Hey everybody, good news! The dentist says my teeth are all fixed, and I can once again travel outside of the South (and England) without being identified as “from there”. This is probably a good thing since it appears likely that I shall start spending about a week a month in Michigan for work starting in February. Hooray business travel!
WaPo clutches pearls at the idea that a Cabinet Secretary is doing work at the behest of the President! Mostly having to do with wrangling about the ongoing pro-Clinton, pro-Democrat stance of several senior FBI and Justice employees.
I don’t know whether to laugh or cry at this article claiming Right to Work laws are killing Democrats. I mean there are so many jaw dropping assertions in here that are factually untrue, as well as a complete recasting of the history of union opposition as a literal ploy by the KKK to break up worker solidarity. That’s not exactly how I remember the big UMWA and Pullman Car Porters Union struggles going down.
Unions reduce racial wage and wealth gaps, and many union contracts include rules mandating fair hiring and promotion standards, leading to less discrimination in the workplace
Oh Gods, do you think? Geoengineering may have unforeseen consequences. Especially since most geoengineering projects are aimed at fixing the problems with a model that is diverging from what is being measured.
I’m a fool to do your dirty work, oh yeah,
I don’t wanna do your dirty work, no more…
Notice, no Numbering?
Life’s so unfair
Ohh…this oughta be good…
Yep, just begging for the first/catbutt combo Gif
Whelp, this had potential…but nothing else happened. Sort of like the FBI investigating Hillary.
Taco Tuesday:
I’m making the picado tonight. Extra bacon.
I like this one,
Bistek en Salsa Roja
Delisioso compadre!
Those look small. I need 3 dozen.
Fortunately, they sell them by the half-dozen.
It’s called the sampler.
Go ‘way! Batin’!
seven, carry the two….goddamit
Corn Tortillas aren’t that big, If you go with Four, then you can make, Giant Tacos!
Derivative Mexican, it’s so easy to make Yummy food
Now you made me hungry for tacos, but I don’t think I’ll have time to stop at the actual mexican place on my way into town tonight, so you just damned me to Taco Bell.
Buy some goodies at the grocery and build your own, quick and easy
working from home right now where I don’t have any ingredients, then heading in to town to work so no time for that.
I have some bad news.
I was in Canon City Colorado When they opened up a Taco Bell, lines around the Block and this was 1996
Bacon salsa? I think I can jump on that bandwagon.
Taco Bell adds bacon flavor to their chipotle sauce.
I just thought you should know that.
For your convenience.
If you see me at a Taco Bell, you have my permission to kick me in the balls.
I just had a pair of Chalupas and a taco supreme for lunch. Mmmmmm, tacos.
*Scribbles Mad Scientist to list in purple crayon*
The two Chalupa meal is my go to there, it’s like an indian taco.
The only thing better than the chalupa is the chicken wrapped taco.
Holy cow! Those look tasty, and they’re local. I’ll have to check it out. The Burbank location is the one I’d likely be near in the future.
Thanks for the link!
“See, Every thing changes when We can’t Steal Money from You!!!!!” read this graph!
What side of Michigan are you going to be on? The hillbilly red state side (west) or the liberal blue side (east)?
Ah – Dearborn is like the NJ of Michigan. Enjoy!
What would the Michigan of NJ be?
Great Wolf Lodge.
Does NJ have one? My wife let my son sucker her into agreeing to have his birthday party at that place. Almost $400 to go on some water slides. Gahhhhhhhhh
I think the closest one is in PA.
I assumed that Jersey had some sort of indoor waterpark full of garbage and needles. I guess I got the name wrong.
I took the kids to Great Wolf. Won’t be doing that again.
NJ used to have the ultimate water park. Imagine a lib themed park where everyone was drunk and safty was optional.
Action Park.
one street in Cherry Hill
Dearborn is to Detroit as Cherry Hill is to Camden.
Fun fact. Cherry Hill road runs through Dearborn.
It’s all six degrees from Kevin Bacon…
The shitty broken down union-run towns? Camden, Newark, Trenton, Patterson…
The nice rural hills and lakes? Warren county in the Delaware River Gap area. Sussex County – High Point.
Well, you’ll have easy access to strip clubs and middle eastern cuisine.
Get a member pass for the Henry Ford and Greenfield Village.
It’s pretty fun to be cruising the village in a Model T on a nice day.
That’s the best part of Dearborn.
The Simpsons FTW.
What, no illustration?
Worst links evar – even STEVE SMITH, who is busy hunting down hikers, manages to post 4-5 of them.
Want a guest slot?
Didn’t we give him one once? If I recall correctly, they were all links to Poppy videos.
No I’m Poppy!
Who’s Poppy? This Poppy?
“First Lady Melania Trump will not be joining her husband when he heads to the Swiss Alps for the annual Davos gathering – after days of reports about an alleged affair between her husband and an adult film star.
The first lady’s office had initially said she should join president and the bevy of cabinet secretaries jetting to Davos for the annual gathering of billionaires, industrialists, and investors.
‘It was determined there were too many scheduling and logistical issues, so Mrs. Trump will not travel to Davos,’ her spokeswoman, Stephanie Grisham, told DailyMail.com.
CNN reported that that the first lady had planned to go and then cancelled the trip.”
Is the President sleeping on the First Couch?
Daily Mail? no
Same “story” in NY Post:
NYPost? NO….
She knows. Just like Hillary Clinton knew.
Because it was on her private server?
after days of reports about an alleged affair between her husband and an adult film star.
See, folks, that’s how you manufacture Fake News.
Is that the same woman who signed an affidavit that she never had sex with Trump?
Not only do they get to report on this as some kind of scandal, they will report the lawsuit for breach of contract as some kind of attack by Trump.
But Trump spanked her with a magazine that had his face on its cover. At least that’s what a colleague told me.
If you were on the cover of a magazine, wouldn’t you have 30 copies on hand? I know I would.
LIke I believe that ANY of Trump’s wives went into the marriage unaware that the terms of the marriage were that he could sleep with pretty much anyone anytime he wanted likely even having to sign pre nups acknowledging it and evicerating them in the divorce proceedings should they try to divorce him for infidelity or expose the contents of the pre nup
I think Ivana may not fall in that category. The next two however….
Yeah, that weather control thing is going to be a boondoggle that will make the Army Corps of Engineers look like chump change.
It could be a wedge issue to cause a schism among the greenies, which will hopefully delay it indefinitely.
Victoria’s Secret model plays with pussy.
So, is it alright to objectify this woman or not? It’s getting hard to keep track.
It’s getting hard to
keep tracksit at my desk.Wood. The woman, not the cat.
The U.S. National Transportation Safety Board is gathering information about an accident involving a Tesla Inc. Model S sedan that rear-ended a firetruck on a freeway near Los Angeles on Monday, the agency said.
The safety agency has not yet decided whether it will open a formal investigation of the crash, NTSB spokesman Chris O’Neil said in an email. The safety board only investigates a handful of highway accidents each year.
The Tesla’s driver said he had the vehicle’s Autopilot driver-assist system engaged when it struck a firetruck at around 65 miles per hour, a union for Culver City, California firefighters said in a tweet on Monday. “Amazingly there were no injuries! Please stay alert while driving!” the union said in the tweet.
The firetruck was parked in an emergency lane at the side of the highway attending to another accident at the time of the morning collision, according to the Mercury News.
No closing speed alarm?
Damn. Hit a parked fire engine at 65 and the people weren’t killed?
4000lb object hits 24,000lb object. The Firetruck likely barely budged and the Tesla driver was protected by seat belt and air bag
The Tesla’s driver said he had the vehicle’s Autopilot driver-assist system engaged
I believe it. And if so, this shows why those things are, at best, a mixed bag for reducing accidents. They give permission to not pay attention. I’ll bet my own money the “driver” was fucking around on his cell phone when the accident happened.
Click and Clack had a great way to reduce traffic accidents: put a big steel spike in the steering wheel, facing the driver’s chest.
Like the steering column on a Austin Healey.
The edge of the dash on ’50s cars would do the trick, too.
Ahem. That would be the Gordon Tullock spike.
Good God. What as asshole.
Tullock was kind of that apparently. But a lovable and very smart asshole. Along James Buchanan, a father of public choice theory.
We sure this article isn’t actually from some satire site?
What about fair firing?
Weren’t minimum wages, and the rise of the unions, designed to keep blacks out of the labor force?
Not just blacks – all minorities. Particularly those from Europe in the early part of the last century who were seen as under cutting wages.
Sure but that was then and this now. Unions are now pure as the driven snow.
The Nation is the Premier Commie Publication, has been for Decades
What, no love for Jacobin or Workers World Daily?
