I wonder how Tom Brady feels today? Probably like the players at Michigan felt the final Sunday in November for 15 of the last 17 years and every single year St Urban has been in Columbus. LOL, bunch of bitch-ass bitches.
But I digress. There’s plenty other stuff to talk about in the world of sports. The Olympics are about to kick off, for one. U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A! Does anybody have a clue how the hockey is gonna play out? I know we have some Glibs that follow juniors, so fill us in on what to expect in the comments please. As for the other stuff, I know our alpine women look really tough to beat, but I’ve got no idea if the next Bode Miller is out there yet. And the bobsled? Do we have football players doing their thing again? Figure skating is a bit meh to me, although they have amazing skill. And I’m pretty sure the curling medals will continue to elude Americans, yet I’ll probably still watch. Well, that’s all I’ve got on that.
In sports that have already been played, the Big XII (with X schools) continues its wacky ride this season, with WVU topping Oklahoma. Meanwhile, Syracuse beat Louisville and Indiana beat Rutgers. And in soccer, Watford beat the shit out of…Chelski? Wow, that one’s a shocker. I’m surprised the refs didn’t hand Chelsea a few penalties late to get them back in the game. But I guess they only reserve that for one of the London clubs.
On the ice, just four games were played. The Maple Leafs put up a touchdown and beat the Mighty Ducks. The Predators beat the Islanders in OT. The Oilers greased the Lightning, And the Dallas Stars were a goal better than the New York Rangers.
That’s it for sports. Now…the links!

Devin Nunes: bombthrower
Devin Nunes, chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, takes his accusations a step farther. I don’t know how what he’s saying could be considered controversial. Her campaign did, in fact, commission a private intel company to work with Russians, many of them listed in the dossier as intel officials, to dig up opposition research on President Trump. That’s collaboration by any definition. Not that it should be illegal or anything. Just noting the hypocrisy. The House, by the way, voted to release the Dem’s response to his memo yesterday. I wonder why Schiff wasn’t praising that bit of bipartisanship.
If the opening of the futures market on Tuesday is any indication, the stock market will take another beating today.
Quentin Tarantino finally chimes in on the whole Uma-Weinstein article kerfuffle. All I gathered from it is that:
- all of these people have enormous egos and inflated senses of self-worth
- he spit in her face and choked her because they had a close, trusting working relationship and he had more confidence in himself to get it right sooner than an actor or stagehand would
- Uma Thurman probably needs to learn how to drive a car like 99.99% of American adults.

Newsom’s former wife.
Gavin Newsom gives a stunning and brave interview in which he waves off his marriage-ending affair from a decade ago and blames problems on “toxic masculinity” rather than, you know, individual responsibility. As a bonus, I never knew he was married to Kimberly Giulfoyle.
Professor invites Steve Bannon to debate him. Takes time to courteously explain to snowflakes that that’s how life is going to be once you leave the cocoon of college life. What a bunch of idiots. Do they really think they can avoid confrontation with people who have opposing viewpoints their entire life through censoring them and preventing them access to public forums? Are they really this stupid? ::sigh:: I get the feeling they are. Well, good thing they’re not the ones with all the guns.
If you wondered what was going on with Catalonia, you’re not alone. But you might want to shift your attention to Corsica if you want to know what the next separatist European hotspot is.
Penn State to NASA: eat shit!
Musical tie-in for the last link.
That’s all I’ve got. Have a great day out there.
I prefer the longer process where the excrement is used to fertilize crops. Bonus for processing waste carbon dioxide into new oxygen.
*Technically the process described is fertilizing a crop – of microbes. I just don’t think poo yoghurt is the appropriate dish to make.
Soylent brown is
peopleshit!It’s better than whatever Michael Mann is doing at Penn State.
That’s no shit.
Also a crop of shit.
The worst part about Mann is that he has research outside of climate change that is actually genuinely fascinating, with many prospects for use once humanity starts to colonize space. The one (that Penn State has covered up, so maybe it has failed) that is most interesting to me was a project he was working on to have algae produce petroleum as a waste product. The algae could be used in space as an oxygen scrubber, and produce petroleum to make into plastics and other lubricant products.
Petrochemical Engineers feel free to correct me, but plastics aren’t a primary product, they’re just something handy we can make with the byproducts from refining fuels. You can make plastic from any cellulose source, so maybe that’s what they’re doing?
Refining creates a number of products, the proportions of which can to some degree be tailored to commercial demand, so if demand for HDPE goes up, sure, supply can be tweaked to produce more ethylene, so it’s not as though those byproducts aren’t commercially valuable.
Sure, you can make some kinds of plastics from cellulose, just as you can from methane and ethane – the issue is that some polymer precursors are far easier to polymerize than others. IIRC, the Penn State stuff is really just about harvesting short-chain hydrocarbons from fermentation of biowaste. Methane->ethane/ethene->polyethene. Not exactly trivial, but the ubiquity of energy available in space changes the economics.
the stock market will take another beating today
I’ve read a few articles but I don’t see any particular reason why – correction? Algos going crazy? The return of 1929?
Of course if I read the Zero Hedge comments it’s because of (((them))).
No not Them!
That concept is less absurd and more potentially entertaining than most of what gets churned out these days.
*”Them!” I mean. I was commenting on movies but forgot to say so.
*looks around for caffiene*
Couple things — one, the big players lead the market around by the nose. Time to take some skin off the chumps. Two, everyone decides to turn some of their gains into real money. Three, how in the fuck is anything worth what people are paying? P/E must be back to 1999 levels, even with record earnings.
I had a talk about “the market” with my dad – he’s been trading since the early 80s – and he was ready to pull out a huge chunk from his portfolio. I’ll have to ask him today if he followed through. He said that everything was overpriced… to the point that he didn’t know what to invest in.
This is just a normal stock market pullback right now. Historically, within any given year, the stock market will be down by an average of about -14% at some point during the year. What matters is how the market ends the year For example, in 2016, at one point the S&P was down -11%, but finished the year up 10%. A lot of people don’t even remember that we had an 11% pullback in ’16.
I don’t claim to know where this is headed, but I love how a bad week for the market is now a sign of the End Times.
This selloff is driven by two things:
1. Fear of inflation considering how hot the economy is right now and how much hotter they project it too become. this fear is realistic, considering that even a 1% shift could have massive impact on the US government debt servicing financials.
2. The usual stock buyback plunge created when big companies have a large amount of cash and drive their own stocks down to buy it cheaper from the rubes panic selling.
I bet a lot of people are bargain hunting today.
Megan McArdle Pushes Meritocracy
The libertarian writer provides life rules for the affluent.
Libertarianism is stereotypically hard-edged and austere; it’s a philosophy for hard-minded numbers-crunchers who want to replace every bleeding heart with cold equations.
Well they managed to mischaracterize us in the first sentence.
Not wanting to use brute violence wielded by an organization with a monopoly on the use of force to influence voluntary interaction among people is “hard minded”. He’s got our number.
real violence and pain caused by political decisions
and no mention of the police? Military? The taxes that can eat into a person’s livelihood?
Politics can and does kill people.
Yeah, when Antifa shows up.
Does the writer really believe that politics kills people in the US? Because I know it does in leftist paradises like Cuba, the Soviet Union, Nazi Germany, and a laundry list of totalitarian socialist/communist workers paradises. But I didn’t know it did so in societies like ours.
The war on drugs?
That’s societal, not political. Not parties have traditionally been for the war on drugs.
When you’re successful it’s easy to assume that the success is due to your clever life strategies, rather than to the vicissitudes of birth which have allowed you, through no particular virtue, to draw a large salary and live in comfort. But meritocracy is a myth, whether spouted by libertarians or self-help gurus, or, as in this case, by libertarians moonlighting as self-help gurus. Happiness and success aren’t achievable by all, regardless of external circumstances. If your rules for life don’t include “work for justice and equality,” then your self-help article isn’t actually about helping anyone. It’s about patting yourself on the back.
I think my T dropped just reading that. I’m gonna walk this over to my next door neighbor, a Hmong refugee who started and sold two successful businesses, and remind her that her success was only a result of privilege.
That’s the longest version of “you didn’t build that” I’ve heard yet. That cuck must be getting paid by the word.
Cuck? I doubt Suderman is getting any strange.
It’s funny cause they try to frame libertarianisim as some extremist view that everything is due to one’s own merit, which is of course a total strawman. But in the same article make it painfully clear that they think that nothing is had by merit and all due to random circumstances.
It’s not just Proglodytes that think that, I know of an ancap or two that think nothing is by merit and all by random chance.
It’s a defense mechanism to avoid facing the fact that they fucked up the opportunities they had.
So much this UCS…
A lot of people want to believe the problem isn’t their choices and actions, but the evil or random world..
Really? If think an ancap would be the closest to the strawman that the left uses for libertarians.
Yep. The one defended his position as saying that due to Free Will, we can never know if the results of our actions when dealing with other people is due to our actions or due to random chance, so therefore everything is due to random chance.
It can’t be determined, therefore it is determined.
That’s some mighty fine logic there Lou.
So all outcomes would be identical if everyone flipped coins to make important decisions?
Wait, there’s an easier experiment. If decision-making is arbitrary, it shouldn’t matter whether someone flips a coin or makes a decision based on reason. The outcomes should be arbitrary in either case. So your an-cap friend should flip a coin while the rest of us go about our business per usual.
we can never know if the results of our actions when dealing with other people is due to our actions or due to random chance, so therefore everything is due to random chance.
That’s an impressive failure of logic. I can’t tell if Z was caused by X or Y, therefore Z was caused by Y.
That piss soaked hobo on the street could have been just as successful as Bill Gates if his luck and circumstances had only been a bit better.
You’re right, Megan. You didn’t get hired because you’re a talented writer with a unique perspective that people find valuable. You got hired because you have a vagina and a reasonable grasp of the English language. You’re a diversity hire there to fill a quota and make other people look woke. Meritocracy is a sham, and you’re the proof. Congratulations.
Kids, read the links first. Don’t be that guy. You can blame it on a lack of coffee, but that’s not the real answer. It’s your responsibility to hold back from posting comments until you’ve read the actual article in question. It’s not the original poster’s responsibility to make sure the quoted material is a summary of the article itself, including a byline; it’s your responsibility to be a thoughtful commenter and yours alone.
Thank you, and God bless.
Fuck that noise. Some days I just come here to slung astronaut food.
That is my favorite new euphemism!
“Happiness and success aren’t achievable by all, regardless of external circumstances.”
