Its the middle of the week and the Patriots are still talking about the game. Oh, I think I have a pic of one.

Artists Depiction Of A New England Patriots Player Being Interviewed
I’m just kidding. That really was an entertaining game. And the best moment was the last moment. Expect the Patriots to be back next year, as their offensive genius of a coordinator decided to stay rather than become the Colts head coach. And they’re gonna get a new DC, possibly Greg Schiano (late the DC at Ohio State after maturing quite a bit following his humbling stint as an NFL head coach), who can’t possibly do a worse job of game prep than Patricia for the biggest game of the year. We shall see.
Plenty of games in college ball last night. Michigan State came back and beat Iowa (who choked). Xavier took down Butler. Cincy took apart UCF. Kansas bounced back and topped TCU. Tennessee beat UK, who simply has not gelled as a team yet this year. Northwestern beat TTUN. And Wichita State rolled to a 20 point win over Memphis. Buckeyes face off against Purdue tonight in a game I’m not really looking forward to.
Eleven games on the ice last night. Ducks beat the Sabres. Flyers top the Hurricanes. Senators over the Devils. Panthers beat the Canucks. Jets flew past the Coyotes. The Avalanche overwhelmed the Sharks. The Flames beat the Blackhawks. The MINNESODA WIIIIIIIIIILD put up 6 and gave St Louis the Blues. The Bruins beat the Red Wings. The Crapitals were a goal better than the Blue Jackets. And Pittsburgh beat Army.
Olympics getting closer. But nobody seems to care. So I’ll not do my pairs figure skating preview and will, instead, go straight to…the links!
Kenyon College goes full retard and becomes the latest liberal institute to censor art. Anybody remember when the left mocked the right for putting cloth on statues and trying to get books taken out of elementary school libraries? I sure do.

Look at the sign the girl is holding for a bonus laugh
I remember when a politician caught making racially disparaging comments caught on tape meant that politician was either disqualified or forced to beg forgiveness. Not so for an Illinois Democrat. A simple “I regret it getting out and I will sue the person who leaked it, and shame on my opponent for capitalizing on it” seems to have sufficed for the gubernatorial hopeful Pritzker. He was caught on an FBI wiretap discussing which black person to give the Obama senate seat to with Rod Blagojevich, who just so happened to go to prison for a long time for essentially selling the seat. Pritzker wasn’t implicated in that scheme. I guess some politically-connected families are more important that others.
With apologies to the late, great Percy Sledge: “Wynn a man loves a woman, can’t keep his eyes hands on nothing else. Cause Thinks that’s the way its s’posed to be.”

A suburban cotton candy farmer at harvest
Let’s see if Montgomery County, MD wants to maintain that Sanctuary City (yes, I’m aware its a county) street cred or if they shed it for this guy and let him get deported back to the shithole he came from.
I say, let them eat cake Tide pods! We’ve got to winnow the herd somehow. And anybody dumb enough to eat a freaking Tide pod deserves their fate. But nooooooooo. We’ve got to legislate so the makers of them have to completely retool their packaging factory at what I can only assume is a considerable cost, in order to keep a few retards from doing something retarded. What’s next? Going after Owens-Corning for their sweet, delicious cotton candy, er insulation?
Chicago cop taken off the street after internal investigation reveals that he performed an internal investigation of his own on a suspect in the hospital. If you’re a friend of his, don’t worry. He’s still getting paid.
Don’t try to steal from a convenience store in Houston. (Note how they aren’t even considering charges or holding the clerk? That’s because the cops here aren’t stupid and at least care a little bit for defense of property, life and the life of others by gun owners who are being robbed.
Orlando International Airport considers telling the TSA to GTFO. That would be pretty awesome if it happened. So it won’t.
Speaking of the TSA, I propose this be made the Department’s theme song.
That’s it. Enjoy hump day.
98) So let’s say a couple sorority girls think it would be a funny joke to post to Snapchat a picture of themselves holding bananas and including a racist caption. What would be a reasonable response to this?
A) Nothing. Free speech, and who cares what some airheads post on Snapchat anyway?
B) Sounds like these girls need to have a talk with a university official and attend some kind of sensitivity training course.
C) These girls did something hurtful, and should be suspended from campus for a semester.
D) Kick the sorority off campus with no delay!<a href= "” The university’s Student Association Senate unanimously passed a resolution Monday night that supported banishing the Alpha Phi sorority from campus“
E – It depends on how attractive they are and whether or not they’re willing to trade other photographs #ThemToo
F) Carefully determine if the joke was actually funny. If so laugh, if not ignore. Then demand tits or GTFO.
I vote F.
G. Convince the holy roller crowd to petition the state government to legally define the sorority as a brothel and allow them to take advantage of their new business.
At UNLV there are no sorority houses. They throw their parties at hotels and live in apartments. The explanation I got (might not be true) from a sorority member, is that in Las Vegas a house with X number of unrelated women living together is considered a brothel.
Same in AZ. Though there are a couple that were grandfathered in.
Okay, sorry that turned out messy, but the link does work.
By the way, wondering what the racist comment actually was, that the Washington Post found was too delicate to print? The GW Hatchet has it:
“The image, posted to Snapchat and circulated on other social media outlets, appears to depict two members of Alpha Phi, one of whom is posing with an empty banana peel. The photo is captioned: “Izzy: ‘I’m 1/16 black.’””
Didn’t read the article, but did notice this:
Many media outlets who post hatchet jobs and low quality ‘journalism’ have disabled comments.
The Hatchet? The fucking Hatchet?!?! When are those fucks gonna stop appropriating Native American culture to sell newspapers?
Hatchets aren’t Indian. Tomahoawks are Indian.
*Tomahawks. Dammit.
I don’t get how it’s a joke or racist. Does anyone else?
She had sex with a black guy. His dick broke off in her like a bee’s stinger. His dick was so large, it amounts to 1/16th of her body weight. She ate a banana to quell its writhing inside her as it quests blindly for her internal organs. Some other girl took a photo and posted it to her social network as a desperate plea for medical assistance.
Ha-ha-ha. Get it now?
The way your mind works is…frightening.
Go on…
I will not perform your cucking for you.
When you explain it that way….. bahahahahahaha
This is how you get chicks with dicks?
Well, one kind at least.
I fapped to this.
One of my best faps.
And people say I’m not community-minded.
So did the coach protesting by wearing a “Equality” t-shirt walk the walk? By making sure his team accurately represented the entire campus?
How many Native American players does the team have? Or gay players? Or Asian players? And don’t even try to tell me he doesn’t have a trans player in this day and age! And who cares if it is a men’s team? At least half the players should be women.
But what if she’s actually a mustafina/hexadecaroon?
Then is a simple statement of ancestry, no?
Here’s the actual snap:
I get the “1/16 black”, I don’t get the banana.
Its a private school, so its up to them to do what they want. If it was a public school, I’d say A. Let them become the social pariahs that racists deserve to be. But don’t diminish their natural rights.
“Man tells undocumented immigrant to stop peeing at bus stop, gets stabbed in neck”
I hate it when people try to talk to me when I’m taking a piss.
Umm, not sure why this ended up here.
Because you touch yourself at night.
Is that wrong?
And the sorority was kicked off after they immediately expelled the two members involved. Collective punishment is the only fair way to resolve things like this, like Spartans terrorizing the healots after a slave revolt in a different city-state.
Who is Izzy?
I found out how many crumbs I’m getting thanks to the new witholding tables.
$2150/year I can make a lot of cake out of those crumbs.
Fuck the cake. Buy more red meat!
Making red meat out of crumbs doesn’t make sense from a linguistic standpoint.
The money itself is going into debt paydown.
Why not do both?
Fornicating with pastry is beyond the pale of deviance for me.
Cake is absolutely the worst kind of pastry for that, anyway.
That one movie was pretty close, but really, you cant beat a warm blueberry cobbler.
even warm apple pie?
About $3000 here. Let the DemOp/Media Complex keep ridiculing it; the more dismissive and out of touch they sound, the better.
After the news that came out last night and ‘believe me not your bank statement’ and the revival of tranny bathrooms they are going to be slaughtered in November.
You forget that the left lives by the axiom “tell a lie enough times, and people will believe it” and have no shame, especially since they know the horde of operatives pretending to be the press will help them get away with it.
Calling extra money in your paycheck “crumbs” is the kind of lie that actually sounds worse the more you accept it.
Maybe people will start asking themselves “shoot, if this is just crumbs then give me a whole cake!” and start voting in tax reductions accordingly.
A guy can dream.
I work with plenty of leftists twits that got, by their own measurements considering previous conversations we had, what would amount to big money from this tax cut – I am talking over $2K a year – that when this was pointed out to them, responded by dismissing it because the big bosses got a lot more. So to these assholes, even though they benefited quite good from it, it was not that big a deal and in not so many words “crumbs”. When I pointed out that someone paying anywhere from 50% to 5 or 100 times what they do in taxes, would logically, based on simple math be getting more money back, they shut that down by invoking income disparity. These assholes are not driven by any sort of logic or motive other than envy. You will never reach these people. The only way this tax cut would get good press from them was if it came from a democrat, which it never would come from.
You should tell them that they should surrender their crumbs to you.
The latest this morning is “OK, so you got your bonus, but you should feel guilty knowing that it was charged on the government credit card.”
I know a good Romanian charity you can share some of that with
Do you need my bank account, my bank route, and my pin to get that? Or is that only for sweet oil deals from Nigerian princes?
I said Cake, not Pie.
Does it help disadvantaged Westerners get in contact with Romanian strange?
Inquiring minds want to know…
For a friend.
What about getting in contact with disadvantaged Romanian 20-something strange with an interest in live-in nannying and familiarity with the plot-lines of babysitter porn? Asking for a friend.
you’d share her with your local area glibs right?
$3600 per yeah hyah
The change still isn’t showing up on my paychecks… but the company I work for is notoriously slow for making changes like this.
Today is the first sign of the new rate for me. So I feel your pain. I’m just glad it showed up.
A lot of people, especially those with children, should revisit their withholding. While the tax rates changed, the withholding tables did not, and you could actually, because of your choice, be getting less than you would actually be getting, or even seeing a deficit.
I guess they have until the 15th of this month to make the changes. Expecting to see my crumbs by the last of the month.
Self-employed, so I’m gonna get that sweet, sweet off-the-top pass-through exemption.
Is that a euphemism for Romanian strange?
Do all TSA spokespeople sound like they studied under The Iraqi Information Minister?
As a diversity initiative, we hired the entire Iraqi Information Ministry to do PR for the TSA.
*spits coffee*
“Kenyon College goes full retard and becomes the latest liberal institute to censor art. Anybody remember when the left mocked the right for putting cloth on statues and trying to get books taken out of elementary school libraries? ”
Look, shitlord, when conservatives try to get books out of school libraries, it’s because they’re trying to keep their kindergartners ignorant and backwards like their peckerwood parents. When progressive right-thinkers remove harmful art from galleries, it’s because those works could hurt people’s feeling or make people think racist thoughts. Got it?
You and I may jest about this illogical bullshit, but they totes believe they are doing something good controlling people and making sure they only do right-think (meaning marxism).
I don’t know what happened, but I’m getting a yuge tax refund and I love it. It’s my biggest ever by a considerable amount. Going to pay off my credit card, buy some shiny new coins, and sock the rest away as an emergency fund.
And you know what I’m going to do with the money I was paying towards my credit card? I’m going to start saving for a house in ten years or so. With just those credit card payments alone, over ten years, I can afford a 20% down payment on my dream home when I combine it with my other savings.
