Q: Dear Care and Feeding,
I am a single mom of a smart, capable 13-year-old. Out of necessity, and knowing he can handle it, I have left him at home alone frequently since he was 10—after school until I get home from work or on weekends while I run errands. Since he started middle school, he has also taken the city bus a few miles to school and walks to and from the bus stop on his own.
The problem is his best friend’s parents and I have very different philosophies. We only live about five blocks apart and are in a safe, quiet neighborhood, yet they won’t even let their son walk to our house, and they never leave him at home alone. If this friend is at our house, I can’t leave and run errands. If the boys want to go to a movie, I can’t just drop them off and pick them up afterward. If my son is at their house and I ask them to send him home, they will respond, “Oh, well, we can walk him back.” I don’t want them to walk him back! He’s 13, and it’s five blocks!
They also seem appalled that I let my son take the city bus by himself and have commented about this in a way that makes me feel judged and irresponsible. I have already made comments about my confidence in my son: “He’s always been so level-headed,” “I trust him,” et cetera. But it makes no difference. I know it’s not my place to tell them it’s time to ease up on their kid. But how can I ask them to respect my wishes more firmly yet diplomatically?
—Parent of a Good Kid


Q: Dear Care and Feeding,
I am wondering how to kindly deal with well-intentioned racism. I’m of Chinese and European descent, and my husband is West Indian. Our kids all have my husband’s brown skin and curly hair. Weekly since the election, when I am out with them without my husband, strangers corner me to deliver overly effusive compliments about how beautiful they are. This happens nearly weekly since the election. While I find my kids adorable, I think there are racial overtones to these compliments, as the person will sometimes end by telling me I did the right thing by adopting my (biological) child.
My kids have all been called the N-word by other children, and my oldest has been harassed by adults and told to “go back to Somalia.” Everyone in my family knows how to deal with the straight-up racism, but I don’t want to be rude to people who are well-intentioned and trying to be nice. The person complimenting often touches or pats my kids on the head repeatedly, which they don’t like, as they are not pets. I feel like I’m treading a fine line—between protecting my kids and rebuffing someone who wants us to feel welcomed but is going about it inappropriately. Whenever I say something like “Don’t touch my child,” the person visibly crumbles, and I feel bad.
—Stop Cornering Us at the Grocery Store



Parent of a Good Kid is smart and the kid’s friend’s parents are idiots.
Incorrect. “Parent of a Good Kid” submitted a question to Slate’s version of Dear Abby. “Parent of a Good Kid” is a dolt who is right on one issue.
Yes but let’s give credit where credit is due. Maybe she can read some Lenore Skenazy and come over to our side.
Zardoz don’t know Diddly.
Nice git
Not even a picture?
I know it’s not my place to tell them it’s time to ease up on their kid.
The son should tell his friend’s parents to stop infantilizing their kid. Not that any 13-year-old would have the cojones to do it. That, and teach the friend some independence himself.
Goose gets revenge
A dead goose fell from the sky and knocked a 51-year-old hunter unconscious on Maryland’s Eastern Shore.
The incident happened around 5 p.m. Thursday in Easton, Maryland, near the Miles River. Robert Meilhammer, of Crapo, Maryland, was hunting with three others for waterfowl when someone in the group fired on a flock of Canada geese overhead.
One of the geese fell and hit Meilhammer, knocking him out and causing head and facial injuries, according to Candy Thomson, a spokeswoman for the Maryland Natural Resources Police.
You are lucky he is on vacation…
Oh, and it is Hate Bird, the Bird That Hates.
Shit… I even read that thread.
Thread’s dead, baby. Thread’s dead.
You know, non-migratory Canadian geese are an invasive species in Maryland. The season’s long and the limit is something nuts like 15 per day. Have you considered relocating?
Ummm…..ZARDOZ lives in Illinois? No wonder he loves cleansing…..
Damn you know who for deleting a comment and fucking up the threading! 😡
Swiss’s favorite lawn ornament.
So, all of Maryland?
The going term is “shithole,” thanks.
I believe you’ll find that no less an authority than the governor, William Donald Schaefer, referred to the eastern shore as a “shithouse”.
Maryland is beautiful. It’s the politicians who are the shitholes. But, you know the story.
