Sea Smith forgot to create extra account.
Sea Smith; SS
Steve Smith; SS
Swiss Servator; SS
coincidence? I THINK NOT!
You’re saying we’re a Secret Nazi Site?
Finally, someone that can read between the lines.
Sea Smith, you are the motion in my ocean.
It’s not about the size…
Huh. The author of this post isn’t Sea Smith.
And the Royal Marines article is pay-walled.
But I liked the alt-text!
It is a good one.
Swiss Servator better not hang out near any water. SEA SMITH ANGRY ABOUT IDENTITY THEFT, AND BY ANGRY MEAN READY TO RAPE.
It’s not rape if he planned it.
+ 1 short skirt
Really, it’s the whole outfit.
Watches, chocolates, it’s all in the details.
not even clicking that
today I learned
Old English yfel (Kentish evel) “bad, vicious, ill, wicked,” from Proto-Germanic *ubilaz (source also of Old Saxon ubil, Old Frisian and Middle Dutch evel, Dutch euvel, Old High German ubil, German übel, Gothic ubils), from PIE *upelo-, from root *wap- “bad, evil” (source also of Hittite huwapp- “evil”).
In Old English and other older Germanic languages other than Scandinavian, “this word is the most comprehensive adjectival expression of disapproval, dislike or disparagement” [OED]. Evil was the word the Anglo-Saxons used where we would use bad, cruel, unskillful, defective (adj.), or harm (n.), crime, misfortune, disease (n.). In Middle English, bad took the wider range of senses and evil began to focus on moral badness. Both words have good as their opposite. Evil-favored (1520s) meant “ugly.” Evilchild is attested as an English surname from 13c.
Was that of the Wessex Evilchilds?
No the Mercian Gingers i think it was….
I’ve been getting spam job offers from Steve Smith. Luckily, I recently moved. Still thinking of investing in some heavily reinforced chastity belts and avoiding the woods.
Ah the evening links, time for more derp…
anything to get out of school
My class members called in bomb threats to cancel class, but times have changed I guess
I’m sure it was spontaneous and totally the students’ idea.
An oldy but a goodie, my former asian studies prof will not stop posting it so I share it with you
lemme guess: not mentioned
-sky high suicide rate
-Rape of Nanking
Tojo tried to commit suicide by shooting himself in the heart with a pistol. American medics saved his life. Most Japanese were disappointed that he did not commit suicide in the proper samurai way.
After Japan’s unconditional surrender in 1945, U.S. general Douglas MacArthur ordered the arrest of forty alleged war criminals including Tojo. Three American GIs were sent to serve the arrest warrant. As American soldiers surrounded Tojo’s house on September 11 he shot himself in the chest with a pistol, but missed his heart. As a result of this experience, the Army had medical personnel present during the later arrests of other accused Japanese war criminals such as Shimada Shigetarō.
As he bled Tojo began to talk, and two Japanese reporters recorded his words: “I am very sorry it is taking me so long to die. The Greater East Asia War was justified and righteous. I am very sorry for the nation and all the races of the Greater Asiatic powers. I wait for the righteous judgment of history. I wished to commit suicide but sometimes that fails.”[98]
After recovering from his injuries, Tojo was moved to Sugamo Prison. While there he received a new set of dentures, made by an American dentist, into which the phrase “Remember Pearl Harbor” had been secretly drilled in Morse code.[99] The dentist ground away the message three months later.[100]
Tojo was tried by the International Military Tribunal for the Far East for war crimes and found guilty of, among other things,[101] waging wars of aggression; war in violation of international law; unprovoked or aggressive war against various nations; and ordering, authorizing, and permitting inhumane treatment of prisoners of war.
Yeah they don’t really get into that much. More of just common sense gun control derp
What about being islands not bordering any country?
I’ve been trying, fruitlessly, to find the stat for murders by firearms committed by Japanese Americans. My guess is that the number is close to the number committed by Japanese people in Japan. Google won’t link me to a site that would give me the numbers, or the numbers don’t exist. Any ideas?
The best you could probably do is look at the data on asian americans then compare those stats to the number of asian americans overall then extrapolte the number of japanese americans to get a ratio.
Man I should work for cnn with that number crunching
This is the closest I could find and it’s worthless.
The best I found on my lazy, cursory, un-critical, expedition, through Wiki showed me that Japan has a per capita (.31/100,000) murder rate, and S. Korea, just across the water, has 0.74. They both have nearly the same ownership laws. So…..why the disparity?
To be fair, Im really tired, and getting drunk quickly.
Koreans are the Israelis of East Asia, so I’m not surprised.
Would that make Japan the Nick Gillesp…..oh, nevermind
Koreans are the Irish of East Asia
1) They love to drink
2) They love to fight
3) They are stubborn beyond belief
4) They believe that their country is the greatest on earth and is the sun source of all good things (ask them who invented the printing press)
5) They believe that all their troubles are due to a massive conspiracy to hold them down (never thinking that points 1-3 might have something to do with it)
If only the U.S. were a monoculture island nation with a long history of believing themselves superior to everyone else, who had to be forcibly stopped from taking over every one of their neighbors and stripped of a martial culture and sovereignty out of fear that they’d do it again, we’d solve this pernicious problem of “gun violence”.
We have got the whole “deference to authority” thing going though.
As someone that does a lot of work for Toyota, and witnesses their “culture” in the separated cafeterias? Valid point. I hear ISUZU is even worse.
You know who else had to be forcibly stopped from taking over every one of their neighbors?
The president of the HOA ?
Rory Calhoun?
You know when a bully is the nicest guy in the neighborhood? Right after he gets his nose bloodied. Pop him in the nose, surround him with people that want to do much worse than that and say, “Hey, you stay mellow and I’ll protect you from those guys.” 60 years of peace and counting.
I can’t find again,but I remember reading where some Swedish official was chiding an American about Sweden’s lower crime rate compared to America. The American responded “interesting, Swedes living in America don’t commit much crime either.”
Their existence is a crime against the world
/Norwegians I grew up with
I think that was Milton Friedman and poverty among Swedish-Americans
Probably right
Speaking of Japan and guns, I finished watching Babel last night. What the fucking fuck is that movie about? It was a sweltering puddle of piss in the social justice signaling cess pool. It did make me wonder if all teenage Japanese girls roam around with no knickers though. That made me feel kind of creepy but I got over it.
It’s an odd movie for sure. I remember watching it some time ago and being completely inebriated, it kinda made sense. On a sober rewatch it did not
At least now I know where I made my mistake.
