Have I accomplished anything since yesterday? Hard to say. I’m certainly not running through life like a mountain meadow today.

“Do we get to win this time?”
We sent a carrier to Vietnam for the first time since the conflict with that nation ended. No word on whether we’re forcing them to take back John McCain or not.
Trump goes to Davos. I’m hoping its like the UN speech, only laying out a new Federal Reserve policy of monetary tightening with a goal of banks paying positive interest rates on savings accounts. Although other actions indicate that the administration is more interested in further driving US exports upstream against natural barriers.

Single-handedly won the Vietnam war
Dear CNN, I, too, have a $25M media venture you can buy and not use.
You know, sometimes its okay to get high on your own supply. Like if you’re a pot mogul who thinks about driving your pricey Italian sports car while drunk.
FBI goes back to its roots, shoots kidnapping victim in raid.
I was looking for a different song, but this one made me chuckle. Some NSFW language — may want to wear headphones.
“We sent a carrier to Vietnam for the first time since the conflict with that nation ended. No word on whether we’re forcing them to take back John McCain or not.”
Funny how many Chinese neighbors suddenly want to be best palls with the US now, huh?
They’ll love us a long time
“We sent a carrier to Vietnam”. Usually its the Americans coming back from Viet Nam that end up being carriers.
*slow clap*
We no wanna John McClain, G.I. He numbah ten, his blain no boocoo.
Lambos are challenging to drive and burn easy.
Perfect for a dipshit reduction program.
Buying a supercar from a tractor maker is accepting a challenge.
Speaking of supercars: This Is What Koenigsegg’s Record 278 MPH Nevada Speed Run Looked Like Behind The Wheel
That driver had balls of steel.
Ok, so that thing does 200 to 270 in about 16 seconds. That’s only a few seconds slower than normal cars get from 0 – 70
That is crazy.
When he slowed to between 140-160 it looked like he was crawling.
I think I’ll stick to Forza games.
He’s going 210MPH when he shifts gears.
That is impressive.
Ferrucio Lamborghini was yet another guy who started his own car company because Enzo was too much of a prick to deal with…
I admire him. Iirc he started with almost nothing and assembled tractors from old war surplus.
Eh, the old ones at any rate. The new Audis are solid dailys.
Yesterday I learned that my close, lifelong friend has a fetish for women pooping. A lot of things about him suddenly made sense.
Do you realize how much you must feel you can trust and be honest with someone in order to tell them something like that? I wish you all friendships like that.
Is this supposed friend really you? You can be honest here, we won’t tell (I promise).
No, I’m delusional. I can’t be honest with myself about anything.
Heeeyyy! Fuck Off Tulpa!
He seems like the type of friend that you may contract dysentery from.
Is his name also “rope snake”?
Ha. Was just going to make that comment.
We had a phantom shitter in the dorms my freshman year of college. We nicknamed him “Bowl Viper”.
At the end of the year, we found out that he was a she. A 4’9″ asian girl.
+1 Najeh Davenport
The Mad Pooper!
We had a couple guys in my frat that would upper deck each other’s toilets – shit in the tank…
Yeah, we did that. Not in my own frat. You wait until another one has a party, and you get all of the toilets at once.
It got so out of hand that we switched to commercial toilets: no tanks. A lot of the other houses did too.
Once the switch to commercial toilets was made, kitchens became the new target.
Don’t you dare leave a microwave unattended, or you’re going to pay a steep price.
A lot of things about him suddenly made sense.
The reoccurring bouts of hepatitis? The predilection for glass-top tables? The dirty finger nails?
We need more details. Pictures of them sitting on the toilet? Watching them actually pooping? Looking at their poop? Women pooping is kinda general.
Um…I don’t.
We as in the royal We
See Slammer’s blog for more details.
It’s been wiped
I think the first two. And sniffing their assholes and listening to the sound of them farting.
You just made that up, right, Tulpa?
I didn’t! I haven’t posted in a while but he confessed this to me and I immediately thought of you guys.
Umm… are you a female? I don’t know, but that thought just occurred to me.
Is he German? Because that would totally make sense.
I thought the Germans just peed on each other?
Hype, you should know better.
” Lamborghini he was driving struck a palm tree, then burst into flames”
What’s with Euro Cars Bursting into Flames?
As opposed to Teslas?
When I was a kid, a local guy bought a Corvette and wrecked it on the way home from the dealership. They estimated he was going 110 when the pine tree bifurcated his vehicle.
PSA: I’m up to 24 different Dogs now, Thanks to everyone, But I can still Use more,
You’re up to something, and it’s starting to sound really gross.
I’m having fun, and You have a twisted mind, but you knew that
I only have cats. Thank God.
That story typically makes Drudge Report.
Drudge linked to Reason today.
You just now getting there Playa?
They’ve done that plenty of times. Wait until they link to Glibs, we’ll have a lot of catbuttin goin on.
Haha wait’ll they see poop threads
Do you think we could lose our family friendly credentials? I don’t, because it’s quite apparent that no one’s home at the family friendly office.
First one was from a long time ago. This is more recent.
The truth is a lot of these guys don’t know how to handle high-powered finesse sports cars.
As pointed out above, Lambos aren’t finesse cars.
The point is these cars shouldn’t be in the hands of rubes who think they can handle them.
I can barely kid myself into thinking I know what I’m doing with my GTi. I have a hard time imagining going “Yeah, I’ve had a few, this is a great time to go for a joyride in my >400 HP sports car.”
My (distant) cousin is a race car driver and I rode with him in an Alfa and Mazda Miata.
Let’s just say, yeh, we know jack shit – and I’m pretty good behind the wheel.
Some incredible percentage of new Ferrari owners wreck within a few days. Can’t be arsed to look it up.
All those electronics can do some amazing things, but they can’t stop the driver from behaving like an idiot.
Or alter the laws of physics.
Whenever I hear “Ferrari” and “wreck” within the same sentence, I always end up here:
Jesus. I’d be embarrassed beyond belief.
Comedians in cars getting wrecked.
Wait are we still talking about cars or is this another of those euphemisms?
This cartoon seems spot on
Just a bit outside!
Members of the religion of peace ™ apparently had quite larger plans had they not accidentally blown up their bomb factory in Barcelona in August, including the Eiffel Tower and various soccer stadia
Unfortunately, I think they’re going to succeed.
They really blew that one, huh
Maybe they just got their wires crossed.
It would be nearly impossible to blow up the Eiffel Tower. I would take weeks of placing shaped charges and running det cord. Good luck with that.
Alternatively they could just blow up a plane over the Eiffel Tower.
I wonder if a couple of truck bombs could do the job. If anything, causing severe damage would be even better than knocking it over. Either it would stand as a monument to Islamonutter bombing, or the French would have to take it down themselves. The humiliation either way would be more than just having it fall down.
The Effiel tower distributes less weight per square foot over its foundation than a grown man sitting in a chair. A truck bomb would scratch the paint; that’s about it.
I’m not kidding when I say it’s probably the hardest thing to blow up in all of Europe.
No, progressivism is first. THEN, the Eiffel Tower.
Team America did it.
Couldn’t it be melted?
I didn’t think there were ever than many Jews in the Eiffel Tower at a given time to want to blow it up, Islamonutterly speaking. Maybe they can vandalize it by putting a minaret on it.
You have to take steel to about 1000F for it to lose half its strength, so, you’d need a very large, powerful heat source. It really is hard to do the kind of damage necessary to ensure success, even more so if you believe Rosie O’Donnell.
Each of the 4 ‘feet’ of the tower consists of 4 separate structural members, sunk in the foundations about 120ft apart, so to take out a corner would need four separate heat sources or detonations. Quite a challenge, even assuming you’re left alone long enough to set it up.
These Victorian-era structures really are built strong – by modern standards, way over-spec. Anyone who wanted to demolish something like the Eiffel Tower would be better served studying engineering plans rather than rely on brute force.
When has fire ever melted steel?
/Rosie O’Donnell
It’s a wrought iron structure not steel, so it will maintain its strength at temp better than Steel over 1000F.
Wouldn’t need a shaped charge. That would be how pros would do it.
A sufficiently large truck backed up to a leg could do it, but we’re talking Oklahoma City large, given that it’s an open structure, and constructed like a brick-built-shithouse. You’d need to eliminate air-gap to virtually zero.
That’s the scenario I was thinking of. With a suicide bomber, I wonder if it could be done.
Not in a Volkswagen.
Well, that was what the IRA were trying to do when they nearly nailed my ass in 1992 at Staples Corner in N. London.
A bit too small, and a bit too far away from a support pillar to bring a section of roadway down but it smashed windows for miles.
My bet is still no.
This is the kind of thing I could spend all afternoon drinking and discussing, but I have work to do and also don’t want to end up on a(nother) list.
Did they have a Hydrogen bomb?
I’ll never forgive Superman for saving Paris. Never
That’s why one should watch the Richard Donner cut of that movie. The Paris scene doesn’t exist in that version.
No, but we know of a guy that does,
Of course, if an H-bomb went off in Paris, the locals would have more to worry about than the Tower coming down.
