I’m not sure what the “family friendly” version of OMFG STFU, YesCalifornia is so, I’m just gonna drop this here and move on with my day.
Join us in Sacramento on Valentine's Day as we celebrate filing for divorce from the United States and you can add your John Hancock to the California Declaration of Independence https://t.co/xZWMEUoIeC
— #Calexit Campaign (@YesCalifornia) January 24, 2018
Earlier coverage here (back when Glibertarians scooped most news outlets before anyone cared that Glibertarians existed), and here.
Oh, pleasepleasepleasepleasepleaseplease secede. Please. PLEASE.
I’ll sign that, and I live like 3000 miles from Cali. Of course they believe they’re getting a permanent alimony check with that divorce, from all the rest of us. We won’t break the bad news until after they’re gone.
We won’t break the bad news until after they’re gone.
They’re not allowed to use the term “John Hancock” anymore. Americans only.
Total appropriation. I feel triggered.
Drudge had a link to a grammy’s hit piece that called it an out-of-touch mess. The funny thing is, this is The Daily Beast…. so the reason they called it a tone deaf, out of touch mess was that it was too white, not woke enough and not political enough.
Yeah, it sounds like they ain’t woke and the patriarchy once again stopped wiminz from winning all the awards.
Too busy hating Ontarians, Michiganders, and New Yorkers to hate Californians today. Go home you old, slow fuckers! But leave your money to keep our taxes low!
So You hat me for the Democrats mess? Like I voted for the Repl….. oh Wait there are no Republicans anymore , Fuck it I’m out, going to Arizona
You left out Quebecois and Minnesodans. And Pennsylvanians. Jesus, when I was driving on I-75 Saturday it seemed like every third car had PA tags. And they kept getting shoulder to shoulder at the same speed so it was really hard to pass them.
Ohioans are the worst about hanging out in the left lane doing exactly the speed limit.
I’m guessing you don’t have to deal with Washington drivers then?
The Ohio drivers just do that so they can get passed on the right like they’re used to.
I rarely pass on the right….unless there is an Ohio plate on the car, then I don’t even give them a chance to pull over anymore.
I pass on the right all the time, because it’s California and people are completely unaware that there is any kind of etiquette about which lane they should be in. If you come up behind a car that’s passing another car and they then move into the right lane, it’s noteworthy for being so unusual.
Yeah, had some guy at the bar tell me he hated when drivers passed him on the right. I told him if he’s sitting in the passing lane and not passing anyone, I will pass him on the right every time. Idiots.
I noticed this last time I drove to Cleveland.
Yep, noticed that when I drove cross country.
I was visiting my parents in Punta Gorda one year during Snowbird season, and there were 3 cars in front of us at a stop sign. My Pa unironically said “would you lookit all this traffic!”
Sometimes the only hope is to remove the tumor.
Suddenly Lex Luther looks like he was the good guy.
Lex was always the good guy.
Even when Gene Hackman is the bad guy he’s the good guy.
+1 Otisburg
Amazon’s done a lot more good than stopping a couple of train accidents, that’s for sure.
Am I to infer that someone other than us and strangely furry bipeds cares now?
That was from the heady early days when commenting stayed in the double digits.
Aside from the shits and giggles value of watching a Calexit, it would set a precedent – other states would be emboldened to follow.
We could run a pool on whether the EU or the US disintegrates faster.
It’s not going to set a precedent because the federal government isn’t going to allow it.
You know who else tried to leave the American Union…
Toyota assembly line workers?
The Moros?
Mildred Gillars?
Florida? I say it’s time we try again!
Only if we make our independence slogan “Cut off America’s wang!”
*shakes hand enthusiastically *
True story, I thought I got scurvy in college, because I never ate vegetables and fruit. The doctor said it’s easier to come by than you think. So this strategy may be effective
The BF tells the story of his friend getting scurvy in college. His friend categorically denies that it ever happened.
I knew a guy who got gout–gout, for chrissakes–as a freshman in college. We all sat around drinking the malt liquor we got the older friend to buy for us, eating a large pizza each, musing on what the hell you’d have to do to develop gout at 19 that we hadn’t already done.
I would immediately imagine it had something to do with this, but I think the perviest of folks.
“I knew a guy who got gout–gout, for chrissakes–as a freshman in college.”
Did he lose his hair at eleven? How does a freshman in college get an old man disease
It’s not like he was grossly overweight or anything either. He just subsisted entirely on double quarter pounders with cheese and Red Dog. He still had the teenage metabolism to keep from turning into an orb on that diet, but I guess his kidneys couldn’t keep up.
There’s a genetic and metabolic component to it.
As I go nearer to a paleo, or at least a low carb diet, my doctor has told be to try and be aware of any joint pain I hadn’t experienced before.
My mother developed gout in her 40’s.
I’ve read that it can be a risk in high-protein diets, mostly scuttlebutt from various weight lifting forums but from some reasonably serious websites as well. The typical scenario I see referred to is when someone is using a lot of protein supplements, particularly if they’re including creatine, and not staying hydrated. The advice I saw though was pretty much to drink lots of water, lay off the creatine, and try to get protein from natural sources as much as possible. That’s part of the reason I stick to whey protein, actually.
