“The USA Olympic team is racking up medals while having fun at P.F. Chang’s.. But the bigger question: Should that be considered impolite to Kim’s sister? I know she traveled all the way from her impoverished, thanks to Trump, homeland to be the goodwill ambassador the world needs right now in the face of such a dangerous leader like we have. She’s so brave and lovely, America would do well with her in a position of power rather than Ivanka.”

Brought to you by Carl’s Jr
-this message has been brought to you by NBC News and NBC Sports.
Sorry about that. We’re considering doing paid commentary on the site and I wanted to see how it would work out. I guess we’ll take a pass unless we’re able to tweak a little for content. I’ll get to work on it. But in the meantime, let’s talk about real sports: Chelsea managed to win yesterday and keep Conte employed for a little longer. On the basketball courts across the country, just two ranked teams played. And both UNC and WVU took. home victories. No couches in Morgantown were harmed.
Three games on the ice. Let’s mention two and then focus on the third. The Florida Panthers beat the Edmonton Oilers and the Toronto Maple Leafs took care of the Tampa Bay Lightning. Then there was the once (recently) great Chicago Blackhawks getting curb stomped by the worst franchise in the NHL for at least a decade, the Phoenix Coyotes. Sorry, Swissy. It’s a four-alarm fire over there. Time to clean house and see if you guys can shake up a little sense of urgency. Because whatever it is that they’re doing ain’t working by any measure.
Champions League Round of 16 games are up this week. That brings a little excitement back to those of us who are fans of top clubs. And of course more excitement will continue at P.F. Changs as hockey starts up in earnest. Go U.S.A. (with apologies to our lovely North Korean hostesses and their Minister Of Agitation and Propaganda boss-lady).
OK, that’s all out of the way. And I’m sure there’s a lot going on today. SO let’s get down to…the links!

“Who the fuck is that?” she said earnestly
Paging Inigo Montoya. Inigo Montoya to the white courtesy phone. Also, who’s the chick on the right? Just kidding. That portrait looks fine. And besides, there’s no way they wanted to pay Lucasfilm likeness rights for Chewbacca with all the foot traffic going through the gallery. It’d cost them a fortune! Lastly, will Trump have his done on velvet? God, I hope he has his done on velvet. And I hope there’s a tiger in it. Or a unicorn. Or…well, you get the point.
Susan Rice wrote an interesting email just a few hours before she no longer had a job. Republican Senators want to know why. And why would the Obama admin be in a position to determine what information to share or not share with transition team members with the necessary security clearances in place? Meh, I just hope they get her under oath and start asking about her and the Ambassador to the UN unmasking and leaking the names of everyone in the transition team that were being surveilled under the flimsiest of reasons and with a dubiously-granted wiretap warrant on a man that had recently been on the FBI payroll.
I’m sure the huge deficits are coming, but let’s at least for a minute appreciate the effect the tax cuts had on something. Those crumbs appear to have been reinvested in ways that help the government get more revenue. Gee, who’d have thunk it?

Weinstein and unnamed pal in better times
Looks like the leftist hero Harvey Weinstein is in a bit of legal trouble for real. Its amazing in a world filled with such stunning and brave, and don’t forget intelligent and empowered, leftists, nobody even lifted a finger to put a stop or even place a speed bump int he way of this bulbous cretin of a human being. You’d almost think they were craven assholes with little care for those being hurt as long as their career didn’t suffer. But if we’ve learned anything about Hollywood from those who are from there: they’re better than us and that can’t be the case.
Leftist “artist” and leftist politician in a catfight over how south Boston is depicted. Here’s the rest of America’s take: nobody fucking cares. get over yourselves. Your southie culture is there for us to laugh at, not give a shit about.
Maybe I’m missing something, but could somebody please show me in the article where she forced these people to remain there? Just kidding. This seems legit: the city collects money from someone who appears to have possibly violated a contractual agreement. No money for the “victims”, but more for the government. And people wonder why its damn near impossible for people to live in that city.
OK, can somebody please explain this shit to me? (And if I’m simply too old to get the cultural significance or reason for the banning, that’s fine. But please let me know what the ever-loving fuck is so bad that it requires a banning when pictures of a decapitated president from the blue-check brigade get no notice.)
You want a dose of “shit, I’m getting old”? Just think about this for a few minutes.
Hell, this song was an easy choice as a tie-in. Also has a nice bass-line.
What is a “southie” and why would you know what it is?
Southie= someone from South Boston. It’s literally right there in the same paragraph.
The question (albeit poorly phrased) is “How do you know that’s what people from that end of the city get called?”
Because I’ve watched more than one tv show or movie with someone from Boston in it during the last 25 years. It’s literally mentioned almost every time someone from south Boston is brought up.
How do you like them apples?
If sloopy wants to waste his life in front of the telescreen, that’s his choice.
That isn’t just on TV or such – it is pretty commonly known. If you were ignorant of it, it would simply reflect you not knowing, nothing about sloopy wasting his time in front of a screen.
Citation needed on that.
That’s the google search results for “southie”. It’s literally the first dozen results that come up, from Wikipedia, to twitter to need articles to tv and movies. You might be one of the few people I know who were unaware what it referred to. Seriously. It’s a very common term.
The problem with that methodology is that you only get sources that use the term and thus know of it. I need a grant to conduct a poll and parse the data. $20 Million should be sufficient.
I’ve never heard the term Southie before… but I only watched 2-3 seasons of the Wire so maybe I just don’t remember it.
But The Real Housewives Of South Boston is funny.
There’s a good flick by Ted Demme with Denis Leary called Monument Ave.
Yes! Excellent but little known movie. Also (in my limited experience) the most true-to-life depiction of cocaine use I’ve ever seen in a movie.
I’ve never been anywhere near Boston and I know what it is. Boston is second only to NYC in its pervasiveness in the national media and popular culture.
LA, San Fran, Vegas, Miami and DC all show up more often than Boston. Boston is almost a rarity. (Though not as rare as an accurate depiction of flyover country).
You’ll know it when you get one.
Jesus, even I knew that.
But what else is a Canadian going to do but gaze longingly across the border?
And lament longingly while stroking it….
pussycat?Phoenix stomped the Wild last week, too. Even after they spotted us 3 goals.
The ‘yotes are better than their record. Clayton Keller looks like he’s gonna be the real deal. 19 years old, 40 points so far this season. Impressive.
As Towes goes, so do the Hawks – and he’s starting to look his age.
Its not his age…look at Kane, he can still go at a high level. Toews has never recovered from that very severe concussion (nobody talks about this either). You see him just not able to keep balance – easy to move off the puck, when he used to be a rock. He has no shot any more, no timing. He needs to just retire before one more big hit makes him sit in a dark room the rest of his life.
Kane plays a different style. Less of a toll on the body.
I never heard about the car crash.
It’s just time for the to re-tool the team. Crawford being out doesn’t help, either.
And with the hard salary cap…it will be years until they are contenders again. Along with the Bears, Bulls and White Sox all sucking…ugh.
Um. Um. Um.
Are you purposefully leaving out the most important team out of that list….the one that is currently very successful?
Because…that would certainly seem to be strange.
*Gazes intensely through newspaper with eyeholes cut out*
I am not a fan of the other baseball team, so their success has no impact on my sports bummer.
Who the hell are you talking about? //Phoenix native
Hmmm. This would explain the empty arena.
The Future Seattle Franchise?
No putting it on the west side of town, which is a royal pain in the ass to get to eve by freeway, explains the empty arena. They filled the area when they played downtown in the 90s. The area just wasn’t built for hockey.
Its a real shame honestly, the few games I’ve been too were a riot. Great arena in a shitty location. If they’d have built in Tempe I’d probably have season tickets.
You know, the Yotes from Southie.
Cold stare:
Duke prof suggests libertarians are ‘on the autism spectrum’
Professors put everyone on the spectrum.
Ignore the failure at life and move on.
I mean sorta…. I’d wager a guess that people on the spectrum (i.e. aspies) are almost certainly over represented in the Libertarian community.
I would agree to this somewhat. But it is a far cry from 5% rather than 1% to many of the architects of this as if there are architects.
While not on any spectrum, personally I am not the most social of creatures and this may have something to do with my libertarianism as instead of clubbing all the time I spent some time reading and thinking. I met few to no lefties who read in an open minded way and tried to think about political ideas. Also in my view very sociable people just don’t hold minority / controversial ideas. The try to hole the most acceptable of ones as to keep their social circle without conflict. I actually found myself spending hour thinking of something I was not clear on – say justice – and if I told other people this they looked at me as if it never occurred to them to spend a quiet hour just thinking about a political/ethical/whatever issue.
It’s not that libertarians are all aspies or that we lack empathy. But a necessary condition of becoming libertarian is the ability to look at poor people spending their family’s grocery budget on liquor, smokes, and lottery tickets and say “so what?”
We look at failing schools that “underserve” their community and instead of lining up to rob people of their hard earned cash to throw at the problem we curmudgeonly bitch about how public schools shouldn’t exist anyway.
Our philosophy of leaving people alone to make their own decisions is “heartless” because we aren’t willing to intervene and violate someone’s will “for their own good.” That makes us all assholes to the right thinkers.
It’s really not surprising that they think we’re all autistic
You know what libertarians do after sex?
Nice. I thought you were going to say “Pay her”
Only if she has a written contract.
Sometimes you just want an oral contract.
Promise themselves never to go for a walk in the woods again?
Libertarians are far more empathetic than progs, light years more so. Which is more empathetic, using force and coercion to achieve some predetermined social outcome because some cabal of elites has decided “it’s for the best”, or letting people make their own choices.
Free will is scary to lots of people who have been herded around like cattle all their lives, but eliminating choices for the sake of “social justice” or whatever is evil, not empathetic.
For leftists, empathy = tribal instinct
Without question.
Progs off-shoot their empathy to the government. You rarely hear non-prog lash out at groups or people like progs do. ie ‘deplorables’ is a perfect and most recent example.
Consider my prog friend from Boston. He hated rednecks and deplorables (yes, he said this), I asked him how he squared this hatred with wanting, say, Obamacare to care for them. He said he didn’t care, but it was for the greater good and in the best interest of all. In other words, they care but hate.
You explain this to me.
They’re wretched inside.
Well said. In addition, most of us also have the ability to look at a program or proposal and consider its results, not just intent. I am so, so tired of seeing the pattern:
“This program won’t even produce the results you’re trying to produce.”
“You have no empathy!!!!!111!!!”
Yes, I have empathy. The problem with you Mr/Ms Leftist is that empathy and envy are ALL you bring to the table.
It all depends on the moral paradigm people subscribe to. If freedom is a virtue in your paradigm, of course violating it is seen as evil. But not all moral/ethical paradigms consider freedom to be a virtue; some even consider it a vice. People who consider social justice a virtue and freedom not a virtue will naturally find the empathetic course the one that increases social justice, even if it tramples liberty. It might be hard imagining the world through this lens, since it is so foreign to the way most people here think, but most villains feel they are in the right.
leaving people alone to make their own decisions is “heartless” because we aren’t willing to intervene and violate someone’s will “for their own good.”
^Good line^
Reason number 864 why I’m not a libertarian. I am not that person. I just think the proper response is something along the lines of saying “You dumb piece of shit, grow the fuck up” to them, not farming the job out to men with guns and qualified immunity.
I assume everyone in IT (myself included) is on the spectrum.
IT Worker here, with a decent chance of being on the spectrum as well.
I’ve met all of… one IT person who was Autistic.
Disclaimer, Gov IT does hiring differently.
I have literally hired 1 person who I knew from his pre-mainstreaming days (His special needs middle school was attached to my high school). He wasn’t just on the spectrum, but full blown. Brilliant programmer.
I have known a large number of diagnosed or undiagnosed but obvious on the spectrum IT people. And I am a strong candidate for undiagnosed myself.
Government is probably discriminating. Or the autistic won’t put up with the gov BS.
“Or the autistic won’t put up with the gov BS.”
I think a lot of this…
I’d wager a guess that people on the spectrum (i.e. aspies) are almost certainly over represented in the Libertarian community.
