I hear you, Ennui Kitty.
I am bored. Today, I am filled with boredom. And I care not enough to do anything about it. But I suppose it would be expected to have Afternoon Links. So I have managed to convince Brett to go cook meth or catch pythons, fight gators or drive a fanboat….whatever catches a Florida Man’s fancy this afternoon. I will try to shake the ennui by doing Links.
- Oh look, a Euro politician yapping for more American money to be given to others. *Yawn* Boring…
- Speaking of boring…this fellow and politics fit the bill.
- Oh look, another charity/celebrity/whatever sex scandal.
- How unique… a gator walking around someplace in Florida, of all places. *snores*
- Not really a link – which Glib said the following – “Daytime TV is like having a fine mist of hooker diarrhea sprayed in your eyes.” You all should be able to get this in one.
It didn’t work
*wanders off, aimlessly*
*Stirs, comes back briefly*
IT WAS SUGARFREE. (I will forgive the HM guess…this time)
Let’s hear it for the sideboob!
6, 8, 10, 12, 22, 24, 28, 31, 34, 38.
underboob is better
27’s smile is delightful
#31 looks like someone I dated several years ago.
She’d have to be pretty damn crazy to tip the ratio into unfavorable territory.
She was going through a divorce and wasn’t too interested in dating. Someone I managed to convince her to go out with me. We went out for a bit. It didn’t work out. We weren’t that compatible.
How can you have Ennui? It’s Friday before a 3 day weekend!
3-day weekend?
Monday is Presidents Day, a holiday for bureacrats and bankers.
*Ponders hospital motto*
“We never close”
Shoulda gone into banking law.
Dammit, the name of the holiday is “Washington’s Birthday”. Most of the bastards don’t deserve recognition, much less a holiday for them.
… Hobbit
I have been looking out my window most of the day at what is known as “ground blizzard” conditions. Not exactly motivated, myself.
Damnit, Q. Thirdest.
Even Vox says today’s Mueller indictments are actually pretty good for Trump.
Yup, it looks like the beginning of the end for the Russia!!! collusion narrative. Not very surprising to most here.
Reminds me of a bit from Scrooged, when Bill Murray is complaining to the network censor about her problems with the Solid Gold dancers’ costumes – “See? And these guys are REALLY looking!”
Low-information Derpbook progs are starting to link to that. I don’t think they realize that it doesn’t support their fever dreams.
For some reason, there is a very deep emotional investment in the collusion claim.
It is pretty close to all Russia all the time on most lefty and mainstream media (but I repeat myself) for the last 18 months. They are deeply invested in this and I can’t expect they are quite ready to drop it for the next shiny object just yet.
It was their best hope for impeachment.
Since the Presidential election the low-information Democrats have been suffering from enormous cognitive dissonance: all the institutions they trust–media, pollsters, late-night comedians–told them that Hillary Clinton would certainly win. Trump had absolutely no chance. So they desperately needed an external force to explain the election results: Aliens. The Russians are playing the role of aliens. It is a classic American conspiracy theory. Had it been more advantageous to blame Chinese instead of Russians, people would have had an easier time recognizing this paranoia as a repeat of the Manchurian Candidate.
It looks like Trump made the right move by not firing him and having to deal with the political shitstorm.
Rosenstein: No American ‘Had Any Knowledge’ In Russian Meddling Indictment
The media will be busy spinning this as soon as their gun-ban vigil ends.
How funny that this came out today, after the reports of the FBI totally dropping the ball on the Florida shooter.
Reddit keeps beating the drum that Rosenstein’s statement carefully states that “this incitement” shows no knowledge by any Americans and they think Mueller is laying the groundwork for indicting Trump’s people at a later date. They will never give up on this narrative.
I’ve seen that all over the place. What possible sense would that make? Mueller can’t leverage these Russians for information, because they will never actually be arrested. Anything is possible I suppose, but this looks like a winding down to me.
I responded in the earlier thread. The fact that there can never be any arrests is likely a feature, instead of a problem. It allows the Dems to screech ‘ROOOOOSHIA’ throughout the mid-term election season without Mueller actually having to prove any of his allegations in court.
It’s Harry Reid standing on the Senate floor saying “Mitt Romney has been evading taxes for years’. It’s a political calculation, not a legal one.
So what if Russians did exactly that. How is that a crime? There’s not even evidence of a crime. Indict them over what? Propaganda and trolling is illegal now? If that’s true, everyone working for CNN and the NYT will be in prison before too long.
“”Special counsel Robert Mueller just indicted 13 Russians and three Russian companies for allegedly mounting a sophisticated and wide-ranging effort to help Donald Trump win the White House.“”
yeah, the last part of the sentence isn’t part of that indictment at all.
The indictment says the opposite. They were trying to undermine confidence in the election system and the candidate that they assumed would win, but she took care of that all by herself with the primary rigging and email server.
Wait, so does this mean the election results won’t be overturned and Hillary isn’t going to be appointed President?
Newsweek says there’s still hope.
I said this in another thread, but to repeat: When I read the details, it seemed like everything they did was free speech, except for maybe violating the terms of some social media sites. And lying to get ID’s. How is this any different from a European leader saying he didn’t like Trump before the election. Would that have been illegal?
And I am still seeing the phrase “hacked the election”. There is no proof anyone broke into computer voting systems.
Does it even rise to the level of what Obama did in Israel or Ukraine?
It’s what literally every powerful country does to every other powerful country.
Violating TOS is what they went after Lori Drew on.
The impression I have had from the beginning was that Russia’s purpose was to cause political chaos in the US, not to elect any single candidate.
I think they succeeded beyond their wildest dreams.
The Democrats did their work for them
Russia identified a critical and strategic strength of the U.S. early during the cold war, specifically it is our ability to integrate separate and distinct cultures to work toward a common goal and within a Nation. The old world has had no success with this and indeed doing so it is contrary to the very nature of what it means to be a Nation the U.S. is has been referred to as a nation of nations and that isn’t entirely off point. Russian strategy long term has been to undermine cultural unity within the US and drive us toward breakup, they’ve had success with this in their local sphere as evidence by Ukrane etc. To this end they have always funded or lent ideological support to every kind of useful idiot. Exploit the general strengths of openness and tolerance as a weakness, erode the rule of law, and let the enemy destroy himself from within.
Given that the USSR is no longer around, and Putin, while an autocrat, does not command quite the level of totalitarian control over the populace that the Communist Party did, I think it ought to be considered that these were not, necessarily, the concerted and coordinated actions of the Russian government to undermine the United States, but may have been, at least in part, the actions of individuals and small groups for their own enjoyment and self-aggrandizement.
More likely it was just Russian bureaucrats wasting money so they can justify asking for a budget increase the next fiscal year.
Exploit the general strengths of openness and tolerance as a weakness, erode the rule of law, and let the enemy destroy himself from within.
The Russian influence on the American society is infinitesimal compared to the domestic forces pushing forward identity politics that puts Americans against each other.
The best part is, the Russian interlopers organized both pro and anti Trump demonstrations.
I wonder which anti Trump demos had Russian fingerprints on them, and which high-profile anti-Trumpers attended. Given the self-congratulatory social media traffic from those demos, once you know the first, finding the second should be shooting fish in a barrel.
See generally my above, this is predictable behavior from the enemy.
Guess the author of the quote – that sounds like HM.
Or sugerfree.
I think it’s actually one of his tattoos.
I’d Google “hooker diarrhea”, but I’m at work. Ain’t nobody needs that on the company server.
Hooker diarrhea sounds like SF
Sounds like a G.G. Allin song
College Baseball starts tonight. Wooooo Pig.
Wahoowa….although we start the year with some lousy news. Cameron Simmons, our likely cleanup hitter, will miss the season after shoulder surgery.
