So my son managed to attend a whole hour of daycare before getting sent home — oh, and he has to stay home tomorrow, too. Seriously, he’s fucking four. IDGAF if he says he feels sick. I took his ass to the doctor yesterday and the doc said he was cleared.
The first rule of business is be where your customers are. This girl gets it. h/t Webdominatrix
Hey guys, you’ll be totally surprised to find working class, union guys in Germany are moving from the Social Democrats to the, er.. Nationalist parties that are also pretty socialist? Trying not to Godwin the shit out of this. h/t Warty
Amtrak train separates at 125 MPH — which seems a little fast for the even the Express from DC to Penn Station. Survivors were dropped into Philly to complete Phase II of the Running Man game show.
Asshole infects 33 people with AIDS in India while posing as doctor. Hopefully, they find him murdered and fed to dogs on the side of a road somewhere.
We’ll see if SpaceX’s Falcon Heavy goes up. Update: Yep. All the rockets went all the way. See if they stick the landing. The two on the side sure to hell did.
This might be a backup theme song. Well, we have “Because Fuck You, That’s Why” for everyone and “My Sharona” for OMWC. Sloopy’s is in his handle… Okay, theme song contest for contributors and commentors!
There were a lot of fucking nerds in that room. And not a looker among them.
To be fair, Elon probably hadn’t let them go home in over a week.
“I’m going to be honest with you. I… Hate this place, this zoo, this prison, this reality, whatever you want to call it. I can’t stand it any longer. It’s the smell, if there is such a thing. “
Neo must die!
All part of the launch campaign. Sleeping on a cot in an equipment van.
It’s like you’ve never worked the rocket business.
What does “Varnish” mean? It’s next to the name of the site, on the top left.
I click it and nothing happens. Maybe SP put it there as a prank.
/Museum docent voice
It’s a link to the secret special forum where the admins make fun of the rest of us. Only they can successfully click on it.
“Lets talk about it the way it was. She was down with the party, he was down with the party. I don’t believe its rape for these 13-year-old party girls.”
So…. Tarantino is a piece of shit.
A creature of Hollywood like the rest. Fuck him.
Bet anything Tarantino has “partied” with underage girls and he’s really defending his own behavior, even if they are talking about Polanski.
Sick. At some point an age of consent needs to apply and if a thirteen year-old can’t enter into a legally binding contract without their guardian then they cannot consent to have sex with a man of legal age
It doesn’t even need to be that, for Polanski. It wasn’t a consenting girl under age. He drugged and raped her.
Yeah, I forgot about that point. All the sickos in Hollywood have long applauded that rapist too
Yeah, but I heard he thought she was 17 when he drugged and raped her, so you know, no big.
Q: What goes into 13 twice?
A: Roman Polanski
(old joke)
If he didn’t get drugged and ass raped too, then it doesn’t really sound like a fair party to me.
As I recall she was not ‘down for the party’.
But she likely had Pubescent Evil Temptress Seductive Powers® and Polanski was unable to resist, and forced to take her anal virginity.
I think the proposed legal defense was Insanity, with Polanski ready to say, “Yes, Insanity, judge, because I’m just crazy about those little girls!”
(apologies to Cheech and Chong)
Bailiff, whack his pee-pee!
Conservatives brought up Polanski’s scumbag behavior first (years ago, before it was cool), therefore the left is required to defend him to the death no matter what.
I have to admit, the SpaceX launch was incredible.
Musk gets a lot of shit (deservedly so) for Tesla, but dammit if SpaceX isn’t the greatest private enterprise in existence right now. I was told we needed to keep funding NASA at outrageous numbers to be able to do this!
Agreed. I have been meaning to take an unbiased look at Elon and all his companies. Is there such a book/website/article/graphic novel? Or even separate -and honest- point/counterpoint type books (or whatever) on him?
The sort of authorized bio of Musk by Ashlee Vance shows the bad with the good.
An odd duck, for sure.
Thanks! Added to my to-read list.
They lost the feed a convenient time. A little too convenient, if you ask me….
I think SPECTRE got it.
They sure stuck the landing on the two boosters. The whole launch was worth it just for that.
All 10s from the Soviet judges.
The booster landings were really cool. I didn’t expect it to be quite so synchronized.
I got chills watching it.
The feed from the landing usually cuts out right as it lands. They release the version stored locally after they recover the ship.
In this case, apparently they ran out of the hypergolic mix that restarts the engines, so after the center engine started, the other two failed to fire up for the landing. Musk says it apparently hit the water just behind the ship at 300 miles per hour, destroying two of the drone ship’s engines in the process. He says they’ll release the footage of the crash and explosion, if it didn’t get blown up too.
Musk gets a lot of shit (deservedly so) for Tesla
The payload on that rocket… was a Tesla. BOOO!
I still can’t decide if that is lighthearted extravagance or extreme arrogance.
Why can’t it be both?
Good point. “Yes” is likely the answer.
I think lighthearted extravagance. The payload on an earlier, smaller rocket of his was a big wheel of cheese. Some sort of inside joke.
One way or the other, Tesla will hold the record for top speed for a production vehicle, for a very long time.
Cooler than a boilerplate mass simulator. Not less expensive though. Critical difference: instrument the hell out of the Tesla parts an sell em as qualified for a space environment – profit.
Elon Musk = DD Harriman in the flesh.
Complete with the hucksterism and all
I’ve also thought that Musk could have been one of the industrialists in Atlas Shrugged who disappears with John Galt.
He’d have to scrape all of the State Science Institute Panjandarams off his slacks and cut ties with all the Rent Payers first.
Ain’t gonna happen. If Musk is a Taggart, he’s more James than Dagny.
I had a recent consulting deal where one of the executives I dealt with was named James Taggart. I made a slight reference to the name coincidence to one of his colleagues, and they clearly had no idea what I was talking about, so I figured I wouldn’t take it any farther.
I don’t agree with this at all.
True. They may have launched rockets successfully, but that has yet to deliver any benefit to humanity. I’m not saying it won’t ever be useful; I’m just saying that so far, the total sum of suffering in the world is unchanged by the launch of a SpaceX rocket.
My bet would be on some pharmaceutical or biomedical engineering company. There are people today living full, active lives who would have been dead or severely disabled only a century ago. And considering the fucked up regulatory environment with all things related to health, it’s pretty amazing that these companies get anything done at all.
Bayer, 3M, etc.
You wait until Musk launches Valley Forge, the Berkshire, and the Sequoia.
Has he done anything that hasn’t been done before. I really don’t know. If we just financed his R and D to basically get up to speed with old NASA technology then I don’t see what we have. I’m not saying that’s what he did because I really don’t know.
I’m skeptical of companies who’s only customer is the government because I think it’s a distinction with little difference.
Women displaying why they will always have more value on the sexual marketplace than you.
2, 4, 8, 9, 18, 20, 36, 41, 79
Jason Momoa would like to have a word.
John Mayer nods?
I had a word already. It was a nice chat. But I’d take a lot more than that if offered.
I’d be willing to be the normal distribution for sex value follows a similar pattern to that of intelligence for the sexes:
Intelligence – average woman is smarter than the average man, but men dominate both the genius and retard ends of the spectrum
Sex value (theorized) – average woman can get more sex than the average man, but men dominate both the “get all the sex” and “get none of the sex” ends of the spectrum
Because of the second reason, culturally enforced monogamy, on average, benefits men more than women.
Also, women always have more sexual value than men because one/a few men can impregnate thousands of women, whereas a woman can only have one pregnancy at a time. Their reproductive potential is a more scare resource.
Wow, here I was thinking of “sex value” as ability to attract a partner for sexy-fun-times, while Q was thinking of it in terms of cold biological calculus. Could it be that all of Q’s pictures have been posted for purely academic purposes, free of any prurient intent? My world is shaken.
Are we a ghost in the machine? Does our soul long for a touch of divinity? Or are we less than slaves; acting only on preprogrammed imperatives? Are we toasters whose only purpose is to make toast, our wiring insufficient for any other endeavor? What if your heating element is broken? Does meaning derive from anything at all?
“The human race is a monotonous affair. Most people spend the greatest part of their time working in order to live, and what little freedom remains so fills them with fear that they seek out any and every means to be rid of it.”
Now you’re confusing me Q. I’m just a simple man: I cannot gawk at pictures and contemplate philosophy at the same time. It’s too much. I guess I’ll just look at the pictures…
In all seriousness, I enjoy your posts both high-brow and low-brow.
Back in the day, on the way home from med school rotations to my Chicago apartment, the city bus would stop at Goethe Street. I always enjoyed that every single bus driver would announce the stop as “Go-Thee” with the “Th” pronounced as in “tooth”.
It also doesn’t last as long. Marriage is essentially trading a depreciating asset for an annuity.
Change annuity to anal and you’re on to something.
willing to be the normal distribution for sex value
It’s a tough job, but someone has to be the pivot man?
