License, registration, proof of insurance…Mr. ZARDOZ is it?

Hail Zardoz!
Can I request you start cleansing more Millennials?
I second the request.
I’ll third that request.
They appear to be self-clean(s)ing
That gives them a leg up on those dirty hippies.
The Scandinavian myth. Hail Zardoz!
They don’t even have a Gross National Happiness Index!
Heh-heh….. ‘Wong”
Truly the three faces of evil there.
Ermm, Dorado> Earthquake, same ABV, Ho Lee Fuk!
Sup Tres!
Pork roast crammed with garlic, cold coor’s light 40 oz (in a paper sack), and Der Slimehund
The pork looks good. Der Hund looks hungry.
Yusef; I haven’t been on here much lately. What did you do with all the puppy pics?
I was browsing for audiobooks, when I noticed something odd with this cover art
Maybe that was the left hand that was murdered my the right hand of doom?
It’s a standard problem.
Okay, now I’m just goin’ with “dumbass.”
Maybe it’s a clue, and you’re supposed to look at the book cover in a mirror.
Perhaps it’s a mirror image of a self-portrait of a right hand. Or maybe the art director’s just a dumbass.
How odd that in Fort Dodge, the LEOs drive Fords.
Lolz. I had a Mustang as my rental car for my illicit interview in San Diego last week, and it was awesome to drive a sweet littlle sportscar that still had recognizable controls like in my ancient Ford Expedition.
If I get this job tho, I am totally saving for a Tesla. Just because.
Why? What’s the appeal of the short range hazardous waste hauler?
I am a hopeless early adopter. Also, their customer service is legendarily good, and as an EE geek, I just want to help advance the tech. By the time I could afford a Tesla, we will have Lithium batteries with solid electrolytes, so we will probably be pretty good.
If you do shell out for one, you’ll have to give a thorough product review.
That’s a deal. It won’t be anytime really soon though. Those house prices in the area I am looking at are cray-cray.
Cali Freeways? Range Anxiety will kill ya, it’s as much running time as it is range
That is why I am looking at sweet properties east of I-15 that I would just drive country roads right under the highway to the workplace.
Best housing advice so far was that bit from my Aussie possible future coworker. I thought he would be my boss and asked about what kind of cubicle habitat they had: open floor, lumped by function, etc, and he answered about the cubes, but then said, “But you would be in an office with a window, so…” I did remark that I thought I’d be reporting to him; he laughed and said “Are you kdding? We will be peers; I am counting on you to help spell me on these engineering and strategy duties.” So his manager (whom I’ve known 18 years) would be my boss. Pretty cool.
I love the idea of working in an environment where I am not the smartest person in the room. About bloody time. Looking forward to a good offer. Let’s hope!!
I love the idea of working in an environment where I am not the smartest person in the room.
That’s why you like it here so much, isn’t it?
I kid, I kid. 🙂 (But you had to know that was coming.)
Yeah, I deserve that. 🙂 I came across way more arrogant than I meant to be.
Thing is, having lunch with these half dozen guys who interviewed me and would be “the team” was like being around you guys. We could make references to history, literature, current events, crude comedy, and it all worked great. Just like the Glibs, except less STEVE SMITH. And drunk HM. And titties.
I sometimes get surprised when I wander around a social circle I hadn’t visited in a while and half of what I say confuses them because I’d gotten used to groups with quicker wit.
Maybe to “fit in” in California…?
She’d better start saving up for her bumper sticker budget, then.
Enjoying a nice Marc Martel song “Ringo Starr” in which he drops a lyrical gem: “You got a message in a bottle you can’t admit you own.”
Martel is the guy who is a dead ringer for Freddie Mercury and tours with Queen covers now and then. This song is from an album of all originals that he ironically calls “Impersonator” because he is so often compared to Freddie but wanted an original. My faves from the album (mostly Youtube-able) are Paradise, Magnetic, and Ringo Starr. And Our Best. And The Remake. And all of it.
