No links about that network spectacular which will suffer from a few interruptions by people actually playing football. Fortunately, a lot of snow here gives us an excuse to stay in and drink rather than go to some bar filled with Philly and New England fans. SP will bar-tend, webdominatrix and I will make food, and we’ll pretend that there’s teams we actually care about playing in the game. The mute button is ready for when the halftime show begins.
Fuck that, let’ s see what’s happening in the news.
The NFL may have found its next Commissioner.
Well, it was a good try, but someone isn’t going to be head of the Council on Environmental Quality. Clearly, she must have insanely outrageous beliefs.
Hartnett White has drawn criticism for her comments on climate change. The former Texas regulator has a history of questioning established science that man-made greenhouse gases are a major contributor to climate change. As the Post noted, when Hartnett White testified before the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee, “she said that while humans probably contribute to current warming, ‘the extent to which, I think, is very uncertain.’ “…The next year she wrote that carbon dioxide is “the gas of life on this planet.”
Despicable! The science is SETTLED! How dare anyone say that there’s a lot of uncertainty and we may not have a solid understanding! CLIMATE DENIER!!! We’re on the brink of agricultural disaster and mass starvation!!!!!
Progressives never tire of telling us about how racist we are, and how we should be more like idyllic Europe. Well, OK then.
The Japanese have long had a reputation of miniaturization. And here’s another example.
“We very are very simple people, with very small penis. Mr. Ose penis is especially small.”
Nice to know that this sort of thing isn’t just an American phenomenon.
Yes, indeed, it’s that time again. Old Guy Music. This time, a selection from what might be the greatest rock album of all time. Probably wasted on you nekulturny children, but someone has to have patience and teach you what great music is all about. It will eventually sink in.
E no clear whether dem go charge di principal.
Di principal>di principles.
I like the pidgin term “talk-talk person” instead of “spokesman”.
It is a good term. I think House leadership of both parties should be referred to as “talk-talk em bullshit person”.
*clap clap*
Frank Zappa the epitome of ‘Hmm’ in every sense of the word.
Zappa is to musical genius what Jerry Lewis is to comedic genius. And if you’re French that probably makes perfect sense.
A bowl that size is of little practical use. Unless you’re going to turn it into a reservoir in the hillside.
You’re thinking of the Stanley Cup.
Probably wasted on you nekulturny children…
*Looks up nekulturny
Fair enough.
I never got it either.
Russian term for the unwashed masses..
Stayed up too late last night, got up too early this morning. Think I’ll go make beer biscuits with cheese, garlic, and bacon bits for breffy.
I too dread watching two teams I don’t care about play the superbowl.
Also, on the cover GIF, was McNab actually ill with a bug, or did he have a bad case of nerves when he tossed his cookies on field? I can’t remember the scuttlebutt at the time.
Someone showed him this.
Oh my.
Whelp, there went my appetite.
It takes a lot of work to stay that pristine.
Of all the people to form a cult of personality around her…
“Those who kneel see the act as a powerful, nonviolent way to protest racial injustice, particularly society’s inaction when police kill unarmed African Americans.”
Society dindu nuffin
“Those who kneel see the act as a powerful, nonviolent way to protest racial injustice, particularly society’s inaction when police kill unarmed African Americans.”
Society dindu nuffin’
The Italians learned it by watching us. We ruin everything.
I thought the common sense gun regulations of our more sophisticated European cousins made things like that impossible…
In romania we have no racism. We even have a unicorn sharing program where people of different races ride toghether on the same unicorn
Unicorns and vampires? What an odd combination.
+1 Death From Above
Alternatively: Charlie the Unicorn
I thought it might have been this Charlie.
Ao who am i supposed to hate in this superthingy yall got going. I dont care enough of sports to hate sport teams except fuck Real Madrid. Are the patriots like real madrid? Should I hate them?
The only rational answer is to hate both the Patriots and the Eagles.
All good football fans hate the Vikings.
no no no that’s the RAIDERS
All good people hate the Raiders
Football fans are just a subset
Hate away.
Chucky’s gonna take Derek Carr and build the next Dynasty…once they leave Oakland
Oh they are in Oakland? I thought they moved to Visalia or maybe Barstow
The Barstow Raiders sounds good. They could play in an arroyo and use rusted out old cars as goal posts. That way the fans would be out in the desert away from decent people.
Hell, there fans already like to play dress up a la Mad Max. That really would be the perfect setting.
“there”? checks coffee cup, swigs… “their” okay better now.
In just a couple of years they will be the Las Vegas Raiders, the stadium is already being built. And then, yes, all your desert Raiders ideas can come true.
I’m thinking they might be able to do their last preseason game at Burning Man.
Cheer for the Sweet Meteor of Death to strike the stadium. That we both teams are wiped out and the Wilf Taxpayer Looting Monument gets destroyed.
Hey, it could happen!
HT to whoever posted this a week ago on Glibs. Just a handy reminder for those who missed it.
TW: autoplay video
Hate the Patriots. They’re like Real Madrid, Manchester United, and AC Milan (for the cheating) wrapped up in one smug, annoying package.
With a soupçon of Chelsea.
Milan? Don’t you mean Juventus?
Why not both!
Roma fan eh?
Napoli, Sampdoria, and Inter, in that order. And Lazio over Roma any day.
I was a Parma fan.
*sheds single tear*
OK, Juventus then. I didn’t remember exactly which team was busted down two leagues for match fixing (and I didn’t care enough to look it up).
Sounds like they are Juventus Delinquents.
Swiss must’ve been too occupied with the stone head.
Tottenham are working hard to join that list. And not just based on today’s shenanigans.
Things to hate:
The teams
The announcers
The League
The halftime show
The extra sappy Budweiser America! ad
The people who attend the game that don’t give a shit about football the other 364 days of the year.
The list can get pretty long. Just let the hate flow.
I think I’m going to need more than two minutes.
“Italian news reports said the man did a Fascist salute…”
Maybe it was a Roman saľute
It was the Bellamy salute.
Slave owning white guys living in an actual patriarchy and not even the common decency to be gay like the Greeks (Mediterranean but still) are worse than fascists
You know who else gave fascist salutes… often with tanks or soldiers streaming in front of him…
Adenoid Hynkle?
Little Hitler?
Finally, a tee shirt for all you pineapple pizza nutjobs:
Good. It will be easier to spot them for ridicule.
I misread the URL at first as
Early contenders for babysitters of the year
Two sisters tied down and burned a 5-year-old girl, permanently disfiguring her, in a voodoo ritual meant to rid her of a demon causing her to misbehave, police said. The women also threatened to cut off the head of the girl’s 8-year-old brother with a machete, authorities said.
