Here we go, Wednesday, here we go! ::clap-clap::
Roger Federer seems ageless there last couple of weeks as he rolls in straight sets, Nadal is forced to sadly retire in the fifth set, the Korean upstart Chung ended the dream run of the Englishman Sandgren and Gregor Dimitrov was bounced by the other limey Edmund. Expect the two limeys to make a splash at Wimbledon…and expect British dreams to be crushed as is (mostly) usual there. Simona Halep cruised into the Semis, as did Kerber, Wozniaki and unseeded Belgian Elise Mertens. Should be kinda fun, but its sad to see injuries take such a toll on the aging stars.
Huge slate of games on the ice last night. The winners: Boston, Pittsburgh, Montreal, Philly, Tampa Bay, St Louis, Dallas, Buffalo (by 5 goals!!!), Army Las Vegas, Vancouver, Winnipeg and the Anaheim Mighty Ducks. Congratulations to all of them.
Looks like the NCAA is gonna go after Michigan State for not paying attention when it was reported that a doctor on their staff molested hundreds of girls. Based not he Penn State precedent, the gymnastics team will be suspended from the postseason for a couple years and then reinstated. Based on the #metoo bloodlust, the entire athletic program will be flushed down the toilet. It’ll be interesting to see which tack the organization takes.
That’s it for sports. Let’s talk about other stuff in…the links!
Don’t Minnesodans (other than the wonderful contingent here on Glibs) have more important shit to worry about than this bloviating windbag and his exploits? Who knows what’s true and what isn’t. But I’d be shocked if they were really so quick as to let their cash cow go over a case of he said-she said as opposed to a very well-documented series of events.
OK, so I guess her sin here was being a therapist. Because, what’s the point in even having a hot tub if you can’t use it for its designated purpose? Also, thanks for the grainy pics, assholes. Based on what I’ve seen, she’s not unattractive. Also, note to media: you’re not a social worker if you are a therapist working in a private practice. Social workers are the ones who work for the state and don’t pay attention when people are neglecting kids but take them away when the parents question their authority. There’s a big difference.
Idiotic says idiotic things, most of which mirror the words of black activist groups on college campuses, and is rightfully fired. Because you can’t say stupid shit like “the races should voluntarily separate” and keep your elected position…but you can forcibly exclude certain races from certain college dormitories, groups, meeting spaces and clubs and be hailed as a “campus leader”. What a world we live in. Where certain people are judged by the content of their character (and fired) rather than the color of their skin (and hailed as empowered).

The Illinois Governor (right) and some greasy looking Illinois Nazi investment partner (left).
A 300% profit on an investment wasn’t enough for the Illinois governor apparently. Damn, dude. I’ve got two words for you if you want to really boost your portfolio: cattle futures.
The local DA in the case of those two pieces of shit who kept their 13 kids prisoner wants to bar them from any contact with their victims. Seems reasonable to me. They no doubt brainwashed them into believing their life was normal. I, for one, have no problem limiting their ability to reach out to, and probably intimidate, their victims ahead of their trial.
The GOP are starting to flex their investigatory muscles in their probes into what appears to be a very politically-motivated cabal of people at the FBI. Of course, Politico begins the article thusly (emphasis mine):

Shame, shame. We know your name!
Amid new signs that special counsel Robert Mueller is pursuing an obstruction of justice case against President Donald Trump, Republicans in Congress have intensified their own investigations of the Justice Department’s and FBI’s handling of inquiries into Trump’s ties to Russia.
Tuesday brought several dramatic developments in the Russia saga, including the news that Mueller recently interviewed Attorney General Jeff Sessions, the first Cabinet official known to be questioned in the investigation. The New York Times also reported that former FBI Director James Comey was interviewed by Mueller last year.
But even as Mueller showed apparent momentum, Republicans made new charges of political bias and even potential criminal misconduct in the nation’s top law enforcement agencies.
“The GOP are starting to flex their investigatory muscles in their probes into what appears to be a very politically-motivated cabal of people at the FBI. Of course, Politico begins the article thusly (emphasis mine):
Starting? Maybe this stuff is finally taking traction because the mountain of evidence =of the criminal behavior of the Obama years is off the wall.
and nothing else happened /my prediction
I actually had a conversation about this last night with a date., She asked me why all this stuff was not in the news. When I pointed out the bias and the fact that there was an agenda she was left dumbstruck. So I asked her to pull out her phone and google this, then not look at the first top posts Google presented her with, and presto.. She was flabbergasted.
If that’s not a panty-dropper, I don’t know what is!
Seriously, good on you for talking politics on a date and not worrying that it’ll end it. I assume you know this lady pretty well to bring this up?
If you’re aiming for something long-term, it’s actually sometimes best to bring up those hot button issues early on so you can see if it’s going to be an issue or not and move on if need be.
But what if she’s really hot?
These are my principles. if you don’t like them, well I have others.
That’s why I said “good on you”. I always talked politics on dates. It didn’t always work out short term but it ended up great in the long run.
First date and I just met here 15 minutes before Sloopy. Not a bad looking lady to be honest either and quite a successful person based on what she shared with me about herself.
She brought politics up politics and was blabbing about her dislike of Trump and how dreamy Obama was 15 minutes into the date, and I was already looking for the door expecting I was dealing with a leftist nutjob. I was didn’t say anything while she told regaled me on how evil the pussy grabber was, but when she started saying how awesome Obama was, I guess I reacted, because she suddenly stopped and told me that it was obvious I was not in agreement. I asked her if she really wanted to discuss this topic, especially on a first date, and told her that while she seemed quite intelligent, was she also wiling to entertain real facts, and not the narrative, if presented to her, and surprisingly she told me she was. So I let her have it. We talked for over 2 hours, and by the end of it she had a completely different opinion (funny how facts can do that when someone actually gets them and can’t shrug them away) and my expectations that the night would end without even a friendly handshake turned out to be pleasantly wrong. She told me she thought I was one of the smartest people she had ever met, and she had the hots for that sort of thing. Go figure.
Good for you. Early indications are good for that one. Good luck!
Based on the experiences of the last 6 years, I expect to find out something else is going to be a deal breaker, but until then, I am going to enjoy the ride.
This chick is receptive to libertarian ideas?
Run. Don’t look back, and run away from this nutjob as fast as you can.
This chick is receptive to libertarian ideas?
It is well known that there are no libertarian women. Obviously a trap.
I am hoping to see a Banjos response to this.
Best penthouse letter ever.
Seconded (thirded?). Good luck!
Will there be a second date?
*happy sigh* /hopeless romantic
She was flabbergasted that you’d ask her to Google political shit on a date so she got up and walked out?
So anal?…
Not yet.
That’s the spirit old boy
On my first date with SP, a phone was not what I pulled out.
A My Little Pony?
Yeah, it was a lollipop you used to lure her into your van.
What are you, some kind of pervert???? Reese’s.
Never change man. You rock 🙂
*symphony applause*
I have been having this same discussion for the last couple of days.
When Drudge had a list of articles about the FBI and the congressional investigations, I noticed that they were all politico, the hill, etc. No big TV or newspapers. So I decided to check out CNN. Not a peep. 6 articles on the front page, all anti-trump. Another half dozen opinion articles, all anti-Trump, including one about Melania not going to Malta with her hubby. MSNBC, Huffpo, NBC News, CBS News, ABC News, NYT and USA today all the same. Not one mention of this flap, at least not on the front page.
Meanwhile, someone is definitely planting stories from the Mueller investigation. Every outlet has the same take – they are going to go after Trump soon.
I don’t know why any of these people would cooperate with the FBI in any way. Every one of these investigations has ended with someone getting indicted in a perjury trap. Why would you talk to them?
I’m with you. They are going down hard because they’re not looking at this like it could hurt them. The deep state ran shit for the entire time the Dems doing it have been in office/the government. They think they’re above the law and their hubris will be their undoing.
Well, their hubris and the fact that data can be retrieved more easily nowadays and the 24-hour news cycle keeps their lies and deceptions in the public eye longer.
Except the vast majority of the media are hiding their lies and deceptions from the public eye and painting Republican investigations as a witch hunt and “conspiracy theories” not to be taken seriously. LH is right, nothing much will happen, and we will complete our descent into banana republic status.
That’s the way to bet, I think.
They can’t hold the truth back when the GOP reps are calling these people to open senate and house committee meetings and sticking them under oath.
That’s the key to it all. Take the ability to spin the narrative away from the media and force the Dems on these committees to either publicly defend these people (unfiltered by the media outlets they choose to go on) or to recognize their criminality and grill them as well.
Schiff can go on MSNBC and call this unfair to “good, honest FBI agents”, but can he defend those agents when they’re called before his committee and asked to explain their text messages discussing a secret plan to keep trump from office or how they knew before the Clinton interview that they weren’t even considering chargin her? That’s a hard sell when he is forced to ask his questions right after Gowdy ties them in knots. It’s rfen tougher when they are called tocexplainand every answer is “I’d like to exert my Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination”.
“That’s the key to it all. Take the ability to spin the narrative away from the media and force the Dems on these committees to either publicly defend these people (unfiltered by the media outlets they choose to go on) or to recognize their criminality and grill them as well.”
Why do you think the left has made such a big deal about how boorish, and by definition evil, Trump is to tweet the tweets he does? They can’t control the messaging, and he is working around the dnc ops using pillows to kill stories hurtful to democrats while pretending everything that will hurt Trump has to be true and is grounds for his removal, which has basically left them in a death spiral that has left everyone other than the hardcore marxists on the left with no more delusion that the media is a propaganda arm of the democrat party.
I think Sloopy and Alex are too optimistic. I would be willing to bet that nothing much happens other than the (remote) possibility that one or two low-level operatives are thrown to the wolves and the major players skate away with little to no consequences.
I know why you guys feel that way. It’s the way things have pretty much always been.
But at some point y’all have to realize that Trump threw a wrench in the wheel of the entire system and that the old rules simply do not apply.
This is a battle for control of the country. Do you think he’s going to let them railroad him out of office in order to maintain their power structure even though it’s royten to the core? The man’s ego is YUUUUGE. There’s no way he doesn’t fight back with every tool in his arsenal. And that also gives people like Gowdy a chance to grandstand too, and he certainly will take that opportunity.
The deep state can’t win against someone with Trump’s ego and the tools he has. They could have done so before he was elected, but not now.
Seconded Sloopy!
Tear down this deep state shit.
If the Dems do well in the mid-terms, like the opposition party generally does, and gain control of either the House or the Senate, it’s all over.
They are counting on that being what saves them from what clearly is going to be disastrous for that crime syndicate, WTF.
I can hope.
As a market hound from a wee lass whose father taught her to read a stock table, I watched Trump through his “too big to fail” phase, twice toying with a presidential run (which I thought he would pull this time), all his bankruptcies and stiffing his contractors, and hold a deep hatred and suspicion of the man. I voted for the pothead.
That said, I’m softening because he’s driving the left/progs crazy, is a master at trolling them, may just do a few things that benefit my family, and I was quite impressed at his nomination of Gorsuch. Most importantly, he’s entertaining and he hasn’t pissed me off yet.
I was both shocked and impressed he could say anything and it wouldn’t bring him down like any other politician. He just got more outrageous, and that is a feat in itself.
He does not back down.
So I’m watching with popcorn and enjoying every minute of it, with the slim hope it’ll go on long enough for the left to continue being clueless about their significant role in helping Trump get elected and double down on their bad behavior, then finish eating their own.
TL;DR I don’t like Trump, but he’s successfully trolling the people Flyover Country voted against.
“He does not back down.”
He is beating them because he is playing by their rules, instead of the way the party of stupid members that think staying out of the gutter, unlike their opposition, somehow will finally wind the day for them (and never will against people willing to burn down everything to prevent the other side from getting even a minor victory), and doing a better job at it.
Alex, yes, that’s what I meant to say and forgot. The GOP seems to think marching through a forest in regimented lines wearing red is going to win them a war while facing guerrilla warfare for the first time.
Yeh, i highly doubt Obama is gonna face squat.
Does he look worried to you?
Obama/Clinton going to jail (if) is a perq. I want the left/progs to collapse because that has more far-reaching consequences. They will NEVER admit their deities did anything wrong (“right-wing conspiracy”) but they’ll be too marginalized and fractured to be as loud as they have been.
