was using the disposable cartridges and the gel like you’re talking about I had exactly the same result. I’d get razor burn like crazy and I’d cut the bejeezus out of my neck. I’d look like I’d been attacked, it was no good. Plus, I dreaded shaving in the summer because as soon as I’d sweat the salt would make all the cuts and scrapes burn like hell.
So, safety razor (old kind, not plastic kind), good quality blades (I like Derby, but Shark is good, too), good badger brush (don’t need to go top quality, middle-grade is fine) and a decent soap. Don’t shave against the grain. I did this and I haven’t had a nick since. It does take a little practice to get the hang of a safety razor, but it’s really just a matter of short, smooth strokes with no pressure on the blade. Let the blade do the work, as they say.
I’m partial to the Aveeno shave gel for sensitive skin. I shave every other day and use a new Astra double edge safety blade each shave. I get excellent results.
Has anybody tried Harry’s razors? From the people behind Sent Parker glasses. It looks like they have adopted the Dollar Shave Club recurring model since the last time I looked into them. Claim to have German engineered steel.
Yep. Note above. I’m a fan.
*Warby Parker glasses
I always tried to figure out what was special about German steel. And apparently the answer is, “It sounds cool.”
Japanese steel is much better, but it might make you have a very small penis.
so you are saying ōdachi is better than Zweihänder
Everyone knows that the final stage of fine German Steel production is having Wotan himself plunge the billets into the bodies of the Romans captured in the Teutoberger Forest.
That’s why Audis never rust.
I’ll second the Japanese steel.
Gotta hand it to em though, Zwilling JA Henckels and Wusthof have great logos.
I have Wusthof and Shun knives. I worry a lot that they’ll get together and start a war against the American and British knives.
I love my Ken Onion chef knife my rich aunt and uncle got me 12 years ago.
You should mix in a few of these.
If you’re a knife guy with more money than sense (ahem), A. G. Russell is catnip.
No love for the Syrians and Damascus?
they just stole it from the Indians dot not feather. Anyhow most so called Damascus steel is just pattern welded steel
Ahem, we make pretty damn good steel right here in the U.S. of A.
i though you were indentured to Brazilians
I am. My plant is still on U.S. soil though.
I use automotive grease and shave with an axe. Is that weird?
you shave with a can of body spray? impresive
I always thought you were using lithium.
Propane torch or GTFO
Desperate Dan nods enthusiastically.
I pay the old Italian barber to do it right once or twice a month.
You and your euphemisms.
I use Schick Slim Twin 2’s. I shave in the shower. Wash hair. Wash body with body wash. Use body wash to shave face. Silky smooth.
I use this, a Parker safety razor and Feather blades. A little Proraso afterwards and all is well.
Rumor is that stuff also repels mosquitoes.
I use cheap-ass Barbasol and it works like a charm.
Also, shaving while showering preps the skin so no nicks or cuts.
I just shave in the shower after I wash my hair. No prep, just razor on skin. Of course I can’t grow a beard worth a shit.
Lindsey Vonn choked in super-g. NBC sports promo machine must have stripped a gear. Back to pimping the shit out of Schiffrin, I guess.
My mom tells me the figure skating is at a very unusual hour because American TV paid money to have it at an hour conviction to them. In Romania it is like 6 AM, but my mom is awake anyway at that hour
Fuck CenturyLink. I called up two days ago to let them know I was moving and needed to cancel at the end of the month. Yesterday at 6:00 PM my internet turns off. I call them up. They say that they can’t do anything because it’s been disconnected and that the only people who could have helped are closed. They tell me I have to wait till Monday for a new order to get processed on Monday which at a it’s earliest would mean internet would be back up on Wednesday, just in time for me to move on Saturday.
So, you’re saying your Internet is down? Do you need any scores?
Just Cal ones, please.
Stanford just kicked a field goal with 0:04 left to take a 20-19 lead. Looks like this game is over.
I had my money on the Trees, so I’m good. Thanks!
that fucking blows.
Yup. I’m going to call Comcast to see if they will let me connect from here a few days early (I have all the equipment already).
maybe try and actual badder hair brush and a classic cream/soap to see how that works…
I use a brush and soap, and cheap two blade “sports razors”. I used to use some soap brand
madelabelled for shaving, but it disappeared from the shelves long ago. I tried a different kind, once and the perfume was so noxious I had to throw it away. For years, I have been just tossing my bar soap slivers into the mug. It works just fine, for me.* I use whichever no perfume / sensitive skin bar soap I happen to grab off the shelf- usually Dove, I guess.
“Antifa Rages Against Google’s Dissident
James Damore is coming to Portland State, and ‘intersectionalists’ are issuing threats.
I belong to Freethinkers of Portland State University, a skeptic student group. On Saturday we’re hosting a panel on diversity featuring James Damore, the Google employee who was fired last July for writing a memo expressing heterodox views about sex disparities in the company’s workforce.
We expected controversy. But we also got danger. The left-wing newspaper Willamette Week published an article with a false and inflammatory headline: “Tech Bro Fired from Google for Saying Women Are Biologically Unfit to Be Engineers Will Speak at PSU Next Month.” The subheadline inaccurately attributed to Mr. Damore the view that “women can’t do math.”
Campus activists called us misogynists, white supremacists, neo-Nazis. A person claiming to work for campus audiovisual services tweeted that he could break into our event through a back entrance and “literally turn the whole building off.” There were threats of violence. A Facebook user—it’s not clear if he’s connected to PSU—suggested he’d throw “active grenades” at Mr. Damore onstage. Campus police took these threats seriously enough that they denied our request for a larger venue, despite overwhelming interest.
PDX Women in Tech, a local activist group, proclaimed itself “disheartened and appalled” that we were “engaging in discourse without an opposing viewpoint.” If they’d asked us, they’d have known we invited every tenured and tenure-track professor from the women’s studies department and were rebuffed. Meantime, the administration and student government have organized three counterevents to challenge “the notion that women do not generate ideas”—something Mr. Damore has never claimed. Opponents also attempted to deny our event an audience by hoarding the free tickets and not using them.”
This makes me think of the discussion above. It can’t be said enough, but if you were to compare actions of groups today, with actions of the Nazis and Facisim, objectively the left would fall more in line than the right.
That’s because Nazism/Fascism are and have always been left-wing socialist-inspired idealogies.
The two-axes political “compass” is a bullshit post-modernist created by socialist academics in order to put distance between Nazism (National Socialism) and Soviet-style communism, though there is very little real difference between the two.
Libertarians would do well to stop perpetuating the political compass bullshit. Libertarians do not care “why” someone wants to control our lives or “what” aspects of our lives they want to control. All that matters to us is that someone wants to take away freedom. Therefore, Libertarians ought only reference the tried and true one -xis political spectrum, where total control is on the left (no freedom), and anarchy (total freedom) is on the right. And we can call Marxists, democratic socialists, nazis, fascists, etc, exactly what they are: leftists. People who want to control us. Pieces of shit.