Lol. Meant to say “bet” instead of “be”.
#38 looks like SexyCyborg
She builds electronics and does 3D-printing.
#65 and #78.
I missed the boobs post this morning because I had left for the office.
“Hating “Twitter Feminism” Means Excluding Young Women From the #MeToo Conversation
My knowledge of feminism matured on Twitter. I was born in 1992 and began using Twitter in 2012, and during my five years on the network, I have learned about misogynoir (the hatred of black women), uneven emotional labor between men and women, the epidemic of trans women murders in the United States, and rape culture. I have seen countless hashtags like #MeToo go viral, their creators everyday women who disseminate their knowledge to others for free. I feel indebted to this new kind of literature for both my professional and personal growth, and consider it intertwined with my identity as a feminist.
In her article, Roiphe argues that Twitter has fostered a knee-jerk feminism and has been heavy handed with the #MeToo movement. It’s true that mine is a generation of women who aren’t afraid to say “Ban All Men” or “Men Are Trash,” warn women of shady men, or pass around spreadsheets to protect others.”
I’ve read two of Roiphe’s books. But I can’t seem to read her latest article because it’s paywalled.
Remember, never write about disseminating knowledge for free without getting paid. Fucking capitalism.
uneven emotional labor between men and women,
What the fuck does this even mean?
Not always being a bitch is a full-time job.
Then she should learn a trade and become a self-employed contractor like my dad did.
It really doesn’t mean anything, it’s just some made up shit that can be used to make some people angry at other people.
Remembering birthdays. Cooking and housecleaning. Knowing what kind of pickled veggitables goes in your husband’s martini (onion, duh). You know, the kind of thing that a sane person would call “being a good wife.” You can understand why this would be the kind of thing a feminist would want to get out of, on account of wanting to be complemented on their great moral value even though they are a terrible human being.
One onion, one olive, and one pepperoncini on a swizzle straw
A dill pickle or pickled asparagus in a proper bloody mary is the proper answer for food in an alcoholic beverage.
I was born in 1992 and …
haven’t had sufficient life experience to make any point beyond shit your Women’s Studies professor told you to drone on to the rest of the world about how you’re a victim. At this point, you haven’t done much whatsoever to actually earn anyone’s attention. You’re a spoiled little girl. By everything I can tell, a spoiled stupid little girl. Now, go sit in the corner and wait for one of the adults to actually address you before running your mouth.
“new kind of literature”
I hope she’s not referring to twitter as “literature.” Wow.
Twittature? Hmmm… no.
Twattature. Yes.
Nicely done!
Hey, I was offline for a while and just saw your wheat beer review. Thanks for the HT and for giving it a try. Of course, your score was a travesty, but hey, A+ for effort!
Thank you. Be happy you didn’t have to hump my leg to see it.
Or bump it either!
Just in time for a Stanley Cup run?!
Here lie the Filthadelphia Flyers… now just plain zero!
Ah, now that I’m on my computer I can see what this picture is. From my little phone screen it looked like a robot jumping off a toilet seat.
Okay, theme song contest for contributors and commentors!
Another group suggestion.
This link should be at the end of every SugarFree submission
That was supposed to be a new comment, but I got lucky and it works here.
A non-working link to that needs to be at the end of the submission, followed by another link to attempt to fix that problem. With a random success rate.
You anti-Gilmored it?
I vote this one.
Opps. Meant for Tundra’s GBV link.
The SEC and CFTC chairs testified before the Senate Banking Committee today on cryptocurrencies.
Since securities are my thing, paid attention to what the SEC chair said. In a nutshell, he said ithat the commission is open to “exploring” regulations for cyrptocurrency exchanges and is “supportive of regulatory and policy efforts to bring clarity and fairness to this space”. Which basically means government’s gonna stick its nose into things. Probably soon.
So…you guys into…you know…stuff?
So you are saying I should be bullish on my $43 worth of bitcoin? Because good god my 401, which I don’t plan on touching for decades, has been set back all the way to the blasted dystopic before-time (aka December) and I’m going to lose my shit over here.
I remember once someone asked Sam Walton how much he lost in Wal-Mart stock after one of these adjustments.
“I didn’t lose a penny because I didn’t sell any stock”
Hang onto that 401K, it will bounce back.
Pretty much this. It will be decades before I use my 401k. The markets goes up, it goes down. I didn’t sell anything in 2008. I don’t plan on selling anything in 2018. I’ll keep my investments in mostly stocks until maybe 5 years before I retire them switch over to some more stable. Until then, I’m not worried.
Just hope their value outpaces inflation.
One thing I had never heard before that I saw about a week ago. If (and its a big if) you think social security will be around to pay you out for 10 years after retirement (this is probably a yes if you are 65 and a no if you are 25), then when determining your stock/bond ratio, then treat SS as a bond.
People want, say, a 70/30 stock/bond ratio but do that within their 401k, which means they are overshifting into bonds, as when you include SS, that might mean you are more like 40/60 or something.
Or you can assume SS will go bust. That, literally, is my investment assumption for retirement planning. If I collect anything then it will be found money.
I have a 401K and a separate investment account about 1/10 the size which I use for – let’s be honest – gambling purposes. For that investment account, buy-and-hold really doesn’t make a lot of sense. I like to take profits and losses when it seems appropriate to do so. I use the 401K for buy-and-hold purposes (let the money managers do the trading) but not every 401K has the same investment opportunities so what works for me may be impossible for someone else to do.
It could be worse. I swung for the back fence on volatility this morning.
Win some, lose some.
For the past year, every two weeks I have been having a weird “yay its going up, boo, Im paying too much for my shares” split personality moment.
I want to dollar cost average on the down swing, not the upswing.
Okay, theme song contest for contributors and commentors!
Obviously, it must be a Frank Zappa song and clearly this one is the winner
Can dogs get AIDS? Because I don’t want any dogs getting AIDS.
Distemper and parvovirus can cause immune suppression in dogs, but there hasn’t been any HIV analog identified in canines and the virus hasn’t demonstrated zoonotic qualities outside of monkeys/apes/hominids.
So, yes, dogs can develop an acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS), but not through HIV. The doggos should be fine.
I don’t think you can get it from
cannibalismeating infected tissue*. Surely the Germans would know by now.*Dogs eating humans isn’t cannibalism
Saliva and stomach acid kill the virus. Your nightmare of packs of slavering AIDS dogs won’t happen. Although it might not be a bad idea for a Syfy channel movie…
Huh. I posted something down here in the regular comment box, but it showed up as a reply to Just Say’n.
Thankfully I have magical powers and disappeared the comment before others could make fun of me.
I blame the idiots running this website.
Commenting on a Just Say’n post is the Nick Gillespie of commenting
“I blame the idiots running this website.”
I can see feline anus in your future.
Thankfully I have magical powers and disappeared the comment before others could make fun of me.
I think he’s subtly making fun of himself.
Brooksie has a sad.
Gaze upon us, lowly mortals, that you may bask in the glow of our goodness and moral superiority
We are the kind of voters who political scientists say barely exist—true independents who scour candidates’ records in order to base our votes on individual merit, not party brand.
This, then, is the article we thought we would never write: a frank statement that a certain form of partisanship is now a moral necessity. The Republican Party, as an institution, has become a danger to the rule of law and the integrity of our democracy. The problem is not just Donald Trump; it’s the larger political apparatus that made a conscious decision to enable him. In a two-party system, nonpartisanship works only if both parties are consistent democratic actors. If one of them is not predictably so, the space for nonpartisans evaporates. We’re thus driven to believe that the best hope of defending the country from Trump’s Republican enablers, and of saving the Republican Party from itself, is to do as Toren Beasley did: vote mindlessly and mechanically against Republicans at every opportunity, until the party either rights itself or implodes (very preferably the former).
und so weiter.
NeverTrumpers preening and thumping their chests. Tedious bullshit.
Then why are you reading it?
Masochism, and he meant that as a compliment?
“…The Republican Party, as an institution, has become a danger to the rule of law and the integrity of our democracy.”
We dont live in a goddamned democracy no matter how many times Obumbles and his minions say it.
Sure we do. All in favor of this being a democracy say, “aye.”
I vote that we do.
Even if I accept their premise that the GOP is some horrendous threat (I mean, Stupid Party filled with Stupid, I won’t argue that, right) but it’s absurd to then turn around and pretend the Democrat party is flawless and incorruptible and you should vote for to spite the Stupid Party. Like, what fucking planet do you reside on, where they’re bastions of liberty?
What’s amazing is that by any objective standard Obama was the most authoritarian and corrupt president the U.S. ever had. I’m not being hyperbolic.
Look at the justice department lawsuits against financial institutions that had them ‘donating’ money to ‘charities’ that were essentially political action committees affiliated with the Democratic party? The use of the IRS to harass political opponents? The extrajudicial killings that included a minor who was a U.S. citizen?