It’s time for me to issue my annual reminder:
Fabio killed a goose with his face.
Fabio gets points for heroically killing a hate bird, but Randy Johnson wins for style.
I mean… that bird just disintegrated. I’m still amazed at the power behind that throw, no matter how many times I’ve seen this.
It’s a good thing that didn’t happen in Canada. He could have gone to jail.
Thank you! I was trying to remember who killed a bird in the outfield.
Fucking hell, I don’t look that good giving blue steel. Must be nice having a chin of gold.
OT – SP, I love, love, LOVE the next article arrow button; thank you very much.
That button doesn’t do anything on my PC, smartphone, or tablet.
It will when there’s a next article. Go to a previous article and see.
So it does.
I’m normally reading the comments to the most recent article, which is why the button usually does nothing for me.
The more you know…
Hey Unciv, 2nd picture from the bottom; now I want to make some Brutal Roughriders. Perhaps some Kislevite Horse Archer bodies and a lot of putty?
I like the thought of ZARDOZ grinding the bridge of HIS nose in quiet frustration and trying to be halfway reasonable.
I wonder if Zed was chosen because Brits wrongly pronounce zee as zed and Zardoz has two zees.
Zedardozed is a mouthful.
You, sir, are a mouthful.
A mouthful of what? 😉
There’s a party in your mouth, and everybody’s coming.
“Well, go cry in your pie! I already have the license plate.“
Mad TV predicted transgenderism. And TERFs.
“Okay, but I’ve got to warn you about something… my vagina looks a lot like a penis with two testicles.
You reminded me of this.
Mad TV predicted so many things about our modern day
TERFs have existed for a while, fwiw. I think they date back to the late-1980s/early-1990s when feminism had a variety of factional splits.
this new yorker article charts it even further back than that
“”. In one early skirmish, in 1973, the West Coast Lesbian Conference, in Los Angeles, furiously split over a scheduled performance by the folksinger Beth Elliott, who is what was then called a transsexual.””
in any hard-left circles you always have these ‘purity spirals’ and purges. one of the funnier episodes i’ve ever come across was the 1969 conference where SDS and the weathermen types had a schism over ‘maoist vs. leninist/marxist’ doctrine, which really amounted to ‘who gets to be the cool kids who gets to to fuck the rich girls who pay for their parties’
I’d meant to link this:
“Mad TV predicted so many things about our modern day”
to this
which is like a microcosm of modern social-media
Nice. Love it.
That is great. When was that on, mid nineties?
I was home alone from middle school on. And 13 is a teenager, that’s plenty old enough to walk around town by yourself. People are ridiculous.
My parents let me ride my bike all over the neighborhood when I was 8. Statistically, the world has actually gotten significantly safer since then. Helicopter parenting is partly why we’ve ended up with a snowflake generation.
8 was when I started riding my bike to school.
My parents were pretty strict on that but not that bad. I could go places but I had to tell them everywhere I went. I didn’t go to many places without telling them, they were OK with me going most places and it was better than having them drive by and check on me like they did with my brother.
The biggest hassle was early on it was before most kids had cell phones.
Same for me, until I was 17 and then I would just stay gone for days, and you know, even though they threatened me in various ways, there wasn’t much they could do, outside of kicking me out or taking my car. I was wilder than shit from around age 17 – 30. Then I sorta settled down and became responsible.
At 13 I was wondering off by myself into the woods for 3-4 days, with a .22 rifle, a few sandwiches and a bag of cookies.
The sandwiches and cookies I get, but what’s a bear doing with a rifle?
When I was 19 I went out for a hike in the mountains with a couple girls I knew. We found a bear, and I thought… fuck, I’m dead. I can’t live unless the women survive, I’m going to have to find some way to fight this fucker off while they get away. Luckily it was a black bear and had no interest in us.
Another time I rounded a bend on the same trail and spotted what I thought was a big, shaggy dog. Nope: adolescent black bear. Also not at all interested in me.
Yeah, black bears are pretty much like big dogs. The ones I’ve run into here in Colorado are generally pretty timid.
Evolutionarily successful pussies, apparently.
If it’s stupid but works, it ain’t stupid.
