Howdy  from my new job, which happens to be in the same chair, with the same keyboard (but different computer) as my old job. Lots and lots and lots of memory-dump/getting-to-know-you meetings. Oh, and I’m off to Dearborn, MI next week.

SP and SugarFree compiled the following which I present in front of the afternoon linkses:

The charmingly named Certified Public Asshat’s question yesterday about the possibility of an awards show (obviously to be named The Glibbies) for the site. This led to some of us wondering about site statistics for our first year. Imposing on the infinite forbearance of our beloved SP, she compiled some for us.

Total number of posts: 1545

Total number of comments: 465,597

Average comments per day: 1275

Average comments per hour: 53

Total number of registered commenters: 628

Top ten most commented on posts:

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Mr. Lizard’s people appear to have successfully deflected blame when their spies were caught by Iranians.

Fucking record revenues, and we’re still $175B behind for the year. Fuck the whole Congress right in the neck.

Trump-hater gives reality check to Never-Trumpers.

What do you do when the super-computer isn’t running nuclear simulations? Mine bitcoin, of course. Bitcoins are going to turn out to be the most energy intensive currency since the Spanish piece of eight.

The sixties were a weird time. This is pop that if you strip it down, sing it in a growl becomes a whole different song.