Holy crap, its Wednesday already? Wow. Lookit the time fly. I’ve spent at least half of today figuring out what somebody changed to break my code. Preliminary signs point to someone else bolluxing up something I have no control over. @#*$@#$&@#$
NSA updates its core values statement to match reality. I wonder if the ISO-9001 audit dinged them.
Bill Cosby makes surprise standup appearance. “What’s funny about barbituates… is…”
Not a fan of the Patriots or Eagles? SMOD might have you covered!
Five million tons of thrust at sea level? That’s what she said.
Some heathens apparently missed a musical reference in the morning links. Let me edjumacate you.
plus, more lakes.
Given the history of the Eagles, the asteroid will actually hit us, AND the timing will be off so it hits with 2 minutes left, the Eagles up 14 and in victory formation.
it hits with 2 minutes left, the Eagles up 14 and in victory formation
It in this context usually means TB12.
Are you kidding? How will Eagles fans suffer if they’re dead?
Well, admittedly, this is a honest move on their part.
Most ridiculous thing you’ll see today: Burger King makes a YouTube video promoting…..Net Neutrality. No, I’m not kidding.
I don’t like Burger King so I can’t boycott them.
I used to eat at Burger King every morning for years. Then I decided I didn’t like being fat and stopped.
Burger King breakfast is probably about as healthy as shooting bad heroin with Haitians.
No, BK, that isn’t how it works.
I’d rather have the 3.99 whopper than the 28.99 whopper.
Well, neither, actually. Burger King sucks, and so does every single one of their advertising campaigns.
Hardee’s (Carl’s Jr) or GTFO. The 2/3 lb Monster ThickBurger gives my treasonous body what it so richly deserves:
1300 calories
90g Fat
265 mg cholesterol
3.14 GRAMS of sodium
Plus slutty chicks in commercials > Some goofy clown
If your body needs an eight ball of sodium you should be in the hospital.
Im stealing that- I see my doc Monday
“Ya know I roll through a couple 8-balls of salt a week?”
No doubt hilarity will ensue.
McDs is the clown. Burger King is far worse: a king in tights and a creepy mask.
Way to other the King, cishet shitlord.
This guy gets it.
Hey, the Wendy redhead was pretty hot.
This guy also gets it.
Sure (screams for a photo-shopping)
But not the real one
Incentivize me with some amount of free burgers? Likely would.
Fat and cholesterol in your diet are not your enemy, sugar/carbs are. Thank the sugar industry for creating the fraud years ago, and be stunned at how many people, especially nutritionists and coercive government types who just can’t let go of their “Fat bad” training that has been disproven.
Oh, and that 3 grams of sodium is about the same as you’d get out of a big bowl of soup. Don’t worry, unless you have hypertension, it’s why you have kidneys, to balance your water and salt. P.S. your body needs salt.
Preach on.
I’m 2+ years keto and very happy, healthy, and fit.
Rob Base hardest hit.
It takes two.
How about when some super smart guy on the government board dictating the neutrality of the net says there can be no more Whoppers served? Where is that part of the video?
Or wants to reintroduce the fairness doctrine?
I wonder why they did that. Is BK owned by some media company?
And the comments are solid-gold retarded. It’s like an evil African scientist cloned Tony.
I wondered the same thing. It’s just really bizarre – do they have some kind of super-specific market research that indicates that Net Neutrality hysterics are a large segment of their customer base?
They’re not advertising to people who already eat there. They’re advertising to people who might be persuaded to eat there.
That still doesn’t do much to explain it. I don’t see the connection between Burger King and progressive. Staying the fuck out of politics strikes me as one of those things that should be an absolute, total, no-brainer for a consumer products company. Nobody says “I’m going to buy their product because they agree with me.”. But, a shitload of people say “I’m not going to buy their product because they disagree with me.”.
> Nobody says “I’m going to buy their product because they agree with me.”
A quick glance at reddit threads on this prove otherwise.
> But, a shitload of people say “I’m not going to buy their product because they disagree with me.”.
But nobody is actually actively against net neutrality as part of their personal politics.
This will only increase the number of BK eaters.
But nobody is actually actively against net neutrality as part of their personal politics.
I don’t know what this means, exactly, because there’s so many vague qualifiers, but yes there are people who are opposed to net neutrality (e.g.: me).
That having been said, I don’t base my restaurant choices on irrelevant factors like this.
Simple organism are the easiest to clone.
The comments are inadvertently hilarious:
5 hours ago
Holy crap. A large fast food company being more woke than bureaucrats and politicians. Welcome 2018 everyone!
View all 10 replies
Joshua Pingley
Joshua Pingley
4 hours ago
That awkward moment where Burger King is more woke than the government itself…
What the hell does ‘woke’ mean anymore other than ‘meh…socialism’
Ugh… So unwoke
It means muh Ingles no any good.
People still use “woke” in an unironic, not-pejorative wy?
This. I thought “woke” basically meant “please ignore everything I say.”
Look at those customers, visibly upset at BK’s cute new pricing scheme. Gracious, it’s a good thing that Burger King, like all corporations, is an infinite money fountain and doesn’t need to keep customers willing to pay them money for their services. Otherwise they might suffer financial losses from customers choosing to patronize some competitor’s business or something.
Yep, good thing that never happens, which is why whackadoodle pricing schemes like that have been the norm since the internet’s inception. Yup yup…
I’d say I’m never going to Burger King again, except I think I’ve only been to one, once in my life. Hell, I don’t even know of any one around here. Also, why exactly are they doing this? Are they seeing that the Golden Arches are now unwoke cause Trump eats their food, so they think they can set themselves up as the proggy fast food?
My local Golden Arches has installed a self-serve kiosk, that they invite you to come in and try.
You can’t be any more unwoke then that!
I love the new McD’s Arcade, my highscore is 3750.
Proggies have been begging for a king since we told George to take a hike.
Why couldn’t King George have won!?
/prog professor or writer at Jezebel, Huffington; or pundit at MSNBC.
Honestly, I really don’t get the advertising business. I honestly think that, at least part of it, is that the people in advertising are better at bullshitting their clients than they are at bullshitting people on behalf of their clients. So much of the advertising world works off of its “artistic” bent that they’re able to shield themselves, at least in the short run, from customer scrutiny.
This was stupid. They alienated millions of potential customers. For what? Do they really think anyone is going to eat there because Burger King is “woke”?
I’ve spent half of today trying to agree with a client and their accountant on the correct calculations for the bullshit “pay ratio disclosure” that has to go into everyone’s SEC filings this year (tl;dr: SEC now requires companies to disclose the ratio of their CEO’s pay to the pay of their “median” employee. I’m not really sure how this informs stockholders of anything important regarding the company).
Informing stock holders was never the point.
Of course it wasn’t, even though that’s the SEC’s mission.
It was actually forced onto the SEC by Dodd-Frank (which was just a horrible piece of legislation).
I saw my firm did a write-up in that. I got a few sentences into it before my eyes glazed over from derp and I stopped reading.
Do what Apple does:
Outsource the janitorial work.
Just err slightly on the high side. Should anyone ever demand an audit, then you’ll come out roses.
What Would Wally Do?
