Yeah?! WHY?!!!
I am going to keep it brief – with Florida Man, ZARDOZ and STEVE SMITH roaming the pages….best to keep a low profile. But there are a few things worth linking, so here they are for you:
- OK…OKAY!? Which one of you talked?! CAN WE NOT TRUST YOU PEOPLE WITH A FEW SECRETS???! Bah. Damage control time.
- Harumph – miserable proles don’t get great art.
- Did you say you wanted dictatorship fellating? OK, here is a bit for ye.
- DON’T PANIC – Neither the Hat nor the Hair were harmed. REPEAT, DON’T PANIC!
- Is this like the announcers at a baseball game mentioning a no hitter is in progress?
- Yes, a music link from me…for once.
Come back later today for more fun.
NYT: Planners of Charlottesville rally sued in federal court for conspiracy. The parents of the late unfortunate Heather Heyer are not among the plaintiffs.
Bonus: There are crowdfunding sites called GoyFundMe and Hatreon.
Suing Trump and America up next
I’d assume it was Profa and the cops where were in conspiracy to herd the alt-right in a way that the alt-right would be subject to violence.
They should be suing the Charlottesville PD if anybody.
The alt-right don’t get qualified immunity.
Shitlord status confirmed.
There are some scary things in the article, and some similarities to the Woodchipper Incident.
Plaintiffs have some big hitters for attorneys, Boies Schiller (Yes, Davd Boies) and Cooley. These ain’t your typical Personal Injury attorneys.
To clarify: Its David Boies’ firm, but he’s not listed as counsel for this case. Still, they’re as big-time as it gets.
Don’t forget Kaplan.
Do they get to sue black lives matter for Dallas now?
That’s a disaster for antifa. Now there will be federal subpoenas issued by the alt-right as to antifa’s plans and preparations for violence at the event. Hell, antifa may even get plead into the lawsuit as a cross-defendant for the alt-rights to collect damages from if they can prove their theory that the violence was due to antifa, not them.
The alt-right has just been given a huge gift. Now they get to crack open antifa and the Charlottesville mayor and PD as to what really happened there.
What I find depressing about that is the near certainty that, even if a court of law places ALL the blame on antifa & the CPD (and I guess 100% blame is almost unheard of in such cases), most of my prog friends and co-workers will decide it was miscarriage of justice and their preferred narrative of all the violence taking place at the hands of the alt-right as the correct one.
I got pink slipped at work. Downsized.
11 years. Getting a severance package. Got plenty of backup cash. What happens to th r 401k? Not asking for advice…just others’ experiences.
Sorry to hear about it. As for 401k, you can (should) transfer it to a roll-over IRA account that you can open with any of the online brokers.
Thanks. So you just leave it and add to it sometimes?
No, the rollover IRA account will contain your tax-deductable contributions. You cannot mix it with any contributions that you make after paying taxes. So, you just keep the funds in this account. Later you may roll the funds over to your 401k account with your next job, or you can leave it as a separate account.
No, self-directed IRAs have more options than even the best run 401k, so don’t roll it into you next employer’s 401k, keep it separate and invest with it as you please.
There are circumstances when it’s useful. For example, “hiding” a deductable IRA in your 401k plan before doing a backdoor Roth IRA conversion. But that’s not something for Slammer to be concerned about right now.
Roll your 401k over to your next employment. If you cash it out it is taxed and penalized so badly that it will make you cry
That sucks. Sorry to hear that.
RE: 401(k) — you can leave it with your employer until you need it, but it will probably end up in a money market fund. Or you can leave it there until you get a new job. Or you can transfer it to some other type of managed retirement account.
What happens to the 401k?
My foray working for a contracting firm, at the end of the contract I had an option to maintain that account or roll it into some future account.
You must have worked at the same place I do. “We’re going to grow the business by cutting costs and head-count.”
Sorry, dude. I know the feeling.
Sorry, buddy. Good luck.
You have three options:
The first is to roll it over into a personal IRA. The benefit: you will get a higher rate of return than for a 401(k) that is invested exactly the same (the 401(k) administrator charges an extra fee that you don’t have with an IRA). This is what I would do:
Option 2: Roll it over to next employer’s IRA: The benefit: you can take out a loan with the investment as collateral. I don’t recommend this, but you can do it.
Option 3: Keep it at your current employer: I recommend strongly against this.
Sorry, Slammer. Retail is a tough road.
Three options with 401ks:
(1) Leave it where it is (never done this).
(2) Roll it over into your 401k with your new employer (I think, never done this).
(3) Roll it over into an IRA (this is what I have done in the past).
(4) Cash it out and give a big old chunk of it to the IRS.
Make that four options with 401ks.
I didn’t expect some sort of Spanish Inquisition.
Yes! Floridaman with the score, credit RC with an assist.
Definitely roll it to an IRA.
If you don’t already have one, I would use T. Rowe, Vanguard, or Fidelity.
All of those firms can do a 401k to IRA transfer with considerable ease and that’s what I will join everyone in recommending. Low expense ratio index funds or ETFs and leave it alone for the next twenty years or whatever.
This may end up being the best thing that ever happened to you. I have many friends that ended up in better positions after being let go. When something similar happened to me years ago, I took about a month to think about where I wanted my life to go next. Ended up being able to drive with my sister across the country which was a great experience. I’d definitely recommend taking a bit of that severance cash and take a trip somewhere to think, even if it’s just with a tent in a state park somewhere.
Thanks. The 401k is Fidelity so I will call them tomorrow.
I’m looking forward to new opportunites. Taking a trip in May.
As others have said, roll it over. I have an IRA set up using mutual funds and that’s what I’d recommend setting up.
Thank you, gentlemen. IRA sounds the best.
You know who else thought the IRA sounded the best?
Peter King?
Peter King?
Representative Peter King?
Most of the NORAID contributors in South Boston?
Damn dude, sorry to hear that. I always thought it was the lizards that do the pink-slipping… the world is truly upside down.
That’s a drag, Slammer. Sorry to hear it.
Damn sorry to hear that.
Ugh. Sorry to hear that, man.
1. Transfer that 401(k) to a self-directed IRA rather than leaving it where it is until you get the next job. As noted below, if you do that you’re in more control of how/where the money is invested
2. Glad you got a package. Assuming you haven’t signed it yet, try and get a lawyer to cast his eye over it. It’ll cost you an hour or so in fees, but you never know.
3. After a week of being in the same place (well, 6 days), find a way you can hide from the wife getting upset with you “doing nothing and goofing off”
whoa. I am sorry to hear that Slammer. Blindsided?
Yeah. No warning.
Sorry to hear, but your 401K is not at risk, just roll it over into a personal retirement account for now if you don’t need the money.
Sorry, man. That sucks.
Hope the next gig is even better.
Fuck, man.
Bright side is that it’s a great time to reinvent yourself.
The advice here about rolling the 401K into an IRA is good.
While we’ve got all the personal finance glibs here putting their heads together… I have a Fidelity 401(k) from a previous job, and I’ve just started a new job that uses a different broker. Can I roll my old 401(k) into this new one, and if so, which provider do I have to contact to get that done?
In general, you don’t want to roll a former employer 401(k)’s plan into your new employer’s 401(k) plan, because you have a lot less flexibility in how and what you can allocate to, and the new employer’s plan may have some limitations that you would be subject to.
The normal mechanism is to roll those old assets into a (drum roll) … rollover account, which you can have at either the original plan’s investment firm or a totally different one. I have accumulated 3 rollover IRAs over the years, and now, I’ll be rolling out of this firm’s 401(k) when I’m finally separated from the firm in about 10 months’ time. I *might* roll the assets into one of the existing rollover IRAs, but I might do it into a separate one – based on my circumstances.
The thing is that with the rollover IRAs, I can invest in whatever products the investment firm offers, rather than a subset of products that would have been available under the old 401(k).
Make sure that when you notify the existing plan that you want to transfer assets, that they know that the transfer is going to an IRA account – either with their firm, or with another party. If those assets are transferred out of an IRA or equivalent investment vehicle, you can (and almost certainly will) be subject to tax on the proceeds, and there’s no second chance. The IRS will be on you like white on rice.
Most of the larger pension companies will have specific documents, and they’ll work with the company that will run your rollover IRA – if it’s a different company. It’s pretty easy provided that both ‘ends’ of the transaction know what you intend to do.
Login to your new 401k account. Look for the word “roll over”, click it, read all about it, call them after you’ve read most of the information online and a trained profession who does this 8 hours a day will answer you questions. It’s very easy.
Here’s a reasonable summary of the options, the pros, and the cons.
Wow, these replies are bizarre. My experience is very different. Aren’t most 401ks managed by the same dozen or two dozen of financial institutions for most employers? Aren’t most of those big F.I.’s the same?