TCU opens tonight, also.
Riff Ram Bah Zoo!
Going for 5 CWS appearances in a row.
We have a preseason #6 ranking. we will see how that holds up. Looking good so far. We’re up 10-0 batting in the bottom of the 2nd.
If A, then hippopotamus
After 17 people were killed in a Florida high school shooting on Valentine’s Day, MSNBC political analyst Joy Reid blamed lawmakers’ inaction on gun control and the gun lobby for allowing a proliferation of guns in Florida.
“One-third of Floridians own guns,” Reid tweeted Feb. 14. “One-third.”
Reid continued: “Florida is where ‘stand your ground’ laws were born. Florida politicians tried to ban doctors from asking abuse victims if there’s a gun in the home. Florida is awash in assault weapons. Want to know why? Ask Marion Hammer and the NRA.”
According to a brief report by Injury Prevention, an international peer-reviewed journal, the gun ownership rate in Florida in 2013 was 32.5 percent, the same as the one-third figure Reid cited.
We ran the survey by a few experts to get their take on its findings. The biggest complaint was that the survey wasn’t large enough to establish state-based numbers with certainty.
“The survey is not representative of state ownership,” said Matt Miller, a professor of health sciences and epidemiology at Northeastern University. “The researchers applied the data to the states even though the source of the data cautioned people not to do that.”
If that number is correct, so fucking what?
I’d say, based on that datum, gun owners are pretty goddam well behaved. One out of a few hundred thousand?
Joy Reid, “analyst”. That titles assumes some level of data-based logic, which clearly is entirely absent from the tired, underpowered mind of Joy Reid.
Sounds like a daytime TV stat.
What do you expect? Nothing else can be done.
“Hello, I’d like to report a suspicious person potentially planning mass murder.”
“Thank you, ma’am. Do you know if this person has access to Facebook or if they’ve traveled to Russia recently?”
We are still investigating the facts.
Seeing as the shooter confessed, I think the only facts that need investigating relate to the utter failure of the FBI and local law enforcement.
I’m sure they’ve got their crack team on it as we type.
That is a pretty tiny fraction. Sounds like gun owners are by and large very responsible.
“One-third of Floridians own guns,” Reid tweeted Feb. 14. “One-third.”
+ 2 “only”s
There are over 20 million people in Florida.
Boogity boogity boogity Daytona 500 this weekend!
Yay Motorsports! i wonder if Sloopy.. oh never mind
I have no idea who to root for now that everyone cool has retired and they’re all young boy band-looking things now.
Anyone except Kyle “Ferret Face” Busch or Jimmie “F@#$in’ Android” Johnson. I like several of the new kids but have felt bereft since Carl “Flipper” Edwards walked away. **sniff**
I quit caring when Rusty Wallace retired.
#2 is #1
Speaking of racing, would anybody be interested in an Indy 500 Glib meet up?
I will never, ever understand these sorts of chin-tuggers. Who other than the most pathetically self-loathing Euroworshippers gives a flying fuck what Europeans think of the United States?
And I’m out.
When I hear some jerkoff talking about how great the Europeans are I always respond, “Get back to me when one of them put a man on the moon or saved America’s ass from not one but two World Wars.”
Get back to us when you move there?
You know what other German wasn’t happy with the US.
Till Lindemann?
Baron Von Raschke?
*Thunderous ovation*
King George III?
Everyone from Dresden circa 1945?
Arthur Zimmermann?
Jurgen Klinsmann?
Frumpy Oma Merkel?
“Calling for the UN to be strengthened, Von der Leyen queried: “Do we really have such differing points of view regarding the importance of collective effort between the military, diplomacy and development work for our own security?”
Yes, you fucking idiot.
We certainly differ on who should pay for it.
And what it should do.
The UN’s top priority, as far as I can tell, is to drive the Israelis into the sea. While I remain baffled about what we are trying to do, I’m pretty sure that’s not on our list.
Anyone else get a 3 day weekend this weekend? I do!
Over the past few weekends my brother and I have been seeking out hole-in-the-wall pinball shops. I am really surprised by how many new pinball machines are still being manufactured today. There’s a tight knit community in the pinball scene too, and damn I had no idea you could be so frickin’ good at pinball.
Anyway, gonna go into the city this weekend to play a bunch of pinball, then I’m going to file my business taxes this weekend. What are the other Glibs doing with their 3 day weekend (or lack thereof)?
I do. I’ll be going to see Black Panther with my son tomorrow – we see all the Marvel movies, and he’s been excited about this one for a while because he loves the character. Sunday will be soccer (my regular outdoor league), then Monday (when the boy is back at school) I’ll be working around the house because I still haven’t got it all back together after Harvey.
he’s been excited about this one for a while because he loves the character.
I’m glad to hear he’s as excited for the liberation of all black people everwhere as we are.
Joking aside, I’m interested in seeing Black Panther too – but I’ll probably check it out when its available to rent. I just can’t beat the ability to pause the movie, make a snack and/or take a piss whenever I want.
But seriously, sounds like the Marvel movies are good bonding time with the kid.
I’m optimistic that it’ll be really good. Both ‘Fruitvale Station” and “Creed” were really good, so I have confidence in Coogler, Plus, Michael B. Jordan is an alum of two shows I loved (The Wire and FNL).
Sigh. Birthday party for my son.
Trip to Universal Studios on one of the busiest weekends of the year. We’re taking 3 of his friends for the entire day. One of them is a complete little bitch, and I know he’s going to complain continuously the entire time we’re there.
People want to go to Universal Studios in the middle of February?
But seriously, I feel for you, best of luck. Hopefully you can find a place to get some drinks while you’re there.
+0.01 Busch Gardens
Have fun with Harry Potter.
No, but I only have a 2 day work week next week.
Going to catch Black Panther tonight, meet some neighbors at a party (that the girlfriend and I ran into at a brewery downtown), and play board games at a brewery on Sunday. It’s a rough life.
+2 supple wrists!
For what? There’s a holiday? I don’t see a holiday. You privileged shitlord!
I thought Romney was going to try and primary Trump?
That would have been fun to watch.
That would be fun to watch. I want Trump to come up with a name for Romney like he did low for low energy Jeb, little Marco, and lyin Ted. Trump will beat him like a ginger orphan. I’m getting the beer and popcorn.
I want Trump to come up with a name for Romney
I do, too. “Mittens” is so 2012.
The Stormin’ Mormon doesn’t really fit.
Snorin’ Mormon
Magic Underwear Man.
It will have to do with him losing in 2012, “2nd place Mitt” or “Runner-up Romney” or sommat.
Also-Ran Romney
UNICEF. Not surprising.
Why Beauty Matters
Someone needs to smash a Telecaster over that dude’s head.
Don’t you dare trash a Telecaster like that!
Why, there’s a whole discipline in philosophy dedicated to that!
Also, this is why I share my links everyday!
You do God’s work Q. And you keep my phone memory full of fap material.
50 shades of grey bitches.
Nice pussy
Top UNICEF children’s rights campaigner – who led UK’s anti-smacking campaign – is jailed for rape of boy, 13, in latest charity sex scandal
What an asshole.
That’s what he said.
*narrows gaze*
Jesus bro
Goddamn, I needed that laugh. Thanks!
People like that look for jobs that give them access to children or make them look trustworthy to children’s parents. Hopefully, he gets some prison justice. Although judges seem to have a soft spot for pedophiles.
You wouldn’t believe the training videos I had to watch in order to attend Boy Scout meetings with MY OWN SON.
It was the creepiest thing I’ve seen in recent memory.
They aren’t on you tube?