The boy said his sister was tied down on at least two occasions while the sisters blew fire over her face and cut her on the arm and in the collar area with a needle-like object, drawing blood, according to police. The girl said the women also poured over her eyes a substance that stung.
all cultures are equal. Respect their belie fie shitlord
BBC pidgin reports “nuttin’ to see here, be movin’ along”
Who’s going to save us from the hurricanes now?
Who’s going to save us from the hurricanes now?
I didn’t realize Pat Robertson was still alive.
They’ll be rolling him out onto the 700 Club while still plugged in to a respirator if he has anything to say about it.
Pat Robertson as Admiral Pike?
I, for one, will be boycotting this Superbowl. Just like I have for the past 5 or so years because I really don’t care who is playing and fully expect the Patriots to win – again. And the games are usually pretty bad. If I’m going to subject myself to football, I would rather watch high school or (blah!) college.
I’m not boycotting. I’m just not interested and will not be watching.
I didn’t know it was today, Football isn’t any fun any longer
THE Ohio State university tips off against those slack-jawed barbarians from Illinois at noon. That’s the only sportsball match that will hold my interest today.
The Patriot Superbowls are usually pretty good. Six of their last seven were decide by four points or less, the seventh game was won in OT by a TD. Six had lead changes in the 4th quarter.
The only thing worse than the Pastriots winning would be the utter insufferability of the Philthy fans celebrating victory.
Fuck, it is nearly as bad as Republicans and Democrats.
Is it 14 already?
I miss the Duff Bowl…
New analysis suggests most Milgram participants realised the “obedience experiments” were not really dangerous
That’s interesting. I heard some of the voice actors’ work in that experiment a long time ago… They weren’t really that stellar. It made me wonder if any of the participants figured out the game to some degree or another.
The fact that that specific part of the interviews wasn’t taken heavily into account in the original paper is annoying. That study probably is reproducible, but for all the wrong reasons. People’s behavior may be immutable but their motivations are more complex than just some form of “obedience to authority.”
Another cornerstone psychology experiment bites the dust. The Milgram experiment and Zimbardo’s prison experiment were contrived, safe bullshit and the majority of participants were certainly aware of that fact and behaved accordingly.
Psychology is almost impossible to do in a rigorous experimental method. I used to work with a lot of behavioral psychologists who were working with animal models. Their “controls” and results were very questionable. Not that they were not well meaning. They just had a different understanding of what a control would be as compared to my background in molecular genetics.
Their endpoints and data were very soft as well. Usually someone marking down when a behavior occurred, which sounds really objective, but isn’t very objective in a lot of cases when it comes to what really happens. They also have trouble with blinding…. the experimenter kinda has to know what behavior they are looking for, so it makes real blinding tough.
We are a long way away from psychology as a rigorous scientific field. There’s a lot of good work happening, but they are decades behind normal medicine, which is in turn decades behind the physical sciences.
Psychology is just really, really hard to do experimentally.
Wasn’t it found that something like 80 percent of psychology studies could not be replicated?
The big problem with psychology is that it’s a very blurry, inexact science. You have no laboratory conditions and very little control of variables. Yet, people act like a psychology study carries the same significance and certainty as a chemistry experiment or something. It’s the same story with economics, sociology, political science, etc.
Yeah… what he said.
Shoulda read that before posting my meandering screed.
she said that while humans probably contribute to current warming
That is the most controversial thing Hartnett White said imho.
It doesn’t help that the data show no such thing until it’s been massaged by secret processes they (e.g. NOAA) won’t explain.
Ha! Look at this layman, doubting the high priests.
OMG why do you hate science
As per usual, the VA state legislature is arguing about the most important things, like what custom license plates to allow.
For a General Assembly pondering big issues such as Medicaid expansion and utility regulation – may be its better for governments to discuss licence plates than this
Vanity plates are one thing; the state shouldn’t be making custom categories. Not even for veterans.
Virginia is the recognized leader in vanity plate categories. These are just the ones that don’t fall into the military or college categories.
Hmm. No “Fuck You, That’s Why” category.
That requires an FOP sticker.
[Waste Mgmt Open, 16th hole golf claps]
OMG that’s ridiculous.
…WTF is a “Parrothead”?
A Jimmy Buffett fan (yuck).
Son of a son of a bitch!
Het, it’s the Super Troopers guys. Is it worth watching?
I’m a fan of shitty horror movies, so I like it more than Super Troopers. Also, scenes like this are like a live Q thread.
Oh right I knew that. My mind was reaching for some sports team or other.
Yuck indeed.
A Jimmy Buffett fan.
Ya what Stinky said
the best line imo is, “its mellow…not smooth….kinda shitty”
“they’re not people, James Ingrahm: they’re Jimmy Buffett fans”
“Don’t Tread on Me”? Gadsden flag plates? Which one of you works at the Virginia DMV?
My favorite Virginia vanity plate.
“Kids give Morbo gas.”
I just returned from work. I’ll be enjoying the day with a couple of Dogfish Head 120 Minute IPA and a new bottle of Buffalo Trace. Also, a tasty indica heavy hybrid called (I think) Bubble Gum. I’ll follow it up with a nice nap and then another night of turning pallets of groceries into aisle after aisle of Sleeping With The Enemy retail perfection.
I’m just Wake and Baking with some Martian OG, getting ready for Work, and You’re just getting Home, Glibs are all over the map
The Bourbon County went well?
Doing the Lord’s work in some of the meanest
streetsaisles on earth.It is, quite literally, the most Sisyphean task I’ve ever had (apart from some creative Army punishments). I leave in the morning, the store an immaculate temple of commerce; I return 16 hours later to find the shelves stripped bare. But Hell, the pay isn’t terrible, the flexibility is fantastic, and I get a discount on groceries I would be buying anyway.
In an earlier geological age, I worked a shift like that. It’s the perfect job for a team of fit and young OCDs, and I must say, I found the whole process intensely satisfying, if not incredibly well-paying.
The place I worked for was like a proto-Whole Foods kind of vibe and some of the youngwimminfolk there were very convivial company, and every bit as devil-may-care as the guys, IYKWIMAITTYD.
Sleeping With the Enemy needed one more bullet at the end.
I hope Trump is going soft on appointing climate change skeptics.
Canucki flip-flopper!
It isn’t as if they are skeptical of “climate”, it’s just that lady and others like Pruitt aren’t sufficiently alarmist for the green cult.
You mean the watermelons, right? They may bee green on the outside, but scratch that green and you will see that the whole thing is marxist red through and through..
Primer mi carucha Chevy ’39
driving to El Monte Legion Stadium
Pickup on my Weeza, she is so divine
helps me stealing hubcaps wasted all the time.