Jacobin is too new and WWD I think is International, But I’m not a Commie, so could be wrong
Always worth a read: PJ O’Rourke on the Nation’s exciting cruise of the Soviet Union, circa 1982
I was gonna say, wow, that’s like exactly the opposite of what unions have typically done, especially early in their histories in this country. I mean, gee, labor history experts, could you perhaps tell us the general demographic trend of most scabs versus that of most union strikers?
There was a story a few months back where the Philly where a developer had agreed d to use (roughly) 40% minority labor on a fairly decent sized apartment building project to get community support. The developer then had to go the BZA to get variance permitting them to use non-union labor on the project, because the local trades are only, roughly 10-15% minority. The five-member BZA, four members of which are Union reps, turned down the variance.
I’ll see if I can find the article.
BZA – least loved member of the Wu-Tang Clan
I laughed
BZA ain’t nuthin’ to f*** wit
Found it.
i.e. freedom.
Gonna be in Montgomery County Maryland in a couple weeks because of my sister’s divorce trial. Feh.
Anyone live around there? Any good bars I can escape to in the evening around the Rockville area?
Hyperion and Naptown Bill aren’t too far away.
From where I am, DC acts like a great big black hole in terms of traffic (as in all things), such that something on the other side of DC takes damn near twice as long to get to as you’d think based on the distance. From Annapolis I could probably get to Rehoboth and back before I could get to Rockville and back.
From Annapolis I could probably get to Rehoboth and back before I could get to Rockville and back.
97 -> 32 -> 95 -> 200 -> 355
I bet you could do it in less time, even in rush hour. Just don’t take 50 or get near the beltway.
Hmm, Google says my route would take more time through traffic.
I’m not far away either…TED.
But no way I’m driving to Rockville. Plus it is tax season, so…
I’m not too familiar with Rockville, have never hung around there too much.
There’s a Micro Center off 355 and I once worked a job digging holes and putting up silt fence there. That’s all I know.
… and none of this is helpful to JB
Ugh, I’d say if you don’t mind driving just leave Rockville. It’s like one big mall.
Honestly, downtown Frederick has some decent bars, and I could tell you all about Annapolis and environs, but either of those are gonna be like an hour drive.
Not going to have a car (not worth the cost), and since the court and my sister are both in Rockville, I’m probably stuck there. Definitely can’t make an hour drive.
Guess it’s a hotel bar or TGI Friday’s for me.
Not sure about anything else but if you’re into Korean BBQ there is a pretty good place in Frederick called Iron Age.
My wife makes me drive her there from time to time to get her kimchi fix and it is literally the only thing I know about the west side of DC
Pho 95 couple blocks north up the pike from the courthouse, across the street from the MC campus.
If I were in Rockville, I’d just look for something there, or go take an uber over to the green line down to DC. I’m sure there’s plenty of good choices in Rockville, I just don’t know any of them.
Divorce trial, holy terror, another reason why MD sucks. I’m so happy I was in a no fault state when I got divorced.
Surprised this hasn’t been posted yet, obligatory.
I’ll drive down from Philly to throw battery laced snowballs at you to celebrate/bemoan the Eagles performance in the Superbowl, as befitting a fan of your stature.
Santa deserved those snowballs and JD Drew definitely deserved the D-cell batteries.
I’m just glad we’re playing in the Super Bowl against the one fanbase hated more than we are
More hated than the Eagles? Not sure about that. At best, it’s probably a tie.
I’m biased, but I’d say we’re the 3rd most hated, behind the Patriots and the Cowboys.
My relative hatred of the Cowboys and the Eagles when they face off is entirely situational – I pull for whichever one is less of a contender. This year, that was the Cowboys.
I hate the Steelers, the cowboys, and then the patriots. Even though I’m not a fan, the Eagles fans never really annoyed me. Probably because their particular brand of idiocy is normal to me and never stood out.
False — there is no such thing as a Cowboys fan. Just people who hate themselves and everyone else.
No. At least on the Cowboys, People hate the Cowboys as a team, themselves. I’m not really familiar with any hatred of their fans. For the Eagles, people actually hate the fans.
There is no lower form of life on earth than the Cowboys fan who has absolutely no connection to the state of Texas whatsoever. Exhibit A: Chris Christie.
I’m hoping it changes, but can you really hate a fan base with 0 Super Bowl wins?
I hate Missouri fans and they’ve never won anything.
Kansas City hasn’t won a playoff game since 1962 as far as I know. A trend likely to continue. They can go 16-0 in the regular season and then they’ll perform their choke artistry in the first round of playoffs.
Hey, the Chiefs have been to two SBs and won one. Granted, they were an AFL team then, but still.
Granted, look who they beat to win their only one.
Chiefs: Always the bridesmaid, never the bride.
I do not know why we put up with them.
Do you think the Eagles fans will burn down the city when they get rolled by the Bilichickens? I wonder if I’ll be able to see the blaze from my porch if I gaze towards to the north?
No, they will burn down Minneapolis.
Does the metro bus go all the way to Minnesoda?
Yes, I’m pretty much guessing the Eagles will score first, likely a FG but perhaps even a TD, and then the Pats will reel off 35 unanswered points before the Eagles score in garbage time against the Pats third-string D. Possible one of the more boring SBs ever. I’m planning on getting drunk early and passing out right after the commercials in the beginning of the third quarter.
“LOS ANGELES (CBSLA) — A physical education teacher at Carthay Center Elementary School outraged parents and upset students when he stripped naked on campus Friday and proceeded to chase nearby second-graders and fifth-graders.”
“We can’t fire him, but he’s on paid leave”.
Did this teacher have a van?
I wouldn’t mind seeing that teacher naked.
And the video was taken by a construction worker?
Is this supposed to be weird? I thought it was normal for gym teachers get naked in front of students?
Gym is supposed to be weird. That’s why they make you take gym.
My 10th grade gym teacher was an edgy guy who’d obviously suffered some severe untreated PTSD from his service in Vietnam.
One day he was gone. Turns out he’d had a rifle in his gym bag for a while. Not sure if it was related to the PTSD, but I felt bad for him.
Holy shit.
Gone as in dead, or gone as in fired?
That’s the thing. We don’t know. Never told us.
Never told us why the band teacher left the same year either. Turns out he’d been fucking various students for over a decade, that he’d done the same thing in a school district in Michigan, and that the Dade County (Florida) Public School district never knew about it. One of the students (in the year before I got to high school) apparently killed herself.
That one I didn’t find out about until it was on 20/20 or 48 Hours or 60 minutes (can’t remember which) a couple of years later.
Did he catch any? I bet the kids got their exercise that day.
He was a PE teacher; What better way to get those lazy little bastards to run.
Teacher of the Year.
“Without unions we are nothing.”
Unions reduce racial wage and wealth gaps, and many union contracts include rules mandating fair hiring and promotion standards, leading to less discrimination in the workplace
Except when they are actively hostile to minorities and use the government to mandate work restrictions against them, which then eventually becomes apartheid.
“Oxford University has extended time for maths and computer science exams in a bid to help women get better grades.
Undergraduates were given 105 minutes to complete their papers, rather 90.
There was no change in difficulty or the length of questions and female students were said to do better as a result.
The proposals were put forward to reduce the ‘undue effects of time pressure’ which the prestigious university believe effects women more than men, reports the Sunday Times.
However, critics have slammed the changes as ‘sexist’ as they believe it suggests that women are the weaker sex.”
If it takes that much longer to perform a task, won’t that make up for the “wage gap” in the Real World?
The bridge is going to collapse in 90 minutes regardless of whether it takes you 80 or 100 minutes to figure out how to prevent it.
Math is Hard!
What idiots. If they had just said “we think students need more time to complete the exams, so we’re extending them to 105 minutes” they would be fine. But no, they had to go all social justice and virtue signal, and now it’s sexist.
I truly enjoy watching the revolution eat it’s own
AFFECTS, dammit, Mail. Or Oxford. Please don’t let it be Oxford.
That ship has sailed.
I know I’m trespassing on your lawn, but in Australia I would always write “effects.” Queen’s English and all that.
I didn’t know that was one of the differences between American and Queen’s English.
Generally, “affect” is a verb and “effect” is a noun. There are very specific instances where “affect” can be a noun (e.g., “the person’s affect was flat) and “effect” can be a verb (e.g., “to effect change”), but those are the only examples I can think of.
So it’s not that way in Brit English? I’m not being snarky. I’m genuinely curious.
I think it’s the same in Brit English- one of my close friends is a British author and he uses it correctly in all of his writing and correspondence with me. Otherwise, I’d have to injure him.
While I can’t speak to the standards of Australian spelling, the affect/effect distinction goes all the way back to Latin (affectare/efficio), and was preserved through French, Anglo-Norman, and Middle English. It is only in the present day that the two words (might be) collapsed into one.