First job had 401k managed by Vanguard. I managed it online via my Vanguard account, I could also call in for same options. My employer deducted payroll pre-tax, matched portion of deduction and paid the acct mgmt fees. By default 401k invests in stock/bond/moneymarket mix based on my target retirement date. I wanted a bit more control so I selected self directed and invested in certain mutual funds of my choosing. When I left first job, I still had the Vanguard account. Could still login or call and do whatever. Obviously no payroll deductions, and now I had to pay small monthly acct fee ($2-$3)
Enter 2nd job, new 401k with new FI, this time Charles Schwab. I had account with C.S., could login, or call in. By default 401k was invested in stock/bond/mma mix based on my target retirement date. Again, I opted to self direct into funds of my choosing.
Then I have acct with Vanguard and acct with C.S., new employer deducted payroll pre-tax, matched portion of deduction, and paid acct mgmt fees for C.S. acct.
After about 4 years I got off my lazy ass and spent the 30m time to roll over 401k from Vanguard from Employer A into Charles Schwab with Employer B. My online experience with Vanguard and Charles Schwab was identical in every meaningful way.
Moral of the story: Do nothing. Or do whatever. Just make sure you update your email address on file with the financial institution to your personal email address, not your ex-work address. But even still, unless you have a Nigerian prince giving you $9 million, your account will be fine. No worries mate. I wouldn’t recommend being lazy like me and waiting 4 years to roll over, but there’s no rush unless you have some out of the ordinary situation. I paid a $2-$3 monthly fee to Vanguard a big too long properly, but other than that, no problem.
p.s. I like Vanguard a lot, I have my personal (non-retirement) acct with Vanguard for longer term mutual funds investment. And TDAmeritrade for my play-time stock trading… which unfortunately I don’t have the funds to play much with anymore.
No, and more importantly, the 401(k) administered by each employer can have different fund offerings in them. Typically, a pension plan for an employer might offer 6 or 7 of the funds out of the 50 or 60 that the big F.I. runs. That restricted selection is probably OK for most investors, but it might not be. If you’re up near to retirement, you might want a portfolio that’s heavier into fixed income – or you might not.
The mammal in the post pic was way better in Blue Thunder.
An envelope containing white powder would be hoovered up almost immediately around The Hat.
So, the kid did poorly on a math test. No big deal, except her general reaction to being angry/upset is to draw her feelings. So she drew a picture of herself punching someone, and wrote “you” over the person being punched. Teacher saw it, and now we’ve got an appointment with the principal tomorrow to discuss “consequences”.
Maybe tell them “you” is kid code for Nazi?
The Bart, the!
Maybe the guidance counselor will talk to her now, which would be good, because I keep e-mailing her with no response.
I’d tell my kid that he did nothing wrong and if he gets in trouble for it at school that’s ok but he won’t be in trouble at home. I’d also let the school know that.
A few months ago on of my friend’s 15 year old got suspended from school for fighting. Turns out the kid was defending himself yet he got the same punishment as the aggressor. My buddy told the school that his son wouldn’t be in trouble at home and that his kid did the right thing. While his boy was supended, my friend took a few days off work and took his kid on a fishing trip.
Perfect on all accounts. I always tell my kids the exact same thing.
I told mine, “There are two things I will not tolerate. You starting a fight, and you not finishing one.”
Yep. Never throw the first punch, always land the last one.
Same here. I’ve told my kids many times that I will never punish them for standing up for themselves.
That’s awesome. That will be my policy some day.
When I was in 7th grade we had a conference about bullying that was lead by the P.E. teachers. This was held after 3 kids had been “jumped” on different occasions.
I was bullied when I was that age and had raised my hand and asked “what do you want us to do if someone attacks?”
They no shit said, with a straight face “just run. If you can’t run, cover your face and stomach with your hands and arms and yell for help. If you throw a punch, you will be expelled or suspended.”
Straight up. Luckily my mom is old school and when I told her this she said “every American has the right to defend themselves, so you beat the crap out of them and they won’t bother you again. Don’t worry you won’t be in trouble when you get home.”
That was 15-20 years ago. I can’t imagine how bad it is now.
In my small town in Texas, in the ’70s, one popular tactic was that to get the boxing gloves from PE and the two of us, err, you would go outside with one of the coaches until you were done. That was if someone wanted to get it on in full view of the teachers or coaches.
For more free-range encounters, I just don’t recall anyone getting punished. When we moved to town, there were a couple of totally ordinary guy-pecking-order dustups (where I learned that nothing beats pure meanness for winning a fistfight) and nobody got punished.
Its an appropriate response and usually ends the disagreement. The whole “don’t fight back” thing is something I see as straight up pure leftist influence- always defer to authority. You will be punished for defending yourself, because you don’t own yourself.
Only WE can defend you.
My junior high:
kid: “Teacher! Bobby and Jimmy are fighting!”
Teacher: “Who’s winning?”
“Violence is never the answer” is terrible advice. I’m all for the non-aggression principle, but that goes out the window when someone commits physical violence against you.
I think one of the worst pieces of advice given to kids today is “if someone at school is bothering you, just ignore them and they’ll stop“. As a kid who naively took this advice, I can say that this never, ever, ever, ever worked. You know what would have worked? Giving them a bloody nose. I endured a lot of bullshit because I took the bad advice of ignoring bullies. If I ever have kids, they’ll certainly be given different advice.
The non-aggression principal is 100% ok with retaliatory violence. Its the non-aggression principal, not the non-violence principal. Think porcupine, not possum.
What is wrong with people? These teachers want to turn kids into robots. In retrospect, as much as I hate the derps in publishing I don’t think I would have lasted as a teacher. They wanted us to stop the kids from playing any game that involved using finger “guns,” and right before I left they implemented a “silent lunch” policy where kids weren’t allowed to talk or get up from the table to do anything but throw away their trash. This was just a few weeks before I left and just in that time it had transformed my kindergarteners and first graders into out-of-control monsters during class. The teacher I was paired with and I started sneaking them outside to let them run off their pent-up energy, but it was only a matter of time before we got busted. I have no clue how that wound up working out.
right before I left they implemented a “silent lunch” policy where kids weren’t allowed to talk or get up from the table to do anything but throw away their trash.
Prison is an upgrade from that.
It’s really disturbing how many similarities there are between prisons and government schools:
– The “big shots” will use violence against you, but you get in trouble if you fight back, and you’ll just get bullied even more if you tell the authorities
– You are not allowed to do anything without a permission slip
– The food is worse than boiled dog shit
You should have had her tell the teacher that the piece wasn’t finished yet, and that it was ultimately going to read “YOU CIS-HETERO FASCIST SHITLORD”.
Might cost you a couple hundred bucks, but putting an education attorney on retainer may be the way to go. I know one or two kids that got into trouble for bullshit like generating art that had smooth resolution once the parent came in and informed the principal that the punishment was unacceptable and you can reach my attorney at this number.
The school works off a very specific discipline matrix. Even if they want to call this an assault or threat (low level, non-criminal), there’s very specific punishments they go from. So long as they don’t deviate from that, I don’t have an issue. Well, I have an issue with them calling it that, because it’s not that, but it’s probably not worth the effort if she gets a detention.
That being said, I work for a fairly large sized law firm, and if necessary can be on the phone with an education attorney rather quickly.
Just have her say that she’s part of the resistance and by YOU she meant Trump. She’ll get 5 gold stars and probably a free scholarship to Harvard.
Aren’t they called Jugglettes? Would. With about 15 condoms. And a hazmat
PSA: Never, ever, wrap your junk with multiple condoms, gentlemen. This will make them less effective and more prone to tearing or causing injury to the participants.
Oh, NOW you tell me!
Awesome music video!
Forward this to your prog friends.
Without following the link, my guess is ‘BECAUSE TRUMP’.
Hmmm… More thought out than I’d expect. But that is the answer.
To be fair, that list was made before Trump killed 100 billion people with tax cuts.
Oh sure, leave out the dead from NN getting taken down….FASCIST APOLOGIST!
People killed by net neutrality repeal are the white people of Trump’s victims.
Another decent take is from Buzzfeed here.
Having said that, I find Buzzfeed’s format so execrable I could barely get through it.
*pounds head on desk*
Well, it wasn’t like it was “accurate depiction style”.
They should have used a different camera.
“social justice painting style”
That is a phrase completely devoid of meaning. Like an all-consuming black hole of thought.
I think they meant Socialist realism.
I just saw a close-up of Obama’s left hand in the portrait. It sure looks like he has five fingers, not counting the thumb.
Spot the Not: H. L. Mencken
1. War is a good thing because it is honest, because it admits the central fact of human nature.
2. It in my hope and belief that this sick and bogus England will be given a good licking by the Deutsch, to the end truth and health may prevail upon the earth.
3. A nation too long at peace becomes a gigantic old maid.
4. What stands is the immutable law of human progress: that the more fit shall conquer and obliterate the less fit. The present war is merely the first skirmish.
5. To say that the American city in its designs and styles represented our spiritual capacity would be almost to say that we were a nation of madmen.
6. [The United Kingdom’s] victory over Germany in this war would be a victory for all the ideas and ideals that I most ardently detest.
7. The Mailed Fist is dedicated to the eternal facts of life, to the thing behind the mere word, to the truth that is above all petty quibbling over theoretical rights and wrongs. I am for the Mailed Fist, gents, until the last galoot’s ashore.