Well, that’s why the traditional Nolan Chart is oriented the way it is, and is, I think, a far better way (although still wildly deficient) in charting results from questionnaires. It emphasizes that once an individual has a totalitarian-enough ideology, “left”/”right” becomes irrelevant.
Exactly: notice that social liberals think it’s wrong for government to interfere in their pot and ass sex, but government is necessary to make sure that the wrong people don’t have guns.
And they say the alt-right is the modern day brown shirts.
Leftists project. It’s what they do.
The left-wing newspaper Willamette Week published an article with a false and inflammatory headline: “Tech Bro Fired from Google for Saying Women Are Biologically Unfit to Be Engineers Will Speak at PSU Next Month.” The subheadline inaccurately attributed to Mr. Damore the view that “women can’t do math.”
Par for the course, in the fact-based “I fucking love science” community.
for Saying Women Are Biologically Unfit to Be Engineers
Leftists really do specialize in being disingenuous.
Re Mother Jones and homeschooling. Aside from the fact the author basically pushes for ‘more state power” here are some quotes that intrigued me:
“The Turpin case is of course an extreme one, but it reveals just how easily the homeschooling system in California—and in many places across the country—can be abused.”
It’s “extreme” but let’s treat it as a norm ‘just in case’.
As pointed out already: “And although California requires private school employees receive a background check, parents who work with their kids are actually exempted from being checked to see if they have past criminal records or whether their households include someone who does.”
I agree. I can’t make sense of this. I kinda get what’s being said but boy do they put a lot of weight on these ‘background checks’. Soon enough, we’ll have to perform one on hair dressers if this keeps up. I have to do it in my business but it’s really a limited tool. All it says is ‘up to this point in life, this person may or may not have been caught doing something bad so tread carefully’. Well, that’s how I read it.
“That said, it’s probable that homeschooling played a role—often by shielding abuse from authorities—in creating conditions in which abuse could happen,” Lubienski tells Mother Jones.)”
Probable? Could? Can we ever be exact? You can, I suppose, replace ‘homeschool’ for anything the way this sentence and subsequent argument is constructed.
“…and the lack of regulations that made it possible, Lubienski notes, is in part due to “the success of homeschooling advocacy organizations in rolling back or preventing reasonable regulations of the practice.”
Perhaps the strongest opposition force against legislating homeschools is Christian conservative legal advocacy group known as the Home School Legal Defense”
I have no idea how accurate this and the case isn’t strengthened with the word ‘perhaps’. To me, this is just a standard tactic from left-wing publications to make sure they insert anti-Christian rhetoric into their articles.
“…to rally against what they see as burdensome and controlling regulations.”
And they be right. Quick anecdotal OT example in my experience. Since Quebec subsidized daycare, the bureaucracy has pretty much taken over and the results are exactly what you’d imagine it to be whenever this sort of thing happens. It has grown to the point where if someone wants a permit to have daycare they have to submit a business plan (already bull shit in of itself) to the government. One problem. As one advocate for private services (with a MBA) noticed – not one person on the three-person panel determining the merit of a BP had any formal business knowledge – be it via schooling or experience. They were all bureaucrats. Let that sink in.
There’s no question it will be there will be unnecessary added red tape for the vast majority who don’t commit crimes and actually do their jobs properly. But hey, remember, it’s always a good idea to let ‘extreme’ cases and emotion drive policy.
“In recent years, lawmakers in at least five states have tried to pass measures to make homeschools more accountable.”
The left are big on accountability; except for the public sector. They demand it from private enterprise, but public employees not so much I’ve noticed over the years.
“In 2015 in Michigan, which did not require parents to register their schools with the state, two children were found dead in a freezer in Detroit after, prosecutors said, their mother abused them and pulled them out of public school to homeschool them. The incident sparked a legislative effort that year to establish minimum reporting requirements…”
This is not a reason to back more requirements. My guess is the mother would have killed them anyway. This just provides a misguided pretext to close in on homeschoolers.
Anyway, what people are not getting is once the government has a foot in the door (in whatever capacity) into your family, you’re done. You belong to them now. The whole point of homeschooling is to keep the government at bay and once they get in, it will be mission creep all the way. For example, I’m forced to follow ‘public’ standards even though I’m private and offer a superior service (in my view). It will be the same in homeschooling. Once the government starts to legislate it will go beyond safety concerns and right into the curriculum eventually.
I’m done. My kitten is busting my chops.
My kitten is busting my chops. – euphemisms these days
I after. My mother home schooled me for 5 years (4-8th grade, technically I’m the first kid to get a highschool diploma, and it means Jack squat), not for volunteering religious or political reasons, she just knew that the public schools weren’t teaching anything. These articles of course overlook things like teachers sleeping with their students. And school shootings. Is it fair to blame public school for those? Probably not. But likewise it’s not fair to blame homeschools for bad parents.
Or just plain bad teachers who don’t give a shit. My wife and her mother are teachers. Every time I speak with them and their friends they all admit a good number of people don’t belong in education but good luck firing them.
The teachers unions have to use the “danger” angble because they’ve thoroughly lost the academic angle against home schooling.
And, very importantly, the “danger” angle is anecdotal. I don’t have statistics, but I imagine that kids in a home school are at least as safe as those in a government school.
Government school dangers are pretty much like like everything else people do: the greatest danger to students in a government is a traffic fatality, which is pretty much a non-issue for home schools. (Google “Report of Relative Risks of Death in U.S. K-‐12 Schools” for details.)
Of course, tying horrific child abuse to home schooling is canard. Horrific child abusers are just horrifically abusing their children, and there are already laws against that.
In the end it’s not really about the merits of homeschooling – it’s about propping up the power of teachers’ unions. Homeschooling gets in the way of that.
FWIW, webdominatrix was homeschooled. She managed to start college at age 12. As far as I’m aware, she didn’t get locked in a freezer, and if she were, she’d have quickly figured out how to dismantle the door hinge mechanisms, then use the door to beat the shit out of whoever locked her in there.
“She managed to start college at age 12.”
But she finished when she was 37, so …
(just kidding)
OMWC created 12 yo sorority girls? You don’t say.
Perhaps the strongest opposition force against legislating homeschools is Christian conservative legal advocacy group known as the Home School Legal Defense”
I have no idea how accurate this and the case isn’t strengthened with the word ‘perhaps’. To me, this is just a standard tactic from left-wing publications to make sure they insert anti-Christian rhetoric into their articles.
I would agree that HSLDA has been at the forefront of reducing the red tape for homeschooling. They regularly update their cases for every state. For a national organization, the work they do on the local level is nothing short of amazing. I’ll be paying $1,000 for a lifetime family membership as soon my oldest hits compulsory age. Their legal defense is worth every penny.
Now the Christian part is pure anti-Christian rhetoric as you said. They are technically a Christian organization but have no requirements for membership. They welcome anyone who wants to homeschool for any reason. None of their legislative pushes for homeschool is religious-based (though religion may be included along with secular approaches in bills.
I’ll be paying $1,000 for a lifetime family membership as soon my oldest hits compulsory age.