SFed the Ringo Link, Just Say’n
Dang it!
I like it! Real Straight forward Rock, He’s a good lyricist, very much more subtle than apparent
It’s been my “put on headphones and drown out the office noise” go-to album lately. You should definitely check out his Magnetic. Starts as a song about destructive addiction to an unhealthy sexual relationship but then turns abruptly tender at the end in a way that would melt me where I stood and win me over my own better judgment.
Victoria Beckham smashes Spice Girls reunion tour hopes
Oh, Pish Posh.
She made the right choice.
*narrows gaze*
I went to the tryouts. I was hoping to be….
She always was the stuck up one.
And yet, her reality show was canceled because she and David were literally too normal and nice to people.
I dig the gravitronic drive and everything, but those Brutals in Iowa don’t even know how to Super B.
Saskatchewan Brutals make the Best Grain Haulers anyways.
The Saskatchewan Brutals make the best Grain Haulers, anyways.
The Saskatchewan Brutals make the best Grain Haulers.
I’m not sure this move will do anything to help any of the alleged victims of sexual harassment. Seems like all it will really do is damage the “brand” of the Weinstein Company so much that its value will be driven to near-zero, making it impossible for any of the alleged victims to be compensated.
He really does look like a potato.
Schneiderman doesn’t give a shit. He thinks this grandstanding makes him look good, and that’s what matters. The state has to get its cut before anybody else can.
How in God’s holy name does Schneiderman think he has the authority to block this? Just because FYTW?
We’re gonna need a bigger woodchipper.
Saskatchewan Brutals Do Grain Hauling Better Anyways
Electric Cars are not energy efficient, too much wasted energy in transfer, this is a Fact.
Nuclear energy may make up for the difference, but first We need Nukes.
California is a net Importer of Electricity from other States, hence the extremely High rates we pay.So much so it may erase the comparison of Electric vs. Gasoline.
While a Tesla ‘Looks” Neato, it’s a Huge waste of money, if you have it, spend it, but don’t think it’s the future, not yet
The other states should just cut California off the grid.
Too much Lucre to be made
It would be cheaper in the long run if the state were cauterized off the country.
AZ would be happy to cut the chord, but we like their bloody money.
i know it’s a huge waste of mulah. But it’s fun to think about.
The energy density of chemicals (gasoline, conventional armament propellant) is ridiculously high compared to that of batteries, capacitors etc. But there are some advantages to the latter categories that are worth exploring. I also love that SpaceX and Tesla are doing this without govt bureacracy. (aside from some subsidies.)
Bring it, Musk, you beautiful, sadistic bastard.
I’ve been meaning to do THIS to the GF’s hyundai, just for giggles. No way I’m trying it with my Cummins.
Hyundai?!?! KIA is the APPROVED Korean Glib Car,Burn the Heretic!
I drive a truck. Cars for for cheerleaders and the glee club.
^this guy gets it
Trucks are for buck tooth hillbillies.
Real men have litters.
There is something to be said for a girl driving a sprint car however
i said Car! i drive a 1ton V10 Ford Van Beotch!
/at work
And I already greeted you back up top.
Blows air horn at the various favours of four wheelers trying to pretend there is any difference between them.
Yeah – I’m a car guy
like this
I have a Genesis. Despite its quirks, I like it. Go ahead and try to burn me.
/gets rifle
Would those be flux capacitors?
+88 mph
Where we’re going, we don’t need, ROADZ
So we’re going to Somalia?
But when I park my Prius in the parking lot of Wholefoods, I feelz morally superior to you heathens!
My hybrid tries to stroke my (nonexistent) moral superiority. Whenever I shut it off, it displays “thank you for driving a hybrid.” I get a kick out of that… I’m sure there’s some crunchy prog type who gets their rocks off to such smugturbation.
I keep wondering if there’s a way to turn that off. Then I get out of the car and don’t care anymore.
My 2000 Ford Expie gets 12-13 mpg. I love that freaking truck.
Suck it, Gaia!