So all those assholes calling it crumbs can go fuck themselves. Those crumbs are going to buy my house.
My tax refund is $850, which will take a chunk out of my debt, but is less than the ongoing witholding change on an annualized basis.
I don’t have a lot of credit card debt, but I can now pay it all off at once and instead of dumping as much extra cash as I could into paying it off quickly, I can start saving that monthly payment about a year earlier.
Near the end of last year I noticed that I needed to cut spending if I wanted to attain my financial goals.
I did that, and with the increased cash flow I’ll be back to baseline in time to… spend more on the road trip.
I need to rethink my plans.
“I need to rethink my plans.”
More hookers and cocaine?
Q really is my soul brotha.
Have you made the permanent move South yet?
I wouldn’t call it permanent, but I have had a Green Card for two years now.
No plans on obtaining US citizenship.
Go buy one of these:
See that Bushmaster there?
I can’t have one of those.
Fucking Malloy.
You don’t plan for that, it just kind of…happens.
-Charlie Sheen
-OJ Simpson
“I spent a lot of my money on birds, booze, and fast cars. The rest I just squandered.”
Good for you, Mustang. And fuck the idiots who think the state should have all of our money.
That’s awful. That’s money that should’ve been going to provide needed medical care for those who can’t afford it and grants for high-speed rail studies.
Don’t forget benefits for illegals that then vote for democrats even though they are breaking more laws..
I can never tell with my taxes – any refund I get is either taken by my wife’s business, or we grossly overpay and end up with enough to take a vacation. *shrugs* We shall see.
I did my taxes yesterday. I barely make 100k, and im getting back over 16k.
Mere peanuts!
How did you swing that? $16k would be most of my non-FISA witholdings, and I make $86k.
Three kids, a house, and i missed a lot of work due to back surgery, and apparently i get back a lot of the taxes i paid on the money i earned while out of commission.
I see.
We have a warped tax code.
About half of my yearly pay is due to sales commissions. From what I understand, commission pay is taxed at the highest bracket.
My W-2 totaled about 71K for last year but I sure as hell don’t feel like I earned that much. I’m pretty sure the new tax reform doesn’t change what commission is taxed at (if someone can prove me wrong I’ll be elated).
Commissions aren’t taxed any differently than other wages. The withholding on commissions is a bit different because they vary and aren’t as predictable as an hourly wage – but in the final return they aren’t any different.
Fuck. I owe $5k due to some bad math on taking a distribution on a retirement account from previous employer and putting it into our house instead of rolling it over. Just fucking raped me. I thought my total liability would be $5k. I would have been a wash if I hadn’t calculated JUST the penalty.
You should have taken a 401k loan rather than a distribution.
I was under the mistaken impression that I could access the principal of my Roth Ira without penalty… 35% later, I’m well aware of my error.
Looks like I’m one of those unfortunates who will actually owe more in federal taxes due to new standard deduction being lower than my itemized deductions and personal exemptions. I don’t begrudge the rest of you all those nice tax cuts, however. Maybe I can make it up eventually with capital gains due to corporate tax cuts being good for my stocks.
U.S. guns used in a majority of crimes in Mexico, Center for American Progress says
Us ruins everything it touches.
This was exactly what Holder/Obama wanted to peddle with that whole “operation” they ran to get guns into Mexico….
Did the CAP note that the reason those guns came from America was because Obama’s fucking ATF ran them there in order to undermine support for the 2A here?
Oh, they know those are American guns, we supply their army.
Are they Fast and Furious guns?
Some I am sure, but most are guns we sold to their military and police who promptly go out and sell them on the street.
They are trotting out that canard again? If there is one thing I can say about them it is their ability to keep lies alive forever.
Damn Hoosiers!!
I don’t think Mexico produces many small arms. It seems entirely reasonable that most of the
guns used there for any purpose would come from the US. They’ve got to be from somewhere,
and, looking at a map, I have discovered that Mexico and the US are right next each other. This
seems like a “water is wet” story.
Last time I was in Mexico the Army was in town as backup for the local police. They had US sourced FN M240’s mounted to their pickups, but they their primary arms is the HK G3. According to this, it looks like they make a licensed HKG36. So, its a little from here, little from there…
If true, so fucking what?
That’s exactly my thought.
If a country chooses to outlaw something, it’s their job to stop it at their border. Neighboring countries have no duty whatsoever to restrict their citizens’ rights because people are smuggling things into the place where it is banned. This is like saying that the United States needs to restrict Internet pornography because people in Saudi Arabia might be looking at it in defiance of their country’s laws.
I’m all for countries getting along, but the Left is just using this “international community” schtick as a cudgel to beat back everyone’s freedoms.
Perhaps they need a barrier of some sort to keep those guns out of the country…
Kenyon College goes full retard and becomes the latest liberal institute to censor art. – it is not art if it is intersectionally offensive. Only the right kind of art is art.
I am sure they would approve of this
Or this
Or this
Or…well, you get the idea
I need a vacation someplace warm.
3, 8, 10, 22, 24, 37, 42, 53.
*Looney Tunes wolf how*
Dropped an L at the end there. Meh.
More of a ZZ Top “how, how, how”?
how now brown cow?
1 5 13 19 23 24 … good list
Moms Claim Daycare Workers Waxed Their Children’s Eyebrows
You do a person a favor and whaddya get?
Who lets their kid be the weirdo with a unibrow?
Who lets their kid be the weirdo with a unibrow?
Maybe they are fans of Frida Kahlo.
lol, also Madonna.
For a few months when my son was a baby we used a daycare in our neighborhood. The older lady in charge would cut his fingernails, and we were nothing but grateful for that.
That’s because you were not driven by the new American dream where you cash in by suing someone….
Good for you.
From the article, I’m not sure of the entire context but religious belief might be involved. Deuteronomy 14 opens with:
Which, in a literal translation, is “You are the children of God, your Lord – Do not cut yourself or make baldness between your eyes for the dead.” Now you might think that’s silly, but parents have a right to follow whatever wacky beliefs or preferences they desire as long as they are not causing gross physical or mental harm. I would wager that the average schmo on the street wouldn’t put “eyebrow waxing” on the list of basic grooming that one would expect a daycare to provide.
While I do not hold Deuteronomy 14:1 as any sort of belief, I would be pissed if I sent my daughter to daycare and some bitch decided to pluck out her hair by the roots, or engage in any other form of depilation for that matter, without my awareness and consent.
Your child, your decision. I’m just not a fan of making childhood any more difficult than it already is.
Another day older and deeper in debt.
Davidson County deputy accused of robbing Rockwell bank at gunpoint
“Athey was fired from the Davidson County Sheriff’s Office following his arrest.”
What no suspension with pay? The rights of cops are being oppressed!
He should sue to get his job back.
*nods vigorously*
“The officer was involved in a legal civil asset forfeiture process” – Police Union
Stupid cop. Didn’t he know somebody is watching Rockwell?
In regards to the Kenyon College demand for that play to be cancelled, i
Got cancelled?
Edit fairy to the rescue, please!
There’s nothing there to edit. That’s literally your post.
Somehow one of my fingers hit a key and and the damn thing posted before completion.
Edit Fairy, can you nuke it from orbit, plz?
Full post is further down.

Cannot, or will not?
Should not, need not, tie the knot, or Don Knotts?
Since tomorrow is round 1 of this year’s installment of the rivalry, I will take this opportunity to say: Fuck Danny Ferry and Fuck Coach K and Fuck dook. Go Heels!
“Pritzker’s running mate, state Rep. Juliana Stratton, is African-American.”
That ought to show them he’s not just pandering.
There are no running mates in IL governor. It’s a separately elected office.
“Kenyon College goes full retard”
Someone should troll them into having a good old fashioned book burning in front of the library. They aren’t wearing their masks anymore so it should be easy enough to pull off.
‘It’s getting out of hand’: Backlash grows against ‘distracting’ Me Too campaign
It’s only distracting if you give a damn.
Thankfully, I don’t.
Sorry ladies, you will be replaced by sexbots no matter how quickly you backpedal.
VR may soon become a possibility as well
Touching Objects in Virtual Reality Is Now Possible
We need Q to make that something we test out here first…
Men may be stupid, but they’re capable of learning, and yes, we learned our lesson.
It doesn’t matter whether you’re an ardent #MeToo’er or reject it utterly, our default behavior has been conditioned by it and the onus is upon women – as individuals – to demonstrate that our futures are not at risk for merely recognizing your existence. Just as all men are many and severally responsible for The Patriarchy and are guilty unless they can demonstrate that they are an ally, the default status of every woman will be “future prosecution witness”.
For this, you have nobody but yourselves to blame. Repairing the damage may take years or – given the advancements in technology – may never happen. And while you’re working hard trying to repair your reputations and our trust in you, we’ll be over there with the sex bots (which in their own way, will be a reincarnation of Moore’s Law) – getting twice as good every two years.
Pretty soon, you really won’t have anything to offer us. So get a move on, girls,
This guy predicted this quite some time ago. I don’t believe he’s been proven wrong so far.
Couldn’t have seen that coming.
In regards to the Kenyon College Kerfuffle, I’m not really sure what to say anymore. These ignorant little megalomaniac fuckers are one step away from struggle sessions and reeducation camps, and the college administrations are giving them tacit approval to proceed in that direction.
People say not to worry about it, they’ll grow out of it, but identity politics is like religion. It’s an article of faith. These same people will pursue careers in bureaucracy and party politics. They will extend their infection over the coming years and nothing good will come of it.
“she has identified 40 instances of ethnic insensitivity.”
She 150 on her shampoo bottle this morning.
May I ask the back story and drop of this pic?
‘Cuz I gotta tell ya, they don’t look like Blackhawks to me.
Parties get wild in Asia.
Jus’ sayin’.
I posted this yesterday, but I think it’s worth a repost.
Highlight: “Millennials who are so crazy about Corbyn and Sanders are the dumbest generation. They know nothing. History began the day they were born. The collapse of our educational system has political consequences.”
Thanks, reading now.
No kidding. I’ve been politically aware for 20+ years now, and in a younger, dumber version of myself, have even participated in this ‘The Fascists are coming!’ trope. But they never show up … which almost makes it seem like the threat is nothing but a manufactured device.
And on Mencken …. that guy, man. His criticism of the government and authority was so often spot on, but then his disdain for regular people kinda erased any credibility his criticisms may have given him.
The fascists have shown up, they’re Antifa and the radical left.
They have always been communists or fascists…
The left is totalitarian.
The fascists have always been here. In america, they call themselves Progressives. (just like they did in 1900).
I’d argue that America has already had a fascist government, albeit in a kinder, gentler form than Europe suffered. The New Deal, and FDR’s administration in general, represented a major government takeover of the economy, and, to a lesser extent, a bold move to control peoples’ lives. Although we are still stuck with some of it’s effects (Social Security being the major one), we fortunately backed off on most of it and haven’t repeated the worst excesses.
Not for want of certain politicians trying.
There is nothing new under the sun.
An interesting point Siegel makes that I had never thought about was the paradigm shift from the New Deal liberals to the New Left of the ’60s, how the New Deal (for all its many, MANY faults) at least promoted unity while the New Left was the embryo from which the modern mess that is identity politics arose.
Identity politics won out because when you break people into smaller single issue groups they are easier to manipulate and scare into compliance, thus making them beholden even when all you do is fuck them in the ass and give them a reach around. There is to me nothing more despicable than the snake oil salesmen that peddle this shit and pretend they care about these idiots. Don’t get me wrong. The right also has its identity/single issue political movements, but none of them come down to the horrible shit the left peddles.
