Nu-male Smile, also known as the Soylent Grin, Nu-Male Face and Cuckface, is an internet slang term referring to a facial expression associated with men described as nu-male or Soy Boys who are photographed expressing surprise or excitement with their mouth agape.
Fucking Beards and Fag boys, Sorry Gay guys, i don’t mean you
I would say First, but how about only?
I was going to comment on the far more disturbing lack of giving-a-shit about facial hair going on here.
The Beard thing makes me Laugh, it’s truly Compensating for a lack of Something
It’s to hide the neck fat.
No worries, straight men have been stealing our thunder for decades now.
Also your favorite restaurants. They should hang signs saying “Gay People Frequent this Establishment”. That’s better than a Michelin star, in my book
Unless it’s an Arby’s.
I thought that it was implied by their “We have the meats!” slogan.
I’m….I…’s just…..they’re….oh, God.
I miss Sadbeard and the Soy Boys. Is that a band?
Sounds more like a #metoo moment in the bathrooms at NYT.
I’ve heard that Sadbeard really, really hates being called Sadbeard.
One thing that I miss from TOS days is the regular ridiculing of articles by Sadbeard, Amanduh and others. Am I missing it here when it happens, or have we moved more onto talking about what’s for dinner and what are we drinking at the moment?
Stick around for Scruffy’s Wednesday morning SJWednesday comment section featurettes
That is Derp’s beat. I’m sure he’ll be around.
There’s an entire podcast dedicated to making fun of Sadbeard – look up KontraKrugman.
While Krugman’s beard is pretty sad, Sadbeard is actually Matty Yglesias
Beating up on retards isn’t as fun as it used to be.
There’s an endless supply.
They can’t think that’s attractive, do they? ever since I noticed it in profile pics, I’ve found it increasingly creepy to see. It just … demented looking.
*it’s There was supposed to be a verb there. sigh
Wait… this is a thing that HM didn’t make up?
God damn it.
Tragically no. These (or ones like them I’ve seen) are on people’s public profiles. As if they think it’s not cringe-y.
A cockholster for every occasion.
Me: *yawning*
Brother: You waiting for a dick to fly by?
‘Show us the bag of dicks!’
Footage from the last glibertarians meetup
Each looks like he is waiting for someone to throw a grape in his mouth.
Yeah. “Grape”. Stay with that.
Don’t think I didn’t know where you degenerates would take it.
I really don’t get the wild, unkempt Beard thing. I grow a Great Beard if I choose, but i like looking Clean, A nice trimmed beard looks great but this lazy Ass BS? NO… just NO
Big nasty beards turn me off in the same way as tatts do.
I read that as twats.
Some people consider them to be beards as well.
I do like those flowery.
Can we get a ruling from Jesse?
I like how you brought it all together at the end.
Cuck in Chief?
My first thought was to thank HM for taking the time and effort to help me not be so hopelessly behind the times. Now I’m not so sure. I don’t think I want to know things like this. It seems basically the “male” equivalent of duck lips.
This, that’s why I called em Fag Boys, trying make like girls or something, jeesh..
Ah ! A jumped-up pantry boy
Who never knew his place
He said “return the ring”
He knows so much about these things …
The collage went missing. *big huge gaping frowny face*
Must have been a glib in it.
No gun owners there
Christ, you people are needy.
You just wanted to see Wil Wheaton again. Admit it.
Man, my testicles just retracted and my voice went up 2 and a half octaves, seeing that montage.
That collage looks like the supporting cast of “The Sarah Silverman Program”.
Oh my god the trio on the top left look like they’re undergoing shock therapy. Those are ricti of pain.
Is Wheaton the one with the O-face or the O-face?
I don’t recognize him either. Then again, TNG was a long time ago.
Going right to left – last row, 3rd.
Christ, what an asshole.
I’m going to go look at pics of Jason Momoa and forget this ever happened.
Dear God, make it stop!
All I know is that in high school, we referred to this expression as “blower’s cramp”.
Did we talk about Schiff getting taken in by a couple of Russian comedians? If we did, can we talk about it again. Because that is just delicious.