I live in a relatively easy homeschooling state, yet still consider legal insurance necessary to protect my family from the viciousness of the bureaucracies overseeing it. If I consider this necessary with homeschooling “unregulated”, I hate to see what kind of nightmare the Mother Jones people desire.
parents who work with their kids are actually exempted from being checked to see if they have past criminal records or whether their households include someone who does.
I’m having a hard time seeing why parents who homeschool should undergo background checks, but all parents should not.
And what the consequences should be if they “fail” the background check. If you aren’t safe to teach your own children, how are you safe to raise them in any way? Isn’t the danger to the children due to your presence, regardless of whether you are homeschooling or not?
But, let’s say that there’s some rational basis for saying that you should undergo a background check if you homeschool. What about helping your kids with their homework? Should you be barred from doing that unless you pass a background check? What’s the difference between a homeschooler teaching their kids the multiplication tables, and a parent helping their kid with their multiplication homework?
/Judge Nap OFF
“I agree. I can’t make sense of this. I kinda get what’s being said but boy do they put a lot of weight on these ‘background checks’. Soon enough, we’ll have to perform one on hair dressers if this keeps up.”
I’m pretty sure PA requires a criminal history check for a cosmetology license.
Probable? Could? Can we ever be exact? You can, I suppose, replace ‘homeschool’ for anything the way this sentence and subsequent argument is constructed.
Well, yeah.
“I’m not saying it was Satanism (but it was Satanism)”
“Video games, not guns, to blame for school shooting, says Kentucky gov.
“It’s the same as pornography…. we are reaping what we’ve sown here.””
Everybody’s got their own hobbyhorse to ride.
Yes, and it’s sickening how quickly everyone is ready to climb up on dead children to make their point.
Maybe hobbycorpse is more apropos
Wow. Just wow. Well done.
Didn’t we already go through this in the 90s.
Bad ideas and Fashion run in 30 year cycles.
Yup. Too many people don’t really believe anything unless they have experienced it personally. Every generation is therefor doomed to repeat the mistakes of the past.
Because people are fucking stupid. Natural law. No way around it.
Bikini babes from outer space!
I’m not saying it’s aliens…
I hit refresh and see Q’s post just as AC/DC’s “Big Balls” comes up on the music randomizer.
I’ll have an order of #52, please.
Good collection.
Bikini Girls With Machine Guns.
And if you prefer no selfies, Gingermageddon!
Porn with condoms is disgraceful.
Damn straight.
Generally when it comes to pornos, I’m not focusing on the cocks.
I think that… until I notice a dick that really bugs me…then I click to a different video
As it turns out, a dick is a necessary component of traditional vaginal intercourse.
The beauty of gay porn – you don’t have to see what you don’t want to see.
Of course, gay porn doesn’t have what I want to see.
Hundreds of “lesbian” porn actresses haz a sad 🙁
My brain equates “gay” with homosexual men. I just don’t think of homosexual women as “gay women”, I think of them as “lesbians”.
So, you are technically correct, which as we all know, is the best kind of correct.
Story time.
When i moved into the new house back in the fall, the last batch of contractors were nice enough to leave me a dilapidated rubbermaid can full of debris, drywall crumbles, carpet tacking strips, mcdonalds bags, etc. So i bagged it up, soggy and sharp, and forgot about it till I’ve got enough to order a bulk-pickup.
Last night, I’m walking through the kitchen and I hear beeping, 3 short, pause, repeat. Start tracking it down, everywhere I go in the house it gets quieter. Step out on the porch, wham. Coming from the direction of my neighbors house. Shrug.
Get up today, still going. Wtf. Are they over there dying of carbon monoxide poisoning? If the house was on fire, it’d be visibly on fire by now, or burnt down. Head over there to the edge of my property, and as soon as I get past the trashcan-pad, quieter again…..
Check my bins, like, I didn’t toss anything that beeps recently? Well, it certainly wouldn’t be recyclable, and my trash is empty still……THE FUCKING CONTRACTOR BAGS. Bing-fucking-O. The assholes tossed smoke alarms with the batteries still in them, and one just ran out.
Slice, dig, motherfucker, re-bag, sit back down. There were two detectors in there, and I didn’t check if the other one has a battery still…..maybe I’ll get the bulk-pickup ordered before the next battery dies, or at least I’ll know right where to look next time.
Something similar happened to some folks I used hang out with. I was over at their house, and the beeping started. We looked everywhere, and eventually, buried in a bag of trash, was the beeping smoke detector. What a pain in the ass that was.
Should have just set the whole bag on fire.
Then there’s this:
Progs and their eugenics…
If we just kill everyone, there won’t be any more crime.
Wouldn’t the world have turned out better if the mothers of all these monsters had aborted them rather than gone full term?
No, not school shooters. Journalists.
We need common-sense abortion laws to stamp out the epidemic of retarded journalists.
Numbers don’t lie.
oh but they do. numbers are assholes
figures don’t lie, but liars figure
I prefer the United Van Lines index myself.
Trump’s Fake News: Deep Breaths and Fact-Checking Might Just Save America
*Nelson Laugh*
‘but instead is an indictment on the negative “masculine” traits such as “violence and sexual conquest.”’
But that’s not offensive at all…
Since their libertarian/conservative audience left a long time ago, this proves that even liberals/progs can overload on hate.
While the pro-North Korea CNN lost nearly a third of its primetime viewers, MSNBC actually gained in total day (+26 percent) and primetime (+22 percent)
So, CNN isn’t left enough and a lot of their left for MSNBC. That’s really not a good thing.
NPR digs down
“Without a doubt, the cellphones provide an emotional security blanket for parents and kids,” Trump says. As a father himself, “I get that, my heart is there.”
And he acknowledges that in some cases, in the hands of responsible parties, phones might help keep people safe. That same Education Week story found that while in lockdown, a teacher at Marjory Stoneman Douglas, Jim Gard, coordinated with other teachers over email and asked his students to text classmates to make sure people were accounted for.
Nevertheless, says Trump, the weight of the evidence is against having free access to phones in a crisis. “I’m in a rare position professionally where I understand the downsides of it.”
But schools, and school leadership, aren’t necessarily seeing those downsides. Maybe that is because there is no one federal agency responsible for disseminating information or training on security and crisis procedures for schools, including on the use of phones. The Departments of Education, Health and Human Services, Homeland Security and Justice all offer resources but take a “piecemeal” approach, according to a 2016 report by the Government Accountability Office.
This is why we need publicly funded propaganda radio; somebody has to ask the truly important questions, like, “Why are there no federal regulations controlling phone use in schools?”
Also- “Trump” = [not that one]
I could tell just by the word choices.
If we just kill everyone, there won’t be any more crime.
Not everyone. Just everyone who isn’t just like us.
Central African
19th century
Constructed from Human skull, wood, antelope horn, skin, gut & hair.
Your move, Norway.
Looks like a knock off to me. Probably made in the 80s
“I… don’t even know where to begin with that one.”
A criminal background check of the author sounds like a good place to start.