I still remember the people that told us that if the right was not checked we would lose our freedom of speech, sex, and rock & roll. Today the left is full on assaulting speech, has turned sex into a weapon to attack Western civilization with, and most new music, practically all of it produced by leftist douches, sucks ass.
Here’s the thing that kills me about the renewed fandom for It Can’t Happen Here. Tell me whose platform in the 2016 election the following political platform planks most resemble:
Obviously Bernie Sanders, right? But those are the actual planks of Huey Long, the politician that Sinclair Lewis was parodying and warning against in the fascist character of Berzelius “Buzz” Windrip in the novel.
Terrific interview. I’ve distributed it widely. My proggies will hate it.
A lefty friend posted this on Facebook. I wrote back saying I’m pretty familiar with Reason and calling them “hyper partisan conservative” is, well, nuts.
He came back with this “proof”.
Geez, this Reason site sounds like something I might want to read. Are we talking about the same site?
It’s just cosmos all the way down.
Lefty means anyone not explicitly blood red to the bone is a hyper-partisan conservative nazi alt-right Trumpalo. By their definition I suppose Reason is. By my standards, not so much.
Even his “proof” only calls them center-right, not “hyper partisan conservative.” I hope you pointed that out to him.
Center-right seems nuts even.
1. If they were as libertarian as they claim to be, then putting them on the left-right axis at all is stupid.
2. What they are is center-left and slightly elevated.
99% of people have no concept of anything other than the left-right axis.
So you get lefties calling libertarians “right wing racists” and righties calling libertarians “prog-tards”
Right off center = “hyper partisan conservative”
We’re Monarchists, To a Man!
Anything to the right of Stalin or Mao is right wing hyperpartisan conservatism…
I think they new word is Nazi.
Because Hilter’s Socialist German Workers Party was totes right wing!
I voted – ‘least biased’ is in the lead.
Mencius Moldbug had a more cogent view 11 years ago.
Basically, that chart has Reason the equivalence to Daily Kos. Which is preposterous as it is retarded.
That’s not how I read the chart. They had Daily Kos listed as liberal biased and not trustworthy as news, whereas Reason was tilted right but generally trustworthy.
Thanks, everyone, for playing the Theme Song game last night. I think we’re going to stick to the Smut Peddlers for now. I’m sure this is everyone who submitted a entry’s reaction.
That movie is great.
Love that scene. So perfectly captures music heads.
Noooooo! Too Soon! I had to work. Here’s mine –
Thought it would have been this.
That’s a good one.
Rock & Rolla.
I’ve been using the term “Old Sad Bastard Music” ever since I saw that movie. It’s a keeper!
Angela Merkel’s Christian Democratic Union has agreed on the terms of a coalition deal with the centre-left Social Democrats following marathon talks in Berlin, German media has reported.
Here we go again… More of the last 4 years I suppose. Although it is a strange system when the two biggest parties of opposing ideologies keep making coalitions. Maybe just maybe their ideologies are not that opposite.
Yeah, the new divide in Germany is the rapidly-tanking legacy parties who think taking in a million Syrian refugees is a good idea, and the booming smaller parties that think it’s insane.
and 8 million family members I assume.
In regards to the Kenyon College demand for that play to be cancelled, the trend has rolled further downstream in the education system to the high schools now, and a few weeks ago, reached here as well.
Our local high school production of The Hunchback of Notre Dame has been cancelled due to students protesting a lack of diversity, where lack of diversity = the lead character went to a white student, even though much of the rest of the cast was POC.
Shorter version – spoiled brat raised on identity politics doesn’t get something 100% her way, raises stink about it, and ruins the production for the rest of her school.
This young lady seems to have been taking some cues from one HRC.
Maddi, Esmerelda was a Gypsy. this may be a little hard to grasp, but some of them look pretty white. Something to do with being in Europe for a couple hundred years. Couldn’t fully avoid mixing with the locals.
Nevermind that, there could be any number of reasons that the white girl got the part. Could be a better actress, and by the sounds of it, she’s probably not a whining harpie giving off negative vibes like this Maddi girl.
Or it could have been a Weinstein-esque casting couch.
I was starting with the argument the whiner was putting forward.
I don’t doubt that the leading lady was a better actress.
I got the lead role in multiple elementary school class plays for one simple reason: I could memorize the lines.
Of course, it also meant I had to wear white tights to play the Pied Piper.
Couldn’t avoid mixing with the locals?
hehe. How do you think they made most of their money?
But every night the men would come around and lay their money down
+1 Cher
Why, that’s pretty white of you too, kemosabe. I do have to drop the spotted neckerchief and violin to pass as a real white person though….
I proudly appropriate the Hell out of the culture of… Travelling People by making this AMAZING Joe Grey recipe from SRP. It is quick and hearty, delicious.
My father always called that dish “Pan Scraps”. I expect that “Joe Grey” is the bastardized anglicization of some Romani name. We used to have turnips in there too, but let’s face it, you could throw almost anything in that pan.
But it’s a damn fine way to warm up after a cold day outside.
NIce. We love to experiment with it as well. Adding matzoh balls was an absolute winner; they presented very pretty with an orange exterior but butter yellow when cut into.
Not to mention that if you’re going to demand ethnic appropriate casting you can’t complain about not getting the role of a gypsy when you are neither Romani or Indian.
And she’d be pretty much out of the running for any other parts – since they’re all Ancien Regime Frogs.
When are we going to see true leadership a-la Jordan Peterson from school administrators?
I think they either gave up or were co-opted a long time ago now.
A friend and I were discussing that the other day. We both wished that we had the kind of leadership and intellectual guidance of a figure like Peterson when we were in high school. A teacher like Peterson today, at least in the public system, would be run out of the schools on a rail.
I can’t even sit through an interview of the guy because his voice puts me to sleep.
Meh. I’ve probably listened to hundreds of hours of his lectures, interviews, and various other content. Kept me awake and interested while I was still on the road.
Agreed. I find nothing offensive aboot his speech patterns but truth be told, we are both from Canuckistani backwaters.
I’ve lived and worked in Northern Alberta for many years, which is JBP’s home turf, and I have to say, most of his Alberta accent, save for a few phrases, has been obliterated by years of living in Toronto and the US.
Some of his phrases, not so much, I think. I spent a couple months at the ASM (now ASMPE) and understanding the locals was the hardest think I did at the place.
I am not from Canukistan, and I love the guy.
It helps if you focus on the smoldering disdain for the interviewer emanating from his eyes.
The furious, unkempt eyebrows are the “piece d’ resistatance”!
So what you’re saying is you want all white schools?
So, are hunchbacks now part of the special snowflakes club? Where do they rank in relation to transvestite Muslim POC who identify as Martians?
About head and shoulders below the rest?
What? I thought they were part of the Patriarchy? Don’t most of them end up working in the upper echelons of the police department and helping crack down on the masses?
I’m sure they do. I always hear about about cops following their hunches….
I wonder what the general opinion is about gifted surgeons who can help help them with their hump,
I wonder what the reaction would be to white supremacists picketing “Hamilton?”
For some reason, that Kenyon SJW BS reminded me of this:
The lead in Hamilton?
A conservative friend commented on the DerpBook about the FBI’s behavior on the Steele dossier. I chimed in with this
I’ll let people know if I get any responses.
Great job keeping it focused on the topic without mentioning the DNC or Hillary. It should give pause to left-wing responses somewhat. I think. I hope? .
Impossible and you know it.
i predict the response will highlight your racial privilege and patriarchy structure of society.
That’s an excellent post. May I share parts/all of it?
::lets out gigantic beer burp:: say what, sweetie?
Margaret Atwood suggests ‘etiquette guidebooks’ for men
I heard a rumor that Miss Manners was ZARDOZ’s next target…
When is ZARDOZ going to dispense with Dan Savage?
Somebody should tell Margaret Atwood about the internet I guess. There are literally dozens of online advice columns, most of which offer advice from a fairly progressive viewpoint.
I have nothing against teaching people manners. If you really believe in toxic masculinity teach good masculinity. Just don’t try to make all masculinity toxic.
A heap of fellows think manners don’t amount to much. They have an idea it is sort of sissy to be polite. They’re not using their heads. Just as oil makes an engine run more quietly and easily and efficiently, so do manners make your life and the lives of the folks with whom you come in contact run more quietly and pleasantly and efficiently. Good manners are a mighty valuable asset that anybody can have cheaply.
If only there was a site about the art of manliness …
Say, that has a nice ring to it. You may be on to something…
The problem is the women that demand chivalry so they can call the guy a member of the patriarchy when convenient.
George Washington was all over it, Maggie
And she’ll start suggesting books on how to be lady-like, right? RIGHT?
I went to an all guys college (there were four all women’s colleges within a couple of hours drive). We actually had our own etiquette book. Just about any woman I mentioned it to rolled their eyes at the notion. The feminists all the more so.
What I find risible in Atwood’s suggestion is the notion that the breaches in etiquette are only on the part of guys. Chivalry was a system that imposed expectations on men and women. It was a bargain of personal behavior that allowed people to coexist in as pleasant a manner as possible. Feminists, Atwood included, have spent the last fifty years insisting that the chivalric demands on women were unjust, an undue imposition, that women should be allowed to behave however they felt, manners and civility be damned. And if men had a problem with that, well, just deal with it. And now she’s aghast that men no longer buy into the contract that feminists insisted women had the right to abrogate. Pardon me if I’m not all that impressed.
When Atwood starts also demanding women be more ladylike, maybe we can talk.
Atwood is just a simple Second Waver. This new world “frightens” and “confuses” her…
Ding Ding Ding we have a winner!
Practically every woman I know that advocated for the return of Chivalry wanted men to pick that back up but women to be held totally unaccountable. Basically they wanted a system where they won if it was heads, and the guys lost if it was tails. Fuck that shit.
Here’s one Marg:
Go fuck yourself.
Yes, let’s teach men manners while women run around wearing ridiculous vagina hats and being foulmouthed as one could get. Fuck off, CUNT.
Manners don’t mean shit.
It’s CHARACTER that counts.
‘Bikini baristas’ in Washington are told to cover up – is it an issue of free speech?
While in the end it can be seen for legal purposes as a free speech issue, it should never have to get to that point. It is I can wear a bikini at work if I so choose issue. Then again we have to somehow regulate the male gaze. I am conflicted.
Free speech = free tits.
In that case I want to censor ugly tits and only have those worth looking at free.
You make a bad argument for free speech there Q.
Just say ugly tits constitute obscenity; “I know it when I see it”.
They’re also going to make those girls poor. Those bikini baristas make really good money in tips, probably far more than what the frumpy bureaucrats trying to ban them make.
I know nothing about this guy; I wonder what his political leanings are.
looks like a neoreactionary to me
Good news! Place I live got enough snow last night for my employer to tell me I can come in 2 hours later than normal. Bad news. I’m traveling for business and I am on the other side of the country.
Well I will get to plow through a snow drift to get in my driveway when I get home.
We have ice right at the moment. Don’t care, I’m working at home.
Thousands pose with sanitary pads to raise awareness
Is the govt still seizing cash in India? That’ll help.
”Women are often forced to use old newspapers, rags, hay, sawdust, sand or ash because only 12 per cent of women have access to sanitary products.”
I can imagine Murikan women doing this soon, to save the planet, you know.
South Park did it already.
Menstrual cups are all the rage.
In my day we’d just force them to leave the village and build a hut for a week or so. Aside from the maulings, it always seems to work out right, in the end.
But don’t forget, these people are going to take over the world and surpass America any week now.
