A hell week at work (explaining my near-absence here during the week) ended with a snowpocalypse. Our enlightened betters, who rule us from afar, told us to suck it up and come to work anyway. Delightfully, there were perhaps four people (out of two hundred) who actually made it in. The downside is that this weather interferes with my semi-regular drinking sessions with Swiss. As I type, the snow has resumed, so instead of doing something fun, I’ll survey the news.
Our “intelligence” agencies continue to do a credible imitation of the Keystone Kops.
Several American intelligence officials said they made clear that they did not want the Trump material from the Russian, who was suspected of having murky ties to Russian intelligence and to Eastern European cybercriminals. He claimed the information would link the president and his associates to Russia.
Suuuure. A good con artist knows how to peddle to the marks by appealing to their deepest desires, causing logical facilities to be shunted aside.
Brand has kept a low profile at the department, but in December she wrote an op-ed in The Washington Post defending the renewal of Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, which permits the National Security Agency to collect foreign intelligence on U.S. soil without individualized warrants.
“To keep us safe, our intelligence agencies must be able to “connect the dots” between the various pieces of information the government already lawfully possesses,” Brand wrote. “In reauthorizing Section 702, Congress must not forget the lessons we learned from 9/11.” The law was reauthorized in January.
I vote “woodchipper.”
Many things going on in (((our))) part of the world. The proxy war between Iran and Israel continues in Syria, but this time, a (((plane))) came down. Shot or fell? Who knows, and who thinks that there will be any credible info? On the bright side, we’re unlikely to get dragged into this since Israel does a good job of taking care of itself. But maybe we can come up with some other excuse to expand our military operations in Syria, given the huge threat of the US being attacked and invaded by Assad, with our captive children being forced to eat mamuniyyeh and praise Allah.
In the meantime, President For Life Abbas continues trying to leverage his absolute impotence into further billions into his private bank accounts replacing the US as a mediator in his continuing attempts to grift negotiate the formation of a pen of tax cattle nation. To be fair, I also wouldn’t mind the US getting out of that useless shit where we have zero business, so for once, Abbas and I desire the same thing.
Elections will continue until you proles get it right. I may have found the root cause, though.
And now Old Guy Music, literally. I spent an evening with one of my favorite harmonica players a few nights ago, and we got talking about who is REALLY the best. Two names kept coming up. And here’s both of them together- SP and I were at this show and can attest that it was overwhelming in person.
Elections will continue until you proles get it right. I may have found the root cause, though. have 10 votes over 10 weeks and average the results. the only way to be sure
also all those years stockpiling chickpeas now make sense
This is British cultural imperialism all over again. Hummos is NOT THEIR FOOD.
so you are saying they ole it from the palestinians?
Also Remy link
Don’t forget to balance the sample, voter turn out has too much selection bias.
I mean it would be simpler just to have a panel of experts decided how the people would ave voted had they been smarter and better informed.
Elections are over rated. Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.
The only thing that counts with elections is whom counts, and how the count of the votes are done..
Whenever I hear that, my mind immediately goes to the two big PubSec unions in New York.
PEF and CSEA both have mail-in ballots.
PEF has their ballots handled by the American Arbitration Association, which does the count in a known location which can be observed by any member who wishes to watch the proceedingings. The incumbents lost the last two elections.
CSEA has their count in their offices, and does not allow observers. The same people have been in office since I was a child.
Is that even legal? I’ve done election certifications before, and the ballots were mailed by and sent back directly to a CPA firm, and were unsealed and tabulated at the firm. Any candidate could come observe or send a representative to observe the CPA’s count and tabulate the results. In addition, the entire process, from generating the mailing list, review of the ballots, to control of the ballots to the count was done by the CPA firm as prescribed by Federal Election rules – there literally is a book of thou shalt and thou shalt not based on past rigging of elections.
That’s how they do it. Whether or not there is an actual law against it, I don’t know.
Unions are a private entity. Join one and you agree to the rules of said entity. FEC laws do not apply. Kind of like other private entities. Something something super delegates.
Don’t join one, and they still garnish your paycheck to the same rate as dues, but don’t let you vote…
Palestine would be the greatest country in the world. That is what the US fears.
Mmmmm, I love losing personal freedom and privacy for the sake of protection where a fucking CCW could do twice the work at about a tenth the cost.
Is this the domestic equivalent of the constant news stories about us killing “the number two leader” of the Taliban/ISIS/ Whatever? – if you are not rusian agent you have o reason to oppose FISA. Are you hiding something?
Yes, but I sometimes take it out to show it to little girls.
ewww gross
Killing the #2 man in isis/Taliban/whatever is just as effective as putting drug dealers in prison.
As I type, the snow has resumed, …
I suggest Baileys and coffee.
I’m eating Mexican shakshuka and drinking caffe corretto.
(((Huevos Rancheros)))?
Mrs Gordilocks makes a fine shakshuka. Especially when I untie her from the bed.
Bailey’s has too many carbs. Irish whiskey is the way to go.
I don’t have any Irish whiskey and I cheat on weekends.
I’m pretty strict about not cheating, but I’m making an exception for fastnachts. ☺
I live a pathetic unfulfilling life and day drinking my Saturday away has became my one and only joy. I also had to search fastnachts. Sounds worth cheating for.
The only way to change your life to a more fulfilling one is to do something other than drink it away. Break up your routine.
I was just at Fastnacht in Luzern. Celebrating and drinking/eating without the puking and fighting. Such civilization!
Somehow or other, I managed to forget how utterly horrible NBC’s olympic coverage is. I was flipping through the channels last evening and something caught my eye which made me think there might be an alpine skiing event coming on. After I had watched for about twenty seconds, I had to turn the sound off, because it was a bunch of prattle about who-knows-what; childhood dreams, blah blah blah human interest bullshit, und so weiter. I left it on for a few minutes, until it became obvious that they were doing their standard 45 min of rambling nonsensical blather for every 15 min of actual event coverage. I don’t know how I could have forgotten about that.
Who can bear to watch that shit?
I just watch the exciting stuff like cross country skiing
Biathlon is Europe’s most watched televised sport. NPR told me so.
I thought it was watching paint dry?
I would’ve thought soccer.
I can’t tell the difference.