8. No people in history have made heavier sacrifices for their ideals than the Germans; no people in history have had ideals that were higher.
9. Germany is strong, and fearless, and ruthless, and resolute. Ergo, Germany must, shall and will prevail.
10. I come to the war: the supreme manifestation of the new Germany, at last the great test of the gospel of strength, of great daring, of efficiency.
11. The professional mayor, aloof from party passions, unreachable by intrigues, remains today a characteristic German figure; the supreme triumph of intelligence over mere voting power.
12. In practical business of operating the state, in its units and as a whole, the final determination of all matters was plainly vested, not in politicians or in majorities, but in experts, in men above all politics, in the superbly efficient ruling caste.
13. There can never be any compromise in future men of German blood and the common run of ‘good,’ ‘right thinking’ Americans. We must stand against them forever, and do what damage we can do to them, and to their tin-pot democracy.
14. [German Democracy] was founded upon no romantic theory that all men were natural equals; it was free from the taint of mobocracy; it was empty of soothing and windy phrases. On the contrary, it was a delimited, aristocratic democracy in the Athenian sense—a democracy of intelligence, of strength, of superior fitness—a democracy at the top. Its prizes went, not to those men who had most skill at inflaming and deluding the rabble, but to those who could contribute most to the prosperity and security of the commonwealth.
Could you make that a bit longer and more OT please?
Has he learned nothing from his mom?
She is always on-topic.
And the topic is somebody’s dick.
Golf clap.
Context was WWI Germany, presumably.
Unlike the UK, France or the US Mencken though Imperial Germany was run by Top Men.
You know who else got a good licking by the Deutsch?
Cleavon Little in Blazing Saddles, presumably?
Oh, it’s twue. It’s twue. It’s twue. It’s twue…
No wonder she was so tired.
That chick in the Karl Hungus video that the Dude saw?
I thought she got the cable fixed?
I thought this was Derpetologist’s shtick?
I thought this was Derpetologist’s shtick?
That may be true, but in response, Winston’s mother told him, “Never mind, your part
Is to be what you’ll be”
I don’t mind when other people do it. It’s not like I own a copyright on it.
There are thousands of hits for “spot the not” on the series of tubes.
The not is 5. That is a Randolph Bourne quote.
It’s content-a-palooza on the first anniversary!
Have some first birthday T&A.
1, 8, 21, 23, 25, 30.
It’s a beautiful world, Q. Lately I’ve been missing the daily dose of sexy you bring around here; it’s good to be back.
For you.
You just made OMWC very, very disappointed.
#32 is Mia Khalifa. Her breast implants make me sad, but I won’t exclude her from the orgy.
I love that Michelle Obama picture. Well, no, I love imagining the behind the scenes reaction to it by the former Royal Highness especially. If it were the Clintons the artist wouldn’t have made it out of the builidng alive.
Barry’s hand is all fucked up.
And it looks like he took his wedding ring off.
That’s hilarious
You guys aren’t “woke” enough to understand the beauty of those paintings. They show the inner selves of their subjects. And in their inner selves, Barack has 5 fingers and a thumb, and Michelle looks like somebody else.
For the record I’m not woke enough either.
Why can’t official portraits just be well-composed photographs?
Doesn’t capture the desired aristocratic flava that Our Masters want in their portraits.
What’s your flava?
Says the woman with the hand drawn avatar.
I didn’t catch the earlier posts today. Happy glibaversary! One year of snark, huzzah!
“Its key members are said to be drawn from Hollywood and world political and business leaders, with some even accusing its true leaders of being reptilian lizards from space.”
Nice way to bury the lede you impudent commentariats!!!! Why didn’t any of you worthless mammals light the reptile signal. I thought we went over this??!???
*picks up communicator, dials up the Ottawa Overlord Office*
Link for Pie
The Ruling Class Hates You
Romanians are entitled? Who even knows any Romanians? If it weren’t for Pie, I would have never had contact with a Romanian in my life.
They mostly come at night. Mostly.
You’re thinking of the Freaks.
No, he’s thinking of whores, skunk pussies, buggers, queens, fairies, dopers, junkies, sick, venal. Someday a real rain will come and wash all this scum off the streets.
You talkin to me?
I got some bad ideas in my head
The have been known to be a bit batty sometimes.
Newt reference for the win!
Even if no convictions come from this, it will still do immeasurable good by showing people that there is a swamp and its denizens hate ordinary Americans.
And ordinary Romanians, and ordinary Russians, and ordinary Italians……
Even if no convictions come from this, it will still do immeasurable good by showing people that there is a swamp and its denizens hate ordinary Americans.
You’re guessing ‘people’ will actually see this — the MSM is still burying all this story as much as it can, far as I can tell, dismissing everything as ‘right-wing conspiracy theories done to distract us from getting to the bottom of how Trump and Russia colluded to steal the election’. Add that to the evening news being truncated by the Olympics, and much of this may never see the light of day. One thing, surprisingly enough, that may get this out to the unwashed masses, though, is that the National Enquirer is starting to report on it — and that might raise enough curiosity out there that some network or major paper will break ranks and actually decide to make this into a real story.
Well what do you expect from Trump’s FBI?
they have the crookedness of the Russians with the entitledness of the Italians
My projectionometer just exploded. And somewhere in a public school storage closet, the reels on a disused 35mm projector just popped off with cartoon sound effects and exclamation bubbles.
Harumph – miserable proles don’t get great art.
It’s definitely not what she sees when she looks in the mirror.
In the artist’s defense, it’s hard to paint when you’re trembling so badly out of fear that your arms are going to be pulled from their sockets.
Meanwhile, in YA publishing…
I’ve noticed the SJWs to be going after Harlequin the hardest. I think every one of the books they’ve ganged up on over the last couple years has been published by Harlequin Teen. I wonder if there’s some political reason for it that I’m not aware of.
YA romance novels?
Well, it’s not like you can learn about butt sex in teen magazines.
Possible reasons:
-Too much sex
-Not enough sex
-Too much diversity (of the wrong kind)
-Not enough diversity (of the right kind)
-Strong female characters
-Weak female characters
-Not enough genders
-Too many genders
SJW = Joyless malcontent who can find something wrong with anything
I do not like the person who runs that website anyway, but that was an impressive amount of mental gymnastics to take a book set on a fantasy world with floating sky islands and twist it into Racism Against Native Americans for the purpose of the blog.
This quote is pretty revealing:
Yes, why would you want a story where a character overcomes their own racist upbringing, or faces some internal or external conflict that they need to overcome before they can “check” the racism of someone else. No, to hell with storytelling or character growth or any of that shit, what we need is for the hero to immediately denounce the racist character in the strongest possible terms and then everyone else in the grocery store applauds while the racist hangs their head in shame.
Something else I’ve noticed as well is the way they say, “white people, you need to educate each other, it shouldn’t be our job,” etc, but then when books like this address topics of racism and clearly intend the audience to be white people, we get
What I’m gathering from this is “white people, shut up and go away.”
“But leave your checkbooks.”
“The butterfly effect: Trump’s border wall could be BLOCKED because it threatens endangered insects
A tiny endangered butterfly could stop President Donald Trump from building his beloved border wall. A lawsuit has been filed by the Center for Biological Diversity, environmental groups and the State of California against the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. It outlines that the Quino checkerspot butterfly, Riverside fairy shrimp and the Pacific pocket mouse will be threatened if the border wall is built. The butterfly, which is native to southern California and Northern Mexico, is already on the endangered species list. The lawsuit contends that the Department of Homeland Security does not have the ability to waive environmental laws requiring review before building the wall. The suit seeks a ruling that a border wall with Mexico must go through normal environmental reviews, which could block construction or at least cause major delays.”
Which is the whole point of environmental laws.
Except that congress exempted wall construction from all or any laws like this. It is a nuisance suit.
Plot twist: Trump guts all the agencies associated with these regulations blocking the wall.
I was thinking: Trump’s EPA administrator issues new rules waiving the reviews for the wall. New court case says he doesn’t have the authority, which means the Total Staters are now attacking their most potent sources of power, the agencies and their rule-making authority.
Ooh, that’s much better than the wall. I want that version of the timeline to happen.
That would be the best possible outcome from a border wall.
They can’t just fly over the wall?
That was exactly my thought.
I don’t think the fairy shrimp actually have little wings and can fly.
As for the pocket mice, well, leave some little holes at the bottom of the wall and they should be fine. Of course, they would be fine anyway, but imagine the lulz when the remediation plan is to leave tiny little holes in the wall to allow “ingress and egress for the subject rodent species, of a size that will not allow passage by human beings.”
Ah, the fairy shrimp. Those little buggers were used to stop a housing development near me, even though there isn’t so much as a puddle on the building site. Remind me again why housing is so expensive in California?
There are a few farmers not too enamored with the Delta Shrimp, too.
Wasn’t it Delta Smelt?
What are you, a marine biologist?!?
But, yeah.