The guy was seeking to meet with a Ukrainian politician in order to get dirt on a political opponent…..
get that!?!?
Exactly, precisely the thing that they are so desperate to prove that Trump did when some of his staff met with a Russian attorney/lobbyist for similar purposes – a meeting that went nowhere.
Only this one gets caught on tape! He’s trying to play it off that he knew he was being trolled the entire time. Or that he took it seriously and was definitely going to report it to the FBI.
HA! You just couldn’t make this stuff up. It is way too goofy for a TV drama script. But we do always carp at the Dems for projection. And here we are again, in a scenario that looks like he has been suffering from a huge case of projection fever.
“…that proved Vladimir Putin was blackmailing Trump with naked photos taken during an affair between the president and a Russian glamour model.”
Right. Blackmail Trump. Over sex with a model. He’d be begging for copies of the photos so he could prove that he hit that.
A punchable face if ever there was one.
Yes, the “I totally knew it was a setup” excuse is amusing. Nothing he says on that tape indicated any hesitation or suspicion whatsoever.
I thought Q posted the NSFW collages right about now. It’s Glibs after dark
Well, we’ve now gotten to the point that Climate Change is becoming a medical emergency. This is from a trade journal (I’ll just reprint it here because you’d have to sign up for the site, and the rest would be of little to no interest for most of you.) This actually came from a Professor of Emergency Medicine at a respected medical school, see how many exaggerations and/or downright falsehoods you can spot:
From the vantage point of emergency medicine, climate change is a clear and present danger to human health. One needn’t be a climate scientist or pulmonary specialist to appreciate the impact of thick smoke on the tenuous lungs of a patient with chronic asthma. When mosquitoes move north into habitats made newly favorable by global warming, they will breed at higher rates and more effectively incubate vectors of tropical diseases previously unknown to these human populations. Superstorms are becoming the norm as warmer oceans evaporate more moisture into cloud formations and render cataclysmic events. Coral reefs and oyster beds have been decimated. Droughts, heat waves, floods, and wildfires dominate the news. So, where does the medical profession stand on all of this?
Doctors, nurses, hospital executives, and healthcare organization leaders have spoken out in the past about tobacco products, nuclear war, genocide, and other matters that cause human suffering. Climate change has become the greatest challenge facing the health and safety of people on Earth. The situation demands science, education, policy, enforcement, and most of all, the collective will of the “haves” who are in control of societies, economies, and governments.
We are doctors who care for our patients, and the planet that is their home. We believe that humans are making changes to our environment that soon may become irreversible. We fully understand that the science of climate change is evolving as experts make more observations, perform more research, derive more data, and do their best to make reasonable interpretations. The controversies are apparent, but the logic of preserving what we can and trying to avoid depletion of resources and irrevocable changes to our planet that will affect human health adversely are truths to us. We need to take a “doctor’s approach” because we believe we are facing a sick patient and want emphatically to bring human health to the front of the discussion. We believe that evidence points to the fact that humans are altering the environment in a way that causes global warming, widespread pollution, destruction of habitats and species, and everything that comes with these. From that belief comes logical health implications that we cannot ignore.
This is a doctor’s approach. We care about you. If your chest was hurting, you couldn’t breathe, and your pulse was undetectable, we wouldn’t ponder the situation. We’d do everything possible to make an accurate diagnosis and try to save your life. We’d act fast, because moments count. Should we be any less concerned about our planet?
We rely upon the science of others to understand predictions of global climate change, but we don’t need others to explain the health effects. We treat them. Every day in emergency departments around the world are seen patients suffering from post-flood diarrhea, starvation, heatstroke, smoke inhalation, and insect-borne infectious diseases. Climate change is a “force multiplier” and adding to the burden of disease, and it will soon affect people you know, and hundreds of millions you have never met. Sadly, the least fortunate of them will suffer the most.