They make you watch videos? I was hoping the scouts would stay as a bastion of conservative thought long enough that I could send my own son…
The videos are part of the online youth protection training. They are available free on the BSA site. It’s about a half hour course.
And they are not nearly as creepy as the 2 hours of videos I had to watch to volunteer at church, since those videos featured interviews with actual real-life convicted pedophiles explaining how they perpetrated their crimes.
The old hole-in-the-eurcharist-tray trick, eh?
Step 1: Cut a hole in the tabernacle.
“Out of every Biy Scout emerges a grown man,”
Was the boy Mexican? Was weed involved?
Charity sex… Is that like a pity fuck?
Can you write it off on your taxes?
Trump closed the loophole on that. Damn him!
Too bad that kid couldn’t close his loophole.
In the 1960’s? Is there a statute of limitations on rape?
Depends on the jurisdiction.
Is it still rape if it’s charity sex?
This is pretty jaw dropping
The manipulation of the media by 4chan has been pretty much exposed from front to back now… and news media are still running with their original claims
Politico documents the whole thing
The original ABC story is still claiming this:
In short: not only has the original “source” (jereb) recanted his claims… the people being used to confirm those claims are openly laughing about it on social-media. And a major network news org thinks its still Grade A+ news material to share with the public.
this should be the line that is zeroed in on:
” A spokesperson for ABC News declined to comment on how its reporters vetted the identities of these purported acquaintances.”
they didn’t. they didn’t try. they pulled a Jackie.
Once again; you have to be a complete idiot to believe a word that comes out of these people’s mouths. They are not smart. They are not competent. They are fourth-rate propagandists.
People will be repeating the same hate group member line a year from now, the retractions never seem to sink in (when they’re made).
I don’t find any of this jaw dropping. Whenever I see “anonymous sources said” or “a source close to the person said”, I always assume its either made up or some random person through social media that is making unverified claims. I generally don’t believe anything I hear until about 2 or 3 weeks after the initial stories come out, because the people that post BREAKING information are typically wrong or don’t have all their facts straight.
This is an order of magnitude different than that.
ABC literally claimed their sources were “former schoolmates of Cruz” … when they had zero way of knowing who was telling them this.
the entire point of “anonymous sources” is that the reporter knows who they are, but shields them from the reader.
In this case they literally invented identities when they themselves had no idea who they were talking to.
* for the record, i blame Robby for my newfound over-use of the word ‘literally’
I totally see your point and I think its a good one.
What I’m saying (poorly) is that my faith in media is so low that I think most of the time they are actually talking to people that are claiming to have a close connection to this or that, possibly under false identities and I think the media eat it up. Thus, I’m not surprised by any of this, but I find it intensely amusing.
In fact, I wouldn’t doubt that the media says “anonymous” just because they honestly are too lazy to check the sources that conveniently verify their narratives.
(I know I’m getting away from what ABC said since they didn’t use the “anonymous” strategy here… but they might as well have.. “3 former classmates” is close to “anonymous”, although I suppose their method opens them up for some upstart to prove that these people aren’t who they say they are)
its just that the entire facade of media relies on this idea that they have some basic-standards for “independently confirming” information.
ABC news and the Associated Press are supposed to be better than Rolling Stone. The reality is that they don’t even have the self-control to *give it 24 hours* and make some barebones attempt at double-checking who they’re talking to
“the entire point of “anonymous sources” is that the reporter knows who they are, but shields them from the reader. ”
The entire ORIGINAL point. Journalism has evolved over the years, so anonymous could mean that or it could mean that the person’s actual identity hasn’t been discovered yet but we simply can’t hold this back because teh Amerikun publik needz to no!!!
Or it could just mean that the reporter made it all up. Anything presented by an “anonymous source” that can’t be independently verified should be treated as false until proven otherwise. You can’t use hearsay in court for precisely this reason.
Its not really an anonymous source if you know who it is, now, is it?
Technically, a source is “anonymous” if they haven’t disclosed their name to anyone, even the reporter.
If they do tell the reporter who they are, and the reporter withholds the information, that would be a “confidential” source.
That’s the way the language is used for things like complaint and ethics reports anyway. If you call in on the 800 number and don’t give your name, you are “anonymous”. IF you give your name and ask that it not be disclosed, you are “confidential”.
As ever, I take the media at face value. If they say it was an anonymous source, I take that to mean they have no idea who it really was. So far, this approach seems to be supported by events.
…the entire point of the complaint i’m making about ABC news, is that they claimed sources were “former schoolmates of cruz” …
when in reality they were entirely anonymous Gab users.
I appreciate that ‘anonymous’ might mean different things to different people (even tho it actually does have some professional guidelines e.g. ““At least one editor must know the specific identity of any anonymous source before publication.””)
…but its not relevant to this particular example, which involves media giving faux-authoritative identities to actually-anonymous sources.
some amusing screen-shots of ABC reporter conversing with Gab users =
“how do you know that”
“well it was common knowledge”
(writes story saying ‘intel confirmed’, when actual source doesn’t even claim firsthand info)
I get it. They made specific claims about their sources which were totally unverified.
I was more ranting about anonymous sourcing in general.
It’s around an 8 hour drive from Parkland to Tallahassee. How would they have “seen him with Jereb” often, or at all? I mean… it’s simple fact checking, even if you believe your “source”.
-“”It’s around an 8 hour drive from Parkland to Tallahassee. How would they have “seen him with Jereb” often, or at all?””
that’s an example of the basic sanity-checking of claims which no reporters (or editors) did
when you can’t independently confirm information from second and third sources… you have to put it through the “is this even possible” wringer as well as thoroughly vet the single-source you have, at the very least to qualify their claims to the public
e.g. ‘sources claiming to be classmates said’… would be a way hedging your bets, in the event they’re full of shit
this is super-basic, college-newspaper level bare-minimum reporting standards.
they don’t have even that. they purposely tried to make their shitty and unconfirmed sources sound *more* authoritative. which is willful deception.
that’s an example of the basic sanity-checking of claims which no reporters (or editors) did
Kinda like Rolling Stone. No sane person would have believed for one instant that someone could be gangraped on broken glass and not go to the hospital afterward. But that’s what they published.
Gotta love the sneaky association Politico makes between gamers, the alt-right and white nationalists. Why even drop gamers in there? What the fuck does gaming have to do with this story???
I would have thought The Right Stuff was an NKOTB forum.
No, that’s Hangin’ Tough. I can’t believe you didn’t know that!
NKOTB, NSDAP, what’s the difference?
Gab is alt right, because it doesn’t ban people who have wrong-think
FBI: “SEE SOMETHING, SAY SOMETHING. Maybe we’ll do something. But don’t get your hopes up.”
Dear FBI,
Just disband them already, they serve no purpose.
Seems to me that they are too busy sending SMS texts, carrying on office romances, subverting unliked political figures, and indicting foreigners who they can never get extradited to be bothered with reports of potential school shooters, aircraft suicide bombers, and marathon bombers.
They would rather these events take place in hopes that they’ll get traction on stealing everyones guns.
It’s infuriating (and a little bit sad) that the FBI has proven itself so untrustworthy that your statement isn’t entirely unfeasible.
Is it me or are people extra insane and irrational after the Florida shooting?
Holy shit everyone has ‘blood on the their hands’ (esp, the FBI and whackos in the NRA) apparently. The new buzz phrase.
I was listening to Chris Russo and he was throwing all the talking points you can imagine. ‘You’re crazy if you think now is not the time’ and ’18 shootings since January’ and ‘one day it’ll be your kids’.
One of his callers even screamed ‘even if it’s symbolic something has to be done!’
I just changed the channel. It was too simply too much in its emotional drivel passing off as logic.