How about a border screen instead of a border wall? Let’s breezes and smaller pests through but keeps larger pests out.
Speedy Gonzales is not endangered
“The court has made its decision. Now let them enforce it.”
I hate this kind of bullshit but the wall is a fucking waste of money, so meh.
There’s a book by Phillip K. Howard called “The Death of Common Sense“. When I was 14 or 15, I found it laying around my dad’s house and read it. For some reason, it really intrigued me. There are a lot of good stories in there about how the government bureaucracy and “the law is the law” mentality leads to bad outcomes.
One of the things he mentioned (with examples) was that in many cases, projects that allegedly threaten the existence of some species or another are usually harmless in the long run; the animals just adapt if they’re affected at all. Living organisms adapt. It’s what they do. They can find alternative food sources and new habitats.
Not that I support the federal boondoggle that this wall would definitely be, but there’s a lot wrong with this idea that one species going extinct is going to lead to total environmental collapse.
You can’t tell me what to do.
The Nork chick scares the shit out of me.
She looks like she spot tortures for the heck of it.
But she totally stuck it in Pence’s face, so she’s awesome! YAY NORTH KOREA!
My reaction exactly. She looks like a stone sociopath to me. The kind of person who could strangle a baby to death and not even bump her heart rate.
From the CBS article
It is kind of disconcerting to see DemOp Media outlets repeating observations made by the Glibs.
By now you should realize that most of the world’s op-ed authors scan Glibs regularly for article ideas, viewpoints, and quotable quotes.
Be warned — post a wisecrack here today, and tomorrow your words may be part of a lengthy diatribe in the New Orleans Times-Picayune.
So she plays Goebbels to her brother’s Hitler routine. Not a good look to fete such a person.
Irsa, She-Wolf Of The NK
Yes, a music link from me…for once.
Bastard 😉
“Let us sit and mock the good housewife Fortune from her wheel, that her gifts may henceforth be bestowed equally.” – dead white guy
A white police dude encounters a black dude who apparently is attempting suicide by cop.
The police dude doesn’t immediately shoot and tries to resolve the situation.
Back up police dudes arrive then shoot and kill the black dude.
White police dude is disparaged as an incompetent coward and fired.
Former white police dude sues for wrongful termination and settles for 6 figures — now drives trucks.
Happy ending I suppose.
Well, it looks like they’ve completely inverted the “bad apple” problem. If you keep the good apples out of the barrel, then nobody can tell that there’s nothing but bad apples in there.
Even Kim’s sister looks malnourished
The ‘Illuminati’ is REAL and secretly running our world claims former DEFENCE MINISTER
I thought it was the Freemasons and their Koch-funded libertarian hordes.
I think the Freemasons got kicked out of the Illuminati after the Ford presidency. They still go through the rituals like a cargo cult of power. It’s kind of sad really.
The secret society that rules Chicago is the Loumalnati.
Nice! I’m sending that to my Chicagoan sisters.
Michael Grant
5h5 hours ago
Michael Grant Retweeted CNN
I do not like this painting. Michelle Obama is a vibrant, powerful person, an indelible person, and this portrait conveys none of that.”
Dr. Evil responds: Riiigght.
“MONSTER, FRONT LINES, GONE, BZRK and w/ @Kaaauthor ANIMORPHS. I block morons, racists and anyone who tries to ban a book.”
I bet you do, Mike. I bet you do.
Something tells me he hasn’t commented on conservatives being shut down on university campuses.
Also, Ben Shapiro has quite the sense of humour.
“Vice Airs Documentary On Black ‘Healing Retreats’ For People Who Need ‘A Break From White People’
A new video from Vice News published Friday focuses on a healing retreats for “Women of Color” where participants can go to get away from white people.
The founder says that white people are so destructive that they “shouldn’t even have passports.”
The retreat is called the “Women of Color Healing Retreat” and takes place in Puerto Viejo, Costa Rica. Vice News notes that it “specifically banned white people.”
The narrator notes that one attendee “needed a break–from white people.”
The founder, Andrea X, expressed the opinion that white people–but white Americans specifically, shouldn’t be allowed to have passports or travel.
“I have no tips for a white person” she said. “My tip to white people is to let us have our space, let us have our room, and go hang out with other white people. We’re okay. You know, you’ve done enough damage.”
Andrea X also says that she “decided one day to just eliminate white people from my personal life” due to “microaggressions” and “passive-aggressiveness.”
“And ever since then, my life has been way more breezy,” she said.
The video also specifically notes that more black women are choosing to come to this retreat due to the current American political climate under President Trump.”
I encourage people of any color to go on retreats like these and just stay there. The rest of us will get along fine.
You Know Who Else thought White People and Black People should remain separate?
Shaka Zulu?
Marcus Garvey?
Whomever MIchael Hutchence was singing about here?
George Wallace?
Hendrik Verwoerd?
Woodrow Wilson?
The guy who invented chess?
General Sherman?
The founder says that white people are so destructive that they “shouldn’t even have passports.”
Totally not racist.
“Geez, do you want us to go away, or stay? Make up your mind already.”
If we go there will be trouble, and if we stay it will be double.
Why not propose jim crow already.
I thought we weren’t allowed to hang out with large groups of other white people. Isn’t diversity mandatory now?
White people have power so self-segregating to get away from them is good.
As long as we (whiteys) don’t get to decide, that’s cool.
Okay, so check it out. There’s this thing called free association, you follow me? You can go your way, and I can go mine, and we never, ever have to talk to or see each other again and then you can stop being such a miserable harridan.
If these people want to self-segregate, I don’t have any problem with that. I also don’t have any problem with her *saying* that white people shouldn’t have passports. People say all kinds of crazy shit, it’s when she wants to take action or make policy that we’ve got a problem. These people have a very hateful, hollow life and that’s punishment enough for me.
Everyone knows that the Illuminati have been running the world from a bunker in Tibet since 208 B.C.
“What is white womanhood?
As white women, we simultaneously hold social and financial power as white people, while suffering under the confines of “womanhood.” In this way we often enact harm while relieving ourselves of responsibility for our actions. We are viewed as objects to be defended (or violated) by our white male protectors. White men’s presumed ownership of “pure” white women does not keep us safe — and it certainly does not free us from patriarchy. It reinforces it. The silencing of women’s history has erased the ways in which we were active players in the white supremacist system we live in today. We believe there are four main areas in which we participate; Violence, Universalism, Post-Racial Optimism, and White Saviorism.”
“What is white womanhood?”
Collectivists abound.
Also why does his Twitter homepage show the flag of Belarus?
He’s a shithole expert.
Just like STEVE SMITH?
*shakes head and walks away**
“I have no tips for a white person” she said. “My tip to white people is to let us have our space, let us have our room, and go hang out with other white people. We’re okay. You know, you’ve done enough damage.”
It’s been done
“So, no more reparations demands? Works for me.”
Separate but equal?
Andddddd I accidentally hit advance on my last derpy link and discovered this one: Oh boy, exciting news, let’s send Laura Ingalls Wilder the way of those Confederate statues!
Those abolitionists and the North weren’t very nice to the Natives either…
Yeah, I noticed how much these dumbfucks care about the Indians when I saw them working so hard on the rez, improving the situation of the modern NA.
Oh wait, that never happened.
My wife gets most of her news and political information from YouTube. My wife told me not to read her books to our 3 year olds because they were too gruesome. I have kept reading them. We have way different standards she thought i was being over protective when I shut off a Disney cartoon about a Russian girl dying in the cold but having the kids learn about hunting and butchering animals was inappropriate.
It is kind of disconcerting to see DemOp Media outlets repeating observations made by the Glibs.
Which one of us is Sheryl Atkinson?
“What is white womanhood?”
This too.
*passes out*
My pants are wet
The Obama paintings are perfect. Flat, colorless, amateurish and uninspiring. Captures them perfectly.
White powder? I dont think many people understand just how desperate the left is. Obama’s presidency was the crowning glory of the progressive movement. They made gains they worked 100 years for and in one administration the likes of Donald Trump is dismantling it. He better not turn his back.
As for the MSM felating murdering dictators I have decided that once again Donnie Two Scoops is correct: they are enemies of the people of the United States.
It does appear that the current MSM wants censorship and would love it if the Dems installed some form of official media oligopoly for them,
I would have added arms coming out of the bushes primed to pull Obama in.
“they are enemies of the people of the United States”
I think this latest cheerleading session for Lil’ Kim and his entourage should remove all doubt of that.
I just listened to Michelle.
My God even there she can’t even let it go with the race. ‘Girls and girls of colour’.
There it is. Her mindset in a nutshell. Like when she said she was proud to be American for the first time because her over praised husband got elected. That’s what it took to make her proud.
Insufferable twit.
Bah. I may be reading too much into it.
“The butterfly effect: Trump’s border wall could be BLOCKED because it threatens endangered insects
I read that as “Barfly Effect”.
Paperwork is like the Hydra- get done with one form or checklist, and you get 2 more to fill out.
It’s absurd the amount of time that goes into paper shuffling.
