So my eldest son obviously got all the right genes. He didn’t even drink and woke up with the Irish Flu the day after the Super Bowl. For those counting, he’s getting close to Ferris Bueller territory for absences this year. I’ve got to teach him how to hack into his school and change that now.
Bottom story of the year: Comey well liked by FBI staffers. I bet he wasn’t throwing their friends in prison for owning the wrong kind of plant. They should go jump up their own assholes.
I’m interested to see what the response to this junkie’s tale is. Getting an organ removed to get drugs, that’s pretty fucking hardcore.
Libertarian Moment in England? Private police force with 100% conviction rate. When being wrong gets the fuck sued out of you….
SugarFree strongly suggested this for the song today. And hey, who am I to give away a free day’s song?
“I wasn’t in love with her. And she didn’t love me. For me the question of love was irrelevant. What I sought was the sense of being tossed about by some raging, savage force, in the midst of which lay something absolutely crucial. I had no idea what that was. But I wanted to thrust my hand right inside her body and touch it, whatever it was.”
-Haruki Murakami
5, 11, 21, 22, 24, 25, 41
whatever it was?
I believe that is what is referred to as a ‘snapper’?
Vagina dentata.
Number 4 and 16 is obviously not wearing panties
Wow- a SFW sugar free link. You’ve gotten soft, man
Time fells even the mightiest oak.
Don’t make me cry here. Say something inappropriate to redeem yourself
Perhaps something from The Bible?
“My beloved put in his hand by the hole of the door, and my bowels were moved for him.”
-Song of Solomon 5:4
Has there been a Jewsday Tuesday on Song of Solomon yet? That could be an interesting topic. And Q could provide the illustrations.
Um, mine says this for Song of Solomon 5:4-6:
4 My beloved put his hand to the latch,
and my heart was thrilled within me.
5 I arose to open to my beloved,
and my hands dripped with myrrh,
my fingers with liquid myrrh,
on the handles of the bolt.
6 I opened to my beloved,
but my beloved had turned and gone.
Sounds like you have one of them crazy “revised” editions of the Bible, where nobody gets offended.
Go original!
If you see the original, “Song of Solomon” can be as raunchy as any porn.
By “mighty oak”, he was referencing his penis. SugarFree isn’t getting cleaner, he’s getting subliminal.
+ 1 little blue pill, repeated as necessary.
I don’t think I’ve put up one truly horrific link since I helped start this place. I think they’ve domesticated me.
I thought you had delegated that to HM.
He just loves it so much.
4, 10, 22, 24, 32, 40
I’ll just take 8 and 11 tonight.
“When you have indulged a lust, your wing drops off; you become lame, abandoned by a fantasy[…]People fancy they are enjoying themselves, but they are really tearing out their wings for the sake of an illusion.”
-Jalaluddin Rumi
Fake boobs
Few things will permanantly ruin a girl’s appearance faster than Implants or Ink. Most of those that do are not acquired willingly.
Works for me.
Why would anyone give a shit whether or not FBI execs liked James Comey??
Principals, not principles.
Because the “rank and file” like whatever their bosses tell them to like?
Markets took a savage beating today. DOW down about 1175 (4.6%), Nasdaq down about 4%. Cryptos took a bigger beating than that.
I have on good authority that Goldman Sachs is going to make the frogs gay.
“Is the historic -1500 DOW drop a false flag by the big banks? Should we investigate Goldman Sachs?! ”
1. No
2. Yes
“I’m just asking questions”
I put forth my theory already that the refs not letting the Patriots win on pass interference on the last play was a signal by the Illuminati to the Rothschild and Pentavirate to rein in the American economy.
FYI: the stock market sell off is Trump’s fault, causr he’s so icky.
The ups and downs of Bitcoin
Philadelphia schools are closed on Thursday for the parade, because the city fucking rules and man I miss living there.
I’m working remote on Thursday, traffic will be more nuts than normal. Pennsylvanians in general and Philadelphians in particular aren’t used to being happy, they don’t react like normal people.
They definitely do not react like normal people.
But, they are VERY happy today.
Philadelphia sports fans are not good people. I’m just saying what everybody already knows
Some, I assume, are good people
They’re the Just Say’n of sports fans?
The Nick Gillespie of remarks
*standing ovation*
Only three nitwits arrested last night, and cops say the murder and rape incidents were well below a normal Sunday night. Therefore, let the Eagles win every year if its going to keep the local STEVE SMITH wannabes at bay.
I don’t know man, I am still scarred by the horse shit eating dude.
I was certainly expecting soul-crushing defeat.
I don’t know. I’m a Pats fan and I was pretty sure you guys were gonna win.
Your team was awesome from start to finish this year with no real holes but decided to get better mid season with the addition of Ajayi. Losing Wentz hurt sure but Foles is not your average backup and is probably better than a third of the starters out there.
Overall congrats on a game well played and a well deserved win
Democrat rule in perpetuity tends to crush the soul.
It is known.
66 years of Democrat mayors.
But I’ll let that slide!
Fly Eagles Fly!
“I’m interested to see what the response to this junkie’s tale is”
Drugs are cool and sometimes useful?
The company has a service called “My Local Bobby”, which costs wealthy homeowners around £200 a month and involves a guard patrolling their streets.-
If I could cut my taxes, 200 pounds would be a bargain.
My Local Bobby sounds like some kind of gay escort service.
That one will cost you more than 200 a month.
Then you might be able to afford their sister service, “My Local Booty”.
“My Local Fanny” — works a little better for Brits
My Local Totty.
Posted in previous article. Just posting again because McAfee is a bad ass
His neighbor in Belize thought so.
There is no doubt that this kid’s dad high-fived him after finding out
You know, I can’t see how the hell there’s anything wrong with an 18 year old and a 22 year old dating. This shit has went way too far, we went back to some form of Puritanism. Hell, worse, I doubt that even in those days anyone would have objected to that. I mean if they were screwing in the classroom, ok, fire her, but firing her for dating an 18 is stupid.
I agree with he firing, but criminal charges are unnecessary.
Agreed. As I’ve expounded upon ad nauseum, “statutory rape” and “age of consent” are one of those vague edge cases of libertarian principle. However, I have a hard time seeing how two *ADULTS* consensually bumping uglies is cause for concern.
This shit has went way too far, we went back to some form of Puritanism.
I bet many Afghanis thought the same when their Taliban came to power.
Eh….I can see the reasons why teachers probably shouldn’t be banging students (favoritism, etc).
Criminal charges are ludicrous, though.
This shit has went way too far, we went back to some form of Puritanism.
Possibly. I think part of the trend has been a reaction to overwrought feminism. Where, for years, people were willing to take these sorts of things in stride, the feminists decided any relationship between an older man and a teen woman was evidence of sexual assault. Unsurprisingly, people decided what was sauce for the goose was sauce for the gander.
Yes. I would weep tears of joy. “Son, you are a man now. I have nothing left to teach you.” **bows**
Best Christmas present. Evah.
I don’t know if there’s an 18-year old boy anywhere who’d say no to a fling with her.
Hell, most 18-year old girls probably would go for it.
Bottom story of the year: Comey well liked by FBI staffers.
Gooble gobble, one of us!
Libertarian Moment in England? Private police force with 100% conviction rate.
