I, for one, am heartened to see that spammers in 2018 here in Trump’s AmericaTM are now at least trying to tailor their spam to the pages and posts which they target. This is a new and classier breed of spammer. Spammers who take pride in their work. Spammers who go the extra mile. The best spammers. And the Glibertariat can be proud that we’ve got ’em.
Let me reassure you, gentle reader, that I am not singling out a certain Glib whose posts were recently captured by the spam filters for somewhat obvious reasons. No, it is not The Accidental Spammer to whom I refer, but rather, the spammer who employs penny-a-post orphans laboring in shitholes worldwide, who seeks to dupe naive site admins into “partnering” with them by having said orphans fill out the website contact form.
Here are three of my recent favorites.
Exhibit 1.
The exceptional spammers of today know what really matters to the Glibs: sports. Our extensive sports coverage (thanks, Sloopy!) prompted the following:
My name is Joey and I’m a writer at [made up magazine]. I was doing research on tennis training and just finished reading your wonderful blog post: https://glibertarians.com/2017/06/thursday-morning-links-16/
In that article, I noticed that you cited a solid post that I’ve read in the past: [article: martina-navratilova-calls-margaret-court-homophobe-open-letter]
I just finished writing a guide that is even more detailed, updated and comprehensive on tennis training. It is spread over multiple pages (30k+ words in total) and packed with practical tips and advice. This is completely free and you can find it here: [website redacted by SP to protect the innocent and their devices]
If you like the guide we’d be humbled if you cited us in your article. Of course, we will also share your article with our 50k newsletter subscribers and followers across our social platforms.
Uh-huh. Game, set, and match to SP!
Exhibit 2.
Our Family Friendly Certification continues to pay dividends in ways too numerous to mention. We’re always looking for new writers that get what we’re about. Look! Here’s one!
As a parent (and an educator), I know how important it is for parents to share helpful insight and advice with each other when it comes to raising our children. I’d like to do just that, so I’ve listed some great parenting resources below that I hope you find value in. I’ve included some articles with practical parenting advice as well as some focused on kids’ and parents’ mental health (I know how difficult this type of information can be to find). If you like these, I also encourage you to post them somewhere online – maybe on your page here: http://glibertarians.com/2017/03/monday-morning-links-4/?I appreciate your time, and if there is any other information I can send you, I’m happy to do so. I love to write in my spare time, so if you’d like me to write something on parenting especially for you, please let me know!
Article: Keeping Kids Safe at Home: A Parent’s Guide to Child Safety (with Infographic)
Maybe she noticed OMWC lurking in the backyard?
Exhibit 3.
On a recent STEVE SMITH links post, the industrious orphan scanned the article and decided that the perfect come-on to Glibs.com was as follows:
I found the glibertarians.com website while browsing through some Outdoor themed sites and have to say I was extremely impressed with the many great resources your site displays!.
I have recently added a really useful article – a camping checklist – to my blog. With the huge number of campers and hikers at all levels there are across the world now, I felt that creating an ultimate guide to inform, in particular beginners and casual campers was something of real interest.
Some have even said, maybe the classiest spam of all time
Beautiful spam. Top quality spam.
The BEST spam!
Well, there’s egg and bacon
Egg sausage and bacon
Egg and spam
Egg, bacon and spam
Egg, bacon, sausage and spam
Spam, bacon, sausage and spam
Spam, egg, spam, spam, bacon and spam
Spam, sausage, spam, spam, spam, bacon, spam tomato and spam
Spam, spam, spam, egg and spam
Spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, baked beans, spam, spam, spam and spam
MAKERAPE $9475/MONTH. CLICK HERE TO FIND OUT HOWAustin Minnesoda has a sad at this unfavorable use of the name of its yummy pressed meat product.
Also, thanks for keeping the spam out of the comments sections. All the Koch money in the world didn’t seem to help TOS keep them out.
