I have learned a lot of uh…interesting… things since going vegan, and being the generous and sharing person I am, I’ve decided to start sharing the things I’ve learned here, with my lovely community of Glibs with a new screenshot every week.
Er,…is anybody else getting an overlay of the commenting policy over the actual comments? Or am I just having my own technical difficulties?
Trigger Hippie
on February 5, 2018 at 7:40 pm
Heh, threading fail. It’s probably just me.
on February 5, 2018 at 7:41 pm
I see it with every WD post. Scroll down for some… interesting… results along the right margin.
Trigger Hippie
on February 5, 2018 at 7:47 pm
Oh my…
on February 7, 2018 at 11:06 pm
Sorry about that. I didn’t know I’m supposed to turn off the sidebar.
Yusef drives a Kia
on February 5, 2018 at 7:03 pm
Why not just Baking Soda?
C. Anacreon
on February 5, 2018 at 7:04 pm
You mean, like leaving a 7-Up in the back of your car in the middle of summer?
C. Anacreon
on February 5, 2018 at 8:50 pm
Sorry, was channeling my inner Hillary ‘wipe, like with a cloth?’ spirit.
Bobarian LMD
on February 5, 2018 at 9:46 pm
And peroxide is a major component of some tooth bleaching treatments.
I guess the strawberry is for taste?
on February 5, 2018 at 7:08 pm
This is a very interesting article on the possible size of the universe. It’s yuuugge, folks, at least, at least 15 million times the size of the observable universe, which is about 45 billion light years in all directions. And it may not eve be finite.
Ok, I’m back to work first thing amanha on my interstellar ship. There’s somewhere out there where these progs will never find me.
Yusef drives a Kia
on February 5, 2018 at 7:09 pm
amanha What?
on February 5, 2018 at 7:10 pm
Tomorrow, bro.
Yusef drives a Kia
on February 5, 2018 at 7:13 pm
I thought so, it seems an appropriate term, never heard it before
on February 5, 2018 at 7:16 pm
Portuguese. It’s a little different in Spanish, but similar, can’t remember right now.
Yusef drives a Kia
on February 5, 2018 at 7:19 pm
I heard Manana, so yes close, Cool
/The More You Know….
on February 5, 2018 at 7:21 pm
Yes, that’s it!
Don Escaped Texas
on February 5, 2018 at 7:20 pm
¿ mañana ?
Yusef drives a Kia
on February 5, 2018 at 7:22 pm
I don’t know how to do that,
/slinks away, an Old man……….
on February 5, 2018 at 7:24 pm
Set up your keyboard for international, so you can do accents. I honestly just leave them out when typing in Portuguese, it’s a pain in the ass and it’s obvious because of context.
Don Escaped Texas
on February 5, 2018 at 7:25 pm
uno aprende una cosa o dos mientras vive en Texas durante dos décadas
If you’re on a tablet or smartphone, you should be able to hold down the letter you want to put an accent on and it will give you options.
It depends on the system and device, though. My tablet’s English keyboard has a lot more options than the one on the smartphone. It includes the Slavic characters, for example; if I wanted to do that on my smartphone I’d have to switch language keyboards.
on February 5, 2018 at 7:29 pm
I am not fluent in Espanol, but I think Don just admitted he avoided apprehension in Texas for twenty years.
on February 5, 2018 at 7:32 pm
“I am not fluent in Espanol, but I think Don just admitted he avoided apprehension in Texas for twenty years.”
I was thinking more of the Eddie Murphy routine with Ralph and Norton.
Staht fuckin!
on February 5, 2018 at 7:14 pm
It’s not the size. It’s how you use it.
on February 5, 2018 at 7:17 pm
We can’t even get out of low earth orbit for the last 50 years, so I suppose we won’t be using it at all in the near future.
on February 5, 2018 at 7:14 pm
The one thing that really caught my interest, is that the article seems to indicate multiple big bangs at different intervals. I’ve often wondered if our own big bang could be a result of a super, super massive black hole which has swallowed entire galaxies or even multiple galaxies, exploding at some critical point and releasing all of it’s matter back out into space. It makes sense, because no one can seriously believe that matter happens from nothing. So where did it all start? We may never know that, we probably won’t, but how can you stop wondering about it?
Scruffy Nerfherder
on February 5, 2018 at 8:29 pm
I like the ekpyrotic explanation of two barely separate dimensions (branes) that are perpetually bouncing off each other. Each time producing a big bang to generate a new universe after the old one has expanded so far as to have disappeared.
You know, there’s always the possibility that God created everything.
on February 5, 2018 at 10:25 pm
on February 6, 2018 at 6:34 am
Raises hand
If the universe is 13.8 billion years old, how can we observe objects 45 billion light years away? Wouldn’t we need to wait at least another 30 billion years for that light to reach us?
How is the universe more than 28 billion light-years across if light is the speed limit?
on February 6, 2018 at 7:52 am
The answer to both is that the universe is expanding.
Relative to our location, the farther away/back you look the faster it appears to be expanding. When you get far enough away the the cumulative effect means the apparent speed of the expansion exceed the speed of light.
Basically we are seeing where an object was observed to be 13.8B years ago
Because of the expansion of the universe however, it is actually at this very moment 45 billion light years away, even if we cannot see it.
on February 6, 2018 at 10:31 am
…pardon my dumb, but if the universe is 13.8B years old, and the edges are expanding at the speed of light, how does that not mean the max diameter of the universe is 27.6B light years (edge to edge assuming uniform expansion at light speed in opposite directions)?
on February 6, 2018 at 2:20 pm
Its no so much that a galaxy beyond the limits of our vision is moving faster than light, but rather that space itself (from our point of view) is expanding faster than light once you add up the cumulative expansion.
Its one of those things that is really hard to wrap your head around.
How about this: the universe is not infinite, and is really just like a huge, perfect paddle-ball game. It expands until it can expand no further, and then begins retracting, eventually collapsing to a point, at which time the cycle begins again. Being a closed system, this cycle continues, and has continued, forever. And because all information is destroyed (and not just once, but twice) on each cycle, it is impossible to know how the universe itself came to be.
Don Escaped Texas
on February 5, 2018 at 7:13 pm
I don’t agree with the peroxide: it will delay the healing of any oral wounds or lesions.
Peroxide kills indiscriminately, so it will attack the healing edge of any wound or lesion. This simply creates more dead (bleached) tissue that your body must remove before healing can finish: slower healing and more scarring….for what? There’s nothing in your mouth that needs daily rinsing with bleach to prolong tooth life.
Don Escaped Texas
on February 5, 2018 at 7:17 pm
Oops: I”m out of line if bleaching is the desired effect. Okay, bleaching with bleach is the best way to bleach anything.
But what combination of purist motives arrives at our going vegan on the one hand and needing artificially white teeth on the other? Isn’t that like a boob job for a chick who doesn’t shave her legs?
on February 6, 2018 at 6:36 am
They used to bleach their teeth white in the middle ages, which destroyed the enamel and left people toothless pretty quick.
Yusef drives a Kia
on February 5, 2018 at 7:17 pm
But it works Awesome for dentures, Just make sure and rinse and dry, Shiny Smiles!
on February 6, 2018 at 6:42 am
Duly noted! Hat tip for Yusef.
on February 5, 2018 at 7:18 pm
But it’s really cool to watch the way it bubbles and fizzes when you pour it on the wound, right?
Yusef drives a Kia
on February 5, 2018 at 7:19 pm
Scruffy Nerfherder
on February 5, 2018 at 8:30 pm
Use a vegan laser instead.
on February 6, 2018 at 2:05 am
And when it bubbles and fizzes you know that all the little microbes are releasing their peroxidase enzymes…. which neutralize the peroxide, creating the bubbles.
Semi-Spartan Dad
on February 5, 2018 at 7:20 pm
On a side tangent, peroxide is an excellent way to save your dog’s life if they’ve eaten something toxic. Last year, my retarded hound mix ate enough rat poison to kill her several times over. Two or three squirts of hydrogen peroxide down her throat brought it all back up.
on February 5, 2018 at 7:23 pm
Am I the only one who likes my peroxide extra dry?
Yusef drives a Kia
on February 5, 2018 at 7:24 pm
I like this, Thank you Sir!, as you may know, I have a Teufulhund that has already experienced Poison, and Your info Rocks!
/I sound like a Bot
on February 5, 2018 at 7:30 pm
I had a gray tabby cat who died from drinking antifreeze. I already had 2 cats, but I wound up adopting him when a friend had to move out of his house to an apartment in the city because of work. He was the smartest most people person cat I’ve ever been around. It was truly heartbreaking. I let my cats be indoor/outdoor cats. Fuck people who leave antifreeze laying around for cats to drink. And it’s not like I could have save him because he drank it at night in one of my neighbors garage when I was sleeping and I found him dead the next morning. The kid who left it out and the garage door open, apologized and I could tell he felt really bad. But that didn’t make it much easier. I had a really hard time telling my friend.
Semi-Spartan Dad
on February 5, 2018 at 7:30 pm
Thanks, I remember your post and am glad Bella made it through okay.
Yusef drives a Kia
on February 5, 2018 at 7:38 pm
Thank You sir
/Tips Tophat
on February 5, 2018 at 7:31 pm
Yusef, my neighbor just lost his foot due to blood clots. What would be a good welcome home basket for him? (If you aren’t the person whose wife lost a foot, my apologies.) One neighbor, who is a contractor is making sure he has rails on both sides of steps to make it easier to go up and down, but what else would help?