This is awesome and a perfect example of why the gov is not required to provide police, fire, or medical services. It’s $280/month for a private police force accountable to its customers with a 5 minute max response time. I bet they could drop the cost to $100/month if whole neighborhoods signed up.
“why the gov is not required to provide police, fire, or medical services”
Ok, but what about roads?
Evidently that’s a price only the wealthy can afford, reminding us if the UK were the 51st state, they’d be just a head of Alabama in wealth.
Yeah, I wondered about that. The original Indy Star article mentioned his name, age, and that he was cited for ‘driving without a license’. That screamed ‘ILLEGAL’ to me.
The media are such disingenuous shitstains.
That shark dolphin story needs to die already. It’s a damn shark, like a bull shark or something. I bet any zoologist could identify it immediately. People are nuts.
Shark or dolphin, it’s Australia. It’ll kill you either way.
Probably, if a spider or snake doesn’t kill you first.
One by biting the other by humping?
“It’s Australian for fish!”
Semi-skeptical that this happened, but if it did, I adore the fact that she blames Trump for her own bitterness, intolerance, provincialism and hatred.
If Obama was progs’ Rorschach test for everything they loved, Trump is their Rorschach test for everything they hate. What an empty life.
Yeah, she’s just a terrible human being.
And raised a terrible human to boot. Hopefully, her brainwashed daughter can get away from her.
I bet her daughter will develop ODD and become the biggest shitlord the world has ever seen in response.
ODD is sometimes better known as “asshole parent syndrome”, so… yeah.
(source: Internet research, and my nephew having ODD because of his dad)
I would have been slapped with the ODD label when I was a kid, just like I was ADD because I was bored in school.
Well, to be fair you’re still pretty odd.
They said I was mentally challenged when I was in public school, because I didn’t want to do my assignments. Catholic school just said I was lazy and made me feel ashamed until I did what I was told. I did OK for myself, despite what public schools erroneously misdiagnosed, but I still feel guilty about stuff all the time
We get it, you’re Catholic.
Yup. I got put in a remedial math class in 7th grade with all the stabby/burny kids who weren’t quite bad enough to get expelled yet. The terrified amateur poet they stuck with the job let them play Risk all day every Friday to placate them.
Unlikely. She’ll go off to college where her slavish devotion to politics and politicians will be reinforced
She admits that she has consciously withdrawn from socializing with anyone who isn’t a strident mental case leftist, then blames Trump.
Well, it sure is mighty grateful of her to write an article and call the guy a redneck. Fuck that cunt, let her damn Prius disintegrate.
Easy there, Hyper. The guy self-described as a redneck according to TFA.
So… my self identification as shitlord is valid? Awesome.
The guy self-described as a redneck according to TFA.
She can’t use our word. Only we rednecks can say that word!
If that woman got hit by a bus, this world would be a better place.
Why do you want her to bring another child into the world?
Well played.
David Thompson referred to it as “emotional jewellery”. (He’s British, which explains the misspelling.)
Impossible! Prii are flawless and never break!
What an insufferable twat.
“When my husband and I first moved to Charlotte eight years ago, I liked to tell people that our neighborhood represented the best impulses of America. In our little two-block craftsman-home development, we had people of every political persuasion from liberal to moderate Republican to tea party, and we all got along. We held porch parties in the summer and a progressive dinner at Christmas. We put being a cohesive neighborhood above politics.”
Notice her ‘moderate Republican’ label and none for liberals. Right. The progressive left are all about tolerance.
And she sure loves using the word ‘cruel’ with scant coherence in describing Trump.
WTF is that???
The other day, there were a bunch (three dozen or so) of mule deer hanging out in the open field by my place. At one point, about twelve or fifteen got spooked, by who-knows-what, and they took off. They ran a little way, then stopped, but it was obvious they were ready to bolt again, at the slightest provocation. They managed to get the rest of the herd stirred up. They could be floor traders at the NYSE.
And here I thought the punchline would involve STEVE SMITH.
If it was punch lines you wanted, perhaps have one of the mule deer be named Gary.
Trump’s fault.
Speaking of rapey dolphins (Ozzy Man Reviews):
Yup. The dick is out.
For Harambe?!
Media types who just can’t figure out why regular people hate them so much? Yeah, this would be a place to start. Who the hell is Katy Tur to mock this guy? Where exactly does he say that keeping HIS OWN earned $1000 will cover all expenses associated with childbirth?
Katy Tur is a piece of shit too, just like that lady from Q’s link. Rich white liberals are absolutely horrible human beings. Mocking working people because $1,000 is a lot of money to them is fucking low.
It couldn’t possibly be that the $1,000 was enough to move the child from the “too expensive” to the “affordable” column.
Certainly covers things like a crib, diapers, clothes, DOT compliant car seat, etc…..
The concept of saving so completely foreign to them they mock people for doing it.
That’s where you agitate for the government to pay for something you want, right?
Also, the desire to take responsibility for one’s own life.
$1,000 REALLY would’ve come in handy when my daughter was born. I didn’t realize how expensive having an infant would be, not counting hospital expenses.
Yes indeed. It’s amazing to look back ten years and realize that our income was lower but money wasn’t as tight.
My son was born 17.5 years ago when I had an evil free-market HMO. I don’t recall paying a dime for a C-Section and 2-night hospital stay.
I didn’t realize how expensive having an infant would be, not counting hospital expenses.
We set out to make it work on the cheap after the birth. Dave Ramsey is big on babies not having to cost that much, and while we’re working his plan we’ve found that he’s right to an extent. We have gotten by on about $150/month of baby expenses since baby trshmnstr was born, plus some one-time expenses (crib/car seats/etc.) that were gifted by family (probably about $750), plus cloth diapers (~$250), plus occasional splurges.
My wife spends a lot of time shopping in resale shops and looking for online deals on clothes. We’re borrowing a bouncer from friends at church. The playpen is a repurposed dog kennel (it’s a 4′ diameter octagon, not a cage). Some of her toys were my toys when I was a baby. Most of the rest of the toys are either gifts or We make our own purees. We go through 1-2 disposable diapers per day, and the rest are cloth. The only major recurring expense has been formula (first as a supplement, now as primary nutrition).
We could do it even cheaper, but our concern is to keep reins on our child expenses, not to go barebones.
gifts or resale*.
So often you can find new baby clothes at the resale stores. People get clothes at showers. The babies grow out of them before they get wear them. Or they’ve only been worn once.
Absolutely! It’s not like Goodwill where you have to hunt for stuff that doesn’t have holes or wear or stains in it. Everything at the resale events and shops is good. Their intake process rejects the worn stuff because the supply of lightly used stuff is enormous. Also, $20 goes a long way in such places if you’re not super picky.
And that thousand dollars might indeed cover the childbirth if he goes with a midwife and there are no complications. I have no idea how much they charge.
Also, many low income folks just call the rescue squad and have the EMTs deliver the kid. That’s a win-win since they can transport to the hospital if there are problems.
My wife started using a midwife for our second child but had to stop due to complications in the pregnancy. She was a nurse midwife who spent a couple decades in the obstetrics ward of a major hospital. The total bill for all prenatal checks and a private room in her center with a king-sized bed for delivery/recovery and a hot-tub sized heated pool if you wanted a water birth was $3,000. That’s it, no insurance involved though you could file on your own for a chance at recouping a portion of the facility fee part, though my wife’s deductible was $2,000.