And I watch paint dry on a regular basis /40k player
The snowboarding was pretty good. It was on some backwater channel, so there were few commercials and zero ‘hopes and dreams’ horseshit.
googled snowboarding and found this
American Snowboard Phenom Chloe Kim Is Already a Huge Star at the Winter Olympics. Her Next Goal? The School Prom
Would, if I could get her to put the bong down for a minute.
what is the age of consent where you live?
Weird question to ask in an OMWC post.
It’s 17 in New York, and in most state’s it’s 16. Only 13 states have 18 as their AoC.
Snowboarding is not an Olympic sport despite it’s presence there.
Hey now! The ancient Greeks were way into snowboarding, dude.
Related, our local paper has to join in the jingoism and proclaim local participation in The Games …. except the locals were actually Canadian.
I mean it would be simpler just to have a panel of experts decided how the people would ave voted had they been smarter and better informed.
The Cook County model.
Like Jordan Peterson tolstoy had rulkes for life
Wake at five o’clock
Go to bed no later than ten o’clock
Two hours permissible for sleeping during the day
Eat moderately
Avoid sweet foods
Walk for an hour every day
Carry out everything he prescribed for himself
Visit a brothel only twice a month
Love those to whom he could be of service
Disregard all public opinion not based on reason
Love those to whom he could be of service
Only do one thing at a time
Disallow flights of imagination unless necessary
Visit a brothel only twice a month
I hate recovering addicts and their puritanism.
Not his fault really, wives were m ore strict about these things back then. I mean you may think the modern view of 8 brothel visits per month is the norm, but it was not always like this
He just said two *visits*, he didn’t specify how many whores you can bang on each visit.
^A Beautiful Mind
Nor did he say that you can’t pick up prostitutes on the street and bring them home.
Man, if only I could make that happen.
there are ways
No kidding. I haven’t taken a daytime nap in years. I don’t know how anymore.
I think it involves closing your eyes, sometimes in a reclining position.
Not to worry. You’ll pick the habit back up in time.
Try having 12 drinks. It’s remarkably easy after that.
I just watch the exciting stuff like cross country skiing
Nothing gets me on the edge of my seat like a ten mile cross country ski race.
if you wann get crazy once in a while biathlon
The gun is good.
There is no snow where I live, so that sport would be impossible to take hold here. However, I would put my local rednecks up against and challengers in the world in a biathlon that used trucks instead of skis.
a co-worker of mine has helped to organize an Ozark biathlon using mountain bikes and crossbows. No idea if it is still going on.
From the Brexit Round 2 article –
That wouldn’t have anything to do with the near constant berating of Leavers by the media, and the whining, wailing, and gnashing of teeth by the establishment ever since the vote, would it?
Yeah, reading that I couldn’t help thinking that maybe the NYT has an agenda. Nah…
I’m okay with Brexit, but let’s be honest about public opinion: people are morons no matter the side.
The strongest movements are generally unprincipled and charismatically motivated. A tall guy with good hair fervently asserts something, and then a bunch of unemployed stock, truck drivers, and the wives who vote how they’re told fold in with the 33% of the country that are always on whichever end of the spectrum we’re talking about today, and, ta-da: grass roots momentum. They start yapping the new tribal patriotism on AM, and 10% more project their own wishes onto that vague spew (gee, I think I hear in this a chance to end abortion, instate prayer in public school, confiscate guns, whatever), and now we’ve got a movement.
Once some cold, hard offsetting fact smacks them in the face (I’m still not taking sides; it’s just that every change has pros and cons that the vapid sorts have failed to consider because they know nothing of history, geography, economics…..look, tall guy with good hair is speaking again), the fire cools. The very same people now feel very strongly………..in exactly the opposite direction.
Public opinion is never worth a bucket of cold piss, but that is the engine the US runs on. It will be the death of us all: a bunch of pig farmers who take MSNBC or FoxNews intravenously will burn down everything I have one of these days in the name of the gold standard, global warming, STEVE SMITH, America-first, save-the-children or whatever other apeshit idea boils them over on that day.
Turbocharged dumbasses are in charge. When they come for you because of your free-thinking, mind-you-own-business, liberty-loving ways, try to have some lovely poetry at hand to thumb through while you burn at the stake.
We are at the center of a huge, stupid, frivolous crowd that doesn’t know who they are, what works, or what they want: the French Revolution, only with cable TV.
Reasonable men hit hardest
I was thinking about how “news” used to mean actual investigating and reporting stuff. Now it’s “somebody said something on Snapchat OMG” presented as “news”.
I presume everyone knows the greatness of John Nance Garner (Texans can be correct about things occasionally, same any anyone).
Thanks for the pick-me-up this morning Don.
You’re probably absolutely correct.
Ya no shit. If I was prone to the activity I would cut myself now.
And I promised myself I wouldn’t drink today
Ancient kids’ toys have been hiding in the archaeological record
Old Man with Spinning Disk was the rage back then
Look, kids are easily amused.
Here’s a silly, but Glib themed t shirt:
Complete with top hat, moustache, and monocle.
I like it. My wife made me this shirt last week.
But maybe we can come up with some other excuse to expand our military operations in Syria, given the huge threat of the US being attacked and invaded by Assad, with our captive children being forced to eat mamuniyyeh and praise Allah.
Air Force and Navy that stays within 500 miles of shore, and an army that never leaves home.
/MajGen Smedley Butler
I just came a little.
Trump has blocked the Demos’ memo, which is unquestionably obstruction of justice in the all important court of public opinion. Game over.
What do you guys think is in the dem memo?
did not like the choice of font
Piss hookers. Obvi.
Lies, probably.
Lol. That is awesome. I hope he doesn’t change his mind. Or he blacks out all the stuff the dems want out there. I’m sure a copy will “find it’s way to media” at some point.
RE the re-authorization of 702 whats her face there wrote the op-ed about. Yesterday as I drove home I had the local right wing radio on. I think it was Hannity. He was bringing up the stories from 2010 when the FISA court was rebuking all the “institutional” abuses of the law within the NSA. I am not awake enough to dig up links, but fuck them all for re-authorizing that gross violation of the constitution over and over. And that includes the likes of Hannity who would never point out that the thing should be chucked in a woodchipper along with whoever votes to renew it even after it was likely abused to spy on his favorite President when he was a candidate.
And that includes the likes of Hannity who would never point out that the thing should be chucked in a woodchipper along with whoever votes to renew it
And Hannity can go straight into the woodchipper right after them.