Well, really they are achievable by all, but happiness and success are not the same things to different people. Happiness and success are not zero-sum, despite what lefties think. My happiness does not come at the expense of yours.
I thought her rules were kind of dumb. More of a I need an 800 word column, so I overthought something simple and give you this. And the responses were basically the same. The classic perpetual internet slap fight.
My lame observations for life are simply:
Show up to work on time;
Work while you are there;
don’t call in sick (unless you are actually sick).
I think we need some flexibility on this one. Otherwise, this comment section is going to be a lot shorter.
But in practice it means that McArdle is blaming people who, for various reasons, have no choice but to treat politics as if it’s important.
“I can’t help but put the wreckers and kulaks to the wall. It’s an irresistible compulsion!”
These are sad husks of people corrupted from infancy with the pablum that they are a victim of their circumstances. The idea of setting a trajectory to their life and achieving it is completely foreign to them. They’re also the people who looked down on the “nerds” who spent more time preparing for life than on their backs in a frat boy’s bed pretending that they enjoyed the box of wine and clumsy sex.
Are libertarians even necessarily individualist, in the pejorative sense? Yes, philosophically, libertarians (most liberals, really) believe that only individual humans have moral rights, but libertarians still consider the protection of the property and relationships and institutions those individuals create and utilize as part of those individual rights.
Honestly, it’s the leftist viewpoint that wants to break down every institution and value in society, leaving nothing but atomized individuals and the all-powerful state as the only institution left standing.
I’d say that I’m not an individualist. I think that there is morality and responsibility that doesn’t make sense outside of family and community. However, I think that the prog conflation of community with society and society with government is downright evil. I can believe that you have a mandatory moral imperative/responsibility to care for your family and care for the downtrodden in your community without advocating for compulsory programs to force you to care for them.
I’m the same way. In fact, I’ve written about my transition from thinking of myself as an individualist to not on this site before.
My favorite small-l-libertarian fiction author, RAH, spent a lot of time thinking and writing about community.
My favorite small-l-libertarian pundit, Mike Munger, spends all his academic time writing about community.
Like trshmnstr says, the difference is that I think communities should be free-will associations. Not formed and enforced at gunpoint against people that didn’t sign up for this shit.
“It’s easy to say, “be grateful, not bitter” if things are going pretty well for you. But it’s far more difficult if you’re homeless, have a chronic, life-threatening medical condition which your insurance won’t pay to treat, or if you don’t have the proper documents and so ICE agents kidnap you while you’re taking your child to school.”
The writer might want to differentiate between things that happened as a result of bad luck, and things that resulted from individual life choices.
“I think I would distinguish early Hitler from later Hitler. I think it would have been very useful to know ahead of time what he was about,” he said.
What about early Godwin vs late Godwin?
I thought they were talking about artistic phases.
His blue period lasted about a decade.
Because Hitler wasn’t pretty explicit in his goals or how to attain them all along, right?
I believe he struggled to get his message out.
Aw, come on!
*holds up mirror so SS can narrow his gaze at himself*
As Shirer put it in “Decline & Fall” when addressing the question of “who could have seen what was coming”; “everyone, Hitler had made his plans clear from the beginning.”
I think the point is that everyone knew what Hitler was all about but that they had faith that the character of the German people was strong enough that a nutjob like Hitler would never ascend to power.
Is the writer retarded? Hitler explained it all starting in Mein Kempf. It’s just that he was ignored.
Early and later Hitler? Ahhhh Shhaaaadddaaaappp!
And by the way, they’re doing the same thing with Islamic terrorists. They are literal when they say stuff like they want to install a ‘world caliphate’ and ‘throw the Jews into the sea’.
It’s all there. They put it out on social media, write books, make videos and yet the left just smiles and tries to claim ‘they don’t mean it’ and that it’s because of us they’re whack jobs.
Professor Luigi Zingales is the guy who invited him to debate, not the writer of the article. But you’re right. Talking about poisoning the well.
Sorry. I originally wanted to comment on the McArdle article and shifted to the Sun Times article.
Although the word retarded was a little strong anyway.
Zingales was answering a question. I don’t think he was saying Trump is Hitler, the questioner was.
When someone routinely chants “Death to America”*, I take the precaution of taking them at their word regarding their intent.
*or similar statements of intent
No shit there’s a difference between early Hitler and late Hitler. When Hitler was first coming up, the stuff was a lot more raw and pure, man. By the time he was doing all that pop bullshit like invading a Soviet city because it was named after the local dictator, the whole thing was lost. Dude sold out. Kicking von Manstein out of the band? Pyrotechnic “revenge weapon” displays? Come on, bro.
I thought Gavin Newsome was gay. That’s a mighty fine beard.
Also-, if Weinstein was mean to Uma, why didn’t she slice him in two with her samurai sword?
Kimberly Giulfoyle – Hotter than the hinges on the gate to hell; statist cop-sucking ex-prosecutor… Would be very angry sex.
But fun, right?
,a href=”https://i.ytimg.com/vi/IMegrHzhIOQ/maxresdefault.jpg”>Here ya go, Bob.
The Olympics are about to kick off – I predict Romania getting 3 more medals than the US
Look, Pie, it doesn’t count if you get the medals by nicking them off the other participants after the ceremony.
I predict nobody in the U.S. caring if that actually happens. I haven’t thought about any type of ice skating or skiing in 4 years.
Especially when it is how many time zones away?
All I can say is the last time I saw figure skating I found the Russian skater Elena Radionova hot. Besides that I got nothing
This is my favorite part of the Olympics. Some relatively small country that has an obscure event as its national past time will beat the US and think that somehow that makes them a world power.
Tom Brady just threw for 505 yards in the SuperBowl. The Patriots never punted the ball. He didn’t lose the game.
His shithead coach, on the other hand, just lost the Boston press probably forever. If stories are true, the defensive plan was thrown in the trash Rowe was told he was playing 5 minutes before kick-off.
I don’t live there any more, but I can only image how savaged Belichick is getting in the Boston press.
Pats fans: “Hey Bill, thanks for all the Super Bowl appearances and wins, but WHAT HAVE YOU DONE FOR ME LATELY?!”
And people complain about Yankee fans.
This is why I have little sympathy for NE fans of any kind. They all are fair weather fans.
I don’t think so. I went to many game where they stunk in the 70’s and 80’s. Plenty of fans still showed up. I could say the same for the Celtics, Bruins, and Red Sox.
What real old-school New England fans want is grit and maximum effort (sometimes to the point of craziness). Bill Cowens, Terry O’Reilly (two of my favorite Mc psychopaths), Bird, Steve Nelson, Dwight Evans, and Brady. They came to play every damn game and everyone else on the team better play hard too.
Before this current era, the 2 Patriot players who had their own cheering sections were Teddy Bruschi, and Mosi Tatupu. They were loved because they were full-tilt full-time players.
Havlicek !!
They might want to tread lightly. He’s the kind of guy that would tell them to fuck off by quitting and then signing with the Jets, then winning a dozen divisions in a row.
Maybe cooler heads will prevail in a few months. Right now? I would would be glad to see Belichick hit the road and Josh McDaniels take over.
Rumor I heard was that Belichek had a falling out with Kraft over potential of starting Garrapalo, which then resulted in the trade (fixing the Patsies’ future) and setting the road for Bill to coach in Miami.
McDaniels is going to Indy.
Well….he’s 67 years old. I doubt he’s coaching anywhere a dozen years from now.
Median life expectancy for a man in his 60s is 84, so as long as he doesn’t suffer mental degeneracy he could keep on plugging away at a coaching job for another decade. Head coach is not a very physically demanding job, after all.
He will be coaching in hell…
It’s crazy how all of a sudden things seem to be going off the rails for the Patriots – assuming if the reports are correct.
I’d like to know exactly what Butler did that pissed Belichick off that much.
Brady is a beast. A monster. GOAT. I just realized. Belichick is known as a defensive coach, correct? That’s what he was with the Giants and Browns. How come then, it’s been years he never gave Brady a real, legit defense? He’s had good players here and there and they’ve over achieved but I mean, if he’s that good on that end, why not build a defense like the Broncos had? Or the Eagles for that matter. The last true great Patriots defense, I think, was what with Bruschi and Law?
Give Brady a defense. The guy single handily gave NE a chance in that game and it feels like Belichick takes that for granted.
Well, there is a salary cap that prevents them from having an all star team on both sides of the ball.
I’m not sure that’s really the problem. Brady is well paid but nowhere near the highest paid guy in the NFL. He’s always been willing to restructure a contract to minimize the cap hit.
He’s still a hit to the cap at $22,000,000. according to the inter-tubes which would have him being the biggest cap hit in the NFL for 2014 andtop 5 for 2016.
Couldn’t find rankings for this season.
Brady’s first two rings were almost entirely due to the defense.
The rest of them were due to the referees. /snark
His cap hit was 13 million this year, not even close to the highest. In 2018 it will be 22 million which is tenth. But he usually restructures his final year so the team doesn’t have that big of a hit.
Belichick has had money to build a defense, he just hasn’t done it.
When McDaniels and Brady are in sync, they are unstoppable. You are right, the defense has been crap for years – and Belichick purposely made it worse with the Butler thing – not even playing him in nickel defenses. I don’t care if he screwed Bill’s daughter on Saturday night, he should have played Sunday.
They actually had a great defense for their first 2 superbowls and pretty good ones a few other times that said Bellichick’s greatness as a defensive coach is in building a scheme that focuses on getting a bunch of journeyman talents and producing a top 10 defense with them
They were never elite defences though. They came up big when it counted but not one regarded as top notch.
Maybe I’m being unrealistic.
No their first couple of Superbowls the defenses were elite. They held a Rams team that averaged 31 pts a game to just 17 points. They were not one of the top 10 all time defenses no but they stack up favorably to the top defenses in the game today
You are. And there’s an S in defenSe, you flappy-headed degenerate.
The 2003-2004 Patriots defenses were great. They were so great and so physical that Bill Polian went crying to the league to get the rules changed because Peyton Manning couldn’t beat them.
Their last excellent defense was the 2007 squad.
I haven’t heard confirmation of these reports but from what I have heard Butler missed the team flight to Minnesota, missed Curfew twice in Minnesota and on Saturday night on a room check he was caught smoking pot in his room.
If these reports are true it would both make sense for why he was benched and why Belichick was not saying anything
I thought he missed the flight because he was in the hospital with the flu? Who cares? It was his last game with the Patriots – call him an asshole on Monday morning.