It’s not just you. The Vegas shooting was much worse, both in scope of casualties and in tactics, yet there is ZERO attention paid to it. My guess is that there was an indication that the Vegas shooter was motivated in some way that damaged MUH NARUHTIV so it was suppressed purposely. How the police/FBI/DOJ can be so utterly uncurious about that incident is beyond me.
Our kid jails are sacred.
We’ve had 7 days of wailing, gnashing of teeth, and canonizing of 2 cops shot last week. I think the funerals are today. I hope that’s the end of it. I’m waiting for them to rename the city after them. Think 9/11 on a local scale. It’s crazy.
I think a large part of it is because of the lunatic smears trying to paint the NRA itself as yet another Russian pawn in the past few weeks. It was already in the public consciousness, and if you’ve been watching MSNBC or CNN lately, it’s basically all Russia all the time. Easy TDS transference.
I caught some stupidity when I was at the gym earlier today. One of the TVs near the stretching area has tuned to a Boston news channel. They sent a crew down to Florida.
“Is it me or are people extra insane and irrational after the Florida shooting?”
There’s a clear reason why their pants are so shitty now. They were fully convinced that if the left ever did lose the presidency again, that it would be Jeb or Romney or some other establishment hack who would just give the left whatever they want. And they got Trump. It didn’t help that the media had been assuring them all along that there was virtually zero chance they could get a Trump. Their world has been turned upside down. I’m loving every fucking minute of it.
I’m currently fondling both of my ARs (is it a euphemism? you decide).
Fuck off gun grabbers.
Anal Reapers?
Does your right to have a gun trump a kid’s life?
I saw that this morning!
As long as I’m not the one killing the kid, then yes.
sure does!
That is so dishonest. What they are actually saying is that their fear trumps the rights of everyone else to own guns.
They ask that question because they know that most people would try to rationalize their decision to keep their guns especially after an event like the one the other day. By rationalizing the reasons why you have a gun, you’ve accepted their premise. But when you respond with either, Fuck you, that’s why or yes, my right to own a gun trumps a kid’s life, they usually don’t have a response.
An individual kid’s life is not protected under the 2nd Amendment.
“I want to live in a country that loves its children more than its guns”
/just now on derpbook
“I want to live in a country that values rationality over imbecility”
“I want to live in a country that loves its children more than its cars”
“I want to live in a country that loves its children more than its overuse of antibiotics”
“I want to live in a country that loves its children more than its antivax conspiracy theories”
See how it works?
I want to live in a country that loves its children more then its government.
“Sounds like you have a child fetish. I’m not saying you’ve diddled any kids, I’m saying I’m not sure that you haven’t.”
Random thought:
It’s probably not too difficult (read: insanely easy) to find people who (1) are demanding we ban all guns immediately because muh children’s lives and (2) are anti-vaccine.
Does the right obtained by my forefathers and codified in the Bill of Rights, the end result of a millenia-long struggle against warlords’, tyrants’, kings’, and dictators’ desires to disarm free people trump the desire of pants-wetting ninnies with no historical perspective at all to placate feelings and false sense of security? The fuck you’re right it does.
I am bidding on a few guns at GunBroker. Only one is a Lee-Enfield.
“Gerald Butts ??Verified account
FollowFollow @gmbutts
Gerald Butts ??Retweeted Andrew Achtenberg
The lesson to take from this joke being torqued by Infowars and other alt-right nazi friends of the Rebel is they’re paying attention. Game on, #TeamTrudeau.”
Who is this arrogant jerk?
Soooo. Prime Minister makes insufferable childish quip about ‘people kind’. People make fun of him for it and demand an explanation. The response is to….blame Rebel Media and Infowars while calling Canadians Nazis.
“David Akin
Follow @davidakin
MOMG. These questions about Butt’s tweets are the dumbest line of questioning I can ever recall an official opposition pursuing in 13 years of watching this place. ”
And just in case you think our ‘objective’ media would allow the Conservatives the right to demand why the Liberals think Canadians are Nazis for their opinions, think twice.
I tell you what. In all my years watching Parliament going back to the 80s, I’ve never seen a more amateur and arrogant bunch than these incompetent, SJW Liberals. They sound like complete dolts unwilling to answer questions without resorting to talking points and name calling. They think they’re smart but in reality they can’t even skate around accusations very well.
“In 2014, Maclean’s magazine declared Butts to be the fourteenth most powerful Canadian.”
14th most powerful Canadian…..so that’s roughly equivalent to, what, sanitation commissioner in Olean, NY?
It’s dependent on the exchange rate.
You know, I’m starting to think we’re just a punch line to you people.
You’re from Canada, so we think you’re slow, eh?
Slow like a moose.
A redheaded step child Moose you mean?
Now you’re just being silly.
Somebody get on breeding a red moose, stat!
I call fake news. There are more than 13 Canadians in the NHL. Throw in the MacKenzie brothers and the members of Rush and Butts can’t be higher than around 300th.
Canadian Nazis? I hate Canadian Nazis!
*Drives snowmobile thru crowd of guys in black toques*
In posts to Gab, an alt-right social networking site
Is this even true?
I suppose anything not part of the googleverse must be presumed to be an alt-right workaround.
Is that like the flipside of the “nothing that isn’t explicitly right will become left”? “Nothing that’s not explicity left is alt-right Nazi.”
Eh, Gab is more or less an alt-right social networking site. Or, better put, some real alt-right, and some trolls from /pol/. It’s hard to tell the difference.
They have said they won’t ban people for badthink.
That was my first thought, too.
It wasn’t built to be for the “alt-right,” but I made an account on there and was immediately scrolling through loads and loads of assholes posting about how they hate people of this race or that.
Assuming that “alt-right” = “racist”… yeah Gab is kind of alt-right. But that’s the user’s fault, not the people that made the app.
It’s the social witch problem. If you have a society that begins engaging in witch hunts and a breakaway element creates their own society with explicit rules and strong norms against witch hunting, your new society will be 5% principled individuals from the old society who hate witch hunting and the other 95% witches.
It’s not just you. People are already insane and irrational when it comes to politics, and lately EVERYTHING is about politics. So when something tragic happens people climb onto their hobby horses and just get more insane and irrational.
Meanwhile, I really think Malcolm Gladwell has the most insightful take.
I’m so conflicted by this bit
On the one hand “SKS assault rifle” on the other pointing out non-(scary black rifles) as just as effective.
I can overlook the SKS bit.
It’s actually a very good read. Kind of makes me want to read a fictional story of an evil autist though. A human version of the AI fear that an unempathetic person causes destruction not from malevolence but as a side effect. You sometimes see shades of that in villains but not as a focus.
This line talking about autism is very strange: “He insists on applying logic and analysis to things that most of us know we aren’t supposed to be logical and analytical about.”
The following is a list of things progressive friends of mine have said in the wake of today’s indictment.
(in response to the statement that there were no “knowing participants”:)
It *should* cause physical pain to be that stupid.
As always, if you feel compelled to self-apply “smart” to yourself, you aren’t actually smart.
You’re also 1000% more likely to participate in a circlejerk.
::slow teary-eyed ovation::
*strong applause*
Do your friends hang around at DU, because that sounds exactly like that bunch of idiots.
On the day of the Mueller appointment, a prog friend posted some lengthy post about how “This day will go down in history. Mark my words.” Words marked, and I will take great delight in shoving them in his face one day.
So I posted yesterday that my daughter’s school (she goes to a charter school in Broward County) had said, via Broward County School Board edict, that all schools were on a “modified code yellow lockdown” yesterday out of precaution. Meant the school day went on as normal, but no outside activities.
They told the kids they couldn’t go outside due to “weather”. It was 80 degrees and sunny yesterday. The kid was smart enough to figure out it wasn’t that.