Don’t get Cocky with any large Wildlife, We are still naked Humans, no matter how smart
Now that we’ve evolved to have clothes, we can walk around with our hands in our pockets and feel cocky all day.
Embodying your worst nightmares?
Me and my friends and cousins used to hike pipeline trails in Appalachia for days and even weeks at a time. Good times. But I was in my late teens and 20s when we did that.
Yeah, I thought my mom was crazy overprotective – and maybe she was, for the time – but I was still going out with my friends all day riding our bikes all over town in 5th or 6th grade. Even before that I’d be outside for hours, I just had to be within earshot so I could come home when she yelled out the door.
When I was a kid, the rule was that I had to be home when the street lights came on. But by 9 I was riding my bike a couple miles through the neighborhood to the local mall. Once I was in high school, the rule was that I had to let my dad know where I was going to be and about when I’d be home, and that was about it. And most of the time on the weekends it was, “Hey dad, I’m gonna go downtown and hang out. If I stay over at a friend’s I’ll call you, otherwise I’ll be home later tonight.” Which was mostly true, because I’d at least start off downtown.
‘My kids have all been called the N-word by other children, and my oldest has been harassed by adults and told to “go back to Somalia.”’
I am extremely skeptical of this.
Most incidents of racism that I hear about sound an awful lot like caricatures of racism.
My reply would have been “no, they haven’t.”
Even if it did happen, kids LOVE pushing each others’ buttons, and will say nasty shit just to piss the other guy off. If something racist makes him mad, then racist things will be said. If he’s sensitive about his mother, then every guy in school will claim he fucked her.
Yeah, this. I grew up in a mixed-race neighborhood. Sometimes we’d get in fights and name-calling, including racial slurs, was part of that. Next day everything would be cool and we’d all be friends again.
“He’s always been so level-headed,” “I trust him,” et cetera.
And- never forget, STEVE SMITH is always behind that bush, under this rock, or up in a tree, preparing to pounce.
So did you prove yourself?
And why are you pretending to be Swiss Servator? 😉
Cat Butt walkin’ right here
Randy Johnson wins for style.
That is fucking awesome. I have never seen that before. I can’t tell if the catcher is going to turn around and hurl, or fall down laughing.
I think the catcher is looking for the ball, which went off to the side he looked toward.
Michael Waltrip hit a Seagull at Daytona, live at 200 mph, it looked similar to RJs hit, Here’s Dale Sr.
Woops! I was still posting links in the morning thread.
“According to relatives of the Finsbury Park attacker, the first trigger towards his radicalisation was watching the BBC drama Three Girls about the Rochdale grooming gangs. Evidence suggests that this drama put him on the path to deciding to hire a van and drive it into a group of Muslims in Finsbury Park a few weeks later, murdering 51-year old Makram Ali.
Now of course the BBC’s drama department should not be held responsible for the death of Mr Ali. Though I would love to see a real debate on Newsnight or the like in which the BBC questioned its own apparent role in this terrible business. But just how much more complicated can things get?
For the best part of a decade the BBC – like most other mainstream media – chose to ignore the issue of the northern Muslim grooming gangs. When Operation Bullfinch uncovered similar crimes being carried out in leafy Oxfordshire there was a little more attention. But with the exception of some extraordinary reporting from one journalist at the Times, most media just wanted to keep a million miles away from the story. They didn’t know any of the victims, didn’t know the towns and somewhere along the way (subliminally or otherwise) made the decision that all this was just too horrible and delicate a story to wade into.
For more than a decade the story of these crimes bubbled away under the surface in Britain, causing an anger in portions of the public which was only exacerbated by the correct perception that a blind-eye had been turned to these crimes at the highest levels of the state, including the local councils and police. A number of official inquiries proved this fact. Finally the dear old BBC gets around to commissioning a serious drama about all this which airs in May 2017. Three Girls is by most people’s reckoning a careful and necessary drama about a terrible aspect of modern British life. Far from sensationalist. Far from untrue.
Yet what does the BBC’s tentative step in the direction of covering such a relevant news story lead to? After a few weeks an evil maniac in Wales hires a van and causes mayhem on the streets of London.