Thanks for bringing the lumos, Harry Potter.
Contra Raven’s claim, these cheeky yobbos seem to side with Mojeaux.
That’s absolutely correct and there’s no difference in any other English speaking country.
Hmm, I’m Stupid, so that made me Smarter, Thanks
Well, I’m probably wrong based on the responses here. Possibly I was just using poor grammar. From CL’s link, however:
Q: So what about “effect” – we’ve established that that’s usually a noun. But can it also be a verb?
A: Again, yes. And again, in just one instance. This one often stumps people too.
Q: Do go on.
A: Consider this statement: “The politician effected positive change in her electorate by changing the law.”
Q: Ah. Okay, so that’s “effect” being used as a verb. Basically synonymous with “caused”.
So maybe I was just remembering that.
Sounds like the beginning of a fun word problem.
“One student completes an Oxford math exam in 85 minutes and another student completes it in 105 minutes. If both students received the same score on the exam, which student should you hire at 100% of the pay grade?
I heard the new math problem on the test was: Johnny completes a math test in an average of 85 minutes. Jane takes 104 minutes to complete the same test. How much faster is Johnny than Jane?
Typical man, always finishing before the woman does.
He probably wanted her to make him a sandwich when he was done too
If it takes him 85 minutes to finish, I don’t think she can really complain… if you know what I mean. (wink-wink)
Chafing exists.
from the geo-engineering article
reworked as
“Rapid inflation after stopping quantitative easing would be a huge threat to the stability of the economy,” said study co-author Janet Yellen of the Federal Reserve. “If quantitative easing ever stopped abruptly, it would be devastating, so you would have to be sure that it could be stopped gradually, and it is easy to think of scenarios that would prevent that.”
“If quantitative easing ever stopped abruptly, it would be devastating, so you would have to be sure that it could never be stopped.
gradually, and it is easy to think of scenarios that would prevent that.”FTFY
I don’t doubt for a second that laws forbidding extortion schemes to fill the coffers of the Democratic Party are having a negative effect on said party. Where I part company from them is thinking that this is a bad thing.
Not to mention all those “volunteers” who canvas the neighborhoods at election time.
Chip, they are Commies! But their graphs don’t lie, and They can’t hide it anymore Boo Fricking Hoo!
The two-pronged war on unions—both private sector and public sector—has already weakened the Democratic Party. While Democrats view politics primarily through the lens of technocratic policy fixes, Republicans think of politics as war, and their goal is to demobilize, humiliate, immiserate, and ultimately destroy their opponents. Democrats may struggle to understand why the GOP would do something like reject a Medicaid expansion, impoverishing their state and literally killing their own constituents. The brutal logic is quite simple: Dead poor people can’t vote, and poor people without health care have no reason to vote for Democrats. As it turned out, study after study has confirmed this electoral logic: Rejecting the Medicaid expansion led to thousands of deaths, but it benefited Republicans electorally.
Holy shit. More projection than a whole damn IMAX theater
I was marveling at the projection, too.
poor people without health care have no reason to vote for Democrats.
Huh….how did they ever win elections before 1965?
poorpeoplewithout health carehave no reason to vote for Democrats.But that doesn’t stop em.
As it turned out, study after study has confirmed this electoral logic: Rejecting the Medicaid expansion led to thousands of deaths
(ed. note: no such studies exist)
“kbolino admits to lack of funding to study the millions confirmed dead as a result of unexpanded medicaid.”
“Dead poor people can’t vote”
I’m sure the democrats managed to find a few.
Only a few?
Sorry, left out “thousand”
In most every city.
What the author fails to mention is that private sector union employees don’t much care for public sector union employees. (insert sad trombone)
I’ll bet my own money the “driver” was fucking around on his cell phone when the accident happened.
Maybe he was reading the Wall Street Journal; that broadsheet newspaper blocking the windshield would explain how he could run into the back of a fire truck and NEVER SEE IT.
Seems like a pretty basic function of an autopilot, doesn’t it?
Tesla is the worst of both worlds. Will do most of the driving making it really boring, but won’t do all of it so you have stay alert the whole time.
“Former Attorney General Loretta Lynch knew well in advance of FBI Director James Comey’s 2016 press conference that he would recommend against charging Hillary Clinton, according to information turned over to the Senate Homeland Security Committee on Friday.
The revelation was included in 384 pages of text messages exchanged between FBI officials Peter Strzok and Lisa Page, and it significantly diminishes the credibility of Lynch’s earlier commitment to accept Comey’s recommendation — a commitment she made under the pretense that the two were not coordinating with each other.
And it gets worse. Comey and Lynch reportedly knew that Clinton would never face charges even before the FBI conducted its three-hour interview with Clinton, which was supposedly meant to gather more information into her mishandling of classified information.”
TW: loud autoplay
So did she know the result around the time she met Bill in person in his private jet?
They probably didn’t have time to discuss that, what with all the talk of golf and grandchildren.
That and everything else Bill gets around to in private meetings on his private jet?
Uhh… I doubt he had time to rape Loretta.
FTA: “M)any FBI-provided Samsung 5 mobile devices did not capture or store text messages due to misconfiguration issues related to rollouts, provisioning, and software upgrades that conflicted with the FBI’s collection capabilities”
Q: When you say “MANY FBI provided Samsung 5 mobile devices”, how many are we talking about?
Expected A: ……………..uh……2.
They’re kind of stuck on that one. If it’s a few, that’s suspicious, but if it was “all of them”, then whoever was in charge of overseeing storage of text messages didn’t notice a widespread problem for 5 months – also suspicious.
“Hooray business travel!”
As I write this I’m Ubering to Midway. Business travel sucks.
Gawd, I’m glad I don’t do that anymore. When I was still working I started only accepting assignments that didn’t require any air travel. Used to fly from Boston to Syracuse almost every month. At some point I realized it easier to drive the five hours than spend five hours dealing with airports, TSA and being stuffed in a aluminium cylinder. When I was going back and forth between Mass and Montana to get set up I drove rather than flew..
Did I mention I hate commercial flying?
Probably way too late for you now, unless you had a horrendous delay, but there is an advantage to Midway, and that’s you can get a drink in a bar and walk around the airport with it. One of the few airports to let you take alcohol out of the designated areas.
Took advantage of it. It was great because I wasn’t in the mood for chit chat at the bar.
“The Guy Who Played Barney the Dinosaur Now Runs a Tantric Sex Business”
Something something pizzagate.
i loved Death to Smoochy.
I love you
You Love me
Lets both open Chakra Three
Let me guess, Baby-bop is his main ho?
From the Right-to-work article:
How many counties ‘straddle’ state lines? Zero.
By ‘straddle’ does he mean border? Obviously ‘straddle’ is the incorrect word, because that would imply that a single county could be in two different states, which is untrue.
By straddle, he means sit on your chest and tittie-fuck you.
He obviously means ‘cities’ but is too dumb to know it.
It may just be me, but doesn’t the use of the term ‘anti-union’ for ‘right-to-work’ kind of imply a certain bias to the study?
Just call me cynical.
That’s editorializing on the part of The Nation, not the study’s authors.
Maybe cities or MSAs?
Jeffrey Tucker is criticizing mainstream media outlets.
“Tucker is alt-right or something. Burn the witch!”
– Future Reason article
Everything I’ve read about the history of the Press shows that the Press has always been muckracking, sensationalist and agenda driven. Until quite recently Newspapers were expected to be nothing more than mouthpieces for the editor’s views and support whatever political party the editor supported at the time. The “Real Journalism” that the MSM is bemoaning the end of is really only a Post-WWII thing and not as wonderful as they claim.
+1 William Randoph Hearst
Same with the supposed civility of opposing politicians. That’s another post WWII outlier and not the usual state of affairs.
‘Zombie Deer’ Disease Is Spreading: What You Should Do
Only a matter of time until it spreads to humans.
Can’t wait for the premiere of The Gamboling Dead.
+1 White Indian
Only solution is to arm the healthy deer with chainsaws, then sit back and watch.
Is the Forbes website still a hot mess?
“Why Rick and Morty Season 4 Must Tackle Sexual Harassment”
They should do an episode on women sexually harassing men.
The author is getting destroyed in the comments section.
Why? Have they ever been a Ripped From the Headlines-type show? I’ve never seen it.
Rick apologizes to Unity for sexually harassing her, and her, and her, and him, and her, and her, and him, and her, and her, and him….
IGN. LOL. It may as well be Salon or Vox.
Yeah, she THICC:

Seems like a pretty basic function of an autopilot, doesn’t it?
I can’t help thinking an “autopilot” system should include some sort of notification when there’s a large stationary object directly in your path.
that’ll be included in the autopilot 2.0, TBD.
buy now to lock in the low price of $6000!
