A year ago this site burst forth, like Athena, fully armed, from the brow of Zeus!

Behold, Glibertarians.com!
OK, maybe not that dramatic. Or that cool. Or… enough of that. Anyways, here we are at one year. If you look at what we said we are all about, I think we have stayed true. We have had many join, a few leave and a couple kicked out…but it has been an interesting time – most of it because of you, the Glibertariat. We have had terrific content (largely contributed by all of you) more snark than a Borscht Belt comedian reunion and a place we can call our internet home. I think the biggest thanks of mine would go to SP, for making this more than a cruddy, free “blogspot.com” site and to sloopy for being the driving force for the site even being done in the first place.
So those are my thoughts – I will hand this off to my fellow Glibs for theirs.
Brett L
I’m grateful to have a place I can come and be wrong. I’ve learned a lot about interesting stuff I didn’t even know was out there this year. This feels like the internet version of my big Irish family. Inside, we fight and drink and cut up at each other, outside, we mob up and kick the shit out of anyone who messes with us. Wait. Not that last part. I’d like to echo Swiss. SP has done a bang up job with this site. Sloopy was so hardcore about this site, he paid a cop to beat up his mom. Hopefully, we won’t need any more of that in year two. Special shout out to Riven and SugarFree, who carry the brunt of the load on user-submitted pieces. And thanks to Swiss, SP, OMWC, and SF for picking up the afternoon link slack. Finally, next time SP does afternoon links, you all better tell her what a great job she’s doing or I’m doing an all Goatse and Eagles (the band) links.
I only wish I had cat-butted more people. I think I only did it once. Oh well, there’s always this coming year.
Who are all you weirdos? Huge kudos to the gang of malcontents who keep this place running and humming and give us a place to belong, even if I don’t really have time to participate much these days.
Happy Anniversary to all you degenerate mockers and scoffers, now free from the tyranny of TOS! I’m proud to be a contributing freedom fighter.
I am so happy to be a part of the two close-knit communities Glibs plays a part of. First to the people who put this project together and were gracious enough to include me in their plans: thanks to all of you. You are a wonderful group of friends and I am blessed that you let me contribute here. Second, to the larger group of readers, contributors, lurkers and benefactors: thanks you all for turning this into the most enjoyable virtual part of my life to date. Many of you are what I would consider friends and the rest of you I consider close acquaintances that have added immeasurably to my knowledge, have made me laugh to the point of tears and have made me rethink positions to better respect the individual rights of others.
You guys people are, to a man person, the best. And looking forward, I’m drawn to the words of Dirk Diggler:
Wow. I dunno what to say . . . I guess. Wow. I guess the only thing I can say, is that I promise to keep rocking and rolling and to keep making better
filmsposts. It seems we makethese moviesthis blog . . . and sometimes . . .they’reit’s considered filthy or something by some people . . . but I don’t think that’s true.These filmsThis blog we make can be better . . .theyit can help . . .theyit really can, I mean it. We can always do better — and I’ll keep trying if you keep trying so let’s keep ROCKING AND ROLLING.
Old Man With Candy
Reason did me a great favor- it allowed me to meet and become real-life friends with an amazing group of people. Funny thing was, I could never get SP to read it, and on the few occasions she looked, she didn’t find the comments appealing. The first turning point was a few years ago when she joined me on a trip to visit SugarFree; “You keep telling me that his stuff is disturbing and horrifying- I can’t believe that, he’s such a sweet, charming, and intelligent guy!” That sort of hooked her into my libertarian social circle and she did not come back unscathed. So when it seemed obvious to our friends that it was time to make Virginia Postrel’s fondest wish come true, she was the one who really made it happen.
I’m shocked and very pleasantly surprised at how fast we became a community in the Burkean “little platoon” sense. Crowd-sourcing content is a recipe for disaster, unless your crowd is unusually smart and articulate. And the Glibertariat is definitely Mensa-gone-terribly-wrong. In any case, having this site has allowed SP and me to meet lots of you whom we wouldn’t have met otherwise, and we’ve ended up with people who are truly friends. That is priceless and makes all the work involved pale into insignificance.
Thank you. Thank you all.
This is all I have to say:
I will not be taking any questions.
I am oddly pleased to be a member of this community! It’s nice to know there are people out there as messed up as I am! (And I say that with love!)
Heartfelt thanks to all who made, and continue to make, this site happen.