*puts another check mark in the against sobriety column
That sounds like ZARDOZ.
Swiss gets it…
16D chess
Inscrutable stratagems
The fall of a tyrant1!!
I was horribly unproductive today – and I was not at work and so had no excuse.
That sounds like the perfect excuse.
I wanted to get stuff written. Here is the extent of today’s work output:
137 words.
Hey man, progress is progress. I go on writing benders where I will knock out 5000 words in an afternoon and then go days without touching a keyboard.
Can I tie that in to the days I can sit down to the NYT crossword and rip though 30-40% like I should be on Jeopardy!, and the other 25 days of the month I stare at it like I’ve been lobotomized?
Yes. Yes you may.
Well, I got more written, 190 more words.
keep it up you bland bastard, we’re pulling for ya
Since the story is at 31,799 words, I think I can manage to reach novel length and have a cohesive story.
The main plot threads I think are:
Arkady vs the Police under his real name
Arkady and Angela’s relationship
Arkady working on his villain cred under his codename
– and –
A wrap up to the Reforger Beast’s story arc (that doesn’t require having read Lucid Blue to enjoy)
I don’t need to add any more. (Arkady is the narrator, which is why he’s in all of those plots)
That’s a nice little set of plots and subplots. Keep it up.
Oh, btw, thanks for the philly recipe. I’ll be trying it this coming week most likely.
You’re welcome.
Serious question – Should I reuse the information broker from “Shadowrealm” who should be in semi-serious legal trouble by the time this story happens? Or should I create a nother character for the same role?
Use that giant praying mantis from Babylon 5.
*rubs forearms together*
The giant praying Mantis from Space Ghost?
As long as he’s got a reason to be in the story logically I don’t see a reason to create another character from whole clothe.
Hole clothes.
I was going to argue that he was facing federal charges.
Then I realized, the timeline was a bit muddy.
“Shadowrealm” starts with the Colfaxes dropping Nora off at College, and ends at the start of the Leyden Academy school year.
“Red Card” starts on July 13th and has proceeded for a number of weeks. Whether or not it has overrun the start of “Shadowrealm” is not known. It’s probably early to middle August as of the scene above. Molbrecht might not be in legal trouble yet.
That whole deal he had with the Feds when they took him in? They lied, and his relocation deal fell thru’. He’s a desperate man.
Too much of a mess. The Information Broker role in “Red Card” is to play Exposition Source so the main plot can continue.
Don’t need to expand on it. He’s a cameo role that you can turn into another story thread in a future work. I have to admit, I haven’t read your stuff yet, so this is just spitballin’.
Well, here’s a head’s up, tomorrow, a series of rolling countdown deals will start on the whole series. They’ll be going in order, run for a week or two each, and a few days before the previous one ends, the next book will start its deal. They’ll be $0.99 for the first part of the sale period (and increment back up to their regular price as time goes on)
What’s book two titled, I read the first a while back, and don’t recall hating it, also my ‘read next’ pile is only two books tall, might as well add one of yours.
The series (In order) is:
1: Shadowboy
2: Shadowdemon
3: Lucis Blue (And Other Tales Too)
4: Shadowrealm
*Lucid Blue (And Other Tales Too)
Sorry about the typo.
And maybe already been posted, but I’m a night owl these days, so here it is again
Because issuing indictments against Russians who will never, ever see the inside of a US courtroom for trolling Americans online totally vindicates the left’s hysterical screeching about Russia. Mueller is totally legit…It’s a bunch of allegations which will never be proven. No one will ever be convicted. Sounds like the perfect sort of people to indict if you were trying to keep a hoax going to me.
A night owl?
Will you be attending the International Owl Festival? (the decent Houston in Minnesoda, not the one full of derelicts in Texass).
They have a super exciting inductee class into the Owl Hall of Fame. You will never guess who….
That actually looks like fun. I do have a fascination with owls (and foxes as well). Alas I am nowhere near Minnesoda.
Mr. Owl from the Tootsie Pop commercials?
You get zero licks Mike because you wasted all my time on that Ozzy Man shit.
Multitask, Jimbo, Multitask.
Q, I just got through reading your article, very well done. Everything that America “is” is a very recent phenomenon in human history and I’m right there with you that our biology is lagging way behind. If it is a problem, and I don’t know if it is, I do know that I will be relying on my biology to survive whatever outcomes it brings. Survival is the basest instinct, might as well continue to let it guide some decisions.
Hot Loins https://imgur.com/gallery/OPOYc
Appropriate for sea Smith links.
Not in the top three of what I was expecting that to be.
I’m…. not sure about that, any Good?
Very good! Really enjoyed it.
You cant fool me! The guy on the label is Ed Powers from the “Dirty Debutantes” movies of the 90s.
/so I was told
The bottle artwork certainly has its charm.
so, is this too local?
If there were any justice it would be national, alongside the recent shooting, but it won’t be.
Actually scratch that, both should be local stories. But the media does love them some ratings.
When you read stuff like this, you have to wonder if it’s just a Walter Mitty type fantasy.
the evidence seems to be he told someone a long time ago he wished he could.
Boys being boys or potential mass killer? Due process should protect people from the danger of being prosecuted for wrongthink, but if the self proclaimed destroyers of due process in the #MeToo movement have taught us anything it is that people will go way the fuck overboard to get what they want.
I am all for boys being boys and talking trash but telling people you want to shoot your school up and how you are going to do it is not exactly a snarky wood chipper comment. Assuming we can trust what the cops are saying there which has not always panned out to be truthful as history shows. I am conflicted on this one at the moment given that the FBI was tipped twice to the latest school shooter and did fuck all because they are to busy looking for Russians with facebook accounts and anyone who grabbed someones ass at an office party.
It was already said earlier, but it’s striking that after all this time that the only thing they can keep pinning on Russians are attempts to troll. Seriously – they indicted a Russian troll farm. It’s 13 guys who may or may not have created accounts on social media and screwed around, and the media is painting this as a grand conspiracy to undermine democracy. The very notion that spreading disinformation undermines or attacks democracy is ludicrous in itself and a direct attack on the intelligence of voters (don’t laugh!).
With all their resources, they can’t identify these Russians who supposedly hacked the DNC and Podesta? Really? Christ, Russians shit posting online isn’t a crime to begin with.
The problem is – If there were russians who extracted the DNC information, they’re probably in Russia. That puts them out of the reach of a perp walk for the cameras. They had no one to nab, and Mueller needed to indict someone to pretend he wasn’t a waste of cash.