I’m sorry, Dave. I’m afraid we’re both about to eat it.
You’d think so, I guess that’s the difference between a Tesla and a decent car.
My Accord automatically matches speeds if I come up on a slower moving vehicle and emergency brakes if there’s a object directly in my path. That’ll be standard on Accords soon and isn’t autopilot, how can Tesla not have that. The emergency break isn’t supposed to prevent a crash, but will significantly reduce the impact (though it can prevent). It’s faster than human reaction if deer jumps out of nowhere or a car you can’t see because of obstruction runs a red.
In our idyllic electric car utopia of the future who could have ever foreseen this coming?
Self-driving electric cars can simply park on another grid – duh.
All that extra electricity will come from non-GMO, free range power plants of course.
This is a real humdinger of derp.
You Don’t Need a Telescope to Find a ‘Shithole Country’
But, far to the north, was a shithole country ruled by a former B-list movie actor who had starred in “Bedtime for Bonzo” and who was in the early stages of dementia. This shithole country, which saw the world in black and white, communist and capitalist, was determined to thwart the aspirations of the poor and the landless. It would not permit the profits of its companies, such as United Fruit, or the power of the pliant oligarch class that did its bidding in El Salvador, to be impeded. It had disdain for the aspirations of the poor, especially the poor of Latin American or Africa, the wretched of the earth, as writer Frantz Fanon called them, people who in the eyes of those who ruled the shithole country should toil in misery all their lives for the oligarchs and the big American companies allied with them. Let the poor, brown and black people go hungry, watch their children die of sickness or be murdered. Power and wealth, those who ruled this shithole country believed, was theirs by divine right. They, as the lords of shithole-dom, were endowed with special attributes. God blessed shithole countries.
The Chilean poet Pablo Neruda understood how those who ruled the shithole country looked at the wretched of the earth.
fun fact: Neruda was shameless shill for communism. He wrote poems in praise of Stalin.
It’s amazing how Reagan is the one B-movie star they hate, even though he was often the best thing about the movies. (In general I tend to think Warner Bros., where Reagan was under contract, put out the best B movies.) His affable personality made him a natural for the plucky characters the producers gave him.
A lot of the other B actors were revered character actors in A movies.
Dark Victory and Kings Row were not B-Movies
He was signed to replace Ross Alexander. Remember him?
How about Brass Bancroft, Love is on the Air, Nine Lives Are Not Enough, Accidents Will Happen, and on and on? Reagan is by far the best thing about the Brass Bancroft movies.
Yes, actually. LOL.
Reagan was in a supporting role in Dark Victory (as was Humphrey Bogart). It wasn’t until the early 40s that Reagan started getting leads in prestige movies.
And the less said about Night Unto Night the better.
How about That Hagen Girl? Lois Maxwell of all people gets a Golden Globe for playing Shirley Temple’s teach despite being only a year older. No wonder she was cast as Moneypenny.
It’s funny though that B-list is still higher than their beloved Al Franken ever got.
And he was at Warner Bros. not Republic or Monogram.
The main tourist attraction in funky Valparaiso, Chile is Pablo Naruda’s house. Other than some unusual paint and windows, it’s really just a house. But the place is always hopping with tourists.
A block or so away you can walk to a little kiddie park where a statue of Neruda is sitting on a park bench. You can sit with him and pretend to talk about Uncle Joe if you want. It’s kind of weird, he’s looking right at the kids’ play area, so for those who might not recognize him it seems they made a statue honoring a pedophile.
Indeed, why should [the state] be in the marriage business at all? is an excellent question that I’m glad a state is finally considering.
Goddamn Lord Hardwicke.
Well it’s about damned time!
There is one pretty big negative to abolishing the whole thing, removing spousal privilege.
Well, I had a quick’n’easy answer then decided to think about that for a while. Thank you!
This is Alabama?
I heard that in James Earl Jones’ voice.
Will Alabamans still be able to marry their sisters/mothers/first cousins?
First Cousins yes: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cousin_marriage_law_in_the_United_States_by_state
The question is which is to be master — that’s all.
Ernst & Young analyze Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs), find out More than 10 percent of the total amount raised has been hacked and stolen
I’m surprised it’s that little.
The SEC has already said they’re going to come down hard on ICOs. Expect proposed regulations soon.
Why is an ICO even the purview of the SEC? I get that it’s a security of sorts. But does it have to be domiciled somewhere? Is there really a market being made for it in a particular locale?
To the extent it’s being offered and sold inside the United States, the SEC has jurisdiction.
Linky, no linky.
I’ve been doing a bunch of work related to ICOs since November.
I believe the #. I am surprised its not higher. That said – its really only the top 1/3 or so of ico’s that are widely distributed. the remainder are mostly money being sloshed around between cliques of insiders.
Pictured: Gilmore’s ICO work
Spraying sulfur dioxide in the atmosphere to create clouds? Anyone advocating that is insane. Didn’t we have a big watermelon scare in the ’70s over acid rain? What is wrong with these people? It’s like dealing with schizophrenics.
Hey fuckwits, what happens when you mix sulfur dioxide with water?
So in order to combat climate change, we need to make our atmosphere more like Venus.
Sounds legit.
According to someone claiming to be Stephen Hawking the atmosphere will be like Venus soon enough…
So atmospheric pressure at sea level equivalent to several miles beneath the ocean?
Poor Stephen forgot that Venus is far closer to the sun than earth is. Minor details I know, anyone could forget, but I’m also sure his mind is starting to atrophy along with his body. Poor guy.
RA, make sure you let me know when you’ll be in Tokyo.
This has to do with new shipping regulations. Cargo ships run on 3.5% to 5% sulfur fuel, and they have to stop emitting so much sulfur soon. Sulfur makes acid rain, but it also reflects sunlight, so the argument goes, “Why worry about sulfur in fuel since volcanoes puke it out anyway?”
We have to tax volcanoes.
And set up a government agency to regulate their outflow.
And set up an oversight commission to oversee the agency.
And set up a crony to buy the land where we’ll build the agency so we can purchase it from him at a substantially higher number.
You get a very nasty acid that irritates the lungs and eats the shit out of structural steel. Any other questions?…
Oh and it is one of the gasses that coal plants were forced to scrub from their exhaust at a cost of several hundred million per individual power plant.
Unions reduce racial wage and wealth gaps, and many union contracts include rules mandating fair hiring and promotion standards, leading to less discrimination in the workplace
I worked at a grocery store when I was in high school. We weren’t unionized. A guy I knew in high school worked at a competing grocery store chain which was unionized. He was a member of the union. One day I talked with him about the union and what the union did for him.
After union dues, he was paid the same amount I was paid.
The union guaranteed annual pay raises. The chain I worked at did not guarantee any annual raises, but every year all employees received raises equivalent to what those working at the unionized store received.
I said, “I don’t see the difference, what’s the point of the union?”
His response was, summarized, if you are lazy or incompetent the union will protect you.
I stayed far away from that chain.
As a wee lad, I too bagged groceries. Union shop. While it did pay higher than the non-union shop, most of that got gobbled up by dues for the high school part time baggers. I suppose the cashiers did a bit better. But the union was worthless since they didn’t seem to defend employees who got canned for sassing the boss, and they wanted nothing to do with the store’s practice of making high school kids work more than the law allowed. Making as in work the OT or get fired. Now as a greedy soon to be libertarian salivating over the filthy lucre I would get for OT that would help pay for college, I had no complaint. However, I’ve been told repeatedly by lefties that if there were no unions we would have sweatshops and child labor.
The prog argument is that because of the union guaranteed pay rate and guaranteed raises, your store was forced to adopt similar practices or lose employees. (It’s cheaper to do the same thing but also not deal with/pay the union.) Thus you are a free riding scab benefiting from the hard work of the union.
It’s fun to counter this argument by asking them why comparable non-union jobs sometimes pay more than their unionized counterparts. I’ve never gotten any response other than a doe eyed stare.
Maybe they’d try a variation of the Walmart/loss-leader tactic? “They’re trying to kill off the union, but as soon as it’s dead expect hours to be cut and wages to fall off.” I’ve never actually seen evidence such things happen (or Walmart move in, kill off local business then raise prices) but it seems like an article of faith among anti-business types.
In New Hampshire, man bites dog
Trooper Livingstone deployed K-9 Veda into the trailer, who quickly located and apprehended the man, who was trying to conceal himself under a pile of clothes. According to the NHCTA, the man began kicking and punching K-9 Veda and on-scene troopers, and at one point during the struggle put K-9 Veda in a chokehold and bit her in the head.
Police dogs are the best (the only good?) part of the police.
I’m going to assume “K-9 Veda” is a robot, because no normal human being would refer to a dog like that repeatedly.