Happy Anniversary Baby, I got you on my mind.
And not a single shout out to Heroic Mulatto and his delicious Thicc posts? Back to REASON!!!!
Thanks for keeping me entertained, Glibs
HM is quite busy today…but I suspect he will have something for us tonight…
HM will be around later with an… interesting post.
” interesting post”
You’re scaring me.
*popcorn .gif*
*vomit .gif*
*frantically searches for rosary beads*
Burn your computer. Do it now.
Definitely don’t do that. You will not want to miss this.
I guess I’m weird, because I look forward to it. Hopefully he posts it before I head to bed.
I’ll get the eye bleach.
Just got back from a trip to Ft Lauderdale/Miami area, which is one of the world’s primary sources of Thicc. It did not disappoint.
Without the relief valve of sanity and rational political/economic analysis this site provides, I’d be an seething antisocial mass of resentments.
Oh, wait…
I just revisited the first post and was reminded why Groovus needs to come back.
Some music to commemorate the occasion.
Groovus. Indeed. Miss that d00d.
He has dropped off the face. He has my personal email, and we corresponded a few times, and then . . . poof. Hope he’s OK, wish he’d resurface.
(Sorry, ZARDOZ ol’ bean, but you know it had to be said…)
This site, and the insightful individuals who congregate here, I meant to say.
Happy Anniversary! And may this be the first of many anniversaries.
I am not one for pretty anniversary words, but as a former lurker on most places I read o the net and a fairly lonely guy this community was good for me in what was the very worst year of my life and I appreciate the change to share some thought and get some feedback on stuff I write. That about covers it. Keep up the ehm… I don’t think good is the right word… work
Your contributions here have been particularly delightful.
The NYT sent me a news alert about Trump’s massive, deficit-ballooning budget proposal. I hope Krugabe is working on a column length apology to Trump for all the mean things he has said.
At Long Last, a Stimulus Worthy of the Name.
So is this proof of Trump’s libertarianism or is it time to concern troll about Republican fiscal irresponsibility?
concern troll about Republican fiscal irresponsibility
I hate this shit. “Republicans don’t really care about the deficit, so vote for Democrats who will make it even worse!”
Accidental Libertarian President strikes again?
Feliz anniversario, shitlords.
The first turning point was a few years ago when she joined me on a trip to visit SugarFree; “You keep telling me that his stuff is disturbing and horrifying- I can’t believe that, he’s such a sweet, charming, and intelligent guy!”
Lies! All lies.
I’m a monster.
“It’s all lies, I tell you! Nothing but a tissue of lies!”
I can vouch for this! My pancreas is still imploded from merely his touch.
He’s like the Salt Monster from Star Trek, only he craves the sweet, sweet life essence of insulin.
I’ve mostly lurked here, but it’s been a great first year. Thanks for the weirdness and the solid commentary.
Did you do your home teaching this month or are you waiting until the 29th?
/huge assumption I’m going to regret later.
In case any of you didn’t understand the last part of my segment:
I understood. I was expecting you to whip it out at the end.
I’ll be sure to pour a glass of bourbon tonight in honor of the 1 year milestone.
And maybe some Scotch as well.
Thanks for all your work in spreading glibness.
Have you considered getting a P.O. Box (a la Ivan Stang) so we could send our manifesti made from clipped out letters from Teen Vogue, gifts of local color, and
anthraxBolivian marching powder?Did you see what just happened to Don Jr’s wife? No way. I ‘m not wasting orphans on that.
Sounds like a pre-packaged deal
Remington said it will receive $145 million in bankruptcy financing to fund the company through the Chapter 11 process. Remington plans to file bankruptcy in U.S. Bankruptcy Court in Delaware, seeking to write off about $700 million in debt.
Cerberus Capital Management LP, the private equity firm that controls Remington, will lose ownership of the company as a result of the bankruptcy. The company’s creditors, which include Franklin Templeton Investments and JPMorgan Asset Management, will exchange their debt holdings for equity in the company.
Business operations including employee wages and benefits and payments to trade creditors will continue as usual through the bankruptcy, the company said.
Maybe they can survive if they shed debt and don’t do anything too stupid.
And stop marketing shitty cheap guns.
So, you’re saying that they’re screwed?
The entities that are taking equity in Remington are going to be losing that investment unless they make some serious changes.
^ This. I’m saying this. ^
Once the Freedom Group gets its junk up in ya, you cant wash it out
Remington parties are so very.