OT: Trey Gowdy is number two on my list of political crushes.
I am not sure if that is the narcissism or the lack of perspective on reality that is causing him to look like he is cool, My guess is that even if the dude was in a panic, the dnc ops with the stranglehold on what we are allowed to know would hide it from us.
Eeewww. /teenage girl
There are good, honest FBI agents?
Please, please, please!
Dammit! That reply was to Sloopy’s post, not Ted S’.
TO be exact about how they’re spinning it, the current trend is ‘Now that Mueller is really circling the wagons and closing in on Trump, Republicans try to distract the public with some memo that doesn’t exist’. The thing about it is, is that they have been saying that Mueller is about to ‘close in on Trump’ since day one of this circus they call an investigation.
I remember the gleeful cackling that went on for a weekend when Mueller was prosecuting Flynn. Everyone was clapping and dancing because they knew…KNEW, that Flynn was going to sing like a canary and Trump was going down next. Then, when the charges came out, and they were all unrelated to anything with Trump, the story vanished.
It’s a daily thing. Last thing I remember was ‘Now they’ve flipped Bannon!’. Dumbfucks don’t even know what flip means.
“.I’m with you. They are going down hard because they’re not looking at this like it could hurt them. The deep state ran shit for the entire time the Dems doing it have been in office/the government. They think they’re above the law and their hubris will be their undoing.”
Sloop, I knew we were in for one heck of a disaster when the FBI basically told people we lost 5 months worth of texts, so sorry, and then after the whole Clinton server debacle. WTF? Can you imagine anyone being investigated by them saying something like this not doing hard time? All that shit they tried to hide about Hillary will come out, including Obama not just knowing this was happening, but being behind it, because Hillary told him that if she was held accountable, she would make sure he went down with her. The Obama administration actually did far worse than the nastiest things Nixon would have wished he could have done to his political enemies when it comes to abuses of power and using government agencies to go after their enemies and the other side. Remember the pants shitting on the left about Nixon? Now most of them make excuses for Obama and Clinton doing far worse.
And that whole Russia story is basically the dnc operatives with bylines providing cover for the deep state and the Obama/Clinton crime syndicate. When Trump won, the left realized that Obama’s rule by the pen was toast, as Trump could use the same to undo that shit, but these criminals all also panicked because it became obvious that all the nefarious, downright criminal, and horribly illegal shit they had been doing for the past 8 years to weaponize the government for Hillary to use, would eventually come out, or worse, could be used by Trump against them.
The whatever you want to call them, the establishment, the DC credentialed political class, the deep state, is a corrupt left leaning authoritarian entity that has put the needs and wants of the left ahead of that of the country, creating what amounts to a third world banana republic where they are actually fighting the elected POTUS and the will of the plebes they despise and look down upon. These are the same assholes that told us you had to be polished and educated like them to be able to do the piss poor job they have been doing – for decades – and someone outside their approved circle would be a disaster for not just the country, but the world. Then that boor Trump wins, and suddenly we see that every fucking single thing the Obama administration did and told us would be helpful and just basically served to enrich and give power to that deepstate while fucking everything else, from the economy to the legal system, up.
The left is in a panic because that guy they told us was a moron has basically again proven that all the shit the left stands for is not just destructive but evil masquerading as something noble and good. The whole social justice movement is nothing but a destructive entity hell bent on destroying any kind of merit based system in favor of some arbitrary replacement that is intended to give the political class a weapon to use against their enemies and the people.
Fuck this shit. I want my next license plate to be made by Hillary and Obama. That would be justice.
I agree with everything but your last paragraph. I don’t want those two making any license plates. I want them in permanent solitary confinement, same as they had done to people who did far less horrible shit than they’ve done.
I am setting the bar low Sloopy, but I hope you win out and it turns out the way you said. These crooks deserve worse than that.
^^^hot date material right there^^^
A couple of things that are certain. Democrats have a real habit the last few years of taking the fifth and destroying evidence every single time they are questioned on anything. These texts that are missing now are not the result of some ‘glitch’. Put me in charge of finding them and give me the authority and I’ll have them for shortly. They may have deleted them from their devices, but they are still not gone, 100% guarantee.
Having the court hand down a 5 year prison sentence to the custodian of the records would change the behavior.
“Oh, hey, they were right over here the whole time, whoops!”
If the telecom carrier doesn’t have a backlog, the NSA surely does.
Arthur Andersen is no more because they shredded documents when the Enron shit went down.
Arthur Andersen at the time was one of the Big Five consulting companies, nearly 100 years old and it didn’t help them at all.
There was never a time when it wasn’t obvious who and what Obama is. None of this is is surprising.
^This^ When he was elected, my mom was shocked at what he did(she voted for him) and didn’t believe me that I wasn’t surprised at all
I think for a lot of Americans (currently more on the left than on the right – but present in both teams), politics has become an ersatz religion. Thus, it has become easier for them to believe, in faith, things that are a-rational.
Obama was frighteningly successful at crafting a cult of personality. His supporters became emotionally invested in him being this wonderful president who would heal the planet and end racism.
I once said something critical of Obama, and this girl shouted, “No, he was a goooood president!! When I’d hear him speak, he would just take me awaaaaay!!” as she pressed her hands to her chest and threw her head back in rapturous ecstasy.
It was one of the most disturbing things I’ve ever seen. The fact that people get their heartstrings tied around a goddamn politician should make people seriously re-think the merits and demerits of democracy.
Those youtube vids of the kids marching & drilling for Obama were also disturbing.
The Left freaks the fuck out because there were two young cheerleaders singing some patriotic song at a Trump campaign event, yet there were countless videos of kids being made to sing praises to Obama as well as the pseudo-military drilling videos that you mentioned.
What are the merits of democracy?
Seriously, after reading Hoppe’s Democracy: the God That Failed, I can’t really find any.
A constitutional democratic republic, as our country was founded, is a small but important step up from democracy.
Who woulda thunk? Chicago politicians acting like well, Chicago politicians.
This! It was completely obvious to anyone what kind of government we’d get if he was elected.
I remember when Obama was first elected. His leftist minions, in particular the young and more ambitious ones, suddenly seemed to get this notion that they were the smartest people in the world and were going to usher in a 1000 year reign of lefty utopia. They started calling themselves ‘wonks’, which as good as I can guess means you’re a young genius who knows all the cool kids and think all the right things. So at the end of 8 years of that sort of attitude, it’s no wonder the democrats and other assorted lefties developed this notion that they are untouchable. I mean, after all, look at those knuckle draggers on the other side. How could those troglodytes ever do anything to us when we’re the smartest people in the world? Next thing you know they’re smashing hard drives and deleting everything off servers.
A lot of these people need this sort of validation. I think a lot of the Trump haters are people that feel their intelligence has been challenged/insulted by his election over one of their own (Capo de tuti capi Clinton). Politics is the new religion on the left. Their guys are the saints and the angels, and the the other side are the devils and the false prophets. Children of the credentialed self-esteem movement, anything that challenges their notion they are the smart ones, especially reality or people they deem to be evil morons, sends them into a frenzy and demanding safe spaces and execution of the heretics.
It is not an accident that they tell us they are for free speech, but what they consider bad speech is not or shouldn’t be considered protected by free speech rules…
Evidence suggests a massive scandal is brewing at the FBI
This is a pretty devastating opinion piece in the New York Post. While the Post is the semi-conservative paper for NYC, it’s a sign that this thing is reaching the point where the media won’t be able to ignore it much longer.
…and it’s Michael Goodwin. But yes, it is at least a sign that it can’t (hopefully) be ignored for ever.
I watched the CNN live election night coverage again last night for maybe the 500th time. It never gets old. The look on the smug faces of Wolf Blitzer, Anderson Cooper, Jake Tapper, the whole crew, when they realized that Trump was going to win. Fucking priceless, they were in total shock. This is what happens when you don’t allow yourself to even conceive that something could go wrong with your own version of reality. And then for a few minutes, they seemed to have had a moment of self awareness and acceptance. And here we are now a year later, after recounts, screaming at the sky, non-stop attacks on Trump from the media, and this clown show investigation.
Saw them yesterday in the cafeteria. They’re still talking about how Mueller wants to interview Trump – as if the Russia collusion investigation was real – and as if Trump was dumb enough to talk to him in person about anything.
For a split second I read that as “Drake works at CNN”
They’ve infiltrated us. They know that the real scoop on Trump and Putin is right here at Glibs, somewhere.
I would love to work there. I’d have a secret blog somewhere and always be paranoid of the information I’m picking up is meant to expose me. It would make work really exciting.
“These and other elements combine to make a toxic brew that smells to high heaven, but most Americans don’t know much about it. Mainstream media coverage has been sparse and dismissive and there’s a blackout from the same Democrats obsessed with Russia, Russia, Russia.”
And even if the mainstream media did cover it, fewer people are paying attention to the mainstream media.
Unwanted kiss leads to #MeToo reckoning for monk in Bago
An Iowa therapist was arrested on Monday for allegedly sexually exploiting her female patient in a hot tub.
How come no one sexually exploits me? ::pouts:: ::looks in mirror:: Oh that’s why.
Who gets into a hot tub with their therapist? What did she think was going to happen?
I once went to Planned Parenthood for a sperm count test. The nurse, ahhh, helped me out in the collection process. Should I press charges? Or just write a Penthouse letter?
Unfortunately, it went like this.
+1 never thought this would happen to someone like me
Y’know, just one test result is not sufficient. Solid science requires multiple tests to make certain the results are accurate.
Hell, he could have sought funding and turned it into a 20 year study. Sounds like science to me.
It depends entirely on how attractive the nurse was.
Reasonably so. Unfortunately, she was over the age of 9.
Tip her
Euphemisms. I’ve never used that phrase before, so this seems like the right time.
How many times did you go back for a recount because you know, you can never be too sure.
Time travel?
I would sign up for therapy if I knew I’d wind up in a hot tub with that therapist.
Is it the steel hockey mask?
“First, has anybody even made the remotest statement that Mueller is pursuing a specific obstruction charge against Trump?
CNN has been saying that that criminal Russian plant Trump and (everyone in the path of succession all the way down until Hillary is the one left as POTUS) are but days away from impeachment and criminal proceedings, because they want it to be so..
I specifically said “anybody” not “nobody”.
Doesn’t there need to be an actual crime before there can be obstruction of justice? Or at least credible evidence of an actual crime? Neither of these are present in the Trump/Russia bullshit investigation.
But he did obstruct justice, justice would mean Democrats won. / prog
+1 it really was her turn
Something about the Russians asking Trump – through Kushner – to lift some sanctions. That sounds like diplomacy not collusion unless there is some payoff or quid pro quo (other than the Russians behaving themselves in the Ukraine).
Considering how the democrats operate, and their constant projection on the other side of their criminal behavior, this makes sense.
The payoff, of course, was to the Clinton Foundation.
Uber driver in U.S. illegally charged with 4 rapes.
So, not Uber driver, but man posing as Uber driver. Way to go, AP.
I read the headline as “illegally charged” instead of “in the U.S. illegally” at first. English is stupid.
Me too. That whole headline is a mess, because the guy want acting as an Uber driver when it occurred.
It’s not an Uber.
I’ll be back…to mock this comment.
I Can’t Believe It’s Not Uber!
“Illegal Alien Posing as Uber Driver Charged With Four Rapes”
A more accurate headline makes it sound like its not Uber’s problem after all.
Her patient got out of the hot tub and left Schutters’s home, according to the Quad-City Times, and then reported the incident to police two days afterward.
I want to say something snarky tying this to the fact that Hollywood celebrities took years to say anything about their claims of sexual assault, but I’m at a loss.
She didn’t get a movie role out of it.
::posts “Meryl Streep giving standing ovation” gif::
Not even a home movie?
The therapist might have had a hidden camera set up.
Motel 6 guests who were deported to Mexico sue hotel chain’s Carrollton owner for informing ICE
Isn’t that kind of like shoplifters suing a store owner because he reported them to the police? And under what novel theory do they have a constitutional right to be in the country illegally? Of course some leftist judge will allow this farce to proceed anyway.
Or suing Sony for manufacturing the video camera they were recorded on.