How will they justify this to retain their perfect rating on justified kills?
Hmmm… Who do you think is going to get charged with the murder?
Trump’s constant attacks on the agency have lowered morale and cause lack of sleep. This has lead to agents panic firing into homes across the country…
How will they justify this to retain their perfect rating on justified kills?
Furtive movement, coming right at me, didn’t follow commands. They’ve got binders full of perfectly good reasons for blowing holes in bystanders.
This was a bound and gagged hostage.
They’re going to need to update that binder.
You kidding? “Didn’t follow commands.”
He was struggling right for me! He might have been reaching for a gun with his hands behind his back like that!
Good one.
“I couldn’t see his hands, which were near his waistband in the back.”
Didn’t some cops shoot a handcuffed guy in the backseat of a patrol car? Claimed he had a gun. And nothing……
Is anyone sure this wasn’t a suicide?
We’re doomed. Dooooooooooooomed!
Bring it on, it’ll be a blast.
Aaand? When I live in a universe where Obama and Krugman have Nobel Prizes, the cache has definitely worn off.
I saw that and the only thing I could think was ‘I’d like for them to shove their clock up their ass’.
They still do this silly bit of nonsense?
“As close as we’ve ever been.”
So, as close as the Cuban Missile Crisis and Able Archer.
It’s disappointing that something that has perfect prediction power over the last 70 years doesn’t get more respect here. This clock has never gone past midnight and we’ve never had an apocalypse in that time. I guess when they set it at 12:05 AM we’ll all be sorry.
Oh noes!!!!!!!!!
These people are ridiculous. 3 more years of Trump will have driven 80% of the Progressives clinically insane. If he goes the full 7 more, it’ll be 100%.
What makes you think they are sane right now?
I assume some of them are still sort of sane.
No wonder they’re so deeply concerned about mental healthcare reform.
AustraliaInvasion Day everyone!Abolish Australia!
(and white people, apparently)
Another link to the picture, in case you can’t see it on FB.
I hate the British spelling for ‘center’. Screw those people. They should be abolished. Spell properly you bastards!
In the interest of creating an open dialogue…..
Dear white allies, sit down, shut the fuck up, and let us berate you.
“Diffuse” situations? So, spread them out over a wide area?
Best ever aboriginal response to English colonization.
Wider angle: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BBg2EOWCEAAyenm.jpg
When it comes to drunk driving deaths, it’s rarely just drunk driving. It’s usually speeding at night while not wearing a seat belt and drunk driving. And then there are the guys who ride drunk at night on motorcycles, speed, and don’t wear helmets.
Are you a bot?
Well this is a new low. I can’t even pass a Turing test.
Aha! The answer is no. It’s a bot!
the guys who ride drunk at night on motorcycles, speed, and don’t wear helmets.
Known in the hospital biz as “organ donors”. Often young enough and healthy enough to have harvestable organs, plus they die of head trauma, which doesn’t affect a lot of the stuff that the organ donor network wants.
I wonder if helmet laws have led to a drop in the supply of viable organs?
Florida has no helmet laws, and at least 75% of motorcycle riders I see down here are wearing shorts and t-shirts with no helmet, and when I’m going 5-10 MPH over the speed limit on the highway they zoom past me like I’m not moving.
I’m not advocating for helmet laws, mind you, because the gene pool is better off when these types remove themselves from it.
I suspect Trump will do the following at Davos:
(1) Boast about how well the US economy is doing.
(2) Lay down some markers for future trade deals. I expect these markers to be outrageous and unreasonable as a pure negotiating ploy.
(3) Have Swiss hookers piss on the bed in Jeff Bezos’ suite.
I’m having a very hard time imagining Swiss hookers. I may need Q’s help on this one.
I’m sure they’re Estonian contractors.
Typical Swiss efficiency.
Contract the dirty work out to foreign talent
I’m certain that 95 percent of European sex workers are either Romanian or Bulgarian.
Best bang for your buck.
Add in Moldova, Slovakia and Slovenia, and I think you’d be about right.
Ursula Andress is Swiss.
Since we also seem to be talking about driving…
I present the Daily Fail
(no, wait, that’s Davros. My bad.)
I’m hoping that he shoves at least one head of state out of the way to get into a group photo.
Otherwise, CNN will have nothing to report on.
He could always take a selfie at a state funeral.
Sending you (via common acquaintance) laminated copies of fave food reaction charts.
Thank you. I look forward to it.
Google’s popular new feature allowing users to match their faces to famous portraits has raised privacy concerns due to its facial recognition feature, but some Penn State professors are more worried about the app’s possible “racial bias.”
The professors contend that the app does not have enough non-white faces in its database of portraits, but concede that this may be due to bias on the part of museum curators, rather than app developers.
Most famous painters are European, so most famous portraits are of Europeans. No mystery here, but for some reason, it is racist to notice such things.
Let’s hope they don’t find out that classical music is basically all Austrians.
I wouldn’t say “all” are.
A friend pointed out that 1984 totalitarian dystopias it’s always the government doing the surveilling, but with apps like that we’re just handing over our info willingly. Pretty sneaky if it wasn’t so obvious.
Just heard a podcast with Tom Woods about this, where the guest researched how companies like Google try to influence opinions/votes through their search engine results and suggestions: http://www.tomwoods.com/1061
The meme goes that it’s not Orwell’s 1984 but Huxley’s Brave New World that we have found ourselves in. Trading privacy and independence not for security but pleasure and gratification.
Derp. Derpity derp derp. HERP! Herpity-derp. Derp-itty-do-da-derply. Herply derplo. Derp derp derple. Herppion. Derpity-derpu. Herp herp herp derpukle. Herpion de-rp. Derpstation herply McDerppingly. Herp-de-de-de-rp, derptastic herp.
Does the Democratic Party need to call the suicide hotline? We should look into an intervention.
Why intervene on such a thing???
pure poetry
It reminds me of my theme song:
HAHAHAHA look at the photo stock of Bernie they have to choose from!
He’s on the waiting list. The other 4,000 commies have to pass it around first
Why would you need more than 1 choice of comb?
Nobody needs 23 types of combs.
No one needs 23 combs!
Son of a beeotch, Ted S, you ruined muh post! Almost one hour before I posted it!
Oh, that’s awesome.
Do it Bernie. It will be fun to watch.
2016 Democrats: And…there! No major party could ever nominate a less-relatable presidential nominee.
2020 Democrats: Hold my beer.
Smart Democratic party would nominate Cory Booker and pair him with someone like John Hickenlooper, or some other semi-relatable Dem. from flyover country. That, IMO, probably wins them the election.
They’re not going to do that.
Senator T-Bone? Not sure about that one.
It’s going to be Hillary again with Oprah as VP. Anyone who refuses to vote for them is a double misogynist. Republicans will cower in fear, except for Trump, who will win a 2nd term.
Hillary will off him this time for sure.
oh I can’t wait to see all the vermonters swoon again.
“…for instance, an Oprah candidacy. (Oprah said in comments reported Thursday that she doesn’t “have the DNA” for such a run.)”
Oprah, you misogynist!
UConn restricting public access to Ben Shapiro event and offering counseling to students who are offended by his views
Seriously, how the fuck did everyone get this worked up about Ben Shapiro? He was a NeverTrumper from the start. He’s a Jewish conservative who doesn’t seem to hold any “extreme” views, at least as far as non-insane people would define the word “extreme”.
“Ben Shapiro needs to be punched in the face, repeatedly”
Did he ask her for a sandwich?
He knows she can’t make a sammich.
are those tweets from her still up, or did she ever delete them?
No idea.
And people wonder why the suicide rate is increasing in this country.
How did everyone get get this worked up over Ben Shapiro? On campus this is a two-step process.
Step 1: Is Ben Shapiro ‘woke’? If yes: end. If no: go to step 2
Step 2: Lose shit.
Note: Step 2 may be of interest to Rope Snake’s friend.
I lol’d
Yes, but he makes progs look like stupid children. Not that they needed any help.
Under California bill, waiters could get jail time for giving out unsolicited plastic straws
How does one prove the straw was unsolicited? Are they going to send in undercover squads?
There’s a twelve year old sitting at the bar, taking shots of whiskey. We don’t have time for that, the waitress over their just put a straw in that drink without consent!
Strawed Squad
What if they’re sneaking them to illegals?
Without clicking on that because, well, I’ve reached my retard dose for the day, CAN I ASK WHY?
Fine. I read it.
Party of science folks.
Party. Of. Science.
Serving in the State Legislature is known by the state of California to cause severe mental retardation.
And living in California is known to cause cancer, thanks to Prop 65.
Newest on the list, they’re apparently trying to force companies to put that warning on coffee.
They’re not trolling. I have no words.
I’m surprised the Board Of Equalization doesn’t require every California resident to get cancer.
Odd. I heard recently that drinking coffee drastically reduces your risk of colon cancer.
Except in California. I don’t know how anyone can get insurance cover there. In California, even oxygen is carcinogenic. The premiums must be out of this world.