Given the (fake) referencing of articles here by the spam-orphans, it would be interesting to see the real numbers on which articles travel the most and get the most hits/eyeballs. Might make for a good stat to include in a one year anniversary article.
He’s just trying to get in your pants?
Article: Keeping Kids Safe at Home: A Parent’s Guide to Child Safety (with Infographic)
Containing an image of OMWC’s avatar?
The second time I received the “We’re with the IRS and we’re suing you!” scam call from India, I engaged.
I told the guy I knew it was a scam, but I was willing to help him improve his pitch. After a few seconds of banter, he broke down and, without admitting to the scam, did say in fairly broken English that he would like to hear how to improve his script.
I told him that in the United States, IRS agents are known for being particularly vulgar and racist, and if he wanted people to really believe he worked for them, he needed to say “fuck” and “shit” frequently, and to accuse people who won’t pay of being black.
I hope it helped on his next few calls before his boss presumably would have corrected him.
LOL! Lord’s work you’re doing there.
Seconded. Now enough with the compliments. When do we get another movie review?
They called my wife once and she didn’t have any idea what was going on and couldn’t understand their poor English. She told me the IRS called and they were going to call back because she told them she needed to talk to her husband. I already knew about the scam and immediately realized that’s what had happened. So told my wife what was up and told her to give me the phone next time they called. She did and I asked the poor lady if she had to resort to lame scams because her mother doesn’t earn enough as a whore. Then I asked how much she herself charges for blowjobs and if she’s any good. She hung up and they never called back. I’m mean to scammers.
Dad’s girlfriend all but had the checkbook out when she thought to call him first, but because she was briefly hooked she gets scam calls every week.
This is similar to my approach. I generally make rustling noises as if jerking off and ask them what they are wearing, try to get them to talk dirty, and otherwise say things that Alexa would reprimand me for. It is especially fun when the caller is male
inb4 “Angry responses to
scammersinnovative fundraisers is the epitome of White Privilege.”My favorite lines for the spam callers is as follows:
Followed by:
I am taking it out of my pants…
I am doing what my mommy told me not to do..
(rude noises and slapping sounds)…
I don’t think it’s spam, but I have been repeatedly called by a company trying to sell me a home security system. Sometimes they will call multiple times a day, always from different numbers in different states. I quit answering awhile ago. I tried politely telling them no at first and escalated from there to yelling at them to stop and calling them everything I could think of. This has been going on for months, and I don’t know how to make it stop. It’s pretty annoying.
All you can do really is make sure you’re on the no-call list, if it;s a land line.
No point losing your temper, just find a reason to leave the phone off the hook, ask them to wait, and go away and watch the TV for a few hours. You’re destroying their productivity.
Land line. Geez, you are an old fucker.
We still have the number, but we’ve recently parked it at NumberBarn. I check the incoming calls from time to time, and I have an audio announcement saying callers should use our cell numbers, assuming they know them.
If anyone feels motivated to leave voicemail, I get a voice-to-text within an hour.
I typically say, “hang on a second, I’ll be right back” and put the phone in front of a speaker playing Metal and walk away.
Incorrect: http://www.jollyrogertelco.com/
You can put them on the phone with a robot specifically designed to string them along.
Coincidentally, I just finished listening to one of theirs. The Indian dude got pretty nasty.
Did you look up any of the numbers on Google to see if there’s any spam reports? If the same people are calling back from multiple numbers, I’m sure it’s a scam.
I’ve had similar problems. One of the worst problems I’ve had is, though, is a little different. Apparently someone had my home number before I did, and that person owed everyone in the country money. So then all of these collection agencies are calling me asking for this person. At first I was patient, but then I started getting really mean with them. That went on for years I kid you not. Finally it stopped.
It’s not the same person. It’s a whole lot of different people from a whole lot of different numbers from a whole lot of different states all pitching the same product. It’s like who ever is running this has a decentralized sales network where they let anybody try and sell their system. Either that or a scam. I don’t know.