All that plant food pumped into the air, you must love green.
Iowahawk used to run an Earth Week Cruise-In where readers sent in pictures of their gas guzzlers.
I was going to send in a picture of my old Crown Vic for a cruise-in six years or so ago. The Crown Vic has just reached the 200,000 mile mark. I bought it with only 46 miles on it. Unfortunately, the day I went to take the picture I saw someone had scraped the side. I didn’t take the picture and submit because I wanted to show a spiffy car.
Before the next cruise-in, I replaced the Crown Vic with the Genesis.
OMG it really does that?!
It’s obnoxious.
Not shitting you at all.
Wait… do you have a C-Max Too?
I thought I was the only person who bought one. (and the sales numbers would back that up)
I have a fusion, but it’s the same message.
“Here we observe Homo Progressivus, a loud, boistrous species which survives by hiding amongst the morphologically similar Sapiens. They are pack hunters who cluster in small groups and pick off isolated individuals. When no prey is available, they graze on ambient smug.”
So what you’re saying is that they’re omnivores?
Oddly though they hunt, oftentimes they don’t consume the remains of their prey. Sometimes they will hunt to merely harvest even more smug by bragging about their percieved superiority.
So they’re French? Now I get it.
They often skin their kill and wear its pelt while pretending to be it.
So, John McCain?
Now I haz much confuse.
Google will not show me the search results for “inefficiency of electric cars” but instead converts it to “efficiency of electric cars”
Power cuts are also expected as a cold mass makes its way to the UK across the Atlantic Ocean from Canada.
Blame Canada, Always.
Meh. We’re used to it.
The decision was made by a panel of five judges on Hong Kong’s Court of Final Appeal, led by Chief Justice Geoffrey Ma. Wong, 21, Nathan Law and Alex Chow had served roughly two months in jail before they were granted bail in November.
Those judges will “disappear”.
I don’t know if blondes really have more fun, but I know *I* would have more fun with these gals.
1, 4, 5, 7, 18, 19, 22, 29, 31.
And a bonus.
I’ll take the bonus, assuming there’s a right arm.
2, 5,14, 16 (I’ll forgive the ink this time), 22, 26, 34, 37
I think some are bottle blondes, but that’s not enough for me to exclude them from the orgy.
I’ll just take 34 and see you in about a week (assuming I survive that long).
Eh. Gingers > Selfies.
When the internet archeologists discover this site 200 years from now, they’re going to be pretty confused.
But are we a virus?
*plays harmonica*
I’ve got the Sunday Night Blues…
Oh Lord, the Sunday Night Blues…
Just got back from a pool party – OMWC would have been arrested there.
Would *I* have been arrested?
Scientists without a political agenda have been warning for years now that we could enter another mini-ice age because of the sun entering a very quiet cooler period. This could last as long as 30 years. The mainstream media have completely ignored this although the consequences would be far worse than a couple of degrees increase over the next century. Of course, when it happens, they’ll just say that this is what they meant by climate change and it’s obviously caused by fossil fuels and overpopulation. True bleevers will beleeve.
Media won’t cover it until 95% of scientists sign on. Once the scientists do, no one will ever admit they ever had any other position and were wrong about it.
“We have always been in a mini ice age.”
Couple sells all possessions for sailboat, sinks 2 days into trip
they are raising money to salvage the ship so they can try again
Well, they’re “tired of working” so I guess that’s out.
Says the guy who really really wants strangers to give him some money.
I’m happy to admit I only looked to make sure it wasn’t anybody I know.
Outback server fired over online rant slamming church for skipping tip
Facebook: making it easier to fire people since 2006
And ensuring no one else will hire them ever again.
-10,000 points for being an idiot on a social platform, +100 for announcing determination to continue career in the food service industry.
– penis showin’ game
Yeah, I’m not tipping on takeout. You’ve provided no service to tip on.
By the way, fuck tipping on a service product (like hair cuts)… I already paid you for doing a good job, why the hell am I tipping you for that same good job??