These Russians he indicted today are, as far as I understand, all in St. Petersburgh. Well out of Mueller’s reach. Didn’t seem to stop him. It’s almost as if they don’t actually have the evidence to prove Russians hacked anything.
It’s the perfect combo for Mueller: An idiot public that is scared shitless of whatever the hell “hacking” is, and slopey-nosed white people that hate immigrants.
The DNC “hack” was local. The data transfer rate was too fast to be from Russia. Although it could have been done by a person who was Russian. Just like the company that allegedly investigated the alleged hack, CrowdStrike, was founded by a Russian named Dimitri Alperovitch.
Exactly this. He secured indictments against boogey-men, while simultaneously saving his ass by not reaching too far in naming someone presidential, which would get him burnt. As a prosecutor, he only wants a conviction, and he’s likely confident he has “something” that they’ll plea too.
+1 chicken dinner
Russia has been using media to sow discord in the U.S. long before there was internet.
Yet, what they’re being accused of now doesn’t even come close to stacking up to what they were doing during the Cold War. These Russians (not even people they can solidly connect to the Russian government) are accused of pissantry bullshit that is so pathetically minuscule when laid out in detail that it’s laughable it’s even being discussed.
We’re talking about 13 internet trolls charged today. Guys with multiple Twitter and Facebook accounts who probably post on 4Chan, too. They’re reach is minimal. They’re English terrible. But they want to paint this as some great psyops campaign that swung an election. If it weren’t for those Russians, Hillary and the Dems totally would have triumphed. It’s insulting. And to state the obvious which has been said repeatedly, this narrative is what’s really dangerous to democracy. When people vote against the vested interests of the establishment. the establishment will do anything and everything to discredit the results.
What we’re seeing is Mueller emptying his entire load and it doesn’t even amount to a pellet gun.
Oh, I agree, teenagers shitposting from their mom’s basement probably had more influence on the election. It might be amusing, but it’s completely trivial.
I would not be in the least bit surprised if other countries, namely Russia and/or China, are actually using this sham to create legitimate discord in the US. It wouldn’t be that hard. I don’t mean in a big way either, just that geopolitical adversaries would see this and use it as a smart way to undermine the US a bit. Throw in some more random stuff here and there, tug these investigators around, drop some crap on social media, and just generally keep it going to weaken the US. It only helps strengthen them, as long as they don’t go too far and cause actual destruction.
“The Black Panther Hysteria: A Rant ”
I’m excited to see it because I love the superhero movies and fuck everyone who makes it a thing. I want to know more about infinity stones, watch a dude in cool suit kick ass, and escape reality for a couple hours.
Marvel movies are usually mindless fun (emphasis on fun). I expect this one to be the same. It’s a shame these idiot Progressives are trying to ruin something else.
Is that Madison quote about army, press and guns real?
Anyway the “enslaved press” is doing it quite willingly. They want gun bans and censorship and love commies. Are they the enemy if the people.
You know who else does it quite willingly…
Your mom?
+100 points for use of the word “eated”.
Here’s the top ten for Daytona,I hope I’m not the only race fan here, i don’t do Nascar any more, but DAYTONA!
1. Alex Bowman Hendrick Motorsports
2. Denny Hamlin Joe Gibbs Racing
3. Ryan Blaney Team Penske
4. Chase Elliott Hendrick Motorsports
5. Joey Logano Team Penske
6. Kevin Harvick Stewart-Haas Racing
7. Darrell Wallace Jr. Richard Petty Motorsports
8. Erik Jones Joe Gibbs Racing
9. Ricky Stenhouse Jr. Roush Fenway Racing
10. Clint Bowyer Stewart-Haas Racing
I posted after the afternoon thread died, but if anybody is interested in an Indy 500 glibbening, let me know. We’re on the fence about going, but would make the effort if people wanted to tailgate with us.
God I would love to go once before I die, where are you? Is it something I could actually pull off? I’m Broke Ass, but i would drive out if I had support when i got there, and Tickets aren’t 20 billion dollars a pop
11. Tres being drunk before THE ohio state tips off Sunday night
Race fan eh?
NASCAR road courses and Formula, yes. Hours of left turns? Not so much. Although, I did spend an afternoon doing the “hi-speed” indoor carts- I can appreciate it.
Back in the day i got My Son and i season Tickets for California Speedway, 15 or so race weekends, mostly road course stuff, We got to know Hospitality and always got to go to the cool spots, met some great people.
The next year saw the arrival of the Parking Nazis! and it all went downhill after that,
More my speed, if you wanna hold my attention:
Where’s Tony Stewart at?
Retired from Nascar, owns a race team, Stewart/ Haas, Haas does the awesome CNC machines
I got back into Nascar about three years ago (moving near a track that hosts Xfinity and Trucks re-sparked the interest)
I think you made a mistake in not putting Keselowski in the top 10. He knows his plate races.
Wallace is gonna wreck out I think. Plate racing is hard on rookies.
I figured his post was referring to the grid positions. But then, I don’t follow the car crashes.
Yes its the starting lineup.
I should have recognized it from the results of the duel.
You got one right Ted!
What Does he Win Johnny!
A supply of Turtle Wax, for that hard shell finish.
That’s the lineup, not my predictions at all, I never predict Daytona
I will make a prediction about the race
If they don’t run the whole race in single file there will be carnage
Several drivers where wrecked by nothing more than taking air off the spoiler last night.
Most Exalted Order of the White Elephant
Trump should nominate Rosie for that next year.
Bloke on the Range posted his fourth Mad Minute video where he shoots a Garand.
Wtf? How bad were these freestyler skiers? They couldn’t land properly.
The all fell their way into a medal.
Black Panther is alt-right
For those of you who can handle 30 minutes of Carl Benjamin, yes, it’s an alt-right dream.
What do you have against him? Sure he’s a fool who supports the NHS even after it’s shown to be a failure, but that’s not the usual topic of the videos.
I have nothing against him. I rather enjoy his long-form diatribes, but they’re not everybody’s cup of tea.
Depends on mood. I can’t stand the livestreams because there’s so much useless dross and chatter. It’s like being forced to sit through someone else’s social gathering and forced to not interject in the conversation.
He’s a lousy D&D GM, I can tell you that for free.
I like that the supposed dreams of Trump supporters are basically all those of disaffected union voters. Good job, Dems, your yearning for strange gave away your base.
