No links about that network spectacular which will suffer from a few interruptions by people actually playing football. Fortunately, a lot of snow here gives us an excuse to stay in and drink rather than go to some bar filled with Philly and New England fans. SP will bar-tend, webdominatrix and I will make food, and we’ll pretend that there’s teams we actually care about playing in the game. The mute button is ready for when the halftime show begins.

Fuck that, let’ s see what’s happening in the news.


The NFL may have found its next Commissioner.


Well, it was a good try, but someone isn’t going to be head of the Council on Environmental Quality. Clearly, she must have insanely outrageous beliefs.

Hartnett White has drawn criticism for her comments on climate change. The former Texas regulator has a history of questioning established science that man-made greenhouse gases are a major contributor to climate change. As the Post noted, when Hartnett White testified before the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee, “she said that while humans probably contribute to current warming, ‘the extent to which, I think, is very uncertain.’ “…The next year she wrote that carbon dioxide is “the gas of life on this planet.”

Despicable! The science is SETTLED! How dare anyone say that there’s a lot of uncertainty and we may not have a solid understanding! CLIMATE DENIER!!! We’re on the brink of agricultural disaster and mass starvation!!!!!


Progressives never tire of telling us about how racist we are, and how we should be more like idyllic Europe. Well, OK then.


The Japanese have long had a reputation of miniaturization. And here’s another example.

“We very are very simple people, with very small penis. Mr. Ose penis is especially small.”


Nice to know that this sort of thing isn’t just an American phenomenon.


Yes, indeed, it’s that time again. Old Guy Music. This time, a selection from what might be the greatest rock album of all time. Probably wasted on you nekulturny children, but someone has to have patience and teach you what great music is all about. It will eventually sink in.