“modified code yellow lockdown”
Super secret DEFCON threat level midnight!
There were also two police cars outside the school yesterday (and at every other public and charter school in the county).
I know why they did it, because a bunch of parents were otherwise overreacting and keeping their kids out of school yesterday, so the county figured they’d do something to … calm irrational fears? It’s still silly though.
Don’t you know that a shooting increases the chances of another psycho randomly shooting up a school in the same district?
Keeping your kids out of school doesn’t sound like an overreaction. Keeping them away from government ought to be the goal.
my brothers school is offering grief counseling. Near Burlington, VT. why?
I’d be sad if I were in VT.
Someone just saw me giggling to Bob’s comment. Try and explain that to someone.
Better than fapping to Bob’s comment.
Why not both?
How else are grief counselors going to justify asking for budget increases?
I thought code yellow indicated a bladder problem.
Much better than a code brown.
I thought it was a 10-100?
This is my favorite part of the indictment (via the Vox article posted above)
It’s obvious to anyone with half a brain that they were shit-stirring on both sides to delegitimize whoever won and the process itself and they’ve succeeded beyond their wildest dreams. Putin has got to be laughing his ass off at us right now.
Also, the fact that the bots were telling people to go easy on Bernie is delicious. I would have so enjoyed another Bernie candidacy.
clearly trying to make trump win, not sow and amplify division for its own sake
Yeah. Russian psyops are usually about provoking chaos so the pro-communist/Russia faction can take control. They wouldn’t bother strengthening/weakening an established party/faction. They want a party/faction/gang they can control 100%.
In the mid-60s, the trained and armed a communist gang in Mexico. North Korea chipped in to provide a training location. When they got back, they robbed banks and shot people. The police eventually captured all the members and many Soviet “diplomats” (actually KGB operatives) were expelled.
Spot the Not: horrifying Trump quotes
1. We will be a nation of warmth and generosity, but we will also be a nation of law and order.
2. We live in America. We live in a free society where we are able to make choices. It’s about giving individuals freedoms and holding them accountable.
3. The West will never, ever be broken. Our values will prevail, our people will thrive, and our civilization will triumph
4. While we will always welcome new citizens who share our values and love our people, our borders will always be closed to terrorism and extremism of any kind.
5. Thank you to the LGBT community! I will fight for you while Hillary brings in more people that will threaten your freedoms and beliefs.
6. I have no patience for injustice, no tolerance for government incompetence, no sympathy for leaders who fail their citizens.
7. The eight-year assault on your Second Amendment freedoms has come to a crashing end. You have a true friend and champion in the White House. No longer will federal agencies be coming after law-abiding gun owners.
I’ll say 6.
Imma say #1. I recall some of these.
3 seems a bit too abstract and philosophical for him.
#1 sounds like Hitler, #6 sounds a bit too eloquent for Trump. But Trump is Hitler…
I’ll still go #1.
Considering he wants to put gays in camps I’ll say #5.
I’ll say 5, since I find it difficult to see Trump thanking a demographic that voted overwhelmingly for the other candidate.
Why? Trump said something nice about African-Americans on many occasions. And they vote Dem more in lockstep than gays. I think 5 is from his convention speech.
I’m guessing 1. But that’s only a guess.
2 just sounds the least like Trump to me. Who the hell knows, though?
Using speeches written by other people is cheating.
If the words came out of his mouth, it’s a quote.
Using speeches written by other people is cheating.
Well, that standard would degrade most politicians’ oratory skills significantly.
2 is the Not. That is from Gary Johnson.
Prize for Chipwooder
bonus GJ quote:
“That’s the first sign you know you’re a Libertarian. You see the red light. You stop. You realize that there’s not a car in sight. And you put your foot on the gas.”
2 seemed too obvious to be it. Dammit.
Well today I had a great little stay-cation for myself –
Went shopping for coats/shirts and came away with a nice leather jacket. However no luck in replacing my Yak Trax which busted today.
After lunch I drove downtown in the Clubman, which hasn’t been started for a few weeks. This Mini feels like a buck of bolts compared to my other car, but the Clubman sure is a helluva lot more fun: handling, rowing those 6 gears and the nice torque kick of the twin scroll turbo. I went to the scuzzy part of town to go record shopping; and got some great stuff. Home for a nice barrel finished gin ‘n’ tonic and a chance to listen to some new music.
Sunflower Bean
? Sunflower Bean. They’re like 20 year olds too. To be young again.
I’m gonna be working through the weekend because I haven’t been particularly productive this week. I hate getting in funks like this because theyre self propagating.
I’m in exactly the same place. I don’t know whether it’s depression over my dog or what, but I’ve been useless this week. The weekend is going to have to be busy.
The Russians organized rallies against Trump just to sow political discord in the country. In fact, they held two rallies in New York — one “show your support for President-Elect Donald Trump” and the other “Trump is NOT my president” — on the same day.
Query: What happened to Vhyrus?
Are Firearms Fridays a thing of the past?
I haven’t seen him around here since a couple weeks after the Florida storms took out his stuff. :/
Last comment here was 1/29/18 around 8:05PM
I might see if we can email, to see if he is OK.
I’d really love to see a Firearms Friday today. Oh well!
Specifically, he pointed out a really hot $400 AR-15 style rifle that was on sale at one of the big chain sporting good stores and I am looking for a lead like that recently.
*reports Pomp to the FBI*
gun.deals is good for stuff like that.
Damn, I knew someone was MIA.
Surely one of the mods has his email addy.
Vhy is good, he’s active on the discord and also applying for jobs so has been busy.
Lindsey Vonn’s Olympic mug shot:
She dated Tiger Woods. Not very bright.
She doesn’t look hot in that picture.
She looks kooky – scary even.
You have to be a kook if your life is dedicated to going .03 seconds faster than someone else.
TIL that circumcision severely curtails the bulbocavernosus reflex.
(((My))) perspective on circumcision may be different than others here, but I’d say the intactivists hurt their own cause by being so insane. Which is a shame because they might actually have some decent arguments, but since it’s so hard to separate those from the autistic screeching they don’t really have much credibility (as least to me).
‘Inactivist’ being anti-circumcision? Put me on that list.
Not just anti-circ, but crazy, SJW-level fanaticism.
Not cut, my brother is. Neither of us can figure out why it’s a bfd.
Lindsey Vonn’s Olympic mug shot:
It doesn’t even look like her
I’m kind of tempted to see if I can catch the super-g tonight, but after last night’s slobberfest over what’s-er-name, I dread the shameless Vonnbot cheerleading. There’s always the no sound option, I guess.
I haven’t watched sports with sound on in so long I now find it jarring at first when I go to an actual game.
random thought
How jihadis view the US and Israel:
The former leader of Hamas Sheikh Ahmad Yassin has stated: “Once we have warplanes and missiles, then we can think of changing our means of legitimate self-defense. But right now, we can only tackle the fire with our bare hands and sacrifice ourselves.”
For them, the US and Israel are like the Empire from Star Wars- a powerful and cruel enemy whose defeat will require enormous sacrifice by a brave few.
motto of the Houthi rebels in Yemen
God is the greatest
Death to America
Death to Israel
A curse upon the Jews
Victory to Islam
You know, in retrospect, it is a wonder the Ottoman Empire lasted as long as it did.
Various European states had an interest in not seeing it dissolve…too quickly.
Eh, when they leaned tolerant, they did well. Their downfall came from technological backwardness. See the story of Taqi Al-Din for details.