I’ll tip an old-school barber – it’s usually cheap and they usually do a great job.
I think we’ve complained about the insidious rise of the tip-jar-where-it-doesn’t-belong before. Food trucks, take out, it’s fucking everywhere now. And I see so many knuckleheads wasting their money on it. Stupid, stupid.
The one I’m not sure about is apartment super. Supposedly they expect a little something around Xmas. Yeah, my rent’s already got you covered and you’re never around when I need you anyway so NOPE.
There’s a little Cheese Steak Subs place near us. Not only to they have a big gallon tip jar (stuffed with bills, no coins, apparently to get you thinking that way if you’re paying cash) but if you use a credit card, before you can authorize the amount, a screen comes up and says “tip amount” and then has three boxes you can check — 15%, 20% or 25%. For making your sandwich and handing it to you.
You can instead click “other” and then I usually add two bucks, just because I don’t want the surly guy at the grill to spit on my beef slices.
If you really think he would do that, I would stop going there.
Yeah, I’ve seen that on CC readers too. Fuck. You.
None of the lunch places I go to give me the impression that they “expect” the tip, though. I think they just do it to make a little extra off of suckers.
I’m fairly certain that one of the newer credit card processors (Square/Stripe/Whatever) has the “tip” part built into the checkout. The homebrew shop I frequent uses them, and I always have to select the No Tip option when checking out.
There’s an a couple off-sale places in the town I work in that have tip jars at the register. Really? I’m supposed to tip you for ringing up my 6 pack of beer, while not saying a word to me or even making eye contact? I get better service from Target check-outs than you.
I try to use the self-checkout when I go to the grocery store, at least when I have nothing that doesn’t have a bar code.
I try to avoid self-checkout lanes unless there are too many people clutting up the real registers. And then only if I have a small number of barcoded items. Less than five.
I love self-checkout, but up here in NoDak they aren’t very common. In fact Walmart is the only places I’ve ever seen them.
The one I’m not sure about is apartment super. Supposedly they expect a little something around Xmas.
Any sort of expectation of compensation beyond the contractually agreed amount is weird. Paralegals expect attorneys to pay them a christmas gift. Most law firms its $100*year of attorney’s seniority per attorney.
I have less of a problem with christmas gifts to service workers (garbagemen, postal workers, apartment supers, etc.), but regularly tipping for service products grinds my gears.
To me it only makes sense as a reward for superior service. That rules out garbagemen and postal workers but not barbers and possibly not supers. And even then I find the yearly bonus much weirder than a per-incident tip. The only one of those I have any regular contact with is my super. I don’t know who my mailman or garbageman is – they seem to change every week anyway.
I’ve never seen my garbagemen. They arrive while I’m at work.
I always have a tipping dilemma when the owner of a bar is serving me. Do I really need to tip him/her? Every single drink I purchase is a “tip” for them. I usually end up doing it, but not quite as enthusiastically as I would an employee.
When I was a teen, my parents taught me you’re only supposed to tip employees, that it’s an insult to tip the owner. But I think owners are more than happy to be insulted like that these days.
One bar owner of a sadly now defunct hag out of mine had a gutter over the back bar into which he would toss all the tips he got. Twice a year or so he’d clean it out and buy crab legs and tenderloin filets for the regulars.
Also, I hate the bartenders who expect a tip for the six seconds of work involved in handing me a beer. I’ll give you a couple bucks at the end of the night but I’m not leaving a tip every damn time.
I’m usually running a CC tab or on someone else’s tab. I can’t remember the last time I forked over cash for a drink. I don’t go out much anymore though.
I have a completely irrational policy of not running a tab unless I’m eating dinner at the bar, something about putting beer on my credit card doesn’t sit right with me.
I find that I spend a lot more when I’ve handed over a credit card instead of paying cash as I go. And I’ll generally stick to a dollar a drink as a tip at the bar. As the great book of drinking says, “If you can’t afford to drink, then go to a god damned liquor store.”