These people are classist snobs. It’s not any principle about the rule of law they are honoring. It’s not good governance they are loyal to. No. These are people who can’t stand the proles getting uppity, and rationalizing their unhappiness as being motivated by good principles. They are dishonest.
They deserve Trump.
The Sue-An-Agency-Secure-Out-Of-Court-Agreement-The-Agency-Wanted-But-Was-Barred-From-Doing-On-Its-Own still feels like the scummiest political innovation of the Obama years, narrowly beating out Interest-On-Reserves. Arresting reporters and torturing obvious mental defects doesn’t make the list, only because they aren’t innovations.
What’s amazing is that by any objective standard Obama was the most authoritarian and corrupt president the U.S. ever had. I’m not being hyperbolic.
I think that honor actually belongs to good ol’ FDR, but Obama is definitely a runner-up. FDR did have an extra five years though, so maybe that’s not a fair comparison.
Yea, ordering an explicitly racist internment is pretty fucking bad for ol’ Democrat hero FDR.
I think what’s uniquely bad about Obama is how he just charms people with his speeches and image so that they no longer look at his actions rationally. He did tons of shit that they would have decried if a Republican president did it (continued wars in the Middle East, letting the NSA run wild, etc). I’ve even gotten people to admit that some very bad shit happened under his tenure, but they don’t seem to make the connection between those events and Obama being president whereas under a Republican, any bad thing that happens would be chalked up to that president personally, as if he did it with his own two hands. Obama supporters just insist that any bad things that happened under his tenure were A) not as bad as what would have happened under a Republican, or B) things that low-level employees did without Obama’s knowledge (“he read about it in the paper just like us!”)
You talk to any Obama supporter, and it’s obvious that they’re entrapped by him on an emotional level. They have invested their feelings in this man being the greatest president ever, and they are incapable of accepting that he is anything less than a perfect president. Thank goodness that he can’t ever be president again.
Shorter Akira:
Translation: “The Democrats lost an election! WAAAAAHHHH!!!”
Whenever I read an article like this I immediately doubt whoever the author says they ‘were’ — they’ve almost certainly always been a hardcore Lefty. The existence of these types are what can make it fun to listen to Michael Savage sometimes — a caller will introduce himself as a ‘longtime Republican who has one concern I’d like to share’ and after a few seconds, Savage goes off on the fraud and tears them a new one. Otherwise, Concern Trolls are just annoying.
Michael Savage may be an old crank who’s ill-informed about a lot of things, he may be a big government conservative populist, but damn if he isn’t funny as hell. He’s good radio, even now.
We are the kind of voters who political scientists say barely exist—true independents who scour candidates’ records in order to base our votes on individual merit, not party brand.
Yeah. I’m sure it’s just an amazing coincidence that you’ve never voted for a Republican a single day in your life. I mean, we all know that Brookings and The Atlantic are such bastions of rock-ribbed conservatism.
Fuuuuuuucck! At this point, they aren’t even bothering to trot out the same tired Never-Trumpers. They just roll out the same old progressives with “I used to be a Republican, but….” bullshit.
Hey, it’s not our fault reality has a liberal bias!
I recall that that one of the two authors, Jonathan Rauch, was presented as a second gay conservative (to complement Andrew Sullivan). I haven’t heard of him since I stopped following Sullivan, which happened more than a decade ago. I get the feeling this is like Sullivan breaking up with the GOP–irrelevant.
Rauch has written a few good books and more than a few good columns. Sad to see TDS got him.
Once again, the projection is strong here.
smears intelligence professionals who
stand by the facts.fabricate bullshit reports with no evidence other than the words “high degree of confidence”.So the first complaint is that Trump dared insinuate that everyone should obey the laws equally, even if they were high ranking politicians. Hey remember when the FBI changed the wording of their investigation report from “grossly negligent” because that would demand legal action. Or when the exoneration was written before all the facts were in. Or should I ignore the hypocrisy of the Dems demanding legal action against Trump. You know that thing they’ve been screaming about for the past year.
The second on was a joke. a fucking joke. “Hey Russia, if you have those missing emails release them.” or something like that. Fuck off. The FBI illegally spied on him, he can be testy with intelligence agencies if he wants.
Why do Dems force me to defend Trump so much? Can you guys criticize him for wanting to leave NAFTA so I can actually talk about how dumb Trump is sometimes?
he called upon the Russians to steal and release his opponent’s emails
I’m really annoyed by this lie. Trump never called upon the Russians to steal Clinton’s emails. Like countless opponents of Clinton, he entertained an idea that the Russians (and Chinese, Israelis, random Romanian hackers) must have a copy of all the emails from Clinton’s email server. Until Wikileaks released the DNC emails a few days before the Democratic National Convention, it was only Hillary’s non-Democrat opponents who brought up the potential hacking issue. The Dems avoided any discussion of hacking because it would highlight how grossly negligent (extremely careless) Hillary Clinton was. That was the context of Trump’s remark. When he made it, the server was already disconnected from the internet for years, wiped and bleached. At that moment the Russians could not steal the emails any longer.
And, the way he said it in the debate, he was clearly joking. That anyone could take this as a formal request to his Russian buddies is ludicrous. In fact, if he actually had been colluding with the Russians, this would have been the last thing he would have wanted to say.
Here’s what comes to mind whenever I hear Democrats whining about how the election was illegitimate in some way:
“When you try to sow the seeds of doubt in people’s minds about the legitimacy of our elections, that undermines our democracy. Then you’re doing the work of our adversaries for them. Because our democracy depends on people knowing that their vote matters, that those who occupy the seats of power were chosen by the people.”
Gosh, what crazy right-wing neo-Nazi would say such a thing about an election? Oh wait, it was actually somebody else…
To be fair, he said that before we knew that the Russians were in the process of stealing the election with their clever two-pronged strategy of Twitter bots and Facebook ads.
It seems like the argument basically boils down to, the job of the Republican Party is to be the permanent and loyal opposition. Never in the majority, never winning too many elections. To gracefully concede to the Democrats and enjoy the occasional media tongue bath when they engage in the great ritual of mutual masturbation known as “bipartisanship”. And when the Democrats weaponize the government and abuse its power, it is the Republicans’ job to look the other way and, if they must express themselves, to pen glowing paeans to the innate goodness of our civil servants, public institutions, and elected leaders.
My new hobby is reading the various finance-related subreddits and laughing at all the people under 30 losing their shit. It makes me feel good in the black, icy void where a heart is supposed to be.
I was invested directly in tech stocks in 1999-2000. I agree.
I got into the market about 8 years ago and purchased my house about 9 years ago, so I haven’t really lived through any real downturns. On the other hand, I’m not selling shit for decades.
I was up about 8x my initial investment. When the dust cleared I was up about 2x. That was in 4ish years, so its not like I wasn’t well ahead of historic norms, but fuck me. That was a brutal couple of weeks.
etc etc
My older brother works in finance.
I’ve never met somebody more full of shit. Literally has no idea what he’s talking about. Seems to get paid well, though.
Okay, theme song contest for contributors and commentors! because free speech yo.
Remember convictions based on bite mark “expert” testimony? Our old friend Balko may have fallen victim to TDS, but his work from the before time continues to
yield good results.
Tonio’s linking on the other hand….
33 years. A lifetime. That makes me sick.
The problem is that 99 times out of a hundred it is pretty obvious who the perpetrators of crime are and the cops get used to just grabbing the obvious person. They get lazy and we get cases like this. What the hell can be done to compensate for taking 33 years of someone’s life? I would want someone’s head on a plate. Literally.
This is why I am adamantly opposed to the state dealing out the death penalty.
More like 60 times out of 100 it is obvious who the perp is, 20 times out of 100 they never get a clue who the perp is because there is just no evidence.
Problem is out of the 60 times out of 100 where it is obvious the obvious suspect is only actually guilty 85% of the time (51 times out of the original 100), the other 9 times that guy is actually innocent. Then in the other 20 times where there is one or more likely suspects the cops routinely just grab the easiest one to take the fall
My sister used to work for Ryan McDougle. Not surprised that he voted against it, he’s always been a law and order asshole.
Adam Schiff is a clown
In fairness, would it really surprise you if naked pictures of Trump were floating around….somewhere?
There are naked pictures of almost everybody somewhere. Except me
Do you want to buy some?
Of Lachowsky? Yes I do. Do you accept bitcoin?
You wouldn’t see anything. His dong has been like a TV remote down in the couch cushions for two decades.
Melania just enjoys having his FUPA blindly smashed against her.
FUPA? Had to look it up, basically an asexual gunt.
Hmm…. more Russian collusion.
I suggest this for the theme song contest.
theme song contest for contributors and commentors!
Live fast, love hard, and leave a beautiful memory
What else?