Old masonry joke:
-laborer reads label on portland cement bag-
Laborer: Hey Mike! This bag says the contents are known to cause cancer in the state of California.
Mason Mike: Good thing we’re not in California.
+1 Calitardination
There* stupid autocorrect
“Are they going to send in undercover squads?”
Moonbeam would probably sign off on a few more billion in taxes to cover that.
Reason had a decent article about this. By which I mean they interviewed the kid who started this whole bullshit when he was 9 years old and did a telephone survey of straw manufactures and came up with the idea that 500 million straws per day are trashed in America. For those keeping score that’s more straws than living Americans. That 500 million keeps getting repeated in press releases but it all boils down to a literal child extrapolating from a phone survey.
While complaining that “Palestinians” will starve because of Trump’s cuts, PA buys Abbas $50,000,000 private jet
Even as the Palestinian Authority faces major funding cuts from the US, it has purchased a new luxurious $50 million private jet to be used by President Mahmoud Abbas, Hadashot news reported Wednesday….
Funding for the plane was said to have been provided both from the PA budget ($20 million) and from the Palestinian National Fund ($30 million)….
When US President Donald Trump originally threatened to cut aid earlier this month, top PLO official Saeb Erekat said it would lead to starvation among Palestinian refugee children.
“Now, he is threatening to starve Palestinian children in refugee camps and deny their natural rights to health and education, if we don’t endorse his terms and dictations,” Erekat said, referring to Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.
Israel’s prime minister does not have and has never had a private plane.
“Crumbs” as that dimwitted twit Pelosi likes to say.
Tip of the iceberg. The entire PA budget and funds are one giant slush fund for corruption.
Shhhhhhh…. Nobody is supposed to talk about that…..
Don’t forget the money they pay to the families of suicide bombers.
One of these days somebody is going to give me a proper answer to this question. Okay, probably not.
Why is Israel the only country in the history of civilization that’s expected to give up territory gained in a DEFENSIVE war?
Needz moar ((())).
(((No Idea)))
That land was stolen using (((secret))) usury techniques.
Because. 1948 brah.
Why didn’t they put them in Montana as one person put it to me once long ago.
You know who else wanted to see Montana?
Frank Zappa?
Thunderbolt and Lightfoot?
49ers fans?
Sam Niell in Red October?
/2 Wifes
I would’ve liked to see Montana
Adam Corolla had a plan where they take the top 2-4 inches of the soil from Israel and move it to the Baja Peninsula. It would solve the Middle East crisis and turn around the Mexican economy within a year.
Trump’s an idiot bit I’ll be damned if he isn’t way smarter than his enemies.
He just lets them be them, and he can’t help but look better by comparison.
In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is King.
As much as I despise Trump and as mule stupid as that man is, his enemies and detractors somehow manage to be even more dumberer.
Willie, the one-eyed wonder king?
PA buys Abbas $50,000,000 private jet
Why do I want to sing something cheesy now?
50 Million Dollars?!?
A private jet? They’re just asking for that to get blown up.
While we’re at it, might I suggest them modeling the PA headquarters after the World Trade Center?
Now, he is threatening to starve Palestinian children in refugee camps and deny their natural rights to health and education
Not only are “health and education” now “natural rights” but apparently you’re owed them by a foreign country thousands of miles away, too.
Also, why the fuck are the Palestinians still in “refugee camps”? The war happened 50 years ago and Israel has disengaged from both the West Bank and Gaza Strip.
Good. The UNRWA is a sham.
There are about 2 million people in Gaza and a dozen ATMs. And since most are govt workers who get paid on the same day, the waiting lines get very long.
Fidgeting, leaning into shade as the sun crests toward noon, several hundred men and women wait…and wait. On a warm June day, these weary Palestinians stand in line at the Bank of Palestine’s ATM machine on Gaza City’s Omar Al-Mukhtar Street—a sight duplicated throughout Gaza and the West Bank. All are waiting to get their paychecks, which are already two weeks late. Some in the crowd of predominantly civil servants—including doctors, teachers and policemen—repeatedly grab the cash machine, shaking it as if this will release the shekels (NIS) they are owed. Those farther back in line strain to listen for any indication that their wages are about to arrive. Alas, the machine remains eerily silent.
With the May 4 signing of the Cairo Agreement, Fatah in the West Bank and Hamas in Gaza agreed to work together as a unified government. Each party maintains yet shares control over security, though many in Gaza wonder how the new government will manage to modify the bureaucracies and mechanisms put in place over the past five years of division.
Some 140,000 civil servants live on salaries provided by the Ramallah-based Palestinian Authority, while an additional 30,000 are compensated by the Hamas government in Gaza. When payments are late, the effect on the economy becomes particularly acute in Gaza—even the owner of the corner falafel stand suffers. And then there is the cost in time and friendships, when money is tight and no one is spending. Thus there is a trickle-down effect throughout the entire society.
It’s interesting that Palestinian civil servants are paid in shekels.
Bud Light offers free beer* to Philadelphia if the Eagles win the Super Bowl
*standard disclaimer about whether Bud Light qualifies as beer
They’ve reaffirmed this in the past couple of days. Said they have plans, but that they’re not going to release them (because if they do and the Eagles lose, everyone will blame them for jinxing it. I know I would.)
Offers or dumps?
I think you piss beer, not shit it.
What about extra stout?
How a group of Holocaust survivors planned to poison millions of Germans
A new documentary with never-before-seen footage and evidence will detail how a group of concentration camp survivors, known as the Avengers, planned to poison six million Germans as retribution for the Holocaust.
The film, entitled “Holocaust: The Revenge Plot,” details the revenge plans of Vilnius Ghetto resident Abba Kovner and Yehuda Maimon, Simcha Rotem and Hasia Warshawski. It also describes their horrific wartime experiences .
Revelations included in the documentary, which will be screened on Jan. 27, at 9 p.m. local time in the UK to mark Holocaust Memorial Day, include:
How the Avenger agents infiltrated the waterworks of four German cities – Hamburg, Nuremberg, Frankfurt and Munich – in order to poison the water supplies
How two future presidents of Israel, Chaim Weizmann and Efraim Katzir were claimed to have been involved in helping the Avengers acquire the poison
How a second attempt at mass murder – targeting some 50,000 SS officers held in POW camps in Nuremberg and Munich – may have partially succeeded
Jews poisoning wells? That’s literally straight up medieval blood libel. Wow.
Seems they pulled it off without me
So I didn’t have to go to the swamp to find the missing text message, after all. Anyone else find it odd how they were never able to find things like this when Obama was running the joint?
I hope they release them and it goes like this:
“I hate Trump”
* dick pic *
“We’re going to screw him over good”
* dick pic *
and on.
Who would be surprised?
That’s because they didn’t wipe it with a cloth.
Iran’s fast boats stop harassing U. Navy, baffling military
The Iranian military has halted the routine harassment by its armed “fast boats” of U.S. naval vessels in the Persian Gulf, the U.S. military said, a turnabout that officials welcomed but were at a loss to explain.
The boats for at least two years would dart toward the U.S. vessels as they passed through the Persian Gulf, risking miscalculation, but haven’t done so for five months, U.S. military officials said.
The officials said they hoped the respite would continue. “I hope it’s because we have messaged our readiness…and that it isn’t tolerable or how professional militaries operate,” Army Gen. Joseph Votel, who heads U.S. Central Command, told reporters traveling with him in the Middle East this week. Iranian officials didn’t respond to a request for comment.
The fast boats, typically armed with .50 caliber machine guns and rocket launchers, have come within shooting distance of American naval vessels, encounters that grew routine even though each one presents potential dangers to American vessels transiting through international waters.
In some of the more serious incidents, Iranian crews have directed spotlights at ship and aircraft crews, potentially blinding pilots as they conduct operations, according to U.S. military officials. In one case, an Iranian boat pointed a weapon at an American helicopter flying off a Navy vessel, officials said. In the most serious incidents, U.S. vessels have fired warning shots in return.
we have messaged our readiness
Message is a noun goddammit!
It got verbed, which weirds the language.
Listen, English is destined to be the eternal human language because it is not bound by your namby pamby rules, .If English wants to mangle a word into a different class it damn well do so. If you want a rigid unchanging language go hang out with the surrender monkeys and speak french
Sounds like the Iranians may have decided that if they push too hard Trump may order a replay of Operation Praying Mantis.
Q (from 1980): What’s flat and glows in the dark?
A: Iran, 24 hours after Reagan becomes president.
“As pointed out above, Lambos aren’t finesse cars.”
It’s less the car than people have no idea what so much power can do.
For grins Google”Mustangs leaving cars and coffee”
They are SuperCars, but a Countach had a clutch in it like a military deuce-and-a-half.
I can watch those for hours!
Never call the cops, lesson number 8492894289042901.
But let’s ask the important question. Did the officers make it home safely?
I just love how Slate’s response to this awful intrusion by the State is somehow fantastic justification for turning more medical issues over to said government.
Is it called ‘Slate’ because that’s what their heads are made of?
The Photo That Never Saw The Light of Day: Obama With Farrakhan In 2005
Why would you think the media is in the can for TEAM BLUE?