According to the NHCTA,
the man began kicking and punchinglimbs were flaied at K-9 Veda and on-scene troopers, and at one point during the struggleputK-9 Veda was put in a chokehold andbit her in the headher head was bitten into.Crap, I screwed up one of the close tags. You can figure it out yourselves.
anyone see the new PPQ SC? competitor of the VP9SK, FNS9C, other double-stack compacts. same PPQ trigger apparently.
I haven’t seen it yet, but I’m pretty interested. I love my ppq and carry it every day. wouldn’t mind it. Also curious at the sig P365, that looks to be a good option.
My shooting buddy had a PPQ and also loves it. Can’t really say I dig that SC though. The P365 is interesting. I had heard that they were going to put a manual safety on it. If so I’ll probably pick one up.
Not in person. I think I’d pick up one of those P99AS compacts before the PPQsc. (Mostly based on aesthetics.)
I wish Walther would go back to the older style magazine release on the trigger guard. Love those, and about the only thing I don’t like about my PPSM2.
I’m a wheel gun fan myself. My ruger lcr weighs nothing and the trigger is real smooth. It stings like hell however, everything is a trade off.
Justice for the otherkins, at long last
The ride-hailing company has hired its first chief diversity and inclusion officer, Bo Young Lee. Lee’s hiring comes after an investigation into Uber’s workplace culture, led by former US Attorney General Eric Holder, concluded the company needs to do more around company diversity.
“Building a culture where everyone feels included and can bring their whole selves to work is critical to the new culture we’re building,” Liane Hornsey, Uber’s chief people officer, said in a statement Tuesday. “Bo has a proven track record of building environments where all employees feel proud, included and committed.”
Identify as a multi-story building, or a large fire breathing flying reptile? Well, if you work at Uber, you’ve finally got management on your side.
Oddly, I’ve only ever brought the productive part of my whole self to work. Have I been getting scammed this entire time?
I’ve certainly left my brain at home in bed a few times. It eventually gets there though.
Depends, are you a union member?
12 new boomers in the works
The United States Navy may build more than 12 Columbia-class nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarines (SSBNs). While the Pentagon had previously stated that it needed 12 Columbia-class submarines, the new Nuclear Posture Review sets that number as a floor.
“The Columbia-class program will deliver a minimum of 12 SSBNs to replace the current Ohio fleet,” a predecisional version of the Nuclear Posture Review obtained by The National Interest reads.
It would be cheaper to put 3 warheads instead of 1 in all the Minuteman missiles, which was the original load.
What a great way to piss away more money on something that’ll never be used. WTF do we need twelve of the damn things for?
SSBNs are far more survivable, can creep up on the shelf and take low trajectory shots, and don’t expose American civilians to counter strikes.
If I was handed a red pen and the defense budget, I’d probably only tinker around the edges of the submarine fleet. There’s a hell of a lot more wasteful things in there.
“and don’t expose American civilians to counter strikes.”
How would launching missiles from a submarine prevent the enemy from launching missiles at US cities?
If the enemy values removing the US’s ability to launch missiles, targeting a submarine in the ocean is comparatively less civilians dead than a silo in mainland.
I dropped a word there. Counter force strikes.
SSBNs are probably, even more so than other strategic weapons, what kept the peace. I could certainly, were I the Russians, think of ways to conduct a strike on the landbased silos and even the bomber legs of the stool. But there’s no way in hell you pull that off and get every single boomer at sea, and just one Ohio class will make a bad day for you.
NR writer makes the case that if the court goes full partisan instead of squishy balance, tribalism will go from a few small riots and sucker punches to the end of the republic and civil war.
Maybe the swing vote can be someone mostly libertarian? It would be a flip of Kennedy’s swing vote, but still serve as a balance.
NR looks at empty barn, closes the door.
Political writers have openly handicapped SCOTUS through a partisan lens for at least a decade. No one makes even the slightest pretense anymore that it’s anything but a super legislature, an American House of Lords. Shit, as soon as The Bitch conceded to the Orange Menace, progs were openly talking about Ginsburg’s health.
Well, I suppose there is some truth to it. Kennedy is irrational, mercurial, with a high opinion of himself. So is the average voter.
today I learned
Today the Haber-Bosch process is responsible for almost all of the world’s synthetic fertilizer. A little more than 1 percent of the world’s industrial energy is devoted to it. “That 1 percent,” the futurist Ramez Naam has noted, “roughly doubles the amount of food the world can grow.” The environmental scientist Vaclav Smil has estimated that nitrogen fertilizer from the Haber-Bosch process accounts for “the prevailing diets of nearly 45% of the world’s population.” More than 3 billion men, women, and children—an incomprehensibly vast cloud of hopes, fears, memories, and dreams—owe their existence to two obscure German chemists.
Fritz Haber, the man who fed the world then gassed it.
WHy do I know that name? I think I read about him in relation to Meitner & Hahn, but don’t recall the context.
Have watched or read anything about Einstein recently?
I read about Einstein all the time. Could have been one of those.
They were colleagues and had differing opinions on WWI. Fritz was a big part of the Nat Geo Einstein miniseries last year.
I imagine they had many political differences, as Haber seemed a “tow the lion” kinda guy up until he left the KWI.
Mike Rowe did an episode of The Way I Heard It about Haber, but I can’t find a link at the moment.
article contains this awful metaphor:
Enzymes are biological catalysts. Like jaywalking pedestrians who cause automobile accidents but escape untouched, enzymes cause biochemical reactions to occur but are unchanged by those reactions.
Technically it’s a simile.
So it is.
But it’s just as bad.
Consider cassava, a big tuber also known as manioc, mogo, and yuca. The 11th-most-important crop in the world in terms of production, it is grown in wide swathes of Africa, Asia, and Latin America. The edible part grows underground; no matter how big the tuber, the plant will never fall over. On a per-acre basis, cassava harvests far outstrip those of wheat and other cereals. The comparison is unfair, because cassava tubers contain more water than wheat kernels. But even when this is taken into account, cassava produces many more calories per acre than wheat. (The potato is a northern equivalent. The average 2016 U.S. potato yield was 43,700 pounds per acre, more than 10 times the equivalent figure for wheat.) “I don’t know why this alternative is not considered,” Botoni said. Although cassava is unfamiliar to many cultures, introducing it “seems easier than breeding entirely new species.”
There are similar arguments for eating insects instead of chicken, pork, and beef.
I’ve eaten larvae of some sort. The taste was a combo of bacon and shrimp- very savory.
I’ve eaten grasshopper. It was crunchy but otherwise there was nothing special about it.
Cassava is delicious, but coring out the spindly network of pith on the root axis is a PITA. Plus if its skin is treated with wax – super annoying. A set of prep issues the potato doesn’t have.
The top man worship is astounding here. Literally cannot comprehend that people might make their own decisions. That there might be this thing called price that would determine if consuming meat was worth the literal cost.
God forbid anyone ever make money from anything.
Here’s a really interesting radio story about Haber. The good and bad.
When I first started this job, the boss asked me to take a deep dive on this one web site to see if it could be improved. So I came up with a way to make it easier to update and more flexible (after a minor panic last week where one of the teams had a new home page image and text, but they couldn’t make the change in the CMS – I had to edit the template). But there’s no sandbox for me to fuck around with. What did the boss expect me to do with this thing without a sandbox?
Their solution is to have me screw around with it late at night.
That being said, this job is great so far. Lesson learned from my last job – don’t be the only person in the company that knows about something such as “the internet”. People will look to you for answers, but they won’t believe you when you give them the answers. Now I’m on a whole web team, and it’s much less stressful.
“Hey everybody, good news! The dentist says my teeth are all fixed, and I can once again travel outside of the South (and England) without being identified as “from there”
You damn one percenters.
“I don’t know whether to laugh or cry at this article claiming Right to Work laws are killing Democrats.”
Well, I mean people working IS generally bad for Democrats. People who are working are less likely to beg for free shit in exchange for votes.
This Tweet from Chelsea Handler has got to be the dumbest, most tone-deaf thing ever.
Am I an unwashed heathen because I had to Google Chelsea handler?
I don’t feel any smarter now.
No. But will you know she has lifeless doll eyes if you search pix.
Her boobpedia page (NSFW) is deeper and more interesting than that tweet.
At least She was Skiing
What district is he running in? There’s no where near Balmer with a high black population where he has a prayer, and in the hinterlands, the rednecks aren’t going for him either. It has to be in the white proggie areas or there’s no way.
Different Chelsea. But yeah, I totally agree, and that would be true for any of the Chelseas I can think of off the top of my head.
LOL at calling Chelsea Handler “he”.
So I guess Rush is Finished
Exit…stage left.
I haz a sad. However, I think it’s best just to go out on top.