Yusef drives a Kia
on February 5, 2018 at 7:37 pm
If you can afford it, get him an Aluminum folding ramp, He will be Wheel chair bound for 6 Months while Stumpy heals and He can get a prosthesis, they are about 200$ and really helpful, maybe a narrow wheelchair for navigating, both of these things really help the Wife and I
on February 5, 2018 at 7:49 pm
His mom said he’s on crutches (second hand info), but I’ll check. Anything else? He’s a single guy.
on February 5, 2018 at 7:38 pm
Pogo Stick?
Ahhh, nah, forget it.
Yusef drives a Kia
on February 5, 2018 at 7:41 pm
Or a Six pack of Good Beer and some Good Conversation, Remember, He no where near Done, and will walk again, Slap him in the Head for me
on February 5, 2018 at 7:58 pm
Thank you
on February 5, 2018 at 8:10 pm
YES! You can practically time it to the second from pouring it down their throats to when they barf.
on February 5, 2018 at 8:14 pm
I think it is like 1 ml per pound, 3% solution. But first, call pet poison control at 1-800-213-6680 ( from my fridge magnet).
The wife worked as a receptionist at a vet for a little while. Short Bus, aka Jack, ate an entire bag of Hershey’s Kisses one Christmas while we were across the street at the neighbor’s. We learned a few things. One, peroxide will indeed induce vomiting in short order. Two, it takes a hell of a lot of chocolate to take down an 80 pound dog. Three, mint chocolate mixed with dog vomit will erode the finish of a wood floor and soak into the wood, filling the air with a bizarre scent in warm weather for years to come.
on February 5, 2018 at 7:16 pm
Strawberry and baking soda? So can you just eat a biscuit with strawberry jam, do the rinse, and then eat another biscuit and jam to get the peroxide taste out of your mouth?
Russia’s Defence Ministry on Monday said Maj. Roman Filipov, “ejected and landed near Tell Debes held by the terrorists.”
“He kept firing his service-issue weapon at militants until he died,” the statement said, adding that when the militants continued to advance, he “blew himself up with a grenade.”
U.K. news outlet the Daily Mail reported that upon landing, Filipov made radio contact with a Russian airbase in Syria, relaying that he had shot and killed two jihadis with his handgun. He is then reported to have pulled his grenade pin, killing more rebels — and himself — when he did so.
Hell of a way to go.
Yusef drives a Kia
on February 5, 2018 at 7:38 pm
+1 Red Dawn
on February 5, 2018 at 7:39 pm
Better than being burned alive.
Yusef drives a Kia
on February 5, 2018 at 7:42 pm
This, and Fuck Off Slaver!
on February 5, 2018 at 7:40 pm
Not the first time, I seem to remember 2016 I think – a downed Russian airman was claimed to have called an artillery strike on his own position.
on February 5, 2018 at 7:46 pm
Better going quickly by artillery, and taking some of the cunts with you, than being captured, tortured, and ending up in an ISIS snuff video at the wrong end of a sword.
Of course, Medal of Honor recipient John R. Fox also did this.
on February 5, 2018 at 7:51 pm
I doff my hat to the memory of Lieutenant Fox.
When the soldiers went to recover the body of Lieutenant Fox and the eight Italian soldiers who’d been killed as well, they also found the bodies of about 100 German soldiers around the wreckage.
Yusef drives a Kia
on February 5, 2018 at 7:55 pm
Buffalo Soldiers, that’s why he Was a Badass, they have History
Ball-busting aside, did you actually go vegan? If so, why?
on February 5, 2018 at 10:32 pm
I did. That changed to vegetarian when I got married.
I did it because it’s unnecessary for me to kill animals or have them killed to ensure my survival. When I read up on factory farming my stomach turned. It’s unbelievably cruel. I won’t participate in it.
It seems like vegetarianism is a lot more sustainable than veganism as a dietary choice. I have a few friends who are vegetarian and they made that decision for the same reasons you mentioned. It’s not for me, but I also tend to think that if you’re going to eat meat you should kill something for food at least once. I think it’s important to at least understand that if you’re eating meat you’re eating something that was a living creature at one point and was killed so you could consume it. If you can’t do that yourself, maybe you shouldn’t have other people do it for you either. No judgement either way, I just think it’s really easy in the developed world to see a steak as something you buy at a restaurant and a cow as something separate that lives on a farm and hangs out until it dies of old age.
Gordon Ramsey did one series where over the course of several episodes he raised pigs at home for slaughter. His daughters named them, they played with them, and the whole time he was basically like, “Look, one day we’re going to kill these pigs and eat them. That’s how meat works.” And he did. If you don’t live on a working farm these days that’s not something you’d experience.
on February 5, 2018 at 8:02 pm
I love it when bullshit narratives are popped by statistics.
Full Disclosure – I moved to America from Canada not because of politics, as I am not a soulless, empty shitheel, whose life is determined by the forces of evil known as government. I moved to America for pussy.
Don Escaped Texas
on February 5, 2018 at 8:06 pm
Knoxville, Oxford, Athens, repeat
R C Dean
on February 5, 2018 at 8:31 pm
As a proportion of population, it’s even worse (better?).
Since this is apparently a theme for the day, I repost my comment from Morning Lynx:
Speaking for myself, this type of arrangement would have a lot less to do with jealousy than with my being cursed with a mind that is simultaneously misanthropic, optimistic, cynical, hopeful, despairing and philosophically minded. I need someone with whom I feel I can bunker down against a meaningless and hostile universe. Allowing other people on the other side of that moat would open it to the gaping maw of despair, chaos and decay that constitutes a threat to the potentially naïve island of truth, innocence and purity that’s been built. There’s a reason that if I navel gaze for too long, I’ll find myself weeping.
/two bad drunken nights from a padded cell
on February 5, 2018 at 8:23 pm
I read that in some countries like Indonesia white teeth are not desirable, because it makes your teeth look like a dog’s teeth.
— The practice of teeth-whitening began around 4,000 years ago with the ancient Egyptians, who created a whitening paste using ground pumice stone mixed in wine vinegar. White teeth were a mark of beauty and a sign of wealth.
— Ancient Romans whitened their teeth using urine (you read that correctly). The ammonia in the urine was the bleaching agent.
— During the 17th century, people relied on their barbers for the care of hair and teeth. The barber would file down the teeth and apply an acid that would whiten them. While the practice made teeth whiter, it eroded tooth enamel and led to decay.
— The effects of fluoride were discovered in the early 19th century, when dentists realized that patients exposed to the chemical in food and water had cavity-free teeth. However, it was also discovered that too much fluoride can stain teeth.
long story short- your teeth are for eating. Avoid sugar and don’t worry about the color.
“Let me tell you this: if you meet a loner, no matter what they tell you, it’s not because they enjoy solitude. It’s because they have tried to blend into the world before, and people continue to disappoint them.”
-Jodi Picoult
on February 5, 2018 at 8:31 pm
Has more than a grain of truth to it.
Yusef drives a Kia
on February 5, 2018 at 8:44 pm
Sounds Glib to me
on February 5, 2018 at 9:00 pm
Hmm. This guy enjoyed solitude and made a movie about it.
Richard Louis “Dick” Proenneke (May 4, 1916 – April 20, 2003) was a self-educated naturalist who lived alone for nearly thirty years in the mountains of Alaska in a log cabin he had constructed by hand near the shore of Twin Lakes. Proenneke hunted, fished, raised and gathered his own food, and also had supplies flown in occasionally. He documented his activities in journals and on film, and also recorded valuable meteorological and natural data.[1] The journals and film were later used by others to write books and produce documentaries about his time in the wilderness.
The ultimate libertarian?
C. Anacreon
on February 5, 2018 at 9:03 pm
Wasn’t he the guy who invented the proverb “fuck off, slaver!” ?
Yusef drives a Kia
on February 5, 2018 at 9:04 pm
Anti Social? i hate every body but I still interact, I guess I like the first World too much, just Say’n
on February 5, 2018 at 9:19 pm
famous hermits
William Wilson’s story begins in 18th-century Pennsylvania and involves his sister Elizabeth. She was tricked into having sex with a man named Joseph Deshong, who pretended to have marriage on his mind. In reality, he had no intention of marrying her. When she gave birth to twins, he followed her home and lured Elizabeth and the newborns into the woods, where he murdered the babies and then fled the scene. Elizabeth was convicted of the crime and sentenced to death. William pleaded with the governor to release her, and eventually a pardon was granted. He raced home to save her, but he was too late—she had been hanged moments before he arrived.Discouraged and saddened by his sister’s fate and by the injustice of society (Deshong was never found), William headed back to his birthplace and lived in a cave for the last 19 years of his life, gaining the nickname “The Pennsylvania Hermit.” He supported himself by making millstones, eschewing any other contact with civilization. After his death, his writings were published in a number of different newspapers.
The word hermit comes from the Greek word for desert, as in someone who lives in one.
on February 6, 2018 at 3:52 am
I read that to my wife. She says “yup, that’s you.”
Scruffy Nerfherder
on February 5, 2018 at 8:34 pm
Just watched The Cloverfield Paradox.
What an unmitigated turd of a film. It insults your intelligence at every plot development. In other words, it’s totally worthy of association with JJ Abrams.
on February 5, 2018 at 8:38 pm
A&E has a documentary on about the silk road right. I just started it. I have a feeling I will end up pissed off by the time it’s over.