Let’s just level the playing fields and put the same criteria in place for both 1A and 2A.
*spits coffee*
Ben does get some good zingers in on occasion.
My Collection Of Knives I Found In Rivers… All Free!
what could go wrong?
Looks like OJ found his wife’s killer.
That video led me to this one. Huh. People really do have boating accidents.
“A Gun-Control Measure Conservatives Should Consider
What if, however, there was an evidence-based process for temporarily denying a troubled person access to guns? What if this process empowered family members and others close to a potential shooter, allowing them to “do something” after they “see something” and “say something”? I’ve written that the best line of defense against mass shootings is an empowered, vigilant citizenry. There is a method that has the potential to empower citizens even more, when it’s carefully and properly implemented.
It’s called a gun-violence restraining order, or GVRO.
While there are various versions of these laws working their way through the states (California passed a GVRO statute in 2014, and it went into effect in 2016), broadly speaking they permit a spouse, parent, sibling, or person living with a troubled individual to petition a court for an order enabling law enforcement to temporarily take that individual’s guns right away. A well-crafted GVRO should contain the following elements (“petitioners” are those who seek the order, “the respondent” is its subject):
It should limit those who have standing to seek the order to a narrowly defined class of people (close relatives, those living with the respondent);
It should require petitioners to come forward with clear, convincing, admissible evidence that the respondent is a significant danger to himself or others;
It should grant the respondent an opportunity to contest the claims against him;
In the event of an emergency, ex parte order (an order granted before the respondent can contest the claims), a full hearing should be scheduled quickly — preferably within 72 hours; and
The order should lapse after a defined period of time unless petitioners can come forward with clear and convincing evidence that it should remain in place.
The concept of the GVRO is simple, not substantially different from the restraining orders that are common in family law, and far easier to explain to the public than our nation’s mental-health adjudications. Moreover, the requirement that the order come from people close to the respondent and that they come forward with real evidence (e.g. sworn statements, screenshots of social-media posts, copies of journal entries) minimizes the chance of bad-faith claims.”
Sounds reasonable, until it gets implemented, expanded, abused, and reinterpreted.
Well, that’s the issue. In principle, it sounds fine, and helps outline that people are the problem, and not an inanimate assembly of metal, wood and/or polymer. Devil being in the details, of course, you would have certain states and counties making removal and/or appeal of a GVRO very costly and complicated, and you would have a semi-professional cadre of ‘petitioners’ who would ensure that GVROs stay in place.
vigilant citizenry
An armed citizenry is a vigilant citizenry. Come to think of it, “citizens” are armed, “subjects” are not.
What if, however, there was an evidence-based process for temporarily denying a troubled person access to guns? What if this process empowered family members and others close to a potential shooter, allowing them to “do something” after they “see something” and “say something”?
What if there already is? Every. Single. State. Already has a process for reporting someone who is a danger to themselves or others, having them detained and evaluated by mental health professionals on an expedited basis, and having the courts take a look at the evaluation and issue a court order for either involuntary treatment, guardianship, whatever the court says, which could definitely include “no guns”.
The GVRO adds nothing to existing law, except to subtract evaluation by mental health professionals and any kind of treatment for the underlying condition.
NPR cuts to the chase
Since the Columbine massacre in 1999, schools have changed the way they respond to both potential threats and actual attacks. And they’ve done so even without coordinated federal oversight or much in the way of dedicated resources, either for training, safety or broader prevention.
There is no one profile of those who cause violent deaths in schools, other than the fact that they tend to be male. In addition, no federal law requires K-12 schools to report violent crimes, which means there is no central repository of such reports. (There is such a law for colleges and universities).
More federal money, more federal control.
Maybe we should just do away with states.
Maybe we should just do away with states.
That’s what collectivists want. Why do you think they are so against the EC?
I like how US government agencies are really based on objectiv fact and not ideologies
Google’s firing of an engineer over his controversial memo criticizing its diversity policies and “politically correct monoculture” didn’t violate U.S. labor law, a federal agency lawyer concluded.
Statements in James Damore’s 3,000-word memo “regarding biological differences between the sexes were so harmful, discriminatory, and disruptive” that they fell outside protections for collective action in the workplace, an associate general counsel for the National Labor Relations Board wrote in a six-page memo disclosed Thursday.
“Neil deGrasse Tyson
Evidence collected over many years, obtained from many locations, indicates that the power of Prayer is insufficient to stop bullets from killing school children.”
I’m starting to think he’s not all that.
I responded, “Evidence collected over many years, obtained from many locations, indicates that the power of yet more laws is insufficient to stop bullets from killing school children.”
You mean Neil deGrasse Tyson isn’t willing to engage with people who disagree with him? Color me shocked.
You cannot expect a great scientician like him to debate, can you?!
The science is settled. What is there to debate?
You know for someone so ‘intelligent’, you’d think he’d be familial with the theological/philosophical question ‘why do bad things happen to good people?’
He’s not intelligent. He’s an affirmative action scientist, same as King Zero was an affirmative action President. Legit astrophysicists would laugh at him being called a first tier researcher.
Exactly so. I was at a party a few weeks ago, seated at a table full of progs. One asked me, “You’re a scientist, don’t you thing Tyson is brilliant?” I responded almost exactly what you said, adding in that he hasn’t actually done research in many years and his publication record was no better than mine- and I think of myself as a third-tier researcher. And that he seems to not know a lot of basic physics outside his specialty (remember him getting the ideal gas law wrong?), but is willing to opine about it as if he actually had authority. The shocked silence was delightful.
“For Socrates, the cobblers were genius in their trade because they used an episteme, a form of knowledge, to make something, to have an end product. But, that is were it ends. Once a cobbler starts talking about horses, for example, he is out of his league of episteme and into the realm of doxia, or opinion.”
so it has ever been
The less you know about something, the easier it looks.
My sister loves watching Colbert. One time while I was visiting, she was watching the video of Colbert interviewing Nye. Nye said that because Mechanical Engineering involves lots of Physics, he counts as a scientist. I said, “I had Physics classes too during my undergrad, and I was a Math minor. I’m not a scientist and I’m not a mathematician.” She had no response.
I’m a mechanical engineer by degree; I know a metric shit-ton about everything, it pays, and my toys work; it is a great education to take into the wider world. But I still wouldn’t let my colleagues change my oil or cast my votes: they’re largely area experts and don’t get out much. The creed in engineering is this: only practice in your area.
But this is really about semantics: what you call your is just label play. Remember that there are schools of thought in physics that don’t agree: the data do not reject either hypothesis yet, and the camps keep studying. There is no single thing that physicist are or know.
What is problematic is that the folk with the loudest and strongest opinions know and read little of history, economics, or political geography. Most things have been tried; human nature has left us a rich history, an ash-heap of results. You don’t need to be a mechanical engineer to know what has worked, what failed, and why.
Wait a minute here, next you’ll be telling me George Washington Carver wasn’t the Father of modern agriculture and Helen Keller’s handlers did all her work.