It would be interesting to see a study on this. I’d bet that aspies gravitate more often towards the extremes: either totalitarian or libertarian, as both of these views seem to be easiest to hold when one lacks empathy.*
*I’m not saying libertarians are heartless, but that the more empathetic libertarians probably are more strongly tempted to violate their philosophy due to “feels”. It’s a general trend, which is why the worst decisions so often seem to be made in the throes of passion.
“people who don’t feel solidarity or empathy with others,” – sounds legit. You need solidarity to band drugs and prostitution, bomb and drone other countries, make huge amounts of money off taxpayers. We just don’t have it
“As an author, I have struggled with this, ” – I do not nor do I try to understand ideas other than my own. Such struggle
As an author, I have struggled with this, and I could explain it in different ways.
By “different ways”, do you mean “accurately”?
So in today’s world, “logical” = “autistic”. If the shoe fits…
They need to feed their unsubstantiated feeling of superiority somehow. “I’m the Normal one” may be the best this one can muster.
Well when you’ve socially engineered logic out of most of the populace, and autistic folks are largely immune to social engineering, then it’s not terribly surprising that people would associate logic with autism.
Duke sucks. This is known.
I saw something amazing from last week’s UNC/Duke game. In 50 years they’ve played each other 101 times…UNC leads 51 to 50. And the total point differential for those 50 years is like 6 or 7. That’s insane.
Do they even have records from all the years where UNC had the flip card scoreboard?
The difference is 2 points in our favor (Go Heels! Go To Hell dook.) Both schools have been ranked in the top 20 when playing 80 times. And you have to go back to the 70s to find a game where neither school was ranked. The two together have more NCAA wins than most conferences. It is the greatest rivalry in sports.
Also, I’ll point out that we didn’t just win at home last night. We won our third game in 5 days last night. One as part of that greatest rivalry, then playing away at one our most hated conference foes, and then the win last night.
We aren’t in line to repeat the Championship, but I think we can make some noise in March after struggling in January.
And not for the reason you think so.
But, yeah, for that too.
I would just like to point out that, for the first time in 36 years, the number one college basketball team in America is UVA.
How’s Rolling Stone taking the news?
Ralph Sampson the last time?
Yes indeed, December of 1982.
God damn right!
/Go Terps!
This is the same author whose book has been shown to contain multiple inaccuracies and outright fabrications. Yet, she is still invited as an authority on the topic.
The left accuses everyone else of living in an echo chamber, yet that is exactly what they demand for themselves.
Why come she not being run up the pole for this insulting remark about the autistic community?
My daughter was diagnosed as on the spectrum last month. I figured I am building the mythical libertraian woman.
She probably will spell better than me.
My son is autistic – it isn’t the fatherhood I asked for, but it is the one I have. Like many other situations like this you go through a process of denial / grief / acceptance. In my case it was a rough ride for a couple of years.
Right now I am going thru the “oh my God, there are too many options, how do I figure out which path to go down” sorting process. But she is awesome, so we will deal with it.
She is just a slightly more extreme version of her Daddy.
So, what you’re really saying is that evolution works?
She is far too cute to stick on an ice flow. So….yes?
Ice Floe.
Sorry, I’m on the spectrum, too. The spelling part.
I spelled it both ways and couldn’t decide.
I volunteer at a special needs school for autistic children and kid’s with Down’s syndrome. It’s hard not to imagine the pain each parent had to go through when they discover that their kid isn’t going to have a “normal” life. The parents are unbelievably supportive of each other. You could say God gave them a burden they could handle, or they transformed into these wonderful parents out of necessity. Who knows? Then you see people crying about Trump or calling for trigger warnings and you cringe from your soul.
I saw some stat a few years ago that parents of special needs kids have a higher rate of divorce. And I’ve seen some of that in the small community of parents that we know.
Usually – broad brush here – the mother ends up spending so much time and effort with the kiddo that the (immature) father feels slighted. Or else he just can’t handle the situation and wants out. Again it doesn’t apply to everyone but, truth be told, it can build some friction.
Sounds likely. Taleb’s anti fragile concept comes to mind. Some relationships need stress to strengthen them while others buckle under the weight. One thing is for sure: They won’t stay the same as before the kid came along.
Very often, marriages don’t survive the death of a child, either.
+1 ordinary person.
Just think: 75 years ago, leftists in Europe were killing people like that for kicks.
Of course, our leftist government didn’t discriminate based on mental ability and instead just gave syphilis to people based on race.
Seventy-five years ago? Which calendar are you using?
We are killing them here, too. We are effectively disappearing DS children.
Through abortion, yes. I was referring to the Nazis using them as test subjects. I wasn’t aware that they were still being slaughtered for convenience in enlightened countries. I wish I hadn’t found that out.
::weeps a little bit::
Ugh. Lost a long post.
The ‘disappearing’ of disabled and semi-viable preemies is one of the reasons for the disparity in the birth survival statistics of the US vs everywhere else.
One of the (really filthy, nasty) secrets about certainly the NHS, and probably other hospital systems is that extreme preemies (pre-28 week) deliveries often have unfavorable outcomes. In the UK, there’s no provision for pre-22 week deliveries. The ‘guidelines’ indicate that no medical treatment should be provided.
But in that 22-28 week period, the outcomes are usually not good. Any deliveries that have indication of genetic deformities, or respiratory complications other than anticipated, tend to be given less diligent treatment. If you look at the (admittedly emotional and overwrought) news articles that talk about negligent hospitals, the pattern you see is more of diligent ‘informal euthenasia’ than negligence.
If you look at this from 2006, and read between the lines, you can see what I mean.
It’s long been a conversational (and uncontroversial) topic in the UK (or was in the 70’s) that someone you knew had “been early” and the baby just didn’t survive. Almost no information easily available, but when you look at more detailed news article, the frequency of severe hypoxic ischemia (oxygen starvation to the brain) is significant.
Slaughtered for convenience? No, but neglected for the statisticians? Maybe more likely.
My son has autism too. I went through the same process.
But she is awesome, so we will deal with it.
Yep, that’s what it’s all about right there. Keep that mindset and you’ll do fine.
Mild bipolar, ADHD, OCD, and hypomania here. IOW, I’m a functional and productive manic-depressive.
Oh that reminds me, I’ve been meaning to ask where your blog is.
Here. Thanks for asking! 🙂 I also have a page for libertarian artists.
Very interesting, where do I sign up for your newsletter? Oh, you actually have a newsletter…
Thank you! Newsletter.
You know who else had artistic leanings…
You can’t start a ‘who else’ on a right sided thread! This is chaos! Madness!
Trendy Man: Mr. Melon, your wife was just showing us her Klimt.
Thornton Melon: You too, huh? She’s shown it to everybody.
Trendy Man: Well, she’s very proud of it.
Thornton Melon: I’m proud of mine too. I don’t go waving it around at parties, though.
Trendy Man: It’s an exceptional painting.
Thornton Melon: Oh, the painting.
Whatever we get, we share.
Whereas most lefty leaders are on the sociopath spectrum. I think this guy has his spectrums mixed up.
This is the truth. The lefty twitter-sphere has shown that there is no shortage of psychopathy in that camp. All the great empathizers celebrating Rand Paul’s attack and call for Trump’s death…
This professor is doing it wrong. The best way to test for autism is to ask someone what Southie means.
From the top rope.
The next link about libertarians being aspies confirmed all the biases.
You know what’s real empathy? Routinely labeling your political rivals WORSE THAN HITLER, and chortling about brutalizing the Nazis.
Not to say I don’t label anyone to my left MARXIST COMMIE RATFUCKERS, but I also don’t pretend my philosophy is uniquely compassionate or my party is brimming with empaths.
and chortling about brutalizing
theanyone you call a Nazis.FTFY
Does this mean that progressives all suffer from Williams Syndrome?
You know what, Nancy? There’s this neat phenomenon where people who aren’t developmentally disabled, mentally ill, or profoundly stupid can have empathy for other people while at the same time engaging in rational thought to attempt to solve problems and predict outcomes. Humans with at least marginally sophisticated capacities for reason and analysis are able to weigh the short-term good of immediate gratification against the long-term costs of poor decision-making. This is why you don’t see a lot of libertarians standing in the street on a work day wearing a hat shaped like a cartoon vagina screaming because someone they don’t like was elected to political office. This is why you don’t see a lot of libertarians doing stuff like shooting at politicians playing softball because they’re from the wrong political party. This is why you don’t generally see libertarians calling people Nazis so that they can sucker-punch them and claim to possess the moral high-ground.
You know, like the left does.
What you see as a lack of solidarity or empathy is actually just people who don’t think that handing half of their income over to the government does anything other than pay the people the government hires to take their money. We see that as stupid and evil, see, and so if you’re wondering why libertarians don’t come up to you at the bar with your Che shirt on and talk to you about how terrible corporations are it’s not because they have difficulty with human relationships, it’s because they don’t like to socialize with people who loudly advocate positions that are morally reprehensible or poorly thought out. It’s not them, Nance, it’s you.
Well said.
Fuck brah….
The USA Olympic team is racking up medals – goddamnit there goes my prediction
I gave you perfectly servicable advice yesterday. It’s not my fault you chose to ignore it.
On Bovada I have $5 on USA winning most medals and another $5 on USA winning most golds. When I’m flush with my winnings, I’ll be sure to buy myself one drink for every Glib.
So, one?
Yeah, but what odds did they give you? Those seem like near safe bets, so I can’t imagine you’re winning hardly anything.
USA wasn’t the favorite, but not far off.
Odds for the most 2.5:1
Odd for the most golds 5:1
I accidentally made the gold bet twice, so biggest possible payout I’m looking at is 62.50
I never claimed to be a high-roller. 😉
Those are actually much higher odds than I would have guessed. Winning a 5:1 is pretty sweet, even if you just put $5 on it.
That’s what I thought. I’m not a big gambler, so $5 getting me $25 is kind of exciting. (well, since I did drunk betting, actually $10 getting me $50)
IIRC, Norway was the heavy favorite and the US was 5th or 6th down the list.
Thnaks to everyone who responded to my situation in yesterday’s afternoon links! Appreciate it!
Any replacement prospects yet? (I know, you just got the news yesterday)
There’s some places in the neighborhood I’m hitting up today
If you’re liquid and young enough, enjoy the time off.
“young” LOL 😉
Rice’s e-mail sounds like some made up CYA
No shit. I always email myself to remind me that I told someone else to do something by the book…
15 days later, right?
Also, doesn’t Come keep diligent notes so we can verify the accuracy of the mee….oh that’s right, he only kept notes when meeting with Trump. Nevermind.
They can also drag Comey in and get him under oath. Ask him if this was one of the three times he actually spoke with Obama. Then ask him what the other two were. And then ask for every one of his meeting logs, schedules, his day planner, his computer logs and travel schedules while he was at the FBI.
Then charge the lying son of a bitch with perjury.
I would likely give my eye-teeth to see the House Sergeant-At-Arms start throwing these perjuring snakes into shackles and frog-marching them down the Capitol steps.
Shapiro’s take
Um, the next few weeks when Obama is a private citizen not privy to classified goings on?
Comey’s “I only met with Obama on 4 occasions” should have specified
…”and one of those 4 was on the last day of his tenure where he frothed about RUSSIA! and how the investigation should play after he’s gone”
it also never quite squared w/ the 3rd parties who were texting each other about how ‘obama wanted daily updates on FBI work’ re: Trump
I can’t resist OT. This is actually pretty good. I’m exhausted. Happy Anniversary funny Glibs, here’s a beer store rose…https://youtu.be/RN9j72bFAEw.
I don’t think there are any Russians
And there ain’t no Yanks
Just corporate criminals
playin’ with tanks
That didn’t age well.
Still catchy, though.
Its an awesome song. No two ways about it.
But tanks are fun to play with. 70 tons of whoop-ass with a big gun and a bunch of machine guns.
Uh no. Just no. No way am I going to sit inside a 5 million dollar BBQ pit.
More like $10M and air conditioned. And if it’s busted open, you’ll never feel a thing.
So you’re saying Suthen bought the starter model and didn’t spring for the extras?