In 1574 Taqi ad-Din proposed the new observatory to Sultan Murad III who, having an interest in astronomy, provided the financing for a new observatory to be built in Istanbul. He used errors in various astronomical tables as reasoning for the new project. His observatory, it is said, resembled Tycho Brahe’s observatory in many respects. A few months after opening, on the first day of Ramadan, a comet appeared in the night sky. This was unfortunate timing as the current Sultan was about to march on Persia and his fathers death had been heralded by a comet. It sat in the night sky for 40 nights growing slowly brighter. With this in mind he asked Taqi to use the observatory to figure out what the meaning of the apparition. Taqi noted that both the head and tail of the comet seemed to be pointing in the direction on Persia indicating that it was more of a bad omen for them and not for the Ottoman Empire. He also noted that the comet appeared in Sagittarius, which represented an Ottoman archer, and would set in Aquarius, which represented a time of peace. He strongly believed that this comet was a good sign for the Sultan and the Ottoman Empire in their march against Persia. While their armies did do well a plague broke out at roughly the same time. This caused political pressure against continued funding of the observatory. Grand Vizier Sokullu pushed for continued funding until his death in 1580. Without political protection, the observatory was torn down shortly after.
“This caused political pressure against continued funding of the observatory.”
Sounds like libertarians won that one.
To jesse, RC Dean, and any other gin & tonic fiends: I recommend this Irish gin by the name of Glendalough I picked up last weekend. The botanicals are really refreshing and piney. Not quite as busy and with a different bouquet than St. George Terroir that jesse recommended before. ?
I’ll keep an eye out. I’m working the St. George now; its so light that I’m using the Jack Rudy tonic mixer. Makes a very classy cocktail.
NLRB finds that Google was in the right to fire Damore because several statements were discriminatory and companies need to be allowed to fire people before things rise to the level actual hostile work environment.
pdf download
I don’t know if any of the studies Damore alluded to are valid, or that he interpreted them accurately. I don’t even necessarily care about the “larger cause” that his memo might represent to some people vis-a-vis women and men in the workplace.
But what I do care about is that it basically seems like this guy was fired for saying something impolitic, regardless of whether it was true or should have been considered, and this is what is going to be eventually foisted upon every workplace. It’s a new kind of Lysenkoism. It doesn’t matter what the truth is, these ideas have been deemed counter-revolutionary, and you will be punished for speaking them.
Google has every right to hire and fire whom it chooses. I certainly don’t want to see them stripped of that right. But I see in this NLRB ruling a future for the EEOC to say that anyone who speaks out like Damore at any workplace must be disciplined, or else the employer is failing to upholds its equal-opportunity employment obligations.
I also find it absurd that the NLRB endorses the idea that it made people “feel unsafe at work”. There is no threat anywhere in there. Not a single shred of evidence was presented that male employees of Google were using Damore’s memo as an excuse to be so much as disrespectful of female employees, never mind threatening towards them. if you’re going to include that bit in your decision, then you should back it up with evidence.
The references to it being “discriminatory” and the use of the word “stereotypes” like a magic totem makes the whole thing seem like it was crafted by EEO lawyers for EEO lawyers, with no regard whatsoever to anyone’s actual interests. The goal from beginning to end was to get rid of Damore, the process was just engineered to make it happen and stand up in “court”.
That sound you hear is more dirt being thrown on the First Amendment’s grave. By finding that the memo constituted sexual harassment, the NLRB is saying that Google was legally required to fire him.
Here’s hoping some of the offended chicks sue Google now for having a hostile workplace. The NLRB has already rules that the memo created a hostile workplace, after all. Should be easy money.
The dirt being shoveled onto the First Amendment is coming from the caste system most Americans are hell-bent on digging up.
For those chumps out there (myself included) who thought the weak sauce indictments would cause a winding down of the Russia nonsense:
Why the hell are people still listening to proven lying sacks of dogshit like John freaking Brennan?
What I want to know right now is what James Clapper thinks of the indictment.
“Nonpartisan American who is very concerned about our collective future.”
Also, ugh, I see he’s slobbing McCain’s knob looking at his feed. Any amount of Twitter is too much.
Why would you stop doubling down as long as you’re only losing other people’s money?
More derpbook:
Do they really want to delve into the demographics of the “4 or more injured by gunfire” criteria for mass shooters?
they do!
No, that’s a different statistic that gets pulled out for a completely different purpose so it would be racist to bring that up.
Homeless people, prisoners, felons, murder victims, and suicides are all disproportionately male, so let’s call it even.
But women attempt more suicides than men. Incompetence.
I would post the screenshots I’ve been taking lately but it’s a critical mass of derp that makes my eyes hurt. If you visit the discord though you can see all the lovely madness.
I imagine UCS has a HOBBY outside of painting figurines.
Awesome mushroom sammich thing, tho.
That’s very Zen.
Q? Q to the courtesy phone.
TW- autoplay
Current theory is that due to humans’ penchant for face-to-face sex, titties developed as a stand-in for the visual stimulation other male mammals got from the bootay.
Also, breasts reductions are worse than genocide.
Solid theory. But it does little justice to this .
Sounds like a theory concocted by stupid people. Mammary glands are in front of the spine and between the upper and lower limbs on all mammals.
I’d guess that the original H. sapiens design was to efficiently hold/protect an infant during nursing. Seems more ergonomic than say, tits on your legs. But what do I know?
Yes, but our closest genetic relative is the chimp. And chimps are flat except when actively nursing. Same goes for the rest of the damn dirty apes. I first saw the “Butt for the Front” theory on Discovery Channel about 20 years ago.
Finally done for the day! Got my Imperial stouts, 45 minutes til weed delivery, and Salisbury Steak for Dinner! Potatoes! Corn! Cupcakes!
and I’m working all weekend, Cept for the Daytona 500!
Don’t leave us in suspense. What Imperial stouts?
Lagunitas, my go to Stout nowadays, I also got a sixer of Maximus Pale Ale from the same brewer
Salisbury steaks totally rock my fuckin nuts off.
Hey Yusef!
Sup Tres?, I get the six pack for 3 bucks, The gravy is nice on Taters too
Evening Glibs. Like Swiss I have a bit of ennui as my work tonight is mostly paper pushing and waiting for something to happen.
In the meantime, I bring you derp.
“The trans community is often underserved and particularly vulnerable to natural disasters.”
Why? they can’t swim either?
We need to pass a law that prohibits trans people from living anywhere that there are hurricanes, floods, wildfires, earthquakes, tornados, lightning, or bees. Or maybe we should build an underground shelter in Canada for them to live in with one bathroom and shower for everyone.
i got it! a special place, just for them, with big Fences and armed guards for safety,
Just like in the Olden days of WW2
/Safe Space
It’s those 10 inch platform heels, even a minor earthquake just tips them right over.
Whoops, I was skimming too much and missed this:
Intersectionalism is the oppression we tenuously string together.
The alcoholic community is particularly vulnerable to natural disasters because they are overserved.
“environmental justice”
They’re not even trying anymore.
More derp
I heard they were cheaper than the Nigras back then, are they more expensive now?
Instead of the Vonn-a-Palooza with the Olympics, I may have to watch highlights of this instead.
Ahh the LOST art of bagging groceries, I bag em myself, they make us bring our own bags, and Self checkout, why do we need Baggers?
/Cali stupidity
Three day weekends mean I get holiday pay to go work for the old man. But I still have class, because my college is run by a bunch of Godless commies who hate America.
We went for a drink after work today, and he told me the bartender looks like Jar Jar Bink’s cute sister. And damned if she doesn’t, between the braids and her narrow face and no chin and big glasses. Still would.
Pics please, what does something like that look like?
GAAAHHH! I surrender! no Mas!
She’s quite cute, really.
Half a dozen shots of crown? I’d consider it.
Never change root, never change.
Root should see this: http://blackpeopleloveus.com/
I’d hit Sally.