Hey guys, you’ll be totally surprised to find working class, union guys in Germany are moving from the Social Democrats to the, er.. Nationalist parties that are also pretty socialist?
Two interesting things in the article:
Those things together have all the makings of a populist party. The other German parties better act smart if they don’t want to lose voter share.
In fairness, who could have seen this coming? I expect this to spread all over Europe.
Then why are you reading it?
I feel I should try to keep an eye on what America’s Deep Thinkers are up to. I might learn something.
Haha, just kidding. I do it for the lulz. It’s like watching Charles Krauthammer try to propel himself across a busy freeway at rush hour.
I cringed for a half a second before erupting in a hearty guffaw.
Thicc Thelma?
Thicc Thelma.
So my son managed to attend a whole hour of daycare before getting sent home — oh, and he has to stay home tomorrow, too. Seriously, he’s fucking four. IDGAF if he says he feels sick. I took his ass to the doctor yesterday and the doc said he was cleared.
Did you have a note? Because tbf, if not, I would call BS all day on parents for that.
I didn’t because he wasn’t running a fever at the doctor’s. I had to call them anyways to get them to resend a prescription. I guess I could have got one, but I just kept him home.
China denies report it hacked African Union headquarters
Note to self: free $200 million complexes might come with strings attached.
You know who else thrusted for influence?
Elon Musk?
Richard the I ?
Ron Jeremy?
The almost First Husband?
One of my favorite games, Subnautica is blowing up the internet, and the steam page
Never seen so many “updated to negative” reviews from people with cumulatively thousands of hours of play time.
Steam should have controls in place to prevent this sort of thing. This sort of thing adds no useful information to the platform. It’s just another avenue for herd behavior to much up the internet for sane people.
muck up^
Why? You can’t rate a game you don’t own. All it is is a thumb that says “yes/no”. You can write reasons why but fuck it, it’s a consumer revolt.
And no, you can’t return the product after you put two hours in.
Oh, political views shouldn’t affect the market value of a product? Ought/is didn’t help the guy getting fired, I’m OK with people doing the firing suffering the same consequences for the same reasons.
Someone should invite Simon to the glibs..
This is one of the tweets that got him fired:
lol. Just like the one Marvel comics implemented.
I had this on my wishlist…it sounds like it needs to get bought soon.
“NY lawmakers: Make Tide Pods look less appetizing
ALBANY, New York — Two New York state lawmakers are calling for a state law to require new packaging for laundry detergent pods following the dangerous trend of people eating the toxic items.
State Sen. Brad Hoylman and Assemblywoman Aravella Simotas plan to detail their proposal Tuesday in Albany. Both are Democrats from New York City.”
TW: Autoplay
Unsurprising, but David Burge already had the best response to that
Yesterday, in response to the story that McDonald’s fries might have a baldness cure, Burge tweeted, “Bad news is, it only cures baldness of the back.”
Ever notice that on the packaging for fish baits, the kind with lots of hooks, there is a ‘Do Not Eat’ warning?
Usually not until I’ve already had a bite.
“You do not really need a rabbi to advise you against eating Tide pods.”
Why are we discouraging this? Seems like a perfect way to thin out the herd.
Dammit, I didn’t even read the IowaHawk tweet.
Here, have a libertarian with big principles:
Why does the party of science hate Darwin so much?
Posted before, but this is definitely the Glibs themesong.
OT: I finished reading “Shadowbosses: How Government Unions Rob Taxpayers Blind” by Mallory Factor.
I thought about writing a review and submitting it as an article, but I don’t have that much to say about it. It was informative, but there’s not much in there that the average libertarian doesn’t know already; just a lot of facts and figures.
I’m not saying there aren’t interesting tidbits in there. One thing I learned is that in some states, a particularly crooked arrangement exists whereby public employees who depart to work for a pubsec union get to have their government pension re-calculated based on their salary at the union. So if a public employee makes $100,000 a year, his pension is calculated as a percentage of that. But if he leaves the employment of the government, gets a job at the AFSCME that pays $200,000 a year, his government pension is now doubled. Taxpayers are essentially paying more for these pensions because city employees go and work for a private organization and get a big raise.
Libertarians and Republicans might find it interesting as well as maddening, but I can’t say it will convert anyone who is not already skeptical of the idea of government unions. If someone is uncertain or questioning their stance on this issue, it might push them to the anti-government union side of the fence.
I’d give it three monocles out of five.
“Somebody Just Leaked Every Phone Number and Address on Anthony Weiner’s Laptop: 639 Politicians and Media Personalities Doxxed”
Awesome. That’s how to play the game!
Oh shit! The Pizzagate people are on this I think!
The link.
Anyone want to order Gary Hart a pizza? 😀
cut out all that….*rips off sunglasses*……Monkey Business
I hate Illinois Nazis
I confess ignorance of how this type of thing works, but why wouldn’t the Republican party just kick this guy out? I would imagine something like:
“Hey, I’m a Nazi, and I’m going to run as a Republican!”
“Hey, no you’re not, now get lost.”
He doesn’t register with the Republican Party, he registers with the state, as a Republican, and then it’s down to signatures. In 2016 the Republicans got him kicked off the ballot because his signatures were bogus, but apparently he went door to door himself this time, I’m sure not revealing certain parts about himself, and he’s on the ballot. Add that with the Republicans not bothering to put up a legitimate candidate because it’s a dark, dark blue district… and you get this.
(and yeah, the guy’s an actual Nazi, this isn’t a “Republicans are all Nazis!” thing)
Fucking American political system.
Say what you will about other countries, at least their parties keep an iron grip on their IP. And membership. And any representatives they might have in various assemblies.
Clearly the Rs in Illinois need to come up with a slate of fill-in candidates who are decent folk who can run in no-win districts to keep the ballot line safe from guys like this Nazi. When more than one person declares they are running under the same party line, then everyone else who is registered with the state for that party gets to vote on which person actually gets to represent that party during the election.
Although if the Rs did that, this Nazi guy would probably switch to running LP.
Hey, at least that’d let people know LP exists!
“this isn’t a “Republicans are all Nazis!” thing”
Yet that is exactly how the DemOp/Media Complex will play it.
You bet Alex Jones will carry on that line of reasoning to its logical conclusion.
Yes, gay frogs. It always comes down to gay frogs.
I’ve already seen social media posts making that same conclusion.
Yeah my coworkers tried to give me crap for that (they don’t understand I don’t vote Republican and Libertarians aren’t the same thing). I just pointed out the anti-semitism on the left, or in the British Labour party and they shut up. Scumbag exists on all sides, yet they seem to reach higher ranks in left leaning parties than right (for anti-semites at least).
Given this guy’s opinion of Trump, you could have also shut your coworkers up by telling them he’s an anti-Trumper, so they agree with a Nazi on something.
I didn’t actually know anything about the guy or the situation. Crazy guy with no chance to win runs isn’t really a news story to me. Considering Trump lets his family marry (((them))), it makes sense he would hate Trump but I didn’t know that.
I have to admit, “NeverTrump Nazi” sort of rolls off the tongue
Interesting how they make the differentiation of “actual” nazi in this case.
“Hey, all those other times it was a blatantly political use of the word. This time we means it for realsies.”
In somewhat humorous news, my 93-year-old, stroke ridden, can’t tie his own shoes or dress himself grandfather was caught banging out another nursing home resident by a nurse over the weekend. This gives me great hope for my own genetic future… minus the whole multiple strokes part.
It also made me recall the statistics someone here on Glibs had mentioned recently that nursing homes have similarly STD rates as college campuses. Gross.
They are absolutely dens of unrestrained lust. The guys that live long enough are so outnumbered they can probably get more notches on their bedpost in their last 10 years than the rest of their previous life.
yea but…quality over quantity.
Hey man, if I’ve got one foot in the grave and nothing else to do, IDGAF.
And the ones with dementia don’t remember how ugly the person they fucked is. Hell, they don’t remember the orgasm.
Yeah but they need to still be fully functional at that age for that to happen
I work at a pharmacy that supplies nursing homes, and I hear some stories. We do ship out a tellingly high amount of acyclovir…
Apparently, it’s the policy of most skilled nursing facilities to provide a room for people to have sex in if they have a significant other who comes to visit them.
I guess I can understand it – if you were in your “golden years” and ol’ Edith in room 203 wants to get down and dirty, why the fuck not? Many of the residents are widowed, pregnancy is not a risk, and STDs probably don’t seem like a big deal towards the end of life.
Has this made the rounds yet?
Canada’s Trudeau corrects woman for using ‘mankind’ at town hall
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau corrected a woman on her language when she asked a question during a town hall Friday.
The unidentified woman asked Trudeau whether the Canadian government could ease regulations on volunteering with religious organizations, according to the Washington Free Beacon.