The first few Super Bowls were all about their defense. For the first half of his career Brady was more of a game manager, it wasn’t until about 06-07 that it really flipped to being an offensive powerhouse. And, lets not forget a lot of coaches end up winning with the opposite what they were hired for. John Grudon, offensive ‘genius’ won with the Bucs defense. Brian Billick, offensive ‘genius’ won with the Raven’s defense. Mike Tomlin, a defensive coordinator won with the Steeler’s offense, etc…
Brady’s still arguably the best quarterback in the league by a country mile (although there’s a reasonable argument to be made that Aaron Rodgers is nipping at his heels) but he’s not as good as he was. Of course, in his case, that just means that they can’t put the team on his shoulders against a determined, talented opponent and expect to win any more. But once Belichick goes, I don’t know how much longer Brady’s got. There’s a synergy there that seems to be key to their success.
Nick Foles has proven he is not some lucky benchwarmer. I think a lot of teams are (or at least should be) looking at him. I would dare say the Patriots should be looking at him. He’s just like Tom Brady, only better.
Better? That’s strong. I agree he’s a talented guy but I don’t know that I’d go that far. I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s starting somewhere next season, though. There are plenty of teams who need a good quarterback who’s still young but has some experience under his belt.
The threads almost dead but I look at the throws Brady makes (and the amazing catches by the receivers) and I see the same ability with Foles*. The INT would have been a spectacular catch if Jeffery was able to get both hands on it. Not saying there was PI (maybe in a regular season game they would have called it).
* I’m a U of A grad so I’m a little biased.
Word in Philly is that Eagles will keep Foles around until Wentz proves he has fully recovered from his knee blowout. I could see each of them playing two quarters per game in early season. Foles, at 29, could have four-five years left as a starter somewhere.
The problem with Rogers, aside from injuries, is that he and McCarthy forgot what made Rogers so good. When Rogers was the top of the league it was quick passes and rhythm, with deep balls on key plays. The last few years they got into their own heads and think Rogers should hold the ball looking for the big play on every play.
“Watford beat the shit out of…Chelski?”
And rumors are rife that Conte will be fired before the weekend. And that rumor is, apparently, one reason Italy are delaying naming a new national coach.
Live by the
swordwhim of a Russian billionaire, die by theswordwhim of a Russian billionaire.“I think it would be very sad if somehow I were to be forced to disinvite him, and certainly that will play on the narrative that there is no space for other ideas on campus,” Zingales said.
Yeah, get with the program Zingales. You’ve got a nice gig there, be a real shame if something were to happen to it.
That U of C is at the forefront on the battle lines for free speech on campus and they have to call Bannon every name in the book just to dampen the outrage of censorious little pricks doesn’t really give me hope. How about just, “U of C will be hosting a speech by Steve Bannon. Don’t like it? Don’t come or you can protest peacefully outside the venue. Full Stop.”
” and certainly that will play on the narrative that there is no space for other ideas on campus,”
But of course it shouldn’t be thought that it actually does support that narrative.
Great start to the day woke up to find the dot got sick and did a number on the carpet, car is acting up, got shot down for a job I thought I was gonna get, and my work laptop crashed deleting over 3 weeks worth of work… I’ll be at the bar. Sorry just had to vent somewhere.
One of those days, eh? You deserve a drink.
1st world problems I’m good to go now.
Remember being a kid and looking forward to adulthood?
Look, the only solution is to write a country song about it, sell it to one of those pop-country act that sells out arenas, and make a nickel every time you hear it on the radio.
Just have to change carpet to boots, Chevy Equinox to truck and white collar job to farm job.
One of those days that you don’t dare shake your dick after pissing because everything you touch turns to shit? Yeah, I’ve had a few of those.
Italy is tired of being North Africa’s open sewer.
I have a friend of mine who’s Italian. She’s fairly European-left in her politics but despises Hillary, basically blaming her push to go to war in Libya as the cause of the migrant problems.
Maybe, but Rome was crammed with North Africans 20 years ago.
Hannibal finally made it?
You should remind her Hillary had a warboner for Libya because the Italians and the French paid her to intervene and kill Qaddafi for daring to tell them to pay more or he would sell his oil to China.
Turns out they killed Qaddafi because he was going to launch a gold-backed currency.
The story would have broke when Blumenthal and Hillary’s emails were leaked – if the media gave a shit about why Obama was killing people.
Apparently Italian fascism never happened.
An Itallian Nazi allegedly shot, or
An Italian alleged Nazi allegedly shot?
something something John
Photos show Richard Dreyfuss groping two Long Island fans after 2004 Broadway show
Dear God, save me from being famous enough to get busted for a hug like that.
Pressed her ass cheek with her fingers – THE MONSTER. I’ve been planning to do that to ‘splosives if ever I meet her. I’m worse than the Zodiac Killer!
Solution for hollywood: only actors whom identify as asexual
Great. Now we’ve got to watch Morrissey and Moby do movies as well as music?
Fuck. That. Shit!
Have Tilda Swinton play all parts in everything?
Is that your Opus are are you just happy to see me?
Now that’s what I call a Close Encounter.
Get your Steak Out of there.
Always get permission before going for the crack!
It’s just how he says goodbye, girl.
What about Roberta?
Geez, I would have thought famous people would have all the romantic companionship they wanted.
His son just did the 5th Column not long ago, talking about getting hit on by an Kevin Spacey and not telling his dad, or some such.
They can. It might not be the kind of romantic companionship their companion anticipated. Sometimes it takes decades for said companion to realize this, but realize it they do.
Maybe it’s like those regressed memories under hypnosis that justified the pedophilia hysteria of the 90’s.
Dark days for OMWC…
The two women don’t look particularly horrified in the pictures, what with the big smiles and all.
It takes time to calibrate one’s outrage and sense of violation.
Obviously, in person, Dreyfuss wasn’t dreamy and attractive enough to offset his hideous inner nature.
If it were Brad Pitt, would we be reading about this today?
Nope, but one his looks start to fade, you will.
<a href="http://www.businessinsider.com/dimethylpolysiloxane-in-mcdonalds-fries-could-cure-baldness-2018-2"
A chemical used to make McDonald's fries could help cure baldness, Japanese scientists say
Baldness down, heart disease and diabetes sky rocket?
I put that in yesterday’s AM Links. ::dejectedly kicks pebble down a lonesome road::
Damn it! I missed it. And I can’t HTML! Oh what a day!
Oh what a night. I didn’t even know her name but I was never gonna be the same.
Good night you wonderful Gliberati. I will enjoy reading your endless snark tomorrow.
/looks at watch. Nudges nearest Gliberati clown.
What’s that about?
I’m looking at the same clock and thinking, G’night Grandpa!
I’m looking at the clock and going “Don’t any of you people work?”
6 or 7 days a week, usually.
Trying to earn the coveted “death from overwork” assessment?
Wouldn’t mind it too much. I enjoy my work. Better than dying from a job I hate.
You’re definately a bot. There’s no way to get paid for work you enjoy.
I jsut bought a new Audi from the $3543 I made this month alone.
Are they really this stupid?
Haha, good one, Sloop.
It is unfathomable to me how these children, and their enablers in academia and Greater Idea Land, can pretend they will transition smoothly from the intellectual cocoon of
academiateen day care into the rough and tumble world of life among the toiling savages without some seriously painful slaps in the face.My guess re: how? By making themselves such a nuisance that even HR will start to resent them.
Uma Thurman was good in Dangerous Liaisons.
I liked her in Johnny B. Good.
I’ve read a few articles but I don’t see any particular reason why – correction? Algos going crazy? The return of 1929?
Contagious hysteria. Herd behavior.
Don’t forget 401(k) contributions, which will have been up for the second pay period of the tax year. Stock market has to absorb that money every 2 weeks.
Interest rates climbing.
The new puritans waging war on art
Doing the work jihadis won’t do.
Obviously hylas was going to rape those nymphs. The idea that women seduce men was invented by the patriarchy in 1917, to protect rape culture.
You think we can get them to blame Wilson for it, too?
sort of
because it shows naked girls seducing a naked boy[…] tantamount to endorsing self abuse.
I’m a patron of the arts.
When you find yourself being more censorious than people from the Victorian era, you might want to take a good, hard look in the mirror.
Justin Trudeau interrupts woman during Q&A when she used the word “mankind.” He recommended that she say “peoplekind” instead.
Did she immediately put Trudy’s head in a toilet and flush?
Trudeau interrupts woman
Will he get called out for Mansplaining?
You calling Trudeau a man? How gracious of you.
That’s when a douchebag beta gets all “let me roll over and show you my belly” in the hope the chicks feel sorry and throw him some pity sex?
You mean “peoplesplaining”, shitlord.
No thats toxic masculinity, so it’s ok to gender that word./toxic femenist.
Nice try, Trudy, you shitlord, but you just othered otherkin! I identify as a glove box, you bastard!
I am a Phoenix!
“look Justin, you can’t just go make up words” especially when it is very well established that mankind refers to the whole human race.
Sorry hu-person race.
Trudy doesn’t have enough testosterone to be referenced by a masculine moniker.
Too bad the video stopped when it did. Someone oughtta add a laugh track.
God, what a cuck.
She should have responded “I see your point, since you don’t qualify for the former term.”
At which point I would keep using “mankind”, just to piss him off.
“In spite of the character of the guy, I think he was able to interpret and understand a feature of the American people that we, academics, missed,” he said. “Everybody at the University of Chicago was shocked on November 7 when the results came in.”
Honestly, whose analysis of the campaign is more likely to contain useful insights, Bannon’s or Krugabe’s?
My inclination is to say neither.
It was the longest bull market run in history. A correction was inevitable. There has to be some profit taking. But beyond that? Have a look:
Re Olympic hockey.
It won’t have the glamour of the pros but I’ve always liked Olympic hockey. Those of you who watch the Spengler Cup will probably enjoy it because that’s the sort of mix of players and style you’ll see. It will definitely be open and fast skating.
I like Olympic Hockey because of the larger sized ice. It runs so much faster than NHL.
I remember when teams were moving and building new arenas, what, 20-25 years ago, calling in a sports show and saying that was the NHL’s chance to build a bigger ice surface given everyone was complaining about the trap and clutch and grab; about how the players were bigger and taking up more ice space. I suggested a medium between NHL and European size. Something in between.
It was ignored. The SAME guy years later on his show said it was a missed opportunity.
If they weren’t going to let NHL players play, I wish they had just made it juniors, where you can see some serious talent, rather than some college players and minor leaguers.