Now that is poetry.
Prostate cancer deaths overtake those from breast cancer
Yellow ribbons, For awareness?
Brown buttons.
You joke, but the blue ribbon has already been adopted. And of course, while the breast cancer groups do walks and such, one prostate cancer awareness group is Pints for Prostates.
So it’s like first place for cancer?
I don’t know where you been, but I see you won first prize.
Sure, but we’re already in a place where a guy in his 60’s, diagnosed with very early-stage prostate cancer will sometimes be advised to not have it treated, because he’s likely to be dead of other causes, before it becomes a problem.
Now change the gender and the type of cancer, and see how acceptable that proposition is.
As a Broncos fan, I hate the Patriots. But I would never bet against them.
I kind of want the NFL to die and be reborn so I am rooting for a Patriots 63-0 with the refs riding Gronk up and down the field hooting and hollering.
I hate the Pats and dislike the Philly fans, and would never put money against either one.
Cooked a rabbit last week with a bunch of waxy baby potatoes. Nobody else wanted to finish the potatoes. Caramelise up some carrot slices and make a hash with em and some over easy eggs. Good to go leftover cleanup.
And here I was expecting rabbit and carrot hash.
Sounds like a good Easter breakfast.
Be sure to refrigerate it for three day then reheat it.
There are some trace rabbit chunks in there, but not much.
Did you cook your kids 4H project?
Frozen, cleaned, dressed, bunny.
My little one will be 7 in June. No more pets until she’s actually responsible enough to take care of a pet completely by herself. Used to have a red eared slider turtle that her granddad bought her when she turned 5. What a pointless pet. Wouldn’tbe averse to having a cuddly, delicious set of drumsticks hopping around the place.
Pretty pointless. The shell wasn’t even big enough to turn into a military helmet!
Silly #6, you tape proximity mine to its back and let it wander. Just trigger off human body heat.
Slowest. IED. Ever.
You are an ideas man.
You should do it. Build yourself a hutch in the back yard. After a brief internet search this may be something I look into. I have enough room for goats but I don’t like goat meat nor do I want to build a fence. (I have only eaten third world goats though so I may be misjudging due to my first world privilege) I think rabbits or pigs is the way to go for back yard meat sources. Pigs stink though. I would consider chickens but they are too noisy.
Years back someone (HM maybe?) at TOS posted a recipe for goat curry. It looked excellent but I’ve never tried it.
I had Curried Goat in Montego Bay in a prior life. It was a local joint in a shady area and not a resort. Pretty much all of Jamaica outside of a resort is a shady area. The sauce was good but the goat not so much. I have also had goat in Iraq and it was not good there either. The sheep and the goats taste and smell the same to me there. Like shit.
I have had some delicious goat in the Bahamas.
I’ve eaten goat in Kuwait and at a local hole in the wall taco place. Both were good, if a bit greasy.
The mature versions of goat and sheep (mutton) are usually stronger tasting than kid and lamb.
I sometimes get ground goat at Jungle Jim’s in Fairfield, OH, and I enjoy it in burger form. It tastes like beef, but with some other flavor that I can only describe as “perfumed”. It sounds really weird, but I think it’s good.
I want a pygmy rhino. Not to eat, it would just be a crazy pet to have.
I’m biased here, but just like lamb, it comes down to animal husbandry and nutrition. Let the animal get too big and all it’s good for is stews and so-forth. A friend of mine farmed goats, and if they eat well, they’re good eating and the meat is tender.
But rabbits would be easier, but to me, all rabbit meat ends up smelling like piss. Maybe there’s a gene that does that.
Goat is awesome. When I was in Malargue, Argentina for research, my stay happened to overlap with the “Fiesta Nacional de Chivo” (National Goat Festival) in which hundreds of goats are roasted on this 200 yard long line of charcoal. Everyone eats massive amounts of goat and drinks massive amounts of wine. It was awesome.
And we all know what you were researching, *nudge, nudge, wink, wink, say no more.*
In spite of the socialism, their women are fairly sexually liberated. Someone there joked that sex was their second favorite sport.
What were you actually researching?
Cosmic rays. Pierre Auger Observatory.
Fucking awesome! I’m an astronomy geek – thought about pursuing it as a career but didn’t have the math skills at the time.
It was good. I would have liked to continue working on it and try to hack it as a full time faculty member, but I sold out.
Chicken meat >> rabbit meat
Rabbits are cooler though
You know, rabbit aficionados always seem to claim that you can sub in rabbit for chicken in many recipes, but all I ever think bunny meat is good for is a stew, and I always want anything I put the rabbit in to be highly herbed or at least seasoned, or in a flavorful stock or gravy, because man, the smell is off-putting.
And this is from a guy who at one stage in his life was eating squirrel, hedeghog and ‘trash meat’ like pigeons semi-regularly.
Actually it is all in the preparation, and some of the best rabbit I ever had was not in any sort of stew.
Meats considered delicacies that I don’t get:
Duck, rabbit, mutton.
Favorite meats in descending order:
Elk, buffalo, beef, chicken, pork.
Put that in your piss hooker dossier and smoke it.
Never knew mutton was considered a delicacy. We ate it when I was a kid when the folks couldn’t afford anything else.
I like duck. A little greasy, but I dig the flavor. I’m a dark meat guy, though.
Rabbit I could take or leave, but I’ve always though mutton was the poor man’s version of lamb.
If you guys ever get the opportunity, try some camel. It’s like beef (all grass-eating mammals taste similar) but with an almost sweet flavor to it. Quite delicious. I diced it and fried it with an Arabic spice blend and ate it in a pita bread, which I’m not sure is logical, but it sure was tasty.
Ostrich steak is delicious
I had goat at Nepalese restaurant. Great stuff.
Do you have crazy eyes?
The Atlantic is ending web comments, and starting an online letters section – to be honest i get entertainment from comments sections and as such judge negatively online places without them
It makes a certain level of sense, as the kulturkrieg ramps up and an uncurated, unwoke comment from some shitlord could get them embroiled in a controversy they can’t win.
Or trigger them so hard they end up in a padded cell.
An online letters section is far more condusive to the echo chamber they desire.
Comments aren’t long-winded enough for The Atlantic.
Why use three words when you can use 20?
Why – in Trump’s America – do we settle for a status quo in which the hoi polloi accept out of sheer ennui the paltry sum of three words, vis a vis the fact that the same sentence as penned by our more forward-thinking avant-garde cousins in Europe would frequently exceed a word count of twenty?
TechDirt has been writing about this trend for a while now.
Well, yeah, policing a comments section is an all or nothing proposition that historically was feasible, but now, you’re screwed no matter how carefully you police the comments – everyone has a copy of Alinsky on their desk, and they’re all ready to use it.
