Thank God this week is almost over. I’m as tired as Lili von Shtupp. Today is my son’s 18th birthday. I feel especially old now that he’s an adult. But I also got to change a piss-filled diaper from Baby Justice, so I was at least reminded that I have a whole other generation of them to raise to adulthood.

Hey, what ever happened to athletes and actors just entertaining us and leaving their political messages at the door? Was it ever that way, I wonder? Sure, there were a lot of athletes that left the sport to sign up when the Japs bombed Pearl Harbor, but there was literally no controversy in their opinion. Today its a bunch of athletes who have security protecting them while at work decrying my ownership of guns because some stupid asshole punk decided to go on a killing spree. I’m happy you have an opinion about it dick, but don’t expect me to pay to see you play when you’re telling me I should give up my rights (or have them forcibly taken away) just to make you feel good about yourself while you have the luxury of having an armed security force at your workplace.
Sorry about that rant, but half the ESPN stories this morning were about who all is speaking out for gun control. And I don’t have the patience to suffer a network with a political mission of disarmament, ramming their opinion down our throat when their stated mission is to be the worldwide leader in sports. Of course, these are the same progressive dumbshits that fawned over Obama and his basketball picks every year but left politics out of it, meanwhile they completely changed their stated policy on mixing politics and sports when Trump was inaugurated because “athletes and sportscasters have voices too and should be heard in these divisive times.” Nevermind that the guy in office before him did more to stir up racial and political animosity than any predecessor in the history of our nation.

No, not a bu-, a bomb.
No scores today. That’s my sports update. Thanks, ESPN, for taking away one of my daily diversions. And now come…the links!
Maybe the FBI are starting to take seriously leads on people who are obviously bent on destruction. I wonder if the teacher will get put on paid leave. Just kidding, he quit before he was arrested. Although the door is open to a pension related to the stress of teaching while running a bomb factory. Hell, if a NYPD cop can get a heftier pension because he allowed himself to become a fat fuck, this guy might have a chance too.
Black man who grew up dirt poor and rose to the top of his chosen profession decries victimhood mentality. Oh man, that ought to set a few heads ablaze.

They see him trollin’, they hatin’.
LOL, sorry bitches! You got trolled. I like the cut of this guy’s jib. I mean, he simply doesn’t give a fuck what anybody wants from him. And he’s probably gonna parlay that into a bigger payday.
OK, I have a question: why is the FBI doing investigations that include domestic violence in the first place? Look, DV is awful. Anybody that would initiate violence on a spouse, partner or stranger for that matter is an asshole. But when the hell did it become the province of the FBI? Perhaps those resources could have been better spent following up on actual threats of violence against schools full of kids instead of this shit.

How do you manage to fuck this up to the tune of a $4Bn loss?
Better enjoy Uber while you can. Because they’re apparently run like shit. Seriously, how do you lose that much money when your entire means of revenue are off of commissions you only pay if your drivers are making money? Sure, there’s some more overhead, but it can’t be that much. Here’s a tip: move out of Silicon Valley and San Francisco and set up shop somewhere you can pay your employees and your facilities cost a hell of a lot less.
A series of good deeds is once again rewarded. This dude is just a cool guy. I hope he can finally have a couple injury-free seasons, but even if he ends up never playing another down, he will be regarded as a fine football player and an even better human being.
There is no tie in to a link today. Just a good song.
Have a great day and a better weekend.
Isn’t Uber losing money on every ride and hoping to make it up in volume?
How do you lose money on a model where you literally take a share from what someone else makes? People you don’t pay anything to until they make you money?
I dunno, go ask the US government.
But the government does make it up in volume!
It’s probably the R&D money that they are spending to get rid of the drivers they are taking that cut from. I think that’s stupid. Let Google waste their money on developing the self-driving cars and then just buy them when they are ready. Fuck Uber.
Customer pays x, contractor is paid 1.05x.
Run your IT operations so inefficiently that in order to make a profit your cut of ride fee would be so high that no driver would ever work for you.
I’ve heard some stories about the technical side of Uber’s operations and it isn’t pretty. They grew too fast and the problem with growing fast is you end up with a bloated and inefficient software development operation
You know who else was losing and tried to make up for it in volume?
Spinal Tap?
Your mom?
Kelly Clarkson?
I laughed
Hillary supporters?
I mean how expensive is that damn app? Although I guess they have legal costs due to shitty governments
Paying politicians to not outlaw your business is expensive.
That’s what I don’t get. Uber has costs associated with the app and with the network supporting it (the rider/driver hookup, geolocating, etc.) and administrative costs, but how high can all that shit really be? They’re taking a cut of every ride from a fleet of vehicles they have no financial responsibility for.
iirc Uber employs over 2000 engineers the majority of which are in the San Fran – San Jose areas. So with an average annual cost (salary + benefits + overhead) over $250,000 means they are spending half a billion a year just for the people on software development and operations.
This article gives a good example of why their back end costs are so high…
Why are tech companies still in Silicon Valley? The cost of living is insane, the climate’s not that great, and it’s not like you can’t find developers anywhere.
Is that you, Jesus?
Forgot the link:
“I make jokes about it but basically this is me giving a middle finger to the people who told me I couldn’t do it because I’m not married yet. It’s the opposite of a religious reason. If you’re telling me I can’t do this, I’m going to do it anyway.”
This sounds like rational reasoning for making major life decisions.
“Perhaps those resources could have been better spent following up on actual threats of violence against schools full of kids instead of this shit.”
There are Russians under our beds and Chinese infiltrating our school system and you think the FBI has time to look into threats against schools? Get your priorities straight.
The FBI is there to serve their political masters and punish enemies. Unfortunately for them, the “master” who won last time isn’t on their team.
My brows become furrier and more thunderous the more I think of the last administration. Fuck that pretender. What a gauche piece of shit he managed to be.
And that is why we have the shitshow about Russians stealing the election that we have today: the people that got him elected by hiding how incompetent he was and that he actually was a Chicago crime boss, now have a vested interest in hiding their complicity and saving his legacy.
Chinese infiltrating our school system
That’s what the quotas are for.
Ole Charleton looks like he’s either orgasmic or passing a Ponderosa pinecone. Either way, great gif!
Today, in Tim Egan Watch: Timmay brings the blistering heat
“You have people who care about you, who love you, and who will do anything at all to protect you,” said Trump, in addressing the children of America. That is a flat-out lie, which is chewing gum to Trump. If the adults were really willing to take any measure to protect them, Trump wouldn’t have signed a bill last year making it easier for mentally ill people to get guns.
Since 1995, there have been more than 4,000 instances of someone rising in Congress to express “thoughts and prayers.” And since that time, about seven children or teenagers have been killed, on average, every day by guns.
Other countries act to protect their people, which is the most elemental duty of governance. After Australia suffered the deadliest mass shooting in its history, a massacre of 35 people in 1996 by a man with a semiautomatic rifle, the country banned such weapons. There hasn’t been a mass shooting since.
So many fallacies packed into one column. It’s really kind of impressive, in a way.
Other countries act to protect their people, which is the most elemental duty of governance.
When that’s your starting point, I have no reason to entertain the rest of your argument.
Isn’t it the most elemental duty of governance? That’s why we have a navy and murder is illegal.
No, it is not. The most elemental duty of Government is to protect property.
Just don’t tax that property to pay for that protection.
You left out an important their.
…protect their property
Yeah, but I think where sloop’s going is that stretching “protect citizens” to encompass infringing rights under the rational that they could be abused does not represent an understanding of the role of government that meshes with a respect for individual liberty. Of course I expect a government to provide physical security in the sense that I want it to hire police to do things like break up fights, arrest people who have committed crimes, and prevent imminent harm, but that isn’t the same thing as saying that because people may stab each other knives should be confiscated from everyone to prevent stabbings.
The state must declare the child to be the most precious treasure of the people. As long as the government is perceived as working for the benefit of the children, the people will happily endure almost any curtailment of liberty and almost any deprivation.
Quoted from Mein kamph. Not to Godwin a thread so early, but literally the words of Hitler.
I wrote a sarcastic letter to the editor once where I proposed banning swimming pools, baseball, and dogs.
For the children.
Children are the future, so it makes sense to shield them from as much harm as possible. Any law or ban is worth it even if it only saves one child’s life.
For the sake of the children, the following must be banned at once: swimming pools, dogs, & baseball.
Each year in the US, about 400 children, most of them under the age of 5, drown in swimming pools. Drowning is the #1 cause of death for children between the ages of 1 and 4. Despite this, law makers nationwide have done nothing to ban these watery death traps. Yes, many millions of people enjoy swimming pools safely, but is that any excuse to allow such a huge hazard to children? Everything society does must be for the sake of the children.
In 2013, 18 children were killed by dogs. More than half of these victims were aged 7 or younger. Why do we allow these vicious beasts in our midst? Just because the vast majority of dogs never kill children is no excuse to let people own them. And just because 3 dog breeds account for almost all the attacks is no excuse to tolerate the rest. Better to ban all of them just to be safe.
In most years, there has been at least one child killed while playing Little League. Sure millions of kids play each year without even being injured, but what about that one child? If banning Little League saves just one life, it will be worth it.
You can never be too safe, unless you want children to die.
They published it. At least a few people get my sense of humor.
I wonder how many readers didn’t get the sarcasm and were nodding in agreement?
75 -80%.
[sigh of weary resignation]
They should have read your by-line a little more closely.
I would have thought my previous “Raise the Minimum Wage and End Robot Unemployment” piece would have been a clue.
Out of curiosity, which breeds?
Together, pit bulls (22) and rottweilers (2), the second most lethal dog breed, accounted for 77% of the total recorded deaths in 2016. This same combination also accounted for 76% of all fatal attacks during the 12-year period of 2005 to 2016.
Thanks. Interesting stats there throughout.
Yeah, I’m gonna hang this one on the parents.
Anecdotal –
One of my bosses came to work last year with his cheek stitched up. His pit bull is very protective of his kids. He was horse playing with his 7 year old and his dog took it the wrong way and bit him in the face.
Our pitties were like hall monitors. You so much as put a hand on someone and shake them jokingly and they were bawling their heads off. Never touched anyone, though.
My avatar was very protective of my wife.
Sometimes during ‘the act’ he would start barking and carrying on like I was killing her.
I didn’t help, because I’d then often egg him on…
“Ooh ooh ooh, I’m getting yer gramma, Bear-boy!”
I non-apologize in advance because this is a subject that I’m very familiar with having done a lot of rescue work and having fostered and adopted lots of dogs, including pits.
Here’s the problem. When people see a short-haired dog with a short muzzle, they id it as a pit bull. Pits have a rep, largely unearned, as being vicious. So what happens is you have a mutt that has short hair and a shortish face, and if it never bites anyone it’s a Lab mix, but if it bites someone it’s a pit mix. And since everyone knows pits bite people and Labs don’t, a dog that bites someone must be a pit. Since you have a disproportionate number of mutts biting people and being id’d as pit mixes, well, obviously you’ve got evidence that pits are disproportionately vicious dogs.
Oh, also, is a PAC out of Austin, as I recall, that basically goes around the country filing lawsuits to try to enact breed bans. They’re like the SPLC for dogs. Well, and PETA, too, because the bans they’ve helped enact have resulted in a hell of a lot of dogs being seized and euthanized. Because of them, if my dog is attacked by another dog, my dog will be euthanized, because the legal guidance is to assume that a “dangerous breed” is responsible for the attack.
