Howdy from my new job, which happens to be in the same chair, with the same keyboard (but different computer) as my old job. Lots and lots and lots of memory-dump/getting-to-know-you meetings. Oh, and I’m off to Dearborn, MI next week.
SP and SugarFree compiled the following which I present in front of the afternoon linkses:
The charmingly named Certified Public Asshat’s question yesterday about the possibility of an awards show (obviously to be named The Glibbies) for the site. This led to some of us wondering about site statistics for our first year. Imposing on the infinite forbearance of our beloved SP, she compiled some for us.
Total number of posts: 1545
Total number of comments: 465,597
Average comments per day: 1275
Average comments per hour: 53
Total number of registered commenters: 628
Top ten most commented on posts:
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Mr. Lizard’s people appear to have successfully deflected blame when their spies were caught by Iranians.
Fucking record revenues, and we’re still $175B behind for the year. Fuck the whole Congress right in the neck.
Trump-hater gives reality check to Never-Trumpers.
What do you do when the super-computer isn’t running nuclear simulations? Mine bitcoin, of course. Bitcoins are going to turn out to be the most energy intensive currency since the Spanish piece of eight.
The sixties were a weird time. This is pop that if you strip it down, sing it in a growl becomes a whole different song.
HuffPo: Meet Miss Velvet, The Dominatrix Who Requires The Men Who Hire Her To Read Black Feminist Theory
Which I’m sure is more painful than the beatings she delivers, amirite?
Still waiting for her first customer…
Nah, there’s always self-loathing men with money.
She’s not bad, but definitely not worth it
These people make sex so godawful boring.
If I was into that sort of thing, reading black feminist history would probably be right up my alley.
*clenches cheeks*
You need to relax, and just let it happen.
For the love of god Alligator
(for those not in the know, Alligator is a fairly commonly used safe word)
(for those REALLY not in the know, a safe word is a prearranged phrase used in BDSM play that the sub can use to put an immediate stop on everything because they find the current situation more than than can handle either physically or emotionally. It may just lead to a short break or it may end the scene entirely it just depends on why they are safe wording. The key to a good safe word is it must be memorable, noticeable, and not anything you would ever conceivably say in the context of the scene)
blueberry pancakes is my safe word. It’s a good one, because it’s recognizable and can’t be taken in the wrong context.
Hasenpfeffer! Hasenpfeffer!
schlemiel, schlimazel, hasenpfeffer incorporated!
That’s what got me arrested. My ‘safe word’ was “MORE SALAMI!”
It was fine until that time with chick from Bensonhurst.
Wait so we lowered taxes and the total revenue increased? That Art Laffer guy might actually have something here…..
AAnnndddd… It’s Gone
we lowered tax rates and the total revenue increased?
shoot, yeah, that’s what I meant. Thanks
Anesthetize yourself from the gaping void of existence with T&A.
1, 3, 7, 17, 21, 26, 29, 34, 39, 49.
I see these picture have a posterior focus. It’s good to change it up
I try to keep things fresh.
All of them
Yusuf is correct.
I think #17 is Angela White.
Q’s daily struggle.
Pretty much.
3, 5, 7,12, 26, 33, 49
“Trump-hater gives reality check to Never-Trumpers”
I never understood this line of thinking. How would Pence be worse than Trump? If anything, he wouldn’t be as boorish. I would have thought he’d have a more agressive foreign policy, but Trump is backtracking on most of his foreign policy restraint talk
They view Pence as evil but competent. They view Trump as a dangerously crazy incompetent.
“Trump is backtracking on most of his foreign policy restraint talk”
That’s where he’s losing me. I thought if he could do good on taxes and regulation and back off our military adventurism, then I would be good with him. He’s not doing the military part. He’s just continuing Bush’s 5th term as far as i can tell.
I’m double plus unhappy with the budget as well.
The budget is shit, but I expected that from Trump. I’m pissed at the Rs in Congress about that. They can all go fuck themselves for having the gall to act like fiscal conservatives under obama and sell out the first chance they get under trump. Fucking spineless parasites. I hope they all lose their elections.
He’s continuing Obama’s ninth year in office. Just like Obama was completing Bush’s fifth year in office when he started. They’re all pushing the same god damn madness
Scott Horton has been reduced to try to communicate to Trump using his language
That’s glorious and peaceful trolling.
I had the pleasure of attending one of Horton’s webinars at Thad Russell’s new online school. Solid, the man knows his shit.
I’ve been paying attention to some of Russells stuff lately. I would like to do the scott horton we binary when I can find time. I listened to his interview with russell. It was good.
I’m half way through Fools Errand right now. Libertarian must read.
That’s something else I need to do. I have heard nothing but good stuff about that book.
Yeah, I’ve heard a number of interviews with Horton, particularly on Tom Woods’ show.
I general, I agree with Horton. There’s just something about him that bugs me. maybe it’s the constant refrain of “Israel make the US do its bidding,” or the idea that anything bad in the world is bound to have been caused by US foreign policy.
I just don’t see the criticism to be even-handed. Maybe I’m not being fair, as Horton’s not as bad as Lew Rockwell in this department.
I’ve heard a number of interviews with Horton, particularly on Tom Woods’ show. In general, I agree with his foreign policy views.
There’s just something that bugs me about him. Perhaps it’s the constant refrain of “US foreign policy is largely driven by Israeli interests.” Or the idea that most of the bad situations in the world’s hot spots can be laid at the US government’s feet.
No doubt DC has a lot to answer for. There doesn’t seem to be an even handedness when discussing the foreign policy of other countries, such as France in Syria.
Maybe I’m not being fair. He’s not as bad as Lew Rockwell.
Doh! Not sure why this got double posted.