I’ve noticed that Coates usually had either comments disabled or only had commenting enabled for a very short time. It’s no good to be corrected right below the crappy race screed that you just penned.
Can’t blame them, really. Most comment sections turn into a pile of shit rather quickly & who wants to deal with the thought police coming after them when you can offload that shit to FB as described in that link.
They are most very often an absolute cesspool. Which makes here a nice respite, an island of sanity in a frothing sea of shit. I comment a fair bit at our local rag, SFGate, but I am just about through with it. Getting death threats for making pretty innocuous comments is getting old.
There seems to be a trend towards either ending comments or foisting them off to Disqus, which is a wretched hive of scum and villainy. Ever read the comments over at The Federalist? Yikes. We briefly debated using Disqus for our relatively modest commenting needs at work and tossed that idea out the window after about five minutes once we realized that it’s basically like catnip for the worst people on the Internet.
When NPR ended comments I had a brief moment of pride as I was an intermittent commenter there. I loved it that their actions proved the point that they did not want to hear differing opinions and they were the real brown shirts.
In case you find other things that bounce more interesting than footballs.
1, 3, 7, 11, 13, 19, 23, 33, 38.
Fuck. Their site is down. 502 bad gateway error. I’ll come back later to see whom I’m having an orgy with.
It’s working for me now.
Site back up.
I’m not sure #16 is busty enough to have Future Lower Back Problems; however, she is not excluded from the orgy.
I thought #33 looked familiar, but Google Image Search tells me I’m wrong. She is softcore pornstoar Andrea Rincón from Colombia. Boobpedia says she has implants, which makes me sad but I won’t exclude her from the orgy. #38 is Playboy Playmate Emily Agnes.
#41 and #42 excluded from the orgy for stupid piercings.
I believe 11 goes by Bryci and you may be able to find more pictures and videos of her on the internet (so I’ve heard, not that I would know about such things)
#33 looks a lot like Denise Milani, but who am I to question Google?
3, 10, 11, 17, 33, 37.
This is why I know these people are just reactive cunts.
Hell, you could describe tons of Obama administration policies to people, and they’d freak out and call it a horrible racist policy that only someone as terrible as Drumpf would come up with.
TW Bratfart alt-right BushPigs Drumpfkins
/Tony et al.
Ugh the comments
2701 comments. WTF is the point? I think people comment at places like that just to squawk – nobody’s reading that shit or having any sort of thoughtful conversation.
I think a lot of people who shitpost in comment sections are attracted by the prospect of being able to vent their dislike of people they disagree with without having to experience any consequences.
I’m hoping for some quality drama when the Pats when. Go drama!
Maybe Brady will whip out a MAGA hat and give a Nazi salute. That would almost make the game worth watching.
Two Freemasons’ lodges set up for members of parliament and political journalists are continuing to operate secretly at Westminster, the Guardian has learned.
New Welcome Lodge, which recruits MPs, peers and parliamentary staff, and Gallery Lodge, established for members of the political press corps known as the lobby, both remain active, according to Freemasonry records.
A third lodge called the Alfred Robbins Lodge, which was also set up for journalists, also continues to meet regularly in London.
I blame the Illuminati for this
TW: Buzzfeed.
I will be filled with more hate than any Patriots or Eagles fan today, for I will be preparing corporate income tax returns. Yay lost productivity!
LOL OK then
I don’t know about you, but for my money the one thing that makes or breaks the entertainment value of a professional sports event is whether or not the players are demonstrably woke enough.
Oh, that’s good, because it was starting to seem like…
…ah, yeah, ok. That’s what I thought.
Fuck, I’m already worn out. A hour and ten minutes of Real News TDS, and I need a nap. When does the Stupor Bowl come on?
The only thing the Notorious Memo reveals is that Trump is a monster bent on destroying America, and I’m pretty sure we all already knew that.
There are alternatives
I’ve long had a subscription the magazine The Week, as it was a very readable compilation of capsule summaries of issues of the day, presenting arguments and quotes from both sides. Perfect magazine for the basket next to your toilet, plenty of quick reads available every time you pick it up. And they’ve always done a good job of being balanced. But even they’ve gone TDS. This week’s cover is a drawing of GOP wearing tinfoil hats, trying to diagram the ‘crazy’ ideas that are just meant to deflect us from the real story, how Trump conspired with Russia to win the election.
Just amazing. One side has tons of facts, the other almost nothing after over a year of investigation, but the side with the facts are the loonies, and the desperate ones are the sensible people. And any facts showing Democrats, the Steele Dossier, Fusion GPS, false pretenses for FISA warrants, etc, are instead just crazy talk meant to divert suspicion from the Russia probe, right.
I do have to hand it to the Left, though. They get their talking points together and get everyone on the same page. Soon whatever they decided becomes accepted reality. And now they’ve even got The Week, so my subscription will end when it expires — so you can save your money and quit sending me the daily renew letters, people.
This is why I’m thankful for this site, and am trying to comment more. I thought I was going insane with how everyone told me Russia clearly “hacked the election”. I didn’t really get the term gaslighting until recently. It is a constant effort to push this narrative, but when you look at the underlying facts it all falls to shit.
Russia hacked the DNC (heavily disputed by independent parties), Russia hacked Podesta (phishing scam but whatever, also disputed by wikileaks), a low level Trump guy tried to get oppo research from Russia but the campaign denied him, Trump Jr tried to get oppo research from a random lawyer from Russia (not the government, a private citizen) but it turned out to be nothing. Am I missing something. Nothing showing Trump making a deal or having any hand. Really, limited evidence Russia did a damn thing other than buy facebook ads.
Meanwhile, we have a paper trail of FBI agents abusing authority to help Obama because they hated Trump. We have a history of Obama led agencies abusing their power to attack opponents. How can a sane person think the first is true but the second is a conspiracy.
Just a pointless rant, continue on with your days.
Well said. The utter derangement the Dems are clearly suffering from would be funny if they hadn’t succeeded in turning the public sphere into a constant assembly line regurgitating their nonsense as incontrovertible fact. It’s actually kind of scary.
I would be interested to see if more people are coming around to the Democrat worldview or if they’re losing followers and leaving only the fanatics.
I can’t imagine that the Democrats’ post-election behavior is winning many fence-sitters over to their side. Also, for all the talk about tranny bathrooms and gay wedding cakes, most people are going to react very favorably to seeing more money on their paychecks. That’s what it’s all about at the end of the day.
Not that this is necessarily news, but it’s Quilette so worth a read.
dont link far right websites!
“far right”?
“This claim is, of course, demonstrably false as evidenced by the many inventions and discoveries contributed to humanity by white men in their forties. ”
I Laughed
What a shithole.