There aren’t many people in the world that I hate enough to contemplate murdering, but these people are on the list.
Maybe if we quit packing 3000 14-18 year olds in one place, many against their will…
“And since that time, about seven children or teenagers have been killed, on average, every day by guns.”
The majority of victims black on the wrong end of the barrel of an illegally possessed gun, I’d venture to guess.
Neither of which *really* matter, right Timmay?
Selective, convenient & probably bigoted outrage on full display.
Reducing handgun violence is relatively simple: legalize drugs.
Whispers on the Open Road: ’Liberal media’ as elusive as Bigfoot in rural West
Do you google Bigfoot daily for links?
Tracking the elusive Rapesquatch is serious business, PtS. I treasure my anal cavity.
Most of the rest of us treasure Winston’s mom’s anal cavity.
It’s a national treasure… like Yellowstone or the Mystery Spot.
And gets about as many visitors.
Make sure to spring the extra $ for a map of the place. Super easy to get lost without one.
That one hurt I bet…
I like to think of it more like Disney Land.
It can handle a LOT of foot traffic.
Look at me! I can make fun of Hicks and rednecks! I don’t think liberals realize how little you have to get out of town for liberal ideas to not be the en-vouge idea.
Fair enough. But there’s a big difference with just not agreeing with progressive orthodoxy, and believing in some batshit insane Zionist Lizard People shit.
Doubt the Lizard People at your own peril, my swarthy friend.
Oh, I’m not trying to defend the Alex Joneses or right wing radio. But to say all conservative are cooks is like saying all liberals are radical environmentalists who are gaia-sexual.
Plus they aren’t lizard people, just lizards in human suits.
Speaking of that…
If at first you don’t succeed, remake it again until you do.
But to say all conservative are cooks is like saying all liberals are radical environmentalists who are gaia-sexual.
It’s ridiculous. Hell, I know some conservatives that can barely use a microwave.
I see what you did there.
Fieri/Zimmerman 2020!
*Thinks for a second….*
Nothing I said was wrong…
cook =/= kook
That article has enough straw men to start a straw army. And you’ll get far more outlandish opinions on CNN than most right-wing talk radio (ok, Savage is pretty out there, but is occasionally good for the lulz).
The article is criticizing mainstream conservatism, not lizard people conspiracies. The former is such a tiny bubble bubble there is no reason to discuss them unless you intend to conflate your opponents positions with those of crackpots.
I can’t make fun of Hicks.
Although apparently many of the “Hope Hicks” pix are actually Hillary Rhoda:
Can we say Stephan Molyneux is the Nick Gillespie of alt right pro Trump ancaps?
I haven’t followed Stephan for years, but gosh. Nick Gillespie is a douchebag.
Like seriously, when the left calls libertarians alt-right, I get annoyed, but when libertarians do it to other libertarians, i get pissed.
I’ve watched many of his videos. He’s kind of a cunt. That mid-atlantic presentation might play to the cheap seats but he’s not saying anything in an hour that you couldn’t buy for five minutes and a dollah from anyone else.
Can they both get cancer?
Molyneux has put the ancap stuff on hold because it’s not the right time. It will be soon, just not yet. He seems to just be a regular old conservative these days.
Can the Glibertarians twitter “subtweet” Gillespie?
Pretty please?
There a Glibertarians twitter? Damn
Molyneux is a total asshole to people he has on his show. I used to listen to him 4 years ago or so and found him intriguing, but after watching the way he treats his guests I stopped tuning in.
I did look back once more now that we’re in the Trump! era and found that Molyneux went full Trump – which kind of bothered me considering that Molyneux was always an an-cap guy. Now he’s for a guy that would love to tariff imports?
Molyneux is kind of a hack.
How do you lose money on a model where you literally take a share from what someone else makes?
I think they call that “overhead”.
Well, yeah. But their overhead shouldn’t even be $4Bn a year. Let alone revenue – overhead end up there.
You’d almost think they were trying to fail and that it was a money laundering scheme.*
*Banjos and I have a theory that Pier One Imports is a money-laundering scheme and that its there to generate a loss for drug dealers or something to legitimize their ill-gotten gains. What other explanation for them still being in business? Nobody shops there. Nobody even browses there. Its gotta be a scam of some sort. Wait a minute…maybe that’s where the NSA is setting up all those stingray cell tower clones.
What’s the going rate to bribe a city council into not regulating your business to death. It’s gotta be pretty steep.
I worked at a NYC retail location for a few years until last summer. The impression I got was that we were largely there to push credit card sign-ups for the store card. The furniture was not very well built but certainly on par with every other piece of ‘affordable’ furniture from other retailers. The Papasan and Swingasan lines are awesome but I’ve taken to using silicone rescue tape or 3M Flex-Cast fiberglass cast wrap to reinforce the joints.
Ah, college memories of getting frisky in the Papasan chair.
Not all that crazy
Well it was pretty clear that if there was some kind of conspiracy, Mattress firm was only a
::dons shades::
sleeping partner.
*narrows gaze*
LOL, sorry bitches! You got trolled. – meh the last book was not that great so I can’t say I am looking forward to it anyways.
While not a fan I liked Larry Correia’s take on things
I think GRRM isn’t interested in finishing because the plot has been figured out by fans. Now, the reason they figured it out is because he takes so long between books. So he probably doesn’t really feel the need to just fill in the blanks and end the series. I assume that’s why he’s moving on to ‘prequel’ type of work. He can write tangent stories that no one has spent a lot of time on.
Rothfuss has no fucking clue what to do in the 3rd book, because the first two were bookstops that were all background to whatever the main plot they are living in is. He set it up as a trilogy, but needs at least 2 and probably 5 books to finish. But the frame is a story in 3 parts, and he’s already told two. Its going to be worse than The Dark Tower when he tries to sew it up and just put something out there.
Larry sounds like my kind of asshole.
We produce an entertainment product. That’s all we do. A lot of artistes get offended whenever I say that, but it’s true. If you want to just produce art for art’s sake, nobody is stopping you. Go have fun. But also, nobody owes you a living just because you are doing something that makes you happy.
Nobody could disagree with that. Right? I mean, some might bemoan it, call it commoditization, but nobody disagrees with the gist of it. Right?
GRRM is just plain incompetent. For one, he’s written himself into a literary hole so deep he can’t find a way out. There’s no way for him to end the series without half of it being completely extraneous, and there’s probably not going to be any point to it in the end anyways. So we had a bad crazy king from an incestuous family, and he gets overthrown, and after a 20 year hiatus of fighting, civil war breaks out and the crazy king’s family is restored to power, with a huge amount of corpses in its wake. Plus la change plus la meme. Shouldn’t take 5,000 pages to tell that story. Tolstoy only took about 1,500 he’s got a lot more insights into the human condition than a hack like GRRM.
He also relies way to hard on “shocking betrayals” and “twists”. Anybody who reads a Shakespearean tragedy knows going in that it’s going to end badly for the characters and with a very high body count. Know what? Hamlet is still very enjoyable even on the third, or thirtieth read.
Not that much of a fan either, and I’m not familiar with Gerrold or Rothfuss, but Larry can crap out a book every 3 months because he’s crapping out pulp nerd fantasy. While they can be amusing beach reads, they aren’t terribly ambitious novels.
After getting burned by Turtledove’s In the Balance series, I said I would never start another series until it was finished.
But, dammit, GRRM suckered me in.
Fuck that lazy fat bastard. I’ll never pay money for another of his books.
I’m in on Sanderson’s Stormlight series but that guy is a worker and will get the writing done at a reasonable pace.
I’ve been trying not to buy the new one for the last few weeks. $17 for a digital book is nuts. I’ll probably give in on my next business trip.
I was the first to reserve Oathbringer from my local library.
I was perceptive enough to see the writing on the wall and stop after 3.
I don’t understand his delay in finishing the book. Did he OD on forkroot or something?
– Robert Jordan
Oh my god, beginning the Wheel of Time was a terrible, terrible mistake.
That came out garbled. I suspect Uber has a serious overhead issue, just like a lot of the vaporware enterprises who borrowed a shitload of money and set themselves up in luxurious digs back in the ’90s.
Today is my son’s 18th birthday.
Happy Birthday, Sloop Jr! It’s mine, too!
Happy birthday, Slammer!
Do we get to spank him?
Happy Birthday.
Damn… you’re only 18? I’m starting to feel old here.
Happy birthday, Slammer!
I hope it’s a good one.
Nice! Happy Birthday, buddy!
Happy birthday to Slammer and Sloop Jr.
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday!
Many happy returns, Slammer!
Happy birthday to all people having their birthday on the Chinese lunar new year… You dogs.. 🙂
Today is my Birthday as well!
Holy shit you’re old!
Happy Birthday, Bob!
Awesome! You got me by 3 years!
Those dead, dead eyes…
Shamed teacher struck off for having sex with pupil, 17, reinvents herself as ‘enthusiastic’ businesswoman
“The Heart wants what it wants!”
And then on the sidebar there’s this:
Woman cuts off finger, names it ‘Wiggles’ and wears it as pendant necklace
Where the fuck was the internet when I could have really used it?
Not for all the tea in China.
offered the dyslexic pupil extra help with his lessons
If teacher has 3 apples and steals 2 from Jim Rob, how would Jim Rob feel? Show your work.
Eppie Sprung? Is she a character from Silas Marner?
I was gonna ask with Ayn Rand book she was featured in.
in a lay-by by police
Wait, a what?
The hottest of takes on school shootings and abortion with a dusting of commentary on mental illness and just a hint of eugenics
Murderous cunt complains about murderous cock.
Still would, though.
Cause you know, everything you do is predestined once you pass through the vagina. If only we knew which babies were going to be the evil ones we could murder them before they get the chance.
Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with America. The moment after a tragedy, everyone uses it to stump for their preferred policies.
If only we knew which babies were going to be the evil ones we could murder them before they get the chance.
Like this one?
Just pure evil in that one. Luckily we don’t let free will and such get in the way of things, or we could be in a moral dilemma.
Double down!
You know who else liked eugenics…
Bertrand Russell?
Yeah, remember when there was that whole thing about killing baby Hitler? I always was disturbed by that line of thinking. I don’t think it would be moral for a time traveler to kill Hitler until after he joins the Nazi party. It’s not like “The Omen” where kid Damien is actively trying to kill folks and is literally Satan. Kid Hitler has the potential for great evil, but is still innocent.
I’ve put a bit too much thought into time travel hypotheticals, I think.
Time travel will never happen because it hasn’t happened.
The ?ends ?do ?not? justify ?the ?means. ?
If you would
kill[do harm to] an as yetinnocent child[unaggressive person] to preventHitler[a future harm originating from that person], you’re in the wrong. It doesn’t matter if you’re killing baby Hitler or aborting downs babies.I think one would be better served going back in time to kill Woodrow Wilson.
Killing Hitler wouldn’t necessarily stop the nazi party. Keeping the U.S. out of WW1 would be more effective.
That’s how you get Kaiserreich. You don’t want Kaiserreich.
She keeps defending it by saying people are morons and misreading what she means.
I’m a moron, because I can only read it one way.
That’s the standard liberal cop-out when they are a little too honest.