That would have been before Roll the Bones was released.
Signals was about it for me, but still tons to listen to
Jack — relax.
Get busy with the facts.
No zodiacs or almanacs,
No maniacs in polyester slacks.
Just the facts.
Gonna kick some gluteus max.
It’s a parallax — you dig?
You move around
The small gets big. It’s a rig.
It’s action — reaction —
Random interaction.
So who’s afraid
Of a little abstraction?
Can’t get no satisfaction
From the facts?
Better run, homeboy —
A fact’s a fact
From Nome to Rome boy.
What’s the deal? Spin the wheel.
If the dice are hot — take a shot.
Play your cards. Show us what you got —
What you’re holding.
If the cards are cold,
Don’t go folding.
Lady luck is golden;
She favors the bold. That’s cold.
Stop throwing stones —
The night has a thousand saxophones.
So get out there and rock,
And roll the bones.
Get busy!
“That would have been before Roll the Bones was released.”
Truer words ain’t never been spoken.
I remember liking it when it came out. Went back to it years later and realized what a steaming pile of shiite it was.
I liked everything up to Roll the Bones, yes, including their brief foray into Rap. They lost me at the next Album, Counterpoint I think it was. Never bought anything else of theirs after that.
Then again, I am not sure I ever actually paid for music again after that, but I never downloaded any of their newer stuff either.
At least we still have Lou Reed.
The only good thing that ever came out of Canada is over? Well, at least they still have Zoolander, bless their hearts.
Pat Travers would like a word…..
You spelled Triumph wrong.
You spelled The Tragically Hip wrong.
Anyone should be able to spell SCTV.
Too bad. Clockwork Angels was a fun album and a great concert (at least on Blu-Ray). Need to pick up the R40 collection.
Yes…..I came to them *very late*.
RIP Ursula K. LeGuin.
So it begins…
Dang, i liked Her Style
I named my uvula Ursula.
Ursula must be the most popular Disney villain over in Japan, with the tentacles and all.
I always liked Cruella Deville Myself
But not your urethra ?
Beverly Cleary survives!
I had a hard time getting into her novels, but I enjoyed a lot of her short stories.
Come home – the cat completely ignores me.
Turn on soldering iron to work on my second amp – and suddenly it’s “hey! Watcha doing there? Can I burn my whiskers on that?”
oh Shit….. kittah OK? I hope…….
I told the Wife, She Freaked, let us know please
No damage – just had to push her away before she got into trouble.
Cool, Dumb Cats….
Jordan Peterson, very Smart, Critiquing his own interview, I think i might like this Guy,
Interesting on Peterson’s side. That interviewer is the least interesting person in the world, however.
His analysis in the video is amazing, He analyzed Her as he was standing his ground, Multitasking like a Big dog,
I’ve watched the Newman interview 3 or 4 times. It was great. Haidt has a similar, but nicer way of dismantling SJWs.
Here’s the long version, almost 2 hours, good stuff, background noise,
-There are multiple reasons women make less in aggregate than men. Sexism seems to be only a small part of.
-Women and men have different brains and character traits.
-How you would “fix” the inequality in wages cannot violate the rights of the individual.
Peterson just stayed in his lane and she had no answer. Nothing really novel in his ideas. He respected Newman as a person as he showed utter distain for her ideas. That was his genius.
I’m a big fan of Jordan Peterson. It’s a little unfortunate that the alt-right gloms on to a lot of what he says, but I think it’s a sign of how far to the left academia has gone. Peterson comes out and says things that maybe as recently as ten, fifteen years ago would be considered pretty uncontroversial, and now he’s labeled a far-right provocateur.
Thanks Yusef. I just watched it and it was great. I saw the whole interview ( I rarely have the patience to watch anything that long) and thoughts on the whole thing were great.
Not satire.
Ahhhh, the joys of Commercial HVAC, Cold, Rain, Wind, Sun, Heat. Go ahead, leave that Office, come on now……….
If you’re burning natural gas, and dont have approx. 10% CO2 at the flue, your efficiency is shot
/ V means ventilation
2 things. 1. I’d recommend that if you are going to stand at work, you have one of the standing desks like I have at the office. 2. I don’t really recommend the never coming back part unless you have shitloads of money stashed away.
Some hockey administrator dies, and they’ve been going on about it before the game for 15 minutes holding up the start time. The game was supposed to be a 7:00 start, dumbasses.
“Some hockey administrator” Like the director for West Side Story?
/Fight, Hockey Game…..
I’d never heard of Jim Johannson. And the PA announcer is still droning on after close to 30 minutes now. I turned on the game between 7:05 and 7:10 just as this stuff was starting.
They finally just asked for the moment of silence.
Apparently it’s the NHL app that fucked up, because the game was going on while the app was playing this shit.
Do you pay the NHL subscription fee to stream games through the app? Can you watch any game that’s being played?
Listen, not watch. The radio broadcasts are still free as of now. I have no idea when they’re going to try to monetize it like the NFL does.
OK, got it. I’ve used the audio but they’re always sending me alerts to try NHL Premium.
I prefer to listen because I’m generally either on the computer or, for games out west, in bed.
But the app is also buggy. It missed an entire intermission last night, if you wanted to hear the interviews.
Finally tried Tito’s Handmade Vodka. Gd damn that is smooth for the price point.
It’s my go to vodka for martinis – with a twist of lemon.
While whispering the words “vermouth vermouth” over the garnished glass of vodka?
Yeah, it really is all it’s cracked up to be. I actually prefer other vodkas for stuff like martinis because it’s so smooth it’s easy to bury it under the vermouth or tonic or whatever. I like Tito’s on the rocks or chilled neat.
Truth. A shot is only barely noticeable mixed with a can of club soda., So I could see it getting some people in trouble. I’m watching my figure, this low calorie libation after eating 4 Wendy’s sandwiches for dinner *burp* *fart* *burrrappp* *shart*
A friend of mine referred to it as the “Body by Vodka” diet.
It really works, I saw my friend pair it with vigorous daily cardio and completely dropping beer consumption. He’s got the beer gut back these days.
It’s good. Best vodka for the price. I got the tip about it from some old Russian immigrant of all things.
I was friends with a titos rep in boulder.
that was a sweet gig. he brought so much to our place.
For as much as I loves me some SW Ohio, “Buckeye Vodka”, made locally, is best suited for de-greasing a grill top. Or flushing brake lines. Of course, it may be suitable “mixed”, but I dont subscribe to that ideology.
New Hampshire’s pride and joy
god. my social circle drank far too much of that at champlain.
I’m pleased to say I never tried, but man it’s cheap.
Sobieski or GTFO.
STARZ is showing Johnny Dangerously. It was the first movie I saw when we got cable in the early 80’s. Kind of a fun flick.
+1 .88 Magnum
“your Testicles, and you”
Don’t bullshtein me.
+1 fargin war
Dis somanumbatching country was founded so that the liberties of common patriotic citizens like me could not be taken away by a bunch of fargin iceholes… like yourselves.
Could be any Glibber on any day.
I can see a Roseanne/Moronie2020 ticket.
Youuuu farggen iceholes.
“It shoots through schools”
From the Muller probe, to the VA debacle, to the WoD, to the IRS scandal, to the US arming of ISIS allied groups, to, well, I could keep going. If you’re going to advocate for government to intervene in people’s lives to smooth out the rough edges of capitalism, it’s your fucking obligation to expose and fight against abuses of power. But, no. Every single time, the people who advocate big government are the same people who rush in to obfuscate and defend big government when it inevitably fucks up.
Sorry. Pointless venting.
I’m in the same boat. I’ve been going on angry rants about how the media is just ignoring all these big stories like the FISA memo.
Why do you hate America?
The load of shit the FBI is asking us to swallow can’t be allowed. At best they are extremely incompetent. “We lost it.” GFY.
Look at Dmitri over here. Why do you hate America?
Throw in some Raimondo and Rockwell quotes, and you’ll summon Winston.
Well said Brother
Well, if they let the dullard public focus on the fuckups they might start complaining about government being too big, and then it won’t be able to do all the wonderful things it does like intervening in people’s lives to smooth out the rough edges of capitalism, you see.
Yep. It really is simply about free shit and/or vengeance on enemies at this point.
Hey look over there!
I totally agree with you and have even challenged my friends who lean Left to fight the abuses of government power. But for them to fight against government abuse would force them to confront their belief that a powerful government can cure all the ills of society.
That’s it in a nutshell. It would be like 2A advocates tripping over themselves to defend murderers that use guns. Of course you don’t do that if you want to keep your right to bear arms.
I’ve had friends who in one sentence will bitch and moan about the police abusing minorities but will deny that taking away government’s ability to have those laws in the first place would actually decrease the abuse.