Part of the problem to date with science communications on climate change has been failure to identify an immediate health threat. No one ever thinks it is going to happen to them. The U.S. national fire season of 2017 should put that thinking to rest. What more do we need to change the way we live and consume our resources? We want everyone to form an opinion, and to act on their knowledge and conscience. Some people will disagree with our premise. We urge them to learn more. If the prospect of change seems too daunting or efforts appear futile, then we need to find ways to create hope and personal energy sufficient to motivate action. We need to harness the best minds in our healing industry to determine how best to gather data, influence productive efforts, and face climate change head on.
I know a lot about wilderness medicine. It’s impossible to imagine wilderness medicine without the wilderness. While we support the environmentalists and work among them, it’s our duty to emphasize the health implications of climate change and be recognized for our expertise. Climate denial has become untenable, so we need to stand our ground on the issue.
What should health professionals do? Without a doubt, they should become involved. I recently heard a climate expert opine that perhaps the only hope left to persuade the general population that climate change is a critical issue is to rely upon the health profession as being one of unequivocal trust. Here are suggestions for action:
1.Learn about climate change, and in particular global warming. Other topics include destruction of habitats, sea level rise, food and water insecurity, migration of infectious disease vectors, climate justice, and human population growth and dynamics.
2.Be conscious of your personal energy use.
3.Analyze the energy use of your organization. Use best practices to use sustainable energy and lower consumption. Don’t pollute.
4.Support environmental and climate education at all levels, notably in medical professional schools. Within this education should be an emphasis on the health impacts broadly defined – clinical, economic, and societal. Climate change is a public health issue, and should be featured prominently.
5.Perform and support excellent science and assemble evidence about the effects of climate change on human health.
6.Help the people and organizations that are trying to help us. Provide services and opinions to non-medical actors and entities engaged in environmental efforts intended to save the planet and its inhabitants.
7.Investigate and join reputable groups so that there can be strength in numbers. An example for medical societies is the Medical Society Consortium on Climate and Health. For hospitals, learn about Global Green and Healthy Hospitals.
Now begins the most important work of our lives. We cannot fail in this effort.
Well, Sparky, I hate to break it to you, but you’ll fail.
Unless, as a health professional, you want to mandate that the US wage war on every developing country and destroy their economies and societies so thoroughly, they can’t even light a goat-shit fire.
I’d ask for your money back if I were you.
Oh. and climate justice mmm mmm mmm. WTF is that, huh?
It ends with this guy tied to a tree and eaten by a bear?
Pretentious Bitch/ that’s right answer. yes?
The only clause in any sentence that isn’t a lie
“We fully understand that the science of climate change is evolving”
I’m no doctor, but modern energy would help help alleviate the lung problems suffered by people burning all kinds of shit to cook and keep warm.
Though, rocket stoves are awesome too.
True, there is even something similar that has a USB charger. Unfortunately, the people I’m talking about can’t afford $100 stoves.
Who the hell spends 100 dollars on a rocket stove? (I mean, I know people do…but why?) The whole point of them was that they were designed to be built easily in the 3rd World. You can build them from brick, mud, a tin can and some sand, etc.
Wait…. Thick Smoke?
Uh…. exactly how warm does he think it is going to get? Are we planning on bursting into flame, or just smoldering enough to fill the skies with smoke?
Anyone want to take bets on how long it will be before the CDC starts “studying” “climate change”? They already “study” gun violence and obesity, one of which is a law enforcement problem and the other a matter of personal choice. If there’s one thing government agencies love, it’s mission creep.
9 years ago?
If he wants to permanently damage the trust in the medical profession that ought to do it.
Ugh, insert after previous sub-thread
We had hipsters before we had hipsters. And Nu-Male.
I hate everyone in that video.
Its all the ink, right? I posted a DH vid the other week, and some eagle-eyed Glib was quick to point out “that chick on the MX-200- she did a nude thing once.”
Can confirm. Do an image search for Zia McCabe.
I guess we can start there.
I shoulda added “YMMV”.
See, I know you, you’re going into HM Territory, I’m not clicking this time….
Yeah, that’s gonna be a no from me, dawg.
Did you read about Monero Gold?
Could someone put together a collage of women smiling like this for, ahem, comparison purposes?
+1 Michelle Bachmann and a corn dog.
totes would
Yeah, she’s actually not bad looking for her age. Crazy eyes though.