Get a free or nearly free test setup of SalesForce, load it up with 9000 names and addresses, sell access to the database for a small fee, by telling gullible marks that using the database and promoting a product can earn your cousin 9723 a month so they can put down a deposit on that BMW they wanted.
Put the sales kit in the document management archive, and let the slaves loose. It makes as much money out of the scam agents as it does out of scamees.
After a few weeks, Salesforce realizes it’s gonna make no money out of you, and throttles the site. The boss man drops all the data, sets up a new Salesforce eval database and it starts all over again.
I’ll have to read up on that. Not that I have any intention of doing something like that, but I am curious to know how all the spamming happens. I don’t know anything about what you’re talking about.
It’s worked great for me for a while.
If you send a money order for $200 to me at the following PO Box number, I can explain the whole process in detail so you too can win big.
Oops. Uhh. Edit fairy?
Another recent scam is actually legit but shouldn’t be.
If you have a relative or someone you know that has a student loan AND IS CURRENT ON THEIR PAYMENTS they will call you and tell you that you owe money (not technically a lie) and that you must remit more payment immediately.
Apparently there are so many deadbeats on student loans that they have taken to quasi-threatening the non-deadbeats and anyone in their personal network. Anything to make their “performing loans” numbers look better in aggregate.
I’ve gotten those calls since my sister still has outstanding student loans. They call everyone in search of payment.
“Many and Several liability” encompasses .. well … ‘many’.
I laughed when they said their name was something like Steve Jones in an Indian accent.
I always like the “Your computer has a virus” calls. I’ll usually ask them which machine, and can they let me know its IP address, but only after I’ve made them wait a few minutes.
*five minutes later*
OK I wiped the keyboard down with lysol, does it still have a virus?
I would have wet myself if they said their name was Steve Smith with an Indian accent.
I had to call xbox support one time and the thick-Indian -accent guy said, “Hello, my name is Razorblade, how can I help you?”
He was very helpful, once I stopped laughing.
I would have recommended he go with sugartits.
This is the classic method- and it works.
If you value your own time at 6 cents an hour, and you’re a sociopath, yeah.
This one is my favorite.
That one is epic. Every telemarketer deserves that.
LOL. That guy is so dumb that he didn’t realize he’s being played.
I also like Lenny.
That’s funny.
I got an obvious scammer call from India who wanted me to tell my mother-in-law (by full name) that there was some issue with her account at the Royal Bank of Scotland. Besides the ridiculousness of the whole thing, I’ve been puzzled how they would link me and my cell with my mother-in-law.
As far as I know, there’s no easily accessible info to link us. Someone suggested that they might have run a skip trace, but that’s usually used for debt collectors and seems like an awful lot of effort for a wild-shot scam.
Anyone in the family an ardent Ancestry.com user?
Nope. They barely use the internet.
Not too long ago, someone called my father’s house saying something about a gas bill (my gas bill is on autopay, so I’m assuming this was some kind of scam or pitch). I hadn’t lived there since 2005, and I had never had any utilities or services in my name when I was at that address.
I’ve gotten a bunch of calls about my sister. Siblings are the gifts that keep giving.
The only way I got rid of my email spam problem was taking control of my own MX. It’s a pain in the ass, but it saves SWMBO from getting penile growth hormone, and Russian bride ads.
My yahoo account is so spammed, it’s practically unusable. They only time I check it is if someone tells me they emailed me at that account. People that I know can always ping me at my work address, which actually has pretty good spam control, although some stuff does make it through. I’m always getting these spams from businesses asking me if I’m in charge of purchasing for IT and bullshit like that.
Find a free provider with up to date spam control. Forward the Yahoo account. Reply to people you like with the new email address.
Yahoo and Hotmail email accounts single you out as a Metamucil and Preparation H user.
protonmail. I just switched as part of my ongoing jihad with google and I love it.
Consider also using Abine’s Blur.
Throwdown email accounts with inbuilt forwarding. When you get fed up with spam from that site you subscribed to (Reason, I’m looking at you) – you just drop the aliased account via Blur’s management interface.