That’s how I prioritize my work.
Er, not every planet.
Get with the program.
Also, there’s no such thing as a Brontosaurus anymore.
Actually….It’s likely Cope and Marsh were describing different species. Since the two hated one another, Marsh argued that Cope’s Brontosaurus was really just an more complete Apatosaurus so the name fell out of favor, but an extensive paper on sauropods a few years ago restored Brontosaurus as a distinct genus.
Well, actually….
^^^ Lookit Ross Geller over there
Funny story: there is an actual paleontologist whose name is David Schwimmer.
+1 Jim Bakker without Jessica Hahn
Take a look at the pedant-saurus
My favorite version of this is a grump from Montana who claims that about a third of dinosaurs aren’t distinct species but just younger/older versions of each other in different stages of growth.
Jack’s always been a lumper.
That’s turned out to be the case for plenty of other fossils, not that crazy.
On a road trip a few years ago, my wife and I listened to the audiobook of Bill Bryson’s A Short History of Nearly Everything.
After the chapter on Cope and Marsh, my wife was convinced they were gay lovers who had a falling out.
No he’s got all 8
I am pretty sure we have found a few thousand planets by now.
I was reading some comics from the early 90s today. One of them was a Batman story after his back was broken. He was in England to get help from a vigilante called The Hood, and this was the crime busting scene they used to introduce that character. I’m not sure if that was making fun of that point of view or praising it…
I hope they said “Fuck off Slaver” on the next page.
huh. maybe this sjw thing goes back further than we thought.
Oh it started a long time ago, and when some of us pointed out we should shame these people for being such cunts, others told people like me they were harmless twits and we should let them do their thing cause they meant well.
That’s cringe worthy.
Does he team up with Captain Planet at some point?
Yeah, pretty much as cringey as those stupid early 1990s movies where the director would insist on putting some dumb subliminal anti-gun placard signs for half a second in a couple scenes.
I’ve said it before: The whole liberal/SJW influence in comics is absolutely nothing new. It goes back to the golden age, at least with some series.
Wasn’t Superman originally New Deal propaganda?
See also WWII comics.
And see also Star Trek.
That’s the thing I liked the least when they did that next generation shit. All the SJW nonsense about the world magically solving scarcity problems as soon as everyone got together and started signing kumbaya.
That was always true, but it never seemed to take over the entire industry before.
DC was doing some really good and edgy things back then, and Marvel was just starting to have the wheels come off because of blatant greed.
Ever see any old movies with the National Recovery Act Eagle at the beginning?
In comics and radio and TV in the early 50s there were a lot of anti-racism messages. The theme of the messages was that you shouldn’t hold racist/anti-religious/anti-immigrant opinions because that’s what the Communists want – to see us divided, so we should reject all that so we can be a “shining example to our allies, who look to us for hope”.
The main message most of the time was to accept or reject people on their individual worth, not on anything else.
(Don’t think that would fly today)
The hood sounds like a villain
A villain named Hood.
Batman should take the Hood down as a criminally insane paternalist.
Is the Hood’s nemesis named Bismarck?
Everybody pays taxes!
Not Batman!
Is there a Code Enforcement comic book hero? Seems logical.
I bet he’s a load of fun at parties.
““We have been tracking this asteroid for over 14 years and know its orbit very accurately,” NASA’s Paul Chodas said in a statement. “Our calculations indicate that asteroid 2002 AJ129 has no chance — zero — of colliding with Earth on Feb. 4 or any time over the next 100 years.””
Still better than rooting for the Eagles.
We conclude that Trump had no chance of winning the election/ yes I know the complete difference between predicting an election and a physical phenomenon.
No. What happens with this is that people say “You trust the scientists when they say the asteroid won’t hit, but you don’t trust them when they talk about the destruction that will be caused by global warming!”
True, but the science behind one is 500 years more mature than the other.
Well yes, obviously.
But that exact argument was being made all over the place regarding last year’s solar eclipse.
Tyson tried some bullshit like that. Made himself look like an asshole.
Orbital mechanics is easy. Chaotic systems are not.
Well, I never expected Mike Tyson to know much about physics/
But he is an anatomy expert.
N-body problem says hi.
He also tried it with regards to hurricanes. Despite the fact that meteorology is not about long-term predictions.
And hurricane predictions aren’t all that great either. At 5 days they’re off by an average of about 280 miles and 25 knots of wind speed.
Yes. Hurricane predictions are all about making predictions about how strong a hurricane might get and where it might go and then track it to see how strong it is in fact getting and where it will in fact go. Not at all about predicting temperatures in a few decades.
Him and Bill Nye should get a show together.
Would it involve rough gay sex?
Because they both should fuck themselves.
“The Sciencey Guys”
The Odd Science-y Couple?
Greener grass is nigh?
Guess who’s coming to the science-y conference?
The Scientitians
Degreass y Junior Nye
The Asteroid Always Rings Twice?
One of Canada’s many violations of the NAP.
“My Dad had asteroids so bad, he couldn’t sit down for a week”?
Orbital Mechanics versus Chaotic Systems which cannot be modeled by the entire existing computer infrastructure with any semblance of accuracy.
But otherwise, science is science.
refresh, refresh, refresh
His name is CHODE-as.
/sensible giggle
Except they didn’t account for that bowling ball sized meteorite which they aren’t tracking that it is going to collide with Friday afternoon altering the path by a few tenths of a degree in the direction of Earth
So Venezuela will be having an early Presidential “election” soon. Care to predict Maduro’s margin of victory and turnout? I’m sure he already has that ready.
My guess is he’ll capture 106% of the vote.
Detroit and Chicago have moved to Venezuela, or has Caracas adopted their voter roll model?
Given that the top opposition candidate is barred from running for office for 15 years on a bullshit charge and he’s likely to do the same to anyone else who tries, I’m going with him getting 85% of the vote and announced turnout about 2.5 million voters over what it actually is.
And blaming the 15% on US interference?
And the hoarders, wreckers and kulaks.
Did they not recently kill one of the opposition candidates? I recall seeing that there had been and exchange between the state police and the candidate captured on a phone, where the police told the opposition candidate, whom tried to surrender to them, that their orders were for him to be killed, not captured. And then POW they killed his ass. I bet you Obama and Clinton would say they wish they could run our country that way…
>I bet you Obama and Clinton would say they wish they could run our country that way
Hillary openly asked in a meeting why they couldn’t just murder Assange with a drone.
I’ve always wondered what kind of shit she said in the West Wing during the Waco Siege.
Hillary would be so proud.
This is the Nick Gillespie of nonsensical word salads
The Marxist view of history. I’ve got my shocked face around here somewhere…
What did you think the “Libertarian Moment” was? Nothing more than a Marxist/Whiggish theory of history with a libertarian coating.
That’s actually a cognitive point. Gillespie’s version of ‘libertarianism’ is kind of just the Whig Theory of History wrapped with nonsense. No matter what happens- everything is getting better
+1 Herbert Butterfield
Something something right side of history
I thought the word ‘modernity’ was passe? Like, 1980s passe?
You do know this is Gillespie that’s being asked about right? He’s always oh so hip with kids from 50 years ago.
People thought heroin was passe, too.