Yeah… that quote should be can’t afford to tip, not can’t afford to drink. I blame the drinking tonight.
I’ll generally stick to a dollar a drink as a tip
I’ll be damned If I’m paying some broad $6/hr for the privileged of handing me a Strohs every few minutes, I don’t care how big her tits are.
The Hyperbole:
The odds of my drinking a Strohs is lower then the odds of me just giving up alcohol. Considering you could just go to Phoenix and get some good beers for ~$5, I’d say you should go that route.
Been there ,done that, even spent a few years drinking all the fancy schmancy beers I could get my grubby little paws on, but I’ve settled into a nice frugal alcoholic’s lifestyle and If I start spending ~$5 a beer again I’ll have to start working more than 20 hours a week and I’m to old for that shit.
I almost always run a tab and drink draft exclusively, but on the very rare occasions bottles are involved I’ll generally tip a buck every other go. I mean, no, handing me a bottle doesn’t merit an additional fifty cents, but I think of it as a bribe to make sure they’re attentive next time I come up to the bar.
most bar/restaurants usually split tips at the end of the night, fwiw
And that is how the guys working door and bar backing get any extra $ …having done both, I always tip nicely, if able.
I tend to tip more than I probably should. The guys from Lowes who hauled my new washer in and hauled the old one out? I gave em each five bucks and they were surprisingly floored. It cost me little to make them feel appreciated. I usually give the UPS and trash guy twenty bucks each around Christmas, just as a thank you. The trash guy puts up with some foul shit, literally, from my kiddos still in diapers.
I do draw the line with tip jars and take out. Never any tip for that. Also, if a server won’t split the check, I let them know not to expect a tip unless that’s done and it’s always immediately split. Not sure how that refusal started as a thing, but they can take an extra minute to do their job. We rarely split checks anymore but there’s one group we just have to with.
I worked in restaurants for a long time, so I tend to tip as well as I can for service stuff. 20% minimum, usually more like 25% – 30% if the service is good. It’s a few bucks more that I’ll hardly notice, but the person getting the tip sees that I gave them $10 instead of $8 and thinks I walk on water. And if you frequent the same places often, it pays off. My wife and I have actually seen servers compete to get our table.
The split thing pisses me off, too. If you have a table of fifteen midshipmen, each one got the same thing, they’re all paying in cash, and they all want separate checks, yes, that sucks and is shitty behavior on their part, frankly. But 99% of the time it’s really not that big a deal to split a check. It’s really nice when people specify ahead of time that they’re going to want it split, but if they don’t it’s easy enough to just ask them to write down on the check how they’d like the split done.
I’ve never worked in a restaurant (or bar), but I hung out with enough staff that I picked up the high tipping habit as well. One interesting thing (to me) is that I’m generally recognized in any bar I’ve gone to a couple of times.
One of my friends always makes sure he banters a bit with the waitress at a bar, with high humor – orders the most girly drink they have (after consulting said waitress) first, tips heavily for it – and for the rest of the night, the waitress will materialize right by him if he as much as raises an eyebrow.
If you look up “Type of person that gets fired from Outback,” it would just have that picture and say “Probably named something like Tamlynn Yoder, 25.”
As I see from the comments below, I’m probably in the minority on this, but she was right about the tipping bit if wrong about posting a rant on social media. You don’t tip as much on take-out as you do on regular service, and it varies to some extent based on who’s putting your order together, but it’s not out of place to tip something in the 10% – 15% neighborhood. Because it is work, and typically the people doing it are working largely for tips, and if it’s a server or bartender then yes, time spent on your order is time they could be spending on someone in-house who will almost certainly tip more.
I feel horrible. But totally would .
Don’t feel horrible. I’m sure you just want to caress her Silky Schoen Flesh.
Well done.
Oh hell yes. she’s cute. Spin her like a top.
HA! First thing I thought was “spinner.”
She just can’t stop the games people play, can she?
“She decided to become a lawyer after failing to get into medical school because of the dwarfism that hindered her growth – in immediately set about suing the health ministry for refusing her entry.”