My understanding is that it’s a red meat and high dairy risk. I could quite understand creatine being an issue too, if only because of the effect on hydration.
I have no doubt that the occasional twinges in my toes that I have in the morning might be gout. We’ll see. It’s not as painful as everyone says gout is, so I could be wrong. But I’m as old as dirt, so nobody should be surprised.
First off – why did you resign?
Second, if you had the full gout….you would know it.
Well, that’s the thing. I only get this problem in the early morning, and it clears up after that. So – might be gout, probably isn’t. Yet.
Why did I resign?
Absolut Citron has plenty of vitamin C.
Yeah, but I’m not a girl, so I only drank beer and whiskey
In soviet Russia, vodka drink you!
Edward Snowden?
James Dresnok?
Jimmy Hoffa?
Bobby Fisher?
Mitt Romney’s grandparents?
New England?
other states would be emboldened to follow.
No, they wouldn’t. After California is reduced to begging to be taken as a U.S. protectorate, most states will realize it was a bad idea.
It’s not clickable yet, but.
“FBI Deputy Director McCabe Stepping Down… Developing…”
The California Republic’s first Attorney General?
You’ll have to ask Moonbeam when he’s made emperor.
Well, sorta stepping down. He’s going to stay on the books for a few more months to get his full retirement…
The cartels want to streamline their operations.
“Both feel that they are more prosperous than the rest of the nation and have their resources taken and spent on the welfare of the rest of the nation”
Doesn’t Cali have the most people on welfare of any of the states?
#5 per capita. DC is first of course.
The counties surrounding DC are also two of the five wealthiest in the country. That is the bifurcated nonsense that progressives want: wealthy government workers and everyone else on the dole
Another one in the top 5 is Howard County, MD. A lot of those people commute to DC every day for their government or government contractor jobs.
It is hilarious to me that liberals are complaining about redistribution. Apparently, it wasn’t supposed to go from them to other people.
That having been said, California residents don’t actually pay out more to the Fedgov than the state gets back. They’ve got 53 representatives for fuck’s sake, of course they get lots of pork.
I believe the cartels are weaker in Baja than the rest of Mexico, but they’ve been strengthening their grip there recently. I’d want to GTFO too.
Tom Kratman’s been begging California to secede for years…for different reasons.
The upshot of California leaving would be to guarantee the GOP a supermajority at the federal level. I can’t imagine the DNC would support that.
And a GOP president, forever. I don’t know how good that is. I can see the GOP becoming more like Democrats if they know they can’t lose elections.
Partisanship can only exist with competition: the reason we have single-party states in the US is because those parties can still contrast themselves with rivals at the national level. If the US were to become a one-party state, that party would soon fracture. It’s happened before: the original Republican party dominated American politics for nearly a quarter century, but the more dominant they became the more they fractured internally until they divided into the Democrats and the Whigs. I think something similar would happen in your hypothetical.
Same for the Tories if the Scots had the balls to leave the UK. Same in Canada if the Quebeckers would fuck off. All three countries would be far better off for it.
I don’t know why the Canadians don’t build a wall around Quebeckistan. They sound like progs and talk like fags!
yes, but is their shit all retarded?
Of the 53 representatives from California, 39 of them are Democrats and the other 14 of them are Republicans. Removing their delegation entirely from the current Congress (with 4 vacant seats) without reapportionment would result in the Republicans having 224/378 (59.3%) representatives. Close to, but not quite, a supermajority. Applying the same math to the 110th Congress, when the Democrats had 255/434 (58.7%) seats in the House with 34/53 from California would result in the Democrats having 221/381 (58.0%) seats. That’s not even a GOP majority.
Taking California out of the picture gives the GOP an advantage over now, but not that much.
Whenever I hear about CalExit, I start hearing The Clash in my head.
I’m So Bored With The USA ?
Should I stay or should I go.
Short version: a business group has taken on the responsibility of improving safety in their district by purchasing the sidewalks and hiring their own security. Predictable hand wringing over privatization, ‘assault on government’, suppression of minority attendance(much like voter id laws….really?), lack of proper civic training by private security, and even a TRUMPS FAULT!!!
How many bums are going to be shitting and sleeping on these private sidewalks?
Think of the bums!
The bums are Cheesecake Factory’s problem now! It’s their sidewalk!
Not enough!!!
/San Francisco alderman
I really wish they’d just be honest and admit that their problem with privatization is that they’d lose the ability to cram their agendas down other people’s throats.
That sidewalk? You didn’t shit on that! But I know a guy. Pay me.
I honestly think that “progressives” like the idea of creating externalities to justify more government control over people.
I posted this on the morning links, but I’m posting it again. If Jordan Peterson is a ‘white supremacist’ than everyone is a ‘white supremacist’. Cosmos have sunk to an all time new low.
More ‘libertarians’ (used exceptionally loosely) attack Jordan Peterson for the cocktail parties and lolz
Jordan Peterson is the Nick Gillespie of white supremacists.
Ace of Spades has a post up with several “So what you’re saying is…” memes. I chuckled at a couple.
So what you’re saying is Jordan Peterson is a Nazi.
John Stossel is ‘alt-right’! Oh my God, he posted a quote by Murray Rothbard!