I (barely) remember 1980. Other than our soccer team beating England in 1950, biggest upset ever.
Turns out the Russian team had to deal with some serious crap after getting home – there’s a good doc on Netflix about it.
The alumni action comes after several dozen students protested. Bannon’s invitation was first reported in the school’s newspaper, The Chicago Maroon.
*Loony Toons theme music, canned laughter*
In 2013 Carter Page was working as an “under-cover employee” (UCE) of the FBI.
That would be one explanation of why Trump is being so hesitant when it comes to simply releasing the warrant.
This just gets dirtier and dirtier.
Wow. Reading up on this just now. Possiblility: Page is a UCE who was used to nab a Russian spy ring. He approaches the Trump campaign to be a plant the FBI can use to spy on the Trump campaign. This would be the biggest scandal of my lifetime if true.
Hell, this is already the biggest scandal of my lifetime, and I was around for Watergate, which was penny-ante bullshit compared to this. And it just keeps getting worse and worse. The Dems and their lackeys in the FBI and DOJ are lucky that the majority of the media are basically their propaganda organs, or else shit would really be hitting the fan.
I don’t understand why he would go back to Russia in 2016 given he helped get an agent of the Kremlin tossed in Federal prison in 2013. Something doesn’t add up. Would you go back to Putin land if you planted listening devices on a Russian spy three years earlier?
They are counting on the paid operatives in the media too protect them as they drag this country way past the banana republic line.
I… can’t really follow them from point A to point B. I suspect they might just be confused by some imprecise language in the documentation.
Before we all lose our shit and start drawing on Glenn Beck’s whiteboard, let’s note that there is NO “Male-1” in the referenced document. There is a UCE-1. However, there is also a CS-1, and it seems much more likely that Page was a CI than this whackadoodle theory that he’s actually secretly a feeb.
I had no idea Page was a UCE used by the FBI to bust a Russian spy ring. This seems like an important fact that would benefit the public and should be covered more extensively.
Navy veteran mum wears corset 23 hours a day to maintain her shockingly tiny 18 inch waist
Mum-of-three Diana Ringo, 39, wears her corset for 23 hours everyday – only taking it off when she showers or exercises
One way to ensure you only need one massive bowel movement a day.
Crushing your internal organs doesn’t actually fix the problem.
She’d probably be cute if she wasn’t in desperate need of therapy.
Swedish Students Forced to Write Essays on ‘White Male Privilege’ – Reports
I know not a reliable source. But funny
To take a leftist tack: sure this isn’t a true story, but it should start an important conversation.
as well as watch a film about being black in the Nordic country.
A white supremacist band played,
And the children drank grape Kool Ade
Life in a Nordic town?
Those two avatars are too similar. One of you needs to change.
“Why do I have to be the one to change? He’s the one that sucks.”
“I am not routinely publicly groped by Afghani teens, like my female counterparts. This is due to my male privilege.”
bring bacha bazi to Sweden is what you are saying? Seem kinda nasty of you to be honest
You’ll just have to make do with being gang-raped then …
A friend claims to have been run off the road by an off-duty cop, and other cops refused to do anything about it. I believe his story. I’ve been thinking about getting a dash cam just for this eventuality. They’re pretty cheap on Amazon. Anyone have any experience with this sort of thing?
As long as you remember the rules of dash-cam ownership: if you do something really stupid you have to upload it to YouTube for people to laugh at how stupid you are.
Most of Russia nods in enthusiastic agreement.
Same YouTube history I see.
Heck, it’s got it’s own movie now.
Applies only to Russians.
No experience but I would like to add a dash camera to my car too. Maybe I’ve been watching too many car crash videos.
Douchebag cops? Yeah they’re everywhere.
No experience yet, but I plan on getting a pair of cameras at some point in the near future.
I’d say get one for the rear as well. I’ve seen cases where the front is inconclusive, but by adding the rear and having them synced up the whole event can be known.
Thanks for the reminder, this is something I’d like to do as well. My wife’s uncle used his dashcam footage to press charges against a woman who tried to run over him with her car over a parking spot. I don’t remember the exact details but apparently she got crazy road rage and tried to run him down after he parked and got out. I don’t know if his dashcam was still running and filmed it or if was useful for showing her behavior prior to him getting out.
I have a video doorbell that records audio and video at the end of my driveway, but I’m also adding a primary camera there that uploads to online storage for similar reasons.
Wouldn’t having proof that a fellow cop was a bad actor be something you want to avoid?
“Well normally we’d call him a crack pot and ignore him. But now that he has a video I guess we better shoot him and claim he was reaching for his waist band.”
don’t tell them you have video (OFFSITE VIDEO STORAGE!) until you’re out and lawyered up and fighting the cop union and the DA in the court of public opinion.
well if i’ve learned anything from that Photography is Not a Crime website, it’s that your footage is only good if you have offsite video storage. otherwise the cops seize and edit/delete/lose the data.
I haven’t looked into dash cams, how do they enable offsite video storage? Cell network data link?
that’s my assumption. would cost a fortune in data fees. maybe have an upload option for the last 10 minutes or 1GB (or something) in case of an emergency.
A lot of dashcams can flag when it detects an impact, so accident related footage should be possible for auto-uploading that part using your phone’s data connection if the dashcam can interface with your phone.
At that point you don’t care about data usage.
I’ll have you know it was a Michigan grad that made the strip sack of Brady with 2 minutes left.
A Michigan Grad that never beat Ohio State. And also sucked in each of the games he played against the Buckeyes. Graham was a good college player, but he really hit another level in the NFL.
BG started his pro career pretty slow, and a lot of fans were pissed he was drafted over Earl Thomas. But since about his 3rd year as a pro he’s been incredible.
And I, foolishly, went to a university for a good education. I never seem to hear that from football/basketball factories…
I, foolishly, went to a university for a good education.
Don’t leave us in suspense, what happened?
He went into law, so it doesn’t look like he got it.
OT: I now have had two felony court-appointed cases. It’s OK work, pretty routine. Nothing huge yet. I can’t get a murder case, for example, and I doubt whether I’ll get a CSC charge. But I am fine with B and E with intent, or carrying burglar tools. Visit the jail, go to court, visit the jail, etc. Apparently I can add $140 per line up at the jail if I can get that in my schedule.
Advice from another long term defense attorney was “be patient” because once I take 5 felony cases to trial I can be on the federal district court-appointed list.
did they do it?
First guy with the burglar tools: yes, he made a full confession. Second guy, B and E with intent, not sure. The real question would be: can it be proven beyond a reasonable doubt?
First offense? He’ll probably get away with crucifixion
c…c…c…rucifixion’s ..t…t.t.t.too …gg.gg.g..ggood .f.f.fff.fff.. for him
Now Clavdivs, calm down there.
I was thinking more of Terry Gilliam.
Thwowe him to the fwoor!
wait till Bigus Dickus hears of this …
It’s the lawyer’s job to say they didn’t.
Nope. It is the lawyer’s job to tell the State to prove it.
With all of these Guilty even when proven Innocent cases running around, I have a hard time believing that.
No shit.
Isn’t the first rule of being a defense attorney is to never ask that?
I’d think you’d want to know everything so that you don’t get surprised.
questions you dont already know the answer to.
And it’s the
perp’sdefendant’s job to STFU until he talks to his lawyer first. I’m not even a criminal and I know that.Anything beyond “license and registration” should be met by “I would like to have my lawyer present to continue this conversation”
Foreigners (shady characters from Ohio) have been accused of cheating in a big ice fishing contest here in Minnesoda. My buddies and I have talked more about this story in the last few days than the Super Bowl. A lot more.
The rumor is that this guy and his family enter a lot of these tournaments and win a lot of prizes. A lot more than mere luck would suggest (and these big contests are pretty much pure luck).
a big ice fishing contest here in Minnesoda – how much ice did they catch?
Well, not to brag, but the winner and his family drowned when they tried to fry up their catch.
much icemany illegals did they catch?*narrows gaze*
Fucking ice back hosers coming here and taking all our jobs playing hockey.
Our fish were caught fairly
I seem to be hearing that excuse a lot lately.
“(and these big contests are pretty much pure luck)”
Not a true libertarian. Megan McArdle has a sad.
OT: Thumbs up on the new avatar (first time I’ve noticed it). It’s a good fit.
I can’t figure out what it’s supposed to mean.
Pope Jimbo now has an “uffda” coffee mug for an avatar.
That part I know.
What the hell is “uffda”?
Thanks. I figured I had done enough with the 38-7 avatar to satisfy Pie (congrats on winning that bet), so it was time to update.
I was going to go back to the fine cat butt avatar that SF provided when I whined about being a big donor and being mistreated, but then I saw that cup.
Uffda is the Norwegian equivalent of “mañana” in spanish. It means a lot and it depends on context and inflection in your voice.
It can be used for astonishment, defeat, laughter, disgust, etc.
Like mañana, you sound like a dork if you try to use it as an outsider. Last Friday, a bunch of Eagles fans had invaded Bunny’s (a local watering hole) and were shouting it at each other. My buddy and I just looked at each other and muttered “uffda”.
Stop trying to portray Melania as a feminist repulsed by her husband
Only single people should be allowed to run for president. Then we won’t have to hear about their spouses all the time.
+1 James K Polk
you mean +1 James Buchanan. Polk was married.
My POS gov’t computer seems to be unable to load anything except Glibs this morning. All the filters and security make sure that nothing ever works right…..I was going off memory that Polk was a bachelor; maybe he was just childless?
“Marriage is an important part of getting ahead. It lets people know you’re not a homo. A married guy seems more stable. People see the ring, they think ‘at least somebody can stand the son of a bitch.’ Ladies see the ring, they know immediately that you must have some cash, and your cock must work.”
No, but then we get even more drama than the friggin UK royals every time Pres is seen talking to someone at a party or event.
Because she has no clue about image and signaling, as a former model?
It’s rather nice to have a FLOTUS who keeps her yap shut and maintains a little distance from the spotlight.
The Trump Administration grows on me a little more, day by day.
…even foreign despots have all been “welcomed to the resistance.”
Hmmm. That should make them pause and ask “Are we the baddies?”
That’s some nice police work there, Lou.
i’m surprised their holsters don’t cover the trigger. but +1 for carrying with one in the pipe.
The kid was trying to be helpful.
Any fule kno you have to pull the trigger on a Glock to field strip the gun.