“So, that’s why we came here today to ask you, to also look into the policies that religious charitable organizations have in our legislation so that it can also be changed because maternal love is the love that’s going to change the future of mankind,” said the woman, who was reportedly affiliated with the World Mission Society Church of God.
Trudeau immediately corrected her.
“We like to say ‘peoplekind,’ not necessarily ‘mankind,’ because it’s more inclusive,” he said.
The crowd clapped after Trudeau’s comments.
The Canadian government has cracked down on language inclusivity over the last week.
Canada’s Senate passed a bill Thursday to make the country’s national anthem gender neutral. The bill changes the second line of “O Canada” from “true patriot love, in all thy sons command” to “in all of us command.”
And he’s a two-termer at least. Given the state of Conservative Party, I think he’ll die in office.
“Fuck off Mr. Prime Minister.”
If she responded with “Are you mainsplaining me?” she’d be a national hero.
Justin? Mansplaining?
How could that be?
“Please say ‘personsplaining’, ma’am.”
That girl scouts story is way too fucking hung up about various rules involved in where the girls are allowed to sell and when.
Calm your tits and let the kids make some money.
“The walk-about or door-to-door sales rules are in place to protect Girl Scouts and their families from receiving citations for solicitation of cookies,” Doyle said in a statement.
Cut to San Diego Lockup….
Big Tough Scary Looking Thug I: “What are you in for?”
Big Tough Scary Looking Thug II: “I raped a pastor? You?”
Big Tough Scary Looking Thug I: “Burned down an orphanage.”
Big Tough Scary Looking Thug III: “That’s nothing. I shot ten little old ladies. Just to watch them die.
Big Tough Scary Looking Thug I: “Newbie! What are you in for?”
cuts to Girl Scout
Girl Scout: “Solicitation of cookies.”
Big Tough Scary Looking Thugs I, II and II back away slowly.
It’s a cartel.
My wife bought some from a parent outside the designated territory for that troop, and it was like a back-alley drug deal.
Psst: Hey … mister … got your Samoas right here. Just $3. Cash. Used notes.
today in pointless spite
Philippine government crushes dozens of luxury and classic cars
The Philippine government destroyed over two dozen illegally imported classic and luxury cars on Tuesday to send a message against tax evasion.
Twenty of the cars were lined up in a Manila customs yard where they were driven over by a bulldozer and smashed with an excavator.
Over $1.2 million worth of seized Porsches, Jaguars and even a third-generation Corvette were destroyed in the public event. Rather than auction the valuable cars, Philippine president Rodrigo Duterte ordered the workers to just sell the twisted steel.
“They cannot have cars like that. But they can get something, make toys out of it,” Reuters reports Duterte saying.
Finance Minister Carlos Domingue added that “it does not pay to evade taxes in the Philippines so might as well stop trying, because you will never succeed.”
pick one
-we can afford to destroy valuable items
-we are concerned about tax evasion
It has a certain level of theatricality, and it ensure nobody will claim that Duterte’s cronies are stealing the cars.
I still agree that it’s a dick move, but not totally derpy.
I mean, this is the Philippine government, so the car owners are probably lucky Duerte didn’t call them drug dealers and have them summarily executed by police.
Fill those cars with drug dealers, then smash em. 2 for 1.
Hey, now local officials can’t proxy-bid for 25% of the actual value.
If only he thought of selling the right to drive that bulldozer, cause DAMN, whoever got to do it was luckiest man in Philippines that day.
That’s awful. But this comment isn’t:
Get this man a candidacy for office.
Ask them if we can sign up for their newsletter.
If you don’t like it, I’m sure there are a few hundred others that would be more than happy to take your place.
[T]o have someone leading the delegation that’s directly attacked the LGBTQ community, and a Cabinet in general that just sort of stands against us and has tried to do things to set us back, it just seems like a bad fit,
So, what, now the Olympics is gay only or something?
Not once VP Pence is done gay converting!
Cyberpunk as fuck. Chinese police using google glass like sunglasses to search for fugitives at train stations with very photogenic officer.
Where the white women at?
“Intersectional Feminism Wages War on Reality”
But wait, there’s more!
Meh. I choose not to get in the middle of retard wars.
June actually is very OK person.
More like “Intersectional Feminism has yet to make contact with reality”
Nikola Motor Company moving to Arizona, plans to hire 2,000 workers
But can Arizona or Buckeye convince Nikola to not make their trucks so fucking ugly?
“Militant vegans send death threats to farmer whose cow had triplets
Jonny and Dulcie Crickmore said that even their children had been targeted by the ‘militant vegans’ who have abused them repeatedly for five days.
Brummie MP Jess Phillips takes the big ‘mom’ v ‘mum’ debate to Parliament
Farmer Jonny, who runs Fen Farm Dairy in Bungay, north Suffolk, said: ‘We have had some really horrible comments. It kicked off from a post we put on Facebook and Twitter when we had calf triplets born.
‘We put a message out and some vegans found it and posted it onto these activist groups in America – and within a few hours last Thursday it escalated.’”
Who wants some hot Commie-on-Commie action? How about a trade war – in Canada?
Alberta government boycotts B.C. wine
Both provinces are run by NDP (our Commies, and also partial answer to “why PM Zoolander?”)
The thing that is so stupid about this is that there is a great deal of oil development in BC as well, up in The Peace River country (Dawson Creek, Fort St John).
I wonder when they decide to split off from BC and join Alberta. They are in a different universe from the retards down in the lower mainland.
Can’t we just absorb Alberta into the US?
Not while they are being run by Commies.
It won’t last. The provincial NDP victory was a reaction against the stupidity which had consumed the PC’s and Wild Rose. One hit wonder.
I say we sell California to Mexico, and buy B.C. and Yukon.
Only if Vancouver voters don’t come with the purchase.
Also “Make Point Roberts Contiguous Again!”
Warty Doomcock?
I *totally* believe him. That actually happened I’m sure of it.
Riley Martin (RIP) had that story 1st, anyhow.
A crusader getting ready for his mission put a chastity belt on his wife and gave the key to his best friend for safekeeping, in case of his death. He had ridden only a few miles away when his friend, riding hard, caught up with him, saying “You gave me the wrong key!”
That could have been a story from the Decameron. Many of the stories are about some perv fucking another dude’s wife through some trickery, or wives fucking another man through trickery, or monks fucking some nubile girl through trickery, etc. etc.
Sir Joe Dee is a man known for his trustworthiness.
I am being frog-marched to a seminar for women next week on having conversations at work about diversity and inclusivity. (Pardon me while I barf daintily like a woman should.) Apparently some idiot among the powers-that-be has thrown my name in a bowl of “high potential womynz” that they need to pigeonhole into conferences that become self-fulfilling prophecies of why we need to be treated differently.
We’ve come a long way, baby.
Show up wearing a codpiece. If anyone takes note, call them “uninclusive”.
That would be pretty great. I am fresh out of codpieces though…
Maybe a MAGA hat would cause a few ripples.
A true lady always has a codpiece at hand when she needs one.
A true lady can acquire a codpiece from the bevvy of gentlemen surrounding her as and when she sees fit.
Balled up tube socks and a cup will work in a pinch
Larry Blackmon would like a word….
Or, if you happen to have a spare armadillo…
Funny you should mention it…
“We have a lot of diversity and inclusivity in this company. For example, upper management includes a wide diversity of morons and idiots who make people attend conferences on the subject. I really had no idea how very diverse idiocy can be until today. Looking out in the audience I can see morons from multiple continents, backgrounds, and religions, many of whom have expensive educations but have apparently never learned to think for themselves.”
That would be awesome. I might have to cut and paste that when I get asked to provide feedback on the seminar.
I’ve got a killer headache – I blame my interrupted sleep, staring at a computer screen all day, and February.
Interrupted sleep has many unpleasant trickle down side effects.
Do you wear glasses? I found getting computer lenses made a difference.
Which ones do you use? I’ve seen those, just never have used them. I use 2X reading glasses, but have to get really close to my monitor to use them, only when I have to read really small print. Otherwise I can see fine back a couple feet from the monitor. I still get lots of eye strain staring at code 8 hours a day.
34 inch screen set back 18 inches or more, scaled fonts, and the best pair of progressive lenses money can buy
Mine are +2.00 sph as well. I got the EBD Blue from here:
They are bit slow (if I remember, my last order took a couple weeks to arrive). But their prices are a fraction of what one would pay at Cohen’s, Lenscrafters, etc.
I must have woken up like 500 fucking times last night. I did sleep heavily between those bouts of wide awake though. Crazy dreams, all the bad stuff.
Man that sucks. I am suffering from Mr Splosives pain-induced insomnia. He has an unfortunate temporary medical condition causing him a lot of pain 24-7 and he is vocal about it, even when he occasionally falls asleep. Means I can’t sleep for shit either, and it’s starting to wear on me. But he doesn’t want me to sleep in the guest bedroom, so I am doomed unless I just say “sorry, gotta sleep. Guest room for me.”