Apparently, if you listen to people whose hair bursts into flame at the thought of deregulation, foreign trade treaties are all that stand between us and some combination of a Chinese invasion, rich people being awful, and everyone contracting hepatitis from bad foreign pork or something.
Religion of tolerance
Geez, I wonder what they would do to women running around with bloody pants.
I mean, it’s seriously a bad thing, but I still can’t stop thinking of Indonesian manliness instructors forcing gay Indonesian manicurists to watch twelve hours of John Wayne, Clint Eastwood, and the collected works of Chuck Norris.
Footage here.
Yeah, so they definitely found something at the FBI
Nah, there’s just nothing more to do. They got Trump now, closing in I tell you, they’ve flipped Trump Jr., Melania revealed to be Russian Spy. They got im. This time for real.
Not to worry, war criminal and the only attorney general ever held in contempt of Congress is here to defend McCabe
“then you will know a better truth”
/wanders off, shaking head…….
I’ve some assault shuttles brining in extra popcorn for the commentariat
When did conservatives get so god damn good at trolling?
Looks like McCabe was ‘forced to step down’. (insert sad trombone)
Can’t wait to read editorials claiming that this episode is proof that the FBI has been corrupted… in Trump’s favor.
Upcoming WaPo: “Conservatives Ruin a Good Government Employee for Politics”
Upcoming NYT: “Alt-Right Attacks FBI”
Does a source familiar follow the standard rules or do they have different hit dice?
Further, I’m told this is most likely the earliest date possible for the FBI to remove him and still leave him fully eligible for his pension.
All the more reason to fire him immediately. You fuck up, there’s consequences. Like losing your pension. Oh, who am I kidding?
Prepare for MSNBC to do wall-to-wall coverage of possible Russian involvement in something, possibly falling back on reruns of Locked Up Abroad until the memo story dies down.
Apparently the Director went over and read that memo yesterday and canned McCabe today.
Way to be proactive on policing lawbreaking there, J Edgar.
If the rumors are true that he engineered a meeting to tell the White House there was no collusion, so that they would ask him to tell reporters that and shut the speculation down, so that he could tell reporters that the WH tried to force him to disclaim the collusion… I dunno, is seditious conspiracy applicable?
Devil’s advocate: Why have the meeting in the first place? Why not just lie and say that the president asked him to call off the dogs? To be able to offer proof that there was a meeting?
Because an honest person will say “there was a meeting but that’s not what happened.” It inherently sounds evasive.
Do you have to be a Kalifornia resident to sign it? If not, I know several people who would do so.
By “people” do you mean a list of half-naked women? Because that’s what I’m hoping you mean
What else?
Caption appropriate too.
I’d donate to the cause.
I’m not sure whether I should laugh or cry at the fact that I immediately knew jesse made a Mean Girls reference.
I’ve never seen it, yet I know the reference. Also, “You can’t just ask someone why they’re white.”
I’m pleased you picked it up. How you should feel about it is another matter.
It’s a great movie. I say that unashamed.
I found it very entertaining.
They made us watch that in high school for some reason.
I’m so old, when I was in HS, that movie was called “Heathers”
So, over at DU there’s a thread going where they are boycotting Home Depot for giving their employees a $1000 bonus. No, unfortunately, I did not just make that up.
I’m sure Home Depot will be reeling from all the lost revenue. The other 99.9% of their consumers just won’t be enough.
Here is my pictoral graph showing the overlap of DU readers and Home Depot shoppers:
I was sort of thinking that very same thing.
I bet they spend a lot of money in the parking lots through. Those toilets won’t clean themselves, and lawns have to be mowed. After all, they love their illegal friends and need to support them.
Not true. They go to Home Depot for bicycle locks and chains.
I thought that they only went to locally owned small businesses.
Next, you’re going to tell me that they’re hypocrites.
here you go
Small Businesses Are Overrated
We shouldn’t fetishize mom and pops. They offer lower wages, skimpier benefits, and inferior labor protections.
What? Last time I checked conservatives were angsty about Home Depot because they advertised to lesbians.
If you can think of a better way to sell lumber to women by the board-foot, I’d love to hear it.
A friend of mine would always be upset after going to the Home Depot in Long Beach because he’d be scoping out attractive women speccing out home improvement projects, which he’d find very hot and then have their girlfriends/partners/whatever show up to finalize decisions about a remodel and he’d realize he was not going to be able to hit on them. I got a surprising number of grumpy texts about it while he was remodeling his place.
Trying to pick women up at Home Depot is…impressively sad.
‘Ok, got the cabinets in. What this kitchen really needs now is a barefoot hot blonde in an apron. I’ll just go down to Home Depot and check out the selection.’
Don’t hate the player; hate the game.
Go where the grass is green.
I don’t think he was actually going to try and pick anyone up, but I seem to recall retail locations like WalMart and Home Depot eclipsing bars and laundromats as places to meet significant others just before the OKCupid crushed everything under its digital boot.
What’s OKCupid?
/get off my lawn
Target. Target is loaded with hot women, many of whom are single. Just stay away from the baby section.
OkCupid is a cesspool of a dating site filled with ugly, obese, basement-dwelling single mothers
Disclaimer: I live in WV
OKC is the broadest pool available for online dating…or was. I don’t know if Tinder has cut deeply into it. It was the quirky and free option when eHarmony was the primary paid one.