They’re just straight-shootin’ disinterested observers.
The Rashid Khalidi tape that the LA Times had has still never seen the light of day.
Not in the press, but it’s been floating around since before the 2008 election if you look for it.
He sold out his ethics for that? What a loser.
The Trumps Requested to Borrow Van Gogh Painting from Guggenheim—They Were Offered a Gold Toilet Instead
The White House could soon be home to the world’s most opulent commode.
In a massively bold trolling of President Donald Trump, Guggenheim chief curator to the White House Nancy Spector offered to send the first family an 18-karat gold toilet instead of their requested painting, “Landscape with Snow” by Vincent Van Gogh.
“It is, of course, extremely valuable and somewhat fragile, but we would provide all the instructions for its installation and care,” Spector wrote of the toilet in a 2017 letter obtained by the Washington Post.
The functioning toilet made of solid gold is titled “America.” The work was created by contemporary artist Maurizio Cattelan and debuted at the Guggenheim in 2016. Critics interpret the piece to be a satirical statement about the excess of American wealth. The White House was offered “America” on a “long-term loan.”
“We are sorry not to be able to accommodate your original request,” Spector’s letter to the Trumps concluded, “but remain hopeful that this special offer may be of interest.”
Clues that Donald Trump isn’t the kind of tyrant the TDS-sufferers think he is:
1) The painting wasn’t simply seized
2) Nancy Spector is still alive
3) Nancy Spector felt she could troll Trump with impunity
Did Trump accept the toilet?
Because tweeting a picture back to the Guggenheim of him taking a crap in it would be epic.
Or someone around here might like to see Melania in action?
I’d take the toilet. Who wouldn’t want a solid gold toilet?
As long as it’s heated.
Has this curator not seen pictures of Trump’s NYC apartment? A gold toilet would fit his tastes perfectly. Heck, he’d probably think it would class up the White House.
***Eye Bleach Warning***
I apologize in advance, but:
The curator
Fuck, is she ugly…..
That is Edna from the Incredibles.
Bill Kristol proving he’s a douche, once again.
Bill Kristol should stick to what he knows: cheer leading for pointless wars and being aroused over the pictures of dead Arabs
I don’t get where he’s coming from on that at all. Carlson basically brings idiots on his show and skewers them. How is that racist?
Tucker has re-branded himself as a ‘nationalist’ and is very anti-immigration. Anyone who questions anything about immigration, illegal or otherwise, is automatically dubbed a racist now. I use to like Carlson when he was a Ron Paul supporter (he was the MC for the Rally for the Republic), but now he’s rather lame. But, I’ll never take anything Kristol ever says at face value.
Maybe Bill doesn’t like what color Tucker’s guests are?
I wish he’d take up noose tying and rickety chair balancing.
Neoliberalism Is Taking a Steep Toll on an Entire Generation’s Mental Health: Study
Are you a millennial prone to self-criticism? Is your sense of worth inextricably bound to your professional standing and achievements? Do you suffer from acute social anxiety or are otherwise fearful of being judged by your peers?
The source of your unhappiness may not be chemical or emotional but a product of our economic system. According to a study from Psychological Bulletin, neoliberalism is producing generations of young people who are increasingly demanding, both of each other and themselves.
So what is neoliberalism, anyway? Despite what the pundit class might have you believe, it’s more than a glib pejorative for the policies of corporate Democrats and the GOP, although both parties have embraced a neoliberal model to varying degrees. Mike Konczal offers the following definition at Vox:
“‘Neoliberalism’ encompasses market supremacy—or the extension of markets or market-like logic to more and more spheres of life. This, in turn, has a significant influence on our subjectivity: how we view ourselves, our society, and our roles in it. One insight here is that markets don’t occur naturally but are instead constructed through law and practices, and those practices can be extended into realms well beyond traditional markets.”
As Meagan Day points out in Jacobin, meritocracy and neoliberalism often go hand in hand. If the whole of society can be reduced to a series of market transactions, then individuals become commodities in direct competition with one another.
Thank God my generation is all slackers
“neoliberalism is producing generations of young people who are increasingly demanding, both of each other and themselves.”
I don’t believe the bolded part of that.
“Neoliberal” is the replacement word for “fascist” in the sense of “I don’t like this”.
Reminds me of the time someone from antifa posted a photo of some graffiti they had painted on a wall. It read ‘liberals get it first’.
Damnit, that reply was to Just Say’n.
As socialists say “liberals get the bullet too”.
It’s crumbs I tell you!
Poor Nancy, someone get her a drool bib.
She’s incoherent
Ok, let’s even pretend that it isn’t much.
did it help them? is their normal paycheck higher now?
Of course, because right now if my employer just gives me an extra thousand dollars, I’m a gonna git really mad! WTF, it’s crumbs, I quit! Nancy’s got it all figured out.
“wahh! I wanted more!”
fucking 8 year olds, dude.
You know who would know what to do with this thousand bucks a lot better then me? Nancy Pelosi, that’s who. I’ll just send it to her and let her figure this all out.
Have you listened to her lately? She’ll probably eat it and then you’ll get blamed for her choking to death, she thought that was the salad greens her illegal alien gardener just picked!
“1000$ which is taxable”, always wetting the Beak,
I’m expecting her to submit a law to change how bonuses are taxed any second now.
Well you don’t expect to Keep ALL of those crumbs do you?
She probably believes that the state should just confiscate any bonuses that are deemed to be because of the evil Trump tax scam, to protect the citizens from being ‘crumbed’ to death.
Washington’s Governor was on Squawk Box (from Davos) this morning spouting-off the Dem talking points. He explicity stated the tax plan will increase taxes for Washington State taxpayers (absurd lie as they don’t have an income tax), dramatically increase debt, make it impossible for states to fund infrastructure projects, AND Democrats would ultimately need to be the “adults” when back in-control.
By “infrastructure projects”, he means “public employee pensions”?
exactly. if they were real ‘projects’, they’d be funded on debt and self-financing (collecting use-based fees)
they’re not. they’re make-work and pension-padding.
Well, at least Baltimore is immune from this infrastructure problem since they already cannot fund any infrastructure projects, apparently for at least the last 40 years. But it’s looking up for we libertarians since we’ll be a libertarian paradise with no roads in the very near future.
1) The property tax cap is a cap on property and sales taxes, if I remember. And since WA only has sales and no income taxes, as well as high home values in the Seattle Metro area, it could in fact screw people.
2) He could very well be the next POTUS. The guy has a way of spouting liberal BS and making it sound mainstream to most people.
Why is a governor at Davos?
absurd lie as they don’t have an income tax
Next you’ll tell me that everybody in WA doesn’t live in million-dollar homes!
The only reason for a governor of Washington to leave the country on official business is to visit Point Roberts. Everything else, especially Davos, is a vacation. No money or support of any kind, even if repaid, should be expended on his personal vacation.
If “gayer than a French Horn” is a universal truth, what would that make a jazz 3 piece with one French Horn?
$100… $130 if your friend wants to watch.
*golf clap*
Speaking of Sweden:
“Then there are the bombings. An explosive device went off Monday night outside a restaurant in Rosengard, a rough neighborhood in Malmo; no one was hurt, though the blast damaged the facade of the building. A week earlier, a powerful explosive device was hurled at a police station in Rosengard, damaging several cars. Those back-to-back incidents followed a string of similar attacks across the city in October through December–a rate of bombings that puts Malmo in the same category as Mogadishu and Quetta.”
They really need to pass some common sense bomb control laws.
It’s so weird. Why hasn’t their legacy of social democracy solved this issue? Must be the more recent market reforms.
Needz moar multicultural. Merkel can obviously show them the way.
Yes, increase in this sort of behaviour correlates with cutbacks to the welfare state. I think the solution is obvious: more socialism!
(for extra fun, look carefully at what the “Per Capita GDP” graph measures).
The “clap” widget on that site is obnoxious.
They do need to replace it with “jazz hands” widget.
“There were more than 320 shootings and at least 110 murders in Sweden in 2017, according to a Times of London report over the weekend.”
“Wrote the Times: “In Malmo, where a fifth of the 340,000 inhabitants are under 18, children as young as 14 roam the streets with Kalashnikov assault rifles and bulletproof vests.” The country’s prime minister, Stefan Lofven, suggested last week that he might dispatch the armed forces to secure the ghettos. It bears repeating that we are talking about Sweden here, a nation of 10 million people with a per capita income of nearly $52,000.”
Unbelievable that they don’t have common sense gun control, because if they did, none of this could happen, right?
Trump’s fault. He said there were no-go zones in Sweden. Clearly, this caused guns to go on a rampage, as they do. Solution is to impeach Trump. And gun control. Obvs.
The guns and bulletproof vests are just mind-controlling those kids, I tell ya!
India’s Free-Speech Problem
Even before the film’s release, groups representing members of the warrior caste of which Ratan Sen was a part, the Rajputs, said Padmavaat portrayed Padmini in poor light. Their threats against everyone involved in the film, theaters that planned to screen it, as well as actual acts of violence prompted the film’s producers to say they would delay its release from December 1 to January 25. Rajput women threatened mass self-immolation if the film was released. Activists attacked a full school bus Wednesday near New Delhi, the capital, prompting authorities to increase security nationwide ahead of the film’s release.
