I wonder how Tom Brady feels today?  Probably like the players at Michigan felt the final Sunday in November for 15 of the last 17 years and every single year St Urban has been in Columbus.  LOL, bunch of bitch-ass bitches.

But I digress.  There’s plenty other stuff to talk about in the world of sports.  The Olympics are about to kick off, for one. U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A! Does anybody have a clue how the hockey is gonna play out? I know we have some Glibs that follow juniors, so fill us in on what to expect in the comments please. As for the other stuff, I know our alpine women look really tough to beat, but I’ve got no idea if the next Bode Miller is out there yet. And the bobsled? Do we have football players doing their thing again? Figure skating is a bit meh to me, although they have amazing skill. And I’m pretty sure the curling medals will continue to elude Americans, yet I’ll probably still watch. Well, that’s all I’ve got on that.

In sports that have already been played, the Big XII (with X schools) continues its wacky ride this season, with WVU topping Oklahoma. Meanwhile, Syracuse beat Louisville and Indiana beat Rutgers. And in soccer, Watford beat the shit out of…Chelski?  Wow, that one’s a shocker.  I’m surprised the refs didn’t hand Chelsea a few penalties late to get them back in the game. But I guess they only reserve that for one of the London clubs.

On the ice, just four games were played. The Maple Leafs put up a touchdown and beat the Mighty Ducks.  The Predators beat the Islanders in OT. The Oilers greased the Lightning, And the Dallas Stars were a goal better than the New York Rangers.

That’s it for sports. Now…the links!

Devin Nunes: bombthrower

Devin Nunes, chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, takes his accusations a step farther. I don’t know how what he’s saying could be considered controversial.  Her campaign did, in fact, commission a private intel company to work with Russians, many of them listed in the dossier as intel officials, to dig up opposition research on President Trump.  That’s collaboration by any definition.  Not that it should be illegal or anything. Just noting the hypocrisy. The House, by the way, voted to release the Dem’s response to his memo yesterday. I wonder why Schiff wasn’t praising that bit of bipartisanship.

If the opening of the futures market on Tuesday is any indication, the stock market will take another beating today.

Quentin Tarantino finally chimes in on the whole Uma-Weinstein article kerfuffle. All I gathered from it is that:

  • all of these people have enormous egos and inflated senses of self-worth
  • he spit in her face and choked her because they had a close, trusting working relationship and he had more confidence in himself to get it right sooner than an actor or stagehand would
  • Uma Thurman probably needs to learn how to drive a car like 99.99% of American adults.

Newsom’s former wife.

Gavin Newsom gives a stunning and brave interview in which he waves off his marriage-ending affair from a decade ago and blames problems on “toxic masculinity” rather than, you know, individual responsibility.  As a bonus, I never knew he was married to Kimberly Giulfoyle.

Professor invites Steve Bannon to debate him. Takes time to courteously explain to snowflakes that that’s how life is going to be once you leave the cocoon of college life. What a bunch of idiots. Do they really think they can avoid confrontation with people who have opposing viewpoints their entire life through censoring them and preventing them access to public forums?  Are they really this stupid?  ::sigh:: I get the feeling they are.  Well, good thing they’re not the ones with all the guns.

If you wondered what was going on with Catalonia, you’re not alone. But you might want to shift your attention to Corsica if you want to know what the next separatist European hotspot is.

Penn State to NASA: eat shit!

Musical tie-in for the last link.

That’s all I’ve got.  Have a great day out there.