“Legit astrophysicists would laugh at him being called a first tier researcher”
I remember reading something similar about Steven Jay Gould: many scientists loved him for taking on creationists, etc. but laughed at the idea he was any kind of research genius.
What if, however, there was an evidence-based process for temporarily denying a troubled person access to guns?
And, of course, by “evidence-based” they mean magical.
What we really need is an army psychic empaths, roaming the hallways of America’s schools, listening in to the inner voices of our nation’s youth.
Didn’t Paul Verhoeven have something like that in one of his movies?
Starship Troopers?
“listening in to the inner voices of our nation’s youth.”
Half of what he would hear is, “how can I get laid, how can I get laid, how can I get laid.”
What did you expect, you science-hating Luddite?
Your threading skills are always a delight to see in action!
“The Cultural Diversity Case for Free Speech
American campus speech codes and informal speech norms discriminate against foreign students and faculty, and that’s an important but neglected reason why they should be challenged. Speech codes often claim to protect ‘cultural diversity’ on campuses, but they often do the reverse. They impose narrow American norms of political correctness on foreign grad students, post-docs, and faculty who can’t realistically understand what Americans will find offensive.”
The American Left really doesn’t want to hear how not-woke their International friends can be.
They impose narrow
Americannorms of political correctness onforeign grad students, post-docs, and facultysane people who can’trealisticallypossibly understand what mentally ill Americans will find offensive.Seems unfair. All the Jewish cups are clustered and the Nazi cups are in-line.
Now you’re getting it!
This week the U.S. Air Force Academy issued an apology after a commandant cited the former pro basketball star as an exemplar of good grooming and professional appearance.
“He was never seen with a gaudy chain around his neck, his pants below his waistline, or with a backwards baseball hat on during public appearances,” Master Sgt. Zachary Parish wrote in an email to cadets, according to the Gazette in Colorado Springs.
Parish is the top enlisted airman assigned to the student body, called the cadet wing. Across the military, top enlisted personnel enforce haircut regulations for lower-ranking personnel.
But some recipients of Parish’s email took offense, interpreting his message not as well-intentioned advice, but as a slight against African-Americans, the newspaper reported.
“Microagressions such as these are often blindspots/unintentional biases that are not often recognized, and if they are recognized they are not always addressed,” Stevens added.
But even the colonel’s message drew criticism, as some Air Force sergeants writing on Facebook accused the officer of being overly sensitive.
“This is a perfect example of why we’re going to lose a war with Russia/China,” one commenter wrote, according to the Gazette.
It’s a “slight” to say someone is well put together. Jeebus Christ.
an exemplar of good grooming and professional appearance
like the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy?
I thought it was a slight against suburban white teenaged males.
And although California requires private school employees receive a background check, parents who work with their kids are actually exempted from being checked to see if they have past criminal records…
Do they want a background check to get pregnant?
Only if you don’t plan on aborting.
So how well can you estimate the area someone is from based on skin color?
The admin of the realpeerreview twitter account refers to herself as black or woman of color and says she is from a third world country with at least some desert in it. I have always been curious of the general area.
These are pictures of allegedly herself posted online. Where would you say she is from? No face visible but skin color. Also tits if you want extra incentive to click
I’m guessing Louisiana.
Decent tits.
are you implicit black chicks don’t have nice tits? I’m on to you.
would you let her peg you?
i mean is it at least Africa or could it be Asia somewhere?
“So how well can you estimate the area someone is from based on skin color?”
Basically, you can’t.
I mean, nobody would have thought Michael Jackson was born in Gary, Indiana.
Mueller succeeded in finding some internet trolls who said some stuff online. Your government at work. Can we put to rest this nonsense?
The Atlantic- asking the tough questions
Why Don’t More Female Figure Skaters Wear Pants?
Leggings and yoga gear are common sights at practice rinks. But in competition, gender-coded costumes still prevail.
The overdetermined femininity of figure skating has, of course, been subject to a low, steady rumble of criticism. Even in the early ’90s, back when pants and unitards were illegal in competition and discouraged in practice, and Nancy Kerrigan was scooping up medals and endorsement deals in her elegant Vera Wang dresses, it was not lost on feminist skating critics like Abigail M. Feder that “none of the stereotypical signs” of the athletic or the masculine—like “grunting, sweating, [or] bulging muscles—ever seemed to disrupt the ladylike Kerrigan package.”
I could give coffee enemas to a herd of cattle and end up with less bullshit.
The better question is “why aren’t more of those guys in skirts?” I wish to hear a male skater interviewed never again.
More retardation for The Atlantic.
ALL female figure skaters wear pants. As do all Hooters waitresses.
“grunting, sweating, [or] bulging muscles”
Someone has some Freudian hangups.
“none of the stereotypical signs” of the athletic or the masculine—like “grunting, sweating, [or] bulging muscles—ever seemed to disrupt the ladylike Kerrigan package.”
So, she’d be happier if female athletes conformed to male norms? This is feminism?
The use of the skirt is to enhance the motion made with spinning, twirling and flying across the ice. It’s an aesthetic choice designed to enhance the performance.
OT: Midway just posted 10% to 25% discount on Polymer80 products for the next 3 days.
Get em while you still can!
A flesh-tone 34 for my thigh holster would be nice.
Bangladesh: Muslims targeted converts from Islam to Christianity for murder
from another article:
A hadith depicts Muhammad saying: “Whoever changed his Islamic religion, then kill him” (Bukhari 9.84.57). The death penalty for apostasy is part of Islamic law according to all the schools of Islamic jurisprudence.
This is still the position of all the schools of Islamic jurisprudence, both Sunni and Shi’ite. Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi, the most renowned and prominent Muslim cleric in the world, has stated: “The Muslim jurists are unanimous that apostates must be punished, yet they differ as to determining the kind of punishment to be inflicted upon them. The majority of them, including the four main schools of jurisprudence (Hanafi, Maliki, Shafi’i, and Hanbali) as well as the other four schools of jurisprudence (the four Shiite schools of Az-Zaidiyyah, Al-Ithna-‘ashriyyah, Al-Ja’fariyyah, and Az-Zaheriyyah) agree that apostates must be executed.”
Qaradawi also once famously said: “If they had gotten rid of the apostasy punishment, Islam wouldn’t exist today.”
Qaradawi also once famously said: “If they had gotten rid of the apostasy punishment, Islam wouldn’t exist today.”
That’s an own goal there.
Just like every run-of-the-mill teachers’ union.
We will shoot them and blow them up, but we dare not criticize their beliefs, even though these beliefs are the entire reason why we are fighting them.
Al-Qaeda marked the 16th anniversary of 9/11 by releasing previously unseen footage of Mohand al-Shehri, one of the hijackers aboard United Airlines Flight 175 that crashed into the South Tower of the World Trade Center, noting that the terrorists have “longed for your beautiful lands” and find the blood of Americans “delicious.”
“America, where shall you escape? The sea is behind you, we are in front of you, and there is no way out. If you accept Islam, you shall be safe and Allah will give you your reward and the reward of those after you, or else just wait for us. With the permission of Allah, we are coming to sever your heads, rip apart your bellies and make you fall over yourselves. You will be looking for rescue and there will be no way out. There will be no solution for you except death and then even more death,” he continued.