The first Indian film to be banned by the government was Neel Akasher Neechey (1959), a Bengali-language movie that portrayed the life of a Chinese migrant worker. The censors deemed it too political and forbade its release for two years. It was hardly an isolated case. The films most frequently targeted were the ones that appeared critical of Indira Gandhi—the Indian prime minister through much of the 1960s, ’70s, and ’80s—and her Congress party. The most famous of these is Kissa Kursi Ka (1977), a satire about her government that was not only banned, but its prints seized, and subsequently burned.
Maybe they should self immolate
As Meagan Day points out in Jacobin, meritocracy and neoliberalism often go hand in hand. If the whole of society can be reduced to a series of market transactions, then individuals become commodities in direct competition with one another.
Oh, no, not meritocracy! That’s like, all judgemental, and shit. Not cool, dude. Not cool.
As opposed to the end state of Socialism where all lives are equally worthless, I suppose.
I like they way these people always obscure terminology.
Market transactions .
Ha, you mean free exchange.
Oh noes. Society has been reduced to people freely exchanging with one another for mutual benefit. How can we cope with such times?
One hour left on this flight. Here come the in flight sales pitches for frequent flyer credit cards.
today I learned
Virginia Woolf posed in blackface:
I’m not holding my breath for her to be unpersoned.
She also said in her diary that she couldn’t stand Jews.
Winning the world over
Eggs, Omlettes, Besides INFIDEL!!!! so what if they are Kids?
Also found dead near the car, next to the mexican stripper who he killed, was something later identified as “The American dream”
Dusty Rhodes was involved?
Offer on the table. Don’t see Dems making a deal though. As I mentioned earlier, they’re afraid that if he gets his wall he’ll be re-elected. They will deny him that campaign promise no matter what he offers them.
that’s an interesting theory. but its a weird calculus, since it basically means, “letting him constantly beat them into a corner, where they stubbornly refuse to do anything” for 4 years.
but you’re probably right. they’ve literally got no plan other than “Shriek about russia” and stonewall on everything, hoping that trump will just pile up gaffes and embarrassments such that the public will want to see the back of him no matter how good the economy is doing.
i’m not sure its the best plan, but i guess there’s no denying ‘its a plan’ of some kind.
I would imagine more swing areas going red in that situation, just to try to get something done.
To be fair shreiking about Obamacare (even though they never had any intention of doing anything about it when back in power) and doing nothing does pretty much define the Republican party for 8 years of Obama
Yes. they’re imitating the ‘winners!’
it is remarkable, the degree to which proggies have come to resemble the bat-shittiest conservatives who used to gargle hysterically about Obama being a secret muslim mole sent to impose sharia law. its like they traded places.
Except that those conservatives were the fringe; the whole progressive movement is a giant fringe.
Yes, i think i meant, “CNN and Gateway Pundit seemed to have traded places”
Wait… 1.8 million? I thought it was 800,000? I hope Trump is playing them again, or he’s already going to have his first fuck up. What Trump should do is make a deal that there’s no way they’ll ever take, and then just let DACA expire. Dems get blamed and they can protest outside Schmoobers bedroom all night, every night for the next 7 years. A wall is not popular, neither is this ‘dreamers’ shit.
Or he could just offer this and let them reject it.
And the dreamers shit is popular. It’s pretty much the only left idea on immigration that most Americans agree with.
Also there really isn’t any advantage to not allowing us these people to work here.
I don’t have a problem with them working here. I have an issue with them voting here.
Well they can’t obviously legally. But if that’s an issue the 20 million actual illegal immigrants here are probably a bigger concern.
Or I should say other.
Keep in mind that DACA recipients don’t get welfare or expeditied citizenship or the ability to vote (in theory).
However one argument is that I encourages future immmigration. Which is why I think the plan has to address other immigrant issues republicans should care more about.
In theory? LOL. Illegal aliens definitely get welfare in Maryland. And I’m sure in California and a lot of other places.
They get instate tuition and access to state funded scholarships in Oregon. Since the standard FAFSA requires you to both register for selective service and be in a legal status, the state created their own version just for illegals.
If they are citizens, they can vote. And as far as the numbers are concerned, you might want to check today’s stories on CNN. Yesterday it was 800 thouand. Today it’s 1.8 million. How long does it take to get from there to 20 million? A week?
They are not citizens.
Dude, we’re having a communication problem here. Sorry if my fault. I know that, they aren’t even residents, now. But if they are given citizenship, then they will be able to vote. It’s completely wrong doing that since legal residents had to apply for residency the legal way and then apply for citizenship. Are we a nation of laws or of Democrat’s whims?
Yes, Democrat politicos are quims. I thought we already knew that.
I totally see what you’re saying. To be honest I don’t care all that much because laws
I do think that the existence of such amnesties no doubt encourages future illegal immigration, which is why the deal needs to include other things.
But I don’t see Republicans not extending a amnesty. They have mostly winning positions on immigration, but that would not be one of them.
Sorry my stupid reply got partly cut offs. I’m probably just way too pragmatic but I see DACA hardline stances a losing position for Republicans, and so I don’t care for dying on that hill necessarily.
I think mostly allowing them to stay is a benefit.
Any amnesty will be a replay of the 86 amnesty, which also had other things in it to sell it and supposedly fix the illegal immigration.
In my view, needs to be several things
1) lower the bar to legal immigration immensely, like down to getting a tourist visa, includes a path to citizenship
2) no benefits, including at the state and local level for illegals and limited benefits (maybe education) for legal immigrants. No bullshit sanctuary city or states.
3) illegals, including DACA and DACA eligible recepients, have three years to deport themselves, perhaps even assistance from the Feds. Those that do so will retain eligibility for reentry under the new legal work permit system. Failure to do so means immediate deportation and barred from reentry period.
4) Illegal entry in the future also will be subject to immediate deportation and barred from the work permit plan and reentry
5) children brought here illegally will have 1 year at age 18 to deport, and continue to be eligible for above. Failure to self deport by age 19 will subject to the same penalty as #4.
“2) no benefits, including at the state and local level for illegals and limited benefits (maybe education) for legal immigrants. No bullshit sanctuary city or states.”
Hahaaaahaaa, you made a funny!
I laffed.
/NYC resident
I can dream.
I think the popularity of dreamers is related to how polling questions are framed and the latest media sob story about a Dreamer illegal.
“A wall is not popular”
Somebody voted for him
According to surveys, even the people who voted for him mostly thought the wall idea was dumb. That isn’t why they voted for him.
He may have to do, though, because he wouldn’t shut up about it.
Yes, but not much for that reason.
Have we talked about the XFL returning in 2020?
If this next iteration isn’t that, they might actually stand a chance.
NFL ratings are going down, but college football is going up. so people still like football. I think they just want to watch football without the slow bits and stoppages and replays and “what is a catch?” stuff.
it’ll mostly be interesting to see who ends up on the teams.
I love the idea. I’m sure the NFL is gonna act like assholes.
I’m a life long pro wrestling fan, too.
‘NFL ratings are going down, but college football is going up. so people still like football.’
College football is what popularized the sport and very well may outlast the NFL.
Despite the theatre of the absurd on display at an increasing number of campuses, the football component has remained, at least as far as I can tell, largely apolitical. While the NFL, much like the rest of the entertainment industry, and that’s all it is, has begun to take its self waaaaayyyy too seriously. People watch such things for a pleasant distraction from the shitstorms of life, not to have said shitstorms hurled in your face at every opportunity.
College football, while not in practice, still maintains an air of pageantry and purity that many of us can’t help but endear ourselves towards. Kids playing for the love of the game and dreams of future glory. Or some such shit.
No instant reply, no stoppages for commercial break (run the spots in between natural stoppages or time outs), and a 15 man roster and I’m in.
California comes up with straw laws, Quebec lowers taxes for small and medium businesses:
Busybody finds new target, film at 11
Sugar is having a tobacco moment, not just here, but around the world.
Urbanization, falling poverty rates, and growing global trade have changed the diets and expanded the waistlines of the world’s poor, with processed food and sweetened drinks becoming household staples. Even very low-income communities are seeing rising rates of obesity, diabetes, cancer, and heart disease as a result. But many countries lack the tax revenue and medical infrastructure to treat such conditions, leading to a burgeoning global-health crisis. To tackle it, a new task force of well-known academics and advocates is encouraging developing nations to treat candy and soft drinks as many of them treat alcohol and cigarettes—and to tax them.
The idea might seem counterproductive, or even cruel. Cheap calories have contributed to falling rates of undernourishment and a reduced incidence of famine. Taxes increase costs, with a burden that falls most heavily on the most poor. And the relationship between added sugar and worse health is not a clear-as-day causal one. But promoting empty calories might be crueler, experts argue. “People say these taxes are regressive,” Lawrence Summers, a leader of the task force and a former Treasury secretary, told me. “But I say premature death is regressive.”