But then again these people see dog whistles in everything conservatives and libertarians say, so maybe they are levels above us in reading comprehension.
Gun Grabber + Abortion in a single tweet = Prog think Intersectionality.
That’s honestly one of the most evil things I’ve ever read. Her smug stupidity takes the edge off a bit, but not much.
New one out from Chuck Tingle, submitted without comment. But if you’re a fan of cryptocurrency, you might want to check it out.
Also now thankfully this series is out in omnibus, so you don’t have to buy them separately.
“You always have to play the hand you’re dealt,” he said. “If you’re dealt a bad hand, you still have to play it.”
If I’m dealt a bad hand I bluff.
Or fold and await the next one…
That’s no way to live.
Didn’t you listen to the wise sage, Kenneth Rogers?
Taking the day off for some LH-only time. I will take stock of my guzzoline and nitrous reserves, and then hit the road looking for prey.
It’s a puny plan but the only one I have.
This is my plan. There are many like it, but this one is mine.
Hate symbols you should know according to the Anti-Defamation League
It’s all Aryan prison gang tattoos. Which you are highly unlikely to run into in day-to-day life.
And the Confederate flag.
One of those is “Two for the pink, one for the stink.” Poseurs.
The German soldier depicted is not Waffen-SS – his helmet has an Imperial German tricolor shield decal. SS decals were the SS runes shield.
I nominate this for the Blue Ribbon in absolutely amoral opportunism.
It’s like feeding bones to your dog. You know she’s gonna sick it up later but she wants it SOOOO MUUUUCH!
“Why is the first solution disarming law-abiding citizens instead of relying on them to help protect our children?” Wilson said.
Make guns illegal and they won’t be law-abiding citizens. From the reactions I’ve seen, they certainly would be happy to make a huge chunk of the country felons.
“Baskets of Deplorables” “Bitter Clingers”…
Christ, what an asshole. And speaking of being an opportunistic cunt, CT is simultaneously more than happy to keep suckling on Sturm Ruger’s tax revenue like a tick on a dog.
“Malloy was referring to legislation Trump signed into law on Feb. 28 that rolled back an Obama-era regulation blocking people receiving Social Security checks for mental illnesses and people deemed unfit to handle their own finances from buying guns.”
The shooter was 19-years-old, you stupid asshole.
That doesn’t mean he wasn’t drawing a social security check.
Disabilities and all.
Ahh, and he’s all ours.
We’re so lucky, here in Connecticut. We have to deal with this shitstain every fuckin’ day.
UCLA hosted campus talk on ‘toxic masculinity.’ 10 students showed up.
At the event, the 10 students in attendance were handed a worksheet with three different definitions of toxic masculinity, including one from Terry Kupers of the Wright Institute, who defines it as a collection of male behaviors that “serve to foster domination, the devaluation of women, homophobia, and wanton violence.”
According to the worksheet, the desire to get rid of toxic masculinity is not an attack on all masculine traits, such as “devotion to work” and “providing for one’s family,” but instead is an indictment on the negative “masculine” traits such as “violence and sexual conquest.”
If men hadn’t been to busy being toxically masculine, maybe more people would have showed.
That is one of my hopes about all this crap on campuses. Students are too busy studying, working (to pay for school and beer, etc) having fun, chasing women/men, drinking, goofing off, etc., to pay much attention to rubbish like going to this.
Without looking first, I bet of the 10, half were Womynz Studies types, 3 were “sneaky fuckers” and two were school paper reporters or bloggers.
You know who else wanted to foster wanton violence?
La Choy?
I’ll allow it.
Somebody who robs panda express?
sexual conquest is bad? Good think I didn’t have much success with that
Lucky me. Lucky lucky lucky …
but instead is an indictment on the negative “masculine” traits such as “violence and sexual conquest.”
One has no idea how the modern world that provides their comfort and security was built.
Florida woman claims mayor wanted sex in exchange for speed bumps, report says
Even trade bumps for bumps
She didn’t feel strongly enough about wanting the speed bumps, apparently.
Re ESPN. I went on my Bob Ryan rant in the pm links yesterday. I can’t handle it anymore. During Obama they were silent, under Trump it’s ‘truth to power and peace in the Age of Trump’. Get outta here with that shit. And Popovich and Kerr alone (and Curry and James because they’re just irritating) are enough to keep me away from the NBA. Listening to those two talk as if their scholars and the media eating up makes me want to punch my orphans. Apparently all of America’s blemishes began with Trump. To Pop, ‘were’ Rome now’. Right. The second Trump was elected. Sounds like you never read a single book on Rome and if you did, I’ve no clue what you read. ESPN can play ‘whypippo are racist’ all day long, but the second some kid makes fun of an Asian, it’s the end of the world and grounds for dismissal for Ryan. Because, you know, Trump ’emboldens’ racists. Like that twit Obama didn’t do the same with his divisive class and racial rhetoric. Bah.
As for celebrities and guns. Again. It’s the hypocrisy that’s unbearable. Years ago we had a terrorist kill a soldier who was guarding the tomb of the Unknown Solider (Corp. Nathan Cirillo) and marched into Parliament. The Sargent-in-Arms ran to his office, got his gun, and killed him with one clean shot to the head (if I recall correctly).
Why should it be any different for kids? Here’s ONE concrete thing you can actually do for the children, and people recoil in horror. We protect fucken ETM machines with guns (Brinks), banks with guns, celebrities and politicians with guns, they export some foods under the protection of guns but have a designated area where a couple of properly trained teachers can get a gun to take out an intruder KILING CHILDREN AND KIDS and people balk at it?! Worse, their response is to TAKE AWAY the guns and compound that with a ‘gun free zone’.
It’s irrational as it is immoral.
They also love putting hip-hop beats to replays of NBA players grabbing their crotch and thumping their chests like primates after dunks.
Blech. I’m done with it.
I love NHL players because generally they’re respectful, down to earth and dress sharp.
I don’t get the hate for Crosby because that guy is a Grade A class act. You can walk right up to him and he will acknowledge and speak with you. Like Don Cherry. Crosby is known to stop by local outdoor rinks and just hang out like he recently did:
Dude is among the greatest players in history and look at him. Gretzky is the same way. Incidentally, I hear Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers were pretty generous that way too.
Great story. And I agree with you, hockey players are definitely a better class of pro athlete.
I played golf a few times with a very close friend of Greyzky’s. Got invited to play Sherwood CC with them both one time but couldn’t make it. He said he is possibly the most quietly generous person you’d ever meet and that he goes out of his way to do things quietly and without comment so as not to disrupt what he’s trying to accomplish.
The dude said he didn’t even have a clue what Gretzky’s politics were because it had never come up in the hundreds of times they’d been together. And this guy will talk politics with anybody every chance he gets.
It’s always been that way with Wayne. Pure class. They should just make him a Senator for life. And by that, the ONLY Senator. That’s how highly regarded the Gretzky family is. He doesn’t get involved in all this shit. Now compare him to Lebron James.
And he married Janet Jones (holy mother of zod)
“When Mr. Brunet called to do a story, Mr. Ouimet said he would have to ask permission.”
Good on you, Mr. Ouimet.
Crosby might be a prince off the ice, but he’s a massive cunt on the ice.
Yup. Don’t like that bit of theatre one single bit.
blemishes began with Trump
Not just Trump. Every Republican is literally figuratively the devil. Obama led a remarkably scandal-free administration that was constantly attacked with lies by the folks at FNC (Faux News Channel). All Democrats/leftists/etc are angles who care about the people. It is known. //sarc
Aside from live sports, I haven’t watched any ESPN since around 2007. Turn it off. you don’t need it.
Completely ditch it. Don’t give them your money. If there’s an important sports ball match, you can go to the local watering hole and watch it for the cost of a beer or three.
=”‘3 years old on a 8 hour flight from Germany to Newark NJ. He never quits!’
The power of Christ compels you!
1. What the fuck is wrong with the mother?
2. Why the fuck does the airline allow that?
Oh sweet Jesus H. Christ crucified on a cross made from September 11th World Trade Center wreckage I-beams, I would definitely slam like 2mg of Alprazolam stat after the first 15 minutes of that demonic screeching. The only thing that could be worse than that would be the same thing, but for a whole Newark to Singapore long haul. FUCK!
Why do you have to take it? If you have to drag an autistic 3-year old across the Atlantic, you should have the forethought to ask his doctor to conk him out.
You are of course correct.
You sure he’s autistic and not just poorly raised?
If I was much of a betting man, I would assume the latter based on the behaviour of the mother.
I can’t imagine a 3 year old having the stamina to screech for a full 8 hours without having some variant of “retard strength”. When my daughter was 3, she’d take a nap after the exertion of pooping.
Nope. My daughter is a world heavyweight champion-quality screamer. I’ve heard her carry on for as many as 2 hours straight, but 8? That’s clinical.
I sat next to a Mom with a wild kid on her lap once. Her idea to calm the kid was M&M’s. The kid beat the shit out of the Mom while riding a sugar-high.
Shove that little shit in the overhead bin. Or with the luggage in the hold.
Hang on. Just hold a cotton pickin’ second. How do we know it wasn’t Damien and he was upset because there was a Priest, a Rabbi and a drunken Irishman on the plane?
That kid must be constantly freaking out 24/7 when he’s not sleeping. I mean, the screaming doesn’t even remotely come close to hoarse after 8 HOURS. What in the manner?
No need to be redundant, the Koch brothers pay by the post, not the word.
On my first flight to Germany at age 18, there was a seven or eight year old sitting behind me who kicked the back of the seat for hours.
When his mother went to the bathroom, I took the opportunity to relate a story about how there were flying man-eating monsters at this altitude and I was going to feed him to one if he didn’t knock it off.
Did it work?
From the comments on that Egan piece:
Mor California 9 hours ago
I never pray and I don’t offer my thoughts to people who need tangible support instead of empty word. But I am a mother, and more importantly, I am a civilized human being. A society awash in weapons of mass destruction is courting anarchy. And anarchy means blood. Children or adults, pious churchgoers or atheists, “good” or “bad” people – all will die because the American government fails to do the most basic thing a government needs to do: have a monopoly on violence. Repeal the Second Amendment, confiscate all automatic weapons, institute a strict licensing process for handguns. Otherwise prepare to bury more children. It’s that simple. And hold your prayers. Nobody needs them.
This one gets it.
Once we get through that somewhat bumpy “Iron fist in an iron glove” transition period, it’ll be like living in the land of milk and honey.
That person only looks forward. Obviously has never touched a history book in their life.
They have such a inverted and animus view of human nature it’s literally frightening.
Not only that, they’re irrational even on a policy level and hold and complete contempt for history.
All she said was punish law abiding citizens, take their guns that keep tyranny honest, and hand all the leverage to criminals. All for the children.
As I understand it, and someone can correct me, there are about 320 million registered guns in the USA. But how many are UNREGISTERED? I heard it’s estimated at 250 million. So, to this woman, take the lawful ones and leave the illegal ones (assuming most are criminal in nature) in circulation. Then what?
Go back to your desk and think about it more honey.
The number of officially registered firearms is far lower than that, but your point is taken.
Right. So I should read it as: There are 330 in total in circulation. Of those, there are ‘x’ amount registered and ‘y’ amount not registered.
The way I wrote it above suggests there are 580 million guns in circulation in total.