I LOVE Blur. I also use the phone and cc masking.
Oh ho ho, Mrs Moneybags. That shit costs dough!
The free stuff works fine for me.
I doubt that camping checklist includes “get raped by Sasquatch”.
Then why go camping?
Thanks SP, I needed a good laugh today. But it’s also an interesting look into how the spam process works.
Trump’s Fault.
We need common-sense Amtrak control. Now.
Lesson here, don’t get hit by a train. Dummies.
So if you get hit by a train, does that mean you’re pregnant with a whole litter of babies?
Ace is reporting that Bill Kristol tweeted his “permission” to mock Republicans onboard the train, then deleted it:
Classy fucking guy.
Here’s a screencap. Good one, Bill. At least have the courage of your convictions to leave it up if you’re going to be a complete ass.
He’s so pompous down to a cellular level, he’s incapable of being funny.
Everyone knows cho-chos are for Democrats.
Headline on BBC front page:
One dead as Republicans’ train hits lorry
(Actual article has more sensible headline)
There has to be a financial incentive for the spammers to be as prolific as they are. (ever post something for sale on craigslist?) I don’t know what it is though. The money scams are obvious. What the intention of these spammers is beyond me, but it’s pretty obvious they are spammers. Do people fall for this stuff? Still? I guess someone has to or the spam would stop.
In many case, the only point is for you to respond, thereby identifying that email account as being active, and being read by someone who might be gullible enough to fall for a real scam.
Either way, they can sell a list of ‘active emails’ to other people on the Internet. It costs nothing to spam 100,000 email addresses, and even if you only get 1/10% response, do it enough and you will have a saleable list.
I think you’re absolutely right about the cost/volume ratio. You can set up a spam bot and email a list of hundreds of thousands of people and go do something else with your day, and if one person bites it’s worth it. And you really can’t underestimate how gullible/stupid/desperate people can be. Spammers aren’t dumb; there’s a reason they’ve been leaning on the whole Nigerian prince with money stuck in customs bit for so long.
It’s a good thing I hate royalty and Nigerians otherwise I might have been scammed.
I had ‘big Zimbabwean land-owner’ who was a supporter of Mugabe and the new President is an enemy. variant, but it’s all the same shit.
I’ve read that the spammers use the incredibly obvious nature of the scam as a sort of first level filter. They want to hook a really gullible person. If the setup is ridiculous it keeps them from wasting time on anyone who is the least bit suspicious and moves the credulous straight to the front of the line so to speak.
I sold a car on Craigslist. I wouldn’t advertise anything that is small where I have to meet the person somewhere to make the transaction, or anything that the person would have to come inside my house to look at.
I bought a motorcycle on eBay way back in the day. Beautiful bike, exactly what I was looking for. Had to get rid of her (her name was Delilah) when I got pregnant and the hub had a close call with a not-terribly-careful cage driver.
I have sold a few things over the years. What I have noticed is that as soon as you post an ad, within 10 minutes you get 5-10 obviously fake offers and then one to 2 a day until the item is sold. It’s annoying.
It was about 5 years ago. I didn’t get any fake offers. I didn’t get any offers for like 2 weeks and then all of the sudden I had 4 or 5 offers. Sold it within a couple days after that and then people just kept calling me until I took the add down. No spam or anything after that.
Odd. I wonder if I’m not doing something right that invites all the bullshit.
I had an old company car, a 2005 Focus, that I wanted to sell, so I listed it on the Denver Craigslist for $5500, at the time that was $500 under book.
Within a few hours some asshole emails me “I’m going to pay you $2500 for that car.”
I emailed back “No, you aren’t.”
Never heard from the son of a bitch again. A week or so letter I sold the car to a nice lady whose daughter was heading off to college, for $5000.
Someone was trying their PUA tactics on a sales tranaction
Sure, you get no responses most of the time, but it’s a numbers game, after all.