Because their jobs literally depend on it, I’d bet at any given time the LE/IC apparatus (via the NSC) has a ream of “intelligence” hand-picked to persuade whoever sees it that they need more funding, more power, more war. “Look, Mr. President, if you don’t do X then the Y will do Z and people will die.” Who can say no to that? When Congress gets uppity, they give the same treatment to the House/Senate intelligence committees. Maybe they do have a blackmail file too, but honestly, I wouldn’t be surprised if they didn’t. Sometimes it’s real threats with actionable intelligence, sometimes it’s flights of fancy loosely tied together with wishful thinking (see: Iraq War 2). The goal is to keep policymakers permanently afraid that if they cut funding or rescind authorization or enforce Constitutional limits then catastrophe is imminent. And, of course, it’s all classified so the public doesn’t ever get to judge it (not that the media would have a clue what to do with it, anyway). They tipped their hand a little too much lately, but the media has been dutifully running interference, and they’ve probably shifted the focus behind the scenes onto things more likely to sway Trump. It’s all rather disturbing if you think about it. It doesn’t matter who you elect, they’re still human and they can still be manipulated.
Above comment was not meant to absolve Trump of responsibility in any way. I made a similar observation under Obama.
“I didn’t get a Harrumph! out of You!”
/Hedley Lamar
You’re probably right, but they shouldn’t be able to blackmail trump. He’s immune to it. Every bit of dirt on the guy has already been outed.
Indeed, which is why I don’t think it’s blackmail. I don’t think blackmail would’ve been very effective on Obama, either. For all his faults, I don’t think Obama wanted to be the guy sitting in the Oval Office when a major terrorist attack happened. Nor does Trump. 9/11 and the spate of terrorist attacks around the globe since then set the frame of mind, all it takes is a little nudging with the right presentation.
You’re probably right again, and that sucks. It’s almost like we could elect Ghandi president and he wouldn’t be able to get us out of the ME. Sucks. There are no American politicians who are principled.
You know, that line of reasoning kind of point towards us staying in the ME until Islamic terrorism is ended. That’s…a real fuckin’ downer.
No kidding. Islamic terrorism isn’t going to stop. Aside from giving the ME the Carthage treatment, it’s here to stay.
I never understood this line of thinking.
That’s because it doesn’t really involve “thinking”.
I grew up in the area. Once you get a handle on work and are looking for local non shitty attractions, let me know and I can give you some great spots to explore.
REGISTERED commenters…?
What EXACTLY did you register?
Pretty sure you’re on a list at the NSA.
Your evident discomfort.
I just used the registration I have with the Kochs foundation. That way my checks from here and there come to the same address.
And, FUCK Off Slaver!
You know what follows registration…?
Fucking confirmation emails!
And endless NRA mailings
confiscation, of course.
Lots of concentration.
And camping.
People complaining the place was so much better before registration?
628 Tulpa Socks
Nobody needs 628 kinds of commenters.
Where are the Canadian stats, eh? Hm? EH!?
They are .75 of the U.S. stats.
I figured it’d be 3/5.
Wrong demographic.
Actually, in the restaurant business, “Canadian” is a commonly used euphemism for a demographic widely believed to be poor tippers.
In Greek restaurants, they just say “mavros.”
My Greek buddies taught me that and ‘malaka’.
1/10th, actually.
1960s song, but not quite the way you remember it.
No religious liberty leads to this madness.
Compelling speech that conflicts with the institutions’ religious doctrines. That’s pretty totalitarian. And bigoted, in the original sense of the word.
Congrats on the new job Brett!
Congratulations, Brett.
Percentage of comments about food, cooking, and beer: not high enough
OK, Bettie Crocker
Couldn’t you have at least picked someone real, like Aunt Jemima or Tony the Tiger?
Aunt Jemima is married to Uncle Ben.
You forgot about Uncle Jemima
Cap’n Crunch.
Where do Sarah Lee and Little Debbie fit in here?
Slaves to The Grain Vortex
Mrs Butterworth or GTFO.
None of those bitches are real maple syrup. Just that nasty high fructose corn syrup snatch.
I was watching America’s test kitchen yesterday, and it showed how easy sheet cake is from scratch. Forget that boxed crap, make it from scratch, you get a softer texture and more chocolatey flavor. Glibfit prevents me from baking cakes (or at least eating them)
I watched the pork loin steak one this weekend.
Very glibfit friendly.
Pay no attention to that man behind the apron!
Are you counting all the sammich comments? Cuz I think that bumps up the numbers significantly.
Here try this,
Radioactive Peanut Butter
The Pun jar is empty.
Is that that like a Dot Indian food or something?
/PunJar, sounds tasty
Hey, I know that Mickey Rooney film. The Atomic Kid!
My noon article was probably the lowest effort to comments ratio I’ve ever done. Y’all are easy to please!
You threw a disgraced general to a pit of half-starved dogs, of course the activity went up.
Observations of a weightlifting newb – do not fret overmuch if you do not display the range of motion an exercise demands at start. I’m still unsure of the appropriate depth for a squat, having hard multiple contradictory assertions. But when I started out, I was of the opinion I’d never have calf to thigh contact without falling over. So I ignored that and just went with how far I could manage. Yesterday I found that, at the depth of the motion, I was practically sitting on my heels. The improved range of motion was something developed through practice and repitition, even without conscious effort. So, do what you can and work your way towards the objective.
so you sit all the way down when you squat? or do you lift your heals up and squat on the balls of your feet? b/c i think when you squat on the balls of your feet instead of pushing through your heals, your knees track over your toes and that’s bad for your meniscus. i have no source for this.. unless fevered dream is a source.
I don’t think I can keep my feet flat.
If someone does have a source for that, I would appreciate the data.
Rippetoe talks about avoiding heavily-cushioned footware, and ideally, old-school basketball-type ‘flat’ soles.
I’m not wearing shoes when I work out. Just socks.
It’s too hard to launder shoes?
Laziness, really. I change into shorts and a t-shirt to exercise for range of motion (doesn’t get in the way). I don’t bother to put my shoes back on after changing into them.
Forward translation of the knees has been implicated
in increased patellofemoral and tibiofemoral shear forces
because the tibia slides anteriorly on the femur during
i think that means don’t go onto the balls of your feet when you squat.
How do you avoid it? The motion itself makes my heels want to leave the floor.
Practicing stretching, and not dialing it up to 11 until you’re ready.
Practicing stretching, and not dialing it up to 11 until you’re ready.
It’s so important that WordPress’ dupe-detector agrees with me.
I don’t think I’ve even gotten to 8 yet.
This. Work on unweighted squats, focusing on hip and ankle mobility.