Yeah, for his voice alone, even before the ridiculous boneheaded partisanship.
There is not one congresscritter in Washington who gives two shits about anything other than getting themselves re elected. None of them care about the monstrosity that is the FISA courts, or any other massively unconstitutional program unless it hurts them personally.
Old Guy Music, Kiwi Edition. Raven Nation should remember this one, aye.
headline of the day?
Gaia is so woke, diversity isn’t just for humans… diversity is diverse. this is just proves reality has a left wing bias.
But a man with 2 wives is problematic.
Plot twists that even
Plot twists that even Disney couldn’t fathom.
You beat me to the Disney punch dammit.
The Disney movie is releasing for Christmas.
How could the hate bird that hates be involved in a love triangle?
It’s a deviant that likes raping swans.
I thought the Hate Bird That Hates was the exclusive domain of the Canada Goose. This is an NZ goose. Maybe the Annoying Bird That Annoys?
All birds are assholes.
Hummingbirds are ok.
They just talk too fast for you to understand and don’t ever stop moving around.
Maybe the Annoying Bird That Annoys
So it only talks about rugby and how it’s really not just a lower form of Australian goose?
As I posted yesterday, as long as the calendar works , if you’re up for a trip to Bob at his place in Utica, I’m happy to drive if you can make your way up to somewhere near the DPRCT.
When are you guys visiting?
I was supposed to drop him an e-mail and schedule a time to drop in myself.
Very tentative discussion, possibly born out of Bob’s polyamory fail and intoxication. Or maybe not – he had mentioned it before. So no date discussed at all.
Ithaca -> Utica = 90 minutes.
Glib Meet Up?
Albany -> Utica ~= 90 minutes.
I’m up for it.
If we do it, I’d be coming thru’ Albany anyway. I’ll do designated driver if there’s demand for it.
I’d be liable to drive myself because I have relatives in the area and I’d tack on a visit to them to save on additional trips.
I don’t think I can make it but you kids have fun.
Everyone know that it is really a gray duck and not a goose.
From The WaPo piece on Rachel Brand –
I always find it amusing that high ranking Tax Farmers, who are assiduous in their maintenance of The Tax Farms, and the control of the livestock within them, are so udderly concerned about the movement of the livestock between the farms.
Unbiased, evenhanded journalism
The No. 3 official at the Justice Department will be stepping down after less than a year, leaving a key vacancy in the succession of people who are tasked with overseeing the investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election.
The Justice Department announced Friday evening that Associate Attorney General Rachel Brand will be leaving her job in the coming weeks to take a position in the private sector. A source told NPR that Brand, who was sworn in last May, has been in talks about becoming the top lawyer at Walmart.
Other sources said Brand has chafed for months at the limits of her post at DOJ. President Trump has repeatedly attacked the law enforcement agency and sought to cast doubt on special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into possible ties between Russia and the Trump campaign.
Oh, no. Without this vitally important cog, the gears of justice cannot grind to dust those who dare to thumb their noses at the almighty government. The lawless scoundrel, the usurper,Trump, will escape with his foul misdeeds unpunished. Oh, woe.
Over and above that, she’s going to work for Wal-Mart. The evil does not cease!
She has that Ann Coulter elongated head and neck and an adams apple thing going on. Its like 3 feet from her shoulders to the top of her head.
(insert I’m not saying it was aliens meme here)
Rachel Brand’s mom was a hiker once.
Group STEVE SMITH jokes are the best.
Not to sully the abilities of the sexually aggressive forest mammal, but that one is in fact a reptile. She has a substandard incursion suit but pretty much all the mammals outside the commentariat are clueless
It has gotten to the point for me that I kind of want to believe in reptilians over assuming that everyone fucking the country up is actually human.
It’s not really active subversion. Think more for the lulz. We live seeing you puny mammals skittering around and occasionally blowing shit up
I’ve met her before… the picture doesn’t do her justice.
Go on …..
So have I. She called me a shithead.
I larfed.
In that photo, she looks like a guy with long hair. I’ll respect trashmonster’s opinion that it’s an unfair view, but ugh.
She certainly wasn’t a looker (she exuded the “bitchy bureaucrat” vibe), and the lights were down so I didn’t get a great look, but she wasn’t an Ann Coulter masculine giraffe type.
The absolute state of academia: https://www.buzzfeed.com/davidmack/australia-is-real-i-swear?utm_term=.sa8xbJr67#.pjMQPWE7p
TW: Buzzfeed
I’m shocked. That was an article.
I was expecting a quiz that would tell me at the end that I was awesome.
I can fix that with one weird trick.
TO be fair, we don’t know Australia is really a country. Has anyone been there?
Based on it’s lethel animal population, I would say it’s more a level of hell than a country.
I have 4 visas spread over 3 passports to prove it.
They definitely have Tax Farmers.
At least the Aussie tax ranchers can’t exercise something like FATCA.
Yep. Part of the reason I have no intentions of ever obtaining US citizenship.
::high fives Gordilocks::
Permanent residents are US persons and therefore also subject to FATCA.
Pomp is the kind of guy who pops a kid’s balloon when they’re not looking.
The proper time to do so is while they are watching.
1. It’s a symbolic “fuck you” to the USG and provokes a discussion of the intrusive state when people ask the question.
2. It’s more a matter of holding onto a citizenship that gives me right of residency elsewhere if and when I decide to leave.
Are they? Not being a dick, but a citation that could correct my error would be appreciated.
@Gord Cite.
Just be careful what you to. Correlation is a bitch and Treasury’s reach is great and stifling.
@#6, multiple passports rule. I wish I had another.
I must explicitly renounce UK Citizenship to obtain US Citizenship. British UK/US “Dual citizens” are technically felons, because what they do is renounce UK citizenship and then once they get the US Passport, they reapply for UK citizenship without informing the State Department.
I’m a scofflaw, but I wouldn’t do that (for a number of reasons, some principled, and some for personal historical reasons).
I have both a Canadian and Irish passport.
Supposing I ever became wealthy enough to appear on FATCA’s Radar, I could dispense with my PR card a bit more easily than full citizenship.
@#6, would one be a UK felon in that case? I am not aware of the US having a renunciation requirement of any form. Seeking a USG security clearance, a special case, I understand to require a soft renunciation and non US passport surrender.