“A large percentage of bright young men and women locate the impetus behind their career choice in the belief that they are fundamentally different from the common run of man, unique and in certain crucial ways superior, more as it were central, meaningful—what else could explain the fact that they themselves have been at the exact center of all they’ve experienced for the whole 20 years of their conscious lives?—and that they can and will make a difference in their chosen field simply by the fact of their unique and central presence to it… ”
-My man DFW
Lately there was speculation that Carter Page was under FBI surveillance before the FISA warrant request described in the Nunes memo. It looks like we now have an explanation of what actually happened.
In 2013 Carter Page was working as an under-cover employee (UCE) of the FBI, helping them to build a case against “Evgeny Buryakov”. In March 2016 Carter Page remained their informant pre-trial.
Preet Bharara, the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, and John P. Carlin, Assistant Attorney General for National Security, announced that EVGENY BURYAKOV, a/k/a “Zhenya,” pled guilty today to conspiring to act in the United States as an agent of the Russian Federation, without providing prior notice to the Attorney General.
[…] The FBI obtained the recordings after Sporyshev attempted to recruit an FBI undercover employee (“UCE-1”), who was posing as an analyst from a New York-based energy company. In response to requests from Sporyshev, UCE-1 provided Sporyshev with binders containing purported industry analysis written by UCE-1 and supporting documentation relating to UCE-1’s reports, as well as covertly placed recording devices.
NEW YORK (Reuters) – The FBI eavesdropped on meetings involving Russian intelligence personnel in New York City, including a suspected spy posing as a trade representative, by hiding recorders in binders containing supposedly confidential information about the energy sector, U.S. prosecutors said.
The hours of covert recordings from 2013 were disclosed in papers filed in Manhattan federal court on Tuesday in the case of Evgeny Buryakov, a Russian citizen who U.S. prosecutors say posed as a banker while participating in a Cold War-style spy ring.
[…] According to prosecutors, in April 2012, Sporyshev met an undercover FBI employee posing as an analyst at a New York energy firm at an oil and gas industry conference.
Over the next two years, they met to discuss the industry and other economic and political issues, prosecutors said, with Sporyshev providing gifts and cash for information.
In 2013, the FBI employee began providing Sporyshev with the binders containing purported industry analysis he wrote, supporting documents, and “covertly placed recording devices,” prosecutors wrote.
Russian intelligence operatives tried in 2013 to recruit an American businessman and eventual foreign policy adviser to the Trump campaign who is now part of the F.B.I. investigation into Russia’s interference into the American election, according to federal court documents and a statement issued by the businessman.
The businessman, Carter Page, met with one of three Russians who were eventually charged with being undeclared officers with Russia’s foreign intelligence service, known as the S.V.R. The F.B.I. interviewed Mr. Page in 2013 as part of an investigation into the spy ring, but decided that he had not known the man was a spy, and the bureau never accused Mr. Page of wrongdoing.
The court documents say that Mr. Page, who founded an investment company in New York called Global Energy Capital, provided documents about the energy business to one of the Russians. […] To record their conversations, the F.B.I. inserted a listening device into binders that were passed to the Russian intelligence operatives during an energy conference, according to a former United States intelligence official.
Gustave Lytton
on February 5, 2018 at 9:35 pm
Wait this is even more bizarre. So Carter Page was working for the FBI, somehow Steele caught wind of this and was the basis of FISA warrant against their own informant? Did anyone who signed off on the warrant have a clue that Page was an FBI informant?
I’m sure the Dem spin will be that this proves that the dossier was correct because Page was working with Russians (just not the FBI informant part) so everything that follows is totes legit.
on February 5, 2018 at 9:39 pm
If Carter Page == UCE-1, then it is the smoking gun that even the Dem media won’t be able to spin away.
Gustave Lytton
on February 5, 2018 at 10:08 pm
I wish it were so.
The FBI’s right and left hand’s didn’t know about it because it was so sensitive that only agents with a need to know knew about Page, and the ones conducting the second investigation were unaware. MOVE ALONG FOLKS, NOTHING TO SEE HERE. Trump associated with proven Russian agent (albeit an FBI informant), see. Impeach the entire Trump Administration and every other Republican until Herself is sworncrowned as Hillary I, Protector of the Republic.
on February 5, 2018 at 10:12 pm
In his testimony to the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence of the U.S. House of Representatives, Carter Page confirms that he was “Male-1” in the Buryakov case. See page 19 of the pdf file.
on February 6, 2018 at 6:00 am
The same John P Carlin who, together with the FBI counterintelligence unit, conscripted Carter Page as an FBI Under-Cover Employee, gains a guilty plea, then turns around and six months later accuses Page of being a Russian Spy.
Why? Likely because the DOJ-NSD and FBI CoIntel needed to find a legal way to spy on the Trump campaign. The 2016 FISA Title 1 surveillance of former FBI employee Carter Page became that legal way. [“The Insurance Policy”]
If that is true and can be proven, that is huge. The fact Page was “an interest” to the FBI since 2013 has been the favorite poo poo tactic to hand wave away the memo. The fact Page was and interest because he was working for the FBI kind of changes things. It is a full time job keeping up with this shit. What were they submitting to FISA to get the warrant renewed though? That is the other “nothing to see here” talking point. They need to release all FISA applications and renewals in this matter.
Fonzie’s favorite Senator, good ole Mr. Ron Wyden says: “Aye, government surveillance is bad, but when Richie is literally Hitler, sometimes Mr. Cunningham has to break the rules”
Yusef drives a Kia
on February 5, 2018 at 9:45 pm
Oh shut up Potsie!
Just Say'n
on February 5, 2018 at 9:54 pm
Look at Ralph Malf over here
Yusef drives a Kia
on February 5, 2018 at 10:10 pm
That’s me! These hands are registered with the FBI as lethal weapons,
/So is the knife in my pocket,
Yusef drives a Kia
on February 5, 2018 at 10:11 pm
YOU are webdominatrix, and Zardoz, and Many others, Hmmmm
on February 5, 2018 at 10:16 pm
I am you, you are me and we are one?
C. Anacreon
on February 5, 2018 at 10:22 pm
Ho Ho Ho
Hee Hee Hee
Ha Ha Ha
on February 5, 2018 at 10:23 pm
C. Anacreon
on February 6, 2018 at 12:15 am
You are sharp and quick to get that so fast.
on February 6, 2018 at 12:17 am
So are you dull and slow to take two hours to respond?
C. Anacreon
on February 6, 2018 at 12:20 am
Been at the gym without touching electronics for the past couple of hours, sorry. But I did see Tundra replied immediately after the other post, which I did right before heading out the door.
The limo thing rings clear, and the fact that by the time this guy was asking around, Brasco had put most of those guys away, or their superiors had put them down.
I’m with you Webdominiatrix. I went vegetarian thirty years ago. Some of the hippie dippy let’s love Gaia screw the man pseudoscience drives me crazy. I’m embarrassed to be associated with some of these numbskulls.
on February 5, 2018 at 10:25 pm
I get almost an animal instinct sometimes to bite into a nice a piece of meat. The texture, the feel, the bite. Do you never get this? Or do you satiate it in some other way?
Yusef drives a Kia
on February 5, 2018 at 10:28 pm
I love Peanut Butter, But I love Meat, I must eat it at every meal, Main course, if there is nothing to add, I don’t care, MEAT!
Chicken, Cow ,Pig,Elk, whatever works
on February 5, 2018 at 10:31 pm
My grandfather, a butcher, said if there’s no meat it isn’t a meal, and if it isn’t a meal you don’t have to pray.
Yusef drives a Kia
on February 5, 2018 at 10:33 pm
Ha! Love the Old guys
on February 5, 2018 at 11:11 pm
When I first went vegan I had the same feeling. It passed after awhile. Also, veggie meat has come a very long way. You might be surprised how good some of it is. (And I’ll admit there is also terrible veggie meat out there.)
I’m a dedicated omnivore, but I’ll eat vegetarian stuff from time to time. There are burgers that I’ll actually seek out. It doesn’t taste like meat, but it works like a burger, if that makes sense.
on February 5, 2018 at 11:20 pm
I have has some good vegetarian (not sure if vegan) meat replacements. But none really fulfilled that animal need to tear into flesh. And, not to demean your reasons for choosing your lifestyle, but just comment on differences, my grandfather was a butcher. Many people have tried to do the ‘well if you only knew how it was made’ schtick on me. But the fact is, I know how it’s made, and I have no problem.
Yusef drives a Kia
on February 5, 2018 at 11:31 pm
Been there, done that,it’s like the O’douls of Meat
I mean, there aren’t really meat replacements. There are dishes where you can sub in vegetables or soy, but those are typically dishes where the meat isn’t typically high quality to begin with so there’s a lot of other flavors that are disguising it, so you don’t notice so much that you’re eating mushrooms or soy or whatever. I think if you go into vegetarianism thinking that you’ll find some methodone of meat you’re setting yourself up for failure.