Also, a board under your heel can help until you get super limber.
That sounds… backwards.
A torn Achilles’ tendon is for life. It’s not worth risking it for a few weeks’ delay in implementing your plans for Squat Supremacy.
Sort of. It’s really more about getting your angles right. Most lifting shoes have a 1/2″ to 3/4″ heel.
Make sure your knees are pushing out and don’t go too far over your feet. Practice a lot. I stretch every day and it makes a huge difference.
Some more to read.
So how does that hip discussion translate to the ankle question?
It doesn’t. It’s all part of the process of squatting. The point of the article is that it’s not just about stretching muscles, but recognizing that anatomy plays a part, too.
It’s hard to develop good form on your own. The Starting Strength site has a ton of resources, including people who can help you with form.
Did you pick up Starting Strength yet?
I have it, but the layout of the information seems to be set up to make me not find anything I’m actually trying to learn and trips over debates over things not addressed. It does not strike me as having been written for someone who knows absolutely nothing.
Yeah, that’s true.
Try this to start with.
I actually like how she lays it all out, particularly problem areas.
Thank you.
I kept asking myself “how the hell do they keep their heels on the floor?”
Then I went back to my same advice I started this thread with – range of motion is an incremental process.
I’ve used an “slant board” (this one, in fact) in the past to get more flexible in the calf muscles. Works well. Haven’t actually needed it for several years now — I also do calf raises on the edge of a stair, and allow the calf muscles to slowly stretch all the way down after each push up.
$90? With that construction, I can rig one up for next to nothing – or even just use the door to my basement.
To be fair, it was more like $24.95 when I bought it. And yes, they’re pretty easy to make (everything’s easy to make when you’ve got the right tools…).
I highly recommend Alan Thrall’s videos on this, especially the more recent ones.
You’re using muscles in ways they’re not used to being used so they have to adjust to the motion. Stretching also helps, especially hip flexors and hamstrings. Also, don’t force it; you want fatigue and soreness in muscles, not pain, especially in joints.
I thought that was what I’d said.
Admittedly, I was rambling and roundabout.
Good weightlifting shoes help. They’re a tad pricey. But, they’ll last a LONG time. Made a big difference in my lifting.
Also, I really recommend a good belt. This company makes great custom ones:
Lots of good links for equipment at this episode of the Barbell Logic podcast:
I performed a high-speed squat on one leg last week. It felt like someone hit me with a hammer just above the knee. MRI is next week.
Sorry to hear that. I’ve not been doing anything that counts as “high speed” for exercise, mostly paranoia regarding potential injuries like that.
It wasn’t exactly exercise. Slipped on the stairs.
were you doing “pistols”?
From the Omarosa article:
“I’m like, Jesus ain’t say that”
She’s ready for Commacho 2020.
I’m sure that a reality show celebrity how sleeps around on televised shows would understand more about religion than a devout man married to the same woman for thirty plus years
She’s probably just studied a different theological decision and practices a different form of biblical hermaneutics than he does :p
Grrrrgh….tradition not decision. #hatemystupidtablet
Jesus tells him what to do, huh.
Well, maybe he gets good advice then. The Big O could use some herself.
This is totally NOT “collusion with Russian”! Move along now, citizen, there’s nothing to see here!
I’m so glad that sack of shit Mark Warner is entangled in this.
Oleg Derpiaska?
Dare I ask her if she’s Derpiaska?
A $40,000/month retainer? Sounds totally legit.
I think that’s what our orthodontist charged us for my son’s, yes.
“You’re a Russian bot!”
– Adam Schiff probably
Listening to NPR right now and these assholes are talking extensively about the 20 trillion dollar u.s. debt. Ridiculous, 8 years of Obama Nary a word about the massive federal debt and now, they’re so concerned about it. Fuck these assholes
I thought debt and deficits didn’t matter with the left.
The sniveling turd ” business economist” commentator that was talking with the radio host claims that a national debt of around a half the GDP is some kind of magical number. what a bunch of crap the right number is…….ZERO debt. Cunts.
You earn 50k a year?
/licks thumb and sticks out in the wind.
25k of debt sounds about the right amount your can handle!
Sounds legit to me.
It is the right amount if you never plan on paying it back, because you’re probably reaching the point where creditors are figuring that out.
/Think like a government, because FYTW.
A further concern of hers is that this may be some kind of a tactic that small gummint types would like to use in order to reduce the scope of government programs.
Oh noooooooes
Pleaze don’t trow me in no briah patch, Bre’r Fox!
I think we should repudiate the national dept and get it over it. The whole thing is gonna crash eventually and I would be giddy if the fedgov had a 0 credit score.
What we need is a trillion-dollar coin.
No. I want the fedgov to default. Good. Noone will ever loan them money again. No more deficits because they cant.
King Zero spent that money on benevolent things like rainbows and happiness and sunflowers and unicorns. Trump is spending money to construct concentration camps for minorities and breeding farms for women.
Now this sounds like a newsletter that is worth a read!
Psh. Like we need to breed more women.
Yeah but NPR is an important centrist voice. I recall TOS told me so…..Froot Sushi article I believe.
I was participating in a lot of Nielsen ratings studies for a while. For 10 bucks, they had me record what radio stations I listened to and when for a month. I would always listen to NPR on my way to work because the hatred would snap me awake and get me ready for whatever complicated BS I had to deal with.
I mentioned something to that effect in the comments section they provide.
I never got my 10 bucks
Hey, Obama HAD to spend that money to pull us out of the recession that was caused by BUSH! And that recession was so bad, took NINE YEARS for it to work!
Wait, why didn’t the DoT TIGER Obama stimulus program fix all the roadz and bridges? Because they didn’t spend hard enough of course.
There are two binders full of speeches and talking points, labelled MAJORITY and MINORITY. Every time the majority changes parties, there is a secret meeting where the leaders get together and swap binders.
That there is a beautiful cat
For Chipwooder and his mutt. A dog and his owner (in a very dusty environment)
Dogs will break your heart, as I’m discovering….but it’s totally worth it.
Yes they are worth it.