I know what people at the BBC and elsewhere will be thinking. Perhaps this vindicates the silence of all those years. Perhaps the public cannot be trusted. Perhaps they are indeed the sort of people who have in their midst people on a hair-trigger who are willing to hire trucks and drive them into crowds of people at a moment’s notice. Perhaps the censorship and silence were after all a good idea? Personally I happen to think not. But nobody should be surprised if the BBC reverts to ignoring crimes like Rochdale in the future.”
#120db: What The #MeToo Movement Ignores
Here’s a thought: maybe the outrage produced by the BBC, the British government, and the authorities all pretending that the grooming gangs are myths created by racists provoked more violence than just being honest from the outset would have done.
Pretty much. People are a lot more likely to take matters into their own hands when they think that that’s the only to actually solve the problem. If people had reason to trust law enforcement to do individual justice, they wouldn’t feel they were left with nothing but collective justice.
a mechanical mystery
My car makes an intermittent clicking sound. It sounds like the turn signal, but the light doesn’t come on. I read that the hazard flasher can malfunction and cause it. It started a few weeks ago after a sudden cold snap.
I figure it’s some loose electrical connection. It only happens when the car is running.
From where is the sound?
it sounds exactly like a turn signal and the sound comes from the same place.
What kind of car? The hazard flasher should work even if the car isn’t running. Anyway, temperature changes can make electrolytics or relays go bad. Look for a plastic module behind or underneath the dash. Intermittent makes it more of a pain to troubleshoot. When you find the noisy module, unplug it, clean the contacts, and plug it back. If that doesn’t fix it, try replacing the module.
2003 chevy malibu
Thanks for the info.
I took it in a few years ago for an airbag sensor recall. I wonder if that has something do with it.
The hazard/flasher unit is under the dash. You can replace it yourself for under $30.
I doubt it if it started a few weeks ago.
Its a bomb
This, park it in an empty lot/field and set it on fire, it’s the only way to be certain.
On my old car, I put a sticker with a picture of a grenade and a caption that said “Chevy repair kit”.
I decided to part with it after the tow truck driver said the bottom was so rusted there was no safe place to hook up the tow hooks.
I had a car accident once because of a blown brake line. I still wonder if it was an assassination attempt.
Then I remember how unimportant I am and that I was driving a beat-up 28-year old chevy.
+1 Drowning Mona
Years ago I was looking out my apartment window and saw a guy pull in next to my car and then key my car for some reason that is still a mystery to me. That night I sliced open the boot on his CV joint and filled it full of dirt and gravel.
You’re my kind of guy, Almighty.
Back in the 80s there was a security guard in an industrial park who didn’t like my dad parking his work trucks over there on the public street. He left nasty notes at first. Then broke in a few times and stole things. Eventually he put sugar in one of the gas tanks. So dad and I went over to his house late at night with a bucket of tar and some paint rollers. We painted his car, his driveway, his porch, and his front door with thick tar. Dad’s trucks were never broken into again.
Some of us are best not messed with:)
The relay probably needs replaced. I’m guessing it involves digging through the dashboard, which is no fun.
flasher or hazard relay is probably faulty.
Could be a bad connection, cold snaps do weird stuff. you could try some electrical spray or grease before you replace it.
OT: Europe is so tolerant and civilized.
Kenya: Pfft! Watch this.
Kenya: Muslim students stab, beat Christian students for refusing to convert to Islam
Funny how the EU is going to accomplish what Hitler couldn’t; cleansing Europe of Jews.
I’m rather curious how many Europeans were less vehement about the Holocaust than they were the whole invading other countries thing.
Watching the NBC pregame concerts and such.
Darius Rucker (Hootie) is singing “When was the last time you did something for the first time?”
That is a damned fine question.
Life is meant to be an adventure, I was recently advised…
Stick with what works, in my opinion. Embrace your inner black bear.
There is no point in tip-toeing through life just to arrive safely at death.
Someone famous said that, but I’m too lazy to google it.
I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my grandfather. Not screaming in terror like the passengers in his car.
Or, from the great Dr. Gonzo:
“The Edge… there is no honest way to explain it because the only people who really know where it is are the ones who have gone over.”
Some people never go crazy. What horrible lives they must lead.
-Charles Bukowski
I am all the way crazy. Just don’t want to take unwilling passengers along with me.