So, is there something to this idea animals who are stress free before graduating from Bovine University taste better?
Still trying to catch up on the Mueller indictments that came out while I was asleep. If Americans were making the same arguments the Russian trolls were making, does that mean those Americans were “hacking” our Democracy?
“Anyone arguing against Herself was hacking democracy!”
/’With Her’ brigade
Seriously, what you just wrote seems to be exactly the case they’re making. “Defraud the United States”. WTF?
I’m assuming that Kim Jong Un and Putin will be indicting our journalists soon because they write bad things about them and their countries.
In fact, if FB ads were so fucking awesome why are we hyperventilating about this shit? Why wouldn’t Putin buy a $M worth of ads that say “
These are not the droids you are looking forTrump is awesome and there was no collusion. Oh, and Putin has a yuuge dick.”Kim should definitely get into these FB ads if they are that powerful.
Also, if you want a real example of fucking with elections look no further than George Soros.
All they want you to hear is Trump and Russians. Using the Russians as the evil associates is pretty coming from the left.
This was basically to give the media something to obsess about so they didn’t have to talk about Hillary colluding with the DNC to rig the primary which is really the outrageous story. Fuck the Media.
Yep. Many angles to this story, all of which expose the absurdity of the investigation. FB shitposting is the end of the world, but 17 years of asspounding Afghanistan is totes cool. Arming the Saudis so they can blow up Yemen is somehow deemed lesser crime than identity theft in St Petersburg.
Well, I don’t think her “colluding” with DNC is anything. There were super-delegates that announced they were going to vote for her before she announced she was running. Everyone knew the fix was in.
To me, the story is that it was her campaign that colluded with Russians. Not that’s illegal in and of itself. But she did, and Trump didn’t. In spite of all the media to the contrary.
I would think that they wouldn’t sell red shirts in India. Especially kids sizes.
Fun Fact – Cows have dichomatic vision (as opposed to human trichomatic), and it’s not the color red that they react to so much as motion. The Matadors’ red capes were for visibility to the crowd.
I have seen enough Bugs Bunny cartoons to know that this is wrong.
Why would they sell kid sizes at all? Those are for Americans.
Indian kids get sewing machines.
Now, now, my shirts are made in Bangledesh.
Microsoft fucked me, AGAIN, with a goddamn update. Killed my network adapter and my video card, and I haven’t got a wired charger so I can’t even fucking tether my phone to search for driver updates. Fuck me, do these people even bother with QC?
What kind of god aweful machine do you own that a MS update could do all that?
My shit’s been stable for Years, why they do this to you?
I don’t know. It’s an off-the-shelf adapter and a GTX970. Nothing outrageous. But it’s the second update I’ve had to roll back because I can do nothing with my machine.
Fuck automatic updates. My data plan is such that I have to schedule big downloads for overnight. Not a big deal unless the OS forces it on you. As I understand it, W10 makes hard to turn off auto-updates if you’ve got an Ethernet connection to the modem.
I have yet to hear anything that makes me want to leave Windows 7.
Don’t, keep your 7 machine and buy a cheap 10 machine, no Dual boot. You can with 10/ 7 but fuck that
Why would I want a 10 machine?
I admit I have a tiny laptop that has 10 on it, but because of that defect, I will not let it connect to the internet. I use it for drafting stories when away from home.
How long is Windows 7 going to be supported? I’m about to buy a refurb laptop and the same machine with Windows 7 is $30 less than Windows 10.
Buy the 7 machine!
The problems that must be corrected before I will change:
Stop phoning home.
Stop trying to be an ad delivery system.
Stop using a phone UI on a desktop monitor.
Stop foisting updates on the user.
Stop acting like MS knows better what the user’s workflow should be.
Because if you put windows Shell on it, you get a modern machine that looks like XP, and with a bit of tweaking runs faster than 7, I have both
That addresses one of my complaints, but it’s not even the most serious of them.
When I got my PC two years ago, I put Linux Mint on an external drive. I’m not a heavy user, and have been pretty satisfied.
I’ve been a *nix admin for years, but I still don’t like any of the flavors for a desktop system.
I’m more or less stuck with Windows due to my DAWs, But I maintain a W7 machine and a W10 machine for flexability
Yeah, I didn’t want to either but I had to upgrade for certain software updates. Haven’t had any problems with 10.
i use Windows Shell to get rid of the ugly Square interface, mine looks like XP, which I like
He had a fling with Bill’s wife. Been blue screen since then.
Bsods that, it was a’ight
I am a
Although, I guess a proper Trump parody would accommodate bicurious girls. Bi chicks want the D too, right
I don’t know. It looks like it may be a company that allows people to set up their own niche dating sites (and the Trump thing is just one of the niches).
Sort of genius in its simplicity, actually.
Guess I should have known. I tried to set up a niche Glibertarians site, but it was nothing but dicks.
Which button do I press for Hope Hicks?
The Hilary Rhoda one.
Well, it’s not like the competition isn’t open with its hatred and contempt.
They seem to be using the Nick Gillespie/Reason Magazine definition of “alt-right”.
Flying out of Santa Barbara in about an hour. Should be home a little after lunch tomorrow. Man, I can’t wait to be out of this miserable shithole state. San diego is barely tolerable but everything else is an urban hellscape shitstain on the coast. 101 from port hueneme to sb was even worse than pch 1. I mean… the ‘weather’ is comfortable enough right now but that just means the climate for the rest of the year is even more miserable. C’ville is just so much nicer – even for Feb. Think I may have eaten some messed up stuff too – not chipotles, but I can’t figure out what. Good riddance.
Well, Bye
/No humidity here Bro, SoCal!
Maybe get away from the Coast, Tourist!
/Semi Sarc
Maybe he likes seasons?
We have Seasons, sometimes up to 4 depending on where you live in this 800 mile Long State, north to south, 300 East to west
*Ha Ha* British Columbia laughs at your puny State’s length and girth! *HA HA*
Definitely more my style. Hopefully be back in that area in a few years.
Yeahhhh…nice and dry. I didn’t mind AZ when I was at huachuca for 4 months in 2004. Might just be getting too irritable. The traffic sucks, the drivers are worse than the jagoffs with diplomatic plates in DC and the roads are just bad in general. Even 95/64 is better than what I drove on here.
Thinking about coming down from Oregon in the future – like some of the landscape I see – maybe sometime in the late fall.
San diego is fine. As long as I don’t have to drive anywhere. Coronado and gas light are interesting enough…but meh. No reason for me to be back here other than work.