“We have longed for your beautiful lands, for its streams and trees, palaces and lakes. We have resolved to tread upon your lands and embrace the maidens of paradise on your soil. Your blood is delicious for us and your meat cheap. We are thirsty and nothing shall quench this thirst except your blood, nothing shall satiate our hunger except your meat. There is no stopping what has been decreed by Allah.”
Al-Shehri warned that terrorists would be sending America “the most expensive of gifts,” consisting of “coffins followed by coffins, bodies followed by bodies.”
Google didn’t violate labor laws by firing engineer James Damore for a memo criticizing the company’s diversity program, according to a recently disclosed letter from the US National Labor Relations Board. The lightly redacted statement is written by Jayme Sophir, associate general counsel of the NLRB’s division of advice; it dates to January, but was released yesterday, according to Sophir concludes that while some parts of Damore’s memo were legally protected by workplace regulations, “the statements regarding biological differences between the sexes were so harmful, discriminatory, and disruptive as to be unprotected.”
In her analysis, Sophir writes that employers should be given “particular deference” in trying to enforce anti-discrimination and anti-harassment policies, since these are tied to legal requirements. And employers have “a strong interest in promoting diversity” and cooperation across different groups of people. Because of this, “employers must be permitted to ‘nip in the bud’ the kinds of employee conduct that could lead to a ‘hostile workplace,’” she writes. “Where an employee’s conduct significantly disrupts work processes, creates a hostile work environment, or constitutes racial or sexual discrimination or harassment, the Board has found it unprotected even if it involves concerted activities regarding working conditions.”
Feelings were hurt.
Serious question: why shouldn’t Google be able to hire and fire whomever they please, within the scope of any mutually signed employment agreement?
They absolutely should. The question is, where in his contract did it note that he would be sanctioned for offering an opinion requested by an officer of the company.
Note that he hasn’t sued for breach of contract, so there’s probably an “at will” statement. I have one, and if the VP of my division asked my opinion about why our sales are lagging and we’re bleeding good people, if I answered honestly, I’d also expect to get fired.
Of course, that’s tautological.
If answering truthfully about why your company is losing good people results in losing another good person, it demonstrates itself.–Kruger_effect
Lots of “managers” are too dumb to know they’re bad managers.
they should. As long as any company can for any reason. But I doubt the US National Labor Relations Board agrees to that. I posted a link to this story just for amusement and to point out hypocrisy. Also why does the US need a US National Labor Relations Board?
It’s a relic of FDR’s “New Deal” era that progged up the shit out of our government, and like all such things, it will never, ever go away.
You’re… absolutely right.
But it would be delicious to see them nipped on this, wouldn’t it?
They should, but we don’t live in that world. Shame really. It tempers my Schadenfreude towards Google that Damore is suing under laws that shouldn’t exist in a free society.
They should.
The issue is the NLRB, which has bureaucratically created a line between “protected” and “unprotected” speech and grounds Google’s decision in its obligations under equal opportunity law. The next step is to push companies to develop policies like Google’s, taking what is currently discretionary and making it mandatory (see: Title IX enforcement) and then, thanks to social media lynch mobs, to punish people for views expressed outside of the workplace (see: Brendan Eich, et al.).
It is not Google’s policy that is the problem (well, for anyone outside of Google, anyway). It is the pretty clear implication that it won’t be discretionary for much longer.
They should.
That’s not the law, though.
The current issue is whether the law should be applied equally to all.
Of course, the NLRB could only rule against Damore by saying that he created a hostile work environment. Google actually sought a federal ruling that it had violated federal law (the law says the company can’t have a hostile work environment). Firing an employee who creates a hostile work environment helps you reduce your damages, but its not a defense.
The geniuses at Google’s legal team, who didn’t want to settle with Damore, have managed to put Google on the hook for a sexual discrimination case by successfully asking the feds to rule that Google violated the anti-discrimination laws. Any of the female employees (or, better, the ones who withdrew their applications) at Google who care to cash in now have an E-Z win.
Of course, the NLRB could only rule against Damore by saying that he created a hostile work environment.
Interestingly, the only evidence presented that a hostile work environment was created* was the quote “You’re a misogynist and a terrible human. I will keep hounding you until one of us is fired. F[***] you.” from an email to Damore. The person who sent that email was “disciplined” but not fired.
* = There is big difference between (self-inflicted) emotional distress and actual hostility. Taking at face value that people felt “unsafe at work” even though there were no threats or violence is itself stealing a base.
“the statements regarding biological differences between the sexes were so harmful, discriminatory, and disruptive as to be unprotected.”
The truth is not always nice.
It may well not be “the truth”. But, the odd part is that there seems to be no debate about the claims, only the effects and perceptions of the claims. Everyone is rushing to label them but nobody is bothering to address them.
Damore’s mistake seems to be that he thought he could fight on a level playing field, that he could use their own standards to make a point. But the real lesson is, all of the standards are double standards. No matter how grounded in fact you may (or may not) be, no matter how much you couch your language in qualifiers, if your words evoke the badfeels, then they’re unacceptable.
I didn’t notice anything particularly wrong with his memo. He basically said that men and women typically make different choices and that there are biological reasons for that. But yes, how something makes you feel is not relevant to whether or not it is true. And I think the concentration on the feelings rather than the substance is illustrative of the proggie mindset.
“the statements regarding biological differences between the sexes were so harmful, discriminatory, and disruptive as to be unprotected”
De-fund the NLRB.
Former prof recounts her ‘escape’ from political correctness
Breuning argues that escaping political correctness isn’t about making a political statement. Instead, she argues that it can make well-intentioned people very unhappy in the long-run, since it “teaches you to be a powerless victim.”
“It wants you to be unhappy because that’s regarded as the engine of revolution. Political correctness makes you unhappy by fomenting unrealistic expectations of utopia, and inciting resentment and jealousy,” she says, adding that it’s “terrible for mental health.”
Political correctness makes you unhappy by fomenting unrealistic expectations of utopia, and inciting resentment and jealousy,” she says, adding that it’s “terrible for mental health.”
Chicken or egg? You decide.
This will save Cleveland… or Chicago. I’m not sure I want to know how much money is being wasted on this.
Makes more sense for freight.
Nobody every protests THESE kinds of pipelines.
Just what my army of enforcers need, instant transport between two spots whose only purpose is to catch a round from an orbital bombardment cannon
Sean Hannity comes completely unglued over alleged ‘secret sperm’ hidden in Obama’s portrait
Reminds me of an SNL skit where a politician sees naked boys everywhere.
Old Joke
A man is taking a Rorschach test. Every picture, he says he sees naked women. The psychiatrist says “you seem obsessed with naked women.” The guy says “you’re the one showing me all the dirty pictures”.
Apparently, Wiley has a history of painting sperm (not saying I agree with Hannity):
Is that the same guy who paints black women holding white women’s decapitated heads?
