Hockey is back! And there were some nice upsets (Go No Gata!), close calls (Vandy-UK) and good games in college basketball last night, especially the Buckeyes dismantling Indiana after that tough loss the other day in which they got screwed by the refs. I know many of you chose one of those two things rather than the SOTU last night.  I decided to watch Weird Science and explain to my son this is how nerds used to overcome adversity: by creating women (or Pershing missiles) in their bedroom with bras on their heads.  He was taking notes, which makes me nervous. Also, RIP Chet.

So you guys can discuss all that in the comments or you can discuss, among other things…the links!

He trollin’, they hatin’.

From the recaps I saw and the comments I looked at last night, I can’t tell if Trump delivered his State Of The Union speech last night to his base, to those he’s courting to add to that base or exclusively to his political opponents.  I do know CNN apparently conjectured that his wife wore white to protest…him? And that she rode separately out of protest too…even though she was escorting his guests personally to the event.  And then Kennedy and the chapstick and his calling out Trump for bullying tranny kids or something?  And where was Maxine?  I was spectin to hea a ho lotta biness bout ‘peachment. An wif her not speak’n, I dinna hea bout ‘peachment. Oh well, I’m sure she’ll start talking about it again soon when the Nunes memo gets released.

Looks like Andrew McCabe, new hero of the left, has a few questions that need to be answered. I’m curious how the “Hillary got railroaded because they waited till the last minute to examine her emails” narrative will play out now that it looks like they were trying to sweep the whole thing completely under the rug but had to announce their existence as the truth was being leaked by front-line FBI agents.

Speaking of FBI agents, this one here sounds like a real idiot. Which means he’ll keep his job and/or get a sweet early retirement…all for killing the person he was sent to rescue but completely failed to identify before pulling the trigger twice. You know the way to not “fear losing control of your weapon”? Well, try not jamming it through a window barrel-first to a dark room in a hostage situation for starters.

This man wouldn’t know science if it bit him in the bollix.

Shit, I saw the headline and I assumed SA had finally got a spine. Then I read the story and realized they had merely increased the wattage in their social signaler. Seriously…what a bunch of fucking asshats.

I can’t figure this out.  Is it some Harrison Bergeron-type shit going on, or is a Berkeley, CA public school using a weighted compression vest to punish kindergarteners who get a little excitable? Either way, its child abuse and stretches any acceptable level of in loco parentis beyond a reasonable level. And if it happened to one of my kids and I was given such a flippant answer when I questioned it, there would likely be blood spilled. Plenty of blood.

I’m shocked! Shocked to find corruption going on in Cook County, Illinois!

Somebody get this guy a bus ticket to Florida. Oh wait, Powhatan is the Florida of Virginia, so it all makes sense.

Here’s his theme music. He’s earned it.

Good luck out there today, friends. I know it’ll be filled with apoplexy over the SOTU. And with a little luck, the Nunes memo will push them over the edge. ::fingers crossed::