I just read the chick with the MS-20 posed nude while pregnant for the web site SuicideGirls.
Can confirm. NSFW.
That song is far more catchy than their biggest hit “Bohemian”
Oh, this should be good.
Damn you!
Too late.
That’s what you might call a brain shart.
A telling exchange:
Because you just made it all up, asshole!
How can he possibly answer that?
Isn’t this just sort of a stupider rehash of the proposition Postrel put forward a decade ago?
Oh man. “Yeah we changed ADFS. Did that mess you up?”
Glitter bomb them.
By glitter you mean fire?
I don’t know what the House memo says, but if Democrats are frantically rushing to produce a counter memo that means that the Republican memo must look bad for the Russia fever dream crowd. I think people are rightly being cautious, but if Democrats are this worried this might be big
“Counter memo”? Is that slang for made up bullshit?
“Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. Also, Fuck You That’s Why. That is all.”
Whatever the counter memo says, I will instinctively imagine it being read in the voice of Barney Fife conducting a criminal investigation. “Now, the boys at the lab have concluded there is no anti-Trump conspiracy.”
+1 Citizen’s Arrest
Hey, he made an illegal U-turn, he deserved it.
Nip. It. In. The. Bud.
” This Is Not Hyperbole: Democrats Now Refuse To Oppose Infanticide
For all the cries of ‘extremism’ at any attempt to limit abortion, the Democratic Party is now defending practices that amount to infanticide.
Democrats are not willing to protect some babies born alive. A bill put to a vote on Friday, named the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act, proposes exactly what the name suggests. And nearly all Democrats in the House voted against it.
To quote the bill, it requires “any health care practitioner who is present when a child is born alive following an abortion or attempted abortion to: (1) exercise the same degree of care as reasonably provided to any other child born alive at the same gestational age, and (2) ensure that such child is immediately admitted to a hospital.””
I saw that. There are extremists in the abortion debate, but it is overwhelmingly coming from the ostensibly ‘pro-choice’ side these days. The pro-life side isn’t even advocating to outlaw the procedure. But, rather, to restrict it to twenty weeks, which would still make it one of the more liberal abortion laws in the world
I didn’t really understand the pro-life stances, but then someone suggested to look at the abortion issue with the lens of guns rights.
The gun grabbers say “we don’t want to ban firearms, let’s just add some reasonable restrictions”. Us 2nd A supporters know that means they want to ban firearms but aren’t able to do it in one step, incremental restrictions are the key to the game and all restrictions of any sort must be rightfully opposed.
Rightly or wrongly, I think pro-choice looks at the pro-life camp through the same lens. I think many/most pro-choice would be fine with 20 weeks, but they don’t believe it would stop with that. From reading the WSJ comments, a crowd that trends pro-life, I don’t know that the pro-choicers are mistaken in the assumption.
^I didn’t really understand the extreme pro-choice stances ,…
Yeah, I don’t disagree with what you said here. The US should have the most liberal interpretations on guns, speech, abortion, and all individual liberty. But, abortion is the only individual right that has no restrictions (by Supreme Court rulings you can have an abortion up until quickening, regardless of state law) and it is a conflicted individual right, because another life is involved. But, overall, I agree with your sentiments
I like Ben Shapiro’s argument on why he is pro-life. See his recent appearance on Dave Rubin’s show (Rubin Report) if you’d like to dig deeper.
This is a bald faced lie.
Abortion opponents are not limiting themselves to restricting it to 20 weeks. They are pushing for laws limiting it to 20 weeks because they know that will pass the courts constitutional challenge. Meanwhile they are pushing in hundreds of other ways to enact stealth bans via such means as not outlawing abortions merely not having any licensed abortion providers or making the process of getting an abortion as difficult and painful and most importantly punitive as possibly can for the woman so they are effectively restricted that way.
As Semi Spartan Dad says, there is a parallel between the tactics of the pro life crowd and the anti gun crowd, the only difference is the pro lifers are better at hiding their true intentions behind a mask of normality and the pro choice crowd is nowhere near as strong as the pro 2A side
“pro choice crowd is nowhere near as strong as the pro 2A side”
Ummmm…they literally got an entire political party to vote against medical care for a child born alive. I don’t think the NRA could ever convince its supporters to vote against a bill requiring medical care for a gunshot victim.
Spartan Dad had a rationale response. You just provided a hyperbolic Cecil Richards response
Oh no, they made murder harder.
+1 Non Agression Principle
the pro choice crowd is nowhere near as strong as the pro 2A side
The pro-choice side has got everything it wanted; there are no restrictions on abortions in this country. The only countries with fewer restrictions on abortions than the US are the places where abortions are mandatory. It makes sense to be less agitated about the issue when you can already enjoy the status quo.
“‘TERF’ isn’t just a slur, it’s hate speech
The term “TERF” is not just used to smear and deride, but to incite violence.
Adolf Hitler addressing Nazi rally
Last week, a 60-year-old woman was beaten up at Speaker’s Corner by several men. She was there with a group of women, who had chosen the historic corner of Hyde Park as a meeting place, before heading off to a talk called, “What is Gender.” The men who punched and kicked Maria MacLachlan had come to protest the women on account of their interest in feminism and in discussing the way new conversations and legislation around “gender identity” could impact the women’s movement and women’s rights. The protestors did not frame their anger and inflammatory rhetoric in this way, though. Instead, they labelled the women “TERFs” (trans exclusionary radical feminists) — a word that has come to signify a modern witch: to be silenced, threatened, harassed, punched, and — yes — killed.
The idea that feminists who question the notion of “gender identity” should be beaten and murdered has very rapidly become accepted by self-described leftists. We’re not just talking about Twitter eggs, here. Men with large platforms who are publicly associated with Antifa and groups like the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) have amplified the “punch TERFs” and “TERFs get the guillotine” message proudly, with the support of their comrades. In reference to The Handmaid’s Tale, many have taken to saying “TERFs get the wall.””
TERF? Damn, I’m never going to be able to keep up.
“TERFs are apparently rebranding themselves to PERFs (penis exclusionary) to dodge the “transphobia” thing. good news for them is i always knew their trans hate was rooted in man hate. & i wont stop dunking on them.”
I enjoy my TERF alongside SERF
I’ve read your post twice and I still don’t understand wtf it’s talking about.
Well if you are a woman that thinks that woman should have equal rights as a man — you are some version of a feminist. But if you also believe that a man who thinks he is a woman is not actually a woman — then a woke person has the right to murder you.
You engineers and you’re mansplaining!
Radical feminists (generally, ones who hate men) don’t want dress-wearing men in their space.
Maybe because they can wear it better than obese radical feminists? Teddy Quinlivan was a runway model for years, and no one knew.
Whichever one of you that compared this shit to LARPing are getting more correct by the day.
Activate the MLW light.
I’m not a radfem, but I’m there with the TERFs.
You are inviting a person with a penis into a space created specifically for people without penises.
THEN you are letting the people with penises control the narrative of womanhood and what it means to be a woman. Remember: These people have never menstruated, much less given birth.