You have to order all the options like the depleted uranium layer of armor.
/Ron Cadillac
Iran military official: West used lizards for nuclear spying
How are these people managing to develop an atom bomb?
They aren’t.
I wouldn’t be so sure. It’s very mature technology at this point.
A few years ago they were using birds. This feels like a downgrade
Hey! /Mr. Lizard
What you insolent little warm blood???!!!!! What is it?…Oh that…sooooooo ya shit
*dials up home office again, hisses incoherently, waits…hisses more, slams phone down*
Ya apparently some of our people have been conducting illicit trade with some of you mammals. Those particular species are used for prospecting asteroids for fissionable materials so they are pretty legit.
Don’t forget those Mossad attack sharks that were causing problems for Egypt a while back.
Never use non-native lizards to spy on the Persians. They’ll stick out like a saur thumb.
We found out that their skin attracts atomic waves
ok, that sounds like nutjob bullshit off the bat, but it could be a poorly translated attempt to claim the reptiles are being used as covert gamma or neutron detectors, which might not be too crazy.
Reporters resign as Newsweek editor accused of sex harassment returns
“I am truly disappointed to leave behind a nurturing newsroom and a group of exceptionally skilled journalists.” – jeez if newsweek journous are exceptionally skilled I wonder how the unskilled ones are
Ash Arriana Huffington. She’d know.
I actually had the misfortune of hearing Arriana Huffington talk in a public debate with Victor Davis Hanson.
She came off as smart as a bag of rocks.
What kind of rocks? In my experience granite is dumb.
Well, maybe you took her intelligence for granite.
I used to see her on the McLauglin Group. She was indeed terrible. But no one was worse than Eleanore Clift. And the biggest idiot of them all was Crystia Freeland – her and ridiculous bobbing head. Next thing I see, she’s made a Minister in SJW Trudeau’s cabinet.
It’s enough to make cynics of people.
Well, Pie, let me tell you a story of a place called Gawker…
Beautiful bathykolpian babes bursting with bountiful bodacious busts.
2, 5, 7, 11, 18, 32, 40, 42, 44.
36 looks healthy. Winner.
appropriating Italian culture, -5pts.
The archive site is taking too long and I’m late for the office. Sad. I’ll have to check in after work to see whom I will have an orgy with (in my dreams).
For the last few days, I’ve had trouble getting that site to load. Today, it doesn’t seem to be loading at all.
If your site won’t load, maybe you should see your doctor?
U.S. Strikes Killed Scores of Russian Fighters in Syria, Sources Say
If they’re there as “Mercenaries”, then it’s because Putin does not want to be dragged into a direct war with the US due to incidents like this.
We have soldiers on the ground in Syria?
About 2,000
About twitter banning I said before I like the realpeerreview twitter and from that I sometimes clicked to their admin 0kultra or something like that. That account keeps getting banned and while she is sarcastic and mock lefties (and righties many times) I saw nothing worth banning which makes me wonder about this Twitter… they may not have fully honorable intentions. Anyhoo last time was because she told someone she is going to stick him in a spacex rocket and kick him off the Earth. This was considered a credible threat by Twitter. This makes me think wood-chippers are an ultra-credible threat
MacFarlane makes garbage. Family Guy sucks. American Dad sucks. Ted sucked. I’ve never seen “SMILF”, though I can figure out what the acronym stands for and it probably sucks too. Seems like Netflix and Amazon are the only outlets making decent original content anymore anyway.
Altered Carbon is very Q friendly.
Looks pretty but seems a bit style over substance. And the tits are no where near Q level.
As in, philosophically interesting, lots of tits, or both?
It is a violent and nakedy gumshoe/sci-fi story.
Sounds good. I’ll give it a shot.
If you dig it, the book is even better.
I’m listening to it during my long hours driving. (No time for readin’.) I’m disappointed that they left out the brutal torture sequence. It really drives home the abuse one could be subjected to if the tech becomes commonplace. I’m guessing they needed to PC it up to protect the audience’s sensibilities.
We have witnessed the birth and death of cyberpunk. I can think of a lot of musical genres that were ephemeral, but no other literary ones. Do any of our (surprisingly many) authors here know of others?
The Epistolary Novel appears to have passed out of vogue…
Filled with poor decision-making by the main character and his cohorts. It started out well but it is frustrating watching characters devolve and behave like retards.
Yes. Also more schlong than most TV, for the homotarians.
I found Family Guy and American Dad funny for a few seasons. Then it got old. Also I got older. But I liked Roger the Alien on occasion.
I also have started paying for netflix when I got my new tv. I left behind torrenting tv shows. It feels like I am losing my Romanian heritage to be honest.
I’ll grant you the first season of American Dad was just a clone of Family Guy, but MacFalane dropped most of his involvement in it (other then voice acting), and the show got really good. They started mocking everyone across the board. Check out Camp Refoogee, Lincoln Lover, and The Best Christmas Story Never Told.
Netflix has been infected by the SJW virus, but they do still make some good content.
I wasn’t much for it at first, but Bob’s Burgers has really grown on me in bingeable amounts.
My wife loves that show, which is how I eventually got into it.
Bob’s Burgers is fantastic.
Bobs Burgers is a show that grows on you over time. The first time I saw it I thought “meh.” But now I consider it to be pretty damn good. Gene is hilarious.
Morons. My workplace is completely infested with Morons.
Here’s hoping the interview for the new job goes well this afternoon.
Morons are legion.
Good luck.
Knock on wood. Fingers crossed. Go get ’em tiger, etc., etc…
Good luck!
Thanks all. Second interview with this company, with two of their technical personal.
“Morons. My workplace is completely infested with Morons.”
You need to look at it in a different way. Just consider yourself fortunate when there are a few who are not morons. Because morons is the norm.
Are you in Utah?
Those are Mormons. Similar, but different.
‘It lights up the brain like crack’: Why men buy sex
Some supporting evidence required.
Men like young women?
News to me.
Who knew?
But many of the therapists and law enforcement personnel I interviewed for this project
I stopped reading after this.
The whole article… so much hunnnnnhnnnn…
I’m guessing that’s a low bar to hurdle.
Well, the original Mann act made it
which could be seen as illegalizing honeymoons.
And I’d say that you are much more likely to have unwilling participants on a honeymoon then in a transaction.
That was an amusing plot-point on Big Love – Roman ‘The Prophet’ Grant was found to have been quite scrupulous about stopping the car at state lines and making his younger wives disembark and walk across the borders by themselves so as not violate the Mann Act.
“One of the lies men who buy sex tell themselves is that the people they purchase are always willing participants. ”
I don’t buy sex, but please explain how that is a lie?
At this point ENB would ask how many sex workers they interviewed …
Get this person a Pulitzer! What an insight! No one in the history of anything has been able to decode this until now.
The human race was pure in thought and deed before the devil spawned the internet.
How do these people get jobs?
The say the right things to the right people.
Like I mentioned up top. I marvel at how Crystia Freeland not only was an editor at FT, she ended up in cabinet.
I’ve never seen a lick of evidence she belonged (s) in those jobs.
And I mean nothing.
For 50,000 years of human evolution women became sexually available in their mid teens at the latest. For the bulk of the last 10,000 years in virtually every culture it was considered a problem if a woman was not a mother before she was 20 but all of a sudden in the last 20 years men being attracted to sexually mature women is somehow an abberation?
Yeah sure if we are talking pubescent 12 year olds sure, there is a problem but if a guy isn’t turned on by a 15 year old the problem is with him because every piece of his biology should be screaming she is a woman and not a child.
I’ve always thought it was bullshit that men who are attracted to 15 – 17 year old women are lumped in with pedophiles. Yes, I understand, nobody likes the idea of a 40-year old man porking their 15-year old daughter, and parents do have the right to restrict the behaviors of their offspring while they’re living under their roof. But let’s not pretend that a female of 15 years is the same as an 8 year old.
“Teenagers” is such a broad category as to be useless in this discussion. Young teenagers look like children, while old teenagers look like young adults in their prime. There’s a huge chasm of difference between ogling a 19 y.o. or a 13 y.o., but this article just lumps them all together.
heads I win, tails you lose
Male student accused of misogyny for criticizing campus program that rarely hires men
Dartmouth College student Ryan Spector is currently facing campuswide scrutiny for an op-ed he wrote complaining about how a popular program on campus hires far more women than men.
He’s been accused of misogyny — and even violence — for pointing out the program’s gender bias favoring females.
The Dartmouth Outing Club’s “Trips” program hosts tours for incoming students to help them assimilate into college life. The trips are hosted by students who are selected every year through applications to join.
In his widely controversial Feb. 2 op-ed in The Dartmouth titled “You’re Not Tripping,” Spector points out the female super-majority of Trip leaders, as female tour guides outnumber male ones by a nearly 5-to-1 ratio.
Not campus-wide scrutiny!
I would expect that to be pretty standard. When I thought about it, every tour guide I had, even in the 80’s, was a very attractive female. (even at Michigan, although I don’t know where they found one there).
I assume the administrators have determined that female tour guides are more effective.
I think the suit is more about “Force the opponent to play by his own rules”
Or however Saul phrased that forcing damaging compliance of an organization’s own procedures and purported policies.
Every distribution has a tail.
Some interesting light reading on the US’s two remaining almanacs.
The Surprising Success of America’s Oldest Living Magazine
From TOS:
I dunno, locking people up, cracking down on victimless “crime” and putting people out of work sounds right the government’s wheelhouse.
Ban the chive today!
Fuck, I hate it when government officials or aspirants get caught up in colluding with a national enemy.
Oh, never mind. He’s one of the good guys. So it doesn’t count.
My local congresscritter, Andre Carson, was at the same dinner. Of course, since this is an urban district, he’ll win re-election easily (he took over the seat from his grandmother, Julia Carson, who took it over after being a long-time employee of the prior Congressman)
Curious, has it ever been reported Trump actually sat and had dinner with known racists?
Sort of odd how the Trump admin can’t talk to any Russians, who are not considered our enemy, but democrats can talk to Iran’s leader when Iran is considered our enemy and that totes ok.
Curious, has it ever been reported Trump actually sat and had dinner with known racists?
Trump is known to have socialized with Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, so yes.
*slow clap*
I like it, Farrakhan ain’t gonna be treated that way.
No one puts Louie in the corner!
Everyone knew/knows that Ellison was a Nation of Islam bobo. They don’t care. In fact, it is probably one of his charms to his ultra liberal Minneapolis constituents.
PowerLine has been ranting for years about the local media completely ignoring this “story”. Ellison simply lies his ass off about ever being part of the Nation of Islam and the media nods and lets him get away with it.
How he came so close to being the #1 guy at the DNC is beyond me. The fact that they had to let him be a VIP anyhow or have him start a shitshow about islamophobia/racism shows you how bad off the Dems are.
The latest rumor is that he may run for Attorney General here in Minnesoda. That probably isn’t going to happen now though because the current hack has decided not to run for Gov. Why he would run in a statewide race is beyond me. He’d be crushed.
It’s not like the DNC didn’t know what he is before they appointed him as second in command after Perez, who is also a far left loon. They put these guys there exactly because of who they are. And when these two manage to to help blow up the Dems hopes of a ‘blue wave’ this fall, the Democrats will replace them with even more radical numbnuts. Gotta prog harder!
Trump proposes cutting all federal funds for NPR, PBS
In a statement, President and CEO of the Corporation for Public Broadcasting Patricia Harrison excoriated the proposal, suggesting it might even lead to fatalities.
“Americans place great value on having universal access to public media’s educational and informational programming and services, provided commercial free and free of charge,” Harrison said in a statement Monday.
“Since there is no viable substitute for federal funding that would ensure this valued service continues, the elimination of federal funding to CPB would at first devastate, and then ultimately destroy public media’s ability to provide early childhood content, life-saving emergency alerts, and public affairs programs,” the statement continued.
Might lead to fatalities?!
Save Big Bird redux?
He’s trolling them. They go apeshit anytime this subject comes up. I wonder what he is really up to that he doesnt want them paying attention to.
He’s gluing another dimension to his 11th dimensional chessboard again!