Did you have a brain tumor for breakfast, Chipwooder?
Happy Anniversary you beautiful bastards!
In the span of one year, I have wasted more time on this site than I ever did reading, lurking, or commenting on TOS. Yay?
Seriously. And it shows in my interactions with normals. As it happens, very few people like to be referred to as a ‘slaver’.
I can quit anytime I like. Um, you got any more of those snarks?
My wife asked me how she looked in a dress and I just replied: “would”.
So…how was that received?
Same here. At lunch today I used a phrase that someone around here posted on the comments, something like “That’s not even apples and oranges, that’s more like apples and monkeys.”
Or working.
Thanks to everyone. Seriously.
I even feel thankful for the occasional cat butt reprimand.
all you degenerate mockers and scoffers
This is why we can’t have
nice thingsVirginia Postrel.+several tequila shots.
Thanks guys for giving me loads of good reads, good music, and politically incorrect material with which to torment my right thinking friends over the past year.
I wish I had more time to post, but as I’ve been working a fairly irregular and busy schedule since leaving the military in July, by the time I get around to reading many of the threads, they’re dead. Still, I look forward to at least peek in on the goings on each day and it’s definitely a highlight for me. Second the previous postings about having horizons expanded as a result of everyone here.
I’m in Nashville when I’m not traveling if anyone ends up in the area and wants to do a Glib meet-up.
I’ll be down in Nashville the first week of July. Feel free to reach out to me at my handle @ gmail.
Thanks for the site, people!
Thanks to all who put this place together!
Also, aww, my baby picture at the top there. But I can confirm being born out of dad’s skull wasn’t easy, so y’all need to appreciate the site founders.
Also: For the LAST TIME. I DO NOT write the STEVE SMITH articles. PLEASE stop sending me hairy dick pics.
No dick pics? Who are you, man?
Just the hairy ones need to stop.
*buys razor*
He likes ’em as smooth as a baby’s bottom.
Like a turtle shell.
If you’re using a straight razor, well, you’ve got bigger balls than me. For now, anyway.
Wait, who are we talking about here, SF or OMWC?
The one that was literally tarred and feathered was especially disturbing.
Looky Mr. Rich Guy here! Maybe some people can’t afford waxing, ever think of that?
My sending those to you had nothing to do with whoever writes the STEVE SMITH articles.
All this reminds me that I need to stop being a cheap fuck and kick a few dollars into the donation page. I also need to pick up some merch. I visit this place at least 4 days a week and love all you degenerates.
This place has actually had the effect of cooling my political intensity. I’ve become a little bit more.. glib.. relaxed and laid back while watching the decline. Now I find our current political climate funny in a weird nihilistic way. I credit that feeling to all of you and I’m pretty sure my life is better for it.
Exactly my experience as well, TK. I tell people that I mostly follow the political news/palace intrigue as entertainment, and my life is better for it. I’ve had a few people tell me that they like my approach better.
Its either laugh, or take a rifle with high-powered optics to an elevated position. I prefer to laugh.
Pretty much, its like a laugh with a very slight sick desperation in the background. It keeps everyone safer that way.
The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. Just don’t ask me to bleed about it, I need my blood to survive.
No awards show?
Most Read Post of the Year
The Rufus Commenter of the Year – awarded to whoever commented the most, proving that they do in fact, not work
Best Avatar
Thiccest Post of the Year
That’s all I need. Maybe 10 at the most.
“Most Times Posting a Story That Was Posted In the Link Thread Already, Proving That No One Actually Reads the Posts”
The winner gets to die happy knowing that Trump was impeached, right?
Only if the winner is Poppy.
I’m genuinely curious to see a top ten articles for hit count. Some of the topical articles here have been fucking outstanding, and it would be interesting to know how much reach they’ve made out amongst the normies.
Narrowest Gaze of the Year presented by Swiss?
Fuck. Meant to be as a reply to CPA
You win the P. Brooks Unthreaded Award.
His gaze was so narrow he went blind.
That’s not why he went blind.
*narrows gaze*
Happy anniversary folks — and thanks to those who keep the site humming from those of us who mainly lurk.
I can’t believe it’s been a year. Time truly flies.
I would like to say something enlightening, nay pithy, but I’m so tired that I’m (almost) at a loss for words.