Ashley Graham hardest hit
We’ll have these poor people dying of starvation again if it kills us!
Gotta keep them alive to tax them.
We like to joke about passing “one more law” and fixing everything, but these assholes will not ever be satisfied.
They tried that shit in Cook County and got rejected. It’s a fucking tax on the poor even though it’s disguised as making people healthier.
You can’t force people to eat healthy food, no matter what you do. Social engineers are nothing but overly haughty fools who don’t understand human nature. Proof of this is easily observable. Go into your local Walmart super center and observe what people buy. There is plenty of healthy food available. Yet you will see people with 2 full shopping carts loaded with gallons of grape soda and high sugar cereals, with nothing green whatsoever. And it’s a lot cheaper to buy healthy food.
A friend of mine used to work for the American Heart Association and was behind the movement to ban smoking from public parks in Chicago. As a cigar smoker, since I couldn’t obviously smoke in my apartment, I would go to one of the city parks and smoke. I made sure that I wasn’t by the playground or large groups of people and no one ever came to stop me from smoking. Despite my tax dollars going to the maintenance of the parks, I can’t smoke there anymore which was a big deal for me before I moved into my current place which has a balcony.
She’s really nice but has a tendency to believe that she and others like her ought to use the government to create “healthier” outcomes without realizing that those laws usually hurt the people whom she claims she’s trying to help.
So what you’re saying is that you want people to die.
OMWC is the Cathy Newman of Old White Men.
Not really people. Just women and children.
Definitely not orphans with nimble fingers, we can find work for them.
Go back a century to when public school advocates were propagandizing. One benefit would be that the lower classes would be educated in nutritional meals and healthy eating. Looks like another failure.
“premature death”
he’d rather you be poor and starving, and live a miserable life to 80 than be fat and happy and die at 74
sweetened drinks
Like fruit juice? Which totally didn’t exist before?
encouraging developing nations to treat candy and soft drinks as many of them treat alcohol and cigarettes—and to tax them
Wat? All the developing countries I’ve seen are overflowing with cheap booze and cigarettes. You need a few decades of Western-style propaganda before the masses will submit to our kind of nannying.
Russian SST, anyone?
Hard pass from me.
Well, I was sure that at least some of the Glibs are Putin agents.
He’s just kidding.
That’s a Frickin Bomber, You can tell before even reading the article, in Russia Bomber Transport You!
The article mentions they might be looking into its commercial viability.
In Russia speed of sound breaks you!
Commercial viability, please. If it gets built it’s going to be for their national prestige and be very heavily subsidized.
They’ll force Aeroflot to buy it, until a load of passengers goes down in a fiery cataclysm
The US version of the Concorde had variable swept wings when it got canceled.
Looks like a B1 knockoff.
The variable-geometry wings must impact the maximum payload for that sucker.
Hard to imagine some general of the RAF (it’s weird typing that) trading off munitions capacity for the debatable benefit of a cool set of wings. Seems like tits on a boar to me.
Ah yes the old bovine breast augmentation argument…
They sowed a cow titty on it?
Well, I mean it’s plausible, after all they sowed that cow tongue onto Gene Simmons and next thing you know he’s a rock god, millionaire, and sleeping with a thousand women a week.
I thought it looked more like a giraffe tongue.
Russia has swept wing aircraft for years. So has England. It is a solution for a particular problem. If you need to fly slowly and fly fast it can work rather well.
Yeah, but there’s a non-zero cost in payload and capability in other areas.
Not as much as you would think. I read a book on the F14 when they designed it and they designed a fixed wing version which only saved a few hundred pounds. It all depends on the requirements. A plane with a requirement for high speed flight, long loiter time, and low take-off and landing speed would make a variable sweep wing a tempting solution.
Oh, Duh. This is the Blackjack, Version 2.
Been around for a while. This is a reboot with new power plant and avionics and a few other things.
I guess the Russians decided it was cheaper to make new upgraded ones than buy their old ones back from the Ukranians who seized them when they left the union. It all makes sense now.
Damn, Red Storm Rising made Blackjacks seem so badass…
Oops. Turns out they can’t buy the old ones back from the Ukraine. The Ukranians gave 8 back for debt relief and chopped another 11 of them up as part of a deal with the US.
Russia has 16 old airframes which they intend to upgrade to this new standard and build ‘some’ more. I guess they need someone to help them foot the bill for re-tooling at the Tupolev factory.
The numbering is back! SP worked some more internet magic.
Thank you for noticing! It’s been back for many hours, yet nobody said a word. Even Founders. I was very hurt. Especially as it came on top of the hurtful comment about my “graying” hair in a previous story.
You have earned a coveted Get Out of Cat Butt Free card!
I think there’s caching shenanigans going on. I only saw the numbers about 10 mins ago myself. For which, I would thank you, but they’ve disappeared again (probably caching). Time to use Web Developer and keep flushing as though I was German.
BTW, #6, I have read your emails and will reply, probably tomorrow.
Whenever you get a chance. I know you’ve been busy.
Thanks SP! *slinks off to contemplate the most horrible thing he post*
OK, it’s not you, it’s DreamHost.
At least one of their servers looks like it’s dishing out obsolete style sheets/theme settings. I disabled the cache in Chrome’s DOM inspector and whacked reset a bunch of times and 3 in 10 times came back with the small gray font theme. Hit refresh again, and we get the latest incarnation back.
Indeed. *sigh*
I’m not sure what the use case for the numbering is…?
Anyway I use monocle which removes the numbers unless I show all comments. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Useful for those of us who need to refer to specific comments. For example, if one of the Founders needs to reply to something or check on something.
It really speeds the process up.
Fair enough. I’ve written down numbers once or twice when I felt I needed to reply to multiple comments. But since I use monocle I learned to do without. TBH I miss reasonable – that was the perfect functionality for my needs.
How can anyone get a first GIF without any numbers?
Guide to the playoffs and the super bowl
I prolly won’t even watch it unless I use it as an excuse to go to the bar.
This (safe for work) was tweeted unironically.
Leave Casey alone, Russian Bots!
Life has handed me some lemons which has kept me away from the site but I am making lemonade as best I can and have even written a new firearms friday in honor of the SHOT show this week. Glib Gods please schedule my post, and tune in tomorrow for an action packed editon of FIREARMS FRIDAY!
How many Glibs are going to die? Rick left a few of us unscathed.
I have never understood that saying.
Lemons are good. Is life handing you lemons supposed to be a bad thing? I would be happy of someone gave me some lemons.
Someone’s never been beaten with a sack of lemons.
Perfect example of a rejoiner, well done!
rejoinder. I don’t even understand now how autocorrect has gotten worse as time has gone by.
Strength in numbers: The growth of Japan’s equality, diversity and inclusion groups
One of the core issues for minority groups in Japan is conformity and the feeling of standing out from the crowd. “I think when you are a minority, there is such an implied pressure that you have to conform to be successful and it is quite a difficult thing to find your own niche where you can actually be yourself. And it’s great to talk to people about that kind of experience, of how you can find your own voice, and be yourself within a society”, he said.
Finally someone is fighting for my right to wear denim overalls and a straw hat.
There must be somewhere where they practice a middle ground between pounding a raised nail and US-style “look at me!”
The Japanese themselves are under infinitely more pressure to “fit in” than any foreigner or minority group here. Most of the companies I do contract work for have some kind of diversity advocate in their HR department. Hopefully this trend is just an empty nod to a western trend like their commitment to climate change policy.
Sounds like China – where in some ways foreigners are treated better than natives.
TBF, that’s some foreigners. Japanese are less open about their dislike of some colors of people than the Chinese.
Good point.
Japanese “diversity ” story.
I’m in Nagoya on business standing at the curb waiting for the light to change. I’m 6’3″ 250#. My hair is half-way down my back (blond still not grey). I’m staring out at a sea of dark-haired little people and being amused by all the little Kei cars and delivery vehicles. Then turning left right in front of me is this huge-ass boat-tail Buick Riviera lowrider. It’S METALLIC PURPLE. The driver has a beard and shoulder-length hair (only time I saw that) and is sitting low and back per lowrider regs.
The guy sees this big, long-haired gaijin, gets a big smile on his face and gives me a thumbs up. I smile back and give him two thumbs up. He puffs up his chest and goes back to driving cool.
Loved Japan – always pointed at the third item on the menus I couldn’t read and it came out good every time.
When I was 19 my girlfriend at the time and I flew to Hawaii for a week. We stayed in the Sheraton Waikiki on the 30th floor. It seemed to me that the majority of the guests in that hotel were Japanese tourists. I’m a 6’1″ guy that’s about 195 at the time.
Everytime we would take the elevator up to our room, there would be a dozen or so Japanese in it with us. It seemed like I was a foot taller than any of them. It was kind of strange to be that much bigger than everyone else.
When I visited China my height fit in just fine – but I was fatter than everyone around me….
#Metoo. 6’3″ feels like 7 feet.