Many estimates do in fact put the number of guns in private hands in the US on the order of close 600 million.
For example.
Holy smoked salmon!
There are very few “registered” guns in the US. The only guns federally registered are NFA items- MGs, SBRs, Suppressors, AOWs.
The beauty of there being no universal registry is that no one knows how many guns are really in circulation. The numbers usually cited are based on the number of background checks run every year since the Brady bill passed. That’s not exactly an accurate way to measure sales. Some BG checks are for purchases of multiple firearms, and some end up in no sale. Plus before the Brady bill was passed there is no data for how many firearms were sold and most guns stay in circulation for a long time.
I can speak to at least seven unregistered. You know, a guy I know has them. I would never own an unregistered firearm.
“And hold your prayers. Nobody needs them.”
And an extra prayer for you…
Actually, to me, THAT’S the problem. The prayers don’t hurt anyone. Taking guns away does. Canada has conducted numerous gun-control studied and most conclude relative to the cost it’s not that effective. Even criminologists steer clear of accepting gun-control policy as a fait accompli because the evidence is just not there. Yet, apparently, in their heads ‘it’s settled’. Where have we heard this before?
We’ve strayed too far off from God.
Not to sound all kooky but there’s something to be said of this. All we’ve done is swap God for the secular state.
Pascal’s Wager: Don’t bet against God.
Not a fan of Pascal’s wager. Just see how it turns out when you plug “Climate Change” into it.
It’s not like people around here, you know….
The four quadrants of Pascal’s wager. Climate change is not real and we don’t do anything. No harm. Climate change is real and we don’t do anything. Massive harm. Climate change is not real and we do something. Small harm. Climate change is real and we do something. Massive harm averted.
Not a legitimate argument, but it’s one I’ve heard countless times.
And doing something can have massive harm.
Counter with relative harm. Harm of doing something if not real is greater than harm reduction if real and doing something.
soon enough, I’m still getting ready
That is exactly Jung’s argument.
Colonel: Marine, what is that button on your body armor?
Private Joker: A peace symbol, sir.
Colonel: Where’d you get it?
Private Joker: I don’t remember, sir.
Colonel: What is that you’ve got written on your helmet?
Private Joker: “Born to Kill”, sir.
Colonel: You write “Born to Kill” on your helmet and you wear a peace button. What’s that supposed to be, some kind of sick joke?
Private Joker: No, sir.
Colonel: You’d better get your head and your ass wired together, or I will take a giant shit on you.
Private Joker: Yes, sir.
Colonel: Now answer my question or you’ll be standing tall before the man.
Private Joker: I think I was trying to suggest something about the duality of man, sir.
Colonel: The what?
Private Joker: The duality of man. The Jungian thing, sir.
Colonel: Whose side are you on, son?
Private Joker: Our side, sir.
Colonel: Don’t you love your country?
Private Joker: Yes, sir.
Colonel: Then how about getting with the program? Why don’t you jump on the team and come on in for the big win?
Private Joker: Yes, sir.
Colonel: Son, all I’ve ever asked of my marines is that they obey my orders as they would the word of God. We are here to help the Vietnamese, because inside every gook there is an American trying to get out. It’s a hardball world, son. We’ve gotta keep our heads until this peace craze blows over.
Private Joker: Aye-aye, sir.
Don’t say a prayer for me now, save it till the morning after?
confiscate all automatic weapons, institute a strict licensing process for handguns
Most handguns are semi-auto.
Women’s tennis was on when I went to lunch the other day. The camera man, seemingly to me, deliberately zoomed in to a woman’s rear on what seemed like a pretext of zooming in for the serve. I’m not complaining, just mentioning. Perhaps I should start watching women’s tennis.
I always tell my wife to grunt like a tennis woman.
I SAID GRUNT BITCH! /hurls slipper and tosses unconscious orphan at wife.
I’m always aroused by the “squeeeee” whenever girls win at something. It’s a cross-cultural thing.
You do the hammer throw scream when you let go, don’t you.
No. I squeal like an albino pig.
1968 Summer Olympics. Cathy Rigby doing gymnastics. Not-Yet-Old-Man With Candy snuffing out millions of potential progeny.
Nadia Comanaci for this somewhat younger man.
Dorothy Hamill, She had her own hairstyle!
Figure skater.
The good old days when gymnasts hawked feminine hygiene products.
Which struck me as odd because most of them stopped having periods during training.
When Dustin Johnson won the (golf) US Open, and his wife Paulina Gretzky went to congratulate him wearing a very short dress, the cameraman was very obviously centering the shot on her ass.
White House viciously tears into Republican Lindsey Graham and his Senate pals for ‘catastrophically drafted’ and ‘totally unworkable’ immigration legislation
Fuck you Lindsey.
I hate the “long” senate seats. We have to wait another 2 years for him to be primaried out.
“There is no tie in to a link today. Just a good song.”
I’ve hung out with Joey, who was into comic books, seen them play countless times, and it never even crossed my mind they meant this Sheena:,_Queen_of_the_Jungle
But when the hell did it become the province of the FBI?
November 8, 2016?
” New deck, Players, new deck!”
Kept out: How banks block people of color from homeownership
So I have no idea about the American loan market and assume there is some discrimination. It is unlikely there is none. But I have an issue with such journalism.
One is in this, as in other things, the automatic equating difference of outcome with discrimination as if equality of outcome is to be expected in all things. It start with an a priori leftist view. Second of all there is some case study to the bottom of the article, but most of the article gives no data except difference of outcome. Some things may explain that difference. And overall little hard data that proves what they want to prove. It is bad journalism imo.
“It’s not acceptable from the standpoint of what we want as a nation: to make sure that everyone shares in economic prosperity,” said Thomas Curry, who served as America’s top bank regulator, the comptroller of the currency, from 2012 until he stepped down in May. – I actually disagree with this as a statement. I do not believe everyone deserves to share economic prosperity by default.
So I have no idea about the American loan market and assume there is some discrimination. It is unlikely there is none
There is not enough to prevent a qualified homebuyer from getting financing. There are plenty of places where it’s purely algorithmic, and you don’t even talk to a human.
Yeah, loan approval is based on income, debt, and credit history.
A system that predicts your likely ability and desire to pay back your loan is racialist!
I can’t speak for Americans but my Canadian credit is top-notch. That doesn’t mean that I can run off and grab a $500 000 mortgage just because. I worked and paid small loans until I was ready to pay off a big one. I have a mortgage, a truck that is paid off, the Wife keeps a horse and we get by. We’ll never be rich but we’ll probably die comfortably.
Does this person know that the federal government has FORCED banks to relax lending standards specifically to increase home ownership for minorities? It’s essentially the entire reason Freddie Mac came about.
I’m sorry, but this is ridiculous.
Evil bankers, what with their hooked noses and nefarious ways. Why you’d think they might want a pound of flesh for a sheckle…
This is ridiculous on its face. Almost all mortgage lenders are paid on commission – they could really give a shit what skin color you are or even whether or not you can pay. Do you pass the banks minimum quantitative standards? Then they’re going to give you a loan.
Not to mention the massive amount of reporting that consumer lenders have to do each year to demonstrate that they’re not discriminating. CRA credit is a huge thing in the industry. The article is very uninformed.
That article makes me really tempted to shovel out the $150 to go see Clarence Thomas speak next month.
You could get a real nice escort in Romania for that kind of $$.
No hugging!
Oh there’s hugging. No kissing more like. But never kiss em on the mouth
Contact info and pictures? Asking for a friend…
i bought Peterson’s book strictly on principle. I doubt I’ll learn more than I already know but my wife was intrigued and so I took the opportunity to support him.
Meh I don’t find it particularly insightful. And he spreads the zero sum view of the economy bullshit.
So what you’re saying is stick to his lectures and interviews.
Every day….. every day……
“Former Playboy Playmate of the Year opens up about her ‘affair’ with Donald Trump in 2006 and claims National Enquirer tried to crush her story when they bought it”
At this point everyone that already hates that monster is stewing at at a slow boil and his fans are giving double thumbs up up, true or not. It’s hilarious!
Because the National Enquirer is in the business of spiking juicy gossipy stories, right?
The owner of the Enquirer is a long-time friend of Donald Trump.
When your a sleazy billionaire, it pays to be friends with the owners of sleazy magazines/papers.
The Clintons were long-time friends of the Donald.
I think the key words here are “were”. Pecker wants his ambassadorship, and I believe he plans to stay on Trump’s good side until he gets it.
Ambassador, eh? Oh Gawd.
Russia-collusion seems to involve people that dealt with Russians some years ago. Long before the Dick-wad in chief decided to steal the the crown from Herself and go gamboling off into the distance.
Eh, I believe the Enquirer would spike a story as a political favor. I also believe that the woman in question is having regrets about selling her story to early, which she was under no obligation to do, and now wants to cash in for more but cannot do so because of contractual obligations.
in 2006?
FAke news! We know it’s McDonald’s or nothing.
So yesterday, a Co-worker informed me that “me and Julio down by the schoolyard” is ‘incredibly racist’. That supprised me because I don’t see Paul Simon as a racist. So I looked up the lyrics and can’t see what she meant. An I crazy or racist. And if I’m racist, shouldn’t I be able to hear the racist dog whistles out there.
Your co-worker is an idiot. The song is about a Jewish kid’s parents catching him having sex with a Puerto Rican boy at school.
Never Change, HM.
It’s true.
I mean, I guess it could have been a threesome with Julio’s girlfriend or something, but I don’t see why the dad would be so angry then.
Does crossing swords even count if you don’t watch it happen?
No. That’s why I always keep my eyes closed whenever I have sex. That way, I can have sex with anything. Animal, mineral, or vegetable.
Wise words from a wise man.
?? ?? ?
Mineral sounds rather painful
I thought it was about a kid smoking pot with the Spics?
I heard that, but I thought it was his Puerto Rican friend’s dog Julio with whom he was having sex.
The Sharts and the Jets.
Your coworker is an idiot. There are no shortage of idiots like this. Within the last year I listened to a guy claim that the “That little faggot” lines from the Dire Straights song Money for Nothing are homophobic.
Hah – just last week I was listening to Money for Nothing, and got a stern rebuke from my 10 year old son about listening to a song with such hateful lyrics. My first reaction was “Fuckin’ public schools”. My second reaction was, “Dear child, if I knew your mother wouldn’t kill me, I have much, MUCH more hateful songs for you.”
You just gotta red-pill him that much earlier.
It’s proving a bit difficult with #6.2, but I hope this trip to Harrisburg next week gives us a bit of private man-to-man discussion time.
Several of our satire news stories are written from the POV of a character who may or may not share my ideals, or political leanings.
Somehow, supposedly smart people can’t figure that out.
*checks lyrics*
AS it turns out, your co-worker is what we a call a ‘high functioning retard’. Just keep the sharp items away from her.
Much like “Nazi”, “racist” has been diluted to meaninglessness through overuse.
I got called a racist once for pointing out, correctly, that the black homicide rate is a lot higher than the national average. “But it’s true!” I said in defense. The response?
“Just because it’s true, doesn’t mean it’s not racist.”
“Racist” has to come to mean “any statement true or false, that annoys progs”.
This is precisely what a racist would say. I am on to you derpy. Talking about true or false is a dog-whistle for being totes Nazis
What’s the Black Nazi homicide rate? You have to control for these things, you know.