Yep. I also wouldn’t mind having sex with her.
Fun fact- WHOIS lists that site owner as none other than Jonah Peretti, of Buzzfeed/HuffPo fame.
That was awesome as All get out! The Testimonials are funny
These guys…
I didn’t make it very far ’cause I don’t care.
Finally. I’ve been waiting for this article.
How many Black kids die in Chicago a week? Why don’t I know? maybe because the Media doesn’t give a shit about Black kids
Fantastic. They should just have a ceremony where they scatter the ashes of the masks they once wore.
The best part of that story was a link to a story about an impending sequel to Karate Kid!!!!
It got up to 40 here in Minnesoda yesterday, but I still think <a href="https://twitter.com/nickmagrino/status/964269197843976192"this guy jumped the gun a bit.
This was at St. Anthony Falls (near DT Minneapolis on the Mighty Mississippi)
SFed link?
Sorry. Still too jacked up by all the 40 degree weather yesterday.
Try this
Oops, was Florida man on a field trip gone Horribly wrong?
Okay, so Question for the Glibertariat. I’m doing a phone interview on monday. Not my first rodeo by far, but it’s been a minute.
So, what advice do y’all have. I’ve been told it will be thirty minutes long, but beyond that I’ve got nothing. I do have notes on my current job and such but any other thing I should have?
Funny story, about a year and a half ago I was applying for an internal promotion. Big jump in pay, etc, and not the sort of job someone at my level ever gets a chance to even apply to. I managed to land the interview as one of only three people in my site.
I didn’t get it, to my disappointment but one of the feedbacks I got was that I came off as arrogant and a know it all, for a Project Management position that required me to be a go between for corporate and peons. ( the guy who gave me this feedback is himself a flaming prick)
Confidence is evidently something I have.
Some employers hate confidence because you’ll call them on their bullshit. That’s something you REALLY want to find out in an interview.
True. I mean in general I’m a laid back guy, but when push comes to shove I find ti pretty easy to call out BS I would not be able to function in an environment where that is discouraged.
I interviewed at the AMA once. Apparently two of my co-workers also interviewed there at roughly the same time. If the 8 in the group, I’d consider myself the second best in the bunch.
I got the exact same feedback you got.
The AMA hired the worst person in the group. I’m sure he used a couple co-workers as references – and they were happy to give glowing recommendations!
Heh. That’s always a bummer. I think in some situations there already a candidate in mind for the position and they are just giving boilerplate feedback to salve the wound, so to speak.
No speaker phone, if on a cell phone, make sure you are in a place with good signal, and most important, LISTEN.
/Lou Holtz Seminars
Good call. It will be on a cell phone. I’ll be sure to keep it attached to my ear.
I hate phone interviews. Do have any idea what the format is? Google STAR interview questions. If you can prepare for that format, you should be ready for anything. Have some questions ready. Know a little bit about the company. If they’re public you should be able to get there financials. You could google news for their industry as well.
No pants.
Well that’s a given.
Just makes sure your Asian wife has your children looked after.
I got through a phone interview by quoting Kenny Rogers lyrics.
“You gotta know when to fold ’em, when to hold ’em, when to walk away and when to run.”
It was a thoroughly distasteful experience and I showered after.
A lot of people don’t care for much except being flattered. The pleasure centers of the brain show increased activity when hearing a favorable opinion.
Yeah. I’m not a fan either. I am much more persuasive in a face to face environment.
Its very difficult to read people over the phone.
i think ‘what not to do’ is more important than overpreparing for things they probably wont ask
don’t interrupt them. sound pleasant and confident (i sometimes like to imagine i’m talking to a hot chick; which makes me sound “nicer” apparently, Crazy, right?). \
don’t talk too fast or try to stuff lots of information in where they’re not asking for it. it may even help to pause midway and say – is this the sort of thing you’re interested in? – i.e. make sure you’re not derailing before any long answer.
Be honest about what you know and what you’re less informed about.
Ah, fair point. I can speak fast and chase rabbits when I am nervous or excited so that’s definitely something to keep an eye on.
fact: speaking slowly, and emphasizing your words for effect? sounds smarter to many people.
to our own brains, talking fast and getting information out quickly *feels smarter*. its not seen that way by others.
Slow – deliberate – confident statements. Like Obama. Who pauses. All. the Time. that’s what “sounds smart” to people.
pauses before you speak give the impression of thought, and make people feel like you’re carefully considering what they’ve said. rapidly jumping on people’s words is a big no-no.
i know this because it was one of my own problems for years.
Good call, GIlmore. Thanks
“Phone interview” != “Phone sex”
never change Ted………………../)
I’m no more perverted than the average Glib!
(Zips up pants)
And now, it’s the moment everyone has been waiting for:
Science Man weighs in:
Funny, because studies also show that smarmy, bitter snarkiness in the wake of tragedies doesn’t seem to garner support for the position espoused.
Also, mental note, Neil Degrasse Tyson is an insufferable cunt, and people who agree with his shitty tweets probably are, too.
The beginning of Sherman’s march,
“Foreshadowing his full-blown policy, Sherman tore down houses in one Kentucky village to rebuild a bridge that retreating Confederates had destroyed. When the villagers requested vouchers for repayment, Sherman told them to bill the Confederacy.”
Badass, almost Trumpian,
More Sherman ,
“Wars are not all evil; they are part of the grand machinery by which this world is governed, thunderstorms which purify the political atmosphere, test the manhood of a people, and prove whether they are worthy to take rank with others engaged in the same task by different methods.”
“I’ve been where you are now and I know just how you feel. It’s entirely natural that there should beat in the breast of every one of you a hope and desire that some day you can use the skill you have acquired here.
Suppress it! You don’t know the horrible aspects of war. I’ve been through two wars and I know. I’ve seen cities and homes in ashes. I’ve seen thousands of men lying on the ground, their dead faces looking up at the skies. I tell you, war is Hell!”
And he was a Ginger! now you should be scared!
Once again actions speak louder than words.
Details of the St. Paul teachers contract come out.
I know the union always says it cares first and foremost about the kids, but it is hard to think that is true when you read this.
So the teachers are fine with bigger class sizes if they get more money in their pocket? But they have been insisting that larger class sizes are completely evil for years and years. Every time they have a levy here they claim it is to reduce class sizes.
The other big item in that contact was this:
School district data shows that enrollment has declined by almost 1000 kids since 2011.
Call my cynical, but I think that the union would rather have 30 more dues paying members than to get a larger raise for its current membership.
If the class sizes are bigger, why the need for more teachers? Seems like fewer teachers would be needed. Are the savings coming from turning the lights out in the room where the teachers with no students are sitting?
Jimbo…what part of “teachers don’t get paid enough” do you not understand?
Did you see my link earlier about the NoDak who brought his knife to a Minnesoda gun fight?
Of course it says he was from Dickenson, so he was probably a rough neck import to the oil fields out there.
The author of that article looks suspiciously like KD Lang.
And he would have won if the chick in the other car wasn’t all over him because of his irresistible NoDak sexiness.
“Jimson weed is a helluva drug”
3 1/2 months in a mental Hospital, Stramonium Datura is a hella drug
/Mom was Dumb at the time
From the earlier story:
It is like she has never been to a DoDak BBQ.
He’s a real lady’s man
I wish we lived in a country where it was as easy to pay teachers more as it is to buy a gun.
Who’s keeping you from giving all your money to a teacher ?
Probably the union. doG forbid Frank gives more money directly to a teacher who is doing a great job. What about all the coworkers who aren’t doing a decent job teaching? Think of their feelings if the exceptional teacher makes more than them!