I feel like I am destined to ally with a crazy genius who will either save or destroy the earth.
I’ll let you know how it turns out…
And this is a new one on me, but its attributed to HST:
“Freedom is something that dies unless it’s used”.
That’s a keeper.
True that.
Whole Foods employees are ‘crying’ over stressful new workplace rules, report says
Employees at Whole Foods Market say the company’s new policies have thrown their workday into chaos, with one supervisor saying it’s not uncommon to see stressed-out employees crying on the job.
Workers for the Austin-based supermarket chain tell Business Insider that the store’s new “order-to-shelf” inventory system has been taking a toll on the staff since the guidelines were implemented last year.
“I wake up in the middle of the night from nightmares about maps and inventory,” said one Whole Foods employee who spoke with Business Insider. “The stress has created such a tense working environment. Seeing someone cry at work is becoming normal.”
Under the new procedure, store managers and employees are instructed to display the store’s inventory mostly on its shelves, rather than hold a larger inventory in a back room and constantly restock — a practice that leads to stores “constantly running out of products,” according to one employee.
And it started Before Amazon bought WF, so they can’t blame it on that, HAR HAR HAR!
Wow. Good thing they’re not forced to belly-crawl under someone’s trailer, like Yusef. Or look @ Yusef’s butt-crack, like his customers. Or Lachowsky’s melt shop, or a host of other unpleasant things a lot of us do every day, yet consider it normal. Or, like one of my guys, spend 6 hours in the air, come down to eat, and go back up (if we dont just throw a quarter cheese value meal in a bucket and he hoists it up):
I have no Butt crack, Way to thin for that
Hi Yusef! Having depleted my stock of 40 oz, and anticipating some guests, Ive moved on to the more “socially acceptable” 12 oz cans.
Sadly, I have to keep making trips out to the garage.
I hate when that happens!, the 25 oz cans seem to fit the bill well, try em!
They stretch-out my foam can coolie.
They never get warm if you drink em fast enough
I’ve read a few other articles about Whole Foods that do make me wonder about their management skills. Of course Amazon hasn’t had an opportunity to make any changes yet. The lack of inventory will be handled by the market. One of the great things about a booming economy is that the market will also work out poor management as it relates to retaining good employees.
We had a big chuckle about this last night at the grocers. These are just ‘best practices’ for retail, particularly perishable items. If items are in the back, nobody can buy them. Push them out onto the shelves.
You can be too cautious about ordering.
The guy who ordered the dairy products at the grocery store I used to work was known for not ordering enough milk because he was worried about wasting product.
Many nights on the night before the dairy truck arrived, I’d start my shift. The managers would tell me to go take care of the dairy aisle. I’d walk over, and see a bunch of pissed off customers looking at empty milk shelves. “Sorry folks, I just got here, they asked me to take care of this, I’ll see what we have in the back.”
I’d go back to the dairy cooler and find it to be empty of milk. Nada. Zilch. Zip. Lots of eggs. Lots of yogurt. Lots of cheese. No milk. Which is what the people want. Well, look on the bright side. At least the dairy guy had plenty of room for his delivery the next day.
I’d explain to the customers that we were out and we get a truck tomorrow. I bitched to the managers. It took quite a while to fix the problem.
…I don’t get it. What’s the difference? It’s been a while since I worked retail, but whether you put stock in the back and then put it on shelves later or whether you just stick it on the shelves right off the bat, it’s the same amount of lifting and the same amount of moving.
I think WF is trying to cut out the time that inventory sits in the back at a local store to reduce the cycle time from ordering (and paying for products) to selling the same. Apparently the new inventory system limits how/when items can be reordered and is leading to a gap between reordering apparently when the product is also gone to delivery.
Oh boo hoo hoo.
“Liberal racism is the worst, because it’s people being racist to you and then insisting you assure them that they’re not racist.”
That was surprisingly self-aware. Although I’m sure they don’t mean themselves.
NYC School Cancels Father-Daughter Dance to Comply With New Gender Guidelines
A Staten Island elementary school cancelled its traditional father-daughter dance because of the Department of Education’s (DOE) new gender guidelines.
PS 65 had the event scheduled for Friday, February 9, until the school’s parent-teacher association realized it would not comply with the Transgender and Gender Nonconforming Student Guidelines, which went into effect in March 2017.