The paint section is loaded with MILFs.
Yeah, but they’re the kind of MILFs who are interested in re-painting things. You start hitting on them and guess what, you’re going to be repainting their stuff.
This. ‘Are you good with tools’? Yeah, I got yer tool, sugar toots.
Euphemism alert?
And by paint mean male glaze.
Whaaaat? They advertise to lesbians? Judging by the customers I see at Home Depot, I would have thought they only advertise in Spanish and Polish. I never heard the lesbian thing, but it sounds hot
A Spaniard, and Polack and a lesbian walk into a Home Depot…
Goddamn Whataburger for lunch. No, it’s not keto. Gfy, I’m hungry.
*wishes that waterburger would open a location near me*
*thinks about moving back to TX*
I’m about 25 minutes from a whataburger. It’s worth the drive from time to time. They make a good burger.
Another TX expat and I were discussing the glory of Whataburger just yesterday.
Whataburger’s the magnet that pulls LDS back to Dallas.
They have them here in FL, Brett.
I know. The nearest one to me is 1.5 miles from my old house in Tallahassee. About 4.5 hours drive. About every other time we get up there I make my wife wait while I stop there.
Just don’t eat the bun.
When I make cheeboogers now, I use iceberg lettuce for the bun.
Red Robin will do that for you and I think Smashburger also.
Five Guys & Jersey Mike’s will also serve their food in a tin/tub to avoid the bread.
I figure if I’m going to cheat, I may as well do it with aplomb. Don’t settle for her friend, do it with her sister.
I’ve given Whataburger the benefit of the doubt four times now and I still don’t get the appeal.
Their spicy jalapeño burger is the bomb! Their breakfast is kickass, too. Oh, and their spicy ketchup. Their fries aren’t half bad either.
I used to live 5 minutes from a whataburger and 5 minutes from an In-N-Out. I went to whataburger frequently. Went to In-N-Out about twice a year.
In-N-Out is severely overrated. It’s not bad, but it definitely does not deserve the cult of fanatics devoted to singing its praises.
If we extrapolate based upon his taste in breasts, I think the problem might be that he didn’t order an 8×8.
Agreed, now Fat Burger on the other hand…
Burgerville uber alles. Apparently they’ve been union busting their IWW affiliated workers union that sprouted up so now I like them even more.
You left out the part about when you got kicked in the head by a horse and lost your sense of smell, and then suddenly started liking whataburger.
you got kicked in the head by a horse
Are you implying he was trying to pull an Andrew Mendoza?
Pet peeve, responding to news noise on in the background:
– TV news people lately all do the same shit, and i just realized why. they don’t ask questions anymore: they make statements, then go, “What are your thoughts on that? (to their guest)”
its basically one point of view being stated and then affirmed.
it has the appearance of a (lol) ‘objective’ journalists ‘just asking questions’ to some 3rd party, as tho they are brought on for their ‘expert view’ on the matter… but the reality is that the host is expressing their own opinion, and the guest is brought on mainly to validate it. its the lakoffian framing shit, albeit in this case, “fox”, but they all do it. They’re constantly framing statements as though they’re questions, and they’re just ‘inquiring minds’ (…. “i don’t know, but to me, it seems like,….” [ insert statement] “…what are your thoughts there?”)
I hate when the news reader says ‘people were hurt’. That’s such a childish word for the news, hurt. They were injured. They didn’t get a booboo. They were in a damn car crash.
They also say “accident”. It’s a collision.
According to New Vocab guidelines you are correct.
Have you ever seen a Robert Reich facebook post?
He spouts a bunch of gibberish, and then concludes with “What do you think?”
It’s one of the more pathetic things I’ve ever seen; his sycophant followers actually believe that they’re participating in a conversation.
Howdy Playa. I saw you mention the Gourmia sous vide wand thingy I’m looking at them on Amazon, which model do you use?
The cheapest one. All it needs to do is heat water within a reasonable degree of accuracy.
Thanks. Getting one this week.
To clarify, mine is the older version of that model, which looks slightly different.
I’ve had the Sous Vide Supreme for 8 years, and the Gourmia for… maybe 2-3 years?
I was hoping you were going to say the least expensive. My thoughts were the same, all it needs to do is heat and hold water. The price range is striking.
I like “smart” gadgets, but I can find zero justification in this case.
Same with the wi-fi Aero Garden. I’ll figure out when it’s time to add water, thanks anyway.
absolutely, been going on for a number of years.
It’s much like talking to Winston.
its more like shaking a magic-8 ball. there are a limited number of outputs
they don’t ask questions anymore: they make statements, then go, “What are your thoughts on that? (to their guest)”
its basically one point of view being stated and then affirmed
I’m not gonna link to it, but my last “crafting a narrative” article addresses exactly this. People are biased toward responding more favorably to a declarative statement than to the same issue raised as a question. They’re intentionally trying to sway their viewership.
A declarative makes it more emotionally uncomfortable to disagree. This is by design.