My wife got up around 3pm and went out to the living room and turned the TV on. And I suspect that’s my fault for tossing and turning and getting up a thousand times. But she didn’t say anything. I have occasional bouts of insomnia and I’ve been having them for as long as I can remember. Thankfully, it’s typically on a couple times a month, or less. But when I have them, holy shit, it’s terrible. I feel agitated and wound up so tight it’s crazy and I usually get these crazy dreams in between waking up. Not the pleasant sort of crazy dreams, but the shit exploding and world ending type of crazy dreams.
I used to have nightmares pretty often (houses burning down but i can’t scream out to warn anyone, getting abducted or violently attacked personally, that kind of crap).
That pretty much ended when I married Mr Splosives, which is also a couple of months after I got diagnosed with epilepsy and started taking Keppra for it. I don’t know how much was the lifestyle change and feeling secure with the Mr, and how much was the Keppra.
Now I only have nightmares a couple of times a year. Much better.
Have you tried taking diphenhydramine (Benadryl) to help you sleep? Sometimes it’s the only way.
Did you find that the Keppra changed your energy levels or cognitive abilities to a signifiant degree?
My wife had a seizure two years ago and the Keppra has had significant effects, Tired all of the time, driving 1 hour is difficult, memory issues.
Other complex real-time tasks (flying lessons) seem beyond her current capabilities.
I have to take Benadryl, because I sometimes suffer from severe allergies and it’s the only thing that helps. I’ve taken all of the new miracle drugs and they do nothing. Yeah, it works to put me to sleep and so does melatonin, but neither will keep me asleep for more than 3-4 hours if I am having problems sleeping.
Have you ever read about the historical first and second sleep? Maybe this is the problem.
Dr Mossy,
No, I have been really lucky with the keppra. My doc is an epileptologist, not just a neurologist, and he is very in-the-know about medicines and such. He started me on 250mg Keppra twice a day for 4 weeks, then increased to 500mg for weeks, etc etc and got me to the 1250 mg twice a day that I take now. He said (and some articles corroborate) that part of the trick is going really slow.
I think also that everybody’s different. Some people report “Keppra rage”, which i don’t seem to have at all. I felt like the Keppra really cleared my thinking and made it easier to concentrate. I kind of miss the creative nuttiness that comes with temporal lobe seizures, but damn, it’s nice to be sane. Keppra is really closely related to nootropic drugs.
I hope your wife can find a better option. Maybe she should ramp down the keppra a while, then go really slowly back up. Or just keep trying other meds. Everybody’s different.
Dr Mossy,
I should add that it is super important to find out the seizure triggers and eliminate them. Mine are 1) sleep deprivation and 2) fever.
You might want to read about post-ictal syndrome. If your wife is still having partial seizures (not obvious to the casual observer), the tiredness could be because she’s not on ENOUGH meds, rather than too many.
Thank you for your experience.
She is on 500mg twice a day, and they just split that up rather than 1000mg at once.
Her causing condition is a speciality of neurosurgeons and they aren’t in the long term medical treatment of epilepsy and don’t know the meds. They go to work when the meds aren’t effective. The neurologists who handle epilepsy aren’t specialists with MRI’s and large thingys in the brain.
She never got the Keppra rage either, but did have some transitional emotional issues that leveled out quickly… It is just more of feeling like a long term zombie. Perhaps some memory issues, and other sensory issues that one can’t tell are related to Keppra or the CCMs.
Oh and sorry, yes we know why she has seizures… she has CCMs. (genetic).. they show up very well on the MRI.
Interesting. Never had heard of CCM before.
The docs have no clue why i have seizures. I had my first “Grand mal” when I was 31. I was at a political convention in 2006, serving as the ballot teller overseeing the hotly contested US Congressional district nomination. Hadn’t eaten, was slightly hungover, and sleep deprived. Had to fend off the “observers” from the 4 candidates to keep them from effing with the results. When it was all done, I walked into the main convention with the envelope in hand. Last thing I remembered.
I was told afterwards that I stopped, looked up and smiled, and then fell directly backwards and had the seizure. Then I woke up in the ambulance, realized I was fighting with a paramedic, and he told me I was OK. It was weird.
MRI looks completely normal, but the EEG shows tons of spikes and “slow waves” in the left temporal lobe, and higher voltage in general on the left hemisphere. Then I learned it was not normal to have Deja vu several times a week! 😀 Lolz. Those were all typical partial seizures in LTLE. Now they are gone, mostly. Still a few a year, and they do serve as warnings that I am pushing it.
It’s funny to me because part of my work specialty is in detecting short higher voltage spikes in insulation systems. So I’ve hooked myself up to lab equipment and watched my own brainwaves. Pretty hilarious stuff.
Yeah, the CCM’s are slowly expanding/bleeding blood vessels in the brain.. really show up in the MRI.. (WOW). She had a bit of deja vu the week before the seizure.. and a couple of lost time episodes (seconds of what happened?, why am I on the ground?) .. the Keppra has kept her seizure free since then. (perhaps one more lost time episode)
EEG’s show nothing interesting (she is off tomorrow to get another routine one) .
Eh, just leave. My wife sleeps better in the Lazy Boy chair, so be it. More room for me.
Yeah, I think tonight I will give him a courtesy cuddle for a while and then go to the guest bed. I need my freaking sleep, or my seizure threshold drops precipitously, and that is not a good thing.
Norwegians be havin’ ill AF words for things……. minoritetsladningsbærerdiffusjonskoeffisientmålingsapparatur
“The physics term minoritetsladningsbærerdiffusjonskoeffisientmålingsapparatur has 60 characters, but is not a common word. Its meaning is “(a) device for measuring the distance between particles in a crystal”.
Rolls tripplingly off the tongue.
Some more Babylon Bee savagery today:
“Woman to Shelve Belief That Gender is Social Construct for Few Minutes While Boyfriend Changes Flat Tire on Side of Road”
I follow Babylon Bee on FB for such wonderful snippets as that. But lately FB has not been putting them in my feed much. 🙁
“I don’t get it.”
-Robby Soave
Yeah, Robby is going to call AAA and stand around looking coifed and helpless.
“I’m going to be late to the cocktail party!”
call AAA and stand around looking coifed and helpless.
Unfortunately, I’d have to do exactly the same thing.
*glares at the trunk insert that includes an air pump and some goop rather than a fucking spare*
But his hair will remain perfect, right?
Always ragging on Fruit Sushi.
Could Fruit Sushi change a tire, or would he need to ask his girlfriend to?
Haha, I tease my wife about this type of thinking quite a bit. She is mostly concerned with gender roles when they benefit her… say, a dirty or heavy job. Not so much when it comes to who cooks dinner.
Do you really expect us to believe that a Social Construct feminist type actually has a boyfriend?
Fake News.
A few of them have clingers-on
Check for fedoras in their closets.
“We’ll see if SpaceX’s Falcon Heavy goes up. Update: Yep. All the rockets went all the way. See if they stick the landing. The two on the side sure to hell did.”
More interesting will be if the thing makes it all the way to near Mars orbit and managed to put the car into eventual orbit around Mars. Then I have to add that our hero crony capitalist doesn’t quite make the grade of visionary here. If he were really a visionary, he would return the car to earth and drive around in it. How cool would that be? Hey, baby, want to ride in my car? It just got back from Mars.
It does appear to be a spyder.
It’s not intended for mars orbit, it is going into an elliptical solar orbit, with perihelion about earth’s orbital distance, and aphelion about mars orbital distance.
But it’s intended to eventually put the car into Mars orbit, right?
If mars orbit means orbiting around mars, the answer is no. It will have its own unique orbit around the sun, like an asteroid that crosses the paths of the orbits of both earth and mars (roughly speaking).
Looks like they exceeded what I read previously, and the aphelion will actually be over 2.5 AU (mars is a bit over 1.5) (link).
Kylie Jenner announces her baby girl’s name is Stormi
Like…the porn star?
Don’t know why
There’s no sun up in the sky
Stormi Jenner
Since my man and I ain’t together
Keeps rainin’ all the time
Bless you.
Man, that’s exactly the comment that the Mr would make.
Yes, but with a trashier spelling.
Girl? Don’t we have to wait until it’s old enough to nod it’s head before we know it’s gender?
Sorry, I’m not a Kardashian/Jenner scholar, but is she married to the baby daddy?
The only thing I know about the Kardashians is that when Kim married Kris Humphries, it was the high water mark for their clan. Kris Humphries has to be the only person on the face of the earth who is “marrying up” when hitching himself to that train wreck.
If she and the guy who knocked her up aren’t married, why isn’t Twitter fucking filled with mocking tweets about how she is a slut? Sorry, I’m pretty OK with living your life the way you want, but fucking glorifying single parenting is a line I’m not OK with.