“you’re an ANGRY elf”
“Dobby wants to be a gastroenterologist elf, Harry Potter.”
Tell him you’re giving him your spleen.
Meh. Takes up law so she can prosecute the medical school.
That would be some tiny, angry, sex, amirite?
Strangely, I’m aroused.
Finally something that fits your tiny penis? 😉
It would look enormous in her little hands.
That’s why the world needs more Piper Perri.
I’d never heard of her until now.
*checks internet*
I’ll be in my bunk.
Another testament to the power of cosmetics and a good team of makeup people at the set.
I had to look that up. Luckily for all involved, Im too old, too tired, and too full of beer to make use of it.
A small, angry person is the last thing I’d want to have in close proximity to my johnson, thank. you. very. much.
Well said. However, for that matter, when you allow anyone in that position of trust, the power differential is substantial.
I’m not as concerned about the dimensions of the person so much as their emotional state.
Let me introduce you to my girlfriend, a 4’10” redhead.
“Do you enjoy Kipling?”
“Why Madam, Ive never Kippled!”
Fast Lane!
It’s my one drinking night of the week and I’m quaffing champagne by myself. Prepare yourself.
Excellent group of ladies.
Yes please
Raven hair and blue eyes are a great combination.
I’ll take this first one, thanks.
Saw part of Thor: Ragnarok as the in-flight movie from San Diego. Will have to rent and finish it when it is out.
My fave quote was when weary, chained up Thor said “Just point me in the direction of whoever’s ass I’ve got to kick.”
Feaking coffee mug worthy, right there.
Never even heard of this.
Jesus, people. This is how you get nothing but comic book movies.
It’s also how, in the past, studios could finance “showcase” movies that probably lose money. Not so much nowadays because Disney’s about to control about 98% of the film market.
It’s very 80’s. Reminiscent of Flash Gordon. Two AHHHHahhhhhh’s up.
Came out last November. It was the only Thor movie I went and saw (I may be a comicbook geek, but I dislike magic in my superhero movies). It was over the top glorious fun, and pretty much what the trailers promised.
The first Thor is the only MCU movie I didn’t see in the theater. I actually like it more than some of the ones I did see in the theater.
I’m still not clear on what these “movies” are that all you kids are constantly going on about.
They’re like pornos but people keep their clothes on.
So whats the point?
Great cinema no. Enjoyable escapism yes.
It was a fun, but disjointed movie. Two movies, I think. One was definitely “Planet Hulk”, and the other was the finest screen adaptation of “The Long Dark Tea-Time of the Soul” I’ve seen.
When they switched back to “fight Cate Blanchette”, I kinda wished they had stayed a little longer with Evil Jeff Goldblum.
today I learned
Tuol Sleng (Khmer: ទួលស្លែង Khmer pronunciation: [tuəl slaeŋ]) means “Hill of the Poisonous Trees” or “Strychnine Hill”.
Strychnine Hill >> Cypress Hill
Mellow Man Ace would like a word….
A couple months old, but I just heard about it on a Heterodox Academy podcast. How the Republicans Broke Congress
We’re totally not partisans, but it’s all the Republican’s fault.
Be pragmatic, Vote Jeb!
That deserves a teenage “whatEVer”
So I put on espn just now expecting to see a 30 30 about Parcells and belichek. Instead there are 3 black women ON FUCKING TV talking about how oppressed they are. Black women make 63 cents per 1 dollar that white shit lord men make.
“I put on espn”
I see the problem
PBA bowling is about the last thing they haven’t yet politicized.
the pba is a meritocracy in which two different women have won events.
At least the 30 for 30 episode ESPN did on Balboa VS Drago was pretty good.
Pretty good. “They punched so hard even when the punches didn’t land they went down “
Is anyone watching the Olympics tonite? Not me, but just heard some complaint from the ice dancing watcher in the living room about some Canadian chap who fell twice but nevertheless
got a higher point total on flair or some such shit than the favorite American. These subjective “sports” kill me: I don’t give a crap if Foles is intercepted three times or Hoskins fans twice before hitting a walkoff, it’s the final score that determines the winner. Artistic exhibitions should not be part of the Olympics sez me.