For comparison, my first child’s complication-free birth in the hospital was close to $40,000. Our amount due was about $7,000 after insurance.
Forgot to add that $40,000 (think it was $38k) did not include all of the pre-natal visits which quickly added up.
I’ve consulted in a lot of hospitals around the country and have yet to find one that didn’t do everything they could to attract prospective moms to sign up to deliver at their obstetrics unit. For most patients, having a baby is a happy time, so good for the hospital PR-wise, but also the units are big cash-cows. That’s why you’ll see their best furniture, Jacuzzis in individual rooms, comfy ‘daddy’ sleeper chairs, special meals, the works, on the Labor and Delivery units.
We just dropped some serious coin on a re-do of our L & D unit that has all that stuff.
The theory is that women make health care decisions, including which hospital the family will use (and its very much a “team” thing). If you deliver their baby, you’ll get all the rest of their family’s work.
The hospital we went to for our second child had many of those amenities. It was rather funny. They made a huge deal about the ‘state of the art’ security system which involved an ankle bracket on the newborn that would set off detectors positioned at each entrance or if removed. A nurse ran into the room 30 minutes before we were due to leave to turn the bracelet on…
We also got hit up hard at both hospitals for photographs, which I assume they make bank off of. The second hospital (second kid) took our refusal gracefully. The camera person at the first hospital told me the photos were required and security would be called to force them if I refused. She left before I could throw her out and security never came for some odd reason. I am glad she was bluffing because that scenario wouldn’t have ended well for any of us.
This was also the hospital that had none of those amenities and treated us as far from paying customers as you could get (felt more like going to the DMV).
Fears about baby-snatching permeate every hospital. There’s a Code (color) for many things — most people have heard of a Code Blue or a Code Red. But an apparent baby-nap is commonly called a Code Pink in the USA (not to be confused with the woman’s anti-war group).
They made a huge deal about the ‘state of the art’ security system which involved an ankle bracket on the newborn that would set off detectors positioned at each entrance or if removed
Yup. Ours also made a huge deal about how the baby would never leave our side, which was a blessing and a curse.
After the delivery (which was in a very nice room), we got transfered to this weird shaped recovery room that was 10* too hot. I was thinking that besides being stuck in the weird shaped room, the recovery rooms were pretty nice. Sleeper couch, decent bathroom, enough room for luggage. All I could ask for in a hospital stay. Well, because of the temperature issues, we got transferred to another room on the other side of the L&D ward. Holy smokes! I’ve lived in smaller apartments! Besides all the nurses annoying us at 2 hour intervals all hours of the day, I could’ve lived there!
Not sure what we charge on the hospital side for a delivery, but in this market the typical pre-paid package for physician and NP services for a complication-free pregnancy, including pre-natal care and the delivery, is around $3000 – $3500.
$40K sounds extremely high for a hospital bill with no complications.
I don’t remember the exact percentage but the physician’s portion was much lower than the hospital’s share. Then of course the amount billed is not even remotely close to the amount paid by insurer’s due to their negotiated rate.
Hey Semi-Spartan Dad,
Every time I read a post from you I hear “Feats Don’t Fail Me Now” by Little Feat in my head.
It’s because there’s a line in that song about a Semi-Smokin’ Mama (perhaps a good posting name for your wife?)
Here’s the part of the song:
Semi-Smokin Mama, you got to give me some
Heard you got the biggest —— biggest truck in town
Right on through to Baltimore you got to love me now
Got to do me gently, well it’s feets don’t fail me now
Heh, thanks for sharing that. She thinks about joining every now and then so I’ll pass that handle on.
See, $1000 isn’t enough to get by these days. Therefore, nobody really needs that $1000 after all.
They’re so blinded by hatred that they’ve turned their profession into a Kamikaze mission. If I’ve said it once, I’ve said it 1000 times, hate like that is ultimately much more destructive to the vessel than the target. They are destroying themselves with the vitriol and they don’t even know it. However, when your enemy is in the process of destroying himself (and make no mistake, these alphabet network talking heads are the enemy) don’t stop him.
My dad is moderately conservative, but mostly apolitical. When I talked with him this weekend, he made a couple interesting points. 1) The media treatment of Trump reminds him quite a bit of how they treated Reagan. 2) People have suspected media bias in the past, but it has become blatant and obvious in the past year.
If my mostly apolitical dad can see these things, the media has completely lost their traction with everyday Americans.
Shit, my kid got a raise at his part time job and was able to make the connection with the tax cuts. They can keep beating that ‘sky is falling’ drum, but fewer and fewer are buying it.
Something cool I just found — The Berlin Wall has now been DOWN longer than it was up.
Some days I wish it was still up so that there was still a concrete Evil Empire to point to when progs advocate their socialism. Then I realize that the cognitive dissonance wouldn’t care anyhow and it would condemn millions to terror and slavery again.
Venezuela? North Fucking Korea? Too foreign, too out of sight, out of mind?
More or less. Most of us here grew up with the USSR existing. Venezuela, DPRK and Cuba are, well, shithole countries, but for the most part out of sight out of mind. Even DPRK — most people think of Lil’ Kim’s war stance, not the starvation and slavery of the country’s citizens.
Doesn’t matter. They could be standing atop a mountain of kulak corpses at the Independence, Missouri Gulag and still argue that real socialism hadn’t been tried.
(that and The Day After scared the shit out of me as a kid)
Never heard of that one, I may have to watch it.
Plus those are examples of state capitalism.
(that’s right term, right?)
Well Venezuela is a living example of the horrors socialism can lead to, but it gets ignored. The socialist true believers will hand wave away every example.
That’s weird. I watched Atomic Blonde last night, which is set against the fall of the Berlin Wall.
I’ll watch Charlize Theron in just about anything. Atomic Blonde is actually a servicable cold war thriller, she wears some dynamite outfits, makes out with a French chick, and beats a guy senseless with a stiletto heel. There’s the utterly implausable “chick wins a fight with former Spetznatz operators” thing, but you can’t get away from that these days. Plus, Charlize Theron.
Tell me Jimmy, how much intelligence does it take to regurgitate talking points from DailyKos? Cause that seems to be your schtick lately.
Let him talk. I’ll go get him another shovel.
Jimmy Kimmel is so smart that he abandoned his wife and young kids when he got famous. America’s conscience
The earlier kids didn’t lend themselves as well to being propaganda fodder, so Jimmy figured the hell with em.
Some guy who hired Chucky Schumer as a speechwriter.
The dumber less funny half of The Man Show.
Look, who but a genius could come up with “girls bouncing on trampolines”?
Adam Corolla.
Now, me, I don’t turn up my nose at people attending less prestigious universities nor people without college diplomas. However, since Kimmel wants to go there, and since his tribe loves to play the credentials game, I’ll point out here that Jimmy Kimmel attended UNLV for one year and Arizona State for two, and earned a degree from neither, so go get your fuckin’ shinebox, Jimmy.
Exactly. Kimmel doesn’t even have the parchment to back-up his nonsense classicism. But, UNLV once employed Murray Rothbard so I’d say they’re OK
I have a PhD in Physics. My last job, about 80% of the people I worked with were ex-military, mostly without degrees and they were, *by far*, smarter and more capable than the self-important, stuffed shirt wackjobs I worked with in grad school. Additionally, most of the time they could run circles around me in domain knowledge as well.