But a big thanks to everyone for putting up with my STEVE SMITH, feminism, metoo, and weirdo links. And for the advice I’ve gotten on any number of subjects. I may be an introvert at heart but you guys (and gals) let my freak flag fly high in the sky.
Pipe down
FWIW, I actually read your feminism/metoo/cultural decline links every day even if I don’t always comment on them.
I made it an entire year and nary a cat butt, I must not be the asshole all my friends and family think and tell me I am, that or I really ought to quit holding back with you thin skinned jerks.
It is quite possible that your friends are correct and that your behavior does not merit reprimand by this site’s standards. The standard for acceptable assholery here is much different than that in the real world.
If you haven’t gotten a cat butt yet, you’re not trying hard enough.
Fuck you Scruffy!! I’m trying as hard as I can.
Wait, did you change shirts?
What are you talking about?
Happy Anniversary and Thanks To Everyone!
As someone that came in a couple of months too late, because I actually do have to work most of the time and thus missed the whole kerfuffle at that other shit site, I can honesty say I am glad I made the move. This place is always entertaining, and even though it may be personal bias, I find it is populated by some interesting people. Rock on bitchez!
Thanks to everyone for expanding my horizons, not just politically, but in many other ways as well. From good reading to sound financial advice, you people have it all.
I hope I’m as smart as you when I grow up.
And to STEVE SMITH and ZARDOZ…I tremble in fear and laughter whenever you post. Even the mare thinks STEVE SMITH is hilarious.
Thanks for the site. It really helped me kick the habit of working while at work.
To paraphrase the 44th president: You guys are smarter than Newton, funnier than Wodehouse, more horrifying than Lovecraft, and sexier than Mama June. I’m a relative latecomer (TOS Class of 2013) but I could tell pretty early that this commentariat was streets ahead of any other I’d ever encountered. Really, the comment section, not the website, became my reason for visiting Reason very quickly.
Thanks for all you do to distract me during the workday, and STFU Tulpa!
“Really, the comment section, not the website, became my reason for visiting Reason very quickly.”
That is the only reason I visited reason.. The people commenting and the insight.
The articles were mostly stupid crap from pretend libertarians hoping to score points with the cocktail circlejerkers.
…more horrifying than Lovecraft…
This is very true. I mean, look at what SF posted in this very blog entry. *shudders*
Happy birthday to us! ? I never participated much at TOS because it always seemed like by the time I got to any post, it had always devolved into a flame war or trollfest. Since Glib opened, I’ve found a place I can stop by any time of day and find funny things to read, and I’ve been able to participate much more. Contributing is awesome and the reception to everything I’ve submitted, be it article or more fun things like the Teen Vogue covers, has been wonderful. Thank you for giving us a home!
I think the Teen Vogue covers are the classiest bit we run. When we finally break through and get the Alex Jones exposure, it will be through the masterful trolling of those covers
It took me four times to finally pack in my Facebook account and stay the fuck away from the media that re-enforces the fact that I’m a weirdo that doesn’t fit into society.
Glibertarians has been a great landing pad, and a source of endless amounts of humour and interesting takes on things.
This place is important. All of us subscribe to a very minority philosophical position, and it is good for all of us to know that we are not lost in the wilderness on our own.
Thank you to all of the people here who write excellent articles (I send the topical articles to my friends all the time) and the commentariat who never cease to amaze and keep me laughing.
As with many, I’m a busy cat and can’t always be here to contribute, but thank you to everyone else who does. You really light up my days.
Also, special thanks for hosting my trucking article/rant piece, and for all of the positive feedback you gave me on it. I’m working on at least two more, but the going is slow. I will do my level best to bring two more articles to the table before Mrs Gordilocks delivers the next member of The Glibertariat Youth. Once that happens ….. I may have to resume deep lurkage.
Also …. ZARDOZ …. please, take on Dan Savage. It must be done, and it will be the funniest shit ever.
Congratulations to all, and thank you to the founders & contributors (especially SP! TSTSNBN would be lucky to have a site half as squirrel free as this one) and commentors who make this place such a community.
Yes, thank you for the site. It just so happened that I got my Glibs bumper sticker today. I’m going to cut out the logo and stick it on my car despite my rule of “no stickers on my car.”* If anyone in Cleveland sees a silver SAAB with a Glib sticker on it, just wander into whatever bar it’s parked at and start yelling “Fuck off, Slaver.” I’ll buy the next round.