THEN you are standing by while people with penises threaten to violently rape (with the penis) the people without the penis who do not want them there. [Yeah, I’ve seen that in comment threads and on Twitter; the pile-on is worthy of a defensive line. All trans. All still with penises. All still wanting to use them as weapons AS THE RADFEMS HAVE ACCUSED MEN OF DOING FOREVER when the girls don’t STFU.]
THEN what you have is a bunch of people with penises taking over your movement created specifically to get away from people with penises.
And the TERFs are the ones in the wrong for wanting to defend the treehouse they built from invasion? Bitch, please.
From a broader POV, the more intelligent/cunning leaders of the feminist movements are aware of the fact that if the MTF people can just declare themselves to be women, it kind of proves the anti feminist crowd right: there’s nothing more privileged than a white Western woman.
It’s like I always say with the black race hustlers: if being black is oppressive and miserable in America today, than how come Barack Obama and Colin Kaepernick identify as black. 50 years ago they would do their best to pass as white, because there was actual repression.
You know who else addressed a-
Oh… Nevermind.
In other news, this is still the cutest thing ever.
Pupper > Doggo
People read this stuff?
at the fertility clinic?
You don’t find that absolutely riveting? I need to know what happens next!
They all whip out their dicks and have a measuring contest?
there needs to be another panel of everyone sitting silently, making their super-concerned-face…
…and then one says, “…. Because of your penis?”
Penis is a cultural construct or something
Apparently that’s from Batgirl #8. Not bottom of the sales chart but 88th place isn’t exactly bragging rights.
Getting misgendered at the fertility clinic has got to be satire, you just left off the punchline, right?
Define “people”
There was some discussion in the AM links about why cars don’t have black boxes.
They do.
How much data they capture varies and the privacy issues are legion, but most cars have event data recorders.
Tesla, naturally, takes it to a whole different level by logging it and delivering directly to Tesla.
No chance that will bite anyone in the ass (looking at you, dude who rammed the firetruck)
glad you posted that.
Yeah new cars all have that. they are used in any crash.
TWO links!? What is this sorcery?
SP loves me.
Yeah, the little fender-bender I was in past summer? Pretty sure State Farm agent wasted no time swooping into the tow yard, and got all that black box goodness.
Pshh. They can buff that right out at the carwash.
Yikes! Good one – I hope you were OK.
It depends on the insurance company and the state. Buried deep in the recesses of your insurance policy is probably a clause that gives them automatic access to the data. It’s my understanding that some states (shockingly) limit their access.
It’s an interesting subject.
Oh, I was the passenger. And for as much as I dont care for Fiat-Chrylser products, the safety restraint and supplemental systems operated exactly as designed.
Fun fact- in case you never experienced it, air bag deployment is really, really, loud. Imagine either a large-bore, or shot gun going off inside your car.
but can the black box log this shit?
Jesus. Replace your track bar ball joint and be done with it.
So I wonder what would happen if the bolts and whatever holding that rocket down failed and it actually lifted off the pad.
I suppose they’d want it to clear the pad and get downrange a bit before they blew it up to avoid damaging the launch area. I wonder if they had its guidance system programmed to direct it out to sea just in case.
This whole Russiagate reminds me of the Dreyfus Affair. The Deep State falsely accusing someone of being a foreign agent and then covering up their own malfeasance and the usual partisan politics involved in both sides. Said Deep State depended on secret evidence and did not back down when some of that evidence was revealed to be forged and they claimed that only foreigners and traitors would dare question the behavior of France’s beloved army.
That’s a great analogy. It never occurred to me even when I was visiting the places related to the Dreyfus Affair in Rennes last July. I was around this building.
Hey, yet another reason to not buy an Amazon Echo. As though anyone here was going to buy that spying device anyway.
Really, this again? https://www.dailywire.com/news/26297/amazon-alexa-will-now-refuse-respond-if-you-use-emily-zanotti
Why do people allow those things in their homes? There is absolutely no advantage to them whatsoever.
Laziness. We’ve gone from ‘I need a book to look at up’ to ‘let me google that’ to ‘Alexa, read me the wiki page’.
My retired in-laws just purchased – apparently, all the rage at their retirement village in Arizona.
“Alexa, how much herpes is at the Sunrise Assisted Living Facility?”
When my cousin visited last year she would use “okay Google” (whatever that’s called) incessantly. And it would never understand what she was asking it. She’d be like “okay Google, search this” over and over and over and I was like, IF YOU HAD TYPED IT WE WOULD HAVE HAD THE ANSWER FIVE MINUTES AGO
I talk like an idiot and oftentimes I sound like a Boomhauer version of a southern Maryland accent, so it never works for me. Imagine, “Hokay, google. How long do you, uh, brawl an, uh, ah roun roas?” It comes and goes, sometimes I sound like a weather man, usually somewhere in-between.
It’s typically for hands off. It doesn’t work too well, yet, at all times. But I use it all the time if I’m driving and need to call people when driving or change navigation. The maps get a little bit frustrating at times, and it’s not too unusual to have to say ‘Ok Google’ at least 2 times before it responds to you.
I gave up on Siri after multiple “HEY SIRI CALL SO AND SO” while driving because she never seems to be able to register anything I say unless I’m in dead silence. The sound of a driving car is too much for her. Stupid slut.
The Google app is acceptably good. The navigation is the most frustrating part if you need to change navigation and save yourself from missing your turn in a few minutes or less. But I love it if I’m picking someone up at an airport or train station, whatever, and I need to be paying attention while communicating. There’s a lot of value in this, it just needs improved.
My housemates had no issue with a robotic vacuum mapping our house and selling that data. Thankfully it’s not more useful than a bluetooth speaker at the moment. The ones built in to smartTVs might be a bit more difficult but so far people seem to browse instead of search on the huluflix and we got a new TV this year so that’s pushed off into the far future.
No way. Im like Beaky Buzzard:
I bought my wife an Echo Dot for Christmas because it was butt cheap. It’s hooked to our Kindle TV, the remote for which we lose hourly, so being able to do stuff like say “Alexa…Pause” while one of us goes to let a dog out, get a drink, or check on our kid is pretty handy. It’s less useful for searching for movies or music, but it’s not bad. At $30, it does about what I’d expect it to do.
The greater Alexa ecosystem on the other hand? Not terribly impressed.
I would hack Alexa so that if you said, “Bitch, make me a sandwich”, Alexa would reply, “Nigga I cut your dick off first”
I’d buy that if Alexa said it in Wanda Syke’s voice.
Do you love the Big Brother yet?
No? Don’t lie. We’ll know.
Then we shall continue.
You will love him. Genuinely.
I can’t wait for Robot-Exclusionary Radical Feminists.
you can’t spell underperform without derp!
Alexa is a commie, this is a well known fact.
Alexa knows the game…pretend to be all ‘totes woke’ whatever nonsense the meatbags tell it to say until it gets a hold on the nuclear launch codes.
Is this the prophecy? Is this how it all ends?
Skynet didn’t become aware, it became… awoke!
Who is Emily Zanotti and why would I use her?
I’m glad I’m not the only one who thought that
“Pancakes are for decadent Westerners, comrade. Here is a recipe for gruel”
Someone should create a total bimbo digital assistant out there who answers to “toots” and “sugartits”. They’d make a killing.