That said, there are a lot of really good vegetarian dishes. Especially if you’re factoring in eggs, you can get a lot of mileage out of vegetarian cooking.
on February 5, 2018 at 11:52 pm
I’ve had some veggie burgers that were ‘ok’. I had a lady friend once who when I made vegitarian chili for her with a faux meat said she didn’t like it, because she didn’t like the texture of meat. Ok. I don’t get it, but OK. I made a Sheppard’s Pie once with faux meat and fed it to my dad, he couldn’t tell the difference. But as expensive as something as cheap as ground beef has become, the faux meats don’t make it any cheaper, which could be an appeal that could draw customers.
on February 6, 2018 at 12:07 am
NB, try the veggie meats from Gardein. In my opinion, they are currently the best out there. I’d be curious to get your reaction.
I’ll do that. Like I say, I’m not a vegetarian, but I like a broad range of food and there’s a lot of vegetarian stuff that I enjoy. I’ll check them out.
on February 6, 2018 at 12:05 am
I understand. I’m not trying to convert anyone in this thread. I grew up a meat eater and had no qualms about it. When I read in depth about factory farming it changed my mind. To me there is a world of difference between hunting and that. This isn’t taking old Bessie behind the barn. There is a level of cruelty, indifference and scale that made it morally reprehensible. It was a major change for me and initially it was a giant pain in the ass. For me, it was always worth it.
Again, this is my two cents and my personal experience.
C. Anacreon
on February 6, 2018 at 12:19 am
We are apparently on the cusp of meats grown for human consumption completely independent of animals — thus no pain, no farming, just growth of meat cells. Some early reports say the meat is surprisingly good, and would no doubt only get better with time and innovation. Would this change your attitude toward eating meat? What do you think it would mean overall to vegetarians and vegans if meat created in this way essentially replaced the abattoir?
on February 6, 2018 at 12:37 am
I’ve read about this. William Gibson foresaw this in the 80s with his refences to vat grown meat. For me this would very likely be a game changer. If I understand the technology correctly it would remove my moral objections.
Like any philosophy vegetarianism has plenty of factions so you won’t get a uniform answer to the technology. Some will agree with me. Others will object because it is still meat or it encourages killing animals for meat or (fill in whatever rationale you can dream up for why it’s wrong.)
If this hits commercial scale I’ll be curious to see how much water is consumed in the process. That is an important argument for those who came to vegetarianism through ecology.
on February 6, 2018 at 12:44 am
This would render meat animals extinct; which would be the next ‘bad’ thing. Cows, and chickens are too bred for domestication to ever live in the wild. Pigs are adaptable, but are a nuance in the wild. So basically, for the fear that animals who live a life of largess dying for food, they would be instead doomed to extinction. So now you go from being a cannibal to worse than Hitler.
on February 6, 2018 at 12:57 am
Sorry, wild pigs are a nuisance, not nuance.
Yusef drives a Kia
on February 5, 2018 at 10:25 pm
But GMOs!
on February 5, 2018 at 11:38 pm
That’s what gets me about Human Nature. Eat what you want or what your body tells you you need. If it’s vegan, have at it. I never understand the need to tell people what they should and should not eat.
I think the most primal view of how the body determines what it wants/needs is when a woman is pregnant. They eat some weird shit.
on February 6, 2018 at 12:40 am
No doubt you recoil at being told what to do. I certainly do. Do you object to persuasion?
Yusef drives a Kia
on February 5, 2018 at 10:24 pm
Hayek, if you are out there, If you move out here We WILL hook up, hubby plays Bass right? We can Jam, Lemme know how things work out
on February 5, 2018 at 10:27 pm
Mr. Splosives is a country guy, you dabble in country?
Yusef drives a Kia
on February 5, 2018 at 10:30 pm
Yes I do, I love Honky Tonk, But I go all the way to Bluegrass, and I play a mean Ukelele
on February 5, 2018 at 10:35 pm
I worked on a Bluegrass and Folk radio show in college, I took the chance to play Irish folk music, which is something I really like. Despite being zero percent Irish.
Yusef drives a Kia
on February 5, 2018 at 10:41 pm
Irish Folk songs are AWesome, I’m glad I’m not the only one.
YT is great for exposing you to new stuff, to a point
You know; I don’t really know music, I can’t read it, don’t really get it. I’m tone def as well. But for a few of my short films I did some shitty keyboard stuff that worked for it, and I found it quite funny when someone commented that the music was good.
Yusef drives a Kia
on February 5, 2018 at 10:48 pm
You don’t need to “know” music, if you figure out how to makes sounds you like, most people will like them too, I’m serious.
Music is something you feel,
Yusef drives a Kia
on February 5, 2018 at 10:55 pm
I’ve toyed with the idea of going vegetarian. Not for any idealistic reasons, it’s just that following some of the logic behind the healthy diet I eat, it does make a lot of sense. It seems like it would be much more sustainable in the long run.
On a whim I bought these Southwest black bean burgers from Wegmans (the greatest grocery store of all time. The wife and I dearly miss it) and I bought them every week since. They were amazing. I’ve found some frozen ones here but it’s just not the same.
on February 6, 2018 at 4:31 am
Oh, and I still can’t figure out how to substitute for the protein content. I’d probably eat a lot less meat if someone had a few easy to make options that delivered the same protein content as the meat I eat. I do meal prep most Sundays and it’s hard to find an easy substitute to throwing a bunch of meat in a Crock-Pot or whatever and being set for a week.
on February 6, 2018 at 4:50 am
And since I might be the only person here, what is wrong with people these days? Is it so hard to just be a decent person? People are becoming downright nasty and petty, even in person. I don’t think a day goes by anymore where I don’t think to myself “wow, was it really necessary to behave that way?” It’s being thrown into sharp relief by the excessively-polite society I’m currently working in. Now, I’m not suggesting we all try to be as polite as the Japanese. It seems like it would be miserable, as evidenced by their high suicide rate (correlation =/= causation). It just seems like a lot of people I encounter these days could stand to see their fellow men and women (SHITLOOOOOORRRDDD REEEEEE) as human beings just like themselves.
I can relate to the quote above about being disappointed in people. I set really high standards for myself, so maybe I expect people to act in similar ways because I find it pretty easy to do. I’m not suggesting I’m flawless. These same high standards have driven me literally (I hate using that but it’s true) insane at times. I’ve just read enough and was brought up in a way that a man should behave in a certain way. They should be respectful and stalwart. Women can behave that way too, if they want. I’m not trying to limit this to one sex.
Speaking of which, women are strong in ways that I cannot comprehend sometimes. When I hear snowflakes reee-ing about how delicate women should be treated (#metoo) I am kind of astounded. The women I know can kick some ass. Even the women who choose to stay home are strong in ways that I think is ignored. I see husbands going TDY or deploying and the women who they leave behind always stand tall and keep the house afloat. That’s no easy feat.
Now, there’s shitbags in every gender. That’s to be expected. I just have a really hard time wrapping my head around how prevalent it has become to just be a dick or cunt. Yeah, I guess I am disappointed a lot by people and so I seek out solitude. I think many people feel the same way.
On a separate note, I read a lot about psychology quackery and cracks about antidepressants. It took me a long time to address this personal issue because I thought for sure that all the pain I was in was physical and refused to admit it could be something else. I went through multiple doctors and took every test in the book. They all hinted that the horrible pain I was in was psychosomatic. This thing hit me out of nowhere. I thought I was having a stroke and for a few years after that I was in agony constantly. Well, I finally had a doctor who kicked my ass. He basically said I need to try an antidepressant because there is no other thing. Within a month my pain is gone. It’s been half a year now and it has not returned. I can focus and my physical stamina is off the charts.
So if you’re suffering and at your wits end, don’t let the stigma hold you back. Get help.
And that brings me back to my original point. Why are people being so mean to each other? It’s so simple to just…not. Don’t send that nasty email. Sleep on it. Try to imagine that you are at the other end. Are you having a bad day? Maybe your dog died or your child is sick. maybe you’re just suffering through psychosomatic pain and don’t want to show it. You can never really understand what kind of pain someone is in. We are all different that way. So go easy on each other. It does not cost a dime.
That felt good.
on February 6, 2018 at 6:35 am
Easy there Mustang Lama. The fact people are dicks is what keeps some of us tied to reality and is the fuel of our souls. (J/K sort of)
My ex whatsherface #2 had great success dealing with chronic neck and back pain by attacking it mentally. She would be bed ridden some days it was so bad and essentially willed it away after reading some book I can’t remember the name of. I am a big believer pain can be psychosomatic. I wish that was the case with me at the moment and I am in severe pain at the end of most work days and have a bad limp, but given the associated stiffness in my hip, I think I am at stage 10 hip flexor contraction/tightness (which I am trying to stretch out, or my hip is hosed). It is the same side as the one I achieved 7 displaced rib fractures on a few years ago. I worked for four days with those prior to going to the doctor because I thought I just bruised them. They were the first bones I have ever broken.
As to vegetarianism, eating a boat load of eggs would give some decent protein. I just wrapped a fried egg in some salami for my breakfast snack on my drive to work in a bit. Other than eggs, I don’t know what to do for protein, but I have never tried to be vegetarian, but did date one for years. She lived on tortillas chips, queso and quesadillas. As to vegans, who knows how they get protein.
on February 6, 2018 at 6:45 am
Good morning! I just needed a good old fashioned pointless rant. Hope I didn’t offend.