SJWednesday: Boxing Helena Edition
The author’s talking about Saudi culture, right? Because in America and most western countries, there is a huge social stigma against violence in relationships, and spousal abusers are typically viewed with contempt.
So that’s why they still arrest a man who’s been assaulted by his wife?
Sorry, should have said “male spousal abusers.”
The family courts could really use the woodchipper treatment*.
*Note to Preet: this woodchipper is entirely hyperbolic and is not an actual threat.
Same old dishonest tripe we have seen a thousand times. They probably teach it at university.
“the need to change a system”
Then create a giant straw man. What she isnt saying is what her preferred system is. Care to take a guess what system that might be?
Interesting. So western men have created a system that allows women to be completely comfortable acting like hysterical spoiled children. Can we send them all somewhere where there is no men? Because that would obviously solve the problem. Can Elon build a rocket heavy enough to get them all in? There’s plenty of room on Mars I hear.
What’s the plan after the BFR? BFR is supposed to be able to take them by the hundreds.
Mars ain’t the kind of place to raise a fit.
Any man loud-talkin’ spends a night in the box.
They told me if Trump were elected, soldiers would march down the street and they were right!
I dunno man people getting parade ideas from state visits is not good. When Ceausescu visited North Korea and got parades in his had it was not pretty. Everyone was forced to parade around on the 23d of August.
Leave the parades to Macy’s and San Francisco. Keep the military out of it.
I really hated parades, passing in review and standing around in formations. Were I POTUS, I’d get rid of all that crap. The military is there to fight, not parade.
Thank you, Swiss.
It’s a political extravagance at best, demoralizing exercise at worst. It subverts the purpose of the military.
What purpose would that be? Last I remember Obama told us it was to save mankind from global warming….
Agreed. I can still smell the Brasso, M-Nu, and Niagara Spray Starch. I was in the 7th ID (Light); one of our nicknames was The Bayonet Division so, of course, we had to every damn formal event with fixed bayonets. Normally, a fellow who passes out from locking his knees just elicits some in rank snickering. Throw a flailing blade into the mix and Hey Presto – Excitement She Wrote!
*golf clap*
Its slightly worse if they ask you to be the one to salute the commander on behalf of your squadron. Slightly, because you lose your voice afterwards.
Although watching lefty heads explode would be fun.
Yeah, but the pain inflicted on people that are making the sacrifice to serve IMO makes this still a poor trade.
Nothing gives off a bad vibe more than a big military parade.
Especially if you end up needing a tow truck..
I wanted to laugh, but then I wondered how many people involved with that tank lost their lives over it.
They were executed with an anti-aircraft (30mm) cannon was the story I heard…
Being blown to smithereens by one of those old AA guns is a popular way of punishment in Kim’s proggy paradise..
I thought as much that this would be the Trumpista spin on this shitshow.
Remember when there was such a thing as “fiscal conservatives”?
Heroic Mulatto remembers. Somewhat.
Speaking of LH’s post about Maggie Atwood, it would appear that we are going to see a series based on The MaddAddam Trilogy.
I don’t recall any new advice columns in this Atwood dystopia.
We don’t want him back… well unless he works at Taco’s El Caporal…
In a strange land: Deported from Michigan, Jorge Garcia feels lost in Mexico
So can we say he is now living in a shithole?
SJWednesday: Keeping It Gender-Conscious, Climate Change Edition
“There cannot be climate justice without gender justice.”
Oh, okay.
“Women, more so than their male counterparts, know how dire these environmental changes are firsthand”
Sure, ’cause men don’t go outside or anything.
It’s got nothing to do with being able to go outside, but with being able to bleed for 3-5 days a month and not dying…
Well, certainly, no men work outside, it’s only women who do that.
“World Ends Tomorrow; Women, Minorities Hardest Hit”
Is that similar to how women are the primary victims of war?
Well, they are. Didn’t you see CNNs constant coverage of the refugee crisis? Only women and babies were affected by that. Why are you guys so afraid of a few women and babies?
“One of the big takeaways from this year’s UN Climate Summit was the importance of promoting gender equality”
Look, it’s all about saving the planet and there’s no politics to it, so stop making up stuff, you shitlords!
I applaud this move. The more this kind of stuff takes priority, the less actual policy will be implemented to punish us all.
Owens Corning clearly markets to children with that use of the Pink Panther.
Their target demographic is mice seeking to start a family.
I never thought of killing Stewart Little with a tack hammer until I did it once during my first mouse infestation. Same year I stomped one to death in a bathtub. Haaaate field mice, the diseased little bastards.
For you
Chortle. Mice are absolutely awful little destructive assholes: mean, cannibalistic, piss and shit everywhere they live. Ain’t even cute no more.
Ain’t that the truth. We had a mouse problem not long ago. It’s been taken care of now (fixed up their entry point, put poison everywhere), but recently I had to do a bit of repair work on our dishwasher. When I removed the panel at the bottom to inspect the wiring, the floor under the dishwasher was completely covered with mouse shit. It was EVERYWHERE.
Stinky posted this last night and the level of regulatory deference to Top. Men. is just completely rage-inducing.
From the comments:
P.S. DEA needs to be completely gutted and disbanded.
Remind me again which agency went rogue in ‘Sicario’?
All of them?
Well, hi everyone. I’ve been lurking here since awhile after the great glibening as I missed you guys’s insights (and I appreciate Q’s T&A links…). Reason has largely devolved into a cesspool of Tony, PB, and Hihn. And the TDS still runs strong among the staff. So, I look forward to spending a bit more time over here.
See, now here you have a sensible perso… wait… FUCK OFF, TULPA!
Everyone here, except for me, is a Tulpa alt.
That sounds like something Tulpa would say.
Not even Tulpa would stoop to my level of dumbfuckery, thank you very much.
I thought it was commonly understood that we are all Tulpa.
I’m not Tulpa *looks around nervously*
What, you didn’t appreciate Crusty’s insults about this place?
Welcome aboard, Tulpa.
Hi Tulpa.
Is that flag painted prominently on your X-wing?
How many TIE fighters painted on the fuselage under your canopy?
None, just an homage to Porkins.
Oh man X-Wing was my game back in the 90’s. Soooo like 15,000? And 5+ star destroyers etc. Kalidor Crescent winners represent!
That game needs an HD remake, but NO UPDATING SCENARIOS OR GAMEPLAY.
Shit, the dynamic music system in it is still the best in any game I played. EA could probably sell a few million, and they might be able to use Frostbite engine and Battlefront assets to save money and time…
Welp, at least we have GOG and the original version.
“How many TIE fighters painted on the fuselage under your canopy?”
All of them. **Reminisces Rogue Squadron playing days.**
‘Morning Tulpa!
*Wafts hand dismissively*
If we get many Tulpae, the whole site could tip over. Just like Guam. -Hank Johnson
Fuck off, Tulpa!
Another lurking Tulpa turned commenter.
*waves hi*
Just wait till Yusef gets here.
In his Kiwi?
Um, fuck off, Tulpa?
I figured out The Beatles this morning. In threads in the past about overrated bands, they are always brought up. I have responded that it is possible (maybe even probable) that they are the greatest band of all time AND the most overrated.
But I finally get it this morning. They have some great stuff and some good stuff and some catchy stuff and some stuff I don’t care for but I can see how others do. What they have that others dont is VOLUME. Lots of Volume. That is why they are probably the greatest: Quality * Volume. And also why they are the most overrated.
They are the Cy Young of rock bands.
Walter Johnson, Babe Ruth, Sandy Koufax, Bob Gibson, Pedro Martinez, Greg Maddux, and dozens of others were all better pitchers than Young. But look at the freakin volume!
“Quantity has a Quality all its own”
-VI Lenin
Stalin and Mao sure took that to heart, but that guy Pol Pot, when measured as a percentage of population, did it the right way..
The Beatles – especially lots of their later work – has a sheen of artificiality, like they are faking the emotions behind the lyrics. Though I do like side 2 of Abbey Road.
I’ve noticed the same thing, and I feel like around the time of Sgt. Pepper’s they took the conceit of that album to heart, and on all their songs afterwards they weren’t making songs themselves, they were making songs as if they were other people recording those songs.
“Back in the USSR” is a good example of this–they weren’t recording a Beach Boys-style song, for that song, they imagined they were kind of a Surf Music band taken to an extreme, and what would a band like that record?
If that makes any sense…
You guys are over thinking it.
Actually, it’s the quality over the volume in my view. The Stones have a bigger catalogue.
The Beatles had the 1962-66 period and then the 1966-70 period. Two different sides of the same face.
They accomplished all that they did in just…..eight years.
That is, they’re more like Mike Bossy or Mario Lemieux (and of course 99). Not as long a career as some but pound for pound (PPG) the best.
So to me, absolutely more Babe Ruth.
But in those 8 years they were putting out 2 albums per year or so?
And there was no filler. It seems like very few songs are crap.
Sure, the Stones have more albums over 50 years, bu there is a lot of filler.
I guess I worded it wrong, its the volume of quality even if it isn’t the greatest music, IMO.
You are wrong about the lack of crap. Their output was more crap than not.
Too much flavor, huh?
Too unengaging. And a lot of their performances struck me like they were pumped full of barbituates before beginning.
^ This. I used to think,”I like some Beatles songs.” Then I looked more closely and discovered that really what I like is “some George Harrison songs.” Lennon and McCartny are devoid of value to me.
That was my point. The Stones churned out a lot of crap. Shit, after Exile they produced a couple of okay albums in Tattoo You and Goats Head Soup. Beyond that?
The Beatles from 66-70 pumped out masterpieces. The bottom line is those albums are landmarks for good reason.
Yes, but it goes back to my point. I can name dozens of albums by other bands that are better than the best Beatles album, and hundreds of songs.
But, every one of those bands has a ton of crap too.
Simple fix – don’t listen to the crap.
You’re assembling a list anyway, instead of a list of bands make it a list of songs worth playing again.
I agree to a point but it’s all subjective.
Bah. Queen put out a shitload of albums that only had one or two good tunes but the ones that were good were very good.
Undercover is a pretty great record. Not anywhere near the top, but strangely compelling.
I would rather listen to The Kinks – well until Muswell Hillbillies. The quality of their music dropped off after that.
Among the most under rated of bands for sure.
I liked Low Budget but I was 15 at the time.
^ these guys get it ^
Come Dancing is far superior to You Really Got Me or All Day and All of the Night.
I’m hot and cold on the Beatles. Sometimes I can’t stand it – sometimes songs like this just do the trick.
I agree with Rufus – for such a short career they really accomplished a lot.
I think it’s just Beatles exhaustion. I can listen to “Here Comes The Sun” and it always takes me to certain place but a lot of their catalogue is just plain unlistenable for me now.
Now I understand your love for stripped-down jangly pop (NTTAWRT). The final puzzle piece, as it were.
Even when I’m not in a Beatles mood, I still dig this one.
Although, I do like this cover of it better.
I’m surprised ‘Lola’ hasn’t been banned yet. They went after Reed’s ‘Walk on the wild side’.
I have thought the same thing. I wonder if it’s because no one has figured out what it’s about yet?
Kidding…back in the day it was fun to see dudes belting it out at a party and not getting what they were singing.
I can listen to ‘Revolver’ over and over and olver….
Considering what other rock/pop bands were doing at the time, the Beatles accomplished a HUGE amount: the quality of songcraft, catchy hooks, studio techniques, etc.
Yes, there are definitely more accomplished musicians (listening to Frank Zappa now). And, I get that some people don’t like them. But, to dismiss them as a band, and overrated, to me smacks of hipster BS (“I’m too cool to like something that popular”).