From the Trudeau Idiot Files:
He’s an ideological psychopath and needs a good slap off the side of the head.
He’s a dolt and a child. I guess you can make a pretty good political career out of nothing more than social signaling.
And a good name. The Trudeaus are, I guess, the closest thing to ‘Kennedy light’ here.
Hopefully his buffoonery and childish antics will permanently put an end to this crap.
Meaning his kids in the future. I fret about what he teaches and tells them.
And his wife is a bit of a kook.
It’s all about the name. If he were Justin Francois, he’d at best be one of the NDP Quebec wave of 2010, loses his seat in 2015 and goes back to teaching or a job at an NGO.
Disingenuous virtue signaling cunt seems more apropos
Just as troubling is the applause he got!
Interesting read. I’d never thought of Mencken as being a catalyst for progressive elitism, but I guess it makes sense to some extent. I think he was just a polemicist and a pseudo-libertarian; it’s hard for me to see him jumping on board with the “Resistance”.
There is no way he would have supported Hillary.
Well, other than his pose of “no one worth voting for ever (Kaiser Wilhelm you don’t vote for)”, McMullin would be right up his alley.
I think of Mencken as a pessimist, especially concerning human nature. I think his tendencies were more towards actually republicanism, and not towards demagogue elites elected by the mob. Hence his apparent disdain for pure democracy.
From what I’ve heard of him, I would call it more of cynical, not pessimist.
He was definitely cynical, but where government was concerned, he was absolutely a pessimist. He saw the end result of every government to be doomed by human nature, but still thought the best option was to fight that foregone conclusion, if only to delay it as long as possible.
I haven’t read any of his stuff. I’ve only listened to a few broadcasts about him from a local radio station. He seemed like a pretty damn anti-authority type and really, very libertarian like. I have to start reading some of his stuff. As a young boy, he lived within walking distance of where I am right now.
While not perfect, Mencken is one of my favorites. I have his picture above my desk. (along with Lenny Bruce and Louis-Ferdinand Celine.) And yes, they appropriately tobacco-stained!
I hate when anyone mentions mencken because its like lighting the Winston signal.
Mencken was very much like Hitchens. someone whose prose talent far exceeded their political logic. neither were attempting any kind of singular posture about anything. they weren’t philosophers trying to articulate some perfect vision. they were critics who exposed flaws in the contemporary received-wisdom. For both, polemics was an art form independent of the argument actually being made. if you judge them on their own ideas, it can only be in the broad general strokes. they aren’t people who advanced their own theories nearly as often as they debunked others. Both of their argument styles originated out of ‘realist, humanist’ classical liberal ideas. Hitch had a youth dabbling in the far left, Mencken had moments of dabbling in the far right. if they occasionally went too far in their own arguments it was probably less out of ideological devotion to these opposing ideals, but rather because they were convenient foils to the dominant discourse among their peers.
it hardly mattered who his targets were or what the ultimate point was: he could rip things to shreds in an entertaining and insightful way, in a peculiarly american prose-style that hasn’t really been improved on.
Gilmore: what you stated above is exactly why I’m fond of his work. I have a big picture of Mark Twain– it just doesn’t fit over my desk!
mencken and twain are very much part of the same american literary-family. not the same arguments, but the same basic role being played.
“American iconoclasm”, maybe? people who attack whatever is ‘normal’ of their era and expose its flaws.
if they don’t offer their own specific political remedies, and what they do offer is often confusing, self-contradictory or incomplete? its a weak complaint. that’s not really their game. its like criticizing a touchdown runner for his shitty end-zone dancing. that’s not why they went there – its just a side-effect.
Interesting interview
Ok, I must be missing something. Where the hell right now is the main stage of the Falcon Heavy launch? The dual landing of the first 2 stages was spectacular, almost Scifi like, about the coolest thing I’ve seen since the moon landings.
i just got off work and watched it, I love Rockets! and the dual landing was unreal, but what about the center core? does any one know if it made it back?
Only 3 engines reignited, total loss,
“Small hiccup” they say. Wouldn’t want to put a damper on all that praise and adulation. The launch and small booster landings are still impressive but you can’t quote price per pound to LEO based on reusability metrics you aren’t actually hitting.
I keed, I keed.
What can NASA do at this point compared to what SPACEX can do? Thumb a ride from the Russians?
Secure reelections in districts that rely on government pork?
Stay in low orbit for another 50 years and cost taxpayers a shitload more money?
I don’t mind the fail. But they knew it failed and waited to put a spin on it. You could tell that they knew at the time.
Yeah, that was sad. But, man, I think overall you gotta put this one in the win column.
Hope they can salvage enough to learn why the engines didn’t reignite.
Meanwhile, the payload continues to execute its programmed maneuvers perfectly.
Why does this make my pulse race? I am such a nerd.
We all are around Here Dear..
I’m still amazed by the decision to use retro rockets to land the stages straight up rather than landing them sideways with some passive landing system.
Keep in mind those 2 stages that landed perfectly, had already been used 2 years ago.
“Why does this make my pulse race? I am such a nerd.”
I totally get it.
Musk is really SPECTRE, and his plan is to launch one of those gov’t subsidized sparklers into the sun, blowing it apart, unless the World Government agrees to his ransom of (pinky in mouth)…. ONE HUNDRED KABILLION DOLLARS!
Ok, but that’s not what I’m asking about, I’m talking about the main stage that is supposed to put the car into orbit?
The entirety of the center rocket is two pieces (plus some fairings). The bottom 80% of the rocket is what slammed into the ocean. The top 20% is what is strapped to the back of the Tesla. That portion will be doing another burn in a few hours to insert it into heliocentric orbit.
That’s the part I’m wanting to know about. When they cut off the video I was watching, the main stage has made something like 26,000 kilometers per hour, which I’m pretty sure is close to escape velocity. Impressive as the dual landings of the first stages was, I’m more interested in a private entity (even with the cronyism) putting something in orbit around Mars. The difference I see in a cronyized private firm doing something and a bureaucracy doing it, is that there is still some incentive in the private company to get shit done. NASA is a fucking tax payer sucking joke.
Hey now, NASA does important work in propagating Climate Change BS stories and Muslim outreach.
Yeah, that’s what I was saying.
I’m more interested in a private entity (even with the cronyism) putting something in orbit around Mars.
Somebody else mentioned it above, but they’re doing an elliptical solar orbit where the short part is Earth orbit and the long part is Mars orbit. It’s a ton easier than inserting into Mars orbit.
I can’t find the details on the orbital burn, but I’ll post them when I come across them again.
short part is *the same distance from the Sun as Earth’s orbit* and the long part is *the same distance from the Sun as Mars’ orbit*
Didn’t want to confuse.
Did you watch it “live”?
They made excuses before the failure. They knew.
And now potential customers know.
Yeah, I get that much. So, show me what NASA is doing with their rockets these days?
Yeah, I caught it live. I streamed it at work. It was a damned good job advertisement for them. First thing I did when I got home was see if they were hiring patent attorneys.
Hohmanns are cheap and easy. They just require the patience of a saint.
I’m envisioning a science fiction plot, where the stranded Mars astronauts realize that an electric vehicle is in orbit and will provide them with the batteries they need to fire off their rockets and return home.
My wife doesn’t want to volunteer as a Mars colonist because she doesn’t think we will ever be able to return. I’ll take that as long as they assure me there are no progs or bureaucrats ever allowed on Mars.
Yesterday morning I fell on the ice walking the dog and banged my knee. No big deal, but today my thigh and whole side is really sore. I need yax trax
Ⓘ ⓓⓞⓝ’ⓣ ⓚⓝⓞⓦ ⓦⓗⓐⓣ ⓨⓐⓧ ⓣⓡⓐⓧ ⓘⓢ, Ⓘ’ⓜ ⓐⓕⓡⓐⓘⓓ
Chains for your shoes
You want us all IN CHAINS!!!
Possibly in chains
Also in chains
Nah, only you fureners and color folks.
Poor Canucks and Romanians…
I need those for my flip flops
If you forget your fliptops, you’ll step on a pop top, something about cutting your heel and…
But there Is Booze in the Blender,
Well, that’s the good ending.
Some people claim there’s a woman to blame
Fuck that.
A week ago, I sprained my wrist packing up my portable ice house and I know live in a live action “Beavis and Butthead” scene. My two altar boys will laugh themselves into tears if they catch me wincing because my wrist hurts.
I walk the dog at 5:30 am. No one saw.
Your dog saw, and he knows.
This has me in stiches.
I want to put it on a Tshirt.
She’ll never tell….if she knows what’s good for her. (Gives side eye to dog)
About a year ago, I went down the road to visit my aged neighbor. It was one of those Ohio winter days with direct sun that melted the snow we’d had, but at night was clear & cool enough to freeze back over. Carrying a beer and some cupcakes, I took one step in his re-freeze driveway, and it was like something had yanked my feet directly out, and my lard-ass fell full-force on my left side. Arms up, I saved both beer and confections. After having pain for a couple days, I decided to get “checked out”…..3 broken ribs.