*peruses per-page comp package, buffs five-figure Swiss watch on silk shirt, nods with satisfaction*
The universal struggle:
In case you were wondering Katie Couric is a retard.
Seriously, there are people who have actually wondered about that?
I wasn’t wondering, but I am still amused by the story.
So what you’re saying she’s the smartest person at NBC.
Probably thinks those Breugel paintings are journalism.
Its like her employers have completely forgotten that there are three job requirements for her position:
(1) Be literate so you can read the teleprompter.
(2) Be attractive.
(3) Don’t be unattractive.
Because she’s got two strikes, at least. She’s aged out, face it.* I’m beginning to wonder about requirement (1).
Jane Pauley, by contrast, still meets requirements to host Sunday Morning.
Gravitas. Remember when she was made an evening news anchor, and you were sexist if you were worried she didn’t have enough gravitas?
You know, between this and the Korea / Japan comment, I see a pattern. People don’t come off as ignorant when they know they don’t know. But a certain personality in journalism can’t tolerate the concept that they don’t know.
Wow, our Glib overlords are working overtime, the articles have been coming fast and hard.
“coming fast and hard”
That’s what she said.
That depends on whether you count STEVE SMITH and ZARDOZ as overlords or interlopers. It’s not entirely clear whether the founders publish these blokes of their own free will or under duress. I wouldn’t blame them if it was the latter: who wants to make enemies of a gun-vomiting genocidal stone head and his rapesquatch pal?
General Glib question: What is everyone doing for Valentine’s Day?
Working from home.
Working at work.
Be like Gary.
I’ll be at work all day. Gonna take my wife out for dinner tomorrow night instead.
Cooking dinner, exchanging gifts, drinking, and then sexy time.
Getting ready for “Steak and a BJ Day”
Taking the spice weasel to get her teeth cleaned.
Interpret that
If it doesn’t involve an actual weasel and a vagina dentata, I will be disappointed.
She’s pretty weasel-y. Longer than she is tall, anyway!
I’ll see what I can do for you about the dentata, though.
Goddamn Futurama-Nerdlings.
Bite my shiny metal ass!
So, totally OT, but I’m relying on what Sun Tzu would call ‘local spies’.
Where should a pair of empty-nesters fed up with the East Coast move to? Billings, Helena or Bozeman?
If you’re looking at Montana, it really depends on what you guys like to do for fun.
If you’re looking for “culture,” Bozeman probably won’t disappoint. Lots of things to do, restaurants with food you won’t find elsewhere in Montana, etc. It feels to me like your typical college town. Decent access to hiking trails, fishing, and other outdoorsy stuff.
I’m a big fan of Billings, personally. Probably not as cultured at Bozeman, but still a lot of decent restaurants and experiences to be had. There are two colleges in town, but it smacks to me of a working-class town, instead. It’s a shopping/traveling destination for a good chunk of the state.
I don’t know much about Helena. An ex lives there, and if I had the option, I’d have the entire town burned to the ground* just because the world would be a better place without him in it.
*Hyperbolic-ally, of course.
For Bozeman I just want to go exploring the mountains, maybe find some interesting mineral specimens or fossils? But I want a gun big enough to vaporize the first bear that looks at me the wrong way. My sister lived near Missoula and then near Bozeman, and now she lives in a place near the sapphire mountains. I haven’t been out in a while. But sapphire hunting, blasting unwanted bears, and drinking craft beer by night sounds great to me.
Not Bozeman.
The thing I like best about Bozeman is the access to the Gallatin Valley.
Bozeman: Expensive, Californicated.
Helena: Clean and dull.
Butte: Crumbling old mining town. Delightful.
Missoula: Mountain hippie paradise.
Billings: Infested with cute young ladies.
I’ve never shied away from infestations, TBH.
Fucking nothing. Valentines day is just a fake holiday by Big Auto-Ordinance to sell more bullets. WAKE UP SHEEPLE!!! One high powered bullet in the hands of a skilled rifleman is worth a hundred pistol caliber rounds in the hands of an amateur!!!
New Corner
How about this?
What is everyone doing for Valentine’s Day?
An immature and insensitive person would reply:
“Your mom”
Possibly not on Valentine’s Day proper the wife and I are going to see The Shape of Water.
Same thing I do every night, Inky… Try and take over the world!
Pan fried salmon and girl scout cookies.
Do you mean actual cookies bought from Girl Scouts, or the other kind of Girl Scout Cookies?
I’m not sure which other kind you’re referring to. The alcoholic drink? The OMWC bait? Some sort of sex position? Unfortunately, urban dictionary was no help.
Working. Dentist appointment in the afternoon.
In case you were wondering Katie Couric is a retard.
Hans Christian Andersen haz a sad.
Hans Brinker, too.
What about Hans Clinker?
Swiss’s very first music post is to Rick-Roll us?! Christ, what an asshole! Also, I approve.
What is everyone doing for Valentine’s Day?
Moping, all alone. Boo hoo hoo.
If it’s sunny, I’ll be skiing.
her “under the gun” documentary from a few years ago convinced me she was retarded. This is just more confirmation.
Couple local cops were shot and killed a few days ago. They’re treating it like 9/11 here. I mean, I feel bad for them but come on man, everyone else’s life is worthless? Its so far over the top, it’s distasteful.
My wife was devastated.
To me, it’s sad, but part of their job is to perhaps not come home.
I think it’s sad too. But it’s just so over the top. I expect them to start selling bobbelheads
My mom regularly volunteers with Westerville PD for various community outreach events. I haven’t talked to her since this, but I’m sure she knew the guys, even if not well. She sent me a few pictures of some of the community stuff going on in reaction.
I dunno how I feel about it. There’s a bit of sympathy mixed with a little bit of cynicism. If a garbage truck gets rear ended and kills the garbageman, we don’t have parades of garbage trucks and memorials set up. The optimist in me says that cops are different. The cynic in me says that some animals are more equal than others.
My biggest reaction is that Westerville isn’t that sleepy little exurb that it used to be. Granted, that illusion was shattered 10 years ago when they found that girl’s body in the corn field down the street from my grandparents’ place.
Yeah, this town is going to shit. We’re looking to move further out. At least.
I just noticed that in the dashboard it tells you how many times each person has posted when they do a new comment.
Quality over quantity!
/insecure about number of posts
Quantity over quality!
It’s not the motion of the ocean, it’s the size of the boat!
That’s kinda dinghy…
You only get credit for one post, even if it’s of 50+ sets of boobies.
I demand a post credit per breast!
Considering the topic of those posts leaves me flat, so to speak….
I demand a post credit per breast!
You’re this century’s Joe Bob Briggs!
I like big things!
The size of them impresses me!
Just give me plenty, forget about the quality!
And apparently this right here will be my 2,430th. I don’t know if that’s useful information, but now I know, and we all know what that means.
Also, apparently, you can find out people’s email addresses that way. I don’t know if the Dashboard is only open to certain members, or if it’s open to any rando who signs up, but uh… the founders should probably put out a disclaimer or something.
Should be gone, but, if not, let me know. The comment count plugin tallied based on edress, but wasn’t supposed to show them. Bug, not feature.
I’d hate to have to log everyone out.
Well, shoot. I wanted to know how many comments I’ve made here.
Yeah, the comment count and email-exposing link are gone.
Don’t get used to it. It’s slowing the database down, so I’m probably going to axe it.
All that happens is the kids will argue over who’s ‘winning’.
Speaking of which, hope your East Coast visit went well. I’ll drop you a line sometime.
I finished Chris Kyle’s autobiography today. He was a good man who died way too young.
Some things they left out of the movie American Sniper:
He got in a lot of bar fights when he was a SEAL. Getting into bar fights is dumb at any age, but it’s especially dumb for him. You’d think a decorated combat veteran would have enough self-esteem and self-control to shrug off an insult and walk away from a pointless fight.
It turns out that it is routine for SEALs to get arrested for bar fights. “Quiet Professionals”, my ass! One time, the judge told Kyle “just because you’re trained to kill doesn’t mean you have to prove it in my town- get out and never come back”.
I found myself comparing him to Col. Hackworth. He was an infantryman during the Korean War. He and the rest of guys he fought with had no special training or weapons and they were fighting against an enemy a lot more formidable than Iraqi insurgents. Hackworth and his men fought well, not because they were “elite”, but because they had the right combo of guts and common sense.
Kyle made a really good point about ROE and the futility of micromanaging a war. During the battle of Fallujah, there was an incident where some Marines were clearing a house. When they entered, there were some insurgents who appeared to be dead, but one was still alive and set off a grenade when the Marines approached. After that, the Marines had a policy of shooting “dead” insurgents just to be sure. That caused an uproar up the chain of command and the Marines had to justify their policy.
The only way to win a war is to kill, wound, and capture lots of people really fast. Anything else is a waste of time, money, and lives.
The only way to win a war is to kill, wound, and capture lots of people really fast. Anything else is a waste of time, money, and lives.
And, conversely, if that is not going to solve your problem, or you are not convinced that it is necessary, then you shouldn’t go to war.