Id say it’s more nuanced than that. It’s “any statement true or false, that annoys progs, about, or dealing with someone who is not white”
It’s racist because you’re not woke enough to understand the homicide rate is the result of your white oppression.
Gonna try to think link a prog to find the racism. Hope I can make it back out of this line of thinking. Ok here it goes. The song is about two boys who committed a crime are arrested then saved by a priest. Clearly Julio is Hispanic therefore Paul Simon assumed all Hispanic people are criminals… That hurt.
Be definition, only a racist cant hear racist dog whistles.
So any time someone claims that something is racist because dog whistle, you know who the real racist is.
Bring on the redheads!
I’m just gonna marry 25 and get it over with.
Is the offer on the table?
I mean, I like you Pie, but I think I’ll go with 25.
Ill take 1 2 3… and 9 10.. 13 15 18…
I’m sure you’ll both be very happy.
I choose 10.
Which 10?
2, ,3 6, 7, 9, 10, 13, 15, 16, 18, 23, 25, 26, 32, 47
Listening to Michael Savage, what can I say-I like to punish myself, from yesterday and he’s pushing gun control and a more liberal application of involuntary commitment, truly the worst of both worlds. I hope Trump ain’t listening to this guy although he likes to think he does.
You gotta love how they never explain how someone who is willing to ignore the law against mass murder is somehow going to be thwarted by some additional law.
How the St Valentine’s Day Massacre Saved Us From the Tommy Gun
In 1932, Americans chose a new president, Franklin D. Roosevelt, who supported ending Prohibition. Once in office, Roosevelt pursued a “war on crime” that included the first federal gun control law in American history: the National Firearms Act of 1934, specifically intended to keep the Tommy gun out of private hands. Denied a private market, the Thompson would fulfill its intended purpose by accompanying GI.s onto the battlefields of World War II.
Five years after the St. Valentine’s Day Massacre, America’s law enforcement landscape had transformed. Capone was in prison, Congress had targeted the Tommy gun, and the “G-men” of the F.B.I. were fighting crime scientifically. Partly in response to the massacre, all levels of government had made it harder to commit and get away with murder, while eliminating some underlying causes of gang violence — beginning with Prohibition itself.
We should be ashamed that the killing of criminals 90 years ago could help spur such change, while the repeated slaughter of children prompts little more than “thoughts and prayers” from lawmakers today. The story of the St. Valentine’s Day Massacre shows how public outrage can create meaningful reform when the political and economic costs of inaction outweigh the inertia preserving the status quo.
Umm, yeah. The existence and availability of full auto weapons caused the near-ruin of society. Hooray for FDR!
No0w, let’s ban some more stuff, because that always works.
Normally I’d say that these “journalists” won’t be so happy when they get finished trashing 2A and start gutting 1A, but who am I kidding? They’re just government mouthpieces already so it wouldn’t affect them anyway.
were fighting crime scientifically
You know who else used “scientific methods” to fight crime…
Bruce Wayne, in the basement, with the Batcomputer?
Dr. Guillotine?
Gee. These gangsters couldn’t have been making all that dough by selling some illegal substance…
That could never happen in Chicago.
It would be really inconvenient for this argument if something else happened around that time to drastically decrease the crime rate. Oh look, there’s a throwaway mention but no deeper investigation.
It is funny how few people write such glowing paeans to the wisdom of government when it comes to Prohibition. It’s a prime example of a progressive policy supported by a grassroots movement and argued on “scientific” grounds. It’s everything they say they want the laws to be. Except, you know, for the disastrous consequences.
“The right people weren’t in charge, it wasn’t implemented properly, we’ll get it right this time, blah, blah, blah…”
-1 Chicago Typwriter
OMG, the derp is so strong today. I have to vent. So far I’ve seen the following posts from people I know:
* Invent a gas which would keep guns from firing. You know, just like sprinklers.
★* Ban gun shows, because there’s no law that says we have to allow them. This was from a gay man who is completely unaware of the greater implications of this.
* Why is my salad more regulated than guns? When lettuce makes people sick they recall it.
Lol. What a bunch of douchebags.
My son sat at the table this morning and mused over strategies to take down a shooter if one came to his school. If WTF’s linked article above is correct (600 million guns in the US), this is just silly handwringing because there ain’t no one gonna give up their guns.
Oh, and ask the lettuce person which amendment covers the right to produce, because I can’t find it.
These are people who are either hysterics or literally dull-witted. There is no point in engaging them.
QFT from EvilSheldon in yesterday’s afternoon lynx:
“There are somewhere north of 300 million guns in domestic circulation, by the most conservative estimates. At least five million of them are the assault rifles that politicians piss themselves over.
That horse is out of the barn.
I don’t care if you think prohibition would be effective. I don’t care if you can mathematically prove that it’s a good idea. IT’S TOO FUCKING LATE.”
“Ban ammunition.” That’s something I’ve been hearing a lot of, recently.
Because bullets and gunpowder … and cartridges… is hi-tech rocket science. Has anyone ever read a history book?
Also, you can’t have mine. Molon Labe, bitches.
“Why is my salad more regulated than guns?”
Said someone who knows absolutely nothing about the ATF, how guns are purchased and has probably never held a gun.
Actually, lettuce girl has done some shooting. Before she became a mommy. Wish I still had that picture of her with a pistol.
You should take it away from her and stick it up her ass and pull the fucking trigger until it goes click.
I don’t think that’s a real Jesus quote.
Yes it is.
I found a YouTube clip once where a guy was asked about knife control. He said the govt should force scientists to invent technology to make them harmless.
Oh, how I laughed.
I knoew guns had more rights then women and now guns have more rights than salad. But does salad have more rights than women?
As soon as I hear about a shooting, I have to declare a one-week moratorium on all news outlets. My blood vessels can’t take that level of pressure testing.
Why is my salad more regulated than guns?
Good question. Sounds like your salad needs some deregulatin.
That’s an easy one:
“Okay, tell about all the regulations on your salad and compare to all regulations on guns.”
The world is fraught with risk. Some people cannot accept that, and that is how tyrannies are built.
I like the swimming pool argument:
Imagine if 20 times a year, 20 children drowned together in a swimming pool. Would there be a push to ban swimming pools?
via Drudge – and a mashup that includes some of the posts above:
Nets Push Fake News Trump Made It Easier for Mentally Ill to Buy Guns
The bigger the lie, the more often repeated and the louder it’s shouted, the more people will believe it.
-h/t Josef Goebbels
L.A. HaHa!
Hey Bob!
Ot – I work in a certain place. We have the day supervisor and the night supervisor having a spat. One will move the equipment to one side of the building and the next morning the other will move it right back. It’s happened three times, so far. I don’t think that the day guy actually knows what he’s dealing with here. She’s relentless and won’t be stopped until she gets shuffled from the premises. I’ve been asked by two people on the night shift “Is she fucking retarded?” She don’t care. She’s retarded.
That could be fun to watch.
I had a customer announce to me that they weren’t going to pay about $1,000 in invoices this week, just because. It’s probably a good thing I couldn’t get ahold of them on the phone because I was ready to light them up. I did the old write an email and delete it trick, before writing another, more polite, version.
CC’d the Legal Department I hope.
Nah, this is part of the business, for better or worse. It doesn’t happen that often, but it’s hard not to take it personally when they pull shit like this. I can always close their account.
It happens to me in the Refrigeration end of things all the time “checks in the mail” BS
Then another machine breaks and they call for help…. We get paid 😉
I should have addended – this week!
On the up-side, it gives the staff the opportunity to ensure that the spot under where you keep the equipment clean and hygienic.
I remember the same kind of thing being done in Poland in 1942 but with sacks of salt.
The funniest/saddest part is that I do indeed clean underneath. Keep that shit moving, makes my job easier.
If so, then he’s put himself in the same position as someone who taunts the Downs Syndrome kid for being stupid. Stay classy, Kimmel.
Jimmy Kimmel abandoned his wife and young child as soon as he became famous. America’s Conscience
I fucking HATE Kimmel nowadays. He incessantly passes emotional bullshit off as some kind of argument. That said, I find it interesting that the NRA is still pegged as the boogieman. They don’t realize that 1) The NRA is big bc of having millions of members 2) The NRA does not even come close to being the biggest political donor and 3) There are literally dozens of other pro 2A org’s around the country and most are more stringent 2A fundamentalists than the NRA. GOA, SAF, and in my neck of the woods, VACDL come to mind. Fuck Kimmel and all these assholes who stand on the bodies of children to advance their political agenda. As far as 2A goes, it means what it says, and is here to stay. Deal with it, grow up, and stop pushing patently unconstitutional firearms regulation.
who watches the Estrogen Hour, anyway?
Don’t you have to live in Utah to run for office there? Or is being Mormon sufficient?
He won’t get my vote, but he’ll still get elected.
Odd thought: Remember how everyone (in the media) thought it was ridiculous when Ben Carson said that private gun ownership would have stopped the Holocaust.
So what is it? Are guns so ineffectual that they can’t stop a few policemen/soldiers from carrying out their orders? Or are they pure killing machines that a pop-tart representation of one sends shivers of fear down any law-abiding citizen?
Whichever answer ensures the Top. Men. get to maintain a monopoly on deadly force.
“And how we burned in the camps later, thinking, What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?… The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin’s thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If…if…We didn’t love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation…. We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, The Gulag Archipelago 1918-1956
That’s just crazy Conspiracy stuff
Krazy Konpiracy Kochs!
As you said above; Molon Labe motherfuckers.
That’s a Glib Motto ya know. one of many
Pfffffft, what would this Solzhenitsyn character know about totalitarianism, anyway?
Government is simultaneously well-ordered and perfectly adequate in delivering social goods like security… but also beholden to deeply racist urges that result in * group being treated like chattel slaves.
Nazi Germany could never happen here, so your fears about government going bad are unfounded and absurd… but Nazis are currently running the country.
The mental contortions must be exhausting.
Look, you can make your absurd arguments all you want, but what I know in my heart is that I would rather all guns be banned and rely on the police to keep us safe than risk lunatics shooting up schools and churches just so a bunch of idiots and rednecks can have their stupid guns…
…is what I expect you would read in most other forums. For my part, molon labe motherfuckers.
More fame whore crawling out of the woodwork.
Trump seems to have a taste for the silicon.
I’m not into fake boobs.
But she could toss my regulated salad.
High fiber diet?
The silicon/silicone thing is gonna get really confusing as sexbots become popular.
Silicone uncanny valley… wait, I had something for this.
Valley of the RealDolls?
Punchable face quotient rising, rising…
I wouldn’t punch her.
I thought that… Right. RONAN. I’d never punch a girl.
The “moral” argument; dressed up in the frilly dress of good citizen corporate governance
When does taking a stand against social harm outweigh a financial objective? It’s a reasonable question for the likes of Lazard and BlackRock. The Wall Street investment bank advised AR-15 maker Remington on its restructuring days before Wednesday’s school shooting in Florida, perpetrated with a similar rifle – yet its asset managers talk about responsibility. So does Larry Fink, who runs BlackRock, the $6 trillion fund-management giant and top owner of firearms makers’ shares. They could be helping reduce American carnage.