I might miss some of the cooking shows, but I suppose the goods ones would be picked up by another outlet.
I like the Edward Gorey cartoon from that one PBS show:
Which apparently was solely reliant on a big evil oil corporation. Once they stopped funding it and Materpiece Theatre, the producers had to make big cuts.
Materpiece Theatre
How will we survive without a nationally sponsored leftist media outlet?
As far as NPR goes, all they do is parrot democrat talking points, so basically we’re funding the democrats having their own propaganda network. Nuke it from space.
Is this the Libertarian Moment? Brought to you by Trump. /lulz
Accidental Libertarian President strikes again!
Secret Nazi, Accidental Libertarian. Potato, Potahto.
Trump is proposing budget cuts to a lot of different obscure agencies to help pay for out ever growing overly bloated budgets. So I’ll just leave this here. When’s the last time before Trump that anyone has seen anyone in government propose cutting anything? I suppose this is about as libertarian of a moment as we’re going to see.
Oh no. Where am I going to buy my 1960s music cds for 4 payments of 79.95? I can’t live without those totebags.
4 easy payments, don’t forget, where else can you get easy payments?
Most other businesses make paying them so hard!!
The guys that mowed my lawn at the last house were actually kinda hard to pay. They never rang the bell when they were there, no invoice slip, no card with their address. I just had to keep an ear out for the mower twice a month and chase em down with the check.
Also, ice cream trucks.
But NPR is centrist.
Along with the WaPo, sounds about right.
And the Economist might have leaned right about two decades ago.
The friend who put that up on derpbook is getting mercilessly ridiculed by our friends. But he insists it’s accurate.
The real problem is that defining centrist us impossible. People generally take the route of, “you’ll know it when you see it”
They do the best job at this I have seen. https://mediabiasfactcheck.com
They rate Buzzfeed as “left-center” while CNN is “left.”
I’d think that Buzzfeed is further left than CNN is, and CNN is pretty far left.
The other problem is an accurate representation would show a gaping hollow hole in the centrist region with a couple of publications actually existing on both sides of that hole (they either vary by issue or lean in a direction that does not easily fit into a left/right paradigm)
They’re right there in the center of socialist and full on commie.
Slate and Vox are “reputable”? BAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Ha! Notice who they have in the middle. Jesus Christ.
That they go straight for the ‘people will die’ shtick suggests to me you can safely ignore and proceed.
i like PBS and NPR occasionally gets it right (it strikes me like the CBC – good programming at times but nothing that can’t be done elsewhere. In fact, the main tag the CBC uses in justifying its funding is not that it can offer quality programming but that Canada will die if the CBC doesn’t ‘bind it together from coast to coast’. It’s like the Internet doesn’t exist) but they can fund raise harder; just like the CBC should. Then we’ll see how much people really like and want it.
The cupboards are bare, people will die! /Nance
I remember listening to a CATO podcast on this a few years back. They argued that cutting federal spending would actually be good for PBS/NPR as it would free them from any political chains at all and they could more effectively raise funds. AND, isn’t the federal % of their budget pretty low?
With PBS, you have to know they will always be funded just by donors. I mean what old person is going to do without some Rick Steve’s Europe?
And their advertisers of course. Oops, I mean sponsors.
That’s the case with government arts funding in general. If the feds yanked all of the arts funding without telling anyone, the whole arts community probably wouldn’t even notice, yet they’ll scream bloody murder if you talk about cutting even one cent.
Also, it’s maddening to hear this idea that a decrease in government arts funding automatically leads to a decrease in the quantity or quality of art.
I have funded higher quality art than the government.
And my cover artist appreciates my promptness in paying invoices.
According to NPR, federal funding via CPB is 9% of their funding, that’s about what I recall from the last time this tempest in a teapot cropped up at TOS 10 years ago.
Or I should just read the whole thread.
This has come up before and they’re prepared for it actually. I recall a joint NPR/PBS broadcast during the second bush term discussing their long term strategy and that they only received something like 10% of their total operating funding from the Fed. They’ve got options in place to just ramp up donations.
Bigfoot Conference in Hastings this weekend
Is Social Security to blame for so many men dying at 62?
“A lot happens in our early 60s. Some change jobs, scale back working hours or retire. Our health-care coverage may shift. We may have fewer financial resources, or we may begin collecting Social Security,” Fitzpatrick told The Wall Street Journal. “About one-third of Americans immediately claim Social Security at 62. Ten percent of men retire in the month they turn 62.”
The numbers, according to the study, show that there is a two percent increase in male mortality at age 62 in the country. “Over the 34 years we studied, there were an additional 400 to 800 deaths per year beyond what we expected, or an additional 13,000 to 27,000 excess male deaths within 12 months of turning 62,” the professor said.
The researcher blames the increased mortality on the retirement as retirees tend to withdraw from life and no longer see the point in engaging.
“Retirement could have positive long-run benefits for your health because you’re taking better care of yourself. Or it could be that, in the long run, retirement has a negative effect. You can think of how a retiree slowly withdraws from the world because he no longer has any reason to engage,” she told the WSJ.
One reason I do not plan to retire…
My retirement plan is cirrhosis.
This is completely in the noise. Make up a bullshit problem, collect bullshit statistics, get bullshit grant funding, PROFIT.
So they’re making those first few crucial steps toward getting rid of Social Security. The overlords have gone with the good old stand by of “[X] will kill you so the government should ban it for your own good.” It’s an oldie but a goodie. I mean, the truth of “this program is insolvent and was financially dead man walking the instant it was created” wouldn’t go over well with people who have been getting their money stolen for their entire working lives with the expectation they’d get at least some of it back when they retire. I never expected to collect a dime for that pyramid scheme anyway, it’s just another tax AFAIC.
I wonder how many years after SS stops paying out before taxes are no longer collected to fund it.
When the republic collapses and the barbarian warlords carve out their fiefdoms.
My theory: when they retire, there’s more time for sex. But for some of these randy retirees, it’s too much for their hearts, resulting in the additional deaths. At least they died with a smile.
My theory: when they retire, there’s more time for sex. But for some of these randy retirees, it’s too much for their hearts, resulting in the additional deaths. At least they died with a smile.
Note to self: be more patient and don’t hit the”post comment” a second time.
Mr. Lizard has some competition:
An aquarium accident may have given this crayfish the DNA to take over the world
Spoiler alert (although it should come as no surprise): Florida is involved.
I can stop this monster. All I need to know is:
How does it taste when fried?
Sprinkle with Tony’s immediately after you take them out.
HAPPY MARDI GRAS, Suthenboy! I miss the bonfires by the river.
I’ll contribute to that effort. If they taste good, they’re doomed.
Evidence suggests that if they taste good, they’re set for generations and generations to come.
Very true. Chickens and cows have no chance of going extinct.
Meh, it sounds more like a self-raping STEVE SMITH
That’s where the mirelurks come from!
When did they get the horshoe crab DNA?
When it gets bored of not having sex and goes STEVE SMITH
From 17-year-old standout to Olympic champion.
Standing at 5ft 3in, it is not always easy to spot Chloe Kim in a crowd, but on a cloudless Tuesday in South Korea it was obvious where America’s new golden girl was.
Kim had already done enough to win the women’s halfpipe gold before she started her final attempt, only to knock it out of the park with a near-perfect score of 98.25.
It is good to accomplish your life goal at 17, get that out of the way
It’s all downhill from here for her.
No. Downhill is a different event
I don’t know…life has a lot of flips and twists.
See Lapinski, Tara
Tara gets to Hunger Games cosplay with her GBF every four years. She’s doing great.
Good for her, even if it is one of those fake “sports” with scores determined by judges on style points.
Was reading an article today at the coffee shop about how the young generation is rejecting the idea of capitalism. This was playing in the background at the shop. It reminded me of how America is breaking up with capitalism more and more. Many 70’s love songs work when you do this.
We cant break up with Capitalism any more than we can break up with gravity. Most of the fuckwits saying things like that dont have a clue what capitalism is.
When they’re talking about this young generation, they’re basically talking about the ones who don’t yet have a job and are living in their parent’s basement still. Many of them being the victim of shitty college programs that has left them with no marketable skills. Once they get on their own and get a paycheck, all that will be left of their socialism dream will be some meaningless signaling.
If my kids and their friends are any indication Capitalism is A-OK with Gen Z
Millennials (my generation) don’t know what capitalism is. They’re upset about corporatism, not capitalism. Unfortunately their preferred policy is “more government”.. not realizing that the government is the enabler of corporatism. Good luck getting that idea across. My generation largely prescribes to the “correct top men” solution.
I’m going to be overly picky and call for an inappropriate level of precision. Capitalism is not a particularly strong force for good, and has led to a lot of really terrible outcomes, especially when combined with government power. Markets, not capitalism, are what produce all sorts of nice things like flushy toilets and employee autonomy.
Keeping this distinction in mind gets you half way there with a brain dead millennial. There’s no need to argue that capitalism is virtuous. The Dole Food Company profited off Governor Dole’s coup against the native Hawaiians. Martin Shkreli exploited some really stupid rules to jack up the price of life-saving drugs. Almost all colonialism is a result of European governments attempting to exploit technologically-less-advanced native peoples in other areas.
Those are all a product of capitalism operating without a market. A keen observer might notice another common thread in there, but we are talking about millenials here so probably not.
What’s the question?
Safe, happy and free: does Finland have all the answers?
Drunk, happy is relative, and not really free by any reasonable use of the word. Also cold.
You forgot dour.
I defer to your obvious better understanding of cold stark places full of alcohol and lots of lakes.
*nods, drinks, and moves closer to the fire*
I forgot Moose (I don’t trust words with the same for for plural and singular)
Moose is a great, not quite forgotten, 90s band.
Sounds more like Finland failed to prosper.
Well, now that Sweden and Denmark are in flames because of their refugee policies and Norway is an icky EU refusenik, progs have to have *some* Scandinavian country to fap to.
I seem to recall somewhere that the Finns are the first to take affront at being lavelled as Scandinavian.
Some historical reason I think.
Except Finland isn’t Scandinavian. Ethnically, they’re different as it was explained to me years ago.
If by that you mean they talk like a fag and their shit’s all Uralic, then yes
Right. Nordic but not Scandinavian.
“Your blood is tainted by generations of race-mixing with Laplanders, you’re basically Finns.”
Finland produces very good hockey players. And ski jumpers. And snipers.
I call bull shit on the happy part. For two reasons, suicide rates are high and have you ever seen a comedian come from those places (mind you, many comedians are fucked up so scratch that). Suicide rates have always been above the European avg. as far as I can remember among Fin. and Scandi countries.
They also have the highest number of Metal Bands per capita and Saunas per capita
The sauna is really just a room where they thaw out and try to avoid frostbite.
I wonder how the perpetual darkness affect suicides. I needs me some regular sunshine, even in the winter.
In Norway they had lamps outside windows to at least pretend the light is coming from outside.
Or maybe you need 5000IU per day of vitamin D
Oh, I do that, too. Something about the natural light, though, makes a big difference.
Cmon! It’s light until at least 5:30pm now.
In a a country with that much dark parts of the year, 10,000 probably wouldn’t be too much. I’d definitely invest in sun lamps.
I still find amusing the Muslim refugees in far north Europe who were trying to keep Ramadan by not eating from sunrise to sunset
“Oh, sunset’s still six weeks away donchaknow.”
“You want a dose of “shit, I’m getting old”? Just think about this for a few minutes.”
Berlin wall? The ink is still wet on that story. I watched Richard Nixon announce his resignation on live TV.
Same here. I also watched the broadcast of the first Moon landing on a black & white TV.
I watched on color TV, although everything was sort of gray. I just had to signal my superiority.
Of course it was in color. And it had Tom Hanks.
“Moon landing”. You mean you watched the Hollywood studio do it’s thing
a black & white TV
You must have come from a rich family. We had to watch it via shadow lantern.
You joke (maybe) but I had to watch it at school. On their black and white TV.
At school? The first step was almost 11:00 pm on the east coast. I remember my mom making me and my cousin stay up to watch it happen.
I watched it at school… in the 1990s.