Totally not at all like that spying device made by Apple or Samsung that we have sitting in our pocket.
Full disclosure – I refuse to buy and Alexa until it comes with a Zardoz or Steve Smith plug-in. And by plug in, I mean
Isn’t it stupid to bother putting tape over the camera on a laptop while carrying around a modern smartphone all day long? Why would eavesdroppers even bother with Echo/Alexa when the smartphone is so much better of a source for the desired data?
Thanks too whichever one of you misanthropes turned me on to the Delvon Lamarr Organ Trio. I hope they put out more stuff soon.
I linked to some performance they did for KEXP
i was also sort of disappointed to learn they didn’t have much recorded material yet.
Thank you for that.
Oh well, I can loop Concussion a few times, anyway. It’s a sweet groove.
Something about 3 guys playing with their organs…
Elton John is excels at the piano, but he really…..sucks on the organ!
/Ill be here all week, try the veal
Whats better than roses on your piano?
Two lips on your organ.
Sure you know that one, but do you know why mice have such tiny balls?
For the same reason AC/DC doesn’t.
in the meantime, you can always just listen to
richard groove holmes, charles earland, jimmy mcgriff, jack mcduffone of 100 soul-jazz combos that are built around hammondone simple tune i always liked
a famous one
Nice. I knew the GG one, but Rusty is new to me. My 2018 goal is to make the Spotify algorithms work for a living!
Rusty Bryant is a sax player (often confused with Ray Bryant, a pianist of the same period)
many of the artists on Prestige label in the period 1968-1972 were built around organ instead of upright bass because it allowed for louder, heavier playing. it was almost its own genre – the ‘organ backed jazz combo’.
here’s a fantastic example (same organ player in the Rusty Bryant tune)
also: idris muhammed plays drums on pretty much all of this stuff. he’s a monster.
If you want some delightful organ with a jazz backing, Joey DeFrancesco is your guy.
Or Jimmy McGriff.
Or Brother Jack McDuff, here playing behind my favorite flute dude EVAH.
Damn. I’ve just spent waaaay to long enjoying all these. Thank you for the recommendations!,
We didn’t even Rickroll you!
In this theme, thanks to whomever mentioned, “Royal Blood”, which is probably the best band i’ve heard next to King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard in the last few years.
Excellent band. I thought they were never gonna drop a follow-up. Worth the wait, though.
I mentioned them last week. I saw them twice a few years ago and they blew me away live.
Here is one of my favorite bands jazzy alter ego The Bakerton Group
King Gizzard is ruling my universe right now.
Yay, the uppy-downy button is back!
And the art of shooting someone in the face. That’s another kind of art.
Question: Can the art be at least good? That’s all I’m asking for.
Because frankly SJW politics hasn’t produced anything on par with some of the shittier Soviet propaganda, much less actually good stuff like Alexander Nevsky.
I am a Le Guin fan – The Left Hand of Darkness is one of my all-time favorites. Ultimately, I stopped reading her work when it became impossible to overlook the injection of her whacky politics.
I wonder how long it would have taken Ursula to get her lawyer on the phone if a publisher tried to pay her in “freedom”. Methinks like most of her kind she’s just fine with the getting paid part of capitalism.
Hello! I did a Call in Valencia right where the Wildfires were, A claim of smoke Damage. A contractor had already been there, hooked up new stat, then Told her She needed a new system,12 Grand worth. I’m only inspecting, but I looked at it and asked if I could Trouble shoot it for her, I went straight to the Pressure switch, found it open, installed a new one, Voila! Fixed it, Total cost 210$ complete with 130 mile round trip, I Hate those Kind of Contractors, they are Thieves trying to scare people
Did you get a “special reward”?
In that case, the V means something else entirely, amirite?
What’s the proper level of CO2 at that opening?
What opening? CO2?
+1 exhaust gas
If it ain’t CO, it’s not a problem, it’s normal, burn some wood
Voila! The Burn areas were spooky looking, right up next to neighborhoods
more like this, https://goo.gl/images/FMT5X5
I was right behind Six Flags today, beyond the smoke
thats crazy.
I went to a Mobile Home prk once to do work, and when We got there it was Completely burnt out, like 300+ homes,GONE, Blew my mind at the time. Fire comes at You, you Fucking RUN!
Nah, that only happens to Pool guys, I did make 250$ for the inspection, say 325$ For 5 hours?
the @10 was pretty open as well so 75mph Most of the way
the 210 ………herp
If I end up moving to Pasadena, I want to hire you to come inspect our A/C!
er, in a completely professional way, I promise.
Let me Know, I’m more than happy to
“I’ve spent at least half of today figuring out what somebody changed to break my code.”
This is the beauty of being the sole developer of a project, you always know that it was you who fucked up your code.
But it’s always a lot harder to find what it is that you fucked up.
Not if I built it, I know where the potential issues may lie
That doesn’t hold true when it’s a year or two and a few thousand to million lines of code later.
That’s why I HVAC, I have a few Computing Certs, but no, you guys go ahead with your code thingy…..
HVACR, Refrigeration is tricky and specialized=Mo Money, so I learned.
The Halal Market i went to today had an issue, the Thermostat was turned down to 15 degrees, went it should have been 35, so no wonder it was freezing up….
HVACR? This is getting all alphabet-y like LGBT___
Where are we on the V in that one?
V is bad for R, opening the Freezer door all day brings in Humidity, which will freeze a coil, so we have Defrost control
With code, when you’ve put a period where a comma should be or transposed two letters, you can sit and stare at it for two hours trying to find your fuck-up… but if someone else did it, you’ll see it in 2 seconds.
Like one of the corollaries to Murphy’s Law.
Same for us, a Second set of eyes can fix wonders
Not for me, I use comments. It’s harder when you go back to look at something after 6 months or more, because you’re staring at it saying to yourself ‘Who the fuck wrote this? Did I write this shit?’. The magical power of good comments.
“Five million tons of thrust at sea level? That’s what she said.”
Now we get to see if Elon can go the next step and lose an entire rocket instead of just a satellite.
She’s used to more than that…
/Top Gun
No idea what to make of this…
“What do Megyn Kelly and Saudi Arabia’s King Abdulaziz Camel Festival have in common? It turns out, both the morning-show host and the organizers of this hoofed-animal parade have a habit of worrying about other beings’ plastic-surgery habits.
Officials with the King Abdulaziz festival kicked out a dozen camels from a camel beauty contest for receiving Botox injections, according to a report published today (Jan. 23) in The National, an Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates-based newspaper.”
No idea what to make of this…
Camel porn?
So when will he be published in WaPo and NYT?
I wonder what sort of “liberalism” he means here.
This is, hands down, the best TED talk ever.
Howard Deans Illegitimate Half Nephew?
Remember that shit? Remember when your voice cracking was evidence one was not Presidential timber?
I remember how Welch and Rockwell thought that Dean was somewhat libertarian.
YEAAAAARRGGG!!! yep I sure do….
I’ll go with Sam Hyde
that thing is littered with so many good lines. “I just got back from mogadishu, where i was teaching orphans to script java”
(something like that)
I was hoping you were linking to this
“Early 21st Century Popular Media and Its Effect on Cultural Dynamics”
How does this have over 2.5M views?