I think the claims of finding secret-sperm in Obama’s face
(and frankly, i wish it were true, because why not)
… were mainly a way to simply introduce this fact about the artist. “He does weird sex shit!”
I personally think the portrait is dogshit completely independent of anything about the artist. its a ridiculous and vain sanctifying of the subject. most good portraits attempt some realistic depiction of the person ‘as they are’. aka ‘humanizing’. Picture of person in an office. etc. what they do. instead, this guy takes office-clothed Obama and puts him in a bed of flowers. strip away everything except the “identity”. he is great because he is him. Not what he did (nothing), not his job (mere politician), he needs to be ‘framed’ with innocence and perfection, and nothing is more innocent and perfect than nature.
its fucking creepy
The plants look like ivy.
You know, the creeping, toxic, invasive species that damages masonry that once you have on your property, and is almost impossible to get rid of.
Creepy symbolic shoehorning and typical dreck output of a pseudointellectual.
Yeah, but what about Wiley’s choices?
There was a Vox(?) interview with Obama where they edited in sparkles and stars dancing around his head.
Can’t find the clip.
Does it belong to Reggie Love?
The better question is “why aren’t more of those guys in skirts?”
Market-based solutions for health care? GTFO.
Serious question: why shouldn’t Google be able to hire and fire whomever they please, within the scope of any mutually signed employment agreement?
They absolutely should be.
And the shareholders (you know, the actual OWNERS of the business enterprise), should be allowed to fire managerial EMPLOYEES (and sue them for damages and compensation) for engaging in business practices and employment policies which actively cause harm to the productivity and profitability of the enterprise.
If you want to restrict yourself to only hiring one-armed illiterate lesbian code monkeys, don’t take the fucking company public.
lesbian code monkeys
Early 2000’s proto-hipster band?
…. of course, you should be permitted to TRY and take the fucking company public.
In a non-fascist society where governments were unable to own ANY percentage of a private company, companies like Google wouldn’t be large enough for anyone to care about them. If not for CalPERS, CalSTERS, etc. Google, Facebook, etc. would be small, private companies at best because they haven’t produced much of anything profitable. (I doubt the Android phone would be controlled by Google if not for the billions of taxpayer dollars funneled to the company.)
Speaking of free speech
“consider using the video against them in sentencing in their cases.”
You can’t bring up past crimes because it might influence the jury but “this if different”
Throw that fiend in a cage! Because we’re the enlightened ones.
…. of course, you should be permitted to TRY and take the fucking company public.
True enough, but once you surrender ownership, you surrender (or should, at any rate) the ability to impose your idiosyncratic predispositions onto company policy in defiance of making a good product.
Apropos the gun debate, the friend (I referenced yesterday) says the church meeting consensus was to seek a ban on semi-automatic rifles. Uses such as target shooting (“you can target shoot with a bolt action”) and defense against home invasions (“never hear about those being defended by semi-auto rifles”) and totalitarian goon squads
(‘yeah, right, in American we don’t have to worry about official Nazis and even if we did, the goons are gonna win.”) weren’t sufficient to woo the crowd. How about hunting uses? I’m not a hunter so I don’t know. What uses does a semi-auto rifle have in the kind of hunting, say deer, that Americans engage in? No pun intended, but we need ammo because the 2nd A debate appears to be losing ground as these fuckheads keep shooting up defenseless Americans.
No debate about school security. There’s security cameras protecting the perfume counter at Macy’s. You can buy a 12 camera system for next to nothing. Teachers could watch in shifts with access to door locks. Would cost very little to add decent security. Easier just to take away everyones constitutional rights though.
I cannot get into my kids’ schools unless I am buzzed in or someone holds the door open for me.
Slightly OT. I’m headed to the Lakeland gun show to see if you stooooopid mammals are responding to recent events
There’s a gun show in NH this weekend. thought about going tomorrow.
Probably too late, but some of us are in NH. We could meet-up there.
We don’t need ammo and we aren’t losing ground, Creech. The more noise the grabbers make, the more Normals add to their collection, take more classes, get carry permits etc.
It doesn’t matter what type of weapon we are talking about. Law abiding people are perfectly safe to own any fucking thing they choose.
I wish i had the spare cash to buy more ammo.
Make sure you only own guns in common calibers, and you’ll be fine – at least for a while. You can always trade sex for ammo down at the truck stop.
You owe me a new keyboard. It’s still coffee drinking time here.
I’m just speaking from personal experience, here.
Damn and all this time I’ve been wasting my hard earned money.
What kind of ammo Doom? What caliber?
anything, 9mm.
Recorded gun sales are at record highs and so are concealed permit applications. Perhaps even more importantly, there’s been a huge increase in the percentage of women arming up and getting their CC. I think there’s also been large percentage increases in racial minorities purchasing guns for the first time, but am not positive. State constitutional carry amendments are now in maybe 8 states? with more on the way.
Agreed. The last gun show i was at had a nicely diverse crowd.
and defense against home invasions (“never hear about those being defended by semi-auto rifles”)
Nope, never happens
Every month the NRA has no trouble filling a full page of lawful uses of firearms, often by women or the elderly.
weren’t sufficient to woo the crowd
When their starting premise is no one should own guns, why do you think you can persuade them?
because the 2nd A debate appears to be losing ground as these fuckheads keep shooting up defenseless Americans?
Ding! Ding! Getting closer. Why are they defenseless? The 2A is rooted in the ability to defend yourself- from a tyrannous government (it’ll never happen! other than the idiocy behind this, it has happened here before and that’s why we don’t bow to QEII today) or ordinary criminals. Gun grabbers wish people to be terrorized serfs who beg government to terrorize them in a vain effort to save themselves from bogiemen, real or imagined. Fuck them all.
Also the 2A debate (and there isn’t one, it was settled 200 years ago) isn’t losing ground. The con artists in the media would like to push that angle and undermine the public’s confidence. Far more car accidents every day but we don’t have idiots bleating for “common sense” car control. Fuck the gun grabbers, they’re just standing on whatever dead bodies they can gather to push their preexisting notions. And fuck those cunts for hiding behind armed security (especially taxpayer paid) while doing so.
Everybody acts like the government is going to come in, guns blazing, with a full-force attack on the American public, like blitzkrieg is the only path to tyranny. The government, if voters allow and politicians want, will not start with maximal force. It will be slow and subtle. You will not be going up against tanks and planes and the whole goddamn Navy with nothing but a pea-shooter. You’ll be dealing with the secret police, who come in the night and take you and your family away, or the SWAT teams and trigger-happy cops using any excuse they can to waste you, your family, and/or your pets, as well as confiscate your property.
Tyranny has many, many forms. Weapons in private hands are a check against many but certainly not all of them. What really matters is that not you can stop the Army single-handedly, which is absurd, but that the people in uniform and the people not in uniform have respect for one another. That starts with equality. If one side gets to have the weapons and the other doesn’t, then it breeds a sense of entitlement and privilege. We have the the right to keep and bear arms, codified in the Second Amendment, not so that we can play pretend, or enhance our egos, or murder people without consequence, but because without it we are subjects and not citizens.