Yeah. Once in Taipei was sitting on the train and across the aisle from me was a young mother and her two daughters. The eight-year -old was buried in her phone but the 4-year-year-old couldnot take her eys off me. She was literally hiding behind her mother’s skirt staring with those big brown eyes like I wsome some alien being.. When I smiled at her she hid her face in the skirt and then slowly reappeared. Really cute.
I never had anyone in Japan or Taiwan be other than polite and helpful. Unlike some European countries I could name.
Same in China. The people were so great.
Empty nod to climate change like this?
I was under the impression that there aren’t many minorities in Japan.
Define “minority”.
Non native born Japanese is what I was thinking.
OK. 2.4 million out of a population of around 120 million. Count women as a “minority” and you can add a couple more million.
I think that almost every country in the world is split 50/50 women to men. Maybe a slight edge in total number to women. How women ever came to be defined as a minority is baffling.
Note that the Japanese government doesn’t collect ethnic statistics. Like Hong Kong not keeping economic statistics, that’s something I could get behind.
“The lawsuit centers on injuries Scott suffered in April 2014 wh2en he fell onto the concrete floor at the Sebastian County jail. Scott alleges Deleon used excessive force and deliberately flung him face first to the floor while he was handcuffed.
Deleon says he wasn’t slamming Scott to the floor but was actually trying to catch his fall.”
Officer Friendly promises he wasn’t trying to slam his face into the concrete.
If you like comics, zombies and tits (not necessarily in that order), you’ll probably love Rags. Been following this guy on twitter and patreon for a while. Solid project, great art, interesting writing – definitely want to see where it goes next.
Who wants to give odds on this being an inside job?
I hate that I think of it that way, but how many of these actually turn out to be “hate crimes”?
Black holed?
Remove the final “
Well, gays are known for their affinity for baking. Their love of pie dough is not that controversial.
Basically they all are.
I don’t know if this has been linked here yet. It happened about 100 miles from my place earlier this week. I have a lot of friends who work on drilling rigs. I have heard all kinds of stories of the stuff they have to deal with. There is a reason those jobs pay so well.
Some things are still dangerous. Easy to forget that for most of us.
Indeed. Two of them still in their twenties.
The drill rig operators are mostly young men. It’s a young man game. Lots of being away from home. Lots of 90 hour weeks. Lots of hard work. Up and down business. An 18 year old kid can go work on a rig with no job history and if he manages to not wash out can make 6 figures. I see it all the time.
If you want a family though, it’s hard to stay on the rigs. That and the instability of the market makes it so that you may end up layed off at any time. That and the nature of the job keeps you away from home for weeks at a time. I know a ton of oilfield guys who took more stable and worse paying jobs because theor marriages were falling apart due to their schedules.
I’ve got a work buddy who worked in the oilfields up in MT. Definitely a young man’s game but still hard to see those ages and not think about their lives cut incredibly short.
Agreed. The loss of productive young men sucks.
Back when I was young and stupid, and recently graduated, I was considering actually using my degree in Geology and taking a job as a core logger out on one of the North Sea rigs. Exploration was still very active out there, and the money was good. Shifts were civilized – the North Sea has hotel rigs served by helos, so the lifestyle was a bit more like NoDak than Outland.
It was a particularly bad week the week I had my second interview with Schlumberger. The ‘science officer’ network tended to circulate bad news quite efficiently. Fatalities that week alone – 2 divers hadn’t come back up from an underwater inspection of a BOP (Blowout preventer) , one rigger had been sideswiped by a boom and – maybe worst of all – 3 guys from a drill floor team had been killed when a sample bore had hit a pocket high in hydrogen sulfide. While breathing apparatus is always available and the toolpushers will often be wearing them, ancillary staff often have to visit the drill floor.
On the basis of that kind of news, I decided the life was not for me.
Does anyone know a good primer on precious metals investment/collection? I’m specifically looking at coins. Google just gives me pieces written by people who sell them. I’m looking for something more neutral for beginners. Also, who among you has a reputable seller that you buy from online? Just curious. Thanks!
Watch fox news during the commercial breaks. I think gold and social security lawyers are all that’s advertised on that channel.
I love the internet
Happy Australia Day!
This week I learned during the Australian Open that Margaret Court is a crimethinker and Tennys Sandgren is a Nazi. And then some tennis broke out.
Everybody is a nazi these days.
To be fair, both of them have… uh… retrograde views but… who the fuck cares? I’m not dating them.
WSJ had a short piece on Sandgren. He sounded like a normal guy getting hounded for not outwardly engaging in groupthink.
Kelli Underwood** works for Fox Sports in Australia. Among her duties is a panelist on a (very funny) weekly sports show called The Back Page Live.
One week she declared her admiration for a rugby player who’d negotiated a deal to not have the team’s sponsors name on his jersey. He was a Muslim and the sponsor was a bank which charged interest and so violated his religious beliefs. Underwood declared her admiration for a sports star who would make a public stand on political issues.
About two months later, Underwood declared her contempt for Margaret Court’s outspoken political views.*
*Not an endorsement on my part of Court’s political views.
**I actually think her commentary is pretty good. She’s just a nice, faithful, predictable leftist.
This is why I avoid all sports talk, pre-game shows, etc. like the plague. Just give me the action and leave the politics out of it.
There are two guys who do a statewide show on my local ESPN affiliate radio station. Their morning show I listen to on my home to work quite often. They are very good and they won’t touch politics with a ten foot pole. It’s nice. You’d think the national commentators would realize that they are killing their brand when wade into politics.
If I ran ESPN, I would fire anyone who mentioned kneeling, tranny bathrooms, BLM, etc on air as soon as I heard about it.
Now on YouTube
Whoa – style flipped again. And now it’s back. I swear this place is like a Twilight Zone episode.
Server issues. Dreamhost is on it. I’m just happy the site has stayed mostly functional.
No worries – keeps me on my toes!
Absolutely apropos of nothing, but this just rolled around.
So, enjoy while you are on your toes!
I knew it was going to be that group for some reason.
I am not at all familiar with this period. It doesn’t have the catchy hooks I loved in the eighties 🙁
I hated the album the first time I listened to it. Over time I dug it more and more. Even the new record was meh until I listened to it a few times.
I like the fact that they just kept moving forward. It would have been easy to coast on Under The Milky Way for a bunch of years. I’m glad they didn’t.
That said, try this one.
Heyday is their peak IMHO. I already don’t like Starfish as much as any of the earlier albums.
That said, I dig several tracks from the 2014 album, esp. “Miami”. Just now I see there’s another album. Geez.
Miami closed their set on that tour. It’s ridiculously good live.
Give the album a shot on its own. I’ve been a fan for over 30 years, so I’m not an objective reviewer. But there is something about this band that has managed to keep me around for a really long time.
Even their cover album was a blast.
OMG niiiice – the Built to Spill version I love just came up on my iPod the other day. I didn’t know this one existed.
Try this, then.
I don’t think we’ve traded this one yet – this song is simply beautiful.
10/10. Teenage Tundra learned the cool solo from this one and impressed zero chicks until he played it for Spawn 2.
One more before I drag my ass to bed.
Hahah nice. I don’t think I knew of any chicks into The Church back in the day. They were all into either G’n’R or Sisters of Mercy.
Cool – this is not on my copy of that album.
It was on the Aussie version. We didn’t get it until the Hindsight compilation.
The site has been pretty squirrely on my phone tonight. I’m not worried. I know you will get it worked out. Thanks for your emails last week SP. Things are getting much better around the lachowsky house.
I don’t mind too mush, but FYI, it’s still flipping
/NOT Complaining
All you Dog People and contributors, here ya go! Glib Dogs!
Melon Dog
Pretty sure I saw a cat in there, though.
My Sisters, I let it slide, but thanks to all the Glibs for contributing, these are almost all Glib dogs!
Next up, KITTAHS!!
I’ll let you know, I have to write a Kittah song, Not eye of the Tiger.
I can definitely contribute to that.
Dammit! now i have to write a Kittah song!
/ Woe is the Song writers Dilemma
I’m the first thumbs up, Bob. Great job! Sorry I didn’t send pics of mine.
Dogs are the greatest.
Thanks Tundra, I know it’s not much, but I wrote the song and didn’t want stock BS, So the Glbs backed me up, Some Great Dogs there!
That’s cool Yusef.
My wife took this pic of my boy and our jackrat a few years ago and made a meme of it. I always loved it.
Wonderful! i wish i could have Borrowed it, it would have been First, seriously
and thanks
I should have gotten it to you earlier. I could have been a contributer.
/kicks pebble
Great pic, L. I have one of my boy at 1 with my GSD that I probably look at once a week. Especially since the little bastard is turning 18 shortly…
Nice Yusef! Love that synth sound!
Sorry we couldn’t contribute, but our dog is extremely recognizable as is her unusual name. Trust me, she’s insanely cute and funny.
New email tonight from competitor Charm Offensive leader after a lengthy conversation about various topics.
“I’m definitely biased, but it looks to me like you need a life reset. So squeeze the best deal you can out of {potential new company} and come on over. I think we need you, and I think you’ll be a good fit to us. The list of people who have the technical skills, experience, and ability to get along with me is very, very short. Who knows how it’ll work out, but it will most definitely be a fresh start, a chance to leave some accumulated life baggage behind. Bring what you want with you, leave what you’re done with behind.”