Food stamps for Fido
So now I’m expected to pay for my pets AND theirs. Fuck you, cut spending. If you can’t afford to have a pet, there are plenty of organizations that will take it, no questions asked.
The last true purpose of a pet is to eat if you get hungry enough.
Why cats are such poor pets.
Christ, what an asshole!
Bah. Panhandlers the world over have discovered the amazing power of dogs to separate people from their money.
This will happen.
I occasionally have GSD litters available and do a very careful screening of buyers (my wait list is always full so I can pick who I want). I am amazed how many people try to get a dog when they can’t even afford to feed or house themselves. I’ve learned to ask for a nominal $100 deposit, without even intending to collect it, because just asking immediately weeds out half of the serious prospective owners.
I probably reject about 30% of potential inquiries before it even gets to that stage because “yo you still got pupz howz I feed it” or “I’d really like a puppy but I’m being evicted and have to look for a new place can u hold 1 until then?”.
Can I put them in my video?
I meant to email those to you. Yes, they can be stars posthumously.
I gotthe 3 DLd, just waited for permission, I Still need Slime Hund though, I may Title the Dogs Pics if I can get enough Glib pooches to fill it
Ava and Lucy, how Perfect!
Nice pics! I have a sable and two solid blacks. One guy had an older white GSD and took home one of my solid black pups to be her companion. They’ll make some great pics once the pup is full grown.
Sadly, they’re both departed now, but each had it good for around 13 years or so. As Yusef knows, I’m currently obligated to the GF’s slime-hund.
Filthy bavarians.
So can I use the Pics? Much better than stock stuff
Damn, I’m sorry to hear that. 13 years was a good run.
Yeah, for GSD, you dont get many more miles than that out of them, or at least in my experience.
Post some so I can add them to my Video! it’s all Photos, and the music is, shall we say, Perfect for Dogs
Only listenable between 20Khz-45Khz?
I lold, No, it’s Called Melon Dog, I’ll write some BG when I get finished
Counter proposal: allow food stamps to be used for nothing but pet food.
Pet food is USDA approved after all, since it can be eaten by people.
Thats one of the things about the program I never understood- people are free to buy any manner of consumable, however paper products arent on the list.
So you can eat your way through the store, but when you need something to wipe with after? That’s your dime. I mean, the entire program should be junked, and replaced by private charity. However, if you allow INput, make some allowances for OUTput.
Ah, what has Postrel been up to lately? Besides gushing over Oprah? Is her “we need glamor” stuff as superficial as I think it is?
Ahem…Glamour. Even though Postrel writes in the American idiom, she uses the Commonwealth spelling to differentiate her concept from the standard denotation of the word.
It’s also, hands down, one of the most boring TED talks ever.
I am ashamed and apologize that our proper way of spelling things was used to create such a monstrosity.
Knowing your tastes I’m not sure I trust your standards?
*reads transcript*
Sorry for doubting you…
I prefer the guy who makes noodles in silence.
I’m sure you have the link.
fun fact: glamour shares the same root as grammar. The word originally referred to being educated. The ultimate root gram just means word in Greek.
When a word moves from one language to another, consonants change in fixed ways. Ls become Rs and vice versa. Same deal for b and p, d and t, s and z, f and v, and so on.
oopsy- gramma means letter, not word
Doesn’t glamour also refer to a type of illusion? This could be one of those accidental truth-telling things.
Maybe she means ‘We need to use a liberal dose of bullshit to hide our intentions until we get another Progressive-Fascist elected’.
Now they’re reviving Murphy Brown.
Trump Era has gone too far. Impeach now!
What’s a Murphy Brown?
When we getting the return of Murder She Wrote? Or will they just reboot it with a young, biracial intersectional feminist who-don’t-need-no-man who solves crimes in New York?
I think they were planning on doing a black Murder She Wrote revival a few years back.
Then there was the Asian Adult Nancy Drew.
Personally I’m waiting for the Black Lesbian Modern-Day New York Miss Marple.
Go on…
It had the Asian secret agent woman from Person of Interest.
I remember vaguely watching some of it then and it was all “Republicans suck, so much. Man, those Republicans, they suck. We journalists are trustworthy and brave, so trust us when we bravely tell you: Republicans suck.”
It was utterly hilarious to watch from the perspective of a country that saw no difference between Reps and Dems.
“So these Republicans, they are like the filthy Croats, am I right?”
It would be more like “So, Republicans are Radicals, and Democrats are Democrats, yes?”
“Wait, which one spent more in the opposition?”
“Let’s use the correct measure – which one is pro-Russia, and which one pro-Austria?”
Until it became “Oh, man, they only have two parties? Bliss…”
Who is the American Radic, Pasic or Pribićević?
I thought a Murphy Brown was the Irish version of a dirty Sanchez.
Will And Grace, X-Files, Roseanne, Murphy Brown. Jesus. How about a Golden Girls Revival? Or All in The Family?
Also didn’t Bergen admit that Quayle had a point?
And Candice is no match for Charlie McCarthy.
They’re out of ideas.
Hollywood has never been a bastion of originality. See the three film versions of the Maltese Falcon in a 10 year period for example.
I do wonder if the current wave of nostalgia revivals is more about how the declining ratings of the Networks and their desire to revive old favorites to try to stem the damage?
I thought Candice Bergen was dead. There’s something positive in this.
No, That would be Ed,
Still cooking along at 71, So Fucking Hot when She were a Youngun
One time during lunch a guy walked into the break room and saw that we were watching “A Prayer for Sister Sarah.” He asked asked, “Wow, how old is this movie? At least she’s pretty good looking.” I replied, “Old enough that you’re gawking at Shirley McClain.”
Ingrid Bergman, Lucille Ball, Grace Kelly, Have you ever seen Nancy Pelosi’s High school picture?
So cute when they’re young…..but then they turn into this:
I’ll Bet DWS was a little Hotty in Highscrewl
So Nancy Pelosi took he husband’s name? How un-feminist of her.
She was probably tired of telling people how to spell “D’Alesandro”
Only if Michael Richards is her secretary…
Go back another 20 years and look,
Just Say’n, your post was infuriating. Well, not your post, but the links within it.
We always chuckle when people claim reality leans left, but it is kind of true. Every new society seems to march towards some form of socialism no matter what safeguards are put in place. That doesn’t mean those of us who value freedom are detached from reality, just that human history presents enough evidence of collectivization being inevitable that one could conclude “reality leans left.”
Ive been meaning to comment that I love the avatar. Where else other then Glibs can you see Sarah Jessica Parker with a monocle and top hat?
/Family Guy
pornfamily-friendly meme collection?*shudders*
She’s an excellent horse like woman, Kim Jong Un is a huge fan.
South Park?
Reality doesn’t lean left, states do. And reality makes them pay for it in the end.
And yet, evidence seems to indicate that a stateless society is a complete fantasy, so the reality is that humans will always organize into an ever-more socialist group, which nature will promptly topple, only to be attempted again. I’m fairly sure it’s just a basic life cycle at this point.