I don’t mess with Craigslist any more. I sold some speakers via Craigslist years ago and that was the end of it. That experience was fine, but so many other times I’ve just been deluged with spam or fake listings, or had spam/scam responses to postings, that it’s just not worth messing with.
I sell stuff on Kijiji occasionally. A few years ago, our old tube TV died, so I posted it on Kijiji for free, figuring someone would use it for parts.
Best response was: “I am very interested! Will you deliver it to my home?”
A few years ago I was selling a set of wheels with tires that had maybe 20% tread remaining. Young guy calls me up and wants me to sell them to him at about 25% of what I was asking, AND he wants me to drive about an hour to some parking lot and mount them on his car for him since he currently has a flat. When I laugh and refuse he tries to tell me it’ll be my fault that his kids won’t get home in time for dinner.
I am kind of fascinated by people like that. I really would like to know how that thought process works.
I sell stuff on Craigslist all the time, as part of my never-ending quest to declutter and live minimally. I only got that “I’ll give you a check for…” scam once.
I get the “would you accept a money order for said item” one every single time I have ever put anything on there. every time, within an hour.
I call upon a rebuttal from ZARDOZ.
I’m gonna make a guess they’ll be something about cleansing the little brutals in it.


Excellent. Thank you.
Aren’t you meant to get the gift of the gun?
*Hands #6 an Enfield.*
It’s cool. Keep it. ZARDOZ will cough up another on next time he visits.
I was hoping for a Finnish M28-30 🙁
I’ve been wondering if the Brutals clean out Zardoz’s mouth between the guns and grain. Because cosmoline and wheat do not mix very well if trying to remove grain on the other side.
Also, love this pic.
Don’t look a gift
horsestone head in the mouth.Nevermind!
*grabs Sterling off pile*
Snatches Webley-Fosbery out of Zed’s hand.
As prophesied.
“I found the glibertarians.com website while browsing through some Outdoor themed sites and have to say I was extremely impressed with the many great resources your site displays!.”
So much so I was flagrant with my punctuation!.
“I am not singling out a certain Glib whose posts were recently captured by the spam filters for somewhat obvious reasons”
Q was spamming titties again.
It was the URL in my username. Apparently “Family Friendly Sites” don’t take too kindly to www(dot)boobpedia(dot)com. In my defense, it did link directly to one of those “this site contains terrible, evil, nasty things that will poison your mind and turn your children against you, abandon all hope ye who enter!”; so it was *technically* SFW (the spam filter did not agree).
My job’s certainly did not. Evidently, nobody there cares.
Shouldn’t it be www( . )boobpedia( . )com?
(((www(.)boobpedia(.)com))) for G_d’s chosen like Q.
Q likes ’em big. BIG.
I too was caught by the spam filters which failed to see the value of waterfall insurance.
As a parent (and an educator), I know how important it is for parents to share helpful insight and advice with each other when it comes to raising our children.
Spare the rod, spoil the child
Where’s my check?
At least we’re getting noticed!
I try to prostitute it around to as many places as possible. I’m almost 100% certain that someone from instapundit lurks here because I’ve seen several coincidences in which a link posted here appears there a short time later (one of which was one of my titty posts I might add).
There’s probably some crossover. I’m not the mole, but I still visit the Blogfather’s crib, although he’s diluting his brand with some of the yahoos he’s letting publish there.
That and the near-constant shilling for cheap-ass survival blades and herbal nostrums via Amazon links.
OT: for those with an interest in European (in this case English soccer). If all the details in this story are true I don’t know whether to feel sorrow, pity, or decide the guy is a jackass. Riyad Mahrez of Leicester City wants out – to a bigger club. On the first transfer deadline day of the season, August 31, 2017 he ended up at Paris Airport for the day waiting to fly to whichever club signed him. None did so he was back at Leicester. Then yesterday, he handed in a new transfer request (about 24 hours before the January deadline) and, with Manchester City apparently interested. They decided to not sign him and now, according to some reports, he has gone AWOL with Leicester City due to kickoff in about an hour.