Europe, 7AM – they presumably held the footage over.
One of my earliest memories is of some hippie that was tripping on LSD. 1975 or so and we were playing in the park when we heard people yelling at him to come down. He came down alright. On his noggin. First dead body I had ever seen.
When I was a kid we had hippies that hung around the cemetery in the center of town. My Dad mocked them every time we drove past. One time my grandmother took us into town while they were about. She told them they needed to bath and get jobs.
I come from a long proud line of shitlords.
Gotta say that I’d take a 70’s hippie over a 2018 SJW any day. Not saying much, but it’s something.
Be careful what you wish for.
“People have completely forgotten that in 1972 we had over nineteen hundred domestic bombings in the United States.” — Max Noel, FBI (ret.)
I have a piece of that wall on my desk right here. I stole it fair and square, suck it Germany!
I was drafted when Ike and Dick were running for re-election.
Is your handle a reference to your age?
Type louder, he can’t hear you.
I asked because Ike’s re-election campaign would have been 1956, and an 18 year old in 1956 would be 80 in 2018, or four score years old. So to be draftable in that timeframe, Fourscore would have to be at least eighty.
I was actually 19 when I got drafted, 1956
Well, it’s early in 2018 yet.
Welcome. Not sure if you got the accusation of being Tulpa treatment yet.
That’s Mr Tulpa, please
Interesting note from the 1956 election page on Wikipedia:
I did not realize the GOP’s support among blacks had already been in decline before the 1960s. I figured Nixon would’ve been the first Republican winner to get less than 50% of the black vote, but it looks like it was Ike*.
* = Granted, the last Republican winner was Hoover, and at the time he was elected many blacks couldn’t vote.
The Greek prime minister, Alexis Tsipras, has called for parliament to investigate whether two of his predecessors and eight former ministers accepted bribes from the Swiss drugmaker Novartis, after allegations of industrial-scale bribery involving senior politicians.
Bribery? In Greece of all places? I don’t believe it.
At least someone was making an honest buck.
The Greek prime minister, Alexis Tsipras
He’s lasted longer than I thought he would. Then again, what’s not to like? Former communist, now a “democratic socialist”.
So did Flynn lie or not? I believe he agreed to plead guilty only because of the threat to his kid.
Comey Told Congress General Flynn DID NOT Lie Under Oath
What threat to his kid?
Mueller threatened to charge Flynn’s son with violations of the Foreign Agents Registration Act. Flynn could easily beat the charges against himself.
I see you got promoted to Col. Congratulations.
YouTube CEO says Facebook should ‘get back to baby pictures’
Google’s Susan Wojcicki joins chorus attacking Facebook, while social network says it doesn’t know what people ‘find meaningful’
Cat fight!
They are correct.
Facebook’s problem is they think that their algorithims can calculcate based on revealed preferences as signaled by their click and cookie history what people consider important.
They are wrong
Those crumbs appear to have been reinvested in ways that help the government get more revenue.
More people making more money paying taxes. Something something laffer curve.
It’s a scam!
Say yes to blowjobs policy to be tested next year. It is only to promote kindness. Nothing kinder than throwing someone a pity fuck.
It’s consent when the school makes you say yes.
But Richard, who said she understands their perspective, said that forcing children to do something they don’t want to do sends the wrong message.
Well, that is kind of the idea of school…
“So…schoolgirls HAVE to say yes?” /OMWC
Wait, they are on to something.
We can eliminate rape in one fell swoop by simply making it illegal for people to say no.
Who can oppose the complete elimination of rape?
I’ve been saying this for years. Dedicate a few cycles to thinking about how much less competitive and violent things could be if you could literally fuck whoever you want whenever you want.
A “high-level group” of Commonwealth leaders is meeting in London to review the governance of Commonwealth nations – amid a report that it will also discuss the succession to Queen Elizabeth when she dies.
The session will bring together seven former ministers and senior officials from across the organisation. It is developing policies on the future governance of the Commonwealth and, according to a report by the BBC, will also examine who should take over on the Queen’s death.
Succession to lead the organisation is not hereditary and will not pass automatically to the Prince of Wales.
If they don’t behead Charles in the process it is not much fun…
Tard Tuesday: Vegetable Solidarity Edition
fighting…white supremacy
First you have to able to find it.
Exactly, my first thought was “define white supremacy”.
We sincerely believe that fighting injustice and white supremacy is a responsibility that can- and should- unite us all.
There’s two problems here. One is lumping “injustice” and “white supremacy” together. It has that nice, warm, fuzzy feel to it but there are injustices that aren’t perpetrated by whites, and there are injustices perpetrated by whites but not in the name of the superiority of their skin color.
The other problem is that the cause of fighting white supremacy can’t “unite us all” if support for white supremacy is high. If we’re all united in fighting it, then none of us are for it, which means it’s not a problem that needs fighting.
That really just leaves the vast majority “fighting” a tiny minority, which is not a “fight” anybody is likely to win. Die-hard racists are not going to be convinced by your appeals to rationality or peace or brotherly love. Unless you are going to wage a literal war against neo-Nazis, skinheads, the Aryan Brotherhood, Klansmen, etc., there is no meaningful “fight” to be had.
“We struggle to see how anyone other than self-identified white supremacists would take this as a personal attack.”
We are good people. If you dont agree with us you are evil.
Its amazing in a world filled with such stunning and brave, and don’t forget intelligent and empowered, leftists, nobody even lifted a finger to put a stop or even place a speed bump int he way of this bulbous cretin of a human being.
And all the while accusing others of being sexual harassers when sexual harassment seems most prevalent among hollywood leftists.
how south Boston is depicted.
Gray. Especially in winter.
Recently gentrified Irish ghetto?
Tard Tuesday: Tard Rant Alert
“They know Trump is a mentally-deficient, pathological liar who is totally unfit for office.”
As opposed to his opponent, that pathological liar, criminal, and health basket who denigrated half the country for not agreeing with her.
Gotta hand it to The Donald. He’s burrowed into the lefties’ psyches like a tick.
Living rent free in their heads, hell, Trump dumped on their rug and stripped the copper.
Not Many People Know That!
If they know all that and still voted against Hillary, what does that say about her?
They know.
It’s settled.
/goes back to performing self-lobotomy.
mentally-deficient, pathological liar who is totally unfit for office.
Enough about Hillary.
They know he is a racist, a misogynist, and a sexual predator who has zero respect for women, POCs, the disabled, and veterans
There is literally zero evidence of this. But keep rolling with it. I’m sure it won’t hurt Team Blue’s chances in the midterms and next presidential election.
They know he is too stupid to govern, and too self-serving to lead.
Which is why he was able to lead such a successful private career as a business executive and entertainer…
I can’t read more of that drivel. I really wish they would stop so I wouldn’t have to defend the man. Get some legitimate criticisms.
Yes, I’m sure they know all about the phantoms living in your head, you just projected them right out there.
Shit, take out the parts that are overly specific to Trump and you could read “he” as Obama instead, with the Democrats being the complicit party. I’m getting really sick of this “politics is messed up and it’s all the other party’s fault” schtick. The American voters, the political parties, the elected officials, the civil servants, the appointed judges; they are all complicit in making this bed that we all now lie in. It did not start with Trump and it will not end with him either, certainly not so long as he is the scapegoat.
This began when the people traded some freedom for security; it began when they traded their fellow citizens’ inalienable rights for politicians’ empty promises of well-being and safety; it continued and expanded when, time after time, the system was revealed as corrupt and irredeemable but instead of scrapping it and starting anew, the voting populace doubled down on it; it is defended and reinforced every time some apologist, within or without, extols its imaginary virtues and denigrates its accurate critics.
There is no such thing as “good government”. There are three kinds of governments. There are governments that are feared by the people, there are governments that placate the people, and there are governments that fear the people. The latter form is the only one that can approach some semblance of respectability because it must constantly account for itself to an entity which is more powerful than it. The welfare-warfare state is the middle kind; it does not fear you and you may not (overtly) fear it, but it exists without any real regard for your interests, except insofar as those interests can be bought and turned into votes, a blind eye, or propaganda. The institution is corrupt from bottom to top, and there is nobody to blame except ourselves. Government is not god and it never will be; it is an all-consuming beast which will abuse any power or prerogative it is given. Why? Because it is no better than the people it presides over; how could it be? It is not led by angels, it is led by men. A people that will create a government which steals from some to give to others, or which will wage wars without regard to the lives and liberties lost, and consider themselves righteous for having done it, will certainly not draw from themselves a governing class of higher values than that.
Philippines: Rodrigo Duterte orders soldiers to shoot female rebels ‘in the vagina’
President branded a misogynist and macho-fascist after saying mutilating women fighters would make them “useless”
He was an admirer of trump so I assume he just mistaken grab for shoot.
Duterte mentioned the Visayan word “bisong”, meaning vagina, repeatedly throughout the speech, although it was later censored from an official Palace transcript, replaced simply with a dash.
I’d replaced it with a colon.
Lost in translation
President branded a misogynist
Thousands of men murdered by the Duterte regime, women shot in the vagina hardest hit.
Meghan Markle
Would. So very much.
Also, I can’t believe that American goddess is marrying a limy Brit.
Recently heard on James Delingpole’s podcast: the Merkle/Markle game. Would you rather Markle’s body with Merkle’s head, or the other way around?
Markle’s body. Light off doggy style (in romanian it is strangely called goat style)
Fred Merkle?
Markle’s body with Merkle’s head
Are paper bags available?
I remember there was a group in Canada who wanted different Royalty then the Brits and wanted to make Harry king of Canada when William became king of England. Now there were probably 3 crazy guys who wanted this and it is not feasible, but it would be funny if an American actress would become queen of Canada.
I was off line the last few days and missed the anniversary thread. Happy anniversary glibs, and thanks to all who make this site possible. Coincidentally, today is my 19th wedding anniversary, so it will be easier in the future to remember that, now that I know it’s right after the Glibertarians anniversary.
missed the anniversary thread
Not even flowers?
Congrats on 19 years, Kevin!
But more importantly, how’s your hockey team doing?
We are doing pretty well this year, thanks for asking. I don’t know our exact record but we are above .500. Last year at this time we hadn’t won a single game.
Also this year, 5 of our A team players will be in the Paralympics, and they are training with Team USA right now. You can see some of them in the commercials during Olympic coverage. To fill in the roster they moved me up to the A team for a few tournaments. (I went from Tier 5 all the way up to Tier 1!) We had our first A team tournament a few weeks ago. Despite only 7 skaters, 4 of us pretty inexperienced, we went 3-1. It was very, very fast and physically very challenging, but I kept up and had no major fuck ups. I scored one goal against Women’s Team USA.
Top shelf?
Sounds like a blast, man! Always cool when you take on a challenge and find that you’re up to it. No more Tier 5 for you!
Top shelf – that’s where you keep the peanut butter!
I never heard Darren Pang actually say that calling a real game, but he said it all the time on NHL Face Off on my ol’ PS1 back in the day.
Ever seen this?
Not top shelf, it was a redirect from a pass behind the net. I usually miss those, but not that time!
I am still playing Tier 5 as well, but I am hearing that next year some players will move and some will retire. So we’ll see, I might play both again, or move up, depends on who shows up in October. With our A team so stacked it’s been very hard to crack that lineup.
They know his assault on the middle-class is literally ruining the lives of millions, and is preventing millions of hard-working Americans from surviving, no less getting ahead.
[citation needed]
Leftist fantasies don’t come with citations. It’s just sad to me that anyone can take these unhinged loons seriously.
Lesbian Catholic school teacher gets fired after getting married to her partner. Parents are surprised that the school was actually Catholic and not the Jesuit wishy-washy “yeah, we’re ‘Catholic’ *wink* *wink*” kind of school.
Best line: “She said the principal spoke to each of the parents but did not give a reason for the firing.”
So, did she not read her contract? I know that conservative Protestant schools have contracts that require adhering to a code of conduct, which generally includes restrictions on personal behavior that conflicts with their doctrinal teaching, so I’d imagine the Catholic schools would do the same.
Last night I was reading Ascent of Man by (((Jacob Bronowski))).