But, what do I know? I unapologetically like a lot of Tangerine Dream (talk about volume!).
Uffda. It is like you never even heard of Rube Waddell.
Waddell kicked Cy Young’s ass in all their meetings, won more pitching awards and played for 13 years. The pitching award should be named after him except that he was a colossal drunk who worked as an alligator wrestler in the off season.
Two other possible reasons it wasn’t named after him:
1. He was easily distracted by opposing fans who held up puppies and shiny objects, which seemed to put him in a trance on the mound.
2. He had a longstanding fascination with fire trucks and had run off the field to chase after them during games.
Conservative MSNBC Host Nicolle Wallace Calls Trump a ‘Hamburger-Eating Zamboni-Riding Loon’
TW: Alternet
A third of it has been proven true? Which third? I’d love to hear some specifics on that.
And if Steele is so credible, 1)why did the FBI abruptly stop using him as a source 2)why was he recycling shit from Sid Blumenthal and Cody Shearer?
Well, it mentions Russia. Russia is a real country. Putin, as far as I’m aware actually exists. Trump, I’m not sure enough, but I’ll warrant the possibility of his existence as plausible. Also, even if they got all the verbs and nouns wrong, if they were correct with just a percentage of their adjectives, you could easily have a 33% accurate document.
The one thing I find incredibly discrediting to Steele is that when he left MI-6, he did so because he was one of the principal people behind WMDs in Iraq at MI-6. If he got that either mostly wrong, or even partly wrong, that does not improve my confidence in his sources and methods.
It speaks to his capacity to deliver intelligence that the higher-ups want, accurate or not.
His sources were DNC and Russians. His methods were to launder these sources for the DNC and the FBI/DOJ. His sources were crap, but his methods worked well enough to achieve the goal.
That whole section was encouraged to find gainful employ elsewhere after the Butler Review.
That is what they are going with? After the second memo yesterday I guess they have painted themselves into a corner and have no where else to go.
Two New York lawmakers want the state to mandate child-resistant packaging, individual warning labels and uniform colors for toxic laundry detergent pods amid the dangerous trend of people eating them and encouraging or daring others to do the same.
They need a mandate for the sake of little children because adult children are eating soap?
The New York legislators feel they have to legislate on every ill, or they’ll be seen as the useless fuckwits that they are.
“Cotton Candy Farmer…” Nice one, Sloop! Ten digits up and almost an eleventh!
“potus wants to know everything we’re doing.”
The new FBI lovebirds’ texts are the gift that keeps on giving.
then there was this:
“potus wants to know everything we’re doing.”
I’m starting to get the inclination that if the tables were turned this would be considered a major people-go-to-prison scandal.
November 13, 2016 Page wrote…
“I bought all the president’s men. Figure I need to brush up on watergate.”
One of the big takeaways from this year’s UN Climate Summit was the importance of promoting gender equality and women’s leadership in climate policy. One woman in attendance summed it up: “There cannot be climate justice without gender justice.”
Aaaand- this is as much as you need to know.
Won’t someone think of the feminist glaciers?
It doesn’t matter how loud you play John Lennon’s music. It still sucks.
I mostly agree but he had a few really good songs.
He did…with the Beetles.
I like Instant Karma, and I don’t care who knows it.
I agree. Most of his solo work blows, but that’s a great song.
He just seemed such a pompous, annoying shit-lord. He would have fit in well with the Glibertariat!
He was a brilliant bastard. Suckers his marks into buying a million copies of Imagine, then use the money to buy a Rolls.
He switched continents to pay less taxes, and dumped his wife to hook up with a younger, Asian model (not “model” as occupation, you know what I mean). Then he spent rest of his life trolling everyone.
Truly a Glibertarian icon.
People are reporting their tax savings. I’m happy for them.
I wonder. Will Democrat voters see and admit it?
I’ve (over)heard random shop clerks mention it to each other in deep blue new york.
I thought they were going with “You can’t be happy with getting $x because [it’s not enough to be life changing]/[rich people are getting more]”
Will Democrat voters see and admit it?
yes, but there’s still the issue of not-giving-is-taking.
Susan Davis
Verified account @DaviSusan
Change is coming to the U.S. House today: Lawmakers voting to add House Rule to explicitly prohibit lawmakers from having sexual relationships with staffers. Makes it an Ethics violation to do so. Part of broader effort to change culture of Capitol Hill following #metoo movement
Well there goes Bill’s idea running for Congress to get the money train rolling again.
A lot of good looking college girls are no longer going to get those cushy staffer jobs on the hill. Hot girls hardest hit
“Hot girls hardest hit”
Not anymore dude. That’s the whole point of this.
Yeah, sure, go ahead and forget about all the nerdy twinks that won’t get jobs.
TW: ZeroHedge
Declassified Grassley Document Confirms FISA Memo’s Explosive Claims
Small point on all of this: From Don Trump Jr. to Congressman Jordan to all the other GOPers out there defending the Nunes memo, they all are saying something along the lines of, “They used bogus info to get a warrant to spy on an American citizen. This should worry all of us.” As if they really give a shit about your average American getting spied on unless they can make political hay out of it. I’d love to see this memo and subsequent revelations deliver a crippling blow to the FBI, DOJ, Clinton etc, but make no mistake, no one in DC gives a shit about your 4A rights. *Rand, Massie, Amash not included.
Speaking of people’s tax returns and such, while I was in Australia in 2014/2015, they had raised the basic personal exemption to 18k per person, which would be 36k for a couple. Is it too much to ask that Trump could have done the same? Aren’t we only having it bumped up to 12k next year?
Libertarian Party of Canada leader Tim Moen has suggested it be bumped up to 25k/person, and I can find no argument that the state, as it currently exists and operates, should be allowed to tax your first 25k. Obvious disclaimer that they shouldn’t get *any* of it, but ya gotta start somewhere.
The australian dollar is worth $0.7852 US, so that $18,000 AUD is $14,133 USD. We’re pretty close…
(The canukistani dollar is slightly stronger at $0.7975 USD)
The historic avg. is about that range .75-81 USD.
[standard libertarian disclaimer]
I would make the standard (and only) deduction be $12,140 per adult and $4,320 per child.
Flat tax rate above that.
That is the poverty level numbers (although it is $4320 per person after the first, but I want to end marriage and etc games, so flat per adult and high number).
That last part is confusing, what I mean is use the single person high number for all adults, if you get the deduction on your own, you get it married too.
“Trump could have done the same”
Trump can only sign into law what the legislature sends him. He was asking for a lot more. This is what they gave him and to be honest I was surprised it was as good as it was. I expected all of the small government, tax lowering republicans to shoot down tax reform.
“A store employee in north Houston opened fire on two robbers trying to steal from his store Tuesday evening.”
I bet the store owner didn’t even consider the feelings of the poor mothers of said robbers before exercising his right to self-defense.
It’s a shame that these recordings came out so early into the election, because I was holding out a sliver hope that this worthless, carpetbagging piece of shit would have won the primary just for the entertainment value. His TV ads are hilariously pandering. The latest one features him giving a “speech”. I put that in quotes because the whole thing looks very suspiciously green-screened. He begins his rant by alleging (without presenting any evidence) that Rauner is responsible for Illinois’ budget disaster and then immediately segues into talking about people of color, LGBTQWERTY and Dreamers.
Buckeyes face off against Purdue tonight in a game I’m not really looking forward to.
We haven’t been playing great over the last three games, so y’all may have a chance. Either that or were gonna come out for blood and sink 20 threes.
trshmnstr, I think the latter is more likely. With one of the best perimeter defenders on the Buckeyes out for “Violating Team Rules”, I think Purdue will have a great time kicking out for threes all night.
Oh my, frat boys act like frat boys. I am shocked, SHOCKED.
Contests like these are like scooters. They’re fun to ride, but you don’t want your friends to see you on one
John Sigma Pi?
Ithaca coming up twice in one version of the Lynx? Surely the end times are upon us.
Speaking of the Art of Manliness, Jordan Peterson was the guest on the podcast yesterday.
Thanks for the heads up! I’ll listen to that today.
Former Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli (R) told Republican strategist Ana Navarro that he was tired of hearing her “shrill voice” during a contentious panel segment regarding immigration policy on “CNN Tonight” late Tuesday.
“We’ve defamed General Kelly here in this segment. He started off by saying ‘Maybe some people might have been afraid to sign up for DACA. Other people might have been lazy.’ And both of those are true,” said Cuccinelli, referring to White House chief of staff John Kelly and the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program.
“Since the last shutdown, only one side has given any ground on this. And that is President Trump has gone from the 690,000 actual number to a hypothetical number of 1.8 number,” Cuccinelli added
“People were afraid to sign up, and for good reason.”
“Who cares? I care that people are breaking the law,” Cuccinelli replied.
“Let me explain to you who cares. Can I answer your damn question about who cares? The people who care are the immigrants who are sick and tired of having this White House attack us and bash us on a daily basis,” Navarro interjected.
“I’m sick of hearing your shrill voice in my ears,” Cuccinelli said before motioning with a mocking hand gesture used when someone is rambling.
The almost-indiscernible crosstalk continued, with Cuccinelli at one point broaching the violent MS-13 gang deemed a “priority” by the Justice Department and Navarro shooting back, “MS-13 has nothing to do with it!”
CNN host Don Lemon defended Navarro after jumping in to break up the verbal spat.
“OK, Ken. Words matter. You just sat here and called a woman ‘shrill’ and then you did a little puppet thing,” Lemon said.
Wait- Ana Navarro is a *Republican* strategist?
I think we can all assume Cucchinelli won’t be getting any more CNN gigs. Because “words matter” at CNN.
Wasn’t Cucinelli anti-Trump too? He tried to organize a delegate boycott against nominating Trump. He was a Cruz guy.
Yes. Cuccinelli is basically Cruz with even less personality.
Ana Navarro is some utter nobody who landed a TV gig because she’s a Latin chick who is nominally Republican but whose opinions all tracks with the Dems. That, and she hates Trump. For these reasons, she’s been elevated to some kind of notable person.
I remember when Rand Paul and Ron Paul endorsed Cuccinelli in his gubernatorial bid and people were complaining that Ron Paul was just a Republican because he didn’t endorse the Libertarian Party nominee. Then the Libertarian Party nominee said he was in favor of single-payer healthcare and I just rolled my eyes
Yes, Robert Sarvis was an early prototype of the current incarnation of the LP. It’s as if Sarwark created him in a lab or something.
My mistake that wasn’t Sarvis. That was the LP candidate in New Hampshire in 2016. Sarvis had some other idiotic positions if I recall
Accurate. That idiot managed to blow the race for VA governor by leaning hard on the socon culture war instead of economic issues. I still haven’t forgiven him for that.
yep. fuck cooch. lost to a carpet bagging clinton crony.
I’m not a Cooch fan either, but the state GOP sure didn’t help. They mostly hate him and did virtually nothing to try to help him win a race that was winnable.
The Virginia GOP is a disgrace.
Lemon is such a stupid lemon.
I can’t believe CNN still has viewers.
Facts First
Seriously. See if you can watch that without laughing.
In name only, she saw Brooks and Frum and said to herself, “I can do that, only harder and dumber.”
Don Lemon, white knight.
John McAfee is just like us
I love that bird watching them. LOFL.
Is a lofl like a waffle?
By waffle you mean Eggo right?
The new Winnie the Pooh spinoff?
Let’s find his e-mail and invite him here.
God damn, he would fit right in.
Why does Carter Page look like he’s holding in the funniest joke he’s ever heard in all the interviews he’s giving on the alphabet networks?