I’m sure Hayeksplosives appreciates your review of San Diego.
Do Have a safe flight Fish, But really, don’t look down on California based on your small sample, We are FUCKING HUGE! and there are so many places to go and things to do, you could spend a lifetime and never finish it all. Our problems are Political, but We have Tons Of guns so it’s not over yet
Yeah, you guys outrank my country in population and I am sure that there are some good people there…
Yeah but the problem is that no matter where you go in your state, it is filled with Californians. Sort of kills the buzz.
Indictments against foreign nationals? BWAHAHAHAHAHA! This. This is what they cobbled together after a year plus of crack investigative sleuthing. BWAHAHAHAHAHA!
It’s just a start! Once they get their hands on those Russians, they can flip them for evidence against TRUMPLESTILTSCOLLUSION
Little Donny Two-Scoops finger fucked a girl when he was an adolescent. It’s true! I don’t need evidence, just the facts!
I’m sure Vladimir will get right to extraditing them.
How many Divisions does Mueller have?
Fewer than the Pope.
They keep on reporting that they exist, but the FBI can’t find them.
It’s always just the start. Then they bust someone for lying about something not related to the BS they concocted.
If Mueller can operate a Rube Goldberg contraption for getting Trump from Russian nationals, he deserves it.
He’s been “flop-sweat’ working on it for over a year. “Marty! It’s the Collusion Angle! If we an just get the clock to stop at November 8, 2016 then all of this will have never happened!”
Goddamn, you are great. Why do you only come out at night?
And why is your avatar a scene from Jaws?
Except it’s a cat on closer inspection…
Fuck, I think only drunk people can see you.
Wait, that’s a cat? I thought it was a dog.
Damn these small images.
That’s my 27lb boy after a shave. They always leave a tuft at the tip because I find it amusing. Thanks for the crank, now I’ll never logout.
I mostly come out at night. Mostly.
Why don’t we put
herFestus in charge?Song search time. Here’s all I’ve got so far:
1) I’ve only heard in as bumper music coming out of breaks on FOX sports radio and Sirius NFL radio
2) It’s in 3/4 time
3) It’s got B-minor to G-major alternating every measure, with a keyboard solo playing over it, which sounds vaguely Asian
4) I doubt the whole thing is instrumental, but I haven’t heard a single word sung. Granted, bumper music only lasts 10 seconds or so
5) I guess it’s alt-rock no older than 2011 or 2012
Anyone know what this is? It’s been killing me for over a year
I need a sample
It always amazes me when someone can tell #2 and #3 by ear.
Probably because the extent of my auditory discrimination boils down to “do I like the sound?”
3/4 is Waltz time, 123,123,123,124
Bm to G is one of my favorite transitions
I’m writing a new song based on a guitar and my main chords are as follows
Am, B/C, F#D-11, F/D-10 it’s way easier to play than it writes on paper(sic)
And I couldn’t tell you which was which if you played me the four.
I don’t know, but this has been my jam for a while now.
This has been Lester Holt’s jam for a while now.
Cocaine was a helluva drug *sniffs*
Fela Kuti put some glide in yo’ stride:
A friend just reported on a “discussion” he heard tonite at Church, regarding gun violence. Says a semi-hysterical woman stood up and gave her solution:
ban all gun sales in the U.S., confiscate all existing guns by a certain date, 10 year prison sentence for anyone found with a gun after certain date; life in prison with no parole for anyone displaying or discharging a gun during the commission of a crime. He didn’t get in a “fuck off, slaver” but did ask if she wanted to live in a totalitarian state run by Trump. Her answer was along the lines of “If that’s what it takes to save one school kid. Besides, future administrations won’t be as evil as Trump’s.” Don;t know how he (a gun-rights guy) embellished to but undoubtedly this is what many gun-grabbers consider “doing something.”
Eloi are so annoying.
/Sauron Supermen
But really fucking hot.
Especially since I’ve aged nicely into my Morlock garb.
“Lady, Gunowners, by definition, have guns. You don’t.”
Give me your huddled masses of guns, yearning to be free.
See if your friend can get that lady to mail me her newsletter. I’m intrigued.
It would likely be the same smashing success as the war on drugs.
What church does he go to? Universalist Democratic Underground?
A mainstream protestant one. All the area churches have been holding anti-gun “discussions.”
I can only hope someone will point out that decimating the 2nd amendment might lead to decimating the 1st.
I think SEA SMITH has a thing for the Latinas.
#4 please.
39 all day
I’ll take… the redheads from earlier.
This is all I have to say.
Isn’t that ironic?
Did you ever hear the tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise?
No, but am interested.
I’ll be….. busy.
Are Latinas just black eyebrows and heavy mascara on vaguely tanned skin? Because I’m into it, I just want to be sure none of my paramours are appropriating no culture.
Ya me too. Oh my.
Gracias Señor
I like Pittsburgh. More bridges should be painted yellow. #happybridgecolor
Thanks (I think) to DEG. I haven’t stopped watching Ozzy Man since I saw your link in the pm links. This is my fav so far.
You’re welcome! I like Ozzy Man.
THAT WAS SO FUCKING FUNNY! MY entire house Heard it and laughter abounds! thanks Mike! and Thanks DEG I think
Ozzy Man FTW
He mentions the Birds that Hate, and Cleansing FTW. ZardoZ will be pleased
Goose vs Elephant
I saved this until I refresh my drink. I’m looking forward to this.
Then you may also like:
Goose vs Cows
My son thanks you.
Thanks a Fuckin lot! I’m stuck on Ozzy man!
Uffda. That one reminded me of my sons. The younger one being the mantis.
Sent it to them and they are laughing their asses off too.
Another fun one
Finally watching Zardoz!
+1 The Penis is Evil
I’m sorry.
I got drunk so I will survive.
It needs to be seen, then, you cannot unsee ZardoZ!!!!
SLD applies, he can buy all the tickets he wants bu is this really, really a good use of time?
When I was in college I volunteered for a mentally disabled adult program. Once a month we would take them out on a Saturday to do something. One day somebody got the bright idea to take them to the movies. Problem was, the only thing playing at the theater was Dangerous Liaisons. They weren’t really the intended audience.
They loved it. Of course who doesn’t love a young, naked Uma?
So you worked on Bill Clinton’s campaign?
No, but I did see his inauguration in person.
And I stayed at a Holiday Inn last night.