Always stick it in crazy!
No wait… I keep getting that one wrong.
Never tell crazy your real name.
Yeah, that’s the one.
Don’t take em home
No phone number
No address
/Safety Dance
I’ve speculated for a long time that there’s a noticeable disparity between the attractiveness of female conservatives and female “progressives”. There are exceptions of course, but overall, there seems to be a trend.
Yipe, attractive women!
It’s been Refrigeration for the last 4 days and what a Nightmare. a new Client with old, Shit Equipment, and the Last Refer Guy just put on band Aids, So Yusef comes in and tells em the Truth.
I have found 7 out of 10 Systems leaking, various control issues, all things that are pretty straightforward.The Owners aren’t going to like the Bill, but when it’s all said and done their stuff will Work, and I can drop in 4 times a Year for PM instead of once a week. There is soooo much money to make in HVACR you don’t need to cheat, it’s sad and makes My trade look bad,
/Fucking Hackers
Listen to this while you work, Yusef. Put some pep in yo’ step, dip in yo’ hip, and glide in yo’ stride:
I Really like it! very cool, like a cross between SoCa and Sinatra!
It’s not just HVAC. It’s any ‘maintenance’ trade. Lots of cowboys, very few 7th Cavalry, and hard to know until the shit hits the fan.
I would rather do PMs on Equipment, But first I need to bring them up to proper working order,if you won’t let me, then I can’t help you, I don’t need your work, i want it, sometimes…
And I hate cheap, Lazy Hackers who do everything on a shoestring and lead their Customers in a bad direction.
/Ethics is doing the right thing when no one is looking
Oh, btw, Yusef, if I didn’t thank you before. I took your advice and it worked. Although as far as I can tell, someone swapped the herm and the fan on the cap, then added a starting unit called an ICM 860 to the compressor. (And the replacement contactor looks nothing like the original, either, so I’m guessing the guy who replaced it swapped things around). The old cap looked rather corroded, and I could here liquid sloshing around when I shook it. Anyway, even though the ICM 860 looked new, I replaced both the ICM 860 and the cap, wired the way he left it. So thanks again, for your help.
The Icm is a Hard Start Cap, that’s fine, the problem was trying to start a Compressor with a 5 Mfd Cap, DERP!
and, anytime i can help 🙂
I think what he did was move the cap terminal with the larger value to the fan, then put the ICM in parallel with the 5uF cap. The contactor switches compressor, right? Well, those wires are connected to the ICM and the “fan” terminal on the can.
Well, if you ever have any music electronics questions let me know.
I do. I have a refurbished RS 10 band EQ, Very cool, and it works great, the problem is it has developed a ground fault, and the plug is only 2 pole, should I change it to a grounded receptacle and do a chassis ground? should I add a cap to dump excess voltage/noise? or something else?
Changing it to a 3-prong plug isn’t going to help, because it wasn’t designed for it (just like any gear your have that runs off a wall wart). Try to isolate the problem. Remove it from the rack, unplug it from everything else, and then use a small mixer (I use an old Mackie 1202) to see it it still hums. If it hums with no input, and only the test mixer/headphone amp on the output, then I would suspect a power supply problem.
Make sure it’s not a bad filter cap in the power supply. I’m guessing you have a good multimeter or oscilloscope. Find the DC rails and see if there is an AC voltage riding on them. If there is, then it’s likely one the electrolytics in the power supply went bad. If so, replace both of them. (Regulators and ceramics generally last forever, but it could also be a cold solder joint.)
If the power supply checks OK, then run continuity checks on the jacks to the PCB. Dirty jacks or a bad solder joint could be the problem.
If you establish the EQ isn’t broken in any way. Then it’s the surrounding equipment. Usually, ground loops are caused by having different ground potentials in your studio. Test your outlets. Test the cables.
oh yeah, on a dula Cap you want the lower Mfd to the fan and the Higher to to compressor, as well as paralleling the the ICM to Herm NOT fan, this is important, check your wiring!