I’m not sure what the Arizona law is on disclosing the information of people staying in a hotel. They could be protected under a state privacy law that says their information can only be disclosed if a warrant is presented.
Could be considered a temporary resident. And if that’s the case, their law could be like California’s, where resident information cannot be given to anyone without a warrant.
And AZ legal minds want to chime in on that possibility?
Can you actually make it illegal to report an illegal act?
You can certainly make it ultra expensive for the people messing with your illegal agenda…
I keep saying the Feds need to slam hard (like the way they do to private citizens) any and all state employees, officials, and legislators pulling that crap for conspiracy to harbor illegals.
They had an article on TOS yesterday about ICE going after some activist because he left water and food supplies for people trying to cross the desert. Also, it was a day after he posted video of the agents pouring out the water, presumably so anyone trying to cross the desert would die of dehydration instead.
So yeah… you kinda have to wonder how all these local officials skate by on this issue.
If you want to stop illegal immigration (leaving aside whether it should be illegal), you need to stop people helping and facilitating illegal immigration. For a law enforcement agency, its pretty straightforward.
If we didn’t have a double standard for pubsecs and politicians, there would be a lot of trials for harboring illegals going on in sanctuary cities and states who go out of their way to spring illegals so they can avoid ICE. The way the law reads, any transport or housing of an illegal without reporting to ICE is harboring an illegal. So, any known illegal who is jailed or even arrested and taken to a precinct, and not reported to ICE, has been “harbored” by pubsecs and politicians.
If they were reporting a specific act, no. But you can make it illegal to share personal information about your residents (and that can be made to include temporary residents) with law enforcement without a warrant.
I wouldn’t want a landlord or inkeeper feeling free to tell anybody he wants my personal information just because I gave it to him to sign a lease or pay for a room.
The story is vague on what info they are supposed to have shared and if they did so in reporting a specific crime or if they just called ICE and gave them all of their guests’ personal information without suspicion of a specific crime. There’s a big difference in the two and I, personally, have a big problem if they were doing the latter.
The story is vague on what info they are supposed to have shared and if they did so in reporting a specific crime or if they just called ICE and gave them all of their guests’ personal information without suspicion of a specific crime. There’s a big difference in the two and I, personally, have a big problem if they were doing the latter.
I agree with you on that.
Dunno the specifics, but a couple of things to keep in mind:
It is a felony to harbor an illegal alien. Don’t know the level of knowledge (actual? reason to believe?). It is also illegal to only report Hispanics as suspicious, so the safest thing may be to turn over all names.
I don’t know what his experience with illegals was. Do they tear up their rooms? Do they skip on the bills? Are they model guests? Who knows? But he may have had a business reason not to become a stopover for illegals.
If this is the same as the article I posted last month, several of the motels provided the government with a list of all the guests on a regular basis. They voluntarily threw the fucking guest list at the Feds and said see what you can find. That’s hard-stop for me and I would never set foot in any hotel that does this.
They really did have the light left on for them
The flashing squad car lights, amirite?
Shit. Beat me to it.
You can’t blame them. The democrats have now convinced anyone stupid enough to believe them, that you can sue someone for no legitimate reason at all. Hell, you can even impeach a president because ‘we lost and oh muh gawd my butthurtz’,
“violate their rights under the U.S. Constitution ”
Uh … what?
Koch brothers introducing new criminal justice reform initiative
Sounds insidious… all dark money and evil.
I can’t help but think that the sharp decrease in crime over the last 30 years might have had something to do with the “tough on crime” rhetoric and policies put in place, and that “reform” is going to entail leniency to the point that the crime rates rise back to historical levels, and then the public reaction will lead to more “tough on crime” rhetoric and policies. Rinse and repeat.
With so many democrats looking at hard time, they would prefer laxer rules..
We should be sending a helluva lot fewer people to prison, but the ones that truly do deserve prison? Not too put out about their problems.
That’s why I hold no illusion that I would get a fair shake if I was forced to deal with today’s legal system. People like me end up being the ones the top men want to make examples of, especially if there is nothing there but it serves their narrative.
I agree. I think “prioritizing rehabilitation” for serious crimes is probably dangerously naive. And for non-serious crimes, a better approach to reform would be to repeal the idiotic laws over-criminalizing everything. You don’t need to “rehabilitated” for breaking a law that shouldn’t exist in the first place.
They could just end the war on drugs and stop stripping people of their constitutional rights once their sentence is served. That would go a long ways towards getting back to an actual fair justice system. In fact, I don’t know that there’s anything else that needs to be done, that’s about it. Oh, and maybe get cops to stop shooting first and asking questions later. That one is also good for pets.
I’d say it had more to do with a continuously improving economy and widespread abortions.
iPhone battery bursts into flames after man bites on it
Florida man you have competition.
A real man-bites-phone story.
*narrows gaze*
Those crazy Chinese people..
He may have mistaken the battery for a Tide Pod
*prolonged applause*
Mine burst into song. Moon River, in fact.
Phone-addicted teens aren’t as happy as those who play sports and hang out IRL, new study suggests
Everybody panic!
Wait, shared physical exertions create platonic bonds more rapidly and more deeply than almost any other type of shared experience? I think the armed forces should look into this.
Don’t worry, the PC police is hard at work making sure the US military is turned into just a job program for every outlier out there. After all, that whole belief that your military should have people capable and willing to break the enemy’s shit and kill enough of them to dissuade them from any bad actions towards your nation, is so antiquated and should be done away with…
Someone could get hurt…
Damn. If all of our commenters take this to heart, we might lose a considerable amount of traffic.
We are all at work, don’t want to interact with co-workers and I have to be here to get paid.
Your safe.
8th-, 10th-, and 12th-graders
I think most of us are past high school.
These triplets were separated at birth for a sick scientific experiment
Thank Christ the government is there to ensure only the highest adoption standards.
Because, you know, the behavioral difficulties were a function of being separated at birth as opposed to nature. What exactly is the problem here other than most sane people don’t want to adopt multiple infants?
Because I know you all love Harry Potter so much.
” humorist Garrison Keillor”
Funny, like how?
I have some pre-teen memories (all bad!) of being trapped at my parent’s cottage; far away from civilization. No TV but just a radio tuned to Blue Lake Radio. So much Garrison Keillor. So much horror.
It’s basically “old people” humor. Maybe OMWC can fill us in? 🙂
Careful if that “fill in” thing is preceded by an offer of candy in his van…
“Lawrence Welk for Baby Boomers.”
The only worthwhile things I can remember from that remarkably unfunny show are Greg Brown and Iris Dement.
Had a high school English teacher that would subject us to Prairie Home Companion. I did not like his class.
You should visit the Iowa therapist and work that out.
“What am I clown? How am I funny?”
Easy there Mr. Pesce.
TW: Slate
Is There Such a Thing as Too Much Freedom?
An intriguing new book argues that the problem with our society isn’t partisan rancor but rather the left and right’s attachment to individual autonomy.
Yes, the pre-Enlightenment world was certainly bereft of poverty and strongmen.
This fellow needs to read a history book.
Freedom is what has made man evil!
Freedom is slavery!
You want to leash a dog? You cant throw it like a lasso, you have to move slow and distract the dog so he is docile and doesnt know what is happening. Get him to believe he isnt being leashed then you can slip it on.
Panem et circenses
FYI – Isaac Chotiner is a massive cunt. Just thought you all should know that.
Deneen: BA in English Lit, Ph.D. in PoliSci. Unfortunately, a lot of PS programs these days are rooted in crunching numbers in databases rather than historical politics.
I hate it when some field of study is called a “science” when it has no controlled experiments and no laboratory conditions.
I still remember that all these highly educated super-duper qualified political “science” eggheads gave Hillary massively favorable odds in winning the election.
The left and right have no attachment to individual autonomy. What the fuck is that person smoking?
Abscess tooth. Got it taken care of today. At least I got prescription pain meds. Take the meds and no beer, vice versa, or both? Neither is not an option.
Both. But when you wake up sewn up in your sheet with broken ribs, don’t blame me.
You get your teeth all fixed up and now you’re all uppity. I see how you are.
I’m just relating what my experience with narcotics and beer would be. My wife would give me the Willie.
Whoa, go on…
Its a story about Willie Nelson:
Interviewer: Your first wife, Martha, once sewed you up in a bedsheet while you were asleep and beat you with a broomstick. Was she a particularly crafty woman, or were you just a really bad husband?
Willie Nelson: Oh, it was a combination of both. She was a very classy, ingenious, brilliant lady, and I was a problem at times.
I had never heard that before, it’s hilarious that he still says she’s brilliant and classy, or maybe that’s the fear talking.
Wait, whut? Your wife has a willy? (NTTIAWWT)
Save the meds. Switch to whiskey.
New Jersey’s New Governor About To Get Mugged By Reality
The guy was a big wig at Goldman Sachs bu he seems like a complete idiot. Almost a caricature of a limousine liberal. I truly hope he didn’t mean anything he said. I also hope the Democrats in the NJ legislature aren’t that stupid.
The guy was a big wig at Goldman Sachs bu he seems like a complete idiot.
Goldman is a hive of scumfucks that produced John Corzine, so those are hardly mutually exclusive categories.
It does make me wonder if I could succeed there George Costanza style. Act like a complete prima donna asshole and always do the opposite of what I would normally do.
Yup, making it big at Sachs is neither an indication of intelligence or ability to accomplish things. You can’t get more disconnected from reality than at these entities that make money on speculation (too often based on pure nonsense) that keep making money regardless of how bad things get, because there is always a government bailout to make sure things don’t go horribly bad.
I’ll put it this way – a guy who graduated high school with me was a dimwitted moron who was in several remedial classes and only got into a decent college because he was a legacy from a rich family who donated money to the school. He ended up working at Goldman Sachs for years.
We are about to get the same thing here in Illinois – the local media (Chicago Sun-Time – the folks that gave us Obama worship back when he was a do-nothing state senator and onward) are furiously working to get a Pritzker in the Governor’s chair – so we can take our TEAM BLUE supermajority and amend the State Constitution … income tax will rise and become “progressive”, any reform of worker’s comp or union shit will be actively reversed, try to get away with as much gun control as possible, etc. The rumble of businesses and the exchanges fleeing the state will deafen all who are too close.
And they will then blame the resulting economic implosion on Trump, right?
The fix is definitely in for Pritzker from the Democratic establishment, but I think you are wrong to think that the bulk of the Illinois media is in the tank for him. Last time around when it was Rauner v. Quinn, Rauner was endorsed by every newspaper in the State except for the Rockford paper (I can’t recall the name).
Rockford Register Star.
But Quinn was ineffective and made Team Blue look bad. The only one Rauner might get on his side is the Chicago Tribune.
I don’t doubt that that’s a possibility (although he’ll probably get a lot of central Illinois paper endorsements like the Bloomington Pantagraph). On the plus side, Illinois is already leading the nation in out-migration and our median income is now below Wisonsin’s, so I’m not sure how much further we can go. Although, I’m sure the Democrats in Illinois will find a way to make things worse
On the plus side, Illinois is already leading the nation in out-migration and our median income is now below Wisonsin’s, so I’m not sure how much further we can go
Make Michigan look good?
Unfortunately, there’s a good chance of that, minus the post-apocalyptic Detroit.
I wouldn’t mind so much, except that most of my family lives there.
Of course, who am I to talk? I moved from northern IL to southern CA in 1996.
Whatever happened to that “temporary” tax increase, anyways?
My (very progressive) brother moved from Florida to Chicago last year. He was talking about how much more money he’d make. Told hm that between cost of living and all the taxes he’ll be paying there that he wasn’t here, he’d end up making a good deal less.
He hasn’t responded to my texts asking about that for some reason.
I’ve gotten the same treatment from people who boasted about setting up short sales and betting on “volatility” since they were so sure that Trump’s electoral victory would crash the stock market.
I truly hope he didn’t mean anything he said. I also hope the Democrats in the NJ legislature aren’t that stupid.
He does, and they are.
I plan to sell a house in NJ next year and this guy is going to fuck it up.
“The guy was a big wig at Goldman Sachs but he seems like a complete idiot.”
Those two things go hand and hand. Government Sachs is good at producing rent-seekers and that’s about it.