He makes a good point about the industrial revolution (and capitalism itself):
to paraphrase:
Bah, the left say it’s worse than it’s ever been.
What’s bizarre is that they say that the Industrial Revolution is when things got really bad, when in reality, that’s when a majority of people began to move out of subsistence farming and into something like a middle-class life.
What most people whine about is child labor. As Tom Woods puts it: “What do they think kids were doing before that, skipping through meadows all day?”
Sitting in Intersectionality Studies Classes, duh.
I like to point out to them that even the lower classes in America are living better than the richest of kings did only a few hundred years ago. They have modern vaccinations and drugs to keep them from dying from childhood diseases or even a common bacterial infection. They have indoor plumbing, heat, and air conditioning. They have automobiles, refrigeration, no fear of getting sick or dying from spoiled food, plenty of nutritious food available at all times, 24/7, easy access to knowledge and learning of all types, instant communication devices, cheap entertainment. I could go on all day.
The lefties reply is always ‘but that doesn’t matter, it’s all about equality and the billionaires today are even more richer than the poor!’.
So this is what they are all about. Better to go back to days of peasants, famines, and diseases killing people in their 20s, if they’re lucky to live that long, than for even one person to have a dollar more than anyone else. Envy, that’s the only wood needed.
Why does the president have six fingers on his left hand?
::rising intonation:: someone doesn’t read the links!
Where is this in the links?
A better question is why his hand appears to be almost as long as his forearm.
The link doesn’t have the close-up picture. This is a corollary to the links. You’re in time out
He killed Inigo Montoya’s father?
Alien? A witch?!
I thought the Kremlin playbook was to nationalize the media, “disappear” critical voices and make sure there was nought but praise for the administration from the official channels.
Putin must be happy with the new weaponry that the military is going to send to Ukraine. 32 dimensional chess.
Eric Boehlert is an ignorant twat. This is known.
Pravda had a pay wall?
It’s the Kremlin playbook to have us spend even MOAR on the military? They must be playing some multi-dimensional chess that us mere mortals cannot fathom.
Putin’s actually a super villain, like in the Marvel comics. He decides our elections and controls the American president like a puppet, after all. It’s hard to get more powerful than that here on earth. I just can’t figure out a reason why he just doesn’t just declare himself supreme overlord.
I don’t see how people believe public media is a good idea. I can’t see a way this is not used for propaganda.
It depends on who those ‘people’ are, and whether they believe that a given political ideology has an end point to be achieved, at which point they have “won”.
Obviously it’s a good idea if you’re a democrat. Free propaganda paid for by the tax payers.
Relevant comment:
Jon Xavier ? ? ?
Follow Follow @jxav
Replying to @EricBoehlert
Yes, the Kremlin is well known for its crusade against state-owned media.
Is that Tundra in the thread?
Why are you speechless? He worked for Media Matters. Par for the course.
The ignorance is pretty shocking though I agree. Every time they open their mouths or tweet it only solidifies (my contempt for their stupidity) the notion they never cracked open a fricken history book covering the periods c. 1890-1970.
Note to self: Don’t forget Susan Rice is full of shit.
ordinary people did not have soap, cotton underwear or glass in their windows
Cheap Chinese Crap! Consumerism is the o0piate of the people.
No justice, no windows!
A central question of economics is why some nations experienced economic growth and are now rich, when others have not and are poor. We go some way to answering this core question by estimating and testing a model of the English economy beginning four or five centuries before the first Industrial Revolution. Western Europe experienced the earliest modern economic growth and also showed a uniquely high female age at first marriage – around 25 – from at the latest the 15th century. Whereas real wages actually began a sustained rise during the first Industrial Revolution, without the contribution of late marriage, average living standards in England would not have risen by 1870.
We utilise long time series evidence, some dating back to 1300, and test the hypothesis that this West European Marriage Pattern was an essential reason for England’s precocious economic development. Persistent high mortality in the 14th and 15th centuries and massive mortality shocks such as the Black Death lowered life expectations. Subsequently as survival chances improved, especially for children, a given completed family size could be achieved with a smaller number of births. In an environment without artificial birth control, a rise in the age at first marriage of females ensured this reduction in fertility.
Or did late marriages occur because of industrialization.
Next study: Ireland during the Potato Famine was quite wealthy on a per capita basis
Well depends on the precedence I assume
I think enclosure was a bigger contributing factor to the UK’s early industrialization than what these researchers really really want to be the reason for UK’s early industrialization.
Enforceable property rights for all.
an oldy but a goldy
Modern apologists of Islam try to downplay the evident materialism and sexual implications of such descriptions, but, as the Encyclopaedia of Islam says, even orthodox Muslim theologians such as al Ghazali (died 1111 CE) and Al-Ash’ari (died 935 CE) have “admitted sensual pleasures into paradise”. The sensual pleasures are graphically elaborated by Al-Suyuti (died 1505 ), Koranic commentator and polymath. He wrote: “Each time we sleep with a houri we find her virgin. Besides, the penis of the Elected never softens. The erection is eternal; the sensation that you feel each time you make love is utterly delicious and out of this world and were you to experience it in this world you would faint. Each chosen one [ie Muslim] will marry seventy [sic] houris, besides the women he married on earth, and all will have appetising vaginas.”
One of the reasons Nietzsche hated Christianity was that it “made something unclean out of sexuality”, whereas Islam, many would argue, was sex-positive. One cannot imagine any of the Church fathers writing ecstatically of heavenly sex as al-Suyuti did, with the possible exception of St Augustine before his conversion. But surely to call Islam sex-positive is to insult all Muslim women, for sex is seen entirely from the male point of view; women’s sexuality is admitted but seen as something to be feared, repressed, and a work of the devil.
As Luxenberg’s work has only recently been published we must await its scholarly assessment before we can pass any judgements. But if his analysis is correct then suicide bombers, or rather prospective martyrs, would do well to abandon their culture of death, and instead concentrate on getting laid 72 times in this world, unless of course they would really prefer chilled or white raisins, according to their taste, in the next.
“the penis of the Elected never softens”
That sounds… uncomfortable.
Maybe SugarFree is actually an ageless, malevolent entity that has wiled away the centuries writing under many names.
He’s like a vampire, but for smut.
Wouldn’t that mean I drink smut? Like preyed on the purveyors of smut so I could guzzle hot, spurting smut right from their throbbing smut veins?
I don’t simile well.
Maybe like a Highlander for smut. Now that Hugh Hefner is dead, soon will come the final battle for the prize.
There can only be one.
Except instead of decapitating other immortals, STEVE SMITH them to death using a special, uh, “sword”.
I really just wanted to write “throbbing smut veins.”
It’s quite an apt metaphor for the incessant fucking you get from the ruling class.
UK: Scoutmaster fired for calling niqab “Darth Vader tent”
A Scoutmaster in the UK, Brian Walker, complained about a niqab-wearing canoeist: “Canoeists don’t dress like this; they need all-round unobstructed vision so they protect the group. They will most likely drown wearing that Darth Vader tent.” The Scouting Association fired him, saying that “inclusivity is at the heart of modern scouting and is a value we hold dear.”
Following this he was expelled last March for breaching the movement’s values of integrity, respect, car and co-operation and could bring the Scouts into disrepute, the newspaper reports.
The ex-SAS and armed forces man said that, as a father of disabled children, he understood the point of inclusivity and would have no problem working in a Scout group with Muslim or LGBT children.
In an appeal hearing last year Walker, from Bristol, said “I did not mean to offend anyone personally, but was making a wider point about the values of Scouting”.
The left loves to conflate chosen behavior with unalterable conditions. I’m sorry this guy felt the need to deny the reality of an actual physical risk in order to sate the mob.
Like every other progressive, inclusive organisation, Islamic State offers equal opportunity considerations to its staff. Enjoy this sweet testimonial: “It’s true that I’m disabled, but I’ve been given a lot of suggestions in terms of areas I could work in.”
Assisted by Islamic State, disabled Abu Abdillah Ash-Shami chose to work in the short-term high-risk area of suicide bombing:
A new ISIS video shows a wheelchair-bound jihadist being loaded into a bomb-outfitted pickup before he drives off and detonates the vehicle-borne improvised explosive device …
He killed Inigo Montoya’s father?
That whooshing noise you heard was this reference going right over my head.
“My name is Inigo Montoya. You Killed my father, prepare to die.”
“Hello, my name is Inigo Montoya, you killed my father- prepare to die.”
Do you even ‘Princess Bride’, brah?
In order for the reference to be correct, we will need to continue repeating this.
“My name is Inigo Montoya, you killed my father- prepare to die.”
Stop Saying that
I don’t see how people believe public media is a good idea. I can’t see a way this is not used for propaganda.
It’s perfectly okay, so long as they’re propagandizing *your* preferred version of the truth.
see, also: “public education”
Betsy Devos, will you marry me?
The Department of Education has decided it will not investigate or interfere if transgender students complain they are barred from bathrooms that match their chosen gender, according to Buzzfeed News.
On Thursday, Buzzfeed asked Liz Hill, a spokesperson for the Department of Education, if restroom complaints from transgender students are not covered by a 1972 federal civil rights law called Title IX. Hill answered, “Yes, that’s what the law says,” adding on Friday, “Title IX prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex, not gender identity.”
Now go one further. “You want the statute changed, go to Congress. Executive agencies are not responsible for reinterpreting the clear intent of Congress.”
Title IX prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex, not gender identity
Thank you.
When the new policy that agencies should not exceed their statutory mandate gets to the whole government, people are going to be shocked at the regs and “guidance” that gets tossed out.
“The Department of Education has decided it will not investigate or interfere if transgender students complain they are barred from bathrooms that match their chosen gender, according to Buzzfeed News.”
How dare DeVos not use the strong arm of the federal government to micromanage pee pee policies throughout the country, based upon ideas developed in college gender study classes. Federal pee pee policies were totes libertarian, I was told
Every time I read something about her, I like her more and more. Thankfully she’s doing all this under the radar, and everyone’s too busy talking about Trump’s hair and Pence sitting down.
A leftist acquaintance was hyperventilating about Trump one time and she said, “I mean, his secretary of education thinks that poor people shouldn’t be allowed to get an education!”
Any idea what the fuck this may have been in reference to? Or was it just a fabrication that floated around on Lefty media?
here ya go
Betsy DeVos Wants to Take Money From Poor Kids and Give it to Schools That Could Discriminate Against Them
short version- she wants to cut some spending and shift it to school vouchers
DeVos wants to take money from poor kids’ education and give it to… poor kids’ education.
Oh wait, DeVos wants to take money from Teachers’ Unions and give it to effective educators.
If you don’t force poor kids into shitty public schools and allow them to go to nice private schools you are depriving them of an education.
I don’t know where that came from. But since coverage of her using a private jet for travel omitted the key details of A: It was her own private jet, and B: she did not bill the taxpayer for it. So I would not be surprised if there were articles/reports spun in that manner.
Teacher’s Unions and their mouthpieces have no interest in telling the truth, after all, they know it makes no difference. They are fighting for their existence like cornered animals.
I just want to know whether it’s legal or not for me to eat a gay Nazi cake in the girls locker room.
That violates Ms. O’s food diktats, so no.
Confused couple travel to Belfast to see Red Hot Chili Pipers
Turns out it was a bagpipe cover band.
I’ve heard their work. I have no complaints.
Tell my ma when I go home
The boys won’t leave the girls alone
They pulled my hair and stole my comb
But that’s all right ’till I go home
She is handsome, she is pretty
She is the belle of Belfast city
She is courting, one two three
Please won’t you tell me who is she?
Oh, this is just precious – Buzzfeed hired some private investigations outfit run by a former FBI agent to supposedly verify the dossier. So the FBI themselves couldn’t do that but Buzzfeed is going to?
I was listening to the Fifth Column this morning and it was weird to hear Moynihan and Welch talking about how conspiratorial the Nunes memo was and how the FBI might have verified some of the Steele dossier. At some point, we have to realize that the people who still defend the Steele dossier are bigger conspiracy theorists than Alex Jones
how the FBI might have verified some of the Steele dossier
You mean, the verification that came from similar reports from the media, based on leaks from Steele himself?