@Gord, wealth aside, Treasury (IRS) has a track record of fucking with US citizens that have never returned to the US since infancy, over their unremarkable middle class holdings overseas just because “US Citizen.”
Well, there you hit the nail on the head.
No, holding Dual Citizenship is permissible in the UK, but would subject holders to some scrutiny, which isn’t that much of a problem given my age and circumstances.
You don’t have to renounce citizenship of the UK as far as the UK is concerned, but the US’ apparent unwillingess to explicitly state whether a newly-naturalized US Citizen beyond ‘may subject themselves to divided loyalties’ is a problem for me. While the US’ practice is to tolerate Dual Citizenship, there’s no clear legal code that explicitly permits it, even though the Oath of Allegiance clearly requires that a petitioner:
FWIW, if I ever decided that the US could FOAD, I wouldn’t be using my British citizenship to move back to the septic isle either. There are far more creative and pleasant alternatives – and I don’t mean Belize.
Most interesting perspective.
Interestingly enough, while a permanent relocate to the UK or one of its dependencies would lower my profile with the IRS, it would increase my profile with some other alphabet agencies.
I’m still pissed my mom gave up her Canadian citizenship when she moved here. Not that I wanted to move there, but it’d be nice to have the fucking choice.
I was a little surprised by the eventual outcome.
I had a history professor in college who wouldn’t believe me that rifles existed during the revolutionary war, so.
… The Kentucky Rifle was a signature weapon of the American Militia forces. How could a history professor miss that. I get the relative obscurity of repeaters available at the time, but rifles?
Just. Wow.
Was he also one of those dunderheads who seems to think that the M16 is a weapon of unimaginable destructive power that instantly vaporizes any human or animal target, and that it was invented some time in the early 2000s and soon flooded the civilian market, where it became popular with mass shooters and violent thugs? (also, that AR-15 = M16)
We didn’t get into guns as a topic. I think she was just confused with term rifle in general, not understanding that it’s just a gun with a rifled barrel and thinking it meant something more about capacity. She did say she would ask a colleague who focused more on war, so at least she was open minded about learning the truth.
I also had a biology teacher that asked the class for ways we could reduce our carbon footprints. I said we could eat more veal instead of beef…”That’s..technically true…but…disturbing.” Now this professor and I had less productive dialogues than I had correcting that history professor.
I said we could eat more veal instead of beef…
I also had historical literature class where we studying the Napoleonic era and while giving background information the professor brought up that Napoleon was crowned by the Pope and began discussing why with the class. When I pointed out that he was aping Charlemagne she said she had never heard that before. But she was another one where when I would correct her she wouldn’t freak out at me. But I spent way too much time in college correcting the people who were supposed to be teaching me.
I had a professor in college who had a PhD from Georgetown, in International Relations.
I had to explain to her what the Monroe Doctrine was.
Saturday morning T&A, like Saturday morning cartoons for degenerate perverts.
3, 13, 27, 30, 35, 43, 47. Also, my logical brain says 7 is a circus freak and ridiculously fake but my reptilian brain is saying would, would, would.
never knew Messi had an ass like that
I am in love. *sigh
You, sir, have impeccable taste.
I approve. 12 for me, please!
#30 and I know exactly where that photo was taken.
U S News is on the story
After just nine months on the job, Brand had become more and more uneasy with Trump’s escalating attacks on the Justice Department and the FBI, which she and other law enforcement professionals feared was beginning to undermine the rule of law, according to sources familiar with her thinking.
Mary McCord, who served as acting head of the Justice Department’s National Security Division from October 2016 until April 2017 and helped oversee the FBI investigation into the collusion matter, said Brand’s resignation would further shake morale at the department.
“When the associate attorney general steps down after just nine months in the midst of a barrage of attacks on the department from the White House and Capitol Hill, it is another blow to the career women and men of the department who have been doing their jobs diligently while trying to block out the turmoil around them,” said McCord, now a visiting professor at Georgetown University’s Institute for Constitutional Advocacy and Protection.
Yeah, these people are all about the Constitution.
“Yeah, these people are all about the Constitution.”
They study it the same way a lumberjack studies a tree.
Nah, these cats are using fellerbunchers. They’re far too quick to study before chopping.
It would stand to reason then that they should go to the Almighty Woodchipper.
Stick your Constitution in this here Waratah.
That is awesome.
I have seen a seen a fee articles in the past few weeks that are claiming the right are a bunch of hypocrits for all of a sudden turning on their loyalty.
Ask any leftist who Lon Horiuchi is and I guarantee you’ll get a blank stare.
Namesake for the FBI’s Excellence in Shooting award?
God damn, the Swiss women’s hockey team is destroying the unified Korea team.
*Nelson laugh*
*Checks for a live stream
NBC – What is your cable provider?
westernsloper – fuck, oh well
Me : “I don’t want to finance channels and studios whose product I don’t consume. Have your talking heads to live reads of sponsor’s product shills like they did back in the early radio days”
It ended like half an hour ago, 8-0 slaughter. I used up my nbcolympics.com free streaming and replay quota and am probably done with the Olympics for the rest of the games. Too much shit to do anyways.
There are a lot of people in SK that think NK defectors are leeches, and a lot of people there didn’t want to see these teams merge. This rout won’t help attitudes either.
Oh, come now, they’re on 10% parasite by body mass, and that’s treatable.
Or are they talking welfare leeches?
The latter. We’re talking about people that were largely raised in an environment devoid of the concept of free will, have to learn basic living skills, etc . The situation is pretty tragic and perturbs me.
Same old story. German Wessis weren’t too thrilled to absorb the Ossis at first either.
Given that it gave them Merkel, I think their fears were founded.
Heh, true.
Also, in one of those articles about Ms Brand (NPR, probably), the claim is made that the only person in the universe with the authority to fire Mueller is Rosenstein. I’m pretty sure that’s not true.
Unpossible. I’ve been repeatedly told that the Bay Area is utopia and every brilliant, enlightened person would want to live there and nowhere else.
All they need is more zoning laws and rent control and the area will finally be affordable.
And just a few more Common Sense™ gun laws will wipe out the rest of the crime. It will be Utopia on Earth!
LOL the alt-right isn’t wanted there anyway, lady
And yet I bet they wouldn’t consider voting GOP.
Shit like this doesn’t help.
Man what assholes who deserve their comeuppance.