He’s been given a double-pinky swear from the very top that he’s in the clear and the fix is in.
My favorite quirk of his is the little eyebrow lift he gives when the interveiwer thinks they have some salient point.
He just let out a “leaf-wilter” in the elevator and he’s trying to contain his glee.
Just show them your button
The White House confirmed that Trump directed the Department of Defense to look into creating such an event.
Officials told The Washington Post that the concept is still in its early stages, but that the parade could cost millions of dollars.
Kirby, who served as State Department spokesman from 2015-2017, argued Wednesday that the event would be a waste of money, and that the resources for a parade could be better spent elsewhere. He suggested spending money on operations, military training and spouse education programs instead.
“This is just beneath us as a nation,” Kirby said. “We are the most powerful military on earth, we’re very proud of that and rightly so. We don’t need to be parading our military hardware down Pennsylvania Avenue to show that to anybody.”
I have come to the conclusion nothing is beneath us, as a nation, especially in the realm of vapid grandstanding.
He suggested spending money on operations, military training and spouse education programs instead.
Speaking of wastes of money, one of these things is not like the other..
*phone rings in Mueller’s office*
Mueller: Hello?
Trump: Mueller, this is your president
Mueller: Hello, Mr. President
Trump: Mueller, I’ve given it a lot of thought and I think I’ve decided whether or not I’m going to sit down for an interview with you
Mueller: Yes, Mr. President
Trump: John- may I call you John?
Mueller: That’s not my name…
Trump: John, you see, my lawyers have been telling me that if I interview with you I’ll get caught-up in a perjury trap
Mueller: I just want to talk, Mr. President
Trump: I’m very smart, John. I got a good brain
Mueller: Yes, Mr. President
Trump: Many have said, maybe the best brain of all time
Mueller: Yes, Mr. President
Trump: Anyways, here’s my answer….hold on for a second
*large fart noise*
You just stole SF’s next hat and hair comic.
I got an advance copy
Nice, JS!
*Teacher’s Red Pen* Exemplary! Expand on the theme.
I would be tempted to talk to Mueller just to ask him questions. Did you really think a virologist was responsible for the anthrax attacks? Did you really fly to Russia with a briefcase of uranium for Hillary?
Also, I would not ever talk to the FBI without recording equipment that I or my attorney controlled completely.
This is funny. God I hope God-Emporer Trump does this.
OT: I sold my B&W Matrix 805s (which cost too much $$) and down-graded to some Wharfedale Denton speakers. Vewwwy Bwitish sounding, well made cabinet, and a kevlar woofer too. Also a mid century look which Mrs. Humungus approves of.
What is British sounding? They speak thru clenched teeth?
Oh so very polite, old fellow. Chocks away!
It’s the cabinets. They resonate in a very classy way.
Crooked grills.
::narrows gaze::
I had a set of Dentons back in the 80’s.
A friend of mine whose judgment I rated told me that they were possibly the best speakers to have if you wanted to listen to just about anything in a normal (i.e. not set up with acoustics in mind) room. The ultimate – at the time – ‘Everyman’s Quality Speaker’. I’m not much of an audionerd, but I have to say, those were great speakers.
Sadly, I left them with a friend when I came over here.
Very nice!
I have a pair of Mourdant Short’s in the bedroom. They’re not very high end. Still, they sound very good.
Poppy just might be the Warhol of the YouTube era
I’m Poppy.
I’m Popey!”
I’m Popeye!
I’m Pompey Magnus!
I’m Poppy.
Hey, here’s a question: amidst all of the tongue-baths for the FBI in the media lately, is anyone perhaps going to at least give a cursory mention of the fact that they tried to lie and say that they couldn’t recover those text messages (a laughably bad lie given how quickly the IG’s team was able to “find” them)?
Or that they lied and said that the memo disclosed issues of national security
And they’ve been mousetrapped yet again. The squalled about the Nunes memo being a national security issue, presumably because it revealed sources and methods, when it did no such thing and their objection was obviously laughable after it was released.
The Dem response memo, I hear, is chock full of sources and methods, and has been approved for release pending FBI/DOJ review and Trump approval. The FBI requested one small change to the Nunes memo, and is probably going to want to redact the shit out of the Dem memo.
What a clownshow.
$50 says that the FBI doesn’t put up a stink about the Democratic memo, because it doesn’t expose their compromised investigation as batshit crazy
The Democrats want the redactions.
They’ll be able to point to them and say “SEE? SEE? They covering up the evidence that clears the FBI/DOJ!”
It’s purely about messaging and being able to create a narrative for the media. Reality has nothing to do with it.
Incompetency. It’s looking like their only defense.
“It was like that when I got here?”
+1 Vince Foster skull.
*Old-timey radio audience applause*
Also, I’ve been scrolling through the texts themselves, and Page and Strzok couldn’t be bigger caricatures of Beltway assholes with their noses shoved so far up their own assholes.
Where is that available?
Big docudump from Ron Johnson as an appendix to his report. You have to scroll down a ways, there are a bunch of emails in there too. It doesn’t say which are Page and which are Strzok.
OK, figured it out: Inbox texts are from Strzok, outbox are from Page.
Good lord that’s a lot of texts.
Don’t those people ever work? Seriously, without looking I assume they are timestamped. How many texts did our little lovebirds exchange while they were on the clock?
Scientific answer: a shitload.
I glanced over a bunch of them. It seems to mostly consist of political office gossip and attempts to remain with the “In” crowd. Working in DC must consist of constant groveling and backstabbing by the egomaniacal.
linky no work.
forget it. I found the working part of the text.
It sort of does, but only the first bit. Not sure how I managed that. But since Your Majesty just has to have a nice clean link, here
They text each other more than fucking sorority girls – dozens per day in many cases.
But…but… They were in lurve!
I send and receive maybe a dozen texts per week from all sources. Hell, even when the Mrs and I were dating, it was only a handful of texts per day.
Yeah but a dick pic is worth a thousand words.
Speaking of fever dreams and bizarre fantasies, the Washingtonian (No link- fuck ’em) felt compelled to put out a nonsensical speculation on the Trumps’ upcoming divorce. Because Melania waved off on the Davos trip, I guess.
I would die a happy man if Orange Julius cast her aside for his porn star.
Melania has no interest in a man with zero appetite who just wants to drink beer.
I do cut a trim figure, so I’ve got that going for me!
Eight inches of snow on Monday, a foot on Tuesday and another foot come the ‘morn. I can’t stand the heat but this shit sucks balls. I work for a living and every erg that I expend snow-blowing and shoveling means more tired at the end of my shift. When I’m tired I have zero appetite and just want to drink beer. Spiral ensues.
You may want to consider a move.
Stubborn and I know what I am. I’ll die here just as happily as I would die anywhere else.
We got a bunch of snow coming our way too. Not nearly as bad as Minneapolis, but no place is ever as bad as Minneapolis (maybe Buffalo)
Syracuse gets more snow than any other metropolitan area in the United States.
Source: Once lived in Syracuse.
I grew up in Syracuse. Buffalo does give it a run for its money some years.
Yeah, but really, it’s like Sodom and Gomorrah having an argument over who is the more sinful.
Us Buffalonians have more wings, beer and sports rage. We’re the Sodom in this story.
Although I may just be biased because I like sodomy.
Can I just add that no one really cares about upstate New York? We all realize that, right?
Oh, I foresee an angry comment correcting Just Say’n: “Buffalo is WESTERN NY, not Upstate NY!”
Upstate is anywhere above the north border of Pennsylvania.
We have no legislative representation and no love from our downstate overlords.
I’m just telling you what people from Buffalo have indignantly told me when I said Buffalo was upstate.
I thought it was Erie PA? At least that’s what my Erie native wife has told me. They did just get like 6 feet of snow around Christmas.
According to Wikipedia (I know) Syracuse beats Erie by an average of two additional feet a year.
JB is right.
Minenapolis doesn’t even crack the top 25.
Five of those 25 are in New York…, Four of the top ten, and Three of the top five.
I’m starting to think it snows a bit much here.
You can’t even spell the name of your own city correctly? My God
Not my city. I live in the ‘burbs.
Nice save
I’m number 7! – yay?
The Front Range has a lot of microclimates. I live in Monument 20 miles north of Colorado Springs. It’s at the top of a geographic feature called Palmer Ridge at 7500 feet and we get about 120 inches/year. Just 20 miles south in C. Springs, they only get 45 or so.
Yes, the drive up I-25 in the winter can be very interesting at times.
We have about 2in. Forecast says 6 or so, but we usually get a bit more ‘cos we’re on the lee-side of a hill.
We have about 2in.
Sad. Have you talked to your doctor?
G-spot’s only 2-3 inches in so he’s good.
It’s more a skin timpani than a skin flute.
Here on the west coast of the Mitten state, we get a lot of lake effect snow. The closer you are to Lake Michigan, the worse it gets.
When I drive over to the Detroit area *shudder* I’m often surprised about how much less snow they get.
liked this review via the same link: “What we have in Grand Rapids is more akin to a isolated bible camp that is hostile towards outsiders. It dominated every portion of my trip, from the bar, to the mall, to the Sunday drive. I was choked in bible stores, mini bibles in the office, prayer hands at the hotel room, I could go on”
The stupid heat waves have kept melting Lake Erie. Once it freezes, the lake effect snow stops here in Ohio (and points east). Here’s the map of the NE Ohio snow belts. I grew up in the 60-70 inch range, and went to high school in the more then 100 inch range. I now live on the other side of Cleveland, where there’s not quite as much snow.
That’s why Syracuse usually gets the most snow (well, Watertown does, but that’s not a metro area). Lake Ontario doesn’t freeze.
Light dusting of snow is falling on the beach, kids are dropped off at school, and I’m trying a Mother’s Milk milk stout from Keegan Ales. Exceedingly crisp and dry but at the same time quite mild. Very refreshing; would work quite nicely as an apres-lawn work/toiling in a hot kitchen drink. Beer Advocate rates it 3.8/5; I would give it a solid 4.5.
Light dusting of snow is falling on the beach
Does not compute.
Being a South Florida native, watching the snow fall on the beach is hypnotic and really makes me feel some kinda’ way. The kids make snow/sand angels; it is all they’eve ever know. I’m looking forward to taking them around Charlotte and Sarasota counties this Spring.
“Mother’s Milk milk stout”
Someone should post that on Twitter to trigger the outrage mobs.
semi-related – I showed the picture of the That’s What She Said can that was posted here the other day to the fellow at my local beer jobber; he said he would try to get it.
Yeah, these people seem sane
Never trust a man named Claude – Claude Julien, Claude Lemieux, etc.
Jean-Claude Van Damme
To counter that … Claude Akins, Claude Raines.
“Is Claude Taylor going to be charged with Felony Sexual Assault of a Minor?”
The glasses say yes but the U.S. Attorney says no.
Lots of speculation in New England that McDaniel is sticking around New England because he will be the head coach there sooner than later. Brady seems to have sided with Malcolm Butler in that bizarre saga.
Well if he doesn’t have that deal worked out he’s going to find it awfully hard to get a job anywhere else after pullin’ the ol’ okie-doke on Indy. My money’s on Belichick retiring within the next year. Maybe he stays another season, but I doubt he stays even that long.
Of course, New England would have to pretend to interview a minority candidate before they could replace Belichick with McDaniels.
I think Matt Patricia is Italian. That counts, right?
Schiano is staying at Ohio State, so something bad is happening in New England.
Can’t be that bad if their OC just turned down a head-coaching offer. But, Schiano might be shying away because he’s not sure who will be the head coach next year.