I don’t carry with one in the chamber for two reasons. 1) because the odds of me snagging the trigger on something (while negligible in absolute terms) are many orders of magnitude higher than being in a situation where racking the slide is the difference between life and death, and 2) I’m far enough out of practice that I’m dead if I’m in a situation where the time to rack the slide matters.
What you need, sir, is a good SA/DA with a decocker and a heavy trigger.
The holster kept his fat little piggy hoofs off the trigger, but the sneaky little kid with his sneaky little fingers was able to get to it.
Could A More Individualistic World Also Be A More Altruistic One?
Individualism is that rugged frontier quality that reflects a mix of independence, valuing free expression, and eschewing close family ties relative to more distant relationships. – no it is not.
And it is on the rise. Not just in the United States — which has long been ranked as one of the world’s most individualist countries — but nearly everywhere. – news to me…
I had to look up the word eschew to make sure it meant what I thought it meant. Cause in my mind individualism focuses on familial tires for welfare and not on suckering strangers.
This person needs to read Hayek’s “Individualism: True and False”
I don’t think that the article is too far off. I think it goes too far in saying that individualists eschew family relationships, but I will say that I generally prefer my friends to my family, with the exception of my mother. I evaluate them all as individuals and treat blood relationships as just one trait among many to evaluate them. Some members of my immediate family are objectively untrustworthy, so I don’t associate with them much.
The Other Whisper Network
How Twitter feminism is bad for women
Of course, the prepublication frenzy of Twitter fantasy and fury about this essay, which exploded in early January, is Exhibit A for why nobody wants to speak openly. Before the piece was even finished, let alone published, people were calling me “pro-rape,” “human scum,” a “harridan,” a “monster out of Stephen King’s ‘IT,’?” a “ghoul,” a “bitch,” and a “garbage person”—all because of a rumor that I was planning to name the creator of the so-called Shitty Media Men list. The Twitter feminist Jessica Valenti called this prospect “profoundly shitty” and “incredibly dangerous” without having read a single word of my piece. Other tweets were more direct: “man if katie roiphe actually publishes that article she can consider her career over.” “Katie Roiphe can suck my dick.” With this level of thought policing, who in their right mind would try to say anything even mildly provocative or original?
The goals of Feminism are the implementation of marxist totalitarianism.
It is not about helping women. provocative and original thought is anathema to it. Get back in line.
ENB has a sad
“profoundly shitty”
Does anyone else get a giggle out of those two words being next to each other? It’s an odd that our self appointed intellectual elites can’t express themselves better than a 15 year old highschool student.
Are we sure that wasn’t a misplaced reply to the NASA article?
Jezebel responds in a dignified and literate manner.
I guess they showed her.
Twitter should be renamed the Jacobin Network. It functions as a social guillotine for those who dare disagree with the mob.
Remember back during Gamergate, when insulting someone on Twitter was considered terrorism?
When the word “terrorist” gained additional legal repercussions, it was guaranteed to be overused by every malcontent with a grudge. That’s part of why I objected to making “terrorism” a crime. It’s too nebulous a term and does not describe a specific action. Now everyone is a terrorist.
Man, I’m so glad. I was tired of admitting I was a fascist.
The Fascist Terrorist Russian Bot
Those pesky Minnesoda Lutherans are up to shenanigans again.
It seems obvious that the “cluster” of Minnesodans mentioned in this report about terrorism has to be good Lutherans with Norwegian ancestors, just based on the odds right?
The author of this piece really should be commended for his ability to write that many words and tap dance completely around the fact that all these terrorists are from our vibrant Somali community.
*bonus link in there about how the motive of the guy who stabbed 10 shoppers in a Minnesoda mall after asking them if they were muslim is “still unknown.”
To be fair most of the terrorist recruiters are actually FBI agents.
Not in Minnesoda. We actually have a bunch of relatives from the Old Country talking kids into leaving Minnesoda to go fight in Somalia or Syria.
In fairness by the end of Feb (and first week of March) I’d be pretty susceptible to the siren song of a terrorist recruiter located somewhere warm.
I can’t remember where I saw it, but I know I read a thing on Minnesota Somali terrorist recruits where their imam (or someone else, whoever) bemoaned the young men of his community having to go overseas because of a lack of jihad opportunities here at home. I swear I didn’t imagine that.
wait, found it – I got the point a little mixed up, but it’s still really silly:
What we need is a federally-funded shahada outreach program. Bring those jobs back to the USA.
I actually have no issues with letting them leave and go fight back in their home shit holes. Of course, I would also never let them back in.
My gut tells me though that we’d be inundated with sob stories about poor little Mohamed who left Minneapolis to go fight but then learned what a shit hole Somalia really is and all he wants to do is come back.
“I actually have no issues with letting them leave and go fight back in their home shit holes. Of course, I would also never let them back in.”
When the Brits, whom, lets face it, are quite progressive in their policies, tried to do this to their subjects that went off to Jihad, the usual marxist civilization haters went all woke assassin on them and actually forced them to let back in some seriously dangerous people. I would expect the same shit here in the US led by the ACLU or some other shady communist outreach program.
In fairness by the end of Feb (and first week of March) I’d be pretty susceptible to the siren song of a terrorist recruiter located somewhere warm.
This does raise the question of why a bunch of people from an equatorial country decided to settle in Minnesota, of all places, especially when places such as California and Florida exist in the same country.
Shhh! Don’t tell them that Florida exists!
Florida Man will keep you safe.
Open question: If a Somalian with a little bit of a crazy look in his eyes approaches you in the mall–let’s say you’re by yourself–and asks you if you’re a Muslim, what would you do? I think I’d say, “Heck yeah, buddy,” and then stab him in the back repeatedly.
Go on the offensive – demand to know if he’s sunni or shia and get a hand on your carry piece.
I like this idea, although I don’t know how it would fare in practice (although I guess that’s why you have the second part, as backup).
The shouting at him is just to buy enough confusion to be in a position to draw before he acts.
“You betcha” is the proper way to answer in St. Cloud, Minnesoda.
I was always suspicious of the Sons of Norway
Uffda. What are you? A Swede?
Or worse…a Finn.
So the jersey city school teachers are protesting today and threatening to go strike by February 12 if their demands aren’t met. I’m trying to get a straight answer from my friend about what their beef is. Being a teacher she can’t really explain it, other than they want to pay less for their health insurance and they want faster raises for new teachers. For years she’s been complaining about they don’t even have a contract as well.
Any chance good old Ronnie can come back to life and fire the lot of them then offer them their jobs back but make them work summers? Where else is my friend gonna make 80k for babysitting kindegarteners?
So in the whole Uma/Quentin kerfuffle, Maureen Dowd comes out smelling like the turd. I’m shocked.
Surprising no one, repellant website sides with Hate Birds, The Birds That Hate.
Forever confirming that the author is a functional retard with a keyboard.
Paychex provides a useful service in exchange for money.
Jezebel spews astronaut food and thinks itself smart.
One of these companies made the founder a billionaire.
The other is bankrupt after being sued for defamation and libel.
Don’t impugn the mentally impaired by comparing them to her; they can’t help it. She’s willfully dumb.
I’m sure that if the billionaire had complained about the ganders instead Jezebel would have been down with him.
“We need to stop this toxic masculinity! Why do these ganders think they are entitled to shit anywhere they feel like?”
$90,000 school tax bill
That wouldn’t cover even one sexual assault payout by the school board.
The cowardice among Republicans is staggering
This made me chuckle. It should be on a t-shirt.
I thought they voted to release the opposing memo…
As if facts matter to a journalist.
But yes, you are correct, they did.
They rapehacked our voting machines,
So, I see they are going with the classic “what are you going to believe, me or your lying eyes?” tactic. Just because you keep saying water isn’t wet, that doesn’t make it so.
Nunes’s brief, amateurish document failed to demonstrate that FBI surveillance was triggered solely or mainly by a Democratic-funded dossier
Isn’t that exactly what the memo says?
I think they are arguing that the surveillance actually started before that FISA warrant.
Which just puts the spotlights on the warrants for the other surveillance. I believe there are material omissions in the applications for surveillance of Carter Page (I don’t think they told the judge that he was already an informant, but don’t know for sure).
This is where intent becomes relevant – warrants are supposed to be issued in order to (with the intent to) discover evidence relevant to the commission of a crime. If these were issued for some other purpose, it supports the conspiracy to violate civil rights. That’s where the internal communications (and attempt to hide them) of the FBI comes in, as well. “If you’ve done nothing wrong . . . .” cuts both ways. Why were DOJ and FBI staffers discussing back-channels for communication?
Congressional hearings are toothless. This needs a special prosecutor and grand jury, if you can find an honest prosecutor and federal judge.
Congressional hearings are toothless.
They are, but they don’t have to be. Constitutionally, Congress is the most powerful branch of government – if they really want to punish the malefactors, they could.
Don’t special prosecutors still answer to the DOJ?
Tard Tuesday: Tards thinks a presidentially declassified memo is subject to classified restrictions
I think the intersection of DU and Twitter is the derp nexus of the universe.
Hmm just made a long post about the jersey city teachers threatening to go on strike by Feb 12. They’re out there protesting today with professional signs. Don’t like how much they’re paying for health insurance. Anyway, standard rant was included.
Where did you post that?
The ground is being prepared for Justine Damond’s killer to get away with it.
Yup. If I dropped a body, the DA would be so worried about whether he could prove that I was negligent.
That last sentence is true, in terms of Supreme Court precedent. I know Dunphy insisted to us that there’s no double standard, but… yeah.
Fuck. He’s gonna walk.
Did you honestly expect any different?
Actually, yes. Wealthy white chick from wealthy enclave full of important people. I hoped this one would be the straw.
Time to privatize.
I thought that he would be charged too. I wasn’t sure if they would convict him, but I at least thought that he’d be charged.
Like Tundra said, the victim was pretty, rich and from a fairly safe neighborhood. I also thought that the fact that he had to reach across his partner to shoot her would carry some weight.
Just looks like another failure to follow procedure.
Always make sure no fellow officers are in the way when shooting an innocent person.
I don’t think most people want to wake up from the dream that cops are out there to protect them. It’s been pretty obvious for a while that if you wear a badge you can kill just about anybody you want and get away with it.
Yeah, but maybe not too far. A Somalian Muslim immigrant cop shooting an unarmed woman of means with absolutely no reasonable cause whatsoever might be the thing that fires up the vigilantes. At least if I were this guy I wouldn’t do a lot of routine morning walks along the same route.
I expect no calls to change the standard over this. It will be forgotten.