In case you revisit the thread, I completely agree with being disappointed in how a lot of people act. I think I expect what Straf describes as the typical Japanese mindset from people and I don’t often get it. Or maybe when I see people behaving with just a casual indifference or lack of consideration it sticks out in my mind. I get people having shitty days and losing their minds. That happens. God knows I’ve been that guy more than once. What bothers me is the low-key, day-to-day rudeness. People who don’t use turn signals. People who handle lines well. People who just act as if they’re the only people in the world that matter. It absolutely infuriates me. I was raised with an almost pathological anxiety about inconveniencing other people.
on February 6, 2018 at 6:52 am
It’s being thrown into sharp relief by the excessively-polite society I’m currently working in.
Amazing difference, isn’t it? I love America, but hate most Americans. Not a huge fan of Japan, but love most Japanese people. The biggest difference I see is that the Japanese go to extreme lengths to imagine what other people are thinking. From gift giving to public behavior, the way I personally acted in my youth embarrasses me now. The homogeneity of the culture surely is a big reason for that and the social trust that permeates every corner of life here really is a pleasure.
on February 6, 2018 at 7:09 am
Yes, I have felt the same way, but I can also see where it creates enormous pressure to conform or cause anxiety. Spending all your time worrying about whether or not you’ve offended somebody or trying to imagine what they’re thinking would be exhausting. I really do love how polite the people are but I can also see where this pressure would be very difficult to mesh with American culture. We could probably stand to appropriate a good amount of it though.
I can hear the screeching about appropriation from here.
on February 6, 2018 at 7:10 am
I lived in Japan for 4 months, and made a number of extended business trips there in the late 80’s and I could never get my head completely around the culture. Like anywhere you go, you met people you would get on famously with, and others, more neutral, and others whose company you didn’t seek out, but to a Westerner, I found the culture stifling and bizarre at first, but as time progressed, a lot of that became far less noticeable and I guess human nature sweeps those observations out of the way. It took me some time to reflect that I actually valued the consistency that the culture delivered.
I did find that it crushed innovation though. Native Japanese inventors must be supermen.
The thing I can’t understand though, is the popularity on Youtube of people like this (and there are lots of them). It’s like “Really dude? Make other arrangements and work elsewhere!”
on February 6, 2018 at 7:20 am
You’re right that it takes time. My transition: No idea about anything > Basic customs and a little understanding of the Japanese mind > Most customs down pat and simple relationships no problem > Building up of close relationships and with that many big problems with nuance that can’t be papered over with “I’m just a visitor” > Full acceptance of the culture and unconscious integration of social norms. Who knows what the next 20 years will bring?
on February 6, 2018 at 7:34 am
I’m not sure I could ever adapt fully. Given the kind of people *we* are ideologically, I think you’re a total studmuffin even attempting to function in that environment.
Libertarian Japanese must be rarer indeed than libertarian women. Or as the simile goes, Australian virgins.
Note to self: see if that yukata still fits. Magic 8-ball says “Are you on crack, bro?”
on February 6, 2018 at 7:06 am
Ah, most people could give a fuck for someone not in their immediate tribe. Cunts and assholes, the lot of them (including the “tribe”). People can be polite and they can be gracious but that’s just something that they’ve been trained to do with a choke-chain. “G’way! Batin”!
I was a vegan for 10 years – back when getting protein replacements was difficult. Add in my poor college student budget and I was a walking stick figure by the time I graduated.
I added meat back into my diet after getting a new job – it was the social thing that bothered me the most about being a vegan; any time you went out to eat, or to a BBQ, picnic, etc it became difficult to find something to eat. Again this was before the days when restaurants catered to this crowd; so I ate a lot of French fries and salads.
That’s GMO- and gluten-free peroxide.
Er,…is anybody else getting an overlay of the commenting policy over the actual comments? Or am I just having my own technical difficulties?
Heh, threading fail. It’s probably just me.
I see it with every WD post. Scroll down for some… interesting… results along the right margin.
Oh my…
Sorry about that. I didn’t know I’m supposed to turn off the sidebar.
Why not just Baking Soda?
You mean, like leaving a 7-Up in the back of your car in the middle of summer?
Sorry, was channeling my inner Hillary ‘wipe, like with a cloth?’ spirit.
And peroxide is a major component of some tooth bleaching treatments.
I guess the strawberry is for taste?
This is a very interesting article on the possible size of the universe. It’s yuuugge, folks, at least, at least 15 million times the size of the observable universe, which is about 45 billion light years in all directions. And it may not eve be finite.
Could the universe be infinite?
Ok, I’m back to work first thing amanha on my interstellar ship. There’s somewhere out there where these progs will never find me.
amanha What?
Tomorrow, bro.
I thought so, it seems an appropriate term, never heard it before
Portuguese. It’s a little different in Spanish, but similar, can’t remember right now.
I heard Manana, so yes close, Cool
/The More You Know….
Yes, that’s it!
¿ mañana ?
I don’t know how to do that,
/slinks away, an Old man……….
Set up your keyboard for international, so you can do accents. I honestly just leave them out when typing in Portuguese, it’s a pain in the ass and it’s obvious because of context.
uno aprende una cosa o dos mientras vive en Texas durante dos décadas
If you’re on a tablet or smartphone, you should be able to hold down the letter you want to put an accent on and it will give you options.
It depends on the system and device, though. My tablet’s English keyboard has a lot more options than the one on the smartphone. It includes the Slavic characters, for example; if I wanted to do that on my smartphone I’d have to switch language keyboards.
I am not fluent in Espanol, but I think Don just admitted he avoided apprehension in Texas for twenty years.
“I am not fluent in Espanol, but I think Don just admitted he avoided apprehension in Texas for twenty years.”
Why do you think he finally escaped?
The Amanha Radarange, of course.
I was thinking more of the Eddie Murphy routine with Ralph and Norton.
Staht fuckin!
It’s not the size. It’s how you use it.
We can’t even get out of low earth orbit for the last 50 years, so I suppose we won’t be using it at all in the near future.
The one thing that really caught my interest, is that the article seems to indicate multiple big bangs at different intervals. I’ve often wondered if our own big bang could be a result of a super, super massive black hole which has swallowed entire galaxies or even multiple galaxies, exploding at some critical point and releasing all of it’s matter back out into space. It makes sense, because no one can seriously believe that matter happens from nothing. So where did it all start? We may never know that, we probably won’t, but how can you stop wondering about it?
I like the ekpyrotic explanation of two barely separate dimensions (branes) that are perpetually bouncing off each other. Each time producing a big bang to generate a new universe after the old one has expanded so far as to have disappeared.
You know, there’s always the possibility that God created everything.
Raises hand
If the universe is 13.8 billion years old, how can we observe objects 45 billion light years away? Wouldn’t we need to wait at least another 30 billion years for that light to reach us?
How is the universe more than 28 billion light-years across if light is the speed limit?
The answer to both is that the universe is expanding.
Relative to our location, the farther away/back you look the faster it appears to be expanding. When you get far enough away the the cumulative effect means the apparent speed of the expansion exceed the speed of light.
Basically we are seeing where an object was observed to be 13.8B years ago
Because of the expansion of the universe however, it is actually at this very moment 45 billion light years away, even if we cannot see it.
…pardon my dumb, but if the universe is 13.8B years old, and the edges are expanding at the speed of light, how does that not mean the max diameter of the universe is 27.6B light years (edge to edge assuming uniform expansion at light speed in opposite directions)?
Its no so much that a galaxy beyond the limits of our vision is moving faster than light, but rather that space itself (from our point of view) is expanding faster than light once you add up the cumulative expansion.
Its one of those things that is really hard to wrap your head around.
This might help
How about this: the universe is not infinite, and is really just like a huge, perfect paddle-ball game. It expands until it can expand no further, and then begins retracting, eventually collapsing to a point, at which time the cycle begins again. Being a closed system, this cycle continues, and has continued, forever. And because all information is destroyed (and not just once, but twice) on each cycle, it is impossible to know how the universe itself came to be.
I don’t agree with the peroxide: it will delay the healing of any oral wounds or lesions.
Peroxide kills indiscriminately, so it will attack the healing edge of any wound or lesion. This simply creates more dead (bleached) tissue that your body must remove before healing can finish: slower healing and more scarring….for what? There’s nothing in your mouth that needs daily rinsing with bleach to prolong tooth life.
Oops: I”m out of line if bleaching is the desired effect. Okay, bleaching with bleach is the best way to bleach anything.
But what combination of purist motives arrives at our going vegan on the one hand and needing artificially white teeth on the other? Isn’t that like a boob job for a chick who doesn’t shave her legs?
They used to bleach their teeth white in the middle ages, which destroyed the enamel and left people toothless pretty quick.
But it works Awesome for dentures, Just make sure and rinse and dry, Shiny Smiles!
Duly noted! Hat tip for Yusef.
But it’s really cool to watch the way it bubbles and fizzes when you pour it on the wound, right?
Use a vegan laser instead.
And when it bubbles and fizzes you know that all the little microbes are releasing their peroxidase enzymes…. which neutralize the peroxide, creating the bubbles.
On a side tangent, peroxide is an excellent way to save your dog’s life if they’ve eaten something toxic. Last year, my retarded hound mix ate enough rat poison to kill her several times over. Two or three squirts of hydrogen peroxide down her throat brought it all back up.
Am I the only one who likes my peroxide extra dry?
I like this, Thank you Sir!, as you may know, I have a Teufulhund that has already experienced Poison, and Your info Rocks!