“Joe Biden said Tuesday that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell stopped the Obama administration from speaking out about Russian interference in the 2016 campaign by refusing to sign on to a bipartisan statement of condemnation. That moment, the former Democratic vice president said, made him think “the die had been cast … this was all about the political play.””
Wow. They are really going to keep on going with the narrative that the Russians help Trump steal the election despite it exposing the previous administration’s attempt to undermine the GOP’s primary candidate who is now President. These assholes politically weaponize the bureaucracy and have the balls to complain that the Russians interfered in the election and have no substantial proof that Trump was in cahoots with the Russians.
Why do you hate America, Ed?
Ooh, the top and bottom arrows on the left side are back (for now).
I’m afraid to test the X one, tho.
It works ?
hold my beer.
oh, that wasn’t bad at all!
Dammit … I was hoping for an earth shattering kaboom 🙁
The Peoples Republic of China is libertopia?
Sorry Rhywun. I didn’t realize the tennis was going to be over that quickly. (Heck, I didn’t think they had an early start down in Melbourne today.)
Yusef? Your thoughts, if any:
i would have Stolen it had I known, I’m not kidding, Fast trak would have me there and back in 90 minutes,
/Lost opportunities
I’ll make you one, but I doubt its gonna meet CalDOT standards.
You can do that? Please Make it!
Cardboard, spray-paint….Im all over it
That is damn funny.
My mom gave a novelty ‘family name’ road sign to my grandparents who lived on a dead end street in the 80s. The road straddles the townline, in town it was renamed ‘family name’ road, but outside town where the property is the name remained the same. So, a few years back they put out new road name signs, and replaced the novelty sign with a real sign, even though at that point the road isn’t named that. But apparently they realized the novelty sign wasn’t theirs and left it at the bottom of the sign post. Government efficiency ladies and gentlemen.
This is a courtesy announcement: Giving poor people jobs is not exploitation. That is all.
But giving people poor jobs is, shitlord!
/they do jobs americans wont
Not giving. Hiring.
But yes, you are correct.
Why do you hate the poor?
Because they never buy a round.
Well because as a general rule they tend to whine a lot, are not very intelligent, and usually smell bad
Because they vote early, and more than once?
Remember the Columbia law professor to whom Comey leaked his diary in order to instigate the collusion probe? He’s now claiming to represent Comey, presumably to shield both from questioning.
Things seem to be collapsing all around Mueller’s ears.
He should’ve married him. Spousal privilege.
Reminds of when Kenny “The Star” Starr represented Jeff “Lolita” Epstein for those pesky kid-fucking charges?
I’ve been laughing at the dummies at WaPo and DU who never expected an attempted coup hatched by the Clintons to not implode like a Hillary campaign from the get go. They should have known better than to stir up this shit like this, their desperation must really wreak. Then again, Hillary is apparently suffering from dementia and the syphilis on Bill’s nose has apparently made into his brain now.
random thought
There are too few US troops in South Korea to offer much help in the event of war. In that case, wouldn’t it be better to leave a contingent of a few hundred instead of tens of thousands?
It’s the best of both worlds- it would save a lot of money and it would still offer some deterrence.
North Vietnam deterred the US from attacking by the mere presence of a few hundred Soviet advisers.
KPOP babies hardest hit.
1. It is a great training environment. Our boys get to do crazy live-fire training – essentially “locally” (compared to a lot of US bases, ranges) year-round in extreme environments).
2. Lots of good opportunities for joint training with ROK.
3. “Speed bump” needs to be more than a tripwire. We don’t intend to have them be wiped out like in 1950.
On a side note, the South Koreans have a tank that is basically a low rider version of the Abrams. It can peek over ridges and lean to shoot from behind cover.
The Black Panther fields an advanced suspension system, called the In-arm Suspension Unit (ISU), which allows for individual control of every bogie on the tracks. This allows the K2 to “sit”, “stand” and “kneel”, as well as “lean” towards one side or a corner. “Sitting” gives the tank a lower profile and offers superior handling over roads. “Standing” gives the vehicle higher ground clearance for maneuverability over rough terrain. “Kneeling” augments the angular range in which the tank’s gun barrel can elevate and depress, allowing the vehicle to fire its main gun downhill as well as engage low-flying aircraft more effectively. The suspension unit also cushions the chassis from vibrations when travelling over uneven terrain, as the bogies can be adjusted individually on-the-fly.
Using the suspension system, K2 is able to elevate its main gun up to 24 degrees, which allows a curved trajectory attack at a hovering helicopter target 5 km (3.1 mi) away
During WW2, the US made rubber shoes for tank tracks so they wouldn’t tear up roads as much. I don’t know if something similar would work with today’s heavier tanks.
We have rubber track pads on all our tracked armored combat vehicles. Besides cutting down on road damage, it greatly extends the life of the tracks and allows for greater speed. That, along with ‘live track’ (the track is built such that there is tension between each piece, making it much harder to throw), makes modern track much more capable and longer lasting than most of the track used in WWII.
A 70 ton tank still does damage to asphalt, no matter what kind of track you have on it.
@Tres, I do “/ jobs Americans wont”, I’m going to “fire ravaged” Valencia Tomorrow for an inspection, Guarantied attic work, and probably 15K in repairs,
I may or may not get
with a name like “Yusef”, nobody here believes you’re an american
I thought no one believes he’s American because he drives a Kia?
I’m a Fucking Tauran Gang Consigliere, where you been? My Gay Brother Mishka will Fuck You up
Do you know The Machine?!?!?!?
Either that or he’ll show us the proper way to fix a HVAC, amirite?
The V stands for ventilation.
I somewhat distantly remember a conversation where a V was involved…
only if you ask
And with a name like Yusef Adama, you get a lot of abuse in Online gaming, I was quite shocked, every one assumed I was Muslim and didn’t get the CAPRICA reference, and I have been trashed for almost a decade over the name,
/ People Suck!
That’s a funny way of saying “I help harvest produce at competitive wages so that that Americans take the savings passed along for granted.”
Oddly, that makes sense 🙂
Spent coupla hunnert $$ at the vet with this guy this weekend on various diagnoses and drugs. He was having very mucousy sneezing fits. So now he’s pumped full of all kinds of amoxicillin n’ shit. But he’s almost back to his old bad self.
Until I clicked the link, I was certain you’d kidnapped my Dad.
If your dad looks like Marty Feldman, I can understand the confusion
+1 Sed-a-give
At least you dont have to cope with this mess…Yusef aptly labeled him “slime hound”
I love Slime Dogs! that one’s right there in sliminess, The Teuf is becoming very “wet”
I want to nom nom that face! (after liberally applying a drool towel)
/Liberal use of Towel
Animal Rights DeadMau5
as a special added bonus….
Beautiful Dog!
For You!
Yeah, they forget how they were designed to curl up into convenient, travel-sized, balls. Instead they hog the damn bed.
LOLOLOL!! So True!
Does anyone here bring the derp?
So apparently, our esteemed Democrats are now ordering Derpbook to bring them the wrong thinkers and the Russians!
I thought the Chelsea Handler Tweet was fairly Derptastic
here’s some derp:
DACA protesters block gates of Disneyland
That’ll learn those awful deplorables.
They are fucking with Chinese Tourists, NEVER fuck with Chinese Tourists………
There’s nothing that makes people love you like blocking their free movement.
From personal experience, the ChiComs are pretty pushy, but, they haggle like Arabs but fold at the first sign of pushback
OK, so what I take from that, is basically what I’ve taken from all the “ERMAGHERD RUSSIANS!” bit for the past 18 months- if nobody has any evidence that Russia (or anyone else) had a direct effect on VOTING, by casting ballots, pulling levers, hacking Diebold machines, etc….go fuck directly off. Influencing voters is a billboard, a TV ad, or some shitty Youtube bit.
“Influence” doesn’t mean what they want it to mean. Trump won from actual votes (unlike in Minnesota or Florida, with Franken and Bush, respectively)
Sounds like a description of the Democrat Party
Facebook ad impressions = diabolical FSB style instant mind control technology. God, why don’t you get that?
I’m willing to give them the use of “influence” in this case. They’re humiliating themselves so badly that I’m even starting to feel sorry for them.
Schumer has already said he’s pulling any commitment to funding a wall. There’s nothing there but admitting they cannot win any deal on DACA. I guess it’s better than facing total humiliation again. Trump is beating them like red headed orphans. I can’t stop enjoying it no matter how perverse it may be.
Easy, I own and was a Former Red Headed Orphan, I earned my freedom Young
+1 blood-diamonds
“Too many of our colleagues appear to be constructing their own version of history — completely unrelated to the facts as you and I understand them — based, at least in part, on this”
You should hear my version of history. I don’t have all the info they have, but I bet I get a helluva lot closer to reality.