The school’s PTA will reschedule a dance for kids and caregivers of any gender on March 2, according to the DOE.
“Father-daughter dances inherently leave people out. Not just because of transgender status, just life in general,” said Jared Fox, the DOE’s LGBT community liaison. “These can be really uncomfortable and triggering events.”
Some parents are outraged at the move.
“They’re trying to take away everything that everybody grew up on and has come to know, and I don’t think it’s fair or right,” Matthew West, a father of two daughters at the school, told The New York Post. “They should leave it the way it was — father-daughter, mother-son.”
“It’s not fair at all,” said Jose Garcia, who’s gone to past dances with his daughter. “I have nothing against no one, but I don’t think that it should affect the school, or the kids for that matter.”
“All this gender crap needs to just stop,” said mom Akaia Cameron, adding her third-grader had a “great time” with dad last year.
All signs point to a bunch of disappointed Dems at midterms.
speaking of which
Democratic National Committee fundraising hits wall as GOP sits flush ahead of midterm elections
The Democratic National Committee entered the midterm elections year “dead broke,” with a paltry $400,000 in party coffers, according to federal records.
The committee finished 2017 with roughly $6.5 million in available cash and about $6.1 million in debt, according to recently released Federal Election Commission filings. That leaves a balance of just $422,582 to start a year that will culminate in midterm elections, in which Democrats are hoping to recapture a majority in the House.
Again: at some point they’re going to have to go to the Clintons for cash, and Clinton money ain’t cheap.
With absolutely no clue why.
Yeah, I think there are plenty of people willing to pull the lever for Team Blue when it’s about the usual moderate left stuff that get scared away when the social justice types start attacking tradition, especially among the working classes.
Well, never interrupt your enemy when they’re self-destructing.
Is it the New York State Department of Education or the federal one? I hope it’s not DeVos’s department pushing this.
Why Are Democrats and Progressives Pushing the U.S. War Machine in Vermont?
Trump loves the F-35 and so does Burlington City Council—that’s the real state of the union.
Progs shocked to learn that Team Blue likes military pork just as much as Team Red; film at 11.
Surprised that they survive dthe shock of realizing not all government spending is efficient or beneficial.
I don’t directly mean to steal Sloppy’s morning thunder, but THE Ohio State University beat those tax-fattened kulaks from Illinois.
Sadly, despite a 2x-OT last night, my THE University of Dayton Flyers fell.
err….SLOOPY. Damn keyboard.
Ahhhhh! A lovely repast of scrambled eggs with cream cheese and smoked salmon. Soon, I’ll start thinking about getting ready to contemplate doing something. Or not.
“Father-daughter dances inherently leave people out. Not just because of transgender status, just life in general,” said Jared Fox, the DOE’s LGBT community liaison. “These can be really uncomfortable and triggering events.”
How many people? Give us a fucking number, and show your work.
Everyone must be punished because this guy over here in the corner is incapable of dealing with whatever issues he has.
Excellent choice.
Sierra Nevada had some barleywine with a bigfoot theme.
Some other brewery had a bigfoot themed beer too. Can’t remember the name, but googling around I found this:
Just got back from the game. Caps looked clumsy but somehow only lost 4-3 to Vegas. Grubaur pulled a couple nice saves out of his arse to keep it close.
All signs point to a bunch of disappointed Dems at midterms.
Every time I hear somebody say the Demos are going execute some sort of electoral sweep in the midterms, I just have to snicker.
Wondering if we might see a Super Bowl open thread today? Asking for a friend.
Im hoping Pink has a “wardrobe malfunction” when she hits the high-note on the Star Spangled Banner.
She might blow a testicle!
Wow. That’s someone with a lot more time/interest that I have in Pink or Masonic goat-gods.
For some reason, there is a genre of celeb-tranny investigations on YT. I find it funny.
Some of those have to be trolling.
30 minutes before kickoff.
Under the new procedure, store managers and employees are instructed to display the store’s inventory mostly on its shelves, rather than hold a larger inventory in a back room and constantly restock — a practice that leads to stores “constantly running out of products,” according to one employee.