The girlfriend and I are going to be heading (a little bit) south this summer, hitting up Louisville and Nashville the first week of July. If any Glibs want to meet up, or have any suggestions for things to do, I’m open to it. The one thing the girlfriend has said she needs to see is the Parthenon in Nashville, and she prefers historic locations. I’m more the beer and whiskey guy who’s interested in the local culture and food.
Holy Grale.
You are welcome.
Link, just in case.
Man, I need to get out more often, that looks like it’s right around the corner from the where the Phoenix Hill used to be?
Its a few blocks up from that. It is right where Baxter and Bardstown come together at Highlands Ave.
Looks nice, have you ever been to Church Brew Works in Pittsburgh?
I think I drive thru Pitt once.
I heartily second Holy Grale. Great beer selection, cool atmosphere.
Wife and I were in Nashville for a conference and we hit the Parthenon one day so we could say we did something other than drink. I’ve never been to the original, so I don’t have a basis for comparison, but it’s pretty cool. You have to pay to get inside, but I think the inside think is just like an exhibit on how they built it or whatever, so I wouldn’t consider it mandatory. Broadway was kitschy but fun. Just don’t eat there. Go off Broadway and like every single place has amazing food, but Broadway is for the tourists. East Nashville is hipster central but has some good bars and casual restaurants. That’s where we spent most of our time.
I don’t consider the Parthenon mandatory, but the girlfriend wants to spend time to see it, and she’s indulging me in visiting distilleries so I can’t complain too much.
Should I visit it when I’m passing through Tenn? I just noticed that the Texarkana-Memphis-Bowling Green route comes really close to Nashville.
Have you been before? In our case, she was presenting at a conference during the weekdays, so I was free to wander around. So I spent a lot of time in bars. Usually one of two bars, because once I find a spot I like I just stay there. Once she was cut loose during the day, she wanted to actually see parts of the city AND THEN go barhopping, so the Parthenon and a stroll through that park was our moral cover for being degenerates the rest of the weekend.
I’ve been to Louisville once for a business trip about 15 years ago, I’m willing to bet it’s changed a lot since then (and I spent most of my time in hotels and on the client’s site, so I didn’t see much). Neither of us have been to Nashville before.
The girlfriend isn’t much of a drinker, so sitting at a bar all day is not going to be something I’ll be able to sell her on. However, she does like trying to earn badges on Untappd, so going to new breweries is an easier sell.
I read that as “going beheading.”
I will be traveling through Trump’s America, and I’m sure there will be snack bars around…
Shit, I’m passing through at the middle of June, we’ll just miss each other.
Then I’ll keep an eye up for your suggestions after you make your pass through.
I’m still fishing for recommendations for my own trip.
It’s a bit South of town (30 minute drive) but there are some Civil War historical sites of you’re into that (Carnton Plantation and Stones River Battlefield). A bit further south is the Jack Daniels distillery, which is cool, but the George Dickel tour nearby is better.
Do a distillery tour, but only one. Maker’s Mark is good but quite out of the way. Jim Beam has a pretty good tour and is handy to I-65.
I’ve never done any of the tours that are actually in Louisville.
I spend a fair bit of time in KY, so keep everyone posted.
“opposition research on President Trump”
That would be better described as candidate Trump since he was not yet president.
Technically, it would be both since the FBI continued to pay Fusion GPS for info even after the election.
Ok, maybe President-elect. I’m not sure if the FBI were still paying a private company to collect negative information about Trump after he was sworn in or not. But they definitely were after the inauguration.*
*Think about that for a moment: our domestic intel agency were paying foreign nationals to collect negative info about a president-elect (after a political party had been doing so)…who is now under investigation by those same people for colluding with foreign nationals to influence the election.
Dreamy libertarian reporter Robby Soave actually makes a good point (on twitter)
His twitter account was hacked?
And David Burge makes a similar point (and is funnier in his follow-up tweet)
“David Burge is wittier on Twitter” is a given.
He really is a national treasure.
Enjoyed this riff on his post
that was weird….this disappeared from right before the “DO YOU KNOW…” part: “Katy Tur’s voice bellows from the clouds”
Nick GillespieVerified account @nickgillespie
Replying to @iowahawkblog
Gas, grass, or bitcoin, @iowahawkblog, nobody rides in this Tesla for free.
The Nick Gillespie of Twitter comments.
Umm… is the gas for the truck to tow the Tesla?
Nick has fetish for being hot-boxed?
Nick always tries too hard. He’s got to touch every possible culture reference in every missive.
check out this response to that….lame
Do these people not understand that the extra money does make a difference in middle class people’s lives? I’m getting around $800 in bonuses from this tax cut, and I’ll be putting all of it into paying off debt. How in the world does that not materially help my financial future?
Because that money goes straight into some fat cat’s pocket and all he will do is blow it on another couple of bottles of Dom Perignon. You won’t have the money, and he will have squandered what you gave him, you monster.
Don’t you dumb rubes know that $800 will barely put a dent in your Oberlin tuition?
$1000 free and clear doesn’t cover a mortgage payment, true, but it takes out nearly all my bills for the month, including daycare. Viewed another way, that’s $1000 I can use to pay down debt, which means it’s $1000 that I’m not being charged interest for. Or, that’s $1000 I can stick in a savings account for emergencies. That’s a big deal if you’re living paycheck-to-paycheck. Shit, that can be the difference between going further into debt and being able to roll with financial punches.
*looks at carried debt*
Yeah, it’d take a chunk out of the load on my shoulders. Tomorrow I should know if I actually get an increse in take-home pay from the tax changes.
“and I’ll be putting all of it into paying off debt.”
You’re going to help ruin the banks!
Remember what happened when BOOOOSH gave one piddly $350 tax rebate? People paid down debt and the banks collapsed. It took the lightbringer to get us back to our borrowing-to-the-hilt-to-make-banks-look-like-they-have-lots-of-assets prosperity.
I’m paying on enough debt for the all of us. After doing the math, we paid over $50k in interest last year between credit cards, student loans, car loans, and the house.
That fucking debt is going to be gone in 2 years (except the mortgage) because I can’t stand to pay the median household income in charges to the bank.
… I’m not even sure I had $50k in take home pay last year.
I wouldn’t mind a little more contempt if it puts an extra couple hundred bucks in my pocket.
I’d certainly prefer the contempt that gives me “breadcrumbs” like a thousand dollar payout to the well-intended kneecapping the left wants to do to my employment prospects.
Translation: “These stupid hayseeds are too dumb to know how much things cost.”
Metatranslation: “Socialist Twitterhounds are unfamiliar with the concepts of saving, conservation, and deferred gratification. They just borrow money until the maintenance payments force them into bankruptcy, then bitch about Capitalist fatcats for seven years until they can get another line of credit.”
Tax cuts and bonuses bumping take-home pay by $1,000 = crumbs, meaningless.
Minimum wage increase bumping take-home pay by $1,000 = great justice improving the lives of the little people.
I thought the narrative was that the average person would end up paying more taxes and not see any raises or bonuses? Now that they have the narrative is that it doesnt matter because crumbs. I wouldn’t hate proggies so much if they weren’t so mendacious.
How is this woman free?
I’m late for the office, you’re supposed to be posting boobs.
See below.
I don’t know, it seems like a useful contrast to have between the two countries. There, she was a brainwashed agent of a prison state regime. Here, she’s offered a new life. Cosmic justice, maybe not. But neither is being born into a prison state and mindfucked by totalitarians. And she seems repentant. Compare her to Linda fucking Sarsour, for example.
Oh. I thought it was odd someone bothered tapping the singer from Bush for an interview. Although… Newsom is the second cousin, twice removed, of musician Joanna Newsom. Huh.
*loses interest, wanders off*
Bad news everybody. Michele Bachmann will not be running for Franken’s seat.
Dammit. That was going to be a huge part of The Hat and The Hair Season 3 on Cartoon Network.
Was Michele going to be part of the saga? Or did you just want an excuse to include her husband Marcus?
Yikes! What the fuck is that thing?
The Hair was going to spawn of a sentient merkin for Michelle.
He looks like a fucking cartoon.
I knew he looked familiar.
Sad. Who will substitute for the corndog pictures?
Please not Tina Smith or Amy Klobuchar.
Holy shi-ite we have some ugly Senators. It says something when you can easily find someone more unattractive and ignorant than Al Franken.
Disingenuous cunt. I don’t think I’ve ever heard something out of this mouth that wasn’t designed for a focus group or a straight up appeal to “MORE FREE SHIT”
RE: Newsom’s affair.
Once again, no judgement to anyone here that may have been in a similar situation; however, I’ve never understood how people can say an affair “just happened” or “one thing led to another” or some other such thing. It’s probably my navel gazing and obsessive self-monitoring, but pursuing, courting and ultimately bedding a woman requires focused and protracted effort, at least on my part. I find it very difficult to believe that “just happens”. I have never cheated for this reason, because the thought of my partner always short circuits such efforts early in the process (usually before it starts). Though it’s impossible to know for sure, to my knowledge I’ve never been cheated on since I always tell a partner to please break up with me first. She doesn’t owe me anything and if she wants Strange, have the decency to dump me first. It’s not like slipping up and smoking a cigarette when you’re trying to quit. I think it’s forgivable, but people’s explanations always seem bogus to me. If it were: “I knew exactly what I was doing. He/she was hot. Getting my rocks off with this person was more important than your feelings; something I carefully considered throughout the process of getting him/her into bed.” I’d have more respect.
“Though it’s impossible to know for sure, to my knowledge I’ve never been cheated on since I always tell a partner to please break up with me first.”
You must have dated some exceptional women. In my humble experience women who cheat are also willing to lie about it; otherwise they wouldn’t be cheaters. Cheating women are generally hedging their bets, feeling out which is the better deal.
“You must have dated some exceptional women”
I try to vet them pretty thoroughly (in lots of cases probably to a fault) and pride myself on having a pretty good meter for craziness/cruelty/instability. However, as I said, it’s impossible to know for sure and I suppose ignorance is bliss if indeed it has happened.
Yeah, I can’t say that I’ve ever been cheated on for sure but in hind sight I’m sure I was being willfully ignorant. You’d like to thing her getting all weird and distant happened before the subsequent man was in the picture but logic dictates there was probably some overlap.
I have a feeling that bagging chicks requires very little effort if you are the douchey, pinko Mayor of San Francisco. It probably takes more effort for him to keep his cock in his pants than to stick it all the feminist poon that gets thrown at him.