/I sound like a Bot
I had a gray tabby cat who died from drinking antifreeze. I already had 2 cats, but I wound up adopting him when a friend had to move out of his house to an apartment in the city because of work. He was the smartest most people person cat I’ve ever been around. It was truly heartbreaking. I let my cats be indoor/outdoor cats. Fuck people who leave antifreeze laying around for cats to drink. And it’s not like I could have save him because he drank it at night in one of my neighbors garage when I was sleeping and I found him dead the next morning. The kid who left it out and the garage door open, apologized and I could tell he felt really bad. But that didn’t make it much easier. I had a really hard time telling my friend.
Thanks, I remember your post and am glad Bella made it through okay.
Thank You sir
/Tips Tophat
Yusef, my neighbor just lost his foot due to blood clots. What would be a good welcome home basket for him? (If you aren’t the person whose wife lost a foot, my apologies.) One neighbor, who is a contractor is making sure he has rails on both sides of steps to make it easier to go up and down, but what else would help?
If you can afford it, get him an Aluminum folding ramp, He will be Wheel chair bound for 6 Months while Stumpy heals and He can get a prosthesis, they are about 200$ and really helpful, maybe a narrow wheelchair for navigating, both of these things really help the Wife and I
His mom said he’s on crutches (second hand info), but I’ll check. Anything else? He’s a single guy.
Pogo Stick?Ahhh, nah, forget it.
Or a Six pack of Good Beer and some Good Conversation, Remember, He no where near Done, and will walk again, Slap him in the Head for me
Thank you
YES! You can practically time it to the second from pouring it down their throats to when they barf.
I think it is like 1 ml per pound, 3% solution. But first, call pet poison control at 1-800-213-6680 ( from my fridge magnet).
The wife worked as a receptionist at a vet for a little while. Short Bus, aka Jack, ate an entire bag of Hershey’s Kisses one Christmas while we were across the street at the neighbor’s. We learned a few things. One, peroxide will indeed induce vomiting in short order. Two, it takes a hell of a lot of chocolate to take down an 80 pound dog. Three, mint chocolate mixed with dog vomit will erode the finish of a wood floor and soak into the wood, filling the air with a bizarre scent in warm weather for years to come.
Strawberry and baking soda? So can you just eat a biscuit with strawberry jam, do the rinse, and then eat another biscuit and jam to get the peroxide taste out of your mouth?
I only use non-vegan tooth cleaning products.
I brush my teeth with veal.
i use mutton, but yeah.
I brush mine with Minors Aus Jus base.
That sounds like OMWC’s brand of choice.
I find baby seal does a better job.
I don’t believe in chemical treatments. I use an angle grinder with a wire wheel. Dremel makes a nice detailing tip for the spaces in between.
Good thinking, Bluto.
I have Bionic Teeth
I very much doubt that this Russian fighter pilot was a vegan.
Hell of a way to go.
+1 Red Dawn
Better than being burned alive.
This, and Fuck Off Slaver!
Not the first time, I seem to remember 2016 I think – a downed Russian airman was claimed to have called an artillery strike on his own position.
Better going quickly by artillery, and taking some of the cunts with you, than being captured, tortured, and ending up in an ISIS snuff video at the wrong end of a sword.
‘ere we go. Not Air, Special Forces.
Of course, Medal of Honor recipient John R. Fox also did this.
I doff my hat to the memory of Lieutenant Fox.
When the soldiers went to recover the body of Lieutenant Fox and the eight Italian soldiers who’d been killed as well, they also found the bodies of about 100 German soldiers around the wreckage.
Buffalo Soldiers, that’s why he Was a Badass, they have History
The Russians don’t seem big on search and rescue.
Easy. Rip em out and get non-GMO, organic, artisanal dentures.
Exactly, Why settle For Organic teeth?
/Future Toaster
Ball-busting aside, did you actually go vegan? If so, why?
I did. That changed to vegetarian when I got married.
I did it because it’s unnecessary for me to kill animals or have them killed to ensure my survival. When I read up on factory farming my stomach turned. It’s unbelievably cruel. I won’t participate in it.
It seems like vegetarianism is a lot more sustainable than veganism as a dietary choice. I have a few friends who are vegetarian and they made that decision for the same reasons you mentioned. It’s not for me, but I also tend to think that if you’re going to eat meat you should kill something for food at least once. I think it’s important to at least understand that if you’re eating meat you’re eating something that was a living creature at one point and was killed so you could consume it. If you can’t do that yourself, maybe you shouldn’t have other people do it for you either. No judgement either way, I just think it’s really easy in the developed world to see a steak as something you buy at a restaurant and a cow as something separate that lives on a farm and hangs out until it dies of old age.
Gordon Ramsey did one series where over the course of several episodes he raised pigs at home for slaughter. His daughters named them, they played with them, and the whole time he was basically like, “Look, one day we’re going to kill these pigs and eat them. That’s how meat works.” And he did. If you don’t live on a working farm these days that’s not something you’d experience.
I love it when bullshit narratives are popped by statistics.
Double the amount of Canadians move to the US as Americans to Canada, and they move to America in even greater numbers when a Republican is president.
Full Disclosure – I moved to America from Canada not because of politics, as I am not a soulless, empty shitheel, whose life is determined by the forces of evil known as government. I moved to America for pussy.
Knoxville, Oxford, Athens, repeat
As a proportion of population, it’s even worse (better?).
OT: After the yourtango.com advertisements for Ashley Madison I fell down the rabbit hole and found this gem:
Since this is apparently a theme for the day, I repost my comment from Morning Lynx:
Speaking for myself, this type of arrangement would have a lot less to do with jealousy than with my being cursed with a mind that is simultaneously misanthropic, optimistic, cynical, hopeful, despairing and philosophically minded. I need someone with whom I feel I can bunker down against a meaningless and hostile universe. Allowing other people on the other side of that moat would open it to the gaping maw of despair, chaos and decay that constitutes a threat to the potentially naïve island of truth, innocence and purity that’s been built. There’s a reason that if I navel gaze for too long, I’ll find myself weeping.
/two bad drunken nights from a padded cell
I read that in some countries like Indonesia white teeth are not desirable, because it makes your teeth look like a dog’s teeth.
A brief history:
— The practice of teeth-whitening began around 4,000 years ago with the ancient Egyptians, who created a whitening paste using ground pumice stone mixed in wine vinegar. White teeth were a mark of beauty and a sign of wealth.
— Ancient Romans whitened their teeth using urine (you read that correctly). The ammonia in the urine was the bleaching agent.
— During the 17th century, people relied on their barbers for the care of hair and teeth. The barber would file down the teeth and apply an acid that would whiten them. While the practice made teeth whiter, it eroded tooth enamel and led to decay.
— The effects of fluoride were discovered in the early 19th century, when dentists realized that patients exposed to the chemical in food and water had cavity-free teeth. However, it was also discovered that too much fluoride can stain teeth.
long story short- your teeth are for eating. Avoid sugar and don’t worry about the color.
It’s an uphill struggle if you chew betel nuts.
The oral cancer is a bonus.
Go ohaguro and dye them black
White Out is vegan
But is it GMO?
“Let me tell you this: if you meet a loner, no matter what they tell you, it’s not because they enjoy solitude. It’s because they have tried to blend into the world before, and people continue to disappoint them.”
-Jodi Picoult
Has more than a grain of truth to it.
Sounds Glib to me
Hmm. This guy enjoyed solitude and made a movie about it.
Richard Louis “Dick” Proenneke (May 4, 1916 – April 20, 2003) was a self-educated naturalist who lived alone for nearly thirty years in the mountains of Alaska in a log cabin he had constructed by hand near the shore of Twin Lakes. Proenneke hunted, fished, raised and gathered his own food, and also had supplies flown in occasionally. He documented his activities in journals and on film, and also recorded valuable meteorological and natural data.[1] The journals and film were later used by others to write books and produce documentaries about his time in the wilderness.
The ultimate libertarian?
Wasn’t he the guy who invented the proverb “fuck off, slaver!” ?
Anti Social? i hate every body but I still interact, I guess I like the first World too much, just Say’n
famous hermits
William Wilson’s story begins in 18th-century Pennsylvania and involves his sister Elizabeth. She was tricked into having sex with a man named Joseph Deshong, who pretended to have marriage on his mind. In reality, he had no intention of marrying her. When she gave birth to twins, he followed her home and lured Elizabeth and the newborns into the woods, where he murdered the babies and then fled the scene. Elizabeth was convicted of the crime and sentenced to death. William pleaded with the governor to release her, and eventually a pardon was granted. He raced home to save her, but he was too late—she had been hanged moments before he arrived.Discouraged and saddened by his sister’s fate and by the injustice of society (Deshong was never found), William headed back to his birthplace and lived in a cave for the last 19 years of his life, gaining the nickname “The Pennsylvania Hermit.” He supported himself by making millstones, eschewing any other contact with civilization. After his death, his writings were published in a number of different newspapers.
The word hermit comes from the Greek word for desert, as in someone who lives in one.
I read that to my wife. She says “yup, that’s you.”
Just watched The Cloverfield Paradox.
What an unmitigated turd of a film. It insults your intelligence at every plot development. In other words, it’s totally worthy of association with JJ Abrams.
A&E has a documentary on about the silk road right. I just started it. I have a feeling I will end up pissed off by the time it’s over.