When I would get home from work my dog would dance around on the deck waiting for me to let him in the house. During a contentious period of marital relations my wife accused me of loving the dog more than her. I replied that if she would shake her ass and shove her face in my crotch every time I came home, I’d probably love her almost as much as the mutt.
Marital relations did not improve much for a week after that. Didn’t help that I thought it was super funny and called friends to tell them about my bon mot.
I demand that Sloopy include more English sports in the Morning Links wrap up
More entertaining than golf!
Jesus. That’s the most realistic depiction of English athletes ever.
Back in the middle of last year I told yall about a domestic abuse situation I almost got dragged into. My wife allowed a woman to let a co worker stay at our house who was fleeing and abusive boyfriend. It ended up bowing up into a situation where the abuser threatened to come to my house and commit violence toward my family. For the only time in my life, I called the cops. I also sent my family away and sat in my living room armed until the abuser was reported arrested. I struggled about what to do afterward. I’m all for helping someone in need, but I don’t want that shit at my house. Anyway, the abused woman ended up staying away from the guy for a while but eventually went back to him.
Here is what happened yesterday. That’s the asshole who threatened me and family for giving his woman a place to stay. I think I made the right decision to no longer involve myself in their problems.
That’s crazy. That guy is garbage
It’s the ex going back to that type of guy that never fails to amaze me.
The magic of patriarchy.
That’s a huge reason why I wanted to not involve myself in this woman’s problems at all. She already had a history of leaving and them getting back with him. To quote GayJay, “domestic violence is a black hole”
Human frailty is a bizarre world where logic and reason seemingly have no place at the table.
That’s what the shelters for battered women are for…
To get shot up? Are they bullet proof?
To assume the risk. They keep the location secret and have a strict policy which forbids residents to contact their alleged abusers while there for the safety of all.
The Tempura House – A safe place for lightly battered women.
– hat tip to an old podcast by Penn Jillette where he told that joke.
Beer and pancake mix make a great nut job repellant.
/Red Green
I like my shrimp like I like my women…
With noticeable veins?
Noticeable breast veins are not *always* a bad thing.
Ok John
Tasting of seafood?
Covered in butter and garlic?
On the barbie?
If she’s willing to go back to a guy like that, she doesn’t actually want any help.
Confirmation of your instincts. Glad yours are safe and am wondering why prison chain gangs are no longer common. This dickhead belongs on a chain gang or on the end of a 10ft heavy gauge chain leash.
Sure does Boss.
She went back to him?
Fuck her.
I like the “terroristic” charges.
Glad you and yours are safe, Lach.
Yeah, did “attempted murder” go out of style?
If the guy didn’t actually show up to the house and try to kill them, he doesn’t reach the threshold of “Attempted Murder”. Basically, Attempted Murder is “Actually tried, but the victim lived”
Yeah, i would put shooting at someone in the attempted murder category. Since there were multiple people around, I would make it multiple counts.
“attempted murder”
Pfft…what kind of a crime is that? Do they give Nobel Prizes for “attempted chemistry”?
I would not be surprised after who they’ve given Nobel Prizes to for less.
What an Asshole
You made two good decisions, sir.
First one to send everyone away, and stay home armed and ready to defend your castle.
Second, to not get tangled up in the crazy again. You have done your duty.
*salutes, wishes you were my neighbour*
Thanks GordI. Anyone with any sense should do the same thing.
Wife and I just watched a crime show the other night. Young girl let her battered friend stay with her. Ends up dead in her bedroom stabbed dozens of times. Yeah, if you want to help, buy her a bus ticket across country and tell her good luck. Not worth putting your family in danger.
That what my thought was when making a decision to get involved or not. Do I really want harm visited on me or my family over someone else’s bad decisions.
Hell no.
Absolutely made the right decisions in handling that. I’m glad it ended okay for you and your family, and this asshole will be removed from society for some time.
Also, good that you live in an area where you can defend yourself and property. Ayoob talked about a case he was involved in where the victim was actually arrested and charged with murder (NY or Chicago) because he knew someone was going to break in and chose to wait armed for them on his own property. Someone had kept breaking into his store overnight so the owner had decided to stay one night hidden with a shotgun. Of course, it probably didn’t help that he called 911 after the shoot exclaiming “I got him! I got him! I finally got that motherfucker!”.
When I talked to the cops that evening, I told them exactly what I was going to do. I told the cops that I am in my house and armed. If he enters, I’m gonna kill him. That may not have been the wisest thing to tell the cops, but I would have been well within the law to do that. I also think it may have motivated the cops to intercept him on his way to my place. Legally speaking, if it had gone down that way, I think I would have been alright. That’s still not something I wanted to have to do though. I’m glad I didn’t have to.
You did right. It was really just an anecdote about how messed up other places can be in preventing your natural right to defend yourself and your property. You wouldn’t have to deal with that in a rural southern state.
Ayoob talked about a case he was involved in where the victim was actually arrested and charged with murder (NY or Chicago) because he knew someone was going to break in and chose to wait armed for them on his own property.
Very common for Canadians trying to defend their lives or property with a weapon (any weapon, not just a firearm) to be charged by the cops and for the Crown Prosecutor to indict. The “right of self-defense,” something that was taken for granted during almost 750 years of common law, has been all but extinguished in Canada.
I’ve come to realize that, if I ever have to defend myself or my spouse, I’ll be going to a Federal penitentiary for the remainder of my natural life. Nothing much I can do about it either — my lawyer’s only job at that point will be to try to get my sentence length reduced somehow.
Omarosa: We’d be “begging for Trump back” if Mike Pence were president
Each succeeding Republican president is worse than the last, obvs.
Congrats on new job!
His new daddy is real nice. Bought him some fancy clothes. Moved him into a real nice apartment. Says no way is he gonna beat on him like Roscoe did.
Plus it comes with dental so if he knocks out my teeth, I get new ones!
If he knocks your teeth out, you can charge more.
Only when he sends me to Kentucky.
Totally off topic:
Does anyone here have any recommendations for a good Astronomy show that I can show to my 7 year old? Preferably something that’s available on Netflix and/or is in regular rotation on some cable channel so I can DVR it.
How The Universe Works is great!
Ditto. Would recommend.
Yes, excellent show.
Amazing Planet.
Although, it’s really only about Earth.