+/- a stained interns dress…
Just got back from Black Panther, solid Marvel film with a good villain (so it seems Marvel may have gotten past their villain issue).
In better, more important news, the job I interviewed with on Thursday called as I was walking out the door to let me know that they want to proceed with an offer, and I should have a formal offer letter early next week.
I didn’t go today. Didn’t want to spoil it for the pigmentally non-challenged.
Sounds good on both counts. Congrats.
I’m happy that you got the job offer but that is a movie I’ll never watch. Life’s too short and the social signalling overwhelmed what little interest that I had for watching a comic book movie.
I’m a comic book geek, so understand where I’m coming from… in the movie, the bad guy is the one who is on the SJW’s side, not Black Panther. However, it’s for a reason that’s understandable (the movie focuses heavily on father and son relationships).
If you’re not a big comic book movie fan, don’t see it in the theater, but if you have any interest, I would recommend renting it for a couple of bucks.
Excellent, congrats. Glad to hear that BP was a good movie as well. I’m going to see it monday.
Congrats on the job
Congratulations. I hope you are more happy with your new situation than you are with your current one.
It’ll depend on the final offer, but right now it’s looking like a ~20% raise, with the opportunity for bonuses every quarter, and actual opportunities for advancement. In exchange for this, I go from a 20 minute commute to a 50 minute commute (eventually shifting to a work from home situation), and I lose a large amount of annual PTO due to tenure (I’ve been at the current job for over 10 years, and get 5 weeks of PTO a year the new position doesn’t match that for a while).
5 weeks is a downgrade? And I thought State Workers got too much PTO.
Sorry, I wasn’t clear. I’m currently getting 5 weeks of PTO (vacation, sick time, personal days). The new position will start me at 2 weeks of PTO and 6 days of sick time. Eventually growing to 4 weeks of PTO and 6 days of sick time.
Ah okay. I’ve hit ten years at the state, which means I’ve got more PTO than I know what to do with. Sick leave has a higher rollover cap and a lower accumulation rate, so I stopped counting it as an annual measure (I think the rollover cap is 1200 hours or something) Annual leave has a 300 hour rollover cap, and accumulates at a little over five hours a fortnight. Then every year they drop a week of personal time. Add in holidays and floating holidays, and it’s just silly. To break even I’d literally have to take a day off every pay period and I’d still have one or two floating holidays running about.
0 PTO 0 anything, but tons of free time
/Self Employed
I have 40 or so minute commute. Books on tape and interest worthy podcasts are your friend.
Submitted without comment.
Re: Japanese gun violence. Good thing that’s the only way to kill someone
Or more recently
I guess three links is the limits for squirrels.
Dey gots their nuts. Duh.
Anyhoo found about four more stabbing deaths in the last two weeks. And that’s the ones that made English language news.
The Japan Times is a leftist rag. Doesn’t necessarily mean they are peddling lies about individual incidents, but their selection bias is off the charts.
I kinda figured that when they were reprinting NY Times material.
On the plus side, they have word puzzles unlike the Japan News or the FT.
Those were the choices of English language newspapers: JT, Daily Yomiuri, International Herald Tribune (Don’t know about that one anymore). I switched to the Japanese language ones a while ago. They parrot American media on international events, but are quite different on domestic stories.
IHT used to be co-owned by WaPo & NYT, but was bought out by NYT about 5 years ago. IHT had an arrangement with Asahi Shimbun in Japan then but (after rebranding) is in with Japan Times as the NY Times International Edition.
The Financial Times (purchased from Pearson by Nikkei) seems to be pretty available, at least in western chain hotels. I still like it even if Lucy Kellaway has retired.
Sure is nice to have actual broadsheets still even if they’re birdcage liners and not these newsletter newspapers like here in the U.S.
Sounds like what Japan needs is to open an honest, national discussion, on common-sense japanese control.
“well now a jap is made for killin’
It ain’t a good for nothing else,
And if you like to drink your saki,
You might even a stab yourself!
Dono Saturday night special,
You’ve got a culture
that’s really old,
Ain’t good for nothing,
But hentai gets an lol”
It’s almost as if people are learning animals that can adapt to their environment and improvise weapons or use other weapons as needed.
That overall crime in Japan is lower is always ignored by the gun grabbers. Been quite a few stabbings (one in Hachioji near me) a few weeks ago, but not often. There was another last week where a dude stabbed another dude for sitting in the priority seat on the train.
I’ve been thinking about the indictments released today. This is the first indictment directly related to what Mueller was charged with investigation. Everything else has been stuff that popped up in the course of investigation. And normally you try to get the little fish to flip so you can get bigger fish. So what does this get Mueller? These people are in Russia. I doubt Mueller can get them to come over here voluntarily. So what does this get him? I don’t see how this gets him anything. These aren’t big fish. So why charge them at all? I don’t see a prosecutor charging these people unless there is nothing else they can get. So why make a big production about this? Because this is all they got.
Maybe there is more in Mueller’s quiver. Maybe I’m wrong but I don’t see where Mueller can go from here.
He goes all the way to the top baby! We’re gonna roll back this election, Herself will be crowned dowager empress!
But really I think it’s just more signalling that needs to happen to justify the investigation.
^^^ This feller gets it. Also it’s a way to damage the brand before the next cattle call.
I’d agree. This is likely the beginning of the end of it. He needed something to show for it and why not drop it the day after all the negative stories are coming up about how they fucked up the Florida thing. I also have over 400 wagered on this with a couple lefty buddies that are convinced that Trump will be impeached due to this. I expect to collect.
Can you put me in contact with your buddies. I have a couple grand I’d like to wager with them.
Ha! I tried to triple the bet with one of them today after the indictments against the troll farm were announced. He wasn’t biting unfortunately.
The whole thing is a sham so why wouldn’t they continue with it? This will never end.
..never end?
Shari Lewis induced one of my first erections. Yes, I’m pretty old.
I got ten wrinkled one dollar bills that would be well served stuffed in a strippers g-string that there is a connection between these uber hackers buying facebook ads and opening twitter accounts and information that ended up in one or more of the DNC/Herself paid for “dossiers” that the FBI used to get a FISA warrant. I wonder if they would even investigate such a connection. The whole point of the Russians op, as lame as it was, was to make the US populace question the legitimacy of our elections. And for a large segment of the population they succeeded. See Imo Peach Watters and the rest of #Resist. The weak minds of the United States totally bought into it with the help of much of the media. It is really kind of sad.