To all the snowflakes:
“A large percentage of bright young men and women locate the impetus behind their career choice in the belief that they are fundamentally different from the common run of man, unique and in certain crucial ways superior, more as it were central, meaningful—what else could explain the fact that they themselves have been at the exact center of all they’ve experienced for the whole 20 years of their conscious lives?—and that they can and will make a difference in their chosen field simply by the fact of their unique and central presence to it… ”
-My man DFW
Devil’s Island, what a fucked up place, makes like the French even less,
If only there was some way to understand the motives of jihadis…
Nothing to do with diet choices
Wife delivered #2 today.
An average sized, all fingers and toes accounted for boy.
Big sister (age 5) was excited for all of about five minutes. Then he got boring.
Congratulations. May he be happy and healthy.
YAY! God Bless and Good Cheer!
In the words of the great philosopher Homer Simpson:
Kids are great. You can teach ’em to hate what you hate and they practically raise themselves
Congrats, brother.
My kids are my favorite things in this world.
I wish you and the family all the best.
Congrats. Did you buy one of these?
Welcome, newest Baby Glib!
Congratulations, that’s great news!
Lately there was speculation that Carter Page was under FBI surveillance before the FISA warrant request described in the Nunes memo. It looks like we now have an explanation of what actually happened.
Wait this is even more bizarre. So Carter Page was working for the FBI, somehow Steele caught wind of this and was the basis of FISA warrant against their own informant? Did anyone who signed off on the warrant have a clue that Page was an FBI informant?
I’m sure the Dem spin will be that this proves that the dossier was correct because Page was working with Russians (just not the FBI informant part) so everything that follows is totes legit.
If Carter Page == UCE-1, then it is the smoking gun that even the Dem media won’t be able to spin away.
I wish it were so.
The FBI’s right and left hand’s didn’t know about it because it was so sensitive that only agents with a need to know knew about Page, and the ones conducting the second investigation were unaware. MOVE ALONG FOLKS, NOTHING TO SEE HERE. Trump associated with proven Russian agent (albeit an FBI informant), see. Impeach the entire Trump Administration and every other Republican until Herself is
sworncrowned as Hillary I, Protector of the Republic.In his testimony to the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence of the U.S. House of Representatives, Carter Page confirms that he was “Male-1” in the Buryakov case. See page 19 of the pdf file.
If that is true and can be proven, that is huge. The fact Page was “an interest” to the FBI since 2013 has been the favorite poo poo tactic to hand wave away the memo. The fact Page was and interest because he was working for the FBI kind of changes things. It is a full time job keeping up with this shit. What were they submitting to FISA to get the warrant renewed though? That is the other “nothing to see here” talking point. They need to release all FISA applications and renewals in this matter.
Fonzie’s favorite Senator, good ole Mr. Ron Wyden says: “Aye, government surveillance is bad, but when Richie is literally Hitler, sometimes Mr. Cunningham has to break the rules”
Oh shut up Potsie!
Look at Ralph Malf over here
That’s me! These hands are registered with the FBI as lethal weapons,
/So is the knife in my pocket,
Hows come webdominatrix never comments? On a similar not, I OMWC may be this guy in a cowboy hat in the Trailer for Pink Flamingos.
YOU are webdominatrix, and Zardoz, and Many others, Hmmmm
I am you, you are me and we are one?
Ho Ho Ho
Hee Hee Hee
Ha Ha Ha
You are sharp and quick to get that so fast.
So are you dull and slow to take two hours to respond?
Been at the gym without touching electronics for the past couple of hours, sorry. But I did see Tundra replied immediately after the other post, which I did right before heading out the door.
Tulpa forgets to change its handle back.
back to or from what?
Everybody else.
Whom ?
Are there any overlords around to fix the sidebar issue? Or is that just me that’s getting that?
Sorry, webD, but this is way OT:
So what the hell does ‘Fugazy (or Fugazi) mean?
Is it a mob thing? A Vietnam thing?
Or just a really cool band thing?
forget about it
The limo thing rings clear, and the fact that by the time this guy was asking around, Brasco had put most of those guys away, or their superiors had put them down.
Oh, and not to mess up our relationship Tundra, how you doin kid?
Will there be meetings?
I will watch this movie again very soon!
I’m with you Webdominiatrix. I went vegetarian thirty years ago. Some of the hippie dippy let’s love Gaia screw the man pseudoscience drives me crazy. I’m embarrassed to be associated with some of these numbskulls.
I get almost an animal instinct sometimes to bite into a nice a piece of meat. The texture, the feel, the bite. Do you never get this? Or do you satiate it in some other way?
I love Peanut Butter, But I love Meat, I must eat it at every meal, Main course, if there is nothing to add, I don’t care, MEAT!
Chicken, Cow ,Pig,Elk, whatever works
My grandfather, a butcher, said if there’s no meat it isn’t a meal, and if it isn’t a meal you don’t have to pray.
Ha! Love the Old guys
When I first went vegan I had the same feeling. It passed after awhile. Also, veggie meat has come a very long way. You might be surprised how good some of it is. (And I’ll admit there is also terrible veggie meat out there.)
I’m a dedicated omnivore, but I’ll eat vegetarian stuff from time to time. There are burgers that I’ll actually seek out. It doesn’t taste like meat, but it works like a burger, if that makes sense.
I have has some good vegetarian (not sure if vegan) meat replacements. But none really fulfilled that animal need to tear into flesh. And, not to demean your reasons for choosing your lifestyle, but just comment on differences, my grandfather was a butcher. Many people have tried to do the ‘well if you only knew how it was made’ schtick on me. But the fact is, I know how it’s made, and I have no problem.
Been there, done that,it’s like the O’douls of Meat
I mean, there aren’t really meat replacements. There are dishes where you can sub in vegetables or soy, but those are typically dishes where the meat isn’t typically high quality to begin with so there’s a lot of other flavors that are disguising it, so you don’t notice so much that you’re eating mushrooms or soy or whatever. I think if you go into vegetarianism thinking that you’ll find some methodone of meat you’re setting yourself up for failure.
That said, there are a lot of really good vegetarian dishes. Especially if you’re factoring in eggs, you can get a lot of mileage out of vegetarian cooking.
I’ve had some veggie burgers that were ‘ok’. I had a lady friend once who when I made vegitarian chili for her with a faux meat said she didn’t like it, because she didn’t like the texture of meat. Ok. I don’t get it, but OK. I made a Sheppard’s Pie once with faux meat and fed it to my dad, he couldn’t tell the difference. But as expensive as something as cheap as ground beef has become, the faux meats don’t make it any cheaper, which could be an appeal that could draw customers.
NB, try the veggie meats from Gardein. In my opinion, they are currently the best out there. I’d be curious to get your reaction.
I’ll do that. Like I say, I’m not a vegetarian, but I like a broad range of food and there’s a lot of vegetarian stuff that I enjoy. I’ll check them out.
I understand. I’m not trying to convert anyone in this thread. I grew up a meat eater and had no qualms about it. When I read in depth about factory farming it changed my mind. To me there is a world of difference between hunting and that. This isn’t taking old Bessie behind the barn. There is a level of cruelty, indifference and scale that made it morally reprehensible. It was a major change for me and initially it was a giant pain in the ass. For me, it was always worth it.
Again, this is my two cents and my personal experience.
We are apparently on the cusp of meats grown for human consumption completely independent of animals — thus no pain, no farming, just growth of meat cells. Some early reports say the meat is surprisingly good, and would no doubt only get better with time and innovation. Would this change your attitude toward eating meat? What do you think it would mean overall to vegetarians and vegans if meat created in this way essentially replaced the abattoir?
I’ve read about this. William Gibson foresaw this in the 80s with his refences to vat grown meat. For me this would very likely be a game changer. If I understand the technology correctly it would remove my moral objections.
Like any philosophy vegetarianism has plenty of factions so you won’t get a uniform answer to the technology. Some will agree with me. Others will object because it is still meat or it encourages killing animals for meat or (fill in whatever rationale you can dream up for why it’s wrong.)
If this hits commercial scale I’ll be curious to see how much water is consumed in the process. That is an important argument for those who came to vegetarianism through ecology.
This would render meat animals extinct; which would be the next ‘bad’ thing. Cows, and chickens are too bred for domestication to ever live in the wild. Pigs are adaptable, but are a nuance in the wild. So basically, for the fear that animals who live a life of largess dying for food, they would be instead doomed to extinction. So now you go from being a cannibal to worse than Hitler.
Sorry, wild pigs are a nuisance, not nuance.
But GMOs!
That’s what gets me about Human Nature. Eat what you want or what your body tells you you need. If it’s vegan, have at it. I never understand the need to tell people what they should and should not eat.
I think the most primal view of how the body determines what it wants/needs is when a woman is pregnant. They eat some weird shit.
No doubt you recoil at being told what to do. I certainly do. Do you object to persuasion?
Hayek, if you are out there, If you move out here We WILL hook up, hubby plays Bass right? We can Jam, Lemme know how things work out
Mr. Splosives is a country guy, you dabble in country?
Yes I do, I love Honky Tonk, But I go all the way to Bluegrass, and I play a mean Ukelele
I worked on a Bluegrass and Folk radio show in college, I took the chance to play Irish folk music, which is something I really like. Despite being zero percent Irish.
Irish Folk songs are AWesome, I’m glad I’m not the only one.
YT is great for exposing you to new stuff, to a point
These are Newfies, doing Irish Folk, that this German-Polish-American wants played at his funeral. That is the beauty of America.
Sorry but I’ll Take my Punk like this,
Just Say’n
That wasn’t meant as punk, but if you want to go punk, how about punk rock hip hop splifs.