Credentialists are fucking idiots. As is Jimmy Kimmel.
Agree completely. I have a graduate degree and work in a white collar profession, but the friends that I grew-up with who have no formal schooling beyond high school are still smarter and sensible than almost every MBA I’ve ever met in my life
Degrees can make you very knowledgeable in your specific are of study, but they cannot magically transform you into an intellectual. There seems to be many people who are very confused about that. Typically you can find them on your avg university campus, where they’ve been their entire adult life. Many of them, despite their immense egos, are dullards of very average intelligence.
I’d much rather be called a rationalist than an intellectual. For my money, intellectuals are typically lazy thinking snake-oil salesman who somehow convince a critical mass of people how smart they are until it becomes “intelligence signaling” to quote said person. (See: Chomsky, Noam)
The impenetrable gibberish that masquerades as “academicspeak” is testament to that.
I’d much rather be called a rationalist than an intellectual.
No worries. You’ll always be the guy who brings the boobs around here.
That’s the leftist definition of intellectual. For them, and intellectual is anyone with a PhD who agrees with me politically. For me, and intellectual is someone I can talk to about pretty much anything and get into a really deep and meaningful conversation with. I only know a few people like that. Most people are fucking boring.
Something must be wrong with my keyboard. My typing is so damn bad today.
I only know a few people like that. Most people are fucking boring.
This. So many people are utterly incurious about the world around them. If you’re not talking about celebrities, the latest sports game, or the latest show on HBO, they’re not interested.
I discovered long ago that the nerds are the fun ones and everybody else is utterly boring. Take college for instance. My boring friends spent every weekend the same way: drinking to excess, playing Xbox, and watching the sport of the day. My fun friends built medieval siege weapons, bred aquatic animals to fund our aquarium hobby, taught one another cooking, played tennis and racquetball, did all sorts of interesting stuff with computers, hiked some local trails, and still had time to keep up with a TV show or two.
There’s that old idea that foolish people talk about things.
Less foolish people talk about people
The least foolish people talk about ideas.
An MBA creates a particular and very specific disability in a businessman. It’s not insurmountable, but it usually requires that somewhere up the food chain, there’s a non-MBA calling the shots.
Credentialists are fucking idiots.
Some of the dumbest people I’ve ever met have JDs. With enough money and self-control, you can get an advanced degree with an IQ in the high 80s. (Not that IQ is the end all be all, but you get my point)
To paraphrase Peggy Noonan, I’m tired of being condescended to by my intellectual inferiors.
What’s funny is my close friend who’s a major prog always hated on Kimmel for supposedly being a conservative.
Am I the only one here that thinks biathlon would be a much more interesting Olympic sport if it involved semi-automatic rifles in the calibre of say 7.62 × 51mm? That was a rhetorical question.
And live targets.
Yes, skiing and shooting, not ski then shoot.
No, you’re not.
Still sounds boring.
Add in snowmobiles, full auto weapons, and tannerite.
And her:
You have failed me, Q.
Link’s working for me.
Well done, Q. Well done
Worked for me!
Really, really worked!
It still does not work for me… 🙁
Very nordic. Very buxom.
For UCS.
Thanks, Q
Irene Nell is mine.
George Lazenby and Diana Rigg nod in agreement.
The biathalon was originally fired with military weapons and cartridges. The .22 was not adopted until 1978. I say return to the big bore and add tannerite targets, that will make the firing line portions more interesting.
What if we added polar bears to chase them?
Ideas man.
Hello from CO, bitches!
(Have this soothing biathlon graphic instead…)
Pssst. You just outed yourself! May want to have admins nuke that.
Yeah, probs. I’ll ask
I took care of it for you.
And by ‘took care of it’ he means it’s time for you to go into the Witness Protection Program.
Too late! I now know your last name! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
Er, where was I again?
Marry me?
Wait… what did I miss. Kristen is actually SEA SMITH?
Uh oh…
*flees in terror*
No shit, it looks like a libertarian woman. Which we all know doesn’t exist.
You sure you want to take selfies while skiing down a mountain? It’s a good way to end up like Sonny Bono.
Here’s my skis when I took a breather at 1/2 way down the Rendezvous lift
Is it the camera angle or are those only about 3 feet long? I know the long skinny things I use to ski on have been relegated to the ash bin but I didn’t think skis had gotten that short.
Wife has some live Carnival coverage on the TV. Holy shit, those people are drunk, lol.
+1 Orfeu Negro
I saw a couple of nice bootays, but I was too busy laughing at the drunken revelers to pay as much attention as usual. I’m just looking forward to the samba contests wife likes for me to watch with her. She likes the dance and costumes, I just like the bootay, I don’t even remember what any of the costumes looked like, there wasn’t much of them covering up much of anything, I know that much. My wife caught on pretty early on when she said ‘you picked her because she has the best ass, didn’t you’? No, who, me?
What the hell was that? Love boat? One of the guys who was just on the TV was dressed up like a monk and had this enormous mug of beer like you’d see in a German beer hall. He’s dancing around spilling it all over.
re: Dandy Warhols
I can’t look at them or hear that music anymore after seeing the DIG! documentary. its like seeing sausage made.
Hello from CO, bitches II, Electric Boogaloo
It’s a shame the tiny top hats never arrived.
What’s the best weed for ski?
Some type of Sativa-heavy hybrid prolly. You want something that’s gonna energize you and not put you to sleep.
Everything was sativa heavy or just pure sativa strain back when I was a little into weed. The indica stuff just started appearing right before I quit it and I didn’t like it too much.
That is strictly apres for me
Yezynowka’s for when you’re on the slopes.
You got here at just the right time. Had a storm last week; up until then the conditions were miserable.
A-basin was pretty nice yesterday, but everywhere could use a couple of nice dumps to get the base up.
I hope you are having a great time, KK!
Something that I thought of over the weekend:
I have always (this isn’t new) thought that The Man With One Red Shoe could have been a great movie. It wasn’t, its bad. I thought make it a much darker movie would improve it. Now I know how. Make the current FBI fiasco the backdrop for the story. Take a story based on today’s headlines, make it a serious thriller with serious crimes and murders and etc being covered up and a deep state war going on and throw in some absurdist comedy of a guy who is totally clueless but is caught in the middle of it all being used as a dupe.
Or, they could have thrown in a bunch of topless ladies like some of Hanks’ other early movies like Bachelor Party.
I guess a reboot of Bosom Buddies is unlikely.
Only this time, instead of being men pretending to be women, they’ll be “genderfluid”
I really don’t want any genderfluid on me thanks
*consoles STEVE SMITH . . . from afar*
+ a lot of Monique Gabrielle
Wasn’t that movie a remake of a French film? Wonder if the original is any better.
Yes, or a french play, or something.
And the french one is probably better.
So a remake of No Way Out?
You mean a remake of The Big Clock.
Unless you meant a remake of the Richard Widmark/Sidney Poitier movie, that could never be done in today’s Hollywood.
” biathlon would be a much more interesting if…”
I hate when I guess correctly.
Michael Flynn to File Motion for Dismissal of ALL CHARGES Against Him
I was expecting this one. If he gets a trial, discovery will be very exciting.