That’s, like, the worst planet.
Fuck you!
Way too white
72 Most Dangerous Animals of Latin America and The Hunt, both on Netflix. My daughter is almost 7 and we watched both.
I regret watching 72 with the kids. They won’t stop talking at me about it.
Always superior to conversation never.
When I’m on the phone or trying to read something, I don’t need to know 10 facts about Cheetahs, so stop following me.
“Thank you for telling me facts from the show I already watched with you. “
Neil deGrasse Tyson’s Mysteries of Your Uranus
Biffed it. I hate typing on phones
“OOoo, errrr, missus!”
From the earth to the moon, narrated by Tom hanks was pretty good. It may be a bit over the head of your average 7 year old though.
On youtube, PBS SaceTime is far too advanced for a 7 year old, unless it’s a genius.
SciShow Space has a lot of astronomy episodes that are probably at their level.
May I suggest the sky itself?
Orion is high in the sky in the evening at this time of year and should be visible from all but extreme urban skies. On the other side is the Big Dipper which is cool to see but also points the way to the north which is useful regardless of where you are.
… Hobbit
Depressing link of the day.
Neocon blog Powerline really loves tough mandatory minimum sentences. Don’t read the comments if you have high blood pressure problems.
They will only like it until some blood relative gets thrown away for multiple years over weed.
Then they will come around, and pretend like they were always against this travesty of state overreach.
Fuck that. I did work during law school on getting folks out of jail when they got massively overcharged for drug issues. The guy I was working for was a gangbanger and didn’t qualify, but the program was the single best part of the Obama administration.
Somebody shouldn’t rot in jail for life because he got caught with user amounts of crack and another prisoner told the prosecutor a story to get off easy.
record revenues, and we’re still $175B behind for the year
Fuck you, cut spending. I mean, seriously, we need to take a hatchet to it. With prejudice.
Damn right.
Nutpunch Tuesday: Human scum kills 6-yo son and himself with premeditated carbon monoxide poisoning
And to think you can just purchase charcoal and grills at hardware stores and supermarkets. No background check required.
So this is crazy. A court has granted an injunction to prevent President Trump from ending the DACA program. Under what basis of law? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
President Obama created the program under executive order (with dubious authority as the DAPA program has already been ruled as violating the separation of powers), but now the program cannot be rescinded under executive authority?
The fact that much of judiciary has shown the #Resistance is the most disturbing development in this country
Higher courts should remove lower court judges for dipshittery of this nature.
Yup, all they have to do is wait him out, and the first year is already over. There’s no consequence for obvious malfeasance so why not do it?
Under what basis of law?
If congress wasn’t as useless as a third nipple they’d impeach judges like this.
The comments are carcinogenic.
It’s unclear to me how any Fed judge can issue injunctions against executive orders from the president. Doesn’t that give disproportionate power to any judge with a grudge or partisan impulses? Should be restricted to the Supreme Court only. Sure the Supreme Court is still as partisan as it gets, but at least that gives some nod towards the balance of power between the branches.
There has been a lot of talk about norms being violated since Trump’s election. Some of it warranted- others just beyond stupid.
The open politicization of lower courts (this is a full blown politicized ruling with no basis for the injunction) will have the most lasting damage in this country. All because rich whites couldn’t accept that they lost an election
Doesn’t that give disproportionate power to any judge with a grudge or partisan impulses?
Well covered in the FYTW addendum of the Commerce clause. There is no such thing as disproportionate.
John Marshall has made his decision; now let him enforce it.
That Andrew Jackson quote needs to be updated to the Trump era
Trump: The judge is a loser. His whole family are a bunch of losers. I have a great mind and I know that he’s a loser.
Sotomayer? So unattractive, inside and out. She doesn’t even try.
Low energy.
A mention in the links and an away draw with Juventus? This is a decent day.
Still waiting an a top ten hit/view/click count for the topical articles.
I’m really interested to see how much reach we have beyond the daily links circle jerks. I mean, it’s good to know how well we all mesh, but I’m wondering how far out into normie land we have made it, and I would think that the view/hit counts on topical articles would be a good measure of that.
Trashie’s articles on Crypto and Swiss’s Musings on foreign intervention come to mind. Solid work that would read well out there in the non-Glib universe.
SP has one, but me and Sug fucked it up. I’ll see if she can help.
HEY! I didn’t fuck up nothing. There just wasn’t a way to filter out the Daily Links without SP spending way too much of her graciously donated time to do it.
Your Trucking article was an Eye opener Gordi, I think of it often when i’m on the Road
There over 3 million people with CDLs in America, which is to say there are now over 3 million people considered to be, at best, 4th class citizens if they get behind the wheel.
Yeah, I hope some people took what I had to say to Heart.
I was invited on another podcast a couple of weeks ago to speak about the whole ELD issue. They haven’t released it or gotten back to me yet. I think I got too ‘Fuck Off, Slaver’ for their audience and it’s never going to see the light of day.
Yeah, I hope some people took what I had to say to Heart.
+1 Baracuda
I saw a few trucking related articles on the Federalist in recent months. Any of those yours?
No, but I shared one of them here and linked to it in my own article.
I shared Mustangs article about police with several people. it seemed to be well recieved. yours on trucking too Gordi.
I guess we can scrap that whole “judged not by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.”
It’s not racist if it’s against whitey!
I am just glad I can finally publicly admit that I am privileged. Through nothing more than accident of birth I was born smarter than the morons who run this school. Had I been less lucky I would know and understand the pain of living as a moron in a world which historically been lethal to their kind. While things have gotten better and today morons are often allowed to live full lives and even have children much needs to be done from those who like me are privileged enough to not be morons and make the world even more fair for them.
The accident of birth. Hmmmm
I’m going to start using that when I refer to my youngest son.
Maybe the writer got hit by a bus.
Can I just acknowledge my superiority over him?
Looks like this Kehinde Wiley idiot painted a black woman holding the severed head of a white person.
That Obama picked seems to declare once and for all he’s piece of shit.
Declare once and for all means confirmation #528,929, right?
For you high-functioning alcoholics.
Madison should be high up, but not below the ones above it.
And where is Dusseldorf or Brussels?