Maybe the Colts should interview Belichick?
From the U S News coverage of the “pig roast” scandal-
Cornell’s fraternity and sorority review board determined the chapter was in violation of policies against hazing and sexually abusive behavior.
The fraternity said that the allegations were contrary to its values and mission and that the chapter’s leadership and brotherhood at large were “shocked and appalled” about the unsanctioned activities.
“The Kappa Chapter of Zeta Beta Tau Fraternity is horrified at the notion of the degradation and/or objectification of women, and the impact it has had on men and women across the United States and at Cornell,” the fraternity said in a statement.
The fraternity said it will conduct a membership review in partnership with its international headquarters and expel any members found to be not committed to the fraternity’s ideals and values. It said it will host multiple educational programs on healthy relationships.
Purge the wrongthinkers. Send those who waver to the re-education camp. Order must be maintained.
If you can’t act like a total cis-het shitlord while being a member of a fraternity then what is the point of getting an Education?
the impact it has had on men and women across the United States
A very sly way of pointing out the absurdity of this in your “apology”. Bravo, frat.
Yesterday afternoon when I got in the car Rand Paul was on Hannity. Now, after reauthorization of FISA, Hannity gives a shit about FISA abuse. It’s a sad day when I’m too disgusted to listen to a Rand Paul interview.
A few weeks ago I was chatting with a guy who works for a company that I do jobs for. He asked me what I thought of the new tax law. I told him he could expect to be taking home more money in a few weeks. He was a bit surprised. Saw him yesterday and the first thing he mentioned was that he just got 160 bucks more in his biweekly check. He had talked to his tax service and they’re said he would probably be getting a larger refund this year. Over 4 grand a year is not chump change to this guy. The Dems shot their own foot on this one. It’s easy to lie to people about many things, but seeing the plain truth of bigger numbers is pretty convincing.
Who are you going to believe, Nancy Pelosi or your own lying bank account?
Anyone still remember right after the tax cuts, CNN started churning out articles with charts and numbers claiming that 80% of Americans would actually pay more taxes? And they kept that up for weeks. Now it appears more like 90% will be paying less. Not surprising because 15 years after the Bush tax cuts, the left media was still claiming that only the richest got cuts, when the information was readily available to everyone, that the lowest income brackets got the biggest cuts.
I’m just curious if they’re going to continue with the lies after the next couple of weeks? I not only expect them to, but I expect them to double down.
If anything, accusations of the current tax cuts not being enough should be answered with “Ok, fine with us. How much more would you like to cut?”.
Exactly that. Nancy should talk to her brothers and sisters in Sacramento and see how much the state will cut taxes. That’ll show that greedy Trump. Oh wait… instead they’re planning to steal half of the tax cuts businesses in the state get. It’s just crumbs anyway.
That’s what I mean. Accusations of “crumbs” should be nailed with “let’s make real cuts”. The D’s are out there saying the cuts aren’t enough. Hold them to it. Hang them with their own rope.
If the GOP could think half as quickly or rationally as what people on this site can, the Democrats would already be in such tatters they would never recover. I can envision them flinging themselves off bridges by the millions. Too bad the GOP is mostly made up of dumb Republicans who want the left to win at least part of the time so that they can maintain their own corruption and no one will notice.
I’ve got wind-driven sleet, this morning. At least I don’t have to worry too much about drifts.
I have a beautiful sunny day, high around 79 red-blooded American degrees.
Probably light the firepit this evening, watch the sun set over the Tucson mountains, and have myself a cocktail.
I wonder what the Libertarian Party bag of dicks caucus is saying right now.
Yeah, I’d rather vote Green
What’s a ‘Dankertarian’?
Classical libertarians & anti-capitalists spreading liberty with some fresh dankness
Someone voluntary labeling themselves as a communist really shouldn’t be throwing stones at a supposed racist.
Sure you are.
“Classical libertarians & anti-capitalists”… “YEAH, I’M A LIBERTARIAN….FISCALLY COMMUNIST.”
These things don’t jive.
Just cranking up the false advertising* of “social liberal, fiscal conservative” to 11.
I have yet to meet anyone who uses this label who isn’t just a plain old squishy lefty lib.
I thought it was Cultural Marxist + Fiscal Moderate (liberal really)?
Yeah, and I’m a God-fearing atheist…
An attempt to make the LP look even more ridiculous than they already did.
It’s the caucus within the Libertarian Party that constantly praises Nick Sarwark and also praises and re-tweets socialists. They’re basically what Nick Gillespie would be if you removed his leather jacket and forbade him from ever listening to the Ramones again
A gang of idiot progs who think they’re libertarians.
Progs? That’s too kind. They’re outright Marxists. You cannot be a Marxist and call yourself a libertarian. Sorry, you can’t.
The only distinction I draw between progs and marxists, is that progs are dumber. Besides that, they’re one and the same.
Basically, I think progs are just Marxists 3.0. They have tossed out ye olde class warfare (because it just didn’t work in a society like ours) and subbed in identity politics. They have to set groups against each other or they have no purpose and no strategy/tactics for achieving power, so they shifted their program of fomenting internal strife from social/economic classes to identity groups.
Progressivism has always been this. Their arguments are recycled from the 1890s-1920s and their solutions are planks from various forms of 19th century socialism. They’re Marxist only in the sense that Marxism is a synonym for socialism.
^This. Progressives take the concept of class struggle and say, “Wait a minute. Why just ‘workers’? Why not any ‘classes’? We could divide people by race, or by sex, or gender, or socioeconomic status…why, this works with any number of things!”
Oh, class warfare works just fine in society like yours. The problem is that they would be expected to go mix with filthy proles (many of whom are white) and fight against their social circle (who are mostly whites, but good whites). With identity politics, there are so many axes of oppression, they have many opportunities to raise their social standing and engage in activity that won’t discomfort them one bit.
They are one and the same in that the marxists gave up on class warfare and morphed it into identity politics. The old divisions dont work very well, at least not in the US, so they had to find a new wedge.
Same arguments, same tactics, same goal.
Aaaaand that’s what I get for not reading all of the replies before I reply.
I don’t think they think they are libertarians. I think they are trying to manipulate the language, like with every other word they’ve ruined.
Absolute fucking shit, that’s what. All seven or eight of them.
Shreek is probably one of them, he’d fit right in anyway.
Standard revolt against the party in power, Republican failure to repeal Obamacare, relentless media attacks against Trump, Dem enthusiasm or nothing?
They’re going to win the House at the very least.
Possible they win the House, I think it extremely unlikely they win the Senate.
Doesn’t help that the RINOe would rather burn the place to the ground than give up their role of Charlie Brown to the Democrats’ football holding Lucy. That concession speech won’t give itself you know!
I seriously doubt it.
That’s way too local to mean anything. It was an election of 3,466 voters, and the other 3 special elections on the same night went R by solid margins (they were likewise elections of just a few thousand voters, so a fair comparison I think).
The best. The brightest. Or else.
Increasingly, families who are serious about education are leaving the Edina schools. For example, Orlando Flores and his wife pulled their son—an academic superstar—out of Edina High School in his senior year to escape its hyper-political environment.
Flores, who fled a Marxist regime in Nicaragua as a child, had this to say: “Years ago, we fled Communism to escape indoctrination, absolutist thinking and restrictions on our freedom of speech. If we see these traits in our schools in America, we must speak out and oppose it.”
Flores says that when his son was at Edina High, teachers routinely pushed politicians and political positions they favored, shamed and browbeat students with dissenting views, and forced them to defend themselves against baseless allegations of racism. According to his son, he says, classroom discussions were often “one-sided indoctrination sessions,” and students feared their grades would be penalized if they spoke out.
Teach them “how” to think, instead of “what” to think? That’s just the sort of patriarchal hegemonic intellectual slavery which has made this country a shithole.
Public school needs to be shut down. It’s no longer about education, an inevitability once the left had taken it over. They destroy everything they touch.
From the MaddAdam link up-thread –
“the harrowing, cautionary, inspirational story of a global pandemic and the end of mankind, and the small group of survivors who are left to shepherd a new race to inherit the world.”
Well, at least it is original. That is as far as I got.
There was a series on the TV years ago, based on the same idea. It was so stupid I couldn’t watch it. It was a small gang of the good guys, which of course featured mostly ‘people of color’ and women. And the bad guys, who just happened to be all white guys. They would occasionally meet up, the bad guys armed to the teeth with scary black guns and the good guys with no weapons at all. The good guys would talk tough to the bad guys and the bad guys would just run away. For some reason, it just wasn’t very believable.
When I was a pre-teen I read Alas, Babylon. It scared the shit out of me. The endless recycling of that plot just gets snores out of me now. Apocalyptic fantasy is pretty pervasive in the human imagination but that just isnt how things works in reality.
Pretty sure I dated her before…..I miss the 80s
Bald is beautiful /Kojak
“Who loves ya, baby?”
Wsj weighs in on the shift from comedy to sanctimony in Late night TV.
Full disclosure, last time I watched a late night TV show, it was Leno v. Letterman
I mentioned this last night- the Kimmel/Fallon/whomever shows have become completely un-watchable for me. Between the non-stop Trump bashing, signaling, and utter contempt for anything the white house does, even the opening monologues induce nausea.
When you drive everyone out of your industry who has talent, based on them not having the right political views and not being part of the correct LGBTXYQTUCFH group, then inevitably, you are doing to diminish your industry. If the left are allowed to continue in this fashion, life will diminish to the point that no one can ever enjoy anything.
Same here. There’s no compelling reason to miss sleep on the off chance one of the late night guys says something chuckleworthy.
I hear that Kimmel got his ass wrecker recently trying to set up a group of people on a bleeding heart pro-dreamers episode he did. Apparently it backfired on him and he freaked the fuck out.
Me too. Every once in a while, one of these comes on after the news and before I can switch channels. I have to think they cue up a laugh track because the audience erupts at “jokes” I just don’t get or aren’t humorous.
Probably light the firepit this evening, watch the sun set over the Tucson mountains, and have myself a cocktail.
Classical libertarians & anti-capitalists spreading liberty with some fresh dankness
Blathering morons.
I would really enjoy an explanation of how “classical libertarianism” is compatible with Communism.
Hey, you got to have someone to execute with those firing squads. Otherwise, what’s the point of having them? Always need one more body for those mass graves. They aren’t going to fill themselves.
I’d like to know what a ‘classical libertarian’ is, for that matter. I think they botched “Classical Liberal”
Good point.
Without caring to do too much research, I speculate it’s related to the usage of “libertarian” among anarcho-syndicalist types about 100 years ago.
Live and learn.
There isn’t a word, in any language, that those fuckers can’t taint.
Pomp’s right, they’re the old libertarians trying to ‘reclaim the word’.
JT, doesn’t the etymology of “libertarian” predate the late-19th century anarcho-syndicalist usage?
BTW are there different means to italicise/strike/bold here? I have tried to italicize a few things and they didn’t come out.
You can use HTML, em and strong will work.
Trying this:
text is bold
text is italics
textisstriketake out the spaces inside the above
links still work the same
displayed text here
dammit, it took the spaces out, go here instead
Lets try some voodoo…
<a href=”link here”>Link</a>
Or use Monocle – which gives you handy dandy html shortcuts and quick access to unread comments.
Tulpa can’t have a monocle!
<em> gives you ’emphasis’ – italics
<strong> gives you ‘strong’ – bold
<strike> gives you strikethru’
<blockquote> gives you block quoting.
There might be others, but I’m not going to risk blowing up the site.
I want full inline CSS support. And where’s my edit feature!!!???