Welch has not made himself look very good during this whole Russia fever dream episode. Moynihan is a idiot through and through, so I expect no less from him.
*blows whistle*
Uh, isn’t getting the warrant with an unverified dossier also a problem? Even if everything in it is 100% proven true now, it was just rumor then.
Everyone knows the hero cop can only save the day by going rogue, knowing full well his boss will ask for his gun and his badge.
Shut up! You’re a Russian bot
Hey man, don’t you even minority report?
But when it comes to speaking out against systems of oppression and injustice, we see it as our moral responsibility to use our position of privilege and power, along with the tools of our trade and the platforms available to us, to engage visibly and actively in the fight for justice. Our roadside sign messages are one small way we do this.
Resist we must
Stamp out White Power
Stop in today
For brown organic flour
In the dentists office where they are playing CNN live feed wherr some Intel chief in a Senate hearing is beating the war drum. I’ve had several exchanges on here lately with Just Say’n about the Moses institute being a little over the top on the anti-war stuff. I just want to clarify my position; the deep state is real and these stupid/evil fuckers in our military industrial complex/intelligence community really do want global war. I don’t dispute that.
“Moses institute”
They will lead us to the promised land.
Seriously, if Trump had not been so conciliatory toward Russia and opposed to escalating the conflict in Syria, I would bet money that this Russia fever dreams fiasco would never have occurred. Perpetual war is the objective here and both parties are largely cooperative in that endeavor.
yep, I said as much to a prog friend of mine via text this weekend, I think any honest observer can admit that R and D have no space between them in their desire for global hegemony. I think she got offended because she never responded. She’s totes anitwar…..when a repub is in office
My God- I had this conversation with so many progressive friends so many times recently. The Left has never been anti-war. I refuse to get burned by them again, like in 2006.
Ike warned us all.
The Purge – Minnesoda Nice version
A better question is why his hand appears to be almost as long as his forearm.
Perspective is a social construct, dude. Strike a blow against the patriarchy.
Brian Stelter: I’m smart. Not like everyone says- dumb. And I want respect!
Brian Stelter
Speaking of soy-boy, beta-male, human cue balls with exceedingly smug, punchable faces…
Lee Doren
Used to follow his YouTube. Is he still vloging or blogging or anything?
Funny, i subscribe to his channel but haven’t seen any updates in years.
probably because that’s what Youtube wants.
Someone pointed out in the comments that he looks like George Costanza and he absolutely does.
thinks the same way too: “it’s not a lie- if you believe it!”
My favorite part of this is the first exchange on the thread:
Brian Stelter
Verified account
11h11 hours ago
Replying to @LDoren
I have never called the president “mentally ill.” That’s simply untrue.
48 replies 0 retweets 28 likes
Reply 48 Retweet Like 28
Lee Doren
5h5 hours ago
More Lee Doren Retweeted Brian Stelter
Do you watch your own Show?Lee Doren added,
Brian Stelter
Verified account
It’s uncomfortable to say this on TV: Is Trump ill? Is he unfit to be president? And if he IS unfit — what then? http://money.cnn.com/video/news/2017/08/20/uncomfortable-questions-president-trump-brian-stelter-rs.cnnmoney/index.html …
16 replies 41 retweets 161 likes
Reply 16 Retweet 41 Like 161
Nice. Hey, he’s just sayin’. You of all people should understand that.
True. Maybe, I should rethink my opinion on Stelter
“I’m just asking questions here!”
Jeff Zucker: That’s the way Ted wanted it.
“So if I told you I identify as a a 6 ft tall Chinese women, you would accept that?”
Submitted without comment.
I was chuckling at the Obama extra finger thing (its not, really, its just the side of his hand, but it sure distracts) and it occurred to me that, if that was a tattoo on the InkMasters contest, they probably would have cut the artist for bizarre perspective, a bad background, poor proportions, and that almost-finger. So Obama’s official portrait isn’t even as good as what a frikkin’ tattoo artist could do.
On the Rice email/memo, holy shit. What an obvious, pathetic CYA memo with “guilty conscience” tattooed on its forehead. The timing, I believe, is within minutes of Trump’s inauguration, and concerns a purportedly routine, nothing-to-see-here meeting from weeks before. Of course its a pack of lies, but look at what the lie is to triangulate the truth. In particular, “The president stressed that he is not asking about, initiating or instructing anything from the law enforcement perspective.”
The wiretaps weren’t for law enforcement, they were for counterespionage. As such, before Obama changed the rules and/or his people broke the rules on unmasking, law enforcement would never see them. The “by the book” elsewhere in the email takes you back to the rule change on unmasking itself.
What a dumpster fire of a Presidency.
The only defense she can make is: “If I wanted to cover up something, would I send an email that clearly makes it look like I’m trying to cover up something?”
Seriously – who emails themselves? That alone is an obvious red flag that something is up.
I e-mail myself one-line pieces of information that I need at a different computer, but not long messages.
nice chain of reasoning here
the filler material is annoying, but you can definitely see the mental gears grinding in the interviews
Is it OK for a dress designer to refuse Melania Trump?
-Yes, because businesses should be allowed to refuse services. She can always a get a dress from someone else.
Is it OK for a Muslim singer to refuse a gig for singing in a church?
-Yes, because it would go against sincere religious beliefs. And why would a church specifically try to hire a Muslim singer? There are plenty of singers.
Is it OK for a Christian photographer to refuse to work at a gay wedding?
-Ah…um….I’m not sure.
Wow, that guy was annoying.
Madison is shooting fish in a barrel though.
“the filler material is annoying”
this is a bit of an understatement.
Congratulations to HM on his new movie
“This Leftist Sent The Single Stupidest Tweet In Human History About ‘Black Panther.’ It’s Incredible.”
I’m sure she’s totes the kind of person that would show up for the midnight screening on opening night for a comic book movie, and not just using this as a chance to signal.
Sounds like she supports segregated theaters
I don’t remember this much excitement over movies like Men of Honor, Something the Lord Made, or Hidden Figures.
You know, inspiring stuff that actually happened.
I get that it’s the first major black superhero movie, but it still seems weird to obsess about it.
Blade, Steel and Catwoman have sadz.
Oh yeah. Forgot about those.
Well, Blade was a vampire, so not quite a superhero.
Steel and Catwoman both did poorly, although Halle Berry’s Razzie acceptance speech was funny:
But her speech, when it finally came, went out of its way to spread the blame for Catwoman’s failure. “I want to thank Warner Brothers for casting me in this piece of shit,” she announced to tumultuous laughter. She added: “I’d like to thank the rest of the cast. To give a really bad performance like mine you need to have really bad actors.”
Blade started in superhero comics, and it was one of the earliest successful forays for Marvel into the cinema.
Don’t forget Hancock
I get that it’s the first major black superhero movie…
Are you kidding me?
Not to mention this one.
I was just wondering about that. Is Shaft a superhero? What about Serpico?
Shaft is a superhero. It is known.
Shut yo mouth!
Just talkin’ bout Shaft!
Abar: The First Black Superman
Sometimes I forget the link. FIRST BLACK SUPERMAN… it’s right there in the title.
Is she talking about glory holes in the booths at the dirty video store? Because it sounds like she is talking about glory holes.
Although I kinda get her concern that her presence will suck the joy out the movie, or pretty much any experience, but I don’t that’s limited to black people or caused by her whiteness. I think she sucks the joy out of any room she’s in because of her personality/
“Marvel Misses Another Easy Opportunity for LGBTQ Representation With Black Panther”
This is why you never pander – you can never pander enough to satisfy.
I have a D.va mouse pad just like that. Shut up, it was a gag gift.
But do you use it?
No, the ass is too big and I position my mouse at the edge of the table for optimal wrist flicking.
“The president stressed that he is not asking about, initiating or instructing anything from the law enforcement perspective.”
“I never told those guys to kill that priest.”
“Will no one rid me of these deplorables?”
So how much of the verbal tongue-bath lefties are giving the Kims is dumb partisan bitchiness, and how much genuine envy for a regime that brutally suppresses dissidents rather than having to rely on some psychopath on a softball field? Because, goddamn. These people are worrisome.
MOLON LABE motherfuckers.
I used to think being reactionary was primarily a conservative thing. Anymore I’m not so sure; the most distinct commonality I see that unites the various flavors of media pundits, SJWs, intellectuals, etc. Is a deep and abiding hatred of ‘deplorables.’ Paining any opposition as Nazi fascists, normalizing and justifying violence; worrisome as you say
Let them eat snack cake
Under the proposal, which was announced Monday, low-income Americans who receive at least $90 a month — just over 80 percent of all SNAP recipients — would get about half of their benefits in the form of a “USDA Foods package.” The package was described in the budget as consisting of “shelf-stable milk, ready to eat cereals, pasta, peanut butter, beans and canned fruit and vegetables.” The boxes would not include fresh fruits or vegetables.
Currently, SNAP beneficiaries get money loaded onto an EBT card they can use to buy what they want as long as it falls under the guidelines. The administration says the move is a “cost-effective approach” with “no loss in food benefits to participants.”
Douglas Greenaway, president of the National WIC Association, echoed that sentiment. “Removing choice from SNAP flies in the face of encouraging personal responsibility,” he said. He says “the budget seems to assume that participating in SNAP is a character flaw.”
It sounds like a stupendously idiotic and unworkable proposal, but I can’t help liking how the nannytarians have immediately leapt to a contrarian defense of “market based choices”. Because Trump.
They’ve jumped right into the pocket of Big Grocery.
Wasn’t “Government Cheese” the way they used to do nutrition assistance?
Yes, and it goes back to a controversial issue even within the private aid community. Is it better to give stuff or money.
Lots or research is going on in that now, some suggesting that cash payments are the best way to handle charity, in that it does the most good.
It’s a complicated issue.
In that the left loooooved Moochelle’s Food Sermons, it’s entirely reasonable to dictate what people can, and can’t eat, especially if they’re at the low end of the socioeconomic scale, but heaven forbid that you can be scolded AND forced to eat the kinds of food you were told you should be eating via government-assembled food parcels.
I don’t see much wrong with replacing at least a portion of SNAP with a ‘subsistence kit’, provided the assembly and distribution of the kits are achieved efficiently from an economic point of view. Yes, it’s important to provide even the poorest of welfare recipients with a degree of dietary autonomy, but on the other hand, if the objective of a welfare program is to ensure that its recipients have access to a basic level of shelter and nutrition, let’s ensure they get basic nutrition.
One of our clients is a grocer on the res who cashes food stamp checks from the state, each bearing itemized grocery lists for things like spinach, 2% milk, eggs, peanut butter, etc. No assembly required by the state or the grocer, as far as I can tell: shoppers bring the checks in and grab what they want.
Agree that cash payments are best for charity, but I wouldn’t consider SNAP charity. Seems to be more of a wealth distribution scheme.
There’s no shortage of people around here offering to sell me their food stamps at a discount. Or to pick up a grocery list for me and get reimbursed at a discount. I would never take them up on it, just pointing out any semblance of temporarily helping people feed their starving kids has long since passed. Though I am sure that a few people here and there truly do use it as a safety net and not a way of life.
With the cash payments for actual charity, I always get a kick out of wealthy kids and young adults going to third-world countries to “help” the inhabitants while padding their college applications. Just the airfare to get them there would hire more local labor who are probably more skilled, but that prevents the true purpose of being seen while doing it.
Nothing sobers you up on what welfare is about quite like ringing somebody up who’s dressed to the nines in designer clothes and whips out an EBT card.
“The package was described in the budget as consisting of “shelf-stable milk, ready to eat cereals, pasta, peanut butter, beans and canned fruit and vegetables.” The boxes would not include fresh fruits or vegetables.”
IOW, we’re not going to let them kill themselves from massive carb overdose, we’re going to mandate that they do so. OK then.
Junk that I wouldn’t eat /white privilege
Since they can’t use this to kill people anymore, they had to go to plan B.
Wait, food stamps cover abortifacients now?
Taking away lobster and porterhouse steaks from the poor, sad.