“So far, his answer has been a collection of totally pie-in-the-sky promises of new and additional spending that can have no possible relation to reality.”
My question is, why shouldn’t he do that? It’s what his constituents want to hear and they’ll fall for it every time and keep on believing. All he has to do is keeping doing that and he’ll be in office for as many terms as he can serve.
Anyway, I just realized how he can actually get all of that money. Confiscate the citizens’s and corporations tax cuts they’re about to get.
^^ Also known as the California plan.
The NCAA is at it again. This guy molested girls at Michigan State and is now going to jail. So the proper punishment will be to destroy the team those girls were on and take away their scholarships.
Sad when shit like this happens, all so these people can justify the existence of their organization.
Yeah. The other thing I don’t understand are companies pulling their support for the Olympic team. Why? All that does is hurt the athletes.
Because virtue signaling is more important than actual effects.
If you do the math, the signalling is a bit off.
They sponsored the team for a couple of decades while this guy was molesting the girls. As soon as he got caught and arrested and was no longer with the organization, they pulled the sponsorships.
There is only one logical conclusion….. they did not want to be associated with a team that no longer molests its members.
Can I steal that for facederp?
The guy who played Barney has a sex company and our childhoods are RUINED
Does he wear the costume while working?
Considering how shows like Barney fucked up an entire generation, I am not surprised to see the actor playing him ending up in another sex-related industry.
Guess which one works for an ostensibly libertarian think tank. Yeah, this is getting beyond parody
You know, I don’t think libertarians actually do a lot of infighting, just that dolts who call themselves libertarians pick on libertarians. (Note that in this case neither party is a libertarian). And I know this sounds like a “no true Scotsman” but what I think what I’m saying is valid on an objective level. If you just used the NAP, then you would often be hard pressed to call self proclaimed libertarians, libertarian.
There has been libertarian infighting as long as there have been libertarians. The bigger problem to my mind is that the “Mexicans, ass sex, and weed” variety of soi-disant libertarians* seem to have abandoned any sense of libertarianism outside of that trifecta. It’s as though at some point they shifted their political locus from other libertarians to leftists.
* = I’m borrowing the phrase from a certain non-libertarian commenter at H&R but I’ve got no problem with any of those things; it’s the reduction off scope to just those things that bothers me
Clearly you guys are not *real* libertarians…. so ipso facto, no infighting.
I get who you’re referring to, “I’m a libertarian, but free speech is harmful, the EPA needs 10x the budget, we need more public school teachers, and I should be allowed to throw trash on my neighbors lawn if they don’t bake me a gay wedding cake.”
THAT kind of “libertarian”.
Government is force, unless it’s delivering us our ponies, in which case it’s just a gentle helping hand.
Wilkinson’s argument is basically “if we ignore the system as a whole, the predictable consequences, and the reality on the ground today, then we can get the government to give out free shit with no ill effects!”
I’m sure he thinks of himself as a realist, too.
Well, yes, he does. That’s supposedly Niskanen’s entire raison d’etre: it’s useless to stand in the way of the leviathan, so let’s just try to make it the best leviathan possible.
let’s just try to make it the best leviathan possible
Ah, technocracy. The system where people who are half as intelligent as they think they are delude their apologists into accepting bullshit as fine caviar.
When a conservative, like Shapiro, is making the free-market argument and you are pushing against that, you should probably stop referring to yourself as a libertarian
Christ almighty…
Without govt we wouldn’t have a market for govt debt?
You got it.
Now I wish I hadn’t. I’m a little dumber now.
Well damn, all of libertarianisim demolished by one tweet.
That’s what our intelligentsia/credentialed elite class thinks passes for smarts and world problem solving mad skillz….
Just think, in a government-run system, this is the sort of cream that rises to the top.
“Suppose you have a guaranteed right to a pair of pants a year. The government gives you a pants voucher worth the average pair of pants. You buy some pants with it. Exercise: find the conscription of pants-makers.”
:Cough: taxes:cogh:
TheftTaxes are just the price we pay for a civilized society!There are more vouchers than pants. What happens?
A much more useful exercise that any actual market proponent could come up with in all of 2 seconds.
I don’t accept the premise. Moving on.
That might be the most retarded analogy I’ve ever seen.
What, your pants aren’t manufactured by highly skilled professionals with decades of experience, training, and education?
I think it is the pants-payers who are being conscripted in this case.
Unless, of course, the voucher is just a slip of paper, and the pants are not expected to be paid for.
You can tell a lot about a person on Twitter by whose twits he repeats. So, who does Wilkinson retweet?
James Fallows
Lawrence Summers
Greg Sargent
Ezra Klein
Jeet Heer
Brian Beutler
Tom Nichols (who the fuck is this guy, anyway? Why is he suddenly prominent?)
Jennifer Rubin
Jon Favreau (the Obama hack, not the actor)
Sad Beard
Some towering figures in the liberty movement! Who isn’t overwhelmed with an urge to donate money to Niskanen after reading that list of luminaries?
Niskanen’s mission from day one has been “concern trolling libertarians from the left”.
N.B. that is not an actual quote
Regarding Favreau, is there a distinction between actors and Obama hacks these days?
In Favreau the actor’s case, I think so. He may not be libertarian. But, based on interviews I’ve seen, and the themes of many of the movies he’s made, I don’t think he’s a lefty.
An initial visit by the stunned parents to the (now-defunct) Louise Wise adoption agency in New York leads to a trail of increasingly creepy discoveries about a scientific study of separated twins and triplets. The investigation was aided by New Yorker writer Lawrence Wright, who was working on a story about the study.
The young men and their families learn their childhoods were monitored, filmed and documented — under the guise of normal adoptive follow-up — to serve the interests of a psychologist who wanted to test the influences of nature versus nurture. T
Josef Mengele lives on in spirit.
White identity politics and the shutdown: Vicious racism got us here
Everything you may feel is evil is the fault of those honkey dudes that don’t like messican butt sks!
WhiteBlack identity politics has several elements. They include racial resentment, a sense of entitlement, a belief that the political and social concerns of blacks are “natural” and “normal” while the political and social concerns ofnonwhites (and other groups) are illegitimate…totally not racist.
It’s all projection with the left.
Peak self-unaware?
Peak? No, Salon runs articles like that on a regular basis.
Bicyclists want drivers locked up. Apparently one of them had a run in with a semi a couple years ago and lost.
Asshole riders are assholes. As to the story, I’m going to guess that the reason the driver waited so long to report it is that he didn’t even notice that some dumbass ran his bike into his trailer. From my experience riding, truck drivers are more polite on the road then some soccer mom in a minivan. And, when I’m biking near a semi, I’m hanging waving him through for just this reason.
Fuck bicyclists. There are several stretches of road I drive on around here where’s there’s a 10 ft wide bike lane on one side for them. Where do they ride? Right down the center line of the fucking road. I almost hit one of the assholes about a month ago when I was changing lanes so I could make a left.
The #1 thing that they do that pisses me off is when they ride at night with no lights (or tiny ones) and still run red lights and stop signs. I wonder how many of them get run over by a guy with 1 beer in him? Then the driver gets in all sorts of trouble and MADD uses the accident as more proof that alcohol is bad. But no one will ever blame the hipster on his fixed gear bike dressed all in black as the person who caused all of this.
I was driving down a city street where the limit is 35. There’s a railroad track on a hill, so you can’t see what’s on the other side of that hill. I was going down that street, driving the speed limit, and as I come over this hill, there’s a fucking man in an electric wheelchair crossing the street. He’s in the area where he cannot be seen until the driver goes over the track, at which point the driver is about 10 feet away from him. The only reason he’s not dead or in the hospital is because it was warm and the ice had melted. If the roads were slick at all, I would have fucking hit him. Perhaps he had some mental disability and didn’t know what he was doing, but it still pissed me the hell off because running over a man in a wheelchair is probably going to provoke an emotional reaction from a jury and judge.
Why don’t cars have blackboxes? “Instruments indicate the vehicle was traveling the posted speed at the time of the collision, case dismissed.”
Why don’t cars have blackboxes?
Your phone could probably serve this purpose – it tracks your location and thus your rate of speed pretty much all the time, if you could get the data out of it (or out of the ISP or Googlazon).
There’s probably dashcams that could do this, too.
I know some insurance companies will give you a big discount if you install a speed tracking device on your car.
… But let’s be honest: who drives the posted speed limit 100 percent of the time?
I was really just talking an in-the-event-of-a-collision device. 3axis accelerometers capable of the typical impact forces in addition to the car’s usual instruments, and yeah, at least one camera.
The tech is cheap enough, every auto collision should come with enough information now that there’s no dispute of the event.
That bring up another complaint: My wife works in civil engineering for a local city here in southern CA. In order to get funding from the state for some road improvements, they have to put bike lanes in. This is whether or not there’s any bike traffic on the road, and often at the expense of a 2nd lane on a busy main road.
The Mich State President Lou Anna Simon looks just like Al Franken
So you are saying you would hit that?
With a bag of nickels.
It’ll be interesting to see which tack the organization takes.
Money talks and bullshit walks. The program will be back sooner, rather than later.
If this were football or men’s basketball, sure. But gymnastics is a non-revenue sport. So there’s not too much money talking in this case.
The Conservative Obsession With Teaching Cursive Handwriting To Kids Is Dysfunctional And Weird
They don’t want kids learning cursive because they don’t want them to be able to read the Declaration and the Constitution
That is self evident.
i swear to Nature’s God, if you two don’t knock it off….
All puns are not created equal
The reasoning is stupid, but the conclusion is probably not wrong. Cursive was more or less useless even when I was a kid, let alone today. Note taking is the only time it comes in handy, and kids don’t take notes manually (or at all) anymore.
I really didn’t want to read through it, because it sounded like a standard recipe: pick something most people won’t disagree with, then blame political opponents for it.
Is there any evidence that conservative want kids to learn cursive. Couldn’t we say the same thing about a myriad of other things?
Anecdotally, this is a topic that really riles up the commenters at the WSJ. I don’t understand why, but it pisses them off whenever it comes up in an article.
Personally, I rarely write anything by hand. Maybe a paragraph or two every 3 months, if that. Even things like a list for errands is typed and then printed out, as I can just throw things on there as I think about it.
Yeah the only time I use my bastardized cursive is for taking notes in a meeting or jotting something down to remember. It’s highly illegible for anyone but me, more shorthand than anything else. But it is speedier than block letters.
I printed notes, even in college, but most of my notes were equations, and cursive really sucks for that.
When I have to write things down quickly, I do this sort of hodge-podge between cursive and block letters. It looks dreadful, but I can read it.
this sort of hodge-podge between cursive and block letters
I thought I used printed letters, but I’m realizing now that I do this too, connecting strokes between printed characters where it’s quicker. Mine’s pretty legible though.
Yep. Same here. Whenever I takes notes, it’s just so much faster to use cursive. Plus, I use cursive whenever I send greeting cards (although I take the time for it to be legible!).
It was a nightmare for me. We had to use ink and because I’m left-handed so the ink wouldn’t dry fast enough leaving ink stains on my sleeve or wrist.
Worse, because there was a time limit to writing it (for some reason) it meant my work was all smudged. Rufus never had a chance.
I asked to use a pen or pencil but the teacher refused.
Thus my hate for authority figures public institutions began because I felt it was mean-spirited and unnecessary.
So Canadians still use quills? I never knew that, learn something new here every day.
/pricks Nephlium with fountain pen.
/wonders what contract Rufus is planning on signing in my blood.
Hardly a euphemism.
so i wasnt the only one who initially misread it as “fountain penis”, whew.
You never learned to write with your hand contorted around over the top of the page? And you call yourself a lefty.
You should have just wrote right to left.
It’s not useless. It instills discipline.
Wow, that came off a bit smarmy. What I mean is that focusing on quality penmanship is a good way to hone other discipline based skills and habits. Also, teaching it costs practically nothing.
Also, teaching it costs practically nothing.
Well, until none of the teachers know it, either.
I don’t know why this is all about “conservatives” when all the teachers who swore up and down everything I wrote from sixth grade onward would be in cursive were (AFAIK) political liberals. (Spoiler alert: I never had to write cursive after elementary school).