“Forget it, he’s rolling”
So what you’re saying is that you hate freedom of the press?
from the AM links – this woman occasionally writes for “prestige media” herself… and is screeching that the NYT is guity of “virulent white supremacy” for daring to even mention people on the right w/o declaring them hate-criminals at the outset
the NYT pieces which are driving her batty aren’t even in any way *nice* to the right-wing/alt-right types: they’re ross douthat simply saying, “if you want to improve the immigration debate, you need to allow the people with wrong opinions to the table so they can be refuted“
This is what the woke-set thinks constitutes ‘white supremecy’
This is a weakness, not a strength. Inability to engage those you disagree with makes your conclusions insipid and feeble-minded. Progs are so used to operating in a echo chamber that they have nothing to offer when you actually challenge their ideas.
Ok, which one of you guys is playing this guy on Twitter?
I look forward to my returns on popcorn futures when California realizes
1. Calexit means the U.S. gets to start charging them for water.
2. Calexit means the U.S. gets to substantially liberalize its IP laws.
3. The foreign powers the Calexiteers like to threaten the U.S. with granting basing rights aren’t that eager to cross the most powerful military in the world.
4. Immediately following Calexit, California has its own rash of secessionist movements to deal with.
5. Lots of “California” tech giants aren’t too eager to live under California rules.
It just isn’t going to happen, The U.S. will not tolerate a foreign land in it’s West Coast, not politics, not fruits and nuts, not water or money
I don’t think any kind of forceful intervention would be necessary. There’s plenty of ways to turn the screws on California hard enough that they’d be begging for annexation within a year.
I was thinking, Chinese Bases, I hear they pay well
Chinese bases?
That’s assuming the people in power at the Federal level have the best interests of the US in mind. 8 years of Obama proved that is not always a good assumption.
I don’t think you’d even need worry about turning the screws. The long-term prospects of progressive politicians is inversely proportional to their policy achievements. The harder they prog the sooner they’ll be hanging from lampposts, electorally speaking. California unmoored from any political and economic sanity would be disastrous for the left.
They’re pretty close to that now, totally unmoored from economic sanity, that is.
So, I just noticed Hillary’s spiritual advisor is named Burns Strider. That sounds like something in between Satan and The Walkin’ Dude. Why am I not suprised?
Spiritual adviser, lol, isn’t that a waste of money for someone with no soul?
It’s not for her spirituality. It’s to help her manipulate other people’s spirituality.
She recruited him to manage her cocktail cabinet.
That, or he’s the current owner of said soul.
It’s so she has someone with the perspective of having a soul. Sort of like having a black person from the inner city as an Urban Outreach Coordinator.
Me: *giggles*
Colleague: Whatchya giggling at?
Me: This Top Gear video where they do Communist cars
Colleague: Oh, like Hitler?
Me: …
(please tell me the kids these days know what the Soviet Union and Cold War were? Please?)
No, no, no. You’re doing it wrong.
“Yes, communism is just like Hitler”
I’m afraid it’s much worse than that:
Leftist Millennial Protestors Flip Off Memorial For Communist Victims
A group of millennials recently flipped off a monument in Washington DC that commemorates the 100 million victims whose lives were lost under communist regimes.
I went there with some lefty friends a few years ago and the first thing they said was “what about capitalism?”
I’d need to be a Hindu god to facepalm properly.
You should respond with “Yeah! ALL lives matter!”
“You mean that ideology that’s in the process of lifting billions from poverty?”
B-b-b-but the Triangle Shirtwaist fire!!! And Foxconn!
I read somewhere that the Soviet propagandists and American commie apologists drew an equivalency between the mass murder in the USSR and the lynching of blacks in the United States.
In other words, a certain racial group in the United States had to live with the fear of being seized in the middle of the night for a crime that they probably didn’t even commit and executed with no trial, and that’s somehow equivalent to everyone in the USSR being in that exact same predicament. I’m not saying that lynching is in any way acceptable, but this just goes to show the absolutely shit-stupid lengths that commies will go through to whitewash their bloody ideology.
Hey, if the USSR was famous for anything, it’s for fair treatment of minorities like Jews, homosexuals, and Ukrainians.
They all died together in the same work camps with Kulaks, hoarders, and wreckers?
That’s a ugly lie!
Most of them starved to death or were shot on the spot.
That was state capitalism, otherwise it would have worked. One day we’re going to get to try socialism for real, but it still hasn’t been tried.
If the kids knew what the Cold War and the Soviet Union were they wouldn’t be voting for Bernie Sanders.
I had a similar experience at a party. I saw a guy with a Mao Zedung shirt on and I asked him where he got such a shirt. He seemed excited. “You know who this is?” He asked me. “Yeah, he’s the former chairman of China’s communist party. He was responsible for the cultural revolution and the deaths of millions.” His face changed and he said meekly “I just thought he was the president of China or something”.
Send all millennials to Gitmo
I used to have a Ronald Reagan t-shirt that was stylized to look like the (in)famous Che. It got a few double takes.
ah Here it is.
They don’t know what commuism is, but they totally know that it’s not the same as socialism or progressivism. This why pubic school needs defunded and shut down.
I still like the one with Mickey Mouse ears on Che.
They don’t. At a thanksgiving dinner with about 15 such folk, only 2 knew what the gulags were (it was on a cards against humanity card).
I went crazy this semester. Not only am I teaching some details of Stalin & Mao, I’m having them read “One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich.”
Yeah, the cold war was when that president who had a pet monkey was mean to the russians who trying to peacefully spread the wealth, duh!