Racist !
I am at a loss for words to describe, based on the evidence I’ve seen, what a toxic environment that is. The stupid social media argle-bargle I can dismiss as, well, idiots let loose. But the shit with management deliberately enforcing that hateful environment – that is some evil shit.
But if your ideology aligns with management already, I would think you could spend months and months working for those firms in comforting, emotionally-affirming bliss. It’s not until you become an “other” that you’ll experience the toxic nature of the cult.
The only “ideology” management should be encouraging is maximizing profit. If that’s a “cult” then I’m in the wrong business 🙂
It really is a cult, too. An acquaintance of mine moved out to California to take a job at Google. There are a number of venues online where you can read the details of how they do it, but the short version is they do everything they can to keep employees physically on campus and dedicated to the company, to the point of social isolation from people who don’t work there. If you saw a list of what they do and were told that it was the Scientology HQ you’d believe it. Even before this vile “social justice” idiocy I wouldn’t have worked there for all the money in the world.
Yeah, it’s pretty out of control. I’d like to think that if I were some kind of ethnic minority, I would also be repulsed by the flagrant institutional bigotry and have zero desire to work there. Some civil rights-related, criminal sanctions would be exactly what they deserve.
Apparently minorities and women there didn’t find that environment repulsive.
Becomes even more evident how Marissa Mayer rose so high (well, other than one look at a photo of her).
I personally think that has more to do with the sort of hateful social engineering-loving cretins that the company culture actively attracted.
Good point. I wouldn’t set foot in the door there, even if being in one of their “good” groups “helped” me.
I late read a thread where you stated your resume is right up Google’s alley but you would never work there. I think you are missing out on an opportunity and a potential win for shitlordom. If you could just stomach it long enough to move up the chain you might eventually be in a position to send a memo stating there will be post work happy hours in the lounge with wet t-shirt contests and that the company name and logo will be changed to Booble.
Wolf of Silicon Valley?
+1 bag of Quaaludes
(I think that was their drug of choice in that movie)(am I thinking of the right movie?)
Yes. And yes.
Although it looks like the only country that still makes methaqualone is North Korea.
i can’t read the whole thing at the moment, but i’d be curious from hearing from any lawyers who are familiar with discrimination law.
in particular, i’m thinking of successful challenges to affirmative action … which i think were a think in the 1980s and 1990s, when many uni’s and other institutions hadn’t really figured out what the best-practices were, and often ended up doing similar “just don’t hire white men” stuff, and ended up running afoul of the law.
i think the complaints made by demore et al might seem ludicrous (to some) on the face of it; discrimination against white folk seems silly. but i think there are probably instances where companies try to ‘go farther than the law’ in terms of being proactive about diversity, and overlook the fact that explicitly “none of x” policies are probably technically illegal.
I’m no lawyer, but I think it’s illegal on its face with even a cursory reading of California and Federal anti-discrimination law. Personally, I think all anti-discrimination law is horseshit; I’d prefer free association and the market take care of it. However, what’s good for the goose is good for the gander and I won’t be shedding any tears if Google’s executives get excised like a tumor and they have to pay a gazillion dollars in punitive damages. I’m not holding my breath.
I’ll be at the radio station pushing buttons to make the game go, so I probably will only listen for my cues and ignore most of the game; but I’ll be rooting for Philly, cuz their coach played for Green Bay.
Last night I watched a couple hours of the live youtube freed of the Bathurst 12 hour race from Australia. Maybe I’ll watch the last two hours of that. It’s a fantastic racetrack, and FIA GT3 cars are always worth watching.
Now THAT brings back memories.
From Q’s Google lawsuit link:
The complaint alleges that Google’s affirmative action programs went beyond merely setting targets and conducting outreach events restricted to certain demographics. At a “Diversity Team Kickoff” event, a director announced plans “to freeze headcount so that teams could find diversity candidates to help fill the empty roles,” with “diversity candidates” being defined to mean “women and non-Caucasian individuals” (Complaint 46). In other words, Google saw fit to stop hiring white men at all for certain teams until the desired numbers of favored groups were met.
I almost wish I owned Google stock, just so I could be part of a massive shareholder suit against the Board of Directors and management. I think that qualifies as malfeasance.
Shareholder activism is so 20th Century, man.
“Ok Google, look up illegal discriminatory quotas”
Yup, with that old test, it looks bad.
Yeah, it’s blatant discrimination but it’s the shareholders that should be punishing them, not the courts. Unfortunately it doesn’t work that way in America.
Well I quit them altogether, in spite of the inconvenience of transferring all my stuff from gmail and dropping google play. I realize that’s just piss in the ocean to them, but if they get a bad enough reputation it could start hurting them.
Shareholder activism is so 20th Century, man.
To be sure, the pursuit of profit (however distasteful it may be) must be accepted as a goal of a business enterprise, but only in the context of benefit accruing to the broader universe of stake holders.
“Opinion: The good economic news is actually bad. Here’s why.”
So what you’re saying is that George Will is functionally illiterate?
TW: WaPo
WaPo: Brought to you by the DNC.
My free quota of wapo articles is up (thanks to you degenerates linking there) and I don’t feel like deleting whatever cookies they set for tracking.
I don’t see anything illiterate here. He’s making the conservative “boots going upstairs, slippers coming down” argument about economics. Low savings rates, little retirement investment, over-reliance on a demographically unsustainable entitlement program. It’s not a shot at Trump or good economic indicators, it’s an argument against our collectivist entitlement mentality. If you expect government to provide for your retirement, you’re averse to deferring gratification.
I agree. I skimmed the article and couldn’t find anything I outright disagreed with. Thrift and saving has become passé. I give a full-throated “here-here” to his conclusion:
“Americans consider deferral of gratification unnatural, which it is. Time was, however, thrift was considered a virtue. People sat at kitchen tables, calculating how to bring their outlays, for living and retiring, into alignment with their incomes. But eventually many people decided: This is no fun. Instead, let’s disconnect enjoyable spending decisions from tiresome facts about resources, thereby living the way the federal government does.”
I guess there is an implicit shot at Trump, to be honest. He doesn’t ever talk about deficits. He (supposedly) wanted to work with Schumer to repeal the debt ceiling requirement. He’s not very conservative in that regard, which doesn’t endear him to the likes of Will.
Oh, I’ve no doubt that if an R weren’t in the WH this article would never see the light of day. He’s certainly no Austrian. That being said he isn’t wrong about household debt. That’s why I think [more] socialism is inevitable here in the US; at some point all the people who have made no provision for the future are going to demand the state “do something” because they failed to provide for their own. Then those of us who saved and spent wisely get to pick up the tab at gunpoint.