#MeToo. Flynn’s got some other arrows in his quiver (I don’t think he was properly Mirandized and probably should have been), but the FBI has got to be very wary at this point of going to an actual trial on any of these. Once the defense starts subpoenaing exculpatory evidence (including all of Strzok’s business and personal email and texts), the FBI is going to be in a bad way. Don’t recall if any of the wiretaps were used against Flynn, but if so that whole can of worms gets aired in court.
I think it was just a surprise meeting. They asked him how much PT he did that morning. He said “1 hour”. Turns out it was only 53 minutes.
Nail that prevaricating bastard.
“STONE: “Lawyers for General Mike Flynn will shortly file a motion to dismiss all the charges filed against him, based on reports now confirmed by The Hill, Circa News and Infowars, that Assistant FBI Director Andrew McCabe told a teleconference of law enforcement officials, “first we f*ck Flynn, then we f*ck Trump.”
Yikes, if that is true…
The FBI and the DOJ need to be purged. They are so rotten that the only way forward is firing everyone and starting over.
Burn it down!
What about the other guy that Mueller railroaded so that he could claim at least something from all this. He should be doing the same, I thought it was total bullshit from the get go.
Close the FBI. Why do we need it anyway?
Why the fuck do you want to start over?
How about ‘fire everyone and salt the earth where they stood’?
I’m still in favor of closing every bureaucracy in DC and turning all the building into bars, casinos, bordellos, other things that people actually want. Just auction off the buildings and use it to pay off the debt. Lefties are so concerned about deficits now, that should shut them up.
Did the ancients actually salt the earth? Considering how expensive salt was at the time I’m doubting it. Maybe in a symbolic way?
Not all of it, just certain places in Israel, Utah, and Bolivia. They had to do something, right? Or we wouldn’t have any salt. I mean except for all of that in oceans.
Most classicists say no. Nobody could have afforded it (as you pointed out) and the most famous instance of this story (ie the Romans’ salting of Cathage) doesn’t crop up until much later. And anyway the Romans moved in and built a colony on the site afterwards.
I read many years ago that it was likely that Carthage *was* salted. All that the Romans needed was to dig up the deposits around marginal saline playas and use whatever muck they collected. All it needed to be was ‘salty’, no need for a huge delivery of Morton Everpure.
Food grade salt would have been very expensive because you either had to find a pure deposit, or the artisans would have to have puddled salt water in a clean environment that you’d be crystallizing *just* halite.
This strikes me as an incredibly stupid claim
1) the intel agencies already only disclose what they have to in order to get funding.
2) if they stonewalled, they get their funding cut
3) boy oh boy people have short memories. This idea that ‘if congress is mean to us, we’ll be bigger dicks’ isn’t how it works. congress is their boss.
I think that Obama effectively ended any oversight of any of the agencies. That needs to be restored.
:…we’ll be bigger dicks’ isn’t how it works. congress is their boss….”
That’s how it works when you have enough dirt on 3/4 of Congress to put them away for the rest of their miserable little lives.
Man wtf did I just read?
Apparently, the bureaucracy is a fourth branch of government with its own powers and prerogatives. It must be in the penumbras and emanations.
Hilariously, or perhaps ironically, many of the same people who act this way deride public choice theory.
Woke Fashion
Its like nuclear-fusion of stupid and stupider
that said, i think this might possibly be the next hot thing
“i don’t wear ‘off the rack’. I wear the rack”
My assertion that runway fashion is merely a pagent for the privileged continues to be proven correct.
Nobody but the models on debut night ever wear runway fashion. Of course it’s a pageant.
As if fashion wasn’t stupid enough already.
Not an original idea.
Is it only 50 years away still?
Coming to an America near you in the very near future
They need to make Rees-Mogg the next PM. May is pathetic and timid. He walks right up to these twats and engages them. Maybe not the smartest move but the guy has guts.
Theresa May has no equal to her awfulness outside of Merkel and Clinton. The three biggest CUNTS on the planet.
Careful with those all-caps, Ken might hear you.
She’s tossed it on Brexit, that’s for sure, so badly that I wonder whether it’s some nefarious plan or she’s just that stupid and incompetent.
I knew that she would do that from the beginning, no doubt about it. She’s a Euro style statist.
Completely agreed. Rees-Mogg is the kind of guy who has the confidence of his opinions. He doesn’t need to act like a lout or cower because he has the advantage of right on his side (at least in his own estimation). I wish there were more people like him in office.
have not read it yet, but this is Spiked! take on that
Every time I watch one of those videos. I fervently wish I could reach into the screen and rip the masks off of their faces. Fucking pussies.
Damn straight. Like I said about the mealy-mouthed pussies at Google: my response – I didn’t vote for Hillary, I’m not a progressive Democrat and I think socialism is an evil ideology. To you, that likely makes me a Nazi. To that end, I cordially invite you to the parking lot to just *try* and punch me, you neck-bearded cunts.
Rip the masks off? You’re a more generous sort than me. I wish I had a blow torch to permanently attach the masks to their faces.
A couple of funny comments on the incident:
* The first rule of Jacob Rees-Mogg Fight Club is non loqui de pugna clava.
* Just surprised he didn’t whip out a brace of pistols, and advise that a duel tomorrow at dawn would settle the matter amicably.
* EXCLUSIVE Jacob Rees-Mogg tells The Telegraph he is ‘absolutely fine’ & Says he has endured ‘worse confrontations with The Guardian’
I’d say more than half.
Yeah it’s more than half, outside of more serious STEM studies. I’d say it’s more like 100% for the liberal arts BS now. Shut down public education now and use all of the money saved to help poor students who want to, and I put a lot of emphasis on ‘want to’, attend private schools.
As a STEM guy, I’d say even STEM majors.
You can’t tell me in today’s modern times with modern technology and artificial costs due to the government, that college is an efficient way to obtain knowledge and expertise. I guarantee in 4 years you could obtain the same level of expertise in another, more efficient way for even technology or science professions.
I’d say even STEM majors
Yup. Setting aside the “broaden your horizons” BS that people who have never had to pay a bill peddle, I took maybe 60% relevant classes. Of that 60%, probably 50% of those could have been sped up without losing the students. That’s 70% of the coursework that could be changed or done away with without even changing the foundational structure of college.
You could turn STEM into 90% lab work and apprenticeships and improve it significantly. You still need the book learning, but not in the rote memorization way of the past (when you didn’t have a portal to the accumulated knowledge of the human race at your fingertips).
Well, if there was an actual liberal arts education instead of prog brainmushing, it would probably be useful, as culturally, historically, and civically retarded as people are these days. STEM tells you whether you can, but not whether you should.
I’m interested to see what the response to this junkie’s tale is.
My girlfriend just had fibroids removed (actually, embolized) last week. My response? Fuck these kraut motherfuckers. For the day and a half after the surgery, even with Oxycodone, she was in excruciating pain, to the point of screaming and needing to be carried. I’m pretty sure if the doctor or nurses came up with this, “You need the pain. The pain is just your body talking to you.” shit, I’d have been perfectly willing to hold the shithead down while she went at his testicles or her clitoris with a pick-axe.
Damn. She better this week?
I forgot the ending. The pharmacy was out of one of the painkillers. I got it for her the next day. It was a morphine derivative that was especially good for cramps. Pretty much within hours of getting it she was okay.
According to the prick doctors in that article, she should have just made due with Tylenol. Really, fuck these people.
Damn. Glad to hear your girlfriend is better.