It’s a lame idea. I haven’t written cursive in decades. When I took Russian in college, my professor tried to make us learn Russian cursive and write in cursive. I persisted in printing, and finally when I showed her a bunch of papers proving I don’t write cursive in English either, she left me alone.
Russian cursive is fun. The cursive form of т looks like m.
Oh thank you!
Bob Costas left out of NBC’s Super Bowl coverage
Might make it a bit less painful to watch.
No, it won’t. It’s still NBC.
Hey Swiss (plus any other UIUC people who might be out there!), the pro-Chief / anti-Chief debate is alive and well!
This story from yesterday has a quite a few different things going on. I think my favorite part is how the state’s attorney says no charges will be filed because the two feuding sides shouldn’t be using law enforcement as a tool to gain advantage in the ongoing debate; however the police spokesman specifically stated that the Chief issue had nothing whatsoever to do with the decision not to file charges.
Oh, and SPOILER ALERT! The professor does get a paid vacation out of this, so at least that part was handled correctly *rolls eyes*
I guess the Illinois Two Party Consent law has been repealed by the Champaign County SAO? All you have to do to film people in the can is claim to be “acting as a journalist”…
Bye, bye, FBI: The case for disbandment
I just want to see where in the constitution the federal government is granted police powers.
Exactly. i suppose I could research this if I really cared, but I’m curious about the original function of the FBI, where the ‘I’ stands for investigation, not policing/enforcement.
Whoa, whoa – what’s with this “Constitution” crazy talk?
Seriously though, thanks for the link. Great column.
There should be a Jefferson-lite rule on most federal agencies. Automatically shut them down after 20 years. If Congress thinks they’re doing an essential work, they can pass legislation creating a new agency.
Howie Carr knows all about corrupt FBI Agents. I like his solution – abolish the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
I don’t like his next idea – have the DEA take over all federal police functions. They and the ATF can all go. If you really need federal police to do something, use the Marshal Service.
have the DEA take over all federal police functions
Jesus Tittyfucking Christ.
Let’s replace the FBI, an abusive corrupt organization that thinks every problem can be solved by entrapping people, with the DEA, an abusive corrupt organization that thinks every problem can be solved by shooting people.
Hmm, that may not be entirely fair. The ATF is the organization that likes to shoot people (more). The DEA just likes to watch people suffer. Of course, that is their mission statement (in effect).
That just means they’re consummate troubleshooters. They find trouble, and shoot it.
It should just be federal prosecutors coordinating with state and local police, except where state and local government is being investigated, or where there is an international element.
Bret Weinstein on the continuing insanity at Evergreen College
To be fair, they actually let him on campus. And ask a question. I’m surprised.
At what point does that place cease to be called a college, and become better known as a day care? What is an Evergreen degree actually worth?
Seems more like a state hospital than college.
“campus protests and the fight against white supremacy: how the right turned a nationwide movement against racism into a debate about 1A”
What an asshole.
We could still have 1A rights if the racists would just shut up.
One of the Top Men thinks the world order is under assault:
“German Chancellor Angela Merkel speaks at the headquarters of SPD for preliminary coalition talks on January 7, 2017.
Sean Gallup | Getty Images
German Chancellor Angela Merkel speaks at the headquarters of SPD for preliminary coalition talks on January 7, 2017.
German leader Angela Merkel said that multilateralism was under threat and said that protectionism is not the answer to the world’s problems.
“Frankly speaking, the country I have the honor to represent and where I am chancellor has difficulties. And polarization is something that we see in our country as well, which we haven’t had for decades,” Merkel said.
She attributed increasing populism and polarization to both the euro zone crisis and migration crisis seen in Europe over the last few years following an influx of refugees, but said Germany would not shrink from the world stage.”
How dare these fucking plebes act out because what we Top men want is hurting them… fucking ungrateful assholes.
Road Closed After Crash Spills Cash All Over Interstate
Percentage of the money picked up by the cops that actually makes its way back to its owner?
What money?
That’s not money, that’s evidence.
Driving too fast and causing an accident are crimes. This money is now the proceeds of a criminal act. Asset Forfeiture is the only remedy.
Fast cash schemes never turn out well
*shakes head and walks away*
Saudi Arabia bans botox from camel beauty pageant
Wales:Sheep::Saudi Arabia:Camels?
Regarding that Tesla that cruise controlled into a fire truck, it reminds me a bit too much of the “these Toyotas keep accelerating into other cars!!!1” scandal. My 2014 Mazda will slow down if it senses a stopped vehicle, and I suspect Teslas do the same. More likely it was a simple case of shitty distracted driving.
I don’t think I’ve seen this story linked here yet:
Thought this was funny considering how much hate these two get around here.
TLDR: need moar Neil degrasse Tyson and Bill nye
It’s only hate they deserve- especially Nye, since he no kind of scientist at all. At least Tyson did some third-rate work back in the day before he figured out that administration and PR pay a fuckload better than astrophysics.
The world needs another Richard Feynman, but we don’t deserve one.
Are you saying that a bachelors in engineering doesn’t make one an officially certified scientist? The devil you say!
Depends on what you did next.
Fundamentally, one doesn’t require credentials to be a scientist. However, one does require an unswerving devotion to empirical epistemology and rational criticism.
How much you want to bet his being called “science guy” was done at least partially under legal advisement?
People who are pro-criminal justice reform, do not cuddle the most powerful and abusive police force in the country. Sorry, but you can’t say we need to reform local policing and then insist that the FBI is beyond reproach.
Conspiracy theory. Are they referring to the Mueller probe as a “conspiracy theory”?
But without the FBI, who will try to blackmail our civil rights leaders into committing suicide?
DAMN IT- I meant *coddle*. Stupid misspelling
ADDENDUM: Robbie Adds His Two Cents
I mean more Republicans did vote against FISA renewal under a Republican president than Democrats did under a Democratic president. But, I guess it doesn’t matter.
Oooh, Robbie’s “currently writing a book about activism under Trump.”
*adds to future purchase list*
Oooh, Robbie’s “currently writing a book about activism under Trump.”
But of course he is.
Robbie was getting scorched in the replies.
so, i think, “wapo calls it a conspiracy theory”? haven’t they written stories about proven convos by people within the Mueller investigation
So i google…. first link:
“The Washington Post Two senior FBI officials on Clinton, Trump probes exchanged politically charged texts disparaging Trump By Karoun Demirjian and Devlin Barrett December 2 at 11:34 AM”
Click link: “Sorry, there is no article here”
pay no attention to the jihad behind the curtain
In a shocking video-taped CNN exclusive, the Grand Sheikh of Al Azhar, Sheikh Ahmed El-Tayyeb, hailed by many Sunni Muslims as the highest authority in Sunni Islamic thought, made some eyebrow-raising declarations.
He referred to Jerusalem as “100 percent Arab” under Israeli occupation;
He stated that “no religion” will support the declaration of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel;
He said that decisions such as this one will nurture terrorism, and:
Because of this decision, the East and the West “will drown in seas of blood.”
El-Tayyeb has essentially issued a jihadi call to violence. The message of jihadis throughout history is “give in to my demands or I will kill you.” They have also mastered the propaganda war, casting themselves as the victims as they attack infidels, and then blaming the victims for provoking them.
Some sobering facts about El-Tayyeb:
He has justified anti-Semitism on Qur’anic grounds;
He called for the Islamic State murderers of the Jordanian pilot to be crucified or have their hands and feet amputated on opposite sides (as per the penalty in Qur’an 5:33 for those who make war against Allah and his messenger or spread “mischief” in the land);
He broke off “dialogue” with the Vatican after Pope Benedict XVI dared to criticize the jihad massacre of 21 Christians in Alexandria on New Year’s Eve 2011.
Al-Azhar was also revealed to be offering free copies of a book that called for the slaughter of Christians and other Infidels.
Yet despite this disturbing behavior, Pope Francis was warm toward el Tayyeb, who in turn thanked the Pope for his “defense of Islam” following a meeting arranged last summer by the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue and the al-Azhar Center for Dialogue.
I’m not in favor of US military intervention here, but I can’t say I’d cry if Israel decided to take a “kill em all and let G-d sort em out” attitude.
Hot sluts with tits.
(Can you guess the reference?)
Guess #1.
#34 has a couple of nice 38s. And the pistol looks pretty cool, too.
Best collection yet, Q.
I always have to pick a winner, though, so I give the nod to 17. Everything that’s good in this world in a single picture.
My guess.
Question for the wisdom of the crowd:
Most of the replay content on NBCSN channel on the Roku requires a “login authentification” or some a such thing from a cable/satellite account.
NBCSN channel is available on Hulu; I assume this is just the live, real time broadcast stream.
The question is thius: does anyone here know if there is a login from the Hulu account which will unlock all that content on the Roku? I would really like to get access to the world cup ski races and hockey. I think they lost the F1 deal, but still….
That depends on how the station operates. The Roku site should be able to guide you to a list of providers that will allow you to log in (or you could always try it, and see if it works). I know when I had the free month of DirectTVNow (which was shite for streaming), I could log into some cable sites, but not others.
Can’t you just install hulu on the Roku?
2 dead, 12 injured in terror attack on Afghan children’s relief office
At least two people died and 12 were injured in an Islamic State terror attack on the Save the Children office in Jalalabad, Afghanistan, on Wednesday.
Four gunman stormed the office, located in the Nangarhar province, with one suicide car bomber detonating his explosives at the gate of the building — making way for the rest to enter.
The Swedish Ambassador to Afghanistan, Tobias Thyberg, condemned the attack on Twitter.
“Attacking those who risk their lives to bring development and humanitarian aid to Afghanistan is an unacceptable crime against international law and an affront to the people of Afghanistan and their friends,” Thyberg said. “Our thoughts go out to #Jalalabad.”
The Taliban distanced themselves from the attack, but the Islamic State claimed responsibility Wednesday.
See the difference now, Sheldon Richman?
No because targeting valid military targets that tragically kill children is the same as targeting children directly.
I just want to see where in the constitution the federal government is granted police powers.
Don’t you remember all those old movies where the cops had to pull over and let the bank robbers get away, just because they made it to the state line? That happened, like, 500 times a day, before America became J Edgar Hooverville.
Look, you can’t just expect two states to cooperate. Why would any state want to work with other states just to keep violent felons out? The soft guiding hand of the FBI is the only way to have some semblance of universal order!
The FBI should be used for federal crimes spelled out in the constitution. I bet 50 guys could handle that.
I like the idea of burning it to the ground and salting the earth pour encourager les autres. Create some new agency, if you must, with a tightly constrained mission and thorough oversight*.
* = Granted, government oversight is a bigger oxymoron than military intelligence.
California, land of fruit s and nuts update:
As mentioned before I’m in Santa Clara for work. Just saw on TV that San Francisco police can’t pursue arrests against a rash of car break ins because you have to prove that the door was locked or it doesn’t count. This includes when the perp smashes the window to get in.
On the plus side, the morning anchor on channel 5 has spectacular knockers.
I haven’t locked my house since I bought it. I don’t even own a key to my doors. It’s still illegal to enter my house without my consent, amd if you do that while I’m home, there is a good chance you won’t survive.
*Cancels surprise birthday party for Lach*
I’ve heard that unless you’ve got a really secure house locking your doors is mostly to discourage bad teenagers. If somebody wants in your house, they’re getting in. The locks are there to slow them down long enough for them to consider if they really, really want to. Or to give you time to open your gun cabinet, depending.
If someone wants in, they are getting in. Plus, my door jambs are wooden. I could kick my door in in a matter of seconds. If someone wants in, they are getting in. Especially where I live. My closest neighbor is a quarter mile away.Nobody is going to notice a guy kicking in my door and call me.
Around here there are neighborhoods built in the seventies and eighties. Vinyl siding, celotex sheating, insulation, and drywall. A sharp utility knife and you’re in without making much noise.
Unless if you have brick walls, a person can always take an axe to your siding or go in through your windows. Side note, I considered purchasing kevlar reinforced windows when I had to replace a few. It was too expensive of an upgrade though at about 3x the cost of the already expensive windows.
You lock your door because it instantly removes any doubts about the intention of the person breaking in. With an unlocked door, the person can say “I came here to make a delivery, take a survey, whatever and thought I heard someone screaming for help so I came in to their aid and was shot”. A locked door provides no such opportunity for a fabricated excuse.