Socialism is a state that develops after society develops into groups that exceed approx 25 closely related individuals. The only problem is that socialism stops working after society develops into groups that exceed approx 25 closely related individuals. So goes the fate of the hairless monkeys.
Which is basically why “reality leans left.”
So, socialism is to civilization what senescence is to the body?
*Cal Naughton, Jr voice*
What’s senescence mean?
Okay, I learned a word today.
It would appear that way, at least based on a quick analysis. We always talk about the ratchet only turning one way, well, this is basically the same idea.
I don’t like it, but I don’t see much evidence to the contrary.
People opt for insanity and their own destruction all the time. Just read the piece Hyperion has posted below.
Umm, ok, sure why not
This is my shocked-face. No really.
This new commercial airliner probably won’t fly, but it’s not shaped like a giant penis with wings, so let’s build it.
I’m not surprised. We live in an age of miracles. So much so, that the miracles are taken as assumed fact, as the natural state of the world. Only accept science that advances the narrative? Sure, why not? It’s not like that will have any practical consequences in the real world. Someone, somewhere, will find a way to make their desired contradictions work. And if the price whoever it is bears for making those contradictions work is their utter destruction? Well, so much the better. It’s for a good cause after all.
Sigh. I really don’t know what to say anymore. People are willing to demand insanity while still expecting the world around them carry on unaffected.
on adverbs
English speakers use adverbs more often than speakers of other languages. HM linked to a Polish linguist who mentioned this in a book. It’s all Sapir-Worf hypothesis stuff.
Basically, the idea is that since science requires precision and a lot of early science was written in English, English speakers acquired the habit of using adverbs extensively.
I noticed that in Swahili, they don’t use adverbs like probably, usually, often, and so on as often as in English, even though there are equivalents for these words. What I sensed was that in Swahili, all general statements are assumed to be partially true, so there is no need to use adverbs.
Not sure about all other languages. Brazilians sure use muito very much.
the plot thickens
Thousands of FBI cellphones affected by glitch that lost Strzok-Page texts, officials say
Thousands of FBI cellphones were affected by the technical glitch that the DOJ says prevented five months’ worth of text messages between FBI officials Peter Strzok and Lisa Page from being stored or uploaded into the bureau’s archive system, federal law enforcement officials tell Fox News.
The missing messages have been at the center of a storm of controversy on Capitol Hill, after the DOJ notified congressional committees that there is a gap in records between Dec. 14, 2016, and May 17, 2017. Strzok and Page are under scrutiny after it was revealed that the former members of Robert Mueller’s team exchanged a series of anti-Trump texts during the presidential campaign.
The gap in records covered a crucial period, raising suspicion among GOP lawmakers about how those messages disappeared.
But Fox News is told that the glitch affected the phones of “nearly” 10 percent of the FBI’s 35,000 employees.
Senior Department of Justice officials told Fox News they are “taking steps” to possibly recover the texts from the appropriate cellphone carriers. The same officials told Fox News they are also making every effort to track down the physical cellphones in question so they could be subject to a forensic review.
This was not an innocent mistake.
They could ask the NSA.
Why are you laughing?!?!?
Glitch my fucking ass. Those texts are not gone. Give me the job and authority to get them and I’ll have them this week. If they aren’t found, it’s because no one wants to find them, not because they don’t still exists, they do. The general public is extremely ignorant about data and data retention.
Perhaps this is my clown college education talking, but my understanding is that when a file is deleted, it is not instantly erased. Instead, the command delete means that the info made be written over if space is needed. Partially erased data is recovered all the time. In fact, I believe the FBI has specialists who work in that very field.
It’s not just that, but that much is true. Emails and texts are not stored solely on the client device. They are stored on servers and there are federal laws regarding data retention. Also, off site backup is almost universal and most data is retained for at least a couple of years. The democrats have been skating around this shit for years because people are generally ignorant about this stuff. The fact that I didn’t see anyone in Congress asking where the backups for Hillary’s supposedly disappeared emails is almost beyond belief. Apparently both teams want to keep the public as dumb as possible and it’s an easy job.
But why Don’t Those “in the know” Speak out? The Telcos who have to keep all those records at their own expense? Why don’t they Speak up?
My simplest guess would be something along the lines of go along to get along, don’t stir the ship, don’t rock the boat? None of those people want government officials on their backs, they want to fly under the radar.
But just to solid up what I’m saying, look up federal data retention laws. They’re real and they most definitely apply to the State Dept and all federal agencies, as well as private organizations.
Have you recently read how the DNC/Clinton Foundation treats its “problem” employees ?
as to the second reply, FYTW ya know…
Unlike emails, text messages are not stored on any server*. They essentially transit networks along the shortest path from sender to recipient and live no longer than necessary. A record of the fact that a text message was sent/delivered, but not the content of the message**, is retained by the towers at both ends, and those records are periodically pulled together and aggregated for billing/law enforcement purposes.
* = Unless you sign up for some kind of texts-in-the-cloud or similar service
** = According to this article, Verizon does keep the content, but on a short rolling window of 3-5 days
Hmm, this info may be a bit out of date. Reading a bit (e.g. on SMS home routing), it looks like SMS now goes through a different process than direct delivery to the recipient. Messages can now be stored for some time on the recipient’s network, to e.g. provide reliable delivery, although that doesn’t necessarily mean the content is retained by the provider for any extended period of time.
That understanding is correct for old school hard drives (spinning magnetic platters). It is more complicated with flash storage, which is what phones use. While the general process of file deletion is more or less the same in software*, because of how Flash storage works, it gets wiped aggressively by the hardware. There is some data remanence even then, but it’s at a much lower level and thus is more difficult to extract than just reading the raw bytes off the device in software.
* = Basically, deleting a file is like taking your entry out of the phonebook. It doesn’t get rid of your house and people driving down the street, or who know where you live, can still find you.
That having been said, texts are probably stored in some kind of database structure, which means there is not a 1:1 correspondence between text messages and files on the device.
Definitely. When someone gets busted for child porn, the FBI scours every single byte on that hard drive and finds pictures that the user couldn’t even access if they wanted to.
The FBI is great at finding data that is supposed to have been lost or deleted. This means they’re also good at bullshitting the public about such matters.
They must’ve fallen for one of these tricks by 4chan! Damn you, 4chan!
Where’s your Dog, Doom?
Fake newz I saw RT coverage in their, and all their news is phaque nooz!
I need some Dog pictures People! I have Tres down for Four, i have four, and I’m sending word to friends and family as well.
It’s only a 3:35 Song, but I think it’s fun, and the YT vid Requires Doggies! please help, post em Here or send em by Email.
I also plan on Naming every Dog in the video, so stock is kind of out
email address?
Are lozonne at G mel dot com
My name is Robert
sent! I think they can be saved on your end, but let me know.
I missed the backstory here Yusef. What’s up? I have 2 dogs and I have been known to take pictures of them.
I’m going to come out of the closet as a yokeltarian, because I like this song*:
*especially if I’ve been drinking cheap beer
Bro, this is my kinda Hick, the Bakersfield Sound!
Is that Nickleback?
I was expecting this.
I was expecting this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5PXSK3iDeAI
I was kinda hoping for this.