Pah! They don’t give two ass-fucks about any of that. The damage has been done so they’ll retreat back to the C-Suite and rub their carbuncles some more. “Someday… someday soon…!”
people don’t grandstand about charging crimes they’re never going to prosecute.
this is shit that happens everyday. no one ever “charges” because they don’t have bloody jurisdiction and no one anywhere fucking cares because US actors do the same shit to them and they have no recourse either.
people have known about russian-ish cyber-fuckery for years and no one cared at the FBI level because it amounted to nothing other than petty snooping.
read this:
The media is pretending that the same petty-snooping that happens nonstop every single year is OMG ELECTION HACKERY … and the FBI is validating that nonsense by going through the motions of ‘producing a report’.
It serves the interests of most of the ‘deep state’ types because the idea that “evil russians are fucking w/ our elections” is a sure-winner for their budgets.
basically, the sound you hear is the gas being let out of the inflated “OMG TEH RUSSIANS” narrative that’s been used for the last year.
there’s nothing to it other than the sort of bullshit NBC tried to sell, which is “hey, guess what? Russians tried to hack voter rolls!”
Voter rolls are public information. You can buy the info in most states w/ a credit card online. The “hacking” of them amounted to “some IP addresses in eastern europe tried accessing these public-servers!” OMG DEMOCRACY IS BEING THREATENED
And what could ‘teh russians’ do with this info?!
Nothing. nothing more than the robo caller machines who try to get you to vote for councilman X already do.
“I remember when the
Republican PartyGlibertarians used to know that the Russians were our enemy! Now, you work for them!”While their is no formal extradition treaty between the US and Russia, either nation may request the extradition of suspects. Since it’s mostly just bullshit for domestic consumption, I doubt the State Department will push it too strenuously.
I believe one of the suspects has been arrested in Czechoslovakia, with whom we do have an extradition treaty.
It’s late, I’m kinda drunk and working on becoming more so. Something I rarely admit to is spending the last three years of my childhood in juvenile prison. I’m looking for an angle on an article to write for this site.
The petty arbitrary cruelty of prison?
The things that contribute to juvenile delinquency?
The almost zero success rate of intervention programs in juvenile prisons?
Something I’m not thinking of?
All input is welcome.
Sorry to hear that, Lach. Vengeance and malice are foundational to the prison system and the public not only accepts that, but encourages it. The prison ass rape jokes are funny only cuz they’re based on reality.
Prison congregates the worst people in society with others who are not. The man who gets caught with too much marijuana gets put in the same cage as the man who is a sociopathic murderer. It’s petty rough on the non sociopath.
Matter of fact, for the duration of his incarceration, the non sociopath has to behave in sociopathic ways in order to survive (with his integrity intact) the experience.
Something or someone turned your life around in a hurry. I spent some time in the joint for DUI and learned nothing from the experience except that you never whistle. Huh, I’d have never featured you as “One Of Us”.
Yes, that would be a good article for this place, if you are up to writing it. I think everything you mentioned would be valid themes.
Another good theme-
Fresh out of prison Lachowsky was a virulent racist. After spending spending several years fighting racists blacks (and often losing) I had a hatred for blacks.
Anti collectivism is what cured me of this.
Indeed. Having spent a good portion of my working life with indigenous people, I find it hard to clam up whenever someone starts bleating about how much more noble or spiritual they are. Aside from a few individuals they are dumber than rocks, just like everyone else. Probably moreso.
Festus, there is a reason the glibs exist. I can’t tell you exactly what that reason is. For me, spending an extended period of my life with my freedom taken forcefully from me has made me much more receptive to the ideology of freedom as the most important thing in my life.
Yet you came out of it a changed young man and it was water off a duck’s back to me. This is a very interesting story that needs some telling, Friend!
Thanks Festus. I will try. It’s a long story.
Anything regarding the school to prison pipeline is interesting. Personal growth stories are a good angle as well and could also include all your points. The reason why and how it led you to where you are today.
All good options, but the nest that you can do is start writing and see what comes of it.
personal growth stories.
I left prison at age 18 with no education. I managed to make myself an actual Kulak in about 4 years. My story is a killer for those who preach the oppression angle.
Heh. All the more reason to tell it.
Inspiration like that is a good motivation.
I didn’t go to juvie but I did grow up shit poor and was raised by a single mother after my father bounced. I clawed to where I am today and I’ll be damned if I let anyone take that from me.
You overcame a different and I would say harsher obstacle. Telling your story is cathartic for both teller and reader, whop knows who you might inspire?
(Late night edit fairy! I need your help!)
Well done rick. Ones current circumstances don’t determine ones future circumstances.
Did you see this? https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=JsXc2KRfYXA
Congratulations Lachowsky. My brother did juvie time plus post release probation for some very dumb things. I’m proud that he also has made a good life (even if he is/was much more of a leftist than I am), both professionally and personally and I’ve got a wonderful nephew now.
Yes the school to prison pipeline could be explored. I mentioned it today when some fool repeated some other fool’s idea that we should station a couple of cops at every school in America.
Congrats Lach.
My father came from a pretty dysfunctional family. I think that is one of the reason he became a probation officer once he finally got his act together. He didn’t do any time, but he did have scrapes with the law. His sister spent a lot of time in a juvenile prison in her teens. Now she is an upstanding member of society.
Both of them today have a very yin/yang approach to the topic of young criminals. Both of them on one hand are pretty understanding and empathetic to the reasons why kids can get on the fucked up path. On the other hand, both of them are at time pretty fucking harsh with the idea of “If I could straighten myself out, so should everyone else.”
One of the things I really admire about my father is how he broke the usual cycle of family pathology. Instead of creating a fucked up family situation like the one he grew up in, he and my mother created a great home for my sister and I. We had a solid middle class home with none of the craziness that my dad had to go through. If you can do that for you wife and kids, you will indeed be a great man.
Also, I just went outside to load some wood in my heater. I heard gunshots. I know that it’s nothing to worry about. God Bless America
Fuck that, call the cops! They’ll protect you.
“I just went outside to load some wood in my heater.”
Someone introduced me to Ozzy Man a few mins ago
well now i’m a fan
There even one for Pie
Romania’s Got Talent
I’m now in, too.
Just found these, in case anyone wants to support this cunt.
I heard of a really hot-sounding new pron site but it’s bullshit. Don’t bother clicking on MomsDemandAction.
My faith has been restored in local media.
A link on Drudge today was to a local story about how Minnesoda has huge gun ownership but low, low crime. It was a piece by a standard “I’m neutral (but really a lefty)” journalist who has a recurring segment called “Reality Check”.