It’s the same reason I have fences and gates that can be easily climbed over. Doesn’t matter. The second someone hops my gate with clearly labeled posted and beware of dog signs, I know they have a nefarious reason for being there. Looking for a lost dog won’t cut it.
The other reason is as you said, creating layers of security buys you time to react. The more layers you have, the more time you have and the more opportunities to be alerted that something is wrong.
Nah, in general as a suburban kid, we were just hopping the fences because it was easier then walking around the block (and more fun). You would quickly learn what backyards to avoid though (and I’m fairly certain if any of us had gotten bit our parents would have blamed us for being little shits).
I think you’re missing the point a bit, but even with your case of kids running around trespassing, hopping the fence clearly indicates that you knew you weren’t supposed to be there and goes a long way towards resolving the liability of the owner if a mastiff mauled one of you or you fell and drowned in a pool. Proving intent is a big deal and a fence that requires scaling helps provides that.
With an unlocked door, the person can say “I came here to make a delivery, take a survey, whatever and thought I heard someone screaming for help so I came in to their aid and was shot”.
Pretty talkative for a dead man.
My house is almost completely insecurable. All those views mean acres of glass, unfortunately. I’ve opted for more of an active defense – first line, two pit bulls. Second line, a hail of gunfire. Third line in case of an inexplicable ammo shortage, two foot razor blades. Of course, this only works when we’re home.
Pretty talkative for a dead man.
Fully agree myself, though I’m sure you know some people, even gun owners, that would not react that way. Or, if you’re not home and your pit bulls mauled someone who managed to escape, there you go.
My house is getting more securable though I share that difficulty with my land. Poachers killed my neighbors’ dogs before we moved in when the dogs surprised them in my woods. A mile of new fencing with barbed wire has helped a great deal. My next step is going to be to put IP cameras throughout the woods, which will have the added bonus of sending me real-time videos of bears, bobcats, and potentially the rumored mountain lion.
Medeco door locks, Door Armour (or EZ Armour I think it’s called), and 8 or 12 mil window film.
Pretty much. A few months after we married, some thugs kicked in our front door around 11pm. The front porch light was on, we lived on a corner lot, and we were home. At the time, we didn’t have guns (I ran out of the bedroom with a broadsword, yelling my head off).
Thankfully, my crazy yelling and the alarm going off scared them away.
I turned to my wife and told her there’s no discussion: we’re getting guns. When the sheriff’s deputies arrived (about 5 minutes after we called), one of them told me to buy a shotgun.
We also installed a security door. About a day or two after it was installed, my wife called me from home and said some big guy rang the doorbell asking for the time, and she could see from a side window he was scoping out the security door. Thankfully, he left after about 1 minute.
Now, we live in a much nicer neighborhood. But, I still have the shotgun next to the bed every night.
U.N. flag, blue helmet don’t offer ‘natural’ protection to peacekeepers, report says
well knock me over with a feather
The United Nations flag and blue helmets do not provide adequate protection to mission personnel, according to a report.
The U.N. referred to peacekeeping as a “risky” activity — noting that casualties may occur even if all necessary preventive measures are taken.
“The blue helmet and the United Nations flag no longer offer ‘natural’ protection,” the report said.
More than 3,500 peacekeeping personnel have died while in U.N. service since 1948, including 943 killed in acts of violence.
Trends have worsened in the last five years, the deadliest half-decade for peacekeepers in U.N. history. There have been 195 deaths in violent attacks — including more than a dozen peacekeepers killed in a December anti-government attack in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
“Unfortunately, hostile forces do not understand a language other than force,” the report said. “To deter and repel attacks and to defeat attackers, the United Nations needs to be strong and not fear to use force when necessary.”
Ok, another discredited AIDS and STD prevention method…
*puts UN blue helmets on list*
Posted this in the middle of the night last night, but her we go again-
Last night I had to send a buddy of mine to the hospital from work.
Dear friends, Pay close attention to where you place your hands and the hazards involved when you are working on stuff. It only takes a second and you can get hurt. This one resulted in a shattered finger tip and multiple broken bones in the hand. Be careful Glibs.
Also pay attention to where you land when falling off a four foot ladder.
No blood but not for the easily squeamish-ed
Yikes! Is that you?
Unfortunately, happened back in ’14 , all good now.
Where did you land, in a ten foot hole?
OSHA says that when when working at a height above 4 feet, one has to have an OSHA approved harness tied off to an OSHA approved anchorage.
Fell a total of four or five feet, landed on rough ground, large chunks of dirt. Kinda like turning your ankle stepping off a curb but with a lot more force.
My dad has two partial fingers. One found itself in a corvair crankcase at the wrong time, and the other was taken by surprise by a home-made wood shaper that was erroneously wired up to run in reverse. His dad lost one to a pinch point on a skid-loader. His uncle has a glass eye from nailing down wall plates to concrete.
I write code for a living.
I knew a guy who worked at a door factory. Somehow, the machine that drills the hole for the doorknobs drilled out the center of his right hand. I haven’t seen him since that happened, but I guess he was going through physical therapy to get at least some of the function back.
Twin car bombs kill dozens outside Benghazi, Libya, mosque
Twin car bombs detonated near a mosque in Benghazi, Libya, leaving dozens of people dead and injured Tuesday, local officials said.
The first bomb went off around 8:20 p.m. outside Bayaat al-Radwan Mosque and a passport office in the city’s al-Salmani district. Worshipers were leaving the mosque at the time of detonation, Britain’s The Independent reported.
The second, larger blast went off around 10 to 15 minutes across the street later as security and other emergency officials were on the scene. Officials believe the second blast targeted responders to the first event.
Did someone make a comic or something?
Incidentally, cruising around Mr. Liberaltarian’s Twitter as linked above led me to this column, which exists mainly to provide Drezner with a vehicle for promoting his book. A few points in particular:
1)Gee, Dan, why don’t more people trust “experts or elites”? Any possible reasons you might be able to think of? This has become a massive blind spot for the self-appointed “elites” like Drezner or that buffoon Tom Nichols – they constantly wail about how awful it is that large chunks of the public doesn’t blindly accept everything they, the EXPERTS, promote as if it were the pronouncements of the Almighty, but they never, ever, stop to offer reasons as to WHY that’s the case. It’s much more appealing for them to claim everything is just due to propaganda and supposed right-wing conditioning rather than allowing for the possibility that the “elites and experts” have done an incredibly shitty job for decades.
2)Along similar lines, griping about “right wing claims about abuses at the FBI and Justice Department” neatly elides the fact that there are plenty of reasons to find that there is reasonable suspicion that the FBI and DOJ have been operating in a shady manner. He reproduces a Trump tweet calling attention to the missing texts:
Donald J. Trump
In one of the biggest stories in a long time, the FBI now says it is missing five months worth of lovers Strzok-Page texts, perhaps 50,000, and all in prime time. Wow!
6:55 AM – Jan 23, 2018
…..and this is proferred as an example of “right wing claims”. But it’s not a fucking claim, it’s exactly what the FBI said. They somehow can’t retrieve these texts. Are you trying to tell us that’s a believable story, Dan? Particularly given the same excuses given by the IRS and Hillary Clinton’s campaign – the dog ate their emails, and texts, and servers? There isn’t at least good cause to be somewhat suspicious of this? Why SHOULDN’T an average person find this questionable?
I’ve noticed that a lot of the solutions the “experts” offer up come at the expense of my freedom.
they never, ever, stop to offer reasons as to WHY that’s the case
But they do! Look, a bunch of other soi-disant experts agree with them. Oh, and somebody once did a “study” that found a correlation that can be twisted to vaguely support their position!
If confirmation bias and shoddy statistics are wrong, they don’t want to be right.
Just remember Wilkinson is given column space at TOS, but Tom Woods and Robert Murphy are ‘problematic’.
Tom Woods was on Klavan yesterday. Interesting to watch Klavan let Tom’s barbs against US foreign policy slide. Maybe conservatives are coming around, or maybe he was just being polite.
He was being nice. Conservatives are every bit the warmongers as they’ve ever been.
To be fair, though, so are Brink Lindsey and Cathy Young, who are still trumpeted as ‘libertarians’, though they still hold to an aggressive foreign policy and are less free market than your average conservative (in the case of Lindsey). And they STILL get column space at TOS
I’ll take the being nice and sitting quietly over the bomb, bomb, bomb Iran we usually get.
Conservative politicians and media types, yes, but I think there has been a noticeable shift in the rank and file. Not all of them, but a bigger chunk of them than you’d think.
Maybe. But, I listen to both Woods’ podcast and Klavan’s. They’re a bit closer than you may think. Klavan has said on several occasion the Iraq war was probably a mistake, and that we need to get out of Afghanistan.
Klavan has also said his default position leans libertarian.
Yep, this really pisses me off. I’ve listened to all of Woods’ podcast, and his and Murphy’s Contra Krugman.
Apart from the episodes with Scott Horton, who even if he’s generally right, annoys me with his knee jerk “everything America does is bad, and because of the Israel lobby” (Lew Rockwell’s also guilty of this), I can’t think of anything “problematic’ about Woods. That is, unless you’re sympathetic to statists.
Crash covers Illinois highway in cash from gambling machines
A stretch of highway in Illinois was closed for about an hour while crews worked to clear a large amount of cash from the roadway.
The Illinois State Police said the cash, which was being transported in a black Ford passenger vehicle on behalf of a company that operates video gambling machines, spilled out onto Interstate 74 in Champaign County, about two miles west of Mahomet, as a result of an 11:38 a.m. Tuesday crash.
Trooper Tracy Lillard said the driver transporting the cash lost control of his vehicle, struck the right guardrail and crashed into a Chevrolet Silverado pulling a flatbed trailer, sending both vehicles into the center median.
The crash covered the roadway in 5-, 10- and 20-dollar bills. The stretch of road was closed for about an hour while crews swept up the banknotes.
This wouldn’t have happened if they had been driving an old Mt Prospect police car instead.
Why are they chasing this “secret society” bullshit? You got enough evidence to roast the FBI without going tinfoil hat territory.
You got enough evidence to roast the FBI
Well, only if you were to follow the FBI’s own standards. But the FBI agents are cut from finer cloth, and can’t be judged like us mere mortals.
Why are they chasing this “secret society” bullshit?
Depending on what they have found flagging a possible secret group of FBI/DOJ members that engaged in secret meetings, it would be a significant escalation of the conspiracy within law enforcement to undermine an election and the President.
It may have been a conspiracy to go after Trump, but by using “secret society” it evokes some kind of skull and crossbones or Bilderberg organization. Strzok and Page look like they were a couple of true believers that got high on their own importance. By calling it some kind of “secret society”, even if that is the language they used to describe themselves, we’re getting set up for a big disappointment. Could be bigger than I’m thinking, but as of now, I doubt it.
Community holds candlelight vigil for Taco Bell destroyed by fire
An event that started as a joke on Facebook turned into a real candlelight vigil for a Taco Bell eatery in Alabama that was destroyed by a fire.
The Taco Bell on Zelda Road in Montgomery burned and partially collapsed Wednesday after a small room containing electrical distribution equipment sparked a fire in the building, Montgomery Fire/Rescue said.
An event cropped up on Facebook a few days after the fire calling for a “candlelight vigil” to remember the fast food eatery.
The event began as an apparent joke, but led to about 100 people congregating at the location Sunday night to pay tribute to Taco Bell.
The owners of the Taco Bell thanked the community for their support in a statement released to WSFA-TV.
Celebrating the shitz..
FloridaMan arrested for ______ in a _______ while ______
public masturbation, nunnery, spray painting gator heads over murals.
FloridaMan Mad Libs… I love it!
Ima get this one
*narrows gaze*
We’re up to victim #190 testifying in the Nassar case. Jesus Christ.
His fed time is longer than his state time is gonna be, so he’ll probably be spending the rest of his life in fed high security. Probably USP Coleman.
How the fuck did people let him get away with it for so long?
/tries to look innocent
Look, we already told you at the last cabal meeting. So long as you stick to goy children and then use their blood for our passover matzohs after you’re done, it’s fine.
That’s what gets me, how could people not be aware that something wasn’t right, and at least look into it?
The CNN link title was “African Autocrat praises Trump”
President Donald Trump has a big fan in Uganda: President Yoweri Museveni.