“Lust is to the other passions what the nervous fluid is to life; it supports them all, lends strength to them all ambition, cruelty, avarice, revenge, are all founded on lust.”
-Marquis de Sade
Many good ones to choose from, but 11 looks like my kind of party.
12 and 22 look cute. 26… 29
Meditation is a big fat waste of time.
Skeptical. And I’m not at all new-agey.
Taking time to organize your mind and take stock of your situation (particularly timely in my case) can’t do any harm, and probably does a lot of good. I personally avoid stress by – where possible – compartmentalization. You sometimes need to create a distance from problems and stop thrashing spending all your time on “task switching”.
But will meditation automatically make you a better person? No. I don’t know anyone who is sane believes that.
“will meditation automatically make you a better person?”
See: Hollywood.
In a land where signaling is king, those who virtue signal hardest will rule.
I don’t know, but my martial arts teacher helped me learn to mediate when I was a young lad, and this went a long way to help me manage my anger issues to the point that these days it takes some exceptional misbehavior to even give me a rise.
There’s significant literature studying mindfulness medication. It has a number of emotional and psychological benefits that keep showing up in well structured tests. This article looks like they are straw-manning medication and then knocking it down. Good job guys. Way to churn out an article for pennies of ad revenue. Your parents must be proud.
Also, my experience is much like yours, so obviously its right.
The Republican-led Congress is now an adjunct of the White House. The White House is now an adjunct of Trump’s chaotic will.
And it seems like only yesterday, a Congress slavishly devoted to bringing the President’s wishes to fruition was the ultimate expression of democracy in action. Resistance could only be construed as treasonous.
Not surprising. Our country is now a “flawed democracy” and tied with Italy according to a highly respected study.
So yup. The reason we suck is because we can’t all agree that something needs to be done and pass some laws.
“Something needs to be done”
Read: Implementing the Lefty Progressive agenda in full.
Always that, because I am certain if what needs to be done is contrary too that agenda, they will not just demand you do nothing, but punish you for even trying.
Well, good, since America is not actually supposed to be a democracy.
. The chief problem with U.S. democracy, as the EIU scores it, has been a decline in what it calls “social cohesion,” which has been diminishing for years, in part because of the increase in what is often called “polarization,” across partisan and political lines.
I would say social cohesion declines as diversity increases, not that the SJWs would ever admit a downside to their favorite buzzword. Naturally occurring diversity may be able to hold on and even build social cohesion, but forced diversity hits it like a wrecking ball.
decline in what it calls “social cohesion,” which has been diminishing for years
I think this is a valid point, especially the bit where the decline in social cohesion started before Trump was elected.
I agree it’s a valid point, I just don’t think the authors are able to comprehend major underlying causes for the political polarization, namely a desire for communism and an obsession with race/gender politics.
They like to say diversity is strength, but they never say _whose_ strength.
It is strength for any politician peddling that diversity nonsense and scaring his identity groups into voting for them to avoid Armageddon, regardless of how hard they then fuck these identity groups over.
Don’t most of these dipshits profess their desire for a parliamentary system?
Uma Thurman probably needs to learn how to drive a car like 99.99% of American adults.
What!? Dear fucking god, no.
She should never be allowed anywhere near the controls of any type of transportation and if she does come near, for any reason, she should be immediately tased. For the good of mankind.
Although, by mounting a camera on the back of this little Karmann Ghia, it made the car, in the back, way too heavy once it got in trouble. At a certain point, this Karmann Ghia was almost hydroplaning on the sand. You can even see that in the shot.
Uh, a rear-mounted engine, rear-wheel drive car should be OK with some extra weight in the back, like you know, that of the average human. I can see that if they crammed enough gear on, it might have lifted the front end of enough to affect handling, but that should have become apparent when he tested the car the first time.
And Quentin, you need to learn the meaning of the latin root of hydro. It ain’t dry sand.
Not just a rear wheel drive, but a rear engine car. Probably not the best choice to be driving down a bumpy dirt road at high speed.
Well clearly, we need to start a war.
Lee Ving knew what time it was
A reasonable fear is that the Chinese will talk themselves into an “America won’t do anything” stance….Like the Japanese in 1941.
The odds of this go up every time we get a member of the leftist political oligarchy in charge, and I am surprised it didn’t happen under Obama. That cunt kept painting lines in the sand, so he could show how butch he was, then doing nothing when someone crossed it. Of course, Hillary, being a top class warmonger might have scared off the Chicomms as much as the Orange guy does…
If he[Mike Freeman, county attorney] pursues manslaughter charges under Minnesota law, it would require him to prove that Noor’s actions the night he shot and killed Justine Damond were, in legal terms, “culpably negligent.”
Cops, definitionally, are never culpable for their negligence.
Game, set, match.
Part of the problem may be the fact that most credentialed UoF experts are hardcore copsuckers. Even so, this particular case should be a slam-dunk for culpable negligence, if the prosecutor really wants to go after it.
The plus side, I suppose, is that higher education is unraveling faster than Weezer’s sweater.
Fake news sharing in US is a rightwing thing, says study
But there was a clear skew in who shared links from the 91 sites the researchers had manually coded as “junk news” (based on breaching at least three of five quality standards including “professionalism”, “bias” and “credibility”). – I find it hard to believe this coding is unbiased
Considering that CNN, MSNBC and the alphabet soup networks have descended into reporting garbage I find this laughable.
But there was a clear skew in who shared links from the 91 sites the researchers had manually coded as “junk news”
“According to my model, my model is correct.”
Can these people be any more blatantly disingenuous?
I see a lot of people linking to Progressive propaganda pieces that basically contradict reality, shaking their heads at the utter insanity of making statements that are so easily refuted. I see some people are puzzled as to why reality-denial dominates the progosphere.
I have a hypothesis. It’s not a new one. It’s one I’ve held for a while.
Simply put, the purpose of the propaganda isn’t to attract new progressives into the fold, but to prevent them from leaving. They dominate the educational establishment. They espouse a philosophy which, being childish, easily attracts adolescents. So the trick is to keep the adolescents from leaving.
Notice what they do; they paint non-progressive sources and documents as stupid or bad. They paint the people who read them and are persuaded by them as being idiots or immoral. Nobody wants to be stupid. Few want to be bad. They want to build a culture that denigrates exposure to new ideas. That values close-mindedness as a virtue.
We aren’t the audience. The true believers are. To us, it’s laughably childish and crude propaganda – like Jack Chick cartoons but with his drawing ability and humor subtracted. But the true believers don’t perceive this. Like the prisoners in Plato’s cave, they have only seen shadows cast on the wall of their prison, and so perceive those shadows as the entirety of reality.
This is why I am hopeful. The Internet makes sharing ideas easy. And the proggy leaders are dependent on ever harder to maintain forms of censorship to prevent their followers from waking up to the light.
Propaganda is also a demoralization tool, both for you fellow travelers and the enemy. That it’s absurd, paper-thin and unbelievable is a feature not a bug. When you force someone to accept something that *everyone* (including the propagandist) knows to be bullshit, it destroys the dignity of the target. You are not even allowed to make simple, concrete determinations about the World around you. It’s an exercise of naked power on the part of the propagandist. Once again, straight out of the Soviet playbook.
That’s also true.
“you fellow travelers” should be “your”, not implying you are a fellow traveler.
I’m not hopeful. It’s much easier for most people to believe the Progressive’s lies that you can have your cake and eat it too, than the hard truth that you have to create value before you can consume it.
So much this Psycho
OK, in my new status as an “entrepreneur”, time to shower, read 2 chapters of “12 Rules For Life”, look for the holes in my severance agreement and eat a bowl of cereal, a blatant violation of my program of staying carb-free until noon every day.
I might even shave.
“I would have controlled the narrative completely if hadn’t been for you meddling teen-agers and your Constitution!”
Uffda. That was supposed to be a reply to Brooksie’s link about fake news above.
Jeez Louise, Hannity is an opinion show, just like all the opinion shows on CNN or MSNBC, but only Hannity is the problem?
Yup. It is factual – satisfactual actually – that Maddow is more honest than Hannity.
‘It put an end to my childhood’: the hidden scandal of US child marriage
OMWC hit hardest.
Yes it is absolutely a scandal that a handful of 16 year olds who get knocked up decide to get married and are allowed to do it.
Well, I guess there’s some room for criticism there. Some of those vignettes look awfully like child abuse, and I’m not averse to keeping a close eye on the likes of those, but sure, we’re in this absurd place where 16 year olds are ‘children’ when they shoot someone or get married, but ‘adults’ when you want them to vote.
Sure and those vignettes bore as much resemblance to the overwhelming majority of child marriages in the US as the UVA rape hoax did to actual campus rape cases.
The reality is that something like 90% of the “child marriages” in the US are either to another “child” (woo hoo 1 marriage = 2 child marriages to boost the scare stats) or to an adult just a couple of years older than the child
A quick skim revealed that the “child” brides were either pregnant or screwed up by their screwed up families. The marriage didn’t end their childhoods; their childhoods were already over.
From the Guardian? Nice glass house you got there.
Huh- I just looked out the window. Big fat spring snowflakes are flying through the air. Lots of them. On top of the ~7″ from yesterday.
Not such a big deal, this time of year. It could be in the 40s by the weekend.
After that brief spell of nice weather I was hoping that winter would be gone for the rest of the season. The other Sunday I was out running in the sun without having to wear my Yak Trax; not a bit of snow to be seen.
And then last Sunday was a slippery mess of snow and ice. I still went running but needed the additional grip of the traction cleats.
Big fat spring snowflakes are flying through the air.
Acrobatic sophomores?
the hidden scandal of US child marriage
For fuck’s sake. Just stop.
Apparently it’s an actual thing, Brooksie, just not among the people the left hates. Immigrants from third world shitholes, mostly Muslims, bring their customs with them.
A reasonable fear is that the Chinese will talk themselves into an “America won’t do anything” stance….Like the Japanese in 1941.
I know this might sound a little crazy, but bear with me, here. Before we panic, let’s just ask ourselves if their confidence in that assessment may have diminished in the past year or so.
Given how intertwined the us and China are economically a war seems very unlikely. War would be counterproductive to both countries.
We could both build enormous mecha-battleships, sail them out into the Pacific and let them destroy each other, thereby stimulating the economies.
We could destroy each other into new, Mutually-Assured Prosperity.
Although, by mounting a camera on the back of this little Karmann Ghia, it made the car, in the back, way too heavy once it got in trouble.