Kindly inform them that 2A has zero to do with hunting and target shooting. Kindly inform them that 2A is about citizens having access to military weapons. Kindly inform them that rights are not subjects to technological advancement.
“defenseless Americans”
I think I see the problem
So they’ve already forgotten about the actual church shooting, where the armed response that mattered was ordinary people with, wait for it, an
assault rifle”?
Just putting up the “Armed Teachers” signage at the schools would be a huge deterrent. I mean, there’s the adage that the security sign outside your house is more of a deterrent to crime than the actual security system. Also, re: home invasions — the simple sound of a shotgun pump can go a long way to deterrence.
Most people who might break into your house are the kind of people who won’t be deterred by the sound of you racking a slide.
Pumping a few rounds into the ceiling per Joe Biden’s advice might have a bit more effect, if only because everyone in the house has punctured eardrums.
But I agree in the school signage in a general sense. But even that’s unnecessary once the news cycle covers the next few school shootings, where the report ends with shot of an unidentified body being rolled into a lime pit and filled in with a backhoe.
Most people who might break into your house are the kind of people who won’t be deterred by the sound of you racking a slide.
Most home invasions happen during daylight hours when homeowners are away. Thieves are thieves and rarely lack the commitment to confrontation.
It was suggested to me by a Gun Shop owner that you buy the shotgun as the deterrent.
Most home invasions happen during the day when homeowners are away. Thieves rarely want to become murderers, and thus do not seek out confrontation.
The shotgun suggestion was made by a knowledgeable gun shop owner.
If only this were a squirrel-free zone.
We need sensible squirrel-control legislation!
I don’t dispute that you’d hear exactly that suggestion from a person who has a vested interest in selling you a shotgun.
Yes, the smart(er), sober criminals are going to raid your crib at a time of low risk to their person and liberty.
The most likely type of person you’d meet in the course of a home invasion is likely to be someone under the influence of narcotics or alcohol whose reasoning powers are going to be heavily impaired, sometimes to the point of being insensate, who visit you at night. Such criminals can’t be expected to be rational, and I wouldn’t advise relying on any kind of technique that ‘warning’ that might provide them with an advantage that would help them if they decided to assault you.
I mean, there’s the adage that the security sign outside your house is more of a deterrent to crime than the actual security system.
I don’t know how applicable this is to school shootings, where the shooter generally knows the school well (current student, former student, son of a teacher, etc.). The sign deters the burglar because he doesn’t know and doesn’t want to take the risk. If you know that none of the teachers are armed, the sign won’t influence you.
True, but I think the minimal cost (sign) is worth the possibility that it works. Frankly, I think we should let qualified teachers carry.
So we’re now going after foreigners who meddle in domestic politics who attempt to sway public opinion. Will DACA activists be arrested next?
Or the Europeans on Reddit, who bitch that America should adopt their socialist policies.
No, but I might be.
Good question.
If a handful of Russian nationals farting around on social media are such a threat, why aren’t thousands of Mexican nationals marching in the streets an even bigger threat?
some thoughts on the gun debate
-The strongest fact on the pro-2A side is that overall gun homicides have dropped by about half in the last 25 years while gun laws have been relaxed.
-Suppose there were no mass shootings. Would the gun grabbers be satisfied with the status quo? Of course not. The Brady campaign started over an assassination attempt with a pistol. If there were no mass shootings to cite as reasons to ban the AR-15, the gun grabbers would cite hand gun homicides as a reason to ban hand guns. And if there were no hand gun homicides, they would cite homicides from shot guns and rifles. And if there were no gun homicides, they would cite gun suicides. And if there were none of those, they would call for a ban on knives, mace, etc.
They want people to be unarmed because they did not believe in the right to self-defense. The debate would be very short if the gun grabbers were asked if they believe in the right to self defense. As soon as they say “no”, end of conversation.
The “mass shootings” represent an opportunity, but are not the issue itself. They don’t have any substantial effect on the murder rate or the “gun violence” rate because, while heinous and overplayed by the media, they are still quite rare. It’s a crisis that mustn’t be wasted as far as gun grabbers are concerned, but there is little actual intention to “stop” such events because frankly they are unstoppable. For example, the event that led to Australia’s gun ban was so rare that it’s highly unlikely even without the gun ban that something like it would have happened since. Everybody who says Australians decided “enough is enough” is lying; they were shocked, appalled, and scared because it had never happened before in Australia. Arson was and remains the more common method of killing unrelated multiple people at once in Australia.
And that was really the impetus behind the UK complete crackdown. Dunblaine was an absolute outlier.
If it hadn’t happened, the primary cause of mass death would be the one that’s been consistently killing large number of British people since the late ’40’s.
The NHS.
Media react to Florida shooting by targeting Trump on guns, and other overt journalistic biases
Most national journalists seem to hate guns, gun owners and gun defenders. When the media report on a shooting tragedy they often go after all three.
Journalists mostly stuck to their script – demonizing guns and gun owners, getting gun facts wrong and attacking the National Rifle Association.
NBC News Political Director Chuck Todd noted how President Trump decided “not to address any policy ideas at all in his remarks” and focused on an “empathetic tone.”
CNN actually tweeted: “In Florida, you don’t need a permit to conceal carry a rifle or shotgun.” Apparently, no one on CNN’s staff has ever tried to put a rifle (more than 32 inches long) in a coat pocket. And NBC’s Megyn Kelly tried to appease her new audience with an anti-NRA rant: “The NRA is too powerful, our politicians are too weak and the guns are too ubiquitous.”
Journalists repeated a false statement from the hard-left, gun-grabber group Everytown for Gun Safety. The group, “founded and funded” with millions from former New York City liberal Mayor Michael Bloomberg, pushed a disturbing claim about the number of school shootings in 2018. It was so outlandish that The Washington Post had to wreck it.
The Post’s headline was unusually honest: “No, there haven’t been 18 school shootings in 2018. That number is flat wrong.” The paper blasted the fake news, saying: “It is a horrifying statistic. And it is wrong.” It continued: “Everytown has long inflated its total by including incidents of gunfire that are not really school shootings.” The phony stats included one case where a man killed himself outside a school that had been closed for seven months.
The New York Times is still refighting the Cold War – for the communists – by depicting East German women as better off than those in the West. “Eastern women, who were part of the work force and with free child care, were more emancipated than their western sisters.” Maybe the Times meant “more emaciated” and it was just a typo.
larf at that last bit
CNN actually tweeted: “In Florida, you don’t need a permit to conceal carry a rifle or shotgun.”
It’s not surprising. Most journalists are disingenuous at best when talking about firearms. They refuse to even do basic research to report basic facts about firearms, history, and the constitution. Did you see the hack job they did when the showed a graphic of how a “bump-stock” works? And USA Today (I think…) with that ar-15 attachment graphic that turned into a pretty hilarious meme? I’m convinced that the average journalist is less intelligent than the average actor/ress. And that’s saying something.