I was stunned that he would say something that went against the local prog’s tastes and biases. Then I watched it. There was one sentence in the bit saying that crime was at a 50 year low. The rest of the story was about how many background checks there were in Minnesoda. That means shit tons of guns. And he ended by saying that really know one knows how many guns – or even ammo – there is out there.
So it was way more of a story about how scary it is out there because of all the guns.
Pat Kessler is a big giant asshole. I think he’s the worst human being on earth.
Up here the big story on the CBC is about how some farmer executed a waif for just intruding on his property and got away with it because racism. Turns out there have been multiple instances of Natives home-invading properties when the men-folk were away and this one guy happened to be there when it happened. He shot the kid dead. Tooooo bad.
Pat Kessler is an asshole, but he is too stupid to be the worst person on earth.
You think that the story should have been, “We’ve got a shit ton of guns but crime is also really low, so just relax.” Instead it was all “Your neighbors have who knows how many guns and how much ammo. Can you really trust those mouth breathers not to shoot you?”
I detest that smug fucker. When he is on KFAN I always turn it.
But yeah, you are right. Fishing this weekend?
I agree about KFAN. When he and Barrerio go on their smug fests it is too much for me to handle.
May be fishing. Tomorrow we are going to a big Chinese New Year party. Last year, I (according to my wife) made a complete ass out of myself after drinking too much Chinese whiskey. I may have to skip fishing tomorrow to be on my best behavior.
I want to get out. I am still working on integrating this camera into my setup. The camera appears to work pretty good, but it didn’t come with a nice cable to hang it down in the water with. I’m trying to figure all that shit out.
How has your kid been doing?
Good. He and his buddy were up in Monticello again today. Caught a bunch of smallies. He said the biggest was 3.6 lbs.
The party sounds fun. I love being told about the stupid shit I did the night before. It makes me feel like a rock star!
Actual whiskey or that báijiǔ liquor?
Not sure. It tasted like shit and came in a bottle that had all sorts of girly decorations on it.
The Chinese guys at the party kept passing it around and I didn’t want Team USA to look bad so I made sure to out drink all of them.
It was a horrible, horrible hangover the next morning.
I once had to drink out of a bottle that had a fucking snake in it! What the hell is wrong with the Asians?
It was a horrible, horrible hangover the next morning
That sounds like báijiǔ.
Habushu. Nasty Okinawa stuff, Tundra.
Habushu. Nasty Okinawa stuff, Tundra
Nasty is waaaaaaay too mild, my friend.
But I’m still here, so no hard feelings!
I’ve never tried it, but I did try some nasty stuff with a giant iguana in it. Worst hangover of my life.
The wife and I are heading up to Santa Monica for the annual Gong Hee Fot Choy party. A huge spread of Chinese food. Good, old friends, and lots of liquor. I may act like a drunken idiot, but it will be among good, old friends who are also drunken idiots.
Turns out the kids from the rez were there to steal. My nephew got shot for doing the same damn thing. I don’t blame the guy that shot him, I blame his parents.
The Blair Witch is a Goat!
/Ozzy Man
The gun control types are completely unable to wrap their heads around “for enemies foreign and domestic” despite having convinced me (not really) that Trump is secret Nazi President and he is conspiring with LEOs to kill all black people.
LEOs don’t need anyone to conspire with them for that. They were doing it just fine during Obama’s presidency. Plenty of white people too.
Though now that we’ve reached the point where a police officer can murder a pretty, rich white woman with no consequence… we’re fucked, aren’t we.
Only if we compromise.
Well she was white Australian. So not really white white.
Whatever happened to the Russian domination of figure skating? Putin’s dislike of teh gays pushing the decent ones out?
The Japs are taking over. It’s like reliving the ’80s.
War on gays are hurting our medal count. What should we do, Vlad?
“Expand the war to global scale.”
“We had war on gays and now we suck at Olympics!”
Hanyu-san is so dreamy.
That long torso reminds me a certain poster from TOS.
Team Blue n Red have way to much emotional capital invested in there hatred of each other to be objective. I vote for a purge.
Stalin style purge or movie style purge where we all get one free night to kill as many politicians as we can?
If “Sowing Discord” is a crime, we have legal standing to one up Uncle Joe.
Landru vs ZARDOZ?
Grammar? Hell, I’ll give her a liter.
Grammar? Fuck that, she is hot 8 ball for her.
I am not sure about that. I think a large portion of team red (high level) are actually shaving points in favor of team blue.
I’ve always thought this guy’s version of this song was nice
here it is for you
its probably (the remake) 6-7 years old at this point
here is the version he did for recording purposes, which is really the nicest one
Christ that’s good. I actually like the live one better.
Thanks for this – you’ve added a lot to my library.
the song is good is because the swedish electronica group “the knife” (who dress up in rubber suits and play w/ synths) actually are quite good by themselves
but interpretations are sometimes better than the originals. the song is very touching. but the og version is sort of hamfisted. I think jose’s version has always been the more accessible one.
I like all of them.
here’s another one you may not know
Crazy good. How do you find all these?
You and EDG should start a label.
“How do you find all these”
its just pedestrian awareness of who else is doing stuff in the “songwriting” world
why some stuff is remembered 5 -10 years later? its just taste
oh but the case of trixie whitley is that she’s super hot and her dad was like the bob dylan of the 1990s
and here is a completely unrelated good song involving “one dude playing guitar”
From the sidebar of Gilmore link: https://youtu.be/NzB1wEmvMAE
Just before the twentieth anniversary, so that would make it 25 this year. Damn.
Still would, then or now.
Yep. I love her.
I saw her during her Hello Lisa tour about 15 years ago. Dweezil was supposed to be there but wasn’t there due to a cold or something. In retrospect, it was probably when she kicked Zappa to the curb. I coulda been the shoulder to cry on! If only I had known! (not really)
saw a clip of the singer of mazzy star from 1994 and it broke my heart
mainly because she seemed to be an amalgam of every ‘past gf’ ive ever had.
I was just watching this one.
She is amazing.
She had that “sexy librarian” vibe before it was a thing. Still carries it well but what do I know? I’m enamored of Lily Allen, so there’s that.
Here’s what I mean.https://youtu.be/q-wGMlSuX_c
3 on 3 overtime is the fucking bomb!
Go team Canada!
Whoa. Nice finish Czechs!
Canada still has the best jerseys. This is a really interesting tourney without the pros.