This has been one hell of a long week, I ain’t gonna lie. Some ups, some downs and some shit gone sideways too. But we’ve finally reached the end of it. Together. And the Super Bowl isn’t going to Boston!

There’s some olympics stuff going on. I heard a little bit in the background last night as I was getting some work done. Some dude was going berserk over a dude skiing moguls. And while skiing them is a hell of a task, I couldn’t figure out the scoring so I turned the volume down and zoned back out.  I mean, life is so much easier when things are scored by who is faster, goes higher or scores more points (by an objective measure like putting the ball in a basket or a puck in a net or touching a plate). I don’t deny that people competing in sports that are judged rather than scored, and there is a difference, are fine athletes. I just have a hard time getting as excited when I think it can easily be manipulated…as every single judged olympic sport seems to have been at one time or another. And I know referees can manipulate games, but the chances of that are much lower than a few judges scoring one particular person a quarter point better than they should in every dive, cumulatively impacting the event.

But that rant is for another day. Even though it was almost Shultz-like in length. So let’s get some scores, shall we? Dickie V, the most reviled man in college basketball by a mile in my opinion, is probably weeping this morning after his beloved Dookies fell to their rival Tar Heels.  Suck it, you one-eyed bastard.  UCLA took down Arizona. Gonzaga and St Mary’s rolled to wins, as did Clemson. And on the ice, your winners were Buffalo, Calgary, Philly, Ottawa, Tampa Bay, St Louis, Dallas, Phoenix (a surprise whenever it happens), and Army.  Well done guys!

That’s it for sports. Now…the links!

Hey, grope #metoo!

Giving a speech on the merits of the #metoo movement, I yield the floor to Assemblywoman Grabby McGropeyhands.  Awk-ward!!!!!!

Well congratulations Rose McGowan and Harvey Weinstein. Your little war of words can finally claim its first victim. And while I believe in self-ownership and personal responsibility, I do think these two assholes owe her family an apology for using her as a tool to fight each other with.

Oh CNN, never change. I remember you decrying Rand Paul’s actions years ago when decrying deficit spending. Now you’re on his side?  And while I’m point out hypocrisy, I need to give a nod to the idiots in the GOP who finally have a chance to pare down the size of our leviathan government on the heels of great employment news and tax breaks putting a lot of money in more Americans pockets.  You dumbasses shit the bed again and the sooner you’re all expelled and more Paul-ites (and Massie-ites and Amash-potatoes) join the party, we can pull our country back from the bring of fiscal ruin.

Is this man becoming likable?

Shut the fuck up, Elon Musk! Your actions the past week are almost making you likable, and now you call out the UAW? Stop it! Also, you’re never gonna reach production goals with the Model 3, so none of what you wrote really matters.

You want to know how a stranger ends up getting beaten to within an inch of his life? Try this with my kid instead of this guy’s. Seriously, I would go fucking apeshit if this were my child.

Even haters gotta cry sometimes

And just in case you weren’t hip to the current hate symbols being used out there, the ADL has compiled a list of them for you to identify. 1. The Pepe as a hate symbol thing is absurd. 2. I know Coors sucks, but come on! And 3. I think the Michigan State Spartans deserve a little credit for the good they occasionally do (like beat TTUN two of the three years Harbaugh has been in Ann Arbor).

Anyway, read it for a few laughs and to see some actual hate symbols, because some of them are legit, even if the number of people that would display or use them in America is incredibly small.

It doesn’t tie in to any of the links. I just really wanted to hear this song this morning and to share it with you.

Go finish the week strong, friends.  I’m gonna work like a dog again for half a day then try to play golf.