I noted these two things in the story:
This, however, is not a story about the benefits of universal health care.
At the end:
I did say that this story is not about the benefits of universal health care, but for the sake of accuracy, let me add that this hysterectomy was not without cost. After my surgery, I had to pay $25 for the taxi ride home.
Hmm…. first and last are what usually stick out in people’s memories of stories, shows, etc.. “Not a story about the benefits of universal health care but it only cost a $25 taxi ride.” Huh. Sure.
Seriously. I’m getting extremely tired of this neo-temperance shit.
After watching too many loved ones suffer, I wish debilitating bone cancer on these fucks.
I wish debilitating bone cancer on these fucks.
I wonder if somebody once wished that on me. That would explain a few things.
Wasn’t me, Doc!
“That amputation without anesthetic is just your stump talking to you.”
“Here, bite on this bullet.”
What? No rawhide?
Not in the budget.
Thank the fucking feds for that nurse’s response. They drill that crap into them and threaten their livelihood if someone takes “too many” pills
I was told exactly this by the anesthesiologist after my surgery. I complained about my post-surgery night from hell in the hospital and he told me that two years earlier he would have prescribed more than twice the dose, but because of the Pill Mill crackdown everyone was afraid to exceed the Fed’s arbitrary limits and guidelines. Hence, my night from hell.
It was only about 12 or 14 hours, but I really could have used some relief for that window of pain. Screw every one of these “I know better than you” pricks.
when you need to reach for the most hyperbolic headline possible:
“Dow and S&P erase 2018 gains”
because annualized growth of 80% was totally going to happen, really. something must have gone wrong! I blame trump.
Exactly. Get back to me when all the 2017 gains are erased. Even erasing “most” of 2017’s gains won’t be surprising. Any market that is escalating at a 25%+ clip in one year doesn’t sound sustainable or normal. Looking at my 401K last year I was always thinking “So since I can’t cash out now, I should expect a 10-15% giveback in 2018.”
As I said earlier, I’m always happy paying less for something.
Interesting article on Jordan Peterson, post-modernism, and cultural marxism.
It’s always worth noting what propelled Peterson into the public eye was his refusal to bend to the Liberal party’s gender law as a matter of principle. The rest is history and he’s become a key voice of reason and intelligence on this ‘culture war’. He’s taking the postmodern, progressive, Marxists head on and we should support him.
He also has interesting things to say about the Bible.
The inmates are definitely running the asylum.
And he was right. The Dandys are awesome.
Also good.
So, I got a letter from my biggest client this morning saying that the terrible awful horrible tax cuts will appear in the next payroll period. Woohoo, $0.015 raise! Suck it Nancy, take them teeth out first, you old hag!
According to the CNN tax calculator that’s supposed to show how the law doesn’t help you, I’m looking at a 4 percent raise. I’ll take it.
I just got my best raise in 15 years and the tax cut, however much it is, will just pad that. I’m happy as fuck whatever it is. But it will definitely be something because we don’t itemize.
My 2017 deductions (itemized) almost perfectly split the difference between the 2017 standard deduction and the 2018 standard deduction, so even with just that change, my taxes will go down in 2018. When I will realize that savings is not currently known.
One thing is that my wife wasn’t working last year, except for in December. So we were getting a return. I was filing one dependent for me only, so that was nice. Now I’m claiming my one and she’s claiming one. So we probably will not get that return, but we shouldn’t owe anything either and should both see an increase in pay.
It was a no-brainer for us to itemize this year ($31k in student loan interest plus $11k in mortgage interest). Next year gets more interesting.
$31K in INTEREST?!
Temporary change of avatar.
Suggestions on what it means, below.
Answers at 6.30 if nobody guesses.
It’s not you, 6. Is that Roger Daltrey? I totally don’t remember what your avatar was before, but put it back now! No one can tell who anyone else is! /runs off to write Ken like wall of text
It looks like Roger Daltrey from “Tommy”.
My first reaction was Godspell, but then I thought “naw, 6 ain’t that much of a hippie”
Are you a deaf, dumb and blind kid?
Tommy can you hear me?
You’re quitting your day job and going on the pro pinball circuit?
Maybe he’d like us all to feel him?
You got your long anticipated pink slip, and you’re now FREE?
He can be an artist now, Nancy said so. If he has any economic issues, he can just camp out on Nancy’s doorstep until she fixes it.
Bingo. Scruffy was close enough for hand grenades and horseshoes, you got the hole in one.
Before your bonus was to be paid, as expected?
Oh, bonus is there too, but I have to go over the whole offer within the next 45 days.
Quick trip to the attorney tomorrow to make sure they’re not liable under ADEA, and there are no obvious holes in the deal.
Well, congratulations then? Good luck on the job search or whatever your career desire is!
Absolutely. I have a war chest now so I can get this business I’ve been working on launched, without having to fret about money for a while. Damn fools should have done this a year ago.
Mah favorite Monty Python Short Evah!
#6, is this in the realm of financial systems or methods? I have a hookup that is a financial specialist and Smalltalk guru that is mostly idle these days and in his late 50s. Let me know if you need/want help or interested in sweat equity partnership.
Fund Accounting and analytics for small- and midsided- boutique hedge funds. Still working on some feasibility studies etc, but I’ll definitely keep your buddy in mind.
@#.6, just FYI he used to do a ton of consulting on systems for a now-defunct hedge fund out of CT called Forest Investments about 10.years ago. More recently energy trading platform architect.
Absolutely. I have a war chest now so I can get this business I’ve been working on launched,
Nukes, always use nukes.
I hope it goes well for you.
Paid leave for a number of months, severance package at the end which – before close inspection – seems satisfactory.
That all sounds rather civil. Congrats?
Possibly. I have to go over the proposed package and have a New York Lawyer take a look at it.
There are a few issues that might need clarification and adjustment. I see a potential ADEA violation, and a less-than-generous man might see a constructive dismissal case too – but all these issues can be lost in time, like tears in the rain – if the numbers are right.
Bad Forensics
One of the guys from that article who was wrongly convicted on fraudulent bite-mark evidence – Kennedy Brewer – died recently at the age of 58, having spent 18 years in prison for a crime he didn’t commit before he was finally released. Balko had a nice article about him, saying even through the injustice he managed to find joy in his life.
Still, giving up your best years because a couple of pricks working for the state framed you for murder can’t be all that fun. Nor can the state deciding that you can’t sue them because qualified immunity applies. Even though they were complete frauds. Nice.
Tangentially related to straffinrun’s IGNORANT DULLARDS link this morning, but also just a rant in general:
I get really annoyed when people bitch about Trump losing the popular vote by “omg two million votes!!!”, acting like two million is a huge number. That’s the size of the Sacramento metro area. If you’ve ever lived in California, particularly in the area where I grew up, you would know that Sacramento is not considered to be that big of a city, because about an hour to the west of it you have the Bay Area, which is FOUR TIMES the population of Sacramento. The Los Angeles metro area is NINE times the size of Sacramento at 18 million. When people point out that if we switched to a popular vote model that a single city could dictate an election, they’re not even talking about a big city. They’re talking about goddamn Sacramento. Two million sounds like a big number, but it’s not at all.
Point out more people chose not to vote, so we should have no president.
I will continue to advocate for “None of the Above” to be an actual choice in all elections – and if it wins, there’s a re-vote with all previous candidates disqualified.