That doesn’t even make sense. Unless what it really means is the employees can no longer just hang out in the back and bullshit and then claim they were “restocking”.
Of course they keep running out – when you put stuff on the shelves customers buy it. Then you have to reorder and restock again. It’s simple once you think about it.
Paging MLW! Paging MLW!
I think I might have a feature for your next issue of Faux Teen Vogue.
Also would. Simultaneously. Like Galahad, in Castle Anthrax, I’m willing to risk it.
i don’t know, they look weird, like Aliens Weird
Whee. First the flight from c’ville to dulles was canceled. Thankfully I found out with enough time to drive up – and thankfully the weather stayed above freezing. Then, all kinds of craziness at the ticket counter. I’ll have to make some calls tomorrow. Now our boarding to San DOG just got delayed for nearly two hours while they change a tire. Hope I can sleep on the flight.
And I really hope after all this that we don’t see another ridiculous government shutdown between my orders.
Timing is everything, early March?
Right now if those jokers don’t pass anything by Thursday midnight – I’m f**ked.
Consider yourself Fucked then, Sorry, Ii don’t vote, it’s a Cali thing….
I fly back on Thursday. I’ll be in the air when most of the crap is going down.
NOOO!!! ATC will be down, Chaos in the Skies!
Carpentersville has an airport?
Charlottesville. Technically close enough to drive anyways – but military travel orders process differently- but now I gotta see if I can get reimbursed for dulles parking. At c’ville I could have a buddy drop me off.
I thought it was Cuntsville, but I was thrown off because Dulles is in Cuntsville.
Sea Smith family reunion?
Again? Experts baffled! Yeah, sure. I’ts a damn shark. Dummies.
#3 Will blow your mind!
This one weird trick?
“We gave dolphins a CRISPR editing kit, and you wont believe what happens next!”
Clarkhat calls her a ‘talentless parasite’, which i think is a term which probably applies to a huge swath of people/things in millenial social-media-culture
A great litmus test though.
IMHO, If you support anything about her, you’re probably a piece of shit too.
Good god. She is the Hillary of stupid protests. She is never going away.
In that article she displays her ignorance and her conceit. She says she was appalled by the art directors saying the walls would be bare if they removed all the art by artists with problematic history. I thought she was schooled in the arts. A lot of artists especially the more acclaimed ones seem to be deeply damaged people and did some fairly awful things.
And she says she is uncomfortable taking her clothes off in public, which is why she does it so much.
“Damaged,” “demented,” and “disturbed” are practically required for the job.
This is why I don’t want to know anything about people whose deeds/works I admire, and don’t want to hear them talk.
Someone needs to give her non-stop Mapplethorpe images in a locked room, in a chair-thingy with eyelid openers, à la Clockwork Orange for about 72 straight hours.
Also, pop her bubble and let her know that Wendy O. Williams did electrical-taped nipples a LONG time ago.
No comparison to Milla Jovovich in ace bandages.
You monster! I clicked on that while having a swig of beer, which ended up going the direction opposite my intention.
You may hear from my lawyers!
More of a Miley Cyrus fan?
Time is not being kind to la Sulkowitz.
Apparently in her world, being an artist means never getting any exercise.
Just made some poor man’s stroganoff with no recipe.
2 big yellow onions, halved and thinly sliced
4 stalks celery
6 cloves garlic
2 small cans mushrooms, pieces and stems or sliced
2 lbs ground beef
1 can cream of mushroom soup
2 more cans mushrooms, pieces and stems or sliced; made into paste in blender or Ninja.
2 tsp worsteshire sauce
1 TBSP dijon mustard
Salt, black pepper, garam masala, kashmiri red pepper ( or cayenne or whatever red pepper powder you like) to taste.
One nutmeg nut, grated.
Start with the onions in oil. Cook and sweat with a partial lid until brown and floppy. Then add the rest of Group 1 and cook about 10 min. Then add Group 2 and cook until ground beef is done. Then add group 3. Taste and improvise.
Yummy stuff, man, yummy stuff.
That’s not poor man, that’s Yummy!
And low-carb!
Yerp! You can have it plain or over Carba Nada, the best low carb noodles in the friggin world. Love those things.