*The last bumper sticker I had was on my ’84 Subaru Brat during the Bill Clinton campaign. It said “Will Rodgers never met Hillary”.
I guess “Fuck off, slaver” is our code phrase. What will we use as a secret handshake? That won’t get anyone arrested…
“That’s not my belly button!”
Happy Anniversary. This is the only place I’ve ever posted online.
Thank you to all of you who keep the place running. It’s the only site that I read on a more-or-less daily basis.
I’m pleased to be part of the team that ensures the mockers and scoffers continue to have things to mock!
My FIL introduced me to reason by giving me a dead tree subscription as a gift. I started going on the site during the 2016 primaries looking to get libertarian view on the candidates, after awhile i would read the articles I was interested in but I would read the comments on every article I had time for. I think I came over about a month or so after this site started. I had to google sugar free libertarian to find it and have been lurking/ commenting somewhat frequently since. I can’t remember which article exactly but one of the more serious early articles made me think this was the place to be.
From a longtime lurker thanks for putting this together.
Thank you to the site founders and commentariat for this site. I mostly lurk because the threads are usually dead by the time I can get around to reading them. This is my favorite island of insanity in this rolling sea of stupidity we live in.
Thank you for your efforts. The site (and its commentators) are amazing.
Thanks for giving me a place to publish my demented musings! You
will be the last ones killed in the muppet uprising!er… um…. are some of the greatest folks I’ve ever met on the internet. Hopefully in year 2 I get to meet a few of you IRL.“Sully–remember when I said I would kill you last? I lied.”
Thanks to all the glibs organizers and regular “staff”, all the guest contributors, and of course all the commentariat.
You guys are the bestest.
I was a long-time lurker and occasional commenter on TSTSNBN and got bloody tired of the Hihn and Tony show. After the treatment given to Sloopy, just got disgusted and was delighted when this den of craziness started up.
It’s great to find a bunch of people who value liberty as much as the founders of this place did and who provided a home for those of us who no-shit care about driving people sane and having fun at the same time.
Happy Anniversary!
This is a good site.
Thanks for creating this site. Unfortunately, it’s inception coincided with my getting a full time job after a lifetime of self employment. I read most of the comments, but usually late at night after work. Been reading paper reason since the early nineties, this place is better
Seriously this is the best place to learn a little, laugh a lot and get comfortable with Yeti rape, a veritable horn of plenty.
As is appropriate I can find time only when the thread is deader than HRC’s presidential hopes. This is one pain from living far west of whatever the name of the almost eastern time zone.
But a big mahalo (thank you) to everyone who put this island of sanity in the ocean of online derp. And mahalo to all the commenters and lurkers. I have learned a great deal and laughed too much cognac up my nose on this site. May the next year be as entertaining as this year.
Super late to this love fest, but I feel like anyone who doesn’t participate in it will be in for some self-criticism sessions.
I was out of town working when the blowup happened at TOS. I got back home and the comments at the TOS were way down and they were missing a lot of people. Then Tundra got to me via my email and told me all about the dustup. There were a couple of weeks on Google Groups and then – uffda – the site was up and running. It has been great to hang around here. My proudest moment came when I got my cat butt avatar after whining and moaning how the staff was treating a big donator like myself.
Glibertarians – A site for sore eyes
My thanks to the Overlords for putting this place together. SP a special thank you for all the behind the scenes work you do (and the one get out of cat buttons card you gave me.) OMWC has given me more to think about then I got from Hebrew school. Now, can someone prod Gojira to write more movie reviews?
Huh?….Oh, yeah. Thanks for the, uh…the thing. It’s really cool.
/Seriously, though-thanks for providing this place for us. And, thanks to everyone for making the place it is.
I noticed the comments degrading at Reason and didn’t know why. I missed reading you all [insert another plea out into the universe for Agile Cyborg here], and I’m glad to meet the only 6 other female libertarians in the world. Thank you for the warm welcome and the snark I was used to on Usenet years ago but forgot and am trying to re-learn.
I too have become more relaxed about the current state of the world thanks to this place, and I am going to contribute, I promise!
Oh, Brett L. I forgot to say this.
I take screenshots of comments people make I think are funny. I have you to thank for “crack-addled rat.” Specifically, on November 10, 2016 on ToS, you said, “My productivity between lack of sleep, shadenfreude, and crack-addled rat levels of clicking was not zero, but not at the level they pay me for.”
I stalk clever people.