Hey at least Hihn didn’t shit up that article.
…give him time
Free will, determinism, and intuitive judgments about the heritability of behavior
Apparently parents of one child think environment is more important than heritability in personality traits, but parents with multiple children think heritability has a much greater role.
I’ve got three. Extreme environments overpower genetics, but otherwise genetics seem to rule.
“Extreme environments”
C’mon, the salt mine for your orphans isn’t all that bad.
Little fuckers are always slacking off. How am I supposed to provide them with gruel if they don’t put in a good 16 hours a day?
16? You’re way too kind.
If you’re not extracting at least 18, you’re not squeezing enough profits.
Parents with multiple children are providing both shared genes and a shared environment, so I’d be curious why they think that.
They have more than one child to notice how they are similar.
Evidenced by how all their children are quite different, despite being raised in the same environment.
New parents are constantly bombarded with “evidence” that playing Mozart to their kids will turn them into Einstein, and that the wrong kind of diaper scent will turn their kids gay. That if you read to them a lot, they become more sociable, if you sing to them in utero, they won’t become 4 year-old psychopaths.
The kid is born, and turns into an asocial gay psychopath who likes Beethoven. So they have another kid, and reverse the ‘environment’. Kid grows up to be just like the first one. Self evidently, environment isn’t as important as the damaged fetuses mom and pop create when they bump uglies.
Note: some of the attributes used humorously, not to infer that every characteristic of the kid is ‘damaged’.
There are some really fine people who appreciate Beethoven, for example.
Therein lies the problem.
Hi, I’m the government and I made up this law that says I can do things that violate the law.
Letters to the Local Rag: The Power of Positive Thinking Edition
How useless are these kids that they need an instruction manual on how to have sex?
These actually are there to appeal to the prurient interests of the organizers, not because the students need any help.
ChurchLady Condoms ™: made for her titillation
Jeez, it’s not that hard. The male brain is hardwired to pursue this kind of activity; why do you need instructions?
If there’s any aspect you’re uncertain of, all you have to do is learn through trial and error with a “practice girl”.
Assistance with filling out the consent forms?
“I’m gonna need the version 3.2 of the Precoital Blowjob Assent Form signed in triplicate and forwarded to my attorney by 6pm. I’ve attached some changes to the Postcoital Procedure Checklist for your review”
The future will be scannable body areas that you use a smartphone/device to “unlock” via consent.
Letters to the Local Rag: Dopehead Dreams Edition
Living in Colorado I don’t have a real solid grip on this, but how often do people get arrested for just smoking pot anymore anyway? Seems like the only way you get nipped for pot is if you’re smuggling/selling it.
Tens of thousands in my city. And take one guess at the real reason that’s problematic.
Getting high while black?
Nailed it in one.
Fuuccckkk!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOO! WHY?????!?!?!?
More Vegas massacre weirdness
A judge on Friday ordered the Las Vegas Review-Journal and The Associated Press to destroy their copies of an autopsy report for an Oct. 1 mass shooting victim, siding with the privacy concerns of the victim’s widow.
The report was one of 58 that a different judge ordered the Clark County coroner’s office to release last week in the wake of another lawsuit, which argued that the autopsies of the Las Vegas mass shooting victims should be public. That judge also ordered the coroner’s office to release gunman Stephen Paddock’s autopsy report, which was handed over Friday afternoon.
Friday’s ruling pertained only to the autopsy report for Charleston Hartfield, an off-duty Las Vegas police officer who was killed during the shooting. He was the husband of the plaintiff, Veronica Hartfield.
The widow of a cop sued to keep the autopsy out of the papers. Why? Who knows? I’ll go out on a limb and say, “Cop Privilege- FYTW!”
More than two dozen people were seated in the courtroom to support the widow throughout the hearing. When it ended, they briefly cheered and clapped, and many took turns hugging her.
What are the odds those “supporters” were cops?
In other odd news, we’ve had two people get hit by trains here in the last week. IT’S AN EPIDEMIC.
*seeks funding*
“[Crowder] gave a speech on the floor and ended by encouraging people to hug a veteran. He’s a veteran, and Lontine said she hugged him and he touched her on the bottom, he said.”
OMG. Touched her bottom?!?! Worse. than. rape. Where is my fainting couch?
In the future, only disabled veterans with both arms amputated at the biceps will be permitted to hug, and even they’ll have to be careful when brushing their stumps on the sideboob.
Why is this so funny to me? I must be related to the Farrell Brothers or something.
Who knows if what she claims is true, but Crowder is from Alamosa and she is from the woke enclave of Denver so he has that against him.
When are we going to start calling for over sensitive women to get some continuing education and learn every god damned thing is not about them?
At least that was something sort of real.
What about her other accusation?
we’ve had two people get hit by trains here in the last week. IT’S AN EPIDEMIC.
*seeks funding*
We need to initiate a working group to explore the potential structure of a comprehensive analysis of this problem, in order to effectively manage a long term study. We’ll only need ten or twelve million to get the ball rolling. Once we have our analytical infrastructure in place, we can provide a more comprehensive budget proposal.
I need you on my proposal team.
Points reduced for not using “synergy” and “holistic” in your submission. Hence the A-
I find “interoperable” to be useful gibberish, as well.
Has anyone linked to the audio out on Adam Schiff being punk’d by two Ukrainian pranksters?
For Lachowski:
A friend of mine while working as a Sheriff’s deputy got a call about a disturbance at a convenience store at 3am. He discovered a man standing in front of the hotdog rotisserie dressed only in tighty whities eating a hotdog. The clerk said the guy just walked in and started making himself hotdogs from the case and was not paying. When he tried to talk to the man the guy just said that he had a craving for a hotdog and offered to make one for my friend.
My microwave caught on fire once, a big fancy one. I unplugged it and took it outside in the yard to make sure any lingering smolder would not catch the house on fire. Later that night my wife woke up and realized I was not in the bed. After I didn’t return for a while she got up and went looking for me. She discovered me sitting on the microwave in the yard, stark naked and marveling at the stars. She asked me if I would like to come back to bed. Apparently I was very cooperative.
These two stories have one thing in common. Alcohol + Ambien. Ambien alone wont do it but mix with alcohol and you enter a kind of semi-conscience dream state and you will have no memory of it the next day. All kinds of weird shit happens.