This raises my eyebrows. “Bring what you want with you, leave what you’re done with behind.” <—How does that read to you guys?
Hmm, unprofessional?
Thanks. I will let you know how it goes.
One good sign is that Charm Offensive physicist has recused himself from interviewing or recommending me at all. Good move, IMHO.
Shifty as all get out IMO
Same as my reply to Raven.
Ya know, I have read everything you told us and I keep getting Red flags about the whole Affair, California is Not a Good place to be right now, first off, and so many mixed signals… just walk away IMO
I haven’t caught the while saga, bit if this is the same guy who tried to hit on you earlier, that sounds creepy to me, unless you have told him something that you specifically want to get away from. Even then, still sounds kinda creepy. How closely would you have to work with this guy?
That’s the Biggest Red Flag to me, any interaction could be a problem, from past experience
Nah, this isn’t the hitter-onner. That guy fortunately would be a complete non-factor and not even someone I would deal with.
The writer of the email, the main frikken brilliant physicist who thinks I will complete his team puzzle has been very cool, though I think there is unfortunately a spark. He’s the one who also said weeks ago:
Thing is, we can talk for hours at a time and accomplish actual strategic and scientific goals and time passes like nothing. I think we are just well-matched nerds, but I don’t know what he is thinking.
I has a confuze.
But yeah, probably every day.
Hard pass.
And that’s not just because I don’t want you to leave.
Too much, too fast.
The, “I am definitely biased” remark sounds suspect as well. If he wants you because of your work ability, then that’s not bias. If he wants you for something outside of your work ability, then that would be bias and shouldn’t have any bearing on his decision to hire you or not.
The guy sounds like a problem. It’s your life, but I wouldn’t want to work for someone who is romantically interested in my happily married self. Sounds like it would be a lot of trouble I’m not interested in having.
Honestly, it’s partly brought on by myself. During my recent hospitalization, this guy was my cheerleader and entertainer and work mate as we passed the time doing useful stuff, while MR Hayek had a some kind of meltdown that resulted in his verbally berating me over the phone so loudly on my would-be check out date that the nurses didn’t want to release me to his care. He was in pain and on drugs, but he said some shit that was not easily forgettable, Then wanted me to apologize to him for being offended by him saying awful things. Came as a great contrast to, I dunno, the rest of my reality. Never said a thing about that to anyone, but it has opened my mind for guys who are still nice to me.
(Mr Hayek has since recovered his brains, but man, that day sucked.)
I did that last night to Mrs. Kia, oops
/ I got better…
We idiots take turns, I guess!!
You sound like an Honest Fuck up, Unlike most Women i know, It’s always someone else fault…Sigh..
“MR Hayek had a some kind of meltdown that resulted in his verbally berating me over the phone so loudly on my would-be check out date that the nurses didn’t want to release me to his care.”
I hope that doesn’t happen too often. God knows Im guilty of getting more pissed about something Mrs. Lachowsky does than i should be and have blown up on her several times over the years. I have found that the older I’ve gotten and the longer we stay married, the less frequently it happens. It sure does suck when I do it or she does it. I think for moat people its gonna happen from time to time, but i hope it’s not a regular feature of your marriage.
Sadly, it’s become more regular as he has become more involved in his band. Maturity level of conversation is dropping. When I try to talk about some topic I find interesting, he asks me if I am on Meth or Adderall or just asks me to shut up, which I do, but then I end up talking to to other people, usually men, about what I am thinking. 🙁
I think the fun confidence of the band has stirred arrogance, and now that I am being pursued for something better, it is conflicting with his man’s natural need for control.
I think I need to get off the internet for a spell. And log off all my accounts.
I’m sorry Hayek. I hope things get better. Sincerly, I do.
IHMO, that you’re being pursued for advancement should have no affect on your husband attitude towards you and speaks to an insecurity on his part. Maybe he’s being a dick because he’s scared of you leaving him behind. Maybe not. I don’t know much about this. I mostly just try to keep my own marriage together and happy.
Sincere thanks. I am truly conflicted. I have about 25 years left to work (I’m in early 40s), he is retired at 60. He proposed to me 10 years ago promising “I will devote the rest of my life to you.” I said “OK.” After he paid off his child support, we mutually agreed he would “retire” and take care of the housekeeping (how naiive I was).
We didn’t negotiate a contract, but to me, that means I get to choose a new career path and state if needed. He now needs it to be on his terms.
FML. I love him, and he keeps me entertained, but I can’t forget this lashing out shit. I told him I would act the same toward him, but that he was changing the way I feel about him, and he says I am being dramatic. FML hard.
“We didn’t negotiate a contract, but to me, that means I get to choose a new career path and state if needed. He now needs it to be on his terms.”
Maybe yes and maybe no. 10 years is a lot of time and people change over time. Always. Marriage is an unending sequence of comprises. Yes, you do get to choose a new career path and state. You have earned that.
However, the choices you make affect both you and him. When making life changing decisions having the right to do something doesn’t always mean it’s a good idea. If you make a decision that has too much of a negative affect on him then there will be consequences to his happiness that will eventually effect both of you.
Not to say that you aren’t doing the right thing and that this whole thing won’t work out just fine, because it may. Just my .02 units of U.S. currency.
Also, I have found that when my wife is lashing out at me in what I think is an unreasonable manner, that reciprocating the nastiness is not a good idea. I have found that going my own way until she calms down and can be reasonable is always the better move.
I hope he loses his attitude and everthing gets back to good for you.
Thank you so much for all those points. I needed that. ( I like to just go away too, but sometimes he pursues me through the house, lol.)
Funny thing, I am now trying to hide the fact that tears are rolling down my face while he is on the main computer looking up Escondido houses on Zillow.
We will get there eventually. Just everything seems so heavy right now. Maybe I can make a major concession by letting him choose the house as long as the money is right
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
“Maybe I can make a major concession by letting him choose the house as long as the money is right”
Thinking like that should be helpful. Maybe you make that concession or maybe a different one, it doesn’t really matter as long as it’s meaningful.
“Just everything seems so heavy right now.”
I posted this the other day in SP’s life advice column. I believe this to be absolutely true – Things are never as bad as you fear and are never as good as you hope. Keeping this in mind helps me through all sorts of stuff.
And you’re welcome if any of this helps. I like this place and the people in it. If I can help, then I’m happy to.
We do talk freely about our spouses and families, so that seems OK. There is just something else going on that says “Proceed with Caution”
Thanks for indulging me.
We are a Mutual Back patting Society here 😉
There’s a lot of red flags, both in the professional deal and the personal. Many things in that communication would make me uncomfortable.
I wouldn’t deign to give advice, but the one exception: proceed with EXTREME caution and be extra cautious of anything irreversible. If SP and I make it up to MPS, please remind me to tell you the story of my former best friend, also a brilliant physicist. That email rang several familiar bells.
Yeah, at this point I need time and no pressure. Today all I have to di o is pack my office for an internal move at work. I plan to some out for a while.
I’m guessing the static i get from the Mr is probably an involuntarily reaction to the sense that this could be a game changer, in unpredictable ways, so I will need that too.
Heed, not need.
This is really cool
I’m generally not a fan of “when old musicians try and revive their old shit and do “hey look at me” stuff”
I generally dislike going to see “old dude rehashing old shit”. I do like it when legends of music do new projects and ‘stay interested’ in what they’re doing. But that too devolves into boring jams. im also not a fan of poorly recorded live shows which are trying to recapture hugely dynamic performances.
but this particular example is Stanley Clarke and Stewart Copeland – guys who never afaik had any interaction in the 1970s… beating the living shit out of one another on stage. Which you can see is keeping both of them excited.
anyway, its 15mins of 2 dudes jousting, and its pretty much some of the top shit you’d find from either dude at any point in their careers. Pretty neat.
Bonus points if can Guess who “Mikey” is, hint, He is a Glib
The Austin-Healy restoring, blonde, Japanese low-rider impressing dude from Montana.
Come on, man. Ask me a tough one.
And that is Whom? there are several Mikes and a few Bobs
Mikey the Steam Shovel.
I haz Confused, or Drunk
Our mikey uses an avatar of Mike Mulligan’s Steam Shovel.
Nope, try again 😉
I’m surprised Tundra, i thought You had access to detailed files?
So did I!
Thanks again for sharing the song, man! I remain amazed at the talent collected here. Nighty-night!
Al..Most, something isn’t quite right, don’t know what, 8/10
Yes, now We’re talkin!
Did you Watch the Doggy porn?
Got any Gingers? or curves? or Both? I am John you know
Same thing, i think it’s the narrow Chin..
My brother just sent me that. I have seen some pretty impressive cobbles in my rolling mill, but never one like that.
Oh My god!, That was Spooky! like Satan Chasing You!
Glad He’s OK
That was scary.
Its late at night and you’re wondering if you should polish off that bottle of Draino. What is it that could force your hand?