Less than two weeks after Trump allegedly used a vulgar term to describe nations in the continent, the Ugandan President is applauding him, saying he “talks to Africans frankly.”
According to sources at an immigration meeting between Trump and lawmakers this month, the President referred to African nations and Haiti as “shithole countries.” He later denied making the comments.
Trump’s remarks sparked a diplomatic uproar, with the African Union demanding a retraction and an apology. But Museveni is of a different opinion, describing Trump as honest and saying African nations only have themselves to blame for lagging behind.
“Donald Trump speaks to Africans frankly. Africans need to solve their problems,” Museveni tweeted Tuesday.
“You can’t survive if you are weak. It is the Africans’ fault that they are weak. We are 12 times the size of India, but why are we not strong?”
Am I the only one utterly unsurprised that Captain Zero and his gang of thugs did this stuff? I assumed they would bring Chicago style politics to DC and I was not wrong.
As I told a befuddled reporter back when Obama’s DOJ was going after reporters, “He’s a Chicago machine politician. This is what they do, this is who they are.”
Going after reporters. Well, I mean at least he didn’t tweet mean stuff about them.
That’s important…
yeah but he’s so dreamy. you must be a racist.
The announcements came in a steady drumbeat. Around 1,300 job cuts at France’s biggest automaker. At least 2,500 at France’s largest supermarket chain. Over 200 sought at a major clothing retailer. And thousands more are on the way.
Just weeks after France’s labor overhaul went into effect, companies are readily taking advantage of new rules that make it easier to hire and fire. But the other changes, those designed to help cushion the blow like retraining programs, haven’t been put into place yet, leaving workers vulnerable to a coming wave of downsizing.
“Right now it’s flexibility, and no security,” said Jean-Paul Fitoussi, an economics professor at the Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Paris. “Companies will do everything they can under the new law to maximize flexibility and facilitate the firing of people.”
Unfettered capitalism will destroy the French way of life and work. It’s like the Nazis rolling down the Champs elysees all over again.
Give it up, Mr Lizard. We just captured one of your invasion scouts.
Exotic lizard found wandering free at London airport
Authorities in Britain said an exotic monitor lizard was captured after being found wandering freely in the baggage sorting area of London’s Heathrow Airport.
The Border Force Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species, or CITIES, said a team was summoned Wednesday to the baggage sorting area of Terminal 4 at the airport when staff members discovered the lizard scurrying around in the staff-only area.
If you ever want to hate humanity, there’s a show on Netflix that’s like COPS, but follows the Heathrow animal control people around.
One episode, they held a pomeranian for 12 hours because:
1) The passenger who was traveling with it to visit his mom was rejected by immigration because they were concerned he might stay in the UK illegally
2) The passenger had the original documents that would allow the dog in with him and the immigration authorities wouldn’t allow him to hand them to anyone.
3) The mom’s copies of the paperwork weren’t originals and therefore weren’t acceptable.
4) When they did get the originals they decided some info was missing and called the vet’s office… repeatedly
5) The authorities misplaced the original form documenting the tapeworm treatment and couldn’t find it for half an hour.
In the end, having ruined a family reunion, and without a fucking apology they handed the dog over. Bonus rage-inducing element; the narrator talks about dogs breaking the law. Because, of course, a fucking dog is responsible for comphending and obeying human dictats about papers.
They confiscate animals left and right. Can’t find the microchip on your pet? Into quarantine it goes!
Now I have a snatch of an old, old Monty Python song from a tape album stuck in my head:
“I’m so worried about the baggage retrieval/system they’ve got at Heathrow”
Now I have a snatch
Just as I suspected.
Starbucks and Disney latest companies to pay out bonuses, other compensation directly due to corporate tax rate cut. Disney $125M in bonuses, Starbucks $250M in compensation.
in other employment news, Weatherby is moving HQ and manufacturing from California to Wyoming. but at what price?
The Business Council worked with the Sheridan Economic and Education Development Authority (SEEDA) Joint Powers board to develop a $12.6 million grant package. SEEDA committed $2,283,074 in local match funds, of which $322,874 is cash. The other $1,960,200 is in-kind match for Lot 1 in the Sheridan High-Tech Business Park. The joint powers board will use the money to build a 100,000 square-foot building in the Sheridan High-Tech Business Park. SEEDA will own the facility and lease it to Weatherby.
Weatherby will invest an estimated $2 million in relocation expenses and cover all capital investment in the building and lot over the life of the 20-year lease, which is expected to be well over $4 million.
I’m sure any lefty that gets such a bonus will submit that exact amount to the treasury dept as an act of protest against Trump.
They will find a way to make Disney pay for making Black Jesus and his economic nonsense social justice policies look stupid…
What will Jimmy Kimmel say about this?
I’ve been pestering my meat space friends with this question lately: “Would you rather have given the Vikes $500M for their stadium, or given it to Amazon to pay for their new campus here?”
Usually I ask this after they have been bitching about not being in the finalists for the new Amazon HQ here.
It has made a lot of them think twice. When the Vikes begin begging for a new stadium in 10 years or so, I think I will use this question a lot more.
Wait, you mean to tell me those pulltabs aren’t paying for the stadium like they said they would? Impossible!
e-pulltabs, JB.
Ponder that a moment.
I don’t even know what the fuck a pulltab is, let alone an e-pulltab.
A staple at almost every bar in the state. Although it appears that although 20 states have legalized pulltabs, Minne is the biggest.
500 million big, though, is beyond ridiculous. Thanks, governor Mumbles!
Yup. Every bar has pull tabs. I am trying to think of even one that has e-pulltabs.
Nope. All the dives I frequent are old school pulltabs.
I’ve never even seen an e-pulltab machine. The process of cracking the cards open is most of the fun.
Scratch-it’s for lazy folk?
Dreamers protest outside Moob’z home.
*Moobz picks up phone and calls ICE*
I’m [not really] surprised ICE isn’t going after people walking around with signs saying “I’m here illegally, whatcha gonna do about it?”.
Every once in a while it does happen.
Poetic justice?
Has this been linked here, yet?
All the little stores in Senegal were owned by Mauritanians. If a Senegalese wanted to run a little store, he’d go to another country. The reason? Your friends and relatives would ask you for stuff for free, and you would have to say yes. End of your business. You are not allowed to be a selfish individual and say no to relatives. The result: Everyone has nothing.
The more I worked there and visited government officials doing absolutely nothing, the more I realized that no one in Senegal had the idea that a job means work. A job is something given to you by a relative. It provides the place where you steal everything to give back to your family.
I couldn’t wait to get home. So why would I want to bring Africa here? Non-Westerners do not magically become American by arriving on our shores with a visa.
The voice of experience talks about a shithole.
I think I did when the shithole controversy (now forgotten) came out.
It is interesting to get first-hand accounts of what life is like in a terrible place, and why. Prosperity doesn’t come from magic dirt or government (although government can certainly prevent it).
It’s been linked before. I found it part interesting (if not necessarily substantiated) and part preachy, with the latter part losing my interest.
Most people view themselves as members of groups, and these groups differ greatly in their customs and beliefs. Different groups compete with each other. When two different groups come in contact, they often fight.
The only way for there to be world peace is if everyone had the same customs and beliefs- which is never going to happen.
To paraphrase Confucius, at birth, people are almost the same. By habit, they become very different.
Your friends and relatives would ask you for stuff for free, and you would have to say yes. End of your business. You are not allowed to be a selfish individual and say no to relatives.
I gather this is common. Its a cultural thing. Even if you don’t own a store and start to do well, all your relatives will show up and start sponging off of you. That nice three bedroom you bought for your family fills up with relatives and quickly becomes another run-down, overcrowded tenement, etc.
Behaviors that may make sense when everybody is a notch above bare subsistence quickly become profoundly counterproductive in a more functional economy.
The latest trend for virtue signalers: green cremation
The process begins by placing bodies in a vat containing an alkaline solution. The solution—described as a “brownish, syrupy residue”—gets heated to 300 degrees, which helps speed up the body’s natural breakdown process. After four hours, all that is left of the body is a skeleton that is crushed into ash for families to scatter or keep in an urn. The toxic-free leftover liquid is also safe to dispose of in the sewers.
So why is dissolving bodies better than burning them?
“Granted, you’re using water. However, you’re not using fossil fuel and you’re not putting a carbon emission into the sky,” Matt Baskerville, an Illinois funeral director who uses alkaline hydrolysis, told the New York Post. “It’s definitely a cleaner and greener option than the traditional flame cremation.”
One company that specializes in liquid cremations claims it uses 90 percent less energy than the flame-based method. An Atlantic article adds to this point, noting how a “single cremation requires about two SUV tanks worth of fuel.” Then there’s the “million pounds of metal, wood and concrete” that is used to shield bodies buried in coffins.
While liquid cremation avoids this waste, is it really the reason people are favoring it over more traditional methods?
“Burning Grandma in fire seems to be violent,” Phil Olson, a philosophy professor at Virginia Tech, writes in the Atlantic. “In contrast, green cremation is ‘putting Grandma in a warm bath.’” In other words, rather than the eco-friendliness of this burial method, it’s the perception of being peacefully put to rest that appeals to people.
Even the Archdiocese of San Francisco, speaking to the San Francisco Chronicle, said that the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops was considering whether they would officially endorse liquid cremation.
a “single cremation requires about two SUV tanks worth of fuel.”
Who the fuck thinks this way? You die once. You’re not being cremated again every month.
If they really wanted to be green wouldn’t they just leave the corpse on a raised platform and let the birds pick them clean?
Buzzards are gods’ chillen too.
Buzzards gotta eat just like worms
+1 Sky burial
In contrast, green cremation is ‘putting Grandma in a warm bath’
No, its putting Grandma in a vat of boiling acid*.
*I know, its an alkaline solution not an acid solution, but the effect is the same.
isn’t dissolving fat tissue in an alkaline how you make soap? Something sounds sort of nazi about this
Fight Club
Bernie Sanders recommends this soap…
“A 300% profit on an investment wasn’t enough for the Illinois governor apparently. ”
The headline is pure Democrat drivel. The giveaway is the quote from Pritzker – the master at screwing other people out of their money – , and the token quote from a GOP primary candidate nobody has ever heard of.
If you actually read the article Rauner has a good point. Not saying he has a great chance of winning, but certainly worth filing the case.
Shorter channel 5 news in SF:
Seriously, there have been stories about banning four different things in the past thirty minutes. Fur, non-compostable plastics, e-cigs and citywide elections (which are apparently racist).
Dave Smith (yes, the comic) shreds warmongering conservatives in under a minute on CNN.
TW: Zero Hedge, so don’t read the comments. For the love of God, don’t read the comments!
Banned. I read it, but couldn’t listen. *Sobs*
Thanks again straff for the Vulfpeck recommendation. Was flipping through SiriusXM absentmindedly yesterday and stopped on this one channel that playing an enjoyable & kind of familiar sound. Looked at the display and sure enough, it was Vulkpeck in a exclusive live version for the Jam On channel.
I heard it first as bumper music on a Bill Burr podcast. Took a while to identify it.
I can think of something SE Cupp can do in a full-throated way.
zerohedge commenters are not human, they’re really just trading algos letting off steam.
“Would” your mom
Ya think there would be a phone # or something… damn kids these days.
There’s a young fella with a future long on therapy and antidepressants.
I’m interested in the group’s opinion on this story.
Some locals have gotten Minnesoda to stop the state from recovering medical costs from their estate after they pass.
I’m against estate taxes in general, but in this case it seems like it might not be an outrageous expectation. Basically, if you are cash poor and go on the govt tit to get long term medical care, is it wrong to recover those costs from their estate? I don’t think it is, but I’m a novice when it comes to Medicare and similar programs.
The whiners who pushed to have this repealed also are farmers who as a group are singularly guilty of demanding govt free shit (but don’t call it welfare!), so I am suspicious of their motives.
My wife’s mother passed away about a year and a half ago. The state took about half of the estate to cover the end-of-life medical expenses that the family wasn’t billed for while her mother was alive. Neither my wife or I thought that seemed improper (but it was a surprise when the estate got the bill).
My parents both have long-term care insurance. I will be purchasing some shortly as well.