Holy shit, that poor guy got out of bed, DROVE HIS CAR to the store and just started eating hotdogs. It is a miracle the poor bastard didn’t kill himself. At least I didn’t play with guns or drive a vehicle.
If your colleague’s DA or Judge has any sense they will just warn him not to mix alcohol and ambien again then send him home. If he has any sense he will take their advice.
Whenever I hear about the weird side effects of sleep aids my reaction is always “No thanks, I’ll take my insomnia. We’re old buddies.”
Ambien alone is pretty great. Alcohol alone is pretty great. Together, not so much.
Well, I know which one I can do without.
Or that the cop shot him.
These two stories have one thing in common. Alcohol + Ambien. Ambien alone wont do it but mix with alcohol and you enter a kind of semi-conscience dream state and you will have no memory of it the next day.
*adds Ambien to the shopping list
If you can’t remember what you did you’d need someone to follow you around and record it.
I thought “ambien” before i got to your second paragraph.
i knew a guy who got out of bed and drove into the Niagara river in his truck because of alcohol and ambien.
there is also extensive documentation of people doing the, “sleep cooking” thing on ambien. for some reason, food is a recurring thing with the cases of people who suffer ambien sleepwalking symptoms.
from 2006 “sleep eating”
My brother said he popped some Ambien, went to sleep, and woke up the next morning to find that he had gotten up, retrieved his pistol and a loaded mag from the closet and left them sitting on the bed. He started keeping all his guns at my house until he learned to go to sleep without Ambien.
It seems that all the Ambien horror stories I hear are from men.
Well, to be fair, women act fucking crazy all the time without Ambien.
How would you be able to tell if Ambien was to blame?
Genderqueer Worms Fight the Cishetero Pigment Challenged Patriarchy
Give that Nematodes don’t think – what was all that drivel about standed humans in ther for? Padding column-inches?
I’m annoyed by the thought of a thousand Tom Hanks clones stranded on an island fighting over who gets to hold Wilson.
Amused, effin autocorrect
Sex with someone you love.
Okay, I just came across an article that I don’t even know what to think about on Twitter. Something about (((Russians))) ruined Russia and have now immigrated to America to do it again. Just, what? https://russia-insider.com/en/never-ever-listen-what-american-jews-have-say-about-russia/ri22480?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter
I was expecting Pirate Truther to show up in the story somewhere. I especially like the half page dedicated to establishing the author’s authority and credentials.
Is that some of the fake Russian news I keep hearing about? The comments……wow.
Violent crime in Sweden is soaring. When will politicians act?
The grenades — dubbed ‘apples’ by criminals — are smuggled into the country from former Yugoslavia. its the fuckin slavs man as always
The swedes have somehow let themselves be paralyzed by fear of being accused of being racist.
It is the most stunningly stupid mental lock I have ever seen. I can’t wrap my head around it. People are literally dying in the streets but they can’t act because someone might think they’re guilty of wrongthink.
Running the ‘world’s first feminist government’ is hard enough without having to consider those unpleasantries.
I’ve been trying to go back and forth about the purported evils of collectivism and not taking people as individuals. I agree that people should be taken as individuals. On the other hand, it seems like bad consequences foreseeably happen when a first world nation imports a large number of medieval era savages who collectively believe in some fairly evil shit. How does one square these two contradictory positions?
treat people like individuals and do not import immigrants in massive groups but only the ones who can be productive members of society.
and if one breaks the law punish him as an individual. The idea is to control these young gangs instead of blaming an honest hard working guy because of a similar skin hue. Because tolerating this shit in the long run will harm honest hard working immigrants as much or more than locals (except the 14 year olds getting raped or murdered, they are harmed more)
I would agree with this as a good approach. It seems like such a screening would be incompatible with an open border philosophy, though I am not a big supporter of that anyway.
well an open border philosophy is not really workable in the current context.
Open borders work when the people on both sides of the border share similar philosophies and overall outlooks. Or at least compatable ones.
Any border where people on one side think the people on the other are lesser/should be destroyed/subjugated/forcibly converted needs to be closed.
Big electric fence around the Tri-state area and coastal California then?
Somewhat open borders can work when the government is not actively preventing people and local communities from defending themselves and solving the problem. Now aid/wellfare and no tolerance for the criminal would solve a lot of problems.
If said fence separated upstate from downstate, I’d be all for it. If you tried to wall upstate in with downstate, I can’t say I’d agree.
That’s really my point though, isn’t believing that a group of people share similar philosophies and outlooks the definition of collectivism? It certainly seems like that’s what the pols in Sweden are bending over backwards to avoid doing in the article.
If you want to do a strict individual case by case basis you must have closed borders.
I was mentally comparing the borders between US states where the people on the opposite sides are generally going to be able to reach an accord on most matters against the “border” between Sweden and the Mideast, where the shit hit the fan because of incompatable mindsets, or between israel and the palestinian territories where one group has as its charter the extermination of the other, so the border was rationally walled off.
Wow, that was one seriously run-on sentence.
How about not importing them? If you do nothing, they’ll come of their own accord and you’ll get a much better class of immigrant, the kind who makes their own way in the world instead of passively letting things be done for them.
You may still need to stop some at the border. Like people with history of very violent behavior, or sick with highly contagious disease. ANd you may need to kick out those who come of their own accord and start shit.
I may be mistaken, but the impression I’ve gotten is that a large number of the recent wave of immigrants/refugees from the Middle-East are migrating on their own into Europe and targeting countries like Sweden.
targeting countries like Sweden – partly because they receive welfare and are not shot on sight when raping and pillaging.
curse your nimble fingers.
It’s telling that they come to these frigid Nordic countries rather than other majority Muslim countries, where at least they would share the religion and some cultural elements.
Malmo falafel. It’s da bomb.
You jest, #6, but don’t underestimate the draw of good falafel. It is easily one of the top 5 things I like about living in Israel. Then again, the people in question probably had it in the countries they left.
I’m a fan too.
Middle Eastern and Indian foods would constitute 100% of my diet if I had to go vegetarian.
Well, the issue is still subsidizing immigration, not the immigration itself.
They know they can go there, do whatever they want, rape whoever they want, not be punished and even get paid by the government of that place. Of course they’re motivated to head in on their own.
I wonder if that has anything to do with their welfare apparatus… that and their apparent willingness to let their recent immigrant population run amok.