My kid knows who the commies were – and that the only good ones are dead ones.
+1 Rafal Ganowicz
BTW, if you haven’t seen it, the video I was talking about is fucking hilarious. Thanks to whichever of you posted it a few months ago.
I like how James speaks the language.
“Ownership of a rev-counter is theft!”
Headlight wipers “are aspirational!”
Still not as funny as Jeremy’s review of the Reliant Robin. I’ve never laughed harder at my TV.
OMG I’m DYING! When he mentioned Martin Frye, I was so hopeful he’d pop up!
ownership of a rev counter is THEFT!
I graduated high school almost 10 years ago. They didn’t then.
I remember 9th grade there were pictures of Lenin, Stalin and Mao in our text book or teacher started (the incredibly brief summary of the Cold War) by asking us if we knew who they were, by the third picture he just asked me to tell the class. Everyone was asking how I knew who they were and I was aghast that they didn’t know.
It’s extra depressing considering our school district had an “alternative “ school for kids who they didn’t think could make it in regular school and this was after that purge. No homework and no deadlines other than you must graduate by 25.
OT; Watched John Wick last night.
Pleasantly surprised, moderately entertained.
Basically, ballet dancing with gats.
That’s what happens to you when you kill a man’s dog.
I like that they went for the flimsy premise for revenge. It’s feel honest. They know we just want the violence.
I also liked the fact that the weaponry was pretty much GA. You want to set yourself up as Marcus? $800 used M77 from Gunbroker and a can.
Want to play at being John? Couple of H&Ks and a trunkload of mags.
I had the same reaction. The sequel wasn’t quite as good (imo), but still watchable and entertaining too.
If you pay attention you can tell what order the fight scenes were filmed in. They only had a certain number of stuntmen, so they started with them having long hair and beards, then they cut the hair in later fight scenes, then they shaved for even later ones. So the last fight scene they shot most of the goons are shaved bald . Movie magic.
I think you mean ballet dancing…..with a fucking PENCIL
I love that they answer that question in the second film.
Spooky. I haven’t seen #2 yet,
There may actually be something to the timing of McCabe jumping ship. What I’m really curious about is, if there is nothing in this ‘memo’ we keep hearing about, I mean if it’s fake or just nothing, why are there some people fighting it’s release? Wouldn’t they want it released to prove there’s nothing there?
Oh yeah, linky.
I really don’t know what to make of the memo. Either the administration has managed to keep it perfectly under wraps to inflict maximum damage when they choose to, or it’s so scant that there’s nothing much to leak. It seems like if it were a smoking gun, Trump would have declassified it immediately. But if it’s such thin gruel, the Dems would have preempted the administration last week when GOP reps were out talking it up and leaked it themselves.
Yeah, I don’t have any expectations about this. I just thought the timing of McCabe jumping ship is sort of weird, the day after someone showed his boss this so called memo.
My understanding is that Trump actually couldn’t declassify it (he can declassify the underlying support docs) but the actual memo is a product of the House and he has no authority to declassify or publish it unilaterally. Co-equal branches and all that.
McCabe was the Nick Gillespie of FBI agents
Get your shocked faces ready.
Russia accuses US of meddling in its elections
Russia said a US Treasury report that could extend sanctions against Moscow for meddling in the 2016 US presidential elections is “a direct and obvious attempt” to interfere in its own upcoming presidential vote.
By the end of Monday, the Treasury must send Congress a list of rich Russian business figures and detail their ties to Russian President Vladimir Putin.
US President Donald Trump reluctantly signed the legislation last August that ordered the report, even though US investigators believe he was the main beneficiary of Russian meddling.
“We do think that this is a direct and obvious attempt to time some sort of action to coincide with our elections in order to influence them,” Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told journalists on a telephone conference call Monday. “We disagree with this, and we are sure this will have no influence.”
“even though US investigators believe he was the main beneficiary of Russian meddling”
If you keep repeating the same thing for long enough, it becomes true.
No it doesn’t. It just gets annoying or turned into an annoying song.
hahaha that is hilarious!
aaaaand now it’s stuck in my head
How dare the Russians make such an accusation! It’s not like we interfered in their elections all throughout the 90’s in order for that drunk Yeltsen to acquiesce to all of our demands or something. Oh….wait….we did
Citation needed.
in russia, facebook bots you!
Agree or disagree, this is a fact that is never mentioned. Being in the company of China and Vietnam is not a good look
From time to time, I have told progs that France has stricter abortion laws than Texas. It’s fun to watch their faces turn purple.
Even Amanda Marcotte had trouble spinning that one.
They don’t get too offended when I tell them that we have the same abortion laws as China and Vietnam, which is disturbing
I love the “Why do men keep debating control of a woman blah, blah, blah” crap that people try to use to shut debate down.
You know why men continue to talk about it? Because you make them pay for it one way or another, you retarded harpy!
I say, leave the choice up to the woman, but say that the potential father isn’t financially liable for jack.
OT: Looks like Chief Wahoo is getting Memory-Holed.
Then how will anyone know if the Indians are feather or dot?
So when are they going to change the name?
When the Browns make it to a Superbowl.
To be replaced with this?