I hate being at the age where gravity can be be such a dick.
Gravity i working just fine, your weight control….
All objects fall @ 9.8 m/s, smarty-pants. Go eat a cheeseburger, skinny.
Oh…..what was I thinkin?
Sup My Man!
Fajitas and Cobra, being thin means being Cold, it has other drawbacks as well, Tubster
Nope, they all decelerate at 9.8 meters per second SQUARED. Velocity =/= acceleration.
Fajitas? Cool!
Tres, not sure I remember, but don’t you live near Cincy? And also not sure your age, but if you’re old like me, do you remember the 1976-78 winters when the river froze over?
Both my hippie do-good parents had signed up for this Red Cross Disaster Service thing, where they were making up cots and slinging food for the storm refugees that found their way to our High School cafeteria. Young Tres was stuck at his grandparent’s house for a solid 10 days.
*gets 1,000 yard stare*
I was driving my Cutlass Supreme through 10 ft deep snow drifts. Nothing could stop me. Good thing I didn’t have a Falcon Heavy.
Melted snow, melted People, Cars, roads, yep, sounds like fun
Falcon Heavy the Burninator! Scorching the Earth, burning the village, burning the peasants!
Fun fact- I grew up not too far from this grain elevator. Its still in operation.
Damn, I don’t have any pics, but I remember snowdrifts over top roofs and snow so hard you could walk on top of it.
That winter I was in Effingham Il. It was so cold, we only had to go to school for 6 days the entire month of Jan. The old boiler heated school couldn’t get the classrooms above freezing.
Which just happens to be the start point of any of those global warming graphs.
Apparently the Pentagon is confirming that they are preparing a military parade as the President wanted after he saw the Bastille Day Parade in France. Absolute horseshit. Not only is a parade a lazy display of misplaced patriotism, but it’s also the moniker of a weak country. The rest of the world already knows that the US has the best trained and equipped military in the world. Winners don’t have to brag and the last country we want to emulate is France.
What a petty and boorish man.
On the plus side, I’m sure this will be the classiest parade ever. The best
We should do Military Flyovers of Other Countries Capitols, That’s Classy
Israelis are approaching 50th anniversary of doing it to Syria.
Gold plated Abrams tanks!
Red carpet for the troops!
A battalion of leggy, blonde-bleached lady soldiers in short-shorts!
One thousand bald eagles released by Trump!
+1000 Frank J Fleming
There’s times when he acts like the parody version of Mussolini.
If only he could get Amtrak to run on time.
Or in 1 piece, amirite?
Kimmel the Douchebag,
I honestly just cant anymore. Kimmel, Fallon, any of them…if the TV is still on when the various “late-night” shows come on, and I know spRECTUM cable is tracking what I watch, it either goes off, or I go to Carson re-runs on ANTENNA.
Carson reruns FTW, I did get my complete DS9 collection, kind of clunky at first, but I know it get’s good later.
And Slamming Ice hurts no matter what, Been there a few times
If you like it, try Babylon 5. It’s even clunkier at first, but by god, it killed what little liking I had for DS9 by the time I finished season 2.
+50 copy and paste fleet
Season 2 grips you (it’s subtle, but by the end you can’t quit) and won’t let you go.
Effing love that show.
Well, here’s the whole part of the story that really makes my ass-polyps burst and bleed- the initial read on the x-ray was “non-fractured”. I told the doc, “look, Ive had my ribs broken before, and usually by another person. This hurts like that. Are you sure?”
“Yes, Mr. Cool.”
Well, pain-wise, bruised is in the same category as broken, so I just bided my time till they healed.
6 months later, after being involved in a decent car-collision, in getting “checked-out”, I was subjected to x-rays and a thorough CT. That ER doc came back and said, “well….other than some recently healed rib fractures, everything seems to be where it’s supposed to be.” And, “Oh, it looks like your liver is trying to tunnel-out. You should work on that.”
I have been told that cracked ribs don’t always show on x-rays until they heal.
Is there anything dangerous about having in one outlet: 1) a window A/C unit, and 2) a surge protector with an alarm clock, a lamp, and occasionally a cell phone charger plugged into it?
This situation has come about because my bedroom only has one outlet that is three-pronged; the rest are that old kind with only two plugs.
Its February. Why do you have an A/C in your window?
Assuming the wiring can handle the A/C unit, no. The other items have a very small draw.
It’s super easy to wire in a new outlet with three prongs. If you are skeptical, watch a youtube vid or something.
Easy to do, yes. Easy to do properly, likely a different story.
Depends on what’s inside the wall. If the wiring is from the 70’s, or you suspect it is, you have to do this one weird trick.
Electricians hate it!
My wife plugged in the block heater to her truck a couple of weeks ago and said “I got a shock”
hmm… that circuit was supposed to be on GFCI.. should have tripped the breaker..
GFCI breaker wasn’t CFCI’ing.. replaced the breaker and found that CH has two types of breaker systems.. (you know which one I picked up first)
I’ve never researched just how much draw the block heater on my Cummins demands, but it has to be substantial, based on the spark jump when I complete that circuit.
Generally about 1000W… so 10A or so..
There’s a reason GFCI outlets have test buttons on them.
Nope, back in the 70’s when everyone thought we were going to have to rent copper, because the world was running out, the electrical code was altered so that you could build and use aluminum wire. Which is fine. If you use compatible outlets and switches with contact pillars (as I understand it, Al-coated). If you don’t use the right type, you can have a very fiery, awful day.
Easy way to check is to read the markings on other fittings on the same circuit. They’ll say “Use with Al wire”. It’s not an ad, people, it’s a warning.
Needless to say, the market resolved the problem by the use of fiber optic telecommunications (along with new copper deposits being found) and copper became affordable again.
I’m coming at this from one year of electrical apprenticeship 20 years ago, and fits of remodeling and general DIY’ing over the years. So I’m not an expert for sure, but I do have some experience:
I’m not sure what you are talking about. Aluminum needs to be a bigger gauge to carry the equivalent amount of amperage as copper, but other than that…what would cause a fire? Maybe I am missing something?
I’ve only ever seen copper used in in-wall wiring. Higher voltage and long exterior runs are commonly aluminum.
Seemingly, for the 70’s the issue was coefficient of expansion and creep.
Wasn’t there an issue of AL-CU couplings.. that if it wasn’t the correct alloy it would corrode and have a high resistance?… so items were certified AL/CU… or just CU-CU.
It was a 70’s to 80’s thing… with some fires. we mostly went back to CU for the wires and everything is certified for both.
Very interesting! Thanks for that. I’ve never run across Al in-wall. I guess I’ve only ever been exposed to too old, or too new construction.
I’ve found it mostly in Romex, never in ‘Greenfield’. It’s alleged to be really nasty if it goes wrong, but all the pulls I have found with it in seemed fine, although where possible, I’d rewire.
The thought of using special wire nuts and corrosion inhibitors just freaked be the hell out.
Galvanic coupling is a real thing.
See? See?
I’ve been frickin’ validated by a double-E!
::punches air, pretends to be RIchard Dreyfuss::
Smootches, 6.
As a double-E, I probably take some stuff for granted. I will shut up now.
Cup size is G if you must know. Hayeksplosives is somewhat splosive.
Double-E can be your rapper name!
Except that I can’t rap. But that is a good nerd rapper name.
C’mon, I’m sure you can rap at least as well as the lady in the radio PSA:
Don’t use drugs
Drugs are bad
And they make your mama sad.
+1 Don’t use the gas line as a ground
but most modern chargers are only two pronged.. so they can go in the other outlets. use a two prong extension cord to get more connections if you don’t want to use a two to three adapter…
If you exceed the current of the three prong system it will only pop the breaker.
Depending on how old that A/C is, you might find that when it cuts in, it’ll brown the rest of the circuit. For anything that runs via a power block or some kind of transformer, it’s unlikely to do any harm, and lamps are too dumb to care about a drop in supply, but depending on the clock, it might reset or do something dumb like trip the alarm.
Having said that, you could drive anything other than the A/C via a 2-pronged outlet.
Wooo! Got my tax refund a week and a half after submitting.
Nice. That’ll help out a lot – since I may or may not get paid by DoD on time this month (again).
Still waiting to hear if I fly home on Friday or continue to my next class. Yay congress.
Why are you loaning the government money?
Well, I actually have it set to 0 exemptions – I think it’s mostly from charitable giving.
Charitable giving? What kind of libertarian are you?
Orphan Replenishment Fund.
Charity starts at home…NOT the government. (esp. governments elsewhere who are actively hostile to Christians, etc)
Hey Swiss: I’m in Zurich until Saturday, anything I should know about?