Fink’s missive to occupants of corner offices this year was, as he surely intended, widely interpreted as a shot across corporate America’s bow. “Society is demanding that companies, both public and private, serve a social purpose,” Fink wrote a month ago. “To prosper over time, every company must not only deliver financial performance, but also show how it makes a positive contribution to society. Companies must benefit all of their stakeholders, including shareholders, employees, customers, and the communities in which they operate.”
Like BlackRock, Lazard’s investment-management arm embraces principles of responsibility and good stewardship. These are, however, hard to square with the blue-chip firm’s advisory experts doing work intended to make Remington a more financially robust seller of deadly firearms.
Wall Street can’t on its own prevent school shootings like this week’s atrocity at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High, church massacres such as the one at Sutherland Springs, Texas in November, or the Las Vegas outdoor-concert bloodbath in October. Solving America’s exceptional gun-violence epidemic is a job where lawmakers in Congress need to show leadership. But financial-industry luminaries could make a difference – while also minimizing one risk to their hard-won reputations.
“Why can’t you guys only provide financing for things I like?”
Only invest in Oil Companies but we’ll just keep it on the down-low because reasons. Christ, what an asshole.
The gun grabbers went after Blackrock several hears ago. I have an IRA that is invested in a Blackrock fund. I sent black Rock an email that said if the divest in guns due to political pressure, my money is going elsewhere. The replied that they wouldnt. looks like they havent. Good on them.
If they make any investment decision based around politics or political pressure rather than what is best for the client’s portfolio, they should face lawsuits
They really milked Remington for all it was worth and ran it into the ground.
The idea that companies aren’t delivering value to all of their stakeholders is absurd. Employees get paid, customers get a product, and shareholders potentially get a return on investment. In fact, the only stakeholders not guaranteed to get something are the shareholders.
“Society” is not a stakeholder just by virtue of its existence, and it’s not a solid mass composed of a single opinion. Until somebody buys a product, holds a share, or takes a job, their opinions are irrelevant.
Sure Kbolino, tell THEM that!
Speaking of Remington- I wouldn’t mind having one of these.
I’ve only shot a 1911 once – I would need a lot more practice to feel comfortable hitting the target since the recoil was a bitch. I’m a lot better with a .40 caliber.
addendum – it was a 1911 with a laser attachment which I thought was pretty silly. But hey, rent-a-gun at the local gun shop/target range.
you could be a pussy like me and go for one of these:
I’d trade a 45 for a 9 just to get the extra capacity.
I really like these two pistols. I am practicing at 10 yards. With the EMP (3 inch barrel), I am 100% in the 9-ring and about 60% inside the 10-ring. With the EMP-4, I am above 80% in the 10-ring (43 out of 50 last time).
I’ve got a double-stack .45 – 14 in the handle and one in the pipe. Seems adequate.
Buy it while you can.
My buddy the industry insider says those are amazingly good, for the price and out of the box.
They are. The only reason I got a Ruger over it was it’s manufactured locally to me.
There will always be somewhere you can buy a reliable, relatively inexpensive 1911 if Remington decide to rationalize their line.
The in-house reaction to this Ch. 11 is largely one of relief, even though they know there will be a reorg down the line at some point. They have new factory and warehouse facilities, a profitable ammo plant and enough goodwill left over to survive the ruinous reputational black eye of the R51.
Also, something to keep around the house.
My first shotgun was an 1100. That was fun.
LOL, sorry bitches! You got trolled.
If GRRM ever really wants to troll his fans, he should just release a transcript of the last few seasons of the TV show as his last book.
The idea that companies aren’t delivering value to all of their stakeholders is absurd.
I hate that “stakeholder” bullshit. Either you have a direct financial/business relationship with the enterprise, or you’re a goddam meddling interloper busybody.
“””I hate that “stakeholder” bullshit. Either you have a direct financial/business relationship with the enterprise””
That’s sort of the definition
– investors, board, management, suppliers, employees, customers
those are stakeholders. The sierra club, etc. is not., despite their warbling about corporate social responsibility and how everyone is affected by everything.
i really shouldn’t read from the bottom up.
i agree that ‘communities’ isn’t really a relevant group of actual stakeholders. because who are the ‘communities’ anyway? is it the rural shooters, or the urban people who ban guns? the people who screech your company has no right to be in business aren’t your stakeholders.
There will always be somewhere you can buy a reliable, relatively inexpensive 1911 if Remington decide to rationalize their line.
IF they actually make money on them, a 1911 seems like a nice reliable stream of income.
It’s my understanding that 1911’s *in general* take a fair amount of manual fitting, so it’ll be interesting to see how this shakes out.
If they stick to the tolerances of the original Colt they shouldn’t have too much of an issue. It’s not like other budget friendly makers like Ruger or RIA haven’t been able to do it. Once you start going the semi custom route, hand fitting will be needed.
I haven’t been able to get here all morning … until I disconnected from my VPN. Dammit people, you’re trying to allow THEM to find me, aren’t you.
Ummmm…. I ummmm…. ok.
But in other news, Jenny is single again!
I get the feeling like she might be something of a pain in the ass…
Still would.
No doubt
You get one free pass. After that, you have to assume you’re part of the problem.
Oh, no doubt. Still, the woman has aged like fine wine.
“Gross said the confrontation Monday happened after he and Cuesta had sex in the back of his fiancee, Melissa Leonardo’s, car as Leonardo drove. He said all three smoked marijuana that night and that Cuesta had agreed to be tied up with a yellow rope before the sexual encounter.”
I’m really sort of sad that Trump didn’t tell the press “I just learned of this domestic abuse allegation when I read the paper this morning”.
He usually doesn’t miss a good chance to troll the media like that.
Overheard at the White House
Kelly: Mr. President, I brought you your newspaper clippings
Trump: Good. Anything new?
Kelly: It would appear as if Daggwood has gotten himself stuck in a ladder again
Trump: What an idiot. His wife, Blondie, sooo hot. Classy
Kelly: Agreed
today’s garbled history lesson
But personally, I’m always kind of entertained when white people bring up the Irish or the Italian in conversations about racism because they always leave out some of the most vital facts about that whole situation.
First of all, the Irish were definitely enslaved, but not in the same way that Black people were slaves. I think it’s important to understand that there were several different types of slavery. Most of the Irish were in indentured servitude, essentially.
It was not comparable to chattel slavery that Africans went through. It’s not even the same thing. But they were definitely enslaved and they were definitely priced at a lower price than Black slaves. That’s all very true. However, what people need to understand about the Irish when they came to America is that they were not considered white, okay?
It’s nice being Schrödinger’s Jew: We’re either white or not white, depending on the narrative.
Filthy Gingers!
Hangs head – merely a redbeard. Highland Clearance for the win!
The author is right, though. The comparison between indentured servitude and chattel slavery is quite a stretch, especially since indentured servants choose to be indentured servants in order to pay for their passage to America. It’s just not comparable
Bullshit. Kicked off your ancestral land and into forced labour on a different continent sounds like slavery to me.
Choose? Most of them were prisoners, working off their “debts”.
Needs more quotes:
“working off” also needs to be quoted.
You would suggest that a prisoner who is punished by becoming a slave is the equivalent to someone who committed no crime being forced into servitude? That is not equally the same, which is not to suggest that I am defending the practice of enslaving convicts
We’re talking about feudal societies in Europe and Africa – governments that by definition are completely full of shit. The British crown and the African tribal crowns sold their prison overage. The “crimes” were about as criminal as having a bag of weed is today.
Well, you can go back further and find the Irish and damn near everyone else on the British isles being enslaved by invading or raiding groups, from the Romans to the Vikings. But I’m not sure that I’d categorically assume that all indentured servants made that choice willingly. It was also a sentence under British law, and it was applied to Irish and Scots during the clearances as a means of evicting tenant landholders. They weren’t considered “chattel” per se, but they weren’t free, and were at the mercy of their masters, lacking the legal protections of free people.
How far back do we want to go here? We are talking about their experience in the US. What happened in Europe is not relevant to the discussion
I have read that the only real difference between slaves and indentured servants in 17th century America was the indentured servant’s status had an expiration date.
And the fact that indentured servitude did not pass on to your descendants in perpetuity. Aren’t those two important differences that distinguish the two practices?
I’m not saying indentured servitude was OK, but it is very different from chattel slavery
I think there’s a sticking point I can’t get past. I agree that there is a difference between indentured servitude and chattel slavery, but I disagree that the effective difference is as great as you claim. Yes, chattel slavery passed on to descendants, but as noted below and elsewhere there was a motivation to provide at least a minimum level of care for slaves. No such burden or motivation existed for indentured servants.
Here’s a case from close to where I live, in fact. Tl;dr: young indentured servant was worked to death, maybe murdered, and buried in a cellar. Most significantly:
I’m sure the reality of the issue was complex, but as an indentured servant, there was far less incentive for the bond-holder to ensure you survived in certain situations.
Your children would not be chattel. If your ROI was negative and was going to remain negative, your bond was literally worthless.
“I’m sure the reality of the issue was complex, but as an indentured servant, there was far less incentive for the bond-holder to ensure you survived in certain situations.”
Yeah, because there was an expiration point on your servitude. Of course, they’re not going to care as much as they would someone who would be their slave in perpetuity and produce you more slaves. Is this suppose to be a plus of chattel slavery? That you can live as a slave, but you will live, so long as you don’t get out of line or are too expensive to care for?
You don’t have to go further back than the 17th century, which would be concurrent with African slavery in the Americas, although the Barbary pirates were enslaving Europeans and selling them to the Ottomans from as early as the 15th century, including Americans captured at sea towards the end of the 17th and beginning of the 18th centuries. Slavery continued in the US longer than in much of the world, but at the time the US abolished slavery it wasn’t all that far removed from a period when slavery was if not common at least not that unusual.
If you’re limiting the discussion comparing the experience of the Irish in the US with the experience of Africans in the US to a very specific period in history I think there’s room for comparison. You’re still talking about groups of people forcibly removed from their homes being sold to masters. That the Irish and in some cases Scots were offered a choice between signing their lives away for a term, dying of starvation, being shot as a trespasser, or being thrown in jail and then being sentenced to servitude anyway is a distinction, yes, but I think not as significant as some might argue.
Come on, now. I’m not denying that the British perpetuated genocide against the Irish with the Potato Famine (which, by the way, was informed by Malthus’ silly ideas about overpopulation), but again there is a difference between being captured and being brought to a different country to work as a slave and being given the choice (granted a forced choice, but a choice nonetheless) of either remaining in Ireland and trying to eek out an existence or working as a slave in the new world for a certain lenght of time
Where are you getting this idea that the Irish prisoner had a choice?
A choice? More of a dilemma. Maybe Morton’s Fork based on the life expectancy of indentured servants. And again, a significant number of servants were indentured as a sentence, not by choice. So if you’re saying that being thrown in jail and shipped across an ocean to be someone’s servant whether you like it or not is better if you know that, provided you live, any kids you might have will be free, I’d agree, but it’s a pretty narrow damn margin.
Sounds like the argument is “The chattel slaves would have been better off if they were just indentured servants.”
Yeah, those Irish really enjoyed that white privilege of indentured servitude alright.
And to make it completely racist… if your Irish slave escaped, your productivity probably increased.
But many of the first non-native slaves (the natives enslaved each other constantly) in North America were white europeans from Ireland, Scotland, and England. They started as indentured servants, and were held as slaves after.