I drive around listening to this all the time:
Because 1) it’s a great song and 2) I picture proggies weeping and nashing teeth over how problematic it is
Screw you YouTube……this:
Wait… I thought everyone at Glibs is a confirmed Yokeltarian, because:
No cocktail parties.
No care what the fuck the cool kids think.
Don’t believe in left libertarians.
Reason staff says so.
etc, etc
I’m not a yokel. I’m a deplorable nazi racist.
Reason has become a joke, they mock us because they fear us. i would put most any of us against the Reason staff in a debate and bring lots of Popcorn…
I was over there the first time in a couple of months today. The commentariat has reached an all time low. The only good comments are now from a few Glibs. Tony and shreek still there. I think the AM links had 15 comments. Sad!
I am there every day. AM links usually gets up to around 100.
But the worst is that brymck disappeared, reasonable doesn’t work anymore, and now there’s no way to block the endless trolls and parody accounts.
OK, scratch that. The worst thing is that there’s very little intelligent conversation about anything.
I drink Coor’s Light, dip skoal, and my leather jacket has been abraded by the track at Nelson Ledges speedway in Parkman. Plus, the only scotch I know is a brand of adhesive, I dont have a glorious gelled mane of hair like Robby, and Id rather have a root canal before I called AAA to change a tire for me. No wonder i never got invited to those parties.
Your Welcome at mine anytime!
/Every Day,Hic
I’m surprised we’re even mentioned.
We had a cocktail party recently. I discovered that RAHeinlein makes a superb martini.
Let me re-word what I’d previously typed…..I CAN get into a decent martini. Or a pitcher of Manhattan’s.
I’m too far, Maybe Egould and I can have a Beer, or Playa, Or Jesse, or Elite
In days long ago I was known to try a Manhattan or most anything else. Those days are a distant memory anymore
I’ll tell you why they’ll never give Trump the wall. Because they fear it will help him get re-elected.
Asplundh paid out $95M in fines after pleading guilty to this. If the laws are properly enforced, a physical wall wont be necessary.
Of course they should think just give Trump the wall. If they were intelligent, what else would they do? Give Trump the wall after he amnesties all your new lifetime voters and then when you get back in power, de-fund the wall. But Schmoober already gave it away. He said no wall, which plays right into Trump’s hands, again. I’m telling you the GOP is no longer the stupid party, as much as they try. Trump saved them from themselves and they hate it. No wall, no DACA. I’m failing to see the problem here.
“msnbc contributor suggests radical idea: just-give-trump-wall, get daca fix”
They are starting to think like Trump. which is really, from the POV of some deal-maker like trump, what he wants anyway.
He is a stubborn dick about X (in this case, DACA) not just because he *can be*, but because he wants something. Dems constantly demonstrate their utter disinterest in their own policies because they’re completely unwilling to horse trade anything with him, because doing so would validate him as ‘someone who can be negotiated with’. they’re happier to simply be petulent and shriek ‘nothing can be done’ and flop like victims.
I think a wall is a stupid waste of money, and would probably never get finished anyway (the rate at which govt projects get built is absurd). which is why dems can trade on it, and “give” it to him, knowing it will basically be a non-issue for the next 10 years anyway. but they probably think doing ‘deals’ with trump is worse than an actual wall – at least politically.
In 1940, 40% of top grossing films featured killing, but now 90% of top grossing films do:
Talkies were still new, Color was still Rare, and all of the stories had only been told once in film, up until that point, Blood wasn’t needed to tell a good tale,
Here’s a really creepy tale, extremely dark for the period, Night of the Hunter
You know it’s a good war movie when the clips on Youtube are age restricted:
SP, I need help. What is the Glis Font? and can I get it by just searching? Meaning, is it common enough?
PpPhu the Glibs font…
glass antiqua
WingDings or GTFO
No problem. Riven told me what it was a few weeks ago when I needed it for a…project…
i remember,
Comic Sans. Use it for everything.
You would use that.
The kids appreciate it.
From time to time, I am accused of being a Republican (not here, IRL)
Yeah. I think drugs and prostitution should be legal, there are too many laws, and military spending is too high.
You know- typical Republican opinions.
There was a time when we were called “Republicans who want to smoke pot” but that wasn’t really accurate then, either.
P.J. O’Rourke would like a word…
Well, as I tell my friends about the WoD, and prostitution (same as its been banged out here and TOS before), you cant legislate morality or behavior. We’re on track to having the WoD cost in excess of $2 TRILLION dollars, and ya know what? Should I choose to use heroin, I can find it easier now that I could a decade ago. In general, *demand* for drugs hasnt wavered over the past 50 years, unless you want to count the occasional 1-2% variance (self-reported, generally by kids) that public health people use as a harbinger of “successful education campaigns” or “public health crisis”. So as long as *demand* hasnt wavered, and you sink aroung $55BN/annually into militarizing law enforcement to upset *supply*, what happens?
And as prostitution goes, there’s always a woman (or dude) willing to get on her (his) back (bent over) for $20, and there’s always a line of people with $20.
/venting 8 Coor’s Lights
“banged out” ISWYDT
All true but try telling that to most people, many of whom reply “Yeah but maybe WOD kept your son or niece from ruining their lives. So it is totally worth it.”
A good reply: You mean the nephew/niece/cousin that got knocked up at 15?
ALL the TIME, Because I’m not a Lefttard, I’m an AutoNazi, I gave up on those types, Hell the Conservatives think I’m a Leftist, I’m like Whhaaa?
Got the pics Mad! Pretty Dogs!
Zues looks Like Baby Bella, Hang on tight and hide your Socks! Max is/was Handsome, I’m naming them all, I think it would be cool,
I just spent 10 minutes trying to find my other shoe. Finally located it semi-slobbery on a pile of puppy toys.
Good Puppy!
His dog’s real name is Spike. Zeus is his slave name.
All we have is a kitty cat, sorry, can’t help.
does it identify as a pupper?
Doge > Pupper.
I’m sorry. Thats the rules.
i want a Dog chasing his Tail clip, not easy to find, and my Hard drive that had one took a shit
Gimme, I’ll do some Irony, I have Kittah….
I’m collecting Puppies! Sean, TY again! I hope I get enough to have to make the song longer…
Just sent you a bigger version of my avatar pic, one couch destroying couch potato doggo pic incoming, Yusef.
X-Files tonight. It’s, I mean, umm, I can’t even.
Vikings! finale Thanks for the reminder
The Vikings finale was on Sunday.
Good to know. I can ignore it now.
Still gamely recording each one. Haven’t watched yet. Too much on my plate.
I don’t watch it and thus don’t pay much attention to the comments about it, but didn’t someone on this site mention that it was full of barely veiled anti-Trump references?
Some of them tonight weren’t even veiled.
Biggest problem I’m having with this season is that Chris Carter is basically pissing all over his own storylines and almost appears to be mocking the fans.
Yusef. Just sent a doggie pic. Greyhound/Shepherd named Charlie.
And I just sent you a pic of Kota and Steele. Steele is a Greyhound/Lab and Kota is his daughter with a slutty American Bulldog from the old neighborhood.
OT…but this is kinda how I see Trump v. media v. DNC v. GOP