Sort of like final candidates for a job not hearing anything from the company for awhile, and suddenly noticing the position has been relisted on the job-search boards.
And because of the severe form of gerrymandering in CA, it doesn’t even represent what the population of CA actually might have supported.
Not really gerrymandering, but the top 2 primary system where it was 2 democrats to choose from for many offices.
Cali should just secede and that problem will be solved.
Hillary Clinton failed to get 50% of the vote. I cannot think of any country that elects President where this wouldn’t have triggered the second tour.
When I hear people talking about that, I like to remind them that we live in the United States, and each state is important. I often marvel at the prescience of the founders in ensuring each state would still retain power. If we changed to a popular-vote only, say goodbye to presidential candidates ever visiting fly-over country again — is that what we’d want? Nothing but big fundraisers in LA, NY, SF, maybe Chicago and a few other places. New Hampshire? Never heard of it.
I live in California, but I certainly don’t want California telling the rest of the country how it has to act.
…. and yet ….
The defining factor is that leftists do not care about any set of principles, they have none. They care about winning power. So they can be against the electoral college when it suits them, or federalism when it suits them, or for both when it suits them. Just apply anything else to this and it works. The GOP really are the stupid party, because their foes, who are now all leftists, are so damn predictable that completely destroying them would be child’s play for any team of people who are of above average intelligence.
They DO NOT WANT to destroy the leftists. Every stated Van Helsing needs a Nosferatu, even if it’s a shadow.
And all of a sudden the nature of Presidential politics changes 100%. Every candidate from that point on out focuses his entire run on appealing to coastal, metropolitan, suburban voters. Rural voters? Fuck ’em. Small city voters? Never heard of ’em. Rust Belt? Doesn’t matter. The South? The Midwest? All expendable. You win California and the Acela Corridor and you pretty much win the country.
The Framers understood that you really, really, really, can’t run a representative government that way. Pretty much everyone outside the majority precincts winds up realizing that their interests are no longer aligned with the country. You wind up having to rule by force of arms. Our system, as flawed as it is, at least gives an imperfect proxy to a leader who can govern by broad national consensus.
While I think the electoral college is better than popular vote, I think the case that eliminating the EC would result in total urban dominance is overstated. There’s a lot of voters in California and New York, for example, who see no reason to vote in Presidential elections right now, because their states are guaranteed to go a certain way. Get rid of the EC* and now they have reason to vote again. It is foreseeable that a candidate could pull an “upset” just like Trump did even without the EC, by pulling in enough non-urban votes.
* = Or get rid of winner-takes-all; right now, two states (Nebraska and Maine) use proportional allocation of electoral votes rather than giving them all to the state winner
Particularly because, with the example of the last election, it was already very tight. Like I ranted—two million, even though it “sounds” like a lot, isn’t a lot. Considering how many people don’t vote for just that reason, I wouldn’t be surprised at all if they got their way if it still wouldn’t work out in their favor. They whole thing is stupid.
But demographics are swinging their way. America is becoming more and more urban, less rural. The jobs are in the cities and the suburbs, so that’s where the people are. Maybe the city vote doesn’t hold sway today, but in 20 years it surely will. And then you’ll have a really stark divide.
The cultural differences between Missouri and Manhattan are stark. Obion county Tennessee and Orange County California even more so.
Eliminating the voice of the people outside the megalopolis and the strip mall will certainly lead to trouble.
is that what we’d want?
I’m sure that’s exactly what some people want.
Repeal the 17th Amendment!!! No, seriously – that thing completely distorted the way Congress functions. The House was designed to represent the interests of the people and the Senate was designed to represent the interests of the states, which is why they were chosen by state legislatures.
It wouldn’t matter now, or even then. States were already moving to have senators chosen either directly or indirectly via elections when the 17th was approved.
is that what we’d want?
It’s what THEY’D want!
Very early on in the 2016 college football season, I had the Cal game on. There were over 2 dozen Hillary for President commercials in a single game. This was on Pac 12 BAY AREA!!!
That’s right, the Clinton campaign wasted millions of dollars on a state that she was going to win by a landslide. Trump didn’t spend a fucking dime on commercials here.
The fact that Hillary won the popular vote isn’t a badge of honor; it’s yet another sign of her rank incompetence.
Yeah, if you can’t win with a 2:1 spending advantage, 100% backing of the media, cover from the current administration and a reality TV oaf as an opponent, you really, really have to look in the mirror.
More Democrats being Goddamned idiots:
Adam Schiff says Russian ads promote 2nd Amendment so we all kill each other. Really, fuck these people.
The guy looks like a retard. They really have bought so deeply into this Russia hysteria that there’s no way out for them now, is there? When these guys get a narrative, they run with it, no turning back, no way out Good luck, you damn fools.
Any credibility he might have had is now gone.
It seems that should be the case, but the major media are probably step-by-step with this guy. After the Nunes memo came out I thought that at least some mainstream outlets would be going “holy crap, this is worse than Watergate” but no, it got deftly reframed by the DNC into ‘this is just some tinfoil-hat GOP conspiracy theory to try and stop Mueller from exposing the truth about Russia’ and that was that, all the media agreed, move along, nothing to see here.
Too bad The Post was about the Pentagon Papers. Had the movie been about Watergate, the media would have noticed the similarities right away.
Russians promoting our constitution is a bad thing!!! Understand?!?!
Do you know how divisive that document would be if anyone understood it?
Do you know how different our government would be if anyone followed it?
Did you know that, like Protocols of the Elders of Zion, the 1st through 4th Amendments were creations of Russian secret police, in order to weaken American government’s ability to fight off sedition?
Thinking about “Tommy”. That movie could never be made today.
If something’s fun, it should be illegal. /New Puritans
Every now and again I amuse myself by thinking of which movies could never be made today. A good one: Black Sunday. Murderous Arab terrorists plot to bomb the Super Bowl with a deranged Vietnam veteran, and an Israeli commando saves the day. Can you imagine the controversy today if a major movie had an Israeli commando as the hero?
Zohan is chopped liver?
A day will come, and sooner rather than later, when Adam Sandler movies start getting remade.
This is also described in the Book of Revelation…
Blazing Saddles far and away. The movie uses the word *Gong*
I dunno, if you found Richard Pryor-equivalent (Chapelle? Rock? Peele?) to write the script and back the production, you might get away with it.
Sure it could, just change the focus:
See me, feel me, cut me, transition me..
+1 thicc Tina The Acid Queen Turner
Having just watched “Tommy”, it doesn’t pass the test of time very well either, although Ann-Margret was … mmmmmm
Apropos nothing, just a word to the wise, the domain is available.
Just sayin’.
That private police force story was short on Progressive bitching. Odd.
Couldn’t happen to a better company
Buried lede:
Shut the CFPB down and fire every last of its employees.
Was there any part of the CFPB’s operations that wasn’t a Democratic Party slush fund?
The paper-clip budget?
I dunno. Government agencies usually buy office supplies from Skilcraft, which is just the brand name of National Industries for the Blind, which owes its existence to FDR and is literally a government jobs program. I dunno how much of what gets spent on their stuff ends up in DNC coffers, but I’d be willing to bet its nonzero.
Actually, given the “DNC is broke” story from a couple days back, “DNC coffers” is not accurate. More like, “Democratic PACs, candidates, apparats and functionaries”.