Of course it won’t. It is hard to quell something that doesn’t exist
Of course it won’t, professional sports remains a successful meritocracy SJW’s have to attack them relentlessly until every team is gender and racially balanced, contains at least 2 disabled individuals, and each player has different rules based on how oppressed xie is
You take that back. Buying the best talent that money can buy is noble and ancient tradition that leads to winning a record number championships.
As expected, the “muh, Russia” collussion story is collapsing in a spectacular fashion so now they are trying to make the argument for “obstruction of justice”. Useful idiots, like Balko, are all in on the idea, but there is literally no underlying crime. So you are going to remove a president for obstructing justice on a non-existent crime? I’m not sure that is going to be good for the country
Even the NYT readers are no longer buying the impeachment bullshit. Again, here’s the NYTs making allegations about obstruction of justice, but they have no evidence. Trump can fire the head of the FBI for any reason whatsoever, that doesn’t come close to obstruction justice. Maybe the GOP asked Trump to not fire Meuller because the Democrats are damaging themselves with this fiasco.
Oh, there was absolutely Russian collusion. Between the DNC/Hillary Camp, Fusion GPS (on the Kremlin payroll, effectively), and the FBI/DOJ and possibly other parts of the Obama Admin.
This is the members of a coup attempt desperately trying to save their own asses — and if the involvement of a foreign power elevates their behavior from sedition to treason, possibly their lives.
Thom Hartmann goes off the deep end and pisses in the pool.
The Republicans have the power to out-message Democrats almost every time.
You find a majority of the people who show up on television are Republicans, the majority of the pundits who are on television are Republican-leaning or conservative, even on MSNBC.
The airwaves of this country are almost exclusively right-wing. You’ve got Fox so-called News.
You’ve got a huge Internet infrastructure and you’ve got Drudge and all these things.
The New York Times a couple days ago, they turned their entire editorial page over to pro-Trump letters. I don’t remember them ever doing that for Obama.
So the Democrats are fighting against the institutions of this country that have been captured by the billionaire class and that’s going to be a challenge. It’s always going to be a challenge.
And so what they’re having to do is pick their fights.
Has he acknowledged that he used to be on Russia Today?
RT was accused of being pro-Trump by US intel agencies
But it’s not just intelligence agencies characterizing RT America as a vehicle for pro-Trump messaging. The accusation has become a common theme across traditional US media outlets as anti-Russia hawks and both liberal and conservative analysts seek to discredit anyone who strays from the accepted narrative on RT as a Kremlin stooge.
The problem with the claim that RT America is pro-Trump is that it is simply false. Many of the channel’s biggest names were either ardently anti-Trump or highly skeptical of what a Trump presidency might mean for America.
Um if RT is Russian propaganda then shouldn’t it be pro-Trump?
Unless it’s a myth that Putin favored Trump. I guess I could just be totally naive, but might Putin not prefer a candidate he personally despises, but who can reliably be manipulated with bribes and blackmail, versus a whimsical egomaniac who’s liable to stop saying favorable things on the turn of a dime?
I think in matters like these, a clear-cut preference is unlikely. You’re dealing with a counterparty and you have a number of conflicting interests, and one candidate winning rather than another results in a change in emphasis.
Unless, of course, the counterparty you have is overheard saying “We’ll have more flexibility after my re-election” to one of your ministers at a public event. Then, you *might* prefer said counterparty’s Sec State becoming president.
If I were Putin, I would have preferred Trump to Hillary…
Hillary was the more batshit crazy & unstable of the two. She also had a track record of trying to blunder the U.S. into war with Russia that lasted over two decades.
She’d be more susceptible to a pallet of bullion Fedex’ed to Chappaqua though, so there is that.
I’m still convinced that the Russians had dirt on her. The collusion was an attempt by the Russians to get dirt on Trump. That way it wouldn’t matter who was President the Russians would have leverage on the US President. That is how you play 3D chess.
I’ll just leave this here.
The most spectacular Russian military failures of all time
Forget 3-D chess. These idiots would lose at tic-tac-toe.
The hovercraft one is my favorite.
In 2013, shocked sunbathers on Russia’s Baltic coast were confronted with a giant military hovercraft bearing down on them. A spokesperson from Russia’s navy said the beach was supposed to have been cleared for the exercise.
The T-14 Armata tank was billed as the “world’s first post-war, third-generation tank.” So you can imagine the disappointment when the new, high-tech piece of military hardware broke down during May’s rehearsal for the Victory Day parade in Moscow and had to be towed with ropes by another vehicle.
These are the masterminds who supposedly subverted the elections?
They make Boris and Natasha look like James Bond and Jason Bourne.
I don’t know what planet these people live on, but it’s not the one I live on.
what by their standard would a left wing media look like?
Pravda circa 1938
Pravda during the USSR.
1) i think its hilarious whenever the left claims the reason they’re losing on some issue is because of the “GOP messaging machine” is so professional and sharp and somehow outwits them…
when the reality is that they lose on merit. Lakoff created his ‘framing’ stuff as a way of co-opting republican ‘memes’, basically. but the mistake was thinking that the mere appearance of things was sufficient by itself. what they keep missing is that the substance of their arguments actually matter. iow, its not just “The message” – its the content. the policy. the ‘stuff’, the product, not just the slogans you use to sell it.