Even those who spent their entire lives as indentured servants did not have their status as a slave passed down to their descendants. I’m not defending the practice of indentured servitude, but it is very different from the practice of chattel slavery
The AP still hasn’t taken this down.
It was a made up story from 4chan.
Must further the narrative that there are racists everywhere
I’ll say again: they prove over and over, everyday, that nothing they say should ever be trusted. If they printed that the sky was blue, I’d go outside to verify.
*Looks out window*
Nope, the sky is gray today, because rain.
I’m less bothered by the AP “breaking:” claims which later turns out to be wrong.
An ABC story which ran hours after the ROF claim; and somehow, within those few hours ABC got ‘friends of cruz’ (unnamed) to ‘confirm’ his connections w/ ROF
Jereb’s original claims never even suggested that cruz was a “member”; he said he had shown up at one gathering w/ other people associated w/ the group. He also claimed no personal familiarity with the guy.
ABC decided to “confirm” details far in excess of what even the OG guy claimed. which make little sense even if his first claims were partly true; how could he be “often seen” with a guy who lived on the other side of the state?
and this isn’t some formal organization; its literally mostly teenage kids. As Fist of Etiquette put it the other day: “read: “Paramilitary” as ‘they had a paintball game'”
That ABC hasn’t been called out for their sourcing on this is just an example of how the media doesn’t actually police each other.
If it were at all confirmable, other media outlets would be speaking to those 3 kids and getting the same ‘confirmation’. Instead all the other news outlets are running away from the claim of ROF connections.
Yeah, the Kansas City Star ran with that lie this morning
Feminism’s most hated feminist, Camille Paglia, interviewed
“Liberals get the bullet too”
I love her work; she’s one of the few honest cultural critics out there. However, I still can’t square her political views with her views on everything else. She’s so logical up to that point but she just can’t take the logical leap away from socialism.
Yeah, I can’t square her view that Diane Feinstein is one of the smartest women in America with anything. I can’t even…
To be fair, I haven’t really listened to Feinstein speak on anything except guns. And on guns she is as dumb/disingenuous as they come.
Something that I’ve learned about the Left is that if someone deviates from the orthodoxy especially if you’re part of the “oppressed” group, you are to be destroyed. There’s an acquaintance who always refers to himself as a male feminist and despite Paglia having a lot of his views, he hate her with a passion simply because she’s not defending the current orthodoxy.
Non-believers have always gotten the sword. Heretics and Apostates were burned at the stake.
I know a Lefty friend who has some beyond-the-pale Lefty friends and one time I was accidentally added to their e-mail group. One of them was bitching about how Dave Rubin needs to be punched in the face for being a front for White Nationalism. I responded back and they took me off the e-mail chain after that. Rubin’s only crime is rejecting identity politics and his willingness to listen to conservative and libertarian voices
A gay guy who’s off the reservation, why he’s the most dangerous man in the universe.
See: Milo.
The ones who threaten violence are the usually the ones who would be the first guy to run away from a scary situation.
Rubin started on TYT (*cringe*), I think. BUt the last I have seen of him he has come around to the “classical liberal” pov. So, of course (in the opinion of leftists), he must be destroyed.
I don’t even think she’s socialist — see her discussion with Peterson.
She just can’t shed her old voting habits.
So… a socialist by action but not in word.
She’s a kind of feminist Orwell. She sees the system, has a damning critique of it, yet fundamentally, still believes it has the answers to our problems.
It’s a viewpoint I can’t understand at all.
Make sure you all stick around for my impenetrable 5000 word tome coming up at 11 CST!
Lots of pics I hope!
i agree that ‘communities’ isn’t really a relevant group of actual stakeholders.
My recollection of the invention of the “stakeholder” classification is that it was explicitly an attempt to give a seat at the table to people who really did not rate one. “Affected communities” sounds nice, but why should some guy who owns a sandwich shop across the street from your factory get to veto your business decisions?
“All the buzzwords are present, 4chan, Trump, white supremacist, anti-fem and even #GamerGate. I can’t believe this dishonest dinkydoodle is running for congress.”
Just remember guns never save anyone.
p.s. This is also why we need a wall between NoDak and Minnesoda.
A happy story. I’m shocked that the Red Star reported it.
No comments, though, of course.
You want comments? Try this article on pending gun bills. Lots of derp in there.
BTW one of those bills is an expansion of the “stand your ground” defense.
In the story above, they say this about the current law:
So maybe that guy who shot the knife wielding maniac could have been in trouble?
The ideal setup would have been for the maniac to have kept trying to break into the first guy’s car (which had a Paul Wellstone bumper sticker) while the onlooker with the gun stood idly by. After all his life wasn’t being threatened and I’m sure the Wellstone guy would have preferred to wait for trained officers to respond.
Don’t know the context, but could the knife wielding maniac you mention not have committed great bodily harm?
Absolutely, but the good guy with a gun was a passerby to a traffic accident (original article). They weren’t in his home.
The problem is that the article on the stand your ground law is probably incorrect that you can only shoot people in your home. That sounded silly when I first read it.
I parsed “in their own home” as only being applied to the felony bit; otherwise the implication would be that you couldn’t defend your own life in public.
Speaking of Wellstone, did it get mentioned yesterday that his sons were pushed off the board of the foundation that was started to “honor” his father?
The board said that the sons wanted to refocus from training candidates to opposing Trump. If true, one more positive to come from the Trump administration.
Preach it, brother!
I have an erection.
America’s view of public schooling is remarkably similar to the average UKian’s view of the NGS. It’s a national institution that is so venerated that to merely criticize it is to commit treason.
It’s one reason I’m glad the #6 household will become observers of the whole mess in under 18 months.
Nah, I like it. National Government Service. It’s more accurate, since health is only tangential to their goals.
Kind of like public schools and education…
Still sounds like they want it compulsory, just decentralized. “Small-class classrooms” comes straight from the mouth of the teachers’ union.
Artisanal and curated then?
If you decide to relocate your turn signal lens factory, which will cause enrollment in the school district to decline, that might kind of suck, but the teachers union shouldn’t get a say in whether you can go through with it.
Shelly Jenneke. I’ll be in my bunk.
It’s nice being Schrödinger’s Jew: We’re either white or not white, depending on the narrative.
At least you’re not a Mexican.
Ahem, that’s “White Hispanic” to shitlords like you.
Garrison Keillor might actually be the victim of extortion.
Well, maybe he did harass that gal, but the reason it came to light was an embittered ex-employee of the radio show (and a man!) ratted the situation out to MPR.
“I am dumbfounded by it. From what I saw and observed, they got along very well. Garrison was always very kind to him and his wife.”
Bet he was.
If I was in Keillor’s situation and was being extorted, I would wage a scorched Earth campaign against the accuser. But if I ever somehow become famous and or rich, I would pull the Mike Pence card because all you need is a disgruntled woman accusing you of sexual harassment to lose everything.
^^^This guy gets it.
Or don’t be married and just hire high class hookers that will be discreet.
Client #9?
I’m not a fan but about the last thing that I would think about ole Garrison was an erect penis (just say’n).
OK, Windows 10, I caught you.
Boot up, 2 minutes later, hardware audit enables the webcam. It’s insulating tape time, you bitch.
How would you go about figuring out why your computer is waking itself up from sleep every now and again? (Also Windows 10.) This usually happens at night, or at least, I never walk into the room and find it unaccountably awake.
I dunno, but I guess I’m going to find out. Usually, it’s updates. Life is somewhat easier now I deployed this:
If you install it, your AV/Malware software (if it’s any good) will almost certainly scream like a stuck pig, but I’ve not experienced it phoning home or dropping, malware anyehere. All the Safe Harbor disclaimers apply.
I had the same issue for a while. It think it turned out to be the network adapter waking the computer and was resolved by enabling “Only allow a magic packet to wake the computer” under the power management tab of the device properties.
Yeah, I did some minor sleuthing and disabled that, too.
Now that you mention it, I was tired of having to manually reconnect to network almost every time I booted up, so I disabled powering off the adapter… that might have something to do with it.
Er, enabled magic packet etc
Modern mice are extremely sensitive. I’ve had to disable the ability of the mouse to wake up the computer on multiple computers. You have to go into Device Manager, find the mouse, open its properties, go to the Power Management tab, and uncheck “Allow this device to wake the computer”. Something as slight as the damn air pressure changing when the A/C kicks on can wake up the computer otherwise.
Have some tinfoil #6. It’s okay.
Uffda. Maybe we should just let the mentally ill shoot all the kids. In Minnesoda the kids are totes falling for Big Tobacco
In the followup, there was this data point: Youth cigarette smoking has reached an all-time low. Less than 10 percent of high school students now smoke cigarettes, a 70 percent drop since 2000.
I see a lot more smug commercials from coming my way.
So Cruz was just doing those kids a favor by getting it over with quickly rather than letting them die a slow, agonizing death from lung cancer. The guy is a real humanitarian!
So tobacco use is still massively declining, then.
Vape juice is not a tobacco product.
“Don’t Smoke. Say No To Drugs, except Ritalin.”
The embrace of e-cigarettes and vaping by Minnesota youth is reversing the state’s long-term trend of declining teen tobacco use
How can using something that isn’t tobacco reverse a decline in tobacco use?
“Cuomo: Prohibit cops from having sex with people in custody
ALBANY, N.Y. (AP) — Gov. Andrew Cuomo says it’s time New York made it illegal for police officers to have sex with people in their custody.
The Democrat said Wednesday that he’ll amend his budget proposal to include language saying that people in police custody cannot legally give consent to engage in sexual activity.
Current law bars sex between correctional officers and inmates, but it doesn’t apply to police and people in their custody.
Cuomo called that an “egregious loophole” and said there must be no tolerance for sexual abuse by law enforcement.
The state Assembly has already passed similar legislation.
The effort comes after two New York City police detectives were charged with handcuffing and then sexually assaulting an 18-year-old woman in Brooklyn last fall. The men deny the allegations and have resigned.”
“after two New York City police detectives were charged with handcuffing and then sexually assaulting an 18-year-old woman in Brooklyn last fall”
Ummmmm….. isn’t this already illegal?
That this isn’t already illegal speaks to the power of the police.
Shouldn’t it just say cops can’t fuck people in custody? This may be pedantic, but it sounds like if you give consent while in custody, you could be charged.
He’s waving the bloody shirt on the radio today.
I would laugh myself to an aneurysm if he got shanked with a broken Samuel Adams bottle.
So it’s illegal. The penalty is 6 weeks of paid vacation instead of 5 weeks.
As Iowahawk said… if this gets out, he’ll never be elected in Utah!
Breaking: Romney jumps to a 90% lead in a hypothetical general election
“wait till they find out he’s a Mormon”
From the Twitter replies (emphasis mine):
No. No it is not.
Although I do find it interesting that buying ad time is now equivalent to buying policy. Apparently voters and elected officials are so stupid they’re swayed by the whatever is on the TV, Facebook, or [insert nefarious Russian-owned media outlet of your choice].
Well, that certainly explains how Hillary’s campaign spent 2 to 3 times more than Trump’s campaign and lost anyway.
It looks like Switzerland needs to up their Twitter game.
“The only two white actors in Black Panther are Martin Freeman, who played Bilbo Baggins, and Andy Serkis who played Gollum. They’re the Tolkien white guys.”