“Ice Dancing”. I can’t believe that’s in the Olympics.
Maybe if there’s a hockey game I’ll check it out but I don’t have any interest in any of that other stuff.
I’m into curling and biathlon. And the occasional hockey game.
Figure skating is not a sport, it’s art.
I’m not arguing objective scores or is it a sport,
but these women are mesmerizing: power, grace, proportion, healthy…..irresistible
With all due respect to Q’s excellent links, women’s skating is exactly what I want to watch
OK, so, glass half-empty, glass half-full. I’m now the owner of two Lenovo laptops which will probably be whittled down to one via an ebay auction in a couple weeks time.
It struck me that we’re very much in a post-Moore’s law state now. I could have bought a used (but higher spec) laptop – used, almost outside warranty, that performs 90% as fast as a sparkly, brand new model, for 33% of the price. Even the peripherals really aren’t getting much faster either.
Conclusion? I dunno. It’s the Quinta Ruban talking I guess.
The bottleneck is no longer the number of transistors on the chip, so you don’t see the differential.
Oh, I’m aware of the reasons why we’re bottlenecked. I’m just musing (somewhat under the influence of alcohol) about the economic impact on laptop makers, if there’s not much of a reason to upgrade once a laptop goes out of warranty.
With the operating systems being foist upon modern offerings, I am actively deterred from buying anything new.
^This right here^
I’m on Windows 7 and have to deal with Windows 10 at work. I’ll never willingly go to 10 on a home machine.
I have 10 at home and love it. To each his own.
Win 10, Self-checkouts, you are a strange one.
Mike has nothing to hide.
Nothing to fear.
Nothing to lose.
I’ve been using win 10 (after holding onto 7 way too long for DAW reasons – upgrading meant buying new hardware) for the last 3 months or so.
i like it. you can turn off 99% of the windows-snoopery very easily. while it was designed to try and turn the OS into a pay-for-service thing, the impression i have is that they basically abandoned that, and its just a giveaway to anyone with an older license.
their main problem was not getting ‘more money’ from home users – it was the fact that the huge backlog of older (7, XP, vista) machines out there were expensive to keep providing security updates for…
….and when they stopped updating/upgrade all these old machines, they become a perpetual security problem. getting people into Win 10 is more about just ensuring there’s a single platform for new software development.
people who were paranoid about DRM enforcement or being unable to use warez etc. i think missed the point. it doesn’t really have any of that. of course they could sneak new features like that in, via some automatic upgrade – but the software does let you roll back individual updates. i doubt they’d bother.
Throw in a 6AU6 vacuum tube…..
I hear ya. I doubt I will ever buy a new laptop. I have dell latitude laptops 5 – 7 years old and still use them both every day for work and connected to home TV. I have a gaming desktop so don’t need them for that. One was provided by my employer 5 years ago and I bought the other used not too long after that because I was a fan of the latitude.
I’ve gotta give the Japanese media credit, they aren’t fawning all over Kim Jong Il’s sister like the Western media is. All the media here is showing her on TV with a WTF expression on the Japanese commentator’s face.
Well, I’d have thought that the Japanese would really consider it’s like watching “Planet of the Apes”.
It’s not likely they’d be doing anything to elevate any Korean’s image.
Anti-Korean discrimination is rife here and that is a shitty side effect of history. However, showing disgust for these particular Korean’s is absolutely fine by me even if it doesn’t come from as holy a place as it could.
*Kim Jong Un
I’m still giggling over NBC and Joshua Cooper’s stupid comment. Decades ago, when I left 1 US Army school, and people were getting their travel orders, a woman-soldier of japanese extraction learned she was being sent to Korea. She immediately was crying and losing her shit all over. The struggle was real then, too.
Was that in the days of 1 year unaccompanied hardship tour? I’d be crying too.