The reality is that the NYT has given a few moments to “the other side” after a few years of never even acknowledging it exists. this slight deviation from the norm has everyone on the far left in a screaming tizzy (see comment above )
basically hartmann’s complaint is that they haven’t yet COMPLETELY eliminated all “non progressive” media. He characterizes the mere existence of opposing views at all as the product of some sort of sinister bazillionaire cabal which magically compels people to see things the wrong way.
He quit his show there in September 2017.
OT: In your view, what’s the difference between socialism and communism?
I used to be a literal card-carrying communist until about age 18 or 19. I read the Manifesto and quite a bit of literature, and here’s the theory as I understand it: Socialism is the stage at which the government has taken over the means of production from private entities, and they are redistributing everything to the people. Communism is the next stage where the government has dissolved away and The People now own and control everything in common…. So the stupid theory says.
When I’ve debated self-described socialists and bring up the horrors of, well, every socialist/communist country, they often reply “oh no, that’s not socialism, that’s communism you’re thinking of. Communism is bad, but socialism is good. Socialism is just like Sweden or Denmark!“
As Bakunin argued at the First International: “the state will never wither away once it’s seized all the means of production”. And after that the anarchists were ousted from the International.
And every time a prog mentions Sweden and Denmark I usually reply: “you mean the countries that have a lower corporate tax rate than us, allow for more offshore drilling, and regulate their economy less than us?”
“what’s the difference between socialism and communism?”
In practice? Nothing.
the top result from the innertoobz
Socialism is commonly regarded as an economic system that seeks to achieve equality among members of society. Communism, on the other hand, is both an economic system that seeks equality among members of society and a political ideology that advocates a classless and stateless society and rejects religion. It is regarded as a more extreme form of socialism.
The official name of the Soviet Union was the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. The official party was the Communist Party and the official ideology was Marxism-Leninism.
All those isms are all the same.
True believers will tell you that socialism is the temporary, imperfect stage of central-planning before the wonderful, classless society of communism inevitably comes.
“Comrade, have we reached True Communism yet?”
“No, things are going to get much worse”
-Soviet joke
‘Communism’ was originally called ‘scientific socialism’
Well, Marx himself stated that socialism was the natural precursor to communism, the natural end state that emancipated the workers.
It’s why the USSR was a Union of soviet socialist republics, and not a union of soviet communist republics, because communism would eliminate the need to have soviets entirely, the end-state being a fully communistic, egalitarian whole.
Of course, Marx said that capitalism was a precursor to socialism, so Russia/China/etc going straight from serfdom to communism makes no sense whatsoever, its not even following the theory.
Mao should have been pushing for mainland China to be just like Hong Kong as the means to progress to the ultimate end goal.
There’s no difference, they’re the same thing and so is progressivism. It’s just the same old marxist garbage, rebranded to try to hide the failures of the past.
“Communism is the next stage where the government has dissolved away and The People now own and control everything in common”
Oh yeah, that utopia that never arrives because they ran out of other people’s money. Got it.
I think most of them just consider a massive welfare state as socialism. Perhaps nationalization of natural resources and protectionalist unions. Communism to them would probably only be when there is no ownership of property and no private sector at all..
My favorite definitions
Socialism: beer and cigarettes are on the middle class
Communism: everyone with glasses gets their head bashed in with a rifle butt
In think technically socialism is nationalization of all major industries.
It represents the distribution of the proceeds of industry and commerce into the hands of the workers who produced it.
If you’re feeling particularly resilient, Robert Tressel’s The Ragged-Trousered Philanthropistis a reasonably clear parable of the objectives of European (specifically British) socialism.
It was pretty much mandatory reading for aspirational Trades Unionists in the UK in the 60’s and 70’s.
Yeah, that’s pretty much now I understand Marx: socialism is the fourth stage of world history, communism the fifth and final.
Fifth, final and inevitable.
Oops, yeah, good point.
Best case scenario. They exit. Go full communist. All the commies move there. We build a wall on their border. They all starve. We reclaim the land and all the commies are dead.
As long as I can leave before a Wall goes up, California now isn’t the California I was raised in, very sad to see it go….
Pretty much the plot of People’s Republic.
(I repeat myself)
Bernie Sanders doesn’t want to talk about the ongoing FBI investigation into his wife or his three dachas
No one needs 3 dachas.
Surely, does not Comrade Sanders!? Let us not deprive those burdened by the yoke of leadership!
Given what we know about the FBI now, that seems wise. If it becomes commonly accepted wisdom that the FBI was basically working for the Clinton campaign to destroy its opponents, it’s going to introduce a lot of skepticism about the prosecution that will work to his advantage, warranted or not.
Neutering the secret police’s ability to prosecute wrong-thinkful people who challenge the ruling party is probably better for freedom than prosecuting a couple of politicians who feathered their own nest.
That’s a fair point. Know should trust police investigations on face value.
At the same time, Bernie has no problem talking about the FBI when it suits his political ends. And at the same time, the media has no problem bringing up the FBI when it suits their political needs. Suddently, when it has to do with an aging socialist, though, nobody wants to talk about it
The first amendment schtick is laying it on a little thick. Other than that, it’s fun to watch Bernie squirm.
I always worry when Bernie goes out in the rain, because I’m convinced he’s a mogwai.