Im even poor-er. Ill rock the Kroger store-brand hamburger helper stroganoff when its 10/$10. Sometimes, its good all by itself:
I call it poor man because it is ground beef, not sliced steaky goodness. But man, is it good!
Hey, where in Cali are you? If I move to San Diego, are we gonna be neighbors?
Weird, NBC just aired a San Diego tourism ad.
I have met a ridiculously high number of people who voluntarily say something about living in or having lived in SD. Not sure if it’s a sign or not…
Or, you could call it Beef Strokin’ Off.
“what are 100 cows masturbating, Alex”
Oh yeah: stir in sour cream at the end, to taste.
WTF is with poor MAN?
You better check your cishet-matriarchal privilege!
I’m a bit of a cock hound. Very man-centered; you can ask Mr Splosives. (and other people who shall remain nameless)
Sue me.
And then I cook for you. What more do you guys want?
You know who else liked to cook, and claimed to be a cock hound?
Julia Child? (Bet she was)
Save the Liver!!!
Sing it.
Amen, sistah.
This is how we domintate the Earth. 🙂
May it please the court, I’d underscore that the “cishet” comment as submitted was…..sarcasm
Poor man’s? That is like ten bucks worth of ingredients.
I have pulled pork warming in sauce in the crock, wings in the oven (ya, I know I am skimping out on wing prep) and westernslopers world famous adobo wing sauce on the stove.
Pulled pork sounds good! You having a “big game TM” party?
I don’t think it’s 10 bucks of ingredients. I buy the big 10 lb tube o’ beef at Sam’s and freeze it in 2 lb baggies (costs about 2 bucks a pound), and the rest is pretty dang cheap, also from Sam’s in bulk. Spices from the local Indian grocer.
Mine is similar, but I prefer it with ground beef, not steak strips or chunks. It’s my favorite dish ever.
When I have some on hand, i throw in some fenugreek leaves! It’s the best.
I love to go heavy on the nutmeg too, so we can trip balls. So great.
I’m on the hunt for a good gyro meat recipe/technique.
Can’t help ya there, sistah. No idea about gyros. Good luck in your journey.
Two Libertarian Women walk into a bar….
/Impossible scenario, but here we are…
Somebody’s gotta bear the next libertarian generation…
Husband was pretty a-political when we met. I converted him.
I bet you did. I bet you did.
Who is this shrill autotuned blonde? Yuck.
Wait, bring her back, the rap is even worse.
I’m going with Yoshidas Teriyaki Chicken Breasts with rice, Tasty!
Beef pot roast with salad. Check.
Gray Skies Gin ‘n’ Tonic. Check.
TV ready? Check
And… I’ll go listen to my new Wharfedale speakers. Enjoy da futbal, comrades!
I need to donate to this site more often. Quality advice like this deserves compensation.
Food, Beer, Drugs, Boobies, this place has it all!
/Family Friendly Website
This arrangement of the anthem is a little odd. P!nk sounds pretty good – too bad it’s pre-recorded.
She was a little flat here and there, but it was pretty good nonetheless.
It wasn’t as diva-fied as usual, but still too much for my taste. She can sing more classically precise than that. Hayek’s right about her being flat, too.
Odom was good.
My oldest Grand son requested that I watch the Foosball game with him, So I’m going on Tablet, Question, probably at Hayek, if I set up a mobile account with Glibs, do I need a second account?
Nah just log in
I want to stay auto logged on my PC is the thing, can I log in from 2 devices at the same time?
I do it all the time
I do it all the time. The status of what you have read, and what you have not, may get a bit fucked up though, so get drunk, so you don’t notice.
It’s what I’ve done, but for different reasons.
OT: This here is some shitty-ass jogging weather (here in southwest Ohio). Low 30s and extremely windy with this odd kind of rain that is more like a very heavy mist flying through the air. I did five miles just now, and I couldn’t undo the zipper on my hoodie because it was crusted with ice.
I’m still gonna go outside and smoke up some ribs, though.
So far, pretty decent start to the game for the Iggles.
I hate iggles fans, but I think I still want them to win.
Although Julianne Moore was pretty cute when she had to confront 30 Rock Alec Baldwin about their star-crossed love life and said with a pout: “Go Pats.”
I hate the 12 man rule when it’s clear the 12th man is on his way off the field.