Yeah, but defense contractors need more money. It’s like you don’t even get the primary goal of war these days.
When you take a long, hard look at the Federal budget, it’s probably about 95% welfare spending.
The main reason I stayed in engineering long after it became clear it was the wrong place for me was because at least I could say that I didn’t work for the govt.
Speaking of Quiet Professionals….
Who’s up for Medieval Full Contact Fighting (TW Vice)?
Come back here so that I may brain thee!
The Russian version is pretty well known in certain nerd communities.
Now, President Trump’s interim appointee to run the bureau, Mick Mulvaney, is making radical changes to deter the agency from aggressively pursuing its mission.
An internal memo obtained by NPR says the CFPB on Monday will unveil a new strategic plan to that end. A “revised mission and vision of the bureau” for the years 2018 through 2022 will call upon the agency to “fulfill its statutory responsibilities but go no further.” It also says the bureau should be “acting with humility and moderation.”
OMFG- he wants the agency to stick to its legislative mandate.
fulfill its statutory responsibilities but go no further
AKA, follow the law. This will be controversial, because Trump ordering agencies to follow the law undermines the rule of law, or something.
The fact that agencies can exceed their statutory responsibilities on the whim of the President really ought to scare a lot more people than it does.
Also, I missed the hooray anniversary! post so I’ll just say this:
This time last year, I was but a long-time lurker at TOS. Circumstances prevented me from commenting and/or sharing any personally generated content online. Since those circumstances changed and I am able once again to loosen the sphincter of my brain and fertilize the world with my intellectual excrescence, I feel more alive than I have in 5 years. It is wonderful to share a space with like minded people. It’s easy to feel isolated when your ideas largely don’t align with the populace at large (even close friends and family) so it’s special to have a place to share those ideas and engage in true, intellectual discussion; not just shouting matches that pass for debate nowadays.
I play my cards kind of close to my vest I guess due to general paranoia and fear of doxxing, so thanks to everyone for playing along.
12. 6. 15. 33. 41. In that order.
Ok, Tulpa
13 is the bunny boiler
Where should a pair of empty-nesters fed up with the East Coast move to? Billings, Helena or Bozeman?
Depends on what you’re looking for. I assume you don’t want to me out in the middle of nowhere. I haven’t spent much time there, but Helena might not be a bad place. Bozeman is being roiled by growing pains, and in thrall to the progressive mob; it’s like a petrie dish of Californicator activism.
There’s a saying going around: “From Bozeman, it’s only ten minutes to Montana, in any direction.”
I need to be able to start shooting at a 1000 yard berm again, SWMBO needs access to ponies. Neither of us want to deal with retard progressives.
Then again, you could always live out my fantasy so I can have the vicarious experience; Fairbanks.
Turning into suburb of Denver.
“Neither of us want to deal with retard progressives.”. Not Bozeman.
Helena is nice. For me it’s the right size. Big enough to have everything (except an Indian restaurant) but not so big to feel like a big city (Bozone, Billings, Missoula). Also likely cheaper for horses and easier to find that 1000 yds.
Butte! We loved living there. A city built for 100k with only 30k in it. Property is very inexpensive and there are some gorgeous renovations there.
Just make sure you use raised beds for gardening.
Billings is ugly, Bozeman is fun for a weekend visit from Butte. Helena is very nice.
Coeur d’Alene, Idaho is stunningly beautiful.
I like Great Falls, and The Hi-Line. The Hi-line is the middle of nowhere, though
Oh my word. You like the Hi-Line?! (I don’t particularly dislike it, but I grew up there. Other than a fondness for prairie as far as the eye can see, I don’t miss the small-town mentalities much.)
I was raised in Havre
But I went to college in Havre. Nalivka’s Pizza is where it’s at.
Somedays I feel like shitcanning everything and going back. I loved my childhood and teen years.
I just looked it up. How’s the fishing in the Milk River?
I greatly enjoyed college there, but Alaska is my “shitcan everything” last resort destination.
Maybe if I’d been in the market to buy the Coffee Hound when it was up for grabs ~2010….
We fished for rainbow and lake trout in the Bear Paws mountains south of Havre. Also for Northern Pike and walleyes in Fresno reservoir west of town. Lot of hunting, too. I guess I’m nostalgic today what with the whole job thing
It’s always hard to tell if it’s unrealistic nostalgia or the real deal. There are a gagillion ways to make a living and plenty of places to do so. So many of my vacations over the years have been to MT I’ve grown to really dig it.
Damn close to Canada, though…
To be honest, if I had it to do over, I’d probably move back to Idaho, or maybe Utah.
I find that my plan of shifting jurisdictions every 5 – 10 years has worked for me so far. Simplifies the whole restraining order/statute of limitations thing.
Being part gypsy, I get the ‘migratory urge’ every 5 – 10 weeks.
That seems very infrequent; you should probably get your hormones checked.
I can’t cut the time down any lower, it usually takes a couple of weeks to stake out a church with a lead roof, and then fully strip it.
+1 Pon Farr
from WaPo
‘Please keep kids safe from guns’: How Trump replied to a 7-year-old’s anguished letter
Ava Olsen was on the playground with other first-graders during a 2016 school shooting in Townville, S.C., that took the life of Jacob Hall, 6. She is now home-schooled because of her PTSD. (Ricky Carioti/Washington D.C.)
The manila envelope arrived on Mary Olsen’s doorstep the day after Christmas, and in its top left corner were three words that stopped her: “THE WHITE HOUSE.”
It was addressed to her daughter, Ava, but Olsen opened it and scanned the letter first to make sure the message didn’t include anything that might trigger her second-grader’s debilitating anxiety. Olsen then called her little girl into their living room, where they sat together on the couch. She gave Ava the note, which, at the top, included the presidential seal.
“Dear Ava,” it read. “Thank you for your letter. It is very brave of you to share your story with me. Mrs. Trump and I are so sorry to hear of the loss of your friend, Jacob.”
Fifteen months earlier, on a fall afternoon in tiny Townville, S.C., Ava had just walked outside her school for recess when, police say, a 14-year-old drove up to the playground in a Dodge Ram, jumped out of the pickup and pointed a gun. The accused teenager — who is expected to learn this month whether he’ll be tried as an adult — continued firing for just 12 seconds before his pistol jammed. By then, three people at Townville Elementary School had been shot.
One bullet struck Ava’s first-grade teacher in the shoulder, and another hit a classmate in the foot. A third struck 6-year-old Jacob Hall, who wore thick-lensed glasses and, at 3½ feet tall, was the smallest kid in their class. Ava had decided to marry him when they grew up. He was the only boy she’d ever kissed.
Three days later, Jacob died.
Ava was so overwhelmed by the loss, and the terror of what she’d witnessed, that a doctor later diagnosed the girl with post-traumatic stress disorder and recommended that she be home-schooled. In the months that followed, the torment — described in a Washington Post story about the shooting — often consumed her. She yanked out her eyelashes and used stickers to cover up scary words in “Little House on the Prairie”: gun, fire, blood, kill.
Although she didn’t go to school anymore, her younger brother, Cameron, who had also been outside that afternoon, did. Ava, her brown eyes serious and her mind seldom at rest, worried about him and the millions of other children still spending their days in classrooms and cafeterias and playgrounds. So, one morning last summer, she sat at her kitchen table with a pencil and a sheet of notebook paper.
“Dear Mr. President,” Ava printed in neat block letters, before explaining that she’d lived through a school shooting. “I heard and saw it all happen and I was very scared. My best friend, Jacob, was shot and died. That made me very sad. I loved him and was going to marry him one day. I hate guns. One ruined my life and took my best friend.”
She asked how the president would protect children from more school shootings.
“Please,” she concluded, “keep kids safe from guns.”
The boy accused of firing the gun that ruined Ava’s life grew up in Townville and even attended the same elementary school, where teachers remembered him as a model student. But Jesse Osborne had found trouble when he left. In seventh grade, his family said in interviews last year, he was kicked out of middle school after bullies harassed him, and another student spotted a hatchet in his backpack.
That’s why he was at home on that Wednesday in late September 2016. For reasons that remain unclear, his mother said, Jesse retrieved a gun from his father’s nightstand, shot him in the back of the head and then, investigators allege, drove to the elementary school and opened fire.
On that day, Townville’s kids joined a group that now includes more than 150,000 students, attending at least 170 primary or secondary schools, who have experienced a shooting on campus since the Columbine High School massacre in 1999, according to a Post analysis of online archives, state and federal enrollment figures and news stories. That doesn’t count dozens of suicides, accidents and after-school assaults that have also exposed children to gunfire.
After months of psychological analyses and legal delays, a judge is expected to review testimony and evidence the week of Feb. 12 before deciding whether Jesse should be tried as a juvenile or an adult. If it’s the latter, he could face decades in prison.
The shooter is never far from Ava’s mind. She remembers him as a towering and terrifying figure, and he often appears in her nightmares. She sometimes repeats what she heard him say on the playground — “I hate my life” — and once, after Ava accidentally pushed her brother and he hit his head on a stone well, she blurted: “I’m just like Jesse.”