Well, I can go and check it against the diagram on the back of the cover panel (which isn’t very good). It looks like the ICM is on the compressor, but the fan is on the terminal on the cap labeled “herm”. The terminal on the cap labeled “herm” is definitely not connected to the ICM. So I think he increased the capacitance on the fan, then added the ICM for the compressor. I just wired it the same way he had it wired before.
The ICM is only to be used on the Herm, 2 wires, one to Herm and the other to Common, if your Compressor runs fine, you don’t need the ICM at all, this is fact
That makes sense. As far as I could tell, the original diagram didn’t show an ICM. So who knows? Maybe he thought he was improving it somehow? Anyway, it’s working fine now.
Since HM is an anti-authoritarian and intellectual, I think he should grow big flowing beard like Fredrick Douglass or Lysander Spooner.
I think so too.
Unfortunately, my wife disagrees, and I’m not yet ready to die.
Your Wife is pretty,…. Crazy
He probably already has one. You know his Avatar isn’t really how he looks, right?
Agree to disagree.
C. Anacreon, I have a Medical question of sorts, if You would be so kind. I have had “chest” pains for the last 8 months or so, and I’m waiting on an Ultrasound test result, so i’m not neglecting it.The thing is, It feels like a muscle tear, I can feel the pain right between my upper ribs, I only have it in the Morning, then I work hard physically through the day, and I’m fine, I sleep well enough, then wake up with the same pain, Thoughts?
You’re pregnant.
And Your the Father
/Steals Narrow Gaze cause You need one….
Narrow Gage
Narrow Gauze
SFed that one.try again…
Damnit Narrow Gauze
Oh ye of little faith! I only edit if you BELIEVE!
nope, try again
Wow, now that SF has Overlord privileges, maybe it needs to become on a Denverj
The More You Know…
I’m the More You Know Person, a Gif please?
Ctrl+c Ctrl+V is your friend
Narrow Gays
You got that one to work. See, if you try hard enough little fella you might get it right.
Hey, I’m posting from my phone.
oh yea you made that work,
I’m not a doctor, but it sounds to me like you have super AIDS.
I’d estimate you have 3 months to live..
Wow, thanks for that, I guess….
/asking a serious question Sir
“1 teaspoon of Super Aids in your butt and you’re dead in 3 years.”
Can confirm:
Actually, it sounds like you and your doc are on it. I’m sure it will turn out to be nothing serious.
Yep, Thanks for the Kind words
Sorry to be so late in getting back to you, just got home.
Some questions:
Where specifically — right or left side? Middle of your chest or more to the outside?
Sharp pain, like a stab feel, or dull pain, like an ache? Does touching or rubbing it make it worse?
When you say it started 8 months ago, how did you first notice it? Does it happen every day? Does it go away abruptly or gradually? When you are saying it’s going away with physical work, what specific movements are common for you?
Anything else you notice that goes along with it, such as burping, strange taste in your mouth, etc?
Anything that makes it worse when you are feeling it? Anything that makes it better?
What position do you sleep in ?
Have you had any injury/blows in that area?
Do you have any other medical problems — especially allergies, high blood pressure, diabetes? Arthritis? Aches/pains in other parts of your body?
Do you ever feel tightness in your neck along with it? How about dizziness? Nausea? Does it ever affect your vision or make your eyes sensitive to light?
Do you smoke? Do you drink alcohol before going to bed?
If you’d prefer not to share your entire medical history with the internet, you can just email me your answers at my handle at gmail dot com
Depending on your answers, there may be some more questions.
What the fuck is this talk about beards? Only real men have beards, but not those shitty beards hipsters have, I’m talking a nice manly beard. That can make even Kevin Kline look manly.
Both my brothers were clean shaven when they got married, and their wives said they liked that. Both times a few months after marriage the wives were asking me odd questions about how long it took me to grow my beard and grooming it and such. Now both my brothers have beards approved by their wives.
I always liked my beard tight and trimmed, but the Wife always hated it, so i went Clean and its easier in the long run, my Ucle Ron celebrated his %0th anniversary of his Beard, Impressive
My mom had my dad shave his beard for their wedding because she didn’t think he would wear it long. So in all the wedding photos he had huge mutton chops; after the wedding he had a beard till the day he died.