Oh and by the way, I got into a very big argument with a good friend about this. His wife is a teacher at a junior high and he did not like me when I said that teachers were overpaid.
After we argued a bit, we came to the following consensus:
1) We pay too much for education overall (results do not improve with more money)
2) Most of that money goes to an ever increasing horde of administrators
3) Administrators do not support or defend the actual teachers from increasingly crazy/aggressive students and parents
So we sort of patched things up. At least enough where he still loaned me his cool underwater camera for a week of ice fishing. But I still think teachers make too much too.
There’s a curve that shows educational outcomes increase linearly with expense per capita until around $4,000…..thereafter the marginal return is nearly zero
During our discussion the point he made was that if you are a teacher and you have kids that can do whatever they want and the administration won’t back you up on any discipline along with parents who will accuse you of picking on their kid, then you really aren’t getting paid enough to put up with it.
I can understand that, but no one in our discussion liked the idea of simply giving each kid a voucher for $4K and letting them spend it whereever they wanted. Too radical. You know that schools would pop up to take that money and not educate the kids.
Did the camera help you catch any or just allow you to watch them ignore your lure?
It actually helped one time.
I brought my wife with me and I had the camera pointed at her jig. She likes to catch fish and is more impatient than a 5 year-old when it comes to fishing. So the camera was great for her. She could see fish and it kept her interested.
The first jig she was using was one that had done well before. Watching the fish, though, you could see that while it interested them it wasn’t doing the trick. She had some bites, but not as many as she could have. So I set up another rod with a jig that has always produced. She initially declined to switch out the rods because she didn’t think it would help (she just didn’t want to real up while she had some fish looking at her bait). So when she finally caught her next fish, I made her change rods and the new rod killed them. Every fish that came up to look at it made an attempt to swallow it.
You would think that that would be good right? We caught more fish? Nope. My wife was miffed that I was right about something (and that she was wrong).
I did like the camera so much that I bought a much cheaper one for myself. My buddy inherited a nice MarCum camera and it is great. I’m not sure it is $600 great though.
I brought my wife with me and I had the camera pointed at her jig.
Enough with the euphemisms!
Haha! Yeah, as I was reading that sentence I was wondering which direction his story was going to go.
You think I was going to shoot my HotWife/Cuckhold video with a white guy? Please, I run a classy operation.
Uffda, I feel extra racist for that comment.
Having a camera is pretty damn nice. A buddy of mine has one and it really changes things. Like you said, it’s plainly obvious when they want to bite but they just don’t like your presentation. It’s a big time saver in that regard.
But yeah, some of them are crazy spendy.
These euphemisms.
Also, it is enraging to watch a fish that manages to knock the bait off and not get hooked sit there and finish eating your wax worm.
I’ve got nuanced views on the subject, as my wife was an elementary school teacher in Montgomery County for about ten years and my grandmother taught high school biology for thirty in Bowie. On the one hand, teachers make a pretty good living (around $60k – $70k in MoCo after some time in) compared to other public sector workers. It’s also easy to coast as a bad teacher. On the other hand, teaching in a low-income school is a very different experience, and without getting into detail a lot of those teachers are at more risk than police of not making it home. There’s also no mechanism by which good teachers are financially rewarded. Also, a number of school districts require teachers to acquire a Master’s in order to keep their jobs within a certain amount of time, with no accompanying increase in pay and often without any kind of assistance towards tuition.
Administrators, however, are a different story. You know the old saying, “Those who can’t do, teach”? Well, those who can’t teach become principals and make pretty damn good money (like $120k around here), don’t have the educational requirements, and tend to be horizontally promoted rather than fired, or in some cases just kicked up into the board of ed, where the real money is. Like anything else, there are good principals and bad principals, but there are virtually no checks on the bad principals, so you have an incredible amount of security and power over your school.
Education is like health care in this country. We throw money at it, the money’s misspent, and we get shit results, so people clamor for more money.
Cooking glibs, I have been simmering a meat sauce all day to build a lasagna but now all the the thankless brats I’m watching have better things to do. So lasagna postponed. Question – Should I go ahead and build the lasagna and fridge the whole thing or just fridge the sauce and build the lasagna mañana?
Fridge it for Saturday night
/Ungrateful Kids
you could turn the meat into a bolognese sauce, and fridge that to make it even tastier.
Not sure what kind of lasagna you’re going for.
meat sauce is bolognese, classic lasagna straight outta Marcella Hazans culinary bible.
fridge it and let it get extra tasty.
or. make the lasagna, and eat it in front of them. they can have carrots and pb&j’s.
Distilled Water and saltine crackers, it’s what’s for Dinner!
UCS perks up
If you;re cooking for UCS, I hope you got the unsalted Saltines.
IMO either is acceptable, I think building it now will save you time tomorrow and would also allow a nice congealing of flavors to occur. But you also get that by just fridgeing the sauce with the bonus of not building it now
Ooh, seconded. I think lasagna is like chili in that it benefits from a night in the fridge. Fresh is great, don’t get me wrong, but the day after is when it comes into its prime, IMHO.
I’ve made this maybe a half dozen time and always bake it the day I make it, I guess my concern is with the noodles getting mushy is it sits overnight unbaked.
Oh, duh, I was thinking go on and bake the sucker tonight, let it cool, stick it in the fridge, and reheat it the next day. You’re right, prepping it the night prior might give you soggy noodles unless you do them al dente, maybe do a light bit of olive oil on them.
Eh, it’ll bake up the same. At most you may need to cook it a little bit longer if you are concerned about mush. Of course you can also just go really really al dente with it tonight,
Can you send the “brats” into a mine, or perhaps a field, for some honest work?
Drug the brats and make the lasagna now.
CPS My Man, no kids huh?
+2 benadryl
My 3rd attempt at homebrew was an amber ale, and it’s the first beer that I can say is good without qualification. The owner of the local homebrew shop gave me a few pointers and sold me some gear, and it was 10x easier this time around.
yay for you! It’s always nice when hard work and persistence pay off
What’s the long run cost?
More than cheap beer, but I bet it averages less than most decent beer per bottle.
If I had stopped at the homebrew shop before starting, I probably could’ve saved $50+ in equipment upgrades.
Well done!
fun fact:
enemy comes basically means “not friend” Latin
amicus- friend
inamicus- not friend
“friend” comes Germanic roots meaning “free” and “love”
me in fein hung freund
Swear to Gott that was “jung”
Your friend isn’t hung?
Karl Hungus hardest hit.
Very insightful.
Typo/autocorrect of the year.
Fuckit. The very insightful is for Gilmore up there somewhere.
Daemonen und a Shwarte Fein
“Its twoo! Its twoo!”
-Madeline Kahn
Bitte Baby!
“I am NOT from Havana!”
I’m not your amicus, friend.
I was brainwashed in my youth; I have the childlike patriotism of a kid at a monster truck rally.
TheOnion does their take on Gabby Johnson at FOXnews
My daughter is looking at clubs to join next year. They can join a club from 4th grade elementary school. Problem is that she likes the uniforms of the Junior Spies, but also wants to be a freelance snitch to the Ministry of Truth. Decisions, decisions. I just don’t want her to screw up her future and chose the wrong one.
The Junior Anti-Sex League is always popular.
They always turn out to be the biggest horn dogs.
Frank Zappa had some words about the CYO…..
Cover Your Ozzy?
They know they go…
“how” Goddamn I hate this keyboard. It’s a refurbished lap-top from some gamer-geek friend of my my step-son. The “c” is iffy and random caps-lock could happen at any time. I’d hate to actually take it apart and clean it, I’d rather toss it in the river.
How about the Tueful Hund?
/Kid Marines
Ozzy Man reviews The Dinghy Derby.
i like this man and will likely spend the next month watching all of his content.