Now, though, she was sitting on her couch just after Christmas, staring at a reassuring letter signed by the most powerful man in the world.
“Wow,” said Ava, now 8.
Trump receives thousands of letters, including many from children, said a White House spokeswoman who requested not to be named. Some have made news, including one from a 10-year-old who asked to mow the White House lawn (and did), and another, from a 9-year-old nicknamed “Pickle” who wanted the president to know he had a Trump-themed birthday party.
“The president gets lots of drawings,” she said. “He loves those drawings.”
Letters from ordinary Americans were central to the daily life of former president Barack Obama, who read 10 of them each night and often sent personal handwritten responses.
Trump’s spokeswoman wouldn’t say how many letters the president reads or whether he contributes to the typed replies that bear his name, but she noted that “the president plays a role in correspondence that have been elevated to his desk,” as Ava’s was.
Initially, for the girl, nothing was more fascinating than Trump’s massive, jagged signature, scrawled in black marker at the bottom of the page.
“Is that real?” she asked her mom. It was.
“Schools are places where children learn and grow with their friends. Their halls should be free of fear,” the letter read. “It is my goal as President to make sure that children in America grow up in safe environments, giving them the best opportunity to realize their full potential. I will continue to focus on protecting Americans and improving the safety of our Nation.
“Mrs. Trump and I hold you close in our hearts,” it continued. “We hope you always remember that no matter what may happen, there are so many people in your life who love you, support you, and want to see you fulfill all your dreams.”
The note made her feel better, at least for a few days, before she started to think more about it.
“He didn’t say how he could keep kids safe,” Ava told her mom. So on Jan. 8, she sat down to write another letter.
Ava thanked him for the response and the promised prayers.
“I sometimes still think about that day in my head thinking it will happen again,” she wrote. “If you have the time, I have some ideas to help keep kids and schools safe. Sometimes people who live through a school shooting have better ideas.”
Ava told him what they were: Move schools to safer places, give children a place they can run to if something bad happens, build schools in circles and put the playgrounds in the middle.
She stuffed the letter in an envelope, and her mother mailed it, and Ava hoped that everything would get fixed before any more kids were hurt.
Then two weeks later, in Kentucky, police say another teenager at another school fired another gun, killing two students and wounding a dozen others.
At the White House, press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders told reporters that Trump believed all Americans deserved to be safe in their schools and communities.
“Students fearing for their lives while they’re attempting to get an education is unacceptable,” Sanders said, but she offered no specific plans the administration had to stop school shootings.
In South Carolina, Ava heard nothing about the carnage in Kentucky. Her mom didn’t mention the news and kept the TV turned off.
She didn’t want her to daughter to know.
quoted in full because of paywall
“Move schools to safer places”
The magical gun free zone signs and various laws restricting what people can do within a certain distance aren’t doing enough? Or maybe she means they should make sure schools are only in non-crime ridden, low-income areas?
I’m pretty sure every school shooting has happened at a public school. Which points to a solution:
Close the public schools. For the children.
And the next step should be to close down public universities to stop 5 our of 4 women being raped.
Yeeeeeah. That didn’t happen.
-The President responds to a little girl in a very sweet way
-WaPo uses it to take cheap shots at the President for not BANNING TEH GUNZ
-Parents lament inability for elected officials to wave a magic wand eliminating all bad things in the world
Well, you know, the responsibility of the president is to act upon things the way a young child would.
As emotional appeals go, that’s a whopper.
“I hate guns. One ruined my life and took my best friend.”
That isnt what happened at all. Not. At. All.
“He didn’t say how he could keep kids safe,”
The little girl never said that. This is mom all the way.
Don’t do that. Don’t copy and paste a paywalled article here in toto.
Russia tests new anti-missile system amid NATO tensions
The Russian military announced Monday the successful test of a new anti-missile rocket designed to help protect Moscow from any incoming threats.
The tests of interceptor missiles for the A-135 Anti-Ballistic Missile system were conducted at the Sary-Shagan site in Kazakhstan, according to the military.
The deputy commander of the Air and Space Defense Alliance, Andrei Prikhodko, told Russian newspaper Krasnaya Zvezda the upgraded air defense missiles are capable of intercepting single and multiple strikes, including new generation intercontinental ballistic missiles.
Russian news agency Sputnik News said the new missiles will be added to the existing anti-ballistic missile system that became operational in 1995 and is run by the Russian Aerospace Forces
The tests of the defense system come after Lithuania’s president said last week that Russia has deployed additional nuclear-capable missiles in its Baltic Sea exclave of Kaliningrad on a permanent basis, with the president calling the missiles a threat to Europe.
Paul Nehlen got suspended from twitter, and has gone even insane-r over on Gab.
His shirts are 100% goyim made! https://gab.ai/pnehlen/posts/19708147
From his replies, even the Nazis don’t want him.
Germany, 1938. A Jew sees a rabbi reading a Nazi newspaper. He asks the rabbi why. The rabbi says “well, when I read the Jewish papers, it’s all pogroms and oppression, but when I read the Nazi newspapers, it’s about how rich and powerful we are. It makes me feel a lot better.”
I’ve heard that one before, but it always makes me laugh.
But I’m a Nazi, not a “neo-nazi” a real Nazi.
WTF does this even mean? This guy wants to go back in time and get hanged at Nuremburg?
One bullet struck Ava’s first-grade teacher in the shoulder, and another hit a classmate in the foot. A third struck 6-year-old Jacob Hall, who wore thick-lensed glasses and, at 3½ feet tall, was the smallest kid in their class. Ava had decided to marry him when they grew up. He was the only boy she’d ever kissed.
Goddammit, I hate this “literary style” tearjerker bullshit.
It’s a fucking newspaper story. Stick to the facts. You’re no Tom Wolfe.
What I got from the story is that Ava was a cis-normative shitlord.
forgotten history
The Consolidated B-32 Dominator (Consolidated Model 34) was an American heavy strategic bomber built for United States Army Air Forces during World War II, which had the distinction of being the last Allied aircraft to be engaged in combat during World War II. It was developed by Consolidated Aircraft in parallel with the Boeing B-29 Superfortress as a fallback design should the B-29 prove unsuccessful.[1] The B-32 only reached units in the Pacific during mid-1945, and subsequently only saw limited combat operations against Japanese targets before the end of the war. Most of the extant orders of the B-32 were canceled shortly thereafter and only 118 B-32 airframes of all types were built.
On 18 August 1945, four Dominators were given the task of photographing many of the targets covered on the previous day; however, mechanical problems caused two to be pulled from the flight.[3] Over Japan, a formation of 14 A6M Zeros and three N1K2-J Shiden-Kai (George) fighters (apparently mis-identified as Ki-44 Tojos by the American crews[4][5]) attacked the remaining two U.S. aircraft. Saburō Sakai, a Japanese ace, said later that there was concern that the Dominators were attacking.[5] Another Japanese ace, Sadamu Komachi, stated in a 1978 Japanese magazine article that the fighter pilots could not bear to see American bombers flying serenely over a devastated Tokyo.[6]
The B-32 Dominator Hobo Queen II (s/n 42-108532) was flying at 20,000 ft (6,100 m) when the Japanese fighters took off[6] and received no significant damage.[7] Hobo Queen II claimed two Zeros destroyed in the action as well as a probable Shiden-Kai. Japanese records show that no aircraft were lost.[citation needed] The other Dominator was flying 10,000 ft (3,000 m) below Hobo Queen II when the fighters took off.[6] The fighters heavily damaged that Dominator, initially wounding the dorsal gunner and then seriously wounding two other members. Photographer Staff Sergeant Joseph Lacharite was wounded in the legs (his recovery required several years).[7] Sergeant Anthony Marchione, a photographer’s assistant, helped Lacharite and then was fatally wounded himself.[7][8] Marchione was the last American to die in air combat in World War II.[7] Despite the damage, the Dominator returned to Okinawa. However, the incident precipitated the removal of propellers from all Japanese fighters as per the terms of the ceasefire agreement, beginning 19 August 1945. The last B-32 combat photo reconnaissance mission was completed on 28 August, during which two B-32s were destroyed in separate accidents, with 15 of the 26 crewmen killed. On 30 August, the 386th Bomb Squadron stood down from operations.[8]
Neither of us want to deal with retard progressives.
Yeah, well… good luck with that.
Tell us something we don’t know.
I guess I am wrong. They aren’t closet commies after all.
Closet? They’ve been out of the closet near 10 years now.
That’s absolutely disgusting. The North Korean government murdered an American citizen and the bone these pricks have to pick is that the Vice President met with his father? Fuck, all the wrong people get cancer.
Tell that to Hugo Chavez and John McCain.
The only reason that Jeff Sessions isn’t worse than Janet Reno is the whole murder thing. Otherwise he’s worse.
Also, fuck him for this part too.
And for the rest of it, for that matter.
Trump has better wise up and dump this shithead now. He’s far more likely to sink Trump’s presidency than all the media and Democrats combined.