Let me clarify, Sweden is obviously providing large incentives but I wouldn’t say that’s the same as actively importing. I think of the US as actively importing because I don’t know how else all of these penniless refugees are getting air transportation over here otherwise.
And of course, there should be no welfare for them (or for anyone, really).
I always hear people argue that immigration from Europe in the late 1800s worked out in the end, therefore we should import tens of thousands of people from Middle Eastern shitholes. The distinction they’re missing is that in previous eras, immigrants were expecting to come here and work, not get a bunch of free shit. They got jobs, they started businesses, and they even started mutual aid societies through which they paid for major medical expenses without government assistance.
Well, that’s the “libertarian case” for the wall.
You only need it because of the financial incentives provided to indigent immigrants. Eliminate welfare eligibility, and the wall becomes unnecessary.
In case it’s not clear thusfar, I’m somewhat supportive of the restriction on ‘free migration’, because what we have isn’t ‘free’; partly because of the perverse incentives that distort ‘free movement’ and partly because “I got mine” – my excuse for the latter view being that I was prepared to jump thru’ all the interminable hoops to get me here without jumping the line.
If you do nothing, they’ll come of their own accord
Pretty sure most of the “Syrian” “refugees” came of their own accord. I think the problem is twofold – the welfare state which induces them to come of their own accord, and unassimilated communities where they can stew in their backwards culture and not assimilate.
“When will politicians act?”
I think they already have. The woman who is the swedish minister to the EU publicly said swedish women are just going to have to get used to being raped. Looking for the link….
Don’t know if this is what you’re looking for, but it’s just as bad.
Politician says it’s worse when a native Swede commits rape than a refugee.
i’d guess, being an underling to the capo di capos, she was the one who got her hands directly dirty on a few things, and now needs to be jettisoned prior to anyone asking the right questions.
getting her out of govt may make her harder to subpoena/question in front of congress. when govt workers take the 5th or stonewall an investigation, it looks terrible and basically presumes guilt and forces more attention on your past-role. when private citizens do, its SOP and no one can read anything into it.
the fact that wapo raises zero questions about why she would have been promoted, then ousted 9 months later, is a case study in shitty modern non-journalism. they’re perfectly happy to run stories speculatively musing about the underlying psychological motives of trump tweets, but they don’t even bother to get any credible 3rd-party inside information on something like this.
The WaPo is only useful reading in the sense that the Pravda was. It’s what they don’t say that matters.
According to Hebrew media quoting the air force, the F-16 was hit by a SAM and the crew ejected.
You know who else got shot down hard?…
Me, talking to females?
Every MRA, ever?
+1, favourite cringe videos ever
Francis Gary Powers?
George H. W. Bush?
John Sidney McCain III ?
Baron von Richthofen?
That was actually my 1st choice, over McCain.
::checks for wires in brain::
“Mick” Mannock?
The Sonics? https://youtu.be/v9Ys1nTdEjE
BIlly, via Stagger Lee?
A story in the sacred New York Times that will blow your mind
This shit would be hard to believe if it was in a Hollywood movie.
ah intelligence
This link is even better than the exact same link OMWC provided.
There are links outside of the comments?
More like Poo Fork Rhymes, amirite?
New Dork Slimes
Global Warming- ignore it at your peril, Trump
The Trump infrastructure blueprint is almost certain to call for expensive new roads, bridges, airports and other projects in areas that are increasingly vulnerable to rising waters and other threats from a warming planet. Engineers and researchers say that construction plans should consider these design constraints at the outset. Their concern is that a plan led by a White House that has both discounted climate science and weakened climate-change regulations could mean that costly projects may be vulnerable to damage or, in a worst-case scenario, quickly rendered obsolete by the changing environment.
A White House spokeswoman, who asked to remain anonymous because the plan was not yet public, declined to discuss whether climate-change reports were considered in the preparation of Mr. Trump’s blueprint. “The president’s team spent almost a full year formulating his infrastructure plan and all relevant scientific data was considered,” she said in an emailed statement.
Since the beginning of his administration, Mr. Trump and his appointees have steadily worked to roll back climate-change regulations. Mr. Trump’s E.P.A. chief, Scott Pruitt, has taken the lead role in the administration’s efforts to undo climate policies and question the validity of climate science. This past Wednesday, Mr. Pruitt suggested that global warming could benefit humanity.
Those views are contradicted by research conducted by his own agency.
Deniers take note:
“Say you’re going to build a new road in Denver that’s designed to last for 25 years,” said the colleague, Paul Chinowsky, a professor of civil engineering at the University of Colorado, Boulder. “What climate science tells us is that, over the next 25 years, the climate in Denver is going to look more like the climate in Albuquerque” — meaning, he said, that the asphalt will have to be designed to withstand much higher levels of heat than a Denver road might historically have experienced.
Now that’s some fine sciencing, right there. That funny smell- it’s not hot mix asphalt, it’s desperation.
Just remember, some of the 9/11 truthers are construction engineers. Essentially, in any profession, you can find people who are so disconnected from reality that they will authoritatively declare the most ridiculous bullshit to be true.
It would be nice to know who the fuck this moron works for so that we could avoid their projects.
Funny how they’ve been saying this kind of thing for decades and still none if it has come true.
“Apocalypse: event of tomorrow and always will be! Send more money.”
ABQ has an ideal climate in many ways. If he’s trying to scare people, he needs to work on his game.
And do ABQ roads really have to endure much higher heat? The average high in Denver in July is 90 degrees. The average high in ABQ in July is . . . also 90 degrees.
And I hate to break it to him, but roads have to be resurfaced periodically anyway.
What an idiot.
And you left out that it’s usually cold that causes damage to roads. Or rather ice does
I hope someone keeps that quote around for 2043.
Because you can’t get a formulation for asphalt that will work in Albuquerque. New Mexico won’t answer my calls.
The Trump infrastructure blueprint is almost certain to call for expensive new roads, bridges, airports and other projects in areas that are increasingly vulnerable to rising waters and other threats from a warming planet.
Raise everything in the US by at least five feet and cover it with shade sails. That would cost a couple hundred squillion and would be the kind of stimulus we are looking for.
+1 Shovel-Ready
This past Wednesday, Mr. Pruitt suggested that global warming could benefit humanity.
We all know change is always and everywhere bad. Longer growing seasons, more rain? Pure destruction.