Or Windischeschenbach?
Louisville in the top 10 is silly too, but I am not gonna complain.
What an odd collection of cities. Have to research some of the beer.
That is all.
Also, fried chicken.
What is this Southies you speak of? Does it come from a teleplay in Technicolor?
Say Southies again. I dare you.
Good luck, Brett!
Also, an inspired choice for the afternoon’s music. Thank you.
Where the white women at?
“dropping knowledge bombs”
I’m still waiting for the article: “Everyone and Everything is Racist.”
After that, about 75% of print journalism can shut down cause we will have it covered.
Never gonna happen. The whole point is to collectivize different groups. (Also, apparently, to ensure Trump gets re-elected.)
Obama’s portrait artist painted black women with severed heads of white women
Totes empowering.
Holy shit.
Okay, I just read the rest of the article. The dude comes off as a bit of a conniver who turned his talent into a veritable money printing machine (possibly by means of a painting sweatshop set up in Asia, from the hints he drops). I’ll be damned if he isn’t at least interesting.
Fiverr, I’m guessing.
Probably uses the same guys PewDiePie used …
NPR is currently running a story about a girl who didn’t care about her Mexican heritage and now she cries when she hears Mexican love songs.
This would be This American Life with (((Ira Glass))), right?
Glass would make it interesting. This is just All Things We Deem Appropriate Considered
Messican Love Song?
I heard it too. She’s a frothing nationalist that cried into her beer over ethnic ditties and that’s about it.
OT: Anyone else notice Hotair took down their 5 articles a month Bullshit?
I never knew they had that limit. I read them quite a bit, too.
I think Sugar Free is Allahpundit
No, Tulpa is Allahpundit.
No, but I don’t visit Hot Air.
Too Fake for ya Ted?
“The 10 worst colleges for free speech: 2018”
Why stop at 10?
All of them is a long list
Not the way you said it.
Point taken
It starts to get repetitive?
Soon to appear at NBC News about how this hurts women.
“Far-right activists and “alt-right” trolls are using the #MeToo movement to bolster their xenophobia”
Well, I guess that helps explain why YouTube has taken down the #120dB video.
Also, don’t go to Salon. Their site tries to use your computer to mine crytpocurrency.
That article is nothing more than argument by assertion and guilt by association. That’s all they have.
And ad hominem. They loooooove ad hominem.
Chewbacca argument.
It’s hilarious; our antivirus suite started quarantining that miner this morning. I’ve got a bunch of notices that tell me exactly who reads Salon. 🙂
Awesome, but can you get them fired? I mean, it’s not like they haven’t used company resources to enrich a separate corporate entity…
Ultimate SJW Valentine’s day gift ideas
Florida Man Does Weekend At Bernie’s
Canadian Pet Update
I absolutely love it.
Keep getting crazier progs, Trump 2020 Reelection Committee thanks you.
That guy is nuts. Check his website.
Heavy Derp Man, Heavy….
So Does he write for Mises or
They would have correctly noted that more munitions were dropped on N Korea in 50-53 than then entire Pacific campaign against Japan; they also would have noted that 20%+ Of NK’s population was killed.
(they were the lucky ones, it seems)
The Libertarian Party.
Not an anarchist.
There have been plenty of Commie anarchists. See Marx and Lenin.
Commie Anarchist = contradiction in terms.
Just because AnComs claim to be anarchists doesn’t mean they are.
How many anarchists support budget cuts?
I’m serious, it’s gulag envy with these morons.
This tweet is just spicy.
Excellent ratio as well.
Canada- a nation gripped by Terror
/face palm.
I’m impressed that the cops there actually have their priorities straight! Perogies are delicious!
It’s like an episode of ‘Corner Gas’!
Whaddya mean “like,” kemosabe?
Punch back twice as hard.
“The Future of Science Is Black
I did not struggle through the academy as a Black girl from a marginalized socio-economic background just to teach white people that Black peoples are human. I did it because I am passionate about monkeys and apes and the science of understanding their worlds, despite whatever myths racist natural historians perpetuate about our relationship to them.
Black scientists invested in doing science differently must build community with Black activists, who have honed the art of organized disruption, unapologetically declaring that “Black Lives Matter” as we reclaim our rightful place in scientific history. Together, we can explore questions critical to a radical scientific practice: What would science look like if everyone learned about the history and current manifestations of scientific racism and the illegitimacy of its theories? What would science look like if Black peoples’ worldviews were genuinely, consistently valued in knowledge production processes that generate theories and frameworks for inquiry? What would science look like with significant financial backing to address racist inequalities in education, health, and exposure to climate change impacts? What would science look like if our attention to debunking modern strands of eugenics intersected with debunking white, heteronormative, and cis-privileged notions of gender binaries and constructs?”
“debunking white, heteronormative, and cis-privileged notions of gender binaries and constructs”
For a “scientist” you’re pretty dumb.
Genuine Prog Tard Gibberish, I actually read it all, hoping there was something, anything that would make sense but, no…..
Thank you for doing the work that cis-gendered white guys just won’t do.
If you had to “struggle” for an anthropology degree, you shouldn’t be trying to teach anyone. I’m surprised she’s able to feed herself.
I also now hate myself for clicking the article to see what her field was. I already knew without checking that she’s as much a scientist as my retarded hound rescue.
It’s an ‘-ology’. Of course it’s a science!
In that case, I’m a tautologist, who specializes in redundancies.
Department of Redundancy Dept. ?
The Redundant Department of Redundancy Departments.
Wait, so they’re segregating science now? Thank God MLK didn’t live to see this shit.
“If you prick us, do we not bleed?”
WaPo acquires a libertarian(ish) journalist.
Hopefully McArdle won’t go full Balko. And, more importantly, hopefully her comment section regulars follow her – they held firm through Atlantic, Daily Beast and Bloomberg years…
Did we ever know that Balko is actually libertarian though? I know he worked for Cato and Reason, but he worked the cop/nutpunch beat at both places, and really didn’t handle anything else.
I’m getting the impression that Balko was an “issue libertarian”, and a very specific issue at that. Witness his treatment of the FBI in the context of the Trump stuff versus his treatment of state and local police misconduct.