Also, this is something the government does while ALSO giving out food stamps.
Kim Jong-un’s sister in ‘PORN STAR’ shock
Critics of the proposal said distributing that much food presents a logistical nightmare. “Among the problems, it’s going to be costly and take money out of the [SNAP] program from the administrative side. It’s going to stigmatize people when they have to go to certain places to pick up benefits,” says Jim Weill, president of the nonprofit Food Research and Action Center.
Stacy Dean, vice president for food assistance policy at the Center for Budget and Policy Priorities, called the proposal “radical and risky.” The idea that the government could save money by distributing food itself, she said, is “ill-informed at best.”
It isn’t clear whether the boxes will come with directions on how to cook the foods inside. “It could be something that [SNAP recipients] don’t even know how to make,” notes Miguelina Diaz, whose team at Hunger Free America works directly with families to help them access food aid. “We deal with different people of different backgrounds. Limiting them by providing them a staple box would limit the choices of food they can prepare for their families.”
Nice. Not even a pretense of hiding their disdain for their clients.
Also- the government can’t efficiently provide food, but everything else they do runs like fucking clockwork. I’d say their main fear is the possibility of being kicked off the gravy train.
This whole government food depot thing sounds like a stupid idea that wouldn’t even effectively deliver benefits to people. But I do take issue with this idea that welfare should be some confidential thing so as not to “stigmatize” the recipients. I’ve heard about some states making EBT cards that look like a regular credit/debit card and don’t have any text on them about EBT or welfare. In my view, you’re living at everyone else’s expense, so if you don’t like it, get off of welfare.
Welfare should be as stigmatizing and embarassing as we can make it.
To get your monthly allotment of food you have to dress like an organ grinder monkey (RACISTTTT!) and do a little dance.
Thank you!! Next!
Related: FISKING THE “STOP TELLING POOR PEOPLE TO COOK” DOOFUS, WITH SPECIAL GUEST, MY MOM. The premise of the post being fisked in the link is that cooking at home isn’t cheaper, not really, because you need expensive, specialized equipment like pots and spatulas to pull it off.
Not for nothing, but I dropped five bucks and change on a 3lb package of boneless, skinless chicken thighs last night. A calorie counter tells me that’s almost 2600 kcal. Even going by the old dollar menu price of McDoubles, five bucks would gnab you somewhat less than that. Not to mention the carb overload. But hey, I’m one of those lucky SOBs who owns a cheap set of cutlery.
You buy pots, pans and cutlery once over a long span of time. Amortized over the number of meals you can make with them, they represent a negligable capital investment. And it’s not as if you need buy the whole set all at once.
The guy even admits as much, but gives the impression that poor people are just so fucking stupid that the premise of investing for long-term use is as alien as breathing through their nostrils instead of their dumb, stupid mouths. Also:
Or, you know, closing tags.
setting up a working kitchen can easily cost as much as a used car
Not including appliances, I think you can get a couple of knives, other cooking utensils, a frying pan, a couple of saucepans, some measuring spoons and cups, and even some mixing bowls for well under $200.
If you have to buy appliances, then you will need a range and a refrigerator. You can get a 10 cubic foot refrigerator/freezer for $400 or so, and an electric range for $400 or so. You could get a couple of decent countertop burners and a decent countertop “toaster oven” type cookerator for no more than $150.
Top dollar, assuming you have no appliances (which would be pretty unusual for the vast, vast majority of people) is $1,000. You could probably go from a bare walls room to a working kitchen for less than $400 if you passed on the range and went countertop instead.
A cast iron skillet with a lid will run you around $30, and you can perform pretty much any type of cooking in that. A spatula can be had for $5.
Once again, I think it’s a big misconception that cooking healthy food at home is expensive. There are tons of healthy ingredients that are very, very cheap: lentils, collard greens, canned tuna, and even regular meats like chicken, pork, and beef if you grab it on sale. Hell, ground beef is always cheap (some would say it’s unhealthy because of the fat, but just drain the fat off, or eat it – dietary intake of fat is probably not what’s making you obese but rather an excess of carbs combined with a lack of exercise).
buy pots, pans and cutlery once over a long span of time
But after you use them, they’re disgusting. Don’t you just have to throw them away and get a new set the next time you want to cook?
Not sure where you are but here Boneless skinless thighs are now more expensive than Breast and the sale price is almost $3 a lb.
The point of the article is in the end not entirely wrong. A good rule of thumb is half the price of a meal out and that is what it would cost you to eat in.
So you spent $5 and change for the chicken thighs. Now throw in milk/eggs and flour oil to fry them, energy to heat the oil, energy to run the refrigerator until you are ready to cook and then eat them, and finally the fractional depreciation value of the stove, bowls, pans, knives etc and you are looking at ~$10 for probably around 3600 kcal.
For $16 you can go to McDonalds and get 64 McNuggets for 3610 kcal
So cooking it yourself only saved you 38% in this case and now you have to add in the opportunity cost and value of your time. Now throw in the risk that you make a mistake and burn the food or otherwise render it inedible, if McDonalds does that they bear the cost, if you do it you bear the cost.
Yes cooking it yourself is healthier and will save you money, however it is very unlikely to be enough money to make a significant difference in the life of a poor person. Telling poor people to cook at home is good advise but it is not a game changer for them because the savings are not as great as they are made out to be.
So you’re saying they’re nothing but crumbs?
lol no better than crumbs, more like a sleeve of saltine crackers (store brand of course) but the difference between eating out and cooking at home for a poor person is not going to be the difference between remaining poor their whole lives and retiring to a posh Miami retirement community either.
I’ve heard about some states making EBT cards that look like a regular credit/debit card and don’t have any text on them about EBT or welfare.
Yes. But- if you look at the register screen, it says, “EBT” when payment is made. I stopped looking, because some days, it seemed like everybody but me was paying with an EBT card.
The least they could do is have an alarm bell ring, and a big LCD display with an arrow, pointing to the cardholder, amirite?
“Salon Runs Bitcoin Mining Software on Readers’ Computers
Salon is the first major website to install CoinHive, a web app frequently used to defraud website readers by harnessing their computer’s processing power to mine for cryptocurrency.
With the widespread adoption of ad-blocking software, Salon—like other websites—is seeing a loss of ad revenue. To counter its declining numbers, the publication offers readers the option to either disable their ad-blocking software or “suppress ads” by “allowing Salon to use your unused computing power.”
Salon couches its use of CoinHive in vague terms, explaining in a runabout way that “Salon is instructing your processor to run calculations.” Following a lengthy, useless explanation of their seemingly altruistic use of the technology, Salon states that it is “applying your processing power to help support the evolution and growth of blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies.””
We r stealin ur clock cyclez an’ sheet.
Holy shit, this is fucking hilarious. Of course it would be someplace like Salon first.
If we’re really going to start distributing sustenance rations to the poor, they should absolutely include three or four cartons of unfiltered Pall Malls.
No menthol option?
Now we know 6 is a KOOL man.
Who’s been putting out their Kools on my floor?!?
Unfiltered Pell Mell https://youtu.be/BXRK20fmI-g
Many years ago, 50-60, my elderly parents got some kind of subsistence coupons, similar to food stamps. My mother rejoiced that at a rural store she could trade the coupons for pipe tobacco for my Dad and dish washing soap. She didn’t think of it as a black market or illegal, it was just a way to help low income people stretch their dollars. I’m guessing she wasn’t alone.
“Candy Heart messages written by a neural network”
The love that will not be denied.
I’d open the pod bay 4 u
Sammy Sosa engagement photo LOL.
Is he a white hispanic now?
There’s definitely some role playing going on in that house.
Someone page HM
He’s been getting bleached for years. Apparently it’s a somewhat common thing for rich Dominicans of the melanistic persuasion.
Speaking of poor people and food.
Site overloaded. Get an upgrade, Correia!
It’s funny as hell.
It’s fantastic. I especially enjoy the “at least the recipe calls for garlic powder not fresh garlic” bit – garlic is a whopping 49 cents per bulb at Kroger. MY GOD, THE UNIMAGINABLE LUXURY AND DECADENCE OF IT ALL!!!!!
Toss some of that garlic in some of that luxury foil with some butter and salt and pepper and roast it on high and you might as well consider yourself a Rockefeller for ten minutes.
There’s not a lot I can read that makes me actually upset. This Jef fucker has managed to do it. This dumb fucker has no idea what it means to be poor. That buying a pizza when you burn dinner line sent me over the edge.
“Just scraped the burnt parts off, it’s fine”
Larry is my got damned hero. And his books are top notch.
“YouTube has (wrongly) taken down the @120dezibel #120db video.”
You know what libertarians do after sex?
Say ¡Gracias! and share a joint with the person they just cornholed?
-Reason editor
*golf clap*
2008: Explain why we should go back to the gold standard.
2016: Explain why we should all start using Bitcoin.
2017: FOOD TRUCKS!@!!!! Also Italian immigrants were once looked down on.
Italian Immigrant Food Trucks?
Are we talking about the Wandering Dago court case again?
In the NYT’s case, I’d say it’s already dead.
It’s pining for the fjords!
Correlation, have you seen causation anywhere?
Hah! This cracked me up – reading a story about my Rangers and how their prospect Lias Andersson will be staying in the AHL instead of returning to Sweden, there’s a link to the announcement by his Swedish team that he’s not returning. I learned that his Swedish team, Frölunda, is the…..Indians. How could our incredibly progressive Scandi betters have a team named the Indians (with a logo to match)????
Also, man, the advertising on Euro hockey jerseys…..ugh
That’s just weird.
So not woke! Shut them down!
Rangers in town tonight. Should be a fun game.
For the Wild, I’m sure it would be. I’m all about the tanking now – both to finally get Vigneault fired AND bring in a top notch young talent in the draft.
Yes, I’d rather tank and rebuild than be a slightly-better-than-500 team that gets knocked out of the playoffs in the first round. Alas, that’s our fate for the foreseeable future.
I understood why they kept trying to cobble together a playoff team the last two years – Lundqvist doesn’t have long left as a top goalie. But it’s over – this team simply isn’t a contender, nor will it be with a few more band-aids. I have no faith in Jeff Gorton, though. Everyone on the NHL roster besides Buchnevich, Skjei, Kreider, and Zibanejad should be available for the right price. Maybe not Miller, I go back and forth on him. He can look so good sometimes and so bad other times, but he’s still only 23 or 24.
Most players start to decline by 30. If he hasn’t figured it out by 25, I’d be concerned. See Charlie Coyle.
But do they have a team named the Lapps?
Rachel Weisz the Wise
Actress Rachel Weisz (“The Mummy”) will not be waving pom-poms for team “Jane Bond” anytime soon and rejects the politically correct notion that the famed MI6 agent, James Bond, should get a sex-change operation to appease feminists who prefer to leach off a successful franchise rather than invent their own character.
Speaking with The Telegraph, Weisz, whose husband Daniel Craig has played the character for the franchise’s past three entries, said “no” to the question on whether a femme should replace 007. Her reasoning: women deserve their own characters.
“[Fleming] devoted an awful lot of time to writing this particular character, who is particularly male and relates in a particular way to women,“ she said. “Why not create your own story rather than jumping on to the shoulders and being compared to all those other male predecessors? Women are really fascinating and interesting and should get their own stories.”
Clearly, a sexist, misogynist shitlord.
Cate Archer, for example.
Sadly, nobody seems to know who owns the rights.
That was a really good game and I don’t know how anyone managed to fuck the legal situation up so badly.
“I’m an idiot and I want the world to know it.”
“Stupidest tweet in human history”
That’s a pretty high bar to clear.
Such sad creatures they are
Five years ago I would have thought all of those tweets were parody. Poe’s Law is dead.
Change “saved” to “ended” and they’re right.
“I cheated on my boyfriend with my rapist”
I dropped five bucks and change on a 3lb package of boneless, skinless chicken thighs last night.
Mmmmm, tasty, tasty chicken thighs.
The sun is shining, the temp has broken out of the teens, and Bridger Bowl is calling my name.
So long, suckers!
*hums Mr. Blue Sky*