Many if not most other cultures are far more authoritarian and collectivist than the US. They don’t magically turn into multicultural socialists when they immigrate.
Oh, I do a fair amount of work for Toyota Motors Manufacturing, at both the Georgetown, Ky and Princeton, In plants. The cafeteria alone boggles my mind.
HA!!! After my AIT, one fellow got orders for Korea and he too started weeping and was desperate to trade with anybody. He was quite a dick/bully/suck-up to authority throughout basic and AIT so nobody was willing to entertain the proposition. I had orders for Ft. Ord, California so when he asked me I just laughed and laughed.
CNN wins the prize for most tone deaf adulation of a murderous megalomaniac.
There’s a Doris Lessing quote about how foreign media fawned over Mugabe in the early years. She wrote that if the same people had been around during the time of Genghis Khan, they would have said he was charming, enjoyed western films, and had a wry sense of humor.
The same country that kills people trying to leave? At least men and women can starve equally!
“Future leadership”? WTF?
I mean, it’s speculated that Fat Kim has 3 kids. We think the middle one’s a girl, we think she’s 4 or 5 years old, and for some reason we think she’ll be his eventual successor (I dunno, I read it somewhere). So I guess we’ll eventually get to see how women can run a cold, repressive
communiststate capitalist dictatorship!The same CNN that declared, “It’s official. Trump is a racist.”
Also, utterly unsurprising that there are no comments allowed on that article. At least 30% of the typical CNN readership wouldn’t begin fellating Kim.
One bottle down. Popping the second.
Millennials ruin everything cont’d.
Well, no young guy ever turned down the chance to get branded a rapist for being insufficiently attractive, 6 months after the event, did they?
I mean, even I rag on about the young people today™ being clueless, but even a tapeworm learns to avoid heat.
Young guys are’t utterly stupid. They can see. They listen. They learn to fear.
“Young guys aren’t utterly stupid.”
I know I was/am.
More seriously, you’re right. It’s as I’ve said, women are not entirely happy about giving away their biological leverage, now they’re trying to gain that leverage back through the power of the State. Funny how the descendants of the sexual revolutionaries are desperately trying to take us back to early 20th century bourgeois values.
I’ve seriously been thinking this might go even farther than that. Given the recent idolization of the image of a woman in a hijab in multicultural “anti-hate” memes, might we soon see non-Muslim #metoo types adopting full headdresses and long garments, believing this is the way women will eliminate sexual concerns at work and in public?
I’d kinda welcome it. It would demonstrate who the crazies and go-alongs are. It would further erode whatever valuable point there is to #metoo and ‘feminism’ in general.
Already, only 20-30% of American adult women self-identify as feminists. We need that to fall by about 50%, and hijabs-for-all might just haul us over that line.
It sure seems like that’s coming they really are like puritans. they just need to find away to do it and appease the cultural appropriation wing.
Ya’all need to accept the glide in your stride, and just try to feel it.
One step forward, one step back.
We come together ’cause opposites attract and you know..
(yes, I know it’s two steps. I’m tired. And goddamn Paula Abdul was smoking hot back then.)
Why’s come the Glib’s merch ain’t got no commercials like this? And who is our Susan?
I’m betting most late nighters don’t evens no their is Hat’n’Har merch now.
I had to shut 1 eye just to
Its been 3 strange days
I honestly dont know how you monkeys can and shit all day long
Robot Ninja!
Interesting tidbit from the Japanese Constitution: “Aspiring sincerely to an international peace based on justice and order, the Japanese people forever renounce war as a sovereign right of the nation and the threat or use of force as means of settling international disputes.”
I like it. It creates some interesting problems but they still have a right of self defense (well, kind of). They don’t even refer to their forces as a military, but rather the Maritime Self Defense Force, Air Self Defense Force, and Ground Self Defense Force.
My understanding is limited but I’m working on it.
Fun fact- THIS was written as a testament to heroin, not some woman.
/nods off
I like this one.