Sounds like a dick that went about looking for a transfer completely the wrong way. Let your agent handle that shit and don’t start disrespecting your current club until the ink is dry on your new contract.
Yeah, it sounds like a good way to get your ass kicked in the locker room, or whatever they call locker rooms in England.
Still not as bad as what Dembele did to Dortmund (and to Jurgen Klopp’s house) before his transfer to Barca.
But I hate players who do that shit. At least do it with enough time to give your team a chance to sign a replacement.
European (in this case English
I know an English guy who would punch you in the mouth for that.
“As a parent (and an educator)”
Education =- scam even when it has nothing to do with computer use.
I made the mistake of trying top read a WaPo article about Trump’s speech.
That Trump guy is a monster. How dare he try to sound reasonable or, saints preserve us, Presidential?
I got
I got progressive friends.
I know that progressives may not be ones to give Trump the benefit of the doubt (I certainly don’t), but how do you get from Point A to Point B here?
He already has the power to fire anyone working on the Russia investigation (although the political consequences would be severe), with the exception of members of Congress. Is this…is this real life?
Is this just fantasy?
Caught in a landslide
No escape from reality
but how do you get from Point A to Point B here?
Huff glue and think the Soviet Union never collapsed?
I call on the congress to empower every Cabinet secretary with the authority to reward good workers—and to remove federal employees who undermine the public trust or fail the American people
OMG. Is civil service reform actually on his agenda? That would be, what’s the word . . . . Yuuuuuge.
I can see this finding its way into a budget bill. “If you want this agency funded with that much money, you gotta let us clean out the deadwood.”
I’m gonna have to binge watch Yes Minister again.
I’m a Paulista bot, because this is the best criticism of that State of the Union. Other ostensibly libertarian commentators should take note
“Lead members of empire enforced by military means applaud military, news at 11.”
Those replies are nauseating. Fuck anyone who claims libertarians have common cause with those troglodytes.
What comments in particular? All I read was a lot of criticism from conservatives and progressives, but I didn’t scroll through all of them
Well, in particular, the ones insinuating that Paul should experience some sort of physical harm because he had the audacity to criticize Daddy.
Those would be the ‘conservative’ comments. Raging war boners is part and parcel with so many people who ostensibly want ‘smaller government’.
“Yeah, cut government, but the icky part of government. You know, the part of government that feeds poor people. Keep the part that bombs foreign poor people”
As I observed earlier, these people would squeal like stuck pigs if you called them “neoconservatives,” yet their view of the world is almost the same. Placing trade protectionist lipstick on a pig to get an even uglier pig.
That’s where I disagree with you. Even those who trumpet libertarianism as only meaning ‘free trade’ (as in accepting managed trade) and open borders are actually just as much in favor of trade protectionism.
I think the argument against our current managed trade system from the people you dub ‘yokeltarians’ is more persuasive than the argument that we need to impose trade protectionism on the ‘baddies’ (which is always the first salvo to an actual war)
Case in point: Cathy Young and Will Willkinson
I’m not sure how that is germane. Neither Ron Paul nor I are advocating sanctions on “errant” countries.
Sometimes ‘no true Scotsman’ isn’t a fallacy.
Maybe I misunderstood your point. I thought you were associating the Mises people (although Rockwell in particular) who have an aversion to our current trade agreements as aligning with neoconservatives. I think just the opposite has happened. I think that the Koch people and the Niskanan Institute (although, I don’t think anyone considers them libertarian anymore) have suddenly put their past opposition to the neocons behind them and have left foreign policy on the back burner and endorsed trade protectionism, but only against the baddies.
I don’t even agree with Rockwell on most matters and sometimes the Mises people are too extreme in their positions, but I don’t think I’d ever accuse them of siding with neocons. I think a lot of them should regret their support for Trump in the election, but again, I think that they had a fair argument that Trump was the least interventionist of all the candidates with the knowledge that they had.