Yeah, some of those stats are pretty alarming.
There have always been people unable to manage their finances but to see it become the vast majority is alarming as you say. You can blame the boom-bust economy to a certain extent but I think there is a virtue ethics argument in their also……I guess I’d chalk it up to people consciously or unconsciously believing that the state safety net is always there for them
It’s George Will. He’s a debt hawk. He’s a relic from the past, when people cared about how much we pretend to owe China, as denominated in pretend money. And there are real reasons to worry about the debt aside from the deficit: even if it’s probable we never, ever pay it back, it still represents real resources reallocated by the feds to mostly do wealth-destroying, market-perverting, liberty-enervating shit nobody but Marxist progs want to see. It’s still a very real drain on prosperity. I think it’s right to be suspicious about Trump’s debt ceiling-busting ideas, just as it was for Obama. Cash for Clunkers should be the model we apply to any government-funded idea. How’d that work out?
A bunch of money was blown, some cronies got richer and some wymens and minorities got new cars they couldn’t afford……so great if you are Obama.
And people who mostly buy used cars got fucked when a bunch of still useful used cars got compacted.
Omelet, eggs comrade
“He doesn’t talk about deficits”
Just realized you were referring to Trump, not Will.
Quit othering my stream of consciousness, SHITLORD
Stream of consciousness is totes for the privileged, those unrestraint musings may lead you down the path of ungoodthink. Police your thoughts or else!!
People have the ability to save more when the economy is better.
Because a Republican is President.
I’m pretty sure that wasn’t staged.
“Thicc Latinas will NOT be deported!”
Oh wow… almost got me
The Strangely Successful History of People Mailing Themselves in Boxes
“McGowan’s privilege-flaunting rant was full of transphobic dog whistles, including her rhetoric implying that a trans woman like Dier has done nothing for women, which leads to the further implication that trans women are not women. It’s also common for anti-trans activists to disavow the label cis and position themselves as women, while claiming that trans women are a separate gender entirely, using the grammatically cringeworthy label “transwomen.” The McGowan rant reeks of this trans-exclusionary radical feminist (TERF) ideology, and her quick descent into transphobic clichés when challenged backs up her critics’ claims that she is a transphobe.”
Eat your own, fuckers. I love it. The only thing progressives hate more than conservatives is other progressives horning in on their shtick.
Trans women are not women. That is not a judgement. If we can’t even get past that fact, the whole dialog breaks down.
It’s arguing by definition.
Oh, look at THIS hater with snakes on his head ….
LOL I couldn’t go any further. Perfect.
Trans women are women and should be treated exactly like other women.
Unless, of course, it would benefit them to be higher up on the hierarchy of victimhood than women who were born with vaginas.
Then they’re different. But also not different. So shut up and stop denying their lived experiences, hater.
They contain multitudes.
So wait a second. You must use “cis”, but calling “trans” folk “transwomen” is evil?
Or is it that “trans women” is somehow obligatory, while “transwomen” is evil?
Identity politics is morally wicked.
My understanding of what McGowan said was transwomen grow up differently then biological women and have experiences as a result.
I can understand the activist point. /s
“Overweight German man who joined ISIS says they used him as sex slave
Hermann Gottlieb, 28, says he was drugged the first week upon his arrival and woke up chained to a bed where he would spend most of his eighteen months of captivity.
“They forced me to dress up with wigs, lipstick, and makeup all the time. One of the commanders had a fetish for Marilyn Monroe and would even make me watch movies of her so I would talk like her,” he told reporters.
“They kept feeding me and feeding me, one soldier told me they wanted my breast to get bigger by overfeeding me,” he recalled in tears.
“I had to curl my hair, shave my breasts, my armpits and legs and wear lipstick for the high commanders. Some didn’t even want sex and just liked to cuddle with me all night long,” he remembers in agony.”
I don’t remember a whole lot from high school German, but I do remember “Gott” and “lieben,” and so Gottlieb is pretty fitting.
Couldn’t happen to a nicer guy I’m sure.
So instead of getting to murder innocents in the name of Allah he had to take it up the pooper for a while. Can’t say I feel too sorry for him.
I’m a little baffled at why these Westerners who join ISIS are ever treated as anything other than an enemy combatant.
Because the Geneva conventions defines everything in terms of nation-states. Just going out on a limb here but to declare them as enemy combatants would be to defacto recognize ISIS as a nation state (irrelevant now that they no longer control territory) and it means that per the Geneva conventions they are to be afforded certain rights. We can actually act with less restraint against “terrorists” (not saying this is a good thing) than we can against enemy combatants as defined by the GC’s.
Well, maybe I got too technical with the term “enemy combatant” (I’m not a military person). What I meant is that they should be treated exactly the same as a native-born Syrian ISIS fighter who surrenders.
World News Daily Report is fake news.
Church of Social Justice.
Oh, God
Oh fer Christ’s sake.
Ok, I’m no Judeo-Christian scholar, but when churches are using gender-neutral pronouns for God or taking a more welcoming stance towards gays and lesbians, how exactly do they square that with what’s in the Bible? I thought the book was pretty clear that God is male and homosexuality is wrong. I’m not trash-talking anyone’s religion; I’m just curious as to how they reconcile this.
I wonder too…
No one can serve two masters. For you will hate one and love the other; you will be devoted to one, and despise the other.
In essence, homosexuality – the behavior – is wrong. The general principle is hate the sin, love the sinner.
The adoption of gender neutral pronouns by the church is a complicated one, because of the concept that the proper relationship is that man has a father in the godhead, and the church is the symbolic mother. That’s about as much as this agnostic can absorb, but I’ll SMS LSD and see what her Christian Ethics training tells her.
“McGowan’s privilege-flaunting rant was full of transphobic dog whistles, including her rhetoric implying that a trans woman like Dier has done nothing for women, which leads to the further implication that trans women are not women. It’s also common for anti-trans activists to disavow the label cis and position themselves as women, while claiming that trans women are a separate gender entirely, using the grammatically cringeworthy label “transwomen.” The McGowan rant reeks of this trans-exclusionary radical feminist (TERF) ideology, and her quick descent into transphobic clichés when challenged backs up her critics’ claims that she is a transphobe.”
Sounds like somebody’s hovercraft is full of eels.
That’s a pretty crazy take. I read the article about the encounter at the book signing… yes, I admit it. I’m not sure why. Just let that part go, OK?
Anyway, some activist jumps up and starts accusing McGowan of not doing anything for Trans Women. i don’t know exactly how you are supposed to respond to that sort of thing, but “Look at everything I’ve done for women…. what have you done for women?” is certainly an understandable rejoinder.