He can’t be the only “issue libertarian” that Reason has/had. Dalmia is all about immigration, Bailey about robots, there was the food guy and the home-range children woman for example.
Excellent point. Balko’s cop stuff is great, and I use it often when arguing/discussing with friends and family why police, particularly in urban areas, have gotten so much worse the past several decades.
Maybe I’m missing it. But, Balko’s been pretty quiet on the FBI front, and seems to suffer from a bad case of TDS.
Today in Paul Nehlen is fucking insane
So, he’s comparing himself to Hitler? And comparing JFK to Hitler? And Jesus?
I’m surprised no one wrote (((bankers)))
File under: No shit Sherlock.
Discounting Lefty “journalists” who *is* falling for it?
That it had to be said is telling, troubling and hilarious.
Kehinde Wiley once described his ‘art’ as a take on the ‘kill whitey thing’.
And Obama picked him. The guy who listened to Rev. Wright for 20 years and heard noting and was pals with Bill Ayers.
Obama is exactly what we thought he was.
King Zero?
Fuck that.
King Racist Piece of Shit.
i have seen a number of comments replying to this saying, “Ugh, omg he like painted ONE painting of beheading a white person, and only made that comment ONCE”
which i thought was cute. Wouldn’t it work so well if someone was like, “Dude, i’m not racist; i literally only lynched like *one* black person”?
In my defense, I was in college and still experimenting.
White privilege means living with social mores that encourage your denigration in popular culture in exchange for having all of the power. But apparently not the power to enjoy the same courtesy and respect you’re expected to give to people of other demographics regardless of their individual behavior.
i follow Cato’s twitter account, and i cant help but feel like every other thing they tweet is irritating and wrong, or besides the point.
and i’m a #)*($@% libertarian.
Meanwhile, @ Reason… Nancy Maclean is like, “you’re all retarded autistic motherfuckers”. And half the people on twitter are like, “damn, she’s right”
But we *are* all retarded autistic motherfuckers, aren’t we?
I’m not an Rtard……..
Have you or have you not ever delivered Sword Of A Thousand Truths?
Only if you count Winston’s mother.
She’s such an awesome scholar her.
It’s a bit dusty in here
Don’t you know he was supposed to sit at home, collect welfare and complain about life being unfair? How dare he walk the extra mile(s) to work!
Yep, he was completely helpless without the government there to prop him up
The pity of it is that I’d be happy to give a portion of my paycheck to people like him, but people like him wouldn’t take it.
Aw, man…this pet dander…
I see these stories every so often, and good for dude for doing what he needed to, but I can’t help thinking get a bike man, or can’t you find a job closer to home? What’s a good walking pace 20/mins a mile? He’s wasting 5.5 hrs a day even if a closer job paid less he could pick up a part time job, and if the job paid so well the walk was worth it then he must have a budgeting problem if he can’t save up for a moped or something.
From an old member of TOS’s FB page
War on Women Confirmed
Gary Condit?
-1 Levy
Hyperion said this in the morning links:
And yet this argument has been winning for the past 100 years or so.
Yeah, that shit drives me crazy. It’s so obviously BS, especially considering the massive increase in the standard of living for poor people. That the huge reduction in the number of the world’s poor the past 25 years isn’t front page news, or studied, is a fucking crime.
Problem is you are bringing up something very abstract: that poor people today are better off than poor people 100 years ago. How does that deal with poverty today? And then they will ask “If we are so rich then why are there still poor people?”
Heck, even better off than 10 or 20 years ago. One of the biggest reductions has happened since the late 1990s, and almost no one knows.
But, you’re right. As long as they’re some income disparity, which will always exist, they’ll fall back on that BS. For crying out loud, poor people in the US have an obesity problem.
Goddammit! *there’s.
Where’s the edit fairy?
الله أكبر
الله سناكبار؟
جلب بندقية.
The plans to cut the budget of NPR and PBS exposes a serious problem that fiscal conservatives have been facing for decades. On one hand it won’t really affect the deficit or Big Government but on the other if you can’t cut even useless stuff how can you cut bigger stuff?
The cuts are a little close to the bone for me, because I work at one of the regional water quality programs that are being proposed to be cut from the EPA budget. Not cut entirely, I think it’s a 90% cut. On the one hand, there’s more than a little fat to be trimmed where I work and it really ought to be funded entirely by the states in the watershed. On the other hand, the EPA was founded specifically to deal with water quality, and this is water quality. They can’t cut the diversity shit? And besides, I wouldn’t mind so much being out of a job, but being out of a job AND watching the federal budget expand? That’s like insult to injury right there.
Something something statues of Benedict Arnold.
Yeah, that’s it exactly. All the big watersheds are getting cut, apparently: Chesapeake Bay, Great Lakes, the Gulf, Puget Sound. The argument is that the funding should be done by the states, but the reason they go to the Feds for a lot of this stuff in the first place is because the states doing the pollution aren’t necessarily the states suffering the damage. And, really, it’s that the polluters are affecting people in other states, and not only is it difficult to impossible to assign specific blame, there are legal issues with suing across state lines.
Of course, none of this is the problem or responsibility of anyone outside of the area, so it’s not fair for people from Nebraska to have tax money spent on it, but, then again, corn subsidies.
You Know Who Else defends something Nixon did?
Hey, our thing was set up by Reagan!
Insert Washington Monument Syndrome spiel here.
Also the fact that these cuts will cost people their jobs, something the MSM will relish, doesn’t help either.
Has CNN, NYT or WaPo interviewed you yet?
Shit no, I’m a web developer, and I work for the University of Maryland besides. The program is ultimately run by EPA folks (shocker how that happens), and they’ve already said plenty to the national media.
Besides, interviewing me would be a tragic mistake: “Well hell, we have a team of contractors who fuck our web hosting up on a weekly basis. We should fire them and just stick all the sites on hosted, dedicated servers on MediaTemple or DreamHost or something.”
I’m guessing the audiences for both PBS and NPR are among the wealthiest people in the country. They can pony up. Like the Kochs already do.
As Bill Gates said on The Simpsons, “I didn’t get rich by writing a lot of cheques”.