I think we can agree on this: some Mises people have just become Trump fanboys
This guy, in particular
These comments are the reason your political career came to a screeching halt…
…Really? After Obama’s lax policy that allowed ISIS to run wild, and go from “the JV team” to a world wide plague, some militarism success should be applauded. Your comments in regard to the military are borderline disrespectful considering the sacrifices they have made for us…
…So what ur saying is as Americans we should not be proud of our military and our unwillingness to take any crap from people/places that attack Americans?!
…Due to your weak leadership. So glad you are gone. Time to support our military for all they do. USA is much stronger without spineless politicians like you.
And the like I believe.
You know who else believed a desert-dwelling death cult could develop into a worldwide terrorist organization that was capable of presenting an existential threat to the international community?
See, I was going to say “Baron Harkonnen” until you limited it to “international” community.
Wolseley & Gordon?
Why would they attack the Statue of Liberty? There probably aren’t very many people there at any given time; in fact, last I heard, the inside of it was closed to tourists. If it affected morale at all, it would then be followed by a surge in nationalism and war-bonerism.
/pedantic ass
Clearly they were playing the long game and using nationalism to assist Bob Page in creating his horrific dystopia.
In the miniseries that was the pilot for the G.I. Joe cartoon series, Cobra Temple was said to be located in Badhikistan.
Jus’ sayin’
Is there really anything that is a good hickey?
Virginia plans law to block pornographic websites, demand $20 fee to unlock
Let’s see the problems with this. You have the constitutionality issue, you have the “you’re not blocking all the porn sites” issue, you’ve got the “you do know that VPNs exist, right?” issue… any more I’m missing?
Dead link
Pay us $20 and the edit fairy will fix it.
Do you accept bitcoin?
We prefer tulips.
Sounds kind of gay (NTTAWWT)
If huffing tulips is gay, I don’t wanna be straight.
The “Who pays for internet porn?” issue.
On the Constitutional issue:
As long as they tell Justice Roberts its a tax, they shouldn’t have any problems.
… don’t give the NN guys an excuse …
“Tonight,” he said, “I call on the congress to empower every Cabinet secretary with the authority to reward good workers—and to remove federal employees who undermine the public trust or fail the American people.”
Holy shit. He’s asking for the power to fire anyone working on the Russia investigation.
Exactly. And, then, he’s going to purge the State Department of Communists. After that, everybody in the Department of the Interior who belongs to the Audubon Society will be shown the door.
Get the picture?
Get the picture?
Yes, and that picture is more arousing than anything Q has ever posted.
As long as they tell Justice Roberts its a tax, they shouldn’t have any problems.
The ta-ta tax.
Speaking of mailboxes, I hate this trend in (legitimate) email marketing to put all of the text of the message in images so if they don’t load, the email is blank except for the headline/subject/fine print at the bottom. Sorry Hilton, what were you trying to get me to do? Hit delete instead.
I have a mail rule that shoves all constantcontact.com emails and a few others like that in a special folder and I take a quick look thru’ it every few weeks. It filters out a lot of potentially hazardous crap.
Can’t they use the image load as hacky read receipt since you have to request the actual image from their server to load it?
Yes, I’m pretty sure that’s why they do it.
This is my favorite spam that I have ever received. I unspammed it so I could save it forever.
LOL! yes, that definitely deserves the spam hall of fame.
Spam?? Look, if that’s spam, then how does she know all these intimate little details, like Trump’s middle name?
Mrs Melania Trump, so she married Herself?
Swiss university unveils yodelling degree
No word on the narrow gaze curriculum yet.
Ugh… Chrome was crashing every few minutes this AM and now, after working fine for most of the day, Monocle is gone.
The ‘Reason Pitch Bot’ is mocking this article. It probably would have been better if it included a denunciation of current FBI surveillance practices, but it’s not that terrible. I mean it’s Sullum. He was pimping Russia fever dreams right after the election, so this is a marked improvement
re: alt text.
Everybody knows that basement.