Looking at the 2016 electoral map, which states that went for Trump don’t love some civil asset forfeiture and hate the devil-weed?
Seems like the legalization and to a lesser extent repeal of shitty civil asset forfeiture laws is mostly in states he didn’t carry anyways.
“But he said “anglo-american” and that’s totes a racist dogwhistle, so that’s what I’m complaining about.” — dumb leftists
IT IS SO ANNOYING. There’s a bazillion legit things to complain about, but they go to the inane stuff every. single. time.
I like how there isn’t even a thought given to restitution. If these are the proceeds of criminal actions, then return them to the victims.
The state isn’t a victim that has been denied it’s cut via taxes? The state hasn’t been victimized by criminals undermining it’s claims of stability, safety and monopoly on violence? The state needs restitution most of all.
And, after all, what is the state if not a pension fund for its employees?
I happened to have heard Jeff Sessions speak at a Lincoln Day luncheon today. At least he acknowledged, as a descendant of a Confederate soldier (who “did his duty as he saw fit”) that the Civil War was caused by slavery, not states rights or tariffs or other issues, all of which he said were being solved or could have been solved without war. Damn, his speaking voice puts one to sleep. I’m sure not all Southern men sound retarded but Sessions sure does.
He knows exactly why it happens.
I’ll say this for the Drug Warriors: they know prohibition results in black markets, they know that fighting the WOD involves fighting against the free market. They’re evil, by my standards, but not stupid. I have never had a Drug Warrior dispute the premise of “drugs make money because people want to do drugs, and if you make it illegal then criminals will be the ones supplying it”. They just say, “Yes, but drugs are bad for society on the whole, etc etc”. They understand the economics of it, they care about the morality of it. Morality by their lights. It’s not like progs with healthcare where they think doctors and hospitals should just be free to everyone because isn’t just awful people have to pay money for scarce resources.
BTW did some fun math last night. If you pardon and release all 100,000 drug prisoners from the federal prisons tomorrow, and hand them 40,000 thats 4 billion dollars, which is 2 years of the DEA’s budget. The fact is, the Drug War continues because there are probably millions of people in this country working in the Drug War Industries: cops, DAs, judges, counselors, rehab, etc etc. It’s big business.
If you want to collect a drug debt, you can’t file a lawsuit in court.
I’m pretty sure Pfizer can sue us if we don’t pay what we owe them.
I’m a big fan of Billings, personally. Probably not as cultured at Bozeman, but still a lot of decent restaurants and experiences to be had. There are two colleges in town, but it smacks to me of a working-class town, instead. It’s a shopping/traveling destination for a good chunk of the state.
A lot of people around here hate Billings for that very reason. “Ooh, it’s dirty and crowded and busy and blah blah blah.”
When I go to Billings, I see a place where wealth is being created. There are people making things, and selling things, and doing things, and generally operating in a full spectrum economy, It’s like a real place.
Exactly. That’s why I love Billings–it’s a productive place. If it’s dirty and crowded and busy, it’s only a consequence of being the Montana-equivalent of a bustling metropolis.
Definitely a metropolis. I recall having a dinner at the top-floor restaurant in a skyscraper hotel in downtown Billings.
It’s such a metropolis, I know exactly which skyscraper you’re talking about and which restaurant. Lol. How was it, btw? I’ve never been.
That was about six years ago, so I don’t remember much. My guess I had a perfectly fine steak. We arrived late at night and it was dark in January. So, we couldn’t see much from the top floor. But I remember I was happy that the restaurant was still open so late.
3rd floor?
Of course they do.
What the fucking fuck?! America’s legal system is rooted in the English Common Law tradition. This isn’t even something that, in any sane world, would be even remotely controversial. I’m honestly shocked that ostensibly educated people wouldn’t be familiar with this.
This is something, I’m willing to bet I could go talk to guys working manual labor jobs and get more intelligent responses than the crap that these people were spouting.
Like one true athena said above, there’s a thousand objectionable things in what he said today, but all anyone cares about now is this.
if you can hear the dogwhistle guess what you are?
Their go to strategy is to call everyone racist. Does it make sense or really address what he is saying? Who cares.
We survived Lake Placid, and Lake Placid survived us. If you ever have the opportunity to take the bobsled ride – do it. I guess it counts as the most expensive one minute experience of my life – but totally worth it. We did have sufficient sanity to just say “no” to the skeleton ride. My only complaint about skiing Whiteface was they need to learn how to groom the slopes (and hopefully not lose a skier).
From commenter ‘browncoat’ in the anniversary thread:
That should be the tag line for the site.
Sanity Island: we swear there are no giant sharks 20 feet offshore.
Do the giant sharks have frickin laser beams on their heads?
When forced inclusiveness meets #metoo
Any one of you little shits is interchangeable with any other!
That’s some straight-up Brave New World “everyone belongs to everyone else” shit.
To be fair (do I owe Robby some fruit sushi for using those words?), since we’re clearly heading towards a dystopia, I really hope it’s Brave New World and not 1984. In Brave New World we get Soma and a lot of sex. But we’re probably heading to 1984.
Probably Both, Compliance is easier on a drugged Populace after all,
I thoughts Drugs are Good?
They can be…
Good Afternoon Glibs!
Long day on the rooftops, Restaurant Refrigeration SUCKS! And I’m going back to chase leaks Tomorrow,
/Beer is Good
“The New York Times is for sophisticated readers of news,”
If by sophisticated, you mean the dumbest people on the planet who think they are actually smart, then ok.
Because the Times never inserts parenthetical blurbs about a scandal or issue when covering something unrelated about a disliked person. Well at least they’re consistent in glowing praise for communist dictators who want to nuke the US.
Other works by Michelle Obama’s portrait artist: https://www.mrctv.org/blog/obama-portrait-artist-also-painted-black-women-holding-severed-white-heads
It always amazes me how much overt racism minorities can get away with.
Basically, in today’s PC culture, outright bigotry is perfectly acceptable against whites and/or males. This woman at work has a plaque on her desk saying something like:
“Lord, give me the patience to endure a man’s faults
Give me the wisdom to understand his mind
But don’t give me the strength because I might just beat him to death!”
If I hung up a plaque with a joke about beating my wife to death, how many milliseconds do you think it would take for me to be hauled out the door?
If I hung up a plaque with a joke about beating my wife to death, how many milliseconds do you think it would take for me to be hauled out the door?
“Roses are red
your shiner is blue
fuck up dinner again
and I’ll beat you with a shoe”
There once was a girl from Duluth,
She had more than one broken tooth.
The cause, it was said,
Was her cooking was bad,
And her husband’s skinned knuckles were proof.
I hate you guys for making me laugh at your poems.
When you work at a kiosk in the mall you meet all kinds. I did that for most of the mid to late 90s at a dial-up ISP. We had computers hooked up to the internet for people to use, so naturally every whacko on Earth would come by to check their Hotmail or look at stock prices. I’ll never forget this one totally normal guy who came by and was refreshingly open about being there to kill time before meeting his friends for drinks. This smokeshow walks past, obviously very expensive, wearing sunglasses that are not quite concealing a black eye. Without missing a beat, dude glances over, turns back to the computer, and says, “Well, I guess he shouldn’t have had to tell her twice.” I took it as black humor and didn’t think too much of it, but in this day and age that kind of joke would get him fired. On the other hand, if a woman joked about cutting her husband’s dick off today, she’d be on the cover of Time Magazine.
What amazes me more than anything are the upper middle class liberal whites that seem to think that not being ok with material like that (black or white) makes you a racist. Progressivism really is a mental disorder; look at Sweden. They’ve been so thoroughly brainwashed that they won’t even stand up for their own safety, to say nothing of right and wrong.
I think they feel like due to their skin color and class, they have to atone for their’s and their ancestor’s supposed misdeeds, and so by being passive and and non-confrontational, they are now healing race relations. It’s bullshit of course but discourse has all but been corrupted by the race peddlers and Cultural Marxists, so any deviation from, “Whites are bad,” will get you thrown out the group and viciously attacked.
I’ve shut down a number of “you need to have more white guilt” sessions by asking people what they and their family in the past did to eliminate slavery. Of course, many can’t fall back on anything, their whole family tree only going back as far as Ellis Island, but I do get a few bluenoses that pull out their “Plymouth Rock” heritage.
“Well”, I say “.. my ancestors for 3 or 4 generations spent their lives, and in some cases died, in the mission to wipe out the transatlantic slave trade as officers and seamen in the Royal Navy, so forgive me if I feel that MY forebears have already done quite enough to expiate my guilt.”
Sure, it’s not enough to head off a spirited discussion of how all us white people live better because of our privilege, but these people usually aren’t quick-witted enough to head off a spirited defense.
There’s also a “collective punishment” mentality: the Leftists seem to think that white males have no right to ever complain about any discriminatory situation because “women/blacks were oppressed by them for centuries!”
They don’t see people as individuals; they just see all human groups as monoliths engaged in a tit-for-tat power struggle.
Did she also paint Barack’s? He seems to like wallpaper backgrounds along with the racist bloodlust.