Plus, she went to lengths to say she supports Transgender rights and that everyone is deserves the same protections – which apparently is a dog-whistle for “I hate trans people”.
Just don’t even dip a toe into those waters. As Rose McGowan is finding out, they eat their own.
Trans people tend to be as fucked up politically as they are personally*? Whodathunkit.
* Std individualist disclaimer – not all people live up to the caricature of their collective identity.
Casual observation, but in my experience most trans people are not SJW. Most of them are apolitical like most people. Many of them lean libertarian.
Hard to make valid generalizations from very small bases.
If they were like “most people” there would be competing groups in politics with no single overwhelming view (like democrats and republicans). But there are not competing groups of trans-activists there is one overwhelming view which means they are not like “most people” politically.
So, gun owners: do you actually slap your magazine into place, or is that just Hollywood crap?
That depends on how I’m feeling that day.
Some of those magazines ask for that kind of treatment. Some rebel, and you have to rock them firmly but gently into place.
Usually. I don’t know if it’s the “right” thing to do, but I want to make sure it’s seated properly to avoid feeding and ejection issues.
Depends on the magazine. Some need a good slap to seat properly.
Toxic masculinity aside, for modern pistols, and AR-15 type guns, typically, yeah, slap ’em into place because you want the mags to engage and seat properly. Older style pistols, and it’s a bit dependent on the brand. Most guys I know don’t palm-slap 1911 mags into place on older guns because they’re a bit finicky with mags. You can’t slap an M14/M1A mag into place – (and IIRC AK-pattern rifles either) because they positively engage on a static pin built into the receiver.
There’s nothing quite so embarassing as executing a mag drop when you really didn’t mean to.
Meme ahoy, off the po0rt bow.
So what you’re saying is that George Will is functionally illiterate?
At least I hope I perceived that correctly.
So what you’re saying is that you hope to perceive gays and people of color hanging from trees, shitlord?
do you actually slap your magazine into place, or is that just Hollywood crap?
No slapping, here. I also don’t just hit the slide release and let it slam forward.
I like the Your Movie Sucks Dot Com guy. He does pretty solid work deconstructing films. Here’s his 2015 recap. He takes his time, obviously.
I used to enjoy “the Filthy Critic” back in the day. He had the greatest opening line to a review I’ve ever read: “Someone shit under the Christmas Tree, and this year it wasn’t me.”
That is a wonderful line to open a review of “How the Grinch Stole Christmas”.
Like all of the greats, he burned out quickly. Another great was “everything’s problematic”, which petered out, unfortunately.
Why do people complain about bias in the media? Let’s look at the front page of CNN, right now.
Here’s their top-left lead column of headlines:
Biggest headline, in bold:
1. Gowdy: Memo has no impact on Russia probe.
The GOP House member was one of several lawmakers to say the Nunes memo does not vindicate Trump
Smaller headlines:
2. Trump says memo “totally vindicates” him
3. Trump Jr. calls Nunes memo “sweet revenge”
4. Sen Durbin has a warning for Republicans
5. Democrat accuses House GOP of obstructing probe.
Top Middle, big headline
1. Paul Ryan deletes tax cuts tweet after Twitter Backlash.
BIg headline/caption on picture of Obama with Farrakhan.
2. Is this a “radical” picture of Obama?
Column 3:
1. Amtrak passenger train slams into parked freight train
2. First ladies give Melania advice on “SNL”
3. Baldwin on “SNL” plays Trump phoning “Fox & Friends” to get his intelligence briefing
4. Harvey Weinstein assaulted me, Uma Thurman says.
5. Stelter: Hannity won, rest of America lost
6. Opinion: Trump may be making a comeback
So zero coverage of the actual Nunes memo, even though their entire Politics column was articles about the reaction to the memo. Clicking through…. all of the articles are anti-Trump.
Center column…. on ridiculing Speaker Ryan over a tweet, and one defending Obama for posing with Black Nationalist Luis Farrakhan.
Right Column…. on news story, one #meToo story, 2 SNL pro-Obama/anti-Trump stories, an anti-Fox story (which is about Trump) and a Trump comeback story?? (oh, no… it is an anti-Trump story about how Trump’s approval rating is improving)
Wow, that’s a lot of Anti-Trump and a surprising amount of Pro-Obama for the headlines when there’s a lot of other news out there to be covered and Obama hasn’t been in office for over a year.
Look at the cover of the NYT, or the WaPo, and measure what % is political news.
it used to be that the “politics” sections of newspapers were relegated to sidebar-stories. Its basically “gossip column” shit for the DC political junkies. News media generally treated it like ‘entertainment’ or other ‘less important than Real News stuff’, where “Real News” was stuff like, “country x at war with country y”, “natural disasters”, “terror attack in x place”, dramatic criminal events (kidnappings, multiple homicides, etc)
Now, most “top stories” are all political jabber-fests over trivial horseshit. it occupies the vast bulk of their front page AND their editorial sections. hell, they have multiple editorials on the same dumb political kerfuffle, where in the past ‘one’ was usually more than enough for a few days.
Opinion columnists used to be expected to cover different beats; like 1 would be ‘domestic politics’, 1 would be international affairs, 1 would be economics, 1 would be pop culture, etc.
Now all they do is offer different flavors of outrage about the same dumb political kerfuffles.
Covering political jabber-fests is quick and inexpensive. Covering real news stuff (never mind investigative reporting) costs time and money because it requires sending reporters and photographers to actual events.
Yes, that’s an argument i’ve made myself in the past. with the 50% drop in news-revenue…
…they basically focus on their ‘cheapest’ types of coverage which can reliably produce clicks. news-gathering requires getting quotes from witnesses, taking photos on the scene, and fact-checking. all that shit has been abandoned, or outsourced to stringers.
I keep reading snippets of that Google article, and I am compelled to inquire: DID ANY OF THOSE PEOPLE WORK?
It’s hard to believe Google ever produced anything useful.
There’s a group that seems to post relentlessly on internal threads. They show up on almost every one, usually on the strong SJW side. It’s part of why nobody with any sense tries to engage with this; much better to just keep your head down.
I saw many of the memes and threads that the Damore Exhibit B contains when they were happening, but I’ve never really seen any impact on my immediate work groups. It’s just more upper management noise that managers give lip service to, at best. But it might be different for other groups.
Isn’t it amazing how quickly a for-profit corporation can become indistinguishable from a govt bureaucracy?
Large organizations inevitably become bureaucratic, but at least private companies have an incentive to cut the deadwood and streamline things. If your company is insanely profitable, it becomes less of an issue to have some useless paper-pushers here and there.