Monocle Eyepiece is worth the download if you were used to working with Reasonable/fascr on TOS. You do need to install tampermonkey /Greasemonkey as an add on to your browser before using Eyepiece.
Can recommend. 10/10
Wait. I meant Monocle.
I just now tried Eyepiece. It is causing some real weird stuff. It’s showing all comments as double, then triple, then…everytime it loads new comments.
Also, now “Preview” with Eyepiece?
Or be like me and just be too lazy to do it and have your own system.
So, the Youtube thought police are in full on ban mode. And for some strange reason, it only seems to be right wing commenters who get banned. They banned this guy. Does that make them racist? I think Youtube is ran by racists.
Dr of Common Sense banned from Youtube
If they are going to turn into a prog echo chamber You tube is dead.
We all knew this was coming.
I would really enjoy an explanation of how “classical libertarianism” is compatible with Communism.
It’s right there in chapter one of “How to Be a Libertarian”: The need of the Many outweighs the freedom of the One.
We libertarians need to take collective action to assure social, gender, and climate justice. Nah, fuck all that shit, fuck you, cut spending!
Browning discontinued production of their Hi Power line up.
Expect prices to start rising.
Twice the reason to hang onto my 9mm Hard Chrome model.
Sad really. Lovely guns but not exactly budget conscious.
I have a hi-Power. I dont like it. I cant hit shit with it. I dont know why, ergonomically it is great, seems to point naturally etc but I still cant hit the side of a barn with it. I hate to see them go but I had no desire for another one.
Have you removed the magazine safety? Supposedly that helps with the trigger pull.
It does help the trigger some, but the people I know who have, or shoot one, usually have changed the grips. While the traditional wood, and the newer ‘bakelite type’ with the thumb sweep have their devotees, they’re not wonderful.
I have some G10 grips on mine that fatten the whole grip and that helps a lot with my 2-handed grip. I still have the mag safety installed.
I wasn’t aware of that. I carried it for a couple of years in the woods, gave up on it and just put it in the safe. With my 1911 I can behead a moccasin at 20 yards on the first shot. Or I used to be able to.
What I want now is a long slide 1911 in 10mm. And a Ruger No.1 in 25-06. And….the list goes on.
If you’re a 1911 guy, you definitely need to take that mag safety out.
You can trust yourself to not need it, even though you’re in French Territory (It was the French military that demanded the mag safety was installed- idiots).
a 1911 in a metric caliber just seems like heresy.
CZ-75 is a HiPower but better. I’ll stick with that.
I carry a CZ-75 Compact every day. It’s heavy as a brick, but I’ve never carried anything else so I’m content with it. The weight also means that it shoots like a dream.
I have a PCR that if I *did* carry or need a piece with me, that’s what I’d be using. Those Czech cops know their business.
I don’t know nuthin about politics, and I can prove it, but I find it highly unlikely that the Democrats are going to pull off some sort of massive sweep in the mid term elections. All elections are a) local and b) determined on the individual merits of the candidates, in my view.
Maybe the Stupid Party really will load up the ballot with Roy Moore knockoffs, but it seems unlikely. Are there enough bible thumping retards to go around?
As for the Senate, the mechanics of who’s up for election means there just aren’t many seats available to flip.
I’m skeptical of that as well. I think the Democrat supporters are getting louder and more frantic, but they’ve also driven away a lot of fence-sitters with this manic behavior.
Will probably repost this in the afternoon lynx because it’s so late, but Vulture interview with Quincy Jones. One of the greatest interviews I’ve ever seen.
A few highlights:
And, on his first impressions about the Beatles…
He goes in on Trump, but that isn’t a surprise.
Of course I fucked up the link.
Wait. So 12 years ago, 24 year old, smoking hot Ivanka Trump dated wrinkly, old Quincy Jones? We’re supposed to believe that?
Just re-read it. In his mind dated=had dinner with once???
Just reading what is above, I already decided to not believe pretty much anything this guy says. He makes Alex Jones seem like a non-conspiracy theory person. And I also find him boring. If you’re going to talk conspiracy, I want to hear about aliens.
That reads like someone who has a tenuous connection to reality…at best.
Quick search gives me “Jones suffered two aneurisms” and “Mother suffered severe bouts of mental illness and was eventually institutionalized”
That is sad.
“What were your first impressions of the Beatles?
That they were the worst musicians in the world. They were no-playing motherfuckers. Paul was the worst bass player I ever heard. And Ringo? Don’t even talk about it. I remember once we were in the studio with George Martin, and RingoJones arranged a version of “Love Is a Many-Splendored Thing” for Starr’s 1970 solo debut album Sentimental Journey, which was produced by the Beatles’ frequent collaborator George Martin. The song, and album, are more than a bit gloopy. had taken three hours for a four-bar thing he was trying to fix on a song. He couldn’t get it. We said, “Mate, why don’t you get some lager and lime, some shepherd’s pie, and take an hour-and-a-half and relax a little bit.” So he did, and we called Ronnie Verrell, a jazz drummer. Ronnie came in for 15 minutes and tore it up. Ringo comes back and says, “George, can you play it back for me one more time?” So George did, and Ringo says, “That didn’t sound so bad.” And I said, “Yeah, motherfucker because it ain’t you.” Great guy, though.”
I’ve never enjoyed anything I heard from the Beatles. To me, the songs range from childish (Yellow Submarine) to downright annoying (Come Together Right Now).
Then again, all my music is either from 1890-1940 or classical, so I have odd tastes.
i am also a beatles naysayer.
it comes to having listened to 100s and 100s of jazz standards before i ever heard them. i just never thought anything they did was very interesting – rhythmically, least of all, but also harmonically boring (the beach boys killed them). On melody they scored some points, but it wasn’t something they were uniquely good at. Some things were remarkable – “Elenor Rigby”, for example… “Day in the Life”… but it sometimes felt like there was someone in the background with a classical education ghostwriting their songs. their pop stuff underwhelmed me in general.
So, the Youtube thought police are in full on ban mode. And for some strange reason, it only seems to be right wing commenters who get banned
It’s like the story somebody linked yesterday- some groiup carefully selected a bunch of “alt-right” sites and sources, and then “proved” (VIOLA!) fake news comes from the alt-right botnet. You just hve to fine tune the definitions, until you get the answer you’re looking for.
So there using the climate data modeling method.
I apologize if this has already been discussed, but did anyone else watch Altered Carbon on Netflix?
My wife and I watched 4 episodes so far and it does change a lot of the story from the book.
It is still very well done and entertaining.
This review was also entertaining, but I’m not sure she actually watched it.
Looks interesting. I might check it out.
I haven’t watched it yet, but I’m going to add it to the list of things to watch.
I’m on a business trip and have been watching it. It’s entertaining and the female police officer is smoking hot and gets nude. What a body.
I’m really enjoying it, but I will admit to being pretty disappointed with the story and tone changes they’ve made.
It feels like they’ve changed the seeing from “what happens to people and society when death is rare and bodies are replaceable” to “death is inevitable and attempts to subvert it are unnatural and harmful.” They’ve done a good job, but it’s a more fundamental change from the book than I was hoping for.
On the plus side, the t&a is plentiful and high quality.
If you want to calculate how much tax reform is going to net you by hand, the new withholding table is released as Notice 1036.
All you need to know is: your pay frequency, your number of exemptions on your W4, your taxable income per paycheck, and your current withholding.
It’s a four part process. First, determine the base withholding wage by subtracting exemptions from your taxable wage. Second, use the tables in the notice to find your per paycheck withholding. Third, subtract that number from your current per paycheck federal income tax withholding. Fourth, multiply the difference by the number of paychecks you get per year.
I was surprised how much I will be getting added to my paycheck. It’s more than my actual raise.
I’m just going to do my taxes instead, and see what happens. Is it possible to get a bigger return because of the doubling of the personal exemption? I don’t itemize, so I think I should be seeing a bigger paycheck anyway, sometime this month.
Depends on what your employer does. Mine is “catching up” by underwithholding for the rest of the year to make up for overwithholding in the first month, so my return won’t grow.
Remember, of course, that were talking about the return filed in April 2019, not the one being filed in 2 months. I’ve seen so many people get so excited about the huge return they’re gonna get in a month… They’re gonna be sorely disappointed.
“I was surprised how much I will be getting added to my paycheck. It’s more than my actual raise.”
I would be very happy if it’s bigger than my last raise. But I’ll take it, no matter how much it is.
you don’t need those crumbs!
Appreciate it trshmnstr. Assuming I followed the steps correctly, I too will be getting more then my last couple of raises just in tax cuts.
Speaking of crumbs: Judge Rules Bakeshop Owner Doesn’t Have To Bake Wedding Cake For Gay Couple*
The thing about wedding cakes, and what I wish they would do, is defend it on the grounds of artistry over religion (still free speech). You don’t just use your artistic talents to design a cake. You have to show up at the wedding, set it up, sometimes stay and serve it, and break it back down again. You have to ATTEND THE EVENT. The state forces you to go somewhere you don’t want to go. I NEVER see this argument made or else I’m not looking in the right places.
*If somebody already posted this, I apologize for being too lazy to find it other than a rudimentary search for “cake,” which brings up all the crumbs Nancy Pelosi thinks are negligible.
This whole debate is going to be poisoned as long as freedom of association is a dead letter. I actually think that both freedom of speech and freedom of religion are poor fits for this particular issue. Freedom of speech being a worse fit than freedom of religion. Of course, the safety net cast around freedom of conscience has a gaping hole where freedom of association was cut out.
“Freedom of Religion” is always going to make the progs fight harder against these dumb Bible-and-gun-toting rubes. They don’t have as much wiggle room on “Freedom of Speech” (although they are trying to get more). “Freedom of Association” is dead dead dead as a philosophy, much less a useful legal tactic.
So fight with the sharpest weapon you have, even if it’s a rusty spoon.
I don’t know if anyone intended this at the start, but the RFRAs (Federal and some states, after the former was held unconstitutional when applied to the states) have been used to uphold religious freedom other than just that of Jews and Christians, e.g. that of Native Americans to consume peyote or followers of Santo Daime to consume huasca tea. Anyone who says that religious freedom is only about bible-thumpers hasn’t really thought about it very deeply or paid any attention to the actual legislative and judicial history since the first RFRA was passed in the 1990s.
There was a spirited discussion on Glibs about this case and (some of) the issues behind it yesterday or the day before. One of the arguments put forth was that religious freedom should hold to any sincerely held belief (and that the government should be required to presume sincerity) but I don’t know that line of argument has much legal traction to it.
I think you bring up an aspect of it that wasn’t considered then, which is the labor that goes beyond just baking the cake (not that that isn’t an issue in and of itself). Reading the judge’s opinion, it
Scratch the half sentence at the end. That was an unfinished thought that I don’t have a way to complete right now.
… not as spirited as the eternal ‘discussions’ about the status of deep pan and/or pineapple.
Maybe I should try to make pineapple upside-down cake with my crumbs…
1. Those are the Right Type of religions because they are oppressed.
2. Progs don’t pay attention to anything that doesn’t fit their agenda.
(I’m not being argumentative. I’m trying to buttress your point.)
Also not disagreeing with you. I’m mostly venting.
this is in fact what the ruling was.
the ruling was on ‘compelled speech’ grounds, not freedom of religion.
the entire point of the ruling was to say that you can’t compel someone to act against their principles simply because they’re in business. it didn’t touch the religion aspect.
libertarians often seem to confuse legal arguments with philosophical ones. the object of the court isn’t to establish philosophical rules. its to try to make judgements along the narrowest lines possible to avoid overturn.