I subscribe to KUSC Classical Radio, 5$ a month, so it’s not just rich people, and like 70% of operations are from people like me. It would certainly stay on air with out NPR funding
I didn’t say current donors – I said audience. That was the point. There are a bunch of Michael Moores out there not writing checks to Public Broadcasting. That’s why 70% of your local station’s funding is from working stiffs.
Other than YT or my Collection, I listen to it exclusively on radio,PC and Tablet, so figured it was worth 5$ a month, I can afford that. I think they get plenty of cash from my ilk.
Great classical station.
I get a lot of pleasure thinking about my uber-lefty colleagues in the social media department having to come up with Tweets that are on-policy with the Trump administration.
(TBF, they’re all quite professional, with appropriate stiff upper lips, but I still think it’s funny they have to do that shit to earn their sheckels)
Compliments of Dave Barry, who said “get that Nobel Prize ready”
That’s … disturbing.
Weird Limeys!
Sup Tres
Hey Yusef! My Kroger was out of 40’s, so I had to get a mess of 24 oz’ers.
Tall cans in the air!
Just picked some up,
Cans Up!
That’s total bananasauce!
HNL” target=”_blank” >UAL117 SFO > HNL
Does that mean “pass the ketchup” in nerd?
Nope, it means الله أكبر in nerd
I’m telling the Imam that KK said الله أكبر!
Well, despite looking fucked, the link works. Also, *UAL1175
I dont Twatter, or pay much attention to that platform outside of what gets posted here. But I always wonder when I see, “Hi, this is ____ from _____ News. May we use your photo for blah blah blah…?”, if anyone ever says:
“No. Fuck off, slaver.”
Man, I would fucking LOVE to do that someday.
And they’re so smarmy about it, too.
OMG – he did do that!!
That made me all warm inside. However, something like “No. Enact your own goddamn labor.” would have made me shoot beer out my nose.
Wonder if he allowed other news organizations to use it.
You read my mind.
“Fuck off, FOXnews. You’re nazis?”
“Hello, Maddow? Sure, go right ahead…”
I can’t fault the guy. I’d do the exact same thing, only the opposite. I’d let, say, FBN use it, but nobody else.
Before you die a horrible death can you agree to this contract giving us exclusive rights to your pictures?
Somehow, despite looking fucked, the plane actually landed. And only 22 minutes late1
United Air Lines flight 117 From San Francisco to Honolulu?
UAL 1175.
Looks like both UAL1175 and DAL55 (Lagos > ATL) had PW4000 engines.
Completely not related to anything.
One of the non-profits I’ve been involved with for many, many years is I finally got around to setting up a dedicated GlibSP account and created a team.
I like that I can fund my glib account by gift cards sent from my other account.
If you are so inclined, please join team glib when you next make a loan on Kiva.
Sweet, I’ve done a couple loans on Kiva. I’ll join up.
What’s the issue with repos if the borrowers default? ::cracks knuckles::
Asking for a friend.
I have made just under 100 loans over a decade and had exactly two defaults, and those were only partial defaults. I’m pretty happy with that.
Love that I can just keep re-loaning the same money over and over.
Fun fact: the mutual friend who introduced me to Kiva is the one who encouraged me to hook up with OMWC. He was right about both being awesome. 😉
Kiva looks really cool. I kept waiting for “Get money with this 1 weird trick!”
Please create a dedicated post for this so those of us more forgetful autistics using their phones will see it later. I’m interested, but I need to learn more.
Some strawberry wine from these folks for tonight.
Nice work, SF.
Try this
Hey! I think I just saw that John Rossignol dude in downtown Dayton, OH!
He was holding a sign, and I threw him $5.
He gets around.
A friend used to live in Xenia. Now he lives out by Cincinnati. I’ve been out a few times to see him. The Hofbräuhaus in Newport, KY is nice.
Overly hyped, but once you get past that, I enjoy it.
Utah elk vs. helicopter (looks like an MD500 series). Elk wins.
Seems more like a draw.
Well, I’ll award the elk a TKO. I suspect it suffered less damage than that helicopter.
Last words of the video. “the elk, though, did not survive the accident.”
Oh, bother.
I had the audio down? TL; DL ?
I just got a screaming warning that the Glib’s security certificate expired, and the site is feeling “insecure”.
S̶t̶r̶u̶g̶g̶l̶e̶ ̶s̶e̶s̶s̶i̶o̶n̶ group hug time?
There, there. *pat pat*
I just got this refreshing the page”
“Your connection is not secure
The owner of has configured their website improperly. To protect your information from being stolen, Firefox has not connected to this website.”
“The certificate expired on February 13, 2018, 6:59 PM. The current time is February 13, 2018, 7:03 PM.”
I just added an exception. (((They))) wouldnt do anything devious, after all.
Chrome doesn’t care it seems
now it does, where do I create an exception?
On Chrome? Dunno. I never touch the stuff after Google wanted a retina scan and DNA sample to create a super-army of CyberTres.
Actually, the girlfriend thought she would be helpful and brought an Amazon Firestick over here around Christmas, with Alexa embedded. It was sold to some dude who looked dead like Gabriel Iglesias last night via a CL transaction.
“Not in my house!”
I got the same.
The dog should’ve registered as a democrat and ran for the senate.
New Orleans webcam, for those of us introverted agoraphobic aspies
Christ. It just looks like it smells like stale dixie beer, astroglide, and chlamydiae.
I’m still gonna watch cause 1) there isnt anything on TV and B) I’m hoping free-range bewbies break out.
And of course, as soon as I stop watching, a woman will flash her tits at the camera.
Afraid you’re gonna be The Blitz ?
I saw a boob! Chick was smart – didn’t flash til she got her beads.
Aww, man!
The crowd has too many people I’d rather not see.
I had a project in Baton Rouge, and took time to visit NO about a week after Mardi Gras. Honestly, it didn’t look much different at 10 am on a Thursday. I have no idea how anything gets done in that city. Nobody seems to understand what the word “no” means.
I knew it! I step away to work on some guns, and a woman flashes her tits at the camera. Dammit.
There we go, I saw someone flash the camera. She’s not my type though.
I’m kind of enjoying the Olympics being on Asia time. Everything is pretty much in evening primetime.