“They’ll grow oranges in Alaska”
– Dale Gribble
With greenhouses, climate control and electric lighting, we can grow oranges anywhere.
Whether it’s economical is another matter.
With enough water subsidies we can grow almonds and oranges in the desert.
*Currently listening to Thomas Sowell during mindless tasks at work
Someone alert Rufus!
That was yesterday.
By dismantling the retarded regulatory environment, the cost of controlling the real environment and using it to our benefit falls dramatically. Then, we can make value judgments about whether we want to grow those oranges anywhere. or grapefruit. Or Wasabi.
Hey guys, there is a new book coming out on ethical leadership. The author is of impeccable credentials.
I saw that and had to check the calender to make sure we’re still in February.
NYT digs up dead guy, uses him as spokespuppet for sensible gun safety propaganda.
When Devin Patrick Kelley took a Ruger AR-556 semiautomatic assault rifle to the First Baptist Church in Sutherland Springs, Tex., last November, he brought 15 high-capacity magazines that each contained 30 bullets.
How many did he empty?
“All of them,” a Texas law enforcement official said at a news conference in the days after the massacre.
If William B. Ruger Sr., the co-founder of the gun maker Sturm, Ruger & Company, had had his way, Mr. Kelley’s firepower might have been much diminished. In 1989, Mr. Ruger proposed a ban on high-capacity magazines, which led a smaller rival to call Sturm, Ruger “the Benedict Arnold of the gun industry.”
In 1994, he said his company would only sell a high-capacity magazine to police officers.
“Someone who is not a police officer can buy one made elsewhere, but we can’t do anything about that,” he said. “What we can do is be a responsible firearms manufacturer ourselves. And we believe we are.”
Mr. Ruger was certainly not a cheerleader for gun control. But considering the tide of mass shootings and gridlock on the issue of guns, his willingness to compromise is worth revisiting.
Mr. Ruger once said that he was open even to waiting periods for handgun purchases. “If the truth be known, I see no real harm in the concept,” he said, but cautioned, “the trouble is, where does it end?”
Twenty-six people died in the Sutherland Springs shooting, including the pastor’s 14-year-old daughter and a pregnant woman, while another 20 were injured by a gun bearing the Ruger name. If he were alive today, America’s most outspoken gun maker would likely have had something to say.
“the trouble is, where does it end?”
Doin’ right ain’t got no end.
Evidence suggests otherwise. On many occasions.
I love their guns, but I refused to buy a Mini 14 until he died.
I divested my self of my God-awful P91 because of this. Also, the P91 was the biggest lemon I have ever procured; it would not handle reloads at all. It ran commercial ammo fairly well but any reloads (mine or store bought) led to a stovepipe every single time.
Had they fixed the lousy barrels by then?
The thing is, that up until *even* then, Rugers were basically Fudd Guns. Their business model relied on LEOs and hunters, and the hunter-vs-2APeople issue was an even bigger gulf than it is today.
Friend of mine still has hunters drop in his shop who are outraged that he can’t sell them 20 rounds of Match 308 or a box of 12 gauge buck without a permit.
I was in there a couple weeks ago and a guy walks in (without a long gun permit) and wants to buy an AR-15. “Sorry man, they’ve been pretty much illegal in CT since 2013 unless you can find a pre-ban”. Turns out the guy was a hunter and thought the new rules didn’t apply to him for some reason.
New England shooters are fuckin’ idiots, yo.
Yeah, I got one of the new generation ones. It’s plenty accurate.
I’ve been thinking of breaking my own rule and getting one of the new ones in 300 blackout.
Then I think – wait until we move to another state and get one with a threaded barrel.
Fudds piss me right the fuck off.
“LOL Stupid crazy gun nuts, they’re not gonna take away my deer rifle or bird gun or my old .38”
“When they take away my ARs and my tactical shotguns and my evil “high capacity” pistol your deer rifle becomes a sniper rifle, your bird gun becomes a sawed off shotgun, and your .38 becomes a Saturday night special.”
your deer rifle becomes a sniper rifle
Yup. The Brady people proposed a ban on “intermediate sniper rifles” back when banning .50 caliber rifles was on the table. As I recall, the intermediate sniper rifle was any rifle that could shoot 100 yards.
Yep, just like the endless “loophole” closing.
Gun show loophole, but not all private transactions.
Transfers without background checks, except for family members.
Closing the family member loophole.
The only true loophole is that there is any legal possession of a firearm by a non-government entity. That’s the “common sense” gun grabbers goal.
And his opinion still wouldn’t matter more than that of any of these gun banning dipshits.
Indeed, I souldn’t care if it came from John Browning himself, I’ve already gone through the evidence and concluded that gun bans don’t work and need to go away.
Gun bans work fine for their intended, not purported, purpose.
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
*sheepishly looks around for edit faerie*
Rufus, you better check out this week’s Powerline Week in Pictures post.
They are giving Trudeau a pretty bad beatdown.
The Harriet Tubman one is great.
And do ABQ roads really have to endure much higher heat? The average high in Denver in July is 90 degrees. The average high in ABQ in July is . . . also 90 degrees.
Exactly. I also forgot to mention, in that comment, that I was surprised at how similar Albuquerque already is to Colorado Springs, climate-wise.
Honestly, the high desert climate in ABQ is pretty much my ideal climate. Maybe Santa Fe, which is a little cooler and gets more snow. If somebody were to tell me “climate change” was going to make Tucson’s climate more like ABQ’s , I’d probably subscribe to their newsletter.
I stumbled upon this little comedic gem of two guys going deep into the women’s march.
Honestly, the high desert climate in ABQ is pretty much my ideal climate. Maybe Santa Fe, which is a little cooler and gets more snow.
I can think of a lot worse places to end up than someplace in the mountains north of Albeecue.
You missed your chance – I have 50 acres on the western edge of Glorieta Mesa that is under contract and should be sold by the end of the month. From the build site, you can see Mt. Taylor (which is 100 miles away).
The Brady people proposed a ban on “intermediate sniper rifles” back when banning .50 caliber rifles was on the table. As I recall, the intermediate sniper rifle was any rifle that could shoot 100 yards.
Virtually everybody I know has a .270 elk and deer slaughtering device which would qualify for that ban.
and, R C- “missed my chance” is my middle name.
By not responding to counter bids but instead submitting entirely new bids?