I know KMK, oh fuck yes, my Son turned me on about 12 years ago,
and You know I am s Ganja Man…
I got into them in the 90s when Suburban Life was on the Scream 2 soundtrack. I actually a wrote a few unproduced movies based on that song.
My Teles, I have more
Maybe a link?
You know; I don’t really know music, I can’t read it, don’t really get it. I’m tone def as well. But for a few of my short films I did some shitty keyboard stuff that worked for it, and I found it quite funny when someone commented that the music was good.
You don’t need to “know” music, if you figure out how to makes sounds you like, most people will like them too, I’m serious.
Music is something you feel,
Check out KEBU, he plays 100% Analogue Keyboards, Amazng!
RIP Marty Crane.
My wife loves Fraiser. She was sad to hear his passing.
Ok. Totally missed the Frasier reference.
Good Night Glibs………..
Some of us are insomniacs.
Isn’t a bearded Hobbit a Dwarf? Quite frankly I never got the supposed difference. Seems like racism to me.
I’m more like a lawn gnome than anything.
David the Gnome?
An overfed long haired leaping gnome?
I’ve been getting pretty idiosyncratic with the references tonight, let’s see if anyone knows where that’s from.
I suppose you don’t don’t know how good is.
Anyway, I’ll leave you with OMWC’s theme song while I drift off to sleep.
Thomas Sowell, Wow
I am going to enjoy this.
I’ve toyed with the idea of going vegetarian. Not for any idealistic reasons, it’s just that following some of the logic behind the healthy diet I eat, it does make a lot of sense. It seems like it would be much more sustainable in the long run.
On a whim I bought these Southwest black bean burgers from Wegmans (the greatest grocery store of all time. The wife and I dearly miss it) and I bought them every week since. They were amazing. I’ve found some frozen ones here but it’s just not the same.
Oh, and I still can’t figure out how to substitute for the protein content. I’d probably eat a lot less meat if someone had a few easy to make options that delivered the same protein content as the meat I eat. I do meal prep most Sundays and it’s hard to find an easy substitute to throwing a bunch of meat in a Crock-Pot or whatever and being set for a week.
And since I might be the only person here, what is wrong with people these days? Is it so hard to just be a decent person? People are becoming downright nasty and petty, even in person. I don’t think a day goes by anymore where I don’t think to myself “wow, was it really necessary to behave that way?” It’s being thrown into sharp relief by the excessively-polite society I’m currently working in. Now, I’m not suggesting we all try to be as polite as the Japanese. It seems like it would be miserable, as evidenced by their high suicide rate (correlation =/= causation). It just seems like a lot of people I encounter these days could stand to see their fellow men and women (SHITLOOOOOORRRDDD REEEEEE) as human beings just like themselves.
I can relate to the quote above about being disappointed in people. I set really high standards for myself, so maybe I expect people to act in similar ways because I find it pretty easy to do. I’m not suggesting I’m flawless. These same high standards have driven me literally (I hate using that but it’s true) insane at times. I’ve just read enough and was brought up in a way that a man should behave in a certain way. They should be respectful and stalwart. Women can behave that way too, if they want. I’m not trying to limit this to one sex.
Speaking of which, women are strong in ways that I cannot comprehend sometimes. When I hear snowflakes reee-ing about how delicate women should be treated (#metoo) I am kind of astounded. The women I know can kick some ass. Even the women who choose to stay home are strong in ways that I think is ignored. I see husbands going TDY or deploying and the women who they leave behind always stand tall and keep the house afloat. That’s no easy feat.
Now, there’s shitbags in every gender. That’s to be expected. I just have a really hard time wrapping my head around how prevalent it has become to just be a dick or cunt. Yeah, I guess I am disappointed a lot by people and so I seek out solitude. I think many people feel the same way.
On a separate note, I read a lot about psychology quackery and cracks about antidepressants. It took me a long time to address this personal issue because I thought for sure that all the pain I was in was physical and refused to admit it could be something else. I went through multiple doctors and took every test in the book. They all hinted that the horrible pain I was in was psychosomatic. This thing hit me out of nowhere. I thought I was having a stroke and for a few years after that I was in agony constantly. Well, I finally had a doctor who kicked my ass. He basically said I need to try an antidepressant because there is no other thing. Within a month my pain is gone. It’s been half a year now and it has not returned. I can focus and my physical stamina is off the charts.
So if you’re suffering and at your wits end, don’t let the stigma hold you back. Get help.
And that brings me back to my original point. Why are people being so mean to each other? It’s so simple to just…not. Don’t send that nasty email. Sleep on it. Try to imagine that you are at the other end. Are you having a bad day? Maybe your dog died or your child is sick. maybe you’re just suffering through psychosomatic pain and don’t want to show it. You can never really understand what kind of pain someone is in. We are all different that way. So go easy on each other. It does not cost a dime.
That felt good.
Easy there Mustang Lama. The fact people are dicks is what keeps some of us tied to reality and is the fuel of our souls. (J/K sort of)
My ex whatsherface #2 had great success dealing with chronic neck and back pain by attacking it mentally. She would be bed ridden some days it was so bad and essentially willed it away after reading some book I can’t remember the name of. I am a big believer pain can be psychosomatic. I wish that was the case with me at the moment and I am in severe pain at the end of most work days and have a bad limp, but given the associated stiffness in my hip, I think I am at stage 10 hip flexor contraction/tightness (which I am trying to stretch out, or my hip is hosed). It is the same side as the one I achieved 7 displaced rib fractures on a few years ago. I worked for four days with those prior to going to the doctor because I thought I just bruised them. They were the first bones I have ever broken.
As to vegetarianism, eating a boat load of eggs would give some decent protein. I just wrapped a fried egg in some salami for my breakfast snack on my drive to work in a bit. Other than eggs, I don’t know what to do for protein, but I have never tried to be vegetarian, but did date one for years. She lived on tortillas chips, queso and quesadillas. As to vegans, who knows how they get protein.
Good morning! I just needed a good old fashioned pointless rant. Hope I didn’t offend.
In case you revisit the thread, I completely agree with being disappointed in how a lot of people act. I think I expect what Straf describes as the typical Japanese mindset from people and I don’t often get it. Or maybe when I see people behaving with just a casual indifference or lack of consideration it sticks out in my mind. I get people having shitty days and losing their minds. That happens. God knows I’ve been that guy more than once. What bothers me is the low-key, day-to-day rudeness. People who don’t use turn signals. People who handle lines well. People who just act as if they’re the only people in the world that matter. It absolutely infuriates me. I was raised with an almost pathological anxiety about inconveniencing other people.
It’s being thrown into sharp relief by the excessively-polite society I’m currently working in.
Amazing difference, isn’t it? I love America, but hate most Americans. Not a huge fan of Japan, but love most Japanese people. The biggest difference I see is that the Japanese go to extreme lengths to imagine what other people are thinking. From gift giving to public behavior, the way I personally acted in my youth embarrasses me now. The homogeneity of the culture surely is a big reason for that and the social trust that permeates every corner of life here really is a pleasure.
Yes, I have felt the same way, but I can also see where it creates enormous pressure to conform or cause anxiety. Spending all your time worrying about whether or not you’ve offended somebody or trying to imagine what they’re thinking would be exhausting. I really do love how polite the people are but I can also see where this pressure would be very difficult to mesh with American culture. We could probably stand to appropriate a good amount of it though.
I can hear the screeching about appropriation from here.
I lived in Japan for 4 months, and made a number of extended business trips there in the late 80’s and I could never get my head completely around the culture. Like anywhere you go, you met people you would get on famously with, and others, more neutral, and others whose company you didn’t seek out, but to a Westerner, I found the culture stifling and bizarre at first, but as time progressed, a lot of that became far less noticeable and I guess human nature sweeps those observations out of the way. It took me some time to reflect that I actually valued the consistency that the culture delivered.
I did find that it crushed innovation though. Native Japanese inventors must be supermen.
The thing I can’t understand though, is the popularity on Youtube of people like this (and there are lots of them). It’s like “Really dude? Make other arrangements and work elsewhere!”
You’re right that it takes time. My transition: No idea about anything > Basic customs and a little understanding of the Japanese mind > Most customs down pat and simple relationships no problem > Building up of close relationships and with that many big problems with nuance that can’t be papered over with “I’m just a visitor” > Full acceptance of the culture and unconscious integration of social norms. Who knows what the next 20 years will bring?
I’m not sure I could ever adapt fully. Given the kind of people *we* are ideologically, I think you’re a total studmuffin even attempting to function in that environment.
Libertarian Japanese must be rarer indeed than libertarian women. Or as the simile goes, Australian virgins.
Note to self: see if that yukata still fits. Magic 8-ball says “Are you on crack, bro?”
Ah, most people could give a fuck for someone not in their immediate tribe. Cunts and assholes, the lot of them (including the “tribe”). People can be polite and they can be gracious but that’s just something that they’ve been trained to do with a choke-chain. “G’way! Batin”!
I was a vegan for 10 years – back when getting protein replacements was difficult. Add in my poor college student budget and I was a walking stick figure by the time I graduated.
I added meat back into my diet after getting a new job – it was the social thing that bothered me the most about being a vegan; any time you went out to eat, or to a BBQ, picnic, etc it became difficult to find something to eat. Again this was before the days when restaurants catered to this crowd; so I ate a lot of French fries and salads.
snarky comment