Yep, and this applies not only to deadwood but to random duplication of effort, launching unready products, and the like. “There is a great deal of ruin in a
nationcompany” when it has a money-spewing fountain in the basement.A not-insignificant amount of Google’s staff is comprised of people hired to basically do “corporate culture” type stuff. Google’s campus is basically like an all-inclusive resort, so there are kitchen staff, massage therapists, meditation…people, people in charge of maintaining the fleet of shuttles they use to pick up and drop off employees, people in charge of “mindfulness”, that kind of shit. I would be absolutely shocked if there weren’t a large number of people hired specifically to promote social justice bullshit.
Most of those are contractors (except maybe the bus drivers), though. HR clearly has “diversity advocate” positions of one kind or another but I suspect that’s true of most large outfits nowadays. From what I can tell the culture warriors seem to be employees with a lot of time on their hands, and clearly they are treated with kid gloves. I’d almost prefer if they were deliberate hires for that purpose; I can admire (if not approve) an honest mercenary taking a mark for all he’s worth. But it’s really sad to see ostensibly smart people, including a lot of technical ones, spewing the latest lefty talking point or shouting down counterarguments with no sense of irony or self-awareness. Fortunately none of them are near me, at least currently.
UGH… I’m feeling a wee bit queasy and I might cry. I just broke my favorite pipe. I’ve had it a little more than a decade and it was only 75 Euro when it called out to me from the Albert Cuyp Market but now it’s almost 300. Sigh…
Wow, that’s expensive.
That looks exactly like the hookahs I can buy at a couple dozen outfits within walking distance of me for 10 bucks. Prolly better quality though.
Yep… moving up here from New Orleans with its one head shop, I was shocked at the ubiquity of paraphernalia at every bodega and gas station. You are also quite correct to surmise the majority is of almost disposable quality.
Bad Girls
I saw more than a few cute murderers when I worked at the women’s prison. But something about that place is a massive turn-off. It’s probably the disgusting, unsanitary way that they live combined with the knowledge that there are tons of STDs floating around (a lot of former prostitutes and/or IV drug users). The girls often catch the herp from having sex with each other.
One woman came in for a short drug possession sentence, caught a disease from having sex with another inmate, and she wrote an apologetic letter to her husband informing him that she was now infected with herpes. She got divorce papers in the mail two weeks later.
What just occurred to me:
The “political establishment” is
suffering fromguilty of Munchausen by Proxy Syndrome. They, by which I mean not just the Obama/Clinton/DNC apparat, but the Deep State and the GOP establishment, are melodramatically trumpeting their frantic efforts to “heal” the deep sickness of their beloved country. That sickness, of course, may be defined in shorthand as Trumpism.From Wiki-
Factitious disorder imposed on another (FDIA or FDIoA), also known as Munchausen syndrome by proxy (MSbP), is a condition where a caregiver or spouse fabricates, exaggerates, or induces mental or physical health problems in those who are in their care, with the primary motive of gaining attention or sympathy from others.[1] The name is derived from the term Munchausen syndrome, a psychiatric factitious disorder wherein those affected feign disease, illness, or psychological trauma to draw attention, sympathy, or reassurance to themselves. However, unlike Munchausen syndrome, in MSbP, the deception involves not themselves, but rather someone under the person’s care. MSbP is primarily distinguished from other forms of abuse or neglect by the motives of the perpetrator. Some experts consider it to be an elusive, potentially lethal, and frequently misunderstood form of child abuse[2] or medical neglect.[3]
It explains so much: “Oh, my God, we work so hard, we try and try, but the disease keeps spreading. Our nation is dying, right before our eyes, and nothing we do seems to help. Look, everyone, see how selfless and noble we are.”
In order to save the country, we must destroy it.
Eh, I just got through reading Why Liberalism Failed, which basically makes the point that liberalism (classical, progressive, and everything in between, meaning libertarians and most of mainstream politics) starts from false premises about human nature that warp its usage of preliberal concepts like freedom, justice, and self-rule, eventually disfiguring them to the point of dissonance and social collapse.
I think anyone from any part of the political spectrum, including libertarians, would want to chuck the book at the wall in some chapters (though it won’t be the same ones for each person), but it does make some good points, especially in the concluding chapter.
FUCK I want to root for the Eagles, but Malcolm Jenkins, elaborating on his anthem protests and their goals, uttered the phrase “social justice”.
I too had to hit the mute button when I heard that phrase.
There’s a chapter in one of my Hayek books entitled “The Myth of Social Justice.” Prior to reading it, I had no idea that the phrase had such a long history.
Social = Collective
Justice = Punishment
It’s collective punishment. That’s all you need to know.
I am reading the Elon Musk biography by Ashlee Vance. An easy, quick read.
What an fascinating oddball he is. I can imagine that working for him would be both exhilarating and infuriating. I don’t think he would deliberately lie or deceive investors, but I can easily believe he will be wrong sometimes, and eventually spectacularly wrong about something big. So I’d never invest in his projects, but as long as he is risking his own money, more power to him.
I’d love to see SpaceX succeed. Less excited about his projects that are artifically propped by silly legislation or subsidies, but, meh, at least he’s innovating.
I wouldn’t mind seeing him succeed, I just don’t think he will. SpaceX might be his only worthwhile venture. The Hyperloop s bullshit, and if I had the free cash, I’d be buying up TSLA put options as fast as I could.
OMWC: regardng Zappa – in a former life, I used to know the unfortunately named Dick Kunc. (I had a bad crush on his daughter.) He told me a few stories about life on the road with the Mothers. Had my memory not been destroyed in the intervening years by drugs and alcohol, I’d relate some of them to you.
How bad can a crush be, really?
Unless she was 4, and that would be wrong.
/looks around nervously
Puppy Bowl Countdown is hilarious parody.
Another thread has begun. But I am going to stick stubbornly to the Superbowl one, Dammit.
Penguin! Good to “see” you!
Thanks, PB. It’s been a crappy time. I’ll relate it when it’s a tad less raw.
Sorry to hear that, but good to see you!
In order to save the country, we must destroy it.
“That’s quite a nasty ingrown toenail. That leg will have to come off.”
“According to a detailed Harvard-Harris poll, black Americans are more likely than any other demographic group to support lower yearly legal immigration levels, down to a fourth of current immigration levels.
When asked, “In your opinion, about how many legal immigrants should be admitted to the U.S. each year,” 48 percent of black Americans said they would like to see between only one and 250,000 legal immigrants brought to the U.S. a year.”
TW: Breitbart
#120db: What The #MeToo Movement Ignores
Original German video with subtitles.
“Original German video with subtitles.”
Wait… this is a family friendly site, no pee pr0n!
Vampires was a documentary.
“Woman ‘raped, tortured and had ovaries ripped out by cannibal gang who ate her and killed husband'”