According to Sargon, there’s a shockingly racist scene in the Black Panthers movie: at some point, Martin Freeman’s character is hooted down–literally hooted down, in monkey-like fashion–by a host of black characters, then told he’s not allowed to speak because he’s white. Sargon wasn’t sure whether it’s meant to be racist against whites or blacks.
I think the reasoning behind it being there was because the antagonist ought to have had the original comic series’ name “Man-Ape”.
Not that I can get that upset about it. The whole thing becomes irrelevant because of the hellish, incessant tribal drums I keep hearing while I’m disciplining my bearers here on Skull Island.
is nthat the movie about the absolute monarchy patriarchal ethnostate?
In a made-up country that was gifted incredible power by extraterrestrials, only to hide themselves away from Europeans rather than taking the fight to them. I mean, say what you like about Liam Neeson and “male power fantasies,” at least I’m getting off on a particular element–the revenge fantasy–and not attempting to find the crux of my identity in a fantasy world. It’s as bad as feminists dressing up as Handmaids and styling themselves impotent, enshackled waifs at the cruel hands of Mike Pence who refuses to have dinner with them.
But, but, but… if Mike Pence were in a position of power in a theocratic totalitarian patriarchal state, then he’d be doing all sorts of horrible things to women!
(seriously, that’s the argument I’ve seen put forth, although not necessarily specific to Pence; to which one ought to rejoin)
… and if you were in a position of power in a Marxist totalitarian revolutionary state, then you’d be sending class enemies, gender traitors, and assorted other wreckers and Kulaks off to the gulag and firing squad
Oh no! Gentrification!!!
Funny. Yesterday it was bad to use race in determining who can get loans.
Because Detroit’s central concern these days is the crush of people trying to get in.
“I certainly think blacks should be able to buy homes, too,” he said. “It’s not fair.”
There goes the neighborhood.
“people of color — African Americans, Latinos, Asians and Native Americans — were denied conventional home purchase loans at significantly higher rates than whites”
Couldn’t possibly be that those individuals (regardless of race) didn’t have the income/credit history to qualify. UN. POSSIBLE. Racism is the only possible explanation.
Sowell goes into that in Basic Economics. Asians are generally given loans at higher rates than whites. It might possibly have something to do with higher credit scores and more collateral.
And, Abacus Bank. Many immigrant groups have community bank, or “unofficial” lending options.
I assume you mean lower rates. Better credit, lower rates.
You assumed he meant interest rates. You assumed wrong.
that’s the home loan product I used – 97/3 with no PMI? who wouldn’t take that?!
Apparently Godfrey Elfwick is back
It’s so hard to be able to tell for sure.
Poe’s Law strikes again. I’m pretty sure that’s high-caliber trollery, but you really never know these days…
it is definitely trolling but is it the same collective? (Godfrey was apparently legion cause he was many)
I don’t think this proves what they think it does.
Even the morons at Axios confess that this shows how “But the experiment shows how easy and cost-effective it is for anyone to access the tools to potentially build a political campaign on Facebook.”
Isn’t that a good thing? Or should you have to work really hard to raise cash from evil corporations to run a campaign.
Can any of you non-Minnesodans explain to me why Klobuchar keeps getting some chatter about running in 2020? She isn’t attractive, glib or smart.
This is sick. We having sitting senators trying to dope social networks in order to have a justification to restrict the speech of Americans
Some details on responsiveness might have been nice. I could spend money on a billboard, and *gasp* reach a targeted group of drivers traveling up a specific lane of highway!, but that hardly means I’m suddenly shoveling cash into my indoor pool from whatever flimflam I sold the suckers.
They spent $20 on ads to reach 1,407 Washington DC-based journalists. That really does give more meaning to “giving nickel tug jobs under the bridge.”
Your billboard wouldn’t reach that many Washington DC-based journalists. A lot of eyeballs would belong to common rubes. What a waste of money.
Which is why I’d like to see numbers. It seems to be taken as read among lefties that just because Russian actors bought ad space, anyone who saw those ads acted on the impression they left.
Admittedly, it would be hilarious if they found high-levels of positive interaction among DC journalists.
The whole Russia thing leads to some absurd conclusions. If all they need to tilt an election is post rumors online, the only countermeasure would be mass censorship.
It’s ridiculous to think that a country with an economy 1/16 the size of the US could wield such influence.
I just bought a Hugo Boss leather jacket…
You know who else… ::runs out of the room::
Leggy Mountbatten?
That is definitely the Nick Gillespie of leather jackets.
Far-Left Group Calls For Murdering Republicans as Revenge For Florida School Shooting
TW: Infowars
IOW your typical day ending in -day.
Killing Republican representatives and attempting to confiscate guns is a surefire way to start a civil war. I’m fairly certain that that is the intent of some of these left-wing nutjobs
I kinda agree with a lot of commenters on that post. JBP is better than this. I get what he’s saying, but its a bad look for him. He’s built a reputation on addressing people directly – specifically their arguments. I don’t think “well you said this about Venezuela so therefore you can’t talk about anything” is a particularly persuasive argument. It looks petty.
I guess that is what twitter does to people though, it makes them petty.
I’m sure he tried to find something Naomi Klein was correct about, but he probably came up empty.
Deputies called to shooter’s home 39 times…
I wonder if would be best to fast track guys like him to a probational military unit. Be good for 6 months, and you graduate to the real thing- something like that.
On the other hand, if he was getting in trouble all the time in high school, that would likely continue in the military.
Schools and workplaces aren’t meant to handle people who are aggressive or impulsive. They reward docility, conformity, and obedience.
There are people who clearly hate school and it’s a bad idea to force them to attend.
Still not a fan of coerced service. See elsewhere in the thread concerning Irish Indentured Servants.
Well, he expressed interest in joining the military. Several other mass shooters did as well.
I don’t believe misfits should be press-ganged into the military, but it might help as an escape hatch from being miserable in school.
Yeah, because they want to shoot people and the military makes that OK.
Problem is, if you can’t follow orders and conform in school, you likely will have a problem following orders and conforming in the military.
So what’s left is jail and exile, aka the Australia solution.
I read that the whenever the Puritans were setting up a town, the first thing they did was set aside land for a jail and a graveyard. I think that’s from The Scarlet Letter.
In any given society, there will be people born ‘broken’, and people that society and bad lick cause to become ‘broken’.
The challenge is what society does (if anything) to help the broken people avoid becoming monsters. I’m not convinced there’s a one-size-fits-all (or even a one-size-fits-any) solution to such problems, so I can’t be sure what the motivations were for this guys “interest in joining the military” might have been, but they might not have been motivated by a desire to help society, and hence, whether putting him in the military would have been a good idea.
The Kray Twins (the real-life inspirations for Doug and Dinsdale Pirhana) were so broken that they were discharged from the British Army where they had been conscripted. Think about that for a while. So bad, the military couldn’t tame them.
While a bad lick might break you, bad luck might too.
Some licks are better than others, but I don’t think there is any such thing as a bad lick.
You haven’t met my dogs, then.
Yeah, the thing is if you could find a systemic solution for things like this you wouldn’t need police, guns, etc.. You just can’t anticipate people like this popping off, and despite what some people seem to believe you can’t enact the right kind or number of regulations to prevent the possibility of their becoming a danger. It’s not an answer people want to hear, but things like this happen, have always happened, and will happen, no matter what we do. The best we can do is prepare ourselves to mitigate the damage as much as possible.
I don’t see derp like this very often.
If Porn Could Be Banned, Why Not AR-15s?
People willing to discuss regulations on sex-related media should conceivably be open to discussing further regulation of firearms.
This week, the New York Times columnist Ross Douthat took the argument mainstream with his column “Let’s Ban Porn.” The piece was supported by some vocal conservative-minded people, like Denny Burk, a professor of biblical studies at Boyce College, who shared it with the endorsement: “Porn oppresses women, eviscerates manhood, destroys marriage, robs children of purity, and enslaves people in private morose self-indulgence. Ban it indeed.”
Ideally that process would be informed by evidence. If there were a spate of domestic-violence incidents that were clearly linked to watching a certain video, or genre of video—like, for example, the sort that include people having sex and then shooting one another—a case could be made that since a lot of people don’t know how to separate fantasy from reality, videos like that should be banned. At this point I would probably support the banning of a virtual-reality game in which the player is the male CEO of a multinational corporation and the objective is to grope as many subordinates as possible.
In any case, if the goal of this policy is to minimize harm while maximizing freedom, why shouldn’t a similar approach extend to firearms?
But it’s difficult to seriously engage with limited-government arguments when those same people also could consider it reasonable for a government to ban images of people having sex.
Agree on the last point.
With minor modifications, a Team Red argument against drugs can be turned into a Team Blue argument against guns (evil profits, for the children, other countries do it, etc).
“Porn oppresses women, eviscerates manhood, destroys marriage, robs children of purity, and enslaves people in private morose self-indulgence”
Citation needed.
But what are the bad parts of porn?
virtual-reality game in which the player is the male CEO of a multinational corporation and the objective is to grope as many subordinates as possible.
Call of Booty?
Donkey Punch?
Weinstein NFL?
Rapists Creed?
plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose
Most handguns are semi-auto.
SchoolGun Free Sheep Zone shootings will continue as planned!Tangential to the calls for gun bans, I had an especially sweet family on the couch evening last night, with the dogs farting contentedly at our feet while my wife and I watched Jeopardy! and our daughter gave us each a turn snuggling next to us fiddling with her tablet. Later that night, I thought about all of the “Well, if your kids were at that school you’d feel differently” responses to resistance to calls for increased gun control, and I decided to really think about what I’d do in that situation. If, God forbid, someone should shoot and kill my daughter, besides being absolutely devastated my gut reaction would be to do anything and everything I could to kill the person responsible. When I wasn’t contemplating suicide or wailing on my knees I’d be hunting down the person or persons responsible with the intention of killing them. Honestly, it would never occur to me to blame the concept of gun ownership, or lax gun regulations, or any of that shit. If someone hits me with a car, I don’t think, “If there weren’t so many big SUVs on the road” or “If only it was more difficult to get a driver’s license”, I think “This motherfucker is a goddamned menace and I’m going to rip his head off!”
What we need now is smarter “Protective Parent Control Laws”
this shooting really ramped up the calls for gun control up to 11, huh?
yeah, for some reason it’s really nuts this time. i’ve just been pulling the whole angle that the FBI knew and were/are incompetent, and then sprinkle in a line or two about how Trump is a Russian puppet white supremacist so therefore i’m not unilaterally disarming. not getting many responses back.
“…there is NOTHING the government or any other organization can do to prevent these events.
You can’t effectively keep drugs out of the hands of those intent on doing drugs. You can’t keep beer out of the hands of high schoolers intent on getting beer. You have a HUGE supply of weapons everywhere and concrete federal law protecting those weapons. You’d have as much luck passing regulation against tornadoes. It would be equally as effective.
So there it is. The god’s honest truth. No entity can do anything meaningful (more than is presently being done) to thwart a disaffected person hell-bent on committing such an act.
But you can.”
A really great and uplifting read.
That’s really well said. Written, I guess.
I remember a bit from someone, I kind of want to say it was Joe Rogan’s last stand-up, to the effect of, “You want the government to keep people from buying guns? They can’t keep drugs out of prisons!” The notion of a gun ban, even if it were desirable, is just impossible.