I didn’t read the article , naturally, but lol@ the photo. OoooooOoOooooHhhhhhh, 1.5 million impressions on one of the sandwich boards. W@W!!!! Why that is just about as compelling as the time DHS lawyer John from TOS said that pizza hate nonsense was highly compelling evidence of John Podesta pedo rape festivals.
Not one of John’s better moments.
Not too different from any of the hundreds of pointless shrieking dust-ups.
Or the olden days where he and MNG would alone dominate the board with a back-and-forth argument for page after page.
The body armor one where John would argue with everybody, including himself, over the horrors of individuals possessing body armor, was one for the ages.
And he did it all day. I would come back to the thread to see five responses to someone, all from John, going for paragraphs.
I’m losing it! Cars
Great album cover
Vargas Girl! My Wife Started out like that
Lucky you:)
Pan fry chicken thighs. Could be anything, really, but I’m tending toward the cheap these days. Get a good bit of gummy welded-on meat stuck to the bottom. Remove chicken, deglaze with a lot of balsamic vinegar. Add squash, simmer for a bit. Add red onion. Add red bell pepper, if you like, but not too early. Add a tin of tomato paste. Season with plenty of garlic and salt and whatever else you fancy, plus a little sugar. Add chicken back chopped or whole. Serve with feta.
Sounds right up my alley. Thanks for sharing!
2 Tablespoons of Oil wit a dash of Garlic salt, heat it up Then add the chicken, saute then continue….
Sometimes a guy has to go in dry iykwim.
Grab some marked-down marsala wine. Deglaze with that, toss in some mushrooms. Skip the tomato.
/my $0.02
Sound advice. I love deglazing pans.
Why are your pants glazed?
from the sidebar of the same article https://pjmedia.com/trending/sen-ron-johnson-fbi-informant-says-secret-society-held-secret-meetings-off-site/
“This comes after text messages between FBI counterintelligence agent Peter Strzok and senior FBI lawyer Lisa Page, his paramour,…”
Paramour? Isnt someone being overly kind?
“Courtesan? Or aren’t we grand?”
I learned and I larfed
More recently, a series of research studies verified additional key components of cat intelligence.
1976: Cats demonstrate awareness of time and quantity. [Human babies develop the former around the first month of life and the latter around the fifth month of life.]
1994: Cats demonstrate “object permanence” by seeking out objects that have been hidden. [Human babies develop this around the fifth month of life.]
2005: Cats demonstrate “theory of mind” (awareness of the viewpoint of others) by following a human researcher’s pointing cues to locate hidden food. [Human babies develop this around the seventh month of life.]
2013: Cat brain structure is found to be 90 percent similar to human brain structure.
2017: Cats and dogs are tested side-by-side and found to have equal ability to form and retain episodic memory (one facet of self-awareness). [Human babies get this between 15 and 24 months of life.]
While all the research that has ever been done on the IQ of a cat would appear as a drop in the bucket next to the mounds of data collected to date about canine intelligence, the 2017 study cited here confirms one fact: the average cat or dog is commensurately as smart as the average 2.5-year-old human child.
Dogs are pack animals, social to their core. Everything that dogs do is motivated by their need for social interaction.
Therefore, dogs typically make for eager, enthusiastic and highly willing research subjects. They have been trained to be during thousands of years of cohabitation with humans.
Cats are independent and largely non-pack oriented. While a dog will turn to a human for help completing a complex task, a cat will continue trying on her own to complete the task – if she wants to, that is. Research has proved cats can recognize their owner’s voice, but often will not respond regardless.
A Turkish Angora who wants something, whether a treat, a toy, attention or something totally off-limits, will rarely stop until she gets it.
The Turkish Angora is a quick learner with fast, accurate instincts and a penchant for pranks. Knocking things off counters just to watch them fall, opening drawers or doors to nab prime treats you thought for sure you had hidden far out of reach….this is the spice of life for a Turkish Angora.
In a similar vein, it turns out that poodles are one of the smartest breeds. How the hell did that happen?
My avatar was the smartest dog I’ve ever had the pleasure of knowing, but a smart dog does not always mean a good dog.
He always wanted to check and make sure if I was still the alpha before following instruction.
Cats > dogs
/80% of the Women’s Marchers
Those dastardly skwerls are even more devious than I thought:
This animal’s dogged persistence and impeccable memory have made it the nemesis of gardeners throughout its vast range. Most squirrels display an impressive array of tricks and strategies that help them survive. For starters, these clever creatures are essentially woodland animals that have adapted to living alongside humans, eating out of bird-feeders, flower gardens and whatever food might be lying around. They are also able to store and cache food for leaner times, and then find their hidden morsels many months later. They may also pretend to hide food in order to confuse potential thieves, which researchers believe shows an advanced level of cunning and intellect.
Crossing the street against traffic may be called “jay-walking,” but jays and other members of the crow family understand better than some humans the importance of waiting for the light to change. Crows living in urban areas are known to gather nuts from trees and then place them in the street for passing cars to crack open the shells. Then, after waiting patiently for the light to change, they return to the street to retrieve their nutty snack – an impressive example of animal innovation. Crows also communicate in elaborate population-specific dialects and play games and tricks on one another. Some scientists even believe that crows are more intelligent than primates.
I suggest you watch an excellent documentary by the name of A Murder of Crows
animals for making Ron Bailey jealous
Bowheads are one of the longest living mammals on the planet. One individual caught of the coast of Alaska in 2007 was found to have a harpoon point embedded in it that dated back to 1880, suggesting that it was at least 130 years old. Experts believe the oldest Bowhead could be as old as 200!
The Turritopsis Nutricula is able to revert back to a juvenile form once it mates after becoming sexually mature.
Marine biologists say the jellyfish numbers are rocketing because they need not die.
Dr Maria Miglietta of the Smithsonian Tropical Marine Institute said: “We are looking at a worldwide silent invasion.”
The jellyfish are originally from the Caribbean but have spread all over the world.
Turritopsis Nutricula is technically known as a hydrozoan and is the only known animal that is capable of reverting completely to its younger self.
It does this through the cell development process of transdifferentiation.
Scientists believe the cycle can repeat indefinitely, rendering it potentially immortal.
While most members of the jellyfish family usually die after propagating, the Turritopsis nutricula has developed the unique ability to return to a polyp state.
Having stumbled upon the font of eternal youth, this tiny creature which is just 5mm long is the focus of many intricate studies by marine biologists and geneticists to see exactly how it manages to literally reverse its aging process.
The Greenland shark (Somniosus microcephalus), also known as the gurry shark, or grey shark, or by the Kalaallisut name eqalussuaq, is a large shark of the family Somniosidae (“sleeper sharks”), closely related to the Pacific and southern sleeper sharks.[2] The distribution of this species is mostly restricted to the waters of the North Atlantic Ocean and Arctic Ocean.
It has the longest known lifespan of all vertebrate species (at least 392 ± 120 years), and is among the largest extant species of shark. As an adaptation to living at depth,[3] it has a high concentration of trimethylamine N-oxide in its tissues, which causes the meat to be toxic.[4] Greenland shark flesh treated to reduce toxin levels is eaten in Iceland as a delicacy known as kæstur hákarl.[5]
10 minutes ago I had never heard of Turritopsis Nutricula. Now I’m jealous of it.
PSA: I have a new Song ready for Release but i need Dog pictures for the video and I thought maybe you all could help me out, send your Puppy pictures to ARE lozonne at Gee Male dot com
Thanks and I’ll post when it’s ready
It’s getting late so I guess I’ll fill in for whoever usually says it. You want pictures of Winston’s mom?
Not a euphemism.
Holy cow the arrows in the sidebar are back. And they are joined by an X. Thanks SP! You worked your internet magic.
You are welcome. Still working on other issues.
The Curious Case of Octopus Wrestling
I wish this was a euphamism. The part about octopus hunting is sad.
I’ve never killed an animal, but I have no empathy for them. Sure, dogs are cute, or little monkeys in bell hop costumes, but at the end of the day they are just animals.
Well, I mean I have killed snakes, but those don’t count, right.
And bugs, I’ve killed lots of them.
And mice, but not like kill killed, like poison or traps.
or fish that I’ve caught, but that’s different
OH MY GOD! I’m like a serial killer!
Too many mornings I’ve been a cereal killer.
Acoustic guitars and Synsonics drums, Pipeline!
Thanks CPRM! You make it fun!
I’ll get back to you on the pictures……….
If any of you Glibs are still up. I had to send a buddy to the hospital from work tonight. Watch where you put your hands when you’re working on shit.
Ouch. Not good.
No not good at all. Tip of the finger is broke and two bones in his hand broke. I’m gonna guess he’s gonna have to have surgery to fix it. That really sucks.