I had to stop reading that mess, because it was all so stupid, but… yes. If you’re driving a car with a lot of weight hanging out there behind the rear wheels, and you scare yourself and jump out of then throttle mid-corner, there is a real possibility of getting the back end to break loose.
And the advent of Fox News has played a big role. [blah blah blah] But it is sometimes little more than a steady stream of right-wing brainwashing.
If FOX did not exist, it would be necessary to invent it. To keep the liberal sheep inside the pen.
As I said to a Moderate Democrat friend: No, Brer Fox, don’t throw me in that Briar Patch!
I never thought I’d see the day when Democrats openly complained about high taxes and wealth redistribution. But like everything else they do, it’s hypocritical, shallow, and self-centered.
A merkin?
Man claims to have lost his virginity to aliens who wear wigs while describing babies he’s fathered
Falcon Heavy launch window 1:30-4:00 p.m. (eastern time), here is SpaceX’s live feed.
Is that even a person, or just a bot?
RE: Stock market craziness
I see this as a natural consequence of more and more computer directed trading. Most of the big movers and shakers hardly use market analysts anymore, they’ve all switched over the data scientists. My guess is that every big firm has models that are all pretty similar to one another (likely perceptrons, Bayesian networks or deep learning neural arrays) and they are all trained off pretty similar data (25 years of DJIA, Nasdaq or some such thing). It stands to reason that they’re all going to be taking similar inputs into their models and come up with similar predictions; therefore the frightened Chihuahuas that constitute the traders are going to freak out and sell. No one’s using human heuristics to look at market indicators, they’re just using the machine learning to do it for them. I do this for a living so I know that these muckety, muck MBAs see machine learning algorithms as black magic that can’t be wrong.
these muckety, muck MBAs see machine learning algorithms as black magic that can’t be wrong.
*remembers back to college when trashy’s machine learning model told him that a person that was obviously sitting was actually running*
The drop in the bond market and the tightening of cheap money. Yellin talking about overvaluations and now Powell’s mixed signals means a rough patch ahead. Wonder what the computer programmed trades will be reset to. Lots of moving parts. My gut tells me it looks ominous.
Thank God for VDH. After listening to David French and Benjamin Wittes (Lawfareblog) discuss why the Nunes memo, in addition to being a chilling effort to delegitamize the FBI and IC, is a complete repudiation of the White House narrative–Carter Page has been on the radar for years, therefore the new FISA warrants obviously aren’t about Trump!–Hanson is a breath of fresh air:
Lots more there, and frankly a lot more compelling than either French or Wittes’ handwaving about the investigation.
There is a *ton* there. The fact that the media and the Dems (but I repeat myself) are so desperate to distract from it and discredit it is proof of that.
a chilling effort to delegitamize the FBI and IC
The horror. The horror!
The role of the media, in particular their water carrying for the Obama administration, should leave no doubt they are agents of the left. Nixon was run out of D.C. for asking people to do things the top men in the Obama administration’s DOJ and FBI did as a matter of daily routine against the political enemies of the left.
If this doesn’t result in some of these top people involved with this perversion of justice, both in letting Clinton walk away scott-free while engaging in actual election rigging followed by undermining of a duly elected president, all to cover up their malfeasance, being punished, we can kiss this republic goodbye. As we have clearly seen, the left and their agents in the media have not only tried to undermine a sitting president, but have fabricated and promulgated a campaign of falsehoods so vile as to leave one baffled, in order to remove him from office.
If heads don’t roll for this expect these people to make sure the left never again loses an election while we truly get us a first rate woke banana republic.
Page was simply a tool, to be surveilled in hopes of also sweeping up other names and information that might corroborate some shred of the dubious Steele dossier.
No kidding. Just like every other fucking investigation, they surveil the little fish in hopes that they will swim up alongside a big fiush. Maybe even the Donald J Trump of the fish ecosystem.
Just like every other fucking investigation
No, no, no! This is serious business. The government put their Top. Men. on it. There’s no way they’d behave like they do in every other situation on a matter like this.
The dream of tossing trump out is as delusional as all the other fever dreams the proggies and establishmentarian shave.
We have seven more years of trump, like it or not. If he keeps doing most of what he is doing he will be the greatest president in my lifetime. If only I could convince him to turn the WOD over to the states. Congress sure as hell isnt going to.
Wondering about the markets? Never fear. Krugabe’s on the case
And if asset prices take a hit, we might expect consumers — who have been spending heavily and saving very little — to pull back.
Still, all of this would be manageable if key policymakers could be counted on to act effectively. Which is where I get worried.
It’s surely not a good thing that Trump got rid of one of the most distinguished Federal Reserve chairs in history just before markets started to flash some warning signs. Jerome Powell, Janet Yellen’s replacement, seems like a reasonable guy. But we have no idea how well he would handle a crisis if one developed.
Meanwhile, the current secretary of the Treasury — who declared of Davos, “I don’t think it’s a hangout for globalists” — may be the least distinguished, least informed individual ever to hold that position.
So are we heading for trouble? Too soon to tell. But if we are, rest assured that we’ll have the worst possible people on the case.
Yes, yes, of course. It’s Trump’s fault. All the way down
And- that darn savings rate; it’s a dadgum mystery, it is.
In “recycle that manager” news: Ronald Koeman named Netherlands coach.
Rhetorical Discussion Stimulator:
Since it’s axiomatic that you really never can trust anyone (perhaps even yourself), is it worth deluding yourself into believing that trust for peace of mind? Or is it better to acknowledge reality that humans are no more trustworthy than any other vertebrate?
On one side you have preservation of mental health through self-deception, on the other side you have what I consider everyone’s first responsibility, the truth. Thoughts?
Not sure if this skirts your actual question, but here is my rule of thumb: trusting people are trustworthy.
Good rule of thumb, you backstabbing SOB.
Trust isn’t a binary state. I can trust my kid not to crap his pants during the school day. I can’t trust him to not be disresepectful to his German teacher. Do I trust him?
This is why I ask these kinds of questions, ambiguity and edge cases. In the strictest sense, no you can’t. As I said, it’s axiomatic that people can’t be trusted absolutely. The question is how large of a transgression and in what manner constitutes betrayal? How do you draw that line? What does it mean for your relationship with him? Does it change if it’s a child, spouse, parent, friend?
I trust my wife because I expect it in return. Others I may trust, but I also verify.
A failure in trust may not necessarily represent a betrayal. In all cases, misplaced trust is at least partly my fault; I was incapable of accurately assessing that individual’s trustworthiness and deployed them in an environment where that mattered. To a degree, trust is conditional and relative anyway.
When I ran teams of subordinates within a company hierarchy, I had a trust matrix just the same as I had a competency matrix, although the former was carried in my head – no way I wanted anyone getting their hands on that information. My assignment of responsibilities was informed more by the trustworthiness matrix than the competencies, but I’d regularly be assigning people who I trusted ‘enough’ to achieve objective B.
It’s similar to ‘respect’ – a not-unrelated issue. On the one hand, I don’t respect anyone until I have sufficient evidence to justify it. However, subsequent interaction can destroy that respect, or enhance it. The default of course, is not disrespect; it’s neutrality.
Speaking of trust. I trusted my Guatemalan landscaper to take a tree down for me.
Implicit in that arrangement was that I trusted him not to drop part of the tree on my roof. As of about 20 seconds ago, I’m beginning to doubt the wisdom of being so trusting.
That sucks, i hope there isn’t too much damage
No damage. Came real close though.
He found your lack of faith perturbador.
Maybe his interpretation of the meaning of 6in diameter chunks of bark and branch hitting the windows is different to mine.
You razzing his culture?
I often Question my abilities, and Have to Trust Myself, and it can be truly frighting at times, but what choice is there?
A representative sample comment from the “NYT Picks” section on that Krugabe piece:
Andy Salt Lake City, Utah 15 hours ago
This is about the time of year companies start issuing W2’s. Maybe investors finally realized the Trump tax bill isn’t going to generate any sustained demand. If I were doing a demand planning schedule right now, I’d be adjusting forecasts way down. Consumer spending is going to tank when people find their lofty tax expectations frustrated.
Will the stock market crater? Probably not. However, the bull market was overdue for an adjustment. The stock market isn’t the economy but the economy certainly determines the stock market. Without real growth, even the most optimistic investors eventually face a sanity check. They drank too deeply from Trump’s Kool-Aid. You’re still just drinking colored water with a hint of sugar though.
I’d say were in for a period of economic uncertainty all thanks to Donald J. Trump.
That tax cut? Peanuts. PEANUTS, I tell you. Why, I wouldn’t even scrape a thousand dollars off the bottom of my shoe, much less pick it up off the sidewalk.
That’s why orphans are generally height-challenged.
Means you can stack them like cordwood under the benches at night.
And that 35 to 21 percent corporate tax cut is peanuts too.
i can never thank the NYT enough for doing a piece on the 15 or so people who post the most to their stories. i’ve never felt better about my life than after i read their bios.
This is about the time of year companies start issuing W2’s. Maybe investors finally realized the Trump tax bill isn’t going to generate any sustained demand
1) W2s have nothing to do with demand.
2) Issuing W2s is mandatory this time of year and has nothing to do with the tax bill.
3) The tax bill applies to next year’s return
4) reduced production costs – > lower equilibrium price – > increased demand (assuming all else being equal)
Since it’s axiomatic that you really never can trust anyone
Check your axiom at the door, Peter Paranoid.
In the event of an at fault accident don’t mention the camera to your insurance company.
I have one and take videos of wild life. I had it on at a Canadian border crossing to record the
inane dialogue.
Hmmm, did not post where it was intended. Dash cams are fun, be sure to unplug it when you shut down, 8 hours of car port wall can be boring, nt to mention a dead battery.
Unless that’s the direction the SWAT team approach at 4AM.
How extraordinarily fitting.
I wasn’t a huge Frasier fan growing up, but this still makes me sad.
He was only 77? He looked in his 70s back then!
Same here. Never got into it but it was one of the more successful spinoffs.
Frasier Crane was one of the great characters on Cheers!
I had friends compare me to Frasier and Niles. I’m not sure if I should be insulted.
Well, they were rather successful in their careers.
Though Niles envied the plumber.
Massive earthquake in Taiwan: c. 6.8
Yusef, Thanks for posting that Sowell video last night/ this morning. It sent me down a rabbit-hole and I’m groovin’ on old episodes of Firing Line. Now, it’s Chris Hitchens and R. Emmett Tyrell discussing how batshit the left wing has become in 1984.