Hello GlibFit friends! The time has finally come for our first fitness challenge. The purpose of this challenge is to each push ourselves to make and meet fitness goals with shared accountability among our community. Please recognize the fact that, given the nature of fitness challenges, it’s not going to be easy for most folks. Keeping that in mind, don’t be an asshole.

Here’s how it works. The challenge is ten weeks long, starting today and ending Friday April 13th. Every Friday, we’re going to have a GlibFit thread for discussing progress and as a general fitness open thread. For ease of access during the week, all the GlibFit posts will live in their own category index in the website footer.

At the end of the 10 weeks, we take a look back at what we’ve accomplished. Then, if people are still into it, we start again in May with a second session.

It’s not too late to join in, and it’s not too late to revise your goal for this session. We’re not keeping track of your goals, so it’s up to you to keep track of your goal and your progress. As mentioned before, the best goals are quantifiable and achievable. Something like “spend 30 minutes 3x per week on the treadmill and run a 5k on April 3rd in 25:00” is a great goal. “Eat less carbs and turn the TV off” is harder to hold yourself accountable to.

Part of fitness accountability sometimes includes tracking your food and exercise on a daily basis on your phone. At the very least, I try to track my weight daily. The most commonly used app for that is My Fitness Pal. If you have a MFP account, join our group and become friends with your fellow Glibs. If there are other apps that people are using, please share in the comments.