Have I accomplished anything since yesterday? Hard to say. I’m certainly not running through life like a mountain meadow today.

“Do we get to win this time?”

We sent a carrier to Vietnam for the first time since the conflict with that nation ended. No word on whether we’re forcing them to take back John McCain or not.

Trump goes to Davos. I’m hoping its like the UN speech, only laying out a new Federal Reserve policy of monetary tightening with a goal of banks paying positive interest rates on savings accounts. Although other actions indicate that the administration is more interested in further driving US exports upstream against natural barriers.

Single-handedly won the Vietnam war

Dear CNN, I, too, have a $25M media venture you can buy and not use.

You know, sometimes its okay to get high on your own supply. Like if you’re a pot mogul who thinks about driving your pricey Italian sports car while drunk.

FBI goes back to its roots, shoots kidnapping victim in raid.

I was looking for a different song, but this one made me chuckle. Some NSFW language — may want to wear headphones.