From what I can tell, the biggest beneficiaries of Medicare are estate planners.
I don’t believe it is wrong for the state to recoup – I am also generally opposed to estate taxes. A family member experienced this – cancer diagnosis at 57, no insurance, died a few years later and the state claimed estate proceeds/forced sale of the house.
My only complaint is I would like to see expansion to others who receive free government benefits.
My only complaint is I would like to see expansion to others who receive free government benefits.
seems reasonable. who else is going to pay if not the estate of the deceased? i don’t want my family to get hit with that bill nor me the shitty end-of-life experience it entails so once that “stage 4 small cell” reaches the “metastasized to your lymphatic system” phase i’m taking my ass into the woods in the dead of winter for a long long hike.. possibly with a rifle.
I want to know, can you will your debts to someone? I mean if you have money or assets, you can will that to anyone upon your death. Can you do the same with your debt?
“Why porn stars are dying at an alarming rate
Lua was the fifth porn star to die in seven months, with industry officials attributing the tragedies to either suicide or overdoses.
The statistic is shocking, insiders say — but the root of the problem is not. Like the underemployed and unemployed across America, the young women struggled with a lack of steady work.”
I don’t think that’s what “statistic” means.
If you’re not part of the solution, you’re part of the statistic.
the young women struggled with a lack of steady work
The fluffers do the best they can. Christ, you try jackhammering eight hours a day, forty hours a week and see where that gets you.
Isn’t that what they were doing?
Obviously they all had affairs with Drumpf and now the ruskies are taking them out so there are no more Stormy Daniels!/
How does this tie in with Pope Jimbo’s story immediately above?
I would think your question would be: “How does this tie in with Derp’s story about green cremation above?”
Derp’s story is chock full of dead bodies and vats of slimy goo. Just like this one.
I don’t know this source, not sure how fringe it might be. Anyway, imagine if this is true.
<a href=""<Missing text messages may contain physical threats against Trump
Well, fuck, the linky still works.
Missing text messages may contain physical threats against Trump
Or maybe this time.
anonymous source within the FBI? i’m not getting my hopes up.
I never do. I’m only half believing, if that, that this ‘memo’ thing is real. But some fairly suspect stuff has already came out and seems confirmed. I’m sure there’s more if they keep digging.
Just remember Deep Throat leaked because he was pissed about getting passed over, not over any sense of justice or opposing criminality.
“Clinton–Obama Emails: The Key to Understanding Why Hillary Wasn’t Indicted
New FBI texts highlight a motive to conceal the president’s involvement.
From the first, these columns have argued that the whitewash of the Hillary Clinton–emails caper was President Barack Obama’s call — not the FBI’s, and not the Justice Department’s. (See, e.g., here, here, and here.) The decision was inevitable. Obama, using a pseudonymous email account, had repeatedly communicated with Secretary Clinton over her private, non-secure email account.
These emails must have involved some classified information, given the nature of consultations between presidents and secretaries of state, the broad outlines of Obama’s own executive order defining classified intelligence (see EO 13526, section 1.4), and the fact that the Obama administration adamantly refused to disclose the Clinton–Obama emails. If classified information was mishandled, it was necessarily mishandled on both ends of these email exchanges.
If Clinton had been charged, Obama’s culpable involvement would have been patent. In any prosecution of Clinton, the Clinton–Obama emails would have been in the spotlight. For the prosecution, they would be more proof of willful (or, if you prefer, grossly negligent) mishandling of intelligence. More significantly, for Clinton’s defense, they would show that Obama was complicit in Clinton’s conduct yet faced no criminal charges.
That is why such an indictment of Hillary Clinton was never going to happen. The latest jaw-dropping disclosures of text messages between FBI agent Peter Strzok and his paramour, FBI lawyer Lisa Page, illustrate this point.”
If you’re interested in reliving the relief you felt in November 2016, that’s a good article to read. Derailing Clinton and repudiating Obama is the best thing about Trump.
Deep State Propaganda Radio debunks the Nunes memo
The memo, the Democrats said, should instead be viewed as “yet another desperate and flailing attempt” to undermine Mueller and the FBI, “regardless of the profound damage it does to our democratic institutions and national security agencies.”
Rep. Jerrold Nadler, D-N.Y., the ranking member of the House Judiciary Committee, joined in with a condemnation of his own.
“The Judiciary Committee can no longer be silent while President Trump and his allies attempt to protect themselves by smearing career officials with lies and innuendo,” he said.
Calumny and lies, all of it! Slanderous attacks on the very people who defend this great nation from insidious foreign plots.
Fuck Oregon, and fuck the carpetbagging transplants that are turning a decent state into a high tax regulated shithole.
Maybe it will get better once they flee from there also to go find another place to ruin.
Count me as potentially in that group I guess. The silk handcuffs are a bit too nice to uproot and start over, but it’s harder and harder to ignore the shitstained sidewalks every morning.
You guys have real sidewalks? Maybe you should stay.
It’s on the downward slope, not bedrock or lower yet. Yet.
“How video games demonize fat people
When I encounter the fat body in a video game, the disappointment that follows is so hot and pure that there is, as a matter of self-care, an urgent need to remove myself from the moment and get on a plane. I refuse to accept that in the world of prestige video games — AAA in industry speak — a body like mine and those of the people I love and admire, can only exist in one of two ways: a cheap laugh or a site of disgust, usually both. After the refusal is a bloom of something hope-adjacent. Perhaps somewhere on Twitter a fan community has rehabilitated this particular depiction into something empathetic and inclusive, or at the very least, cute, as they so often do.”
This person should refrain from playing video games and go get on a plane.
Lots of games let you design your own protagonist, and you can make them fat if you want.
Yep, and you can run over fat people in GTA 5.
I remember now one of the funnier things I did in that game. I found this hippy village and I killed all the hippies. Just because. The ones I couldn’t run down, I got out of my car and hunted them down.
look at that very energetic tree ent
Keep self-caricaturing. See how it works out.
What about Mario? He’s fat and he’s a goddamn superhuman.
When I encounter the fat body in a video game, the disappointment that follows is so hot and pure
So now you know how the rest of us feel when we encounter you IRL.
The layout of this website keeps flipping back and forth.
Maybe they hired one of Mitt Romney’s wives to help out with the workload.
No, its putting Grandma in a vat of boiling acid*.
I think in was the movie The Mechanic (Bronson version), where they broke into a chrome shop to dispose of a body in the acid bath.
This person should refrain from playing video games and go get on a
planestairmaster.I think you both mean helicopter.
Is it flubber or blubber that bounces?
I was on TOS earlier this morning. Man is it crazy over there. Between yesterday and today there were at least a half dozen posts on immigration and still no mention of the FBI text messages.
Matt just posted an article shrugging it off. He’s now the Nick Gillespie of Reason.
So, pot was “legalized” in VT.
it’s basically a nothing burger, lots of back patting.
instead of a small ticket for possession, you now don’t get a ticket. which is cool. You can’t buy, or sell.
UVM sent an email out that said they would still not allow anyone to possess any.
my question is can they? they are public, so how’s that work? I guess there shouldn’t be too many 21 year olds living on campus.
Here in NoDak, possession of alcohol is banned on campuses regardless of your age. And the use of any tobacco product is banned. If we do legalize mj, I assume it will be banned just like booze. Maybe Vermont is the same? Maybe it’s one of those situations where no one has ever challenged the law in court?
Oh no! Thank god ND students and faculty are protected from the dangers of secondhand smokeless tobacco!
Yep. That’s the one that always pissed me off. A few years back smokeless quietly got included in the war on second-hand smoke. Back when I still chewed, whenever I would go to a hockey game or anything else on campus, I would always make sure to put an extra large dip in. I know, I’m a fucking rebel.
That seems like the situation. I know they don’t let people have alcohol if they are underage, but thought that was because that’s already illegal.
It just seems wrong. I don’t really know, just spitballing.
OT, i restarted my article, its just taking way too long. sorry about that. I read it and didn’t like how it went. so I started moving things around and it’s taking a bit.
Ha-ha. I was just going to ask you about it! Don’t worry about me, I’ve been spending time watching videos and I signed up for an on-line course. I haven’t dove real deep into it yet, been mainly just messing around picking locks.
In the mean time, you should check out SOPL. They are an upstart locksmith society. I’m not completely familiar with them yet, but it seems the founder didn’t like the pro-licensing stance of ALOA, so he started his own group. So far they seem like our kind of people!
Too funny to pass up. Apparently Cisco gives their employees up to 5 additional days of vacation for bullshit “volunteer” experience, including “helping” on an organic farm and practicing yoga in Cuba. Life’s great there! So wonderful! Where’s she from you ask?
What a shock.
The sack of Washington
Vacancies also are going unfilled behind the frontlines, effecting the ultimate “swamp dwellers” — career federal employees in the office who have devoted their careers to public service and USDA’s mission. These are the people who make the services USDA provides to America possible.
Waves of retirements, regular attrition, employees on the run and USDA cuts to key employee benefits are ruining the workforce. Vacancies sit open as they are not approved for rehires. Everyone should take a close look at what the secretary of Agriculture is doing — this is how you dismantle the government from the inside — you make it impossible for your workforce to get the job done despite their dedication and treat them and their work with utter disrespect.
And here’s some performance management magic that’s taking place at USDA. All USDA employees are now to get a “fully successful” performance rating.
“U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) employees meeting the full performance of their position should receive ‘fully successful’ as a rating of record. ‘Superior’ and ‘outstanding’ ratings should be reserved for the rare instance when an employee has exceeded the expectations of a high performer. We want to emphasize the value of receiving a ‘fully successful’ rating at the end of the performance year. We assure you that a ‘fully successful’ rating is seen as a true success.”
Well, let me tell you, when you are looking for a new job elsewhere, your next potential employer won’t see it that way. Every USDA employee is now entering the job market at a disadvantage with the very difficult task of convincing a potential employer that “fully successful” really means you are a “true success.”
People are required for an organization to achieve its mission. USDA’s mission is fulfilled because of the work and dedication of its employees. It’s pretty clear that USDA’s leadership is undermining its own mission by attacking its own workforce.
The author is an employee at the Agriculture Department and requested anonymity for fear of reprisal.
Let us all kneel down and weep for these poor oppressed public servants. Their lifelong devotion means nothing, in Trump’s America.
The horror.
…this is how you dismantle the government from the inside — you make it impossible for your workforce to get the job done despite their dedication and treat them and their work with utter disrespect.
I don’t mind admitting that this really turns me on.
Every USDA employee is now entering the job market at a disadvantage with the very difficult task of convincing a potential employer that
“fully successful” really means you are a “true success.”been a parasite once, that the new hire will be a net gain for the potential employer.Does this person not realize that their performance reviews are not visible to any potential new employer? Unless maybe they are trying to transfer from govt tit to another.
If anyone called my old employers and asked them for my reviews, they would be told to go jump in the lake. All they can give out is dates of emploment and the last salary.
The anonymous is a current USDA employee. I’m sure they think there’s only rape gangs and gas bandits outside the warm confines of public sector employment, and thank god they’ve never had to experience it.
Since I’ve fully outed myself, here goes. I read this when the secretary sent it out and damn near jumped for joy. For too long supervisors have been handing out ‘superior’ and ‘outstanding’ ratings, based on nonsense and horribly inconsistent measures. Mostly so people could get bonuses and be better candidates for other jobs in house and because supervisors aren’t held accountable, so they gave them out like candy. The NFFE went berserk. I grabbed some popcorn.
That’s the ticket. The most recent performance review MUST be attached to your application for a new position within fedgov. They will reject your application if not attached. Ask me how I know…
There’s that goddamn motherfucking phrase again.
You know what? The only way to kill this phrase is to co-op it, just like Trump did with “fake news”. I’m going to start calling private entrepreneurs “public servants” as well. They offer services that you enjoy, do they not? And since most businesses will sell to anyone who has the cash, they’re pretty much open to the public.
If the business isn’t allowed to discriminate, it’s a public accommodation, which makes them public servants.
This came on a few minutes ago.
Poor Chuck Berry, to be such a deluded fool and race traitor, thinking the USA was a great place to live. How very not woke.
I don’t mind admitting that this really turns me on.
Your leg- it tingles, no?
Hell, yeah. Especially with Chuck Berry on the box!