…the part that was a Goldman-Sachs trust fund?
oops… slush fund.
Could have. Could of happened to CNN or NYT. I would say Politico if they had any relevance left at this point.
Hopefully this rout will get Trump to cool it on the hyping of the markets. He knew enough to call it a bubble during the campaign, but MY bubble is not a bubble.
How exactly did this route work? I just checked mine. It went up another $3000 in the last month. Not as fast as it was going up, but still. I thought it wiped out all of 2017 gains? Are they just tricking me? Or did all of this happen in the last 2-3 days?
Others here know more than me, but looks liked computer programmed trades kicked in at 25,000.
This year= 2018.
One month of gains.
Well, I’ll take +3 grand as all wiped out.
Trump always doubles down, no matter how retarded (notable exception – ‘grab them by the pussy’ tape). So expect him to blather even more nonsense when markets start going up again.
Fuck, he might start saying selloff was good, because all that money was taken from stock market and can now be pumped into actual economy…. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Never own another man’s bubble. Really though, it’s clear his campaign rhetoric was sheer bullshit. He’ll pay a big price.
“Never own another man’s bubble.”
Huh. Sounds like reasonable advice.
Wait. I thought there was rhubarb involved…
/dopey hockey player
Speaking of another man’s.
RIP Jackie Leven.
Video is awful, but’s a live version so…
The “private police force” thing is something tickling the back of my brain after recent Glibs postings about how police don’t really try to solve break ins and such, they just report them. I’ve been thinking about the Pinkertons and how we kind of need them back: a nationwide network of experts who actually give a dang and aren’t unionized and who can be hired to track down the bad guys. I wonder if there is a way for that to happen in the US without running afoul of regulations and such? But they wouldn’t have access to fingerprint and DNA databases so they’re at a disadvantage right off the bat.
Cops have a nice Gig, they aren’t going to stand for Some Amateurs making them look bad, and Not Even UNION MEN!
can’t have that
No doubt.
Dude, where in Cali do you live? Anywhere near San Diego?
100 miles north, but Where in San Diego do you mean? it’a large area.
I live in Upland, Freeway close!
I think it’s going to end up being Escondido. The potential workplace is in Rancho Bernardo.
That’s North county, a very different place as you will learn, an hour and twenty minutes from my house, right down the 15, it can take longer to get to L.A. most days,36 miles away,
Escondido, about 75 miles South
Thanks. I am somewhat familiar with San Diego, having done business there a bit over the past 20 years, usally staying near Miramar or, if at a swanky conference, at Torrey Pines.
I have heard that San Diego is the most “conservative” big city in Cali due to the military presence, so my dark heart takes some joy in that concept.
Job interview is this Friday. We shall see…
I wish you the Best in your endeavour, and Welcome to the Peoples Republic Of California!
High Taxes!
Stupid Laws!
Horrible Traffic!
Horrible Drivers!
Illegal Immigrants!
We’ve got it all, I hope we get YOU TOO!/
Escondido is inland far enough that it regularly reaches 90-100 degrees in the Summer, Rancho B as well, live 10 miles west if you can afford it, Vista at least,
Man, it seems that everything west of the highway is ridiculously expensive, while the lovely mesas east of there have quite a few gems in the $500-$699k house price range in which I could probably manage to swing a deal.
I grew up in southwest Oklahoma, so I can handle 100 degrees OK.
You’ll be fine then, and get get a Much nicer place East of the 15, Pretty Country, but does get Hot, and watch for fire Zones when you look for your place
Good advice on the fires thingy. I started to look one day and forgot about it. I pretty much put the hubs in charge of the house hunt.
I think it’s going to end up being Escondido. The potential workplace is in Rancho Bernardo.
One of our main hospitals is in Escondido so I’m down there a lot, and have stayed in Rancho Bernardo a few times. It’s nice.
RB is nice, But Escondido has gone to shit
Guy at work had this book on his desk today. Led to a pretty fun discussion among three of us. Turns out we are all closet libertarians (former GOP-ers across the board). Living in Minnesota has beaten us into not giving a dang about practical politics, so we all fessed up to voting for Trump. It was theraputic.
For those who are wary of hyperlinks: Scott Adams: Win Bigly.
I like bouncy tambourine girl.
From Bretts video. Music terrible but video is something else. Actually not enough there to be bouncy. Jiggly more like it:)
I suppose that shouldn’t have been a reply. Lol.
I have issues posting from phone. Doesn’t help that just got a new phone with a smaller screen. The scrolling arrows while helpful take up a lot of real estate on left side of screen so hard to tell what I’m doing some times.
I post from a phone, two different Kindles, and a laptop. I get confuzicated myself. I figured it was meant for something else, but I had to reclick my link and check for bouncy/jiggly.
To no avail.
Lol. Too bad:)
L O fucking L.
Talk about burying the lede; read the last line in italics.
WTF? Is this site just an advertisement for Ashley Madison?
Literally LOLing at this.
Too funny. Thanks for the tip about the last line in italics.
that is pretty key, ain’t it?
Hollywood director’s son, a convert to Islam, stars in al-Qaeda propaganda video
Yet again we see it: a convert to Islam gets the idea, which we are always told by non-Muslim authorities in the West is a misunderstanding of Islam, that his new religion commands him to commit treason and mass murder. Authorities remain completely uninterested in why the teachers of the Religion of Peace so frequently fail to impart that peace to new converts, as well as in why those converts all misunderstand Islam in exactly the same way.
He is now a figurehead of the Syrian al-Qaeda-linked group Jabhat al-Nusra, and has starred in two propaganda videos posted online under the nom de guerre Abu Basir al-Britani.
Mrs Phipps, who now lives with her second husband in a honey stone executive home in the West Country, with a smart Jaguar parked outside, told the Mail her jihadi son faces continual danger.
Threats include rival Islamists Islamic State – who could capture him as a British trophy – as well as the Syrian army and Russian bombers, and also from RAF drones which have been used to assassinate UK jihadis there.
Mrs Phipps said: ‘Lucas is a target. I’m glad he’s associated with al-Qaeda rather than IS, but obviously I worry.
‘On Mother’s Day last year I spoke to his father and he told me he thought our son was dead because there was a picture of him on the internet lying on a bed in Syria and you couldn’t tell if he was alive.
‘Later that day we found out he wasn’t dead but was seriously injured. He’d been struck by a mortar so his arm basically was hanging off. He had to have a big operation and he said he wouldn’t be able to fight for about 18 months.
‘I last heard from him recently. I don’t get anything for months and months and then all of a sudden I get an email and every time I think, ‘Well, at least he’s still alive’. That’s the relief.
‘He’s married out there. I don’t know anything about her. They don’t have any children as far as I know, but this is recent, the last few months.
‘We just want him to come home. If he’s done something wrong I’d like him to accept the consequences. He’s still young – and at least he’s still alive.’
Herp derp mental illness. Herp derp crusades.
♫Money away, my boys, money away!
New unmanned ‘Sea Hunter’ ship could revolutionize US Navy operations
It’s the perfect weapon we don’t need to fight a war that won’t happen with money we don’t have.
Soon it will be out on the seas bumping into cargo ships.
Im late to the party, as usual. But in reading KK’s ski thread up top, and the “biathlon would be much more interesting if….”
I give you, the GLIBS way to sort it out- the Chinese Downhill!