Very Cool, and it was UNCLE Ron and 50 years, I love old school style, Monocles and stuff…
The last time I was I clean shaven I was 30 and got carded buying cigarettes.
Amazing what creeps out after Dark, Pretty Fucking Sad
Why is no one commenting on the awesome spectacle that is the audience behind Trump? From George Lucas lovingly gazing up at him on the right, to the obviously transgendered woman to his left. How about the dude with no eyes right in front of “her”? And the souless gaze of the masturbating-with-one-hand-while-strangling-a-Craigslist-prostitute-with-a-pair-of-his-mother’s- pantyhose-with-the-other serial killer in the upper right?
The two directly behind Trump in the top row are exactly how I picture every other Glibs commenter who isn’t me.
Just sayin’.
Picture? Did I miss something? This is Glibs. There are only comments. Picture?
Seems like a lot of people wearing hats. Indoors. At a presidential speech.
I found this Humonculous of Agony quite the trifle, that said, your style reminds me of Certain Writers who shall not be named, that once dreamed of Tenactled beings in Vermont, otherwise I liked the article
Because it’s pretty rare to comment on the intro picture (or whatever you call it) and it’s hard to make out detail in a small picture.
*looks at HM’s pics*
*Looks at own pics*
I’m just an excitable person, okay?
You tried to fuck HM’s pic?
I thought that’s why he posts this stuff. Is it not?
*scratches head*
*looks puzzled*
Sounds like an educated man to me.
*scratches balls*
Pat Condell on chemo, Good stuff,
I think you may have a different version of ‘Good Stuff’ than I.
We are Glibs, why should we Agree on anything?
I fucking hate cats. But I don’t hate fucking cats…wait...
Why did I see that coming?
Because you have sick mind. You need help, and I need another beer.
So now they released an extended Trailer for Solo My gaul, how can Disney do so bad with Star Wars when they’ve done so well with Marvel.
Star Wars is pretty thin source material. Marvel has decades of stories, character development, plots, subplots, romances, and rivalries to choose from.
but the the great thing they’ve done with the Marvel movies is keeping a consistent tone (in the movies anyway) Where as they seem to have no idea what the tone of Star Wars is. It leaves me befuddled. I know studios can can make huge mistakes and still make money, I’m some one who owns and has seen every episode of G1 Transformers, and somehow the studio figured I wasn’t their audience and still made a bazillion dollars. Maybe Star Wars can do the same. Star Trek is dying again because they followed that path. Who knows anymore.
THIS is better, Night music on the Streets of Madrid, by Boccherini
Here’s the Punk Irish Folk you didn’t get last night.
Even their ditties are depressing.
Another one + British Meth Mouth
Boccherini is my jam, particular his cello concertos.
Plus, his bowtie game is on fucking point.
WHERE is my Japanese Guy? Straff, I need Backup! Stat!
You know who else teamed up with a Japanese guy?
The Green Hornet?
Inspector Jacques Clouseau?
Men with mouths open like that have no excuse. Well three actually: 1)At Cape Canaveral watching a Saturn V lift off when the wall of sound hits you. 2) Watching with your own eyeballs either open air nuke burst or a MOAB. (Watching arty set off a massive secondary explosion does not count but you can say a reverent “Mother fuck:. 3) Seeing the object of your long term love and lust walk in unexpectedly naked with a bottle of fine cognanc and two snifters. BUT you must INSTANTLY shut your mouth and hold your arms out them. That is all.
Do you have chronic pain and not want to treat it with something that gets you so messed up you have to quit your job?
Do you want a relatively safe and cheap way to wean yourself off of opiates?
Well, fuck you.
Wut the fuck?
This guy has it right:
What the shit have you mammals been up to last night?
*flaps tongue arrogantly, sips coffee*
Hey Swiss: I’m in Zurich until Saturday, anything I should know about?
Don’t expect anyone to back you if you get in an argument.
The important thing, you already know.
Unless you’re filthy rich, it’s boring as fuck. And even then, you’re bored, but you can afford to be opulently bored.
The things I learn here.